artnamjooning · 5 months
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Journaling from a cupsleeve event I went to ft. a little RJ a friend gifted me~
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artnamjooning · 22 days
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Glow Up Challenge Day 1/60
April 5
🌱 Academic: Didn’t study as much as I wanted today, since I was quite anxious, but I pushed through and got an hour and a half of work in~
🌱 Mindfulness: Because of the anxiousness I really slayed here today lol. I meditated and listened to some meditation theory and a podcast about procrastination and emotional (dis)regulation.
🌱 Creativity: I wrote a poem and painted a picture with a very short (1 page) little story about the picture. I’m embarrassed to show either so instead I’m sharing a poem I read today and liked. 😌 It’s by Pedro Pietri.
🪴Overall: I didn’t feel very good today, but I did plenty to be proud of and didn’t “waste the day” like the narrative in my head said I did.
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artnamjooning · 4 months
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100 Days of Productivity 2/100
2024 January 8
First day of my A-Session classes! I studied about four hours today and honestly should have gotten more in, but it stopped feeling productive after a while. I went through my first biology lesson and practice problems, read through a few sections of my art history course, and did some readings. I also did lots of errands and first-day housekeeping, like writing all my due dates in my planner.
I need to learn statistics for bio reeeaaal fast lol.
🎧: MIC Drop (Steve Aoki Remix) - BTS
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artnamjooning · 16 days
Glow Up Challenge Days 5-6/60
2024 April 9-10
I won’t lie to y’all I was having a mental breakdown these days were a total bust on all counts 💀
Glow Up Challenge Day 7/60
2024 April 11
🌱 Academics: I’m struggling right now but I sat down and studied for three hours with many breaks, even though it was insanely difficult even with meds. I’m proud of that even if it wasn’t the most productive study day.
🌱 Mindfulness: Couldn’t focus enough to sit still to meditate today, but I did listen to some podcasts about mindful productivity and mindfulness.
🌱 Creativity: Tried but honestly wasn’t able to do anything today. 😔 I’ll try again tomorrow.
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artnamjooning · 4 months
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100 Days of Productivity 3/100
2024 January 9
I went to the library before work and had a productive day. I spent a lot of time trying to learn Excel and following tutorials as prep for my next Bio lab, but this work didn’t help actually complete the lab itself…. Annoyed with myself for needing the tutorial section.
Finished a lecture section/practice problems for Bio and went to office hours to clear something up. The TAs were so nice but then someone else hopped on and he made me cry I felt so stupid lol. 😵‍💫
Did a lot of readings for Bio and Art of Asia. Finally got some Korean studying in, but my TTMIK account is glitching so I couldn’t do everything I wanted. Honestly a frustrating day but I’m proud of myself for getting stuff done anyhow!
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artnamjooning · 3 months
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100 Days of Productivity Days 7-12
2024 January 29 - February 3
Omg it’s been so long since I updated. I’ve been studying quite a bit, but not as much as I should. I’m still exhausted post-Covid.
I still have 100% in my Art of Asia class, yay! I need to study harder these next few units though since they’re in my area of interest so I need to really remember what I study.
My Bio Exam 2 score got changed (again) to a 95%. I’m really hoping my Exam 3 score gets changed too. 💀 I got an 85% even though I studied really hard. I don’t know why I couldn’t apply the concepts well…It brought my grade down from a 97% to a 95% and I’m aiming for 98%.
Also adding some practice facial features from my drawing class for fun!
Between feeling sick and all the struggling in biology, I haven’t had much time to study Korean, which I feel really guilty about.
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artnamjooning · 3 months
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100 Days of Productivity 7/10
2024 January 18
Mostly I just did some last minute studying for my bio exam, and took it. I had a lot of initial tech problems with Honorlock before the exam, and I was so stressed out. I know it’s me being a baby, but I’m honestly really upset with my score even though I got a B. I can’t stop beating myself up about it. The way the exams are weighted, it’ll be pretty much impossible for me to get the final grade I wanted now.
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artnamjooning · 2 months
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2024 March 11
First day of Spring B semester! Had a fairly productive day. Read a chapter and a half of my main Philosophy of Science text and watched a lecture, and watched a lecture and took good notes for my Art History survey. Also finished reading my personal book, Surviving Our Catastrophes by Robert Jay Lifton. Sorry for the lousy photo. It was not an aesthetic day lol.
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artnamjooning · 7 days
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Glow Up Challenge Day 16/60
2024 August 20
🌱 Academics: Studied for just a few hours but got a lot done! I finished readings about Islamic geometric art and early Christian art, and watched some lectures on scientific realism.
🌱 Mindfulness: Listened to some mindfulness theory about gratitude practice that really resonated with me.
🌱 Creativity: Journaled with my new fountain pen aaaah so fun!! Also wrote a poem with it. Not happy with the poem but at least I got some words down for later.
🪴 Overall: New pen day can’t be all that bad! I love the pen and I got to see Monkey Man with my friends before I lock myself inside for the last week of the semester.
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artnamjooning · 13 days
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Glow Up Challenge Day 10/60
2024 April 14
🌱 Academics: Got back into it today! My Yeolpumta is below. I was so on edge I couldn’t focus, and my meds didn’t calm me down like they usually do. You can see I couldn’t focus for my usual 50 minute sessions. I got distracted more and needed more/longer breaks. I got what I needed to done and took my test, but I only got an 87% and I’m honestly really disappointed, especially because I know I changed a correct answer to a wrong one.
🌱 Mindfulness: Very anxious today. Did several breathing and grounding exercises. Also started an audiobook an old therapist recommended me on burnout, which I’m definitely counting in this category.
🌱 Creativity: Wrote a poem and wrote it out in my journal with some light watercolor. It made me feel a lot better.
🪴 Overall: So. Anxious. I need that to end so I can move on with my life!! Painting with a BTS comfort playlist on and stimming with my worry stone helped a little but I’m just feeling really down about myself rn. I’m at least glad I was able to work on all three parts of my life I’m trying to improve. And the flowers my friend gave me from her wedding made my desk a little nicer.
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artnamjooning · 20 days
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Glow Up Challenge Day 3/60
2024 April 7
🌱 Academics: Got in a very productive three hours of studying. I did some readings and took lots of notes on those, wrote a reading response, watched some lecture videos, and took a quiz and got 100%! Ignored my other class but that’s a problem for tomorrow. ☺️
🌱 Mindfulness: Meditated and had a pretty difficult but good session that helped me realize how I experience anxiety in my body (I struggle with dissociation and often can’t tell, so this is a big deal for me). Listened to some ideas about how death relates to a mindfulness practice.
🌱 Creativity: Honestly not my best day, but read a fair bit of a novel (Babel by R.F. Kuang) that’s doing something similar to a story I’d like to write, keeping in mind the ways it can help me in my own writing. Wrote in my journal.
🪴 Overall: I’m always so frustrated with myself for cramming one subject every day instead of working diligently in both a bit each day. I’m also really mad at myself because I’m only going to get about an hour of sleep tonight, and I’m too old to be pulling that kind of move and still getting through the next day.
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artnamjooning · 21 days
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Glow Up Challenge Day 2/60
April 6
🌱 Academics: I studied for almost five hours! (I didn’t add my YPT screenshot today because my pictures were actually cute ahaha.) I still didn’t get everything I needed to done and I’m spiraling about that a little, but I’m definitely in a better place than I was yesterday. One good day simply can’t make up for a lazy two weeks.
🌱 Mindfulness: Meditated today, though it was a difficult and unsatisfying session. Also listened to some meditation theory and self-improvement sessions.
🌱 Creativity: Wrote a poem I’ve been thinking about and got it into the second draft. I actually kind of like it but I don’t know if anyone else would. 🥲
🪴 Overall: Honestly felt kind of lousy today even though I met a lot of my goals. Sometimes it’s just like that I guess.
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artnamjooning · 23 days
ADHD, Burnout, and Shame Diary
I find myself feeling really resistant to working, even with my ADHD meds. I can't tell if I'm genuinely burnt out or if I just got too used to not working when I was fighting off an infection. I'm especially having a difficult time keeping up with my reading, and I feel guilty because I know my job doesn't take that much of my time or energy; I should be able to study more. When I do study, my maximum focused time has definitely gone down, too. I used to do Pomodoro 50/10 or 60/10 consistently. Lately, making it to 50 minutes has been a struggle.
On top of that, since I'm older and going back to school, I think a lot of my peers think these problems are ridiculous for an adult to be having. There's this sense of shame and humiliation tied to not completing my work. I don't know what the solution is. Being gentle with myself would be lovely, but I don't have the time and need the good grades. Working diligently would be great, but I feel physically unable to. Sometimes just looking at a reading I know will be difficult can make me panic. All I want is to live a life I can be proud of, and it feels like I'm failing.
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artnamjooning · 29 days
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March Update
I’ve been MIA because I’ve been struggling to keep up with my classes to be honest! I got a really bad tooth infection that’s absolutely wiped me out. I spent a few days just sleeping. Antibiotics make me feel sick, and soon I’ll have to get it taken care of which will come with some recovery time…I’m maintaining my grades for now but it’s honestly tough.
All of my tasks are taking me longer now even with my ADHD meds. Pain is distracting! I’m trying to remind myself that it’s okay to just get done what I can, but honestly it’s been really taxing emotionally to not be at my best academically. It feels like I’m slipping into old, harmful patterns and I really don’t want that. 🥲
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artnamjooning · 4 months
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100 Days of Productivity 1/100
2024 January 7
My A-session classes technically start Monday, but one of my profs kindly opened up access early so I did all the orientation/syllabus quizzes for my Art of Asia class!
Photo is actually from a coil pottery class on the 6th heh. It was a lot of fun but I’m….definitely not a natural lol.
🎧: People - Agust D
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artnamjooning · 3 months
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100 Days of Productivity Days 5-6
2024 January 27-28
I’m still kind of struggling with being sick tbh. I’m so tired I just crash right after work. 😔 But I’m trying to learn a lot and I finally had time to study Korean for a while last night! Trying to balance my life more now so I gave time for hobbies like Korean and reading books. Sorry the picture isn’t pretty, but my study life hasn’t been pretty lololol
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