#avatar liveblog
lennythereviewer · 1 year
Hi Tumblr, I’m currently rewatching James Cameron’s Avatar after not watching it since it first came out thirteen years ago. I wanted to give it a fair chance with the new movie coming out. I’ve dumped on it like everyone else has, but I wanted to see if my opinion would shift after all these years Join me as I liveblog it!
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cvptainbucky · 2 months
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bitchiepudding · 2 months
The opening monologue is done by Kyoshi.
I dislike this move because we now see the war from the avatar's perspective and not the people who have had to live it these past 100 years.... showing it to us through Katara let's us immediately empathize with her and Sokka.
Kyoshi is also two avatars back? Why not have Roku do the opening then since he is tied to the issue.
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r0semultiverse · 2 months
Mr. 6 made you do a good show to be released?? 👀 um....
This is already giving serious eye vibes.
A whole show dedicated to public humiliation?
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The Mr. Bonzo suit started moving??? 👀 Serious stranger vibes. 🤡
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"It actually became a sort of ritual"
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I've seen people being like "don't cross tag" but buddy... the writing cross tags itself here I mean c'mon! 😂 Something something ritual of the stranger- okay, I'll keep listening!
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Hey, what's with the music?? Hey, who is Terrance Menki???👀
"The police said there were eleven bodies in total and his wardrobe was full of all sorts of homemade costumes." BRO IS ACTUALLY MAGNUSPOD WILLIAM AFTON-
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"It certainly had a profound effect on the Mr. Bonzo brand." Oh I'm sure it did, holy fucking shit. 👀
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Oh, me using this image is rather ironic now.
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"In a lot of ways I’m more his prisoner now than I ever was on my show." WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT? 👀
"The witness statements from three murders over the last five years that claim a person in a Mr. Bonzo costume was at the scene? Do you think there could be a copycat?" Has the fear of clowns manifested as an actual clown-guything?
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"Don’t contact us again." "Us?" "Why am I still trapped dealing with all this this- Why won’t he let me go?! Why-" So Mr. Bonzo is absolutely a clown cryptid of sorts with some sort of hold over Nigel.
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Oh no, Gwen's about to fuck around & find out, isn't she? 👀
Hey, is Colin still himself & is he supposed to be back?
Hmm, okay, I guess that's him (hopefully).
"Maybe don’t tell them I’ve been on their terminals. They’ll only get the wrong idea." "If Lena asks, I wasn’t here." Seems like everyone's got their own little secret investigations going on, fun! This can only go well! 🙃
One of the episodes absolutely no one shows up to work except Lena is there & is like "where the fuck did everyone go?"
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"Time to get some new hires again I guess."
Let's go!! Ruin exploration gang!!
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"Like, it’s Saturday night and I’m choosing to hang out in a hole with you. A wet hole. And not the good kind either."
Alice with the absolute best quotes. lmao
That sounds like something with giant wings like a bat or some sort of cloth flapping in the wind. Let's hope it's the latter!
Oh a rusty old filing cabinet! Wait tetanus- 😭
"That carved floor in the big atrium – I don’t know what’s going on with that." Ah so we're just gonna breeze past that then. 😶
These are probably the remnants of old avatar creation test areas like mentioned in the Gerry & Gertrude episode. I'm just assuming here.
A key? Big find! Let's go!
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Gwen, it was nice knowing you. 🫡
"Now get out of his house."
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Archivist! 👁👄👁
"symbols of ancient otherworldly power"
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Wait could this be a timeline where this universe's Jane Prentiss actually did manage to invade the building & succeed? I'm thinking out loud.
21:10 that sounds like critters, insects specifically 👀
"I have memories of weird stuff I saw here, but no context. I want to know what was happening, why they chose us… why they didn’t choose me. Maybe find the bit where everything started to go wrong." I am so captivated & intrigued please recount said memories to us- I mean Alice so we can learn more. Please. 👀
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Is Lucia Wright an avatar of The Flesh now (in this universe or from the original timeline somehow)? Because it sure fucking sounds like it! 👀 Well, at least that key was put to good use! 😂
Also, supposedly Mr. Bonzo is a reference to Mr. Blobby.
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Gwen, I'd be quaking in my boots too. That thing is terrifying!
Late observation but this universe & story seems to focus a lot on the cryptids & I like the direction it's going in! Loving this plot of cryptid hunters, childhood avatar experiments, a strange institute where our main character has past trauma, & just all of it is so good! 💜
Amazing episode, 10/10, I was at the edge of my seat the entire time! 💜 That Bonzo scene & the sound design were absolutely horrifying, thank you! The ending too! 🔥
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zanarkand-dreaming · 2 months
Just some episode 1 ramblings:
The establishing shots of the show are beautiful right out the gate. Breathtaking. They did a really good job fleshing out the locations.
Not gonna lie, I did worry about the bending looking a little less impactful in live action, but that's not the case. The choreography and vfx work is stunning.
The genocide was brutal, and I was crying the entire time.
Also, people are being jackasses. Gran Gran did great. She really felt like a wise elder who's seen a lot in her time.
Sokka's sexism is also definitely there, don't fret. It actually kinda got to me more because it felt so realistic and you can get a better sense of where it comes from. Like, I have people in my life who act just like that, and it makes my skin crawl. That being said, I really liked it. Can't wait to see him evolve and if it affects Katara's storyline at all.
Speaking of Katara, I can already tell her arc is gonna be more of a slow burn and I love that. She's not exactly quiet and submissive, but she doesn't really question Sokka too much either. I have a feeling that as she progresses with her bending and steps into herself more, we'll see that build up of feminine rage and have her express herself more assertively.
Zuko is great! There's a desperation to him that's so palpable that it makes you slightly root for him without even knowing his backstory. Plus, Dallas Liu's martial arts skills are so good!! Whenever he bends, I'm stunned. He really is Zuko.
All of the actors are giving it their all and feel so true to the characters. I can't wait to see what they do with the rest of the story.
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hyacinths-in-a-storm · 2 months
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giyuulatte · 2 months
“✋HE RAN✋!”
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shadow-the-crow · 1 month
Not only did she kill him she also buried him
How dare you do this to my poor sky boi :(
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eerna · 3 months
I have come to the conclusion that I am not interested in AtLA spinoffs, but I love prequels. The comics, the next avatar, the adult Gaang story, none of them interest me enough to interact with them, but I am living for every detail the novels reveal. Like what do you MEAN the Fire Lord has a bastard half-brother scheming for power TELL ME MOREEEE
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allgremlinart · 11 months
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ohh why didnt any of you tell me about these books before ( they have been out and talked up for literal years ) I’m going to explode
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annoyingvoidzombie · 2 months
Season 2, aka TOPH the queen And season 3 aka REAL SHIT
Were announced so hell yeah! We’ve got this! Is time for me to break down each and every episode 😍😂
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maaruin · 2 months
Ah, I see the change with Ozai. Though I would say it is not necessarily the case that he intentionally puts his children against each other as a strategy to push them - maybe he just switches who he considers the golden child based on who impressed him most recently.
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clownfiish · 2 months
Oh I do understand what people were saying about the costumes now. Those Water Tribe coats are keeping NO ONE warm.
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bitchiepudding · 2 months
Avatar spoiler, no context:
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r0semultiverse · 2 months
Liminal spaces?? The distortion, is that you?? 👀👀👀
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Today I learned where Liminal Space terminology came from.
Architectural hunger, huh? 👀
Time distortions eh? 👀
A soulless fairground?? Wait wasn't there a tma episode that had one of those?? I just woke up, I might be wrong.
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Lights in the dark??? Glowing mist?? Wait... mist... the lonely?? 👀
This sounds like a combination of the distortion & the lonely to me.
A tall woman you say? HELEN???? 👀👀👀
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Inviting you inside?!?! Real distortion type energy. 👀 Wish she'd invite me inside. 🥺
"You are here, stay a while!" Helen or whoever, don't mind if I do. 🤭
"her rictus grin stayed as wide as ever" yeah that seems about right.
Who is cooking inside the distortion? 😩 lmao
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Bro walked into the AI generated restaurant.
Jujutsu Kaisen domain expansion uncanny restaurant, stay a while!
"It don't bite- yes it do!"
100% feels like the spiral tried to eat him.
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I love Alice's sass. 💜
Contractors?? 👀
"Assuming any of us are still here by then." Hey, don't say that.
Gwen, not everything is about work. 🙄
Sam & Celia left without signing out? Uh-oh.
Gerry?! 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 HUH?? HOW???
Why is he so cheery? Lobotomy archives canon? /j
Gigi..???? 👀
That silence was deafening. Gifted kids program?? 👀
"I don't think Gerry can help you." "Yeah I barely remember any of it."
"Asking me what books I like to read."
Someone isn't saying something or disclosing something they could be, it feels like.
"Other than just sitting around with a bunch of other kids in a room that smelled like old books."
Were they trying to create avatars? 👀👀👀
That painting is going to be important. 👀
"It was my idea, remember?" Of course it was Celia, you know so much about so much. (Question is, why do you know?)
"maybe you can help me with my mystery?" Celia?? 👀
"I’m trying to look into… Weird physics stuff: time travel, other dimensions, teleportation, all that good stuff." HUH?!? 👀👀👀
"Then yeahh. I'm doing a favor for Georgie." I don't buy it.
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Wait, What The Ghost exists still or exists in a new universe?? 👀👀👀 Georgie?! 👀
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autisticamerican · 8 months
I can't add any more reblogs, so here's Part 2!
"I love Zuko more that I fear you."
What a powerful line
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