#banana gate 2022
theoriginalladya · 7 months
20 Fanfic Questions
I was tagged by @bioticbooty. Thank you, friend!
Tagging @mtreebeardiles @tiny-banana-time @shadoedseptmbr and @wrathoscribbles and anyone else who wants to participate.
How many works do you have on AO3?
153 stories across 40 series
2. What's your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Mass Effect. Some Dragon Age in the past and some crossover worlds with ME (World of Darkness, WWII, etc.). Potentially Baldur's Gate 3 in future if the muses start talking.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ever Constant - My Dragon Age epic fic. FemCousland/Nathaniel Howe, pre-Blight through Dragon Age: Origins. (103)
Dribbles & Drabs - a collection of writing prompts for various pairings, mostly Mass Effect related, mostly Caleb Shepard but also includes Michael Shepard, Kristofer Shepard, Tessa Shepard, Abbots (Abby Williams/Major Coats) and a few others. (102)
Found Family - A Collection of Drabbles - specific writing prompts from the Dribbles & Drabs collection related to Caleb Shepard/Kaidan Alenko and their kids. (92)
Destiny's Road - married Shep/Shep AU pairing set in ME1, first of the three game related stories. (83)
Destiny's Fate - divorced ShepShep AU pairing set in ME3, third of three game related stories. (64)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, yes! I love to hear from readers!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably either Bury Me In Willow , Give Me Peace, or Never Alone.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Difficult to say, but Shepard in Sherwood is a pretty fun, positive one.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have two or three times, unsolicited comments from people who believe their opinion matters more than how I want to tell my story.
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind?
It depends. I have in past, I do on occasion these days, but it's very rare because I'm just not that comfortable writing it. I tend to stress a lot more when writing smut, too.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Several, actually. Most of mine are crossovers with historical time periods rather than fandoms (though there are a couple) ME/World of Darkness, ME/WWII, ME/ME Andromeda, a couple of ME/Celtic Ireland, and a new ME/American Revolution idea. I have a couple ideas for ME/DAO crossovers, but have yet to start them.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
A couple small, old ones.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Translated, no. Podcasted, yes.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes. In 2022, @happychica and I began writing Caleb Shepard in her Modern ME series, The Town of Norman in the story, As Luck Would Have It
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
mshenko and femshenko. Okay, who am I kidding, anyone and Kaidan - Alenkoats (with Coats), Reylenko (with Reyes Vidal), Parasenko (with Gianna Parasini). Another very high fave of mine (because of Caleb and Kaidan) is Abboats - Abby Williams/Major Coats.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I would love to bring all the hundreds of ideas I have drabbled on (but not shared), or started but haven't gotten back to, but it probably won't happen. For now, I just take it a day at a time and hope the muses will keep inspiring me so I can get more done.
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Just about everything else. I have moments where I sort of go 'zen' and can get good things going, but it isn't consistent for me, and I wish it was. Still, I'm constantly working on them, so I hope I have at least improved them somewhat over the years and will continue to do so.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have done, to a point, with fics, but not usually more than an expression here or there. If I do, it's usually French because I have the most experience with it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Dragon Age
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
This is like asking me to pick which of my children is my favorite!!!
(Okay, so I only have one kid - but I have TONS of stories!!!)
For now I will say anything with Caleb Shepard. He has been such a wonderful learning experience for me and continues to be, and I love how his world has been turning out - past, present and future. Can't wait to share it all!
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scarskelly · 25 days
Open The Introduction To Dragongate by Scar The Skelly [GOLD CLASS]
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Gold Class is next!
Presentation Notes:
Kota Minoura
Feel like I should mention this because it's funny but Masaaki Mochizuki of Mochizuki Dojo (the literal leader and namesake of the unit) was like “do I have to? I don’t really wanna do this I don’t want to wrangle the kids…” and he was basically made to do it.
Does a ‘Golden Rose Exchange’ with one lucky fan. This involves swapping golden roses with a fan who has also brought one along, where they usually take a photo together to commemorate it.
Has nice breasts and he knows it.
May or may not be going bald in June, depending on how his hair vs hair match with Yamato goes.
Funnily enough, Minorita is older than the guy he is a mini version of. He also won a singles belt in DG before Minoura.
When he won the Brave Gate, he was gifted a mini version of the title by the GM, so he would be able to run without the belt weighing him down. The same thing happened when he won the Triangle Gate, but unfortunately, his knee injury happened and he had to vacate the tiny belt.
While recovering Minorita, or more accurately his alternative universe counterpart Mino Rita became the backstage interviewer for the non-canon Prime Zone studio show.
Ben-K has had a great variety of looks over the years, mainly with changes in either his hair style or physique. He’s, for the most part, stuck to a similar haircut (with a couple exceptions, notably that time he looked like a k-pop idol and that time he went bald) but styles it differently, seemingly just going with whatever he likes the look of.
Most obviously however is his body, he can put on and drop weight rather quickly. Right now, he’s ripped and quite skinny, small enough to try for the Brave Gate championship. But during the Jason Lee saga of early 2022 for example, he was much larger.
Has a trio of iconic phrases: 「間違いねぇから!?」 (There’s no doubt!?), 「どうでしょうか!?」 (How about that!?), 「チキチキチキ…」 (chiki chiki chiki…).
Chiki chiki chiki is a beatboxing noise and the rap scene is where much of his inspiration stemmed from when he came out of his shell.
Yes, he’s holding a banana in his render…that’s Banana-K.
Owner of a Chihuahua.
I personally have a big soft spot for Ben-K (aka Benjamin K) and he’s my emotional support himbo.
BxB Hulk
Ikemen = handsome.
2 notes · View notes
ausetkmt · 5 months
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On the morning of June 12, 2022, Ángela Astudillo, then a law student in her mid-20s, grabbed her water bottle and hopped into her red Nissan Juke. The co-founder of Dress Desert, or Desierto Vestido, a textile recycling advocacy nonprofit, and the daughter of tree farmers, Astudillo lives in a gated apartment complex in Alto Hospicio, a dusty city at the edge of the Atacama Desert in northern Chile, with her husband, daughter, bunny, and three aquatic turtles.
Exiting the compound, Astudillo pinched the wheel, pulled over next to a car on the side of the road, and greeted Bárbara Pino, a fashion professor, and three of her students, who were waiting inside.
They headed toward a mountain of sand known as El Paso de la Mula. Less than a mile from her home, squinting into the distance, Astudillo saw a thread of smoke rising from its direction. With her in the lead, the two vehicles caravanned toward the dune, the site of the second-largest clothes pile in the world.
As they got closer to El Paso de La Mula, the thin trail of smoke had expanded into a huge black cloud. Astudillo stopped the car and texted the academics behind her.
It looks like it’s on fire. Hopefully, it’s not there. :( :( :(
She then dialed them directly and asked, “Do you still want to go?”
Pino, director of Santiago’s Fashion System Observatory at Universidad Diego Portales, had planned this trip for months. Astudillo had volunteered to be their guide. The mound of discarded fabric in the middle of the Atacama weighed an estimated 11,000 to 59,000 tons, equivalent to one or two times the Brooklyn Bridge.
By the time the team reached the gates of El Paso de la Mula, more than half of the clothes pile was on fire. Smoke obscured everything, hanging like an opaque black curtain. Municipal authorities turned the group away, forbidding them to stay on the premises. But Astudillo knew the landscape, so she directed the team to the dune’s far side, where access was still unimpeded.
There, the students surveyed the inferno. It was “like a war,” Pino said. She felt waves of heat. Black smoke unspooled from the burning clothes. The air was dense and hard to breathe. Smoke coated the back of their throats and clogged their nostrils with the acrid smell of melting plastic. They covered their faces, trying not to breathe it in. Then the group heard a series of loud pops as mini explosions burst from within the vast expanse of burning garments.
Despite the danger, Pino and her students rummaged, pulling out specimens to examine from among unburned portions of the pile. On prior visits to the clothes dump, Astudillo had uncovered clothing produced by the world’s most well-known brands: Nautica, Adidas, Wrangler, Old Navy, H&M, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Forever 21, Zara, Banana Republic. Store tags still dangled from many of her findings. The clothes had come to the Atacama from Europe, the United States, Korea, and Japan. Now, as Astudillo began taking pictures and uploading them to Instagram, Pino wandered the mound, horrified and fascinated by the grotesque volume and variety of apparel: ski jackets, ball gowns, bathing suits. She plucked out a rhinestone-encrusted platform stiletto in perfect condition. She crouched to search for its match, but the wind was getting stronger. If it shifted, the team realized, they’d be trapped in the spreading fire.
For 14 years, no rain has fallen in Alto Hospicio or the surrounding Atacama Desert region. Those dry conditions, coupled with the nonbiodegradable, predominantly synthetic, petroleum-derived fibers that modern clothes are made with, meant that the pile never shrank. Instead, for more than two decades, it grew — metastasized — with every discarded, imported item that was added.
In 2021, six months prior to the fire, a photographer from Agence France Presse, Martín Bernetti, captured a bird’s-eye image of this sprawling mound of apparel, essentially an oil slick, strewn across the edge of the Atacama desert.
The aerial image was picked up by news outlets across the globe, from the front page of the New York Postto the BBC, and continues to circulate today. But the mountain of clothes depicted by that 2021 drone photo is utterly gone. As Astudillo, Pino, and the three students witnessed, and unwittingly tasted: The blaze tore through the pile, throwing black plumes of toxic ash into the air.
The town of Alto Hospicio sits on a cliff above the Pacific Ocean, a bedroom community for the seaside vacation city of Iquique below. Imagine if Atlantic City in New Jersey were simultaneously hemmed in and backed by a high Nevada plateau, and if the two locales were connected by a two-lane switchback highway.
Each day in Iquique’s port, giant cranes pluck containers full of discarded clothing from the decks of ships and deposit them onto flatbed trucks. No one really knows exactly how much clothing passes through the port every year; estimates range from 60,000 to 44 million tons. Next, they head to the nearby Free Trade Zone, known locally as “Zofri,” where trailers back into the warehouses of 52 used-clothes importers and forklift operators transfer sealed bales of clothing, or fardos, inside.
Chile is the biggest importer of secondhand clothing in South America, and between 2020 and 2021 it was the fastest-growing importer of used clothing in the world. The port of Iquique is an established tax-free zone, incentivizing this booming industry of castaway textiles.
From Zofri, bales of clothing are sold, uninspected, to merchants betting that at least some of the items inside are sales-worthy. “When you buy, you are buying with your eyes closed,” one former merchant said. Sometimes 80 percent of the garments in a bale are usable. Sometimes the opposite is true. Because bales are so cheap, however, most merchants need only sell 40 percent to turn a profit.
According to the global environmental advocacy group Ekō (formerly known as SumofUS), an estimated 85 percent of the used clothing imported into Iquique remains unsold. Chilean federal law states it’s illegal to dispose of textiles.
Considered Iquique’s backyard, Alto Hospicio is one of the poorest cities in Chile, widely known as a place to abandon pets and dump trash. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the small desert town is where more than a dozen teenage girls mysteriously vanished, until their apprehended killer led authorities to bodies buried in desert graves.
In 2001, Manuela Medina*, a former gardener, saw an opportunity in Iquique’s growing textile abundance. Relocating to Alto Hospicio, she established an unauthorized compound on government lands at the base of El Paso de la Mula, the huge sand dune at the far side of an unregulated shantytown. Every few days, she hired a fletero — a driver with a jalopy — to travel the switchback roads, out of the brown dunes of Alto Hospicio, to arrive in the colorful oceanside city of Iquique, which sits a thousand miles north of the country’s capital, Santiago.
Near the dock where cranes unload massive container ships, inside Iquique’s free trade zone, Medina ventured into the contiguous warehouses, asking secondhand clothing importers, “Do you have any garbage?”
Back at her compound, Medina unloaded her wares in piles on the ground where she had the luxury of storing them indefinitely — the Atacama Desert is one of the driest places on Earth, meaning items don’t undergo normal degradation from elements like rain. Here, Medina sold her piles to merchants and others for $10 each.
As more and more bales of ropa americana, or secondhand clothes, arrived in Iquique, the clothes flooded importers’ warehouses and overflowed vendors’ stalls in open air markets, including La Quebradilla — one of the largest open air markets in South America, located just a few miles from Medina’s unauthorized compound.
Soon,importers and secondhand merchants began to deliver surplus used clothes directly to Medina. Fed by daily truck deliveries, and then by multiple daily tractor trailer load deliveries, Medina’s pile grew.
By 2020, Medina’s gargantuan desert dump had become an open secret in Chile, stretching across dozens of acres. Others followed her model, creating mini-dumps across the desert and along roadsides, but Medina’s pile remained the largest.
On March 29, 2022, Paulin Silva, an environmental lawyer, stood before the Primer Tribunal Ambiental de Antofagasta, a regional tribunal in northern Chile that specializes in resolving environmental issues within its jurisdiction. She was presenting a lawsuit, brought on behalf of herself as a resident of Iquique, against the municipality and the federal Chilean government for their inaction over the sprawling, unregulated clothes dumps. For her submission of evidence, she asked the tribunal to join her in touring the mound of clothing.
For weeks, her informal team of supporters (a geographer, her sister, and her brother-in-law) had been documenting the problem, joking among themselves, “In which dump are we going to party tonight?”
Since obtaining her law degree, Silva has prosecuted a handful of environmental cases, but this one was personal, and she felt empowered to tackle it: “I have the education; I am a lawyer; I can do something,” she said. She’d grown up in northern Chile, a pencil thin country bordered by the Pacific Ocean. Her father is from Alto Hospicio and her mother is from Iquique. At 35, she’s several years older than Astudillo, the co-founder of the nonprofit Dress Desert, whom Silva asked to be a witness for the case. When Silva was a child, she observed people dumping clothes everywhere — the streets, yards, and city squares. Because this was the only place she knew for so much of her life, she thought, “It’s normal for people to live with … garbage accumulated around them.”
This local “clothes-blindness” was documented by Astudillo’s colleague, Bastián Barria, an engineering student and her co-founder of Dress Desert. In November 2020, he and others conducted a survey to ascertain local attitudes regarding the clothing waste. Of the almost 400 people in Alto Hospicio he surveyed, representing less than 1 percent of the town’s population, more than half did not think there was any issue.
When Silva was 18, she moved a thousand miles south, to Valparaiso in central Chile, to study law and that was where she remained until the pandemic, when she returned home. That’s when she realized the dump situation had worsened. Exponentially.
During the decades between Silva’s girlhood and today, clothing production worldwide doubled, while utilization — the number of times an item of clothing is worn before it is thrown away — declined by 36 percent. Countries like Chile, Haiti, and Uganda became depositories for fast fashion discards. In 2021 alone, Chile imported more than 700,000 tons of new and used clothing — the weight equivalent of 70 Eiffel Towers.
“Even if we stopped clothing production throughout the world tonight,” said Francisca Gajardo, an Iquique-born fashion designer, “we still have more garments than we need or that the Earth can safely hold. It won’t go away nicely, and we’re not stopping today.”
Nine days after the giant fires, around 4 p.m., Silva was having a light meal, the Chilean equivalent of afternoon tea known as once (pronounced “on-say”), with her family in northern Chile. A few days prior, the Primer Tribunal Ambiental de Antofagasta had informed her it was ready to view her case evidence by touring the clothes pile in person. Silva took out her phone to share the good news on Instagram with Desierto Vestido, but before she could, she saw the images of the burning clothes Desierto Vestido had just uploaded and shared.
Silva sprang from her chair to process what was happening to the evidence in her case just a few miles away. She suspected why the court had been willing to view the landfill: “Because obviously the matter was burned,” she told Grist.
While no official cause of the fires has ever been reported, local residents claim it began late on Saturday night or in the early hours of Sunday. Days later, toxic air still clung to the area. Astudillo, who visited the site regularly, described the pile as “volcanic” — with clothes smoldering under the sand, venting smoke full of textile chemicals from synthetic materials. She warned, “You can’t be outside for long.”
In the days following the fire, on June 22, instead of leading the tour of the prosecutorial evidence, Silva filed a statement to the Primer Tribunal Ambiental de Antofagasta: “With sadness and shame I inform you that 11,000 tons of clothes in the textile dump were burned.”
Although Paulin provided the court with Dress Desert’s smartphone video recordings of the clothes in flames, the defense argued that the Instagram account where they’d posted the videos could not be verified and confirmed. Lacking a certifiable timestamp, the films were inadmissible.
One year later, in August 2023, the Primer Tribunal Ambiental de Antofagasta called a trial hearing so that all parties involved in the case — the Consejo de Defensa del Estado, the body that judicially represents the state in Chile, the municipality of Alto Hospicio, and Silva — could present evidence.
During the hearing, the Mayor at Alto Hospicio, Patricio Ferreira, said that one of his priorities is to “transform this problem into an opportunity to generate employment.” He alluded to discussions he had with European businessmen to explore initiatives related to recycling.
Silva got people to testify in her favor, activists and academics who have given statements to different media outlets about the environmental problem generated by the textile landfill in the Chilean desert. But on the day of the hearing, none of them arrived.
“At the end of the day, in practice, I am alone in this action,” she said.
Chile’s government recently voted to adopt recycling measures that make certain producers accountable for their waste. Known as the extended producer responsibility law, or REP using its Spanish acronym, the legislation passed in 2016 and took effect in January 2023. Currently, Chilean companies that make tires and packaging (such as bags, plastics, paper or cardboard, cans and glass) must comply.
Eventually, according to the Ministry of the Environment, Chile intends to incorporate clothing and textiles as a priority product into the REP law.
However, in the case of clothes, many describe the REP as a “paper solution” that lacks tangible enforcement, said Pino, from the Universidad Diego Portales.
In parallel, the Ministry of the Environment is developing a circular economy strategy for textile waste. Unlike the REP, the agency crafts public policy for the public and private sectors to prevent overproduction.
The ministry has been holding workshops and conversations to collect input from stakeholders, including academics, business executives, retailers and nonprofit leaders. It is also tabulating the results of a preliminary survey on consumer clothes-buying habits. The details of this circular economy strategy is expected to be published in March this year.
At the minister’s invitation, Pino has shared her fashion expertise — both in the markets and in the desert — with the group. “These two things are wonderful initiatives,” she said about both efforts, but she lamented that they fail to address the issue of used clothes.
A decade ago, when the REP was first being discussed, Denisse Morán, president of the Tarapacá Recyclers and the head of ServiREC, a recycling cooperative that operates within Iquique’s free trade zone, sought out her local representative to request that the law apply to both clothing producers and clothing importers.
“Oh, because you are from Iquique?” she recalled him asking her.
“Not only because I am from Iquique,” she replied, “but because we all wear clothes.”
For years, many residents in Alto Hospicio saw the piles of textiles as more of an opportunity than an eyesore or environmental threat, something that supported the local economy.
When Jazmín Yañez arrived in town from southern Chile in 2018 almost penniless and on the brink of homelessness, for example, someone gave her a few cast-off garments and household garbage — from towels, kitchen implements to furniture — to sell. Ever since, Yañez, now 28, has waged a zealous campaign to salvage, fix, and reutilize all “waste” materials. She operates an informal store from the kitchen of her house called Stop Recicla: “Your trash is my treasure,” where she sells, exchanges, and gifts items such as rugs, used clothing, school supplies, costumes, and electronics to impoverished mothers, like she once was.
It’s this trash/treasure duality that kept Astudillo and other locals from viewing the region’s booming used clothing trade as a problem. But six months before the fires, in January 2022, Nathalia Tavolieri, a Brazilian journalist, invited Astudillo to El Paso de La Mula, where she encountered Manuela Medina’s mountain for the first time.
Astudillo had seen numerous clothing dumps strewn and mounded throughout the desert, but nothing as big as this immense tangle of blouses and pants. “It was terrible,” she said, weeping as she recalled her first visit. “Maybe if I had been older, maybe I could have done more things [to stop this from happening].”
The experience galvanized her. She had already co-founded her nonprofit Dress Desert, or Desierto Vestido, two years before, to raise awareness and creatively respond to the country’s burgeoning waste clothing issue. As part of the project’s efforts, she and 20 other members host workshops and conversations. They upcycle castaway materials into new garments and craft household items. Seeing the vastness of Medina’s clothing pile, Astudillo stepped up her resolve, because “many people don’t see — or don’t want to see.”
“It was very, very hard,” she said, “to know that we live in a place that is so polluted and damaged by everyone’s waste.” Several months later, Astudillo brought Gajardo, the clothes designer and a fellow Iquiquean, to the dump, and gained an ally in her efforts. Despite growing up and shopping at the region’s numerous outdoor secondhand clothes markets, Gajardo was appalled by the scope of the waste. She developed rashes from rummaging among the fabrics.
“The fact that we have a desert, the fact that there’s a place to receive this, doesn’t mean that the place has to become the dump of the world,” she said. Since then, Gajardo’s conviction to never design clothes from virgin materials has deepened. Additionally, through her brand You Are the New Generation, she offers workshops in reusing garments, and visited Kansas City, Missouri, last year through the U.S. State Department’s Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative to teach people to make new clothes by harvesting old ones.
Other entrepreneurs have attempted to turn the clothes problem into revenue, but have faced a series of setbacks.
Franklin Zepeda is a celebrated Chilean entrepreneur who toured Europe’s textile recycling plants before returning to the region in 2013 to establish Ecofibre, now known as Procitex. (Its name is an acronym meaning Proceso Circular en Textil in Spanish).
With seed funding from CORFO, the Chilean economic development agency, and later from private capital, Zepeda was able to route textiles imported into Iquique to his plant, where they were disassembled, shredded, doused with flame retardant, and transformed into insulation panels. Zepeda got praise for this work in several major international news outlets, but he shuttered his plant in Alto Hospicio in 2021 because of unfavorable economics, including the taxes on shipping the insulation panels to other regions of the country.
Dario Blanco, manager of the ZOFRI User Association AG (AUZ), a trade association that brings together businessmen from the Iquique free zone, believes that the solution to the region’s problem of discarded clothing is out there — it will just take the right company and policies. And there are plenty of entrepreneurs, fashion designers, and environmentalists working on the issue of textile waste, both in Chile and internationally.
As Bloomberg reported in May,New York, California, Sweden, and the Netherlands are developing legislation similar to Chile’s extended producer responsibility law that went into effect this year, mandating that the fashion industry fund recycling programs via tariffs calibrated to the quantity of garments produced.
In order to help New York City uphold its existing law limiting or forbidding textiles in the waste stream, FabScrap, a nonprofit founded in 2016 by a former New York Department of Sanitation worker, receives 7,000 pounds of pre-consumer textile waste each week. Sorted by volunteers, the nonsynthetic scrap items are sent to a New Jersey facility that shreds the material, producing “shoddy,” a stuffing used to fill punching bags, sofas, and soft toys.
A Czech company called RETEX has been attempting to bring its fabric-macerating technology to Alto Hospicio. Blanco says that in exchange for securing a contract with Chile, the company promised to hire local workers. But, Blanco admitted, negotiations like these have fallen through in the past. For example, he said, a Spain-based company, Egreen, planned to open a fabric-waste processing plant, but the deal was scrapped late last year.
Read Next: How clothing forms the fabric of society, both past and future
The governor’s sustainability adviser at the Regional Government of Tarapaca, Pablo Zambra, recently formed a 25-member committee that includes stakeholders such as Astudillo and Barria from Dress Desert and Morán, the president of the Tarapacá Recyclers, to publicize economic incentives for circular economy initiatives. Collectively, they hope RETEX will succeed in doing what Zepeda’s company failed to do: turn a profit. As of this writing, no importers are involved.
Meanwhile, every day, container ships continue to offload more cargo.
In the fall of 2022, Alto Hospicio’s mayor, Ferreira, acknowledged the unsolved problem but blamed clothing manufacturers, citing a “lack of global awareness of ethical responsibility.”
“Our land has been sacrificed,” he said.
Pino agrees that the fashion industry and its consumers are culpable. “We have to worry about the complete cycle: before, during, and after our clothes,” she wrote in an editorial published in 2021.
She believes a more comprehensive solution is necessary, including regulating the entry of textile materials to Chile, educating consumers about prolonging garments’ lives, promoting Chile’s homegrown fashion industry, and supporting research to design new uses for fabric waste.
Ecocitex, founded in 2020 by engineer Rosario Hevia in Santiago, has sprung up as another Chilean company addressing a surfeit of garments.
Ecocitex operates in a manner contrary to the country’s organized and informal secondhand clothes markets. It invites people to recyclehigh-quality clothing or pay$1.50 per kilogram to leave poor quality clothing and walk away empty-handed.
During the pandemic, Andrea Espinoza Pérez, a civil industrial engineer at the University of Santiago, initiated a study on the ecological impacts of projects like Ecocitex. She wanted to know: Did factory-processed, used clothing produce fewer emissions than the original clothing manufacturing process? With data provided by Ecocitex’s founder Hevia, scientists determined that the clothes deconstruction processis effective because it keeps waste clothes out of landfills, and it replaces the demand for virgin materials. However, the study found that Ecocitex’s procedure is highly energy-intensive — using about 73 percent of the energy required to produce the same product from raw materials.
Meanwhile, neither Zepeda’s Procitex nor Hevia’s Ecocitex in Chile, nor Fabscrap’s efforts in New York and Philadelphia, have matched the direct profitability of Medina’s now-defunct business. (Medina has started a new business storing tires.) In fact, all have relied heavily on a variety of underwriting measures, including subsidies, nonprofit funding, subscriptions, or volunteer labor to generate their products.
In recent years, Zepeda has earned his living as an employee of Chile’s largest retailer, CENCOSUD. He collects surplus clothes donated by customers, and produces insulation panels for buildings that are sold by the same retailer.
As for Ecocitex, in June, the business caught fire and the building was destroyed. The cause is still under investigation. Undeterred, Hevia has launched a campaign to rebuild. Meanwhile, she is raising funds by selling blankets made from recycled fibers to a mining company.
By last January, the height of the Chilean summer, the gigantic, unsightly clothes dump at El Paso de la Mula, the one Agence France Presse had shown the world, was nowhere to be found.
All that remained was a smattering of ashes and the tread marks of bulldozers. Here and there, across Medina’s unofficial backyard, small piles of garments peeked out of the sand dunes. But according to municipal officials, dumping and burning continues. Rey, an indigent man who lives by the side of a desert road in a blue and yellow tent emblazoned with “National Geographic,” attests that he and others accept money from nonprofit refuse-disposal contractors or freelance truckers in exchange for setting fires to whatever waste is discharged from a truck. This way, the trucker can keep more of his hauling profits, which would otherwise be whittled down by the official dump fees.
Astudillo says that beyond the limits of Manuela’s dune, there are as many as 200 micro-garbage dumps, and consequently, miles and miles of ashes in the desert — not just scattered over the ground, but also in the air. She told Grist in late December that this is an everyday thing. “You go out to buy bread and you smell the burning smell. You smell the materials that make up the clothes: oil and plastic. After 5 in the afternoon, I no longer let my 7-year-old daughter leave the apartment, and I close the windows to prevent smoke from coming in.” She also confirmed the abandoning of clothes continues: “They throw it away, they burn it immediately.”
On December 12, the Primer Tribunal Ambiental de Antofagasta issued its final ruling in the case with Silva, commissioning a unit of experts to carry out an on-site report on the accumulation of textile waste in different areas of Alto Hospicio, and to propose a solution to the accumulation of waste.
The municipality of Alto Hospicio, which claims it does not have the workforce to adequately address the problem, has also installed nearly 100 cameras along the main roads as a means of tracking polluters, and has begun doling out fines as high as $350 for illegal dumping. So far, trucks have been apprehended transporting domestic and industrial garbage, as well as bulky items such as mattresses, washing machines, and furniture.
Drone footage recorded by Cheng Hwa, one of Pino’s students, the day of the June 2022 fires captures the municipality fighting what was in essence an oil fire. Hwa, who grew up in Iquique and now works in tech for the hospitality industry, had long been aware of the desert dumps but didn’t comprehend the magnitude until he witnessed them at close range.
He’s haunted by what his drone footage made visible. “How the desert of sand starts to turn into a desert of clothes,” he said. “It has no limit; there is no closure … Clothes begin to appear on the ground until the horizon is completely covered.”
In Iquique, he often glances up toward the high plateau of Alto Hospicio. “You can’t see the dump, but [you can see] the column of smoke on days that [clothes] burn. That cloud of smoke lets you know … It makes [the issue] visible on a day-to-day basis.”
Thirty miles south of Iquique, toward the city’s main airport, on her family’s farm, Astudillo and her parents drop pieces of used clothing on the ground, but in a purposeful way. Over the past 20 years, Astudillo’s father has experimented with growing trees in the infertile, saline soils. Many of his efforts failed until he began using certain fabrics to mulch his trees. This improves the quality of the soil, enabling it to retain moisture. For the past year, Astudillo has been working with one of the Zofri importers, who asked to remain anonymous. She consults with his staff about the clothing bales and recommends ways of sorting the material into specific categories based on fiber content, some of which she collects personally. Those items — a pair of cotton shorts, a T-shirt, a blouse — become mulch for a pine and eucalyptus forest rising in the desert.
Recently, as Astudillo was leaving the farm, she stashed a few perennials in her truck and drove them to Manuela’s compound in Paso de La Mula. Just beyond Medina’s courtyard, where sky- blackening fires had once burned, Astudillo troweled a small hole for the plants. As she dug, she dislodged several odd socks and a faded blue sweatshirt — discarded clothes that had survived the fires, but were buried by bulldozers.
Astudillo filled the hole, amending the desert sand with compost and garden soil. “For me it’s like a Band-Aid for a wound that is so big in that place,” she said. Then she tucked in cardinal flowers — a native plant whose petals resemble shooting flames.
Editor’s note: During visits to her compound in Alto Hospicio, Manuela, the owner of the secondhand clothing dump, told Grist reporters her name was Manuela Medina. However, other outlets have used the surname Olivos. Her legal name is Manuela de Los Angeles Medina Olivos.
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rarepears · 2 years
Masterpost [July 2022 ideas 2/2]
July 2022
#made up fic title ask game
shen yuan and luo binghe are aizawa’s adoptive parents au
Tom Riddle's new aim is not to become lord voldemort but sung jinwoo's trophy husband au
pidw AU set in disney descendants' world
hiruzen and danzo get dumped into bnha after the kyuubi attack au
the au where meng yao is actually lao nie's bastard but no one questions meng yao's parentage until the sworn brotherhood ceremony
beru needs reading glasses au | the shadow summons become luxury brand models au
sung jinwoo the e ranked babysitter au - why be a hunter if you can be a babysitter? it's far safer
female wei wuxian uses her period blood (since it's just blood) to draw talisman but that provokes greater backlash au
married couple shen yuan and luo binghe get a vacation home in the imperial capital to get away from sect and demon politics au
the Jin Zixun x Jiang Yanli fic idea no one asked for au
sung jinwoo accidentally running into variety shows being filmed on the streets au
sung jinwoo being a dirty little gremlin and getting away with it thanks to his shadow monarch abilities au
12 year old tsuna thinks that his intuition is a sign of madness and decides to go full on clown insanity as a result au
in which Shen Yuan and og!shang qinghua have to share one body together because the system messed up shen yuan's transmigration au
thomas andre x sung jinwoo au
lan qiren x jin guanyao au where meng yao befriended lan xichen for the sole purpose of seducing lan qiren
sung jinwoo learns that there are many minor monarchs and rulers out in the world... au
svsss but as cowboys in the wild west edition au
groot gives birth to a baby groot au - nope this isn’t baby groot since this isn’t from a cutting, rather groot somehow has a seed pod that pops out a little tree??
in which commander fox accidentally goes viral and becomes a holonet star au
a snapshot into bnha future of deku the future no 1 hero au
groot is a jedi master (and rocket the raccoon is a force sensitive) au
ned stark walks into his father fucking tywin lannister au
nie mingjue x liu qingge au
aizen is a fuckboi who doesn't date shinigami to hide his sordid dating history au
Tsuna sawada runs into james bond while he’s in Italy AU
a brief bit of wei wuxian x aizawa that was never meant to be au
shen qingqiu gets the ranma 1/2 treatment au
ashborn (solo leveling) x aro (twilight) au
Without the gates and hunters occurring in solo leveling kingsman shit happens instead & Sung Jinwoo finds himself the unofficial king au
mdzs modern au where lan wangji is a rabbit photographer and wei wuxian is a farmer whose crops are being eaten by rabbits au
game of thrones football au
harry potter attends a vampire's wedding au
luo binghe and shen yuan in solo leveling au
cat shen qingqiu and hamster shang qinghua bros au
Nie Mingjue X Meng Yao - married AU
long before he learns that he's to become a mafia boss tsuna sawada gets despicable me minions & reborn now hates bananas au
shen yuan and the ice cream assassins au
telling the evolution of dabi x hawks through sex drugs and fried chicken au
in which endeavor accidentally burns his house down in the throes of passion and the kids are SCARRED au
in which L (death note) gets sebastian as his personal butler au
sung jinwoo doesn't have wifi au
sung jinwoo and sung jinah go to a buffet au
sung jinwoo somehow ends up dating kim kardashian au
sung jinwoo x shouto todoroki au
fat gum offers mineta an internship and turns mineta into a not!asshole and not!perv yay au
Kurosaki Isshin attempts to explain dating and sex to ichigo without mentioning his zanpakuto's involvement in his own dating life au
shen yuan judges a cooking contest between hannibal and luo binghe au
hidan x squalo
sung jinwoo doesn't know that sung jinah is a kpop fangirl au
tywin lannister x sung jinwoo
bdsm bakugou au
in which a new person moves into the apartment complex and becomes sung jinwoo's neighbor au
in which kakashi was a bit of a slut when young & now he discovers that he's been a deadbeat dad without knowing that he's a dad au
yuuri attends 25th university reunion au
hibari kyoya gets scolded by a 5 year old for biting people to death au
kakuzu gains a love admirer au
an office au of solo leveling
gojo satoru x shigaraki tomura
Wei Wuxian becomes known as the S rank villain: The Necromancer in BNHA au
the obito and kakashi catfish online dating au
just some bakugou family fluff au
padme x hondo ohnaka au
e ranked hunter sung jinwoo becomes a single parent because Sung jinah somehow got deaged into a baby au
sukuna is a cat and his owner is a very insane Christian priest who believes his cat is a mouthpiece of god au
the au where sung jinwoo has a nightmare about being a kardashian
bnha ballet au
hannibal is arya 's mentor in the art of killing au
a 5+1 fic about wei wuxian and lan wangji's love over the years au
hannibal lecter is the no 1 most desirable bachelor among ghouls
in which meng mo develops a crush on shen yuan au
naruto wore frog pajamas to bed on night and the next day finds himself and other people thrown into the past au
sung jinwoo shadow extracts a buddhist statue au
gojo and getou vs evil goose au
gai and lee get dumped into the bnha world and aizawa s u f f e r s au
House of Lannister; taking over the world! A master plan by Lord Tywin Lannister.
luo binghe's palace becomes the burial mounds au
#shen jiu’s brocon brother au
shen jiu gets a thirsty onlyfans system so he never goes to cang qiong au
imagine if itachi uchiha was reborn as lan xichen au
wei wuxian is reborn to the world of pokemon au
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verfound · 2 years
WIP Tag Asks?  Oh dear.  😬
A-hem.  @nerdypanda3126 is mean and knows exactly what she’s doing she has seen the Hoard y’all.  It’s been a hot minute since I did that Festering Folder WIP Wednesday, and the Hoard has not shrunk at all.  There’s a reason I’m the WIP Dragon.  😬
Anyway.  😂  Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!  (I am only doing the MLB ones, since that’s the fandom I’m mostly writing these days and the list will be over 500 long if I include all the fandoms.  😂)
and I...am putting this under a cut bc apparently the list is five pages long...   😬  Also, Quick had a great idea: the tag WIP Wednesday: Festering Folder Edition talks about some of these, if you want to go for something new/I haven’t discussed yet.  🖤
·     All Our Broken Pieces
·     Alya Césaire is Just Trying to Help
·     And by the End of this Fic, We’ll be More than Just Friends
·     And You Thought the Bathtub was Good
·     Angsty Little Gremlin Baby
·     At the End of the Aisle
·     Banana Bread
·     Before I Say Goodnight
·     BlackBoard Blunders
·     Boat Life Not Gimmick
·     Booty Call
·     Bread Brothers
·     Breakup Songs
·     Burrow Down
·     Card Captor Sakura AU
·     Community Service
·     Coffee Shop Soundtrack
·     Coyling
·     Crayonarchy
·     Dammit AC
·     Dead Girls Tell No Tales
·     Dead Like Me AU
·     Evening Officer
·     Family Dessert
·     Fu’s Florals
·     Fun with Arts and Crafts
·     Futuresee
·     Give a Mergirl a Starfish
·     Guardian Stone
·     Haaave You Met Mari
·     Here in this Diary
·     Hey Let’s Do a Singalong
·     Hey Sicky
·     His Most Prized Possession
·     I Didn’t Expect to See You Here
·     I Didn’t Run
·     I Guess I Live Here Now
·     I Need Nipples
·     I Stand Alone
·     I Think I’ll Call Her Fang
·     If This is a Rom Com
·     It Ain’t Made of Kevlar
·     Jagged Loves Jagged
·     Julie & the Phantoms Untitled Crossover
·     Just Your Avg Sat
·     Karma Chameleon
·     LBSC SA 2022 – Dropout
·     Legally Blonde AU
·     Let’s Smoosh Faces
·     Luka Streaks On
·     Making it Work
·     MegaMind AU
·     Missed Point
·     Octothorpe JAG
·     Off Me Ship
·     Oh You’re Vocal
·     One More Time with You
·     Opportunity Presents Itself
·     Ordered Chaos
·     Our FirstFirstFirst Date
·     Pandora’s Box
·     Pants Aren’t RocknRoll
·     Paper Notes
·     Park Bench
·     Pink Fish Blue Fish
·     Please Come to Boston
·     Princess Heartmaker
·     Reality Jagged
·     Remembering You
·     See You at Gate 52
·     Sexy Guitar Guy p2
·     Snapshots of Us
·     Some People Say Hi
·     Soultember – Welcome to the Gray
·     Spinnerette
·     Suitcase Pancakes
·     That Agreste Guy was HM
·     The Couffaines’ Little Suicide Machines
·     The Girl with Flowers in Her Bones
·     The Quarantine Kwami Baking Championship
·     The Storm Rages On
·     The Tip Goes In
·     The Unexpected Roommate
·     They Know Where to Find Me
·     This is My Angry Face
·     Unsolicited Advice
·     Untitled 2-9; 11 (Selkie AU); 12-16; 17 (TS Baking Meet Cute)
·     Voodoo Viperion
·     We’re a Chance Left Untaken
·     When the Clock Strikes 13
·     Weight of it All
·     You’re Doll’s Haunted
 House Band:
·     A Harmonious Christmas
·     A Kick in the Head p2
·     Anyone Ever Told You
·     Barnyard in D
·     Can I Help
·     Dance Little Sister
·     Darnin Can You Hear Me SOS
·     Dear Old Gertie
·     Dewey’s Diet
·     Every Third Year
·     Favorite Mugs
·     Harold the Glitter Cow
·     I Already Said Goodbye
·     I’m a Unicorn
·     Kicking Things Off
·     Letting Go
·     Maman’s Day Surprise
·     Maman’s First Maman’s Day
·     Maman’s Night Out
·     Melody Super Spy
·     Papas Don’t Get Sick Days
·     Papa’s Ink
·     Piggy Sue
·     Pocket Pals
·     Sing 2 Death AU
·     Squeaks
·     Surround Sound
·     Take It Off
·     The baby Swing
·     The Cookie Principle
·     The Sexiest What Now
·     They were Supposed to be
 Dingo Files:
·     5 Things Luka Regrets Telling Dingo
·     ABBA Doesn’t Shred
·     Adrien is a Fcking Idiot ·     Adrien is Still a Fcking Idiot
·     Alibi
·     All I Want for Christmas
·     Australian Conditioning
·     Basement Corpse
·     Be More Dingo
·     But We’re Thinking of Changing Our Name
·     Cell Block Dingo
·     Coming Up Schlort
·     Ding Attenborough
·     Dingho
·     Dingo’s Cock
·     Five Words
·     Hail the Motherland
·     He Travels for Work
·     Here’s the Latest
·     Hoist the Colors
·     Ininko Montoya
·     Jellyfish Suck
·     Maybe I Could Love You
·     MLWeeklyPrompts: Only a Kiss
·     MLWeeklyPrompts: Operation SSASS
·     Nails
·     Never Check 3 AM Texts
·     Nothing for Christmas
·     Peregrine King
·     Personal Use
·     Rich Boys Don’t Stink
·     Right to Remain Stupid
·     Stealing Smoochies
·     Stowaway
·     Sunglasses
·     Sur-prise
·     That Time it was Luka’s Fault
·     Tie Me Up
·     Twins Damocles
·     Who’s Mari
·     Who’s Your Daddy
·     A Day in Your Scales
·     Brooms Aren’t Just for Cleaning
·     Human Feet
·     I Want One
·     Keep Your Mate Warm
·     Snake Tales
·     Snakefolk can be Fluff
·     Spring in the Citadel
·     Spring is for a Summons
·     Spring is for Courtship
·     Summer Skin
·     Summers are for Celebrating
·     Summers can be Hot
·     The Stairs
No pressure tagging...oooh, how about @livrever @19thsentry-blog @haphira and @ladyfreya123 ?  (Nerd already got Quick, Min, & Laurel 😂)
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study-with-aura · 2 years
September 6, 2022
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There have been a lot of sirens today. We live in a very quiet and gated neighborhood, but it's still near a main road. Sometimes we can hear them and other times we can't, but today, there has been at least one siren every hour or so. I wonder what's going on.
Breakfast: Cinnamon cardamom oatmeal + unsweetened greek-style almond yogurt topped with raspberries and chia seeds
Lunch: PB and banana sandwich + celery with hummus + soy milk
Dinner: Spinach salad topped with sweet potato, chickpeas, beet root and a citrus vinaigrette + soy milk
Tasks Completed:
Algebra 1 - Lesson on graphing linear equations in standard form + practice + quiz
Lit and Comp 1 - Studied Unit 1-3 vocabulary + read pages 304-324 of Narrative of Sojourner Truth and finished the book + wrote out notes for a story idea from a personal life experience
Spanish 1 - Reviewed vocabulary + reviewed for 15 minutes on Duolingo
Computer 8 - Reviewed internet security features and how to block advertisements + Game lesson on cyberbullying and being kind online
Bible 8 - Read John 17
Modern History 8 - Read about coal during the Industrial Revolution + Wrote a paragraph from the viewpoint of a miner in a coal mine + Read chapters 3-4 of Facing Death by G.A. Henty
Physics/Chemistry 8 - Watched two videos about how light travels + completed a short review activity
Practice - 60 minute piano lesson
Chores - Cleaned my bathroom
Khan Academy - Completed another section of the internet safety life skills course + Reviewed algebra concepts
Reading - Read pages 281-344 of Amari and the Night Brothers by B.B. Alston
Duolingo - Spent 15 minutes learning French
September Bible Study - Completed and discussed lesson 6 with family
What I’m Grateful for Today:
Oatmeal bites! Mom is baking some tonight, so Julien and I can have them as a snack tomorrow!
Quote of the Day:
It is just as easy to be polite as to be rude, and men are served better for love than for fear.
-The Cat of Bubastes A Tale of Ancient Egypt, G.A. Henty
🎧Violin Concerto, Op. 35: II. Andante - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
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aestheticvoyage2022 · 2 years
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Day 220: Monday August 8, 2022 - “Toddler Bedtime Routine”
This post was contributed by Audrie:
William started walking officially about 3 weeks ago. And suddenly, it has become totally and completely apparent that we have a toddler in the house.  His new walking independence has come alongside novel skillsets that are full of self expression, curiosity, and exploration.  Including but not limited to new high pitch squeals that explain his every little displeasure, the sweet way he walks to the book shelf his daddy and papa built him and thumbs through all the options to find a new (or old) book of interest and brings it to you and climbs up in your lap, excitedly flip the first page or maybe three as you read until he is off again on the hunt for a new book to bring back to you, or toy, or request for his water, or to open the fridge, or to pick him up or give him an apple, or banana, or whatever “ehhh” is at the end of his pointed finger.  He galavants around the house, wielding extra pieces of the baby gate, pushing, pulling, and carrying his baby vacuum, moving things from one room to the next to the next, testing what he can climb over under and through, while jibber jabbering away his DaDa’s WaWa’s MaMa’s, and the funniest giggles that ever existed.  We hear new words almost daily.  And stop you in your tracks hilarity of him repeating “no no no” while shaking his head grinning a little-shit-grin.  It is so much fun right now.  There is no competing with his big doe eyes, the emerging dimples sunk in his thinned plump rosy cheeks, and the return of love he is now able to give when he wraps his short arms around your neck, and his pudgy hands pat the back of your shoulder as he pulls you tight.  He’s the absolute most incredible little being that ever existed and he has our hearts and minds and energy wholly. 
And with his new todderlism, the time has come to start shedding some of his infant routines.  The biggest one being his sleep routine.  It is with a heavy yet excited heart that I start to really feel the pressure of my impending return to my paid work.  A change that will no doubt be a big mountain for us to all climb, together.  And the prep is really starting now.  Lots of things need to happen for this big boy to be ready to be without his mama/milkmaid/breast-pacifier/translator/cuddler/soother/playmate, for anywhere from 1-6 days at a time.  If my heart cant hardly take the anticipation of the change, placing myself in his little shoes, his toddler brain not understanding the change, or if I will ever even return, will be terrifying for him no matter how much we try to prep.  So for now, the hard work and focus is in the details of inching him into his own bed for sleep, trying to wean some of the breastfeeding, and diss-associate the exclusivity of “mom” attached to every key routine.  We bought special new “milk” only sippy cups, and offer a blend of 2/3 organic cow’s with 1/3 oat milk at least a time or two through the day, warmed in our nearly never used bottle warmer that has sat on the counter for 14 months.  His new bed set up is also now fully assembled and operable, a simple low to the floor toddler bed with a split in the railing that he can climb in and out of on his own, now covered in a cube-tent that we can zip up once containing him becomes needed during his sleep/self waking.  
The plan was always to start the new bed/sleep transition when we returned from vacation in Bend, but William and I both had a nasty cough and cold virus that came home with us.  So for the first week we were back in the great room on the remodel-situation floor mattress.  Feeling a bit better today, and knowing that there will never be a “perfect time to start” this hard change, I was hell bent and determined to get him down for at least part of the night in his own bed.  We went all through his new wind down play routine after dinner, read lots of books, looked at the green and blue stars circle on the ceiling, and finally said our goodnights, got into sleepy sack, and had echo play the thunderstorm sleep sounds.  Although he had taken a little of the sippy cup milk, he was over tired (skipped his PM nap today), and just needed the easy go down, so I figured one step at a time, and happily nursed our tiny human into a nice milky dream, sitting on the floor next to his bed.  And when I was sure he was deep asleep in his dreamy land, I slipped him onto his gray and white cloud sheets, arranged his familiar stuffed friends all around him, played him the seahorse, and ran my hand through is perfect hair, and told him I loved him more than life, and how proud I was of him for his big baby steps.  Then I stepped back and snapped a picture.  The funny thing about being a mom, and I couldn't say it enough, is the constant living in a duality of realities.  One part of your heart is filled with so much pride, joy, and a overflow of love, while at the same exact time and in the same space, your heart sinks low, with heavy sorrow, like a small dying of life that happens in the fall, as you simultaneously realize your baby is growing up.  
Song: Jordan Davis - What My World Spins Around
Quote: "You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes." — A.A. Milne Winnie-the-Pooh
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kramerisaksen36 · 4 months
Ikea Responds To Balenciaga Copying Its Ninety Nine
Let’s say that’s only a dangerous pair of faux Balenciaga Speed Trainer with poor high quality control. wikipedia handbags Then, the pretend Balenciaga Speed Trainer isn’t as curved because the legit one. balenciaga bags replica The counterfeit Speed Trainer is less curved and this is a crucial issue of our actual vs pretend Balenciaga Speed Trainer comparison. As you can see in the image above, the two replica Balenciaga Speed Trainer pairs have the “C” and the “G” wanting too huge than the remainder of the letters. The faux Balenciaga Speed Trainer pair has the text a tiny bit smaller than the legit one, but this can be tougher to identify. Mostly original poetry however the creator incessantly unknown. This page additionally accommodates a small comedian book on Roger Wilco's adventure as a prisoner of war Stalag Luft I . [newline]And with “And Just Like That…” now streaming on HBO Max, we can’t assist however surprise what new kinds will quickly become iconic in their own proper. But the designer – amongst each her and Carrie Bradshaw’s favorites – wasn’t the only way she channeled her character. The distinctive costume additionally featured pink tulle peeping out from the side of the skirt, paying tribute to the tutu she wore in the show’s authentic opening credits over twenty years ago. There are some things you would possibly need to think about earlier than buying replica sneakers on DH Gate. The original Balenciaga Hourglass shoulder bag is a merely iconic design that will be as related and in vogue in 50 years as it is now. Of course, we settle for that one pays for the status of a respected designer model. However, a bag that prices around $2000 is out of the question for most women. These superb Balenciaga Hourglass dupe bags are available two sizes. The giant model for these events whenever you want plenty of area and a smaller one for everyday use. We are going to call just some that will assist you with Balenciaga Triple S authentication. The major issues to look at listed here are the stitching and the fonts. The stitching ought to be clear, each separate sew equal in dimension and shape to each different one. The pretend pair right here sports activities smaller and far messier stitching, which can’t be an excellent sign. The most obvious recommendation about it would be to google the product code, however it does not immediately prove the authenticity, as a end result of product codes can simply be replicated. We ensure that our impressed replicas use the entire similar detailing that an unique would have. In this faux vs real Balenciaga Speed Trainer comparison, you'll be able to simply notice how the fake Speed Trainer pair is banana-shaped. Some replica Balenciaga Speed Trainer has the letters “C” and G” larger than the actual Speed Trainer pairs. This is not going to happen on an authentic Balenciaga Speed Trainer pair. There are many replicas of the Balenciaga Speed Trainer and it's important so that you can know how to spot fake Speed Trainer pairs. See what it is prefer to get my item authenticated Real expertise, not self claimed. Join the Legit Check Club More bang for your buck, with more benefits and more included. Completing the look with a Carrie-approved accent, Parker paired the show-stopping fashion with satin pink stilettos, along with an Erdem bag and jewellery from Fred Leighton and Larkspur and Hawk. One of the most important shoe trends to endure 2020 and 2021? This look certainly extends to the sneaker division and is carrying on into 2022. Golden Goose’s fluffed-up Superstars, completely obtainable at MyTheresa, are the final word transfer for all-around comfort with cool-factor. Hsu says they “offer a high-fashion stance on everyone’s beloved streetwear important.” Plus, they go along with just about anything from your favourite sweatsuit set to leggings and ankle-grazing dresses. Hsu suggests combining them with skirts or clothes, a super search for feminine-leaning style. Cnfashionbuy is an internet site that provides completely different style products, such as footwear, clothes, etc., and can be one of the Balenciaga shoes replica suppliers. However, Cnfashionbuy is only a platform to offer a show channel for the settled retailers, and isn't responsible for the supply or quality of the goods. So on the Cnfashionbuy you should purchase Balenciaga shoes replica or other Balenciaga replica from totally different retailers. The mesh should be smaller and have a more modern, delicate look, in addition to being extra sturdy and agency. The faux, quite the opposite, can be larger, much less durable and general low-cost wanting. As for the font, the faux one has barely larger letters and fuzzier shapes. If you want to buy Balenciaga t shirt replica or Balenciaga fabric replica, please examine BenzinOOsales frequently. They are shipped freed from charge in 30+ international locations worldwide. We discover just about every month that it's getting more durable and tougher to differentiate original gadgets from fakes, as a result of replicas are getting pretty good.
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recentlyheardcom · 8 months
'San Francisco is like a failed state': Joe Rogan hammers the 'next level' crime in the Golden Gate City — which is fast 'becoming a ghost town.' Is he right?Podcaster Joe Rogan has taken a shot at San Francisco, calling out the California city for its “next level” lawlessness and disorder.In conversation with stand-up comedian and actor Gabriel Iglesias on a recent episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, Rogan said: “San Francisco is like a failed state."Don't missThe two men agreed that crime in the city is “next level.”“No one’s stopping anybody from doing anything,” Rogan added. “It’s crazy how quick San Francisco has [declined]. Everyone’s pulling out of there. Hotels are pulling out. Chains like Walgreens are pulling out.”Businesses have been fleeing downtown San Francisco to the extent that “it’s becoming a ghost town,” according to Iglesias, who added: “And they’re not pumping the breaks on it.”Now, the pair did make these comments from the comfort of Rogan’s podcast studio in Austin, Texas. But is San Francisco as bad as they make it out to be?Retail crimeOne type of crime that has apparently been on the rise in San Francisco is retail crime.In a brazen example, CNN Senior National Correspondent Kyung Lah claimed to witness three thefts in 30 minutes while filming a television report on July 24 at the Walgreens in San Francisco’s Richmond neighborhood. News cameras captured at least one individual walking out of the pharmacy without paying for any items. Many products at the store are kept under lock and key.Read more: Thanks to Jeff Bezos, you can now use $100 to cash in on prime real estate — without the headache of being a landlord. Here's howStory continuesIn recent months, several retail giants — including Nordstrom, H&M, Marshall's, Gap, Banana Republic, Anthropologie and Office Depot — have announced they’re pulling out of some San Francisco locations. Crime levels were cited as playing a role in some of these decisions.Rising concern over retail crime is not isolated to the Golden Gate City. According to a report from the National Retail Federation, a majority of retailers surveyed between 2020 and 2022 reported annual increases in organized retail crime activity at their stores.To combat the problem, Home Depot CEO Ted Decker announced in June that the home improvement company would be “investing in more security guards” to protect the safety of its employees and customers. This decision sadly followed the deaths of two Home Depot employees during theft incidents.'A ghost town'To call downtown San Francisco a “ghost town” may be a bit of an exaggeration, but there are several factors playing into this perception.When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the city’s tech-heavy workforce embraced remote work and its return to the office has been slow. According to real estate company Savills, San Francisco had one of the lowest office availability rates in the U.S. before the pandemic at 9.5%; however, vacancy is now 30%, a 30-year high.This major drop in in-office workers has contributed to the diminishment of the city’s once-buzzing downtown core. Even hotels are cutting their losses and bidding farewell to the city.John Chachas, the CEO of Gump’s, a 166-year-old department store in San Francisco, recently penned a chilling review of the current state of play.“As we prepare for our 166th holiday season at 250 Post Street, we fear this may be our last,” Chacas wrote in an open letter to California Governor Gavin Newsom, Mayor London Breed, and the city’s Board of Supervisors, published as a paid advertisement in the San Francisco Chronicle.“San Francisco now suffers from a ‘tyranny of the minority’ — behavior and actions of the few that jeopardize the livelihood of the many.“The ramifications of COVID policies advising people to abandon their offices are only beginning to be understood. Equally devastating have been a litany of destructive San Francisco strategies, including allowing the homeless to occupy our sidewalks, to
openly distribute and use illegal drugs, to harass the public and to defile the city’s streets.”What to read nextThis article provides information only and should not be construed as advice. It is provided without warranty of any kind.
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jaradonly · 8 months
My trip to Tanzania 2022 - Fifth and final part - Moshi and Mount Kilimanjaro
In this video, I present the fifth and final part of my trip in 2022 to the beautiful country rich in culture and adventure, Tanzania. In this video, I convey to you the details of my visit to the city of Moshi, where I spent one night, and from there I set off on a beautiful tour on foot of the great Mount Kilimanjaro. I went on a walking tour to see the villages, the coffee and banana farms, and the waterfall, and then I set off by car to one of the mountain’s entry gates. All the details are explained in the video. I hope you like it, and I hope you subscribe to the channel and follow the other four parts on this link.    • رحلة تنزانيا - Tanzania trip   greetings to you all . #jaradonly#travel#tanzania#tourism#arab_tourism#travel_tourism#travel#moshi#tanzania#nature#kilimanjarosafari#kilimanjaro barranco wall kilimanjaro, western breach, lemosho route 8 days, kilimanjaro packing list, marangu route lemosho route kilimanjaro, kilimanjaro summit, lemosho route, mount kilimanjaro lemosho route, uhuru peak, barranco wall kilimanjaro, kilimanjaro packing list, lemosho route 8 days, machame route 7 days, western breach, kilimanjaro tips, marangu route, climbing kilimanjaro tips and tricks , kilimanjaro routes, kilimanjaro guide, machame route, kilimanjaro lemosho route, safari series, Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq safari, Kilimanjaro, Ibrahim Nasrallah’s novels, Ibrahim Nasrallah’s quotes
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that-fema-corps-blog · 11 months
Day 1
August 4, 2022
Yesterday was busy, so I didn’t get the chance to write anything. But here we go:
Yesterday was the day I flew to the AmeriCorps Pacific campus. I left the house at 3AM EST, checked a bag, and took three flights to reach Sacramento. All the flights were from the same gate, and the final flight didn’t even require me to get off the plane, so it wasn’t as bad as expected. My final flight was delayed about an hour due to being over the weight limit. Turns out the plane isn’t allowed to carry as much if flying in hotter weather. At first the crew tried reducing the amount of excess fuel, but eventually had to resort to giving ten people the equivalent of $900 each in flight credits to get them off the plane. I considered it, but couldn’t risk being delayed another few hours.
AmeriCorps booked my flights with Southwest, which was the first time I had ever flown with them; prior to that, I had mainly only traveled on Delta, Virgin, RyanAir, and the like. This was also the first time I didn’t have assigned seating on a flight. I was on one of the first boarding groups each time, and got thus got the window seat. It was quite comfortable overall.
After arrival, I headed to baggage claims and met up with the FEMA Corps group. I had to wait for the second van to pick me up, since COVID guidelines allowed only four people per van on the way to campus. Upon arrival, we left our bags outside, received a welcome packet, and started in-processing. The COVID test was…not fun. A bunch of tablets were set up for proctors to watch virtually, and between the sound of multiple people giving instructions and wind from the fan behind me, it was pretty overstimulating. I probably spaced out for five minutes, but was eventually able to finish the test. The rest of in-processing was simple: badge pickup, dorm keys, driver license confirmation (if you had one), photographing for ID, and fingerprinting (digital and did not require anyone touching your hands) were all done in about 20 minutes. I got a lunch bag, brought it back to my dorm with my bags, and ate the sandwich. It was not great, but edible.
About half an hour later, we headed outside for a meeting with the people in the unit and lined up for dinner after. What I got…wasn’t great, as far as vegan options went (mixed fruit, lasagna with fake cheese, and pasta with tomato sauce). Oh well. I then went back to my dorm to get my water. Somehow I got into the wrong unit building and was caught trying to break into some random person’s room. Oops. I was directed to the right building and was able to get back in.
A team leader drove a few of us to target to pick up some forgotten items, and I bought a banana. Once we got back to campus, I headed back to my dorm to unpack, make notes for myself, and settle down for the night. I think I’m already starting to make friends with someone (how??? I’m autistic and generally quite awkward) and it hasn’t been too bad overall.
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cyberflanerie · 1 year
Fieldnotes, Nashville, 05/31/23
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Paying a visit to Amazon's recently built Nashville offices, part of the city's future Nashville Yards (still under construction). This city development calls itself "A place of commerce [...] evok[ing] a next-generation sense of place with Class A+ office, retail, entertainment, hospitality, and residential towers in one authentic, irreplaceable community" (Nashville Yards 2023). Lots of retail bingo language here. Gotcha. Right now, it's a HUGE construction site, asphalt burning under the heat of a June summer day.
Surprisingly, it's not easy to find the building in the maze of cranes, rails, and not-very-pedestrian-friendly streets and allies (which is kind of ironic, since Nashville Yards (2023) praises its future "pedestrian pathways, open green spaces, and plazas" - not to be seen, yet). Ultimately, I stumble over the entrance of this tall skyscraper office, even without it having a huge and emblematic smiling arrow at its entrance. For a Wednesday morning at 10 it seems pretty quiet, especially considering that there was a walk-out planned by the Seattle based "Amazon Employees for Climate Justice". Their protest addresses the company's decision making processes not prioritizing, but breaking their climate pledge and general working conditions [for a critical analysis of Amazon's climate pledge, read Emily West's "Decoding Amazon’s Climate Pledge: Public Relations and the Platformization of Governance" in: Smith et al. (2023) "Amazon: at the intersection of culture and capital").
It's too early here in Nashville and I haven't heard of any actions planned. The Nashville employees are noticeably marked by an Amazon employee batch around their neck. There is one employee walking a dog (apparently, pets are allowed in the office?), one in an Amazon logo-ed shirt being dropped off. The Starbucks Pick Up next door seems closed, but the famous banana stand up front offers fruit to the community. Entrance is only granted with a batch and the front desk is armed with cameras that look like the biometric ones from the airport. Also: electronic gates. No way in, it seems. Everything is tightly gatekept (up to the valet guarding the entrance to the parking garage). An NDA built in glass.
Amazon (2023) announces to "ultimately create 5,000 jobs in Nashville. These new jobs include a mix of technical roles such as Software Development Engineers and non-technical roles for candidates at all skill and education levels. In addition to jobs at Amazon, we expect our $230 million investment to create thousands more jobs in other industries such as construction, building services, hospitality and retail." Moreover, as the inititaive Stand Up Nashville notes in their 2022 Amazon Housing Equity Fund Analysis Report, Amazon has - to the surpise of the local community - announced to bring their Housing Equity Fund to the city. "Amazon and our Mayor had agreed to have the corporation fund a new public position tasked with shaping how our city addresses our affordable housing crisis and development boom." (Standupnashville.org, 2022, p. 2).
This seems to be critical on various levels, as the inititive points out (and rightly so): 1. There seems to be a lack of public information about Amazon's use of the fund and the conditions of the cooperation with city officials. 2. While "recent analysis shows that Nashville is in far greater need of homes at the lowest levels of affordability" (Standupnashville.org, 2022, p. 3), Amazon will most likely build units that requires an income higher than that of, e.g., an Amazon fullfillment worker. Additionally, Amazon's office will provide work for mostly white (collar), higher-paying employees, thus leading to the displacement of low-income households and gentrification processes in the neighborhood. As Stand Up Nashville describes (2022, p. 4), "the failure to create deeply affordable housing in our city risks driving communities of color out and worsening racial and economic inequality."
Giving a private cooperation that much power over how a city is developed, built, and - ultimately - socially structured is incredibly dangerous, keeping in mind what a company is eventually after: private profit (and more power). When cities hand over the housing question, and often crisis, to private funders, who gets to decide upon the future of our cities, and the vitally important, should-be-uncoditional right to housing? Are cities build on demand? Stand Up Nashville (2022, p. 7) rightfully warns and concludes: "Amazon’s housing fund could set the standard for how corporations make smart investments in cities like Nashville—or they could lead us towards becoming the next Seattle or San Francisco."
That's where I am headed to next: San Francisco, here I come!
Amazon (2023): Nashville, TN. amazon.jobs. https://www.amazon.jobs/en/locations/nashville-area-tn [last accessed 06.12.2023].
Nashville Yards (2023): Nashville Yards. https://www.nashvilleyards.com/ [last accessed 06.12.2023].
Standupnashville.org (2022): SUN-Amazon-Housing-Report.pdf. https://standupnashville.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/SUN-Amazon-Housing-Report.pdf [last accessed 05.03.2023].
West, Emily (2023): Decoding Amazon’s Climate Pledge: Public Relations and the Platformization of Governance. In: Smith, Paul / Monea, Alexander / Santiago, Maillim (eds.): Amazon: at the intersection of culture and capital. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Pp. 269-286).
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signalwatch · 1 year
Binge Watch: The Binge - It's A Wonderful Binge (2022)
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Watched:  12/16/2022
Format:  Hulu
Viewing:  First
Director:  Jordan VanDina
Well, I was way, waaaaaaay too sober while watching this movie.  I also hadn't seen the first one.  But our Pal Paul worked on this film and I wanted to give it a go.  
First - the cast on this thing is bananas.  I believe Kaitlin Olson is one of the funniest people in anything, and this movie is not here to disabuse me of that notion.  She's good in the first act, and by the third - sublime.  Tim Meadows is a favorite in this house.  Danny Trejo!  Paul Scheer.  Nick Swardson.  Tony Cavalero AND Patty Guggenheim?  (their scenes are hysterical)  Karen Maruyama (I don't know who came up with her character, but slow clap).  
Anyway - all people I like.  
The movie's stars are Eduardo Franco (Stranger Things S4), Dexter Darden (Saved By the Bell), Connie Shi (Law & Order), and Marta Piekarz (Queer as Folk).  Young folks!  But really able to carry a film.
The movie had two strikes for me out of the gate - but those were on me.  1)  Like I say, I was stone cold sober watching the movie, and this is not that movie.  2) I did not see the first installment.  Not 100% necessary, but the movie doesn't spend much "getting to know you" time and leaps into "so how are our friends now?"
So - if you've not seen the original - the set-up is not complicated.  The Feds decided in 2027 on a total prohibition of all drugs and alcohol, but (like The Purge) one day per year it's no holds barred.  That day is called "The Binge".  In 2035, they've realized people can't handle Christmas minus a little chemical help, and so The Binge is moved to Christmas, and it's immediately and obviously a bad idea.  
One of our heroes is trying to ask for his ladyfriend's hand in marriage, the other goes on a drug-induced journey akin to It's a Wonderful Life.  I don't want to give too much away.  
Anyway - if you're looking for something to watch that's completely bananas, but not to watch with your parents or kids - it fits the bill.  We're well documented here for enjoying movies that end in total chaos, and this is that.  But it's also a really funny journey along the way, keeping things moving at a rocket pace - so even if a gag isn't a slam dunk, there's another coming in a few beats.  
Like other "@#$% is out of control" comedies like a Harold and Kumar movie, it's a hang-out movie.  You like the characters and want to spend time seeing what they're up to.  The pitch could fit with a real-time TV show, I guess, but works well for a movie with yearly installments.  But the characters - who could be obnoxious and cringey - are really good springboards for a lot of fun stuff, and the talent are likeable.  Casting young folks like this against big talents like Olson and Trejo makes for a great mix.
Anyway - you will also notice the audio is AMAZING in this movie.  Hire Paul. We need to keep him busy.
from The Signal Watch https://ift.tt/VWh2ITd
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
Star Trek Picard Season 3 Trailer
Screenshot: Paramount Excellent news if you happen to preferred the unhinged vibes of Picard’s season 2 finale: if this new trailer for the third and closing season is something to go by, that vibe is continuous strongly. Paramount simply wowed New York Comedian Con with an explosive new trailer for Picard’s closing season. Whereas our earlier seems have centered on the nostalgia-laden return of The Subsequent Technology’s major solid—Gates McFadden as Beverly Crusher, Jonathan Frakes as Will Riker, Marina Sirtis as Deanna Troi, Michael Dorn as Worf, and LeVar Burton as Geordi La Forge—this new trailer does that and truly teases what this season is definitely going to be about. Star Trek: Picard | Teaser Trailer (NYCC 2022) | Paramount+ Seems it’s a completely new menace to Starfleet, fairly than any continuation of these wild hanging threads we noticed in season 2’s finale—Amanda Plummer visitor starring as Vadic, captain of an alien vessel known as the Shrike, that’s searching Picard and his pals for mysterious causes. Vadic is a really dire menace certainly, contemplating the quantity of Starfleet officers being shot and what seems like an excellent chunk of its HQ imploding. However dire stakes require the most important heroes potential, and Jean-Luc is bringing again his pals to rise to the event… though some look extra keen to be there than others. They’re not alone, both. In a beautiful twist, on condition that Geordi himself seems to be a kind of less-than-willing accomplices, two extra LaForges will seem within the sequence. Ensign Sidney La Forge, Geordi’s eldest and the conn officer of the usS. Titan will likely be performed by performed by Sharpe Chestnut, whereas Ensign Alanda La Forge, his youngest, will likely be performed by Burton’s personal daughter, Mica Burton. Away from sentiment and into the completely bonkers territory nonetheless is 2 extra main reveals on the climax of the trailer. Brent Spiner, one among Picard’s most common returning acquainted faces, is again as soon as extra, however this time in some way as Lore, Knowledge’s evil android twin brother that was seemingly deactivated “for good” within the TNG season seven premiere, the second a part of “Descent.” In a fair wilder twist? Additionally menacing Picard yet one more time is Holographic Physician Moriaty. G/O Media could get a fee Sure. The fictional holodeck character who appeared in “Elementary, my Expensive Knowledge,” and “Ship In a Bottle.” And sure, it’s actor Daniel Davis returning within the position. What a bananas factor. We’ve bought time to course of it, a minimum of—Star Trek: Picard returns to Paramount+ one closing time beginning February 16, 2023. Need extra io9 information? Take a look at when to count on the newest Marvel and Star Wars releases, what’s subsequent for the DC Universe on movie and TV, and the whole lot you’ll want to find out about Home of the Dragon and Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Energy. Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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deblala · 2 years
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molloyborg3 · 2 years
Ikea Responds To Balenciaga Copying Its 99
Let’s say that’s only a dangerous pair of faux Balenciaga Speed Trainer with poor high quality management. Then, the fake Balenciaga Speed Trainer isn’t as curved as the legit one. The counterfeit Speed Trainer is much less curved and this is an important factor of our real vs faux Balenciaga Speed Trainer comparability. As you'll find a way to see within the image above, the two replica Balenciaga Speed Trainer pairs have the “C” and the “G” trying too huge than the the rest of the letters. The fake Balenciaga Speed Trainer pair has the textual content a tiny bit smaller than the legit one, but this might be harder to identify. Mostly unique poetry but the writer regularly unknown. This page additionally contains a small comedian book on Roger Wilco's journey as a prisoner of warfare Stalag Luft I . [newline]And with “And Just Like That…” now streaming on HBO Max, we can’t help however surprise what new types will quickly turn out to be iconic in their very own proper. But the designer – among both her and Carrie Bradshaw’s favorites – wasn’t the only means she channeled her character. The distinctive costume also featured pink tulle peeping out from the side of the skirt, paying tribute to the tutu she wore within the show’s authentic opening credits over twenty years ago. There are some things you would possibly want to consider before buying replica footwear on DH Gate. The original Balenciaga Hourglass shoulder bag is a merely iconic design that will be as relevant and in vogue in 50 years as it is now. Of course, we settle for that one pays for the status of a revered designer model. However, a bag that costs round $2000 is out of the query for most girls. These superb Balenciaga Hourglass dupe baggage are obtainable in two sizes. The giant model for these events if you need loads of area and a smaller one for everyday use. We are going to call just some that can assist you with Balenciaga Triple S authentication. The primary things to watch here are the stitching and the fonts. The stitching should be clear, every separate sew equal in measurement and form to every different one. The fake pair here sports activities smaller and far messier stitching, which can’t be a great signal. The most evident advice about it would be to google the product code, nevertheless it doesn't immediately prove the authenticity, as a end result of product codes can simply be replicated. We make certain that our inspired replicas use the entire identical detailing that an original would have. In this pretend vs actual Balenciaga Speed Trainer comparison, you'll have the ability to simply notice how the fake Speed Trainer pair is banana-shaped. Some replica Balenciaga Speed Trainer has the letters “C” and G” bigger than the true Speed Trainer pairs. This is not going to happen on an authentic Balenciaga Speed Trainer pair. There are many replicas of the Balenciaga Speed Trainer and it is important for you to know the method to spot faux Speed Trainer pairs. See what it is prefer to get my merchandise authenticated Real experience, not self claimed. phoenet.tw replica balenciaga Join the Legit Check Club More bang on your buck, with extra benefits and more included. Completing the look with a Carrie-approved accent, Parker paired the show-stopping fashion with satin pink stilettos, along with an Erdem bag and jewelry from Fred Leighton and Larkspur and Hawk. One of the biggest shoe tendencies to endure 2020 and 2021? This look certainly extends to the sneaker department and is carrying on into 2022. Golden Goose’s fluffed-up Superstars, exclusively out there at MyTheresa, are the last word move for all-around comfort with cool-factor. Hsu says they “offer a high-fashion stance on everyone’s beloved streetwear important.” Plus, they go along with just about anything from your favorite sweatsuit set to leggings and ankle-grazing clothes. Hsu suggests combining them with skirts or clothes, a super look for feminine-leaning style. Cnfashionbuy is an net site that offers different fashion products, corresponding to footwear, clothes, and so forth., and can also be one of many Balenciaga sneakers replica suppliers. However, Cnfashionbuy is only a platform to supply a display channel for the settled merchants, and is not liable for the delivery or high quality of the products. So on the Cnfashionbuy you ought to buy Balenciaga sneakers replica or other Balenciaga replica from totally different retailers. The mesh should be smaller and have a more modern, delicate look, as properly as being more durable and firm. The fake, quite the opposite, would be larger, less durable and general low cost wanting. 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