#bearded ice
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Have you ever seen “hair ice?”  "Hair ice" or "bearded frost" is rare and occurs only in a small percentage of the world (it’s not Hoar Frost). Hair Ice grows specifically on the decaying wood of an Alder tree branch & is caused by a fungus living within decaying wood. The fungus "breathes" or releases its spores pushing the moisture out of the wood’s pores, causing it to immediately freeze. The small hole is as thin as a strand of hair thereby causing the hair-like ice to form.
Image - Matt Nichols
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sensei-wus-beard · 8 months
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My entry for @spinchip ‘s DTIYS :D!!! I’m a sucker for glacier 👉👈
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hellenhighwater · 2 years
If you've ever looked at a bit of crumbling drywall and gone "boy am I hungry right now" then meringues are the recipe for you. They're simultaneously very simple and very finnicky, but if you can get the hang of them then you can experience eating chalk (but sweet!) whenever you want, with none of the limestone content involved in eating real chalk. A batch of meringues is just 3 egg whites, (at ROOM TEMPERATURE) 1/8th teaspoon cream of tartar, 3/4 cups regular white granulated sugar, and a half teaspoon of vanilla extract. (or you could do a different flavor, if you like your conkrete to be fancy. I do not. I am here to experience texture with minimal flavor.)
You combine all the ingredients but the sugar in a mixer with a whisk attachment, and whisk at high speed until soft peaks form. Then slowly sift in the granulated sugar, whisking as you go. Once all the sugar is whisked in, keep mixing for another five minutes--the mix should be glossy and sleek, not dry.
Then pipe the cookies onto a parchment-lined pan, about two inches across, leaving an inch of space between. If you have fancy frosting tips and a piping bag, use them. Bafflingly, I do not have those (why? what have I been doing with my life that I own three machetes but not frosting tips?) so I just used a gallon ziplock with a hole poked into it and made beautiful little angel turd shapes.
They bake at 200 F for 45 minutes, and then should be allowed to rest in the oven for another half hour with the temperature off. Don't open the oven while they bake! Let them cool completely, and then you can eat something that has both the visual look and the mouth-feel of a packing peanut.
I love these things. I'll post an out-of-oven picture when they're done in like an hour.
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cakeontheloose · 8 months
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Why'd they make the Ice King look so fluffye in this page
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hewantshisbrideback · 1 month
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The Parallels of Περσεφονη and Princess Arya Stark
You had best run back to your room, little sister. Septa Mordane will surely be lurking. You'll be sewing all through winter. When the spring thaw comes, they will find your body with a needle still locked tight between your frozen fingers. A Game of Thrones, Arya I
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kurakuradon · 9 months
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simon petrikov 🧊👓
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Lion Cub
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no context just jaime being a good father
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cthaehart · 4 months
hii about the character requests i would love to see euron or dany in your style 💗
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Simon and Marcy but it’s Dadbastian because the demons won
Oh and grell is Betty u cant change m’y mind
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You will have little joy of your command, but I think you have the strength in you to do the things that must be done.
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footballandshit · 1 year
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front-facing-pokemon · 6 months
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fluffypotatey · 10 days
Wild to me they specifally say shes a sister. Someone canonically dating or married to someone else has never stopped shippers before
I KNOW 😂😂😂
they’re like “Sarah Kazansky??? Oh you mean Iceman’s sister???? Yeah no of course :) that’s what you meant when you casted a Sarah Kazansky right? :)”
nothing be stopping the IceMav shippers 🫡 (or any shipper when it comes to canon tbh)
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movedtodykedvonte · 9 months
Simon probably stays clean shaven cause excessive facial hair probably reminds him of how the crown gave him that massive beard and being Ice King in general.
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cartoonscientist · 6 months
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asking betty for help is kind of a crapshoot because she's really good at magic but sometimes she makes things worse, like a LOT worse, and also once you ask her you can't retract your consent
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coquelicoq · 8 months
girl help the beautiful man at the food truck flirted with me and shook my hand with his big gorgeous hand and held on a little longer than he needed to (but in a good way) and then he gave me a free mango lassi and THEN left his food truck unattended to go get me a bottle of water after i asked if there was any water available and after all that all he wants in exchange (other than payment for the food i ordered) is for me to rate him on google maps. but girl i don't even know how to do that
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