#because fuck the tories
taviokapudding · 2 years
Me, watching the UK gov collapse:
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Me remembering I live in TX & it's not my conservative government falling apart:
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Me learning about Larry & seeing all the memes
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vordemtodgefeit · 7 months
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‘nobody wants a general election, obviously’, says second PM in a row that wasn’t voted in by the general public, wasn’t even voted in by members of the party let alone the people he claims to represent, and whose party is predicted to lose said general election
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minawithlettuce · 1 year
'fuck you my child is fine' Your child heavily relates to Tori Spring, no your child is not fine.
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pherre · 4 months
briefly considered an idea where julian's daughter visits the button house hotel before remembering she's literally a green party mp and it's a golf resort. rip julian you will never see your daughter again
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this isn't community❗❗ This is Association 😭😭
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special thank you to @muclunga for uncovering this monstrosity(?) of a creation
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hollenka99 · 1 year
I love how Lovejoy songs tend to have one of three themes:
A) Hey girl, you know you deserve better so how about you leave that prick for someone better (like me)
B) We’re not compatible but fuck if we’re not going to be toxic about it as we stay together anyway
C) Fuck the way politics has turned out in the 21st century
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flailingangel · 2 months
I hope all of the tma characters are living the lives they would've lived were it not for the horrors™. I hope they're all happy and fulfilled... except for Helen
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mixelation · 9 months
tori being all "i'm not like other girls. i don't need orochimaru's approval. maybe everyone else does but i'm better than that" and then sabotages his entire lab and leaves behind a completely unnecessary dramatic break up note ("dear sensei, i'm afraid this relationship is no longer mutually beneficial and i've outgrown you <3") because very unfortunately she DOES want his attention
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tuttle-did-it · 28 days
First of all, Scotland, for passing the Scottish Hate Crime Act and trying to protect trans people, thank you. Thank you for treating us as humans, thank you for recognising our identities.
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fuck you JK Rowling. fuck your TERF rants that endanger our lives. fuck your Nazi attitudes.
fuck you Police Scotland for proving that you're fucks and will not take this law seriously, even when someone intentionally, repeatedly, maliciously and gleefully breaks this law in a very, very public forum.
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fuck you Police Scotland for not only refusing to take action when someone is breaking this law intentionally, repeatedly, maliciously and gleefully, but also proving that 1) this new law will NOT be taken seriously by you 2) this tells every TERF and Tory out there that the law is NOT valid, and that the law does NOT include queer people, specifically in this case Trans people; and 3) this tells every queer/Trans/enby/multi-sex/hermaphrodite person that we are NOT actually protected as this new law promises, and you can and will continue abusing us and destroying our lives. Fucking thanks. Cos it wasn't obvious enough that every day gets more and more dangerous for us trans/enby people, so thanks for just making it clear to the fucking world that even when someone mocks this law openly, you don't fucking care because we are not fucking people. Got it. So fuck you Police Scotland, specifically, for doing NOTHING when someone blatantly flouts this law. Fuck every one of you ACAB fuckers.
fuck everyone who still works with you, Rowling and still even speaks to you after knowing what you are.
fuck everyone who still buys anything related to the Harry Potter franchise knowing the money is going into the pocket of someone like this. Because she sends that money back out to fucking Anti-Trans orgs that hurt us.
fuck you HP fans who plan to watch her new tv show. You cannot be a fan of a massive transphobe trying to destroy us, and an ally at the same time. so fuck you.
fuck harry potter fans who wear HP merchandise stuff knowing what she has said and done, yes I don't care if you bought it before she said it, fuck you because you know exactly what she represents. Not apologising. Yeah, I'm totally judging you if you're wearing HP merch, even if especially if you're queer. I don't care how much HP meant to you as a child. I don't care about fucking nostalgia. I care about the Trans lives that are in danger every day because of monsters like this fucking woman.
fuck you Rishi Sunak for backing and legitimising this horrible woman and her bigotry.
fuck you British politics, fuck you Tories. Fuck you all for destroying this country and making every day more dangerous for Queer people.
fuck you CEO David Zaslav. fuck you Warner Bros. for being willing and happy to work with this fucking woman for her fucking franchise so she can continue to fucking make millions and fucking fund anti-trans orgs.
fuck every single one of who who protects, excuses and funds this fucking behaviour. And fuck every one of you who doesn't give a fuck at everything that is happening.
fuck these fucking fucks. fuck you TERFs and transphobes and fuck every single one of you fucking fucks.
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Thank you for trying, Scotland. Thank you.
But please explain to the fucking POLICE and the fucking evil POLITICIANS that this new law means we are legally recognised as protected under the Scottish Hate Crime Act, so they all need to stop fucking about and treat it seriously.
and the fucking PRIME FUCKING MINISTER fucking backing this fucking TERF. I'm not surprised, just angry.
This is on you. so, fuck you if you are supporting these fuckery fucking fucks.
As is EVERY SINGLE FUCKING INCIDENT a trans person has in this fucking country. Every time someone fucking deadnames us, every time someone intentionally misgenders us, every time someone threatens our safety, every time someone fucking assaults us? every single incident is on your fucking head, you fucking fucks.
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sweet-potato-42 · 2 months
kills me inside every time people accuse tubbo of being a tory despite the fact he never was
he has had shitty opinions but he wanst a tory
a tory is someone who supports the conservative party in the UK. Some people who don't know what it means decide to use it as just a bigot. Tories are bigots but not all bigots are tories
IN GENERAL a political party will have ideas regarding social stuff, economic stuff, foreign policy and more. You cant just randomly give someone a label based on their social opinions isnce htere are countless political movements with overlapping ideals
like if people want to (justifyingly) criticize some shit hes said in the past at least use correct terms and quote it properly
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whenever high profile men are accused of domestic violence nowadays it’s just a nonstop disinformation blitz on social media and gossip blogs and tabloids from his team like literally a nonstop stream of conflicting claims or irrelevant “evidence” that does not meaningfully prove his claims or disprove hers but provides rage bait for men who hate women and their apologists and then also nonstop positive PR for the man no matter how ridiculous it is. look at this video she’s not injured! *security footage from several feet away* *dishonest claims about her injuries that usually involve claiming a higher severity than she or initial police reports ever did* *close up photos of some cat scratch she gave him* *outlandish and irrelevant claim about her so-called bad behavior* *character assassination* *race card if necessary* *irrelevant security footage* *more irrelevant material* *outright lies about the legal process or pending legal action*
and then on the other side it’s literally basically radio silence from the woman and her legal team besides a brief fact check on something procedural from her lawyer.
quite literally the johnny depp playbook but also borrowing a lot from how OJ’s team moved
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katelyn-heartstopper · 8 months
finishing a book is like dying. i listened to the solitaire audiobook twice before deciding to buy it and even though i knew what was going to happen and now i’ve finished it i still feel really sad and that i’ll never be able to read it for the first time😢
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vordemtodgefeit · 2 years
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weedle-testaburger · 2 months
something i lowkey really respect about bernie sanders is that in spite of his (justified) convictions he's perfectly prepared to say 'ffs please vote for the lesser of two evils, it's not antithetical to fighting for something better'. i just wish everyone who shares his convictions agreed with that
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wistfulwatcher · 1 year
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The Watchful Eye | 1.06 "Save New York"
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knataa · 7 months
I hate living in the UK so much, way more now than ever before.
Trans women are being banned from the women's ward in hospitals
Gender neutral toilets are being banned
They are CHANGING THE EQUALITY ACT so that discrimination against trans people is now allowed
I feel so scared for any trans person living in the UK who are having their rights stripped from them when they already have to work so hard just to survive as it is
Rishi Sunak and the Tory party in general are stripping the rights from people who have fought so hard to have these rights in the first place
Thanks to them, the UK has been classed as one of the top 10 unsafest countries in the UK for trans people
PLEASE spread the word, people's lives are being put at risk
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