#because i currently have more trouble with him than with yumi
warriorled · 25 days
i may not be a big fan of these, but like this post for a one-liner
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mirai-e-jump · 10 months
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Weekly The Television, No. 47 (2002) "Super New Heroes, 7 Consecutive Shots" ft. Various Toku Alumni Short Interviews (translations below)
Publication: November 11, 2002 _
"Passion hidden within his cool gaze" Tetsuji Tamayama (GaoSilver)
"Whether it's TV dramas, movies, or photo books, Tetsuji Tamayama has become very popular. He is currently starring in "Bara no Jujika," playing the role of Kyosuke, a CM director who becomes popular after switching positions with his nephew, Togo. It's a difficult role for him, as he becomes troubled by his secret love for Sumiko, who is Togo's wife."
Tamayama: I'd like to express the depravity of humans when their position and situations change dramatically. I hope I can play out the relationship between Kyosuke and Togo in a way that men can sympathize with.
"In the film "Koi ni Utaeba," he plays the role of Satoru, the ex-boyfriend of Yumi, played by popular actress Yuka."
Tamayama: Everyone, including Takenaka Naoto-san, play such bizarre characters (laughs). I think I might be the only one playing a serious role. However, I wouldn't mind if I could act strangely too.
"Despite your smart appearance, your true colors are often showing."
Tamayama: I don't know if I'm impatient, or just not good at things. Like for example, traveling a long distance just to eat a meal. I'd rather go to a normal restaurant where everything is ready in 15 minutes, than to an Izakaya where the food comes out slowly. I don't want to spend time in places that I think are a wastes of time.
"He's also passionate about acting"
Tamayama: I want to be recognized as an actor. I'd like to challenge myself with a period drama if the opportunity ever arises. Like in Gaoranger, I'd like to experience that kind of world without any prior experience, like the Edo period or the Warring States period.
"A hot and reliable brotherly figure." Noboru Kaneko (GaoRed)
Kaneko: I try to add alot of variety to my performance, as to make sure I don't get bored.
"Noboru Kaneko-san said, describing the joys of acting in a lively manner. Since staring in Gaoranger, he has appeared in multiple dramas and variety shows. He's currently playing a detective in "You're Under Arrest."
Kaneko: I'm alittle worried if I have "the right look." At first, I wanted to portray my character as more of an obnoxious detective, but he's already become such a nice guy (laughs).
"With 7 years of experience as a tennis instructor, he's both athletic and versatile."
Kaneko: People always tell me that I "look like I work out," but I only do push ups at home, and only when I remember to. I'm not a member of any gym, but I sometimes go to my local ward's gym for 400 yen at a time (laughs).
"Fitness seems to be second nature to you."
Kaneko: When I play sports, the first thing I do is image training. I'll picture jumping over the vaulting box or hitting a ball successfully. Image training has also helped me with my acting.
"One of his strengths, is that he can apply his sense of sports into what he plays."
Kaneko: I want to be an actor with a unique style. I don't care if I don't play the leading role, I just want to be the one who will be the most "memorable" after the show ends.
"He's cute enough to want to keep to yourself" Taiyo Sugiura (Ultraman Cosmos)
"Taiyo Sugiura says his role as Musashi in Ultraman Cosmos was his starting point. Recently, he's been appearing on variety shows, including "Midnight Sentai Garinpero" where he serves as one of its MC's. He is active in a variety of works, and is scheduled to make his CD debut next month with his younger brother as a sibling unit."
Sugiura: At first, I didn't think variety was for me, but once you try it, it's alot of fun. I was so happy when I got together with Downtown for the first time on their show "Downtown DX" (laugh). Garinpero is a live show, so I think how it works is that the first person to speak up wins. When speaking live, I use Kansai dialect, because it's easier for me to speak normally than standard Japanese. After this program, I'd like to one day star in a drama with my co-hosts Toshiki Kashu-kun (Agito) and Shioya Shun-kun (HurricaneRed). And then there's the "Winter Special Event: Hot Springs Tour with Everyone" program. Maybe…it'd be alright to just enjoy by myself!?
"Next year, he'll try his hand with theater for the first time."
Sugiura: I came into this world aspiring to become an actor, so I think doing various works will lead me to becoming a successful one. In the future, I'd like to act in movies and play a variety of roles, including cool ones.
"A refreshingly beautiful man with pure eyes." Toshiki Kashu (Kamen Rider Agito)
"Toshiki Kashu-san is set to be an MC for the variety program "Midnight Sentai Garinpero." We can expect to see a different side of him compared to the heroic role he played in "Kamen Rider Agito," which was his breakthrough role."
Kashu: I can learn a lot of things that I have never experienced before, such as presenting in a studio and reporting on location. I used to stay away from anything that I didn't have any interest in. But things have started to change since I became an actor. It's a way of expanding my own world, so I'm looking forward to this program.
"As an actor, he says he is, "not the most distinctive."
Kashu: On the contrary, I've come to think it's probably better that way. I don't want to simply be, "Toshiki Kashyu playing any role," I want to be an actor who can be absorbed into the role. So for now, as I gain experience through various works, and depend on my own talents, one day I'd like to develop my own style. I want to become an actor who can wear any color, carrying around paints of various colors, while always remaining pure white.
"And with that, he showes his determination."
"An "active rider" with a beautiful figure that is a sight to behold!" Takamasa Suga (Kamen Rider Ryuki)
Suga: After being accepted for the role, I told my father, whose response was, "I won't be able to see your face when you become Ryuki!," it was an incredible misunderstanding (laughs).
"Takamasa Suga-kun said. Currently starring in Kamen Rider Ryuki, he looks back on the days when he passed the audition with a nostalgic feeling."
Suga: From the start of filming up until now, things have gone by quick. In the beginning, I would go to the production site, then go home, sleep, and repeat that process every day. I wouldn't even pay attention to what was going on in the world, so I sometimes felt like a recluse. Some have said that the production site of Ryuki is like an all boys school. So from now on, I'm saying, "Let's do training camps and drink for days!" (laughs).
"If we were to compare his co-star, Satoshi Matsuda-kun, to an animal, he says, "A fox! That guy, he's very sharp and smart in almost every way." Suga-kun is also a good looking young man who speaks politely, but what type of woman does he like?
Suga: I'm…actually a really sloppy guy. I get my meals from convenience stores, and my room is always a mess. That's why I'd like to find a firm but caring woman.
"He's also a Kabuki enthusiast."
Suga: I've always loved it, and recently, I've been taking out books to study it more. It's precisely because Kabuki is so difficult that I'm fascinated by it. I hope I can reflect the feeling of Kabuki into my acting.
"A handsome face and smooth voice." Matsuda Satoshi (Kamen Rider Knight)
Matsuda: I'm actually 100 times more cheerful than Ren. When I'm on set, I act like an idiot and am always saying nonsense.
"Satoshi Matsuda-kun said while laughing, he plays the cool Akiyama Ren in Kamen Rider Ryuki. Both his co-stars and he himself admits that he's a lively mood maker. Comparing himself to his co-star Takamasa Suga-kun, he said, "I think we're like cat and dog." He explains, "Sugacchi, who is a very sweet person that is often spoiled, is a dog. I'm a cat because I tend to do things at my own pace."
Matsuda: I like black bass fishing, and on good days, I'll swing about 1,000 casts. During the middle of Winter, I once fished with snow building up on my head. While I'm fishing, I usually call a friend when I have a random though. "What are you up to? Ah, sorry, you see I'm catching fish right now and…" and that's when they'll hang up (laughs).
"At what moment did you feel glad that you became an actor?"
Matsuda: During the filming of the scene where I die in the TV Special, me, Sugacchi, and the rest of the staff were so overwhelmed, that we all started crying. In that moment, I experienced a feeling of unity and joy that I don't think I could experience anywhere else. In the future, I hope to develop a masculine style and atmosphere like that of Takakura Ken-san (famous Showa era actor).
"A gentle, healing "man" full of kindness" Masashi Goda (OhBlue)
With a gentle smile, the charming Masashi Goda-san is currently starring in the drama "Bara no Jujika," passionately playing the role of Junya, a young man who is in love with Aki, a single mother.
Goda: Junya is ready to say to Aki, "I'll take care of you, along with your child," but he really struggles to say it, doesn't he? Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong if the person you love already has children.
"Goda-sans true colors, which seem to overlap with Junya's, is an image that would warmly embrace any woman. When on the set, he's always there to play with the child actors."
Goda: However, if I spoil them too much, they'll say the names of card games and other things I don't know of (laughs). In the past, when I was on location for Ohranger, there was usually a large gathering of children, and as a hero, I couldn't be seen as a bad guy (laughs). I love children, so I'm comfortable playing this role.
"Behind his soft gaze, he reveals his passion for acting."
Goda: Actually, it's not so much "I'd like to play this kind of role," it's more about how much I can expand the role I'm asked to play. That's what I'm more interested in.
"With that, we felt the charm of an adult man in the expression on his face, as he spoke of his sincere thoughts.
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🌹 About Space Train AU 🌹
It is about the Overblot boys from Books 1 - 7, they are a like living in a space train similar to HSR but their primary goal here was explore to find problems and solve them. Spoilers alert for all books incase no one has ever read the TWST story, there will be a read more below.
As for the AU itself it’s purely made for fun only, be well aware of ooc characters.
Back to the topic, it is where the Overblot boys were given a task that is of no return, they are going to live on the train to find traces of trouble tho they can still communicate with their loved ones. The real question is what type of task? A dangerous mission task that does have traces or chances of a person to Overblot. To avoid that chaos they must investigate it, there are some who lives on the train but a few doesn’t by just staying behind to keep their land safe. One thing to note, the boys had already graduated from Night Raven College.
One day while they were doing their own business, there was a sudden application to joint the space train as an opportunity to explore and a chance to trace any signs of either exploration or discovery that they had never seen before.
“Boss” is being referred to Yume/Yumi aka the mun of the blog.
🌹 Riddle Rosehearts
Despite trying to reach his dream, he knew the day that he can find solace in the train. He knew that his mother will strictly force him to become a doctor instead of a lawyer, tho he was able to pass the lawyer exams, some did say that he still has a lot to learn, tho he was one pure reason to join the space train, not only to leave his disastrous family behind but also to explore something so he can find ways to improve himself.
Tho Riddle can’t help but secretly have nightmares about his mother when he sleeps alone, so he stays in the lounge to take a small nap from the sound of the soft music.
Yumi says, “Was is necessary that you would join of the no return?” Sadly Riddle agrees tho he has to be reminded of talking to Trey and Chenya, tho the promising part is that they will see each other even it means no return, Yume and Yumi had to find a perfect solution to help Riddle and the others as much as they can.
He was the leader aka a second in command incase if Yume/Yumi were not present, tho he calls them “Boss”
Unexpectedly his assistant is Azul Ashengrotto which they got along pretty well despite their silly chemistry.
🦁 Leona Kingscholar
He take the train for one reason, stay away from his family. Tho he is constantly reminded by his phone to talk to his friends and family especially Cheka, but where is he currently? Back to his home town for a while since he thinks that he would rather relax at home than in the train, tho expect that he would appear out of nowhere in the train just to relax from inner stress?
One of the other reasons why he likes to relax in the space train was to watch the stars or simply had a peaceful nap, it’s hard to imagine what else he would do aside from guarding the train when the others are not there. Tho he does help out secretly from time to time so that’s a plus.
Tho he is obviously shameless when it comes up to bothering the Boss or Riddle for hunger of meat….
Also believe it or not, he shamelessly loves to mess around with the Boss especially Vil…
He does loves to sleep in his room like a lot, it does relaxes him tho Ruggie had to be summoned in the space train to check on him from time to time.
🐙 Azul Ashengrotto
How is a literal manager of Monstro Lounge taking refuse in a space station, simple. He would love to find other business and they literally had to stop him from doing something silly, tho the Leech twins does visit the space train from time to time just to see how Azul is doing.
Even if he is a busy man as a manager and the assistant, that alone won’t even stop him from bothering Riddle from time to time. Tho I guess it is because Riddle is one reason why Azul is having more fun lately or another reason is that they are both besties at some point, and yet he does like to explore not just to expand his business, but to also gather more info so he can use it for other reasons.
Riddle….why is it a good idea to let Azul be in charge of the data bank.
Silliness aside, Azul also finds Riddle sleeping alone in the lounge and doesn’t know why, that is he called Trey for that specific reason. You may also find him sitting right beside Riddle, even tho he does look like an asshole he does care in a hidden meaning.
Tho he was also thrilled to see Jamil in the train, it does take him back to bother him from time to time.
🐍 Jamie Viper
He does have his concerns for Kalim, he is well aware that he will be fine for real and that he can finally take a break. Sadly that alone was shattered thanks to Kalim’s big brain of causing a silly commotion that he literally have to teleport to take care of him. Tho he also goes to the space train to simply relax into a less stressful view where he can just relax, tho he also helps out assisting when needed.
Sadly he has to get used to Azul bothering him from time to time.
Tho he was on frequent phone from time to time to check if Kalim does message him, he is simply a kind man even if he does act kind and rude at first. However he does have a good relaxation in the lounge, aside from gazing into the stars, he does have a lot of time for himself to watch videos or play games.
Surprisingly the cook on the space train, even if the boss is the one doing the cooking.
💄 Vil Sheonheit
You will simply find him popping out of nowhere to to either relax from stress, practicing in his room, or staring at the view just to gains inspiration. Tho he sadly can’t be in the trains 24/7 he does have a lot of work to do for his carrier, but when you find him appearing out of nowhere the answer is simple, he just want to relax is all.
He would obviously replay the lounge music to his own composed music so he can practice it one by one, tho the others and the boss don’t mind it at all, they just simply let him do his thing….unless Leona appeared out of nowhere in a grumpy mood.
Since Vil is part of the space train crew, he won’t hesitate to give literally everyone a beauty check before telling them what would they recommend the most for their own beauty, expect for a few which it’s pretty obvious. Tho his rivalry with Negire is still pretty high, he takes it with pride as the villain.
Tho Vil also recommend the boss to add a new space room where everyone can enjoy a spa day.
🎮 Idia Shroud
He is in the space train at the first, the second he is at his home doing Styx Stuff and Gaming to keep the sealed 10,000 Phantoms at bay, tho he has to admit that the space train does give him ideas about what game will he programmed or just simply got reminded of his favorites. You can find him in his room, tho he can be found in the lounge alone when everyone is sleeping. Tho Ortho also appear in the space train to simply visit everyone on Idia’s behalf.
Interestingly enough Idia is in charge of the data bank, he knows the access to the files and what not. Tho it does sound scary at first, but he does that just to find something that the others don’t. Tho he does play a lot of games in his space train room just to enjoy, like there was no reason for him to just walk around tirelessly.
Putting that aside, Idia somehow managed to get some side missions down like locating the next Overblot person, locating the next phantom to eliminate. Literally the second in hand coordinator.
Tho he still has that rude habits or roasting people in a bad way which can piss Riddle off so easily, tho it’s find when Idia literally says “Nostalgia” or “Deja vu where u at?” Is the words he said before being chased by Riddle of all people, tho he thinks it’s funny.
🍦Malleus Draconia
He is the rarest of them all to ever appear on the space train he can appear out of nowhere wherever he pleased, tho he does appear for one reason. That is to have a peaceful time when Sebek can’t stop yelling his name, tho he appears alone but sometimes greeted by either the boss or Riddle by any chance. Malleus does seem to be the type to decorate his space room with a figurines of gargoyles.
Even tho he is the strongest alive, he does have his funny habits to appearing out of nowhere with ice cream on his hands. He can be silly at times wherever he wants too, plus he goes to Idia about the dragon egg portable toy which actually startles poor Idia. Tho Mallues can’t help but feel solemn at times like this, after all he still cherish the memories.
The last time he honestly enjoy his time in the train the most is when everyone was at the lounge waiting for him after inviting him for a delicious dinner party. It was honestly fun for him.
Tho the boss and Riddle had to remind Malleus not to use his magic in the train.
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miss-atena · 4 months
about my last request, could you get Yumi to talk about her family, who comes from a family of spies and assassins and is the current leader, that kind of thing please
This is the first time I ever got requested for a continuation omg dghsgdhsgah!! I'm glad you enjoyed it enough, and I hope you proceed to enjoy this one! (BTW thanks for sending me the stuff of the Yozakura family to read, it really helped me!)
CW: Talks of violence and crimes, low-key bad childhood(?)
Jamil Viper x Yumi Yozakura - Lunchbreak talk
After a restless night for Yumi and Jamil, albeit for different reasons, the sun arose. Grim was especially insistent this morning on going early to class... for some reason. When Yumi arrived, though, it was made obvious. They had a shared class with Jack, and Grim wanted to hide behind him to sleep. With Professor Trein's voice in the background, Yumi made a plan on how to explain everything she needed to Jamil. She would be lying if she said it didn't eat her inside keeping such a big secret from the one she loved the most, but she also was afraid of him avoiding her. Hopefully, he would not do that.
It would be an understatement to say that the rest of the classes were boring. Besides potionology, in which Yumi had a laugh at Jack having to wear a net to not get fur on any recipe, everything was plain. As much as a magical world was interesting, school is still school. But soon, the bell rang, and the last class of the morning was over, which meant the time had come.
Ace and Deuce invited Yumi to sit with them, but she only put Grim sitting with them and told them to not let him break any chandelier again. Grim was not happy to not be with his henchhuman, but Deuce fed him to keep him from causing trouble.
And then... there she was. Sitting by Jamil's side, while he unpacked the food for Kalim, who was happily chatting with other Scarabia students across the table.
"Jamil? I... er... oh shit how do I begin this..." "Is it what we discussed yesterday?" "Yes." "Well, in that case, you can talk at your own pace. I didn't literally mean to talk to me everything, you know?" His tone had the slightest bit of a tease, and he had the faintest of smiles. so faint, in fact, that if you saw him from afar, you wouldn't notice it. "I'm... I'm not a normal girl." "That I already was aware." "Wow, thanks for the comforting affirmations..." Yumi said in a playful banter but continued "I mean, like, not even in my world. I'm not a normal girl, at all." "I would like to think that is a good thing, but from your expressions, I can already tell it is not." "... I'm from a family of spies and assassins"
Jamil choked on his words and had everyone at the table looking at him. Not what he needed, truly.
"what do you mean by that? Why didn't you tell me beforehand?" The boy seemed much more defensive, and way less receptible to whatever she was about to say. "Jamil, please calm down, okay? This was exactly why I didn't want to tell you, or anyone for that matter. I don't... I don't want to be left alone. I don't want people leaving me because of all my family has done, does, and probably will continue to do." after a pause, she muttered in a whispery tone "Especially you..." "... what type of spies and assassins?" "The type that doesn't let bad people crawl into power." "That's why you know how to fight?" "I, um, actually know more than that. That's self-defense, I also know another 4 martial arts. And how to deal with weapons. And know 5 languages. And also-" "Okay, okay, I got it. But... for how long has this been going on?" "I'm from the... uhm... 10th? generation of the family that does this. I'm actually supposed to be the leader, for uhm... how do I explain this... You know how you all have a unique spell? yeah, people in my family also have one. but in each generation, a girl will be born without it, and that girl is supposed to keep the lineage going, and be the leader." "Okay, that is important information but not what I meant. For how long do you know all that stuff?" "my whole life? I guess... I mean, I knew I was gonna be the leader at 8, and have been preparing since then. Y'know... small quantity of poison, to build immunity. physical and mental training... the sorts."
Jamil paused, staring at the girl. It felt... almost familiar. Seeing someone who didn't manage to have a normal life, albeit for different reasons than his. It was a mix of feelings in his chest. He felt like he was not alone in his life experiences, but also sad that Yumi had to go through all that.
The silence was broken by Yumi holding Jamil's hands in hers. A never felt before roughness in them.
"Are you leaving me?" Although it was mean, Jamil didn't help but let a small chuckle leave his lips. "No. I'm not." "What are the love birds talking about? Oh! Will Yumi teach me those cool moves? Hyah, Huah, Psh Pow!" "We already talked about this, Kalim. She will not."
Yumi felt a sense of relief fill her body, as she giggled at the two boys. She felt so happy around Jamil... And she was happy he was not letting whatever her family is or does interfere with what he feels, although she didn't know the true reasoning behind it. That being he felt not alone in what he lived.
Maybe soulmates do exist, even if from another world. And maybe, just maybe, this was the Happily Ever After they deserved.
Hope you enjoyed it! Tried a more slow start and dialogue-heavy, compared to the last one. They complete each other so well, don't they? Have a great Day/Night!
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semie78 · 2 years
Hey do you have any good Code Lyoko fics that focus particularly on angst or the trauma the Lyoko Warriors went through? I've been trying to find some good ones, I saw you mention a fic where Yumi went to therapy and I was wondering if there were any more fics out there thay examine the trauma the warriors faced.
I'm a week late but hello~ I have a few recs but not all of them fit 100% on examining their trauma, you might have read these already but I hope you enjoy them! (and if anyone has anymore pls share!!! I haven't gotten a chance to read much lately)
Out of Time by That_G3_Obsessive
Dr Elaine Charpentier was well-respected in her field. As one of the best psychotherapists in the Paris area, she was no stranger to strange and difficult cases. However, when fifteen-year-old Yumi Ishiyama came into her office with reports of troubles at school, something seemed off about the girl. For starters, no one had been able to find out what exactly the problem was. Well, if there was one thing Elaine loved, it was a challenge. She was determined to figure out exactly what Yumi's problem was... Whatever the cost. This is the therapy fic that anon mention if anyone is curious it's so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And So They Lived by Sheep_with_teeth
He was staring out the window at the rapidly darkening sky when his phone buzzed, and his heart jumped into his throat. Adrenaline shot through him and then drained away, leaving him flushed and dizzy. U kn com bk now. It didn’t say XANA. It never does anymore. Now all his phone screen ever tells him is: You are a normal teenager, Odd Della Robbia. We’re sorry for any inconvenience that war over the entire planet might have caused you. Please get back to your regularly scheduled programming of being a dork with roommate problems. Another message popped up on his screen, a real one: Buy twinkies. This one is more light hearted and more odd/sissi focus and I definitely need to reread this again<3
Goodbyes by amorekay
"Did you read my diary?" Odd stills, and then turns his head toward Ulrich, frowning. "Yes," he admits, hesitantly, after a beat. A short but good one~ man I miss kay's fics <3 def check her other works too
You might need me more than you think you will. by amorekay
If Sissi's noticed that Aelita's nightmares have gotten worse steadily over the past week as she looks paler and paler in class, she's not going to admit anything.
Solace by dame_de_la_chance
Odd has been avoiding Jeremie for some time now, and Jeremie attempts to get to the bottom of his strange behavior. This fic man!!!! I love fics like these and even tho this fic doesn't mention it, if you like the garage kids plot with powers on earth chance has some other fics you can read like that!!
Old Habits Die Hard by BewitchingNotes
Everyone's having trouble grasping the fact that they aren't the Lyoko Warriors anymore. Sissi knocks Aelita down during gym and finds herself being kicked to the ground by Odd.
List by lunesolei
Here-in lies the twenty-five things Ulrich is unlikely to mention. Here-in lie the twenty-five things Yumi keeps quiet about. Here-in reside the twenty-five things Jeremie doesn't really disclose. Hear ye, hear ye, here-in are the 25 things Odd doesn't really bring up. THIS SERIES MAN IT'S SO AMAZING DEF ONE OF MY TOP CL FIC RECS I DONT KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT, EACH STORY HAS SUCH A GOOD FOCUS ON THE CHARACTERS AND IT JUST GIVES YOU A WHIPLASH OF EMOTIONS. It's currently on odd's chapter which has 5 chapters left then aelita is next, but yeah I really like this one everyone should check it out.
Saturday Morning Cartoons by YoshiStack
Their fight is over, but sometimes old habits still die hard. At least it'll make a great story one day down the line. Yoshi's fics >>>>> def read their other works!
Celui qui n’avance pas, recule by quiter10
Odd organizes a videogame tournament, Sissi gives the okay, and Jeremie reflects on the past, present and future—because whether he likes it or not, life goes on. Really great read love all the little details put in!
15 by YoshiStack
Kiwi has been a very good boy for a long time. He'll be 15 in June. I apologize this one is just pain B')
That's What Friends Are For by YoshiStack
In the aftermath of the Franz Hopper incident, the others realize they never got a chance to properly celebrate his birthday. Jeremy has feelings about it. And he's bad at feelings. kids being kids with a mix of pain my favorite B')
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cryingcow · 3 years
Character Story - Yumi [RGGO]
After a couple weeks of seeing babies, I am back to online classes :D I’ve had half of this done for months, but in the end the motivation I needed to finish this in a week was 1) people still waiting for it, and 2) the fact that there is absolutely no Kansai speak here after how hard doing Minami’s was XD Thank you to @arysthaeniru​, @snuggetfish​, and @integralcalculus​ for voting for Yumi! Sorry for how long it took!
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(Don’t be fooled by the card picture, this does not take place in 2005 :< )
Story: Yumi works at Serena with another hostess and feels inadequate in comparison up until said hostess leaves to join a prostitution ring, at which point she reveals her secret ability.
Notes: 耳が痛いわ or “my ears hurt” - means something like “that’s painfully true” (spiritually, it probably means “haha oof yeah”).
|Kamurocho – 1992.|
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Serena Customer: “Oh? Yumi-chan, you haven’t touched your alcohol. Is it not to your liking?”
Yumi: “No, that’s not it, President. It’s just . . .”
President: “Come to think of it, Yumi-chan isn’t a heavy drinker of alcohol.”
Yumi: “Yeah, well . . .”
President: “Haha, you don’t have to overdo it.”
Yumi: (I shouldn’t cause the customers concern . . . really, I . . .)
{The door opens.}
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Reina: “Oh, Yuu-chan. Welcome back.”
Yuu: “I’m back! Mama, I went shopping!”
Reina: “Thank you. Can you stay to assist Yumi-chan?”
Yuu: “Okay.”
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Yuu: “Good evening, I’m Yuu. May I disturb you?”
President: “Oh, you’re cute! Sit down, sit down!”
Yuu: “Pardon me!”
Reina: “Wait, Yuu-chan. Is this all you bought? Some items are missing.”
Yuu: “Eh, it’s not enough? That’s funny~, I confirmed everything was all there.”
President: “Ahaha! Yuu-chan, are you saying it fell out?”
Yuu: “You know~? I often make mistakes~! Like last time . . .”
Yumi: “. . . President, may I leave my seat for a moment? I’m going to go buy more.”
President: “Yeah sure, sure! I’m having fun with Yuu-chan!”
Yumi: “. . . Well then, excuse me.”
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Yumi: “Alright, that’s everything. I have to get back quickly . . .”
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Drunk Thug: “Oh?! It’s Yumi-chan of Serena!”
Yumi: “Eh?”
Drunk Thug: “We’ve gone drinking a few times before. I feel like this is fate~! We met tonight because of it, so let’s go drinking together!”
Yumi: “I’m sorry, I have to get back to the bar . . .”
Drunk Thug: “Huuh?! Come on!!”
Yumi: “Kyaa?! Don’t pull! It hurts!”
Drunk Thug: “Heh, you’re always so high and mighty. Come to think of it, you never join in when I start drinking. The other hostess with you is Yuu, right? That one was more entertaining.”
Yumi: “. . . !”
Drunk Thug: “That’s it! Starting now, I’ll teach you how to please your customers.”
Yumi: “No, let go!”
Male voice: “Oi, you thug. What are you doing?”
Drunk Thug: “Huh?”
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Yumi: “Shi-Shinji-kun?!”
Shinji: “Yumi-san, are you alright?”
Yumi: “Y-Yup. But, this person . . .”
Drunk Thug: “What do you want?!”
Shinji: “Don’t say bad words. If this is a pick-up, make your move somewhere else.”
Drunk Thug: “This is going to be fun . . . you wanna be messed up?! Apologize, hey!”
Yumi: “Shinji-kun, this is dangerous!”
Shinji: “Yumi-san, please stand back. I’ll deal with him.”
Drunk Thug: “Hah! I’m not scared of some kid! I’ll show you!”
{Shinji beats up the drunk.}
Drunk Thug: “Damn it, I’ll get you for this!”
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Shinji: “Geez . . . I’m relieved you’re okay, Yumi-san.”
Yumi: “Thank you. But why is Shinji-kun here?”
Shinji: “I had something to do in the area and was walking nearby when I heard Yumi-san’s voice, so I came rushing in.”
Yumi: “I see. You really helped me.”
Shinji: “Hehe, it’s not a big deal. Something else might happen, so I’ll escort you to Serena.”
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Yumi: “Thank you for escorting me to the bar. Ah, I know. Let me treat you to a drink as thanks.”
Shinji: “I’d be glad to, but I still have work to do . . . I’ll drop by the bar again some other time.”
Yumi: “I see . . . Yup. That’s alright.”
Shinji: “. . . Yumi-san, is something wrong? You don’t look fine.”
Yumi: “. . . I was thinking about how I’m always just getting help from someone.”
Shinji: “No, that’s not the case! Kiryu-san and Nishikiyama-san say that Yumi-san simply being there for them is soothing.”
Yumi: “Eh . . . ? Really?”
Shinji: “Really! I think the same way! So please stay as you are, Yumi-san.  . . . Oh, I need to get to my Aniki. See ya!”
{Shinji runs off.}
Yumi: (Shinji-kun says that . . . I should stay as I am . . . should I really?)
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Reina: “Oh, Yumi-chan! Welcome back. It’s late, did something happen?”
Yumi: “No, everything’s fine. I just took my time in shopping.”
Yuu’s voice: “Ahaha! That’s right~!”
Reina: “The President and Yuu-chan are enjoying themselves.”
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Yumi: (The President is drinking a lot . . . but he looks like he’s having fun, isn’t he?)
Reina: “Yuu-chan is amazing, even though it’s only been half a year since she became a hostess.”
Yumi: “Yeah, I can’t get the President to drop his reservations that quickly . . .”
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Yuu: “So then, President. Please continue the story you were telling earlier!”
President: “Hahaha! I’m glad I got to know Yuu-chan today!”
Yumi: (Do I even need to be here? With Yuu-chan here, I’m not necessary . . . )
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Yumi: “Good morning.”
Reina: “Oh, Yumi-chan! You’re not with Yuu-chan?”
Yumi: “Eh? She hasn’t come in yet? Shouldn’t she have an early shift today . . .”
Reina: “That’s right. I tried to contact her, but the call wouldn’t go through . . .”
Yumi: “Maybe she’s just late again? I’ll go change clothes for the time being and help out.”
{The phone rings.}
Reina: “Oh, a phone call.  . . . Yes, this is Serena. Ah, Yuu-chan! It’s already time for your shift . . . Eh? Wait a minute! So sudden . . . the call dropped.”
Yumi: “What’s wrong? Was the call from Yuu-chan?”
Reina: “It was . . . Yuu-chan’s quitting from the bar.”
Yumi: “Eh?”
Reina:” That’s all she said before the call cut off.”
Yumi (Why? Even though the President liked her so much.)
Reina: “I wonder what happened all of a sudden . . . I hope it’s nothing.”
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Yumi: “Thank you, please come again.”
Office Worker Customer: “Of course, Yumi-chan. But I’m lonely without Yuu-chan~.”
Yumi: “Fufu, don’t say that.”
{The customer leaves.}
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Reina: “It’s been a week since Yuu-chan quit. It’s lonely because of her sudden disappearance.”
Yumi: “Yup . . . it was a little too sudden. Maybe something happened.”
Reina: “. . . I failed to tell you at the time, but Yuu-chan said this. ‘I quit because I found a place I can make more money’.”
Yumi: “Eh? Serena pays pretty well. More than that . . .”
Reina: “Yup. I’m worried that it’s a dangerous place. I’ve called several times since then, but I couldn’t get in touch with Yuu-chan. I hope she’s alright . . . I worry something fishy is going on. Ah, Yumi-chan, a customer. Welcome~!”
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Regular Customer: “Reina-mama, is Yuu-chan in?”
Reina: “Sorry. Yuu-chan quit a while ago.”
Regular Customer: “Ah, then . . . was the kid in that shop Yuu-chan?”
Reina: “Eh, did you see Yuu-chan somewhere?”
Regular Customer: “Yeah, in the cabaret club I came from, there’s a new hostess who looked like Yuu-chan. Well, I couldn’t see the face clearly because I wasn’t in my seat.”
Reina: “I see, a cabaret club . . . did she look okay?”
Regular Customer: “Hmm, I wonder . . . I’m really worried if that is Yuu-chan.”
Yumi: “. . . Why?”
Regular Customer: “That cabaret club seems to have changed management recently, and the evaluation is not good. Rumor has it they’re forcing girls into recruitment for prostitution.”
Yumi: “Forcing into prostitution . . . ? That’s a crime!”
Reina: “Calm down, Yumi-chan.”
Regular Customer: “It’s just rumors. If you’re worried, would you like to go there? Here’s the club’s business card.”
Reina: “Understood, thank you.”
Yumi: (Recruiting for prostitution . . . If that’s true, is Yuu-chan aware of it . . . ?)
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Yumi: (This is the address on the business card . . . Yuu-chan is in this cabaret club. Someone came out . . . that’s-!)
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Yumi: “Yuu-chan!”
Yuu: “Whoa, Senpai? What are you doing here?”
Yumi: “I was worried about how Yuu-chan was . . . I heard from a customer that you work here.”
Yuu: “Hmm? Is that so?”
Yumi: “. . . Hey, Yuu-chan. Is your current workplace enjoyable?”
Yuu: “. . . It’s fun, I can make a lot of money. See, please take a look. I was able to buy the necklace I wanted right away!”
Yumi: “I see . . . that’s good. I was worried because I heard bad rumors about the club Yuu-chan is working at.”
Yuu: “Don’t worry. Besides, Senpai and I aren’t working together anymore, right?”
Yumi: (Certainly, she’s already quit Serena, so it’s just as Yuu-chan says . . .)
Man’s voice: “Where’s my Yuu?”
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Yumi: “Ah, sorry. I’m just here to see a friend . . .”
Mild-mannered Man: “Is that right. However, Yuu has work after this . . . can you come back some other time?”
Yumi: (. . . This person, I wonder. I can’t put a finger on it, but he makes me uncomfortable . . .)
Mild-mannered Man: “Are you alright?”
Yumi: “. . . Yes. Yuu-chan, sorry for disturbing you from your work.”
Yuu: “. . .”
Mild-mannered Man: “Yuu, what are you standing around for? Hurry up and let’s go.”
Yuu: “. . . Yes sir.”
Yumi: “. . . U-Um!”
Mild-mannered Man: “Something else you want?”
Yumi: “Yuu-chan, she’s not in trouble, is she?”
Mild-mannered Man: “. . . Yeah. Don’t worry. Rest assured. If there’s nothing else, we’ll take our leave.”
{Yuu and the man walk off.}
Yumi: (Yuu-chan looks fine . . . but . . .)
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Yakuza-like Man A: “Oh, it’s a beautiful Nee-chan. If you’re depressed, shall we comfort you?”
Yumi: “I-I’m fine. Excuse me . . . !”
Yakuza-like Man B: “Now, don’t say that. After all our effort?”
Yumi: “Kyaa . . . ! Don’t grab my arm!”
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Kiryu: “Oi, what are you doing?”
Yakuza-like Man A: “Aah? Who are you?”
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Yumi: “Kazuma!”
Kiryu: “Yumi, I’m here to help now.”
Yakuza-like Man B: “Kazuma . . . is this guy Kiryu Kazuma?! The one called the Dragon of Dojima . . . !”
Yakuza-like Man A: “Haw, that’s something. I’ve only heard the rumors, Kiryu-san. It’s a good opportunity. We’ll beat you and be the ones to name you!”
{Kiryu beats up the yakuza. They run away.}
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Kiryu: “Are you injured, Yumi?”
Yumi: “I’m alright. Thank you for your help, Kazuma. For us to meet in such a place . . .”
Kiryu: “There’s something I wanted to check around here. That’s why I was passing by. Those men . . . they’re guys from the Takezuka Family. So that means the rumors are true?”
Yumi: “What do you mean?”
Kiryu: “This area is our territory, but I heard the Takezuka Family is moving in on it. It seems some stores have been crushed because of this situation. They must have been bought off . . .”
Yumi: (. . . If Kazuma’s story is true, then the man with Yuu-chan a while ago . . . I’m not sure . . . but I have to go. Mama and the regulars didn’t know!)
Yumi: “Sorry, Kazuma! I remembered I have a little errand!”
{Yumi runs off.}
Kiryu: “Oi, Yumi?!”
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Yumi: “Haa, haa . . .”
Yumi: (Should be around here . . . ah! There!)
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Yuu: “Um . . .”
Mild-mannered Man: “What? Are you going to say you want to quit now?”
Yuu: “No, I just wanted to finish this as soon as possible.”
Mild-mannered Man: “I see. Then head inside . . .”
Yumi: “Yuu-chan!!”
Yuu: “Senpai? Why are you here?”
Yumi: “That person might be a yakuza. I thought Yuu-chan might be in danger . . .”
Yuu: “. . . I know this person is the captain of the Takezuka Family, we’re here together.”
Yumi: “Eh . . . ?!”
Yuu: “Why doesn’t Senpai come with us? See, Kiryu Kazuma . . . you get along with him well, don’t you?”
Yumi: “That is . . .”
Takezuka Family Captain: “Kiryu? That’s good to hear.  . . . Looks like you can be used.”
{The captain grabs Yumi.}
Takezuka Family Captain: “Would you like to come with us too? Oops, don’t make any noise. See this?”
Yumi: (He has a handgun pointed at me . . . !)
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Takezuka Family Captain: “Now then, why don’t you behave yourself here?”
Yumi: “. . . Trapping us here, what are you planning to do with us?”
Takezuka Family Captain: “You’ll understand soon enough. Oh, you guys, keep an eye on the woman. I’ll come back out in a moment.”
{The captain leaves.}
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Yumi: “Yuu-chan, are you alright?”
Yuu: “Why are you worrying about me more than I am? I’m here for work.”
Yumi: “Work . . . for a yakuza? You don’t even know what that entails.”
Yuu: “So what are you trying to say?”
Yumi: “Yuu-chan . . . ?”
Yuu: “As long as you make money, it doesn’t matter if the other party is a yakuza.”
Yumi: “. . .”
Takezuka Family Member A: “Yo, Nee-chan. You’re free while you’re waiting, right? Come give us a hand.”
Yuu: “I don’t want to. Because it’s not part of my job.”
Takezuka Family Member B: “Heh, saying something so cheeky. You don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into, do you? You are our product. It’s your job to do what we say.”
Yuu: “If you’re with the Captain, you don’t have to listen to what the underlings say.”
Takezuka Family Member A: “. . . Geez, it seems like there’s a need for you to be educated.”
Yuu: “Wait, ow! Don’t grab my hair!”
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Yumi: “Let go of Yuu-chan!”
{Yumi slaps the yakuza holding Yuu.}
Takezuka Family Member A: “Haw, I’ll admit Nee-chan has courage. But Nee-chan and Yuu are in a bad position now, aren’t they?”
Yumi: “. . . !”
Takezuka Family Member B: “You should give us compensation, yeah?!”
Yumi: (If it comes to that . . . !)
Yumi: “. . . I’m the one who raised my hand. So I’ll be the one to keep you company.”
Takezuka Family Member A: “Hehe, so you understand?”
Yumi: (To get out of this situation . . . what can I do . . . Ah! That’s it . . . !)
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Yumi: “Do you guys like alcohol? It seems there’s a lot of liquor lined up over there.”
Takezuka Family Member A: “Yeah, I like alcohol. Especially the alcohol I drink with a woman like Nee-chan.”
Yumi: “Then I’ll drink it with you.  . . . If you can get me drunk, I’ll do whatever you like.”
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Yuu: “Senpai, what are you saying?! You can’t hold your liquor at all!”
Takezuka Family Member B: “Oi oi, you can’t drink but you want to compete in a drinking contest with us?”
Takezuka Family Member A: “Well, it’s entertainment before the actual fun. I’ll take you up on that.”
Yumi: “Well then, let’s get started.”
{Yumi and the yakuza down drink after drink.}
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Takezuka Family Member A: “Uugh . . . I can’t drink anymore . . .”
Takezuka Family Member B: “Uughp . . . ! Lo-Losing to a woman at drinking alcohol . . .”
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Yumi: “Are you alright? I’m only just getting started in drinking.”
Yuu: “Whoa . . . so many liquor bottles emptied out.”
Takezuka Family Member A: “Wh-What the hell is this . . . weren’t you weak at handling alcohol . . . ?”
Yumi: “Are you already at your limit?”
Takezuka Family Member B: “Shit . . . ! Everything is spinning in front of me . . .”
Yumi: “Yuu-chan, now’s our chance . . . !”
Takezuka Family Member A: “Don’t be silly . . . we won’t let you escape . . . !”
Yumi: (All right . . . ! With such unsteady opponents, I can do something!)
{Yumi beats up the drunk yakuza.}
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Takezuka Family Member A: “O-Ow . . . I’m also feeling sick . . . ! Uuugh!”
Yumi: “Hooray . . . ! Quickly, before it’s too late . . .”
{The yakuza collapse. The door opens as someone comes running in.}
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Kiryu: “Yumi, are you safe?!”
Yumi: “Kazuma?!”
Kiryu: “. . . What’s this, what’s going on?”
Yumi: “Kazuma, why are you here?”
Kiryu: “I was contacted by the Takezuka Family saying they had you in their custody. They called me and said they had the intention of getting rid of you.”
Yumi: “Are you okay?”
Kiryu: “Heh . . . they weren’t a big problem. Even so, it’s good I arrived before they sold you off.”
Yumi: “. . . What does it mean to be sold?”
Kiryu: “These guys weren’t just mediating prostitution. They were selling the women they gathered to overseas organizations.”
Yuu: “. . . I didn’t know that.”
Kiryu: “Even the Dojima Family had trouble getting a lead on it.”
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Yuu: “Was Senpai aware? That they were that kind of a dangerous organization.”
Yumi: “Not at all . . . this is the first I heard of it.”
Yuu: “. . . Aren’t you too fearless? Despite that, you still challenged them at a contest.”
Yumi: “It’s thanks to Yuu-chan.”
Yuu: “. . . Ha?”
Yumi: “I . . . I wasn’t confident in myself. At first I wanted to be someone that can be relied on, so I tried to help Yuu-chan. But when I saw Yuu-chan, that’s when I realized. If you really want to be confident, you need to possess a sufficiently strong will within yourself. That’s why I was able to act like that. Without Yuu-chan, I wouldn’t have had self-confidence.”
Yuu: “. . . In that case, I don’t need to thank you. Ah, but now what should I do? I’m going to lose my job.”
Yumi: “How about you come back to Serena? Mama and the regulars are waiting for Yuu-chan.”
Yuu: “. . . I don’t want to. As if I’ll accept Senpai’s help. If I do, just like with the President the other day, I’m told nothing but stories of Senpai.”
Yumi: “Stories of me . . . ?”
Yuu: “’Yumi-chan cares about my physical condition, right?’ . . . is all the President says. You can drink so much, and yet you don’t drink at the bar because you’re thinking about the customers . . . that’s it, isn’t it? Ultimately, instead of revealing that to customers, you’d rather be a lousy liar.”
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Yumi: “. . . My ears hurt.”
Yuu: “Well, that’s my reason. I wonder if I should go back to the countryside.”
Yumi: “I see . . . it’ll be lonely.”
Yuu: “You won’t be saying stuff like that for long. When I return, I’ll overtake Senpai right away.”
Yumi: “Fufu, then I’ll have to work harder. So that I can fight back when Yuu-chan returns.”
Yumi: (From this moment on, instead of being helped, I will be the one who helps others.)
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buginateacup · 3 years
I barely hit post on the last fic when a new idea came in
The disguise watch was going to be fantastic. Miss Ritchi would never see it coming. He would lure her under the pretence of being one of her coworkers out into the crowded street, reveal himself in a flash of pyrotechnics and smoke bombs, and they would be away in the invisible car before she had the chance to call him an inconsiderate ass for interrupting her workday again.
If she was willing to leave the office for coffee, she should be prepared to suffer the possibility of being kidnapped. She was never gone more than an hour or two anyway. Honestly he didn't see what the problem was.
In the guise of Roxanne's friend and coworker Yumi Nakata, Megamind leaned on the side of the lovely, delightful, charming, witty Roxanne Miss Ritchi's cubicle and cleared his throat, preparing to make the offer of coffee. He'd spend twelve hours watching Yumi's weather reports to make sure he could correctly imitate her cadence and voice. Yumi's tinted shades sat on his nose, disguising the bright green of his eyes
It turns out he needn't have bothered. Roxanne looked up and flashed a smile that stopped him in his tracks. "Nearly done," she sang brightly, typing rapidly without looking at her screen, "Coffee time?"
Megamind nodded dumbly, still blinking away the aftereffects of her smile. Roxanne typed for a moment longer then hit save and shut her laptop triumphantly, grabbing her purse, "Let's go, I'm craving scones."
"Oh I could get those for you Roxaroo," Megamind jumped, he hand't noticed Hal Schtewart sneaking up behind them. Roxanne paused and looked flatly at him, "We're good thanks Hal"
"No seriously, no trouble!"
“Honestly, we’re fine.”
Megamind subtly knocked the 700ml energy drink in the cameraman's hand all over him, "Oh look at that," he cried in a passable attempt at Yumi's soft voice, "You better clean that up before the wasps in the courtyard are attracted by the smell. Their stings are quite painful you know"
Roxanne was fighting back a giggle as Schtewart rushed away yelping that he could feel them coming for him already.
"Yumi, I love you" Roxanne said seriously. She looped her arm through Megamind's and started tugging him downstairs and towards the little hole in the wall coffeeshop around the corner.
Oh. Oops. He thought she would go for the coffee cart that parked out front. That was where Minion was waiting. Hmm. Maybe they were getting takeaway? He could work with that. They would just start the show when they were nearly back to the office.
Roxanne chattered about nothing, sparing a moment to thank Megamind-as-Yumi again for his deft handling of Hal as they walked arm in arm to the tiny cafe. They waved at the barista who nodded and greeted them cheerfully, 
"Morning ladies," he called in a broad Australian accent, "The usual?" Roxanne pushed Megamind into what was clearly a regular booth and headed to the counter, "And scones please Nico"
Megamind fiddled uncertainly with the napkin holder. This hadn't been part of the plan. He didn't know enough of their friendship to fake a conversation. He'd have to let Roxanne lead. Hopefully Yumi wasn't much of a chatterbox.
Roxanne returned with two mugs, pushing a lethal black looking potion in front of Megamind "Be right back, prepare for bitching."
The actual Yumi, stuffed into the top drawer of her work desk, might have appreciated a reprieve from the weekly Roxanne whines about her lack of love life session. But she was also currently a cube so she didn't much in the way of an opinion on the matter. 
 Megamind sipped cautiously at the cup, hid a grimace and dumped eight packets of sugar into the bitter concoction when Roxanne headed back to collect their scones.
"You okay?" Roxanne asked when she returned with a split scone lathered in jam and cream, "You've been quiet,"
Megamind coughed on a sip of coffee, "Just ah..." he gestured at his throat, "Got a tickle, I'm being careful."
That seemed to set her mind at ease, Roxanne relaxed and sipped her coffee. "So I feel like this week will be a giant robot kind of week" she said conspiratorially.
"You think?" Megamind squeaked.
"Maybe," Roxanne shrugged, "I just have that feeling. There's always at least one big one every thee months, I think this will be it."
"Okay" Megamind nodded awkwardly, steam from the coffee fogging Yumi’s glasses. The Centipedinator wasn't really a giant robot so much as a collection of medium to large robots working in tandem. But it was concerning that Miss Ritchi had apparently figured out that he had a pattern he wasn't aware of himself.
Roxanne dumped two sugars into her coffee and stirred viciously before taking a large gulp "I swear to god if I don't get caffeine before that blue alien genius picks me up again..." she trailed off threateningly.
"You forgot incredibly handsome" Megamind said before he could stop himself. Fuck oops, he was really bad at this disguise thing. What help was a mask when you were still the same idiot underneath?
Instead of staring or laughing Roxanne put her hand in her face and groaned, "I know" she cried tragically, "God I'm pathetic."
She is anything but that, apparently Megamind’s expression on Yumi's face was enough to get the message across because Roxanne laughed.
"Will you be scared?" he asked hopefully, maybe he can consider this unexpected coffee session reconnaissance, find out what might actually make her scream.
"Scared of telling him I want to pin him to the control desk and peel him out of all that leather with my teeth maybe" Roxanne sighed.
Megamind spluttered coffee all over the table. What?
Roxanne grinned, handing him a pile of paper napkins "Sorry I shouldn't tease"
Teasing. Right. She was teasing. Evil Gods he is really bad at this disguise thing.
79 notes · View notes
blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #608: Lucario Meets the Pineapple (SSBU X Fire Emblem Fates)
12:00 p.m. at Hoshido.......
Kamui: Takumi!~ (Happily Hugs Her Little Brother Tightly) It's sooooo great to finally see you again!~
Takumi: (Smiles a Little) It's good to see you too, Kamui...... I...see you've gotten really strong as of late...
Kamui: Oh! (Immediately Lets Go of Takumi Before Giggling Softly) Sorry about that.
Takumi: No worries. Truth be told, I...kinda missed you hugs.
Kamui: (Heart Begins to Melt) Aww~
Takumi: (Takes a Look at a Blue Looking Animal Standing Next to his Slightly Older Sister) Uhh... Kamui, who's this?
Kamui: Takumi, this is Lucario! My new mentor from Smash Town!
Lucario: (Smiles a bit Shyly While Holding in Paw up Towards Takumi) A pleasure to finally meet you.
Takumi: (Smiles Back While Shaking Lucario's Paws) Likewise. Are you really a spirit animal of some kind?
Lucario: I'm a Pokemon. Though, you could say that I'm from the canine side of the family....
Takumi: (Gives Lucario a Confused Look on his Face) A Pokemon? What's that?
Lucario: Well, you see, it's-
Kamui: (Smiles Excitedly) We can explain what they are later. I wanna see what how much this place change since I was gone. It's been so long! (Carelessly Sprints Her Way Towards the Town of Hoshido)
Lucario/Takumi: Kaumi! Wait for....(Sighs Once They Realize Kamui Was Already Long Gone) Us.
Lucario: Was she always this impatient when you first met her?
Takumi: Somewhat.
Hoshidan Restaurant.....
Kamui: Everyone is already busy?
Takumi: Yep. Ryoma is attending meeting, Hinoka is already assigned to a mission with her retainers, and Sakura herself, is out training to be a full fledged healer. Everyone else has already left for their own assigned mission as well.
Kamui: Even Hinata and Oboro?
Takumi: Yeah. (Frowns a Little) In all honesty, it does feel a little too quiet and boring without having those two around for the day.
Kamui: (Gives Takumi a Reassuring Smile) It's going to okay, Takumi. Everyone maybe gone, but your big sister and Mr. Lucario are still here to keep you company. (Place her Arm Around Takumi's Shoulder) I just know that we'll have a wonderful time together.
Takumi: (Chuckles Lightly) I can believe that. But speaking of which, how are things going for you in your new home and at the tournament? You didn't get yourself hurt too much out there, did you?
Kamui: (Giggles a bit Awkwardly) I tried not to. It was pretty rocky for me the first I entered, but I was able to get a better myself afterwards. (Smiles Proudly) Even more so now that Mr. Lucario has been training me.
Lucario: (Smiles Softly) We first met at the fourth annual tournament. After we fought, she asked me to become her mentor and I agreed. Our bond with one another has gotten closer ever since.
Takumi: (Smiles a Little) Well, it's good to hear that you're already in good hands. Although, there is one thing I've been wondering about you, Lucario.....
Lucario: (Turns to Takumi) Hm?
Takumi: Kamui said you are one of the strongest fighters in Smash Town.
Lucario: I-I... wouldn't exactly say I'm the strongest fighters in our town....
Takumi: Well, if that's the case, then how strong are you really?
Lucario: Well........
Thirty-Six Minutes Later in a Nearby Forest.........
Lucario: AURA....... SPHERE!! (Shoots Out a Powerful Aura Sphere Towards a Large Tree, Breaking it Down Instantly)
Kamui: (Smiles Excitedly While Rapidly Clapping her Hands)
Takumi: (Struck in Awe) Incredible......Just what kind of surge of energy was that?
Lucario: ('Sigh') That...was the power of the Aura. It's a type of energy I use to build up and release it's power. The Aura Sphere you saw before you, was an example of that.
Takumi: Ah. So it's almost how I used my Fuujin Yumi to store and release it's energy of each arrows.....
Lucario: What exactly is a Fuujin Yumi?
Takumi: It's a bow I used that was created by the Rainbow Sages. It was passed down to many generations of the Hoshidan Royal Bloodline. And I'm it's current wielder.
Lucario: I see. So you say you use it the same way I use my Aura?
Takumi: Mostly. But I'm not sure it's energy nearly as powerful as your. I could show you a demonstration, if I had it with me right-
Kamui: Ooh! I can get it for, Takumi! I think I know exactly where you usually place it at. Be right back! (Rush Her Way Out of the Forest)
Takumi: Kamui, wait a second!- ('Sigh') Annnnd.... she's of again.... What am I going do with you, Kamui.....
Lucario: (Chuckles Lightly) She really quick on her feet, huh?
Takumi: Tell me about it. (Turns to Lucario) I apologise if her impatient behavior cause you any trouble.
Lucario: Don't worry. It never cause any trouble in the slightest. (Smiles Softly) In a way, it actually makes me happy that she has a free spirit within her.
Takumi: (Turns Back to Where Kamui Ran Before Smiling a Little) Yeah.
Few Minutes Later.......
Takumi: (Sitting Down with Lucario on a Giant Stump of a Tree) I can't thank you enough for looking after our sister for us, Mr. Lucario. I know she can take care of herself and all, but it does mean a lot that you were willing to look out for her.
Lucario: (Smiles Softly) It's really no problem at all. She's a kind, hardworking princess who makes me proud everyday. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Takumi: (Simply Nodded) I'm glad to hear it. And I'm happy she's having a great time in her new home.....(Frowns a Little) Despite everything she been through in the past.....and how poorly I treated her during that time....
Lucario: (Frowns a Little as Well)......You know....Kamui told me a lot about you and all of your other siblings in the past. About how much she loves and misses them. I know this isn't my place to pry on family's affairs, but.....She also told me that, despite your falling out with one another, she still loves you to this very day. And I promise you that she shows no resentment towards you whatsoever.
Takumi: (Looks Down on the Ground) I wouldn't blame her if she did. Since the first time we met in years, I always gave her the cold shoulder. I didn't trust her nearly as much as my other siblings did at the time.....But even if that were the case, it still doesn't excuse me for the way I treated her. (Suddenly Felt Two Arms Gently Hugging Behind Him) Hm?
?????: Takumi.....
Takumi: (Turns Around and Sees Kamui Hugging Him from Behind) Kamui?! How long were you standing there?
Kamui: Not too long. (Frowns a Little) Are you really blaming yourself for what happened between us?
Takumi: ('Sighs in Defeat') Yeah.....I know it was a long time ago, but....I still treated you poorly.....
Kamui: But I'm not mad at you, Takumi, and I never once blamed you for everything that happened. Let only resent you for it.
Takumi: You....don't? Truly?
Kamui: Of course I don't, you dummy. I mean....Sure, at times, it did made me sad that you were harsh towards me during that time. But I completely understand why you acted that way. We....did hardly knew each other when we were young.....
Takumi: True....(Turns Around and Face his Slightly Older Sister) But I still should've gave you a chance beforehand. That's why I waited so long to see you again: To apologise, make amends, and to hopefully rebuild our relationship as siblings, stronger and better than it ever was. Because blood-related or not.....(Gently Holds Both of Kamui's Hands With a Soft, Sincere Smile on his Face) You'll always be our sister. No matter what.
Kamui: (Heart Begins to Melt While Putting on a Tearful Smile) Takumi......(Pulls her Slightly Little Brother for a Tight, Loving Hug) Thank you so much!~ No matter what anyone else says, you and all of our other siblings will always be my family. All I ever wanted was to get to know more about all of you. I love you guys so much.....
Takumi: We....love you too, Kamui. No could you please let go of me?
Kamui: Not a chance! (Starts Rubbing Takumi's Cheeks with Hers) After hearing your dilemma just now, you were already in need for a big sister hug!
Takumi: ('Sighs Heavily') You already gave me a hug, Kamui..... Remember? When you first arrived here?
Kamui: True. But it honestly can't hurt to have another.
Takumi: Seriously. You're already embarrassing me in front of your mentor!
Kamui: (Pouts at Takumi) He has every right to watch us hug, mister! He's already like a father me, after all.
Takumi: Wait. Really? (Shook his Head) Doesn't matter. Just let me go already!
Kamui: Never!
Takumi: ('Groans in Annoyance') Honestly. You're even worse than Ryoma and Hinoka, whenever they try to hug me!
Kamui: That's because they love you, Takumi. And that they want to show it to you.
Takumi: That doesn't make it any less annoying.
Kamui: Tough luck. Cause starting today, we are gonna give you all the love you need!~
Takumi: KAMUI!!!
Lucario: (Smiles Softly While Watching Two Siblings Hugging and Fussing Towards It Each Other) (Funny..... I've always wondered what would it be like to have a sibling....I could say that Blaziken counts as one, but-)
Kamui: (From a Distance) Mr. Lucario! Could you join us in a group hug please?!!!
Lucario: (Chuckles Lightly) Settle down, you two! I'll be right there. (Makes His Way Towards the Two Siblings)
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Name: Enrico Arthur Emil Hellsing-Maxwell, also known as EJ or Rico.
Gender: Male
Age: 12 (at the beginning of his story)
Hair: Silver, collarbone length
Eyes: Dark blue
Skin color: Light brown
Height: 5’6 (he’s a tall boi)
Weight: 118 lbs
Bio: Rico, like his twin sister really wasn’t supposed to exist...his parents loathed each other, neither of them were ready for a child and it was just supposed to be a casual mistake. When his mother, Sir Integra Hellsing found out she was pregnant, her first instinct was to get an abortion. Not only was she pregnant by the man she loathed the most in the world, she simply wasn’t prepared to have a child. She couldn’t afford to be out of commission for that long, but Maxwell after finding out about her pregnancy (through stolen medical records) was firmly against anything of the sort.
Over the weeks she weighed her options, and decided to keep the child on account that she’d have heirs to her organization, and it would save her the trouble of having to arrange a marriage. They got used to the thought of being parents, and when Rico and his twin sister Lisa were born, they came kicking and screaming into a world of monster hunting and religious upheaval.
Their parents probably should’ve never been parents, but they did do the best they could. Rico never grew up doubting his parents loved him and his sister...loving each other on the other hand, completely out of the question. At first they’d tried to make it work out for the sake of the kids but it was in the best interests of everyone involved that they separate, and eventually they came up with a custody arrangement when the children were old enough to travel. Six months in England, six months in Rome. That way they’d get both parents and not have to worry about them murdering one another. During his early years, he was mostly sheltered from the more gruesome details of Hellsing because Integra had never had a proper childhood, and that was something she wanted to give her children. She wanted them to retain their innocence as long as they could, so it wasn’t until recently that he actually began any monster hunter training. As of a year ago, Rico was declared the heir to Hellsing on account of his choosing Protestantism and joining the Anglican Church, so he’s currently being prepared for that role.
Personality: Rico is a curious and energetic boy, a bit more rambunctious compared to his more quiet and contemplative sister. He’s the hands behind most of their pranks, she plans and he sets into action. To channel that boundless energy he likes to work with his hands and spends most of his time building/tinkering with things. Model cars, computers, you name it. He’s actually a really sweet kid, loves to be around people and make new friends...but can be a little too “in your face” and chatty as it were, he needs to learn how to chill. He doesn’t like conflict, and will excuse himself from the situation when things get too heated, and unlike his sister he doesn’t bottle things up very much.
Elisabetta Hellsing-Maxwell: Lisa is Rico’s twin and best friend, the two of them are practically joined at the hip and you rarely see one without the other. She often has to reign him in and he’s often the voice of reason to some of her crazier ideas, the two of them are utterly devoted to one another even if they do fight sometimes. He often jokes that he’ll never love another woman as much as he does her (even more so after he finds out he’s gay).
Sir Integra Hellsing: Rico very much loves his mother, and often models a lot of her mannerisms as he is going to be her heir one day, so he follows her example in a lot of ways. The two of them are very close, he’s a bit of a “mama’s boy” as it were, but Integra does often worry about his spontaneity as it could get him into trouble. She aims to raise him to be a gentleman-knight, and to transform the world around him rather than being a simple passer-by....he’s going to make his mark in the world as a man, and every door is open to him if he wants it badly enough. Integra tends to be very protective of her children, especially with all the threats that both sides of the fence face from each other and all the supernatural monsters of the world. She’s mama bear, don’t fuck with her cubs or you’ll lose an eye...and sometimes this can lead to her still babying them a bit, trying to compensate for the childhood that she never got to have.
Enrico Maxwell Sr: Rico and his father have had a really good relationship, the two of them would often spend time together, although like Lisa, Rico is a bit scared of his dad’s Catholic extremist tendencies. Since Lisa was the older twin, Maxwell had hoped that his son would grow up to run Iscariot one day after he decided to retire (yeah right)...however, you can see that their relationship has become strained lately after the Bishop heard the news of his son deciding to be Anglican. To say he was disappointed was the understatement of the year, and Rico can sense that. He doesn’t understand why his dad can’t just accept the fact, I mean it doesn’t hurt anybody right?
Alucard: Alucard is like half-nanny, half-attack dog. He did NOT like the kids at first because they were a reminder that that Italian slimeball “defiled” his master, but over the years they’ve kinda grown on him. They have somewhere between a Seras and Integra relationship, he knows Rico be his master one day but he’s also still small enough that he can kinda intimidate and flex on her. But he’s hella protective of the both of them he wouldn’t let anything happen. They have a cross between a bickering siblings relationship with a hint of “scary monsters in my basement.”
Anderson: He’s basically his surrogate grandparent and he, like Lisa, calls him Granddad. He may be a scary, Catholic Paladin but he loves the kiddos...and the twins are kind of special to him. Maxwell is his son, and because of the way he turned out, Alexander feels like he failed. With them, it’s almost a reminder of what their dad could’ve been, so it’s almost like a do-over he’s determined not to waste with them. He and Integra begrudgingly tolerate each other for their sake. He is a bit more partial to Rico because he IS the boy, so he reminds him a lot of a young Maxwell.
Seras: Rico’w second big sister. While Alucard is the older sibling that will encourage you to get into all sorts of holy hell, Seras will reign him back a little.
Heinkel and Yumie: Maxwell often makes them babysit the twins while he’s busy, and they get SO ANNOYED by it. But with him, not with them. Heinkel is that “cool auntie” who will buy her beer and teach you her to shoot guns, Yumie is the kinda neurotic aunt who wants to be by the rules only because she’s terrified of what Maxwell will do if they cross a line. Heinkel and Rico both bond over a love of cool weapons.
Walter: His “other granddad”, he often tells him things that he doesn’t tell anybody else because he’s literally one of the few religiously neutral people in their life. “I think I’m just gonna become an atheist at this point, Walter.”
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fmdivy · 4 years
top three (no, wait, four) most wanted plots
Under the read more. Feel free to check out the rest of my plots here.
Yumi thought this person was their ultimate love. She was never much of a romantic, having never found much use for romance, but she adored him. The two dated from 2014-2016. He was her first serious relationship and Yumi was hopelessly devoted to making it work. They became engaged in 2016, only for it to come tumbling down on New Year’s Day 2017. Yumi didn’t want it to end and she is still upset every time she sees him. I picture it as for ‘85 to ‘93 liners just because of Yumi’s age and how old they would have had to been when she started dating. 
Yumi is definitely older than a lot of the young people currently composing the idol industry. She is a veteran, but has never been stuck up about her longevity. Honestly, she is considered the cool unnie/noona of the industry (though she borders on maternal). Over the years, she has picked up several younger ‘siblings’ and is always ready to give them much more advice than they ever wanted. She also is willing to bail them out of trouble out of anything or help them out with their careers. She would be more than willing to do a collab with them or recommend them for an acting role.
Many people want Yumi as a mentor. However, others just want to ride on her coattails to get ahead. It isn’t that she is necessarily naive, just sweet and good natured. If she is more than willing to help, why would anyone treat her that way? Honestly, it is difficult for her to realize when people are trying to take advantage of her, even at her age. This person has managed to worm their way into her life and she is none the wiser about their true intentions. They clearly just want to take advantage of anything she has to offer.
Yumi discovered her sexuality a long time ago. Even though it isn’t public knowledge, almost everyone in the industry has a general idea of her sexuality. Though she does have a preference for men and enbies, she is capable of developing feelings for a woman and this muse is the reason she knows why. Really, she owes her a favor for showing her the light. It was probably never too serious (or if it was, it didn’t last too long), since Yumi is the kind to take it slow, but it was meaningful. Also, she is now more than a bit jaded about what love is.
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tiefling-queer · 6 years
★★★★★★ *whispers* tell me about all your ocsssssssss :D
Allen Krueger - he’s the Chosen One and he’s just trying his best. Allen would rather be spending his time playing Overwatch with his discord pals or longboarding around listening to music than taking on these dangerous missions where people die or trying to figure out this weird axe that makes his head overload or some destiny and Choice-with-a-capital-c that he has to make. This was cool for about a day before it got incredibly overwhelming. Allen’s mixed race - his father is middle eastern, his mother is white. He’s 16 at the start of all this (which begins in 2016) and a sophomore in high school and he doesn’t deserve what we put him through lol. Allen’s big into emo, pop punk, punk, and basically anything you can find on a warped tour comp cd (since his mom was big into the offspring and green day back in the day, and his uncle is big into alt rock, so as a kid he latched onto fob and mcr and was just like ‘these. these are good’). Allen loves animals, especially marine mammals (ESPECIALLY WHALES), and was defo one of those kids who just kinda sits around and if prompted gives you their entire encyclopedic knowledge of wildlife. Allen often has difficulty putting his thoughts to words, and so he’ll trail off, try to use hand gestures to symbolize the word he’s looking for, use vague language like ‘the thing’ or ‘stuff’. That said, Allen also has problems filtering his words, and often says things as they come to mind. A double-edged sword because Talking is Hard. This boy is also just a terrible, terrible liar. He doesn’t like lying, he’s not good at it, Allen’s quick to draw conclusions about situations, things, and people, but also open-minded and quick to reconsider. He thrives on praise and a well-defined set of instructions or plan - he likes to know that he’s doing the right thing and on the right track.Allen was originally a Monster of the Week character, but is currently one of the characters in a webcomic i’m cowriting with @i-want-it-on-fire​. his personality is based on a combination of some of my brother’s personality with some of my own (so instead of a sarcastic wallflower stoner or an edgy emo theater kid, Allen is a sarcastic edgy emo wallflower)
Tam es Eleutherios - he’s a minotaur. he’s a sailor. he’s a scottish highland cow who talks like barbosa. he’s a little over a century old. he’s deadly with a long sword or a trident. he’s the last of his name and told his fiance he was getting some wine and purposefully got himself shanghaied to a pirate ship. Tam’s the equivalent of about 60 in human years, has a long, long list of vessels he’s sailed on over the past century (about half of those are pirate vessels) and he took the mission sailing on this expedition past the Ghostly Isles in the Undersea to die.For Tam, the idea of dying on an uncharted and untamed ocean is, well, exactly what he’s always dreamed of (frankly he’s surprised he lived this long). While he went through a minor crisis at first with how dauntingly still and unmoving and dead the Undersea appears to be, he’s back to his original goal after they’ve slowly discovered currents and life in the black waters. Tam’s afraid of commitment, and doesn’t like facing consequences of his actions or mistakes. He really just kind of goes with the flow, and does what needs to get done, and doesn’t put a lot of thought into what he’s doing.
Baylock Craft stole his name, coat, and boots off a dead man. He’s been in prison for 5 years, since he was left behind by his thieves’ guild to take the fall for a job that went bad. He’s lied about his identity to get a group of rebels breaking out prisoners to believe he’s also a rebel fighter. Baylock’s a bit in over his head now, and has only recently had a couple close-enough calls to realize just how fucked he is, and how dangerous the missions the rebel fighters go on are. His goal is to get back to his home town and get revenge on his former friends.Baylock is, despite his raspberry pink skin and lavender hair, more suited to life in the shadows. His strange arcane powers come from being born during a solar eclipse, and his personality is that of someone who’s reserved and a bit shy - content to observe. He errs to the side of caution, but is kind of a bad judge of character. The betrayal and years in prison kind of twisted that original nature - he’s now mistrusting, abrasive, and guarded.
Sydel Anastol - As a younger man, Sydel had… noble intentions. Lofty goals. A sense of duty and a desire to right wrongs and protect innocents. These were the parts of him that contributed to his becoming a blood hunter as a teenager. But over the years of self-mutilating and watching the people around him lose themselves to their obsessive quests, he began to become unhinged. Hunting wasn’t about killing monsters and protecting innocents anymore - it was about the hunt. It was about the rush. It was about any distraction he could get from the pain of the hunter’s bane, even if that was more immediate pain. Those lofty ideals, they don’t make you a better fighter, a better hunter. They don’t make you heal faster or hit harder. He drifted from the order, turned to bounty hunting.Sydel hasn’t felt a human emotion in years. He spends most of his time drunk, partly to distract from the chronic pain caused by the hunter’s bane, and partly to keep from thinking about his time with the order. Sydel is eccentric, a little unhinged, will lick anything he doesn’t recognize, and is seeking the rush of a hunt or battle in order to feel something and keep himself distracted. If he can keep himself in a constant state of intoxication and adrenaline high, he can feel good. Sydel is impulsive, reckless, callous, and doesn’t think ahead or care who gets hurt as a result of his actions (though it’s usually just him so it’s fine). He’s also a masochist. All in all he’s just a garbage bastard man, trying to keep the part of himself that was trained to be an obsessive monster hunter from taking over again - ‘because that’s how you go crazy.’
Tsuruchi Natsumi just wants peace in her life, but she hasn’t had any since some asshole Matsu dropped out of the sky and demons destroyed her village. As the eldest child of the current Wasp clan leader, she’s technically pretty damn important. Too bad she wants nothing to do with it. She planned to run away at a young age, citing being ‘fed up with clan politics’ and not enjoying her training with anything other than a bow - she didn’t want to learn court niceties, she didn’t want to learn bushido, she just wanted to shoot her bow and wear comfortable clothes. However, being a child, and with things at work in the world she was unaware of, she found herself literally spirited away, dropped in the spirit world and left there, a world apart from her family. She was taken in by a seaside village she was drawn to because of her sea-spirit folk heritage on her mother’s side (originally of the Mantis Clan), where she continued to do what she does best - shoot a bow and mind her own business. As she grew older, she eventually became the village’s protector and primary watch, and things were pretty good - just her, her village, her bow, and the red panda she took in as a pet - for a little over a decade. Until the Matsu and that Phoenix clan idiot dropped from the sky and upset the balance of the worlds, leading to a disastrous string of events that landed her back in the mortal world, having her ancestral bow thrust upon her, getting sucked back into clan politics, and dealing with a brother she barely remembers telling her that she’s got, like, some kind of duty to protect the city her family founded, or some kind of destiny as the person currently wielding Tsuruchi’s Yumi.Natsumi, while she claims to not want to be involved in clan politics, still follows Wasp Code, and still holds clan grudges and prejudices. While she is compassionate and (with some exceptions) quick to make friends and form bonds with the people around her, she’s ultimately a self-oriented person - Natsumi is very in tune with herself, what she wants, and her own beliefs, but isn’t likely to pick up on the wants and beliefs of those around her. She doesn’t even attempt to anticipate the desires and goals of other people, unless she suspects they’re up to no good, and as such comes off as a self-absorbed. Her pride is easily wounded (but don’t tell her that), she’s no-nonsense in the field, and she’ll shoot her way out of any problem she can’t talk her way out of. Her experiences in the last 5 years have left her paranoid and slow to trust her surroundings once weird spirit shit starts happening.
Ainsley grew up in Mesnia, a country where magic is a capital offense, on the streets of the central trade city of Kerrys, following their older brother and cousins in attempts to become a thief. They weren’t very good at it. One day, while their brother was giving them the slip, they were enthralled by a street musician and jumped on the offer this man gave them for apprenticeship. Growing up, they split their time between shenanigans and schemes with their cousin Brynn and learning this instrument, as well as, unbeknownst to them, bardic magic. After their mentor was tried, found guilty of, and hanged for illegal use of magic, they put their time into simple cons with Brynn - or rather, Brynn would get them into trouble, Ainsley would talk them out of it, and the ferret would manage to steal some coin.Ainsley is curious, naive, quick to make friends, compassionate towards strangers, genuinely wants to do good and right the things that are wrong, and primarily trusts their eyes. They spent most of their life not believing in gods, and only decided to do so after they saw one. They’re also mostly illiterate, stubborn, and they don’t think things through very well. They drank a potion that they were warned caused ‘random mutations and death through madness’ in desperation after an enemy killed one of their party members, hoping to gain some kind of power that could destroy him (now they can breathe fire). While eventually on their travels they found out and accepted that what their bardic abilities did was magic, they were in denial about it for quite a while.
Kip - Joffric ‘Kip’ Ravenhall was born to the head priest at a temple to the Raven Queen, with a proud lineage of Ghostwise Halfling Raven Queen worshipers - funeral preparers and Grave Clerics. As a child, he and his older sister Hattie were well on their training for priesthood themselves (though Hattie would eventually leave to find her own way to follow their goddess). However, when Kip’s father fell ill while he was still young (about 18 - Halflings reach maturity around 20), Kip began desperately searching for ways to cure his disease, or at least extend his father’s life until they could get him to a priest who could help. His father, being at peace with death and believing that the dying aren’t to be pitied, disapproved of Kip’s studies and attempts to heal him, and Kip, becoming more and more desperate to save his father, eventually sought the aid of a necromancer he and his father had dealt with several years before, agreeing to bail him out of jail in exchange for training in the necromantic arts - particularly those involved with extending life. His father found out, there was a big fight and falling out, Kip abandoned his priesthood training and tensions were high when his father died. But Kip was already too curious and too far gone, and so he continued studying, occasionally seeking help from the necromancer he bailed out. Kip’s primary area of study was reviving the dead, and extending the life of the living. His belief was that if it were possible to choose when one dies, or ensure everyone died only after living a full and fruitful life, after they’ve accomplished whatever they set out to do, society could flourish. He didn’t think it was fair that study of resurrection apparently stopped once people found out that diamonds could serve as a conduit for the spells - it limited resurrection to only the rich, the powerful, and the truly desperate. If only he could, say, find a cheaper solution? A more plentiful component?His family found out about his studies. He was disgraced, accused of necromancy, and has been on the run under the alias of ‘Geoffric Greenbough’ ever since.Kip is deeply conflicted about his studies, as he believes that undead - creatures brought back without agency or souls - are affronts to nature, and those creating and using them are particularly morally bankrupt for desecrating and enslaving the dead. While he’s abandoned his religion, he still finds himself following his old ways, and often feels directionless without the peace that worship once gave him. That said, Kip is truly driven by a morbid curiosity, a desire to see and feel and know - that’s what keeps him going through failed experiments and terrible mistakes and feeling sick to his stomach. Although Kip tries to hide his true colors to keep people from getting close enough to find him out, those who travel with him will find that his humorless and cold personality is a facade, and that under that he’s a pretty playful and friendly person. The exception to this is when he’s in a situation that requires spell casting, which is a personality quirk that even predates his necromantic studies - he’s always been taught that magic is a serious thing that requires full attention and focus, and he doesn’t have time for nonsense then. Kip is incredibly loyal and very quick to become ride-or-die for those around him. Above all, he wants to help people, and he wants to make people happy. (Ironically, while his sister was more devoted to the Raven Queen than he was, Kip was always more suited to being a cleric, and if Hattie had been around to keep him level during their father’s sickness, he probably would have finished his training and become a cleric.)
These are just a few, and mostly rp characters since it’s been 3 billion years since I’ve thought about my other ocs.
As characters, they’ve all got really fun aspects to them. Allen is probably the most ‘real’ character to me, and honestly probably has the most of me in him. Sydel is my first attempt to play someone who’s just, objectively, not a good person, and it is challenging (he’s officially done damage to every member of the party except the kobold and the rogue). Ainsley is a very simple character who I honestly slip into like a glove. Kip has the most fleshed out backstory of any RP character I’ve ever had I think, and I love the internal conflict between his need to sate his curiosity and help people and his questioning about whether what he’s doing will do more harm than good.
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Arc V Anniversary Discussion Day 21: Self-Insert/OC Day
So this got long, and i’ll divide it into some categories lol.  First, shipping babies!  Because I can never have enough of those!!
all under the cut cause it’s so long fuck
Sakaki Keahi: the oldest and one of the two Sakaki children who follow into professional dueling.  Reiji and Yuya both help her find ways of navigating an action field to accommodate her paralyzed legs, both with Reiji’s technology and adaptive devices he designs for her, and Yuya teaching her how to trust her monsters to help move her across the stage if she needs a hand.  Keahi is very much a big sister, always mothering her little sisters and nagging at even her friends.  Most of her friends affectionately call her ‘mom.’
Sakaki Kouki: is very much more technologically focused, and she likes to tinker with Solid Vision and stuff.  She’s a shy girl who has trouble socializing. She’s also gender questioning, currently iding as a trans girl.
Sakaki Ray: Kouki’s twin sister. Ray is determined to follow in both her sister’s, father’s, and namesake’s footsteps in order to become the world’s best entertainment duelist.  She’s super emotional and tends to be really hard on herself when she messes things up, but she’s also very determined.  She’s Way into Riding Duels and actually feels more comfortable with those than with Entertainment Duels in the end because there’s less to live up to
Sakaki Sakura: Sakura is the youngest, a precocious seven year old who wants to be a princess astronaut.  Her favorite things to do are watch her sisters duel and play dress up, especially with papa’s big scarf as a cape.
All four girls have the ability to see and hear duel monsters. 
Kurosaki Fukuro: the older twin.
Kurosaki Yugao: the younger twin. (Yugo tries to be upset that Yugao’s name is so close to his, and Yuto starts to accidentally call the two of them each other’s names, but he loves his “niece and nephew” so he can’t be too mad lol.)
Fukuro and Yugao are both generally quiet, though Yugao is definitely the more assertive of the two.  They like to sit at home and draw, mostly, but they are also rabid fans of various tv shows and if you want them to be loud, get the two of them in a shipping argument.  They usually have different tastes in ships and they will fight each other to the death over them lol.  In general these two are a couple of fucking anime weebs.  They’re also fucking hot topic nerds (what do you expect when they have shun and yuto as dads)
Sho Sakaki-Atlas: takes after them in loving mechanical stuff and fixing things.  Sho adores machines and they are always getting messy working on them or getting in trouble because they completely don’t pay attention to anything except whatever project they’re hyperfocusing on.
Yumi Sakaki-Atlas: Yumi is the younger of the two, and she’s less interested in building motorcycles as she is in riding them.  She’s very much a daredevil like her father and likes to go on joyrides a lot.
Rin and Yugo argued for hours about what surname to end up taking, Yoko’s or Jack’s, because Yoko basically adopted them but Jack also did kinda unofficially adopt them too and was willing to let them use his name.  They dueled for it and it ended in a tie.
Shiunin Hotaru: a very cheerful, exuberant girl who is excited about everything.  Everything is an adventure to her and she has very little sense of trouble, often sticking her nose into things she shoulded. The younger twin.
Shiunin Amaya: a lot more cautious than Hotaru after her time with the Fuma Clan.  She can be haughty and full of herself, but she’s also very much recovering from what she went through at the hands of the Fumas, which makes her try to act a lot stronger and more confident than she actually often is.
Both girls are actually Tsuki’s sister’s kids, but after her husband died in an accident and she herself contracted terminal cancer, she begged Tsuki to take them so that the Fumas couldn’t claim them.  Hotaru they managed to get, but Amaya was taken away by the Fuma Clan for several years before they could retrieve her.
Those were the only kiddos i had the time/energy to doodle, but here’s a few others that I have!
Speaking of Tsuki’s sister, here’s a few more OCs that I came up with to fill out characters’ families/backstories:
Chizaki (Fuma) Kanon: Tsukikage and Hikage’s older sister.  She fled the Fuma clan when they were kids to avoid being executed for getting pregnant with someone outside the family, promising to come back for her brothers one day.  She ultimately was never able to get back to them until she saw Tsukikage listed as one of the Lancers.  She died of cancer a few years after finally reconnecting with her brothers.
Hojo Gekko: Reiji’s cousin from his mother’s side; the Hojo family is incredibly rich and tied to the Fuma family since feudal Japan.  He’s a scarily powerful young man even though he’s the younger brother, and Tsukikage was supposed to be sworn to serve him when he turned 18 before Reiji snapped up both brothers himself.  He’s a scary and possessive person.
Hojo Nikko: Reiji’s cousin and Gekko’s older brother.  He doesn’t give a shit about the Fuma clan anymore and would prefer to leave their archaic connection in the past.  He’s the current owner and CEO of the Hojo Corporation.
Kurosaki Chae-won: Shun and Ruri’s mother, an exuberant and excitable woman who is excessively supportive.
Kurosaki Airi: Shun and Ruri’s other mother, slightly more lowkey than Chae-won, but not by much.  Loves her kids to death and embarrasses them daily.
Kunori Mao: Yuto’s mother, a quiet and kind young woman who has raised Yuto by herself.  Becomes close friends with the Kurosaki moms.
And here’s some of Yoko’s gang members which I came up with for a fic that i will write eventually, whom y’all probably saw already if you saw my art submission for the “gang” prompt earlier this month.
Maeda Maiko: Yoko’s first gf, a rough and tumble kinda girl, but also very fun-loving.
Kobayashi Hikaru: easygoing, tends the bar and helps the girls sort out their problems; can’t usually be bothered to do any of the actual fighting, but when there’s someone in trouble, you don’t want to be on her bad side.
Watanabe Honoka: formerly a rival who was won over by Yoko, she’s a bit of a wild card and is more interested in picking fights than winning them
Katou Satomi: a matronly woman who’s sweet nature belies her dangerous skills.  Often smiling.
Fujioka Tomiko:  a small and ferocious girl who loves joy-riding.
Oshiro Kiku: a nervous girl from a rich family who was once trapped in a relationship with another gang leader before Yoko destroyed the gang, she hangs out with the Shooting Stars to feel safer and helps run their finances.
And finally.....I gotta shout out my self-insert, cause of course I have one of those:
Hale Reiser: an American college student on a study abroad in Japan, she’s dazzled out of her low emotional period by Yuya’s duel against Strong Ishijima, and decides to take up dueling to emulate him.  When the truth of the dimensional war comes out, she joins a program to train at-home Lancers in case of a home invasion.  At some point she meets Grace Tyler and all of my self-indulgent fantasies of dating Grace come to fruition.
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cyb-by-lang · 6 years
“The Canine Warriors” Snippet
Here we go!
Reaching the Land of Hot Water for the rendezvous is probably the easiest part of the journey. While the country has its own shinobi village, it’s been under constant pressure from Kumogakure since the fall of Uzushiogakure and can’t afford to keep adequate border patrols. Konoha and Yugakure are nominally allied, so it makes sense that the security is lighter on the border with the Land of Fire, but Yatsu still sees it as unforgivably lax.
He doesn’t trust most people in Konoha further than he can throw them, and that goes triple for foreigners. Kumo is an enemy, and Yu is a barely-adequate buffer zone against them. Two weeks out of Konoha is too far and too long for Yatsu’s tastes.
“So, do you think our informant’s gonna be anyone famous?” Fuse asks no one in particular once their group slows for a break.
Speaking of people Yatsu neither likes nor trusts…
Yatsu sighs inwardly at the thought of Fuse talking. She’s been full of questions this entire time, and it’s been driving him up the wall. They only have one town left to reach before they’ll meet up with their informant near the coast, and approaching it at top speed would be ill-advised even with Yugakure’s security measures. Even so, Yatsu wishes they could have gotten a little farther before the idiocy started up again.
“Doubt it, Fuse-chan,” Wataru responds, though his voice is still cheerful. “All the famous people from Kiri wouldn’t want to talk to little ol’ us. I mean, sure, the only one I can even remember is the Second Mizukage, but they’re pretty much all jerks anyway.”
“I thought the Second Mizukage died two months ago,” Fuse says, scrunching her face in confusion.
“I still want to know if he took the Second Tsuchikage with him,” Fuse’s dog adds, tilting his huge head to one side. “The guy’s invisible, though, so maybe we’ll never know.”
Yatsu is not looking forward to traveling with these ignoramuses for the last leg of the journey. Sooner or later, an actual problem will arise, and it’ll all end in blood. Probably the second Sakumo turns his back.
“A visually distinct informant would be disadvantageous for us,” Miyako comments. Yatsu is uncomfortable around her, but admittedly the relentlessly grim foreigner is not...annoying. Just frigid. “While we have every right to be in this country in the current political climate, removing our ally from the battlefield will be difficult if they are both pursued and easy to track.”
Something about the way she speaks tells Yatsu that she’s personally done the tracking in some of those cases. It doesn’t make sense, not when she has no long-range sensor capabilities worth mentioning, but nonetheless he’s certain.
“I have a description,” Sakumo replies, when the squad turns as one to him for answers. Except for Wataru, who is petting both Inuzuka dogs and, to be perfectly honest, probably wouldn’t do anything with the information in any case.
“You sharing with the class, Captain?” Wataru quips anyway, because of course he does. He stops petting Fuse’s dog and waggles a finger at their team’s leader. “I hope you brought enough details for everyone.”
Satomi muffles a laugh behind her hand while Sakumo just sighs.
“Is it someone we’d know?” Fuse asks again, once again proving that she’s as persistent as her clan’s iconic animal.
Sakumo shakes his head. “No, it isn’t. As interesting as it would be to get, say, one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen on our side, it’s just not happening.”
“It must be someone who would not be missed, except perhaps by their closest comrades,” Miyako mutters, though Wataru immediately whips his head around to listen to her. In a more audible voice, she continues, “Only a few of Kirigakure’s shinobi are so crucial to their war efforts that signs of disloyalty can be dismissed. While we do expect some form of pursuit, we would have heard of any famous shinobi leaving Kirigakure’s good graces.”
“You’re just a font of information, aren’t you?” Yatsu grumbles suspiciously.
“I read.” When that draws looks from everyone, she explains, “Being foreign-born, I must study to keep pace with shinobi born into the life. Failing to do so is pure complacency.”
Wataru hooks an arm around Miyako’s waist and hugs her. “And sharing with your idiot friends is generosity! Thanks, Miyako-chan. I didn’t know, and it was a good reminder for those of us who did.”
Fuse claps politely, while Sakumo sighs again.
Miyako sighs the exact same way that Sakumo does, but accepts Wataru’s hug.
“Anyone who actually paid attention during Academy history lectures would know that!” Yatsu finally bursts out.
Wataru and Miyako look at each other, while Fuse starts to turn red from embarrassment. Satomi and Sakumo are silent, as though they’re waiting for the inevitable explosion after his frustration inevitably boiled over. He can still nearly feel their disapproval as a physical force.
Wataru breaks the silence first. “I was a little busy learning how to hold a kunai, honestly,” he says, scratching the back of his head with his free hand. “I didn’t even get to Konoha until I was twelve. On the bright side, I was the tallest kid in class!”
He still can’t hold a kunai correctly. It’s not a gardening trowel!
“Wrong country,” Miyako adds blandly. Because the naginata, yumi, and utter lack of genjutsu still don’t give that away.
Everyone slowly turns to look at Fuse, who crosses her arms defensively. “History was boring.”
“It’s nice to know all of you shore up each other’s weaknesses so well,” Satomi says mildly. Her tone and her expression are completely at odds, and her canine partner bares her teeth to emphasize that dissonance.
Yatsu grumbles to cover his discomfort, turning his face away. “Tch.”
“Go ahead and just eat,” Sakumo orders, though the tension is still high.
While the group unpacks ration bars—and Wataru somehow manages to produce a bowl of miso ramen from a storage seal—Yatsu stays as far from the hostile eyes of his teammates as he can. He has no interest in interacting with Fuse, Wataru, or Miyako, and he doubts Satomi or Sakumo want to interact with him. They’re siding with the other three.
Yatsu sits with his back squarely to a tree trunk, to block the Byakugan’s blind spot from direct attack. He checks the surrounding ten kilometers with a quick glance from his activated Byakugan, then relaxes somewhat.
“Is there anyone nearby?” Satomi asks him, though she’s sitting just far enough away that she needs to raise her voice. It’s almost as though she and Sakumo don’t want to be anywhere near him.
“Nothing of note,” Yatsu replies, then goes back to chewing on the glorified tree bark that ration bars seem to be made of. It’s uniquely unpalatable and yet somehow remains standard issue. Maybe if he holds his nose and chews quickly...
“You sure you don’t want any of this, Miyako-chan?” Wataru asks the most stab-prone member of their team. He’s offering her about half of his portion of ramen noodles. “It tastes better than that does.”
Miyako shakes her head. After she swallows a mouthful of whatever ration bars are made of, she says, “They are no trouble. They do not contain sawdust.”
Everyone in earshot stares at her. Fuse is looking at her with an expression that resembles pity, and Yatsu finds himself sympathizing. Food is food, even if it tastes like wood pulp anyway. He doesn’t want to imagine what circumstances force full starvation tactics like that. He’s been lucky enough that he’s never had to.
“Well, there is that!” Wataru laughs, breaking the tension again. And he gives Miyako another ration bar.
They’re both weird.
Yatsu resolves not to think about it.
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askbohemiancompany · 7 years
Getting Back On Track
Amy. Who is this goodra? That was one of the many things that Weather had been thinking of the last few days. The dragonite felt like Amy could be connected to what was the source of his amnesia, and some answers about what Project Weather Report was. It would also do well to know if there were any other enemies out there would try to hurt him. Was Amy connected somehow? Not knowing was eating away at him.
In the living room, Freddy was sitting on the couch, desperately trying to relax after several days of stress and chaos, and saw Weather come out of his room. The toxicroak was taken aback by how troubled he looked. While he always had a stoic and composed demeanor, there was something different. His eyes looked more glassy like something was on his mind. “You got something on your mind?” Freddy had a guess on what it was about. After what Patton told everyone when interrogated, he knew Weather would have some questions.
“It’s about my memories and what Patton mentioned about Project Weather Report. Just...who am I? Patton talked about me like I was some kind of weapon. I cannot just sit by not knowing who I am.” The dragonite clenched his stubby fist. “I have been lollygagging instead of actually trying to search for any leads. I want to try to learn more about this Amy pokemon. She seems to be important to me. Plus there could be some people that might try to hurt me that I think I should be concerned about.”
Freddy could not help but empathize with his colleague’s plight. Even though there was the risk of him leaving after discovering his past, there was also the risk of someone coming for Weather and not knowing why or how to stop it. “I get your point. It would probably do some good to look into your past. Better to know than not know.”
Freddy turned a sharp gaze towards Weather. “I do have a condition. I will give you three months leave. After that, I need you back here. Not trying to enslave you, just cannot have my flier gone for too long.”
That was a valid point. Freddy had a company to run and Weather did have some obligations to him as an employee. “I understand. I will report back to you every so often in order to give you an update as to where I am or what I am doing.”
“I can accept those terms. Wish you luck.”
For all of Freddy’s business-mindedness, he is quite compassionate at times, Weather thought to himself. “Thanks Freddy.” This put the dragon type in an awkward position: where should he start? “I do not know where I should even start.”
“Seek out a psychic type or any pokemon that could possibly help restore your memories. I don’t know any in particular that could help with memory retrieval, but I know they are around. If I find any leads, I’ll message you.”
“Alright, you should be mostly good to go now.” Lonnie was in the company’s infirmary, alongside Yumi and Lenox watching Gwen undergoing some medical inspections. The former out of a sense of goodwill towards Gwen. The latter had hoped to try and talk to the psychic type and come to an understanding. Saving Brittany from being captured by Urami would not have been on Gwen’s mind if she did not care. If nothing else, the flying type felt like she had to at least thank her.
“Just don’t do extreme physical activities and take your pain meds.” The small doctor said as they walked towards the counter.
“The important question is: can I drink booze now?”
An exhausted sigh came from the small doctor’s sack. “Yes. Just don’t drink excessively and don’t drink with your pain meds.”
“Sounds good to me.” Before anyone could comment Gwen was out of the room. Neither of the remaining ladies gave concern, especially Lenox who was used to Gwen’s drinking habits. “D-does she drink this often?” Yumi said with an air of shock. Gwen’s drinking was well known of anyone who frequents bars in Arcadium, even abroad, but Yumi never believed all the rumors.
“It’s par for the course with Gwen.” Lenox just rolled her eyes. She figured she would be able to try to mention to Gwen that she wanted to talk to her. After she had her drink.
“Hey Gwen. Do you mind if I talk to you about-”
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To everyone but Lenox’s shock, she managed to down the whole jug before finally addressing the bigger mon. “Later. Right now. I’m going to sit in my room and smoke cigarettes after months. I’m getting jittery as shit.”
“I tossed out your cigarettes.” This caused Gwen to turn toward her doctor in a shocked glance. “You need to kick that habit. To be honest you are a medical disaster waiting to happen. Between your accessive drinking and smoking and your unthinkable reason for not evolving, I would be shocked if you make it to forty.” The doctored sounded irritated and exasperated.
The doctor rummaged through their desk and pulled out a box of patches. “Starting today you will be trying to quit smoking. I will also be cutting down on your alcohol. Considering you are this company’s sniper, alcohol can make your shooting below par.” None of this could be argued in any other situation. If someone was doing something that was damaging their health any normal person could not turn it down. Gwen was not that type of person. “And I talked this over with Freddy, he agrees with me on this.”
“And that whole jug you just drank is all you are going to drink for the rest of the week.” Lonnie did not show a single emotion at this point.
The psychic type stormed off in a huff. Lenox figured she would give her time to cool off and then she would talk to her. She could be heard swearing and sulking even as she was well away from the doctor’s quarters.
“Did you actually get Freddy’s input?”Lenox found it bizarre that after years of working with Gwen he finally act now in regards to her smoking habits. “Did Freddy actually tell you to cut down her smoking? Because I find it odd he would act on it now.”
“Yes he did. Considering he is planning to go up against Haines he needs everyone to get ready and be in prime condition for the inevitable fight.” A low vibrating sound could be heard on the counter. It was Lonnie’s phone. The doctor pulled themself up onto the counter to reach his phone. “Sorry I have to take this. Could you two leave my office please?”
With that, the two fighting types left to leave the doctor to answer their call.
“Hello. What is it mam?” Extending a tendril towards the door, they pulled the door closed.
“Your father did what?”
Nigel was curled up on his bed in the loft above his soon to be open, and yet to be named nightclub, contemplating his current predicament.
A club opening was always a stressful task, but for Nigel, this was exacerbated by an impromptu visit earlier on by Mariah, which amounted to him being blackmailed into giving the names of people he had previously associated with involving pokemon trafficking. Not to mention, Urami implied that Haines had his eye on him, so he was caught in a vice.
While he got to keep some of his mons, he knew retaliation was only a matter of time which was doing a number on his sleep. Not to mention the ones that were staying needed to be coaxed into not blabbing or trying to escape.
His perspective was that karma was punishing him for his past transactions.
(Freddy, Grohl, Gwen, Lenox, Yumi and Nigel are available for asks)
(Weather is not available for asks)
(Art by dragons-and-art)
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darkspace7 · 4 years
"Two lonely souls in an empty room strike up a conversation to reminisce about the days gone by and eventually come to an understanding." [Part 2 of "Elpis"]
Words: 5,700+
Rating: T
A/N: This piece is a continuance set in the same verse as my prior fic "What Lay Within" of which is set in an alternate bad-end future ten years post canon and explores the dynamic between Shinichi Kudo and his teenaged apprentice Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya as the two attempt to navigate their lives after the fall of the Black Organization.
Contains some mentions of past/implied character death, (established) Hakuba/Aoko and Ayumi/Genta going on in the background, and our boys just generally having a bad time.
I dedicate this fic to my old laptop computer who managed to carry both me and my writing along for the greater half of eight years before it finally beeped it's last boop. My old friend, what with your cracked screen, half-broken spacebar, and semi-functioning usb ports will never be forgotten.
Detective Conan/Magic Kaito (c) Gosho Aoyama
The chatter of the crowded reception hall faded to the background as the teen shifted his awareness inward. 'Alright, I recall them mentioning they would be around here somewhere...' He stared out at the sea of unfamiliar faces that swam in and out of his vision from his little bubble amongst the crowd. 'So where...'
His head swiveled to face the direction from where the call emanated and not a moment later he caught sight of the beaming pair that had flagged him over. With a smile he wove his way through the throng of well-dressed bodies to reach the massive spanse of window. "Forgive me if I made you two wait for too long but I kind of ran into a bit of trouble attempting to locate you through well-" He gestured out to the sprawl before them, "-all this. But I must say, the view from this spot is rather exquisite." The teen gave an appreciative glance to the manicured garden that lay just beyond the panes of glass.
"Oh don't trouble yourself too much about it. The fact that you were even able to come at all is what really matters. Isn't that right Genta?" A somewhat pointed look was leveled at the larger teen who nodded in response.
"Yeah. Took your sweet damn time too. Thought you'd never get your ass over here." The snorted comment made around a forkful of cake earned a sharp retort from his partner.
"And whose fault would that be? If a certain somebody had stayed over where he had promised to wait instead of getting distracted by some slices of raspberry-lemon cake then maybe he wouldn't have had to come looking for us."
Another bite disappeared into his maw as he shrugged, "They were gonna run out if I didn't 'Yumi. Totally worth it if you ask me." He gestured to the stocky teen with his utensil. "'Sides not like he cares, right?"
Ayumi's response to this was nothing more than an utterly flat look aimed at the teen. "Genta-"
Having sensed the ominous turn in the conversation, the freckled teen cut off the soon to be diatribe with a shake of the head. "No, no! Don't worry, like Kojima-kun said, it isn't that big of a deal. Really." Mitsuhiko tacked on at the sight of her dubious stare. "Anyway..." Quickly, he sought to drag the conversation's flow into somewhat different waters with the hope that it would distract his friend from her ire with the crass teen.
"I've been meaning to ask, are you entirely certain it is alright for me to be here with you guys?" A touch of hesitance flavoured his tone as he cast a slightly nervous glance around the room. "I mean it isn't as if I received an official invitation after all."
"Dude, chill. Back when we were still bringing stuff in I went and asked Aoko-san if my girlfriend could tag along and she seemed cool with it then so she probably wouldn't mind if another gatecrasher got tossed in the mix." The rotund teenager shrugged, "And if anyone does say anything –not that they're gonna– we could always just vouch for you." He made to spear another bit of confectionery with his fork only to have it return sans cake. At the noticeable lack of dessert on his plate he pulled a face and went on, "Besides don't you know the groom or whatever?"
"Huh? What? O-Of course!" He shook his head slightly, flustered. "Ah well...sort of? Not exactly, I know of him but I don't know him. N-Not to say I don't want to know him someday because I do. Very much." The teen froze a beat before heavily palming his heated face with a grimace, "Wait, no, that sounds…urgh." He held up a hand, "Just…give me a second."
One slow breath in –hold it– then release. Alright then, let's try this again. "Most of the information I've gathered concerning Hakuba-san is from prior case files as well as a few accounts of those who actually have had a chance to work with him. But I, myself, have never had any interactions with the man, yet. Does…Does that make any sense? So not necessarily a no but more of a… kind of?" He finished lamely, dark eyes drifting to the carpet as a dusting of red tinted his cheeks. How embarrassing.
(Though perhaps it was a good thing that, having long been party to his somewhat spastic displays, neither teen so much as batted an eyelash at this behaviour and simply moved on with a nonchalant half-shrug and a muttered "close enough".)
"Say Genta..." The girl turned to her partner, presumably to ask him a question or something of that nature before suddenly; she stopped and narrowed her eyes, head tilting to the side ever just so.
"…What?" He shied away a bit, somewhat startled (and mildly unnerved) by the set of blues now focused so intently upon him.
"Ah…You have a little bit of something…Hold on, let me get it for you." She began to rifle through her bag in complete disregard to the other's protests.
Previous embarrassment willfully forgotten in favour of this new bit of intrigue, the long familiar urge to just sit back and watch how things unfolded welled forth unbidden. And he allowed it; having settled back against the glass to tune in for the latest episode of his favourite show.
"Hey h-hold on just a minute! Ugh, here we go again." The teen groaned in mock exasperation, "Just because there's an itty-bitty mess every now and again doesn't make it so you have to go all forensics on us 'Yumi. Seriously, there's really no need to go digging through that thing." He said as he eyed the handbag with the same level of wariness as one would give a particularly vicious wild animal that was keyed to go off if one even dared to breathe wrong in their general direction. Which, knowing some of Ayumi's more experimental trinkets... wasn't an incorrect assumption.
"Oh, you sure about that?" She drawled, having finally located and tugged free her handkerchief (an older pastel number that seemed to have been worn soft from use) from where it had lay and went to work. "I mean, what with how you're always such a huge mess around those sweet treats." A teasing lilt played at painted lips as she tapped the solitary remnant of his sugary dessert. "Dear."
"Come on." He sputtered. A vibrant streak of red lit up tanned features as he seemed steadfastly determined to look anywhere but young woman before him. "That's just unfair." Genta grumbled with a slight whine.
"All's fair in love and war Genta, all's fair." She hummed a bit. And then frowned, "Oh for the love of...would you just hold still?" Her cheeks puffed out a bit in a pout. Tenderly, she swiped the cloth against the spot in order to collect that errant crumb. "Honestly, putting up such a fuss over a tiny piece of frosting. And...There!" She smiled triumphantly. "All gone." With a giggle she leaned up and pressed a quick peck to the tanned cheek. "Now was that so bad?" She stepped back and watched as he sputtered then proceeded to flush an even deeper shade of red.
Mitsuhiko ducked his head and turned away, valiantly attempting to fend away the smile that had threatened to form. It was always nice to see his two closest friends happy together and genuinely just enjoying the company of one another. But even so, he could not help as the smallest twinge of something settled deep within his heart. That feeling –despite its briefness– had successfully run its course, sapping away at the happiness until it was nothing but a ghost of its former self. Quickly, he fought to stave off any inkling of this from bleeding into his features lest anyone catch sight and ask him what was wrong. After all, no one wanted to be that guy at a wedding.
Exhaling slowly, he allowed himself to fall back into that familiar detached calm that had served him well in his tenure as detective. A practised eye trailed over the forms of his friends, absorbing the information present and storing it in the back of his mind for a later date. 'It's almost second nature by now,' he mused, 'to look upon something and be able to piece together a functioning narrative from every seemingly inconsequential bit and bobble scattered about.'
Even now he couldn't help but observe. Small things, such as how Ayumi's outfit appeared to be some sort of variant of a halter-neck tulle dress that meshed quite well with the black bejeweled clip pinning back her hair, or how the tiny price tag that clung stubbornly to that bag of untold horrors marked it as being from that small family-owned boutique that was less than fifteen minutes away from their current location, or even the fact that Genta had somehow managed to sneak in those fashionable sunset toned sneakers along with formal outfit that that his partner had no doubt coerced him into wearing; all of this and more was crystal clear to his inquisitive gaze.
...As was the fact that the young couple had apparently become so enamored with one another they seemed to have forgotten his presence entirely. Great. 'Nothing like seeing your two best friends making out with one another to further cement your status as the awkward third-wheel...And, yep. They're still going at it. Well, this is uncomfortable...' The youth let his attention drift out towards the reception hall in the hopes of finding something –anything– to distract himself. And not a second later it appeared as though he managed to find it in the familiar form of something –or rather– someone.
'Huh? Isn't that...Sensei?'
And indeed it was. The great detective had stationed himself between a set of secondary entryways and looked to be about as comfortable with everything in the crowded room as Mitsuhiko himself felt at the moment. He took note on how the other's gaze remained fixated upon something off in the distance, although as for what exactly was unclear. What was clear, however, was how the elder man seemed –for lack of a better word– distracted. No, not distracted. Troubled. But why?
Carefully, the teen traced the line of sight to its end which appeared to be a small table ensconced away in semi-private niche toward the front of the room that was now populated by both the new bride and groom. The man, who he knew to be Habuka-san smiled brightly at the woman in white (who could only be none other than Miss Aoko) as they carried on what appeared to be a rather engaging conversation. Every now and again a mustachioed man (presumably the father of the bride) would interject and earn a smile or a round of laughter from the table's other residents.
'Maybe something to do with them perhaps?' The brunette contemplated this as they carried on for a bit. Curiosity peaked when he saw the older man get up from the table after exchanging a few more words with the groom then a reassuring smile aimed at the pair as he took his leave, presumably to take care of something.
'Could something have happened?' He wondered, before quickly dismissing the notion. Neither party appeared to be overly concerned judging by the gentle looks of love the newlyweds sent one another and the genuine laughter of their peers so it was unlikely that there was something out of the ordinary there. 'So something else then?'
Confused, he turned back again just in time to catch sight of the bride as she put her hand to her mouth to muffle a snort, the gentle movement shifting the veil away from her luminous face and...oh.
It was as though the air had been knocked from his lungs as a pool of something ice cold sat heavily in his stomach. Dark eyes quickly shifted back to their original target and he hissed through his teeth when flicker of something pained and familiar and unspeakably private flitted through those darkened blue eyes. And then just like that he was gone, having slipped back through the door without a trace.
And then suddenly, Mitsuhiko was moving.
He wove through scores of guests, transfixed on the spot where he had seen the other disappear. So focused to the point was he that it almost brought about a collision with another partygoer which only a quick-timed twist did he narrowly manage to avoid. "Sorry!" He tossed back as he caught a fleeting glimpse of dark hair and surprised garnet eyes. All of which were quickly dismissed and allowed to slip to the back of his mind.
(And while normally he would not be so rude as to do a thing like straight up crash into people and speed off without so much as a by-your-leave his civilities had, for the moment, been set aside in favour of more pressing matters. He would, however, in time find himself recalling this fateful moment and the cascading series of events that were to follow. But that was another story for different time and different place.)
Having reached the entry he stopped in his tracks. The lobby was, for the most part, empty. Understandable seeing as the majority of guests present were either inside enjoying the festivities or traipsing about the garden. This vacancy should have made it relatively easy to spot the wayward detective but as it stood he couldn't see hide nor hair of the man. The teen glanced about a moment before he lit upon a group of bridesmaids chatting off to the side. Perhaps they could provide some manner of clue to Sensei's whereabouts?
"Ah excuse me." The group's chatter petered out as they turned to regard his approach. "Sorry to interrupt but by chance have any of you happened to see a man come through here just now?" Exchanging a glance, they shook their heads.
"Sorry. We just came from the restroom where we were fixing our makeup. So even if there had been someone we couldn't tell." One of them spoke, a small frown on her face.
"Ah wait!" Another piped in. "But wasn't Momoi waiting for us out here though?" She and the others turned to the bespectacled woman expectantly. "Right?"
"Aah w-well..." She stuttered, feeling somewhat awkward about suddenly being thrust into the spotlight. "Um actually...I think there was a guy that came out through that door right there. Just a few minutes before you did."
"Did you see where he went?"
She thought for a second then nodded. "Mhm. I think I saw him headed towards the stairs."
"Thank you." Mitsuhiko tipped his head appreciatively before setting off once again. 'Wait for me Shinichi-san.'
While the teen could not exactly be called unfit (thanks to many an hour spent idly pitching baseballs around after school) the run up had still managed to knock the wind from him so he leaned back against the doorway and took a moment to catch his breath. As it slowly steadied he allowed his gaze to wander.
Like its sibling below, the room with which he was now faced had been built to a mirrored scale with an identical colour scheme and general overall design, but it was there where their similarities came to an end. For while the former had been grandiose and richly festooned for momentous occasions –such as the one currently being held– this place carried itself with a somewhat more muted and almost lounge-like air. To the teenaged detective it was almost as if someone had pulled back the curtain on a set that had been half-built so there was nothing else, save for the empty stage in which they now stood.
Which made sense, he supposed, seeing as this room wasn't actually supposed to be in use right now. Although, if the shadowy figure parked firmly over by the bank of glass or even his own presence were any indication this little bit was to be ignored, if only or the moment.
'Though if this is to be the stage would that make us the actors, then?' He mused. 'Shame I haven't a clue as to my lines.'
"Took you long enough."
"You knew." It wasn't so much of a question but rather a flat statement. Wryly shaking his head, he pushed up and away from the doorframe and made his way over to the man's side. He smiled, "I should have figured. So what was it that tipped you off? The reflection in the window-" A tip of the head toward the glass and the faint twinkling of city lights beyond it. "Or was it the echoes in the stairwell?" He hadn't exactly been quiet.
"Neither." He shrugged, slipping his hands into his pockets. "At the reception hall I felt you watching me from across the room. You weren't exactly being subtle." He gave him a dry look.
Ah, that was right he had almost forgotten. The man had always seemed to be able to sense whenever he was under the object of scrutiny without fail. And while it made sense, all things considered, for the other to posses such a trait, that did not make it any less eerie.
"Ah, sorry." He flushed slightly. "I just didn't expect to see you here. To be honest, if it weren't for those two I wouldn't even be here myself."
"I considered it, seeing as I wasn't able to make it on time for the wedding." At Mitsuhiko's inquiring glance he elaborated, "Case at the station platform. Guy was stabbed in the back and had it made to look like robbery gone wrong, killer turned out to be the guy's flatmate who was pissed at him for sleeping with his lover behind his back."
"Yeah." He sighed, "But even after all of that I thought I might as well go ahead to drop off their gift as opposed to spending any more hours on the train. Besides, I had already traveled all this way and I figured I owed that to them at least. Wasn't like this night was going to get any worse right?" A snort of derision escaped him and he let his gaze fall to the side. "Honestly, I might have been better off staying at home." And although the other couldn't see it, he could hear it the softening of his tone.
Mitsuhiko shuffled awkwardly on the balls of his feet, unsure as to what he could possibly contribute without the high probability it backfiring spectacularly. Thankfully he was spared of chance when the other startled him from his reverie with a bout of nasty coughs. "Hey, are you okay?"
"H-Hold..." Shinichi wheezed out between sputters. "G-Give... me a-" He held up a hand, grimaced, and tried again."...Yeah...I'm fine..." Once the fit had subsided for the most part he managed a wan smile. "I'm fine." He repeated, stronger this time. "...Hah...Sorry I've just been a bit under the weather, nothing serious mind you but just a bit of holdover from before. It's been making me kind of irritable lately. Don't worry about it."
The teen's expression showed exactly what he thought about that little statement. As a fellow detective -no- as his friend there was no way he was going to let him play this off. Any of it. "Are you really though?"
"Huh? Yeah like I said it's nothing, probably just another cold-"
"That's not what I was talking about." The other zeroed on him with that razor focus, a touch miffed at being cut off. The scene from earlier flickered in his mind's eye and yet again he found himself faced with those haunted blues. He shook his head to rid himself of the image. "Back there, in the reception hall..." Though he began slowly –hesitant– his voice gradually gained traction as he went, "You had this look about you. As if... As if you had seen a ghost or something right before you just straight up and bolted. That doesn't exactly scream 'everything's alright' now does it?" Dark brows knitted together in concern as he finally lifted his head to meet the other's stare head on. "Shinichi-san, can you tell me what's wrong?"
Shinichi regarded him for a number, that knife-like gaze which made a score of weaker men crumble bored into the very fabric of his being; sorting through his thoughts and actions until nothing but the truth remained. Yet where suspicion and mistrust were expected there was only the honest worry of a kid who wished to know if he was alright. "Unbelievable..." He muttered.
With a resigned air he scrubbed a hand over his weary features. The lines of tension in the teen's frame and quiet set of his jaw was not unfamiliar sight for the older man and he knew then and there that the other simply wasn't going to drop it until he had come to an answer. It was a trait that he found both honourable and vexing in equal measure and ultimately what caused him to sigh.
"It's just-" The words seemed hard-pressed to leave his lips, as if it physically pained him to do so and for a moment Mitsuhiko felt a twinge of regret. Perhaps it would've been better if he just had let sleeping detectives lie but before he could voice this the elder had managed to work through the knot and spoke, "Just...when I saw the two of them together –saw her– I just...I couldn't help it. I didn't think that..." He stopped, a noise of frustration left his lips as a hand raked through once tidy hair. "She looked just like she did back then. Before..."
Mitsuhiko winced. "...I'm sorry." And he truly meant it. "How long would it have been now?" He asked softly.
"Two years this May."
"It isn't easy is it?" Taking the silence as a note to continue he went on. "Dealing with the ache and sorrow and all those other things that you don't even have a name for yet can't help feeling; of every little thing reminding you about them to the point it becomes downright maddening..." Fists clenched at his side, little crescent moons dug into the soft flesh of his palms. "O-Or even just the knowledge that you will simply never be able to see them again." Dimmed eyes sat upon the horizon as the rueful ghost of a smile flit into place. "The whole lot of it just...sucks."
"B-But." He swallowed. (When had his throat become so dry?) "But then...you find that no matter how terrible it all gets and how unfair everything seems the world just... marches on." No, seriously, what the hell was he even saying at this point? He just kept going off the top of his head but for some inexplicable reason he just...couldn't seem to stop. So he didn't.
"All the days and months and years just keep on ticking by and then all that s-stuff starts to get covered up by other stuff and then you s-start to n-notice that-" And there came the crash. Dark eyes clamped shut as he stalled with an inaudible hiss.
('Easy now Mitsuhiko, easy. One slow breath in –hold it– then release...There isn't anyone else here right now. It's okay. You're okay. Breath, just breathe.')
So he did. One right after another, over and over again; just breathing. And the impossibly tight coil that had progressively wove itself around his airway seemed to constrict for moment before it suddenly reversed and the tension that had laced his frame had little by little begun to bleed away with every passing breath.
"Y-You notice..." He began again once he had sufficiently calmed, "That while that pain and sadness isn't exactly gone and probably never will be it..." The teen let out a shaky chuckle as he reopened his eyes, "It doesn't hurt as much as it did before. You know?"
A light of comprehension dawned in Shinichi's eyes and a look of pitied understanding ghosted briefly across his features. "Ah...that's right. Your mother, didn't she...?"
Mitsuhiko nodded with a vague noise of confirmation. It had been over a decade prior, yet he thought back to that time he could recall it with the utmost clarity. Back to that damned phone call and whirlwind flight that followed, to when his father had finalized the decision to pack up and head overseas with him and his sister in tow without so much as a by-your-leave, of finally learning why: that his mother had been caught in a accident when visiting extended family abroad and that the doctor's prognosis was grim. The months of waiting and waiting and hoping that she would get better and be able to come back home with them. How one day she just simply...wasn't there anymore. And how everything just sort of...went completely downhill after that.
He had been only a child at the time but that didn't mean that he didn't remember. And he said as much.
"...Back when we first moved those two would call me all hours of the day, you know?" He shifted, folding his arms across his chest. "And you want to hear something? They liked to talk about you guys all the time."
"That so?" The other perked up, seemingly intrigued by this admission.
"Mnh always used to sound so happy over the phone when they did too. Spouting things like 'Shinichi-niichan came over today while we were at the Professor's and how cool it was that he showed us how to solve this locked-room trick' and ' you know how Ran-neechan knows karate and stuff? Well I asked her to show me some of her moves and we wound up totally flipping this one creep...' That sort of thing." A fond smile graced his lips. "I must've cost my dad a fortune in international calls."
"Oh! Don't even get me started about when Kojima-kun started with his cooking lessons." He groaned in faux-anguish. "All he messaged me for months were pictures of the food and stuff that he tried to make." He shook his head.
"I remember that." The elder detective chuckled reminiscently. "He honestly was quite terrible. Eel should have never been prepared that way..." He intoned with a faint shudder. Although the teen really had came a long way since then the fact that whenever the boy went to cook something the only things that ever seemed to come out right were pastries and sweets continued to baffle him to this day.
"Yeah. But you know back then...being able to listen to their stories, to hear about how you, Ran-neesan, Haibara-san, and everybody else were doing...It was nice. It helped...quite a bit, actually." A short beat. "Even if you guys did get in way too much trouble. Really, the amount of cases the Shonen Tantei had back then simply by just hanging around you bordered on the realms of ludicrous-"
"-and while I'll admit that I don't put much stock in superstition I can sort of see where that whole 'shinigami' rumour circulating around Division One came from and honestly if it weren't for that 'curse' I don't suppose any of us would have learned proper crime scene etiquette." He continued to mutter. "Or how to handle a dead body for that matter."
The teen glanced up to find an indescribably flat look aimed his way. That lasted a few seconds before a more contemplative one slid into its place and once more he was faced with the detective's unnerving stare. "So you really were the one who went through my stuff." He stated apropos of nothing.
Mitsuhiko started. Because –seriously– what the hell? Apparently this reaction was confirmation enough because the other just shrugged with a disarming nonchalance that had alarm bells going off immediately in the teen's mind.
"I mean-" He casually went on, "-seeing as if an outside source had ever decided to attempt to enter my study without my knowledge I would know and that two out of the three people that currently do have access to my home would have the neither the inclination nor opportunity to do so and since the time frame seemed to sync up it only serves to further paint you as the culprit..." He shrugged once more with that faux indifference. "Plus you just pretty much gave yourself away."
And oh wow was he upset wasn't he? The taught lines of tension that faintly coursed through his frame, belying the calm air he put upon himself. The teen could almost feel the other's silent accusation at the perceived betrayal and damn if that didn't sting. Well it wasn't as if he hadn't seen this coming. After all, it had only been a matter of time before the hammer fell and he had brought it down upon himself with that thrice-damned curiosity of his so by rights he was going to have to own up to this mess. (And if he had to drop down to his hands and knees to grovel for the other's forgiveness then so be it.)
"I'm so sorry. I was just trying to pick things up a bit when you got sick that one time but one of the files got knocked to the floor. I really wasn't trying to snoop but..."
"But you're a detective and curiosity got the better of you." He suddenly sounded so tired it made Mitsuhiko want to cringe and shrivel up inside himself just a bit.
"I'm sorry." He repeated faintly, feeling absolutely awful about the whole deal. Short of massive head trauma, there was nothing he could do that would be able to take back what he had seen in there and the knowledge that came with it and they both knew it. And it was with this thought weighing heavily on their minds they fell into an uneasy silence.
Mitsuhiko shifted slightly. "So?"
"You probably have...questions, right?"
"...I'd be lying if I said that I didn't." The admission seemed to make the man sink a bit but it wasn't unexpected. "But!" He ploughed on ahead, "You know? I'm not going to ask." This seemed to draw Shinichi up short as he shot him a sharp glance.
'Why indeed.' No, he knew why. It was because...
"Because..." His arms dropped down to hang at his side. "Because even though you may be my mentor you are first and foremost my friend Shinichi-san." And between friends there must be at least some measure of trust or else the relationship will crumble. Even he knew that. "You have your own very good reasons for not wanting to talk about any of that. And I'm not going to force you to. But-" Dark eyes met startled blues. "-just so you know, if you ever do need to talk to someone, well...don't forget that there are others willing to shoulder those burdens along with you okay?" They held one another's gaze, each party searching for something unspoken in the other and after a moment it seemed that they found it.
"...Thanks, Mitsuhiko-kun." A tentative smile.
"Don't mention it. I won't." Lips quirked up in a shy but earnest grin. "I mean, what kind of detective would I be if I didn't know how to keep an open mind and at least a modicum of plausible deniability?"
"A pretty damn terrible one. That's for sure."
"...You know," Mitsuhiko started, drawing the man's attention back once again. "I heard they just opened up a new branch of that café we liked. This one's supposed to have extended hours and a bunch of new location-specific desserts on their secret menu. So...You don't think they'll mind a few particularly well-dressed patrons, do you? What do you say?"
"I say we better hurry before those two lovebirds finally notice you're missing." He cracked a mischievous smirk back, "Besides, it's your turn to pay this time."
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l-l-kristofferson · 7 years
My History Of Dating
Looking at all of my past relationships and love affairs, I realized one thing: most of them were digital. Out of the eight relationships and countless romances, about eighty five percent were over the phone and online. I physically only met four or five of these exes, meeting the rest through Skype. It isn't that I'm not up to meeting them, it just happened that either they were far away or they weren't out to their families. Before nineteen, I was in the closet as well. So I understood why I was a secret. Unfortunately, I also had to keep some of my relationships a secret. Because I'm surrounded by a highly religious family.
My first relationship was at thirteen with a girl named Crystal. I met her once and kissed her before she had to go home. It didn't last a month before she left me for another girl. Sometimes I wonder where she is or what she's doing. Then the other part of me doesn't care. I do remember being highly upset when she left me, considering I really liked her. But that was my first experience with an actual relationship.
My second and longest relationship ever was with a girl named Alicia. I met her in person at the dentist's office when I was fourteen. After a few months of texting, she said that she really liked me. I remember thinking Whoa, is this happening? She was a pretty girl but a real firecracker. She liked to stir up trouble or it followed her wherever she went. We rarely saw one another and I remember seeing her again for my sixteenth birthday. The other thing I remember about that night is that I kissed a friend that was with me and my buddy Odd when we went to meet her (Sorry Alicia). For three years, I dealt with a lot of lies and frustration with her. Despite everyone saying that she was no good, I wanted to marry her. I drew the line when she said she had been raped and was pregnant by her attacker, which she later said wasn't true. I ignored her for a while after that. When I did pick up her call, I snapped and cursed at her, telling her to keep the ring, not to call or text me, to not bother coming to see me, and to forget my number. Over the years, she has called me and tried to reach out to me. I think she's married with a daughter now.
I remember my third relationship being another girl I later proposed to, Jennifer. She was my Yumi and I was her Ulrich. This was an on and off relationship for two years. She would believe the rumors about me cheating when I had been faithful the entire time. She dumped me when she thought she was moving back to New York. When that didn't happen, she got back with me. For awhile, things were good. Then she left me again because I was apparently cheating with a girl I never met in person. In the end, we stood broken up. I try to reach out to her but she doesn't respond to me. Our last conversation involved her asking me to be the godfather to her kid. I remember wondering why she chose me. Since then, she hasn't made an effort to talk to me or even respond to when I say hello to her. The last contact I had with her was wishing her a happy birthday earlier this month. Happy belated birthday mija. Te amo mucho.
My fourth relationship was with a girl named Christa. It lasted nearly a year. But there was a problem... She wasn't out to her parents. Problem number two was that my name was Ramirez in her phone (before I went by Allister) and her family thought I was Mexican (I'm Puerto Rican). In the December I last saw her, she asked me if I loved her. I just walked away and didn't say a word. I couldn't stand to be a secret. To this day, she avoids me and hates my guts. Because of me, she's "messed up".
I will skip my fifth relationship and go straight to my sixth. This was an older woman (she is currently twenty nine) and her name was Derpie (not like My Little Pony). I met her on an app called Link (I have since deleted it). She showed a picture of a corset in a group chat and I said that it was awesome (I'm a big fan of steampunk). I took the chance and direct messaged her. She responded and we became fast friends. Three weeks later on May 21st, I asked her to go out with me. She said yes. It kind of scared me and intrigued me. I had always been interested in older men and older women. I was spoiled by their maturity and knowledge of the world. She was also the person who exposed me to transgender culture. After a lot of consideration and thinking, this was when I knew I was transgender. I proposed after eight months and she accepted. I even sent her a ring (through a letter. It reached her and she sent me a picture of her wearing it). After the year mark, things started to fall off. I took some time to myself to think about things. When I did ask her to continue the relationship, she was upset with me (she was dealing with a cancer diagnosis) and she called me selfish for only thinking of my own suffering instead of hers as well. In the end, she gave me an ultimatum: move with her to where she was or it was over. Long story short, I stood in Philadelphia to finish school and the relationship was over. Although things ended badly, she and I are still friends. We talk occasionally and talk about things. I'm grateful for her because I was able to discover a part of myself I didn't understand. Thank you Bella for helping me to grow as the person I knew I could be.
This was my most recent relationship. It lasted almost three months and it was with a guy named Sam. He was thirty at the time we met (his birthday was last month). The first day we talked, we immediately exchanged numbers. I tried to get into what he was into (which was bodybuilding). He would get mad at me a lot, especially when my family made it clear that they didn't like him. Despite this, I continued to see him. Although he treated me as a man, he was quick to immasculate me and call me a coward. One thing I remember when he was going off on me was "When are you going to capture my attention?". At that point, I was done. I left him be. He contacted me again last month, inviting me to his birthday party. I didn't go. In those short months, I realized that I gave a lot of chances to those who didn't deserve it. I'm guarded more than ever because of him. I was vulnerable with him physically (we didn't have sex. Just fooled around.) and I kind of regret it. Because now, I feel inadequate every time I look in the mirror. I hate what I see most of the time. Mom, you were right.
Through all of this, I can say that dating is hard, especially as a transgender man. When a lot of those people tended to notice what I didn't have, they ignored what I had to offer. Sometimes, even that wasn't enough. I'm still waiting for the right person to claim me as theirs. I have eyes for someone. I really love them, though they love someone else. But it doesn't stop me. I'm waiting for her. I hope she notices.
Thanks for listening. Write again soon.
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