#blank decay theory
heyitsspaceace · 1 year
Clock 0ut Theories!
okay so me and @skeliiix have been theorizing about the new sad-ist animation "Blank Decay" which is another animation in her Clock 0ut series that starts with "Yellow Zone"
So if we look back to Yellow Zone, Sad-ist tells us that it's inspired by the video game the Stanley parable. (which is a great game by the way) In this video we see our main character, who we'll call Stanley working a desk similar to the video game. We're then introduced to another character (possible based on the narrator?, we'll call him Yellow for now) watching Stanley and his coworkers (more scribbles than actual people and Yellow seems to have control over them) through a system of camera monitors. The animation then launches into a series of escape attempts by Stanley only to be thwarted by Yellow and killed. Every time Stanly dies he awakens back in his desk and tries again. Only on the last try, instead of going to the exit, Stanley makes a change and ends up going for the window that Yellow is behind. They fight and Stanley ends up taking a clock from Yellow, he then slips, breaking the clock. The clock breaking seems to have some sort of effect on both Yellow and Stanley, causing them to begin to "glitch out" and for the clock to go haywire. Yellow's eye also fill completely giving the idea that he is not entirely human. Stanley then punches Yellow and breaks the clock and the animation ends.
This now brings us to.
Blank Decay!
Blank decay starts out a distorted version of maybe what the wo
rld outside of Stanley and Yellow's office is like? With the beginning scene having TV's that are similar to Yellows monitors cracked and broken. We then see Stanley, looking quite worse for wear running around this city. We then see a cube shaped monster with many legs and two square yellow eyes following him. Stanley makes it to a safe building and enters. We then see a man looking at different glasses. Surprise surprise! It's Yellow! He then sense a presence grabs a pipe and whips around, it's Stanley! The two seem to be on better terms know, but they soon get into an argument. There's no dialogue so its unclear what they are saying, just as Stanley is about to hit Yellow, a crawly cube with yellow eyes (CCYE for short) appears over them and jumps down to attack them. As their trying to escape the CCYE shoots and hits Stanley in the side, he falls to the group and glitches, as that happens you can see for a split second that he glitches to his old work clothes and then a skull appears over his head.
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Stanley hits the CCYE with a pipe which doesn't really do anything, Yellow then hits the CCYE with a chair causing it to divert its attention to him and cornering him against the wall. Yellow then see's a gear in CCYE's eye and reaches out to grab it which makes his arm go black with yellow lines running through it, almsot cyborg esc. The CCYE then explodes. Causing electricity to spark along side Yellow and for his eyes to fill like they did in Yellow Zone. He is left with the gear in his hand.
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Yellow then runs over to check on Stanley who is bleeding out, but not before pocketing the gear. Yellow tends to Stanley's wound and we then get a shot of Stanley sporting either what could be a bandage or a metal plate. Which then switches to what seems to a be a flashback of all the different ways Stanley has died in the past.
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It then cuts to Yellows eye's implying that he is the one remembering all this. The pair walk through the weird city until Stanley spots a door with an exit sigh above it. The two begin to make their way to it. Stanley tries to open it but finds very hard to open (that door must be really jammed for a guy who sent his boss FLYING with one punch). Yellow then notices more humanoid versions of the CCYE (those will be humanoid squiggles with yellow eyes HSYE for short). These beings look similar to Stanley's old coworkers, here's an example. (HSYE on the left and the coworkers on the right, more on this later)
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Yellow runs to Stanley but doesn't make in in time as Stanley is struck by a fatal blast by one of the HSYE, Yellow is also hit but only looses an arm, which doesn't seem to effect him very much (he also bleeds yellow!) The HSYE along side some smaller CCYE keep attacking the two. Yellow tries to stop the bleeding while Stanley continues to glitch like the last time. Sadly, Stanley dies. Yellow then begins to attack the HSYE and CCYE, although he gets shot and looses a leg. A HSYE pins him on the group but Yellow quickly flips it over grabs the gear in it's eye and again explodes it, this time the electricity bounces to the other HSYE and CCYE exploding them too and leaving the gears.
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Yellow notices his dead companion and begins to use the gears to make something. The something turns out to be the clock from Yellow Zone. The Clock then rewinds and we are met with what seems to be Stanley waking up at his desk like in Yellow Zone.
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Stanley is shocked and begins to cry. The animatic ends with Yellow and Stanley looking at each other from an un-distorted office space. Both back in their original clothes from Yellow Zone.
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So that's the two animatics! You're probably thinking "Ace aren't you gonna tell us your theories? We've already seen the animation."
Stanley and Yellow are on better terms
this one feel a little obvious as the two are traveling in a pair and Yellow seems to care for Stanley, so something has happened inbetween the time from Yellow Zone to Blank Decay where they have gotten closer.
Yellow caused the apocalypse
Okay so, we had the feeling that Yellow has something to do with the state of the world currently, the HSYE look like the coworkers from Yellow Zone. Yellow seems to have control over them or even created. We thought that someone by breaking the clock Yellow no longer has control over his creations there fore sparks the apocalypse
Yellow is totally not human
okay this one is kinda obvious as well, as he's kinda a cyborg, can't seem to die and he bleeds yellow. So yeah. that's that.
Yellow "reset" at the end of Blank Decay
So el mentioned something about yellow's code resetting, if we go with the idea that he is come sort of cyborg, if the clock breaking in Yellow Zone is what causes it. Then the clock being rebuilt and resetting the timeline must mean that Yellow was reset as well. There's also evidence that Yellow has changed character wise and it seems that he seems to care for Stanley and is worried for him. It's also clear (to us at least) that he has some sadness in resetting the time line, we don't think that would have been shown if Yellow knew he wasn't going to be reset. ALSO! Stanley's reaction doesn't seem quite normal for being brought back to life, I don't know as I've never actually be resurrected so if anyone has please correct me, but we think that Stanley's reaction is in part to realizing that he just lost Yellow as he knows that this "reset" will make him revert back to his old character.
Yeah so that's what we have, feel free to talk to us about it in the reblogs and share your own theories! This got really long but we really enjoyed talking about it!
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peoples77 · 1 year
A little analysis of SAD-IST's Blank Decay
I posted this on the SAD-ist Discord and decided to post it here too!
Spoilers for the animation!
The Narrator in this series seems to have discovered his lightning powers during Blank Decay and not in Yellow Zone. In Yellow Zone, he only uses his monitors to control the office to fight off Stanley, which is why he was  overwhelmed by him so easily. Even in the beginning of Blank Decay, he initially wields a metal pipe and chair.
Once he touches the gear in the gearling, he is able to go all yellow and lighting-y. Plus, the gears at the end of the animation are all connected to The Narrator right before he repairs the pocket watch. In fact, I’d say that the gears, and therefore the pocket watch, are the source of the power Narrator displays in Blank Decay. He either is unable to use its power when it’s in a pocket watch form, or he didn’t know that he could use it in such a way. Given his facial expression the first time he destroys a gearling, I believe it to be the latter.
Most of the people in the discord call the multi-limbed blocky things that attack the Narrator and Stanley "gearlings" fwi
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orchidbreezefc · 9 months
BD: the narrator tries to let go
i have several clock 0ut meta posts in my heart and i have no idea how strong this fandom is in the red string department so i apologize if they're well-trodden ground by now. this one is about my theory/interpretation that in blank decay the narrator led stanley to the exit, and also had no intention of leaving with him.
we see his motive in his guilt over how he has hurt stanley in the past as he examines the wound stanley received by saving his life anyway. that's REMORSE, babey:
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also this, because i can't imagine the single word he says here being anything but 'sorry'. stanley turns away from him after he says it, a clear indication that this apology wasn't enough (because of COURSE it wasn't):
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the narrator needs to actually do something to make things right. and so he takes him to the exit. i think the narrator already knew about it; the trek didn't seem to take a long time (stanley's wound didn't heal) or involve any searching. they walk in a straight line right to it.
stanley can't be the one who knew about the exit, though, because 1. he definitely would have ditched the narrator if he'd found it on his own prior to their little trauma bonding moment, and 2. his excited pointing here:
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note that the narrator responds to stanley's exuberance with a lukewarm half-shrug. he hangs back when stanley runs to try the door--a probable indicator he has no intention to go through it--at which point we see this expression:
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not the face of a man who's about to escape a dangerous wasteland with his friend(?) there. see also the look on his face on the walk there:
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it's anyone's guess whether the narrator was unwilling to leave or believed that it wasn't possible for him to do so (let alone whether he's correct). maybe it wasn't possible for stanley to leave either at this point, given that the exit was stuck when he tried it. i figure some game logic probably required a certain condition be met which they hadn't done yet, but that's just speculation.
it's more likely that the narrator expected stanley to leave without him given his little sad faces :( either way, i think he very much intended to remain in the wasteland indefinitely in the absence of the watch. hell, he was looking for new glasses! that's the behavior of a man who is resigned to making the best of things. he didn't have a backpack like stanley, so maybe he'd even set up somewhere to live nearby--though perhaps he just didn't need survival supplies, being an android.
P.S.: i wanted to touch on the narrator's awareness of the gears and their connection to the watch. much like stanley, i think he would have reset without a second thought before their trauma bonding moment--the problem being, that's when he realized rebuilding the watch was an option. note the look of sudden recognition on his face before he shoves his hand into the gearling's screen here:
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i don't think he knew he could just explode it, but upon seeing the gear as it took aim, he definitely realized something that prompted his next action. and, of course, he thought to slip the gear into his pocket.
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sucks when you find the means to do something you've been desperately wanting to do moments after you stop wanting it, huh?
EDIT: meta post about the red entity is [here], and another post about various little details i noticed is [here]!
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bee-birb · 5 months
tails nine theory - sonic prime spoilers - this is a long one
so we established that the prisms have like, mega energy and are way too much power for one person right? like, dread knuckles got a taste of the power from the noplace shard and went mad over it, and thorn rose also went a bit crazy with the boscage maze shard. afterward, she even said that it was far too much power for one person. eggman went wacko trying to get the whole prism initially, though that could have just been eggman being eggman.
my theory is, nine probably never would have gone as far as he did in s3 if he wasn't exposed to the prism. and not just one shard like dread and thorn, mind you. all of them. he had full exposure to all five shards, and was regularly drawing on their power to shape reality with himself as a conduit. first the new yoke shard, then the grim shard, (both in s1), then as the council collected more shards during s2, he was presumably exposed to more prism energy. (though, i think the energy field holding them in the dome would have blocked most of the energy, but you get my point.) that much prism energy could not have been good for his mind, especially because he's still portrayed as rather young in the series. in fact, we only get the ultimate betrayal while nine is in the presence of four of the five shards. thats a lot of power.
because the prism's energy is so strong, and with evidence from thorn and dread that it makes you volatile, nine probably wouldn't have betrayed sonic over the miscommunication. in fact, sonic had mentioned repairing green hill multiple times before, and nine didn't speak up or ask about it. this could be because he was biding his time to get all the shards in order to transform the grim, but he probably would have made at least a sarcastic comment about it. he also leaves the resistance behind after having the new yoke shard in his possession, the same thing that dread does in s2.
over the course of season 3, we can also see the effect of longterm use of prism energy in nine. he gets tired, falling over atop his citadel, and is always mentioning needing more power. this screams that something else is at work in his subconscious. another example is when shadow remarks that it was always all about power. sonic goes to disagree because sonic, but nine agrees. except, i dont think it was all about power initially. it was about building himself a safe haven in the grim. he was originally going to include sonic in his safe haven, too, as evidenced by the hammock and the palm trees they reference in the citadel. it was about finding a place for him to belong- a blank slate for him to start over.
and after the prism is gone, nine gets far more sympathetic and seems to be more himself. this also could be sonic being, yaknow, on the verge of completely falling apart without prism energy, but that doesn't make as much sense. nine was more than ready to extract the energy from sonic in s3e1, and do so mercilessly- after he had used the prism to create the alpha grim bots. are you seeing the pattern? nine gets steadily more unstable, unsteady, and unfeeling as he is exposed to the prism and harnesses its energy through himself.
and i do understand that hurt people hurt people, and the kid is just doing what he can to make himself a home. it makes complete sense to do anything you can to make yourself the safe space that you've never had before. but the fact that he doesn't listen to reason and facts goes completely against nine as a character- he's the logical one. the thinker. he was the first to tell the council that using the prism would cause shatterverse wide decay. and he flat out ignores all that during s3. its not correlative to his character, hence my theory that something deeper is happening with nine.
now, for those of you saying that sonic never had such side effects- he already has prism power in his being. it wouldn't affect him as much as a completely outside source would.
anygays, thank you for reading my rambles and have a good night. remember, its just a theory- a gAME THEORY-
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viviseawrites · 3 months
our project for the @strangerthingsreversebigbang is now fully live! i had the distinct honor of writing for @ent-is-indecisive, and the amazing artwork inspired something a little outside of my usual wheelhouse. i'm so glad i got to work with ent and i hope i did this work justice!
Title: they gave you life, and in return, you gave them hell written by @viviseawrites with art by @ent-is-indecisive 
Art: view on Tumblr Fic: read on AO3
rated E | ~13,300 words Summary:
Eddie Munson died in the Upside Down during the spring break from hell. Steve knows that all too well. But when Steve is captured by Vecna’s forces, a familiar face reintroduces himself as Kas. And Kas’s mission? Interrogate Steve for details on the party’s plan to face Vecna. 
Still, Steve can’t help but see Eddie somewhere under the magical new powers and blank eyes. He just has no idea how to reach him.
tags and a peek at the first scene under the cut!
Fic Tags: Post-Stranger Things 4 Vol. 2, Eddie Munson Lives, Eddie Munson as Kas the Betrayer (Dungeons & Dragons), Eddie Munson Has Powers, Captive Steve Harrington, Captor Eddie Munson, Power Imbalance, MagicCanon-Typical Violence, Possession, Horror, Torture, Sacrifice, Temporary Character Death, Exes to Lovers, Love Confessions, Getting Back Together, Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Dom/Sub Dynamics, Dom Bottom Eddie Munson, Sub Top Steve Harrington, Offscreen Kink Negotiation, Kissing, Blow Jobs, Oral Sex, Face-Fucking, Praise Kink, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Daddy Kink (very light!), Angst with a Happy Ending
Archive Warnings: None.
Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Vecna, El, Robin Buckley
The forest of Hawkins sounds different than it used to. When Steve was a kid, birdsong filled the air and leaves crackled as small creatures scurried underfoot while he and Tommy raced for his tree house. But right now, he hears only his own heartbeat, pounding in his head; his breathing, too fast and too loud; and a familiar, dreadful high-pitched screeching accompanied by the flapping of many leathery wings. The demobats chitter excitedly as they search for him. 
Steve flexes his hands. His back is pressed to the bark of a sturdy oak tree, stripped of its greenery like so many of Vecna’s other victims as his influence eats away at the natural landscape. The blight creeps out from the center of Hawkins a little more each day. Dustin’s theory is that Venca needs to consume life force to maintain his power, especially considering all the sacrifices. He never misses one of Lucas’s scouting reports as he attempts to track the decay and its relationship to Vecna’s abilities.
But none of that matters to Steve, not right now. The trees are dead and the animals are gone and the demobats are hungry. But El is in danger, so here Steve is.
One of the demobats finally breaks through the bare branches above. Steve holds himself still and silent, fingers wrapped around the handle of his bat; the democreatures don’t have eyes, but their sense of smell is strong enough to make them dangerous anyway. He can hold his own against a single monster, but as soon as he spills its blood, the rest will be on him. 
Better on him than El, though. Steve firms his resolve at the thought. 
The demobat lands on the forest floor, turning its head this way and that as it tries to pin him down. He takes in a quiet, stabilizing breath. When he darts forward, it swings around to face him just in time for his nailbat to crunch down onto its skull. The cry it releases echoes shrilly around him before it abruptly cuts off. But the damage is done.
read the rest on ao3
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mishy-mashy · 2 months
Theory: All For One gave Tomura the Decay Quirk
I was thinking this for a while. Midoriya learned that Tenko was originally Quirkless, already being five, so there was no way for him to have the Decay Quirk; All For One gave it to him
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Isn't it awfully convenient that right as Midoriya wonders "Who is this guy?", that All For One showed up?
All For One knew Tenko was a blank slate without a Quirk (yet, or at all).
Going back to ch. 235, we see that after Tenko was playing heroes with other kids, he got walked home by a man in a suit
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Suit, shadowed face, hat, tall, and Tenko still has black hair? This matches this memory, and we can see there's a lot of shading in the palms
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All For One walked home Tenko. He could've given him a Quirk during that time. Right after he brought him home, Kotaro got mad that Tenko was playing and talking about heroes. Already, while Kotaro is upset at him, we see Tenko scratching. According to Nao, his allergies got worse, and if he was just given a Quirk, his allergies could've been fueled by the new Quirk as his body adjusts
Even if it's just a mutation, we do know that his itchiness was related to Decay, since the itching went away after he destroyed what he didn't like (his Quirk revolves around de-constructing and destroying, so natural leanings toward those urges, etc)
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Yes, Tenko's Decay may very well just be a mutation like Eri, but I just want to bring one more thing to attention about the theory (All For One gave Decay when walking Tenko home):
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When Tomura used Decay and was fighting Re-Destro, back when he only had Decay, Machia was in shock, because it reminds him of All For One long ago. Not only his figure as a ruler that Machia remembers, but All For One could've done the same thing as Tomura (Decay), long ago
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sushiburritonoms · 1 month
New ETN/GT Fic
I wrote this for Matpat's retirement in March and look at me, right on time as always.
Matthew Patrick's Home for Imaginary Friends and Biblical Abominations
Rating: Gen, no ships, comedy, could be considered crack I guess
Summary: Stephanie Patrick has made a lot of adjustments and sacrifices ever since her husband came back from Everlock and has come out of the other side a stronger person. But six years later, Matthew and Nikita finally achieve the impossible and bring Joey Graceffa back from Pandora’s Box...along with something else. What do you do when your husband accidentally releases the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
You hire them for Youtube of course.
Basically a fusion of Game Theory lore and ETN, featuring Stephanie, Jason, Tom, Lee, Santi, Amy, Mirror Matt, Ash, and a ton of other Theorist cameos and easter eggs. Its the new channel hosts as the Four Horsemen; this will NOT make sense if you don't follow the Theorist channels.
Fic Snippet is below the cut.
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Hey Death, whatcha doing?”
“Go away, Fam, I’m busy!”
“You’re busy in MY space! Aren’t you supposed to be off reaping innocent babies or kittens or something?!”
“For the last time, we are GUESTS; you don’t own the space, you glutinous half-wit! Leave me alone!”
“Matt! Matt, Death is messing with your kitchen!!”
Stepping into her own kitchen wasn’t supposed to feel like a SAE mission. But Steph kept a flask of holy water and a crucifix in her Lululemon hip bag as she made her way over from the stairwell. The moment she made her presence known, she saw sickly green flames brighten to life in the blank sockets of Death’s skull face.
“Ah! Stephanie! So good of you to join us.” Death nodded his head politely and lifted a skeletal hand to tug at his black hood as though it were some sort of dapper hat. His upper-class London accent made the act feel less ridiculous and more like proper gentleman behavior.
“…Hi.” Steph was never going to get used to how terrifying it was to see green fire instead of eyeballs, especially since Death towered several feet over her and Matthew. Speaking of which… “I thought I heard Matthew’s voice.”
“He went downstairs,” a smooth voice chimed in from behind Death’s black robe. “With the other dude and the chick.”
Death snorted. “Eloquent and informative as ever.”
“She knows who I’m talking about! Now move your nonexistent ass; some of us are trying to work here!”
Steph saw a thick human arm swat at Death’s cloak, and the living personification of Famine stepped into Steph’s view.
Famine grinned at her with a very normal and healthy-looking human male face. Thank God. She would take his human form any day over the emaciated, decayed corpse that was his true form. Today, he was favoring a physique that had very broad shoulders and thick muscular biceps that strained against a baby blue shirt with some anime character imprinted on it. Matthew would surely know the show, but she did not. He had a round tan face with a salt and pepper beard and very mischievous eyes that were partially hidden behind thick black glasses. He eagerly held out one of her mixing bowls, which was filled near to the brim with something that smelled utterly delicious.
“I’m making snacks!”
“Thank you, Famine. That’s very sweet of you.” Steph couldn’t help but break into a smile. “Is this the same body you wore yesterday?”
Famine nodded vigorously. “Matt said we need to pick a body and stick with it. I like this one. Check out my GUNS!” He set the bowl down on the countertop beside him and flexed one of his thick arms at Steph.
Death scoffed. “Flesh is weak. Entropy is inevitable.”
“You’re just jealous because you can’t create anything other than the same lameo body you’ve had for centuries.”
“There’s nothing wrong with the way my human form looks. Not all of us are vain like you and Pestilence.”
“Excuse you?”
Steph jumped. A small, slender woman with incredibly pale skin and long black hair suddenly sat cross-legged at one of Steph’s kitchen bar chairs. She wore a shoulderless black halter dress that went down to the floor, to where Steph could see the tips of shiny Doc Martens peeking out. On her face, she wore black eyeliner to outline her light blue eyes, which were intensely focused on Famine. She looked completely human except for one small detail. She had long, razor-sharp silver claws instead of nails resting elegantly in her lap, like ten slim stiletto daggers just waiting to be thrown.
Death shook his bony head. “How many times have I told you not to scare our hosts like that? Don’t make me put a bell around your tiny neck!”
“Hmm, I’d like to see you try,” Pestilence yawned into the palm of her hand, her claws flexing across her face. They were filed into sharp points and caught the light in a terrifying way. “Sorry to bother you, Steph, but Matt was looking for you and said you needed to be on his call. He’s with the Vessel and Nikita.”
“The dude and the chick!” Famine shrugged. “I said that already.”
“You are useless,” Death groaned.
Oh. Right. Matthew had said he was going to call Jason today. She’d completely forgotten that was happening.
You can continue the fic here
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ryhoferu · 1 year
And im fuckin sick after the Blue Lies. Sooooo, there a theory/au for the whole clock out series, because I cant stop thinkin about it.
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Insomnia theory/au
  The parable is Stanley's dream, from which he can only wake up through the exit door. He hits in this dream every time he falls asleep, and the main problem is, that getting out starting be harder every time he falls in this dream. Stanley can sleep through whole days(that can literally kill him) because he can’t go out from parable too long.
  The human like Stanley, but lies in a coma, which is why he cannot get out of the parable on his own. The narrator remains in the dream and is practically a part of it, which promises to go out by himself, but gives him the advantage of influencing the parable and the creatures in it.  He realizes that soon he will be unable to be saved at all, seeing that his body is far from being inhuman. That is why he keeps Stanley in a dream, hoping that he can help him.  He does not want to see Stanley's death again, to see how his first in long time friend, but he does not want to lose his freedom and his own consciousness in a dream forever either . In the end scene Blank Decay and in the start of the Blue Lies, the narrator comes out to Stanley at the begging of the story, hoping that by working together from the very beginning, they will be able go out together without significant sacrifice for anyone.
After the last dream, Stanley realized that after the next one he might not wake up at all.  And in this regard, a brilliant decision was made not to let yourself fall asleep at all. He sleeps for a maximum of an hour, does not spend his resources in a wide range, constantly drinks energy and coffee, in general, does everything to prevent the body from falling asleep.  It is clear that it is impossible to live like this for a long time, and this is no better evident in his mental state than in his physical + clearly thoughts about the narrator, guilt for the fact that he is essentially responsible for his death.  Stanley begins to see and hear hallucinations, just going literally crazy.  He works in an office, which can be seen from his condition is even worse.
I wanna hope you are able to read this, because the most of it I wrote with google translator
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clock out blue lies theory
(yes really)
Khem SO first we dont know will there be any more clock out animations but its nvm im just sucker for visual paralels and anything sad-ist related so
Look at preview covers:
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yellow zone was about stanley vs the sistem of tsp or stanley vs narrator, he's on the cover obviously bc he's mc
Here Stanley runs to the left, because he's, like, goes into the sistem, he goes back, deep into the core of "Stanley Parable"
blank decay was about stanley and narrator vs the sistem
but nor stanley or narrator are on the cover. Its that creepy thing that was stanley's coworker.
Thats because this is who "won" in that animation (even tho stanley was revived they didn't escape, didn't beat the sistem)
BUT in the new "Blue lies"
Stanley is on the cover again.
And! he's running to the right, opposit from where he went in the first part. Away from sistem. And he is alone so maybe also away from the Narrator.
That and the animation called "Blue lies".
Sooo are we expecting a little angst? How do you think?
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iavenjqasdf · 8 months
Mech Pilot Story, part 3
[part 2]
Noclipping 200 feet above the battlefield. Things look almost peaceful down there. The debris field is clearly delineated from the overworld. Wholly separable, a single lasso selection away from being totally cut out of this world.
This view isn’t new to V1C, but for once it’s not getting smaller, fading away as its reality shifts from weapon back to vessel and prepares to clock out. Instead, everything remains static in decay, embers and smoke particles the only evidence of animation.
Feels wrong to be stuck like this, forced to observe the aftermath. You just work here.
“Fuck, you reek.”
That can’t be true. Contracts always end with a chemical bath, hosing off sweat and other carnage before its senses have a chance to recalibrate.¹
V1C opens its eyes, blinks, and tries to file a bug report; can’t see anything, unused voices. More faulty refurbs? Oh well. Gotta push through, hope your associates can carry you this shift and you get a better loadout tomorrow.²
“Oh, you’re up. Wish I’d thought of something to say.”
These audio issues are new; sounds like a cliched scene that launches a thousand sims and texts, compressed into a single string. Possibly the result of scheduled maintenance running overtime not leaving time for a full memory defragmenting.
V1C clutches those fragments tight until they’re entombed in its palms, keep the damage around them minimal because if they get removed so are all your memories and worse yet they might end up in something else and if that causes failures it’s coming out of your pay, superspreader of cognitohazards.
Neither sight nor sound can be relied upon, so V1C rifles through the miscellaneous inputs for context. Taste: metallic, dark and nauseating in the way rotting flesh is supposed to be [but you’ve never put that in your mouth so who could say]. Touch: touched quite vigorously; nearly every pain indicator is at high or severe. 
And the glitch is right; something does smell pretty bad.
V1C shifts, nervesear blasting along its limbs like a cord of lightning. Voiceless scream, curls onto its side to shield its most valuable components. Rivers of saltwater hiss along valleys where burning skin and exposed synflesh meet in welds that seem ready to come undone.
V1C expels air from its lungs in an unsuppressed manner. “Peachy.”
“Okay. You seem to have pissed yourself.”
Evidence is mounting against the “glitch” theory; V1C can’t see it, but there may actually be another voice in this room [if acoustics CAN be trusted, reverb patterns are consistent with being in a room]. Jaw clenches against cascading agony long enough to grunt.
“Oh. Um,” the glitch pauses for a moment. A quiet scratching sound [low reverb; small room?]
V1C blinks. “Status?”
V1C uncurls a fraction of an inch. Urea blooms beneath naked form, tattered fabric clinging to damp skin of a thigh painted with burns and dried blood. Its vision remains blank.
Rea takes a breath, a sound of disgust leaving unconcealed. “...status?”
V1C’s starting to get real tired of these status updates.  “Critical. Pain… overwhelming.”
“I really did a number on you huh.”
Movement. Someone nearby. Click. The faintest warmth radiates, the smells get worse. Pressure around your neck but everything else also hurts too badly for you to respond.
“You’ll live. Just need more time.”
The presence retreats, the pressure remains, pinpricks around your neck, electric mist. Something inside the spasms twitches deep.
V1C sits upright.
Rea clears her throat. “Uh, it’s been-”
Rea scoots back, casually rifling through her pockets. V1C’s adrenal reserves kick in, powering through the error messages to rise to its feet. Rea’s found what she’s looking for and she presses its button.
The visual silence becomes a flash of light, instantly appearing then quickly receding as audio reenters the mix. Screams clip from an overheating throat as every bit of oxygen in the cramped space turns to plasma with a snap, eyes smoldering in sockets flames devour every square inch that isn’t being quenched by the last little bit of piss spraying from between V1C’s legs.
Through some miracle,³ it remains upright. The flames are gone as quickly as they hit; phantom embers still core all the way through flesh to the other side, but visually, there’s no evidence a fire ever happened.⁴
“That looked like it hurt hahaha.”
Lightning cracks wood splits bones crunch V1C’s reasoning skills are no longer part of the equation a sleetstorm of magma buffets gaping raw pores searing in the flavor V1C is floorbound and crying and screaming again and Rea stands overhead, ratking of mottled hair like a demonic haze in the dim red, eyes wide teeth bared ear to ear, the puddle of aureolin pools around bare toes.
“Hahaha oh man you’re gonna be such a fun stimtoy for me.”
¹ For processing into disinfectant
² If the associate in front of you falls, pick up his battle pass and continue earning.
³ RNG wasted on a throwaway pull
⁴ The suppression systems were unnecessary
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Okay so let me just see if I understand what happened in S1E4 The Naked Time because frankly I feel extremely unhinged right now and I need to recalibrate my sense of reality.
They find a bunch of dead frozen scientists on a planet that's about to be destroyed by unclear natural causes. Only two of the six bodies are shown; one is very clearly a mannequin. Leonard Nimoy is wearing a repurposed shower curtain for the entirety of these initial scenes. That's not relevant to the plot, but it's important to me on a deep personal level.
They don't know it yet, but the scientists died because of some kind of Space Madness that spreads through water. Lieutenant Joe removes his safety glove to scratch his nose, earning him the title of Court Jester Of The Week, but does not contract the disease from touching any of the ice coating the area - instead he contracts it from a stray drop of blood that remains unfrozen for some reason. After sticking that blood drop directly up his nose for safekeeping, he and Spock return to the ship.
Joe has a minor existential crisis in sickbay, then he goes to get some lunch, where he has a major existential crisis and tries to stab himself with a butter knife. Sulu and Lt. Riley try to subdue him, but he gets stabbed anyway. Joe dies; Sulu and Riley are now infected. McCoy demonstrates an appalling lack of concern for basic masking procedures when performing open air surgery.
Meanwhile, the Enterprise absolutely positively has to maintain an orbit around the dying planet as it decays - a very delicate process that requires everyone to be running at full capacity. So naturally, Sulu fucks off to threaten blank-faced crewmen in the corridors with a sword, and Riley infects Christine before barricading himself in engineering and turning all the engines off so he can be better heard as he tells women at large that they're prettier without makeup.
Christine makes a heartfelt love confession to Spock (presumably earning herself some kind of write up for sexual harassment later what with all the hand-to-hand action) and he becomes infected as well. He sobs mathematically about it in a conference room.
Scotty and Kirk break into engineering and subdue Riley, but it's too late to restart the engines and the ship is gonna go down unless they calculate something something and implode the engines. But it's only a theory, Jim!!! It would take a million computers to calculate!!!
McCoy finds a cure to the Evil Water. The one that's got the Space Madness in it. The one that's like. Just water, but weird about it. But it's okay, because he has the cure now. The cure to water. But just the evil kind.
Kirk finds Spock crying about feeling love (mood) and becomes infected, but seemingly also fully cures Spock of the disease by letting himself get backhanded over a table.
(Side note: I am going to be keeping a running tally of how many times physical violence against Kirk ends up curing Spock of his emotional turmoil, because I know it's not just the once.)
Kirk has a minor meltdown about the Enterprise not being a flesh lady that he can take for walks on the beach, then decides he doesn't have time for that and goes back to the bridge, where McCoy He-Mans the fuck out of his shirt for no god damn reason just to give him a hypo for the Space Madness. Spock goes to help Scotty with the implosion calculations, and fuck me sideways they pull it off and everything's fine except for Joe who's still dead.
BUT!!! The implosion sends the Enterprise BACK IN TIME........BY THREE DAYS.
Kirk and Spock comment mildly about trying out fucking time travel again later. Someday. When they're feeling more up to it. The end!
Do I have all of that right? Is that what just went down? I think I need to lie down.
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walugus-grudenburg · 3 days
ooooohh thank you so-so much for your answers, really!!!!😭😭🙏🙏🙏 im happy you've found time to answer my questions!
im actually kind of relieved that there weren't any other logs that we could rely on considering these questions, when me and my friend were thinking about these topics we also tried to study the intro and that cain's dialogue line; for some reason i perceived those vague lines only metaphorically and thought that cain had been dissapointed in the estuarues a long time ago and his phrases weren't supposed to mean that he knows what actually happened. but then my friend started to ask all of this and i was just ??? damn why was i thinking what i was thinking again??
so it seems like the one topic that really has no clues is did cain told abel what the latter will actually face? if we assume that cain knew at least something it doesn't necessarily mean he informed abel, right? i like to think abel was clueless, but it leads me to another question: after umm for example he faced lamech and got killed by him for the first time, couldn't he go to cain in next body and say smth like "ummmm you never told me i had to kill your children" and apparently cain was like "oopsie daisy didn't know that either! guess you should, sorry 'bout that"; or did they talk or even met with each other through the game before abel got the fruit..? but wait maybe the words "decayed" and "deliverance" were clear enough for abel to understand what awaits him and what he should do...
ughh sorry now it is just speculations indeed... again sorry for spamming your inbox and again thank you so much for discussing!❤️ the lore behind the estuaries is so good and full and clear, but when it comes to these two? so much mystery...
The annoying (though kind of fun) thing about these two is that it's so up to interpretation. So, your original theory is also very plausible! The game uses metaphors a lot, particularly when it comes to anything wafted vaguely near Cain, so it's really hard to say for certain!
And yeah, same goes for Abel and Cain talking at all after the pre-game lore stuff but before the fruit! It's hard to tell whether Abel just got sent off on a mission with little contact or what. And I quite like your scenario there with Abel informing Cain about the Estuaries' state!
Indeed there's just so many mysteries behind these two. Prime material for speculation and filling in the blanks. It's fun that it leaves room for fan ideas, even if it's sometimes kinda frustrating how many unanswered questions it leaves lol.
And again, I don't mind you being in my inbox at all! I love talking about this game and love pretty much any opportunity to discuss it, especially on the lore rather than the (also fun even just to talk about) gameplay!
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orchidbreezefc · 9 months
blue lies: whomst the fuck is red
here's the Big theory: blue lies introduces a new, red-coded entity to the world of clock 0ut. this one owes a lot to @quotesandmiracles , @reflingthefox , and most of all to @featheredbirblet , whom i didn't speak to directly at all but whose insights pretty much form the backbone here.
this first observation is all i need to conclusively prove the existence of the red entity imo. like, putting aside all the rest, this here is enough. here's the camera when the narrator is monitoring stanley from the control room, displaying his signature yellow:
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and here it is in blue lies, when the narrator is decidedly not monitoring from the control room:
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like. when the narrator is monitoring things, the camera is lit up yellow. now he's not monitoring things and the camera is lit up red. and the camera is moving, so somebody's in control of it. somebody represented by red. QED.
i do have more though. the whole video is structured around film--which, of course, is the medium a camera uses. film is the force that attacks stanley in blue lies in the absence of the office, which doesn't take an active role like in yellow zone, only collapsing.
the film is what apparently captures(???) and attacks(?????) the narrator:
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but less obvious is the fact that just before this, the force that rushes to attack him is red:
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which tells me the red entity and the film are the same, or at least working together. the film is also what manifests stanley as he appears at the end of blank decay (note his clothes, his longer hair, and his wound)--but with red eyes.
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of course, this raises the question of who or what the red entity is. i like @featheredbirblet 's theory that their appearance as BD!stanley may indicate the narrator's unconventional reset at the end of BD, or perhaps the broken-game status of BD in and of itself, led to a corrupted save. film is, after all, just another way of saving and recording data. maybe this is an improper save of BD!stanley "haunting" the files.
my first instinct is that the red entity is the timekeeper, just because it's one of the other entities within the stanley parable and the only one we see use power independent of and equal to the narrator. it could also be the curator, who after all keeps records of the game, but she's more passive. i have no evidence for either, they just seem logical for a new entity coming into play in a story inspired by TSP.
P.S.: note how the title of each video refers to the color associated with the person in possession of the clock at the time. the narrator has it in yellow zone; it doesn't exist at all in blank decay; and stanley has it in blue lies. i very much anticipate a red video in the future.
i have one more post in me of bits and bobs, observations and details i have yet to fit into a coherent point. if you missed the previous one, you can find it [here]. EDIT: bits and bobs post is [here]!
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thomine · 1 year
word prompts
send me a prompt + a character! current number of prompts (last modified 27/8/23): 114
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slowips · 1 year
list of 107 words
send me a number + a character and i'll write something :)
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My theory about who is gonna show up in robin #12
So as Joshua Williamson stated before “I have plans for Maya and other characters from Damian's past, for sure.” I think we’re gonna get a specific two characters tied to his past in the league of assassins as he was growing up there but probably as enemies these two will be Plague and Blank there two sibling with meta powers that were stolen by Ra’s for his “cause” Damian use to lead them in his old group called the demons fist until he chose to go solo in the league from what I can remember Plagues powers are anything that she touches will decay and die and Blank power is that he can turn into any anybody but his hair color stays the same this is why I think he’s probably the imposter damian that we are gonna see and that he’s probably gonna fight when he gets back to Gotham and still connected with to where we left off with the whole Shadow war thing that Williamson is doing witch means hopefully since we’re gonna a huge family affair going on with the Al ghuls that we’re gonna see mara again because I sure hope we do
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