#btw finishing it this year is a long shot lol
acaciapines · 7 months
decided to do nano this year! despite the fact that i will be! perhaps! the most busy! in november!! but i am DETERMINED to try and finish the owl house daemon au this year goddamnit i wanna be DONE!!! i want to be free!!!! its been eight million years!!
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Pick a song for each letter of your URL, and then tag that many people! Much thanks to @angelthingy for tagging me <3
Bird, you can fly - Eyemèr Untitled - Knuckle Puck Re-emerging Signs of the Apocalypse - Spanish Love Songs Never Meant - American Football I Was Hiding Under Your Porch Because I Love You - Waterparks Nightmare On Southfield - Action/Adventure Green Squirrel In Pretty Bad Shape - Hot Mulligan Cigarettes & Saints - The Wonder Years Overstepping - Belmont My Life For Hire - A Day To Remember Pints Of Guiness Make You Strong - Against Me! Understanding In A Car Crash - Thursday Thank God It's Friday - Ice Nine Kills Early Sunsets Over Monroeville - My Chemical Romance Right Choice - Can't Swim Paradise Lost, a poem by John Milton - The Used El Niño Considers His Failures - Spanish Love Songs Rationalize - Action/Adventure Sick Of It All - Magnolia Park One Step at a Time - Four Year Strong No Children - The Mountain Goats And Now I'm Nothing - The Wonder Years
Good lord did that take a while to finish... time to start tagging uhhh *counts* twenty-two people now: @sucker-for--anything-acoustic @tradedsymmetry @broke-bruce-wayne @mackie-ds @juliens-bakery @breaking-justin @flashlight-smallknife @cemetery-pigeons @ogbulesky @dysphoria-things @eyemermusic @plainramennoodles @unnervinglyferal @ameliafromafairytale @aiam-maianaise @weirdpinkandmagical @crazyworkswell @kind-wizard @leonidele @thevictorianpirate @mira-kyria @cant-even-spell-my-own-url
Okay I think I tagged like all my mutuals and then some... suffice to say I am sorely regretting my longass username. Anyway these tags are low pressure and open as always, so feel free to join in! (or not, I'm not the cops)
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duckchu · 7 months
If your asks are still open can I request the Heartsteel boys reactions to their S/O overworking themselves? How would they react if reader suddenly faints, gets a nosebleed, covered in bruises cos they keep bumping into stuff half asleep? I just want to see how they would care for someone hehehehehehe Thank you once again, I LOVE READING YOUR STUFF (IonianSunsets here btw teehee)
Omg thanks for the request :3
Idk when you requested so sorry if it was a long time ago (I didn't get a notification and it doesn't show the date of the ask)
Reader is a soloist here since I like writing idol reader lol. If you don't like it, I can redo it
It was just another day, you and Hearsteel were set to have a photoshoot together for a magazine, promoting your collaboration single.
He started noticing you were growing restless, drinking way more coffe and energy drinks than usual, but didn't say anything
I mean he wasn't better
Though he did it for different reasons
But today he noticied you were especially clumsy
You kept on bumping into stuff or people. He was getting really worried
Then when you were getting the photos taken, you started swaying lightly.
He quickly rushed to you as you fell
While you woke up quickly, he was still worried, heart racing so hard he was sure he would have a heart attack.
After that the shoot was postponed as Kayn got you home. Surprisingly he didn't speed too hard, not wanting to give you any additional stress.
After that he forced your manager at knife point to give you a well deserved break
And then begged Alune to let him stay with you
She did
He became really soft for a few days, cuddling with you and touching you almost all the time
Don't tell anyone tho
It was just a normal award show
Nothing big
Ezreal and you were the hosts
Honestly you in that pretty dress was the only thing which made him pay attention
Untill he noticed you were slowly starting to stumble with your words and your legs were getting shaky
He wanted to go to you and make sure you were okay but he couldn't just go up on stage
You were just to announce the song of the year category, but the it happened.
You lost your consciousness
The ceremony was put on hold, everyone in the audience shocked.
You were given medical attention and announced a hiatus to rest
After that Aphelios always made sure you were well rested and fed
Would litteraly force you to lay down if he noticied you overworking yourself
Would learn to cook just so he could be sure you ate
You were just recording the mv for your collab
It was all good, you just finished filming your solo shots when you collapsed on set
Yone quickly got up and ran to you, making sure you were breathing
After you woke up, you thought he was mad at you
He was just so...quiet..almost as if he wasn't here
You didn't know, but he just needed time to process what happened
He takes better care of you after that
To the point of being overbearing
He just wants to make sure you feel well
But if it bothers you, a simple talk with him will solve it
You were meant to have a special stage with him on a music show
Nothing hard, just cover an old song
But before it began he stopped you
- Y/N, are you sure you want to do this? You don't...look good-
Well that was nice.
He held your arm, looking at the bruises you got from bumping into furniture when you came back home at crazy hours after a tiring day
Then you got a nosebleed. Great.
He didn't want you overworking yourself.
He made you go back to the rest area and get some sleep
He was at a photoshoot when he learned that you have landed yourself in the hospital
He kept on bitching to the other guys about how he had to go visit you and that he can't finish the shoot
Finally they were done with his shit and made Kayn drive him there
He went into your room, worried sick
After you were discharged next day he was with you all the time
Making sure you're not overworking yourself
The rest of the band has to beg you to get him to stop worrying so much about you
When you do, he still texts you all the time to make sure you're ok
You were just chilling at his place when he noticied bruises on your arm
He questioned you throughly
After you confessed to overworking yourself severely
He made you stay the next night and prepared you some body care
Massage, relaxing bath, all that
He understands your job is really demanding, but does want to make sure you take breaks
Hope I didn't disappoint you, love you
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ms-moonlight-inn · 17 days
✨✨Weekly Tag Wednesday ✨✨
Look at this shit, it's me answering one of these on the actual day it was assigned. Magic! 🪄🔮
Tagged by @blue-disco-lights, @burninface, @energievie, @jrooc, & @mybrainismelted & @guinguin1984
Name: Burned out & waiting for summer AKA Cyn
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (or you): That place that keeps promising the Northern lights, but it's always cloudy af here, so we never actually get to see them. last night was supposed to be a good light show... womp, womp... thunderstorms. 
Ok, so this week we are going to snoop into your google search. Type in each phrase and tell us what the first suggestion is that google gives you!
What is the best way to…. study. LOL! Ok, Google, thanks for the generic answers that only work for the few non-neurodivergent individuals in the room.
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Where can I…. watch the Celtics game. Um, fuck no. Basketball sucks now, all the new rules have watered down the sport. Also, fuck the Celtics. I'm a die-hard Lakers fan.
How old is…. Joe Biden. There ya go. asked and answered.
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How long does it take… to get to the moon. Just g'head and blame my son for this, and all astronomical questions, being permanently etched into our search history.
How many…  weeks in a year. It's moo, motherfucker, moo. Also, 52.
Who set the record for…. the highest jump (@blue-disco-lights, we're all getting this question?!) (it was Javier Sotomayor of Cuba btw)
When did…. WWII start.
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What does it feel like to… get shot. (@blue-disco-lights Mickey must've hacked into my shit, as well.) Honestly, I'm sur[rised it didn't pop up with something crazier than this.
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Can you… run it. And the sites associated with this search are IT/tech sites that tell you if you can run certain software on your machine.
When you… say nothing at all. And these two vids pop up side-by-side.
Same song, different versions. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Why do… I owe taxes this year. LOL! I don't.
Is there a way… to unsend an email. The very first response is an AI generated summary of shit we already know: depends or your email provider & how long ago you sent it. Yeah, so shit, Sherlock.
How old do you have to be… to work. Not even dignifying that shit with a response.  
Where do the… Florida Panthers play. Again with stupid sports questions. i bame wifey for this. (Also, @blue-disco-lights nice Warriors reference! 😉)
What is the best time to… post on Instagram. I really couldn't care less.  
And to finish us off…. What comes up when you type in Shameless? Oh, nothing. Nothing at all...
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I do believe everyone's been tagged on this. If you haven't please feel free to join & give a tag back.
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reilleclan-blog · 3 days
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So well I finished rdr2 and I wanna say I enjoyed the hell out of the game genuinely. I didn't think I'd cry as the game was coming to an end but I did I miss Arthur a lot I felt so much pain that he died the way he did. I mean I got the "true" ending but still. Idk it made me sad how much he felt like he fucked up a lot so he was trying to make amends as best as possible. I was playing "honourably" the whole game I didn't want to be a killing maniac cause I thought there was enough of those irl and in game. (Also seeing the King's son die b/c Dutch was a fucking coward that made me want to put a bullet thru Dutch's head after that. Genuinely had me crying as well b/c Dutch used their ppl for his own gain. He constantly said "we'll get rich" but he was willing to leave behind the ppl that helped him. I kinda didn't understand it.)
And as Arthur rode back to camp I was cursing Dutch's name and I was feeling so much of Arthur's pain. Loyalty was all he had but Dutch wanted his mind too. I miss Hosea and Lenny they didn't need to die. Rest in peace u fictional fucks I loved y'all fr. I also was hurt to find out Pearson and Uncle had dipped but they had the right idea . I'm just :,//// feelin
But yeah Arthur was able to die proud of himself as knowing that John and his family would be ok. Honestly the thing that I didn't like is again ... how long the game is ... I was so surprised they switched the script and have u play as John which I haven't finished yet. Idk TO ME it feels a bit much b/c I wanted to see how the story ended I guess I saw how Arthur's ended. :///// I'm actually HURT the way Arthur died I didn't think it'd hurt me this much lol.
But yeah honestly I had a soft spot for John anyways I liked him since the beginning of the game and funny enough there was some parallels with John and Arthur a decent amount of times but it felt subtle enough where ppl would possibly never expect to be playing thru his life. I loved John and his family a lot. I just hated the idea that u can still go out to hunt Micah down.... it just felt "unnecessary" don't get me wrong i absolutely hated Micah I would spit on that nigga irl but I just wanted everyone to have their fresh start. And honestly killing Micah I don't get why Dutch wasn't as well.. like Dutch was just as an issue as anyone else and it lowkey pissed me off how much they dragged the death of Micah just for him to get randomly shot by Dutch.
I'm not saying I hated it I just think maybe it could've ended a different way. And out of all them ppl I wanted Dutch dead the most but Rockstar couldn't satisfy me with that...:/ I didn't understand all those years of deceit and still being in contact with Micah he finally just shoots him? Some ppl said he wanted to get rid of competition but like that still doesn't sound good enough to me. All that time they tried to tell him Micah was no good but he didn't want to listen(but now we in a stand off and NOWWWW u grow a fucking brain. BTW NO I DIDNT FINISH THE ENDING ENDING I JUST LOOKED IT UP SO I DONT KNOW IF IT WAS EXTRA STUFF ADDED THAT SHOWED ANYTHING ELSE ABOUT DUTCH BEFORE KILLING MICAH)
Also this game was reminding me of so many things, one "Bully", "Berserk", and this movie called The last revenant or something with Leonardo DiCaprio and that movie felt like a pile of nothing but it did follow same circumstances. Especially the racist being killed FINALLY but dragging out the death so much. I don't understand why Hollywood or "media" does that so much lol. But the death of Micah's racist ass was so dragged out. It was very annoying but whatever I digress I enjoyed the game for what it was. 8-9/10 for sure
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lilflowerpot · 1 year
hello flower! i’ve never submitted an ask to tumblr before, but i just wanted to say this.
(btw, everything in this post is true. it’s kinda an unbelievable story)
i’ve been a fan of LB since it’s publish! i’m pretty sure i discovered it in mid 2018, so i’ve been here for a long time!
i’ve been following ur writing for years and watched you improve annually. i fell in love with your story and writing extremely quickly, and i always looked forward to your new chapters. i distinctly remember feeling ecstatic when keith finally revealed his face !!
however, in 2019, i suffered a catastrophic head injury whilst skiing, which caused me to lose most - if not all - my memories. in truth, i should of died or been in a coma, but i escaped with some critical injuries instead. a broken neck, fractured skull, broken eye socket, the whole shebang lol.
luckily, i was not paralyzed, and i can say now that my recovery has been well! i’m back to being fully functional (sometimes) except for a couple motor control issues.
but the real problem was my memory, i could remember my family and relationships, but i forgot practically every fundamental fact about myself, including my middle name. additionally, i suffered a lot from aphasia and neuro problems which made me struggle to understand sounds coming from people if that makes sense. to cure this, my mom and dad introduced me to (guess what!) voltron. they knew it was my fav show before the crash, so in a sense, they tried to reignite my memories and help work on my sensory processing ability.
i fell in love with the show - again- and watched it during my recovery. probably the only reason i can talk today is because of vld! i find it a little ironic that despite losing myself in the crash, i came full circle. and u can probably guess what happens next!
in 2021, i rediscovered ur fic whilst in the voltron tab. it kinda shocked me to see “Visited: 309” under the fic because i had no recollection of ever reading it. the person i was before must’ve loved it, so i gave it a shot! (btw, me before crash and me now i consider different ppl)
so, i began to read, every word from start to finish. and, as cheesy as it sounds, i think i fell in love again. my recovery has been endlessly difficult and was particularly rough 2020-2021, so this kinda supported me in a way. seeing the growing number of how many times i visited LB reminded me that i had existed the day before.
to give context, every morning i woke up, i would forget almost everything abt myself. eventually that got resolved, but it was jarring. so, seeing that number rise, and reliving the joy of reading LB for the first time gave me hope.
LB means so much to me for this reason. sometimes when it felt like i was losing my humanity to depression and pain, it reminded me that, out there, the previous versions of me were hoping to read LB again. in a sense, i was motivated to read the new chapters as an ode to my previous-day self if that makes sense.
now, 7 months after successfully waking up and remembering the previous day, i am writing this with tears in my eyes. i am writing this with a smile, and i’m writing this with the hope that it reminds you that your literature has saved me, and i’m sure countless other people.
in a way, i view LB as the sunrise. even though there’s the chance that tomorrow never comes, the sunrise serves as a reminder that the previous day existed, and that there are more sunrises to look forward to.
and, to be honest, i think that if i woke up forgetting everything everyday, id be okay with it because i get to read your fic for the first time - again. also, the humor in it is 10/10 haha!!
(also, if u were wondering or worried, i’m also okay with waking up with no memories do to other things and not just LB. incase u were worried that i’m strictly dependent on LB, which i’m not LMAO)
i would’ve submitted this a couple months ago, but i couldn’t put it into words. i don’t think i can possibly explain what you and your fic means to me, so the sun over the horizon will have to do.
even if you think that it’s cheesy that a goofy voltron fic means so much to someone, i hope you find it in yourself to treasure your talent and skill in writing.
i’m so excited for the next chapter, and the next sunrise i get to see <3
here is a pic of the sun i took this morning. thank you for writing, and reading this really long ask. there’s no pressure to respond, although it would be cool to see, but i hope you read this nonetheless. btw u can publish the response if u were wondering.
D <3
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I have been trying quite desperately to compose an answer to this one since it first appeared in my inbox, and at this point I don't know that I'll ever be able to do you justice, but two months is far too long for you to have waited for something of this magnitude, so please bear with me while I endeavour to do my absolute best.
First and foremost, I am so sorry for everything you've been through (though I can only assume you've heard that sentiment ad nauseam, so do forgive me if you're sick of it), but more than that I am distinctly and unbelievably proud of the grace with which you seem to have taken such catastrophe in stride. I couldn't possibly claim comprehend the true scope of all that you've endured, but I hope in some small way it might give you,,, comfort? a sense of camaraderie maybe? to know that aphasia is something I'm intimately familiar with as a recurrent symptom of my migraines, due to them being hemiplegic in nature, so I know the frustration of being unable to comprehend sounds you know you should recognise- being unable to articulate your own thoughts- feeling half trapped inside your own damn skull- all too well, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, least of so sweet a soul as yourself.
My darling, I'll say again: I am //fiercely fucking proud// of you, for not only enduring but in truth overcoming all that you have. Though we do not know one another, this message alone bleeds with such admirable strength of character that I cannot think you anything less than a remarkable and resilient individual, and to know that my writing could in any capacity support you through such an ordeal is both an honour and a privilege.
All my love,
lilflowerpot ♡
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locowolf · 10 months
finished RDR the other day and i have some thoughts.
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ofc going in i knew the vibes were different from RDR2, but i still was not prepared for how LONELY it felt. sometimes when i was just riding around the feeling would hit me like a train and make my stomach turn. i think a big reason why it feels this way is the urgency of what john is doing. sure, there’s stranger missions and random events and challenges just like RDR2. but who cares? there’s no time for any of that, john needs to find his old friends. he needs his family back. everything else can wait. i saved most of the stranger missions and everything for jack just to give him something to do (which i will get to later). i’ve always been wicked fascinated by spaghetti westerns so i absolutely loved the lonely vibes btw
i’m pretty sure i’ve said this to literally anyone who will listen (all my friends) but john looks so so sad. angry and so so sad. he looks like he’s perpetually about to burst into tears. all i could think about was young john in RDR2, who was always second to arthur. whose abilities were doubted. who was left to die by the man that raised him. who tried his best to live an honest life. who bought a run down plot of land and built a home to win his family back. john was just trying his best, and only four years later (which does not feel like a long time to me) his family is kidnapped, and he has to work for the government and hunt down his old friends. it’s all just so sad and depressing UGH
speaking of RDR2, i think it’s really interesting how it changes the way players view RDR. i did do the strange man stranger missions, and hearing him mention the woman dutch shot during the blackwater incident was?????? literally mindblowing to me?????? this little remark, both about the woman and the incident, was actually the catalyst for the plot of both games and the disillusionment of dutch in arthur and john?????? also just knowing the past john had with javier, bill, and dutch makes their endings so much sadder (besides bill honestly lol he was always annoying). also also the little things, like returning to beecher’s hope and thinking about charles and uncle building the home with john and getting shitfaced after it was done :)))
i bought the game for my PS3 (because FUCK spending $50 for the same goddamn game) and it was a nostalgic experience. the PS3-era graphics and controls (reminds me of GTA IV) plus playing with the PS3 controller was very very fun! the horse handling still trips me up (again reminds me of GTA IV’s odd driving mechanics) and is probably my least favorite part about the game. i also watched my dad play it all the time when i was like six or seven, so it was cool seeing the things i remembered, like the shootout at fort mercer and how silly the horse breaking looks :3
i wish there were a little bit more references to RDR2 (or i guess it’s the other way round?). just a teeny tiny little bit more fan service. also i wish we saw more of abigail and jack :((( i know the ending is meant to be abrupt but i just love their dynamics so much :(((
and speaking of abrupt!!! the fucking ending!!! i had already seen the last mission (because i love spoiling games for myself), so when that cutscene in the barn started playing i was like ?!?!?!?!?! already?!????? i still don’t know if i love it or hate it. i know it happened so soon because the govt was just using him and could not give two shits about him or his family, “our time has passed, john” or whatever dutch said, not being able to run away from your past, etc. but i just love john so much and wanted him and his family to live happily ever after :(
this brings me to what is, in my opinion, the saddest part of RDR, which is jack. he’s a moody teen who doesn’t really understand the world yet. he has a complicated relationship with his father. he doesn’t want jack to be a gunslinger like him, but he doesn’t want him working for the government, either. he wants jack to be a man but treats him like a boy. jack just wants his father’s approval. him and his mother are kidnapped by the government, not knowing what his father is up to, then is reunited with him a few weeks(?) later. but jack isn’t an idiot and he can put two and two together, and he probably looks up to john for what he did to save his family. john takes him out hunting a few times, he jokes about him and abigail growing old, and things start looking hopeful. jack is finally going to have a chance at a normal life. but then the army shows up, kills uncle, and massacres john. when jack is like fifteen. then his mother dies three years later.
jack is eighteen and alone. no family or friends. i guess he has the macfarlane’s but i doubt jack was close to them. there’s nothing for him. a big empty house, a big empty ranch. and he continues the cycle that john was trying to end. arthur saw the faults in his outlaw ways and convinced john to get out of it, to protect his family and build a life for them, to run and don’t look back. john listened (mostly), but then he was forced to take down the known remaining VDL gang members. even though arthur doesn’t say it to him, i think john understands that revenge is a fool’s game. he understands that the days of the gunslinger are over, and he wants jack to live a better life than he ever had, in the same way arthur wanted john to settle down and marry. but jack is young. i can imagine him seeing what his father did as revenge, even though he was forced into it. but john never got the chance to have the “revenge is a fools’s game and the world is changing” conversation with him. jack watches the government murder his father, who he undoubtedly looked up to. his father who did everything in his power to get his family back. i can only imagine the anger and betrayal he felt for those three years he took care of abigail. him and his teenage brain trying to grapple with it all. then, once he’s an adult and he’s lost everything, he becomes a gunslinger and gets his revenge.
(i forgot to get back to the part about saving the side stuff for jack lol. i just feel bad about him being alone so i saved everything for him to do. maybe he can make some fucked up friends or something idk)
i like to imagine jack lives a decent life. maybe sadie or charles reconnects with him. maybe he explores the US and runs into tilly in saint denis. maybe he befriends the macfarlane’s and decides to become a rancher like his father was trying to be.
i think in his early twenties he would be an absolute train wreck, drinking and gambling and letting beecher’s hope fall into disrepair. but he would mature. he finds arthur/john’s old journal tucked away in the attic and thumbs through it one night, reading the passage where arthur tells john to protect his family. and jack thinks he has a chance. he doesn’t have pinkertons or the government breathing down his neck like arthur and john. he’s smart, he has a plot of land, he has a whole life ahead of him. he has a chance. so he cleans up beecher’s hope with the help of the macfarlane’s, he finds a wife, he starts a family, he has an honest living, and he lives happily ever after.
(this has huge fanfic potential tbh)
and my biggest takeaway from the game is: everyone was just trying to live for something. john, bill, javier, dutch, ross, everyone. they were just trying to survive. they were just trying to survive. of course, their survival methods varied greatly, and some were definitely more honorable than others, but in the end, weren’t they all doing the same thing? they were corrupt killers trying to live in a world that hated them. they were fighting for what they believed in. they were trying to make it out on top by any means necessary. all that varied was how they did it.
what a fantastic game. i think i still prefer RDR2 as a whole because i just fucking love collectathons, but RDR is still an amazingly tragic story. i binged-played it in two days.
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lizarddiary · 1 year
I saw bunch of other people doing this and I didn't want to feel excluded, so before the year ends let's share some of my favourite Gposes, shall we? (In no particular order, I like all of them equally.)
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They just look so cute and cozy... I love this one so much, is just so tender.
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This is the first kiss I've ever made. Even if it looks quite meh compared with the other ones, I still think is quite nice.
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I am sad that I made him a disapearing ghost here, because this is one of my favourite poses, period. It would have been so cute if it wasn't because of that detail... Now it just makes me sad.
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I made him look hot here. That's it, that's the reason i like it.
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I think this shot overall is quite good! And I love seeing both sisters together, I need to make more poses with them.
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I love Tahla's expression here, she just looks so goofy and happy! I love the sisters, I really do need to make more poses with them.
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I made this one in like, 5 minutes to use it on one of those tag games with your OCs. But it came out so fucking good, it's quite unreal to me.
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This is the one of my EU main, but I think she looks super cool here! No tools used, btw, just a basic shader.
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Another one I did in 5 minutes for the OCs tag game. But another that looks fucking amazing, in my opinion.
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I like this one because it captures Tahla's true energy and it makes me beg SE for non-gendered animations. Please, I beg you SE, let my butch miqo'te be a butch ;-;
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These two need to go together for context. The booty watchers belong to @e-dragoons , Quientinien (elezen) and Rowan (hyur). They're a disaster triad but they love eachother a whole lot. One day I'll finish the set and make it on it's own post, I swear.
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Another kiss! And one of my best ones if I may say so. Tahla and Jetei, he belongs to E-Dragoons (already tagged here).
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And speaking of these two... This is another one of my favourite poses of them. They look just so cute and in love... They're adorable.
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I've never posted this set because it was meant as a present for @miqomischief , but they gave me permission long ago and I just got lazy lol. But I think this is a really solid kiss! The characters are Bram and Rulian.
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I post these three together because I like them for the same reason: the facial expressions. It is really fricking hard to make them look remotely good and I think I did an oustanding job. Pat pat to me. The character is @bramdreamshade
And that'll be all! Thank you all so much for following, liking and reblogging my stuff and being amazing people overall!! I hope 2023 is just as cool and 2022 has been!!
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laufire · 4 months
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I borrowed this from someone at dreamwidth and I thought I'd post it over here too: behold, my (completed*) January reading! feel free to borrow the meme yourself.
(list & some thoughts under the cut)
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. This was, technically, a reread. I say technically because I don't remember the last part of the book and now I'm wondering if I DNFed it over a decade ago and completely forgot LMAO. I... could see why. While it's A Classic, and there's plenty to like in the novel, especially in the sisters, the moralising really got to me at some points. The biggest was the one where Jo attends this meeting full of artists and geniuses and political giants ~behaving just like people~~ and this is DEVASTATING to her (and then Bhaer peddles some chrisitanism). Gurl, I would have loved that LOL. But all in all I mostly enjoyed the read. I did it bit by bit, subscribed to The Public Domain Book Club in substack; each month (or, in LW's case, each couple of months) they go through a book. I've kept the subscription for February, where it'll post "Sense and Sensibility", another Jane Austen novel I haven't read.
Lud-in-the-Mist by Hope Mirlees. I fucking ADORED this novel. I've mentioned it in this blog before but I just found it such a treat to read. Mirlees' prose is enticing and enchanting and everything I want mine to be. If you're someone that enjoys a good descriptive, florid style of narration, give this one a shot.
I read three short stories by Angel Carter. The first three in "Burning Your Boats", apparently her earliest work: "The Man Who Loved a Double Bass", "A Very, Very Great Lady and Her Son at Home", and "A Victorian Fable (with Glossary)". They're not nearly as good as the handful of later ones I've read, but I enjoyed seeing some signs of her future style. "A Victorian Fable" was also really interesting in a technical sense.
*I put the cover of the whole book, although those three only form a section of it, just to make this more manageable.
I'll just list here runs I set out to start and finished. Sometimes that means "reading every appearance of character X", sometimes "reading everything author Y did in this volume", sometimes "this one specific issue-long plot", sometimes it's a run properly speaking.
DC Speechless. Really cute run. Just some popcorn to the brain that you can chill with.
Robin: Year One. A re-read. Sometimes Chuck Dixon writes well. I absolutely don't have to hand it to him though.
The Judas Contract. A staple and a must-read if you're interested in these characters. Tara Markov's characterisation is sure. Something that happened. But unintentionally on the part of the writers, very, very interesting. And I loved reading Joey's introduction! Ngl, I lowkey ship him with Dick. I lowkey ship Dick with a lot of people lol.
Superman: Lost. This run is more interesting in a meta sense than a properly narrative one. I'll have to mull over it.
Oracle: Year One (The Batman Chronicles #5). Another re-read. BTW, it's already suspect that Robin: Year One has FOUR issues (and Nightwing: Year One SIX), AND JOKER IS GOING TO HAVE THREE, but Oracle: Year One is like, 18 pages within a random issue of a Batman-adjacent comic ñlaksdjf. She deserved something longer and plottier. BUT. Those 18 pages are near perfect and a must-read to all DC fans.
The Next Batman: Second Son. About Timothy "Jace" Fox, who was Batman for a little while. I was curious, and it's a really short read (the issues are more webtoon-length than usual comics length). It was fine, but I had set out to read it before I was like, 99% done with Prime Earth lol. I wouldn't read it now and I doubt I'll continue his journey. Sorry Jace, you were alright.
Nightwing/Huntress. Loved it. Gave me a new ship. A bit heavy-handed at times (Devin Grayson's writing gains a lot more subtlety later on), but I still loved it. And the art is gorgeous.
Batman & Son (Batman #655-658). AKA a reread of Damian's introductory arc. Morrison will have to answer for their crimes against Talia lol, but I wanted a refresher.
JLA/Titans. I'd say the same re: Devin's writing (and I'd say the same about the next in the list), but it was also a really enjoyable read. Very long, lots of characters and moving parts, lots of POWER OF FRIENDSHIP Titans stuff but they're messy as fuck (as proved by the continuation of this plot in...).
Titans #1-20, aka Devin's run. LOVED IT. They are SO messy, SO interesting, SO fun to read. The exact opposite of the current Titans run, if you ask me lmao. The character concepts alone... *chef's kiss*.
Devin Grayson's Nightwing run. Oh, this is a controversial one (yes, this one includes the infamous #93, but you have to analyse it in context)... but I adored it. Grayson's writing matured for this one, it's a lot more nuanced, it doesn't lead you by the hand. It was extremely compelling, maybe one of the most compelling storyarcs I've read in DC comics. And ofc, it was cut short and interrupted in an abrupt way by editorial meddling smh. @ dc, fight me.
Far From the Tree (Batman: Gotham Knights #15). I read this one because I wanted a taste for Tim's characterisation under certain circumstances. It's good. Bruce is an ass during it xD
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someobscurereference · 8 months
I don't like Engage's story or character models, but the class system is super interesting. It's everything I wanted in Awakening + Fates. It allows for better distribution of weapons. Not only do units have access to any class as long as they have weapon proficiency, but I can change what their first weapon is if the advanced class has a second weapon type. (1/3)
Ex: wolf knights (advance class) always have dagger as its 2nd weapon. Sword cav → wolf knt w/ sword+dagger. Lance cav → wolf knt w/ lance+dagger. Axe cav → wolf knt w/ axe+dagger. If I had this in Awakening + Fates, my units would be much more diverse in weapons + classes. The one thing that bothered me most is when I had too many of one class or weapon. (2/3) It also would have made my dream of the awakening trio dominating the weapon triangle while being in classes I liked so much easier. Cause I often ran into the problem of they’d look cool in this class, but I don’t think they’d use weapons or these weapons suit them, but the class is ugly or has terrible stats. Sorry for the long ramble btw. I don’t have many to share my Fe thoughts with and I like hearing your opinions on the game (3/3)
I'm also not very into Engage's story (though I'll finish it at some point, a year or two from now, probably), but the weapon triangle seems fine to me, a neanderthall who doesn't think about strategy much beyond "don't let the flying horse get shot with an arrow." (Though I have problems with the normal gameplay being too easy, but I think that's unrelated to the weapon triangle.) I like your analysis of the weapon classes because it makes me think about it at all! I brute force my way through most maps in all strategy games without thinking, so I don't think I can add anything without sounding ridiculous, lol.
That said, I do understand the issue of wanting to put the Trio (or other favored units) in classes you liked the most but looked lame/had bad stats. I understand when the reclass numbers look low, at the very least! (Though I didn't understand what all of them were used for. Took me until Three Houses to learn that speed allowed units to attack more than once, lmao. I'm sorry you messaged me and then had to wait and then it turns out I don't know how games work). I would like to see the Trio or other fun units in Engage outfits and classes for the fun of it! Severa was always a lance girl for me, but the ability for her to use other weapons along with that? Give her an axe or dagger depending on class upgrade? That is so fun to me! Give Laslow a little dagger! That's fun for storyline and aesthetic reasons (and probably also strategy when it crosses my mind).
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silvertsundere · 1 year
Silver Talks AniManga (07/05/23)
jump is finally back baby let's go!!! next week marks the last week of this serialization round but very much looking forward to the tall girl
ended up not watching more anime like I said I would last week, there were still 4 more I wanted to check out, but currently watching 5 airing which I think is pretty good considering I hadn't watched anything in almost 4 years, plus all those other shows I wanted to check out are all manga adaptations so I'm putting no hope in them being fully adapted so I don't feel as bad putting them aside
I want to catch up on another manga next but, after that, I want to go through my "watching" list and clean it up of stuff that's been left hanging there for these years, and then make my way through stuff I wanted to see from seasons I missed in that time ANYWAY
blue - finale/completed green - new series/new to me
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Uma Musume - Road to the Top Ep4 (Finale)
what can I say that I haven't already. I love it obviously. I rate things on my mal for personal enjoyment but I usually have a "real" rating for it (like I did for jigokuraku not that long ago), but I can't do it in this case, horses just got too much power over me. I think I teared up in all 4 episodes (maybe not 1 but). it's good, period. the art is good, the animation isn't that special most of the time, but it has a lot of little character acting moments that hit really good, and let's not forget that maenami cut I was gushing about. the music isn't memorable but it served it's purpose, and the voice acting was really good ofc, I especially loved tokui sora's performance as opera, it's nice to see her getting to flex her range instead of always being yazawa nico, but ofc ayabe and topro were really good too. anyway really good, left me really hungry for S3 coming later this year tho I still have to go and watch S2 and even finish S1 tehe
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Megumin Ep5
honestly this ep felt a lot like a finale, tho there's still 7 more left anyway the explosion scene was pretty cool also megumin x yunyun is quite good, good to see they'll keep feeding me since they'll be goofing around together for a bit longer
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Imas CG: U149 Ep5
good episode (ofc), was wondering where they'd take it with risa being such a daddy's girl but she surprised me also the insert song was beyond the starlight (deresute's 1st anni song) so I was losing my gourd as soond as I heard the first couple notes god bless
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Mashle Ep5
decent episode, dot's explosion magic looked decent enough, tho speaking of him I didn't expect him to sound like this at ALL, I thought it was gonna be something more high pitched like bakugou. also they teased the lang baddies, which is when this starts shifting more into an action series with a sprinkle of comedy instead of the opposite, which is nice, even if they're all over the op lol
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Pokemon Horizons Ep5
nice little ep, the roy scene before this pic was cute. next ep should be more exciting, including the appearance of a brand new mon, like riko's pendant turtle from before
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Jigokuraku Ep6
good episode, was really nice to finally see sagiri's first time to shine, and now they're finally at the village, I forgot about the rokurouta fight so I thought they were getting here earlier tehe. it also ended on the gay sex scene so that was very nice I figured the village was gonna be the cliffhanger but that's a really good one too, they really went IN on animating the tongue-fu, anyway curious to see who'll voice mei, she's very cute
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Do Retry Ch1
that line in the pic below is the title of the one shot for this btw anyway. nice first chapter, the art is really striking with it's thick outlines which makes sense since the author was an assistant to matsui too. it's also a period piece which would be funny if it was cause of matsui too. good solid first chap, no complaints for me, did it's job of setting up the story, the main character and his motivations without getting too distracted with other things. we haven't had a sports manga in a while (I don't count blue box as one) so we'll see how long it'll stay around, or how sportsy it'll be in the first place lol
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Dandadan Ch104
the vamola backstory continues, I thought this was gonna be the last ch but I guess not. it's been decent tho it could've been shorter imo
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Show-ha Shoten! Ch18
VERY good chap, one of the best so far tbh, it's nice to see azemichi making a stand for himself, even if he's stumbling a bit. next chap should be pretty exciting but waiting a whole month is painful
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One Punch Man Ch181
just an aftermath chap of the saitama tatsu fight, not really much going on. however I did read the jp raws for the next chap and it has a buncha cute tatsumakis so that's very good
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Pension Life Vampire Ch4 - 5
apparently I completely missed ch4 OOPS. anyway, cute chaps like usual, going even more in on the yuri cause of this new girl here. it's nice that eri's moving in, opens the door for a lot more Situations
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Tokyo Underworld Ch39
ok chap tho not much happened, the action was p dece but that's about it. the ending cliffhanger is something tho
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The Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins Ch23
another eh... chap, they show him waking up but considering the previous pages it's gotta be not real right? anyway it needs to hurry up and end already, feels like it's just dragging on on purpose now
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Fabricant 100 Ch20
the final battle is finally here, not much more left now, prob just enough to finish filling a vol
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Witch Watch Ch107
GREAT chap, I didn't expect them to continue straight from the last one, much less to go this far right away, very excited to see what happens next week with that ending
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Kill Blue Ch3
nice chap overall, not much to say, good to see we'll have some more action next week too
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Blue Box Ch99
TAIKI MY BOY they grow up so fast 😢, I was already hyped for ch100 but with them dropping this right at the end I'm even more pogged up now holy
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Cipher Academy Ch22
as much as I like cipher this felt a lot like a final chap, and it's been doing badly in ratings lately, so there's probably no hope of it making a comeback like medaka did back in the day it's sad that jump readers can't appreciate nisio's work and we get things like roboco running for a billion years instead sigh
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Mashle Ch154
good chap, had that good balance of action and comedy that mashle is really good at, still gonna be a handful more chaps of the final boss
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Tenmaku Cinema Ch4
nice chap, it's always nice to see someone's passion for something be apparent in their work like it has been in tenmaku
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Undead Unluck Ch157
nice chap, like I said last time it's good that not everything is going according to fuuko's plan and seeing her struggle and overcome these unexpected situations is good. looking forward to the (possible) addition of a milf to the cast
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Sakamoto Days Ch117
good to see them learning from sakamoto's example tho this being a flashback arc is annoying cause we know rion dies so every time something happens I'm just expecting it to be now argh
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The Elusive Samurai Ch108
very good chap, good to see tokiyuki make up with yorishige after that argument a couple chaps ago and in such a meaningful way too also the colour page is beautiful but I'll put it on it's own post
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Akane-banashi Ch60
good chap as usual, I've been waiting a long time for the dad to come back into the fray since he's such a big deal for akane's whole character, excited to see where this goes and her growth from it
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Ayakashi Triangle Ch129
good chap, especially with those plot complications at the end making things not as simple as they seemed at first
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raccoonfallsharder · 10 months
Hello! I wanted to ask, how long have you been writing for? Like, before your Rocket fics (which are amazing btw) I'm really curious. :) Have a good day!
I love this question! Except now I have to do math. (jk this is great i don't even mind doing math for you, anon! ♡) So, short answer: Altogether, I'd guess I've been producing fanfiction more-or-less consistently for about eleven years and change.
Long answer: So first of all, I am feel (??) old lol. I first stumbled across fanfiction in like....god, the 90s. So like, '99 or 2000, maybe? I made my first account as an author on fanfiction.net in 2001 (I just looked it up lol), which is probably when I first started writing it. I took a lot of breaks though - I'd write for a few years, take a break, and come back. My style evolved and changed a lot, as well as the kinds of stories I wanted to tell and the kinds of characters I wanted to portray. This last break was probably my longest one - I wrote one (unfinished) in 2017, and started rewriting a previously-finished one in 2015. My last finished fic (prior to Sweatshirt Girl) would have been in 2012, which is actually fucking bananas. BUT. I was essentially writing fanfiction in my head - silly little daydreams - probably since I was a little kid (1995ish), and I've never really stopped. A hundred drabbles and one-shots sitting in my head, going to waste lol, for almost three fuckin decades. Now I must go return to the dust
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dhampir72 · 2 years
📓 Hi there! (Not sure if this is what you are expecting but I’ll ask anyway. Feel free to ignore me if it’s not ;P) First I just wanna say that I’ve read all of your 00q fics (some of them religiously lol) and absolutely loved every single one! You are amazing!!! My question is about some of your unfinished works, like A King and His Knight (love the character design btw). I know it’s a long shot that you’ll ever finish writing that, but I kinda wanna know where you were going with the plot cuz it really ended with a cliff hanger.
Thank you for such lovely compliments! I'm so happy that you have enjoyed my works, even the incomplete ones!
This kind of ask is actually really great, because a lot of things I daydream about are continuations of stories I haven't finished!
I actually do want to finish A King and His Knight someday. I think, at the time, I soundboarded a few ideas with someone who didn't really like any of them, and so I never felt inspired to continue. I also worried that my plot might be too ablest, so I never continued with it! I do have a few bits written here and there, but nothing super concrete :(
Originally the story was going to be something like follows (under the cut for length)
Bond falls off the cliff, but doesn't die (obviously!) and instead wakes up in a mysterious wood, tended to by an even more mysterious woman. I had two versions: one where it was Eve and another where it was Vesper. In both, Eve/Vesper is a very powerful sorceress/mage/spirit(??) with ties to the forest. In both versions, Bond is hurt badly and is unable to continue his journey back to his kingdom to see Q. He's anguished by this, knowing that Q will likely die before he sees him again.
There were two versions of the story after this, but I like this one: after weeks of rest, Bond is ready to return to his kingdom (to bury and mourn Q or to sit by his side as he dies), but just as he is about to set off on his journey, Q appears in the woods. He is vibrant and healthy, riding a horse and wielding a sword with strength he never had before. And he is no longer blind, Their reunion is emotional, of course, and Bond thinks that it's a miracle. Eve/Vesper can see that it is not, and reveals the truth to Bond, who then extracts the truth from Q: that on his deathbed, he had made a deal with a sorcerer (Silva). He would be granted one year of vitality in exchange for his life/soul/etc.
Bond and Q then set out on a quest to find a way to break Silva’s spell. They have less than one year to discover the way to do this. On their journey (where they meet others--in one version this is Trevelyan and Eve [making Vesper the witch in the woods] and a third original character who is actually a magical creature of some kind) Q gets to experience life in a way he never has outside of books. Sunsets and snowfalls and spring flowers blooming. He can ride a horse without tiring and mend torn clothes with precision and take care of a fire without worrying he'll be burned. And, he can see Bond clearly without straining, can make love to him without weakening. Q admits that he knows it's a curse, but that there's a blessing in it too. Bond says that he'd rather have had years and years with Q as he was than such a short time with him like he is now. It's important to me that this was emphasized: Bond loved Q from the beginning, he never considered him less, and never thought of him as a burden.
In the end (by HEROIC MEANS!!!) they find a way to break the spell, but there's a catch: Q would return to his original state. That means he would lose his sight and become sickly again. He might even die. But he might not. He might have time, and be fine…
And Q is fine at first! And he and Bond are still in love, stronger now that they've faced their trials together. Q learns Bond's estate by walking the grounds, touching the walls, and using an assistive cane until he can walk confidently by Bond's side. He doesn’t have to hide his affliction here like he did at the castle. He also does not have to hide his affection for Bond. It's obvious to all that live in Bond's household what they mean to one another, and everyone supports them. They have another happy year together. But when winter comes, Q grows sick again, and will likely die.
Bond despairs.
On the night of the winter solstice, a witch appears on their doorstep with a proposition. She can restore Q back from the brink of death and grant him full health, all in exchange for Bond's life/soul. The witch is generous, having heard of Silva’s proposition. She offers 3 years before Bond has to fulfill his end of the bargain. Bond is tempted--anything to save Q--even after everything they'd gone through. In the end, he realises what it would mean: giving Q his health but then leaving him to live the rest of his life alone and in mourning. Q doesn't want that, just as much as Bond doesn't want to see him die. They eventually decide: if they let things take their natural course, even if it might be unbearable, even if one of them might be lonely, when they die, their souls would be their own and could be together in the afterlife.
So Bond refuses the witch, who then reveals herself to be Eve/Vesper (LE GASP??? not really I guess but I was leaning heavy on the fairy tale tropes here). It had been a test. She is glad to see that they would not be tempted by dark magic again, and that their love is the truest of true loves and deeper than ever. She then bestows upon them a potion/remedy that cures Q's illness. It does nothing for his sight, but makes his lungs and body stronger. He will have to take this potion yearly to not succumb to his body's natural frailty. In exchange, Bond will protect the forests on his land from destruction/desecration, and provide offerings to her at specific points in the year.
The ending scene is the two of them, older now, walking hand and hand through the forest to place gifts on her altar. And they are happy :)
Again, because of the sort of feedback I got originally, I don’t know if it’s worth pursuing the above plot or trying something different. Always happy to hear feedback about what works and what doesn’t. Who knows, maybe it will inspire me one day!
Thanks again for the lovely words and the ask! This really got me reminiscing about this fic!
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space-coupe · 2 years
top 5 things you love to write about Pierre?
okay so some of this is gonna be waxing poetic about Lore and the rest will be stupid. btw
pierre is like. he is the underdog archetype, the first Real one in F1 for a long while. he's the blueprint for the stories that came after. obviously i wrote extensively abt that in 2019 at my most insane but i think. even now. you can't really talk about "the rise and fall" of current f1 narratives without including pierre. pierre who was told maybe he didn't deserve another chance at F1 all after RB... pierre who now is the talk of "he's too good to be stuck in that team"... he is the underdog.
digging deeper into the Lore. pierre seems a competitive perfectionist control freak and while that's easy to see in his driving, it's also interesting to see how that works off the track too. i think that in piarles writing especially, people really like to make charles the one with Issues, be it just not being grounded or more unhinged things but like. i think they all certainly have neuroses and pierre is not exempt. he's a control freak and that goes beyond just his life on track.
everyone loves pierre? it's one of my favorite things, that most of the grid is happy when he does well. that toto went on the record aftet monza to say the loss for his team was a win for the sport. he's just so personable and he lets it roll off his back that even the GOAT took pot shots at him in 2019 and. i think it's really interesting to write about. he's got so much history with so much of the grid too that also fuels it... it's multifaceted just like him :)
lol thes last two gonna be SOOO lackluster compared to the others. oh well i'll say it. slice of life. any day of the week. pure fiction that's either made from educated guesses, extrapolation, OR artistic liberty.... pierre that we get glimpses of every winter and summer especially now that it seems every week we get a little less and less PRierre and a little more Real Guy pierre like he's taking hints from lewis and i love it!!!!! i could write essays
AUs. especially shit that i can make adjacent to F1 (if u want creative and original AU run to the AU master, @pierregasiy tho). ESPECIALLY especially shit i've had hyperfocused on in the past. like the extremely niche au i talked about last night is literally some shit based of a character arc that lasted 4 years tops and got retconned after but i'm like: how can i apply this to F1. i'm notoriously bad at finishing AUs but i loveeee putting my little man in situations purely out of self indulgence!!!!
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trixeraptops · 2 years
This is gonna be a long ass commentary piece as I finally stop procrastinating and I watch the SGE movie.
Buckle up prowlers and princexs and make sure to follow the rules. This line is headed to the school for good and evil.
Not even watching and the cover photo makes me excited. Is she wearing a crown of thorns? Slay. Love the font they used too
The orchestral music and the effects as the title rolls in... I understand what happy crying is now
I usually hate silent reading in movies but I think it was the right move here and the music is kinda eery but also ethereal. A balance of good and evil ♡
I love Rhians coat and the automatic way you can tell who is evil with their mannerisms
Non Canon compliance or a red herring?
Straight into decadence and a fancy ball after the intensity. This is such a beautiful interpretation of what I think is Sophie's dream.
I kinda wish they had stayed with this like in the book but also the fight was epic so I won't complain
SOPHIE IS SO PRETTY hate her dress love the actress LOVE THE GLASS SHOES
And the narrator saying how she sees herself mwah chefs kiss
Wait does Helena already live with them? That's not meant to happen til the 2nd book. But it does explain further why Sophie wants to leave Gavaldon so I'll let it pass
HER DRESS ONG I'm in love costume design is on point so far
Why is Helena, if it is Helena, blaming Sophie for throwing tomatoes her devil children did that
But then again the whole point of Sophie was she had a good life where she had a living family and was narcissistic and beauty obsessed and that's why she was evil even though her actions were 'good'
Ooh Aggie's turn!
Wait are they not starting on the choosing day? It seems like everyone is going about their normal lives which is the exact opposite of what happens when the choice night happens. Idk what the proper term is for the kidnapping
Side note I wonder if Sophie is ever gonna read the story book she does in the beginning with the witch who had a bracelet of bones so that the connection between Ansdil and the witch is present (or was it Hester? Sure wasn't Dot)
I'm 6 minutes in btw. I'm never gonna finish at this rate lol
I love the design of Graves Hill
I love Agatha's design! And Callus too
I love that their first shot together is them separated by a road being jeered at four being weird. I hope it's echoed later in the movie it'd be such a good recurring theme of separation between good and evil and then they kiss and go home to connect them (at least in the book they kiss)
As much as I love it I do miss the idea of Sophie having to drag Agatha out of the house and having the small interaction with Radley that shows she isn't as good as she makes herself out to be
Wait Sophie ignored her mothers grave (book) and now she's reading at it (movie)? Why not just have a funeral scene instead? Though she is a (adorable) child in this scene so maybe it's different now that's she's grown? Or maybe they just nixed that detail?
Also Sophie made friends with Aggie as a good deed now its a genuine friendship? Or was 5-7 year old Sophie already plotting ahead?
I do like the first actual conversation further solidifying Sophie's emphasis on beauty trying to give Aggie a makeover.
The causul insults and the way the two are in synch is so good though, the chemistry of these actors is amazing! Can't wait for them to fight each other later
[Agatha chortles] idk why that's funny
I feel like book Sophie would be offended being called a prig but idk what that even means
Aggies social anxiety and everyone being mean to her
Omg this guy is threatening a child
Wait Sophie I can see as a major customer but Aggie denounces all things fairytale (except for her secret stash). Also don't the books come like every for years and the kids all line up to get a copy? What happened to that? This store should be empty
I spoke too soon Aggie is ridiculing her for reading kids books while holding an edgy story.
Sophie should 200% own Cinderella already are you joking? I get why they did it though they can't just info dump like in a book plus it's the og copy she's looking at
I feel like they could've done a flashback to explain the SGE. Everyone in Gavaldon knows it. They'd be stupid not to, they have a big event where bad kids join the choir and good ones cut off their hair and all the adults hold torches In a ring around the village. But if they are kids they wouldn't know
Love the insane asylum line from Aggie though
Why twenty years ago. This is a every 4 years deal. Wtf making it rare changes fucking everything
And only one girl? They're supposed to be in pairs! One good one evil
I feel like Sophie's letter could have been written to convince the school master to take her WITHOUT CHANGING THE ENTIRE FUCKING KIDNAPPING HOOK
They are supposed to be special because they are good and evil who are friends. Not because they're the only ones to be taken in a Fucking pair.
That kid that bites people is thereby going erased so how is Agatha going to realize the fairies and wolves are failed students? She gonna recognize Leonara who's she's never seen in her life?
I was so excited to see the Schoolmaster chase scene where Agatha jumps through fire to save Sophie but I don't that will happen
And the terrible home life justifies Sophie wanting to leave. Originally it was cause she thought she was better than everyone else but now it's cause she has a bad life. They haven't built up her "good but actually not a good" side at all.
I was so excited but everything's changed and not in a good way. Fucking Wishing Tree. They just did it cause it's easy not cause it's accurate.
I hope the rest of the movie is less... disappointing. It had so much potential just to slap me in the face with its utter ignorance of Canon.
I love Agathas emotional speech to get her to stay and Sophie betraying her that's the only close to evil thing she's done so far
Oh I love this chase scene this was what I was excited for
The castles are so cool I love them
Hahahaa Hort is such a creep now THAT is Canon compliant
These good girls omg, pretending their nice and calling Aggie an it in the same breath
Loving the costume design and I have a feeling I know who Beatrix and Kikyo are~
Can't wait to see the baddies
Sophie is finally showing her bad side and LADY LESSO IS SLAYYYYING
Still wish it was every 4 years like the books but I'm gonna have to let it slide if I want to make it through this
Wait they gotta Memorize everything on the first day? That's true evil. I love it but I do miss the snake basket maybe they'll have the uniform in one
Hahaha I love Agatha
Professor Dovey AHHHH She is a golden goddess
She comes off a bit condescending but also kind. But threatening jeez
Armour she says while hundreds of dresses come in. Also they're meant to have uniforms why is she getting a choice? Is this for casual wear?
Omg they look so out of place even in clothes that fit their school it's perfect.
The Evers chatting ever and then the school for evil chants kill you? Mood.
Why are they starting before the boys get there that's rude.
Ohh ok so instead of the theater moving the first year boys have to sword fight in front of the school. Much more practical ngl
Damn Tedros swung in on a rope, the drama
NO USE THE SWORD YOU DUMB DRAMATIC BITCH bringing fists to a sword fight smh
Yup Beatrix for sure who I thought she was, Kikyo currently uncomfirmed
School for Evil represent!
Ok I understand why he didn't use Excalibur fighting his own side for fun now
I hope the Cyclops wins but I know he won't unfortunately
I love the rose toss. If he hadn't looked back he wouldn't throw it to Agatha and now it's a set up for Sophie and Tedros's relationship
Ooh ok a Lil nice moment btwn Ted and Agatha I see you foreshadowing lovely
Who is this bitch please say it's not the Schoolmaster please say it's fucking Pollux or something
The dorm is so cool
Also what fucking dorm room locks from the outside? Or were those bitches holding the door?
Also who introduces their father with themself? This isn't a descendents fanfic
Your name is Dot but Sophie is weird
The Evil room has the perfect aesthetic
So it's cupids instead of gargoyles?
Demon cupids
I love the dynamic between Dovey and Lesso
I'm sorry is that blood? RAFAL
Bitch just threatened Aggie and poofed the fuck out
Wait where is the mirror in between the bridge
We got off on a rocky start but 42 minutes in and all is forgiven your my fate to the trial by tale tonight
'Something' acting like it wasn't a whole ass man dancing in blood
Shit is going fast
Oh no it is the schoolmaster :(
He's meant to be mysterious :((((
I wish they waited a bit for the Storian reveal but I get it, they've got a time limit can't be as drawn out as the book
The height difference kills me Aggie is so tall lmao
Wait everyone moved out of Aggies room why are their people in there? No one wanted to bunk with the witch?
Sophie is wearing a crown of twigs♡♡♡
The kiss list omg
Oh no red head isn't Tristan. That's disappointing. I bet he's the bite kids replacement
Why be revolting? None of them are they're all stunningly beautiful. Ig that's why the uglification class exists
Um I'm sorry I thought Anemone was the classic cone hat princess who taught animal communication? Nvm checked my book she is the beautification teacher I was thinking of Uma
This scene would've worked better with the original Aggie who never smiled instead of this one who smiled a fuck ton at the beginning. This scene makes no sense more that we've seen her smiling and know she can do it. Though maybe it's harder to smile on command?
Also Good is prejudiced against neurodivergents I can't tell you how many posts I've read of people having to practice smiling and facial expressions. It's the first day cut her some slack Anemone jeez
Also you give grades at the end Anemone. Prejudiced and rule breaker
HORT YOU BITCH but it was sweet that he said she'd always look beautiful to him we stan a creepy half wolf who loves women despite what they look like
Gregor is the fake Tristan! Is he replacing Kikyo or have we just not met her yet. Anyways be seems sweet
He wants to run a grocery store that's so cute
Why are they fighting on a hill? We saw that there was a courtyard they could use that is much flatter and safer
Sophie pulling bold moves, she's clearly never heard of consent jeez
Ooh nice moment btwn Tedros and Agatha it's Canon divergent but i like it alot better than hating each other until they recognize they're meant to be (she said condescendingly)
It's more like playful teasing than hatred. They're actually friends in this i love it
Why is Yuba's group only Evers it is meant to be the only mixed class other than lunch
Yuba is very different not only in height which I don't mind but in personality he's not as gruff and jaded
She's literally watching him fail Jesus she gonna have some trauma after that
Awww lady lesso doesn't have a class made of ice? Unfortuanate
Oh and now she teaches special powers? Bruv
Oh ew Hesters skin is pulsating gross
Oh Hort told her to watch out sweet
The demon is so cool though
Yeah Sophie call the squirrels to fight a demon
Wait but she called them with a scream she meant to sing to kill them
Oh the bees turned into Rafal
Also Lady Lesso X Rafal???
Oh this is so sad Hester baby :(
Also no spiffy professor Sader :(
Aggie babe middle of class ain't the time to bring up Gregor
What no Uma? Dovey stole her class smh
Shit her name is Kiko? Whyd I think it was Kikyo?
Oh Aggie is so pure I love her "I wish for home for all of us"
Oh the wish fish were a baby girl I'm gonna cry this is so sweet
Fuck Agatha just saw two deaths in what to or knowledge is a row
Oh Gregor is a birdie now ♡
Now they're enemies
Dovey is angry at the present but she showed it towards Aggie at first but I'm glad they got there now
Wait where is the White Wolf
Is she not going to kill him in this version
Oooh damn she yanked her extensions out (cut her hair)
Oh ngl she looks so fucking good with short hair
Omg shut up Rafal go away you vampiric creep
oh Teddy is actually nice to her after the punch in this version that's new and welcomed. Can't be meant to be if you want to her each other
Just like the Og Kiko is adorable
Oh ew the key pierces into them like a knife
Damnnnn Sophie looks like a baddie fucking slay queen
How'd she know what's going on she came in late
The costume dept killed this film
The arrow flies straight if you're pure? Homophobic smh lmao
Calm down Hort, possessive much?
Oof if Hester doesn't kill Sophie I think Beatrix will
Ayo Bea I thought Evers never attacked
Wait Trial by Tale is meant to be an annual school thing now its a test of true love? Stop ruining my school traditions movie :(
What's next no talent show?
I wish the relationships were more developed. But there is so much that happens in the book I really can't blame them
Wait do Nevers not get a Survival class? Wtf this is rigged!
Hell yeah Aggie the dove for the win!
Sophie help him you dumb bitch you have to have learned something. Use your talent!
Don't blame Aggie for saving Tedros's life while you were being a Fucking coward. All you had to do was throw a sword at him
Stop smiling Rafal your a creep
You tell her Aggie! Fuck her up with your words!
Wait did they lock her in room 66? Does that mean that they kicked out Dot Anadil and Hester?
I saw your brother Rafal your too old to be calling Sophie love
Oh my god there is no talent show :,(
Gross she just pulled out her tooth
Lesso is Leonora? Twist
I'm glad the skipped the part where Tristan tried to be Tedros and Kiko tried to be Beatrix but i miss the talent show it would've been so dramatic and I wish they have Aggie what I believe to be her iconic night blue gown with the gold
Instead she looks like Cinderella
Damn make up team did well
Sophie and Bakugo would get along "Shut up Aggie the protagonists are talking"
I love the drama of the blood magic
She drops a bomb and then dips like a Fucking badass
Ok I know I was complaining about the talent show being canceled but I love how Sophie showed her evil by turning the teachers to dolls
Oh I just realized Agatha and Tedros were kinda matching
I miss the cupid guy he was a bitch but he was so loyal to Sophie
The Never Ball, is just a bit off but that's why I love it. Oh to be a evil student dancing in an off kilter way with no one to judge and everyone dancing with me. The one social event I long to be at
They look so happy the Evil darlings
Oh so all that happened was their clothes turned white that's not very- SOPHIE IS NORMAL NOW
What will happen to the Evers their clothes will turn black
Yes that's what happened they also they have *gasp* cuts and scars! How atrocious and also offensive to people with scars
At least they didn't put a wig on the bald kid in evil
Hester look so pretty ♡♡♡
Wish we got to see more of Anadols rats we only saw them once :(
But then I would have been like ew rats
Hort is in sicko mode damn
shittt she's gonna kill the school master
Oh no he was pretending to his brother
Um excuse me evil doesn't have to be murder it can be forcing kids to memorize their schedule on the first day
Oh Aggie your so hopeful I love you and your optimism
Don't kiss her Rafal your such a creep ugh
Wonder if his face will crack and turn into a decrepit old man one well see when I unpause
Oh no he's killing children the blood is literally pouring out the school
Oh his face is cracking
Hell yes run to Aggie
Ooh killing Sophie meant that the csstles were put back nice
Ngl beatrix looks hella good in black
Goth girl supremacy
Tedros! Yessss struke the final blow King
Oof nvm lol
Oh shut Teddy's gonna die lmao
Hell yes we live we laugh we love
Rest in pieces Rafal
Id be crying if I wasn't so dehydrated rn
I mean rip Sophie but yay kiss
Oh who could've guessed true platonic loves kiss would have saved her? What a surprise she said roboticly
Oh is she gonna stay with Teddy, for real? NOPE
Girl power but also this time it was more of a choice then the og where it just kinda happened
Oh they're in their office clothes with the new hair
The road is repeated but this time their on the same side i told you it was power
They legit just used magic to make birds shit on their enemies lol
♡♡♡♡♡♡/5 went through some tough spots and I miss the little details but love some of the new additions and overall the movie was amazing surpassed my expectations
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juiceinpanties · 2 years
Omg thank you so much for sharing the endings of Get You In & You Only Live Twice! That was really nice and I wasn’t expecting it. I know a lot of authors might not want to say in case they ever decide to get back to finishing their stories, so I really thought I was taking a shot at the dark when I asked.
I’m one of those people that actually like spoilers (can’t handle suspense and it helps me cope/prepare for the end) so I’m extra excited to read them should you ever come back.
My dumb ass actually read Get You In before I read Into the Blood and it was a happy mistake since it gave me so many “aha” moments and a deeper appreciation for Juice and Olivia’s old relationship when I read Into the Blood. I ended up rereading Get You In afterwards and I find myself picturing Juice losing his shit when Olivia broke up with him in college. As for the ending now… That’s batshit crazy that Olivia has a kid haha I can’t even begin to imagine her trying to cook something besides grilled cheese for that kid. Thank god for Juice, who was practically born to be a mother. I wonder why the club wanted Olivia dead. Oof, that’s gotta be tough for Jax considering their childhood together and then to find out it was Opie instead?! Phewwww! Btw thank you so much for sparing Donna from the life. She deserved better! I’m a little sad for Opie but I mean… I’m team Juice so 😬.
As for You Only Live Twice, I audibly gasped at the mole part. I can’t believe you’re killing off a character though!!! Please don’t say Juice or Olivia!!! Or on second thought, please do because with the way you write, I know you’ll make it incredibly sad but incredibly beautiful too and it’ll be part of the journey in your writing.
Sorry for my scattered thoughts. I just really liked the fics and it’s what made me get a tumble page just so I could send you my asks! Also figured you stopped going on your ao3 page but you seemed kinda active here on tumblr so here I am almost ten years later lol. I only started watching SOA out of boredom during the tail end of the pandemic and found your fic soon after.
Honestly, I don’t mind sharing because it HAS been so long and because im not sure I’ll finish, esp Get You In :/ I know how frustrating something unfinished is, so it’s good. Plus remembering my old plot ideas makes me wanna write!
I actually am still on ao3! I haven’t written anything in a few months, but these days I write for Criminal Minds and a big epic re-write of The Stand that I need to finish. 😬 I haven’t written for SoA since just after the show ended, but here you can find a fic my bestie and I co-wrote that’s like “if Olivia were canon, after Juice died.”
You can go here and scroll to the bottom for the links to all of them.
As for why the club wanted to kill Olivia: just like in canon, they thought she ratted when Stahl picked her up. In my version, they get her and not Opie, but because they know Olivia has a turbulent history with the club, they think she’s eager to rat.
Hmmm actually I think it would be kinda neat to read the fics in reverse order. Like you said, it would fill in the blanks on things i allude to in GYI and make you really understand what Juice and Olivia mean to each other.
Have you read Come With me Tonight? That’s the original Juice/Olivia fic. And it’s finished, as is its (crack-ish) sequel, Under My Skin. Honestly the sequel isn’t entirely “canon” (my personal canon) because it’s SUCH crack, but it’s still fun.
Thank you for your lovely messages!!
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