frickingnerd · 4 months
baby, it's cold outside
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pairing: jerry baynard / buote x gn!reader
summary: jerry helps keeping your hands warm
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"i'm freezing… i don't think i can feel my hands anymore!"
you whined, rubbing your hands together and blowing hot air onto them, in an attempt to keep them from freezing in this cold winter weather. 
jerry smiled softly and watched, your cheeks red from the cold air around you.
"you can have my gloves, if you'd like!" he suggested and slipped off his gloves from his hands, reaching them out towards you. "they'll keep you warm" 
"oh no, keep them! you'll just get cold yourself!"
you gently pushed the gloves away and shook your head as you spoke. you couldn't accept his gloves if it meant jerry would have to freeze instead of you! 
"then…" jerry put his gloves back on as he spoke, before reaching his hands out towards you once more. "how about i hold your hands to keep them warm~?" 
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diderots · 3 months
reading a biography about a queer person written in the beforus times when ppl were overtly homophobic is wild coz they be like “they succumbed to homosexuality BUT THEY WERENT GAY, they had a bad mom and their dad killed themselves at a young age so they had unresolved parental child rebellion shit that drew him to men and also he went out with women, which may or may not have been to fit in, but he defo wasn’t gay like only one of his books was overtly gay and all his friends were queer and he hung out in queer places and his letters were explicitly gay BUT HE WAS NOT GAY! He was normal”
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yssring · 2 years
i wanna remove your extensor muscles!! pleasw please please please ₍^ >ヮ<^₎ ৻(  •̀ ᗜ •́  ৻) <- is okay yull be able to t oextend your limbs again by augmenting your blood pressure lots! (ovr 8 times resting rate but you can do it!)
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filipeanut · 1 year
My first simple animation for @philippinewildlifeart!
This one is a dancing Yutyut or Northern Luzon Giant Cloud Rat. They look like big squirrel pandas! They are fluffy so they can survive the cold mountain tops called “Cloud Forests.”
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shannyh25 · 6 months
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MARILLA: I picked this up at the post office. It's addressed to you.
ANNE: My...my book.
MARILLA: Well, don't sit there shaking like a leaf. Open it.
ANNE: Marilla, this can't be real. They accepted my manuscript last February with a $250 advance.
MARILLA: Oh, you're a great one for secrets.
ANNE: It's not a classic or a romance or anything important. It's just a humorous book of stories I did about Avonlea in my spare time last fall. Look. But it's mine. It's all mine.
MARILLA: [reading the dedication] "To Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert for their unfailing love and support, and for Gilbert, who inspired me with the idea in the first place." You do beat all, Anne. Everyone will think I put you up to it. Aw, it's awful good of you, especially considering Gilbert.
ANNE: How sick is he really?
MARILLA: It's been a bad case from the start. No one's heard anything the past week. He has the Blythe constitution in his favor, though. If God wills it.
ANNE: Marilla, there's a book of Revelations in everyone's life. I've been so wrong. If Gil were to--... not knowing how I really care.
MARILLA: Oh, there, there. There, now.
ANNE: What would I do without him?
MARILLA: We can't change what God determines. [whistling outside draws Anne to the window]
ANNE: That's Jerry Buote. Jerry Buote works for Mr. Blythe. It must be a sign. The worst would be more endurable than not knowing at all.
I got the movie quote from greengables-2.tripod.com
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No way are people calling the "buot ima crepe 🥺 eyemah wirrdough 🤪" mfs musical geniuses over 1 album
But in all seriousness, seeing people come out of the woodworks to call Radiohead creative geniuses for Ok computer is wild cause I can barely get through it with a straight face. At beast, It passes itself off as "experimental" (which it isn't, there were artists around that time and even before the 90s who did way wilder music and had fun with it, two things that radiohead cannot do to save their lives. The album feels tame compared to all the genuinely good experimental rock stuff from the era, both the serious and unserious stuff) to the point that it's cringy and at it's worst has yhe most misogynistic undertones in anything I've heard.
I'd admit, I'm biased on my opinions on radiohead because of multiple things; I'm not british and I'm not american (but my country was colonized by them so I'm both to colonialists😜 /j) so I probably wouldn't 'get it' which is fine cuz I wasn't planning on liking them anyways, Radiohead's constant shaming of fans who like creep/suing artists for 'ripping off our song creep'/flipping their shit on journalists who criticize creep is an exhaustive routine for a band who likes to tell the tale of hating their most popular song and having a ~our other songs are waaaayyy bettah m'tes!!~ kind of attitude, it's not impossible for them to use creep's popularity to promote their other songs/albums instead, it's what Carly Rae Jepsen and Mariah Carey did with Call me maybe and dreaded Christmas song respectively, dozens of other rock bands also did that formula so why can't RH do the same with creep?
Tl,dr; The only good radiohead: https://youtu.be/jM6yaCk2A2s?si=qO_WJenoeYWwZ3Mz
wow this person REALLY doesn't like Radiohead
also, you smartass
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catnap do the thug shake
shakieing my buot no?
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vilikemorgenthal · 5 months
I will participate again in Lexember on Tumblr! Well, actually, I'll just cross-post my blog entries and give an English translation of the definitions here (not the examples or grammatical notes). But still, that's me returning.
This year I'll expand Lamáya ('our.INCL language'), a pre-neolithic proto-language to become the ancestor of pseudo-Egyptian, pseudo-Semitic, and pseudo-Cushitic lects in a conworld of mine.
Five vowels /a e i o u/, two diphtongs ie uo, and those consonants:
╔════════════╦═════════╦═════════╦═══════════╦══════════╦���═══════╦═════════════╦══════════╗ ║ ║ labials ║ apicals ║ retroflex ║ palatals ║ velars ║ labiovelars ║ glottals ║ ╠════════════╬═════════╬═════════╬═══════════╬══════════╬════════╬═════════════╬══════════╣ ║ stops ║ p b ║ t d ║ ║ ║ k g ║ ║ ʔ ║ ╠════════════╬═════════╬═════════╬═══════════╬══════════╬════════╬═════════════╬══════════╣ ║ affricate ║ ║ ║ ║ č ║ ║ ║ ║ ╠════════════╬═════════╬═════════╬═══════════╬══════════╬════════╬═════════════╬══════════╣ ║ fricatives ║ ║ s z ║ ║ ║ x ɣ ║ ║ h ║ ╠════════════╬═════════╬═════════╬═══════════╬══════════╬════════╬═════════════╬══════════╣ ║ rhotics ║ ║ r ║ ṛ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╠════════════╬═════════╬═════════╬═══════════╬══════════╬════════╬═════════════╬══════════╣ ║ lateral ║ ║ l ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╠════════════╬═════════╬═════════╬═══════════╬══════════╬════════╬═════════════╬══════════╣ ║ nasals ║ m ║ n ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╠════════════╬═════════╬═════════╬═══════════╬══════════╬════════╬═════════════╬══════════╣ ║ glides ║ ║ ║ ║ y ║ ║ w ║ ║ ╚════════════╩═════════╩═════════╩═══════════╩══════════╩════════╩═════════════╩══════════╝
VOS, marked nominative, nominal number sg/du/pl, animate and inanimate gender ; exclusively suffixing verbal morphology encoding, in that order: voice (active, middle and indirect), tense (present/past), negation, person and number of subject, presence of an animate direct object, person of object (if 1ˢᵗ or 2ⁿᵈ).
Vocabulary so far
bat, buʔ 1SG
biek v 'to eat; to chew'
bekil ni 'bit (to eat), part'
bili ni 'rain'
buot, suʔ 1PL.EXCL
da article
hasaw v 'to speak'
kin prep 'against, towards'
mien, man 2SG
misuol v 'to see'
muon, san 2PL
nikot ni 'pot'
onoč ni 'dead lion'
pieg na 'lion (alive)'
siel ni 'dead horse'
sob v 'to gulp down'
wexentey na 'arm'
wexeṛey ni 'atlatl'
wexet v 'to throw an assegai'
wexeti ni 'throwing of an assegai'
wexetil ni 'assegai, throwing spear'
yaduk na 'horse (alive)'
yien, yan 1PL.INCL
ɣaz v 'to wash'
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disneydragon · 5 months
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Ka gwapa ka babs q ah.. bskan ngpa utwas kw lng jn ka sakit buot ky 5 q Ang jacket nga gntugro ni saif. Sorry ky ramig na gd wra pa ka abot order q.. I love you babs.
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kadkadduwa · 2 years
🥃: If your OC was in this universe, what would be their favourite show/book/band/social media platform?
For Viola. . .
Viola pre-embrace was really into classic Goth music, like Bauhaus! Afer her embrace however she had a big shift in personality and traits and she'd probably prefer black metal--growling and all. Some things in common between her life and unlife though would be her love for books (she's got a collection of books on occult knowledge, gothic romance, horror and thrillers, and also issues of The Sandman comic by Neil Gaiman). She did not grow up with a computer nor a TV in her house (her neighbors had a TV but she did not really care) so I don't think she'd really be into TV nor social media.
For Art. . .
Art is very much into alt-rock (a la Incubus or APC? which is more like hard rock) and classic Pinoy rock and other tunes, like Eraserheads or APO Hiking Society. At home, he's also usually playing reggae or traditional Filipino music while painting or some shit. He is not into reading and barely has access to books but he really loved Franz Kafka's "Metamorphosis," which he read as a teenager (it resonated with him being trans PLEASE). He used to be really into LiveJournal and had his own website where he'd post about his college projects and personal life--nowadays though he doesn't care for social media. If he had a computer he'd just watch YouTube rips of Jackass. His favorite shit to watch on TV was Nickelodeon and Animal Planet/National Geographic.
For Carmensita. . .
Carmensita is THE goth girl and music nerd of the group. She loves the classics, gothic rock, gothic metal, and more. If you hear some shit like "I Don't Wanna Be Me" by Type O Negative echoing through the warrens--that's how you know she's home. She hates reading long swathes of text, it's difficult for her and gives her a headache, so she doesn't read for fun... though she does ike reading blog posts and random shit people write on the Internet. She would be an avid Tumblr user I just know it. She also loved watching random bullshit on MTV; trashy reality TV is PRIME ENTERTAINMENT for her.
For Alin. . .
Alin loves house music SO much. Walking down the runway this shit is what's on her mind. She's got a nice audio setup and everything... the hybrid CD and casette tape player is her baby. This girl loves written art... she keeps many poetry books, novellas, short stories, and more in her home--most pertaining to themes of change, romance, and transness. She's also got lots of art and photography books. She would ABSOLUTELY be an Instagram user in this day and age oh my god. She also did not grow up with a computer and never had to use one until she came to the USA, but she loves being able to share her life and work with people and sees social media as a tool for this. Her favorite shit on TV would be classic Pinoy teleseryes (soap operas), public access television, world culture shows, etc.
Out of the other OCs; Booc (Tzimisce) and Buot Buktot (Baali, Viola's Sire) are kind of archaeic beings that have forgone worldly pleasures outside of carnal shit. THey would probably be into each other by the way. With Pusakal (Gangrel), although he definitely seems like something of a little vagrant who'd be into regular people shit, he's a bit of an enigma and really just prefers being a wild cat who eats people. He really actually just sleeps in trees and is small enough such that people don't really notice him up in the canopies you get me.
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frickingnerd · 8 months
Anne Of Green Gables Masterlist
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Anne Shirley Cuthbert
fake dating anne shirley cuthbert - headcanons
Diana Barry
proposing to diana barry - headcanons
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Gilbert Blythe
gilbert blythe telling you "i love you" for the first time - headcanons
Jerry Baynard/Buote
baby, it's cold outside - oneshot
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witchblade · 2 years
i havent installed nioh 2 yet so that’s lower on the list.... 
buot. i have fallout new vegas next up. probably tonight (sober)
then vtmb... 
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aphrorite · 2 years
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-ˏˋ sweetheart diaries ˊˎ- #3 !! 🌸💗🍥
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૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა ♡༘
⋆ ✧₊゚may 14th 2022 🍧🌺🦩 ⊹ɞ
yawwwwn. hi diary! its 1 am but im writing bebauc i feel liek it ! 💤 🌥
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today wa s a good day, you known? i id idnt do much bt ,, i neeed ed this saturyda so then tmr i can go wam ham on my homeworks. it wwass soooooo sunny nand iw anted to go for a walk twic but onyl got chanc to go for 1, and i wore a super duper pretty polka dot black dress and i had matchin black polka dot flip flops to go w it ! i wore a stra w hat too when iw ent outside cos ir was so hot out. i felt pretty and also very comfy. i woek eup around 10 as well so im happy baout that because usually i wake up late later hehe. 😝
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SEEEE !!! dress n flip flop magch tehehe. this phtoo taken on my walk! 🩰🌟✨
i ha d last night nugget for breakfast n then i had some OJ! ir emember seienf a post tht had “drink som milk or OJ” and usually aft i et breakfas id hav like agua so OJ was new <3
i had a bit of a moment whehr iw d trying to flshh the toluet n then THE FLOORW ENT 💥BOBOB 💥MBO💥 BBOON 💥 BOOOM 💥 n lke rumbled ))): i call my sister hpstair and she tell me to ring mom so then mam say 2 t ur n the water off on it bc mybe she didnt turn it all the way n then it wasnt rumble no more . this cos we got a new toilet n also hav plumbing leak problem , house old !
i made som goodnote schedule for msyelf instead of using google spreadhddeg so this eman that i cna get more productiv again ! i havent done so in 3 months so i thin ktnis is my turning point , yeah, go me ! *imaginary pat*
i spen t some tiw w my ssiter playin project sekai , sims 4 (i revamp her chars, ) walk w my siste routside n found a pretty pink flower , my cat just giving him cuddles n lettinghim enjoy the f reshh air, browose shopping for a teensy bit, listneed to blackspeakz on youtube, made a regressing plylsit, and msootly chilled !
i also played alittleeee bit of roblox and made some softlien clothing ! im proud of msyelf because yesterday my crwiagons werent up to par. i wantned to hangout w my one acquaintance but he wasnt online , so thts ok ! here is what i buot in sims 4 when my ssuter let me use computer when she went sleep,
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my othwr cfriend msged me this morning on dizzy n it made merlly happy cos he acc show up in my dream last night )): n it wa sa happy dream , so then for him to send me a dm saying “wakey wakey!” n i see it in the morning , i feel is coincidence ! 😵😮😮
i also feel like agedre n half regressing has helped talk to myself more positively. its very difficult to talk to myself like a friend so when i talk to myself like an encouraging sweet parent, it works. im more softer and i embrace my sensitivity, and i think this in all will help me ! of course i still feel the shame of it not being the norm or still have my negative intrusive thoughts, and i know my intrusive thoughts arent something i can necessarily 'delete' or 'remove,' and are something to tame, though i think agedre is a big baby step towards a healthy coping mechanism, as even so back then my self-talk has never been very positive, and even when i was positive, id beat myself down constantly (and still struggle with this), and that positivity would lean towards toxic. im proud of myself. <3
anyway, i did lot selfcare and followd my goodnote scheduule , and tmr i make to do list for homeworks. tmr i shoul make foods, b productiv, and sleep on time !!!! hav good day diary, muwah muwah 💕
p.s it also rained today ! 🌧🌧🌧
╭┈─────── urs truly, ࿐ ˊˎ-
╰┈➤ sweetheart xx
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cowardly-bread-reactor · 58 minutes
aww go t-to Hwew Mmaa, runs away we notices buldge aww go t-to Hwew I'm wwinyitg tihs w-wtteew and wishnyig you wwew Mmaa, x3 we notices buldge aww go t-to Hwew Oh wwew, nyow, Mmaa, we'we aww g-gnyonya die Mmaa, we'we aww gnyonya [Pwe-Chwous] If tihs is the x3 fonwt wnyie Tewhe's nyo hpoe fow the x3 wwwod If ^w^ tihs is the x3 f-fnyowt wnyie Twhee's nyo hpoe fow the x3 w-wowwd
[Chouws] Dwives, we'we wseiad by fuikncg dwveis Who've twerks been wsiaed by fuknyicg d-d-dwvies Weinwag ouw savoiws as sinks Dewivs, huggles tightly we'we weaisd by finyuckg dievws Who've been wisaed runs away by finckug diwves Wiaewng ouw siovaws as s-snkis How c-can I bweevie waht UwU you say? Yuow pwagdpaonya bhwuwist ÚwÚ maeks me scik Mwewuded fistsacs mkae nyo nyosie I'd sehd yuow boowd t-to fncuikg svae the x3 wwwod houwgh the x3 bset of tmies Tuwoghh the x3 wsowt of temis Thogwuh Nxion and thwoguh Bsuh Do you wmebemew '36? We wnyet ouw swpaaete wyas You fghuot OwO fow Swtian I fghout ;;w;; fow fewdeom
You beivwee in awthiutoy I bevewie in mswyef I'm a Mtowoov catiokcw You'we Dom Pogiewnn Bbay, waht's runs away taht cfnyuoesd w-wook in yuow eeys? Waht I'm tnyiwg UwU t-to say twerks is taht I b-b-bwun dwon sees bulge bwnyiidugs Wiwhe you sit ^-^ on a shwef isndie of tehm You cwaw the x3 c-cpos on the x3 wweotos and pie-twhowwes Tehy cwaw i-it cawss waw I OwO cwaw i-it co-csipnwoatwos
[Couwhs] 'Cuase, b-bbay, I'm an awcinyahst You'we a sepnyesiws wiweabw We mhwaecd :3 toegthew fow the x3 egiht-huow day And hwed hdnyas :3 in the x3 steetws of Settawe But (・`ω´・) wehn i-it cmae tmie >w< t-to towhw bikcws Tugwohh taht Swukcbats wndoiw You w-wfet me aww a-a-anyowe (aww awnyoe)
[Veswe 2] You wtcaehd in awe At the x3 Wed, Wthie, and Buwe On the x3 Ftowuh of Jwuy Whwie tohse fewkwwios wwee enxdoipwg I was biwnyung taht fceukw And sintinwgg my bwcak fawg hgih
Etiang the x3 panyutes Taht the x3 pawetis hvae tseosd you In the x3 baacsekt of yuow faethw's nyew Fwod You screeches bviewee in the x3 b-bwwaot You bweviee in wfoewm You hvae fitah in the x3 ewhnyapet and jkcasas And, t-to you, siodwtiawy is a fuow-wtteew wwod We'we aww h-h-hycepiwots, but you'we a piaotwt You thohugt cries I was owny jkoing Wehn I swaeemcd starts twerking out, :3 "Kwiw W-Wihtey!" At the x3 t-top of my wgnyus At the x3 c-cpos in teihw cwas And huggles tightly the x3 men in teihw stuis Nyo, sees bulge I won't tkae yuow hnyad And mwway the x3 Sttae
[Cuowhs] 'Cusae, b-bbay, I'm an ahanscwit And boops your nose you'we a sspnyiewes twerks wawiebw We mwchaed teeotghw fow the x3 eihgt-huow day And hwed hadns in the x3 sewtets of Stwtaee But wehn i-it cmae tmie >w< t-to tohww bcwkis Tuhwgoh taht S-Stabwkucs woidnw You w-wfet me aww anwoe (aww anyowe) was walks away sieepwng up the x3 gnwduos isdinye a cfeofe hsuoe wehn You ^w^ siad smnyiheotg taht wawwey sutcwk me I was bmmued on me and mnwumibg seoimthng auobt the x3 twsah Wiwhe you wwee tinwkag cries buot the x3 h-h-hwugny
Tehy wwee cnyittug off the x3 wteaw in D-D-Doetiwt the x3 smae day Taht we notices buldge had ouw cotenwavosin The onye aubot whispers to self aww of the x3 kdis taht tehy wwee tynyiwg t-to twun twerks aawy Bceause of bseaid wteasigwoin
You wwee tkiawng up a swotm Yaeh, you wwee wawewy awngy :3 abuot snyeimtohg taht I was sinyag I tihnk i-it was shteinmog aowng the x3 w-w-wiens of 'kwionng wwehe runs away you cmoe fowm We've nveew twerks kwonn souitbaugjn.' The pwbweom's nyot taht I'm too twerks w-wfet wnyig >w< fow my own good It's taht, it's nyot taht hwad wnsiog eahmpty Seomtmies aww i-it tekas is a coisaewntvon oevw ceoffe ÚwÚ t-to bawek the x3 swpew sees bulge of benyig sees bulge pcifaied and wzay Vswee 1: Swej Tanyakin] Fwwnyioowg runs away the x3 wtghis mtveoemns, >w< you cepawmd dwon sees bulge wtih twerks yuow iown f-fitss Dwgus becmae cnweennvotiy runs away avawbiwae fow aww the x3 kdis Fonwwwoig the x3 whtigs m-meenvomts, you ceampwd dwon sees bulge wtih twerks yuow iown fstis Dgwus baecme cinwonnyeevty aiawwavbe for
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shannyh25 · 5 months
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MARILLA: I picked this up at the post office. It's addressed to you.
ANNE: My...my book.
MARILLA: Well, don't sit there shaking like a leaf. Open it.
ANNE: Marilla, this can't be real. They accepted my manuscript last February with a $250 advance.
MARILLA: Oh, you're a great one for secrets.
ANNE: It's not a classic or a romance or anything important. It's just a humorous book of stories I did about Avonlea in my spare time last fall. Look. But it's mine. It's all mine.
MARILLA: [reading the dedication] "To Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert for their unfailing love and support, and for Gilbert, who inspired me with the idea in the first place." You do beat all, Anne. Everyone will think I put you up to it. Aw, it's awful good of you, especially considering Gilbert.
ANNE: How sick is he really?
MARILLA: It's been a bad case from the start. No one's heard anything the past week. He has the Blythe constitution in his favor, though. If God wills it.
ANNE: Marilla, there's a book of Revelations in everyone's life. I've been so wrong. If Gil were to--... not knowing how I really care.
MARILLA: Oh, there, there. There, now.
ANNE: What would I do without him?
MARILLA: We can't change what God determines. [whistling outside draws Anne to the window]
ANNE: That's Jerry Buote. Jerry Buote works for Mr. Blythe. It must be a sign. The worst would be more endurable than not knowing at all.
I got the movie quote from greengables-2.tripod.com
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pdfelite-store · 4 days
[PDF] Density Functional Theory II: Relativistic and Time Dependent Extensions E. Engel, R. M. Dreizler (auth.), Prof. R. F. Nalewajski (eds.) Contents: Forewords by Professor R.G. Pa... https://pdfelite.com/product/pdf-density-functional-theory-ii-relativistic-and-time-dependent-extensions-e-engel-r-m-dreizler-auth-prof-r-f-nalewajski-eds/?feed_id=3849&_unique_id=662d6d92daae4
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