#but idk >:T I don't like any of the characters I design and I've put a lot of money into Shroom so part of me feels bad
gamer-girls427 · 2 months
Thanks for everything (also I suck with words so just try to follow this ok?)
uh so, as I said I suck with words. Infact, most of the time I communicate better through drawings, kin characters, qoutes, and music. But I relize those could be interpreted in any way so I'm going to try to put this into words.
if you wanna just skip the backstory and get straight to the thanks then go below the cut off!
For a long time I've been told I'm not trying hard enough. That I "don't apply myself" that I "just don't try to connect with others" and that most importantly, "Nothing is wrong with me cognitively, I'm just to lazy to try to succeed."
I have since been diagnosed with a number things, some more notable ones being autism and ADHD.
I always felt like those things never ment anything since for awhile I didn't get accommodations. Instead I just had more reasons people didn't want to be around me.
I discovered this fandom the year before tspud released so stuff related to this game was few and far between. But this game was always a safe space for me. A safe space I got shamed out of liking because it was too silly and childish, or in the words of my parents "all you do in this game is die over and over!" And "What's the point if it just makes fun of you for playing the game?"
This was what I had though in a time where I didn't have much else. I was being bullied, I was getting sexually harassed, and then my best friend left me for not being cool enough for her. Tbh I hated myself because all I would get in response was the same thing, that I "just don't try to connect with others." That "everyone was really nice, you just have to give them a chance."
I was alone, and no one was listening when I would talk about how I was struggling. The most I got was the guy who sexually harassed me got suspended for 1 DAY.
Fun fact, I once reached out to one of the devs of tsp, and they mocked my username and sent me a gif telling me that "I'm a nerd, leave me alone." So you could imagine how hard it was for me to reach out to artists I admire...
But I did, and now I literally cannot go a day without checking Tumblr at least once. Not only that but I feel validated by you guys. I feel inspired to start doing things I haven't done in a long time!
So... all I have to say now is:
Thanks to @file-unknown24 for showing me not everyone on the internet is a perv and introducing me to tumblr.
Thanks to @adventurecrimez for being my girlfriend.
Thanks to @mpils for being the first Tumblr blog I ever sent an ask to (IDK if you remember but I was that really shy anon from 2 years ago who said they really liked your art. I sent it on new years day when I was having a sugar crash lol.)
Thanks to @test-url-please-ignore for our very brief interactions (also I just have a weird obsession with British stuff so it's cool to know someone from the UK...)
Thanks to @insomniphic tolerating my DMs.
Thanks to @steampoweredwerehog for just tolerating my hyperfixation on their TSP AU as well as helping me be respectful while still being able to use my cryptid OC.
Thanks to @oswinunknown for showing me it's not weird to draw you and your comfort charaters hanging out (and following my Dungeons 3 roleplay account).
Thanks to @owlfromthemeadow for following my main account and tolerating my midnight DMs.
Thanks to @xandyprojects for drawing N!
Thanks to @finnleywiththesillys for doing roleplay with me and just being a cool person 😎
Thanks to @juaneloriginal for drawing people's narrators and having some very huggable narrator designs.
Thanks to @emmyisstrange for tagging me in reblog games (I freaking love those so much you don't understand!)
Thanks to @starpeep16 for helping me feel more confident in finishing that one drawing I was doing as a gift to steampoweredwerehog. (Maybe I'll post it some time?)
Thanks to @villiun for taking an intrest in my stuff!
Thanks to @corelex for also liking D&D and having the idea of basing a warlock patron on someone else's Narrator!
Thanks to @lee100pad for talking to me (even if it was only one time)
Thanks to @incorrectstanleyparablequotes for giving me somewhere to dump my dumb neurodivergent thoughts (when it comes to qoutes).
And lastly, thanks to @sowaran and @goony-gooner for being my friends in general.
You all mean so much to me and I don't think this post, or any other post, can express that fact.
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bluegekk0 · 5 months
If anything I think you should speak more, because I love everything you write (and draw.) You've been one of my biggest inspirations to go back and give all of my ocs actual stories instead of just designs.
In fact, ever since you mentioned having non-fpk family ocs before, I have been incredibly curious.
Please feed me all of the information like a bird feeding its young, except its letters going into my eyes instead of food going into my mouth
you have no idea how much that warms my heart, i'm really flattered that you see me as an inspiration. it's all i could really ask for
i do have some ocs, yeah. though i will say, the fpk au characters are definitely outliers when it comes to the amount of personality and lore they have. most of my ocs have very basic backstories, and many of them only do because i used to roleplay as them with my friends. a lot of my original designs that i'm attached to don't even have names, let alone personalities
since i'll be posting a lot of pictures, i'll throw this under a read more so it's not too long
i guess i'll start with my oldest oc, a lion king character who used to be my "fursona" (well not exactly, since i've never considered myself a furry. but persona wouldn't fit here) years ago, back in 2012 i believe. she went through a lot of changes over the years, but i've settled on a design that i really like
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her name is swahibu (used to be swahili, i wasn't particularly creative, and i changed it recently since it was a bit awkward for her to be named after the entire language hahaha), and she has a little brother named kobe. their lore isn't anything too elaborate, they're essentially scar's grandchildren who used to be outlanders, but after the events of the second movie joined the pridelands. swahibu is bitter and a bit mean, but cares very much about her little brother. she got her scars in a fight with rogue lions which unfortunately ended with their mother's death, so they're now on their own. kobe is a smart cub, and brings a bit of joy and innocence to his big sister's life. as they both resemble their grandfather more than they'd like, they're often the object of nasty comments from those who lived under his tyrannical rule, though they do eventually earn the pridelanders' respect. not much else to say about them, except that i like to hc swahibu as gay. also, they have a very simple family tree that i made to show what their parents looked like, here (might not work if you don't have a deviantart account, but i'm not sure)
next up, there's a character i've considered my persona for quite some time, and one i used to put in many funny scenarios with my friends' ocs. he also changed the most out of all of them throughout the years, and recently i gave him a more furry like design as i hate drawing human faces haha
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his name is rick, and he's a hybrid of all kinds of different animals. he's very laid back and lazy, though the fact that he's a hybrid gives him some animal-like traits and behaviors. he used to have a backstory but it's kind of stupid so i'm considering changing it, but he was basically created in a lab and then released after it was shut down. now he lives on his own with his cat, jon. he's one of those characters who are very flexible, so if i wanted to, i could modify him to fit into any scenario (for example, he used to have an assassins creed universe version which i used for roleplay years ago hahaha). not much else to say since i'm still in the (slow) process of changing him
i also have a lot of dragon characters, most of them were made for the purpose of a larger roleplay story with my friends. in general i take 'dragon' as a very vague term, since to me a dragon can look however you want and all those classification rules are kinda stupid. but you'll still a bit of, idk, i guess a paleoart like direction for their designs, since i like speculative biology and such. also, some of these originated as heavily based on some of my favorite characters at the time, you'll see that with the first one especially
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his name is stark and he's probably the dragon that has the most lore behind him. i won't go into too many details regarding the backstory since it's long and very connected to the roleplay (you know, bit of a "you just had to be there" moment haha). but tl;dr he was taken in by a village and raised from hatchling, so he's very docile and a little bit confused. the village was attacked and he was able to survive, but one of his legs was scarred pretty badly, so he noticeably limps while walking. he's a semi-aquatic dragon, so he's an excellent swimmer. funnily enough, he went through a complete "reboot" a few years ago. in the original rp, he was a massive asshole, he'd hurt others for his own amusement and was generally very aggressive and not pleasant to be around. also, he had a prosthetic leg, though i scrapped that as it was far too advanced for the setting i envisioned him in. i much prefer this direction, i love my giant himbo gator-dragon. and i wonder how many of you can guess what character was the inspiration for his appearance (it used to be a lot more obvious in his first design iterations)
(and no, his wing isn't missing. this is just to show his back haha)
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these next three don't really have too much backstory to them. well, except for the first one, his name is ithaar, and he was one of my first ocs ever. he went through a massive redesign quite recently, so he has close to nothing in common with his first iterations. the other two characters, eurus and ash, were made for rp purposes quite recently, and so don't have too much lore behind them
ith is a bit of a coward, he struggles with his self-confidence and believes everyone sees him as insignificant due to his small size and inability to fly. he can camouflage, though, so he's a lot cooler than he thinks. also, he moves by hopping around like a little kangaroo. his design is very dromaeosaur-like, with short stubby arms and yi-qi inspired wings
eurus is very pterosaur-like, though much larger than even the largest azhdarchids. he doesn't like the company of others, he's a bit of a loner (with trauma!). he may seem mean on the surface, but his past experiences make him unable to walk past someone who's in need. not quite a gentle giant, though. i think it's easy to see which pterosaurs in particular were the inspiration for his design, though his crests are very dilophosaurus-like
the last one is ash, and she's the newest addition to the roster. her rp session was very short and didn't really add much to her lore, but she's generally a huge jerk who likes annoying others and stealing from them. but of course, it wouldn't be an oc of mine if there wasn't some trauma involved, and she's no exception. she believes she doesn't fit anywhere, she felt rejected by her own kind for her unnatural abilities (she can move things with her mind), and so she copes with it by being a prick. her design was inspired by junker queen from overwatch haha
i also have four night fury characters i made during my httyd phase, and i redesigned them about a year ago to be a lot more "natural" in their appearance. they used to be quite a bit more colorful back in the day, and not in the good way haha
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their names are vel'ri, sherok, atis and marivo. no real backstory, just vibes. the first one used to be my "main" character during the httyd phase. vel'ri and atis are female, sherok and marivo are male
and lastly, some non-dragon characters. these don't really have any backstory that i think is worth sharing, but i still love them very much
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this one is named rugat and they're a genderless, shapeshifting magma alien thing. i don't know what they are. i just really like their design. they're aggressive, but they have a soft spot for small, weak creatures. god knows what their reasoning is, but i thought it was a cute personality trait
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and these two are named lox and bagel. they're a ragarox, an original species i made years ago when it was cool and hip to have a closed species. they're eyeless cave dwelling lizard things. very chubby. these two guys are not related but they hang out all the time. 🏳️‍🌈 perhaps?
lox, on the left, is the more active and territorial of the two. but he's also super affectionate towards bagel
bagel, on the other hand, is the couch potato. very round and chubby, 10/10
as a fun fact i like to think their long tongues have very distinct smells. lox's smells like lime, while bagel's smells a bit like blueberry
and lastly, here are two unnamed characters. i like their designs but i haven't had the chance or inspiration to think of any details about them
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the first one is an okapi-like thing. with a kitty face. the second is like a weird mix between a ceratopsid and some kind of mammal
oh and, here's some redesigns of old dragon characters that i forgot to mention earlier. they used to be very different (all but one were inspired by other characters, but you can't see it on their current designs), and i don't have any backstories for them yet. their names are also going to be changed, so consider them nameless for now
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(fun fact: the top left one was one of the first iterations of eurus' design, but i decided to turn it into a different character cause i still like it)
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If the wereroomies gfs were wolves what do you think their role/subgender would be? Please don’t take this as a “hey please turn them”. In my mind it’s an AU based off wereroomies where the entire society are werewolves.
my thoughts down here so ignore if you want
personally I think I feel like pretty mum would be either an alpha with beta tendencies or beta with alpha tendencies. She’s just so Mother and Lady that she has to have alpha somewhere. THE BEST SCENT OMG. She beats Chan in races, both human and wolf forms, allllll the time. Shares any catches she gets
kitten would be omega through and through. In my eyes, she is the definition of hyperfemininity. That wolf would want to be primped, preened, and adored. Minho’s connection with his wolf is still a little wonky but like when his omega looks and smells like that, I don’t know how he functions.
omg they would also have the prettiest wolf forms too. Kitten is probably the littlest wolf and next to Min omg the size. Omg if she was calico colored, so precious. Pretty would be good size, still smaller than all the alphas, like Seungmin size probs. A really nice grey and cream coat with a black tip on her tail
this ask sent my mind into overdrive, because i have thought about this before, and i'm glad i can talk about it sdkjfhsdkjfhsdkjfsdiufh
i love love love your takes, btw! i think they're very accurate, although they don't totally reflect what i've been thinking, i still like them a lot aaaaaaaa
i'm gonna put a cut here bc i'm about to RAMBLE
so, i have changed pretty mum's possible designation so many times.... for me she could be literally anything KJHSDFKFHJSDF but, for now, i have settled on omega with alpha tendencies. However, hers would present VERY differently to Autumn's. her alpha tendencies present mostly on her strong will, and in her leadership skills, more than in her "dominance", if that makes sense. she's very opinionated, and will call you out on your bullshit and do things her way all the time just because she wants them to be done right. like you said, she's very Mother, so of course she's a great leader, too.
now, that Mother-ness in her is also part of her omega qualities. she was just born to be pack mum, you know? and it kinda makes sense, considering she's Chris' true mate. even in this universe, they're soulmates, of course.
i do agree that her wolf form would probably be much bigger than the average omega, which is also part of her alpha traits. and also, because i think it could be a good parallel to her human body and her being plus-size/chubby/etc, y'know? it's such an important part of her character, i feel like it's good that it translates to her wolf form.
with that being said, how do you think Chris and her met each other??? i feel like she'd be part of a different pack, and they'd meet randomly while they're in their wolf forms during a run or something... i can imagine Big Scary Alpha Wolf Chris seeing pretty drinking water from a stream and suddenly his heart rate spikes and the scent of fresh flowers hits him full force.
like, imagine pretty turns around and sees him and is also completely shocked because of the sudden smell of sea air and the huge, very clearly alpha wolf tilting his head to the side and his ears twitching as he takes her in, omg...
Chris would probably walk closer, tentatively to not scare her because he's very much aware that he's huge and scary, but ofc pretty mum doesn't feel threatened at all. and they'll just smell each other for a bit and rub their necks together and and and.... this is so cute, i wish you could see how it's playing out in my head.
idk for some reason pretty will have to leave very quickly and Chris wouldn't have had the time to ask her anything, so he'll spend weeks looking for this wolf, dreaming of her scent and her pretty coat. until one day he's just walking with idk changbin and jisung, and pretty will walk past him and he'll be almost winded by the smell of her scent.
of course he's turning back around, and of course she's already looking at him with wide eyes, and of course she's wearing a pretty sundress. totally the prettiest girl he's ever seen and he just quickly takes a pen out of his bum bag and takes her hand and scribbles his number on it like "hey, i'm Chris, i know i look totally insane, but here's my number. text me, or call me, or anything. if you feel like it, of course" and he'll just LEAVE because he'd be so embarrassed that he'd just done all that JKDHFSDUOFHIFUHWEIFUHSDJ
anyway, of course pretty will text him and they'll start getting to know each other and and and.... sigh.... you get where i'm going with this.
i'm obsessed with this, i won't be able to stop thinking about it for a long time skjdhfiushfseiufhsdf
BUT ANYWAY, now to kitten.
i also really like your take of kitten as a full omega, but i have her down as a beta with omega tendencies. like, people think she's an omega but she's not fully an omega, you know? i also like the idea of jimitten being the trio of designations, if that makes sense... an alpha, a beta, and an omega, all of which have beta somewhere within their traits dsjkfhskjdfhsidfj
she can be both very dominant and very submissive regardless of the setting, she's very multifaceted.
i do agree with the hyperfeminity thing. she'd be tiny for a beta werewolf, and her calico coat, omg. i feel like minho would give her the "kitten" nickname not only because of her coat, but also because she's got this odd habit of grooming herself like a cat.
in this universe, of course she and minho were childhood friends still. of course they both would still be the "Idiots to Lovers" trope incarnate, and of course they'd have jisung as their third musketeer.
they still met while minho was trying to save a litter of kittens, and she still adopted sir percival bc that's Her Child Now.
imagine the snuggle piles, omg. the three wolves and sir percival......
i love this. i love you for sending this ask and making me think about this more in depth, and i love your takes, for real sdkjfhsiuhfweif
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kazehita · 3 months
6,7,17 &28 ^^
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
Oh no. I haven't a clue what any of these actually look like. My greatest weakness - fashion categories. Also music genres. Haven't a clue about these things! Though, eight google searches later, and I think they're all pretty cool? I would love to draw/design characters with all of these outfit styles! I think i accidentally ended up in the sportswear category myself, but I mostly wear t-shirts and long pants w/o any... style... really... My friend says I want to look like a handsome rectangle.
7. earbuds or headphones?
I exclusively wear these kinds of things:
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I learned they existed because the Persona 3 protagonist wears em, but I found they are very comfortable to wear with my hearing aids! Earbuds can't go in my ears at the same time and headphones that cover my ear entirely can cause feedback (think the high-pitched microphone squeal, but directly into my ears). A lot of newer aids have bluetooth so you don't need headphones/earbuds at all! My insurance sucks and they're spensive to replace though, so I'll need my current ones to hang on.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
I have a thing where I get one pair of running shoes, and wear literally nothing else until they wear out. Then I will proceed to use them for a few more months, before finally getting a new pair. and then the cycle repeats.
I don't know what brand or identifying?? thinggies??? go into my current shoes... I had my foot-doctor person recommend them because they are stiff? Or something. (I have flat feet so I listen to them to prevent my knees from self-destructing, again). I imagine they aren't terribly fashionable or trendy.
28. five songs to describe you?
You are literally asking the hardest questions. Idk how you've singled me out like this.
I don't really think about it? Have five songs I recently discovered that I think are cool. And relatively relatable? It'll have to do. MIKA - Relax, Take It Easy Will Wood - I / Me / Myself ... that's all i got actually? I'm realizing a lot of stuff I listen to is strange at best... I've already put so much roast-worthy stuff in this singular post I don't need to degrade myself further.
Ask game
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So, how would you have redesigned the Rainbooms' main outfits?
I've gone into this before both in text and in art though I need to update them and tbh I miiiiiight do that after I finish the LL!Main Five BUT
God her canon main outfit is just... it's nerdy schoolgirl prep and I never really liked it? Like it works /better/ with Sci-Twi, but not Pony!Twi(I could go on a tangent on how they're different people compared to the rest of the Mane 6). ANYWAY. It's just too. It's too put together and coordinated and that is not Twilight she's not putting together cute-but-outdated nerdy outfits, she's throwing on whatever because she's running on caffeine and spite.
I tend to stick her in something simple and practical for her causal-wear. Jeans, t-shirt. Solid boots. Usually I'll have Sci-Twi in some flannel and Pony!Twi gets a long coat because she needs to have something more than just the shirt, but the two give different vibes (flannel is more cozy and normal girl. Coat demands authority and looks cool/mysterious.)
She just. She needs more! More patterns, more accessories! Armwarmers, funky socks! Ribbons! Etc! (I think she'd rock some Decora looks, but I do have to think about how it's not practical to animate and even /I/ don't want to draw all that detail).
But she also needs to be aware of movement! Canon's skirt and tight jacket are not meant for a girl who is bouncing around and climbing the walls. Give her some shorts/pants, even if it's under a fluffy skirt, and something she can really move in!
tbh Rarity's is one of the default outfits I think is fine. /personally/ I change the style of her top, sometimes her boots, maybe add a necklace, though still keep it in the same vibes. But she ends up close to the same as Canon to me
AJ is 100% my favorite of the outfits because the only thing I change is giving her pants. Because seriously why tf do they refuse to give these girls any pants/shorts? And AJ, being often more practical on the whole, would prefer pants for her everyday outfit and keep skirts/dresses to special events.
The top part is fine! The skirt has to go. Rainbow is not only a 'pants/shorts are more practical because I'm so active all the time' type, but she is very much against looking 'girly' and 'frilly' and would hate most skirts/dresses. Idk if you put shorts on under the skirt, just don't let her have a skirt!
Dearest. Darling. Why. No shy, anxiety filled mess(affectionate) would be wearing a miniskirt and a (white) tanktop. I mean you /can/ if you want, but when it comes to character design..... I go one of two ways when it comes to Flutters' outfit redesigns
1.) go classic and lean into the Cottagecore™ and all the soft, long, flowing stuff
2.) go practical since Fluttershy works with animals, so something with a bit of coverage but not flowing enough to be a hazard, and with lots of pockets for treats.
Bonus! Sunset:
Her original design was okay but her Friendship Games outfit???? PEAK. 10/10. No changes.
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the-east-art · 1 year
Chatting about Trigun
(Both the manga and the new anime)
A couple of my mutuals have asked me about my thoughts, and if yall wanna dm me and keep talking I LOVE chatting, but I also thought it would be fun to write down some of my thoughts for everyone. For reference, I have finished watching Stampede and I'm a little less than halfway through TriMax. There isn't really a 'point' to all of this, just some misc thoughts :3
So first of all really loved Stampede. I read the first manga and got like 12 chapters into Max before giving in to watch the anime, both because I was excited to watch it, and also because the manga is... a little rough to read? I don't watch or read a ton of anime or manga these days, working on art and full-time school and my job make it hard to pick what to do in my little free time. The manga that I've read recently has been Yokohama Shopping Log, Dungeon Meshi, and Witch Hat Atelier. While Trigun is fun paneling and storytelling wise it isn't as easy to read as any of the manga listed. I found myself having to reread some pages a few times because between the words, the paneling, and the art I couldn't tell what it was trying to get across. It is also heavy on the action and fights scenes (much like some manga I read in the early days like Bleach or Naruto) and I'm not about long fight scenes, especially when it's hard for me to tell what's going on. The story that the manga has going on is very interesting, however, it reminds me incredibly of Katekyo Hitman Reborn (or tbh even D. Gray Man) in that the early portion of it really feels like the Mangaka wasn't sure what the entire plot was and kind of made it up as it went, especially leaning into funny tropes quite early on. The manga reads like the mangaka realized that they needed to focus up and iron out the story idea when they ended the original Trigun, and had a better idea of what they were going for when they wrote Trigun Maximum (obv idk if that's true, that's just the vibe)
Stampede feels like they're trying to write the story of Trigun but more focused, if the story had been more put together from the beginning, which I really like. A few of the changes I struggle with, but I'm trying to be optimistic to how these changes can be remedied in season 2. Season 1 of Stampede was both the original Trigun books AND the backstory of the books in a way, which I really like I feel like having the destruction of July being the incident before the two year gap actually works really well, as well as letting us see how some of the characters develop. Meryl in season 1 has been much more naive and soft than I felt like she was in manga, but I think you do get the vibe that in season 2 after the developments of the finale and the two year gap she will be more like the Meryl from the manga, which actually if it is true sets up her character pretty well!
I like the designs for a lot for the characters in Stampede too, although I am a little sad that they leaned more into the generic white futuristic clothing for the people on board the ship. I really like that in the manga, even though they're all like astronauts and stuff they're seen wearing t-shirts and jeans. Also I think Rem has more of the milf vibes like that (someone said that she looks more like a big sister like that and if so I think I like it even more haha, since she was thrust into the position of mom really suddenly). The many wrappings/belts of Vash are also missed, but I also like his new design so they're both good lol.
The last thing I wish that they included or that I really wish they'll add into season two is how Vash when he was still with Nai and Rem was less optimistic. In the manga I just got to the part where Vash acts out after seeing the previous Independent, going as far as hurting Rem. The idea that he became so steadfastly optimistic after his world falls apart is so good. Not that he was pessimistic before, but that he was just a kid that was still figuring things out, and scared.
Haha, it's also a small thing, but in the manga when the ships go down, Nai specifically says that Rem thwarted his plans, but in the anime I feel like it just kind of vaguely says she might have or might not have helped.
Uhhhh if you have any questions though about any other thoughts I might have about things let me know! It was a fun watch and I'm excited to finish reading the manga, even if I do have my critiques lmao.
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I'd like to ask back, but I forget who your f/os are
Lol that's fair, a good chunck of my 'will write' list are actually my F/O's but I realise I didn't put any indication as to who was who. I don't think I had the confidence to actually announce that when I started this blog.
Anyhoo I'm in a mood for scales, so I hereby select Repton and Sir Pentious for the games! Oh God this got long
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R - Rainbow - what colors do you associate with them and why?
It's always deep olive greens and harsh dusty yellows for Repton, his colour scheme is pretty consistent and pretty much matches his territory. I find it very soothing almost? Like watching a savanna landscape, which is technically where he lives so, win.
E - Emotion - is your f/o open with their feelings or do they keep them close to their chest?
If it ain't rage or exasperation then he ain't showing it. He absolutely feels a wider range but frustration at his limitations rules his judgement 99% of the time, which is a work in progress. Makes those rare time's he is openly happy that much more delightful!
P - Pets - do they have a pet? if so, what kind and what is/would be its name? would you have a pet together?
Canonly, no, but I've always figured the wastelands around his terra would hold some kind of cool monster that he would take delight in taming, so in my head he has pet dragons. Not big ones, but if Gwythents were more bat like that'd be ideal. Atmos is criminally underdeveloped ok I can make up animals if I WANT
T - Teach - what skills of theirs would they teach you? what would you teach them?
I have an aversion to motorsports but you literally cannot get around atmos without a sickass flying motorbike, so I would def be accepting dirk-biking lessons from the guy with the coolest ride around.
As for what I'd teach him... I'm honestly not sure what I have to offer that he would find interesting or useful, but I can offer lots of geology/geography knowledge that would probably be handy for raids and crystal formations? Alternatively how to speak nicely to his siblings
O - Online - what is your f/o’s social media presence like, or what would it be like if they had internet in their world/era?
'Officially' he wouldn't partake, seeing the dumb shit his brothers watch online would drive him insane. Unofficially however, he would totally stalk his enemies facebook posts just to plan an opportune ambush.
N - Nostalgia - what’s your f/o’s favorite memory?
Canonically, probably the day he defeated the Interceptors. That was a serious victory that shook the Sky Knights and their teams across Atmos, and he relished in the leverage it gave him.
Sir Pentious:
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S - Story - if you and them were in a fairytale, which story would you be and who would play which character?
Oh a reverse fairytale for sure, a runaway noble of some descript get's kidnapped by maniacal (artificer I guess in this case?) for ransom, only to find they're both terrible and have much more fun encouraging his shenanigans.
I - Image - show us a picture of them that gives you a lot of feelings. if they aren’t a visual character, describe your mental image of them!
Oh see GIF above, this man is SO happy to be gatecrashing even when his shit is already wrecked, my mans THEATRICAL and loves his job.
R - Rainbow - what colors do you associate with them and why?
Black, Yellow and Fusia. Pretty self explanatory - the high contrast is gorgeous and luxurious in his design and yet attention seeking like a particularly villainous traffic cone.
P - Pets - do they have a pet? if so, what kind and what is/would be its name? would you have a pet together?
Do the Eggs Count Idk if you can have snake pets in hell but he is absolutely the type to have boa contractors and cobras draped all over his ship. I'm more than happy with this.
E - Emotion - is your f/o open with their feelings or do they keep them close to their chest?
Sweetheart this mans emotions are broadcast to the fucking moon. Everyone in hell knows how he's feeling at any given moment and he hates it, but he doesn't have the restraint to keep a lid on them when things don't go his way.
N - Nostalgia - what’s your f/o’s favorite memory?
Extrapolating from the crumbs of the single pilot we have, probably the birth of his son. He seems the type to have Gomez Addam'sed the shit out of his family, and I don't doubt he cried more than the mother and baby combined.
T - Teach - what skills of theirs would they teach you? what would you teach them?
I'm signing up for lessons in firing lazer beams and rockets and you cannot stop me. I would probably teach him what modern slang and style suits him becuase the secondhand embarrasment I recieve watching this 19th century supervillain attempt to integrate into modern culture is nigh lethal.
I - Image - see above.
O - Online - what is your f/o’s social media presence like, or what would it be like if they had internet in their world/era?
It's cringeworthy and mortifying for want of better words. I wish he would stop chasing the overlords accounts and getting into screaming matches in the comment sections. At least the latter results in him blowing up someones house occasionally, but it hurts to see him ruin his own reputation which he cherishes so much. Less of more here, really.
U - Uplift - how do they help you when you’re stressed or sad and vice versa?
When I'm sad it's cuddle time. He's fantastic at it, and his scales are much softer than they look. It's weird to feel his eyes blinking, but the pressure and attention feel wonderful after a bad day.
When he's sad or frustrated - I'll admit that I'm not the best at feelings things and would much rather offer practical solutions, he appreciates a second pair of eyes and opinions on his projects. I can compliment his engineering no end and belittle the bastards that made him feel workthless forever, so if I bitch whle we work it's a win-win.
S - Story - see above.
Thanks so much for asking!
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batbeato · 4 months
persona 5 tactica update: at the final dungeon (I'd presume) with angel boi.
i hate it here.
first of all, the design of the final dungeon is... interesting. I understand what they're going for - the characters even explicitly said it: that it's meant to be boring and ugly and same-y because that's what stagnancy is like - but it doesn't change that it... is boring and ugly and same-y in a very unappealing way.
in the same way, I understand what they're going for with the boss gauntlet, but I also... dislike it. I don't think just reskinning the bosses to be silver like this is goddamn inverse-xibalba (...I'm so sorry for comparing this place to xibalba persona 2 I love you xibalba and your metal recreations of figures of trauma) is that interesting. I would have really liked it if they made new (can still be monochrome/silver!) twisted/distorted designs of the previous bosses, or at least modified the designs slightly more, to really hammer home that these are just recreations Salmael made without the glimmer-glammer-oomph-whatever of Toshiro's memories.
in addition. having Toshiro join the party was really... interesting. the reveal that Elle was actually his Persona was very ??? and even the game talks about how it's such a special unique case. so. don't think I even need to go there. they really put themselves in a corner idk. it also doesn't make a ton of sense to me that you can still use Elle as an individual unit but also have Toshiro in the party using her as a Persona, but. okay.
Toshiro had a mask for .5 seconds that he ripped off during his Persona awakening and then just never got a Phantom Thief outfit of any kind. anything to spice his design up. even just a goddamn PHANTOM THIEF CODENAME. NOPE!! It honestly feels like an act of laziness or oversight, since this is one of the things the game didn't even bother to explain! unlike how kindly it tried to explain Elle and the Kingdoms.
the reveal, btw, that the Kingdoms were just... made by Salmael to break Toshiro's spirit is something. as is that Salmael is THIS obsessed with one man. even the man that's going to be prime minister. seriously. why not bother some billionaire with tons of financial power who could easily end world hu - nvm I'm giving it too much credit. gotta dial it back. anyway.
I don't mind Salmael as a concept. at this point we are all used to the obligatory world-ending god final boss in Persona. it's a requirement for any given Persona game. I do mind how Salmael gets to be responsible for Everything and how his existence gets to wave away any more interesting worldbuilding about Kingdoms. I was really hoping we'd get something about, idk, remnants of Shido's faction doing experiments on Shido's successor or some shit. nope. To be fair maybe I will get that. I haven't fully cleared the game yet. But thus far, nope.
Another thing that interests me is just how much... better a fit for this game's protagonist/focus Eri seems to be. she wants to be a journalist - super fitting for the PTs. she has a strong sense of justice. she got screwed over in the past and framed for a crime she didn't commit (like Joker!). she's so cool. why is Elle just here to be Toshiro's pet Eri. why is Toshiro the main guy and not her cute traumatized boyfriend she has to save.
Oh, and another thing! So many interesting things this game gives me to think about! Why is Toshiro's Persona of the opposite gender to him...? I think that this is like, a single case of this occurring, or else just generally rare since I don't remember any instances (outside the wildcard protags taking on female Personas). Personally I think it's funny to imagine that Toshiro is trans or some flavor of genderqueer and hasn't realized it yet. I know it's probably meant to be some romantic BS but in my dreams... Idk maybe Toshiro's gay and Toshiro's 'attraction' to Elle/Eri is because Toshiro wants to BE her. In my dreams.
Since I've been working my way backwards, it seems: Toshiro's Shadow. Oh, Toshiro's Shadow. He doesn't make any sense. He doesn't have any internal logic. He expresses "ohhhh we got Eri hurt we're so baddddd" and then five seconds later "ohhh Eri is so badddd with her rebellious ideaalssss". The game is like "oh yeah this is Toshiro's Shadow totes for reals" and I'm sitting here going "no this is clearly some shit evil god-angel bitch made up to fuck with Toshiro. this is nothing like anything Toshiro has ever said ever". It sucks. Reminds me of Persona 4, in a bad way.
Usually I try to put some positives in these posts to not be too negative towards the game. It's a little difficult this time since I am now FORCED to have Toshiro in my party even if I would rather leave his ass to rot. I dislike having him there and would very much like to continue my fun routine of rotating party members around to get to play with everyone. He disrupts this by never going tf away. Game didn't even force me to use ELLE most of the time and yet now I always have to use Toshiro. Man...
Well. I did finally change the game's difficulty from Normal to Hard. I thought I wasn't that good at strategy games, so it might just be that the game's difficulty curve isn't quite right. That, or I'm actually good at the game. Not sure which. Anyway the seratonin hit of making giant-ass All Out Attack triangles to hit ten million enemies with at once? Addictive. Beautiful. Best part of this game.
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clown-cryptid · 3 years
I want to make a new fursona because I don’t connect to Shroom much anymore? I love him! I just don’t feel like he’s me anymore though.
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loudestcloud · 3 years
Time for Luffy's fashion exam! Now, I'll be honest, I did skip an outfit because I decided I will be ending this whole thing with the Strawhat fashion show in Episode of Luffy. Also, sorry for the posting gap, I remembered I have other unfinished post sets. That being said, this is a very long one so let's do this!
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Kid Luffy, Post-Enies Lobby & Fish-Man Island: I think it's super cute when Luffy has white t shirts with red based logos because it reminds me of the first picture. Makes him look baby plus, they can always be found in cute domestic EPs or fun, cute flashbacks. The shorts change over time and that's also kinda cute, a range of cuffs is a nice change up. It's nice to see the red contrast the blue shorts and the white is a nice color on him cos it contrast his hair!
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Romance Dawn, Enies Lobby, Thriller Bark, Sabaody Archipelago, Amazon Lily, Marineford & last Dressrosa outfit: This look is the pre Luffy look. It's the pre Timeskip look everyone thinks of is cuffed shorts, Kimono sandels and sleeveless vest (and Strawhat, obviously) but have you ever seen them all in a line? It's mad. Each outfit is the same basic look bit more are more spicy each time! I like the Thriller Bark and Sabaody Archipelago looks a little bit more cos it's nice to see that jacket open and it feels like he was trying something new. I also feel that the buttons on the jacket look like the ones on Shanks' pegged ankle sailor pants when we first see him so that's cool. (it took me hours to find the name for his trousers, oh my fucking god) The last Dressrosa outfit feels like a nice callback to the rest of the line up here without being too much cos it's just a red vest top instead and I do find it funny it's like the Enies Lobby and it's used in Dressrosa because of the jokes people make about Robin and Law being so similar.
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Timeskip: This is it lads, it's the one true icon itself, the post look! ☺️ When I sit back and look at it I see all the people this look is influenced by and want to cry at how masterful it really is. (Now, I do wanna say that I didn't come up with this nor am I the first to say it and I am definitely probably looking too much into this but) The yellow belt is taken from Shanks' red belt the first time we see him and the Shanks look Luffy is more familiar with. Now onto the jacket. I know it won't stand out as to why for most but it's Ace inspired! When Ace leave to become a pirate, the start of his adventure, he has his jacket open and Luffy having his jacket open also shows his scar from the ending of Ace's adventure. I also really appreciate how no one hides scars in this anime. Also, someone said that the style of the jacket and it's fancy frills could be in reference to Sabo's little jabot collar and honestly I do see it. it's quite subtle unlike Shanks' but not as hard to catch as Ace's so I enjoy thinking that it's there too. Lastly, he still has his cuffed shorts and kimono sandels because it's still Luffy's outfit at the end of the day and he is still who is is, just with a stronger appreciation of what people have done for him now. It's also his colour pallette for the pure fact he is the main character n needs his pallet. also sometimes he just has normal wooden sandels but the same outfit sometimes, it's a small detil a lot of people overlook but I prefer the sound of his Kimono sandels 😊
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Dressrosa: I love this outfit cos it's stilly but also has very nice vibes. Looks ready for the beach but is really throwing hands and that's the best kind of outfit, it's a nice expectation subversion tbh. I also like how he tried to hide the Straw hat but not... All of it? And I love how the crew didn't actually question it either. It would have been super easy for one of them to just tell him to leave it behind or something but I do really love how respectful they always are of the hat. I myself have a hat that's super important to me and when I loose it I go mad.
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Whole Cake Island: I love this arc for outfits! I swear if the actual content of it doesn't kill me, the act looks will 😭 it's all so magical and it knows it is! Like I said before, white is a good color on him as he has black hair but for the same reason, so is black! In this arcs outfit range, the Staw hat seems almost invisible and his outfit gets less and less 'Luffy' as the arc gose on showing this is not about him. He's not the focus of this arc and you can see that in a lot of the outfits thb. I also like the lack of blue and yellow, 2/3 of his colors as Sanji is often associated with those too as we've talked about before. Also, I like the little red strips on the white jacket with the gold buttons, idk why and I think it's nice that the last 2 outfits are so simple in general, it's a nice look for him. oh, what's that? A Pink jabot? Your killing me Lu, straight up killing me here lil' bro! Side note, is this the first time in canon Luffy has worn a suit jacket or is it the only time I've noticed? Cos DAMM!! Shits sick as fuck and I actually love that when wearing a suit jacket as such he always keep short on 😆
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Spa Island, Z's Ambition & Strong World: WHOS READY FOR A RELAXING SUNNY DAAAYY!? (pun not intended but very much enjoyed) I actually adore the fact Luffy still tries to go swimming cos it was his favourite thing to do as a kid so like fuck Luffy is gonna give up on that. He's got his safety measures ready, what more do you want from him? I mean I personally want him not to swim with his hat on cos it's litrally Staw and that's not good for water but anyway Z's Ambition, am I right!? The top is so fucking cute and I just noticed those shorts are also ✨designer✨ fancy man!! Now, the pic of Zoro is the one I missed out before and it's also from Z's Ambition. I love that Luffy has the shark top but Zoro has the ocean shorts. I really love Zoro in this purple cos and thick white stripes really work with the ocean waves. It's really well put together and hes got dark brown sandels on to off set all the white but keep the purple from being a stand out color, it's cool! Than the last Luffy looks like he's at a fashion show. It looks like the shorts come from a kids set the shark top belongs to. Imagine those together, it'd be so cute. However, it isn't an ocean patten, those are clouds cos Nami has a bikini top with the same pattern in Skypiea and it's actually one of my favourites for her.
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Boss Luffy Historical Special! This filler AU is so much fun, I think any it a lot. He has his hair up in that super cute and useless way that doesn't actually do much but I do have my hair like that a lot n it's just... nice? Idk, it's strange buy I like he did that. I really enjoy his Kimono more that the actual Wano one cos it's a lot more simple look. The Sai being tucked in in that way is also cool but kinda makes it look like it's stabbing him a bit 👁️👄👁️. I like the pin strips being like a faded purpleish cos if you just glance at it, it makes it look it fuzzy. The belt also looks very nice with the middle ligter bit. It really feels like the Wano one was inspired by this is a way cos of the color matches. Like, it's probably not but still.
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3D2Y, Adventure of Nebulandia 😍 & Heart of Gold: Hat-less Luffy is both a sin and a blessing. Regardless, I LOVE OP BOYS IN HOODIES!! I had to show you this specific the 3D2Y because we don't see the hood and it's soooo cute cos it a paw 😍 but also 😬 cos it's like... Kuma's paw the thing that cause 3D2Y in the first place. But that's also why it's so cool at the same time and AHHHHHH 😄 Now! On to Nebulandia! I really like this movie but also in canon, how does he have that jumper? Who made it for him and can I have one? It's Usopp flag design so I guess it could be him but he doesn't seem the type. Point is I want one. Last of this set is some really cosy outfits!! "How much fur?" "Yes" am I right? Like the first one is sooooo cosy with all the fur! Plus, a funky new bamboo hat, always a good thing to have a new hat. I appreciate that you can see the zips on these too. Then the orange turtle neck one with little fluffy bits is just here cos it's so out of his usual looks, I had to at least mention it.
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Strong world & Film Z: The shorts on the first one are really cute cos it's a light rosey pink with red fur and just a plain solid dark blue colour jacket works really well. Not to mention the fact he has a super cute orange and yellow flight helmet hat with goggles on under the Staw hat. The 2 bag straps also make an X which is a nice detail. The 2nd outfits in this movie are super fuckin cool ngl. It's so strange to see them all dress in black and have guns but I like the red shirt for him with the yellow highlighted parts. Makes the Straw hat actually work with the outfit instead of ignoring it. Film Z brings us the same flight helmet hat just brighter and without the goggles but also opens with this T-Shirt and Luffy being silly with it. I think that's the only reason to mention it, it's funny. Then the obligation pirate outfit, always stunning plus the meat belt.
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Film: Gold & Stampede (also used in Cidre Guild): these are my top 3 Luffy outfits no matter what else I see. I love the straw cowboy hat sooooo much cos it's very Luffy. I like the balls they has as a team to choose white for all of them, considering they are all quite messy people, living for that dad shirt and I like the Golden chain around his neck but am always confused as to why it was never used against him. Like dude could and should have tried to choke him at least once, right? Anyway, the dress! Now, the dress isn't actually that good but it's my favourite because it shows how Luffy has no fucks about gendered things. On to of that, a big pink flower is wonderful and look at his confidences in it, he's so proud of it the boom, Nami told him he can't wear it! Lastly, the Stampede outfit!!! Just like the Nebulandia jumper, I have no idea who made it but it's irrelevant cos it's beautiful and I want it so badly. I like that it's white and red stripes, gives thenprefect vibes for Stampedes opening. The shirt is actually too big for him, you can see on his arms but it's actually super cute. I love the simple look of these shorts then the fact his yellow belt is replaced with white bandages and the black on the kimono sandels are now red? It's such a simple pallet and it's truly the best!
I also just wanna add, I think it's really cute when Luffy has the Straw hat on his back just cos his hair is really cute. Idk why, it's looks kinda cursed but cute at the same time
This post took 2 weeks or so to make and we made listening to the complete BNHA soundtrack, film gold OST and Sonic generations vol.1
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i-lov-them-beans · 4 years
Theories: Colour Wheel and the Orange Side
Ok, so, we have the colour wheel theory. It's essentially been confirmed now by the new flower T-shirt design that it's real, and specifically the T-shirt seems to confirm there'll be only one more side, which is the orange side. I'm not gonna mention the T-shirt again throughout the rest of this, it's just that's what kicked me off to finally write this lol.
The premise of the colour wheel theory, of course, is that each side corresponds to a colour, and the sides can be grouped into pairs that are both opposite in terms of what aspect they represent, and also opposite colours. That's all dandy and nice, right? But alas! There are some problems with the theory, aren't there? Namely, with people disagreeing on who should be paired with who.
For example, one popular take is that Deceit is Patton's opposite. The reasoning being that while Patton represents morality, Deceit is often seen as being not very moral. Patton strongly supports honesty, while Deceit is literally Deceit.
However, other people say that Deceit is actually Logan's opposite. Due to the fact that in lying, Deceit goes against facts, which would seem to go against Logan represents.
So? What version of the theory is right then? I have read so many colour wheel theory posts, each arguing a different way, and they pretty much ALL seem to make good points. They all seem as reasonable as each other. I would have no idea how to tell which one seemed more accurate than the another.
Which is the problem. There's no actual clear way to cut them up into one single system of opposites - there's too many different possibilities for there to be one unanimous theory based on opposites.
Not to mention that there's stretching going on with all of them with what colour they are in order to fit them as opposite colours, or sometimes just straight up ignoring opposite colours (as with versions that put Virgil as opposite of Logan or Patton) making it even more difficult to figure out which one makes the most sense.
Which is why I have a new, slightly altered theory:
The sides can still be grouped into pairs. But instead of opposites, the pairs are based on compliments. I.e., pairs of sides whose functions are similar and could work together. Since opposite colours are also called complimentary colours, this still works thematically with the colour wheel theory.
Specifically, I was thinking that the sides would be paired based on them being two versions of essentially the same aspect, except where one is [viewed by Thomas as] immoral, and the other is not immoral. I also found that with this system the sides fit perfectly into sets of opposites colours.
So, who goes with who now?
Well, the obvious place to start is with Roman and Remus. The two are already in canon posed as being two halves of the same side, with one being good and the other bad. Specifically, Remus represents a part of creativity which Thomas is concerned would be harmful to the world, henceforth immoral, whereas Roman's creativity Thomas has no moral qualms with. Their colours are the complimentary colours red and green, of course.
Next I would argue that Virgil and Deceit are compliments. Aside from the fact that they obviously have history, Virgil's job is to protect Thomas, as we all know. Deceit, regardless of how you feel about him, mainly represents self-preservation, as any sympathetic-Deceit fan will tell you. Especially with him using lying to achieve that goal, Deceit's aspect is definitely about protecting Thomas too. The difference? Thomas finds Deceit morally reprehensible, whereas Virgil, although not exactly an enjoyable side to experience, is not exactly doing anything immoral. Their colours? Purple and yellow, exact opposites. Next.
So now we come to the final pair, which by colours is Patton and Orange. Which means we have to go into my theory about what the Orange side represents. So, who's the Orange side?
I think Orange is Anger. I first started thinking about anger being represented in the series last year, while I was headcanoning about Patton. I was thinking about how, since he represents emotions, that must mean he includes anger; I was thinking how it would be interesting to see that in Patton since we never normally see him like that (I like seeing stuff we don't normally see in characters). It didn't occur to me back then that anger could be represented by a separate side, because since it's an emotion, I assumed it had to be represented by Patton. But then: Remus was introduced. Dun dun dun. Literally another version of an aspect we already have a side for. And later, when I saw other people talking about how Orange could be anger, it clicked: Anger could be a separate, dark side the same way Remus is. So my main reason for theorising Orange as Anger.
Other reasons why Orange would be anger is that A. Orange is an angry colour (I've always associated it with annoyance and frustration), and B. Someone suggested a theory that all the dark sides were hinted in the Christmas video. Deceit's hint was first and I can't remember it but I'm p sure it did make sense, Remus' was second and was the "Naked Aunt Patty" line, which was literally referenced in Remus' song sequence in DWIT. And the third hint that this theory proposed was in the episode's conclusion, when Thomas says "that's never constructive. that's destructive" and then pauses weirdly, and the idea was that the next side has something to do with destruction. If this Christmas hint theory is true, then "destruction" fits quite neatly with anger.
So, Orange is Anger and I've already linked him to Patton in the previous paragraph, but let's just tidy up the loose ends. I can definitely see how Anger can be seen as an immoral emotion, especially from Thomas' POV, he tries not to get angry at people. Whereas the emotions Patton represents Thomas doesn't see as immoral. Even sadness and depression, although unpleasant to experience, just like with Virgil they're not immoral. However there's also the fact that Patton represents morality itself. Obviously, that's not gonna be immoral. How does Orange tie into that as an "immoral morality" though? Well, Anger can be a part of morality. Have you ever seen something absolutely awful, and gotten angry that that's happening? Of course you have, you're on tumblr (lol). Just look at any activism; although yes, inherently it's driven by a desire to make the world a better place, I would say a large portion of activism is also driven specifically by anger. It's a special kind of anger you feel, as an activist, too. Idk exactly how to describe it. But activism, morality and anger are definitely intertwined. And to top it all off? Mid-orange and light blue are slap-bang opposites of eachother. Thank you. *drops mic*
"But, wait a minute-" I hear you ask, as I'm already bending down to pick the mic back up cause I wasn't finished talking yet anyway- "where's Logan in all this? You're phrasing it like it's a perfect theory, yet you haven't even mentioned Logan!"
...Well I'm glad you asked, tumblr user ipissmypantsdaily*!
*if there is actually a tumblr user called that and they see this, hi, I hope you're not even in the TS fandom so this joke is even more stupid. Idk how you would have found this post though *shrugs*
Actually it's not that exciting. In my theory Logan doesn't have a pair. The main reason is literally just that there's no one left to pair him with and all the others work too perfectly to rearrange them lol. However, my explanation is that he wouldn't fit in a pair anyway: he's a fairly morally neutral side. He provides logic, which can reach morally good or bad conclusions, curiosity, which could be curiosity in anything (Intrulogical much?) (although it seems it's mostly harmless in Thomas' case), and apathy, which seems to be in the form of disinterest (that's the one where someone provides a neutral, unbiased third-party opinion) mainly. Obviously, Thomas tried to use him for good, but ultimately he seems like a fairly neutral/morally mixed side.
Anyway, that's my current hypothesis on Sanders Sides. I'm really proud of it, I was really excited when I thought it all up. I hope you enjoyed it! To round it all up, here's an actual colour wheel with the sides' names on it:
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Something I didn't even realise til making that actually, is that all the pairs are really equally spread across the colour wheel, too. Nice.
Someone's probably going to find a million and one problems with it as soon as I post this, but oh well. That happens I guess, lol
uhhh... bye 👋
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Let's talk about Helix waltz characters
So in my quest to lowkey indoctrinate my viewers into Helix Waltz, I've decided to make a series of posts discussing it. I'll be talking more about the characters, as one of the first selling points of any story can be the characters. I will be discussing characters in the order of which I complete all of the character's favor quests. Also, keep in mind that this is an opinion piece. Do not take my word as the end all be all. Thank you.
Link to wiki page
So today, we will be discussing Gocheau from Helix Waltz. To give you an idea of how this will be structured, I will give a brief explanation of the character (the wiki page is available for more information), then giving my thoughts on the character.
Warning. There will be spoilers for Gocheau's favor quests and the main story's first season
Gocheau (whose name, I assume by going off my Canadian knowledge of French pronunciation, I believe is pronounced "Go-ch'oh") is a demon mercenary in Finsel's Golden Mercenary Corps. He's rather infamous for pushing his nihilistic views onto everyone, and making every situation miserable by pointing out the negativities. This has gotten to the point where people have attempted to kill him out of frustration and annoyance. He spends most of his time training, and he apparently has a habit of unintentionally scaring small children.
Gocheau is especially fixated on the topic of death. He brings it into almost every conversation he has, and he speaks of it in a fancy, philosophical way. Basically, he finds a bunch of fancy ways to say "lol, we all gonna die, wtf is the point of being happy, having fun, or doing anything?" While him being of this belief is all well and good, not only does the way he phrase his beliefs come off as uncomfortable to most, the points where he brings up death can catch people completely off guard. During his favour quests, however, it's revealed that Gocheau isn't as accepting of death as he seems. On the contrary, he fears death, but he recognizes that, especially with his job, he could die at any point. After returning from a battle with some nasty flesh wounds, he confesses to Magda that him bringing up death so often is him attempting to overcome his fear. A strategy that doesn't seem to work as well as he'd like. A lot of Gocheau's character gets more implied here, but conversations with him expand on why his fear affects him so badly. It becomes clear that Gocheau has almost none existant social skills, has a lack of self confidence, and believes that nobody will mourn or remember him when he's gone. The fact that, no matter what, death will come to all, makes him unable to enjoy anything since life's outcome is all the same.
This is where the main character, Magda, comes into the picture. While Magda also finds Gocheau irritating at times, she does try to see things from his perspective. It's through understanding Gocheau that Magda is able to encourage him to appreciate life, and find meaning in living. What seems to help Gocheau the most is Magda's promise that, in the event of his death, she will mourn and remember him. It becomes clear that Gocheau does have a crush on Magda, and he has decided that she is his reason to live. Granted, he doesn't go about expressing this in the most normal way. In the main story, he becomes worried about Magda dying before him, thus he basically stalks her. He understandably is not rewarded for this. Hey, at least Magda found his concern for her sweet, even if she wanted to slap him afterwards (And I Headcanon that she eventually did). Gocheau has offered to be her bodyguard, no pay necessary. He does still seem to have a talent for appearing out of nowhere, even when he's not following Magda. I doubt he'd ever ask her out, as he views love as "pointless "(like most things).
Ok, so I will admit that I was not expecting this character to be taken as seriously as he was. I figured that Gocheau would be more of a joke character than anything else. In my opinion, I find this character's story to be surprisingly compelling and interesting. I also enjoy how Gocheau works off of other characters such as Shatina, Carlos and Magda. With Carlos and Magda, they act as the sane outsiders to his weirdness, and Shatina's more chaotic energy compliments Gocheau's more depressive energy. I also like how expressive his face sets are. Unlike with characters like Foggy, Juven, and Shatina (where the changes are slight) , the expressions are more exaggerated and show more range. Finally, I like Gocheau's dialogue. While it can be more serious when needed, him philosophical rambling mixed with his outlook on life results in a lot of funny lines, many becoming funnier with the face sets. The "I killed a leaf" is a good example
I will say that, while I like his design, I like it because it looks like a dumpster fire. First, what is that sword? Who told him to put two pieces of grass in his hair as elastics, and to do it in such a way that I don't even know wtf he's doing. Idk what them random red rhinestones are doing, and I want to know what exactly those thigh rings are supposed to protect. Also, who gave him the dalmatian fur? Why?
And oh god, don't get me started on his design for the Marine Fantasy Event! First of all, he looks like a completely different person. Tell me he doesn't. Not only that, but comparing him to other characters in that event, he looks like that one kid who didn't get the assignment!
Anyway, that's all for now. I haven't started season 2, so if anything wants to update this any info from there, feel free!
I hope you enjoy! Rebecca Werchy is up next!
I apologize for wasting your time
- Spooky S Skeletons
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cs-discourse · 5 years
here we go
ok this attitude has been pissing me off long enough that it's time for one of my Big Ole Posts (tm) about how shitty this is! thanks. 
uuuuwuu every1 whos concerned abt biased judging in comps is just soooow entitled !!!1 i cant bewieve ppl wouldnt want some1 whos literally explicitly stating at this point that they trust their friends more to "demonstrate dedication to the character" they assign to a design to b an influence in judging comps !!!!!11 bc artists Never weigh in on other artist's comps, so obviously thes ppl just want fwee merc designs !!!1!!1 also my last braincell just died pleas h
so here's the og post in question for quick reference
i honestly have no idea why people keep bringing up this idea of bias in judging competitions because, while i do think there is a type of bias that certainly exists, i think a lot of so-called "bias" that people have is ... not whatsoever like what people think it is lol. artists are people and there's always going to be SOME kind of bias no matter what you do, because it's literally fuckin impossible to NOT be biased. by that i mean:
your taste in plots/types of characters/medias influence your judging
quality of writing or art can influence your judging
the person who's applying for the adopt you may have previous judgement about
even if you say you aren't biased, you STILL have preferences and tastes in things that you prefer more than others, which in of itself is a kind of bias
people who know you (friends for example) will naturally know what your taste is. 
a competition is judged based on what form the artist thinks is best, right? 
NEWSFLASH EVERYONE'S IDEA OF "WHAT'S BEST" IS DIFFERENT FROM PERSON TO PERSON ..... "BEST" is literally the most subjective thing there is, and while i agree that there are certain aspects of art and writing that you can use as objective measurements of tangible skill, it's... still subjective. what people think is "best" will vary from person to person because we all have different tastes. so, essentially, this boils down to the idea that the winner of an adopt competition will ALWAYS be the form the artist liked best, because that is what the artist perceives as best. so like. when people appear biased in adopt competitions towards friends or certain circles, it's probably because they're literally friends because they have similar tastes in things, and therefore the form the artist likes best is naturally going to be from someone who shares similar tastes. 
so whenever i hear about """bias""" in competitions i just kind of roll my eyes tbqh because it's usually followed by complaints of "BUT I PUT IN SO MUCH EFFORT" or "I WROTE SO MUCH MORE THAN THE WINNER" uhhhh. if adopt contests were won by effort alone it wouldn't be a contest, it'd be an endurance test lol. literally just "who has the most time to waste writing out 60000k words of absolute meaningless fluff"... because, i hate to break it to you, but ANYONE can write 5000 words of mindless drivel that has literally no substance to it. 
now in caps for emphasis. takes a deep breath
quality > quantity, always. like, i'm sorry you put in so many hours of effort but, those people who win with MUCH smaller wordcounts... did they not work to get as good as they did with writing? you put in 5 hours into one tryout. but others, take me for example: i have been writing for over 10 bloody years. i've worked hard to improve my writing, so you can't tell me i "didn't put in as much effort" as you because i did. i put in YEARS of work to get better so doing simple things would take me LESS time now. inb4 IT'S UNFAIR! dude, the literal definition of a contest is for the best to win. it wouldn't be a contest if it wasn't like that lol. it'd just be charity. what you should be doing instead of complaining about it is ASKING FOR CRIT and WORKING TO IMPROVE like a good sport? i get that it's discouraging but you should be prepared to lose when you join a contest. it's valid to be upset about but the moment you say you deserve it more than others JUST because of your effort, then i have a problem. 
and you know, there's gonna be times where i think a comp winner is objectively less skilled than other tryouts. honestly i just kind of shrug that off on account of different taste lol. sometimes that's just how it be, bc of those predetermined biases i mentioned before, and maybe a judge and i are just in completely stages of life so what i call quality might not appeal to the judge. that's also fine. anyway this really got off on a tangent but i'm leaving it in bc i think it needs saying. back to the og post
 > i cant bewieve ppl wouldnt want some1 whos literally explicitly stating at this point that they trust their friends more to "demonstrate dedication to the character" they assign to a design to b an influence in judging comps !!!!!11
wtf didn't i address this in a different post
here let me link it for you
which was replying to this: https://cs-discourse.tumblr.com/post/179838988303/179837734509-idk-anon-i-kinda-agree-with-the
i said it once but i'll say it again: artist entries aren't main adopts lol. people don't work for artist entries. all you fucking do is post on one like "can i have this pls" .. there is... no effort put into that lol. main adopts you WORK for. it's a CONTEST. claiming an artist entry is NOT a contest. if a bunch of little nasty gremlins come running up to me like a hungry horde trying to be the first one to claim my design, i think giving friends first pick is COMPLETELY FINE, BECAUSE WHAT DID ANYONE ELSE DO TO "DESERVE" THAT DESIGN? nothing. you did. nothing. you're literally coming here with this attitude that NOT GIVING THINGS AWAY TO STRANGERS FOR FREE SOMEHOW EQUALS BIAS? i literally do not understand your logic whatsoever. like. i'm trying really fucking hard. at least with main adopts the "payment" is the effort you put in trying to answer the artist's prompt. i know i sound super dumb repeating myself but i don't know how much simpler i can make this concept tbh
and this is EXACTLY why i say ya'll are fucking entitled because merc and any of the kal artists could be making REAL $$$$ selling their own designs and adoptables and art and NOT deal with all the bs ya'll throw at them. they're literally here because the ENJOY MAKING ((( FREE ))) CONTENT for you, and they're not obligated to do this. they can stop whenever they want. if you had to pay per hour for the length of time collectively worked by ANY species artist staff, the lot of you would be fucking broke. i'm actually constantly shocked that species artists work like, 8 hours or more on some of these gorgeous designs just to give them away for free in a contest. 
so, yeah, as someone who hasn't spent my entire life on CS (i've only been here for a year and a half), ya'll seem pretty fucking entitled to me lol. the world outside CS rarely gives out such gorgeous designs in write-to-adopt contests so i'm honestly baffled at the amount of bloody entitlement i see
>bc artists Never weigh in on other artist's comps, so obviously thes ppl just want fwee merc designs !!!1!!1 
this part i don't actually understand what you mean. do you mean they... help judge other comps? or like, enter them? i don't get what you mean by "weigh in" but listen, lol. just because something DOES happen doesn't mean it gives you a good reason to assume the worst. i mean... of course it happens. it's statistically impossible for skewed contests and bias to NOT happen, because there's always going to be cases of it happening. but like, what proof do you have that merc will be biased lol? like, real proof? because your main point i've basically debunked and don't believe in at all. do better than "i cant bewieve ppl wouldnt want some1 whos literally explicitly stating at this point that they trust their friends more to "demonstrate dedication to the character" they assign to a design to b an influence in judging comps !!!!!11" because this doesn't make any sense to me for the reasons i already listed above lmao. if artist entries were supposed to be contests they'd be contests. what the hell makes you important enough to get first dibs on a stranger's work. ARTIST ENTRIES AREN'T EVEN MADE TO BE GIVEN AWAY, THEY'RE MADE AS ARTIST ENTRIES.... LIKE.... JESUS i struggle to understand ya'll
anyway im done here, if you wanna actually talk and debate this hmu on discord at lysander#9229 bc if you actually talk to me instead of spew this hot mess on the blog i might actually listen to you and change my mind and be nice about it instead of being a condescending bitch. 
wait one more thing
>also my last braincell just died pleas h
yea clearly
p.s., why do you ppl keep going to the blog to give critique on merc's designs when on literally every other design merc makes there's this:
Tumblr media
here i even linked it for you. idk why it's so hard for yall to give constructive crit like decent human beings
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