#but its still fuuun
myfeelisfunny · 2 years
oh nooo, not the overdramatic Britney Spears Cover in a full on battle scene!!???
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princessithaca · 1 year
hot girls throw a coat on over their pyjamas and go sit in a churchyard at 2am trying to see the lyrids
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eddiiiieeee · 10 months
Holding her back
Eddie Munson x reader warnings: strong language, real angsty, mentions of sexual things, no happy ending. yes, I am an evil fuck.
summary: Eddie feels like he's holding y/n back, and that's where the demise of their relationship starts
authors note: all the young adults are in high school, and so are the party members, Joyce and hopper are together, Billy isn't a pimple on anyone's ass. The upside down never happened. and yes ur dad is Pedro pascal. have fuuun
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Eddie had walked into the woods before dnd started since he decided to ditch last period, noticing y/n finishing a sketch, she was sat at their spot, he couldn’t help but admire her for a bit "hey" Eddie said holding his hands as she looked at him, taking in his features before clearing her throat and looking back down at the drawing of Eddie. "you're still here, don't have a deal to tend to?" she mumbled slamming her sketchbook shut as Eddie watched her nodding "I-i wanted to talk to you. I figured I'd find you here" she hummed as she put her sketchbook in her bag and zip it up "ive gotta go, my dad could be here." she said needing to get away from him even though her lie didn’t work with the time "y/n, wait please, ive been holding this off long enough and its hurting the both of us" y/n looked at him as Eddie gazed back into her eyes "quickly" she mumbled turning a bit to face him "i think we should break up..” Eddie said as y/n gulped, her eyes filling with tears as she nodded “done then” she whispered as he voice cracked a bit, taking off the necklace he got her and placing it down on the table as she grabbed her stuff and hurried off to the front of the school, making sure she was far from Eddie so she could release the sobs she’s been holding in. Eddie put his hands in his face as he let his tears fall ‘this is what’s best for her’ he reminded himself. those two years of being together were over. all those memories and moments between the two, gone.
the universe seemed to hate y/n as on her walk home while sobbing her eyes out, it had begun to rain, soaking her completely as she hid her sketchbook to save it from the water. it wasn’t long that she got to her house, glad that nothing happened to her books and sketchbook as she opened the door walking in before Nick looked at her confused “kid? what happened?” he said rushing for to his daughter as she gulped, she kept her gaze on the floor, not reacting to her dads touch “we broke up” she whispered as she licked her lips “what?” Nick asked confused, Eddie was over just.a few nights ago and everything seemed fine
“he broke up with me” y/n sobbed as she held onto her stuff tightly, Nick was quick to wrap his arms around her, holding her tightly as he kissed the top of her head “i’m so sorry, i’ve got you baby girl.” he muttered as he tried to calm her down “he just left you to walk in the rain?” “no, he thought you were picking me up so” y/n wiped her eyes smudging the bit of makeup that had remained on her face “i’m gonna go take a shower” she said taking her shoes off as she put her slippers on, rushing to her bathroom as she dropped all her stuff at her desk and walked into the bathroom, undressing and getting into the shower, turning the hot water on as she stood underneath it. did Eddie fall for someone else? did he realise y/n wasn’t good enough for him? did he get bored?
y/n spent an hour of her shower just standing underneath the water and crying, letting the hot water pierce her skin, before she actually began washing her hair and body, saving as well before getting out and doing her skincare, before getting changed into one of Eddie’s shirts and a pair of shorts, moving downstairs as she dried her short hair with a towel “hey kid, you feeling better?” Nick asked as he watched her sit next to him on the couch, looking at the table and all the snacks he put out for them
“i’m not hungry” she whispered, pulling her knees up to sit underneath her chin as she sniffled “kid, you gotta eat, see i got you, pizza and sushi and noodles, and your favorite shrimps, see it’s a full buffet for the two of us” he smiled looking at her and he put some of her hair behind her ear “i’ll eat later, let’s just start the movie” She muttered grabbing the remote as she turned it on. Nick looked at her as worry sat on his face.
wayne had returned home to find the trailer quiet, when he took his shoes off and began walking to the bathroom, he’d noticed the dump Eddie’s room had become and when we went in to clean it up, he’d noticed that Eddie was sat on his mattress holding onto a shirt “ed’s, son what is all this mess?” Wayne asked before noticing how bloodshot Eddie’s eyes were “i broke up with her. i’m just holding her back, i hurt her, wayne. you should’ve seen how pained she was, i hurt her” Eddie said his lip pouting as he kept his gaze ahead
wayne sighed as he sat down next to his nephew, rubbing his shoulder as he hugged him tightly “come ‘ere, son” wayne whispered as Eddie hugged him tightly “she hates me now. i messed it all up” Eddie whispered as he held onto wayne tightly, he let the love of his life go. just like that.
authors note: no happy ending for u little shits🤭
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sirwow · 3 months
Hello once again RD tumblr. I recently went on an extreme discord ramble about Cocole in my au and its so long i feel it be a waste not to put it here! usual me warning of yeah its reallly long under the cut. anyways have fuuun
(PS im not editing this from the discord messages cus im eepy so might be a bit messy!)
So to start before rhythm doctor even starts some background on CC Cole and Nicole. Cole first:
Cole was a single child that grew up a VERY privileged life style. Rich neighborhood and spoiled rotten at the expectation that he would be like his parents. (be a CEO or high ranking individual like his dad n have a stay at home wife like his mother) Cole however ended up with a music obsession ever since he was 12 and started playing the piano. At first his parents encouraged this, giving him lessons and everything but when they realized music was the only thing he did care about, they were more hesitant on supporting him n tried moving him on a different path. This does work well on a rebellious spoiled teen so Cole just ended up becoming more obsessed out of spite. Spending all of his allowance on his electric guitar, synth and microphone. Cole was still being a freeloader off of his parents money by 22, never having actually gotten a job and just barely finishing highschool. His parents kicked him out when he refused to get a job n this lead him eventually to Middlesea after many long train rides across the countryside. Got admitted to the hospital basically as soon as he got to Middlesea due to a lack of sleep and an extreme amount of caffeine drinking. Doesn’t mind too much because it gives him company and he wanted to stay in Middlesea anyways since it was told to him by a chance encounter with miner that it was the capital of music.
Now Nicole:
Much less privileged growing up in comparison to Cole. Moved to Middlesea when she was just 1 from Norway since her dad got a job offer. Unfortunately said offer fell through and now they were stuck in North America just trying to make do. Nicole grew up with all brothers- 1 older, 2 younger. Picked up the guitar after begging for a full year for her parents to get her one for her 14th birthday. (which they did) Nicole grew up with dreams of grandeur- being a famous enough player to help her family and be know more then the awkward lanky gameboy girl in class. Her dreams of that were half crushed though when she entered a high school talent show that she was planning on playing at but when she was actually on stage she completely froze up and had a panic attack. Got bullied pretty relentlessly for it and the nail in the coffin was seeing how poor her family was in comparison to others and how she was just putting more stress on it trying to be a musician. Gave up on music at 20, moved out into a small apartment, got her barista job, and started getting check ups by 22 due to her sudden smoking habit from stress. Met Cole when he stumbled into the Cafe the same morning he was admitted n they started up their daily routine of chatting with each other
SO! Everything is basically identical to what happens in game till after act 5. When Lucia proposes the idea of a talent show, Cole reeaaally wants to get Nicole to play with him and Samurai. Nicole is pushing him off due to her past trauma of the last talent show she tried to preform at. Using the excuses that she got rid of her guitar and she can’t even play anymore anyways. Meanwhile only a few weeks before this, Nicole had started teaching Logan how to play the guitar to confess his love to Hailey with music. Nicole had been spending the whole day dealing with Cole coming in every 30 minutes to try and convince her but Nicole repeatedly shut him down. Cole was making a final plea to her at the end of her shift n just as she was gonna tell him one last time she didn’t have a guitar anymore- Hailey and Logan suddenly barged in. Turns out Logan had confessed to Hailey not more then 10 minutes ago and when she found out who taught him how to play guitar, Hailey wanted to return the relationship favor to Nicole. Handing her back the guitar right infront of Cole n thanking her for teaching Logan before running off dragging a very apologetic Logan behind her. Cole and Nicole were silent as she held her guitar before Cole asked if she could now that she had her guitar. Nicole put it away and told him to get out so she can close shop. Cole tried staying but got pushed out and locked out by a very flustered Nicole
Nicole was. Kinda mixed in her feelings. Angry that even happened, guilty that she was called out for her lie and wondering if she should take Cole’s offer. She was still thinking it through for the next 2 days n her completely ignoring Cole asking about it was enough to make him give up n just start planning with Samurai. Samurai came into the cafe when Cole admitted defeat to him n very roughly questioned Nicole if she still enjoyed music or not. When she said she did and had actually been playing more before this because of Cole, Samurai told her she should show him that. Nicole didn’t really respond but that night while Cole and Samurai were song writing- Nicole showed up with her guitar after work, ready to join them. Cole jumped up to quickly hug her excited before catching her up on what they were doing. She never had her heart jump so suddenly
So the trio started practicing for the talent show, writing a song together and practicing together. As the day of the show started approaching, Nicole’s nerves started getting the better of her and smoked more as a result. Smoking more made her SVT worse so now during practice she was even more fidgety and nervous then before. Cole eventually took notice when she kept getting pissed at missing her cords n turned a practice night into a gaming night with the three of them to calm her nerves. Over games, Nicole admitted to Cole and Samurai why she was so damn nervous about this and how stupid her first attempt at a talent show went. Cole offered to shove her if she froze up n though she laughed and pushed him calling him a dick, Cole meant it in a caring sense. They would be by her side in this dumb idea so if she felt embarrassed she could blame them for it. Nicole still laughed at the idea but felt some calmness in the idea. Regardless- the day of the show was there and Nicole still had a shift to finish so they were going last. It was a quiet day in the Cafe n so her thoughts were racing while watching the clock occasionally. She began drifting off into nervousness again by the end of her shift and only snapped out of it when an exhausted Lucia broke into the cafe sweating and huffing. She was surprised to still see Nicole there as she pointed to the clock showing it was only about 5 minutes before she played. Nicole FREAKED out n asked Lucia if she could close for her in a panic n as soon as Lucia said yes, Nicole handed her the keys and apron thanking her, before dashing down to the parking lot the show was being held at. When Nicole got there, she froze before the backstage seeing how many people where there to watch but quickly ran again when she saw Cole and Samurai signaling her over. Cole reassured her one last time it be okay before they went up there n to just keep her eyes on him. No other time was left for anything else to be said but Nicole gave a nod
Cole Nicole and Samurai all went up to the stage but right before they were going to play, got cut off by Richard waltzing in trying to use this massive crowd as a publicity stunt. Some shenanigans later and Insomniac running at Richard with his sword to scare him off, the three got to play their hearts out. Nicole and Cole sing together. N as she kept her eyes on Cole as he suggested, she realized he was looking right back at her just as they did in practice when it was just the two of them. Playing like no one was watching. The trio finished and ended up winning 1st place in the show with much cheering. Everyone afterwards headed back to the cafe for an after party n Nicole got to properly close up n got Lucia comfortable with a blanket. Cole sat back with Nicole behind the bar counter as the little party chatted about. Suddenly through a light whisper, Cole thanked her. Nicole was confused but Cole just showed her his still shaking hand. He was just as if not more scared of going up there but her looking at him gave him the strength to push on. Nicole didn’t say much in response but ruffled his hair calling him a doofus.
Now then it’s only gonna get rough from here!
Cole and Nicole return to their usual routine and banter after the talent show but something seems very off with Cole one day. He came in for the usual morning chat but in the afternoon he was far more nervous n off and tried to ask for some caffeine. Nicole declined of course, asking if he wanted to get himself back into an addiction n he obviously agreed he didn’t but seemed to be unsure of his own answer. Nicole did her best to try and burry the thought thinking Cole was just having an off day but then the same thing repeated the next 3 days. Him getting more and more pushy about getting some caffeine and Nicole getting progressively more frustrated with him. Nicole was planning on confronting him completely on the 4th day but he didn’t even show up that day at the Cafe. Nicole wondered if he was just going to a different Cafe to get caffeine but was much more shocked with the actual answer. Cole’s parents walked into the cafe that evening n spoke to Nicole if she had seen Cole. They told her that they had found out he was admitted here only a few days ago from a recording of the talent show n were coming to her after seeing her with him in the show. Nicole found out she hadn’t seen him today because he was hiding from his parents and refusing to see them even after they paid off all of his medical bills for his discharge. Nicole was flabbergasted by this. 1. That he was refusing to see what seemed like wonderful parents if they were just willing to pay off that debt and 2. This is how she found out he was attempting to get caffeine to avoid his discharge. Nicole couldn’t help his parents anymore and they had to get home for work so the conversation fell off quickly. Nicole however was PISSED
Cole meanwhile all this had locked himself up in his hospital room, petting Loafy to destress from the situation. He refused to be dragged back home by his parents and lose all the genuine friends he had gotten there. Besides he was so close to realizing his music dreams n giving in now would be ridiculous. Those friends he had made though were all now trying to talk to him since all of them had met n talked to his parents before they left n believed he was just being crazy and rash again. He didn’t let any of them inside either.
Night came n Nicole got off work. As soon as everything was closed up, she made a beeline for Cole’s room. Cole didn’t wanna let her in at first but didn’t miss a beat to when he realized that it was Nicole n gladly let her inside before locking it again. Cole immediately acted like everything was normal and fine to avoid the inevitable conversation but that just sent Nicole off. She called him for what he did to his parents n how she would of done anything to have something like that just covered instantly. Cole’s demeanor changed again into defensive annoyance with her. Cole still hasn’t told anyone his past at this point and he sure wasn’t now. Just called his parents out for trying to control what he was doing with his life and didn’t care what they tried, he wasn’t going back to them. This hit Nicole right in the heart with rage- she had given up her dreams to help her struggling family who never could help her much but he was just willing to throw that all away out of spite of not wanting to work. She knew he didn’t have a job n was broke but this was insane behavior. Nicole exploded at Cole, yelling that he was one hell of a selfish freeloader if he was willing to hurt himself just to get what he wanted. Cole backed off out of surprise but bit back yelling that she had no idea what he went through. They continued yelling at eachother for a minute-loafy hiding under the couch and a few other patients passing in the hall listening in
Cole snapped suddenly when Nicole refused to hear him out, telling her that at least he wasn’t a pathetic miserable minimal wage worker who gave up on his dreams because of other people dragging him down. Nicole stood still staring agasp at what he said and processing it. Cole seeing her expression immediately tried to back track his words but Nicole just told him to fuck off while stifling tears n left for the hospital balcony to cry and smoke. Nicole stayed up there for almost a full hour comprehending everything that just went down untill she got a grip on herself n lost her anger and just wanted answers from Cole. He might be an idiot but she knows he had to have some reasons. He always did.
Nicole headed down from the balcony after another 20 minutes of thinking through her words and finishing her second cigarette but found the janitor cleaning Cole’s room instead of Cole. Nicole, confused, asked where Cole had gone if he was cleaning out his room and Janitor told her Cole had taken his discharge early immediately after their fight. The one thing Janitor could point to where Cole had gone was seeing him searching up train times as he was packing. Nicole looked at the clock. 20 minutes till 11 pm. Nicole wordlessly walked out of the room and looked down the hallway. She broke into a sprint.
Cole’s feet dragged across the ground to the major train station platform. Hood up and hat spun back forwards, he was going through his contacts and deleting all of the ones he had. He hesitated with Nicole’s contact but ultimately ended up deleting it when he started getting notifications from her. Just shut himself down and pulled out his ear buds being sick of music. Wondering if his parent were right for a moment before shoving down the thought and just focusing on the train signs to look up what town he’d end up at next. He looked down the open track and spotted the lights of a train only a few minutes off so gathered his things in preparation to leave. A loud thumping and trip against stone caught his attention from the tracks though and saw Nicole standing there at the end of the stairs.
Nicole was horribly winded but regained her strength as she stumbled over to Cole and pulling him into a hug before he could say a word. Cole stumbled over trying to apologize to Nicole while she held him but Nicole just told him to shut it before falling into a ramble. She confessed everything openly to Cole, how he had gotten her into music again, how she had honesty been smoking less because of him, how brighter her days were with him around, ect. She told him she wasn’t angry anymore but was instead begging for him to stay- not just for her but for himself too. She was scared what might happen to him alone out there- and openly admitted her love for him and everything about him even if it was a mess sometimes. The train to leave rushed by while Nicole still held onto him and it left him to make the next decision.
Cole struggled to muster his words through tears but clutched Nicole back, swearing to her he’d stay. Telling her that he loved her too in much more plain words as his tears choked him out. They kept holding onto each other crying till the train was gone and they separated from their griphold. Nicole took Cole back to her apartment and both collapsed. They were too tired to talk that night and Nicole had another shift that morning so they agreed to talk about this the next night before Cole crashed on the couch and Nicole crashed in her bed.
SO! Cole stays at the apartment for the day while Nicole goes to work for the morning. Nicole wasn’t expecting much that day but it turns out most everyone Cole was close to have been thrown into a panic since they can’t get in contact with them and didn’t say goodbye to anyone. Hailey and Samurai especially aren’t doing so well after Cole disappeared. Nicole finds all this out through a distressed Samurai getting a caffeine drink with a shot or two in it. Nicole tells him that Cole is alright and at her apartment so Samurai immediately goes to tell everyone else. Hailey is pissed as hell that Cole was willing to scare them that badly n shows up to the cafe to tell Nicole that. Samurai is just sad, worrying that Cole didn’t actually care about him that much. Nicole swore that she’d bring Cole back tomorrow to sort things through n left after her shift with more questions for Cole.
Once Nicole does get home, she finds Cole actually cleaned the entire apartment while she was gone n was just sitting at the dinning table waiting for her and doom scrolling socials. He stopped as soon as Nicole came in n once she got herself comfortable they basically immediately started having the talk they said they would. Nicole demanded some fuckin context for all his actions at this point and Cole relented. Told Nicole how he didn’t want to be near his parents since all they wanted from him was to drop his dreams of being a musician and instead get a big business job like his dad. Nicole could understand that but then asked why he removed all the contacts of his friends because they were all distraught because of it n Cole just kinda sat back processing that. Cole admitted quietly he didn’t think he’d be missed that much before going quiet again thinking. Nicole stared at him with sympathy but sighed that was a can of worms they needed to sort another time- but for now there was something more pressing.
Nicole told Cole pretty plainly that if he was gonna live with her, he had to start paying rent too and that meant getting a job. Cole was still adverse to the idea, mumbling that he thought music was a job but Nicole pretty bluntly asked how much he was making. Cole said 30$ a month. Nicole stared at him unimpressed. Cole conceded and agreed he needed a job but frankly had no idea where to start. Didn’t exactly have connections or a great resume to use n him getting along with someone is a 50/50 coin flip of them getting along or them hating him. Nicole agreed that it was rough n buried her head in her hands in thought trying to come up with something. Both sat silently thinking till Cole sprung back forward from the wooden chair almost falling over with him in it. Cole warned it might be insane but maybe he could start working at the cafe too? Nicole could use another hand, he was already used to the layout of everything and it be alot easier for him to get in. Nicole called him crazy but when taking a moment to think about it she agreed it was kinda the best bet they had. A few calls later- Nicole was able to convince her mostly absentee manager to interview Cole in a few days much to his excitement and extreme anxiety of getting an actual job.
Nicole ruffled his hair assuring he’d probably be fine there n to worry about it when it’s actually time to. Cole agreed and both were suddenly left wondering what to actually do for the rest of the night. They still never properly had really thought of themselves in a relationship yet but the thought was now pressing on them. Nicole just excused herself to make them dinner and just told Cole to turn something on the TV. She eventually joined him on the couch n one attempted cuddle later, things felt a lot more natural now that they were past the overwhelming fluster of knowing they were in a relationship. They ended up passing out in bed together cuddling
Now then- next day Nicole dragged Cole’s ass back to the hospital to apologize to everyone. Hailey smacked him with a nearby magazine before hugging him, telling him with a bit of a shakey voice to never do that again. Cole swore not to and hugged back. Samurai on the other hand was more nervous to talk to Cole then Cole was to him. He was scared Cole didn’t actually enjoy his company but Cole spent the next 30 minutes swearing that no, he did really care and promising to play drums and base with him again to reassure him. Also got hugged by Samurai but Samurai wasn’t really paying attention to his strength and nearly crushed the boy. The rest was pretty much the same, angry at Cole in the moment but happy to have him back. Things move relatively quickly and in the background after this point for them- Cole got the job and learning how to work hyjinxs insue but things in the story for them settle for a little while after this.
The two mostly play a supporting role for the next month or so. Nicole also dropped smoking when they started dating. Cole understanding the plights of Ada Ian Nicole and Janitor now that he works himself and it acts as a major ego check for his usual antics. Cleans up after himself, thanking and uplifting Ian n Ada when he gets the chance (especially to Ada after feeling guilty for literally throwing hands in 2-2 when she was just helping) n having a general more respectful attitude to everyone. Only playing with samurai on free days and never at night, n being less of a genuine shithead. He’s got a good heart just not the greatest lessons learned from being spoiled rotten by entitled parents.
Nicole during this whole break though ended up in contact with Cole’s mom behind his back. She reached out to try and check in on Cole more but slowly got more and more info out of Nicole about his life- including them being in a relationship. Nicole was still kinda hesitant of believing Cole’s words completely after how much he lied before and his mother really did seem to just want the best for him so she continued contact. Eventually his mother asked Nicole if she could bring Cole back home just for the holidays to talk to him. Nicole was incredibly hesitant trying to figure out what to do about it. She eventually decided through her own values that it would be a good idea for Cole to make amends with his family. Nicole agreed to it before telling Cole n well. Cole was angry to say the least. He told Nicole that his parents were nothing but bad news but she defended herself that she spoke to his mother for a month and she saw no red flags in the slightest. Cole was even more elated at that admission but Nicole begged him to please just give them one more chance. Cole’s new mellowing out lead him to agree with Nicole just to keep the peace in their relationship as much as he hated it and quietly hoped maybe she was right.
So! Cole and Nicole get their holiday break n head out on the long train ride to his hometown. Cole was brooding most the ride but Nicole kept holding onto his hand as reassurance. After the 6 hour ride there they arrived and Nicole was a bit shocked. It was fancier then anything she had ever even seen let alone stepped foot in. Not exactly a neighborhood for a minimum wage worker to belong. Regardless they were able to be taxied to the house after Cole gave his Id for passage into the gated neighborhood and arrived at the house. A grand moderately sized home kitted out with everything you could imagine, Cole’s mother, Holly, came outside first to greet them. Cole accepted her hug hesitantly n Holly went ahead and hugged Nicole too making her just as awkward feeling. Shortly after Holly was his dad, Cresso (are these both coffee puns? Yes). Cole just backed up without interacting outside of a strained hi but Nicole shook his hand when Cresso offered it. Both were welcomed inside and told to just go ahead and make themselves comfortable for the night since it was pretty late. Cresso didn’t say anything exact but lead Nicole to the guest room while telling Cole he could stay in his own room for the night. Nicole didn’t wanna piss off his parents so just relented to sleep in the guest room without Cole even when Cole tried to push it. Cresso seemed satisfied with Nicole shutting down Cole’s rebelling n though that left a pit in Nicole’s chest she just blamed it on train exhaustion n went ahead to clonk out without another word.
Now I’ll be frank im still rewriting the details here but the important stuff: -Nicole obviously finds out how privileged Cole was -Cole when he gets the chance to speak to Nicole alone tells her he hates it here- not the comfort of money, but the social sense. He’d rather live on the streets then be stuck here -dinner the next day. Ohboy dinner the next day. Over dinner there’s essentially a blow up when they find out Cole is still doing music and Nicole is too along with encouraging him. It starts light but eventually devolves into Cresso calling Nicole a lowlife service worker n that Cole could do better then this. Holly tried to damage control but it was too far now and Nicole n Cole packed their things to leave immediately.
The late night train ride was tense to say the least. Nicole tried to apologize to Cole after a long silence but he just told her he didn’t want to do this right now but he was angry. Cole just cuddled up to Nicole’s side and fell asleep for the rest of the ride. Guilt ate her up on the way back n handled Holly texting her after the whole thing. Basically telling her off, Holly understanding n agreeing to not speak again. Nicole stayed up the whole ride just watching the stars and snow n they still didn’t talk once they got back home at 4 am other then Cole choosing to sleep on the couch that night. Nicole wanted to give him the bed but chose not to stress him more with a pointless argument.
Things do not go swell once they’re back. Cole and Nicole aren’t talking n everyone can tell so eventually someone (Ada) asks Cole what’s up n he vents the whole situation out bluntly. Ada asks Nicole if this is seriously what happened n Nicole didn’t even try to defend herself anymore n said yes. Ada was shocked and appalled what Nicole did all because she didn’t believe Cole. Ada told Ian, Ian told Cinny- and eventually the whole story got spread around the whole hospital. No one was happy with Nicole and frankly all became hesitant to confide in Nicole after that leading to silent shifts and nothing to break up the monotony of it all. The added social stress brought Nicole to start smoking again. Cole stopped being as cold with Nicole just wanting to move past now but the damage had been done to her by herself. Nicole wasn’t okay with just being forgiven quietly like this or forgiven at all.
A week into this when Cole finally said it outloud that he forgave her and just wanted to move on, Nicole refused it. Cole tried to get through to her more forcefully with yelling but Nicole just ended up misinterpreting it as her fucking up again- the combination of meltdown and smoking sent her into a really bad SVT attack making her faint. Cole rushed her to MSH for care and stayed by her side till she had to be taken back for urgent care. Nicole woke up the next day sore and breathless n a note left by her bedside. Cole was taking over her shifts alone but wanted her to know it was okay and to please just rest for his sake. Nicole didn’t have much choice in the matter anyways being bed bound but took his word to heart. Cole visited every break he got from the rush n though he looked exhausted n a mess he still told her it was okay. Nicole while he was gone started writing a song for him as some sort of apology. However when she did play it for him a week later n got to the line that she didn’t deserve him, Cole shushed her up.
Cole was already a bit teary from her being so thoughtful to write a song for him but told Nicole he was the one who didn’t deserve her. They went back and forth with sad laughs that they didn’t deserve each other but Cole eventually stopped it n made Nicole a deal. If he stopped saying it then she had to stop saying it too. Nicole thought he was still joking but when he wasn’t she gave an exhausted sigh n smiled before agreeing. Cole thanked her n hugged her tightly. Nicole joked that she’s glad he didn’t hear the rest of the song cause she wants to rewrite it to be perfect for him. Cole didn’t quite care if it was perfect but as long as it was her it was alright. Nicole called him a goof for that one n he just giggled saying he was being honest. They ended up cuddling n passing out again even if it fucked up Coles sleep schedule
After this mess part 3, they get back to their normal groove again n do their usual routine n chilling in the bg. Unfortunately this peace after the winter holidays would move into a blooming disaster in the start spring. The two were off work but over at the hospital after doing their morning baseball workout with everyone else. Cole n Nicole were just hanging out with loafy n after throwing a bone for him outside n watching him struggling to find it in a bone, the lights suddenly shut off, old metal gates shut on the outside door n emergency lights were the only thing lighting up the halls. Nicole and Cole ran down to the main hall hearing something going on n joining a group of other patients they saw CT dropping Edega and turning to them. Lucky yelled at them all to run so they followed without another word. Once they were able to get a safe distance away they all listened in on Logan’s phone to Ian explaining the situation. Frankly Nicole n Cole didn’t understand half of it other then they were all in danger and to protect Hailey n Logan the most. The call cut off as the phone’s screen shut off from Connectifia before Ian could help them get out. Lucky took command of the situation n told Cole and Nicole to get Logan and Hailey as far away from CT as possible. They didn’t hesitate, nodded, and took the kids by the hand to get away from this horrible situation.
Nicole and Cole course couldn’t go as far as they wish they could but honestly they were trying to not freak out from the distance screaming n keep Hailey and Logan calm. While Cole was trying to calm Hailey from a meltdown, CT began stomping towards them n they all froze. Cole watched CT with baited breath before telling Nicole to hide them without turning around. Nicole barely got out a whispered “what?” Before Cole asked her if she trusted him. Nicole looked at him, still turned, and back up at the slowly approaching CT and said yes. Cole told her to go then and started running down the hallway to distract CT. Nicole hesitated to go and stop him but turned away n ran to take Hailey n Logan somewhere safe much to their chagrin. Cole grabbed a left behind baseball bat and though he was no hitter, just used it get get CT’s focus on him before dodging for his life. He couldn’t run forever though in a place like this and inevitably got trapped in a room and tripped over equipment before CT got a grip on his chest and sent him straight into a paralyzing SVT attack with its electrocution. Cole was left on the floor of that room once CT left to find the last 3.
Nicole knew that scream. But it was twisted and mutilated from the fun moments she had heard it before. Logan n Hailey were clutching to her hand still but knowing what was coming, Nicole took both of them and put them inside a empty cabinet to hide before running out herself. What more did she have to lose anyways? She followed the same steps as Cole with CT to get them away but her running into a room was stopped by all the fallen over equipment making her hesitant to go in. The moment of hesitation gave CT enough time to pin Nicole against the wall by her back and zapped her without a second to react.
Nicole sat delirious, the repeating blaring of the alarm slowly deafening in her mind and was slipping away till she moved in the slightest and all the pain hit her again. A voice cut through the monotony of it all. Cole had crawled out on his hands from the room he got trapped in and was using what little voice he had left to call out to Nicole. They couldn’t see each other much at all in the darkness and slipping conciseness but kept each other company with their presence. Talking hurt too much so they just sat listening to each other’s quivering breath till they passed out entirely.
If utter darkness was the one thing Cole had seen before the soft florescent light he woke up to might as well of been a flashbang. It was definitely still MSH but everything seemed tidyer then when just Ian and Ada handled things. Cole sat up slowly feeling his breath still burning but looking around realized Nicole was right by him with her eyes still closed and laying on her chest. It took a bit of willpower to do but enough bugging her sleep by saying her name managed to wake up Nicole as well. Neither could really do anything once they were awake but seeing each other still there was enough reassurance.
They recovered relatively well after the incident other then being self conscious about their new scars but uplifting each other about them. Talked the most to the 3 kids when they couldn’t sleep n just wanted to make sure everyone was okay and were the first ones to start walking around on their own again. Mostly stuck together when they were recovering after that whole ordeal. Generally avoiding talking about all the heavy implications and thoughts that traumatic event caused n seemingly getting through it the easiest. (when in reality they’re keeping all that fear in the back pocket for later when it’s gotten worse )
and well. Honestly that’s kinda where they end off for the main plot of CC before they start going on their own life story together.
If you managed to read this far, thank <3 i hope you enjoyed the straights simplifed
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tsatsuma69 · 1 year
SPAIN 5/10:
strong start ngl
bb them boots slay the house down
pandering to me (i <3 red)
fun lil dancy dance :)
straight people? at eurovison?? ew.
she works hard, smoke machine works harder
ngl bored me
there so many twinks this year wtf
its giving charlie from heartstopper
mid tier pop song
hehehoho magic piano :P
first ballad of the night
u bore me
CYPRUS 2/10:
yass howl for be bb
get wet, coward 💦
mid at best tho
get ur knees out, slut
loving the smocks
bbgorl has a growl i like it
oil him up ;)
song was. decent
okay twink steve irwin, sing for me
no his vibes rancid actually
the beige, straight, version of romania
greece bb step up ur game u always dissapoint me
okay discount harry styles
ooh song is fun would have done great in 2014
if u cloned harry styles X5 and it got worse each time youd get this act
not bad
not winners
bbgorl went SO hard with stripper last year what do u have for me
does not even come close to last year but. not bad
fun song + good vocals
ngl not off to a great start bestie what is that hat ????
i take back my slander, slay
funky + dancable
could go harder
catchy tho
oh god please dont be bad
did she just do a flip
empowering :)
love her vibes
damn she put her whole pussy into that
oh that outfit slays
theyre having a wonderful time :)
this song goes hard
adore the strings mixed with electric guitar
UK 3/10:
its ….okay
chorus could have gone way harder
visuals are fun i guess
eurovison has me so unpatriotic
(not that im otherwise patriot fuck facist terf island)
mid as usual, mid as expected
did she just meow? slay.
interesting start
'stralia getting heavy with it <3
yes flirt with the camera
wish they would have screamed more
the guitarist is slaying it
8/10 (mostly bc keytar)
phantom of the opera vibes?
okay no
wait kinda? hear me out
oh he looks so slay tho
sexy robot :)
solidly good song 💛
but not stand out for me
sprinting start babes goddamn
drums go hard
background is giving human centipede poster vibes …. why is this a running theme this year
ooh this is fuuun tho
POLAND 0/10:
nepo baby cheat
jann was fucking robbed
where is twink supreme ??? :(
"what goes around comes around"? sure fucking hope it does >:(
0/10 nul points
edgar slayllan poe✨
outfits? slay.
visuals? slay.
go austria giving us the most random shit i love it
now THIS is eurovision
they got silly with it :3
please no dont end with a fucking ballad
mm still boring for eurovison
like its not a bad song but. mid
was that it???
best: Austria
worst: Poland
blanllad count: ugh
who made it thru:
Albania 🔥
Cyprus :/
Austria :3
Poland >:(
Australia :)
Slovenia <3
final thoughts:
semi bc thats as hard as most of these songs went
like fr why was this round so mid????
frothing at the mouth for the final >:)
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myshredda · 1 year
Oh wait i forgot to add that the boundary setting examples can be literally for basic tasks like asking if they can eat some of the cereal right now before food is ready and being violently terrified to hear the word no, like cult like mindsets and trauma really do damage on people in small ways that infect its way into every day life. anyways IN HEALING FROM THAT BOTH FICTIONAL AND OTHERWISE WOOH positivity time in the digital community have fuuun~
Man I didn't see this before I answered the first part but you're so right!
I love the idea of her finally healing enough to feel safe to ask for things, but still feeling petrified of the word 'no' because she had so little control over her own life during her time with the cult. Like, she can't have ZERO boundaries because that's also unhealthy and would lead to a lot of dangerous behaviors, but being too stifled would probably reminder her too much of the cult. It's a really delicate balance man, and I'm a little worried that a couple of already emotionally damaged puppet men would have trouble working though their own shit, and the specific needs of their newly acquired separately traumatized children, but I think they're doing better than literally any other option she'd have otherwise.
I'm kind of trying to ride the line of 'this is healthy and realistic healing' and 'they're fucking puppets & used to the universe they're living in as gore-filled and violent as it is' so I love having more serious conversations like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Warm as sunlight
Words: 3084
Hurt/comfort, Found family, Angst with a happy ending
Trigger warnings: implied sexual assault, domestic violence, suicidal ideation
It was barely sundown when Rouge threw two twigs into the large elaborate fireplace before kneeling down to get a better look at the dancing flames as they grew, their red sparks casting a warm inviting glow on the vampire's face and accentuating the deep frown that found itself disturbing his gentle features.
It was important to maintain warmth for the ritual, but somehow, he knew that unless he was standing in the deepest fiery pits of hell, it will never be warm enough.
He stood up with a groan, unconsciously wishing he was younger but what is gone is gone… and is to be revisited. He walked towards his desk, sitting down on the red velvet chair and closing his eyes. The vampire tried his best to focus, but the distant laughter of his child made it nearly impossible, it is a beautiful sound, it really is, but this is more important.
Rouge made his way to the glass window and peered outside to see what the fuss is about. With his lackluster eyesight he could barely see a cloud like head of white hair being chased by Rouge's blue haired lover throughout the flowery garden and around the large fountain. He wasn't planning on spending any time here but he was entranced, Fran has never been an active kid, always sick or tired, but there he was, hopping and running all over the place like a rabbit and laughing as loud as his little lungs let him.
Maybe it wasn't Fran's sickness that kept him from running but instead it was Rouge's unwillingness to partake in any activity with the boy that wasn't painting. He's glad he found Theodore, the historical castle has never in its millennia of existence felt more alive than it did in his presence.
Theodore has finally caught up to the kid, wrapping his strong arms around him and spinning him in the air as if he weighed nothing before tripping on his black gown and tumbling back on a bed of yellow flowers with Fran plopping down safely on his chest. They were both still laughing, he could hear it, although it felt too far away, almost like a dream that he doesn't want to ever wake up from.
Fran looks up, his unnatural red eyes glimmering in the dark like ruby, the boy gave his father an enthusiastic wave before alerting the man to his presence who subsequently looked up and squished their son in a tight hug… their son? Can he say that? He's never asked Theodore about it but he has been acting like a surrogate father to the boy since the day he met him, perhaps he should discuss this with him lat-
"Come DOWN!!" Fran's loud yell snapped him out of his thoughts, "WE'RE HAVING FUUUN!" Rouge could never understand how this boy can turn himself from a tiny canary into a banshee with a shriek loud enough to reach his father on the fifth floor.
He slowly motioned a no.
Now he couldn't exactly decipher what his son did with his hand, but from the way Theodore immediately snatched it and held it down, he can safely guess it was the middle finger. He will never forgive whoever taught it to him.
Rouge shook his head slightly as he closed the window and tugged on the silk ribbon that held the curtains apart, making them drape and block whatever moonlight was daring to get into his vast room.
He tossed two extra branches into the fire for goodluck before he sat back down on his cushioned chair. He quickly skimmed through the letter sent to him by that poor woman and he could feel the deep pit of guilt in his stomach, he knew of her suffering centuries ago, yet he remained silent. The ritual is dangerous, but this is the least he could do for her.
He closed his eyes and allowed the darkness to wrap its long arms around him and pull him away. He focused on the memory he needed, October 3rd, 1454, 12:54 pm. Rouge could feel Dracula's study form itself around him, the large brooding desk shifting slightly forward after what happened the night before, the bookshelf slowly filling itself with the strangest of books and the familiar scent of the old fashioned wood filling his nostrils. It was ready.
He opened his eyes and found himself in that cold room, he looked around to make sure that everything is where it should be, the maps hung on the wall, the disorganized desk with papers flung all over it, and the portrait he drew of Dracula… it looks way worse than he remembered, the proportions are off, the left eye is slightly droopier, and the hair looks stiff and dead, yet Dracula framed it to be centre stage with pride. He could feel his cheeks heat up slightly, he wasn't immune to the small gestures of love, maybe that's why he keeps going back…. No, his relationship with that vampire is strictly business. 
Rouge was taken out of his thoughts by a younger version of himself stumbling into the study as if drunk, which given the fact that he has been draining over five bottles a day since he was twelve, he most likely was. The younger Rouge shut the door behind him and gripped the silver handle as if he was holding on for dear life, he stayed there for a few seconds, chest heaving before letting go and quickly making his way to the bookshelf to look through it.
Rouge walked closer to his younger self, the boy was terrified, hands shaking as he hastily grabbed books then placed them back on the shelf, wincing every time a book accidentally touched his swollen blue index finger, instinctively Rouge looked at his right hand, the bone never healed properly, it still points slightly to the left.
He wants to hold this boy close, to calm his shaking body and tell him things will get better, it will take ages, but eventually he will love someone … and he will be loved back. But he can't, this is a memory afterall, and not a pleasant one at that, he wants to get this done with and perhaps enjoy some quality time with his son and lover. And just as he thought that, mini Rouge found the book they were both looking for, "Ways to Kill Vampires" by an unknown author. The book was bound in what he believes to be vampiric skin with different shades being meticulously sewn together.
"Don't go so fast." But his warning fell on deaf ears as his younger self rapidly flipped through the pages. Now he has to pause the memory at just the right moment to get a look at the inside of the book, it will take many failed attempts and he would really like to go back to the real world and enjoy a delicious picnic with his newfound family….
Possession is always an option, he would be able to move his nineteen yearly old self and do whatever he wants, but that would cause him to lose all the control that being  a "ghost" gives him and he would be left at the mercy of his deeply disturbed mind.
The decision is made and he could immediately feel the difference, the pain in his head made him lose his balance as he tried to grip the desk behind him with his left hand, but his wooden prosthetic fingers were frozen in that delicate pose and he ended up falling on his arse. Rouge stayed on the ground for a while, gripping his head with his knees held tightly to his chest but that only caused the pain in his broken finger to grow.
He had forgotten how much more a simple injury would hurt before he became immortal, a broken finger would heal in less than a second, but here, it might as well render him completely useless. How was past him able to walk and talk with such a headache? He wondered as tears glistened in his eyes.
Rouge attempted to calm himself using some of the breathing techniques that Theodore had taught him.
Breath in.
Breath out.
Breath in.
Breath out.
Oh this is useless! He doesn't have much time before Dracula enters the memory and he would very much rather not relive that scene again. He wiped his tears with the back of his sleeve as he forced his eyes to focus on the words.
"One teaspoon worth of silver shavings hidden in a bowl of food twice a night for three moon rises are plenty to quickly and discreetly end a vampire's life, this method has been used i-"
"You want to kill me you ungrateful whore?" Like a demon, Dracula has manifested from the shadows, his oddly calm voice making Rouge freeze like a deer.
He had gotten what he wanted so he closed his eyes and focused to exit the memory as fast as possible. But he was forced to open them when Dracula grabbed a chunk of his hair and pulled him to his feet.
He was still here.
"No no no no this can't be happening." He repeated under his breath as he tried to pry the bigger man's fingers away from his white  locks but this only made him angrier, Rouge could almost feel his neck snap as his head was violently pulled backwards.
"I swear on Marcel's grave that that isn't the case." He pleaded without his own consent, that is how the memory goes afterall and back then, Rouge genuinely thought that there was no way Marcel survived.
"Oh really? Do you think I'm some brain dead idiot?" Dracula spat, "I've taken you in, given you a life of luxury no other farmer's son could even dare dream of! And this is how you repay me?" His eyeballs were nearly popping out of their sockets.
"I swear, please, when have I ever lied to you?"
Dracula's grip softned as he furrowed his brow in thought, searching deep within his memories for a time when the young man did lie to him, but he couldn't find any... because Rouge is no liar. "Then why are you reading this book? I already warned you, it is forbidden."
Rouge could feel the pain of his past self bubbling inside his chest, tightening his lung and trapping his heart like a cage, "I… wanted to kill myself." He sobbed, nearly choking on his own tears.
His hair was finally freed and he fell to his knees like a ragdoll, hands clasped over his face as he balled his eyes out.
Dracula leaned down to his level and gently raised the smaller vampire's head until their eyes met, "Despite all your beauty, you remain a complete and utter buffoon." He said as a matter of factly.
"You haven't been completed yet, you can be killed in any way a human could." He smiled, exposing his freakishly long fangs. "For example, I could choke you to death."
Without any further warning, he wrapped his long fingers around Rouge's neck and tightened making him gasp immediately, trying to take in as much oxygen as he possibly could but it was to no avail, he clasped his right hand fingers around his muscular arms, ignoring the mind shattering pain that caused in his broken index.
He tried to scream, to beg for mercy, but he couldn't let out any other than a pathetic whimper. Death was so close he could almost taste it as his lips turned blue, he knew he wasn't going to die, but that didn't make his fear any less real. Dracula loosened his grip for just a second, enough for the poor vampire to take in a breath before tightening it so hard that his knuckles turned white.
"I never realized how much blue suits you kid, you should wear it more often."
Tears fell down Rouge's face as he dug his nails into the pale white flesh of his tormentor, but that only seemed to increase the pleasure for the sadistic man. He kicked and flailed his feet desperate for a way to get him off as his lungs nearly collapsed from lack of air. Dracula took advantage of this opportunity to the fullest degree, using his knee to kick Rouge's legs apart and position himself between them.
The next time he was allowed to breath, Rouge let out a yell of pure agony, a last ditch effort to get himself away from this horrific situation. It didn't work. He knew it wouldn't work. He was locked here until his mind decided that he had endured enough. He doesn't know how long it has been in the real world, but it has been  hours.
Then suddenly there was warmth, it wrapped around him like the gentle embrace of sunrise after a snowstorm. He closed his eyes, feeling the world fade away as he surrendered his being to the warmth, he didn't dare open them again, afraid that he will be right back in that dreadful moment. He soaked in this feeling, things getting clearer by the second, the gentle stroking on his cheek, the soft wool tickling his exposed skin, the rising and falling of a chest beside him, and the strong beating of a heart….. This fast rhythm… could it be?
Rouge hesitantly opened his eyes to see who was beside him and was met with the pale blue eyes of Theodore, his beautiful features twisted with worry, "You're awake!" His {honey} deep voice instantly grounded Rouge in reality. 
"Yes. What else would I be?" His voice was nonchalant, possibly even rude, good thing his lover doesn't really care.
"I don't know.. Dead?"
"I'm a vampire Theodore, I won't just. Die."
Theodore rolled his eyes, his worry replaced with annoyance, "Listen darling, you were frozen solid in your seat, you didn't respond when I called, and you were cold to the touch, the hell am I supposed to think?" He raised his voice slightly.
"I can see how that can be worrying." He responded calmly before changing the subject, "Where is Fran?"
"Oh I left him outside to be eaten by wolves." He answered sarcastically, but when he saw the genuine flash of fear in Rouge's eyes, Theodore felt his annoyance boiling over the edge but he kept a soft face as he explained, "He's safely tucked in his coffin you coconut head."
"Ah.. so you were joking?"
"Obviously! I'm not some child neglecting monster." He huffed dramatically before running his fingers through his lover's silky hair. "What happened to you?" He asked rather gently.
"How did you get me here?" He made sure to mask the desperation in his voice with pure indifference.
"I carried you."
The answer was so simple that Rouge felt stupid for not guessing it on his own. He glanced at his partner's arms, the white freckles scattered about resemble stars across his dark skin. He reached out to touch it with his right hand and felt the radiating heat the moment his finger pads made contact with the smooth skin, this man really was a natural heater. Yet he persisted, rubbing his fingers and feeling the muscle underneath, he tried wrapping his index and thumb over Theodore's bicep but he could barely get them cross half of the diameter….
Of course he could carry him to the bed, he could do alot more with his strength, he could crush Rouge till nothing but gore and guts remained with his bare hands, but there he was, laying beside this herculean man and feeling absolutely safe, protected even, he had no fear of being attacked or forced to do anything he didn't find desirable, oh how much he would pay to keep this feeling of peace with him forever more.
"Uh…. it's 13.4 inches" Theodore said awkwardly.
"You have your bicep diameter memorized by heart?" He genuinely questioned.
"Well I DO sew all my clothes so I kind of have to know my size."
"Mmm yea." Rouge was too mesmerized by his partner's obvious physical strength that he didn't even give a single thought into what Theodore said, he could be planning an assassination for all he knows.
"How about you answer my question for a change? What happened, why were you like that?" Despite all his attempts to confuse the young man, Theodore unfortunately still remembered that he had asked a question. 
"It's a long story." He gave it one last attempt as he continued feeling his bicep. 
"Well we have eternity, us too, don't we?"
"You're very annoying, you know?" He whispered under his breath, earning himself an adorable giggle, "Well… It was a bad memory-" But he was cut off.
"Oh… I'm so sorry. I didn't know, I wouldn't have made you talk if I did." The young man quickly apologised, raising his hands to the air.
Rouge remained silent for a while, "Just stay with me this night mon amour… I don't particularly desire to be left alone to my thoughts." He admitted with discomfort.
"Of course of course! I'll make myself comfortable, since I'm not going anywhere any time soon." He wriggled himself to get into a more relaxed position on the pillows, rubbing his shoulders to relieve some of their ache.
Theodore was now in the perfect position for Rouge to steal a quick peck and so he did just that, which turned into a long kiss when Theodore wrapped his strong arms around the back of his head, pulling him even closer and leaving him breathless with red lipstick smeared over his lips.
"I've never seen you wear this dress before, is it new?" Rouge strategically asked.
"Oh you noticed? Yes it is! I finished it last night! The bat wings might lead you to believe that it is inspired by vampires since... you know... I live with YOU, but it is actually inspired by the Batman." Theodore's voice was slightly higher, as it tends to be when he gets excited about something. 
"Ah, did they release a new.. "issue"?"
"Of course! It is about......"
And that is how Rouge secured entertainment for atleast the next four hours, he closed his eyes and simply enjoyed the sweet honeycomb voice and the beating rhythm of his lover's heart, and he wouldn't trade this simple moment for the world.
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dweamisland · 2 years
im rlley interested in how you potray leafy and evil leafy together... do you think you can talk a little more about their relationship? because in my head its like this post
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i had so many thoughts about it and now theyre gone BUT what i can vaguely remember is that from their relationship in the beginning is more of evil leafy messing w leafy n then overtime leafys like ok anyways do u wanna be friends n there it is lol.. its very.... mmmmm frenemies at least thats how i view it i actually talked a bit about it here and i have a playlist thats mostly vibes w whatever au i gots going its very wip shdjfkh like i could change stuff
BUT YA THESE POSTS R FUUUN but they are still separate ppl tho at least for my thing but the post make me think of thta vine
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dwtdog · 2 months
Oh my, one girl had to leave and throw up after one long day of looking at pics and to this day i still think of her ... hope she is doing better now
I think the more specific u get in a class the more i can get into it too like if its biology i will kill myself but if its just u telling me muscles and bones in latin i will eat it up
that was almost me when we spent a whole week in biology learning about the diseases parasites can cause.. YUCK I nearly went vegetarian
and omg hyperspecific classes r so much fuuun usually the professor is just some guy who knows way to much about one topic and u get to see them have fun talking about the thing they're obsessed with like yeah this is what it's all about baby
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dateamonster · 8 months
9 & 17 from the meta oc asks for wolfgirl and wilhelm?
aa thank u these looks fuuun
In a group dynamic, what kind of role does the oc usually fill? Are they a worry wart? A troublemaker? The straight man?
wolfgirl: shes probably the closest thing to the straight man in the main trio but only because wilhelm and lucy are each such uniquely weird and chaotic people. really shes more like the group cynic. she is less interested in being a part of whatever Shenanigans the other two, or at least pretends to be, so she comes off as more responsible by default.
wilhelm: instigator, problem creator, eccentric genius but heavier on the eccentric than the genius. imo the biggest challenge an immortal vampire can face is boredom. the second biggest challenge is not getting so determined to never be bored that you forget that your friends arent immortal and cant keep joining you to do things thatd shorten a normal persons lifespan by proximity alone.
List/describe up to five tropes that apply to your oc. They could be related to the oc's characterization or their narrative arc.
only known one of their kind. while theyre sometimes thought to be a kind of werewolf or other animal shifter, signs point to the possibility that wolfgirl is something else entirely, something that no one else seems to be familiar with and which alienates them somewhat even in community of monsters.
hidden troubled past. shes kind of naturally private person and doesnt take respond well to folks who try to pry into her business, much less her personal history. even wilhelm, who knew her for years before they met lucy, only knows vague details from the time before he met her.
haunted by guilt. when under enough stress or encountering specific triggers wolfgirl sometimes experiences hallucinations of the guardian she killed while escaping his captivity.
working out their emotions. at wilhelm's suggestion(/insistence) wolfgirl took up playing the drums basically as an excuse to hit things in a contained, non-destructive way.
the reliable one, by default. already p much explained above. wilhelm is impulsive and prone to fixation and lucy is in a lot of ways still new to the world, which makes wg regularly worry about them being taken advantage of, us much as they'd deny it.
careless immortal. as alluded to above, wilhelm doesnt spare a lot of concern for potential risk or danger. vampires in this world are immortal and fast healing. however they are not invulnerable to all forms of harm, such as illness, intoxication, exhaustion, magical affliction, poisoning, etc. they just wont die from them. but trying to convince wilhelm he probably shouldnt be consuming nothing but energy drinks is still an uphill battle.
jilted ex. wilhelm has long ongoing beef with his sire, charlotte, who is also his ex-gf/fiance?? kinda? once upon a time they were supposed to run away together and be in love for all eternity, but then wilhelm realized she was kind of a possessive toxic weirdo who turned him without his consent so she wouldnt have to give him up to his arranged-fiance. after hundreds of years theyve found themselves accidentally in the same city and neither of them is very happy about it.
left at the alter. if you count promising to run away with charlotte, wilhelm has a current record of two fiances ditched within days before the wedding date. which isnt that many, but its weird that it happened twice.
virtuoso. immortality gives a guy a lot of time to practice a lot of different instruments. he has the longest history with classical piano and cello but is personally much more into darkwave and post-punk and weird experimental electronic shit of all kinds. he has cultivated a musical style one can only describe as "relentless".
pest best bud. he will be your friend whether you like it or not. and you may not! wilhelms kind of a handful, he has a big personality and isnt one to read the room, but hes the kind of person that like if you let him in, or he finds a way to get under your skin regardless, youre friends for life. wont stop him from being a little annoying tho.
Meta OC Questions
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wonderkat11 · 11 months
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Hellooo, I am back, sorry for taking 5-6 long days to post I simply couldn't draw as I wanted. After some tries I finally tought of doing some mermaid Roy, cause the piece of art is still there but I am not confident about it, but l'll mention that later. 🎋 🎋 This Roy was fuuun, I made his tail more detailed and well, as I told u in from one of his mermaid drawing, when he is out of water he's more of a fish. This is also a scene of the AU, every drawing connects with each other. 🎋 🎋 Guys, serious question, even tho I don't know if you see this. I wanted to make a comic explaining the AU story. But, this mermaid concept is very used, and I am insecure if this will be original at all, so, you think its worth to make a comic? Or should I just leave it?? Or even stop talking about it. Please tell me what you think, about him at the pool pretty please? Be sincere. 🎋 🎋 Well it was just him swimming at the pool, probably I'd post a WIP next cause its really hard to fully do something in small amount of time at the pool, unless you want me to take a month to post. (Even if you want I wont do it cause it'll pain my heart T-T) Thanks for the attention! And as always, I hope you liked today's drawing!! Take care everyone!! Made in IbisPaintX for Digital Art maker. Rules: DO NOT STEAL MY ART! No Rude Comments please. Roy belongs to Fire Emblem & Super Smash Bros. (Nintendo).
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renemesis · 11 months
Forced to take a break after *looks at clock*... over 2 hours of knitting
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sackboys-moved · 3 years
One cool fact about sackboy's design is that originally they added a zipper on sackboy because that would've been how you got to the creative mode, by unzipping sackboy and like the creative mode was inside them. It was supposed to be a play on the whole "creativity is inside you" sort of thing but they scrapped the idea because it seemed too weird and switched to the moon instead. They kept the zipper though bc they thought it looked cool.
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Wait. Wait hear me out.
Panorama photo of follow me eyes.
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weathertheraine · 5 years
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ROBOT GF???????
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ratintank · 5 years
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I'm made a little SonicExe-CaribbeanAU Theory-thing (can I call this CaribbeanAU tho?)
Because pencils is hard to see theres the description of character with some adds:
"insert name here" ExE
Mysterious creature that everyone see as gross and creepy copy of themselves. Everyone see their, and only their copy (maybe even Shadow)
For example: Sonic see Exe as himself, but with bloody eyes and dark-blue fur. Tails would see Exe as himself, but again, with bloody eyes and black fur. I think everyone will see Exe as copy of themselves but with some gross adds.
Well... Thats was all theory
Also... Idk how he sees himself in the mirror...
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