#but that style uses a lot of green and yellow and gROSS
rosiethedragongeek · 8 months
Rating the gang's dragon's mates (as shown by the Rise of Berk game I'm p sure) bc someone has to (also I'm sorry if the images look a lil weird I'm dragging them in bc it's just easier rn and idk what that'll do to them lol)
Okay up first, Stormfly's mate
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He's hardly the worst out of all of them, but I'm just not that big a fan of him being so green idk. I like the green and pink together, but I'm honestly not that sure how his colors look w Stormfly's just aesthetically
Hookfang's mate
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7.5/10 maybe? POTENTIALLY an 8 idk
I bounce between liking and hating the colors, but either way they look nice together. She's making a kinda derpy face but that's a postitive honestly. (Also I doubt this is true bc I'm p sure they have one Monstrous Nightmare model/drawing (depending on whether you're seeing a drawing or a model lol) that they use in game, but the fins on her back look spikier than Hooky's to me and her horns look smaller?)
Barf and Belch's mate(s?)
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I kinda like their colors, or,, I would if it weren't for the greyish silver that's just kinda everywhere. Idk I kinda associate zipplebacks w brighter colors and I just don't like the shade lol. Also the 'spikes' on their heads just don't work for me (not a huge fan of the spikes on their necks and back being so spaced out and also silver just meh). The little scales on their wings fading from red to orange to yellow is a nice touch though I like that a lot.
Also I just discovered that Barf and Belch are a boy through their mate's fandom wiki?? I was curious bc I've never been sure, so I checked to see what was up w these one's and they're female, so I was like ohhh Barf and Belch must be male, and I went over to their wiki and yeah they are. I just feel like there were easier ways for me to figure that out lol.
Meatlug's mate
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I hate him I hate him I hate him I HATE HIM. I hate that he's like, a greyish green and bright yellow. (I love Meatlug's color pallete, I love how soft and warm it is, this is NOT that) His ear things seem longer too, which I HATE. Also the bumps on his face and tail (which are few and far between for me) just being ORANGE is kinda gross. (I'm not gonna comment too mucch on the texture and stuff of them bc the game isn't THAT detailed and that's FINE, but in the picture they look like,,, pussy???) (Meatlug's, at least in the shows, are more textured and not straight up purrple and shiny idk)
Toothless' mate
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Like 4/10?
I like her tail fin being a different shape, but her ear thingies are too round and short, and I feel like all of her proportions are to softened you know?. Also she looks like she's wearing eye shadow which,,,, :/ (could just be the shadows but idk that's what it looks like) (also, her feet and the way she's sitting she just looks like they're trying to make her very feminine, which is okay, but like paired w the proportions and stuff idk it just feels wrong to me
(I'm joking around and wtv but honestly I like her so much more in the Rise of Berk art style, she's just a little more angular, and it cuts the sparkles and stuff, and she just feels a LITTLE more like what she should've been.)
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wuzhere75 · 2 years
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More goofy idiots; high school musical edition. Also yeah I probably just could have gotten away with Kinkajou (also yes both her and Qibil’s names are misspelled AF in the image I’m not fixing it right now) plus the actual protags but I need to practice for Arc 3 which aparently has like several dozen pseudo-protagonists, which I’m probably going to do in a slightly different style because I like the idea of trying sketchy line art with the procreate brush pen.
Okay now time for the actual headcanons
-I originally was going to give Moon a way different design (her horns where going to be long and curved like ibex horns/crescent moons but I couldn’t get that to work in the sketch; she was going to have a split color design, like one side of her body was going to be light and the other dark like a half moon), but then my brain went “albino=white/pink with red eyes, that’s moon-y because the moon looks white from earth sometimes and blood moons are a thing so red”. I do like the sketch I came up with. I still think I could have gone harder with the wrinkly skin and underbite, since I imagine it those are details frequently found on Nightwings from the volcano.
-I think Moon being a twist villain, or at least an untrustworthy character, would be kind of interesting. Like if she had been the final POV character instead and she’d been kind of this ambiguous, somewhat suspicious guide to the Darkstalker stuff.
-The entire modern Icewing royal family is considered somewhat strange looking by that tribes standards; unusually short horns, typically no fur, and oddly dark and saturated colors. I’m not from a place that gets snowy, white winters that often. More “everything dies back and it gets muddy, foggy, and frosty”, thus Winter’s color palette.
-I have a headcanon that firescales/fireless twin sets are technically identical (Sky being NB), it’s just due to the presences of no/too much fire, their features develop differently. Peril has far richer and saturated colors than Sky, but their actual patterns are identical. Due to her fire, Peril’s feathers never properly grew in (she’s like the sphinx cat equivalent of a Skywing), while Sky by comparison is very floofy. However if you peeled Sky (shaved off their feathers), they would have the exact same body shapes and features as their sister. Also the aforementioned color patterns are based of the American Kestrel.
-I have a couple of old Turtle designs kicking around my Procreate; I originally was going to use one of them (which I might post at some point to embarrass myself), to inspire this one. However, I ended up creating something entirely new. My original design had him as a lot more solid, gross yellow-y shade of green, with no tan underbelly or needle. However I discovered that the underbelly and needle would give him some nice resemblance to his sister Tsunami. Also I was using mata-mata turtles as one of my primary design references and damn those bois got schnoze.
-Turtle also would have been an interesting twist villain. Like if we got faked out like “he’s too suspicious to be the bad guy” and then he just is.
-Funny thing about Qibil; I always mis-remembered Qibils earring as having a black diamond earring rather than an “orange sunstone” one. Perhaps I was confusing his drip with Blister’s. He gets both as a treat. Also the reason why he has the classic fan depiction head sail strandy-thingy because of the scar his mom gave him. The sail behind the scar grew back all delicate and long; he’s let it grow out to see how long it can get.
-The little unneeded spite for the series/fandom I have for some reason built up on Qibil for some reason. Maybe because seemingly the rest of the fandom worships the little guy. I’d probably like him if I actually read the books, but I have developed a stupid re-write of him where he is sort of like the annoying little brother of the Jade Winglet and Jade Moutain as a general who thinks he is hotter shit than he is that nobody dares talk down to for fear of bringing mama Thorn or big sister Sunny down on their asses. He’s tried to flirt with everybody in his winglet and they’ve all pushed him away with some degree of gentleness.
-IDK who was the first fan artist to do magenta-yellow-cyan Kinkajou but it sure as hell works. I have a headcanon that younger Rainwing dragonets tend to have brighter, saturated comfort colors (image the “crayola water marker base pack” color palette). However as Rainwings mature, they tend to “mild” out their comfort colors with more varied hues. Thus, she used to have the neon pink-yellow color palette when she was younger. Also she kind of ended up looking kind of like a lychee or rambutan and I love it.
-I didn’t have too many thoughts on Umber. I mostly just focused on making him look different enough from Clay while still making him look like a possible sibling.
-I thought I was going to put more effort into Carnelians design, but I ended up just yeeting something together based off the real world carnelian stone.
-I know Anenome is described as being pink and blue/white in the books, but where I live we have neat little pink tipped green anemones so that’s her color palette. Also I imagine she wears a lot more jewelry when she’s at home but she just took a few things with her to school.
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oh! and 👗🪢💄👽 for ghoul? AND 😺🔪🫂💝 for kobra!! (i saw you already had an ask for jet)
👗 A headcanon about their clothes
even though he doesn't really give a shit about clothes or fashion, i feel like ghoul has one of the most cohesive and consistent styles out of any of the killjoys. it's mostly because he doesn't own that many different clothes, so the ones he does own all tend to follow a similar pattern. they have have the same general color scheme, blacks, yellows, and varying shades of green, so pretty much any outfit he wears (as long as its just his own clothes he's wearing) looks good and a lot more put together than someone like jet star, lets say, who just wears combinations of literally anything he likes regardless of weather or not it really "goes together". again, its not like a conscious effort he makes to have his clothes match, he just has a few favorite colors and doesnt care enough to get clothes outside of that
🪢 A headcanon about their family
he's a sandpup, and his parents were ghosted when he was far too young to remember them. he does remember this teenaged joy, though, who took care of him for the first few years of his life, before they were ghosted too and he was picked up the the next crew (a cycle that would continue for years until he decided to go it alone and ran into the rest of the four). he was still really young when he was with that first joy, so he only has really faint flashes of memories with them, and he doesn't even remember their name, but he still writes letters to "the first joy that raised me" from time to time in hopes the witch knows who he's talking about.
as far as he's aware, he's always been an only child, but his older sibling doesn't mind that he's forgotten; they still enjoy his letters all the same
💄 An appearance headcanon
he does NOT wash his hair like. at all. obviously showers and bathing are hard to come by in the zones, but everyone else in his crew makes a point to try and do it as often as possible (party and kobra bc they're used to it from the city, jet bc he likes his hair to *not* be a horrible dry and tangled mess). but ghoul grew up never learning or caring about personal hygiene like AT ALL so this gross motherfucker only bathes when people start complaining abt his smell, and even then he just doesnt wash his fucking hair bc he doesnt see the point! so he's got this shoulder length, stringy, greasy black mop of his head, and it drives jet crazy and that definitely contributes to him not washing it even more
👽 A headcanon about a weird quirk of theirs
he needs *very* specific conditions when he's trying to work with electronics or machines. it doesnt really matter so much if hes just mindlessly tinkering with parts and shit, but when he's actively trying to fix something or build something, he needs it to be quiet, but NOT silent. silent means he cant focus, but too much noise, like too many conversations going on at once or loud music playing or something, means he can't focus either! he also cant have ANYTHING touching his face while he's working, or it pisses him off and entirely ruins his concentration. he doesnt wear any sort of mask when working, and has to keep his hair tied back bc if so much as a strand touches his face he will absolutely lose it and he'll have to stop whatever hes working on immediately to fix it
😺 An animal related headcanon
snake boy likes snakes, obviously, but i feel like he just also really loves animal in general! growing up in the city, he always wanted a pet like a dog or a cat or something, but his parents were like "absolutely the fuck not :)" so when he gets out to the desert he basically tries to adopt and befriend literally every fucking animal he comes across, and i mean EVERY. FUCKING. ANIMAL. snakes in particular, tho, he fucking loves and will just. pick up! regardless of whether or not he knows they're venomous! he'll be all "guys look what i found :D friend!" and then he hold up a fucking rattlesnake or some shit and everyone freaks out on him but in his thought process is always "if it turns on me i can take it im a badass its fine"
hes basically the type of guy who'd try and hug a bear bc he thinks if it attacks him he'd be able to fight it/outrun it and win
🔪 A headcanon relating to fighting/violence
he prefers to fight with his fists, and while he's not terrible with a raygun, his fighting style with it typically revolves around him only shooting to disarm his opponent in some way, thereby forcing them into a physical fight which he knows he can win. he's fast as hell, is great at predicting his opponent's next moves based off their body language, and he knows exactly when to strike and where to strike to make it hurt the most. and this part's kind of fucked up but i think he really fucking likes breaking ppls bones, actually, so he tends to do that like. A LOT when he gets into fights bc he knows it fucking HURTS and it'll take whoever he's fighting out of commission for a WHILE
🫂 A friendship headcanon
KOBRA AND GHOUL ARE THE BEST FUCKING FRIENDS EVER no matter what version of my canon im thinking abt they are always bffs in a way that almost reminds me of like, stereotypical tween girls from 90's movies? but a bit more destructive. like YES they will have sleepovers in each others rooms and YES they will make blanket forts and shit and be all "you can't come in if you dont know the secret password" to party and jet, and kobra likes to braid ghoul's hair bc he used to do it with his own back in the city when it was longer and he finds it fun, and ghoul will build dumb little explosives for kobra that really only just make noise so kobra can prank ppl around the diner with them, and they set shit on fire together A LOT like. a disturbing amount. and they always go to each other first when they need help on projects and they are BEST! FRIENDS!
💝 A headcanon about their love language
okay, so, i feel like more than anything, kobra's love language centers around feelings understood. bc like, he he absolutely loves cuddling and showing physical affection with his close friends/family, but there are some days where anyone or anything touching him makes him feel like he wants to Die and so, what means a lot more to him than people willing to touch him are people who know him well enough to sense when he doesn't want to be touched, and who dont press him or ask questions about why he's feeling that way. its the same thing for when he goes nonverbal and cant talk to ppl. he never feels more loved than when someone can tell that he's having one of those days and they dont press him or try and force him to communicate anyways, and it makes him feel on cloud fucking nine when people know he's nonverbal and they chose to be around him anyways! like when ppl just come and sit by him as he works, not saying anything or trying to get him to talk; idk he just loved knowing that ppl still want to be around him and still enjoy his company even when he can't converse with them
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toontowncreepypasta · 2 years
My final thoughts!!
Episode one, Jobs: It was good! It made me interested. It wasn't perfect, the pacing was a bit off and it floundered at moments, but it was good! I thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought the gore use was excessive, but I enjoyed how many new puppets and sets there were. That was my favorite part of the episode.
Episode two, Death: THIS. is my favorite episode. It was so funny, I thought it was so clever with the topic it was given. The jokes were nonstop, but the topic was so unnerving it gave the whole episode this extremely tense feeling. I think this episode captures everything I LOVE about dhmis.
Episode three, Family: second favorite and very CLOSE second. Where I think death did DHMIS at its funniest, I found Family's highest points were how scary it was. I loved how many physical sets and objects were used, they clearly went all out with thid episode and it paid off. it's visually appealing, and pretty fucking impressive to me. the humor here is also still very good. i need to rewatch this one again to really appreciate it, i spent a lot of time worried they were going to do something gross with tommy and lilly and am very happy they didnt.
Episode four, Friendship: i didn't like this episode at all, i wanted to skip it. i kept hoping half way through itd get better but it just continuously got worse and worse. the art style is poor and looks too nft-y for my taste, and this episode marks a turning point away from puppets, which were mt favorite part of the show. The story was pretentious, and I found the idea of someone thinking it was funny more annoying then Warren actually was. It was extremely on the nose, and I found the Collin call back really forced and flashy. His inclusion felt like something out of a fanfiction. All of the humor fell extremely flat.
Episode five, transport: This was a very nothing episode for me. There was almost no pupetteering involver, or creative props or anything. The train costume was clearly a result of budget cuts, and the episode was modtly green screen and flash animation. That being said, the community portion was very nicely animated!! It was the only part of the episode that caught my attention. This one isn't offensively bad like Friendship, its just kind of boring. I did like a lot of the gags with Yellow guy and Bird in the back seats.
Episode six, electricity: I think this episodes sort of.... poorly crafted in a really interesting way. It feels like fanfiction. Like... They were clearly trying, and doing a lot of similar things to the original series. The song sounded verrryyy very similar to the old ones, including the same sort of like steady boring learning song tempo with evenly placed spaces for the characters to quip in. But it all felt relatively artificial. It just kinda felt like "yep this happens because its a thinf that happens in DHMIS." like the gory batterys felt like. Welll. Dhmis is weird and gory sometimes so we'll be weird and gory sometimes!! without having an actual meaning. Like comparatively to say, Birds coffin being brought to life with his blood, it sort of ties in to the themes of the episode. An issue a lot of the later episodes have is they aren't obscurist enough to get away with it. theyre too pointed, opinionated. loud. a lot of the characters start screaming more frequently in the later episodes too and that feels very emblematic of the series as a whole.
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hastingshwang6 · 2 years
Bvlgari Girls's Baggage
So let's have a look at what ANN readers consider the better of the season. A tribute to video game pioneer Masayuki Uemura, a welcome bunch of fighting game updates, and... Heidi breaks it all down in today's beef-sized column. https://phoenet.tw/bvlgari-replica.html "One factor is, everybody has all sorts of sides to who they are. In your complete life, there are totally different occasions within the day where you modify." - Screenwriter Keiko Nobumoto at NYCC 2018. In 1995, Bulgari pushed ahead with an aggressive programme for progress, becoming listed on the Milan Stock Exchange for the first time. In 1996, the model launched its first accessories assortment, beginning with silk scarves before growing a spread of leather equipment and eyewear. In 1999, the model launched the B.zero1 ring. Greek designer Mary Katrantzou has partnered with BVLGARI to revamp the accent brand’s basic Serpenti bags. Applying her signature kaleidoscopic prints to the snake-accented purses, Katrantzou presents a novel tackle a BVLGARI favourite. Still, the various segments and card pockets make it straightforward to maintain all of your essentials organised. I see a lot of baggage, naturally, but only a few tactfully combine the art of jewellery and leather in addition to Bvlgari. Please take a second to flick thru my hand-picked assortment of elegant designer handbags. Before you go, I truly have put together a evaluate of the most elegant designer purses in a collection that I suppose you'll get pleasure from. Since opening their doorways in 1884, Bvlgari has embodied the opulence and sophistication first envisioned by Greek-born founder Sotirio Bulgari. Over the 136 years that the style house has been in business, they've designed a few of the most iconic jewellery, shoes, and luggage on the earth. The Serpenti Diamond Blast Sunshine Quilted bag equally references these nuances by means of quilting. Alongside their adored baggage, Bulgari dually offered an irresistible flock of equipment. Silk scarves and grand sun shades able to cruise alongside the Amalfi Coast, their very personal take on the micro bag obsession, and dainty Serpenti bracelets to complete the look. Still, the Serpenti Forever bucket bag is proof that their seductive fashion is incredibly versatile. A miniature model of the classic Serpenti Forever crossbody bag, this cute little silver number is bang on-trend considering the recent resurgence in our love of mini baggage and early 2000s glam. The Serpenti vary started in the Forties with a watch that coiled across the wrist like a snake. Rather than being unnerving or unappealing, this design was considered sensual and elegant and shortly gained recognition. An unusual Two-Color Gold Evening Bag by Bulgari. wikipedia handbags The curved rectangular mesh case embellished with two-color fluid motif banding, total gross weight roughly 360 grams, comprise... Large model of the long-lasting Melone 18kt Yellow Gold Clutch Evening Bag by Bulgari, the opening mechanism button highlighted with a cabochon sapphire.. I agree for Bulgari to use my private data to offer an enhanced customer service, tailor-made to my preferences. Like everything Anh creates, her immersion in popular culture via her younger years had a profound influence on this collection — all whereas remaining true to Bvlgari's model codes. Bvlgari 'Serpenti Forever' shoulder bag in pink calf leather with brass, gentle gold plated 'Serpenti' head closure in black and white enamel with eyes in malachite. This snakehead fastening is adorning in black and white, and the malachite eyes match the bag perfectly. The prime deal with is sort of small, but there is a shoulder strap which is manufactured from both green leather and the snake-effect chain. The contrasting blue and pink sides on the shoulder strap give it a contact of aptitude, and the black eyes of the snakehead actually stand out. The shiny pink interior of the body is a pleasant touch, although after all, it remains unseen by most individuals. The iconic snake-effect chain shoulder strap provides it an additional contact of aptitude. The deep, un-sectioned inside of the bag makes it good for carrying all of your essentials in style. There’s additionally a shoulder strap for ease of carrying, which makes it an excellent daily bag for those who like to face out and make an impression. Once, a single “It” purse dominated every trend season. Today, purse lovers are savvier and have a wider range of purchasing choices.
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urulxce-a · 6 years
y’all i’m having a cRISIs ( I attached a shitty picture of my house when I first bought it so y’all kinda know what it’s like ) this is the color of the door / triangle above the porch, and this is the trim / pillar color.
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
I know there’s the idea of Ingo and Emmet matching even when at home or just out and about for measure but I do also greatly enjoy the idea of them having very different shirt styles:
Emmet has all of your favorite, garish print button downs he wears with plain colored t shirts under. From Alolan print shirts that Grimsley and Colress sent them to the Neon Pink and Yellow plaid that Brough called gross that one time. Post PLA, Dawn/Lucas sends Ingo the worst (best) they can find from Sinnoh
Ingo likes more subdued things, preferring a monochrome or at least not so vibrant colors still. Comfy sweaters, simpler button downs, soft t shirts or 3/4 length sleeves. Typically he chooses more charcoal-colored clothing, but has a few colored shirts— to which it’s a running gag in Nimbasa that when Ingo pulls out the one green 3/4 length sleeved shirt he has spring is coming. Post PLA he’s more open to the pale pink of the Pearl Clan.
Elesa enjoys finding things for the boys too, and using them as models for clothing from time to time lol
They both do have some comfy graphic t shirts and a whole lot of matching things, though, a good bulk of their wardrobe is black and white colored.
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somecunttookmyurl · 4 years
So a lot of people think cut/fresh flowers are really expensive or decadent, and that it’s not worth buying them when they’re at a reduced price because they’ll die within about a day and it’s still Too Expensive and like I just. I need to let you know that it isn’t true and unless it’s a super special occasion and you’re going to an actual florist for an actual special bouquet you don’t have to, nay shouldn’t, pay full price for flowers ever. I mean I can only really speak for the UK where you can get flowers in the grocery store which is naturally cheaper than a florist, and also where I always get mine, but the techniques apply to “anywhere one can obtain a bunch of flowers” If you take care of your cut flowers - which don’t worry isn’t hard - the slightly sad looking slightly wilty half price ones will STILL last you two weeks. Observe:
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Everything in that vase except the dark red flowers and the ivory roses was purchased, half wilted, in the reduced bucket an ENTIRE WEEK ago. The dark reds and ivories? TWO WEEKS  (I don’t normally premade bouquets because they end up in the reduced less often and even when they do they’re still more expensive than getting a few bunches of different types of flowers) TWO. WEEKS. From a wilted half price “we are become death” state. Here’s what it looked like a whole entire week ago when I put the new flowers in:
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(the big yellow bastard in the bottom left is also from the previous week) I mean they’ve still “hardly wilted” now and if I was so inclined I could leave it another couple of days, but this is normally the point at which I remove them and put new flowers in the gaps. Also, cut off the heads and keep them for a bath. You’ll feel So Fucking Fancy and it cost you nothing. So how do you revive sad looking cut flowers, cheat the system, and have a permanent display of vibrant colourful BUT ULTIMATELY CHEAP AS SHIT flowers in your home? 1. Remove the leaves. You can remove all of them if you like but the most important thing is removing leaves along the length of the stem which will be in water. If leaves are submerged they will begin to rot and just kill everything. You can keep the ones that poke out above the vase for bulk and Oooh Pretty Green if you want, or not. 2. Trim the stems with SHARP and CLEAN (preferably steralised by dunking in some boiling water) scissors or a SHARP and CLEAN knife. Do so at an angle. Chances are you need to shorten the stems so they fit in your vase properly anyway, but doing this allows for better uptake of water and nutrients. 3. Use a CLEAN container. If there’s a bit of grossness hanging around from previous flowers, scrub that shit out. 4. Give them cool water. I live in an area with very soft water so I don’t have to do anything, but if you don’t then either filtering it or letting it stand for a few hours first will help. 5. Use flower feed! Most bunches, at least over here, come with a wee sachet of flower food. If you DON’T get a sachet of feed you can MAKE YOUR OWN. It’s super easy. You need 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of regular white sugar and half a teaspoon of bleach (yes really) per 1 litre (quart) of water. You won’t need a whole litre, obviously, but you can keep it in the cupboard in a bottle or just scale down the recipe. Put a teaspoon (or two if you have a big pitcher style vase) in your water. Different flower types optimally need different levels of sugar and you can totally look up what that ratio is if you only have one kind (like all roses or something) but 1 tablespoon: 1 litre works well enough. Now that your flowers are back to life, you can keep them looking good for a decent long while 1. Remove dead/wilted heads either as and when you see them or just like once a week (I’m lazy, I just do it once a week) 2. Remove any leaves that are going the same way 3. Once a week, change out the water. Fish out any plant material that may have fallen in, rinse the container, put in new water and feed. 4. When you’re doing the water change, give the stems another small trim. Only 1cm (half an inch) or so, unless the bottom of the stem is going pale and a bit limp looking, in which case lop off as much of that part as you can whilst still being able to fit them in the vase properly. If they end up noticably shorter than the others, just keep those ones to the outside of the arrangement OR put them in the middle and use the other flowers to keep them propped up within the water so they appear the same height. 5. Replace removed dead flowers with ones from your next cut-price bunch. That way you’re a) keeping a perpetual but ever-changing bouquet and b) need to buy less flowers at once than just waiting for everything to die off and replacing the whole thing. Cut flowers make me happy. I’m sure having a nice beautiful bunch of colourful flowers in your room makes you happy too, and you absolutely don’t need to spend a fortune to make that happen.
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okokokaythen · 3 years
NSR Headcanons
Aka NSR themed shower thoughts 
Bunkbed junction (Mayday + Zuke)
- Has a secret stash of 1010 merch hidden in the sewer that she hides from Zuke (He already knows and doesn’t tell May to entertain her)
- Sometimes call Zuke, ‘Zukie’ after the DK west encounter(s) 
- She is banned from babysitting Yinu (for obvious reasons)
- She sleeps on the top bunk 
- She memorizes small things about people and will sometimes give gifts as a token for forgiveness after the events of the story
- She sometimes hangs on the pipes in the sewer instead of sitting on the couch (much to Zukes annoyance)
- She occasionally wears Zuke’s clothes 
- Occasionally leaves the sewer alone to walk around or reflect on things
- Has a collection of books ranging from scientific journals to biographies, not exactly a fan of fiction
- Used to own a pair of glasses before he switched to contacts, after which they’ve gone missing
- Tries to organize and clean the sewer, but it being a sewer he hasn't gotten much done
- Occasionally visits eve to catch up and make amends
- Zuke is May’s primary impulse control
- He’s near the top of the list to babysit Yinu, behind Sayu/Tila
- They have seen each other naked at some point with opposite reactions. 
- They take turns cooking 
- They style each other’s hair in the morning
- They refer Ellie as their baby
- He is Yinu’s homeschool teacher
- Owns a cat named Mars 
- Has a mixed relationship with 1010
- Tolerates Green 1010 the most
- increase size whenever he’s mad
- Sayu often appears on his screens to annoy him or just hang out
- He tolerates Sayu more than 1010
- He’s 1010′s pseudo uncle
- Undefeated in basketball 
- Is Yinu’s primary babysitter 
- Sayu, when not piloted, has an A.I. But is limited to cyberspace. 
- Her reverse form was made as a joke by Remi
- She knows a lot more than she leads on, and has appeared even on Tatiana’s computer, but she's ultimately harmless. 
- She’s often tasked to work as a firewall for NSR’s servers 
- She is surprisingly useful to have around.  
- There’s several platforms where Sayu can ‘Appear’ physically, similar to Cortana from Halo.
Yinu / Mother
- Yinu is homeschooled
- DJSS is her Homeroom/Science teacher, Neon J is her Shop/P.E teacher. Eve is her Art and Literature teacher, Mother is her Math/History teacher. Tatiana occasionally is her Economics/Math teacher whenever she’s not too busy.
- Sayu’s pilots and 1010 are her ‘classmates’ 
- She, along with Mother, visits her father’s grave at least once a month. 
- She does not like being picked up by anyone other than her mother. so she carries around a step stool.
- She likes that she has multiple babysitters, but wont admit it.
- Tatiana is her god mother/ grandmother figure
1010 / Neon J
-  Yellow often gets stuck on Green’s hoop
- Each member of 1010′s “brain” is a chip that is inserted into their head
- They are referred to by their color’s (I know they got names but I’m terrible at remembering them)
- White often gets picked on for watching Danny Phantom
- They had small ‘baby’ forms and as they ‘aged’ their chips/minds into different ‘aged up’ forms 
- Blue was the first designed but last built, white was built first.
- Red’s mohawk used to snap off a lot so recently its been made of a more durable but heavier. this makes Red slower than the rest of 1010
- Whenever 1010 cause chaos, Green and Neon J are often the ones to apologizing for their actions. 
- Neon J often refers to 1010 as Teletubbies, which annoys them.
- Neon originally wanted 1010 to be fighter pilots rather than sailors but knew how marketable sailors are so swapped the design. 
- When ever Neon J is ‘off duty’ he turns into the socks with sandals dad. making dad jokes left and right. 
- She sometimes visits the sewer hideout and is always grossed out but keeps it to herself to not upset Mayday/Zuke
- She still acts cold towards May, but she is warming up and is in general nicer 
- She sleeps in a giant hand shaped bed 
- Her entire house’s furniture is just hands and other abstract shapes
- She has several outfits based in other art movements, like surrealism (my favorite movement) and cubism for example
- Mayday and Zuke have spent the night there several times, Mayday has trouble sleeping due to the furniture
- Eve still reminisces when she and Zuke were together, but is still supportive of Zuke and Mayday’s relationship (romantic or otherwise)
(I do ship Mayzuke/Bunkbed lovers but I’m trying to not make it center stage in this post)
- After spending time with Mayday, she realizes she has more in common with her and often joke in Zuke’s expense
- Tatiana is a mentor figure to Eve, and if/when Tatiana retires, Eve will be her successor. 
- She often quotes Yzma around her collogues, such as, “I know its called a cruel irony, like my dependence on you.” to DK West
- She’s grown more laid back after the events of the story, but is still stern while working
- Sometimes she jams out with BBJ and even give pointers to Mayday
- If/When she retires she becomes more grandmotherly towards her collogues
- She often slows/stops time during meetings to take a breath/ get a drink or snack
DK West
- Whenever he is not working in his field, He often crashes at the sewer hideout 
- When he opens his eyes, his true power is revealed
- His Shadow bull (stand) sometimes appears and vibes with him
- He probably sleeps with his mouth opened 
- This man is vibes first 
- He radiates the same energy as the Giga-Chad meme
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sbi-au-ideas · 2 years
“Testing, testing. Is this mic working? Ok, good. Ahem. This is Wilbur Soot, and I will be walking around, interviewing civilians of L’manburg about their contributions with the fight between Superheroes and Supervillains.”
[Wilbur scans the crowds for a moment, before approaching a tall, scrappy blond teenager]
“Hey kid, lemme teach you a few things about dishes.”
“When you get home from work, you’re tired, right?”
“I guess? But what does tha-”
“You’re tired, you want to sleep, but your sink is filled to the brim with dishes.”
“It never is though?”
“It never- what? No, everyone has had a full sink before.”
“I haven’t”
“You- no, whatever. Imagine, your sink is full. It’s going to take at least an hour to clean them all.”
“Why didn’t you just clean them before it got bad?”
“What?? Kid, are you saying, you’ve never not cleaned a dish you��ve used, ever.”
“I mean I ‘ave, yeah, but not so many times to fill the hole fuckin sink”
Wilbur pauses. “Kid, I was gonna make this whole inspirational speech about superheroes and supervillains-”
“And dishes?”
“No!- Just shut up and listen, I was going to talk about responsibilities, and not leaving them to grow moldy and gross like dishes in a sink, and not to leave your poor roommates to handle your problems, but you- you fucking swooped in and fucked it.”
“Oi! I have fucked no dishes in my life sir-”
“Not literally!”
“I will have you know I am a minor, you are threatening a child-“
“I’m not threatening you!”
“No no you absolutely are, in fact I’m going to report this to whatever interview company shit you belong to!”
“But why-!”
“And I’m going to report that ugly ass green sweater you’re wearing, it’s a plague among society, you Dream Stan-“
“It’s a lovely sweater, what-??”
“I bet it’s your favorite color too, not like a manly color like red, but you can’t have red as a favorite color because that’s mine.”
“My favorite color is blue!”
“No, no it’s not, it’s yellow because yellow suits your ugly trench coat a lot better. You should have a yellow sweater, dickhead.”
“You can’t tell me what my favorite color is!”
“I absolutely can, because your tory style is so atrocious you clearly cannot be trusted with clothing.”
“Oh yeah, well if you know so much about style, then just fucking choose my wardrobe for me!”
“I will! C’mon I know this lovely shop with the softest sweaters, I’m sure one will match your shit style.”
[The blond kid starts dragging Wilbur down the street]
“My style is not shit you child-“
“You said you were a minor, and as far as I’m aware that makes you a child.”
“I am so old, the biggest man, I am huge and massive and the only one who precedes me is Philza Minecraft himself”
“Sure, sure, yet you’re shorter than me, mhm”
“Philza wouldn’t stab me”
“Philza Minecraft isn’t here to save your tory ass!”
“I am not a tory!”
“Yeah, and you’re not paying for this new sweater I’m about to get you.”
“I’m not?”
“No you absolutely are, and you’re getting me a muffin from this little cafe I know round the corner”
“Oh, Nikis place?”
“You know her?”
“Yeah! We’re friends!”
“You would be”
“That- what? Did you just compliment me?”
“No, I’m just saying, two best friends can’t both be beautiful, one of thems gotta be ugly”
“You little shit-“
“Oh look! We’re here! How convenient”
“This is not the end of this conversation”
[End recording]
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socheckitout-mikey · 3 years
you can totally make hc if you want!!!! i'd eat that shit up like breakfast ngl. in my opinion david is joe (kind of obvious) dwayne would be sal, marko would be murr and that makes paul q <3333
omfg yes! i had way too much fun doing these. i know they're a little shitty, but i tried istg! - mae
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The Lost Boys Pranking Each Other Like Impractical Jokers Hc's:
° Paul is deadass one of the most ruthless out of all of them when it comes to prank wars. He's targeting everyone with ridiculous pranks, but they always bite him in the ass later on when he wakes up the following night with his hair dyed a luminous green. He rocks it but he totally had a nervous breakdown over it bc "THAT'S MY FUCKING HAIR MAN!"
° "Maybe you shouldn't have thrown my keys into that gross guys hotdog stand-" David drawls nonchalantly, flicking cigarette ashes at Paul's green goblin looking head.
° There was this one time that Marko attempted to prank David, and I say attempt bc it went absolutely atrociously... Maybe it was because Paul was trying to get him back and gave his buddy too much of that good green stuff. Marko's plan to train his pigeons to crap all over David had ended up with him waking up the next morning covered in pigeon shit. "Serves you right, you yutz-"
° "Man, we need to drown you in the tub." Dwayne snorts.
° "DON'T BRING THAT SHIT UP-" Paul screams from the other end of the Cave.
° "Right... But it's not like we're adding a dog into the mix..." Marko muttered under his breath, using a crumpled old napkin to clean the literal crap off of his face.
° Paul thought it'd be a good idea to drop rice to bug David, but it ended up with all of them counting the fallen grains of rice lmaoo. He kept losing count and everyone got different numbers.
° Honestly, the best one's at pranking people are Dwayne and David as they're very patient and thoughtful.
° David schemes like an asshole cat, striking when you least expect it. It leaves Paul and Marko on edge for months, just waiting for David to pull a prank on them.
° "C'mon man! Just prank us already!" Paul pleads, paranoia finally driving him up the walls.
° "Yeah, we're livin' in fear here!" Marko agreed suddenly.
° "You know, you just reminded me about that..." David's just kidding, though the other two don't know that. David forget something? Not a chance. This guy is on that Petty Train™ and it's going straight to Saltyville!
° Dwayne can take years to strike with his pay back. He's got patience that even David doesn't have, and honestly, Dwayne's pranks are really intense. He'll scare the shit out of the others so much so that they don't prank him for good long while. Paul's the one who never seems to learn lmaoo.
° Well, unless he's in the mood for being playful that is...
° Like I'm talking about the fact that after digging through elephant crap in the local zoo after hours for his bike keys, he not only chased down all of them, but he kinda tied Paul and Marko up and may've just let the sun rise a little... he's waiting for an apology- he's salty now and won't care if they burn... but once he get's that apology he's been wanting to here, he's pulled them into the shadows.
° "Ahhhhh! Dwayne, man, c'mon! The suns rising!" Paul screams, thrashing around in the sturdy chains he's been bound by the wrists at.
° Dwayne responds with an expression of total anger, but it's cool and collected. He's patient. He can wait a little longer. He's in no hurry.
° Whereas David's lounging on one of the dusty old couches in the shadows. He had given Dwayne what he wanted, whether his apology was half assed or not. He still said it with some meaning, right?
° "David didn't even mean that piece of garbage he called an apology!" Marko spat out, eye cracking a vivid yellow whilst he stared directly into David's blue amused eyes.
° "Well at least I had the courage to swallow my idiotic pride~" David sing-songed joyously, folding his nimble gloved hands behind his spikes of bleach blond hair. "And it worked wonders, didn't it? I'm not the one about to be fried into ashes..."
° "Man, we're sorry alright?! We won't fuck with your bike or your keys again!" They both screamed in unison, shutting their eyes tightly as the sun began to rapidly crawl into the open space of the Cave. It's golden rays beginning to spark the ends of their blond locks alight! That was precisely what Dwayne wanted to hear, and without little thought, yanks them down and watches them scurry into a deep crack in the wall. That'd teach them from fucking with his shit ever again.
° "Fuck, my hair! It's all burnt on the ends!" Paul wails, swatting the frizzy ends rapidly to put out the sparks.
° "That's literally the least of your worries, Paul." David retorted into the air, gathering himself up from the couch and towards his own nest.
° "Yeah, we almost got fucking fried you sack of shit! This is the last time I listen to your ideas-" Marko rambles on angrily.
° Yes, they did sleep curled up together in the crack in the wall. They genuinely held each other tightly, Paul waking up from nightmares! Poor baby :'(
° Marko definitely does listen to his ideas after that lmaoo.
° Also it's very true, these guys compete to embarrass each other out in public, so much so that they've pretty much become a star attraction.
° That is until that one time Marko drop kicked Paul off the Pier and cracked his skull open... Yeah, they got into a lot of trouble for that one...
° These guys are chaotic dumbasses and their prank wars a cynical as hell. Like it get's so intense, but it's hilarious! Star and Laddie are kept entertained for ages!
° They be pranking Laddie too, but it's all in good fun. He's a kid after all! They're not gonna be excessively mean to him. That is until he fucks with their shit...
° Then you've got Paul and Marko holding him up by the scruff of his jacket, demanding where their Playboy mags, bike keys, their specific wrench is, that Deff Leppard Tape... boy you name it! They'll interrogate him good cop bad cop style lmaoo.
° Dwayne's heart kinda warms up whenever Laddie pranks him. He ruffles his hair, even if it makes him mad as hell. Laddie is his weak spot tbh.
° David just gives Laddie a pointed look and goes, "This better not become a common occurrence, otherwise I'll have to shave your head."
° Lmaoo the absolute sass that he receives from Laddie after that djkgdsghjsd-
° Sometimes David allows Paul and Marko to get away with their stupid pranks on him. Although it's incredibly annoying, he also finds it endearing how happy getting away with some of the simpler ones makes them. Paul thinks he's literally gotten away with it, but Marko knows.
° Paul deems himself to be the Prank King™ and honestly he is, but you know what? He's usually quite good natured and even though he does overstep boundaries, he'll always make things up to everyone if it really bugs them. He's out to have fun, not get murdered or cause tears. Most of the time...
° He ropes Laddie in on the pranks and loves it! Paul is a great big brother! He also enjoys pranking Star quite a bit, and she can be quite mean when returning the favor.
° Marko however, plays the dirtiest! He's pretty cynical himself, so his sadistic nature comes out full throttle. The lines within him are blurred. He's genuinely good natured usually, but once someone does something that pisses him the hell off... They best be prepared for hell to arrive at their feet.
° Like this one time, Marko cock blocked Paul for several weeks lmaoo then he ate the person Paul had the hots for. He dropped them at his feet in the Cave like, "Whoopsie!" He got into so much shit from Max bc that person was like hella important, I'm talking celebrity status sfjdshfhjsdfnbds
° David's just cynical as hell and he's always got something witty to say during or after it. Definitely mocks them dsjgdsjfds David's just an asshole cat istg! I mean, not even Star is safe from his pranks, but he kinda has a sisterly soft spot for her. He likes to dig deep under her skin and bug her. She's quite fiery honestly.
° Pranks with the Lost Boys is incredibly chaotic to round it off.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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juniaships · 3 years
Me thinking Xiaolin Chronicles was gonna be good from the trailer then I watch the actual show:
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Sighs* Where do I even BEGIN???
Xiaolin Showdown is a huge comfort cartoon for me so to see it be utterly RUINED by the poorly executed sequel? Reboot? I don't know all i do know is its very existence left me feeling colder than Heylin Power Tsunami Waterblade Ice!
So what do I find wrong about XC? PLENTY!!!
Clay is even more in the background than the original
He has a weird goat fetish and lacks a personality (he was smart, wellmannered, down to earth but now he's just in the background)
Also his sister got replaced by a twin brother who is a lame Cow based superhero
Tomoko (Kimiko's sister) may be a spy but it's pretty clear she's a Mary Sue hate that term but it's appropriate here
Ping Pong's design is so lazy like he's literally Omi but smaller and with glasses and casual clothes slapped on
Ping Pong barely has any flaws or quirks other than a really long french name and being super hyper
His element [Wood] is the closest we'll ever have to a Dragon of Nature but he NEVER USES IT!!!
Even his signature Wu (which is a peach which is kinda lame) doesn't have any abilities that can be exploited in any useful way
Face it he's not a member of the team he's Omi's sidekick and tbe last thing Omi needs is a sidekick
We could have had another badass female character with a unique personality to add to the team & see new elements like Metal or Aether, but no we get an Omi Clone
No acknowledgement of Jermaine; who was built up to become the fifth member of the team (rest in memory Lee Thompson Young 😔)
Dojo is creepily obsessed with Master Fung his entire personality is just crying over Fung
Also the way zits grow all over his body to alert the discovery of Shen Gong Wu is disgusting af
He's yellow now (which is actually accurate to common depictions of eastern dragons) but the green made him so iconic 😔
Kimiko is now The Girl Monk; barely has her temper&sass; also she no longer switches outfits nor seem to be the tech expert
Poor Raimundo he didn't deserve this
He's no longer the leader because everyone is Shoku now depriving him of a potential growth
That episode with Salavdor Cumo helped to establish the criminal as a foil & personal enemy for Rai...
So you'd think he and Cumo fight at the end right?
WRONG!!! It's Omi that gets to fight Cumo; erasing any chance of Raimundo showing his growth
You're going to see a LOT of that with Omi
Now we get to the Tron suits call it nitpicking but idc at this point
O-KAY so the suits, where do I began?
The show doesn't clarify if the suits are the result of a new aspect of a reboot or the result of the new rank
Speaking of which the very narrative flips back&forth on whether it's a reboot or a direct sequel
Wuya's backstory was changed and now she's back in spirit form??
The CGI is unnecessary I would forgive if it took place inside a computer but no they change art&animation style
The suits themselves don't look bad but if I'm gonna be honest here their Wudai Orion forms were a lot stronger
The colors is what I have to pick apart so bear with me:
Now, Clay's orange suit kinda makes sense since it puts into mind literal clay soil & magma (molten earth)
But wasn't green his signature color? Well they gave it to Ping Pong instead
Which also makes sense given green represents life, leaves, grass, fruits etc
Kimiko should NOT have worn a pink suit that only makes her look even more of a token & her color was red for fire
Omi should've worn white (the latter because that was his wudai) but now he's wearing blue; at least it's an aqua blue
Raimundo's suit is a dark blue even though his colors were light blue and/or teal
Omi spends the show acting worse than he was in the original yet gets rewarded by the narrative
Kimiko's arc of becoming the first Dragon Rider in centuries gets overtaken by Omi because it's HIS connection that ends up saving the day
Ignoring all of Kimiko's hard work, way to pull the rug out under her 😒
New characters like Rocco and Princess Laila are introduced yet barely explained or given more time to develop
The monks' arc of finding a new temple is easily resolved in like, one or two episodes
I get the name change due to greedy WB but the names make no sense (saving thus part for another time)
Also the monks have to use wu to access their element even though in the og they could use them without the use of wu due to growth in rank&power
So yeah they had major downgrade in power
Shadow and Chase has a really gross in----t subtext
Chase is no longer the charismatic mysterious warrior but an obnoxious Pretty Boy who always has to insert himself into showdowns (basically they use him too much)
Shadow - everything about her personality reeks of try hard wannabe Sexy Villain
His redesigned dragon form is kinda bad
Jack's new outfit isn't as memorable as his OG one
Also his new voice doesn't really fit
Okay that's about it I have more to write but trying to decipher every flaw in this terrible travesty would be way too long
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reallyhardy · 4 years
regent’s open air theatre LSOH (2018) breakdown
act one. herein, two years later, i try to remember as much as i can about this production with the help of gifs i took from the trailer and shutterstock images. let’s go!
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THE BEGINNING. i went to see a matinee so it was daytime, but the stage set was all black-and-white very newspaper aesthetic. my sister and i were very close to the front, five rows back:
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and here we are, excited for everything to begin. (note my giant tooth earrings. was really hoping they’d catch matt willis’ eye.) soon enough crystal, ronette and chiffon took the stage for the prologue, belted their faces off and got me hype from the first moment. their costumes were kind of punky, street style (my favourite look was on the girl with the green jacket and shiny leggings:)
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skid row was great. the grey set really highlighted the colourful costumes, and for this first number the set stayed black-and-white so the only colour were the main characters and urchins, and the ensemble wore black-and-white costumes.
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and i remember being so thrilled by the costumes - in this photo seymour is wearing yellow socks but by the time i went to see it they were pink (to match audrey’s hair!) and audrey is wearing fluffy slide slippers in the promo photos but when i saw it she wore a pair of blue open-toe kitten heels.
once the song ended we got to see some character personality: marc antolin as seymour was adorable. he was (for most of the first act at least) very goofy and beamed a lot, he had a very cute smile. his voice was quite high and nasal and silly and i honestly had a really big crush on him. jemima rooper as audrey was equally sweet and adorable - she had a cotton candy pink wig and started off in kind of a sexy-ish outfit, with a sheer off-shoulder top over a bra. her eye makeup was light blue (and the bruise bright purple) and she was really short compared to seymour. mushnik was super tiny and greasy looking.
every interaction seymour and audrey had was just! so cute. at the start where audrey and mushnik discuss orin (the ‘you don’t meet nice boys on skid row’ conversation,) seymour is stood behind them kind of goofing around and he flips his shirt collar up pretending to be orin and acting macho but at the end of the scene audrey goes quiet and carefully fixed his collar back down before she left and it was!!! emotions.
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da doo i can’t remember anything about how things looked :( during grow for me it really highlighted how…cute seymour was. he beamed the whole time, and the plant puppet in its baby form was fantastic, (the pod head at the top opened up and had little human teeth lmao) and they used like… household objects painted green for plants. the roses were red toilet brushes:
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with red ink on them so when seymour touched the bristles there was visible blood on his finger which was fun. lots of attention to detail in this production.
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seymour on the radio i think happened off-stage? so we just hear him being interviewed while we watch mushnik and the urchins listen to the radio together. the choreography during you never know was really fun too, with seymour and the urchins dancing together, seymour did a lot of hip wiggles and kept trying to stop audrey ii from trying to bite at the urchins as he danced. one of the green ping-pong balls fell off the puppet but nobody slipped on it so it was fine. also GOD the voices of the urchins were just so good in this one.
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somewhere that’s green is a song that makes me cry most of the times i listen to it or watch any versions of LSOH, but this is the first time i’d seen a version where audrey was also crying. during this number the actress climbed up onto the top of the mushnik’s store prop and she still had the bright purple black-eye makeup on as well as the cast on her arm so she looked so beat down and sad and it was just toward the end of the song at ‘i’m his december bride’ where her singing started to break down and she started crying, and covered her face by the time she got to ‘far from skid row’ with her voice breaking oh my god the tears were flowing VERY much from my eyes.
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and as a note the actress did not have this beautiful wig on when i saw it, she wore one with much less volume - it could have been the same wig just styled differently, (tucked under/trimmed to be just sort of...round?) but it was just... so much less cute lmao, you can just about see it here in this cast mirror selfie:
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anyway. then it was time for closed for renovation! this one was fun, audrey and seymour i think were just...arranging plants and other things? the ‘mushniks’ shop prop might have expanded a bit? they turned it around?
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there were some cute little dancey bits with the three of them together:
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then audrey & seymour talk a bit. audrey gives seymour the kind of advice that she also needs to be taking herself -- seymour asks audrey if she’d go shopping with him, and then orin arrives on the scene.
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dentist was amazing. i’ve seen a lot of bootlegs of kind of lackluster orin scrivellos but… well, me and my sister decided we were absolutely going to see this production when we found out matt willis was playing the dentist. (we were big busted fans lol) he wore this insane painted leather jacket with this tooth-themed biker gang design (he and his backup dancers all had hell’s teeth on the backs of their jackets) and his dentist coat underneath had the sleeves ripped off to show his tattoos… they gave him white foundation to make him look i guess more ill/joker like? it totally worked. he honestly kinda stole the show and he totally exceeded my expectations (which is saying something because my expectations were that he’d be perfect for the role and that i’d enjoy his performance thoroughly!!!)
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then he comes into the shop, comments on the plant, poses around, treats audrey terribly. and not only does he abuse audrey in front of seymour who iirc was watching horrified (as you would) but also poor seymour gets his junk grabbed twice by villains in this production too lmao, orin grabs and squeezes seymour’s junk while he’s yelling at audrey. it’s a theme i guess???
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(hell of a promotion image, that one.) then orin and audrey leave and it’s time for mushnik and son. they did a lot of the usual ‘awkward-tango’ choreo and it was just excellent really. there’s nothing i didn’t enjoy about the number, plus mush was quite a short guy but had a real big voice.
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you get a good view of all the fun things they used to represent plants here too: cleaning brushes, feather dusters, hairbrushes, a small fishing net, a bubble wand...
so feed me was great because it starts off of course with the plant puppet prop:
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but then by the second verse (when it comes to ‘does this look inanimate to you’) they opened up the puppet’s leaves like a mouth and audrey ii in drag queen form emerged (to thunderous applause). [i found a short clip someone got on instagram a while back, you can watch it here!] she was holding a microphone in her hands so when it came to seymour’s responses she held out the mic to his mouth and it was :’) really funny. and seymour gets his junk grabbed again:
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because he can’t catch a break. staging wise i think i remember this was very bisexual - it’s important to note that the first wig audrey ii wears strongly resembles the wig that OG audrey wears - and at times during this number audrey ii acts quite flirtatious with seymour and he seems receptive to it and has to visibly shake himself out of it.
audrey comes back for her sweater (iirc it was a VERY jazzy 1990s looking one in aqua green and pink) and seymour and audrey ii make up their minds about what to do with orin.
so seymour heads out - the dentists chair was just a beat-up shopping trolley with various things stuck on (see there’s what looks like a plunger, wrist restraints too lmao) and orin had a bunch of bloodied weapons such as a power drill instead of a dentist drill:
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anyway i usually don’t enjoy now(it’s just the gas) as a number when i’ve seen it in bootlegs but again matt willis had tremendous feral energy and he pulled it off. plus the gear was quite retro-futuristic very cool looking:
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it was also especially funny just after ‘now’ because after seymour runs off with orin’s body in the trolley he comes back in with it all chopped up and he was pushing dismembered limbs (the arm was even painted with matt willis’ tattoos and nail polish which was a GREAT detail) into the windows of the prop mushnik’s building that audrey ii was inside of, and he even threw up into the audience which was :’) gross but funny. it was yellow. i didn’t see if it splashed anyone.
then... intermission. will continue this in [part 2, which is here!]
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cassies-closet · 4 years
Style Q&As from the old SkinsLife website
Hi guys! In my search to find the striped hoodie Cassie wears at the end of her series 1 episode, I found the old SkinsLife website, where Edward Gibbon (the costume designer) did his Q&As before they moved over to the e4 website.  Unfortunately, not all of it has been archived, but there’s a lot of good stuff about where the series 2 costumes come from, and a ton of questions about Cassie’s clothes.
Here’s what I could find.  I’ll put all of the Cassie questions at the top and then all of the other ones under a cut:
Hellie Cory: Can you please tell me where they got Cassie's skirt?? I absolutely love it and I've been searching for ages with no luck : (
Edward: Cassie's skirt is from a small Japanese designer in Camden (and well spotted Olivia xx the fabric is from Ikea.)
TanitaAlethia: Im so happy about this. I have always wanted a nice, not sexy (like in costumes shops, there gross) little sailor outfit. When Cassi had one on, i almost fell of my chair, i love love LOVE it. So i was wondering, where an earth did you fined it? Thankyou =] Tanita-Alethia
Edward: Cassie's sailor top was from New York, but you can always try an Army Surplus store or maybe Camden if you're anywhere near London. Let me know how you get on!
------------------------------- evil_daisys: hey, i wasnt sure where to put this,, but were did you find the dress cassie wore in episode 1 of season one at the party? and episode 2 of season one she wore at michelles? i love the way she dresses its so cute and girly and still slightly different =)
Edward: Both of Cassies dresses were vintage pieces from the 60s and 50s respectively - keep your eye out wherever you are and never turn down an invite to a jumble sale ! -------------------------------
AmyyB: hi edward, can you please tell me where cassies pink chiffon top and grey socks that she wears in chris' episode? thanks sweetheart keep up the good work x
Edward: cassies' chiffon top was from Top Shop and the socks are from H&M.; --------------------------------------
maxine: heya, i was just wondering where cassie's bow t-shirt is from, from the latest advert? ♥x
Edward: cassie's bow t-shirt was from TopShop ------------------------------------------------
Franchesca Allen: Hi im really into weird and unusual style and i love cassie's. I was wondering if you could tell me where you get most of her clothes. And i was wondering in series 2 effy's episode whats she wearing with the leopard skin tights, what top is it? Please reply i've wrote before and got no reply :) Thanks and keep up the amazing brainstorms with the costumes xx
Edward: Cassies clothes are from all over the place ! Her style is a mixture of amazing vintage pieces, charity shop finds, vintage designer stuff and high street sale stuff (normally the things no one else wants ! ) The top you are talking about was a vintage nylon 'teddy'(an all in one , shorts and top underwear item ). This year she has been wearing a lot of underwear as outerwear so keep your eyes peeled in charity shops and don't be afraid to rummage through dead peoples' clothes! ------------------------------------------------
rachey_babey: hi can you please tell me where cassies gold high hees are from that she's wearing when she spills the milk and could you please tell me where the dress / nightdress cassie wore when she was sitting on the couch with chris and watching telly is from? i think it was white with a green or blue rim. ta.
Edward: Cassie's gold shoes are character shoes from a dance shop , customised with gold leaf and cassie's nightdress was a plain cream dress from H&M; which we customised with green lace ------------------------------- sarinda: hello, i really love cassie's style, i love going to jumble sales and charity shops looking for vintage finds so its really great that there is someone like that on tv. i was wondering where you got cassie's red skirt and gold shoes when she is at her exam? and also where her bra if from when she is getting dressed before that. thank you xx =]
Edward: Thanks, Sarinda. Cassie's skirt was Prada, shoes from Bertie and bra from M&S...;
Lauren Jones: Hey I was hoping you could please tell me where Casie's night dress with the skeleton on it is from?? I have been looking everywhere and cant even find something similar! I would love to know where I could get one from please x
Edward: Cassie's skeleton dress was from TopShop Unique. It's probably not available any more, I'm afraid, but keep looking - you never know! ------------------------------------------------ Leelee: Helloo! My question is regarding the reaons behind Cassie's rapid change in clothing style in episode 9 when she arrives in NYC. At first I simply assumed it was to make her seem more vagrant looking, as though she was wearing simply what she grabbed in the dash. But then in the last scene of the episode, she is running down the street and is in another compltely out of character outfit, and wondered that would she really have all these clothes that she just never wears? Was there any specific reason as to this change? Thanks!
Edward: By the time we see Cassie in NYC she has been on the road for a while and grabbed clothes wherever she finds them , if they don't seem quite like what she normally wears that's because of what she has been through and the clothes she goes running in are Adams - see clothes tell a story as well ! ------------------------------------------------ asdfghjklxx: hii i was just wondering if you could tell me where cassies boots and jeans were from that she was wearing in the last episode when she arrives in new york, also where is the red and white candy striped skirt that she wears with the bow tshirt in her exam from? thanksss xxx
Edward: The jeans are from Uniqlo and then distressed, the boots from a Charity shop and the skirt by Prada
meli_x: In the latest episode where was cassies t shirt with the bow on from and the socks she was wearing with that outfit (when she was in the exam). also her hairclip with two robins in (i think) and the necklace with the trophy on and her stripy dress from when she met chris' mom thanks :) x
Edward: the t-shirt was from TopShop, socks from Noa Noa and the birds were christmas decorations from a craft shop... ------------------------------------------------
Sara: Hey Edward, any chance you could tell me where Cassie's necklace (the cup/trophy) that she wears throughout ep. 9 is from? Thank you very much, loving your work!
Edward: Cassie's necklace was made from a piece of ribbon and an old badge from a Vintage Fair. It said 'victory' on it, if that helps. ------------------------------------------------
Danni: hey, i was wandering where cassies big blue jacket/coat was from, the one where she first arrives in new york? thankyou :)
Edward: Cassie's jacket was a vintage American College jacket - which was worn by Chris in the last series on the school trip to Russia, adding a nice bit of continuity ! ------------------------------------------------
rachael tallentire: hey 2 thngs i want to know where is cassies skeleton dress/nightie she wears in the last episode and also where is her top she wears for her exam from?
Edward:- both are from TopShop Unique range...
And a few Effy questions as well:
Munchkin: Where is the dress Effy wore to the rave in episode 1 series 2 from? i absolutely love her style, you dress her amazingly, it matches her personality exactly. please show us more of effie she is immense!!
Edward: Effy's rave dress was made by customising 2 dresses: one from Oasis and the other a vintage one from a charity shop...
Michelle123: I hope this doesn't sound pervy but where is Effy's underwear from when she is in her room with Sid? x
Edward: Effy's underwear was from Primark and M&S; !
larry the lady: Must, must, must know where Effy's jeans or leggins or what ever are from. i could die happy if i could get a pair. I'm on about the large striped black and white ones. XD oh and where would effy's character typically shop for her rave clothing. Love love love xxx P.s the black and white striped jean things, remember, we want them!! lol
Edward: Effy's jeans were from phunky phish/ Effy loves shopping in unexpected places - other peoples houses / old ladies wardrobes / her gran's charity bag and then she customises with scissors and a blowtorch !
Other costume questions:
Pascha Rix: I really loved the gorgeous white shorts that Michele was wearing once in a club scene when she was dancing up against two other guys. The shorts were tiny, white and with pink sequins on them and they were absolutely gorgeous! Where do you also tend to look for other clothes she wears? Are there particular shops you goto?
Edward: The skirt's from Top shop but you can make your own if you like: hack off a pair of old jeans as high as you dare and then cover randomly with sequins...
Kris Jones: I'd just like to know whether ALL the actors' clothes are chosen by stylists, or do some of them get to wear their own stuff? Do you even choose their pants?
Edward: Pretty much everything they wear is chosen by me - especially their pants and socks; they play an important part in defining their characters.....
Savethesoundsystem: I wanna know where sid's yellow/orange nikes and the headphones t-shirt are from in episode 3! Oh and chris' flags of the world jacket!
Edward: Mike's trainers are retro Waffle by Nike, the headphone t- shirt is by 77 and the Flag Jacket was a rare vintage find.
Ben Smith: Hi, the trainers maxxie's wearing in ep2 when hes taking off his superman costume.. where are they from? And the luminous yellow stripey tshirt in ep 3? Cheers.
Edward: Ben Smith - Maxxies' trainers are Nike Air Force hi-tops and his T- shirt was from Top Man.
Stephan: I was just thinking.. i want all of Maxxie's clothing, shoes. lol. I watched a clip from episode 4! And i would like to know where did you get the stuff (shoes, shirt, jacket, everything...) he was wearing when he came to sit on the grass with Anwar and Michelles stepsister?? I got a pic, but isn't clear...
Edward: Hi Stephan, The jacket's Nike, The T-shirt's Etnies and the hat's from River Island.
Emul 8: Where's Chris' shirt from that says "I love (heart) hate" from the episode 4 series 2 preview from?
Edward: The 'I love Hate' T-shirt is by 77 and Maxxie's orange shoes are from Polo.
hsto1234: hi! i would really like to know where Chris' t shirt in episode 1 series 2 is from? its white with 'pretty vacant' written on it. thanx
Edward: The 'Pretty Vacant' T-shirt is by by Japanese label KTZ and it's available from Concrete or Koko To Zai.
James Davidson: i Love the clothes tony wears, where's the best places to look? thanks james :)
Edward: Tony's favourite labels are Farah, Junk De Luxe, Buckler, Penguin and Nike...
Gloria Good Chris wears a yellow type jacket a lot of the time. He was wearing it on the last episode (Series 2:Episode 3). Really want to know where it is from !
Edward: Chris' yellow jacket is from American Apparel . --------------------------------------------------
Thomas Judes Kaplan: heya, i'd be pleased to know where you guys found chris white tee shirt with wasted brit youth tagged on it with yellow pink and orange, the one we can see in episode 5 thanx and if you need fucked up french fashion tips (maybe for a series 3 french character), i'd be honored to help you :)
Edward: thomas and everyone else - Chris' wasted British Youth is by Unconditional (available from Concrete and Selfridges ) and would love to see some fucked up French Style! put some up in your profile so we can see... ------------------------------------------------
Rhiannon Irving: Hi! Where are Jal's necklace and green dress from Episode 5 from? Many thanks :-) xx
Edward: Jal's dress is by The Prisoners of St. Petersbourg (from Kokon To Zai ) and necklace is by Chateau Roux ------------------------------------------------
ryan keys: Edward i love the top that chris is wearing, the one that looks like a shirt and bow tie. where did you get it?
Edward: Chris shirt and bow tie t-shirt is by Unconditional ------------------------------------------------
charlie lewis: Do you know where i can find tonys burgandy cardigan featured in the first episode of series 2 where can i find this hoody josh is wearing in series 1? Thankx alot
Edward: Tony's cardigan is from Zara and Josh's hoody is a customised cheap white hoody from primark ------------------------------------------------
Jman: Hi, I'd really like to know where Maxxie's necklace from Series 2 Episode 1 is from - the bronze one with the dice. Thanks & great website BTW!
Edward: Maxxie's dice necklace was from River Island ------------------------------------------------
legoac: can you tell me where the following are from?: -maxxie's t-shirt, trousers, and shoes from ep. 1's rooftop dance scene -chris's grey and white long sleeve shirt in careers officer scene -anwar's long sleeve striped yellow and white shirt in club scene (the one under the polo) -chris's green belt in scene where cassie shows him the notice thanks!
Edward: Maxxies t-shirt was from All Saints, trousers from Jungle or your local Army Surplus. The shoes are Lacoste. Chris' grey and white shirt was by Buckler, Anwar's yellow stripe t- shirt by H & M and Chris' belt from Honor Lulu ( a great 50s shop in Bristol).... ------------------------------------------------
Lewis Jones: can u tell me where maxxies checkered shirt from episode 4 series 2 is from please.
Edward: Maxxie's check shirt is by Junk de Luxe ------------------------------------------------
Evans17: In episode 5. just after swimming, tony was wearin a cardigan an a shirt where are they from??
Edward: Tony's cardigan is by Zara and shirt and tie are by Junk de Luxe. ------------------------------------------------
Pixies: Jal's big gold necklace in episode five. She wears it at the beginning when she is sitting on the bench with chris (where they stick paper on each others foreheads) and at the party when she gets up on stage. its impossible to make out what it says and i NEEEEED it. thanks a bunch :) xx
Edward: Jal's necklace is by Chateau Roux and says Chateau. Hope that helps! ------------------------------------------------
Bex Crawley: Heya, i was just wondering in episode 5, where is Jal's dinosaur jacket from? It is so cool! thanks xx
Edward: Jal's jacket has got chickens on and is from SkunkFunk ------------------------------------------------
And finally, for red polka dot - Chris' red cardigan is from a charity shop and Anwars jacket is by 55DSL
chook: Hey there, just wanting to know where anwars hoodie jumper is from...he wore it in the last episode. thanks
Edward: Hi chook - Anwar's hoody is by Artful Dodger... ------------------------------------------------
zander: hey edward i was wondering where the pink cardigan maxxie wears in the the adverts to promote skins two, the t-shirt under it and his trousers are from?likein the style thanks!
Edward: Maxxie's cardigan was from Zara, t-shirt from Etnes and trousers from Cos ------------------------------------------------
pinkdreamz: from season one. the dress michelle wears in episode one, the black and white one, where is it from? this might be rude, but what do u guys do with the clothes after the show? Edward: Michelles's grey/black dress was from Oasis. At the end of filming we have a costume sale for cast and crew and anything not sold we hang onto or donate to charity - don;t worry, not a rude question at all!
Joe Wood: wer did tony get his bed sheets and wear did u get sids hat =) and wear did he get that top which makes sounds in series 1? cheers fella
Edward: Tony's duvet cover was specially made for the show , Sid has many different beanies from H&M; primarily and Mega Dog was a one off creation ! ------------------------------------------------
dannymilhouse: wat r sids favourite makes/designer????? and wat shops cud i get them makes from????????????
Edward: Sid loves Plain Lazy , Nike, jumble sales and skips ! ------------------------------------------------
Foxy: Where would one find the tan belt that tony is adorning his suit with in Episode 6? It looks similiar to paul smith.. i may be wrong.. AlSO the waistcoat toby is wearing? Cheerss
Edward: Tony's yellow belt was a ladies' belt from Gap ! and Toby's waistcoat is a period early 20th. century piece from an antique clothing market (try Blind Lemon's website for similar fairs ) ------------------------------------------------ Bapo: Hi Edward, I am wondering where you found Sid's military jacket that he wears in the Secret Party special episode... Much love from France to all the Skins family!
Edward: Sid's military jacket is an original from a costume hire shop in Bristol - try vintage army surplus clothes stores or markets ------------------------------------------------
Louis: Hey Edward, I absolutely adoore your taste, especially tony's clothes and i was wondering where you got his black polo with white stripes that he wears in episode 6 please...?
Edward: Tony's black/white stripe polo is by Farah , pink/black by Topman ------------------------------------------------
Jowellzz: hey edward, I know this isn't series 2 related but, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Maxxies brown coat and blue-checked hat in Season 1 Episode 6 where they go to Russia. could you tell where they're from? xx
Edward: Maxxie's coat was from H&M; and hat by Etnies ------------------------------------------------ JimBuns: Hi Edward, i hope u guys can help out, do you know where i can i find that grey cardigan with pink and blue circles on it, that chris wears in the club , series 2 on episode 5, ive been lookin for it every where, any help is much appreciated
Edward: Chris' cardigan was from Behave on Lexington Street in London ------------------------------------------------
Pixies: Hey edward thanks for responding! I have my Chateux necklace ordered jal style :D could you please tell me where michelle's flowery necklace is from in last nights episode? thanks x
Edward: Michelle's necklace is vintage plastic 60s from a market -------------------------------------- Rubyred: Hey, would you be able to tell me where the outfit that that girl Tony meets in the club is wearing there is from and also what she's wearing at the university?
Edward: Beth's dress in the club is from Kate Moss for Top Shop , shoes vintage Dolce and Gabbana at the University her vests are from Miss Selfridge and Gap, jeans by Cheap Monday, belt from Urban Outfitters and shoes from Gap. ------------------------------------------------
Abby Fletcher: jal's green shirt and yellow top when she finds out shes pregnant NOW! o.. i mean... it really would be nice of you... :)?
Edward: Jal's green shirt from H&M; , yellow top by People's Market.
Kim Matthews: hi edward, could you tell me where michelle got her cow print pyjamas from in series 2 episode 7? also where did you get the blue top she was wearing when she went round to chris's looking for jal in the last episode? thanksxx
Edward: Michelle's pjs were from La Senza and her blue top was from Oasis ------------------------------------------------ red polka dots: thanks loads for telling where anwars jcket was from, its great. but could u plz tell me where to get maxxies jeans in this pic. they are so amazing!!!!!! thank u
Edward: Maxxie's jeans were by Replay ------------------------------------------------ tommy the 2nd: hey edward could you please tell me where to get maxxies great hat from episode 1 series 1. its soooo great!!!
Edward: Maxxie's hat was from H&M; ------------------------------------------------ Maciej: Hello Edward. I have trouble with shoes. I was just wondering if you could give me some advice. I like Maxxie's style, but I still don't know what should I pick. The clothes I mostly wear are from American Eagle (ae.com), no ripped jeans though. I don't think ripped jeans look nice. I also don't wear baggy jeans. I'm 6'2" and kind of skinny (pant size: 30x34 or 31x34). My shoe size is 12.5. So I'm big, skinny guy with big feet. I have no sense in how a shoe should match. I was just wondering if you could tell me what would look best on my feet from a brand like Nike, Puma, or one I could easily get in Chicago area. Btw. love watching Skins :-) Thanks.
Edward: the best look for fairly big feet is the plainest styles of trainers - good old Converse are a safe choice, mess it up with some of the great colours they do . Old school trainers like Nike Tennis shoes or their retro Waffle style / addidas gazelle or stan Smiths . Swear is a British label that does great very flat plain trainers with a twist - they have a brilliant new collection in collaboration with Hummel . So basically the plainer and flatter the better, avoid anything with chunky soles and too much detailing . ------------------------------------------------ HaydenWing: hi Edward, could you please tell me where can i get Maxxie's bag in Ep. 8 when he comes into the classroom with James. Thankies!
Edward: Maxxie's bag is by Freitag , who make great bags from recycled materials like tyres ,seat belts and inner tubes ------------------------------------------------ Chris Murray: Hey Edward, cheers for looking :) Could you tell me where Chris' tiger skin pink and black top is from, the one he's wearing in Episode 2? Its the coolest thing I've seen him wear!!
Edward: Chris's tiger t-shirt is from Behave on Lexington Street ------------------------------------------------ windinthewire: please can you say where jal got her giraffe earings from, i love them and reaaaally want a pair!
Edward: Jal's earings were from TopShop ------------------------------------------------ AlexGabriel: Hiya. I'd like to know where Maxxie's grey trousers are from, the ones he wears when he comes into the classroom with James.
Edward: Maxxie's trousers were from Cos ------------------------------------------------ trainstobrasil: could you please tell me what Jal's book bag is in episode 8 this season? the lovely yellow one with the design that she carries around throughout the episode. I loved it! thanks :)
Edward: Jal's bag is by Eastpak ------------------------------------------------
Abby Fletcher: hey, just wondered where jal's yellow dress with the black shirt underneath came from, and the earrings she has in in the audition! thanks much! xx
Edward: Jal's yellow dress was from Monsoon and the brown shirt underneath was Calvin Klein Jeans ------------------------------------------------ Jerry: Hi, I was just wondering what bag Tony wears in season 1, it looks like a Gucci bag but I never get a good look at it. The name of it would be swell!
Edward: Tony's bag was an unbranded one from Camden Market ------------------------------------------------ verity: hey, wondering where michelle's silver vest in tonights episode came from. and her vests in general :) then i just need to wait for some warmer weather..! thanks
Edward: Michelle's silver vest was from Kate Moss for Top Shop - her vests are from all over , American Apparel is great for brilliant coloured basics made in ethical factories ( much better for your conscience and the world than Primark !)
Episode 7
moppet: Hey Edward, I just want to say I think the overall look of the characters in the show is amazing so whatever you are doing with the wardrobe you are doing it extremely well! I hate to be the 1,000,000,000th person to ask you this but...in Michelle's episode (Series 2, Episode 4) she wears a pair of skirt dungarees or a skirt with braces made of denimn. I would love it if you could tell me where you found it? Or where I could find a similar item? I know several people have already asked you on this about it. I would really appreciate it if you could get back to us about it. It would actually mean a lot! much love, moppet xx
Edward: Really sorry but can't actually remember what label Michelle's dungaree skirt was - it was a TKMaxx find - but try Lees new stuff designed by Jane Birkin for something silmilair ------------------------------------------------ HarrietBABESS: Hi, i was wondering if you could please tell me where michelle's necklace is from in her lost weeks diary, the black bow one, and effy's dress she wears to the club in series 2 episode 7? I would really love to know where to get them. Thanks
Edward: Michelles necklace was from Warehouse and Effy's dress was created from a vintage beaded dress , customised over another dress from Oasis - so sharpen those scissors and start creating ! ------------------------------------------------ geodude: hi i was just wondering if you could tell me wer you get the majority of chris' vest tops from i just think there so good that i have to have one especially this one!! thanks XD
Edward: a lot of Chris' vests are 70s deadstock - original stuff that was never sold - from markets and vintage shops - try some of the retro stalls in Camden or local car boot sales ------------------------------------------------ christian20: Hey I was just wondering if you could tell me where Maxxie's jacket is from that he wore at the skins secret party??? thanx
Edward: Maxxies' rowing blazer was hired from a Bristol Costume Shop and is probably about 100 years old - still looks good doesn't it , just goes to show great style never goes out of fashion . ------------------------------------------------
alex: hi edward, i've been spending my internet millions on some new clothes recently. can i tell everyone about them? (Note: Alex, despite his yuppy question, is not the sugar daddy he claims to be. You've been warned, girls...Ed.)
Alex - we need photos of you modelling your new looks maybe with some of your Skins' co-workers ! ------------------------------------------------ AnnaBanana: Hi Edward! First of all, well done on your supreme costume choosing, its impeccible! I was wonder where Chris' fluffy hat from the Skins 2 opening credits is from? Its pretty much the best hat i have ever witnessed :0 Thanks
Edward: Chris' fluffy hat was from the brilliant hip/hop stall in St. Nicholas's Market in Bristol ------------------------------------------------ Bridget Burton: hi i was just wondering if you could tell me where you got Jal's Shirt, shorts and (i think they were Nike) Trainers rom episode 1 series 2, where she and chris go to pick up Tony from Maxxie's. That would be very helpful.x
Edward: Jal's shirt was from H&M;, shorts were from Uniqlo and her trainers were indeed Nike . ------------------------------------------------
mindemo: hey edward...i was wondering where maxxie got that purple and silver nylon jacket in his unseen episode on his myspace...cheers mate...haz...XO
Edward: maxxie's jacket is from Nike ------------------------------------------------ SamR: Could you tell me where the outfit Tony wore to the university came from please? Thanks
Edward: Tony's shirt from Junk de Luxe , tie by American Apparel , jacket by Parkes , trousers from Cos , belt by Gap shoes by Converse ------------------------------------------------ Grantlock: Please could u tell me if theres a peoples market shop in bristol or wher i could get the clothes from fank you!!!:D x
Edward: Not sure if People's Market sell in Bristol - it's available in Number 22 on Carnaby Street and TopMan at Oxford Circus ------------------------------------------------
Kaz: Hi Edward, I didn't get my question answered last time and I really need those socks lol. Was just wondering if you could tell me where they were from? Michelles socks in episode 1 when shes in the club and outside with Sid
Edward: Michelle's socks were from American Apparel ------------------------------------------------
charlie lewis: hi. Do you know where i can find the tank top chris is wearing at the end of the latest episode, the one with horses or something on it. cheers.
Edward: chris' vest was 70s deadstock from Camden Market ------------------------------------------------
john Rainey: hi jakes yellow/orange cardigan from the start of the effy episode? can you tell me where it's from?
Edward: jake's cardigan was an old ladie's from a jumble sale
Episode 9
Dave Gee: Hi, can you tell me where Tony got his pink underwear and t-shirt from, please? It was the episode where Effy's mad mate came over.
Edward: Pay attention, Dave! Tony's underwear was pink due to Effy's inefficiency in the washing department! ------------------------------------------------
Christina_Marie: Hi, i was just wondering where Michelles green dress comes from in the calander cover photo below theres a photo. And also were do Jal's pink star earing come from which she too wore in the same photo? Thanks xx
Edward: Michelle's dress was by Lux from Urban Outfitters and Jal's earings were from H & M.
Branwen: Hi edward can somebody PLEASE tell me where jal got her white dress top she wears in episode 8 series 2 when shes at her music audition, ive asked like 8 times lol! Thanks a lot xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Edward: Jal's audition dress was from Oasis - well asked!
snoogins: This may sound like a stupid question, but i thought you should be the one to ask. I have a big problem buying trousers for myself. I dunno if it's just my frame (I'm 6 foot and pretty thin). But anything outside of blue jeans look awkward on me. I was wondering if you had any tips when look for mens trousers. Oh and everyone always asks where certain characters shop. I was wanting to know whats your own favourite brands of clothing?
Edward: Hi snoogins. Blue jeans are a pretty good basic for any look - take advantage of your height by maybe wearing trousers a bit shorter than you normally would - Farah have a great range of trousers that suit all shapes, so check them out. My favourite labels are Margaret Howell, Vivienne Westwood, Thom Browne and thanks for asking... ------------------------------------------------
skinsfreak: hey edward, was just wondering where Chris's Monkey Man t shirt was from?
Edward: Chris' Monkey Man was specially designed by me.
beth babe: hi edward:) could you please tell me where michelles gold-like jeans are from that she wears with the silver vest in episode 8? also where is the blue vest top and the orange bra from that she wears? i cant remember which episode she wore them in sorry, thanks so much! the skins style owns:) x
Edward: Michelle's gold jeans were from Morgan , blue vest from Oasis and orange bra from La Senza. ------------------------------------------------
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zargsnake · 3 years
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Knightkiller: Anakin and Obi-Wan’s First Adventure
Chapter 9: Crix Spartak
Word Count: 2309 Links: Chapter 1, Table of Contents
*   *   *
Two Years Ago
Shmi sits at a desk by the windowsill in Watto’s shop, composing fake documentation for a shipment to a more legitimate planet. She used to do this kind of thing all the time for Gardulla on Nal Hutta, and she's very good at it. Forging and faking are probably her best skills. She knows legal-speak and formatting; she has a knack for coming up with random numbers and convincing names. When she has a sample of handwriting or writing style from a real person, she can imitate it flawlessly, which she has done for business leaders, crime lords, and even Senators. When she doesn't have anything from anyone real, she invents someone. She has no honest idea what the closest Senator's name really is, but she's invented a self-serious personality and a squiggly autograph that has tricked docking-receivers as far away as Rodia.
Watto has little use of this power of hers for his day-to-day needs, but he sometimes comes up with plots to trick his neighbors using Shmi’s forgeries. And, sometimes, like now, he needs her tricks to get rid of stuff, like these ten tons of toxic waste he ended up with from a bad bet, and that he now wants to pass off as fertilizer and sell to a gullible offworld farmer who won't be able to trace it back to him.
Writing isn't bad work. It’s challenging, and, malicious as it is, she knows she could enjoy it, if she let herself: getting into people's heads, living other lives, for just a short while. It is like solving a puzzle, to figure out how to make other people believe something that isn’t true. The cruel intention of the trickery is not her own, it never is, so she doesn't let that aspect of her work bother her, not anymore.
The only bad part, from her point of view, is the knowledge that her words get to go somewhere that she does not.
And the only good part, really, is that she gets to look at her little boy as she writes. He sits on the desk, next to her cobbled-together, whirring word-processor. He is carefully cleaning a fragile hyper-carburetor with a rag, putrid green gear-soap, and a very serious expression.
Suddenly Crix Spartak pokes head through the window: “Skywalkers!”
“Crix!!” Anakin nearly drops the carb, but of course his reflexes are too fast. He spins around on the desk and grins at the gladiator.
Crix leans on the windowsill -- then lifts his arm quickly from the heated clay, and leans just one calloused elbow on the sill. “Good morning, Ani.” He reaches across and tussles his hair. The boy nearly glows with happiness.
Shmi raises her eyebrows at the man her son admires so much. “Good morning, Crix. Can we help you?”
“D’you wanna go for a spin on the old speeder?”
“YES,” answers Anakin.
“We have a lot of work to do. Not all of us have 6 free days out of 7,” answers Shmi.
“I don't have any work, Mom!”
“I can think of one or two things for you,” she tells him.
“Just a loop round the block, Shmi? You'll be back in a minute.” Crix rests his head on his hand and smiles at her, looking just like a puppy.
She looks at him with a very deliberate expression. “I can't.”
“Take me!” says Anakin, heedlessly.
“Ani! You need to stay with me while I work. I don't want you zooming around, testing the limit on your tracker-bomb.”
“I've calculated for that,” says Crix. “Your tracker-bombs are the same as mine. The loop I planned wouldn't go anywhere near the limit.”
“Please, Mom? I'll work twice as hard.”
“No need for that.”
“I'll bring him back in ten minutes.” Shmi does not look convinced. “Five minutes.”
“Please?” Anakin begs again.
“Ten minutes,” she concedes.
Anakin sets the half-cleaned carb down, crawls off the desk, moves the carb onto a shelf, and climbs back onto the desk and over the word-processor into Crix’s arms.
“I'll bring him right back to you,” says Crix.
“If you don't, I will kill you,” says Shmi.
“I'm more afraid of you than any gladiator alive!” he tells her, laughing.
“Good! You should be!”
“Is that YOUR speeder?!” Anakin interrupts them.
“Yup! -- Well. Not really. But I won it, anyway.”
“Ani!” Her son looks at her. “Keep it down.”
“Have fun.”
“I will!”
Crix grins at her, drops a big yellow flower on her desk, and points at it. She rolls her eyes and he blushes and carries Anakin to the speeder to drive him around. Shmi can't compose at all without her little muse at her side. She sits there, worrying, as they drive somewhere out of sight. A minute passes, and she picks up the flower. She doesn't recognize it. It must be an import. He must have won this, too.
They return in just eight minutes.
   *   *   *
One Year Ago
Anakin is not supposed to be in the audience of the death match. No one wants him here, not his master, not his mother, not even Crix himself.
But he just had to come. Everyone is talking about it. He’s never known anyone so talked-about, so famous. He feels so proud. Crix is like family. And everyone, all over town, is raving about him, how unstoppable he is, what a bloody, powerful killer he is. And now Crix’s master has rounded up a spectacular squad from faraway worlds, incredible people who are paying huge amounts for the chance to fight him, to fight Crix, to fight his mom’s cool boyfriend.
They say there’s monster-men, like Wookiees, and there’s even a Mando, whatever that means. Everyone is saying they’re crazy. Everyone is saying all his opponents are gonna die, shot by Crix’s bespoke mega-blaster or crushed in Crix’s bare fists. Anakin can picture it, but he can’t really believe it; he has only ever seen those hands used for good. It'll be Crix’s grandest fight yet, maybe even the grandest fight that's ever happened in the universe. No one can keep Anakin away from such a prospect!
He has an average amount of chores, but he sets his droids on them. His newest and, by far, most ambitious droid, C-3PO, isn't much for cleaning or repairing, yet, but he can speak, a little, and write, a little more. His mom bought Anakin a fairy-tale book and assigned him to copy out the letters to improve his handwriting. Anakin sets Threepio on the task instead, and hopes that his mom won't be able to tell.
He does feel guilty, but he's too excited to feel that guilty. He sneaks out without telling her. There was a sandstorm this morning; fortunately it has passed, but the leftover wind keeps kicking sand into the air.
The arena is in a different neighborhood than the slave houses. Anakin lifts up the tarp of a delivery truck and hides in there to hitch a ride. To his surprise, the truck is full of gross little creatures called gizka. They crowd around him and rub their big faces on his legs. He pulls one onto his lap and pets its soft horns and noses.
“I wonder why they're taking you to the arena? ... Oh, I bet the gladiators are gonna slaughter you.”
He finds it kind of funny, in a sad way, that these little animals are so cheerful; that their doom is close, and they have no idea. He pretends his hand is a sword and chops it on their heads, making them coo and squawk. He laughs.
Once he hears a crowd outside, he sneaks out of the truck and hides among the people. He is far from the only urchin running around, but he does not pick pockets. His mom forbids it, and they wouldn't be allowed to keep the money, anyway.
He follows the other children and soon finds the hole in the arena’s wall which they use to sneak in and out. He fits inside the thin crack without too much difficulty, and flits around the dirty, dark area behind the stadium seating. He finds a spot with a good view, between the legs of some pink-skinned person. He leans on the bench and rests his head on his arms, and watches the battles with wide eyes.
He almost doesn't recognize Crix, in a ridiculous helmet with a big feather, but the nasty red scar across his shirtless torso gives his identity away. He's touched that scar; it feels rough and scratchy.
Crix is more than just a killer; he is a performer. He yells and growls and taunts; he makes obscene gestures and even takes bites out of his opponents, both animals and people. Anakin feels shocked and uncomfortable to see him this way, but it does not lessen his affection for him. It only increases his amazement, that one person could contain two such different personalities.
Just as the pilots and farmers had predicted, Crix wins every battle with ease. His main strategy involves shooting to stun, weaken, and disarm his opponents, and then taking them down with glamorous, bloodthirsty wrestling moves. Anakin has never seen such gratuitous and extended violence before, though he has seen plenty of people die, from podrace explosions to mechanical accidents. Until today, the bloodiest thing he ever saw was someone's tracker-bomb explode their head, but some of these deaths far surpass that one. When he starts to feel dizzy, he looks away and takes deep breaths, but he is too invested to look away for long.
Something about all this murder makes him feel cold. But it isn't a real cold. And it isn't nearly as bothersome as this heat or this wind. He rests his sweaty forehead on his arms and swallows his own spit, but it is a weak comfort. The bench shakes under his arms as the audience bangs their feet on it. Anakin marvels at their energy. He wishes he was having as much fun as they are. He really is trying to enjoy himself, and he sort of is. The thrill of it all is similar to podracing, and the triumphs are satisfying. He supposes he will grow into liking it.
After forty minutes of this action, the host announces the next opponent -- the Mando, Chahlee Tiango. Anakin watches the helmeted warrior posture and pose as the audience frantically cheers and boos.
The little boy is starting to feel bored. This would be much more exciting if they were flying around on fast ships, not shooting and punching each other. The only real difference anymore is the color of the blood. But Chahlee looks like a human, meaning he'll just bleed red, which isn't anything new.
Anakin looks at Crix, whose helmet cracked in half in the last battle. Now that his face is visible, Anakin can enjoy his confident smile. He wishes his mom were here to see her boyfriend winning so much. He supposes she would hate it.
As Anakin's thoughts wander, the audience jumps to its feet and screams uproariously. Anakin fastens his eyes back on the battle.
Crix was shot right in the chest. He crumples. A wave of sand lifts from the ground and nearly covers him, like a blanket, hiding him, as if he were never there. Tiango takes a gleeful lap around the arena.
The audience is screaming far too loudly to hear anything from the announcer. The bench is shaking too much to remain a suitable armrest. Anakin stands up straight and stares ahead.
The pink legs that had framed Anakin's view now jump and move around with everyone else, obscuring the arena with cloaks and pants and boots. The other children in this hideaway start moving around, their own views also disrupted, trying to find better spots. Some of them move in front of Anakin. He lets them. He backs off further into the shade.
“Crix…” His initial shock starts to wear away, and he feels tears cross his parched face. “You were supposed to win! They all said you would!”
He had to lose eventually. No one can win every time. Mom told me he would lose, sooner or later. Everyone dies. It's okay.
It really doesn't feel okay. But this feels like podracing, too. Failing. Losing the game. He has been close to death himself a few times, especially when Sebulba is in the match.
He wipes his eyes and holds his fingers in his ears, which are popping from the terrifying decibel level of this audience. He squints his eyes and waits for the volume to settle and the people to sit back down.
What am I waiting for, though? They'll just continue with Tiango as the new champion. I don't want to watch that.
He makes a half-hearted attempt to get another good view, but one of the other children accidentally brushes up against him, and the feeling of being touched makes him deeply angry. He doesn’t trust these other kids. He doesn’t like them. They can’t understand. That wasn’t their friend who just died. It’s too loud here. And it isn’t going to get quiet. Not for a long time.
He worms out the crack in the arena wall and sees a truck that looks similar to the one he used to get here. He hides under the tarp again -- it is now empty inside. The truck jostles along, though it doesn't take exactly the same route back. It takes Anakin a little closer to home, but then it makes a turn he did not expect. He wonders if the truck will eventually come back around to the slave houses. He has no way of knowing. He fears it will wander out of range of his tracker-bomb. He jumps off the cart and walks the rest of the way home.
Chapter 10: Gafia Chumpi
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shiroganeryo · 3 years
ah, if you're still doin the character thing, how about Lenalee? (I didn't see anybody asking about her, but if sb did, sorry! maybe Johnny then?)
I’m sorry for the delay on replying to this one! This is probably the last ask thingy I’ll be doing for the Character Questions, as they take me some time to type and I’ve been busy 💓 But thank you all very much for the interest in these, I really love writing for stuff like this! I’ll be covering both Lenalee and Johnny in this one - so, a two character reply again! I was hoping someone would give me Lena so the OT4 was complete, but I also really love Johnny... 😭 
My otp for them: With Lavi! I had never paid much attention to the two of them as a couple, but after I reread the series last year, they have grown on me. Lavi has been Lenalee’s emotional support many times and it’s clear he cares about her. People would consider that the time he snapped at her for grieving over “losing Allen” was bad, but I quite don’t think he meant harm; rather, I think he kinda acted on impulse because he wanted her to feel better. He marvelously made up for that during the following arcs (”I didn’t come here to stop you; this is your decision to make. Just let me come along.” - 150th Night). Those interactions made me like them a lot as a pairing. My brotp for them: Miranda! She played a big part in Miranda’s life, and I’m sure they got really close thanks to that. Imagining them doing all the girly things together without a care in the world makes me so happy 🥺 It’s like getting to see the happy girl Lenalee could have been, if she weren’t another victim of the war. I also used to ship them because I have no self-control apparently, so. XD Any other ships: Have you all ever considered her and Emilia? 💦 Both share guts and very strong legs, it seems. I can picture them bonding easily over shared interests and it makes me weak. I also love Lenalee and Kanda’s relationship, so they also get the cake here. As for Allen, they make a beautiful pairing, but only when it comes to appearance to me; imo they would need to work many things out, personally speaking, to work in a healthy way for both. Their best friend: Miranda, Jeryy and Kanda! Miranda, for the reasons stated above; Jeryy, because he was her “motherly figure” when she was growing up and needed a feminine, understanding input from someone she could feel comfortable around. And Kanda, due to their relationship as “childhood friends”, in a way. Lenalee loves everyone close to her, but I see these three being the ones she’s the closest to. My favorite nickname for them: “Lena”, given by Kanda. It just sounds so cute and delicate; it suits her. My favorite AU headcanon of them: People often say they would like to see Lenalee abandon the Order and join Allen’s side. I say the opposite; she should stay. She could be a big helping hand on throwing a rebellion of sorts that could benefit him from the inside. That way she wouldn’t need to abandon the people she loves for Allen’s sake, but would still be on his side, on her own way. My favorite outfit they wear: Lenalee has the cutest chinese themed outfits! The ones I love the most are the one she used during the Zombie arc, and this one I saw her wearing on Gray Log. She looks so darn cute, too precious for this world. *gross sobbing* Defining color: When I think of her, I think of several shades of green, namely Fern (#4F7942) and Pine (#01796F). I also think of deep red (#D30000), because of the ribbons she uses on her hair and the shapes of her Crystal Type Innocence. Would I date them: Lenalee is a strong, amazing girl! However, I wouldn’t date her. She can also be headstrong, and so am I hahah At times, I find myself thinking we’re similar in the way we’re insistent (at the risk of being unreasonable) about some things and I quite don’t see that working out at all 😅 First impression: Bland. Nice character, but her design didn’t interest or stand out at all to me. Dark Boots are an awesome Innocence though! Current impression: I really like her. Not one of my favorite characters, and I have a lot of criticism when it comes to Lenalee, but I love her design and the development she got so far. I started taking her more seriously after the fight against Eshi; it was one heck of an awesome fight! The way she put everything on the line on that suicidal move was impressive; so badass. Hogwarts House: As much as I would love to assign her to Gryffindor for her commendable courage, Lenalee’s home is in Hufflepuff! Before anything else, she cares deeply for the people she loves, and will sacrifice herself for them without thinking twice. Loyalty and kindness are her most prominent trait, but that doesn’t make her a pushover in the slightest. Which Pokemon starter they’d be: Torchic! According to the Pokédex entries, Torchic feels warm to the touch and this makes it very huggable. I have this type of impression about her, warm and welcoming. It also develops a fighting type upon evolving, and Blaziken are well known for their strong legs and jumping capacity!
My otp for them: With Cache! I’m very weak for couples where the woman looks (and is) stronger than the guy, and we’ve seen her carrying Johnny to the medical wing before - an occurence that, according to her, happens a lot. He seems to have a crush on her, seeing his reaction (fidgety, blushing) when he was saying goodbye to his science friends. According to Vol. 27′s Discussion Room, the scrunchy he’s using to tie his hair used to be hers, and I love how Allen went “hmm, I see...” when he told them she had given it to him hahah (it’s alright, Allen; I ship it too 👌) My brotp for them: Allen, hands down. Differently from what people say, Johnny has always supported and cherished Allen, what he’s doing for him now isn’t out of the blue. It was actually what Johnny told him that started to change his perception on things and realize that his heart longed to be with the ones he loves despite the hardships (”As Johnny Gill and your friend, I’m going to help you!”, - 215th Night). He loves him, and I can tell how important he is for Allen too; he was able to come back from Nea’s inner world thanks to Johnny’s calling that reminded him of his ties with everyone in “Home”. This part has some of my favorite scenes from the entire series; Johnny didn’t even bat an eye, he simply jumped for Allen. I called it Allen would avoid their fall, but Johnny patting his head in happiness and relief and then hugging him, to which Allen returned, as relieved and happy for having come back... It was so sweet and hopeful. It brings good tears to my eyes!  Any other ships: I don’t have any~ Their best friend: I think Johnny is friends with pretty much all of his buddies from the Science Division, but I notice him being closer to Reever. I would like to mention Suman as well; despite him being deceased, Johnny still seems to hold a fond memory of him. And then comes Allen who’s clearly someone important to him, and it doesn’t seem to be one-sided, judging by the time they (used to) spend together having fun. My favorite nickname for them: I don’t have one! But Johnny deserves cute nicknames, let’s give him some, Hoshino-sensei? 👀 My favorite AU headcanon of them: I don’t have one because Johnny is already perfect as a character and for the plot as he already is imho. All I wish is for him to survive until the ending. Hang in there, Johnny! Allen needs you, but for all you’ve been doing, you deserve to make it out alive and earn your own happiness! My favorite outfit they wear: Out of all the characters, I feel like Johnny is the one that has the most “stripped-down” style, quite modern looking. But I love his current outfit the most! He looks great in vests and the long coat definitely reminds me of the lab coats he used to wear while in the Order. I also like a lot more how his hairdo is atm, it looked a little painful to have tied for too long in the previous style (similar to pigtails). His new frame glasses are also pretty! Gives him a more serious look. Defining color: Curiously enough, I think of an array of varied colors when I think of Johnny? I can’t seem to be able to pick one. There is black, yellow like Mustard (#FEDC56), brown like Cherrywood (#CB6F36) and blue like Maya (#73C2FB), to name some. Would I date them: But of course! Johnny is the sweetest guy I’ve ever seen. He gives off all the geek vibes, but not on the annoying way; he looks like the type of person that would talk lots about things that make him happy, excitedly, while you’d look at him go, feeling blessed with all the bright energy vibes emanating from him. He’s also shown to be extremely supportive, and honestly, everyone deserves someone like him 🥺 First impression: Regular geek scientist guy? Current impression: *incoherent sobbing* I love him so much! Why does Johnny not have more appreciation?! Why do people think he’s annoying??? Anyone who loves Allen gotta admit this guy is the MVP. He’s the trope you’d expect for a smartsy science guy, and at the same time, he’s not only that. I’ve babbled enough on that in the reply under this question. Hogwarts House: I’m in a tie between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, but I think I would give him Gryffindor. People would be quick to place him in Ravenclaw for his smarts and his love for learning, but this guy is extremely courageous. Despite being seen as “weak” and fragile, he was the one to stand up for Allen in multiple occasions throughout the series. He’s also the one who confronted the Earl to ask him what he wanted with the 14th (196th Night), while no one had really questioned or directly talked to him. He left the Order to go after Allen, knowing he was awakening as a Noah (which is already dangerous on its own) and would be in constant situations of peril because of Akuma and other Noah. Johnny, the “regular guy”, did all that, having no care as to what could happen to him. So, Gryffindor for his extreme courage, but maybe Hufflepuff for his honest loyalty and goodness. Which Pokemon starter they’d be: Grookey! The way Grookey and its evolutions handle wood makes me think they’re skilled Pokémon that can craft things and know how to use them as instruments, just like Johnny does with his scientific creations. The tied “hair” also reminds me of him!
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