#call me a fool
couldvebeenus · 7 months
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They say only fools fall in love
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coldbycrossfade · 7 months
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tonixaly · 10 months
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Man..... drew this while watching the Gameplay
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mamawasatesttube · 3 months
it still boggles my mind a bit that people on the internet will just try to call you a bitch in a friendly way when they're like. complete strangers. are you aware that the only reason playful insults between friends work is that they are Between Friends. your basic manners... where are they...
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crabsnpersimmons · 3 days
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have been feeling under the weather lately, so i daydreamed a silly nurse moon to take care of me
also couldn't decide which i liked better so i leave the choice to you, brave patient. which nurse will you choose?
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arsillanola · 3 months
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Fitz and The Fool Beloved fanart on my Tumblr? More likely than you think.
Thanks to @crowleyholmes for reigniting my obsession with (as I learned) the Realm of the Elderlings. These two have been living rent free in my head for over 15 years since I read the Farseer trilogy for the first time in highschool.
I know this doesn't happen in the books but I am the master of my own universe and i LOVE drawing kisses so here ya go.
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pieflavoredartz · 2 months
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oooh cowboys yee harrr ⭐️
(og under cut ^^)
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hii there ur lookin at the og! no catus tho sorry 😔😔
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bruciemilf · 11 months
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No one look at me this is giving me so many sugar baby Bruce and DA Harvey vibes
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popagan · 3 months
So no one is going to tell me Narita wrote a Shizaya fic on April Fools years ago and I was supposed to find it out through a random youtube comment?
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ghouljams · 11 months
waiting for the day cowboy!könig finally decides that enough pining is ENOUGH and just decides to ask bee out on a date.
if bee isn't already wooed enough by how nice this big and handsome man is to her all the time then imagine how much more wooed she'd be when it seems like könig *just* know what she likes and dislikes. she's probably thinking "wow! it's amazing how you can guess what i like and don't like!" and könig (nasty little bastard) is just nodding along like "yes yes of course :3 (innocently)" as if he didn't gather that info from spying on her like bffr !!
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There are too many kindnesses to ignore. König is too nice to you, and you realize you've fallen for him like you remember the sky is blue. It feels like something that's always been there, nurtured with careful hands and soft works. You wonder sometimes if that's the way König is with everyone. If it's just you that thinks about him like this.
Then he touches you, looks at you a moment too long, whispers to himself with words you half catch, and you think the feeling might be mutual. Still, you'd hate to ruin a good friendship on wants and wishes.
You do your best to stay platonic. To ignore the butterflies in your stomach, the tight hope in your ribs, each time you go out with König. Not dates. You tell yourself firmly, coach yourself in the bathroom mirror. Tonight is no different. Just your weekly dinner. Your own personal thank you to König for all his help. You truly couldn't do this without him.
You bump into König as you turn away from the stove and he catches you with a gentle if firm hand on the small of your back. His eyes wide with surprise at your stumble, before they soften. Your heart pounds in your chest, your stomach fluttering with just the slightest touch from him. His hand slides off you, fingers curling like he could hold on just a moment longer if you let him.
You can't take it anymore.
You grab the front of his shirt and tug him down, pushing up on your toes to press your lips against the warm cloth of his bandana. You're not even sure you're kissing the right spot, but it feels right in the way it makes König lock up. Shit. He doesn't even touch you. You pull back, mentally kick yourself for ruining things like you always do.
König all but rips the bandana off when you do, wrapping his arms around you to press his lips to yours without the barrier. You don't have time to process the way he sighs against your mouth, barely can think past kissing him back. You never believed in the whole fireworks thing, but maybe they meant the flip in your stomach, the desperation in the slide of König's lips as he kisses you like he's just come home from war, the shudder he sends through you with just the tilt of his head.
There's nowhere for you to go, completely held by the arms around your shoulders and waist. Well, that's not completely true. You can press more firmly against König. Try to stand taller as you slide your lips against his, feel his tongue swipe against the seam of your mouth entreatingly. There's nothing that could have kicked your brain out of your head quite like his tongue twisting against yours. He's like a furnace, warming you up wherever you touch him as you lean against his broad chest.
When's the last time someone kissed you like this? Made you feel like you were something they'd never get enough of?
The smell of burning food reaches your nose and you turn your head from König's kiss with a loud panicked swear. His arms loosen around you as you turn to switch off burners and stir the pot you were supposed to be watching. Your chest heaves, a little breathless from kissing König, which- wow, first of all. Second of all, you don't really know what you're supposed to do after that.
"I suppose this is a date then?" König answers for you. You laugh, doing your best to salvage dinner.
"You should've told me I would've dressed up." You joke back. König hums, his fingers tracing over your hips to the edge of your shorts, feather light when they skim your skin. You suppress the shiver it sends down your spine.
"You always look beautiful," He tells you softly, and you duck your head, not able to keep the shiver down that time.
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I had to stop 11 seconds in because MY HEART AND BREATHING BOTH STOPPED
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akairokara · 2 days
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answer quickly inspector
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nerdy-talks · 11 months
~ A Call With Solomon ~
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It starts out innocent enough, Solomon asking MC what's for dinner and MC responding to his inquiry by letting him know what they've prepared.
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If Nightbringer has taught us anything it's that, even though humans technically don't get drunk from Demonus, Solomon clearly likes to drink xD
But what a nice offer! Solomon is eager to eat our cooking and wants to share a relaxing evening with us.
That should be the end of the phone call, right?
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Our devious teacher actually called us and intentionally spoke to us as if we were married in order to deliberately make Lucifer jealous... and it worked! xD
Solomon the Sneaky Sorcerer ¬‿¬
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My reaction :
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I'm not sure if Solomon was lowkey threatening Lucifer since Lucifer insulted him, or maybe Solomon was simply prepared and willing to show off his abilities.... but either way, talk about an intense phone call to receive (no doubt the tension could be felt through the phone ^^")
Gotta admit, I do think it's funny that Lucifer indirectly called Solomon foolish, especially since Barbatos calls him an imbecile and shows no restraint when it comes to insulting his intelligence ... Poor Solomon lol
Then to rub it in even further :
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Solomon just HAS to reiterate that he's the one who is coming home to us.
If there's a war between demons and humans, Solomon will be the cause....
The battle of the old men lol
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on agency and fate, re: “I’m not fortune’s fool, I’m yours.”
this show makes me sick, i swear to god. this line creates a beautiful parallel between Will and Shakespeare’s Romeo – both one half of a tragic romance, either at the whim of fate or Hannibal himself – and is an incredible culmination of Will’s grapple with his need for and lack of personal agency. 
in the play, Romeo calls himself fortune's fool immediately after he kills Tybalt, implying that becoming a murderer was not entirely within his control — fate is manipulating and undermining any other intentions Romeo may have. it's an acknowledgment and lament of his own perceived powerlessness in the grand scheme of events.
a very real powerlessness that Will struggles with over the course of the show. by S3, Will has had his personal agency undermined over and over again. every time he has attempted to assert control, Hannibal has been there to show him how Will is simply playing into his plan. 
when Will states he is Hannibal’s fool, near the end of S3, he’s acknowledging his lack of agency and attributing it to Hannibal. that every event, starting with him killing GJH and becoming a killer, has been pre-ordained. it was fated to happen, so it happened.
and this ties in so well with Will's conversation with Abigail (aka his own subconscious) at the beginning of the season. “if everything that can happen, happens, then you can never really do the wrong thing. you're just doing what you're supposed to."
such a neat foreshadowing of how Will does eventually choose and accept Hannibal, even if it ends in tragedy — he's ready to put his fate in Hannibal's hands and he can still feel good about it because, after all, he's just doing what he's supposed to do.
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koriand3r · 6 months
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Willow | Spike - Clothing
“Why are you still in costume?” “Okay, still having to explain wherein this is just my outfit.”
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mellowthorn · 1 month
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conversations that are cute and funny when you read them the first time, but absolutely devastating on a reread
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