#can’t believe some ppl don’t think it was gay at all
allhappyandgay · 1 year
The bedroom scene was undeniably flirtatious and romantically coded and whoever says it isn’t is specifically filtering out the signs so they don’t see it
(because we all know if they were straight everyone would clearly view it as what it is: an intimate moment)
here’s why:
Mike’s (and will’s) body language
The shots and cinematography (I was planning on linking @byleranalysis’s video on this scene cuz it’s great but I can’t find it, still though the shots are very telling. edit: t'was found! x)
Labeled ‘intimate moment’ in the script
Interruption trope
It inspired will to take his painting which is a symbol of his love for mike
Mike enters the room, completely shutting the door behind him (no matter the reason), leaving the two of them alone. He sits down on the bed, letting his bottom lip audibly slip out from under his teeth and nervously drums his legs while looking will up and down from behind. he let’s out, “thanks by the way,” which he knows Will will have to question (re: “I didn’t say it”). mike is aware will doesn’t know what he’s referring to, adding clear design to his approach.
Now this could just be me but starting a conversation with something like “thanks by the way,” regarding what you know the other person is unaware of, is intentionally setting them up for a surprise appraisal, which I think is very flirty.
This allows mike to make a joke out of his shitty behavior as a means to lighten the mood because admitting you were wrong and being able to make fun of yourself is hot, sorry not sorry! this is mike giving will permission to laugh at his behavior with him, which seriously throws him off and he looks mike up and down before turning away in excitement, denial, self preservation, vulnerability or most likely all of the above lol, poor flustered will. once he turns away mike draws in a deep breath to wipe the smile off his face so he can focus on apologizing to him. he shakes himself out of whatever trance he was just in so he could get to his point, squinting one eye and stuttering as he changes the subject. “hey, also, but, uh, about the last few days,” he starts, exiting flirting territory.
He tells will his home isn’t the same without him despite having all their other friends, and doesn’t mention his girlfriend until suggesting he was worrying too much about her, followed by “I don’t know, maybe I feel like I lost you or something,” bringing the two right back into a flirtatious standpoint.
This again could just be me, but asking “does that make sense?” is such a… I don’t even know the word, it’s just, such a thing to say lol. there are some situations where it’s annoying to hear, like a parent trying to confirm their child knows what they did was wrong. but the way mike asked will if what he’s saying makes sense low key gives me butterflies. he paused to make sure he’s on the same page in such a soft way and will immediately nods his head, holding back tears. Idk maybe Im making it a bigger deal than it is but I love that simple line from mike so much.
Mike and will both nervously gulp down air, unable to take their eyes off each other. the tension rises as the camera gets closer to both their faces, removing any physical distance you might’ve thought was there at one point. mike tells him that whatever it is that happens next, he thinks it will be easier to go through if they have each other, if they work as a team. quiet moments linger on their teary eyed expressions with every heartfelt addition from mike. he quickly looks will up and down again, emphasizing his desire to be “best friends,”—reciprocating wills own previously stated desire brought to light at rink o mania—his lips slowly parting with anticipation.
Will responds finally with a quiet “cool,” trying to keep his cool lol. you can see his excitement despite the stillness of his body, and there’s a calm steadiness to his eyes, glistening with tear beads. mikes eyes are also shining, the sunlight from the window illuminating his own teardrops sitting comfortably, refusing to fall. he raises one eyebrow as a smirk forms from his lips, looking him up and down once again but slower this time, before completing wills ‘cool’ with his own. he chuffs as his smirk grows into a smile, and they gaze at each other in silence for a couple moments.
This is a huge contrast to how mike was acting before their scene in Jonathan’s room, which tells us something changed for him because of it. mike was reminded how much he loves being with will, how much he missed his company. and without will having to tell him, mike realized he was being an idiot. of course this was seemingly because will reassured him about el, but quite honestly I think it was mostly by will flirting with him. he literally waltzed into wills room—without even knocking first—to get some more of whatever that was between them two scenes prior. and neither of them are fully aware the other is flirting or what that could mean (otherwise we’d be in very different territory by now), which tells us it’s intentional from both parties.
I also think it’s important to mention that what made them start flirting in Jonathan’s room was will reminding mike (and the audience) of their history and how they used to be, saying “that was you guys who saved me, that was you guys.” this is what made mike all giddy and what inspired him to address everything so they could be close like that again.
Based on this logic, will flirting with mike was what “knocked some sense into him”that he was being a “self-pitying idiot,” because mike apologizes to will by following the same energy that inspired him to, flirting. making fun of a situation. joking around.
All they had done since mike got to lenora was fight and ignore each other. then suddenly every moment they get alone they find themselves giving each other heart eyes and hiding stupid grins. they don’t even seem to question it, this is just how they are now. it comes naturally. so when mike realized how good it felt to be in wills presence again without arguing and being petty, just themselves, it probably gave him a huge confidence boost and made him feel better about the entire situation. yes will told him he would have another chance to tell el what he didn’t get to (which is what the GA thinks he wanted to hear), but what really lifted his spirits was having will back in his life, which inspired him to confront and apologize to him. he got a taste of what they could be like, and decided he needed that. he couldn’t go back to fighting and being awkward after their moment in Jonathan’s room. when he confidently swung the door to will’s open, and skipped straight into flirting, that was mike implementing his decision to turn back the clock, make things go back to how they were. but this time with slightly different intentions in mind.
Mike suggesting they be friends (best friends) again is also a callback to, canonically, “the best thing [he’s] ever done,” I might add. that holds a lot of weight, they didn’t need to remind the audience of mikes (also teary eyed and intimate) monologue in s2 but they did. mike basically relived the best thing he’s ever done in this scene.
After mike and will have their “intimate moment,” as the script itself calls it, a tire screech dramatically breaks their eye contact. we are brought back down to earth, where the two of them are actually several feet apart and not face to face. if you felt like they were supposed to kiss, you were quickly reminded that they physically couldn’t lol.
The tire screech wasn’t even that loud and yet their demeanors both changed drastically in less than a second, as if they’ve been caught doing something they shouldn’t. Jonathan hadn’t even barged in yet, but they were so focused on each other that a loud noise basically jumpscared them out of it lmao.
This is, as we all know, the interruption trope, which is used most commonly for ‘will they won’t they,’ tension reliant, slow-burn romances to keep you on the edge of your seat, only to make you throw your arms in the air and yell “oh, come on!”
The last part of the scene mike gets up and goes to the window with Jonathan, but we keep our eyes on will who gives mike one last pineful look before quickly grabbing his painting—a symbol of his love for mike—and stuffs it into his bag.
This is intentionally showing the audience that their conversation gave will either the confidence to give it to him—which he seemingly has been going back and forth between based on mikes behavior toward him, proving that’s what made him decide to take it in the end—or hope that it could go well, possibly implying he thought mike might feel the same, or at the very least was flirting with him (which he was).
The fact this moment was deliberately focused on says “hey! will got an idea from this interaction—one that specifically made him decide to take the painting—so you should too!”
In conclusion, gæ.
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homochadensistm · 2 months
I know the root answer is of course antisemitism but it really is amazing just how willing westerners are to believe terrorist propaganda. Hamas and groups like it stand for values that are in theory entirely antithetical to those of the west and yet I see people fall for it hook line and sinker. Very disappointing and frankly bizarre. I feel like I’m in the twilight zone in some ways. If I was still in university it’d make for quite a sociology study.
As it stands right now I’m at the point where i feel it’s best to just stay quiet because I can’t evaluate sources for myself, being that I don’t speak Hebrew nor Arabic, and i have my own life and job to do and can’t spend hours evaluating each and every claim. But then they howl that if you’re silent you’re complicit…
Its not only antisemitism, its also a big ol load of racism. Westoids excuse these antithetical values with "its just their culture :)))" as if Arabs are some kind of savages incapable of grasping a modern, liberal and free way of living. As if expecting anything short of backwards savagery from them is insulting to their mental abilities. Once westoids start viewing Arabs as equal human beings with brains and emotions and social consciousness the tune will change. Its like when Becky tells her hillbilly uncle to Get With The TimesTM and Its 2024 hunting gay ppl for sport is bad its great and is applauded but telling the exact same thing to Arab society is RacistTM somehow because god forbid you think these Browns with the Funny Language are capable of anything more than riding camels in the desert and killing each other over Honor and Respect.
As for your 2nd statement - youre absolutely correct. I dont invest myself in the conflicts of Kashmir, Eritrea, Sudan or anywhere else, because I have neither the historic nor cultural knowledge required to form any kind of opinion; I dont speak any of the relevant languages so I have 0 control over the information I expose myself to, and I dont have time to develop all of that^ just so I could formulate a cohesive opinion when 18yo Becky The WiseTM demands my verdict on whether this or that ppl should live or die.
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fuck-customers · 5 months
💋omfg PLEASE stop sending your dad or your boyfriend or whatever the fuck to buy your makeup. If he’s a straight man I can guaran-fucking-tee you this idiot will be pestering me over every goddamn cosmetic item on the shopping list you gave him and probably then some. Ladies if y’all need makeup just get it your damn self stop sending me your dumbass men who take up all my time bc they can’t be bothered to actually look around the makeup dept. I have shit to do and if you’re coming up to me more than three times to ask where something is, I’m getting pissed off.
Dude just now came up to me with a fucking slideshow of makeup products asking where they all are. I just looked at him like “seriously dude?” Like bro I’m not your personal fucking shopper. I’m not gonna sit there and hold your stupid fucking hand while we find these ten products. But even then, I pointed and told him exactly where each item was and he STILL couldn’t find shit. It was like that ep of SpongeBob and he’s like “the lid Patrick. The lid. The lid. The lid.” I told him one of the items was over in the corner and the dude doesn’t even go to the corner. He says “where???¿?¿” over and over again like,,, my brother in Christ,,,, do you not know what a fucking corner is? You are very clearly NOT in the corner right now like this should be a no brainer???
And the dude can see by now I’m getting annoyed by this shit and he snaps at me like “well clearly I’m not someone who uses makeup so I don’t know what I’m doing here” ok so why would you agree to go shopping for it.?Tell your lazy ass daughter/wife/gf she needs to come and get it her damn self. Save us both the fucking headache.
I also think some kind of weaponized incompetence is being employed here. Like it’s not fucking rocket science to look up at the giant, lit-up signs in each aisle that say where each brand of makeup is stocked, and then go from there to find your item. But I think these men are afraid of being perceived as “gay” or whatever tf if they’re seen shopping and taking their time in the makeup dept. so when they’re sent on these shopping trips they just skip any kind of attempt at looking for the shit themselves and instead make a bee line to me the second they walk in. And then they expect me to take their shopping list and do it all for them like no dude fuck off I have tasks to do, come back when you have a real question and not just “can you help me find these 10+ items bc I’m too lazy/too straight to do my own shopping in the makeup dept”
(Lastly I’d like to mention that some of these men even have the gall to come up to me, with their girlfriend/wife/daughter on FaceTime, asking me to color match them. Yes, you read that right. They want me to find the correct shade of foundation based on a blurry ass face on a screen. So as you can imagine, I just laugh in their fucking faces when they ask this, I just cannot believe how stupid ppl are omfg)
My first thought (being in retail 30 years) Is they don't really want the makeup but some creepy way to make conversation with the (sometimes underaged) sales people.
Or like you said they have such a fragile masculinity just being near it upsets them.
If you can get away with it, tell them you will have to charge them the "personal shopper" charge of $25 to walk them to more than three items.
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declanscunt · 11 months
do you have any headcanons about kenstewy post-finale?
okay. in alignment with the shows values and characterization (as in, if we continued observing these characters post gojo sale), i think stewy would fully ignore kendall until he called. he might text him a couple times to make sure he was alive or whatever but he’s gonna be partying and living his best life. also, to stewy this is the best outcome ever. he gets his money (i don’t know enough about business to know if he stays on as a shareholder but either way i think he doesn’t lose anything from this. except for a few years of his life thanks to roy shenanigans) and KENDALL GETS OUT. which is what he asked him to do way back in season 1. stewys so happy and content post-finale literally cat that got the cream. AND he didn’t alienate kendall bc he still voted with him. anyways, kendall’s gonna ghost (schrödinger’s suicide) and go off the rails! for sure!! because this is not something he can come back from, there’s no more pretend demons to fight—logan’s dead and the company’s out of family hands forever there isn’t anything he can do. but colin is not letting another roy die on his watch no way so unfortunately for kendall he’s gonna live. and eventually he will find his way back to stewy and stewy will offer him sex drugs whatever to fill his time and the logan shaped hole inside of him. the end.
alternatively. NOT in alignment with jesse armstrongs vision. kendall goes to stewys place immediately after the events of the finale and becomes his best boyfriend whose new purpose is to make stewy feel good forever and ever and ever. they go on vacation and make pancakes and waffles and kissssssss. kendall and stewy sitting in a tree. k i s s i n g.
my personal headcanons include: they get caught out by paparazzi who have lots of fun speculating about them until they literally just start making out alll over the place which ppl r into for a very short period of time before they get annoyed. and then mostly nobody cares anymore except a subsection of insane gay people who wanna see old men yaoi as they should. i think kendall starts up a flop rap career which stewy wholeheartedly supports and indulges, and then he starts a record label and signs a billion flop acts but somehow lucks out with one really talented musician who manages to boost kendall’s reputation even though his job at the label is literally Do Not Do Anything Or Say Anything Or Touch Anything just let the professionals work Please. eventually a producer convinces him to record and release L to the OG which blows up. kendall records an album that’s mostly covers with some originals (that are actually kind of good) and goes on tour. the tour flops because he runs out of steam halfway through and becomes manic again but we can’t have it all. stewy is there the whole time enabling him of course.
also i wanna believe kendall would patch things up with his kids and they all hang out with him and stewy. my pipe dream headcanon is that sophie and iverson somehow become radicalized and vow to give away all their generational wealth and become nepo baby activists or whatever. all the roy children turn out to be gay. etc. this got away from me it was meant to be kenstewy whoops
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nattaphum · 2 years
The Schedule of the Drama Arts Chula live
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1. Talk with the crew
2. Q&A section : fans can send the questions and they will select some
Part 1 & 2
Mc : Is this series included in the Y category?
P’pond : a lot of people keep asking me this question. I said no, it’s just good content. Why do you need to know if this is a Y series or not ?? Why do you need to know what position they have when they’re in bedroom? For example with VegasTawan people says Tawan is bigger than Vegas, but what is the point?
Apo : we need to know the Character Background, we know the situation but we also need to meditate. We need to cut everything out and concentrate with the situation putting us in the Character’s point of view
Mile : understanding character is important i got some from Apo and KruNing. I believe IN MUSSEL memory, it makes me more natural to be like Kinn. I create memory by doing something Kinn might do in his real life
Apo : I understand p’Mile but for me imagination is more better. I don’t believe in BEING THAT CHARACTER 100% because i might never be myself at all
Mile : Lets say it depends on each technique. Everyone has their own technique
Tong : A lot of scenes of Po and Mile are improvised
Mile : that’s because i can’t remember the dialogue 😂
Mc: What you two do in workshop room:
Apo: In the workshop, we need to sync with our partner for example looking into eo eyes and breathing at the same time; these help when the two characters are together, you know what the other one is thinking, you know what to do to please the other
pmai: open your heart, give and take. if we say we open our heart, but it's not for real / thoroughly, we can't give it our all
Apo: my professor asked me what is acting? i say performing. but they say no. acting in english is "doing" not "pretending". acting is about "believing it" and "doing it"
Apo : Thanks BOC to not allow any actors to do any advertise job at that time so the actors could just focus on filming
P'Pond: on a set I once experienced that i walked to an area and ate a piece of fruit and the admin person said to me "u can't eat that, it belongs to the director". after that i decided this thing needed to stop. everyone in this team is equal.
Apo : that tradition made me want to quit acting back then. Everyone should be treated equally.
Tong : Some of the old teams said that they don’t like the way i act ,its too girly, and p’pond just suddenly said Girly and what?? Why not girly? What if you have a girly friend in your real life? Thanks p’pond
Mile : People always say they’re open minded but they’re never actually open minded
Apo: Years ago, when I was on set a lot of ppl would ask me “R u gay?” And I would feel bad about y r they even asking me? Some ppl even told me “don’t walk like this, cause it makes u look feminine” but in this set P’Pond would say “Don’t care wat other ppl say, just be urself and be happy” I think that u shouldn’t be concern ed about other ppl sexual orientation, it’s their own business and privacy; so plz dun go around asking, it’s rly none of ur business. People keep asking is Porsche gay? You never know i didn’t care. Who knows Porsche might be the one who makes the first moves. NEVER ASK ANYONE AGAIN IF THEY’RE GAY OR NOT
P’Pond : I want to say this. as a human we do make mistakes sometimes, if we do something wrong please tell us gently we listen, we worked hard everyday. So if you have any recommendation please tell us gently.
Translations from @ nutsu941 and @ urmysuninnight on Twitter
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mildiva · 2 months
So I’ve Decided To Start A Blog About Music And Parties
the idea came to me on a break at work after leaving my phone at home, my mind never clearer… i should be blogging about music. pitchfork is dead, first of all, and third of all it’s something i cannot live without, so why not?
I’m not sure of the “” format “” this will take but right now i’ll just write things as they come?? and part of my love for music is of course parties. they’re still so life giving to me and i still think nothing is better than dancing with gay ppl some of whom are my friends and hearing them dj. some of them are even good! it’s just spaces of eternal and endless flowing love. anyways.
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arianka is back!! when i first heard yes, and?, i thought “alright miss grande this is cute!” and it’s grown on me ever since. I’ve been anticipating this album, seeing what direction she would go. i’ve been listening to sweetener every day for the last few weeks mostly because the eating 4 free series on ariana recontextualized her… everything, i guess?? i’d always seen her as just like a Nickelodeon product industry plant which as a certified quirky-not-like-other-girl syndrome haver did not interest me. i was still listening ofc but i wasn’t invested like i was in say lady gaga (and oh how the tables have turned on stefani the pharmacy tech but i digress!) anyways the five part e4f series on her, how she got started with looping covers of imogen heap on youtube, her serious involvement in the production of all her albums, really digging into the pain and scrutiny she’s been through from her time with The TV Producer Who Shall Not Be Named to the donut incident (which i always thought was a slay) to the literal Manchester bombing, her relationships especially with mac miller… not gonna call myself an arianator or w/e but i am a fan now, especially after relistening.
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before i get into the album i just want to say this: the music video for we can’t be friends was adorable! it’s very sad that we don’t get music videos anymore because they’re not profitable or useful for marketing. still haven’t seen the yes and video but i’ll get to it. my main point is that give evan peters a stingy little mustache, grow his hair out a little longer, and he could pass for spongebob slater! so many people on twitter are mocking him for his looks/ariana for being with him but gassing up evan. look, ethan is… not a guy i would approach in a bar let’s say, but i’d let him buy me a drink, you know? and if we’re to believe ariana on supernatural and ordinary things, they have something special! tweets will go viral about “every hot girl needs a medium ugly bf” but she’s not allowed to do it? anyways.
if you detect a pivot in tone here, it’s because i’m no longer blogging with a sour cream donut and 3/4 of a dunkin latte with oatmilk and nothing else fueling my body, sun glowing through the clouds and full of optimism.. there’s a harried blogging now while i try and finish this before i hop in the shower to get ready for a hookup tonight. also, i’ve been thinking and listening to eternal sunshine again, reading and digesting lyrics and of course many many stan tweets about it.
first, i’d like to amend something i stated earlier that i refuse to edit: evan peters represents dalton her ex(?) husband, not ethan. (side note: i wonder if she’s thought back to the line in thank u, next where she says she hopes she’ll only get married once. either way the song is still a smash!) i of course forgive my confusion because, for reasons unknown even to myself, i assumed the majority of this album was about the forbidden romance that soon overflowed into her public relationship with spongebob, but it’s not! this is very much a breakup album and nobody is bored in it.
i’m really fascinated by this because ariana took such a turn in disappearing from the public eye after getting together with dalton (which was certainly aided by the pandemic). as a non-stan, i couldn’t tell you what little she HAS been putting out, but if the inimitable joan summers couldn’t find pictures of her for a two year period, it’s safe to say she was lying low. and yes there have been jokes and supposition about “ariana wasn’t allowed to talk about the divorce as per their agreement but she sang about it~~” BUT! if we take that into consideration (and also rely on the journalistic analysis of e4f), most of the negative press and comments came from dalton and his camp. divorce agreements and technicalities of speech aside, i think she chose a much kinder way to speak about their relationship. even she says she wishes she hated him (knowing very little about their relationship, I’m happy to hate him off of the line about him turning the tv up on her crying) but she doesn’t! even with songs like the boy is mine, supernatural, and ordinary things, she really details a story of a relationship disintegrating with both her and dalton finding other people. it’s certainly not the cheating homewrecker story everybody was running with months ago. even if the arianators turn on dalton, he’s still spared any real damage to his reputation because she doesn’t paint him as a monster, scoundrel, narcissist, etc. not to get too “a man can laugh but a woman can only chortle” about it, but i hope people who wrote ariana off listen and reconsider that despite the tabloids and the lyrics, none of us know what went down in that marriage.
okay but what about the music? this will maybe be the shortest part of this blog (oops!), but I’m really fascinated with the narrative around and in the album. the music, I’ll probably need to listen for another week before i have anything worthwhile to say (i need to go full geek on it). keeping it brief, it felt very airy. sonically it sounds like the imaginary room the cover was shot in: spacious and full of sunbeams. something about some of the songs (wait for your love and yes, and?) felt very 80s to me, but i’d need a psychoanalyst to explain that to me. you still hear an rnb influence throughout, but why wouldn’t you? obviously the boy is mine, but true story as well with the bass straight out of “pony” by ginuwine and a drum pattern (pattern, not sample, don’t get it twisted) similarly to “don’t hurt yourself” by beyoncé. my personal favorite of the album was imperfect for you, but i’m a sucker for a pedal tone that creates dissonance, what can i say?
if you’ve actually read this far thank you? im amazed that you read a 20 mile long blog that frankly, is not even well written yet. xoxo 🐇
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gothamslostboy · 1 year
Reasons I believe David is either gay or has a Masc preference
He’s the only lost boy who didn’t immediately flirt w/ Maria (worker at video store)
The man doesn’t even glance at her
Literally every scene with Michael is him flirting with him
If he’s not flirting he’s asking Michael to join him
even after Marko’s death, he’s still pleading with Michael to join, knowing he played a role in his brothers death
I’m bringing up the flying fight scene bc Michael just looks pissed and David seems kinda into it
He let Michael get away with punching him even though the officer was murdered for just restraining him
Yes I know max probably told him not to kill Sam or Michael, but he didn’t even throw a punch or let one of the others punch him back
Anytime Michael grabs at his shirt or gets close to him he smirks
The movie was made in the 80s and I think vampirism symbolizes the AIDS epidemic of the time, which was targeted as a “gay” disease
He tends to treat Michael how many other vampire medias show a male vampire treating the female love interest
When Star gets on the back of his bike after Michael chases her, he smiles as soon as he noticed Michael looking in his direction, even though it wasn’t aimed at him
In the 80s, having a single earring was considered gay, he & the other lost boys only have one
Again with vampirism= queer, Michael gets 1 ear piercing after becoming half
He stares at Michael as he lets go and falls at the bridge
I know ppl think he and Star had a thing, but I don’t at all
The scene most ppl get this idea from is when Star is about to leave with Michael, and he sternly calls her to his bike
I see this as protectiveness of his pack mate and jealously that she has captured Michaels interest
Other than that scene, there is no indication that David (or the 3 others) are/ have dated Star, even though she is the only female in the group
All four males sleep close together, meanwhile Star and Laddie sleep in a separate room, even though it would be very possible to bring sleeping things like blankets, pillows, and if they put in some effort a mattress
I think this is bc the back room they sleep in is a couple bedroom, and Star and laddie don’t fit the criteria
The boys are very protective of laddie and Star, so I don’t see why else they would let them sleep in a part of the cave where they can’t protect them in the day
I’m mentioning the tension between him and Michael again bc THERE IS NO STRAIGHT EXPLANATION FOR THE WAY THOSE TWO LOOK AT/ ACT AROUND EACHOTHER
When he’s messing with Michael’s food at the cave and Star tells him to stop, he grin drops, which I believe is bc she interrupted what he saw as playful banter/ flirting (here)
Bc I’m a queer man and I said so
I probably missed some but it doesn’t matter bc I’m gonna add on to this if I think of more
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nikadd · 5 months
gonna complain abt biphobia for a second so if you think im automatically annoying bc of that it’s ok, just scroll past. idgaf
for the past few weeks on twitter and in the past on tiktok and im assuming here as well (im just not verging into those waters on here) i’ve seen a lot of weird and annoying things being said abt bisexuals and bi women in general and it feels like one of those things where somebody picks a specific type of a member in a community (here being “a white cis bi girl with a white cishet boyfriend”) as like the so called representative of the entire community and bc it’s like the supposed closest person to being the oppressor then all of the criticisms get to stick. it’s like when ppl add “white” in front of “woman” to make their criticisms not sound misogynistic.
like there are lots of things that are very much issues that bisexuals face in higher numbers than either gay or straight ppl do (such as ipv, for example), and nobody is talking abt it, but if we ever just express annoyances abt micro aggressions or negative stereotypes abt us (that feed into the material oppression we face! the stereotypes abt us being sex-obsessed and promiscuous freaks actually does lead to ppl thinking we can’t say no to sex and that we would cheat on them which leads to physical and emotional abuse!), then suddenly everybody is like “why are yall complaining abt it” “i wish i had your issues” “biphobia isn’t real, what you’re complaining abt is homophobia” “yall chose to date men” “who’s stopping yall from dating men” and it’s like…
we (cis bi women) understand that if we are dating men or somebody who is read as a man on the street then we benefit from being read as straight, but it’s weird when ppl keep talking abt “the real life” when we are talking abt how we are treated within the queer community or we want to address specific things. like many of us DO understand the sense of scale of things, we are not equating homophobic hate crimes to the micro aggressions, but if everything we say is conflated to just being micro aggressions we are blowing out of proportion, then it becomes difficult to address actually important things!
and i do think some of my fellow bisexuals have fallen into a weird pick-me-girl meme within the community, e.g. “i’m attracted to every woman ever and like 3 guys” which sounds like we are supposed to suppress our attraction to men to feel accepted in the queer community and act like it’s such a chore to be attracted to or be in a relationship w men. and im not even talking abt many of them coming to realize they are lesbians, which is good for them! but it just became one of those annoying things ppl just regurgitate and i don’t actually believe that it is an actual way many of them view their attraction, but they want the good queer points so they say it.
and i understand many lesbians’ frustrations w newly-out bi women expressing how they are intimidated by the idea of approaching a woman, but i think sometimes ppl are too quick to call it lesbophobia and that we think that lesbians are scary bc THEN apparently we aren’t living in “the real life” in our heteronormative world where we are taught how to be w men only? like i guess in this situation we don’t care abt what goes on outside of the community. and im glad many queer women are able to overcome it but we often forget how difficult it is to figure it out! and ppl online keep talking abt how weird and homophobic it is for bi women to say this when we should actually be scared of/intimidated by men bc they are more likely to abuse us… which is such a piss on the poor type of misreading of what we are saying. but also victim blaming once again.
like i’ve been out as bi for like 9 years now, had VERY strong feelings for multiple girls over this time (like i’ve had to tell some ppl im bi and not a lesbian), currently in my first ever relationship - and yes it’s with a man. and if i was some kind of famous person on the internet, people would be saying im settling, or im faking my queerness, or looking into my past relationships and seeing nothing there bc ive never dated anybody before. so what then? suddenly im not bi bc i’ve never gone out w a girl? like in my case i never even dated men before bc i rarely like somebody enough to want to go through w anything AND i need to know that they like me first as well so im actually always surprised to find out that ppl date ppl often but that’s neither here nor there.
like all those tweets abt billie eilish abt how she “chose to date an abuser before she ever dated a girl” or dove cameron “making a song abt being a better boyfriend to a girl and now dating yet another man” make me so upset like do they need to go out and date a girl for some kind of queer points for ppl to shut up abt it?
another thing i saw was like “a girl is gonna go to a queer bar or pride, dance and flirt with girls, and then go home to a boyfriend 💀” and it’s like okay so yall don’t want us bringing our boyfriends to queer events, that’s fine (not that my bf is straight and might also enjoy going to a queer event as he’s also queer but who cares abt that, right?) but then we also can’t go to a queer event by ourselves either? like not all queer events are singles-only events! and flirting doesn’t mean you’re being led on! sometimes ppl flirt just because! why does it mean that i need to stop going to queer events that i’ve been going to before dating my bf just bc im w a man now?
like ppl act like it’s not even worth to come out for a bi woman if she’s gonna date a guy / already is in a relationship w a guy. like maybe my identity existed before my relationship and might even exist after it? like im my own person or something?
like i’m so tired of ppl online being “heartbroken” over a hot woman (bonus points if she “looks” gay) being w a man - as if you ever had a chance w her if she was single! or acting like being w a bi woman means that she’s gonna leave you for a man! like it sounds weirdly incelish when i see other queer women online being like “oh ofc a girl i was dating left me for a man 🙄” and it’s like maybe she just started dating a man after you but you’re making it sound like she hated being with a woman and cheated on you with a man and you get to have this high horse about it. like im sure there have been instances where two women broke up and then one ended up w a man and even got married or something but i’ve seen too many ppl paint these situations like ultimate betrayals. like if she left you for another woman it would have been better?
like i know that there are some bi women who Have said/done things that led to these thoughts/complaints, but like the way we (queer women as a whole) have been engaging in these conversations has been very alienating. like there ARE things we need to address within our community (e.g., “everybody is a little bi”, “hearts not parts”, “don’t worry i’m bisexual” when dating trans ppl, etc) but i genuinely often feel more comfortable talking to other bisexuals abt it bc i think some things SHOULD be addressed within the bisexual community first bc it shouldn’t be on other ppl to address these things like we gotta clean our own house yk but it’s often difficult to do so on the internet bc anybody could chime in and divert the attention and take things out of context.
tldr i hate these conversations and all the jokes abt biphobia bc ppl think it makes them more progressive or feminist or whatever and seriously addressing these things suddenly makes me “one of those bisexuals” or whatever. like i know im saying all the stuff we’ve all already said in 2014 in all those “reblog if you believe that bi ppl are bi and not just half gay half straight” but i feel like ppl only agree w this in theory and not in practice and actively believe that every bi woman is a lesbian in denial or a straight woman w a fetish. and it’s fucking annoying.
and yeah it might sound like i’m a chronically online tumblr sjw abt it but the internet queer spaces are like a third space for many ppl and it’s disheartening to see these things and then feel like ppl are just keeping their mouths shut abt it offline but still believe and think this way.
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azvainia · 21 days
He/him lesbian discourse is stupid, and here’s why; bare with me this may be a bit bumpy of a ride but I promise I have a point
CONTENT WARNING: mentions of heavy topics such as bigotry and SA. if you’re not mentally up to it, just scroll. inane discourse is not worth your mental health.
Throughout my time existing in the queer community, I’ve noticed that there is always a group that’s ostracized for being too “different” from the rest of the pack, or are hard for others not in their situation to understand.
The worst part is it doesn’t just happen in the queer community, it seems to happen everywhere, in every space that humans inhabit and form groups in. you may have noticed, for example, that queer people are an outgroup to those who are cis/straight. It’s a line of people, each more niche than the one before them, all saying “You? You can’t be with us. You’re not one of us.” until we get to the end and we’re talking about problems on the fringes of the internet, like this very post.
Don’t get me wrong. There are some people who need to be ostracized to keep the peace as well as maintain safety in a space—Including, but not limited to: Nazis/fascists, racists, homophobes, pedos/zoos, etc. specifically when they are actively causing harm to others (remember rehabilitation though, if someone has grown out of a previous pattern of behavior that aligns with something that caused harm, I don’t think they should be permanently barred from our communities). At the end of the day, there’s always going to be people like this who are hateful, and I believe it’s important to keep in mind that relationships are complicated too. Some people will tolerate certain harmful behaviors because of circumstances like jobs or familial relations, and some would immediately cut them off. I think it’s all down to your preferences. It’s your life, after all.
My issue with this Ostracization comes in when it’s done to those who are not causing harm. I’ll start big picture here. I’m thinking first and foremost of the historical rift between women and men. I’m no expert on ancient bigotries, but if I had to guess I would expect misogyny to be an older one. I can hear it now. “They’re meek and they’re biologically engineered to be weaker than us!” Are they causing any harm? Is there any real reason to treat them worse than men? Next I think of racism, which is inconceivably annoying. “Oh no, their skin is a different color! They have different customs than I do!”boo hoo.
Of course next we can look at queer history. First, straight people push out gays. Because they can’t have biological children? Because they’re threatening masculinity? Whatever. Then, in spite of black trans women like Marsha P. Johnson leading the Stonewall Riots, cis queers ostracize trans people to make themselves more palatable (despite the fact that when given the chance, bigots would be fine with all of us wiped off the face of the earth). And when trans people become a bit more widely known and accepted (relatively so)? Soon, gender-non-conforming trans ppl like non-binary, agender, and genderfluid people are the next target, forming the trans-medicalist debate while trans people in general are still struggling to fight the narrative that they would assault people in the bathrooms of their aligning gender.
So we’ve finally caught up. In many modern queer communities, gnc trans people are accepted as just another part of the alphabet mafia. But there must be another sacrifice. Neopronouns and He/him lesbians. Years of oppression, and we still can’t seem to break the cycle. To those who have issues with people who use these labels, I ask you sincerely. Why?
If you are a lesbian, no one is forcing you to date someone who identifies as a lesbian while also being “male-aligned” in some way. The same way no one is obligating cis people to date trans people just because they’re an ally or whatever. Please consider; are these people you so despise and call lesbiophobic truly doing any harm other than existing? I thought that the trans community was all about breaking gender norms and being your truest self. Is excluding lesbians who are masculine or use he/him not enforcing the whole “blue= boy” shit all over again? Yes, “he/him” is most often used for men or masculine people, but just like gender roles and gender itself, it’s just a concept we humans made up. With time, everything shifts, changes, and grows.
Let us grow together. Let us feel the magic of queer joy together. Even if you don’t entirely understand it, live and let live.
Realistically I know that gatekeeping and discourse like this will never end, but even if one more person reflects and tries to be more inclusive, more thoughtful, more empathetic, I will be happy. If you got this far ily, take care of yourself and live your best life.
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wikaliyag · 1 year
hi, so i've become a tomgreg enthusiast just before the fourth season aired (i basically devoured the whole three seasons of succ in four days lmao). i don't really engage in social media and fandoms anymore but i would like to share my thoughts on the tomgreg relationship and the final season itself.
i would like to start with the fact that i was actually really surprised how explicit their relationship was in the first three seasons (in a way it still really is, but we'll get to that), since from what i knew about the show it was supposed to be something perfect for your 'normal' media consumer out there, just some business stuff, so with that logic i assumed it will be as heterosexual as it can get to not offend anyone (i mean homophobes). but the second tom and greg were together on the screen my brain materialised the 'i know what you are' dog meme and i loved it. it didn't feel superficial, it was something different, fresh and ugly and toxic and just real. seeing these two just be horrible to everyone (including each other) made sense and then seeing them finally lower their gourds down and care for only each other also made sense. so my main point is that it made a lot of sense for them to go with the dynamic and to just make it the way it is. i believe wholeheartedly that it is a genuine representation that i so desperately wanted, since i'm so done with all that 'gay ppl can't be horrible pieces of shit and have to be unnaturally perfect and good'. 
it isn’t as explicit as other queer relationships in media but that’s kinda what makes them so unique and fun to watch. they don’t have to kiss or to say ‘i love you’, cause we already have that confirmation through how they act towards each other. from ‘would you kiss me?’ first interaction to the ‘i will take care of you’ declaration, like he really didn’t have to do it, i believe he might have just been lonely in the roy kingdom and greg was the same, not in the inner circle but still a part of the family. that was the reason why he was so attracted to greg from the beginning. the nero and sporus speech, when tom decides to pour his whole heart into that speech and greg just responds with nothing, so tom awkwardly drops his smile, cause he thinks that he might be the only one that feels that way. (it was so fun to me cause for some reason i love to see tom suffer, idk why don’t ask me). but then greg immediately asks if tom is okay, cause he does care about tom and maybe he is just super oblivious to tom’s feelings at that point. in the fourth season greg allows tom to throw him under the bus during social interactions just for him to look better. he also is okay with tom treating him like shit throughout the whole show, even though he could have just leave him and try to suck up to his family more (as we can see in this season it is actually possible for greg to somehow have a working relationship with his cousins). i could give you so many more examples but we all get the point. it is not sexually explicit and it doesn’t have to, queer relationships are not only about sex or physical intimacy in general (though we still get all that patting on the back, stomach, shoulders ect., even all that whatever it was in the first ep from greg), it’s the emotional connection too. and we did get that. 
if it comes to the fourth season, i must admit that i agree with a lot of criticism. the characters feel really off to me. and i will focus on greg for a bit. this season he is suddenly gross and says stupid things, like he is a total imbecile that can’t think for himself (like i get it, he was always a little dumb dumb and ofc he can say gross things, it’s just that these are his only character trades right now, that’s the problem). he is definitely not qualified enough to be in a position that he is now but the greg from the second or third season would at least try to pinch some of his own ideas (even tho they are shitty) or maybe try to give his honest opinion on something, now he just goes ‘yeah it’s dope man’ and moves on. if it comes to tom i would say he is handled quite well, it might be because macfadyen is an absolute acting genius, but him being a total flop and trying so desperately to be on a good page with all the people that he betrayed makes sense. he is scared he is soon going to lose everything and it makes him do everything in his power to not let that happen, he is a total mess emotionally (and we love to see it). that includes coming back to shiv. even though he stood up for himself and i really wish he could just leave her and finally be happy alone, he has to be the a good and obedient husband once again, that’s his only way of saving himself. he says that he loves shiv for the money but i think there is also an actual unconditional love there, it’s just not a thing that she will understand, so he must speak in another language - a love for money and power. she then gets it and lets him in. but then you can see in a way that tom looks at her, that there is something more to it than the prestige of being married to a roy. 
and now the tomgreg relationship. we don’t see many scenes of them and yes it hurts a bit, since you wait a whole ass week for an episode and you don’t get much of their interactions but i saw someone saying that ‘they don’t need to show us tom and greg plotting together, cause we already know that. they focus on the dynamics of the relationships that are currently changing and tomgreg is as solid as a rock’ (obviously paraphrasing that one). i so agree with that, we don’t have to see them to know, it would be amazing to get more confirmation and just to see them both be all giggly middle aged men together but we already know where we stand. they have the deal, they work together behind the scenes, i bet that is exactly why in the sixth episode they went to an empty room, so that they can update each other on their secrety and confidential stuff. and why is greg gregging for ken and tom is suffocating himself in a toxic relationship with shiv? it’s simple, because it’s their plan to do so. they hope that at least one of the relationships will stick and save them from their doom. they will jump ships to whoever will be willing to not throw them away. this way it makes sense for us not to see them all that often together because we see them executing their plan, separately on camera but actually together. i hope that this will be addressed in the last four eps, it would be actually kinda fun to see maybe one of them or even both of them betray each other for their new friends/lovers to just be betrayed themselves and end up together anyway. it's what they deserve.
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eddieydewr · 3 months
I’m glad Noah is removing himself from social media for his own peace of mind. It sucks but social media is toxic and he’s still so young and naive enough that he is prone to over sharing and putting himself in positions where people can be nasty or take advantage of him. It’s sucks to say this is an exercise in growing up the hard way but he does need to protect himself more and not everyone deserves a piece of him or his time. I just hope he’s ok mentally and has a lot of love and support around him now.
Also the zionist thing re the stickers. Wasn’t that his friends stickers and he was just showing them to Noah? That’s what I remember. Ppl be acting like Noah made them and was posting them around the town which he did not. And as for calling everyone a zionist, I think a lot of people don’t even know what zionism is at the most basic level—is just that jews think israel should be allowed to exist/they should be allowed to self determinate in their indigenous homeland. That’s it! How is that evil or bad unless you are an antisemitic piece of shit or you’re so misinformed that you buy the falsehood that israelis are all white european colonizers? Bffr. That’s literally what zionism is, no matter what these zoomers are hearing online or how some people might be twisting it into something far from what it actually means, that’s what being a zionist means in its simplest form. Just that Isreal should be allowed to exist. And that to me is not problematic unless you think jews don’t deserve to have a place in their homeland that expelled them. And do ppl think a jewish boy whose has ties to Israel is going to believe that Israel should not exist and all the millions of jews there should just… what exactly? disappear? relocate where? be killed? what’s the solution again? the fact that cheering for hamas and houthis literally terrorists who kill their own people and shove gays off rooftops and oppress woman and train child soldiers is ok and cool but believing innocent israelis who were murdered should be spared no sympathy and all those jews should not be allowed to have a home is not… just shows what a fucked up world we live in.
I think these people think that zionism = jews thinking they are the best thing ever and all the palestinians need to die but like… no? also like 90 percent or something of jews around the world consider themselves zionists so…. I’m sorry at this point all I am seeing is a lot of people who simply hate jews or aren’t educated about the situation and are putting western US racial politics overtop this middle east issue and they don’t overlap. at all. this has become the most disgusting display from a generation I have ever seen and so worry about this country. But I’ve said to my friends is give it time, as soon as their terrorist buddies decide to attack here again they might finally catch a clue that these “freedom fighters” aren’t their friends or to be cheered on
anyways if believing jews should be allowed to have a homeland and live there peacefully makes me a zionist? then call me a zionist. i would rather support that then cheer hamas
exactly, yeah. all this. they think noah recording his friends and smiling makes him evil and he was happy about people dying in gaza. 😭
they also think zionism and israel itself are based on the destruction of another land (palestine); ethnic cleansing and genocide. even some jews and holocaust survivors believe it (for many different reasons; some of them are actually non zionists instead) but their opinions are used by antisemites to bolster their ~anti zionist claims and israel’s right to exist. they’re also against a two-state solution and think israel should cease to be. israelis simply can use their dual passports (because all of them are dual citizens apparently) and go to brooklyn or poland 🤪 or just stay and become palestinian citizens. somehow i can’t see that going well for jews, especially if “from the river to the sea” palestine is under hamas’ control. so people are either stupid and don’t realise what they’re saying or some of them are actually honest with their intention; to push the jews into the sea.
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Okay I know this is old news or whatever but I am so mad about how much hate the artist/author of Boyfriends on WEBTOON gets.
From when I was more into the comic, the main reason ppl had to be upset at the person were:
A) They drew BTS nsfw art in their teens
B) They fetishized trans men
C) The characters are all Asian and do not look Asian
D) They had the nerd say he was a proshipper
These reasons are honestly so bad to me. Idk if anyone else has extra info or maybe something else he did was bad, but I’m going to explain why I think these are such bad reasons.
1. BTS nsfw art
I’m just going to come out and say it’s bad to write or draw fanart/fanfics of any real person if they haven’t given consent to. It’s different from characters because these are Real People with real emotions and such. And yeah, that wasn’t good. But a couple things. They stopped drawing it around 17-19. For some people that’s way too old to be drawing that, and many think that it’s an attempt at an excuse.
I don’t think that’s the case. I can’t tell you how many posts I’ve seen online of people having bombastic crushes on singers and actors and doing the most heinous shit because they were teenagers. Teenagers just Do That. Yes it’s creepy, but many people go through a phase of having to learn how to seperate fiction from reality and it’s in your teen years. It’s not odd, and I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility to consider that a 17-18-19 year old would learn that and send out an apology. I mean our brains apparently don’t even develop till 25. There was also one point that many believed that the artist actually liked someone else’s nsfw BTS art recently, but I saw the post they liked and in my opinion…I had no idea who tf they were drawing. I’m not into BTS but I’ve seen pictures and if I was just scrolling one day and saw it I’d like the post. I don’t remember any BTS specific tags or a BTS related caption. Maybe the entire account was about that and so they didn’t feel the need for tags but I have no idea.
2) They fetishized trans men
Writing four trans men acting stupid and cringy in college and having healthy relationships and discussing boundaries and consent in a polyamorous relationship is not fetishizing. The artist himself is a trans man.
Sidebar, many critiques also center around the unrealistic portrayal of four ppl being in one polyamorous relationship together which honestly? Who cares if it’s unrealistic, it’s a good portrayal and it’s a romance, why can’t gays just have a happy story for once.
3) The characters are all Asian and do not look Asian
Hey, I didn’t know they were Asian either. I mean, I figured jock was but not the others. But honestly it’s not that big a deal. They’re the only four characters in the entire series I believe( other than their girl counterparts) and I’m sure if there was another character that wasn’t Asian we’d be able to tel. But even then, many many comics have a similar simplistic artstyle online, and race and ethnicity are not always obvious. Also the artist is Filipino, so I really doubt there’s anything iffy going on there.
4) Nerd is a proshipper
There’s nothing bad about thinking fiction ≠ reality and that you can act independently of the fiction you consume. Most people irl are proship without realizing it. Most literature is proship, because it explores every single aspect of storytelling. Antis really have not chosen the best hill to die on.
And that’s all I’ve got.
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sapphicsrph · 2 years
°• Shit Said In the Chaos Server •°
A collection of chaotic starters for your chaotic muses. Feel free to adjust as needed.
Tumblr media
“What’s a braincell. Can you eat it?”
“What did you think I meant?”
“I love you?”
“Sounds fake.”
“I hate you all”
“You’re cute is what you is.”
“I love that you won’t let yourself live that down.”
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t a conversation I have no recollection of seeing.”
“Earth is great…just a bit confused.“
“But it’s her future, their past"
“Shut up!”
“There’s too much chaos here I can’t believe we didn’t keep a running log.”
“Are you the witch from Hansel and Gretel?”
“Big Dumb Dumb over there thought Lily James (the actress) meant Lily and James Potter (Harry Potter’s parents) and informed me she was dead.”
“The supreme bean leader approves.”
“Someone doesn’t want to be in the bean cult.”
“Gotta bbq or you end up with Ron Weasley.”
“Unprepared for 18th Century hug transmitted diseases.”
“I need to lay down I have hurt my feelings TOO MUCH!“
*spritzes you with water* “YOU STOP THAT!”
“Who will teach her the ancient laws of our people? Fuck Around, and Find Out.”
“Please, I can change.”
“So now I just get PRE STABBED is that how it is?!“
“I leave for a little bit and come back to this?”
“I’m just gonna have to cause pain I guess.“
“That was homophobic. Why? I’m gay and it hurt me.”
“Well technically he yelled fuck me so…“
“How many ppl die in this children’s show?”
“Why do i always come back to angst?“
“Clearly my perception of time is nonexistent right now.”
“No, it’s a simple emoji story. The goose stabbers who betrays their beans.“
“I ain’t a twink, I’m a god damn twunk, get it right.”
“No yeehaw.”
“That sucks! Have you tried setting it on fire?”
“Some days are just simply not meant for writing.“
“I’m being stabbed. :’)“
“She says she’s deleted stuff but I can hear her typing more.“
“That’s an exceptionally low bar“
“I love specific parts of reddit.”
“So I think most of it will be spent in dead.”
“No passive aggressive smileys thank you.“
“I’m not people.“
“I’m preparing myself to flip some tables.”
*walks up to a horse* “Oh Nathan! Good to see you again.”
“Am I a perfect angel? Yes or no?“
“I got two mood rings but you know what, I don’t think you deserve one.“
“What did I come back to?”
“You were not peer pressured, oh my god.“
“Besties, we can all be each other’s favorites.”
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Cody from total drama (Simpson Anderson or whatever the fuck his 4 stupid last names are) is my WORST FUCKING ENEMY. WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE HIM?? He does not do SHIT in season one except be gay 1 time (on accident too like he couldn’t even do that one thing on his own accord) and be weird about Gwen. Bro objectifies women like I’m sorry but he does. Ooo I need me a goth girl to be mean to me 🥺🥺🥺 like stfu PLEASEE. Literally his FIRST SCENE is walking in the girls cabin and being weird to her. And then he keeps doing it!! On god he’s like third place in being weird about women in this show (which is still very bad but he’s not worse than Duncan or Chris. But cmon is that an accomplishment?? I thought so)
Now I will give him this one thing, he did not steal her bra, she gave it to him. But like ??? Is that really Good?? Everyone always gives him credit for Taking a step back and setting up Gwen and Trent but we all fucking know he just did that so she’d think “wow Cody is so selfless and kind!! That’s so hot I need him he’s so much better than that B F F (big forehead freak) I can’t believe it took me this long to realize it” or some shit like that. Like, can you REALLY consider him and Gwen as friends?? Even in world tour he says shit like “I’d do anything for Gwen!! She has to kiss me eventually!!” And then he rubs his hands together like he fucking did something bro SHUT UPPP why not help her because she’s your FRIEND?? No ?? You’re gonna keep being weird abt her forever?? Ok cool. And let’s not forget the picture thing either! Touching someone and taking a photo of them while they’re asleep isn’t weird at all !! If she’s your friend just ASK To take a fucking selfie or whatever, but no just because she wouldn’t want his hand around her shoulder he had to go max fucking creepiness about it.
So what the FUCK is there to like about Cody. His looks ?? Bro.. he’s not the worst offense design wise but like. Have you seen that one frame when he sits near Heather in word tour. WHY IS HIS HEAD SO BIG?? CERTAINLY NOT TO ACCOMMODATE HIS FUCKING BRAIN. And he DOES look like he’s 12 let’s be honest. His dramarama design is literally just The same guy but tinier (if you’re gonna say that’s how children works stfu that’s not what I mean) now I’m not gonna say he deserved Sierra bc she’s weird as hell and terrible, but he did similar things too and I rarely ever see him called out for it. Genuinely I think many ppl just like him bc of the accidental gay thing which OBJECTION ! Noah did ALL the fucking work for “Noco” (I don’t care abt them as a ship btw I just need to make it clear Cody didn’t do shit) like NOAH was the one who kissed him in his sleep. And NOAH was the one who got teased by it in the losers episode (where was Cody huh?? No I literally don’t remember him being in that episode) and NOAH is the one sleeping on him in that one frame in world tour. Cody gets so much credit for being one of the Original gays but he does NO WORK in this relationship.
anyway yeah that’s abt it. Also do NOT compare me to Jater or Emmater or whatever the fuck, both of those two fucking suck u can hate on characters without being awful about gnc women and apparently mentioning suicide like wtf??
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danny-chase · 1 year
Ok I’ll just send a few of my unpopular opinions for you to react to later lol
1. I think a lot of Jason Stans act like Tim Stans as of recent and say he’s the smartest bestest batfam member. The smartest Robin thing is stupid because they’re all smart and it depends on who is writing.
2. As much as I want it to be true I don’t think Dick is queer-coded or bi in canon. I can’t speak for the stuff in the 80’s and earlier but most of the stuff I’ve read makes him so straight (especially Tom Taylor) 😭
3. Dick was not the angry Robin or an angry person in general and so many people take his angry moments out of context.
4. I want Clark and Lois to have another kid because they robbed us of Jon content and I think giving him a sibling would be neat
Pls don’t hate me 😭
1. I don't really pay attention to that so I don't know
2. Recent stuff? Yeah no. Outsiders 2003? Maybbbe? Winick explicitly had Grace call out the sexual tension between Dick and Roy, and call them a cute couple, it definitely felt like he was flirting with the idea, haven't looked at his intentions. Devin Grayson, a writer on Nightwing in the 00s also said in an interview she headcanoned him as bisexual. It's also worth mentioning Inheritance was officially put out by DC which is probably the most intentionally queer coded Dick's ever been in anything, i haven't read it, but seen some quotes and yeah. When most ppl refer to old stuff in the 80s they're talking about ntt, which yeah discowing outfit is camp, Marv Wolfman i believe was trying to write Dick as straight and accidentally added some gay moments in (like Dick meeting Joey i was like??? Marv are you bi and never realized you were into men??? Because that's how your Dick internal narration comes off). Either way, while i joke about those moments I don't consider them queercoding because to me they didn't seem intentional
3. I feel like this one's pretty popular among Dick fans. Dude started out as angry, calmed down, stiffened into a rigid little guy (teen titans 66 era Dick my beloved, he's such a square i love him). In canon generally his anger has a cause, not unlike the rest of us shshsh
4. I don't like what they did aging up Jon, and i don't really care if they have another kid 🤷‍♀️
I'm not gonna hate you shdhhdhdhdh it's just opinions
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im-a-gay-robot · 2 years
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I know this has been done before, but I had some thoughts so I made it happen. No I won't be taking constructive criticism
But also short explanation under the cut
Sarge - I don’t think sarge identifies as gay and that would be reason enough for him to not fuck himself. Can’t say what his clone would do lol
Grif - ok I think Grif would either say he’s not gay because he’s repressed/insecure or because he’s bi and makes jokes at the difference
Church - Church just wouldn’t be down for that, too many clones at this point tbh
Doc - listen doc is the kind of guy to post about self love and never believe in any of it and continue to hate himself as long as other people do, can’t fuck with that
Tex - she is much too badass to entrust anyone else to fuck her
Tucker - he would want to know if he’s good in bed to at least tell ppl to try and convince them to sleep with him. If he’s not good there’s really only 50/50 that he’d try to get better lol
Simmons - tentacles. Need I say more?
Donut - he’s just a little horny guy what can I say
Caboose - his understanding of the concept overall is not strong so this is the most logical conclusion he can come to
Lopez - honestly tired of these dumb humans conversation and thinks they’re all gross for talking about it. And would never fuck one of the other Lopez bots imho
Wash - I almost switched Doc and Wash but I just hear ‘what if my clone was evil’ in Wash’s voice and I think he’d worry about dumb stuff like that (thinks back to when he went bad and isn’t attracted to that side of himself)
Kai - I feel like this is pretty obvious. I mean it’s her fantasy but also new kink with Multiple clones!
Carolina - she’s just tired but no longer surprised
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