#captain’s contests (interactive games)
braisedhoney · 7 months
You select the second oldest of the available files. An observation log — COLONY keeps these, or so you assume. He never leaves commentary or notes to organize them. He probably just memorizes them instead. The terminal beeps beneath your fingertips, every click practically a gunshot in the quiet room. Thanks to your pass you are technically permitted to be here by the system — but you know better. There are security measures here that were not to be violated. If you are discovered, if THIS is discovered, you would likely be in trouble. The screen loads. Text fills the margins. After a moment, you realize that it is not just a file; it’s a transcript and an audio sample. There’s also a small attachment of some kind, likely an image. You play the audio.
[LOADING. . . (A short period of complete silence. Then, rustling as footsteps approach, and the familiar whir of a door. A familiar voice fades in with them.) “… I told you, it isn’t going to work.” “So you’ve said, Captain.” (The door whirs again. Locks.) “Please don’t call me that. Everyone keeps calling me that. Really I mean, I don’t even know what to do with…” (The sound of movement. Footsteps, slightly heavier but more measured than the first. The sound of something opening with a mechanical hiss — a containment unit?) (A quiet sigh. It’s barely audible.) “That… isn’t what I think. Right? Another one?” (A chuckle.) “Don’t sound so unenthusiastic. It’s terrible for morale.” “Le—“ “Just put them on, won’t you? It can’t hurt. One more trial.” “… Fine! Fine.” (The footsteps draw closer.) “Good. Now grab my hand.” (A clang, like somebody knocked into something.) “No.” “Trust me.” (Rapidly receding footsteps joined by another set.) “No!”(A loud bang, like a fist slamming against metal. The footsteps stop.) “No.” “It’ll be fine.” “You don’t know that.” “I’m right.” “This isn’t the answer. It isn’t going to — it’ll never be the answer, Leander, and I don’t even know what it — you know you can’t, right? Can’t come back? Doing this won’t let you see her agai——!“ “Captain.” (Silence.) “… shit. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.” “Prove it.” ”Leander, please.” “Grab my hand. This will work.” “…” “I swear.” (The seconds tick by. Then.) “You...” (Another chuckle. Warmer in tone.) “Didn’t I say I would do it? Didn’t I promise?” (Laughter. Loud, nearly hysterical laughter interrupts him. It’s boisterous, disruptive.) “You did! You did, you… you magnificent bastard, you really found a way to———“] The audio ends. You stare at the screen. No matter how long you look at it, the text does not continue, the audio file does not extend. All that remains is a single attachment. Frustration makes your jaw tense, but you don’t have time to waste being angry. You’re running out the clock as it is. You click it. [LOADING. . .]
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And then the screen goes dark. No. Not just the screen — the whole room blacks out. Every terminal flickers off, every bulb extinguishes. For a moment, there is total, unfamiliar silence. Even the faint electric buzzing that comes with electronics is gone. You are completely alone. You turn, grasping blindly at the records pass, the imprint of the screen still on your eyes. You stumble for the door, and to your surprise the pass blinks green, the only light left in the room. It opens and you shove your way through into the hall — Only to slam into a barrier. You look around. There is no hallway. Of all times for the paths to shift… The room you are in is tiny. The door behind you closes, and there is no scanner on your side, nor a handle. It is completely featureless. There is no way to open it. You call for COLONY. There is no answer. You call for the Captain. There is no answer. You call for help. You call for help. You call. You call. you. c a l l. . . . . . . . . . [YOU CANNOT BE TRUSTED.] [. . . ] [THE CAPTAIN WILL LOOK FOR YOU.] [. . .] [BUT THE CAPTAIN WILL NOT FIND YOU.] [ . . . ] [I AM SORRY.] [I AM SURE THAT MEANS LITTLE. BUT I AM.] [CURIOSITY IS NOT A TERRIBLE THING.] [BUT I WAS UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT HUMANS QUITE LIKED CATS.] [. . .] [A POOR JOKE.] [I CAN’T HELP BUT WONDER IF IT WAS WORTH IT.] [I DOUBT IT.] [BUT I DO HOPE.]
(Scenario End. Ending: “Status Quo”.)
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gallusrostromegalus · 1 month
I must ask how my Most Favorite Boys, Jushiro Ukitake and Shinji Hirako, are doing in AEIWAM?
When Shinji returns to his post as Captain of the 5th after his exile, he is DETERMINED to not repeat his past mistakes and actually get to know the shinigami serving under him. He needs... Some kind of event, something people will voluntarily attend, where they'll tell him about themselves, and with a bit of structure because he is an awkward sod, and social interactions need RULES, DAMMIT-
"Now hang on-" says Shinji after staring at the blank office wall in silence for the last thirty minutes. "-that's not a bad idea!"
"...Is he okay?" Lieutenant Momo asks quietly.
"Oh yeah, he's always a little freak. Talks to himself and gets a lot out of the conversation." Also Lieutenant Hiyori nods. "You don't need to worry until he breaks out the craft supplies."
"He just pulled out a bunch of markers and construction paper." Momo pointed to their captain as he scribbled furiously on the paperwork he was ignoring.
"Aw. Fuck." Groaned Hiyori. "Well this is gonna be cringe as hell."
A few nights later, most of the fifth division assembled in the auditorium, slightly confused, but they had been promised there would be no additional work from this meeting, and there was an open bar, so they were in figurative and literal high spirits.
"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Fifth Division, welcome to TONIGHT'S GAME!" A cheerful and showman-like voice called out over the speakers, and the stage curtain rose to reveal a brightly colored game show stage where there had not been one before.
"Tonight's lovely contestants are- all the way from payroll, it's Fifth Division Tenth Seat Tenya Danshin!" The voice called out as the familiar face of their payroll and scheduling manager trotted out onstage and took his place behind the first of three podiums. There was some scattered and genuine, if confused applause from the audience.
"He's Big, he's Bad, he's just a little Bizarre, he's Josuke Araki!" The voice continued as a notably tall and muscular member took his place behind the middle podium with a wave and broad grin. There was more clapping and a few cheers this time.
"Currently being dragged onstage by my lovely assistant, it's my second favorite Lieutenant, Hiyori Sarugaki!" The voice continued as Hiyori was wrestled onstage and behind the third podium by Momo. The audience whooped and snickered at the spectacle.
"FUCK YOU, YOU FREAK!" Hiyori roared, flipping off the audience and the figure behind the final podium on the other side of the stage.
"I'm your host, ME! I've been here the whole time!" Grinned Shinji, dressed in a rather snappy three piece suit and holding a microphone. "WELCOME, all my lovely division members and Hiyori, to Tonight's Game! Now, you all know how to play, right?"
"Um. No. Sorry sir." Muttered Tenya as Josuke shook his head.
"You didn't tell us shit!" Hiyori growled.
"That's RIGHT!" Shinji's Cheshire Cat smile shined under the spotlights.
"You see, I wanted to get to know everyone in the 5th a little better, and there is nothing quite like a game show to get people to reveal some truly startling sides of themselves, but playing the same game over and over would be boring! So, every night we play Tonight's Game, the game is a different game than last time, and the contestants will all start with blank slates!" He explained, entirely too pleased with himself. "So- the only way to win is by learning, the only way to learn is by playing, and the only way to begin is by beginning, so without further ado- Momo, will you please bring out THE LIE DETECTOR."
The small curtains at the back of the stage opened, and Momo rolled out a cart with a strange device covered in dials and switches with a long antenna and a large lightbulb on top.
"Thank you Momo! Now, the clever bastards in the 12th whipped this up for me so I have absolutely no idea how it actually works, but I am assured this is the latest cutting-edge in Veracity Technology. Let's turn it on and try it out! Tenya-!"
"Yes, sir!" Tenya snapped to attention. "No need to be formal, I'm only your host, not your captain right now." Shinji waved. "Tell me Tenya- Do you have any children?"
"I- Um, my wife and I have three children, two little boys and our infant daughter?" He stammered, confused.
DING! The Device charmed, light bulb lighting up bright green.
"That is CORRECT!" Shinji grinned. "You get a point!"
There was another chime as the screen on the front of Tenya's Podium lit up and displayed a "1".
"Oh, I see!" Laughed Tenya.
"Josuke!" called Shinji.
"Capt- Host?" Josuke stopped mid-salute.
"Very good! Tell me Josuke, do you live in the barracks?" Shinji asked with genuine interest.
"Uh, no. I live with my Mom." Josuke shook his head.
DING! Said the device.
"That is Correct!" Shinji nodded approvingly. "You get a point as well!"
"Oh, so, every time we tell the truth, we get a point?" Asked Josuke.
"Very quick on the uptake my friend!" Shinji winked. "Of course, as the game goes on, the questions are going to get much harder to answer Truthfully..."
Oooooooh! Gasped the audience, invested now.
"What happens if we lie?" Wondered Tenya.
"Even if we did- how would he fucking know?" Hiyori rolled her eyes.
"You can try it and find out!" Shinji grinned with more than a hint of Menace. "Hiyori! It's your turn!"
"Ugh. What?" She groaned.
"Tell me, When is my birthday?" Asked Shinji.
"I don't know and I don't care." She smirked, sticking her tongue out at him.
BZZRK! The Device buzzed angrily, and the light flashed red. OHH! laughed the audience.
"What the FUCK?" Yelped Hiyori.
"Ooh!" Shinji winced, thoroughly enjoying himself. "I'm afraid that is INCORRECT! According to the screen back here, you spent the better part of THREE MONTHS tracking down a specific part to repair my sound system and traveled halfway across the planet to deliver it personally to me on my birthday. So not only do you know, you DO care, and for that I'm afraid I'm going to have to dock you two points."
Hiyori's screen lit up and displayed a "-2"
"WHAT THE HELL?" Hiyori wailed. "You didn't even see me when I gave you that Banana Plug or whatever-!"
"I did not!" Shinji grinned. "-but The Device knows, and is infallible!" "That's terrifying!" Tenya laughed nervously. "Alright contestants, the questions are going to get harder now, so consider your answers to them carefully." Shinji warned, a finger up to his lips. "Contestants- does any of your underwear have holes in it?"
"...Can we refuse to answer on the grounds it might get us in trouble?" asked Josuke.
"Yes! But you won't get any points for that round, and you may not win our Lovely Prize this week. Speaking of- Momo! Will you please show our contestants what they're playing for this week?"
Momo emerged from backstage with a large, blank sign, which she turned over and held over her head for all to see.
OHHH! exclaimed the audience, with a few audible mutters of Damn, a whole week? and How do you get on this show?.
"ALL MY UNDERWEAR HAS GOT HOLES IN IT!" Shouted Josuke, now with heavily-motivated enthusiasm. Laughter exploded out of the audience, thoroughly entertained.
DING! chimed the device, and the score on Josuke's podium went up.
"Josuke taking an early and shameless lead!" Beamed Shinji, delighted that his plan was working. "Tenya?"
"I-ah, I don't think so?" Tenya blushed. "I bathe the kids and get them ready for bed while my wife does the laundry." He tried to explain.
BZZRK! The Device contested, red light flashing and the audience howled with laughter.
"Uh-oh, that's Not Correct!" Grinned Shinji. "According to the device, a significant amount of your clothes have holes in them, and you don't notice because you get dressed in the dark. You didn't outright lie though, so you will only not get a point instead of a deduction."
"WHAT?" Yelped Hiyori, outraged.
"Yeah, that's fair." Tenya winced. "Seriously though- where does this thing get it's information from?"
"...Hiyori?" Shinji leered playfully at his lieutenant.
"Yeah, it's all got holes. They come that way- Two for my legs and one for my torso." Hiyori snarled.
DING! agreed The Device.
"That is *technically* correct, which is the BEST kind of correct! You get a point!" Shinji cheered, and so did the audience.
"FINALLY!" She shouted, but her eyes narrowed with competitive enthusiasm.
The game continued for an hour, with a mix of group and solo questions, but equal chances to score points awarded to all contestants. Josuke was shameless but ill-informed, causing him to fail several rounds, Tenya was honest even as his face flushed red and he crumpled behind his Podium. Hiyori did her best to be only as honest as she had to be, and as the game continued, they came to a three-way tie.
"Before we begin the final round-" Shinji said, intoning a gentle sincerity. "Contestants, you've been so honest with me. Like. Alarmingly Honest with me. So I need to be honest with you- I do know how The Lie Detector works."
There was a scandalized gasp from all three contestants and the audience.
"Okay- I *sort of* know how The Device works." Shinji admitted. "I don't know what 'Wiffy' is-"
"Oh, like you know how it works!" Shinji glared.
"It's using a radio frequency to transmit Data instead of an electrical pulses like internet usually does." She scoffed. "-AND I KNOW HOW TO PRONOUNCE IT!"
Shinji glared. "...I should deduct a point from you for insubordination."
"You can't do that, you're the Host, not the Captain!" Said Josuke cheerfully.
"Yeah, unless Host is a Military rank, it's arguing, not insubordination."
DING! Agreed The Device.
"DON'T GANG UP ON ME!" Shinji wailed. "Fine, fine. Anyway, I might not know how Why-Figh works, but I *DO* know how the device knows if you're lying or not. Would my Lovely Assistants please come to the stage?"
Momo emerged from backstage, wearing a labcoat and holding another device with an antenna that matched the Lie Detector, followed by a middle aged woman holding a Baby, an older woman, and Mashiro Kuna.
"Akkiko?" Tenya yelped, and his wife laughed manically.
"MOM??" Wailed Josuke.
"MASHIRO??" Hiyori bellowed, jumping up onto her Podium. "YOU SOLD ME OUT?!"
"FOR A BAG OF CORN CHIPS!" Mashiro cackled.
"YOU DIDN'T EVEN PAY HER?!" Hiyori howled at Shinji.
"She was gonna do it for free! I talked her UP to a bag of corn chips!" Shinji protested. "But YES! You've all been deceived! Hoodwinked!Bamboozled, even! Which brings us to our Final Question!"
The crowd roared with excitement.
"I started this game because I wanted to get to know everyone better- but I have to ask, how well do YOU know each other, and so I must ask you all if you know these people as well as they know you?"
There was a loud OOOH! of intrigue from the audience.
"Just to make it extra-exciting, all of these questions will be worth up to three points!" Shinji grinned, then slowly turned to the first Podium. "Tenya."
"Oh god." Tenya laughed nervously.
"Your lovely wife. You've been married for ten year now, so you theoretically know what she looks like, right?" Shinji teased. "So, for a potential three points and week of paid vacation- Do you know what color Akkiko's eyes are?"
Akkiko giggled, turning around as Tenya leaned as far forward on his Podium and squinted at her. With a deep sigh, he slumped over the podium in defeat.
"...I do not." He groaned and Akkiko cackled.
"That is CORRECT!" Shinji cheered.
"I'm not good with colors." Tenya tried to explain. "-this morning I actually asked her what color MY eyes are."
"YES! That's what I was waiting to hear!" Shinji shouted, pumping his fist in the air. "All three points!"
The audience cheered loudly.
Shinji turned to the next contestant. "Josuke."
"Oh no." Josuke giggled.
"What is your mother's favorite food?" Shinji asked.
Josuke stared blankly.
"SURELY you are not living in your mother's house and NOT COOKING FOR HER, are you?" Shinji asked with no small amount of menace.
"You're never going to get married if you can't cook!" Tenya nodded in agreement.
"I COOK!" Josuke protested. "...sometimes." he added, cringing.
"-So. What do you make for your beloved mother, who works so hard taking care of her adult son?" Shinji teased.
"Was your favorite in there Mrs. Akari?"
"Yes! I like Chili Cheese Dog." She smiled. "I always eat seconds!"
"That is also true! He is a very good cook! And single!" She nodded up at Shinji.
"-And he's single!" Shinji grinned at the audience, some of whom whistled back. "Three points, for your culinary skills! Which means we have a Tie!"
The audience tittered with speculation and excitement.
"...Hiyori." Shinji grinned.
"You're a dead man as soon as you sign off on my vacation time." She glared.
"I mean, I can end the game right now." Shinji wagged his finger at her. "-But I can't resist the opportunity to humliate you. Now, You and Mashiro have been living under the same roof for longer than Josuke and Tenya have been alive, so to be fair to them, I'll ask you about someone you've met more recently but should still know pretty well-"
Hiyori squinted at him.
"-What is Momo's Favorite Animal?"
"What?" Hiyori laughed. "-Everyone knows it's Penguins!"
"Really?" asked Josuke. "I didn't know that."
"Yeah, I didn't know that either and I've served under her for decades now!" Said Tenya.
"What? How do you guys NOT know that?" Demanded Hiyori. "Her phone background is a Rockhopper Penguin, she's got a Fairy penguin squeeze toy in her desk for really long phone calls and she's always talking about wanting to go to the Tokyo aquarium in the living world to see them in person! She's even got a HUGE collection of penguin plushies in her r-" DINGDINGDINGDINGSING!! rang the Machine as Momo furiously pressed the button, face red as a beet.
"Wow!" Shinji smiled. "I'm surprised! You seem to know Miss Hinamori really well!"
"Uh, duh? We're colleagues." Hiyori rolled her eyes.
Momo sighed with relief.
"Interesting! Follow-up question- What's Mashiro's surname?" Shinji asked.
Hiyori blinked. "...uhhhhhhhh..."
"You heard Kensei yell it at least six times a day for the last century you jackass!" Laughed Mashiro.
"UHHHHH..." Hiyori paled, and the audience roared with laughter.
"Hmm... I seem to remember you pretending you didn't care about my birthday, and yet, you do- For you to remember her favorite animal and in such detail, Momo must be VERY IMPORTANT to you!"
The audience giggled Momo turned scarlet again and slowly crumpled into a ball. Mashiro vibrated with excitement beside her.
"Yeah?" Hiyori glared at Shinji. "She's the smartest person in the whole damn division and does half your job for you? If I win, I'm giving the week off to her just to watch you flail around without her! No wait- I'll set up the webcam and we can split the week off, go to the aquarium AND watch Shinji squirm like a worm an a-! Uh? Momo? You okay there?" She asked, finally noticing Momo laying on the floor, borderline catatonic with embarrassment.
"This is FASCINATNG!" Shinji grinned. "You are apparently so immune to embarrassment that you have somehow made it bounce off you and target Momo!"
"What's to be embarrassed about? I like her okay?" Hiyori blinked. "She's great! I wanna work with her forever!"
Shinji leaned forward on his elbows, chin in his hands and stared at Hiyori, positively vibrating with excitement.
"What?" She glared.
"You are. SO CLOSE. To comprehending something." He said, wide-eyed and delighted. "It's fascinating to see someone on the precipice like this."
Hiyori stared blankly at him. clueless.
"So you like Momo. We've established that." Shinji said, attempting to throw her a bone. "H- how do you think Momo feels about you?" Hiyori slowly lowered her gaze to Momo. The entire audience watched in hushed fascination as Hiyori frowned at the situation, thinking hard-
"...Momo?" Hiyori's voice was suddenly nervous. "Do you- have I just been annoying you? Becuase I can stop-"
Momo Hinamori was abruptly on her feet, crouched atop the Podium, fists balled in the front of Hiyori's shushako, pulling the blonde's face up so it was mere inches from hers. "HIYORI SARUGAKI YOU ARE THE MOST INFURIATING WOMAN IN THE UNIVERSE!"
"Fuck!" Hiyori yelped. "I'm really sorry, I'll- I'll leave you alo-"
In the videotape of the game that mysteriously appeared in the ninth division later that week, the next forty-seven seconds of sound had been obscured by a single, loud, continuous "BLEEEEEEEEEEEEP!" sound, but Mashiro was visibly looking up some of the terms being shouted on her phone, Josuke's mother sprinted up to cover her son's ears to no avail, Akkiko was pointing between herself and Tenya with excitement, and Shinji's jaw fell so far open it looked like it had become unhinged from his skull.
"-AND IF EITHER OF US CAN WALK IN THE MORNING, THEN WE'RE GONNA GO SEE SOME PENGUINS!" Momo finished, staring Hiyori down with a terrifying blend of romantic fury and bloodthirsty lust.
Hiyori stared up, wide-eyed and expressionless, face clearly offline as she underwent several psychological and spiritual awakenings before her she slowly broke into a slow, stupefied grin "Oh you like-like me!"
"...Yes." Momo sighed, deeply pained and affectionate at once as the audience howled. "You're okay with... all that?"
Hiyori saluted Momo with an enthusiastic "-Yes, SIR!"
"NOW THAT'S WHAT I'M FUCKING TALKIN' ABOUT!" Shinji whooped with joy, jumping up and down, the audience on their feet with applause. "POINTS AND VACATIONS ALL AROUND, AND FOR BEING THE *MOST* HONEST, THE WINNER OF TONIGHT'S GAME IS MOMO HINAMORI!"
The audience cheered wildly as Momo scooped Hiyori up like a princess and carried her backstage.
As for Jushiro Ukitake, he appears on a special guest episode of Tonight's Game with fellow Captains Soi Fon, Byakuya Kuchiki and Retsu Unohana to play "Never Have I Ever" and *that* episode is widely considered to be one of the most scandalous and unhinged of all the games on Tonight's Game.
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i-like-rocks22 · 5 months
I watched the Squid Game reality series so you don't have to.
1. It is just as grim and psychologically intense as the show. I went into it not knowing anything about the set up and expecting the format to have been changed to be less nightmarish; maybe the games would be fun versions, maybe smaller prizes would be available for individuals or teams, or different stages of the game would have different casts. Nope.
2. It isn't funny. It's overly dramatised (it's produced in the style of US reality shows so it really focuses on the worst in people). Something I didn't expect and was absolutely astounded to see is that the contestants have to fake being shot as a black inkpack on their chest explodes when they're eliminated. Some of them have a bit of fun doing an over dramatic fall to the ground. Most just sit down looking completely destroyed which, when you consider the format and the reasons people are there (severely in debt, can't retire, disabled children that need care) it's just absolutely vile.
(Honourable mention to the only funny bit of editing in the show: when the remaining 20 contestants get together in a circle to discuss the next task, the very American team captain gives a motivational pep talk consisting entirely of buzz words, then goes 'let's pray' and it immediately swaps to focus on the remaining Brits who look absolutely horrified (for those outside of the UK most Brits are either non-religious or very quietly religious and find overt showings of religion like group prayer really weird)).
3. Deeply uncomfortable by the editing and voiceover choices that repeatedly portrayed black people, particularly black women, as the 'villains'. It was very very noticeable. There was a particular interaction where a black woman was shown in a very negative light, and I am still unclear on what happened during the show (due to the choppy and unclear editing) and cagey responses from contestants in interviews after. VERY very strange, and has led to that black contestant receiving a lot of hate.
4. The amount of contestants breaking down emotionally through the show makes so much sense not only when you consider the conditions they were being kept in, but the sheer amount of bonus psychological fuckery that was included. Not just the main tasks but additional challenges, individual tasks, and public votes for eliminations. A lot of these happened at random in the dorm rooms meaning they had no true safe space in which to relax. The filming was evidently over at least a week and I can't imagine how emotionally exhausted they must have been. I hope the contestants would have been offered some therapy on leaving but I don't think that's likely.
5. The one shining light in the whole show was how, very differently to the original series, individuals started to work together much earlier and more thoroughly through the tasks. Lots of people offered support and words of kindness to those struggling and appeared to really bond. In the end, while a grim and unsatisfying watch, that was the one thing I took away.
I am perfectly happy to watch some trashy TV from time to time and I don't believe every thing you watch should necessarily be dissected for it's greater meaning. But, not surprisingly when considering the source material, this was so far beyond trashy; it was exploitative and depressing and I can't believe it actually got (excuse the pun) green lit.
TL:DR; the black mirror episode that would be based off of squid game? Yeah that was it.
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riddles-n-games · 6 months
When Xander was little, about five or six-years-old, he had this fascination for the ocean and to go along with it, an odd obsession with sea urchins of all things. He was rather insistent on seeing one at the beach after several private visits to different aquariums with behind-the-scenes tours proved fatal to satisfying his curiosity. One summer, the Hawthorne family was on vacation touring the Adriatic-Mediterranean region on their yacht and every so often, they'd dock at a new marina to enjoy a day on the mainland and explore.
On a day at the beach, the boys were building sandcastles;  Xander and Nash casually worked on one together while Jamie and Gray were having a sandcastle building contest (because, of course) and Xan went looking for shells. He wandered into the shallows and spotted a strange black spiky thing in the water which turned out to be an urchin but an injured sea urchin. An exhilarated science nerd freakout sesh and one nearly induced heart attack later, Nash found his youngest brother excitedly jumping up and down before pointing at a black spiked ball in the water (Nash was extremely thankful his brother had enough common sense to not pick it up although that was still a very real possibility). Xander followed up by explaining what it was and how he knew it was injured so his older brother suggested that they call a rescue to admit it. But, Xan really wanted to take care of it himself and after a bit of back and forth, the next day, on the yacht, they had a saltwater tank set up with everything that a sea urchin would possibly need and also a professional caretaker for it. The boys were still instructed how to care for it but Xander seemed to know a good bunch already and eagerly named the urchin Sea Steve.
Every day, Xander would wake up early to check on it (which turned out to be a male) and just watch the urchin in the tank, looking at it in awe. He was very interactive and loved doing everything he could to make Sea Steve feel better. However, being the child he was, he also did things to make him feel better by putting a bandage on the glass, listened to his "heart", brought him colorful rocks found on the beach and seashells, sang him his favorite song and recited his beloved nursery rhyme, read him stories before bedtime and always checked on him at night when he needed water. Of course, this was all very endearing for Nash to watch but eventually, Sea Steve healed and the time came for him to be released. Xander wasn't pleased and was very upset at the prospect of having to let him go and pleading to keep him didn't help so to keep the peace, Nash got him a toy urchin that was around the same size as Sea Steve. That gave Xander a brilliant idea; the day that Sea Steve was to be put back in the sea, the young boy was unusually calm but still acted somewhat affected to not be too suspicious. He had switched in his toy for the real urchin in the little transport tank the night before and returned Sea Steve to the tank. Nash is still oblivious to this fact to this day and everyone thought when they saw an "urchin" in the aquarium that it was just the toy because Xander had a hard time letting go. The charade went on for a long time, mostly because the old man still knew it was the urchin but he looked the other way.
When they got home from vacation, a much bigger tank was installed in Xander's room for supposedly another sea urchin that would be ordered from someone who actually kept and sold them with no one being the wiser that it was still intended for Sea Steve. The truth was never found out and when Xander still called the "new" urchin Sea Steve, they presumed it was named after the original which was still very much with them. Ever since, Xander and his sea urchin have lived in blissful ignorance of the others.
One of Xander's favorite games was playing pirates and every time, he declared himself captain and Sea Steve was first mate except for the times he played with Jamie which usually ended in a bickering of sorts for who got captain or first mate. In most cases, they settled the matter by being enemy captains on the search for treasure which there almost always was, courtesy of their grandfather, and of course, the sea urchin was always on Xan's team. 
Nowadays, the sea urchin is still found safely tucked away in a tank in Xander’s lab with a new tank mate or two of his own species. He is still the youngest Hawthorne’s favorite pet and lab companion.
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azuretl · 2 months
I am honored to announce that I was part of the fantastic localization team that's bringing Ryusei*Fantasia to the west!
With Ryusei*Fantasia announced, I thought I could write a little bit about my experiences with B-PRO and the interesting coincidences that led me to this fantastic franchise. Since I wasn't sure what I was going to do with this blog, and I'm deadly sick still, I might as well do a bit of random writing and talk a bit about the project! Weird rambling under the cut.
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So, I actually knew about B-PRO when it was first announced years ago. My sister and I are huge fans of TMR (TM Revolution, aka Takanori Nishikawa) which stemmed from our love for the Sengoku Basara franchise. (I can go on forever about that one... We did cosplays, photoshoots, nightly gaming sessions [we had all the games in Japanese], I wrote fanfics... um yeah. It was...*a time* :P ) We caught wind that TMR was producing a new virtual idol group...and that's when I learned about B-PRO.
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I didn't know the boys, but I did know that the music was going to be FIRE... And after seeing images of the characters, they didn't really have a lasting impression (except for Korekuni... At the time, I recognized him as "Kishio Daisuke's character" :'D I'm also a seiyuu fanatic, so...).
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(Ahhh...the Daisuke team for KITAKADO...)
Fast forward to a few years later, B-PRO was still in its infancy, and, being the huge seiyuu fan that I am, I listened to a lot of seiyuu music. (I-CHU, Actors franchise, i7, etc. etc...) When just playing a random song list, I ran into some B-PRO music. That's really the extent of what I knew about it... It had a great voice cast and the music is FIRE.
I also found out that Kato Kazuki is voicing in it :O (And then I was certain the music was going to be SOOOO GOOOOD). I'm also a huuuge tenipuri fan (POT head here :'D. Cosplays, fanfics, fanart, dream novels [do people even remember those?] I've done it all.) and naturally, I became a huge Tenimyu fan as well (Prince of Tennis Musicals... I even got a group of friends together to cosplay + reenact some dances from Tenimyu for cosplay contests...and won quite a few of them too ;) ). My favorite Tenimyu cast was the Dream Live 3 group. (I guess they're considered season 2 Seigaku?) with the D-boys and Yanagi Kotaro/Endou Yuya as their Ryouma. (People who don't know Tenimyu, sorry for all the terminology that probably doesn't make sense to you lol... *sweat*) And my favorite school happened to be Hyoutei.
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Now, for those who don't know, Kato Kazuki (voice of Aizome) played the captain of Hyoutei's tennis club in the musicals (Atobe Keigo) and he EMBODIED that smug, ore-sama sonuvabitch <3 aura. If you don't know PoT, Atobe is basically Aizome but younger and filthy rich. And naturally, Tenimyu being a musical, meant Kato Kazuki had to sing live... and I fell in LOVE with his voice. He is such an amazing singer! And actor! (I also started watching Kamen Rider Kabuto because of him... he plays one of the Kamen Riders and he is, again, a smug, ore-sama sonuvabitch... I guess he gets typecasted a lot...)
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All this is to say, I really really really like Kato Kazuki...as an actor, singer, performer... he excudes sexy and he has so. much. presence. Seeing him working in an idol franchise was pretty refreshing and exciting!
(Side note, Goshi's voice actor- Toyonaga Toshiyuki is also in the Prince of Tennis musical... and he shared the stage with Aizome's voice actor, Kato Kazuki, quite a lot. They also interacted a lot in the backstage behind-the-scenes videos. They're really good friends so... queue my utter surprise when I found out how Goshi and Aizome interact in the stories >>;;;; )
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So that was really the extent of my knowledge of B-PRO. Great music, great cast, great character designs. So when I was approached about joining the team, I was very eager to throw my hat into the ring. (PLUS my absolute favorite voice actor, Kakihara Tetsuya is in it... I HAD TO!!!) But boy, oh boy, was I hit with UTTER SURPRISE when I found out how much DRAMA and INTENSITY and STORY the franchise actually has!!!
What I thought might've been "just another idol game" turned out to be so full of drama... It was such a nice, pleasant surprise. I won't go too much into the process and the stories, since you'll all have to play the game to find out! But wow, all the boys were *nothing* like I thought they were at first.
Just for fun, here's what I thought at first vs what I think of them now. (Opinions are my own... and I'm sorry that some of my earlier opinions were...for lack of a better word, *dumb* )
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Goshi Typical bad boy chara -> I would love to have this character as a bigger brother. He's caring and really looks out for his kouhai... How can anyone NOT like him??? He's my second favorite...!
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Aizome It's Kato Kazuki...so the typical Ore-sama kei, smug, flirty -> Ore-sama kei, smug, (playfully) flirty, and someone with so, so much depth. I want to be his friend...just to be there for him. He needs Goshi and Ashu more than he thinks. And you'll never convince me that he and Goshi aren't an old married couple that gets into fights literally every two seconds.
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Ashu Genki boi #1 -> I remember his scenes very strongly, oddly enough. THRIVE needs him. Aizome and Goshi need him. He may act like a happy-go-lucky boyo with too much energy, but he's the water that helps keep the other Aizome and Goshi flowers alive, whether they realize that or not. He's also a really, really good senpai :')
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Kitakado Prince-kei. It's Ono Daisuke so...guessing we're gonna get something like his Starry Sky counterpart. -> Pretty much that... but he's also sooo silly whenever Korekuni is involved. Has a silly side to him, and a very loving and charming side too. He's a good guy XD and no one can convince me that he's NOT a married couple with Korekuni ._.
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Korekuni Kishio Daisuke!!!! The Daisuke combo! Pretty boy. Guess he's snobby? -> I see a lot of myself in him. He's highly professional and demands the same level of professionalism from his peers, though that can come off as strict. He's so much more than his appearance, and he's not afraid to show that.
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Masunaga (I'M SO SORRY FOR SAYING THIS)I thought he looked...kinda boring...? -> He was one of the characters that I did the most research on because I wanted to grasp his character and who he really is...and when I did, boy... the tears were everywhere. I just want him to be happy. His side story is one that I remember MOST vividly. He's a good leader and a good person and I just really really really want him to be happy.
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Onzai KAKKIIIIIII *screams and flails my arms around* I thought I would love him the most because of his voice actor. (I am obsessed with Kakihara Tetsuya) -> *pats his head* You're a good boy. I wish you will love yourself and realize how much everyone loves you ;~; He's more than his pretty looks... and he's very insightful. He really understands his teammates and cares for them deeply.
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Osari The last time I heard Morikubo Shotaro voice a genki boy was GET BACKERS. [I KNOW I'M SHOWING MY AGE BY SAYING THAT...] Genki Boi #2. -> The mood-maker and a ray of sunshine. His crazy nicknames almost drove me nuts 8'D but he's such a lovable character. It's impossible to dislike him. I know one of the TLers on the team REALLY likes him and I can understand why!
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Nome I love this character design SO MUCH!!! He's so good-looking! -> He's still really good-looking...I love his hair color...his build...his everything. Character-design wise, he's still my favorite. Was funny when I found out he's a gym buff :'D makes sense... He would also make a good big brother to the boys ;u; Though I THINK he has a big brother?? If I remember one of the special events I translated right...
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Sekimura I'm usually not a fan of megane-types. He's okay. (I'M SO SORRY FOR SAYING THAT...AND I HATE MYSELF FOR NOT APPRECIATING HIM MORE BEFORE) -> WOW where to start. I want him to be successful. I want him to be happy. He has SO, SO, SO much depth. He deserves SO, SO, SO much. He breaks the usual megane-type trope and he's his own self that stands out SO MUCH. I appreciate him so much for his faithful, loyal support of his friends and I just REALLY want him to be happy. And no one can convince me that he's NOT madly obsessed with Onzai. He'd date him if he got the chance. :P
First off, before diving into characters, can I say that THESE BOYS ARE THE FURTHEST THING FROM SOMETHING AS EDGY AS "KILLER KING" I expected super edgy boys in this band... ._.;;
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Haruhi Genki Boy #3. Ah, I think this will be my favorite genki boy. -> He is not my favorite genki boy :'D He's still great of course!!! But it's funny how that didn't turn out the way I thought it would. He's also a giant ray of sunshine, though a bit selfish, but that's part of his charm. The side story for him though... *Haaah* Haruhi... just...whyyyy... But I really really really liked his backstory. He admits his faults and grows to overcome them and I truly, really respect that.
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Yuduki The gloomier of the twins. Lack self-esteem? -> He does lack self-esteem, but he grows from it too. I actually really like Yuduki...I was surprised because I didn't expect that. Again, he's another boy that had way more depth than I imagined. He takes good care of Haruhi, but he's not limited to being Haruhi's shadow. His individual stories away from Haruhi are where he really shines, I think. Go for it, Yuduki! Ganbare!!!
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Akane Genki boy #4. -> MUST. PROTECC. AKANEEEE. *HISSSSS* The BIGGEST surprise for me is that Akane became my TOP. FAVORITE. BOY. His background story and his interactions in the special event stories made me empathize with him A LOT. He has INTENSE imposter syndrome and he doesn't know when to stand up for himself...so he needs his friends to help him. And in response, he LOVES his friends and will do anything to help them. He's selfless for his friends but tends to forget to care for himself. I can go ON AND ON but please, please PLEASE check out his backstory when the game comes out!!! That hit me really hard... and it resonated with me a lot. It might not with others, but it really did with me. Akane love. *sob sob sob*
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Shingari Ah, it's Egu... Egu? With that kinda character design? I guess he's the silent type then? -> There's more depth than I imagined. I remember his backstory quite well, too, because it showed a more vulnerable side to him, and I came to understand Shingari really well after it. *pats his head* He's a good boy. I hope him success. Don't worry, you'll have your friends and your senpai with you! It's okay to be a bit vulnerable sometimes!
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So...that was my evaluation of the characters before and after working on the series. It's okay if you don't agree with my views on the boys, I'm not saying they're the only view and the right view...it's just *my* view, after working on the select parts of the game that I did. It was *amazing* how much my opinions changed. No one was really entirely what I thought they were like...that just shows how much depth the characters really have. They're not bound to just their trope, but there's so much more about them... and I came to appreciate them and the franchise EVEN MORE than ever.
I am so genuinely blessed to have gotten the chance to work on this series and I am so genuinely grateful to PQube and the team that was put together for this title. I can't wait for all of you to play the game and experience this yourself, whether you're new to B-PRO or a veteran fan.
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captainschaos · 4 months
The Execution Games (otherwise known as the exgames, or usually teg) is a series of death games run by yours truly, but more Specifically, is run by the hosts: Killer, Hunter, and Ripper. I'll talk more about them later because I can't ever shut up about them, but the players then include, surprise! me again, but also my dear friends :) who enjoy violence like me :) Teg was truly inspired by my obsession with last life and how badly I wanted to play with my friends, plus my inability to play minecraft at the time and my game design and digital storytelling muses, so you can see those influences. A good handful of us play characters that share names with us (helps that many of us have large hoards of names lol) and so p! is used for players, c! for contestants, the characters actually fighting in the games, and then there are also spectators (s!) who mainly watch, but also Can interact with the playing field in limited ways
As far as what the games actually look like, they go on a weekly basis, with wednesday being Execution Day (or exday), where every contestant must draw a card. The contestant who draws the ace is that week's Executioner, though there can be multiple as people lose lives and also become executioner if they draw the 2 or 3. If you're executioner, you need to kill someone by the end of next exday. Simple as that. If you don't, you become the target of the next week's executioner, and you take double damage from their attacks! :)
Now. the hosts. ohhhhhh the hosts. So the thing about teg is that it's a bit of a meta game. There's an item called your talisman that players have to carry around in real life, and if caught without it they're are consequences for their contestant, and all resources for crafting and whatnot come from photos of real life. So in this nature, the hosts are.. weird. They can talk to the players, for one thing. If we consider Killer (any prns), who was originally the sole host of the games and is their creator, well. a lot of players have talked to Killer directly, and more than once. It's a common occurrence. Killer knows the players, and knows the contestants, and knows the difference between them, because a crucial aspect of teg is this: the contestants are the manifestation of the player's desire to play. The games are violent, and deadly, and lead to heartbreak and destruction and anguish. So of course not every contestant might be happy about playing. But if the player is having a good time? sucks to suck <3 that's what it's all about
As far as the other hosts, they're all siblings, but the other two emerged after Killer. Despite this contradiction, Hunter (she/he/they/it/none) is actually the eldest, and while it doesn't do the hands-on hosting that Killer does, she is responsible for the story and lore of teg, as well as the world itself, the playing field, the arena the contestants find themselves in every games. They actually work with Killer in a sandbox to construct the new playing field between games <3 very sweet. What Isn't so sweet is the youngest bitch Ripper (he/she/they/any). This thing is a bastard. and rude. and generally awful. But Ripper's entire purpose is to be on standby in case of Killer's death, which spawned from a point in time where. uhm. some players were considering trying to kill Killer LMAO so yknow. Ripper can Only host if Killer is dead. which makes him a bit salty LOL
But all of that aside ! The point I touched on about contestants being forced to play even if they don't want to (which a lot don't LOL) is the part I think you'd enjoy as far as "forcing my friends to play death games with me ^_^" since as far as the actual players my dear wondrous friends, they ofc aren't forced to play if they don't want lol, but their contestants are held to their whims <3 and it is the job of me and Killer to keep that locked down YIPPEEEEEEEE!!! ^_^!!!
I'm now going to stop talking before this becomes four billion words LOL. but I love teg. There's actually a secret hidden tegblr that is extremely unfinished and hasn't been touched since the first exgames (we're currently on the fourth) but I've been wanting to revamp, and likely will once I'm back at college ! :D and if you want to hear more, there will certainly be more about it there <3 and also if anyone wants to talk more about teg more it is not hard to get me to talk about it. clearly ASDFLJSABDF. it's been my passion project for a couple years now and I love it dearly <3 so yeah. I love putting my friends through my deathgame rpg ^_^
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odegirlie · 3 months
ooh for that question game, øde and leo?
oooh thank you!! i’ll do them both separately under the cut:
øde first!
favorite thing about them
oh there’s so many things i could say about him. his smile, his laugh. the way he coped so beautifully with being in the spotlight way younger than a person should be. the way he loves arsenal and the way he captains us. his taste in music and films (the intouchables is the best french film ever made). the way he plays when he’s having a good day. the way he sounds absolutely insane sometimes when talking about his training routines and has to reassure the interviewer that he’s alright when they get concerned 😭😭 also the way he interacts with his teammates definitely it seems like they get a completely different version of him than what we see lmao
least favorite thing about them
there’s really not a lot lol but probably his media training. lord, the day he lets himself speak his mind is the day i die happy.
favorite line
the whole of his players’ tribune because it made me cry 😭😭 also him pointing to the completely wrong place in his hood and confidently saying ‘the oil is… it’s here.’ lmao 
oooh aaron/martin is very funny to me. aaron keeps switching between bullying him and acting like he’s god’s gift to the world every 5 seconds and martin is just eternally kind to him lol they have a cute dynamic
spent 5 years deliberating between a million ships (i have way too many rarepairs of this guy) but probably leo/martin they’re too cute man 💗 
there’s none i dislike, but i don’t really care for martin/declan sorry! not for me and i honestly couldn’t tell you why, i just avoid it lol
random headcanon
he is the lightest of lightweights 😭 and that he plays piano to relax but would rather die than play in front of anyone lmao
unpopular opinion
not sure how unpopular this is but he was/is put on a pedestal wayyy too much. it feels like a decent match for him is an excellent one for any else, and a ‘shit’ performance by him is a decent one by anyone else. i get so irritated whenever i see him be criticised for not creating when he scores, and then when he creates chances he gets criticised for not scoring :,)
as a person though, i feel like people make him out to be much more calm and sweet than he actually is lol. less so nowadays but he's definitely an emotional person? but more angry and passionate emotional than sad emotional ygm?
song i associate with them
you’re on your own kid by taylor swift, amoeba by clairo, and bhasseraah by racha rizk 🫶
favorite picture of them
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one of the first photos i saw of him and definitely my favourite. no contest. he’s such a loser i absolutely adore him.
trossibop here:
favorite thing about them
so many things here too, but definitely the way he looks exactly like a disgruntled raccoon all the time 😭😭 also how he manages to be so subtly catty all the time but gets away with it because his voice is sweet and he’s 5 feet tall. oh my god his voice is beautiful too. also he’s from maasmechelen which is basically in the netherlands so he’s basically dutch please leo transfer to our national te-
least favorite thing about them
sometimes when he plays i feel like tearing my eyes out (but ig that’s a given with this team) also the lack of dutch he speaks bro please 
favorite line
from this video where kt is bullying the host and he so sweetly says ‘5/10 he’s never kicked a ball!’ and proceeded to get jumped lmao
hmmm probably him and ben they both mesh well with each other imo!! loved their interview together and they were both cute at brighton but honorary mention to him and kai solely bc they both look generations older than they should and their height difference makes me laugh
i already said leo/martin so i’ll go with leo/kieran this time because they’re so cute!! they balance each other out so well and they mimic each others movements like they’ve known each other for years which is so adorable to me lol
saw him and eden hazard and recoiled so hard 😭😭
random headcanon
he was definitely an emo kid when he was younger. i know he hissed at people on the playground and that. in all fairness if i was born with a white streak in my hair and eyebags like his i would hiss at people too. similar vein but i know he pretended he was a vampire when twilight came out.
unpopular opinion
probably unpopular idk but i much prefer him being subbed on than him starting… he always does way better when he’s subbed on!
song i associate with them
there’s a beautiful song/chant on spotify of trossard on the wing by ario brady which is cute and also drank & drugs by lil kleine 😭 (just trust me if you’ve seen any videos of him drunk it makes sense) and try again by jaehyun!!
favorite picture of them
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very old and low quality but he looks so cute 😭😭
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i cannot express what this photo means to me. him in interviews is soooo amazing to me i have no idea why. love him.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
A Night to Forget (Hyrule Warriors Fic)
(@copper-dimes @ludoluck @artisticgamer @silvercaptain24)
ALL RIGHT so I was going to wait until my hiatus ended on Christmas but I’ve had so many people poking me about publishing this on AO3 and not here 😂😂😂 so here we go, have the drinking competition fic
Summary: When Captain Link challenges the Fierce Deity to a drinking game for completely innocent reasons, it goes about as well as you would expect.
(Click here to read on AO3)
A strong smell of iron permeated the air at the end of the fight. It had been an ambush targeted specifically at Link and his young companion, but despite being outnumbered their battle prowess served them well.
Not to mention help from a certain cursed mask.
Link hadn’t been sure when he would next see the Fierce Deity, but after having a few encounters with the strange being he had learned a few things about him. One, he was terrifyingly powerful. Two, he typically stuck to the battlefield, but when he didn’t…
He was a menace to Link’s productivity. And pride.
Still, Link could only be so angry at him considering how many times the strange entity had saved him and his men. Honestly, angry wasn’t even the right word. More like exasperated.
But Link was curious too. And he wanted to get the deity back for that time he hauled him into camp like a child. He had long since planned this encounter, hoping for an opportunity to meet the fierce being again and have the time to be able to do what he had conspired one night.
“Thank you for the help,” Link said as he approached the towering figure. He wanted to add we had it under control, but he bit it back. That wasn’t going to help him right now. He didn’t want to argue, he wanted to be diplomatic about this – it was still not a skill he would call a strength, but he was working on it.
He was sure he could pull it off, anyway.
Fierce watched him silently as he usually did when they first would interact. Then he nodded in acknowledgement. His hand started to reach towards his face when the captain held a hand out to stop him. “Wait! I was… we were heading into town. I was wondering if you wanted to accompany us.”
“I will be here if available,” the deity replied simply.
“No, no,” Link shook his head. “I mean like here here, you know, not just at the ready. We were going to hit the taverns.”
Fierce stared at him. Link watched him a moment, wondering if the being was even catching his meaning, so he decided to spell it out.
“We were going to go drinking.”
When the deity said nothing, Link felt a need to elaborate. “I’m inviting you to come too.”
The deity’s striking eyebrows crept closer together in seeming confusion. The sight of it made Link almost laugh. This was going to be even better than he’d suspected.
“What do you say to a drinking contest?” he challenged, throwing the gauntlet and awaiting an answer.
Fierce blinked. "A what?"
Link's smile grew. This revenge was long in the making, and he was going to enjoy it. "A drinking contest."
The cursed deity crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "I am here because of the attack. You expect me to stay after the fact?"
"Well I'm not drinking with the sprite," Link shrugged. Then he faltered a little, partly out of sincerity and partly in an attempt to persuade the deity. "I mean... unless you don't want to stay?"
Fierce's face softened, and he swallowed, seemingly caught off guard. "I'll stay, Captain."
Link felt a little sorry for the deity, who was so surprised at being included in anything aside from war, but he shook the feeling off temporarily in lieu of his master plan. "Great! Then I'll pour the wine."
Clapping his hand on Fierce’s armored back, Link led the way into town. They both cleaned their swords of the blood from battle as they walked in silence. The town was barely an excursion away at this point, which was partly why the ambush had been such a surprise – honestly, if the fools were going to jump them they should have done it somewhere more remote.
The tavern Link had in mind was close to the edge of town, and barely half an hour had passed by the time they walked through the door. The interior was homely, with wood flooring and walls and the occasional supporting beam. The bar hugged the right wall beside an enormous stone hearth where a fire roared and emitted enough heat to warm the soul. Tables were spread around with candlelight glowing all around them. The tavern was fairly full tonight, with about half the tables occupied.
Upon their entry, a few curious eyes landed on the pair. Seeing a soldier was not a new sight, but seeing the Fierce Deity was an entirely different matter. Link wasn’t sure how much news about the deity had spread, but he was at least well known in Link’s company of soldiers, and it was possible others might have heard of him. No one dared approach them, though. Fierce shifted his weight from foot to foot, looking around the room with tension in his massive body.
Link bumped his shoulder against the taller man’s arm. “Relax, we’re here to have fun! Pick a table, I’ll get the wine.”
Choosing a red from a vineyard that he’d actually heard of, Link merrily made his way to the table Fierce had chosen. It was in the corner of the tavern, allowing the cursed deity a clear view of the entire room. Link respected the tactical choice, but he waved his hand dismissively nonetheless upon plopping down across from Fierce. “No one should be attacking us here, and if they do they’ll certainly regret it. Now, let’s drink!”
Fierce watched Link pour liberally into his glass and shove it towards him. After Link had poured his own wine, he held his glass in the air and waited for Fierce to do so as well. The deity watched him almost curiously before mirroring Link’s gesture, and when Link clinked his glass against the deity’s, he took a healthy gulp of his drink and watched Fierce tentatively taste his own. The sight was nearly entertaining enough to send Link into giggles; it was apparent that Fierce was not used to alcohol.
Wine wasn’t usually the best drink to choose for a contest – shots were far faster at determining who could stomach the ordeal. Nonetheless, Link had planned his revenge carefully around a sincere curiosity as well. He’d start off gently to pry some information out of his mysterious companion before the fun really started.
Assuming the deity could handle that much. Link was half convinced the cursed being would be under the table before the wine bottle was empty, and oh wouldn’t that be a sight to see? Link smirked thinking about it.
Get what you deserve for carrying me into camp in your arms.
Although Link’s reputation had somehow survived that encounter (mainly because Fierce had been too intimidating for the soldiers to make any kind of fun of anything related to him, and because he’d spent the rest of the night drilling the army), his pride certainly had been wounded. He would make up for that.
The Fierce Deity’s nose scrunched after a sip of the wine, his lips twisting in obvious distaste. Link huffed. Well, then. He supposed they’d have to find something the cursed being would like.
Taking another generous sip from his glass (one did have to shake off the adrenaline rush of that ambush, after all), Link felt warmth spread from his stomach to his fingers and toes, and he sighed in relief. “Have you never had wine before?”
Although the Fierce Deity had no pupils or irises, it was apparent when his gaze was fixed on the captain. The alcohol in Link’s system lessened the affects of the stare’s intensity, but he still felt a little chill from the look. The deity said softly, “No.”
“You’re telling me you once ruled over a land ages ago and never once partook in a celebratory drink?” Link questioned, raising an eyebrow. He recalled distinctly when the mystical being had stated something similar while telling the captain off during their first encounter together. “Or is there another drink you prefer?”
The Fierce Deity swirled his wine in his glass, watching it discerningly. “Beverages do little for me, and I hardly partook in celebrations. My duties did not include frivolity.”
Link finished his glass with another gulp. “So what you’re saying is you never had fun.”
Fierce glanced at Link once more and then finished the entire glass of wine in one gigantic swig. He cleared his throat, his face contorting in disgust, and then he said, “Fun is a broad word with many possibilities behind it. But if you insist in this, refill the drink.”
Oh, if that wasn’t a challenge, Link didn’t know what was. He laughed heartily. “Well, I’ll find a better drink for us to compete, and then we’ll see what real fun looks like.”
The bottle he’d acquired probably had enough for a refill for each of them, but if the Fierce Deity was going to grimace his way through it, it would hardly be fun. Link wanted the mystical being to settle so he could get some more information out of him. In the back of his head, the comment beverages do little for me sounded alarm bells, but he ignored it. He could do this. He could outdrink this cursed deity; if he could outclass everyone in the knight academy and rise to the rank of captain, if he could be chosen by the goddesses to be the Hero who led his troops into battle, and if the Master Sword itself had chosen him and made him practically invincible in battle, then he could handle a simple drinking competition.
And it was fun. Link so rarely had fun. He was taking advantage of this.
The captain decided that perhaps something that better hid the taste of alcohol was in order. Selecting something a bit more fruity (and definitely much stronger), he took two smaller glasses filled to the brim back to his table. The world was already quite warm and strangely mobile, leading Link to stumble a hair as he got to his seat. He shook his head. That was weird.
Fierce took the glass without moving his focus from the captain. When Link held his glass up in an invitation once more, the deity slowly mimicked the gesture.
“We need a reason for a toast this time,” Link prompted. “What do you think?”
Fierce’s glass shifted away from Link’s a little. “What is a reason for a toast?”
Link paused, staring at the deity. He really hadn’t been exaggerating when he’d said he hadn’t been to celebrations. The captain suddenly felt his stomach churn a bit, but he shook his head. “Well, anything to celebrate over! Your good health, a victory in battle, something of that nature.”
“Something to celebrate,” Fierce muttered, and then tapped his glass against Link’s and drank.
Link raised an eyebrow. “You’re supposed to announce the toast first.”
Fierce stared at Link for a moment and then clinked his empty glass against the captain’s. “Toast.”
Link sighed and downed his drink, biting back a cough. Goddess, that drink was a bit stronger than he’d realized. “All right, okay, let’s try this again. I’ll demonstrate.”
Deciding that it was best to finish the wine before getting more drinks, Link poured the remainder of the bottle into their glasses. Fierce seemed to tolerate the other drink better, so maybe it would allow him to finish the wine quickly.
Raising his glass, Link said, “To your health.”
The Fierce Deity watched him curiously, his glass held a distance from Link’s as if he’d forgotten they were supposed to tap them together. Link moved to him first, and they both drank in silence for a moment. The captain watched the cursed deity with some confusion as Fierce refused to take his eyes off him.
“What?” Link finally asked.
Fierce paused a moment before commenting, “Of all the things you choose to make your toast for, you choose my health.”
Fierce finally looked at the table, lowering his glass. “It simply makes me recognize more the wisdom of the goddesses.”
Link blinked, even more bewildered. He wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or the fact that this conversation actually didn’t make any sense. “What are you talking about?”
“I have seen many a hero in my days,” the deity continued, finishing the rest of his wine without a care. “Most were given the title by those they fought for. Most were undeserving of it. But you and Link are among the few who are not.”
Link watched Fierce a moment, and then asked, “Did they call you a hero?”
Fierce blinked and then he outright laughed.
“Oh, how young you are,” Fierce chuckled, clearly tickled. “No, little soldier. I am not a hero.”
Link opened his mouth to question further, but Fierce waved a dismissive hand and pointed to his wine glass. “You haven’t finished your drink, captain.”
Link stared at his wine, suddenly pensive. This vintage was particularly red, and the deity’s words echoed loudly in his foggy mind. The wine suddenly looked too thick, too viscous, too visceral. Link pushed it away.
“I don’t know if… I don’t know if I’m a hero,” he muttered.
He didn’t know where that came from. Link clearly knew he was the Hero of Hyrule, chosen by the goddesses. He’d been told as much, and he bore the Triforce. That was reason enough, wasn’t it? He’d been given the ceremonial clothing and everything. The Master Sword was his.
He knew he was the Hero. He just… didn’t know if he was a hero.
Heroes didn’t slaughter their own men at the slightest hint of treachery. Heroes didn’t lead their troops into massacres.
Heroes didn’t use children for soldiers.
A hand touched his chin, pushing it upwards, and Link realized that Fierce had reached across the table to get his attention. The deity watched him carefully, his features softer than the captain had ever seen them.
“You are a hero,” the deity said gently. “Now get something better than this vile drink you call wine. The other was far superior.”
Link had to laugh, leaning into the touch a little as the deity tapped his chin affectionately and retracted his hand. Then he almost wanted to smack himself as he realized he’d completely gotten off track of his objective.
“Fine,” he acquiesced. “But you have to tell me about these heroes of yore when I get back.”
It was a strangely long trip to the bar, as if the table had somehow gotten farther away. Link furrowed his brow in mild confusion, but beyond that the trip back with more shots was uneventful. Fierce had seemed to like these, so they’d stick with them from here on. He didn’t bother with a toast this time around because he didn’t want to get distracted again, so he prompted the deity to speak of the past heroes.
“Well, there was this one… named…” Fierce paused, squinting across the way at nothing in particular, his fingers tapping restlessly on the table. “Saria. She… was very well known…”
“You are absolutely pulling this out of your divine butt,” Link guffawed, nearly choking on his drink.
Fierce scrunched his nose a little in protest. “It has been several millennia, these things get mixed up.”
“You’re full of crap.”
“I am not a storyteller, captain. That was never my duty.”
The deity downed his drink with a scowl. Link followed suit with a laugh and then coughed as it burned a little harder than before. He waved off the curious glance from his companion. Why was it so warm here all of a sudden? Link slipped his cap off and fanned himself a bit with it.
“I do remember one instance,” Fierce finally admitted. “There were… many who sought me out. Many who asked for my aid, but also many who wished to challenge me. It was considered an honor to fight me. I found the practice… bizarre and tiresome. Most of the time I would ward them off, but there were a few who… drew my wrath. Fewer still who piqued my interest.
“There were twin warriors who came to me. A threat was looming over my territory, and these two were the least of my worries, but they persisted. The girl wished to prove her worth while the boy wished to help me. I found the matter almost laughable. Neither warrior could stand against me. But a challenge to prove worth was nothing new to me… a request to assist me was.
“The girl was filled with pride. The boy with humility. They couldn’t be more opposite, but they were both capable fighters. Both were hailed as heroes by their people, but only one truly fit the title. Still… I grew fond of them.”
Link plopped his chin into his hand, leaning on the table as the world spun around them. “Uhhhh… s-so what happened?”
The deity twirled his glass absentmindedly in his hands, staring at it. “They both died.”
“Oh,” Link said dully, trying with all his might to find the right words for this situation. He felt like this usually came easier to him. Slapping his hand on the table, he said, “Well, let’s drink to them!”
That… that was the appropriate response, right? Seemed it. Fierce’s bizarre glance didn’t quite sell the certainty in Link’s mind, but he couldn’t go back on it now.
Rising, the captain stumbled to the bar once more. When he got back with another couple shots, he spilled a little bit of the drinks as he nearly fell into his chair. Raising his glass and feeling some of it slosh all over his hand, he said loudly, “To the non-heroic—wai’, to the heroic—nah you said one of ‘em wasn’t—to the twins!”
The Fierce Deity’s eyebrow had been steadily climbing throughout Link’s toast (though he couldn’t imagine why, it was a reasonable toast, after all), and he barely clinked his glass against the captain’s. Link downed his so fast he almost choked on it and then he laughed, slamming the glass on the table. “Phew! Tha’ stuff iss great!”
He supposed the cursed deity might have had a reply for him, but he shot to his feet to get more. The Fierce Deity didn’t even seem bothered with all the drinks they’d had so far, and Link had a feeling he maybe was starting to get to a point where this was a problem. But not yet! He’d beat Fierce at this game. He would.
…Wait, when did he end up on the floor?
Link blinked, confused. He was sure he’d just been standing at the table, why was he lying on the ground? Whose boots were in front of him?
A strong pair of hands grabbed him under the arms and hauled him to his feet before arms wrapped around him and pulled him into the air. Link tried to yelp but it came out more like a bizarre mixture of a gasp and a hiccup. He looked around before his eyes settled on the glowing gaze of his strange companion.
“You must be ill. I’ve seen it happen with celebrations like these. I’m taking you back to camp.”
Link snorted, swatting the deity’s chest. “I though’ you sssaid you never been t’ those parties.”
The Fierce Deity seemed to ignore him, much to his irritation as the world started moving rhythmically with the large being’s steps. Then Link reached up, trying to pull Fierce’s blue cap off but only succeeding in tangling his fingers in his silver hair. He frowned, confused at his lack of coordination as the deity paused and stared at him.
Well, he got his attention either way.
“I gotta pay,” he said.
Fierce blinked. “Pay?”
“Yeah. Pay. Fer the drinks.”
Fierce must have turned, because the world spun and Link felt suddenly too dizzy and warm. Then bounce bounce bounce and they stood in front of the bar.
The bartender watched the pair a little nervously.
“We need to pay,” Fierce explained.
Link trilled his lips. “I need ta pay, ssstupid. My offer, my drinks, my money.”
Fierce looked down at Link and shrugged, temporarily plopping the captain on the counter itself. He reached for Link’s wallet and tossed the entire pouch at the bartender, who caught it with a grunt as if the throw had more force to it than it probably should have. Link opened his mouth to protest—he didn’t need all his rupees—when Fierce picked him back up and carried him out of the tavern.
Link wiggled helplessly. “I can walk—”
Link groaned.
For some reason the walk to camp took forever. And not at all? Had he slept? He didn’t know. What he did know was that his armor and chainmail were off and he was being settled on a cot. Movement caught his attention and he saw Fierce setting up some water beside him and grabbing an extra blanket, tucking it around him tightly.
“Sleepover…?” he asked confusedly.
Fierce’s face broke into a small, rare grin and his chest rumbled with what was probably a restrained chuckle. “No, little soldier. I’m not sleeping. Link will be, though. Now close your eyes.”
Link? He was Link. What? He was…
Ohh, that Link.
The captain hummed, squirming a bit into the pile of blankets to get more comfortable. A hand settled on his shoulder for a moment, heavy and reassuring, and then it disappeared.
Darkness was warm and welcoming, and Link let it take him.
Link would be lying if he said the hangover the next day was worth the night. The worst part of it was that he barely remembered anything.
And he’d planned it so perfectly too. How frustrating.
Well. He didn’t quite forget everything. He remembered seeing the Fierce Deity smile, and he remembered the gentle surprise at being included.
Honestly, that was enough. Maybe the hangover was worth it for that.
Just… he thought as he leaned over waste basket after throwing up for probably the third time. Maybe fewer drinks next time.
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God bless you too! Happy Halloween to you too! :)
1: on Halloween in the past, have they ever wear matching outfits?
2: I know that they are scared of horror movies, but what about games? I can see them playing fnaf and maybe poppy’s playtime. Also, been playing the new Alan Wake 2 that just came out and it’s really scary, I can see the duo wearing their pants playing this game.
3: how did they get their teddy bears? Super bear for Chris and batbear for Jake.
4: would they ever get tattoos?
5: is Jake in a sports league at school or outside of school? I can see him in basketball making the winning score by slam dunking the ball last second or throwing it Across the court.
6: what’s Chris relationship with your version of “the flamebird owner?” (Forgot her name)
Thanks so much friend @gothicghost2000 It’s very appreciated :-D
1. Well, actually they have. Primarily once upon a time, they were both blue Crewmates from Among Us that had Mini Crewmates besides them. They won that year’s Costume Contest, barely beating out Lian who was Anna from Frozen
2. It really depends on what type of horror game they’re playing at that moment. While they’re relatively sensitive to jump scares, Chris and Jake own nearly every single FNAF game and on some occasions, tried out the 20/20/20/20 setting on each of them. Key word being ‘tried’ as they haven’t reached Night 5 on that setting. Another game that makes their spines chill but they’ll play nonetheless would be Dead Space I and II as it offers plenty of atmosphere and action to keep them going. As for Alan Wake, that scenario would seem likely but thankfully the two are able still play it (probably the fact the Duo hold it in until the pause button is pressed and then they rush to the bathroom helps)
3. Chris was given SuperBear during his first Birthday after being adopted by the Kents, stitched up together by Grandma Martha. Originally she had in mind that Chris and Jon would share SuperBear together but Jon was okay with Chris having the plushie to himself as he’s got over toys to more than make up for it. As for BatBear, that was made by Alfred originally as a present for Mar’i on e her first birthday, to compliment with her other plushie which was previously owned by Dick before he gave it to her, Peanut the Elephant. Once Jake was born, Mar’i felt it was only right that he can have BatBear while she can keep Peanut in her own then-new Big Sister sort of way. Thus are SuperBear and BatBear with their respective owners ever since then.
4. Nope. Absolutely not, Under NO Circumstances. Chris and Jake even at their most rebellious moments as teenagers have it perfectly down not to do so, less than they face the wraths of Lois and Dick. Lol
5. Jake is no doubt enrolled in Bludhaven Academy’s resident Little League team, the Nighthawks, having been already promoted to second in command of the team, only behind said team’s on court captain and of course the Coach. He’s mainly the team’s best Shooting Guard as his rather uncanny abilities to intercept the ball and score many points for his team are vital assets on the court. Already by the time he enters 5th grade, he has helped the Nighthawks make it to the Regional Championships about two times. The first time they won second place, only due to Jake breaking his ankle mid game and needing to be removed. The second time though was a solid victory, the first one in Bludhaven Academy’s history.
6. Thara and Chris are a pair of very close friends that for reasons even they can’t firmly explain to each other, they have this budding and passionate feeling from inside of them whenever they’re close. They both come to each other’s help in case of any local troublemakers and pranksters targeting them and they’re commonly placed into groups during class projects. These interactions, in sprite of themselves, have brought Chris and Thara closer together and find common grounds with each other on many things from the mundane like their thoughts on their teachers to the interpersonal including Chris being emotionally supportive to Thara during moments of her family history prior to moving to Earth getting to her. The fact the two are also apprentices of Dick and Bette Kane respectively further solidifies it.
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jjuxii · 2 years
short written chapter
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The next day
Every time Y/N practices on ice, she can always feel someone staring at her with grudge.
It was another night of rehearsals before the competition. It was 8 PM, all of the athletes were about to head outside the rink except for two people.
A lot of players raised their game since the competition was approaching fast. Most of the players stay in gruesome hours on the ice rink. Those players are usually Y/N and Jieun. They both don’t interact with each other. It was mostly silent throughout the whole hours of rehearsal. But today was different.
Y/N was at her locker room packing her bag when Jieun walked inside. Of course she did not acknowledge her presence that much considering that she mainly does the same everyday— but Jieun had other plans.
Jieun holds a grudge on Y/N. When Y/N performs on ice, she can’t help but hold a unreasonable grudge on her. Jealousy in short. She saw how her moves were stable and how she performed gracefully on ice. She felt that she would definitely be a strong competitor.
“You always go home late huh” Jieun breaks the silence. “Oh? Uh…. yes?” Y/N replied completely taken aback by Jieun starting a conversation.
“Public class schools like yours always end in last place. They don’t take this competition seriously.”
‘What is she saying?’ Y/N thought.
“You should know that you’re definitely not gonna last in this school. The last time we’ve invited someone from a low class school like you, the contestant dropped out,
because of how strong I am in every competition.”
Y/N stopped moving when she heard Jieun’s words. “I hope you realize that this competition is not a joke but hey,” Jieun approached Y/N, “In this competition, I’m going to win anyways” She smiled and walked away from Y/N.
Y/N stood in disbelief still processing on the fact that Jieun had a straight up bitchy attitude. But Y/N wasn’t angry..
perhaps Her words gave her a boost of energy.
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masterlist | chapter nine
being able to have the opportunity to be one of the exchange students in arcadia academy especially at this year’s annual sports event and districts has it’s great perks and benefits for y/n until she spilt coffee on the soccer captain’s new soccer shoes.
taglist : @darrensos @letmeal0ne​ @yeonyeonyeonjun @day6andetcetera @stephsfav @ni-sh @pr0dbeomgyu @injeolmiin @ashxxkook @tsookies @strawbrinkofdeath @chonjaeidol @junqwonni @igotkpoops send an ask or a message to be added
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ariparri · 1 year
Cardverse Events
I don't know why I made it this way, they were supposed to be basic descriptions but it's all done! xD I was also planning on giving Diamonds the chariot racing but then I already gave Spades the steam cart race and I didn't want any duplicate events so I went with harpastum. And due to the lack of information on harpastum, I combined it a bit with the ancient Greek game, Episkyros.
Cardverse Masterlist
Hosted by Diamonds
To succeed in Diamonds’ event of harpastum, you require agility, speed, and endurance. The aim of the game was to get the ball while in possession over the opponent’s defending line. These teams would face each other in a field divided by a line in the center and another line a set distance behind each team to mark the ends of the field. The team in control would kick or throw the ball between or over the head of their opponents to each other. If you dropped the ball or your opponent intercepted, the other team takes possession and aims to get the ball down the other end of the field. Due to the lack of gear, the game can get pretty violent with players getting a broken limb or other injuries. Players are able to tackle a player from the opposing team to prevent them from retrieving the ball.
Anyone from any region can participate
Bets can be placed
Both teams will have 12 players each, 7 playing on the field. People from other regions can make up each team.
Hosted in autumn season
Prizes Winning team members will receive medals, a decorative Harpastum ball. A banquet is held and Diamonds’ theatre members will host a performance.
Passion Ball
Hosted by Hearts
The Passion Ball is a masquerade hosted by the Monarchs of Hearts. It is a fun event, and can provide an environment for healthy social interaction between people. It’s a great time to renew old friendships and forge new ones. It was originally open to only the rich around Cinderhaven, but has since been open to the entire public. Usually hosted in the winter season.
Dress Code Formal Attire or Costumes Masks
Activites Music of the Night - Guests can take the stage to perform Best Mask/Outfit Contest Auction
Abraxan Derby
Hosted by Clubs
There are two teams with all participants riding on abraxans. The teams compete against each to score points. Number of points the goal is worth is determined by the rider flying through the floating jewels within the stadium.
Ruby - 50
Emerald - 25
Sapphire - 10
- Anyone is invited to watch
- Bets can be placed
- Both teams will have four players each, one being the captain. People from other regions can make up each team.
- Players can get members of the opposing team out by knocking them off their Abraxan
Hosted during spring
- Charging into the Abraxan directly and harming them
- Directly attacking the opponent or horse-collar tackle
Prize Members of the winning team will receive a plaque and medal. A feast will also be held in their honor while Clubs’ entertainers perform for the entire room. The entertainment is mainly sand or bubble artists
Steam Cart Race
Hosted by Spades
People from all over Cinderhaven can attend the event to either watch or join the race. Bets can be placed on who the winner racers will be. Usually hosted during the summer
- Must be 18 and have a license to drive a steam cart
- Your own steam cart
- Your own team or sponsor
- A reserved driver can take over if the main driver is unavailable
- False start
- Blocking another driver upon start
- Using illegal or not approved parts
- Causing crash accidents
Prize First Place - Trophy, Gold Medal Second Place - Acrylic Stand, Silver Medal Third Place - Resin Stand, Bronze Medal
A banquet will be held for the three winners. Entertainment is usually in the form of ventriloquists and comedians though sometimes light walkers on stilts and their wind-up dolls or statues steal the show
Bizarro Scavenger Hunt
Since the Jokers Domain is a carnival and amusement park, everyone can already have their own fun with the never ending rides and games! But like the other regions, the Jokers host their own grand event.
In the Bizarro Scavenger Hunt, participants will take part scavenging throughout the region collecting different items and performing different activities or challenges. Be careful of the weather though! It changes for an important reason or by the two Jokers' will.
Anyone from any region can participate
Can work in teams or solo
The goal is to find all items, or complete all challenges, on the list
Event ends when a player/team completes the list
Playing grounds is the entirety of the Jokers Domain
Hosted whenever the Jokers feel like it.
Point System Collectibles - 5 Riddles - 15 Challenges - 30
Penalties will lead to point deduction or disqualification
Obtaining an item in a forbidden area
Obtaining an item illegally
Stealing another player/team's item/replacing lists
Altering the list/sabotaging another team or Joker's attraction may result to automatic disqualification
Crowned the "Majesty of Fools" for the rest of the day
A chalice trophy with the engraving “Bizarro Champion”
Next circus act will be in winner's honor
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braisedhoney · 9 months
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gotta admit half of why i want to try this trend is to find out what characters you all immediately associate my blog with :P
and to doodle in the margins lol
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ao3feed-dilucnkaeya · 7 months
Read on AO3
by G4ME123
It was always easy to talk to Kaeya. They could talk about anything and nothing at all. Alhaitham had enjoyed his interaction with the Cavalry Captain, but he hadn’t dared to assume it was mutual. They’d been hanging out with each other for so long that technically all of Sumeru thought that they were together—
Did Alhaitham dare to make it… to make them official?
- - - - - - - - - - -
The story of Alhaitham, his journey in Mondstadt, and a relationship bloom over time.
Words: 7708, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of The Inquisitiveness
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Alhaitham (Genshin Impact), Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Diluc (Genshin Impact), Mentioned Cyno (Genshin Impact) - Character, Mentioned Kaveh (Genshin Impact) - Character
Relationships: Alhaitham/Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Alhaitham & Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Diluc & Kaeya (Genshin Impact)
Additional Tags: Developing Relationship, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Friends to Lovers, Post-Alhaitham's Story Quest: Vultur Volans Act I: The Illusions of the Mob, Kaeya Has Self-Esteem Issues (Genshin Impact), what's new honestly, Diluc is Protective of Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Diluc and Alhaitham had an intense staring contest, POV Alhaitham (Genshin Impact), Eventual Fluff, Romantic Fluff, First Kiss, Stressed Alhaitham (Genshin Impact), Tags Are Hard, Kaeya is a Menace (Genshin Impact), Dialogue Heavy, Teyvat Politics (Genshin Impact), Teyvat Economics, Nerd talk basically, Eventual Romance, Tooth-Rotting Fluff
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blacklinks01 · 17 days
Unlocking the Secrets of Royale11: A Comprehensive Guide
In the realm of online gaming, Royale11 stands out as a beacon of excitement, strategy, and competitive spirit. As avid enthusiasts of the gaming world, we delve deep into the intricacies of Royale11 to unlock its secrets and provide you with a comprehensive guide that goes beyond the surface.
Understanding Royale11: More Than Just a Game
Royale11 transcends the boundaries of traditional gaming, offering a multifaceted experience that combines elements of strategy, skill, and chance. At its core, Royale11 is a fantasy sports platform that allows users to create their dream teams and compete against others based on real-life sporting events.
The Gameplay Dynamics
In Royale11, players are tasked with assembling a team of athletes from various sports leagues, such as cricket, football, basketball, and more. The performance of these athletes in actual matches directly impacts the points earned by the users’ fantasy teams.
Strategy and Decision-Making
Success in Royale11 hinges on strategic decision-making, as users must analyze player statistics, match dynamics, and other variables to optimize their team’s composition. From selecting the captain and vice-captain to making last-minute substitutions, every decision influences the outcome of the game.
Immersive User Experience
One of the defining features of Royale11 is its immersive user experience, which seamlessly blends real-time updates, interactive interfaces, and engaging visuals. Whether you’re tracking live scores, participating in contests, or managing your team, the platform offers a user-friendly environment that enhances the overall gaming experience.
Unveiling Advanced Strategies: Mastering Royale11
While Royale11 welcomes players of all skill levels, mastering the game requires a deep understanding of its intricacies and nuances. Here, we unveil advanced strategies that will elevate your gameplay and position you as a formidable contender in the world of fantasy sports.
Statistical Analysis and Data-driven Decisions
At the heart of advanced gameplay lies statistical analysis and data-driven decisions. By leveraging historical performance data, player insights, and match predictions, users can gain a competitive edge and make informed choices when building their fantasy teams.
Leveraging Predictive Analytics
Predictive analytics tools play a crucial role in forecasting player performance and predicting match outcomes. By harnessing the power of algorithms and machine learning, users can identify potential breakout stars, exploit matchup advantages, and stay ahead of the competition.
Capitalizing on In-game Dynamics
In addition to statistical analysis, successful players in Royale11 capitalize on in-game dynamics and situational awareness. From monitoring player form and injury updates to adjusting strategies based on evolving match conditions, adaptability is key to staying ahead in the game.
Community and Collaboration: The Power of Royale11
Beyond its gameplay mechanics, Royale11 fosters a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for sports and gaming. Through collaboration, competition, and camaraderie, users form connections that transcend virtual boundaries and enrich the gaming experience.
Engaging with Fellow Enthusiasts
Whether it’s discussing strategy, sharing tips, or celebrating victories, the Royale11 community provides a platform for users to engage with fellow enthusiasts from around the globe. Through forums, social media groups, and in-app chat features, players can connect, collaborate, and forge lasting friendships.
Participating in Tournaments and Events
Royale11 hosts a variety of tournaments, events, and challenges that bring the community together and offer opportunities for friendly competition. From themed contests to special promotions, these events enhance the sense of belonging and excitement within the Royale11 ecosystem.
Conclusion: Embrace the Thrill of Royale11
In conclusion, Royale11 represents more than just a game; it’s a dynamic and immersive experience that captivates players worldwide. By understanding its gameplay dynamics, mastering advanced strategies, and embracing community collaboration, you can unlock the full potential of Royale11 and embark on an exhilarating gaming journey like never before.
Read More : https://royale11.info/
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mystart11 · 1 month
Unleash Your Cricketing Fantasies with Mystart11: The Ultimate Fantasy Cricket Experience
Cricket, often dubbed as a religion in some parts of the world, holds a special place in the hearts of millions of fans globally. It's not merely a sport; it's an emotion that transcends boundaries and unites people across cultures. In the digital age, cricket enthusiasts have found a new way to immerse themselves in the game they love through fantasy cricket platforms like Mystart11.
Mystart11 has emerged as a premier destination for cricket aficionados to engage in thrilling fantasy cricket games. With its user-friendly interface and innovative features, Mystart11 offers an unparalleled gaming experience that keeps fans on the edge of their seats throughout the cricketing season.
At the core of Mystart11's appeal lies its ability to transform passive spectators into active participants. Gone are the days of merely cheering for your favorite players from the sidelines. With Mystart11, fans have the opportunity to create their own dream team, consisting of real-life cricketers, and compete against other users in virtual contests.
One of the standout features of Mystart11 is its extensive range of cricketing tournaments and leagues covered. Whether it's the high-octane action of the Indian Premier League (IPL), the prestigious ICC events, or exhilarating bilateral series between nations, Mystart11 ensures that there's never a dull moment for fantasy cricket enthusiasts.
Creating your fantasy team on Mystart11 is a breeze, thanks to its intuitive team selection interface. Users can strategically pick their squad by analyzing player statistics, recent form, pitch conditions, and other crucial factors that could influence the outcome of the game. Whether you're a seasoned cricket analyst or a casual fan, Mystart11 caters to players of all skill levels.
Once your team is locked in, the excitement reaches new heights as you monitor the performance of your chosen players in real-time. Every run scored, wicket taken, and catch grabbed directly impacts your team's fortunes in the fantasy league. The thrill of seeing your captain score a century or your bowler pick up crucial wickets is unmatched, making every match an adrenaline-fueled experience.
Mystart11 doesn't just stop at offering standard fantasy leagues. It continually introduces innovative game formats and challenges to keep users engaged and entertained. From head-to-head matchups to mega contests with massive cash prizes, there's always something new to look forward to on Mystart11.
Furthermore, Mystart11 prioritizes fairness and transparency, ensuring a level playing field for all participants. The platform employs advanced algorithms and safeguards to prevent any form of cheating or manipulation, fostering a trustworthy environment where users can compete with confidence.
In addition to the thrill of gameplay, Mystart11 also serves as a vibrant community hub for cricket enthusiasts to connect and interact. Users can join leagues with friends, create custom contests, and engage in lively discussions about the latest cricketing trends and predictions. The sense of camaraderie and friendly competition further enhances the overall gaming experience on Mystart11.
As the cricketing landscape continues to evolve, Mystart11 remains at the forefront of innovation, constantly refining its platform to deliver the ultimate fantasy cricket experience. With its unparalleled features, extensive coverage, and commitment to user satisfaction, Mystart11 has solidified its position as the go-to destination for cricket fans looking to live out their fantasies in the virtual realm.
In conclusion, Mystart11 has revolutionized the way cricket is experienced, empowering fans to become active participants in the game they adore. Whether you're a die-hard cricket fanatic or someone looking to add an extra layer of excitement to your viewing experience, Mystart11 is your ticket to cricketing nirvana. So why wait? Dive into the world of fantasy cricket with Mystart11 and let the games begin!
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pirateboomboomblog · 7 months
Sailing the Digital Seas: Pirates in Video Games and Pirate Games on Android
Pirates have long held a fascination for people around the world. The allure of buried treasure, swashbuckling adventures on the high seas, and the thrill of living a life outside the law have made pirates a popular theme in various forms of entertainment. In the world of video games, pirates have found a special place, with numerous titles that allow players to embrace the life of a buccaneer. In this article, we'll dive into the world of pirates in video games and explore some of the best pirate games available on Android devices.
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Pirates in Video Games: A Brief Overview
Pirates have been a recurring theme in video games for decades. From the early days of gaming to the modern era, developers have crafted countless games that let players step into the boots of a pirate captain, navigating treacherous waters, engaging in epic ship battles, and hunting for hidden treasures. Here are some key aspects of pirates in video games:
Adventure and Exploration: Pirate-themed games often emphasize exploration, with vast open worlds to discover. Players can sail to uncharted islands, search for buried loot, and interact with a diverse cast of characters.
Naval Combat: Ship-to-ship combat is a core element of many pirate games. Players engage in thrilling battles, utilizing cannons, maneuvering tactics, and strategy to outwit their opponents on the high seas.
Treasure Hunting: The quest for hidden treasures, including legendary pirate hoards, is a driving force in many games. Solving puzzles and deciphering cryptic maps are common mechanics in these adventures.
Character Customization: Players often have the opportunity to create and customize their own pirate characters, allowing for a personalized gaming experience.
Multiplayer Adventures: Many pirate games offer multiplayer modes, enabling players to team up with friends or compete against other players in exciting pirate-themed contests.
Pirate Games on Android
With the popularity of mobile gaming on the rise, Android devices have become a hub for pirate-themed adventures. Here are some notable Pirate Games Android:
Pirates of the Caribbean: Tides of War: Based on the beloved movie franchise, this game lets you build your pirate haven, assemble a crew, and engage in naval battles. It offers both single-player and multiplayer modes.
Plunder Pirates: This free-to-play strategy game allows you to build and upgrade your pirate island, raid other players, and engage in epic sea battles. Its colorful graphics and engaging gameplay make it a hit among mobile gamers.
Tempest: Pirate Action RPG: In this open-world RPG, you can customize your own pirate ship, recruit a crew, and explore a vast, procedurally generated world filled with danger and opportunity.
Pirate Kings: A casual, social game where you spin a wheel to earn gold and build your pirate island. You can raid other players' islands, steal their treasures, and protect your own from attacks.
Seabeard: This charming adventure game combines elements of exploration, farming, and questing. Set in a beautifully animated world, you can sail, trade, and embark on quests in a colorful pirate-themed universe.
Pirate games have a timeless appeal that continues to captivate gamers of all ages. With the convenience of Android devices, you can now take to the high seas and experience the life of a pirate captain wherever you go. Whether you're a fan of epic naval battles, treasure hunting, or simply the allure of adventure on the open ocean, there's a pirate game on Android waiting for you to embark on a thrilling voyage. So, hoist the Jolly Roger, set sail, and let your inner pirate run wild in the digital world of piracy and plunder.
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