#cat amusement in las vegas
catsassycom · 10 months
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belladonazeppole · 2 months
A Meeting with Lady Luck
Who would guess that his business trip to Las Vegas would be actually worthy. Since the woman in front of him is gorgeous; a dainty doll looking even smaller in her cocoon coat, her skin a deep bronze, her hair in a short bob with bangs but what really caught his attention was her eyes.
Amber. He never saw amber eyes before but was completaly sure that she had the most beautiful pair, they were curious similar to the ones of a cat.
"May I ask for your name, doll?"
"Lady Luck."
From the pretty lady came the deepest and smoothest voice while blowing her cigar smoke towards him, this make him froze in his spot and slowly glaring at "her" and noticing "her" face better now closer, he looks down and finally sees it.
An adam's apple.
Shit, she wasn't a doll but a jake!
"Something wrong, baby?" "She" ask him with clear amusement all over his face, after a few moments he compise hilmself since he still had his mouth wide open of the shock. "Cat got your tongue?" She said while entering to the casino, crushing her cigar under her heel and glazing at him.
He was waiting for him!!
Wait I second he would absoluty make me expend all my money in the casino and besides I not into dudes. He thought quickly, but Victor make the big mistake of looking again to Lady Luck since he just lower his coat to show Victor his delicate back while winking at him. Eh, I wasn't that straight anyways. He thought while hurriedly going to Lady Luck side and offering his arm which he gladly takes.
"So, what is your name, stud?"
Good thing that Victor was rich. Since he lost a lot of money in the casino and the bar but he took Lady Luck that night to his hotel room soo who was really the loser, right?
After that night Victor was hook, line and sink!
Even if Victor need to go back to his work in another state he make sure to send Lady Luck money, he may told him it was weird as fuck but Victor just insist that he just deserve nice things, he also make sure to at least going a full weekend to the casino.
Victor just can't get enough of him! He never meet somebody as witty, cultured and charming as Lady Luck or somebody that could drink that much is be that small or that could be a man twice his size for disrespecting some of the waitress or tried to touch him inappropriately.
The sex was amazing... even if he never told him his real name.
Not knowing his real name never stop him from still visiting Lady Luck, not just for sex of course, they just talk in his hotel room. How Luck desire in traveling to other countries and make his magic show know, he looked so passionate and sincere talking about his dreams.
Victor always felt lonely after he had to leave.
That is gonna change this night since today was the day, this night he would ask Lady Luck for a date and his real name. Victor had the flowers, his suit ironed and even brought the cigars that she fancied. No more chickening out in the nick of time. He fucking got this, he didn't care that he looked like a weirdo wandering around with a bouquet of flowers in the casino,
He had a date with destiny!
Although he wasn't particularly lucky in these moment.
Victor tried to look for him at his hostess station but he wasn't there.
Maybe he was covering for somebody as a dealer? No.
As a bartender? Neither.
In the dressing room? He doesn't think so.
Lady Luck didn't have any act scheduled today. He knew this since he bribe somebody from backstage to give Victor his schedule. But it was his last option but it was useless in the end since he wasn't there either. In fact Victor only saw that none of his things were there anymore, he just disappeared.
As if he had never been there.
"Oh darling…." Victor turns around and recognizes the person as Lady Luck's assistant, Veronica he believes, when she was doing her magic tricks as well as her dancing partner. "He just left."
"He left?" He asks her in shock at the news, ignoring the pitiful expression the woman was currently showing him. "To where?"
Maybe he could go.
"Oh…" Or not. "But he wanted me to give this to you." She quickly said as she handed him a card, an ace of diamonds, at first he thought it was a sick last joke until he flipped it over.
At least he got his name.
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deux-jared · 1 year
since winter break is ending, i’m cleaning out my travel bag. so here’s everything. that i’ve been carrying around these weeks and it’s kinda an i spy game bc there’s so much
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list of items below ofc
customized slimecicle mug from @levlies889 (there’s dried cola in the bottom i’ve been using it for a week straight)
very full grey pencil case with a needle im using stuck in it
grey cat bag where i keep little skin care items
parrot wallet my beloved
blue worm on a string without the string
red and yellow notebooks (the red one has just abstract art from my favorite mpreg fanfiction
two purple dnd dice (8 and 20 sided)
a generic peppermint chapstick
a jerma flavored chapstick
rosebud lip oil that i stole from my sister
a black lighter
green and pink monster energy tabs
three different pairs of earbuds all with different inputs
comb and small wet brush
four assorted moisturizers (there’s a story here)
bad looking embroidery i started
nine assorted embroidery thread colors
sewing needles and sewing scissors
las vegas key chain that we call my jerma keychain
broken piece of a road bump (i have a lot of these)
loose allergy pill
assorted candy but mainly gingins cause they’re my favorite
blue bearing (there’s also a story here)
there’s a penny that should be there erm
blue franklin bookman if u don’t know what a bookman is look up franklin bookman it’s hard to explain
a tiny beige van
a gold ring i got at an jewelry store at a sketchy amusement park in cuba bc their transfer rate of money was really good so i got it cheap
an expo market cap that my math teacher dropped
flat head screwdriver that is the wrong size for whatever i need it for
brown camo lizard (unnamed) (my favorite guy)
phone charge and block obviously
lemon that i think looks like an apostrophe like from the los campesinos song
purple scissors
skeleton gloves (very useful in cold)
four acorns in bad shape
worry doll keychain
assorted trash from ground that includes mostly glass but also a bolt and the top of an electric cigarette
pocket knife
my keys (peep the mini twister)
hand made jerma button from @dontsaythatillcry
lumix camera that i NEEED to upload a years worth of pictures from
the scariest thing is that there was also a mini bluey figurine and a tin of rose balm and these r very important items and now i can’t find them but i will im sure
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wanderyears · 2 years
a (modern) OFMD rec list
or, do it again, but make it *au*
a small adventure by gangnamstiles @sassygwaine “So, you’ve seen the Stede Bonnet shit,” Jack says, plunking down his tankard and straddling the stool.
“See, you all keep saying ‘shit’. That’s so vague. Be specific for fuck’s sake,” Edward says, locks his phone and tosses it on the table in front of him.
“This pompous little amateur had the nerve to ask for a review on his new podcast,” Izzy spits the word like that’s not what they’re doing.
had we lived by nasri Izzy is always the first one to arrive at the pub, signing off on shipments and taking stock, and if Edward shows up it will be just before last call, when Izzy is dead on his feet and can’t say no to a single thing. Truthfully, though, he rarely can.Every day starts and ends exactly the same way, until a particularly chatty history professor begins sharing his morning commute.
like a flower in bloom, how the ink flows over your skin by changethecircumstances Stede finds that being a convicted felon makes job searching near impossible when the owner of a flower shop takes pity on him and gives him a job. It starts as just Stede fulfilling the requirements of his parole. He certainly didn't agree to the offer with the thought the business and the people around it would change his life.
squid-life crisis by nerbert Ed begins to tell fun facts to the strange fancy man who visits the aquarium each day.
dealt a soft hand by mintly @mintly “Are you sure you’re not married?” Stede swallows. Something is tickling the back of his mind, a memory or dawning realization or the hangover exasperated by the flashing lights of Las Vegas spilling onto the disheveled bed. Stede pulls at his left glove, alarm coiling in his gut.
Ed snorts in amusement. “Yeah I’m sure. I think I’d remember if I got hitched.”
“Would you?” Stede says shakily. He holds his hand between them. Around his ring finger is a band matching Ed’s exactly. Brand new, without a single scratch on it, golden and lovely.
we should just kiss (like real people do) by al_ex_an)d_er_hamiltons @al-ex-an-d-er-hamiltons “I mean, I can read a little.” Ed continued, his tone defensive, setting his books down and throwing himself into the chair beside Stede. “The basics, you know. C-A-T is cat, whatever. But big words trip me up, and sometimes the letters get blurry and move around the page.” Ed ran a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated. Stede watched as Ed tried to gather his thoughts, unable to keep himself from admiring his dark eyes and long, salt-and-pepper hair.
“And when is the exam?”
“In four weeks,” Ed said miserably, slumping over the table.
“Ah,” Stede murmured. “Well, we’d better get started then, eh?”
clean slated state by justkeeptrekkin @justkeeptrekkin Stede is ready to 'get back out there' after his divorce, but he's more than a little bit intimidated by the concept of online dating. After a series of truly terrible first dates, he's close to giving up on love altogether. Perhaps he's too old for all this Grindr nonsense.
And then, along comes a bartender called Edward Teach.
on an aisle in the sun by macbetha @macbetha When Stede formed Lighthouse Wedding Planning, LLC, the last event he imagined himself organizing was his ex-wife’s wedding to her long-standing boyfriend, Doug.
then the smilin’ starts to hurt by bayaningbituon Ed is trying to relax on the beach, and gets interrupted by two kids and their handsome dad.
this tired world could change by gangnamstiles @sassygwaine One summer day, two unlikely paths cross in the alley behind Bonnet Group’s towering skyscraper: Stede is at the end of his rope, and Ed’s just taking a smoke break. Of course, after they’ve become inseparable, Ed’s past catches up to him as Stede tries to find a way out of his own obligations, and the solace they’ve found in each other is threatened.
i wanna take you (to a gay bar) by tenely He was honestly quite flattered the fellow had messaged him, despite the circumstances. Too bad he’d have to let him down. Since this wasn’t Stede’s kind of thing. He was only on the app as the result of a prank, after all, even though he couldn’t see the humor in it for the life of him.
awake and unafraid by animosities Five times Ed borrows something of Stede's and one time Stede borrows something from Ed.
There’s a man in Ed’s poetry seminar who equally baffles and intrigues him. 
kiss my lipstick on by vera_dragonmuse @dragonmuse Ed stumbles into a drag bar, then a relationship. He might as well fall into a fresh understanding of himself while he's at it.
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maxwell-grant · 2 years
Random thought, if various Pulp Heroes somehow had Social Media, what would it be like. If you want specifics, let's say The Shadow, The Spider, The Green Hornet, Kato, The Lone Ranger, Tonto, Zorro, The Spirit, Domino Lady, The Green Lama, The Black Bat, G-8, Operator No. 5, The Moon Man, and The Avenger (not including Doc cuz I know you don't like him). Bonus: Supporting Cast members (Harry, Nina, Justice, Inc. etc.)
(I’m going into this ignoring the time periods and just putting the characters in a vacuum)
The Spider is effectively a social media cryptid, who constantly makes short-lived accounts on most platforms that usually consist of first-person records of the terrors he goes up against and varied forms of death threats against criminals, with “DEATH TO THE BRINGERS OF DEATH!” becoming a rather contentious, ban-worthy slogan across the web. Surprisingly, not many people actually have the guts to make Spider roleplay accounts, terrified that they’ll be targeted by his enemies or the Spider himself. Richard Wentworth doesn’t maintain social media, but he’s rather popular across it as a figure of public fascination, this sullen millionaire who does and says weird things, scion of a dead family, who looks so tired and broken sometimes and who sometimes rants about systemic inequalities and philosophical quandries and horrors of the world even when he’s just being interviewed, and who sometimes gets violent and thrusts himself headfirst into people that try to shoot someone near him, and who absolutely would have been outed as The Spider already if it wasn’t for the fact that most people don’t think The Spider is a human being. 
Britt Reid posts via a Daily Sentinel account that he runs solo. As someone playing the role of idle playboy, he is just good enough at faking Twitter brainrot to the point it works in favor of his secret identity, and just good enough at masking information to be successful as a crusading journalist and activist. As The Green Hornet, he actually runs a separate account that kinda seems like a LARPing thing at first to those not in the know, enough to not get him shut down by Twitter, but everyone kinda knows that it’s the Hornet’s actual account. It works in favor of the crimelord façade, lets him drop thinly veiled threats and misdirections, lets him constantly talk shit about major public figures and/or other heroes and keep up the charade, lets Reid get away with stirring the pot and dropping controversial statements stuff he couldn’t get away with as Reid. He has Kevin Smith and Seth Rogen blocked on all social media. 
Kato was fine with just having burner flip-phones for picking up Reid’s calls, but Reid got him something a little more up to date. He still always uses the flip phones on the job, he uses gloves constantly and you can’t use touch screens with those but, occasionally he takes the time to get really good at mobile games of his choice. He holds world records on a lot of racing games, claims it makes for good practice. 
Don Diego de la Vega basically just sticks to Instagram, posting your average celebrity attendance photos and amateur photography shots, occasionally some very classy thirst traps here and there, never anything too racy or undressed. There are quite a handful of Instagram & Twitter accounts and subreddits dedicated to Zorro, reporting on his deeds, his work within communities, praising or condemning him, and a loooot of them are not at all subtle about their thirst for the guy. Diego largely just finds this amusing.
Denny Colt would be a redditor, and he’d sort of drop by on The Spirit subreddit on occasion to do AMAs, mostly lying or telling truths so mundane that most people believe them to be lies. He loves and shares cat memes. The Spirit is the only one of these characters that I could see making sort of an effort to communicate with people online about who he is and what he does, largely as a way for him to seek assistance in his investigations and try to make things a little easier in terms of public relations. There’s a separate Spirit subreddit for people who, usually either want the women of his rogues gallery to step on them, or want to tie him up and show him a good time. The Spirit pretends he doesn’t know about this.
Domino Lady has a TikTok, as Ellen Patrick. Ellen’s considered to be very private with her personal info, with only a couple of wikipedia articles about her and pictures of her attending events floating online. But she’s good at playing the TikTok thirst algorithm, good at building up a charismatic online presence, and very adept at using social media to find her targets and info on them, many of whom actually just approach her outright thinking she’s an easy mark. 
Jethro Dumont doesn’t use social media, or at least, not under his own name. The Green Lama has been banned from most social media sites following some of his posts targeting law enforcement figures and politicians, and if his secret identity wasn’t unknown, he’d be put on several watchlists at minimum. Most of his time online is spent on Goodreads writing book reviews, particularly scathing ones towards books that misrepresent buddhism and buddhist beliefs. The topic of cultural appropriation comes up a lot when people look up the Lama online. No, he is not selling his superpower-inducing radioactive bath salts anywhere, and the less people try to make their own, the better.
Black Bat lurks and posts on 4chan, and you’re just gonna have to take my word for it as to why. The /k/ weapons board doesn’t hold in-person meetings anymore because of him.
The Moon Man absolutely detests social media for a myriad of reasons, one of which being that it’s completely ruined most google searches for his name due to some wretched online memes attached to said name, almost got him to change his name and costume. The only place he really goes to is Linkedin, which is where he can sometimes find potential allies or people in need of assistance or money, and Tumblr, where he posts a lot about politics. He’s controversial, but all things considered, he winds up being pretty popular here. 
Operator 5 only really joined social media to try and recruit people against whatever Great Invasion he was supposed to be fighting off that week. He was constantly and repeteadly told to fuck off for being a secret service spook.
G-8 posts on Deviantart. It’s quiet, nobody bothers him, he’s already calloused against unfathomable horrors from beyond the grimiest depths of imagination, and it lets him keep journals and pictures of some of his exploits for record. 
Doc Savage still posts on Facebook.
Justice Inc maintains a website where they can be reached out for contact, and most of their social media is operated by Smitty and Nellie (who has a pretty massive following on TikTok). The group as a whole coordinates very effectively via Discord. The bulk of Richard Benson’s social media experience boils down to miserably staring at pictures of his family saved on old profiles. 
The Shadow maintains and manages profiles on ALL social media sites, even dead ones or ones that you’d never even heard about.  Lamont Cranston’s verified, but the account’s partially run by the real Cranston who mostly posts dumb garbage, which The Shadow allows for so long as it doesn’t jeopardize his cover. He’s got different profiles for his dozens of secret identities and most of these are maintained by Burbank and other social media-assigned agents who mostly pass on to him information. He arranges investigations, gathers clues, sets up traps, he hijacks podcasts to relay information, reaches out to people in need of assistance, manipulates information, and covers tracks for whoever helps him do it. It’s become a massive part of his crimefighting network and it further arises suspicion since no one knows which accounts could be secretly run by agents of The Shadow or The Shadow himself. Whoever thought that an era of endless communication networks would make The Shadow less effective or scary couldn’t be more wrong. 
In short,
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loveydcves · 11 months
𝒮𝑜 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝐼𝓈 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒- 𝑅𝓊𝒹𝑜𝓋𝑒
Who: R.P and D.C ( @rudypankowdreams )
When: June 3rd, 2023
Where: Los Angeles California & Las Vegas, Nevada
Plot: Dove and Rudy celebrate their anniversary early with a spontaneous trip.
Triggers: none
DOVE: Even though production had officially started on Outer Banks Season Four what felt like yesterday, Rudy was already home. Right now, things were being worked out, apparently (it was pre production stuff that never made any sense to Dove) and he didn't have to be there for it, if he didn't want to. So for now, he was back in LA with Dove, and she couldn't have been more thrilled. She knew the next couple of months were going to be rough for them, with their intense schedules in two different states on opposite sides of the country. So she wanted to soak in everything she could with him. Spend as much time with him as possible. But she didn't want to be inside. Having this extra time made her restless, and she wanted to do something with him, go somewhere. Do something that was completely unexpected. Instead of just sitting on the couch, sitting on opposite sides but their legs wrapped around each other (because God knew that they couldn't stop touching each other for like...three seconds), eating whatever it was that Rudy made for lunch. Or dinner, or breakfast, for that matter. Dove didn't want to be idle, she wanted to do something exciting. Dove shuffled away from her spot on the couch, instead leaning towards him and flopping herself onto her stomach, her head leaning against his knee. "We should do something," she said, reaching for his hand. "Go somewhere, more specifically. While you still have the time and you're not stuck in South Carolina for months on end." She lifted her head up. "Nothing too major, I don't wanna go to far away. So no foreign countries and no islands. Ooh, like Vegas. What if we drive to Vegas?" Dove nodded, as if already making up her mind. "It could be like an early anniversary thing, in case we don't get to see each other on the day. The day, I remind you, that I finally figured out, thank you very much." She gave him a smug grin, before her expression shifted into something more earnest. "Seriously though. I think it only takes a couple of hours to drive there. We could do it."
 RUDY: Rudy had finally gotten a break from filming for the next Outer Banks season. One that would be a few days at least with them needing to scope some more things out for their scenes before they could actually film them. And instead of staying there with the rest of the cast, Rudy took the opportunity to run home to his girlfriend because why not? If he had the chance to be with her, he was taking it and running. It was rough being away from Dove in any capacity and he even missed the cats. He had been in a pile of fluff and Dove for the past half day and he was loving every single second of it. Did that make him a simp for his girl that gave him everything? Sure, but he didn't give a fuck. He was in love and that was that. Long distance sucked and he was already dreading needing to go back in a few days. "I knew you'd ask me sooner or later because you've been looking real antsy," he teased her, squeezing her hand in his own when she took it into hers. His thumb brushed gently along the back of her hand, resting his cheek against the back of the couch. An eyebrow raising when Dove mentioned Vegas to him, amused chuckle escaping past his lips. "Vegas, babe? You wanna go gamble or something for our anniversary? Oh, or do you want to try and be in one of the shows? I'd pay big money to see you shake it a little bit. Talk about a way to ring in one year together, huh?"
 DOVE: "That bad, huh?" Dove frowned. She hadn't realized her restlessness was that noticeable. She didn't want him to feel bad that they had chosen to spend time in the house, because she wanted to spend time with him, and she didn't care how they did it. But she was looking forward to doing something with him, vacations weren't usually their thing but she wanted some time away. She grinned as he laughed, knowing that the idea at least seemed okay to him. That they could at least go somewhere. "First of all, who said anything about gambling? There's more to Vegas than just gambling, babe. There's magic shows and concerts and museums. Those people from pawn stars." Not that Dove would ever go there, but it was part of a list of things she knew. "Nah, if anyone is gonna be in any shows its you. You'd look really cute in those chippendales cufflinks." She grinned, leaning up to kiss him. "But I love you, and I want to spend as much time with you as I possible can while you're here. And why not Vegas, you know? I went for my 21st birthday and had a great time. And that was...what, almost six years ago? I haven't been back since." She kissed him again, trying to sway him to get him to do what she wanted. "We can get a super fancy hotel room, go out to a super fancy dinner. Or if you want we can ditch all that and do all the shitty, kitchy tourist stuff. Whatever you wanna do, my love."
 RUDY: "You always get antsy when we spend too much time inside. It's kind of cute how much you love to go out, actually," Rudy told her, brushing some of her dark hair behind her ear and out of her face. His smile was soft while he gazed down at her, feeling his heart swell a billion sizes larger. The girl before him meant so much to him and he just wanted to explode with it all. Trying to find the words that could ever compare to just how amazing she was. "Listen, when I hear Vegas all I think of are weddings with some sleazy Elvis or gambling all my Outer Banks money away. It's just what it's known for, baby," the actor laughed, dropping his hand back to his side and shrugged lazily. It wasn't a terrible idea to go there the more he thought about it. "Should I make that my secret side gig? Dressing up in barely there clothing and dancing seductively for girls on their bachelorette weekend?" Rudy kissed her back softly, playfully nipping at her lower lip to get her to laugh more. Loving the way it sounded in his ears. "I love you most, baby girl. If you really want to go to Vegas? Then we'll go to Vegas, alright? This is your world and the cats and I just live in it," he said, kissing her before he finally pulled away to look at her properly. As badly as he wanted to keep kissing her and pin to the cushions of this couch, he knew they also needed to be apart if they were going to be booking this last minute trip. "Pick out the hotel and I'll give you my card, alright? We can choose whatever activities we're gonna do when we get there. See how we're feeling in the moment or whatever. Act like fun little tourists."
 DOVE: Dove scrunched her nose up at him as he pulled her hair away from her face. He knew her so well, it was hard to get anything past him. Even if it was something she really had no intention of hiding. "Hey, we need that Outer Banks money so you can buy me things, we can't have you gambling it all away," Dove teased. "Also some of those Elvis' are really nice, I've heard." Dove nodded matter-of-factly. She laughed as he started to mention Chippendales being his secret side gig, and she grinned at him, scrunching her nose up again as she put on her best "valley" voice. "Oh my God, babe, that would be like...so totally hot. Make that cash, get that bag. Or whatever it is that people say these days." Dove giggled and hummed as Rudy kissed her again, and for half a second she contemplated screwing the vacation completely and just doing this until he had to go back to South Carolina. Hell, she would be willing to back to South Carolina with him if it meant they could just lay around in each other's arms and act like there was nothing else going on in their lives. "Yeah? I mean let's face it, they love you just as much as they love me, but you have a point." She leaned back to sitting up, leaning against the back of the couch. Just to take a moment to admire him. "I love you. You know that, right? More than anything." She leaned forward, grabbing her laptop off the coffee table and opening it up. "We can pick it out together. I want to find a place that we both love, not one where I just spend blindly. It's our vacation, not just mine."
 RUDY: "I'll be getting more Outer Banks money in a few weeks when we start filming again. The money I have now is fine. Monopoly money if you will," Rudy mused, leaning down to kiss her nose with his own nose scrunch. His girlfriend made it way too easy to be relaxed and playful whenever they were lounging around like this. "Hmm, maybe I can practice my audition with you. See if I'm really Chippendale material after all. If my girl thinks it's hot? Then I know I'll get in with no issues." He'd miss doing days like this with her while he was filming. Missing getting to wake up with her and hold her close against his chest until they both finally found the energy to get up again. Just spend his whole day with her if he wasn't bugging JD or Drew or even doing his hours long Facetime calls with Madelyn to see his goddaughter. And he couldn't really expect Dove to give up what she was doing to spend filming season with him down there in the Banks. "I love you more than anything on this planet. Still trying to figure out what you see in a guy like me, but here we are. I just count my lucky stars for you every day," he said back, pulling her into his lap while Dove pulled up the booking websites on her laptop. "Is there any specific place you had in mind? Maybe we can start from there and check out places as we go."
 DOVE: "Hey, Monopoly money or not, whatever gets you paid gets you laid, or whatever," Dove snickered, pulling the simple and silly rhyme out of thin air. Even though they both knew that she obviously never saw him as a paycheck or as a simple sexual outlet. He was absolutely everything, and she loved him more than anything. "There will be no audition because I refuse to let anyone else see that. It's for me, no one else." She narrowed her eyes playfully. Having him away for so long would be awful, because he had become such a natural part of her life and routine. Ever since she came back from filming Schmicago last summer, he was always just there. Going weeks at a time without seeing him would be incredibly difficult, and she knew she would already be spending way too much money on plane tickets to South Carolina of all places to see him. "Stop," she scolded him, "You should know by now how important you are to me. Obviously I wouldn't have let you stay with me in Canada while I was working if I didn't. And I certainly wouldn't have allowed you to just...not leave. Imagine if I hadn't liked you, I would have very easily kicked out out of my house and sent you on your way." She gestured around them, to the house they had bought together, to all the cute little knick knacks and decorations and photos they had acquired on their adventures. "But look at what we have now. None of this would be possible without you." She let out a squeak as she was pulled, grinning while she pulled up a website. "No where specific. When I went for my 21st birthday my friends had planned everything, I was just along for the ride. I think there's like...this insane hotel where there's an inside part that looks like Italy? We should try that."
 RUDY: "Whatever gets you paid gets you laid?" Rudy burst out laughing, tipping his head back as he did so. Sometimes Dove truly had him laughing until he cried. The stuff that came out of her mouth would catch him off guard and she was probably one of the funniest people he knew. He held his hands up at the mention of no audition. "Alright, alright. Only Chlo can see me shake my ass, no one else. I'll have to phone JD and break the bad news to him," he joked, kissing the side of her head affectionately. He already missed doing this with her and he didn't even leave yet. The girl in his arms was the love of his life and his heart ached knowing that he'd have to leave her. Again. "Yeah . . . that's true. Would have kept it strictly hooking up, but still. I know that I'm the lucky one in this relationship. Like the day you marry me? Mind blowing really." His blue eyes shifted around the space when she gestured to it. It was truly like their own little space that they could come home to and just be together. In their own little nest with their animals. "Hey, you could have done this by yourself, but I'm glad you did it with me. Much more fun this way," he said, resting his chin on her shoulder. "We should definitely try that and then see what we can find around it to do."
 DOVE: "I don't know! It rhymed and I just said the first thing that came out of my mouth. You love my spontaneity," she said, pouting. Her random thoughts were almost always unhinged, which is why her notes app was full of text and sound recordings, and she had tons of journals everywhere exposing her innermost thoughts and feelings whenever she had the time. "It's about time you admitted that you loved me more than JD," she said, scrunching her nose up and grinning at him. "Do you think I can get that in writing? I know he won't believe me." She had a playful relationship with Rudy's co worker, border lining on almost frenemies but not quite. They constantly playfully argued about who Rudy loved more, who would get to ultimately end up with him. At the end of the day, she adored JD, and would never make Rudy choose. "Don't be ridiculous, clearly I had to wade through some messy shit before I got to you. You managed to sweep me off my feet and be the best partner I've ever had." This was now the second instance of marriage that had been brought up, almost as a joke. Dove was a firm believer in signs from the universe, and something had started to pick in the back of her brain. "Well duh, we make decisions together. I'm not just gonna spend your money and leave you in the dark." She pointed to photos of the hotel in question. "Isn't it so pretty? Obviously not as epic with the one with the roller coaster on the roof, but still pretty cool."
 RUDY: Rudy hummed at the mention of her random words and ideas and phrases that came out of her mouth on a random given day. He lost track of how many notebooks she's gone through in the past two months alone. The actor usually picked her up a new one anytime he was out and saw one that he thought she'd like. She went through so many that he figured it'd be best to just keep them stockpiled anyways. "I will not be writing down any of the sort because I like having you two fight over me. Makes me feel so special that the two people I love wanna duke it out for my attention. Really fuels the ego if you ask me," he said, grinning boyishly at his girlfriend. He really did find the whole concept totally hilarious and sat back and watched anytime her and JD would fight it out. All out of love and jokes, of course. "Listen . . . I will always stand by the fact that I am the luckiest guy on the planet, okay? You mean the world to me, babe. Never ever letting you go," he assured her, wrapping his arms snuggly around her and holding her close. As if to solidify the fact he was never going to let her out of his life. He loved her way too much for that to ever happen. "The hotel is very nice, though. We could visit the hotel with the rollercoaster on the roof. Add that to our list of fun."
 DOVE: "Nuh uh, you just said that you were gonna tell him. You said you were gonna call him and tell him the bad news. So how am I supposed to believe that he's just gonna back off, you know? I have to get it in writing. Legally binding." She was definitely rambling, and absolutely teasing. It didn't matter to her one way or another. All she knew was that it was more fun to poke fun of her boyfriend and his co-star/best friend than it was to be serious about this sort of thing. She tilted her head back into his shoulder, turning her head and pressing kisses against the part of his face she could reach: his cheekbone and the underside of his jaw. "You better not," she mumbled softly, smiling briefly as her eyes slid closed. "Otherwise I'd be very upset." She sat up a little straighter, her shoulder pressed against him and her legs curled up, her laptop now balancing on her knees. Any way she could to be closer to him. "We could do that, although I don't know if they let people who don't stay in the hotel ride the roller coaster. I suppose they do." She clicked through the hotel that she wanted them to stay at, making the reservation as she spoke. "I've never really like...stayed at one hotel and hung out in another. Every time I stay somewhere I'm staying there for work, you know? Hotels don't have attractions, they have beds and bathrooms."
 RUDY: "Hmm, do not recall. Sorry guess you and JD have to keep fighting over my love and affection. How very sad for Rudeth. He will never recover," he dramatically replied, pressing a hand to his forehead and pretending to faint. His back fell against the back of the couch, taking dove and the laptop with him. This position was a little awkward, but still comfortable enough that Rudy didn't feel obligated to move again. He smiled a bit when Dove's lips trailed along his skin, his arms tightening around her. The actor glanced over her shoulder at the website, taking in all the accommodations that the hotel they wanted to stay at had. He chuckled at how close it was to the famous chapel that most celebrities go to. "We can try our luck and see if they'll let us on. Just flash our big names in the business if we must. The one and only time I'll use my celebrity card to get on a ride," he laughed, nodding when Dove mentioned she usually only was there for work anyways. "Yeah, work doesn't let you have much time to look around and see other hotels. But now is our chance to do things that we can't do while working. Live our best FRIENDS episode life while in Vegas."
 DOVE: "That's so not fair." Dove pouted, though the pout quickly morphed into a grin as she was pulled back, laughing. This was the thing she loved most about him, the way that he was so silly and open and matched her energy so well. She remained in the leaned back, curled up position, bookmarking things that they would potentially be interested in doing. The good news is that they had a lot in common, so there was never anything that one of them wanted to do that the other didn't. Except maybe hiking, but Dove was very willing to do whatever it was that Rudy wanted, even if it was driving outside the city and onto the hiking trails in the blistering hot mountains of Las Vegas. Anything that made him happy. "Oh yeah, that'll work completely." She put on a fake accent, the kind she used for Schmicago. "I'm sorry, who did you say you were? Who and Who? The Disney girl? Oh well I've never seen your show, that's all kids and tiktok stuff. No roller coaster for you." She let out another laugh, before nodding. "Right." It was now the third instance of a Vegas event being mentioned, and though he didn't mention the detail explicitly, Dove remembered that one of the highlights of that episode was Ross and Rachel getting married in Vegas. She had also seen the chapel when they were scrolling for things to look at, and Dove was starting to piece together the puzzles of the signs from the universe. "I mean...what if we did?"
 RUDY: Rudy chuckled at his girlfriend's silliness. He was pretty sure that there was ever a moment where Dove hadn't made him laugh. Half the time all she had to do was stand there and he'd be doubled over just from an expression she made alone. The brunette was truly his other half and Rudy found himself wanting forever with her. Wanting to be with her for the rest of life to hold her like this every day. To laugh and love her in all the ways that he possibly could. She was the light in his life and he'd always find his way to her through the darkness. "Might have to use my charm instead, then. Have them melting to the ground so they cannot possibly turn his away. We will ride that rollercoaster damn it," he said, playfully slamming his fist down on the couch cushion next to him. He watched as Dove bookmarked some more things for them to do. His brain actively working to try and plan how and when they could do everything they wanted. When she spoke again, Rudy furrowed his eyebrows and shifted his gaze to her face from the screen. "What if we did what? Live out a FRIENDS episode?"
 DOVE: "I'm like...so sure that we can just show up and pay for tickets or something. But your determination is cute, babe." Dove patted the arm that Rudy had slammed down onto the couch, smiling. Though, her smile faded into something a little more serious (and maybe hopeful) as he tried to understand what she was suggesting. Dove merely scrolled back up until she got to the wedding chapel they passed (one that advertised many a celebrity slap dash wedding), stopping when she got the whole thing on the screen. "I know we...I know we haven't really talked about it or anything. But you know I'm a big believer in signs from the universe. And there have been like...four different signs about this. In the span of twenty minutes. I feel like that's enough for me." She leaned her head on his shoulder again, reaching for that same hand and sliding her fingers through his. "I mean we both agree that we're it, right? We're gonna be together forever and we're not gonna be with anyone else. And like...I don't really need all the pomp and circumstance or anything. Just the man I love, and maybe an Elvis Presley impersonator." She tilted her head up again, looking at him. "So...I guess what I'm saying is what if we get married while we're there."
 RUDY: The actor was silent for a really long moment as Dove spoke, her words circulating in his head trying to process what she was saying. From the moment he had met Dove, he just knew that she was all he'd ever want in this life. That she was the one he would want to wake up next to every morning and hold every single night. The one that he'd want to have kids with someday, god willing that Dove wanted them, too. The one that he saw this big, long future with and one that he wanted to spend every day of forever next to. No one had ever made Rudy feel as safe and in love in his life. No one had felt as perfect as Dove did for him. So the fact she was suggesting they get married when they went to over to Vegas? The blonde couldn't even deny that it really did sound like a good idea. Just get it out of the way and start their forever. Neither one of them cared about being in the spotlight, despite the types of careers they both had chosen for themselves. They were more reserved and liked their privacy and what better way to have their privacy than doing a Vegas wedding. "Would I be crazy if I actually agreed to this? Because . . . I don't think anything's made more sense to me than that. We're in this for life, so I think we should just solidify that for real. Make you Mrs. Pankow?"
 DOVE: Dove sat up suddenly and turned to face Rudy. Her laptop nearly slid off her lap, but thankfully she caught it at the last second. She put it down on the coffee table, now officially turning to face him. Even if she was in his lap and was mostly uncomfortable, she didn't care. Her brain was going at a thousand miles an hour right now. "Seriously? Like...are you serious? You wanna do this?" She grabbed his head, leaning forward to kiss him. Her heart beating at a million miles an hour. "Take my laptop, book everything. I don't care how much it costs, we'll split it. Just...do what you have to do." She kissed him again, scrambling off his lap. "I have to go pack I have to think about what I'm going to wear. Holy shit I cannot even believe we're doing this right now. I can't believe this is happening." She scrambled from the living room and headed up the stairs, practically crawling on the carpeted stairs as she ran to their bedroom. She had to figure out what to wear. After all, she was only planning on getting married in Vegas once.
 RUDY: Rudy blinked in surprise when she Dove suddenly turned and his hand instinctively shot out when her laptop slid, but she caught it on her own so his hands just went back to her waist. He didn't think he ever saw her so excited before. "Babe, I wouldn't have told you I wanted to do this if I wasn't sure. Marriage isn't something I'd joke around with you about," he told her, laughing when she grabbed him by the head to kiss him. He watched as his girlfriend (almost wife?) ran out of the room to get them packed. He shook his head and grabbed for Dove's laptop, moving to get everything booked. And, luckily, they were able to leave in a few hours time from LAX so they didn't have to wait that long to do all of this. Once he had everything from the flight to their activities and wedding booked up, he closed Dove's laptop and jogged up the stairs to pack himself. "Better pack fast, babe. Our flight leaves in a few hours."
 DOVE: "A few hours?" That left her with very little time. An hour maybe. Two, tops. Two get everything together. She had to find an outfit ASAP. Something in her closet would have to do, she couldn't go out and get anything now, it was far too late. "Did you at least book the chapel too?" Dove pulled the empty suitcase she used for travelling out from underneath their bed, opening it and staring at it. "Okay give me everything you're bringing. It's only going to be for a few days so I think between the two of us we can keep all our clothes and toiletries in one suitcase, and then we can have our own carry on bags." She had an oversized purse downstairs that she largely used for travel, so that would work just fine for her. It was big enough to carry her laptop in, too, so she didn't have to worry about that either. She would just have to remember to move all her important stuff to it. "Do you know what bag you want to bring? Maybe that backpack you use all the time or something?" Dove was scrambling, the grin on her face impossibly wide as she tore through her closet, trying to find something that would be suitable for their evening nuptials.
 RUDY: "Babe, I booked everything, don't worry," Rudy assured her, chuckling as he watched her for a moment. She ran around like a chicken without a head and he found it to be oddly adorable. He almost couldn't even believe he'd get to marry Dove in just a few hours when they got down there. It all had happened so fast, but he wouldn't trade how it happened for the world. This all felt too right to him and he was going to bask in it the best he could. The actor walked over to the closet and scooped up his backpack he typically brought as a carry on. Usually to hold stuff he could occupy himself with on the plane and a spare set of clothes in case his luggage were to ever get lost. "Probably the smartest idea since it's big," he agreed, dumping it on the bed and grabbing a few items of clothing to bring along with them for their big day. Thankfully he had some really nice white button up shirts from press things and he could wear his nice khakis with some dress boots. He could always change after the fact if they decide to go do something fun after the chapel. "Can you believe we're really doing this?"
 DOVE: "I'd believe it if we could get there now," Dove said, starting to drop clothes on the floor that she would have no choice but to pick up when they got back. Time was of the essence here. "Can you call the girl that lives next door and ask her to watch the cats? I'll give her like two hundred dollars to come by and feed them and sit with them for a little bit." She looked over at the clothes he had, frowning slightly. "Okay, no. I love you, so much, but I am not marrying you looking like you just rolled off set." She stepped back into the closet, finding a pair of nicer jeans that he had worn to that summer festival the outer banks cast did to promote the new season. "There, that's better. You can wear the khakis literally any other day." With that, Dove finished packing, and in what felt like no time at all they were on the plane and flying to Vegas. The more time passed, the more Dove couldn't help but feel like she was starting a new chapter in her life. Obviously, she was, she was getting married, but it felt like she was evolving into a different person entirely. It would be something she would try to write and process later, but for now they had more important things to worry about. They had to get to the hotel, change, and get to the chapel in time for their appointment. Complete with Elvis impersonator witness. As Dove stepped out of the rental car they had picked up at the airport, she looked up at the chapel, her eyes wide. "You know Joe and Sophie got married here," she said, as if that would do anything. "And Michael Jordan. The guy who owns it blocked off that room so that no one could ever go in it again."
 RUDY: Rudy felt like he was in a dream world, even when he got on the plane with Dove. Even when they touched down in Las Vegas and brought their stuff to the hotel to change into. It all happened so quickly and rapidly. Like one minute he was on the couch relaxing and the next he was on a plane to his wedding. He couldn't believe this was his life right now, but he wouldn't change how any of it happened for the world, either. Dove was the love of his life and he was so sure of that. So sure that this girl would be his forever from the moment he laid eyes on her. He just felt lucky that Dove even felt the same and wanted this as much as he did. Even though it hadn't been a thought in his head until a few hours ago when Dove made the suggestion. Yeah, Rudy thought about marrying her, but not in this way. And yet . . . something deep in his gut told him it was meant to happen this way. The blonde slipped out of the vehicle and pocketed the keys as Dove rounded the car to get to his side. Once she was next to him, Rudy wrapped an arm around her shoulders and glanced up at the chapel where they'd be saying I do in just a few minutes time. "We picked a really good spot to get married then. Probably the best idea we had all week," he joked, ducking his head to kiss the side of Dove's head. "You ready to go in and do this?"
 DOVE: "I'll have to tell her about it. I'm sure she'll get a kick out of it. Do you think they have photos of the famous people who got married here? Or like...any people? Maybe a guestbook? Oh shit, do we have to like...write vows or something? No, you know what? I'm an actress, I can improvise, I got this." She leaned into him, looking up at the building. "We got this," she repeated, taking the arm that was wrapped around her and reaching for his hand, squeezing. "Let's go get married." She pulled him inside, heading to the little counter where they needed to check in. It was a quick process, showing I.D's and filled out paperwork, before they were ushered into one of the little chapel rooms. There was only one couple in front of them, and they had brought a handful of people and had made it a whole thing, with walking down the aisle and everything. Dove was somewhat thankful they didn't have to do that right now. Maybe one day when they wanted the big thing. But truthfully Dove just wanted to stand there, say a few words and cry a little, and then sign the papers. She reached for Rudy's hand again, squeezing it. She leaned towards him, whispering. "These people don't have an Elvis. Fucking amateurs."
 RUDY: "Maybe we can be like tourists and take a photo with the Michael Jordan and Sophie and Joe wedding photos if they do have them. We can make it a whole experience for the both of us," Rudy said, squeezing her hand right back when she squeezed his own. Like they were both assuring each other that they were in this together. That they both wanted this thing and were going to do it. Were going to become husband and wife today. A thought that had a smile working its way onto Rudy's face the more he thought about it and all while he signed the paperwork that was needed. He took Dove's hand once again and pulled her towards the room they were to be married in, dropping it once they stepped inside and he took in the sight of everything. The couple before them had a little audience and it had him snorting to himself a little. These people really went all out for their marriage while Dove and Rudy did this on a whim becuase they both just couldn't wait anymore to be with each other forever. He leaned closer to Dove so he could whisper with her. "I don't think they really know how to do a Vegas wedding. They need to take some more notes from Ross and Rachel. Spontaneous is the way to go."
 DOVE: Dove snickered. "Can you imagine? 'oh yeah, just put us right here so we can get the divorced couple in the shot of our happy day." Dove giggled, fighting hard to keep it quiet since the people who were sitting in the little lobby area of the chapel had started to give them weird looks. Still, she enjoyed watching the proceedings of the people in front of them. They seemed so happy, and the people that were watching them were happy for them. That was always nice to see. She liked that Vegas weddings had gained a positive reputation over the years, instead of people being drunk enough to think it was a good idea. Of course there were still plenty of those people, but all Dove saw right now were people happy and in love. Dove leaned into Rudy, trying to keep her voice low. "Yeah but they weren't in their right mind when they did it, you know that. Spontaneity yes, drunken decisions absolutely not." At last, the couple before them were declared husband and wife, and Dove applauded along with everyone else. Slowly, then she watched as other people filed out of the room, and the Elvis impersonater that they had requested to be their witness slide into the room past them. Suddenly it was eerily quiet, and Dove's heart started to pick up speed. She squeezed Rudy's hand once again. "Last chance to back out, gorgeous," she said, making the move to stand up as the officiant beckoned them forward.
 RUDY: Rudy watched the whole ceremony with Dove, holding onto her hand the whole time. It was crazy to think that in just a few minutes time . . .that would be them up there getting married. That soon they would be husband and wife when just a few hours ago they were happy in their little bubble. As spontaneous as this idea was, Rudy wasn't regretting a single second of it. Dove was his happy ending and he knew that now. So why wait to marry her? They could always do a big ceremony thing if they wanted to after he finished filming season four for Outer Banks. This was something he was so sure of that he was pretty sure it happened in every universe he was in with Dove. Eventually it was their turn and Rudy stood up a little straighter, all of this starting to become more and more to real him. He was really going to marry Dove. She was going to be his wife. They were going to be the Pankows. "There is no such thing as backing out, beautiful. It's you and me forever," he told her, leaning down to kiss her and gently pull her towards where the Elvis was.
 DOVE: Dove grinned up at him, returning the kiss. "That's what I thought you'd say." She walked with him towards the front, leaning into him once again as she confirmed to the officiant who they were, introducing herself as well as Rudy to the officiant and the Elvis. And, even though they had initially made fun of the concept, it was pretty cool to have something like that. She was obsessed with camp, and what was more camp than someone who's job it was to play Elvis be the witness to her marriage? Even if they had ultimately decided to go for the big thing, maybe she would have wanted something like that anyway. It would be a costumed affair. Would it be too much to have a costume party wedding in a month that wasn't October? Well, she couldn't think about that right now. Right now, she was facing the officiant, her fingers threaded through Rudy's as she held onto his hand tightly. Her earlier thoughts came back to her. Was she supposed to say something? As much as she thought she might be able to make something up on the fly, now that they were there it felt like nothing was coming to mind whatsoever. Besides, Rudy knew very well how much she loved him, otherwise they wouldn't be here. And it was pretty last month. If he didn't have anything planned, then she wouldn't have anything planned either. Ultimately she decided to just go with what the officiant asked her to say, figuring at the very least she could tell him how much he meant to her later. With her part done, she tried not to bounce impatiently as the officiant asked Rudy to repeat the same, the moment unexpectedly emotional. In all her excitement, she had nearly forgotten to be overwhelmed with emotion, and it didn't hit her until Rudy started repeating the words that would bind them forever.
RUDY: The closer they stepped towards the Elvis and the officiant, the more and more it settled in that this was happening. There'd probably be quite a few people that would be upset over this once they found. Sad they couldn't be there with Rudy and Dove during one of the biggest moments of their lives, but this way felt way more intimate. Way more personal and all about them. They didn't have prying eyes and they didn't need to make a big fuss over colors or dresses or napkins. Rudy and Dove just got to be themselves and stand here together, repeating whatever it was the officiant said. All of it was kind of a blur to Rudy. One second they were walking down the aisle and the next second they were finishing up their vows. The whole thing happening way quicker than Rudy would have ever expected it to go. Didn't these things tend to happen in slow motion? Not like someone fast forwarded through their VHS tape. But Rudy wouldn't have wanted this any other way. Dove was now officially his forever and that's all that ever would matter to him in this lifetime. And any other lifetime after this one.
 DOVE: It was when the officiant asked for them to exchange rings did Dove truly realize that they had done it. They had come all this way in the spur of the moment, and they were now together forever. She could have cried. Could have screamed, could have demanded he pick her up and cross the threshold of the building when they were done. Instead, she stared, her eyes wide. "Oh shit we forgot rings," she blurted, realizing that they were indeed very ill-prepared for this moment. But that was okay, because after the officiant laughed and said they could skip that part, he officially declared them husband and wife, they kissed, and that was it. Now she had Rudy for the rest of her life. When the officiant congratulated them and sent them off, ushering in the next person, Dove was quiet. She wanted to save her joy for when they were around less people. As public as the moment was (for God's sake a random stranger was playing Elvis for them), she wanted their joy to be private. She continued to stay silent until they (and Elvis the witness) had signed the certificate, and it wasn't until they were out the door and at the rental car did she let out a scream, a joyous scream that echoed in between the buildings as she wrapped her arms around him, lifting her legs and securing them around his waist. "Holy shit we just got married." Her eyes filled with tears as she looked at him. "Holy shit we just got married. Can you believe that? They let our dumbasses in their and sign a legally binding document." Her legs still secured tightly around his waist, Dove lifted her hands to Rudy's face, grinning. "And I don't regret it for a fucking second."
RUDY: Rudy was a husband now, which was crazy to think about. His whole life he had grown up wishing he could have a marriage like his parents. Wanted to be able to treat and love someone the way his father always treated his mother. And now he could do that, make Dove feel like a queen and then some every day for the rest of their lives. Sure, they didn't have the rings at the moment, but Rudy didn't even care about that right now. All he cared about was getting to celebrate this really big moment with his wife. They could go get rings at some point while they were out here in Las Vegas. Go to one of those really fancy ring stores and pick something out together that would symbolize their love forever. He signed the papers with a feeling of pure joy spreading through his chest and then through his whole body. Once they were all finished with whatever they needed to do, Rudy had taken Dove's hand and lead her right back to the rental car. The actor laughed when Dove screamed, instantly catching her when she jumped up into his arms. His arms wrapped securely around her back and held his wife close to him, leaning in to kiss her affectionately. "I love you so much and I would have fought my way in there if I had to. It's now officially you and me against the world for life . . . Mrs. Pankow."
DOVE: Dove let out another scream, squeezing him impossibly tighter. "I love you," she said, burying her face into his neck, before quickly picking her head back up. "We cannot tell anyone." She wiggled down, the paper still held tight between her fingers. She would have to find some place to keep it. Did she bring a folder? Did Rudy have a folder? Would they have to go buy a folder? Was there a walmart nearby? So many questions. Her mind was still going at a million miles an hour. "Pinky swear," she said, picking up his hand and deliberately locking their pinkies. "Since we're going to be doing a lot in the next few weeks I want to make sure that no one kind of overwhelms us with questions or yells at us for not having a proper wedding or anything like that. I'm okay with telling our parents but everyone else it stays between us. Okay?" She leaned up on her toes, pressing a kiss to his nose. "Now, I don't know about you but I am starving and exhausted. So I recommend lunch then nap and then we can go properly celebrate."
RUDY: Rudy blinked for a second, not expecting that one from Dove. They had done this so quickly and spontaneously that the blonde hadn't even thought about everyone else. Their parents. They would have wanted to be there for this and all their friends and family, too. Crap. His cast mates would castrate him for this one, but he knew Dove was right. They should be able to enjoy being married for a little bit before they take the heat from everyone else. So . . . Rudy nodded and wrapped his pinkie around Dove's. "No telling anyone except our parents. Might as well enjoy our marriage before we let everyone tear us a new one," he half joked, running his fingers through his blonde hair and chuckling. "Uh . . .maybe we can eventually ease them off by saying we'll have a celebration or something they can be at. Soften the blow on them," he said, dropping his hand back to his side again and nodding. His nose scrunched up as Dove kissed it, bumping it against her own. "Food and a nap sound really good right about now."
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lamentingocean · 1 year
Enough about me being a unhealthy simp. Rate my Playlist.
9am in the calabasas slowed- Playboi Carti
Heartbeat Sped up- Childish Gambino
Punkinnlove- Freakshow Slowed
Call out my name- The Weekend
BTS and dojo cat mashup- Streets
Honkai-Will of the Herrscher/Befall
Honkai- Nightglow
Honkai- Cyberangel
Honkai- Moon Halo
Honkai- Duel Ego
Honkai- MOBIUS trailer theme
Neir Automata- Fortress of Lies
Neir Automata- Amusement Park
Neir Automata- Possessed by Disease
LOL- Get Jinxed
Kagamine- Girl A
The Neighborhood- Softcore
Honkai- Dominance
MHA- Polaris
MHA- Odd Future
Black Clover- Black Rover
Black Clover- Grandeur
Danganronpa V2- A Dead End to the Ocean 's Aroma
Pastel Ghost- Embrace
Kakegurui- Deal with the devil
JubyPhonic- Happy Halloween
LiSa- Crossing Field
Hai Domo- Cao White
TOKYO- Leat'qu
Rebzyyx- all I want is you
RUDE- Eternal Youth
Punkinnlove- Bling Ring
Punkinnlove- Vampire Diaries
Punkinnlove- Las Vegas
Honkai- Project Stigma
siouxxie- ketamine
MHA- Kokai no Uta
Lumi Athena- SMOKE IT OFF
boy fantasy - I HEART YOU
Punkinnlove- So Obscene
Dare- Yesterday is History
The Spider and the Kitsune-Like Lion
Iiuvern!- Blexxed Emeraldz Freestyle
Honkai- The Solo Stage
Honkai-Moon Base
Honkai- Welcome
Honkai- Mechanical Symphony
Honkai- New Atra
Slayyter- Gimme More
Mo Beats- Righteous
Pastel Ghost- Dark Beach
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briamichellewrites · 2 months
2003. Flying private was a lot easier than flying commercial. They didn’t need to wait in a very long line to check in or go through security. Everything was simple and quick. They didn’t even need to take their shoes off. After going through everything, they waited in a lounge until their plane was ready. It only took them ten minutes before they were on the tarmac walking up to the plane. If this was a dream, they didn’t want to wake up! The flight attendants were equally as amazing!
Mike noticed how well people treated him just because he was with Bria. No matter where they went, they always had the best service. Bria was always treated like she owned the place whenever they went out to eat. She could ask for something that wasn’t on the menu and they would make it for her. Just because she and her family had a lot of money.
She talked to the flight attendants about serving lunch, as it was almost noon. They would serve it once they got in the air. They ordered their meals ahead of time when she booked the flight. Joe and Jason were both amused by all of the features the plane had. The seats were four across with an aisle in between. They were able to recline back into a bed. They each got a new blanket, new earplugs, a new eye mask, and a new robe.
Because the flight was so long, she wanted them to sleep comfortably. They also got a tablet with a selection of movies and a pair of nice headphones. The bathroom was even nicer than regular airplane bathrooms! It had a sink and a toilet but they could just tell they were clean! Once they were in the air, they got their meals.
They were delicious! It was like eating at a five-star restaurant! They all got their drinks.Yes, they did take a nap. It made the trip not seem so long. Bria packed a comb in her carry-on to fix her hair. If Mike had a billion dollars, he would buy a private jet. As would Joe. There was nothing quite like being treated like first class passengers. That was the thing about the wealthy. People always treated them better than they did the average Americans.
Dubai was a city unlike any other. The weather was hot and dry, like Las Vegas. Inside, it was nice and cool. They met their driver at the entrance of the airport. He put their luggage into the trunk while they got into the back. His accent was Arabic, though he could speak English fluently. Which hotel were they going to? Atlantis. He knew exactly where that was.
During the drive, they looked out the windows. Oh my god! It was surreal! They each pulled out some money to tip him. Thank you. Their underwater suite was… there were no words to describe it! They saw different species of fish swimming past their window. They got their cameras out and took pictures. It exceeded their expectations! They all went into their rooms and put their stuff away. Bria changed clothes and combed her hair.
Once everyone was ready, they all went out to find something to eat. While walking out, she took Joe’s arm. The city was busy with people since it was dinner time. Some were wearing traditional Muslim clothing while others were dressed like westerners. They found a restaurant that didn’t have a dress code. It had traditional Dubai cuisine.
Meow. Bark. Buddy wagged his tail at Woody. He wanted his toy but he wasn’t sharing. The cat was selfish like that. He never shared his toys. A worker handed him another toy to play with instead. It wasn’t what he wanted, but it was better than nothing.
They and Missy were boarded up with other cats and dogs. They had a spacious room with toys, stuff for the cat to climb on, a floor to ceiling window that looked over the backyard, a litter box, beds. Plus, their food and water bowls. He and Missy went outside to use the bathroom and play with the other dogs. Dogs were pack animals by nature, so they loved having them there.
The staff played with them and cleaned up their messes. Missy couldn’t see her little brother, so she looked for him. Bark! Buddy, where are you? He got on his hind legs. I’m right here! She walked over to him. They were both groomed and had their hair trimmed. Woody got scared when they came back in. He sniffed them. Bark! It’s us! She turned up his nose. What the hell happened to them? They got a haircut. That’s why he couldn’t recognize them.
Meow! Good thing he wasn’t a dog. He didn’t want to get bathed. Cats didn’t like water. He could clean himself and didn’t need humans to do it. If they tried, he would growl and hiss at them. Get back, humans! His nails were sharp and could scratch them.
Jason wanted to go to 1OAK, a nightclub. Mike and Joe declined. It didn’t sound like something they would be interested in. Ask Bria. She said yes! He promised his brother he would keep an eye on her to make sure she didn’t get drunk. Nobody wanted to take care of her. They also didn’t want her to get taken advantage of. Mike appreciated that. They both got ready when they got back to the hotel.
Mike approved of his outfit. Okay, you two. He and Joe would be wandering around the hotel. They said goodbye to each other. When they got to the club, they learned they needed a reservation. Instead of wasting the night, they tried another club. It had free entry but they had to pay for drinks. The club had just opened, so people were coming in. They looked around. Maybe they were a little too dressed up. Oh, well. After getting a table, he told her to stay there while he got drinks.
Bria was wearing a dress that was tight but didn’t show off a lot of skin. It went down to her knees. She put her hair into a fishtail braid. He came back with two Cosmos. It tasted great! They took pictures of themselves and each other. Would he share the pictures with his parents? No! They would not want to know about him being in a club.
They didn’t know a lot about his private life. Neither did Mike. The only thing he wanted to know was if he was being careful with other men. Yes, he was. Once they were a little drunk, they went to the dance floor. Mike and Joe were having fun checking out the hotel. It had activities for children and adults. The pool looked great. They would have to put their swim trunks on and go swimming. That’s what they decided to do.
The club was loud with music blaring. He saw a lot of cute guys. One of them was caught by him checking him out. He walked over to him. They introduced themselves before talking and flirting. They had to be careful. Homosexuality was still illegal. The guy quietly told him to meet him in the bathroom in five minutes.
In the bathroom, they went into a stall where they kissed. They then dropped their pants. Jason entered him and started moving.
When they were done, he waited five minutes before going back out. He found Bria looking at him. After going over to her, he told her not tell Mike. Tell Mike what? She smiled like she would keep his secret. He put his arm around her shoulder and hugged her.
Thank you. He would kill him if he found out. After a few drinks, he cut her off. He promised Mike. She was a little drunk but could still walk. Mike and Joe found her fast asleep the next morning in her room. Joe shook her to make sure she wasn’t hungover. She opened her eyes and saw him. Good morning. She glared at him. I’ll fucking cut your balls off! They laughed.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon
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lamuradex · 7 months
Short Story: The Runner
Word Count: 1304
If you see someone chasing after your car at night, perhaps you should think about driving faster.
The Runner
Imagine you are at the edge of town, with the desert on one side and the bright lights of civilisation, gambling, and a good time behind you. Who knows why you’re there, but as you stand on the edge of the darkness you hear something. Fast footsteps coming towards you. You look around and see some figure running out of the darkness, so being the brave and sensible person you are, you turn and leg it back to some building. By the time you look back, whoever they were has veered away and disappeared.
You might have just encountered The Runner.
Also known as Speedy, The Running Man, and The Hunter, The Runner is an unusual sight in certain regions of the world. It is sometimes seen around desert cities, typically Las Vegas and similar locations. At night people report what appears to be a strange naked man running at a high speed in darkened areas. This can be running towards some isolated individual, stood away from the lights of the strip, or sometimes it can even be seen chasing after cars.
And should it come after you, you’d better hope you can get to safety.
Perhaps the most infamous story of the Runner belongs to Ethan and Marc. These were two young men who’d come to Vegas for a long weekend of fun and gambling. Of course, eventually their trip had to end, so they got in the car and went on their way. As they left the lights and began to approach the desert roads, Ethan happened to notice something strange. There was an odd looking man, standing obscured behind a lamppost. As Ethan looked back, he noticed the man had leapt out from his hiding place and had started running at an incredible pace, chasing the car. Weirded out, but amused by this, Ethan informed Marc, who was driving. The two assumed the man must have been some drug addict, with Marc saying in his own words, “It’s just some crazy crack head.”
As the car passed the last of the Vegas lights and entered the darkness of the desert, they paid the incident little mind. Not until Ethan looked in the side mirror. Just visible in the minimal light of the car and the moon, was a running figure. Ethan, now starting to get worried, continued to watch as the mysterious runner not only kept pace with the vehicle, which was doing forty or fifty miles per hour, but was actually gaining on them.
Informing Marc, the two became concerned, until Marc, still filled with the joy of his holiday, pointed out that it might be funny to film the man, so they could post it to YouTube. Ethan agreed and began filming the strange man on his phone, still entirely under the belief that he was just some drugged up lunatic, and they were safe in their car.
As he watched the man grow closer, almost coming up to the side of the car, he used his camera’s night vision to get a better look. The man was medium height, and appeared to be naked. In the lens of the night vision, details were unclear, but he also appeared bald and neither facial features nor his sexual characteristics could be seen. He did not appear particularly muscled, but was running in a classic runner’s pose, pumping his arms as he went. As Ethan looked, he noticed something strange in his camera. In the light of the car, the strange man’s eyes glinted like cat’s eyes reflecting the limited light. However, human eyes don’t do that.
Suddenly feeling a deep sense of primal fear, Ethan warned Marc that they should drive faster. Marc, seeing Ethan’s fear was about to agree, when he too saw the running man, who was now level with the backdoor windows. In the dim light of the car, the pale flabby skin of the man was visible, though much of him was still in shadow. The figure kept running until it reached Ethan’s window, where both men finally saw its face. While it looked mostly human, its mouth was strangely wide and clenched shut, but that did not distract from the brown of dried blood that was caked across it lips, chin and hands.
Both men panicked and Marc pushed down on the accelerator, and began to pull away from the strange figure, but this advantage didn’t last them long. As Ethan looked back he could still see the figure sprinting, now running at about sixty miles per hour, while not even seeming to breathe. As they watched the Runner begin to gain on them again, Marc put the pedal to the metal and went all out. Finally, the strange man disappeared behind them and into the darkness. Marc and Ethan began to feel safe, watching the darkness closely for any sign of their pursuer, though their blood ran ice cold when something began to emerge from the darkness again.
At the edge of their vision, The Runner had appeared again, though now it seemed to be struggling to keep pace, leaning forwards as it sprinted. Marc kept driving top speed, which was 100 miles per hour. Again The Runner appeared to start to fall behind, but as it did it leant further forwards, until it was near parallel with the ground. Then, with a frightening leap, it dropped to all fours, it’s movement somewhere between the scuttle of a spider and the gallop of a horse. As both men watched the frightening thing, a noise caught their attention. It was the engine. A grinding and groaning from under the hood, and soon enough the car began to slow. While the engine still worked, it was clearly not built to actually travel at that speed for long periods, and thus slowed as the engine strained.
As they slowed, the frightening runner rose back to two legs again, and continued to gain ground. As the two men watched in horror at the approaching monster, a light of hope finally appeared. The glow of a small roadside hotel ahead. Marc kept up his speed, planning to head for it and run inside. As they drew close, the engine close to failing, the lights of the hotel parking lot began to reach them. As soon as it did, The Runner veered away, running off into the desert and out of sight. Marc finally allowed the car to slow, and brought it up to the front door of the hotel, despite ample parking elsewhere. Neither man would leave the vehicle, not until the hotel manager appeared, and seeing their frightened faces, seemed to understand, telling them that “It was gone.”
The two spent the night in the hotel, hearing a few stories of The Runner, and how it never followed people to civilisation. In the morning, the two men set off again, with a kind escort from the hotel handyman in a second car. During daylight there was no sign of their pursuer, but even so neither Ethan nor Marc have been back to Vegas since.
So, if you happen to find yourself in Vegas, and see some strange figure chasing in the rear view mirror, then I have a single piece of advice for you.
Go back.
Turn around and find a police officer, but whatever you do, do not stop. In every given report of The Runner, as soon as the car or person has entered a populated area, even if it’s quiet, it will stop chasing and run away.
And, with over thirty separate reports of these events over the years, you have to wonder why there aren’t any stories of what happens when it catches you, and why, every so often, an abandoned car is found by the roadside, and the owner never found.
Good night.
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freemanthybo · 2 years
Pointers On How To Choose A Household Pet - You Need To Know This
dancing fish cat toy Downtown Las Vegas has plenty to offer in the way of free shows and archaeological sites. Fremont Street downtown has free programs such as daredevil acts, live shows and other entertainment occasions. Generally, numerous animal owners will just understand that their animal is obese when their vet tells them about it. The truth is, you don't have to go to a veterinarian to understand this. All you need to do is to keep an eye out for the typical indications that your feline is loading on the extra pounds. For one, you'll discover that your pet will likely end up being less active as he or she gets heavier. If you're going to attempt to feel for it, another inform tale sign that you need to look out for is the quantity of bulge that's covering the ribs. Also attempt to observe your feline's personality. There's definitelya problem fish toy cats if it seems like your cat is disinterested to do anything else however lie down. We brought biscuits, juice and sodas for the kids and a bottle of rum for our hosts. The tables groaned under foods and everybody actually delighted in eating. For us the crisp pig skin, the very best part of the pig as we were informed, was nevertheless practically too much. After the meal everyone left for the town's "Fish Square", the conference place where all those who want to dance and have fun collect practically daily. To bait a squid, hook through the body and out through the head. Somewherebetween the eyes. Exposing a little of the hook point. If a bait fish is picked, hook across the spinal column through the lateral line, between the dorsal fin and anal fin. Additionally, hook just after the eyes and through to the other side, exposing the point of hook. The hurt fish will set off the predator to strike flippity fish quick. Though manypeople let their ferrets have run of your home, there will nearly dancing fish toy for cats surely come a time when you mightneed to leave your home even if it is just for a briefduration of time. It is this situation where having a ferret kennel or ferret cage will not onlycome inhelpful, butalsoprovidedefense for your ferret if from absolutely nothing else; themselves. You enjoy costs time with your furry buddy, but there are moments when life calls you away. Even if you spend a lot of time in your home, you simply can not spend every waking moment amusing your dog. This can end up being an issue for some animals, who prefer your attention, possibly much more so when they know you remain in the house and accessible. This is where the Kong can conserve your sanity, and help keep your animal pleased. You can assist a homeless or deserted cat endure in winter by constructing up a short-lived shelter from already readily available materials. For example, a strong container or a shipping cage might shelter a homeless feline and save his life throughout the cold days. You can likewise take an old sock and put a crumpled piece of paper in it. Squeeze it a little so your feline can hear the noise of the crumpled paper. Throw it around and see if your cat plays with it. Also, you can tie a knot on the sock with a piece of string. Then drag it on the flooring and get your cat to chase it. When they reach the sock, the sound of the paper assists keep their interest.
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backwardscapsmh · 3 years
i ran out of parswoops content to read so now i made some. i admit it! i caved! i wrote fanfic about quiet possibly one of my least favorite characters in canon (like i love his characterization but he’s a dick). also hello, people who requested prompts...i swear i’m working on them...pinky promise. anyways, enjoy some more angsty pining because that’s apparently all i can write! comments and constructive criticism are appreciated! 🥰
look into his angel eyes // one look and you're hypnotized // he'll take your heart and you must pay the price
- angeleyes by abba
Jeff’s always known that Kent’s eyes were pretty. Even when they first met. Kent looked him right in the eyes and said “Welcome to the Aces man.” And Swoops, being an absolute gay disaster was only thinking about how beautiful this blond man’s eyes were. 
They’re a gray color, almost resembling a clouded sky. And they even change color depending on how you look at them. They’ll turn blue-ish shade when he’s on the ice. In the locker room light, they almost look like a green-ish hazel. When’s he’s upset, they’ll turn a stormy gray. When he’s happy, they’ll get lighter. Sometimes, despite their harsh and stony color, Jeff swears he’s seen the softest expressions reflected in them.
The problem is that he’s never on the receiving end of them. 
At this point, he wouldn’t be surprised if only two people have been on the receiving end of Kent’s trademarked soft looks: Kitt Purrson (who’s not even a person), and Jack Zimmermann. The two loves of Kent’s life. And besides the obvious reason that Kit is an adorable cat, Swoops isn’t sure why. 
Kit’s not even a person and can’t talk. Jack has clearly stated, for whatever reason, that he doesn’t want Kent in his life anymore. Jeff suspects it has something to do with Jack’s overdose, and honestly doesn’t blame him. If he overdosed, he wouldn’t want someone who reminded him of it around anymore either. 
But Kent is one stubborn bastard, and won’t let go. He wants to hold on because letting go means accepting that it’s over, whatever their relationship was. Kent’s abandonment issues run deep, and this situation isn’t helping them. 
So every time Kent decides to try and bring Jack back (and inevitably fails), Swoops is there to try and comfort him. He’s there if Kent needs to cry. He’s ready with Mean Girls and Legally Blonde. And he’s there if Kent just wants to sit in silence. 
But every time it happens, Jeff is forced to look at Kent’s eyes. He’s forced to witness the stony gray crack and splinter into cracks. He’s forced to watch them get glassy and wet with tears. He’s forced to watch Kent break down, lower the rock-hard walls he keeps up, left with this cracked part of himself. It’s honestly heartbreaking to witness.
Kent’s always been this strong figure on the Aces. He’s the captain. He’s the one everyone went to when they need support. He’s the one they can depend on to bring up morale when they’re losing. He always knows what to say to kick them into gear at practice. He’s Kent fucking Parson. The first draft pick all those years ago. He’s Las Vegas’s golden boy. He’s one of the best players in the league. And Swoops has to watch him curl into himself and go silent. 
Maybe it’d hurt less if Jeff wasn’t halfway to being in love with him. 
Yeah, it definitely wouldn’t hurt him as much if Kent didn’t make his stomach jump with butterflies every time he gave him a side hug as they walked back to the locker room. Or when he smiles so wide, eyes squeezed shut, at Jeff, who would give up his place in the NHL if Kent would keep doing it. Or when Kent invites him over and they watch tape together on the couch, Kitt (who took a liking to Jeff, much to Kent’s amusement) curled up next to them. 
But Jeff’s a masochist on a bad day, and an idiot at his best, so he’s stuck being in love with his best friend, and captain. The captain that’s hung up on his ex. The best friend who looks to Jeff for comfort when he’s heartbroken because he’s in love with someone else. So he just swallows down the pain he feels when Kent whimpers “Why doesn’t he love me?” into his chest, and wraps his arms around Kent even tighter. 
Maybe if he hadn’t looked into Kent’s eyes on his first day on the Aces, Kent wouldn’t have decided to steal his heart. And maybe, Jeff wouldn’t have let him.
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imagine-lcorp · 4 years
A Vegas Wedding (One Shot)
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Lena is secretly married to f!reader and always remembers to take off her wedding ring whenever she goes out 👀 she forgets to take it off when heading over to Kara’s for game night and everyone notices that shiny diamond on her finger and questions her 🤡 Lena admits that there is indeed a special someone in her life and that they may or may not be able to meet in the near future
A/N: Working on your requests guuuys! This one was so much fun to write.Hope you enjoooy it!! 
Lena Luthor x Fem!R//Word Count: 1,071
"Lena?" Alex's voice comes calling her name, with a tone that can only mean she is about to say something in hopes it will annoy her. As the nature of a big sister demands. Lena doesn't even worry. Then comes the question that sets everything in motion. "What's that in your hand?"
Time seems to slow as she looks down at her hands. There's nothing special about the right hand, that holds her glass of wine, and she thinks she will find the same on the other one. However, as she sees the little shiny diamond that stands on the golden ring in her left hand, she realizes she is in trouble. She forgot to take it off.
Fuck, she thinks before all eyes are on her.
"Alex!" Kelly hits her girlfriend on the side with an elbow.
"Ouch." Alex replies. "What? Don't you wanna know?
Nia has to squint her eyes to have a better look at it from where she is seated. In just a second, she's pretty sure about what she sees. "Is that an engagement ring?"
"Wait, what?" Kara, in an unprecedented act, freezes before biting into one her beloved dumplings.
"Well, by the position of the ring, and considering human courtship rituals, that is actually a wedding ring." Brainy confirms.
"A what?" Kara still doesn't move.
"Is there something I'm missing here?" J'onn inquires as he takes a seat in the couch in front of Lena. She can tell, he is amused.
"Lena!" Kara raises her voice this time. "You're married?"
"Well..." The cat is out of the bag now and Lena knows she won't be able to cover this up. So, she leaves the glass of wine on the coffee table, takes a moment to look at the ring and smiles. "Yes."
"Are you serious?" Kara asks.
Lena notices the silence that settles among her friends after her confession. She looks up to see the faces of her friends, all gathered around her, with shock in their eyes and open mouths. All except for Brainy, Lena notices, and she can't help but wonder if this was something he knew from a thousand years ahead in his future.
It brings her comfort. The idea that the world will eventually know about you, that your promises and vows will stand against the test of time even if the world falls apart a hundred times. Your love will be everlasting. Although she worries too that this future is nothing more than a paragraph in the book of her life, with your name on a short list future biographers have already put on the appendix of her failed love affairs. Because that's something she has also worried about, since the day she convinced you to keep your relationship a secret.
"So, we are not telling anyone about this, right?" You asked her one more time.
You were lying in bed, at the five-star hotel room Lena had reserved for your little vacation. The night was pleasantly warm, Lena had snugged up with you with her head over your chest, you had been playing with her hair, and you had married, officialy, that same day.
"That's the plan for now." She said, drawing patterns with her fingers over your belly. "Does it bother you?"
"No, of course not. It's just..."
She moved a little away from you and propped herself up on her elbow, looking at you. "It bothers you."
You could read Lena's face so well you knew she was a bit taken aback by this. You had talked countless times about keeping your relationship under the radar, stating the reasons why such secrecy was necessary, debating whether it was something you both wanted or not. Lena had laid all the cards on the table, letting you know a relationship with her went against the most basic instinct for self-preservation. And yet you had not wavered, not even once. You loved Lena with every inch in your being and if there was something bothering you it wasn't your secret relationship.
"In a way, but not like you think." You raised a hand to push the little strands of hair in her face behind her ear. "I just realized, I'm gonna be first now as your emergency contact."
"Well, yes."
"That means, if anything happens to you, I'm gonna be the first one to know." You said moving your hand to her cheek. "I never considered this before but...if we keep this between you and me, in the meantime, what if I can't be there when you need me?"
Lena understood then what you were trying to say.
"(Y/N), I know I can't promise you nothing is ever going to happen to me but this is temporary. I can't wait for the world to know about you but I want to have this, just you and me, for a little longer." She took your hand in hers and kissed your palm. "I promise you, after this, you're not leaving my side that easily."
"Then, whenever you're ready to tell them, I'm gonna be there, by your side." You smiled at her, contempted with this. "Just another thing."
"Can we say we got drunk and Elvis married us in a little chapel in Las Vegas?" That made her laugh. "I would love to see their reactions to that."
"You want me to tell them I was drunk when married my wife?"
"Oh yes, I'm your wife." You exclaimed surrounding Lena with your hands and pulling her against you once again. "Till death do us part, I've heard."
"Till death do us part, indeed." She said falling into your arms.
Lena repeats those words in her mind and smiles at the memory. She may not know about the future but she knows she has made a promise with you. She will love you until her last day on earth.
"Yes." She confirms. "I'm married."
When the dumpling that Kara kept holding between her chopsticks falls back again in her plate, the whole living room erupts in a mix of disbelief and joy. More questions come in her way, summed up in three words: when, where, who. She looks proud when she says they will meet you soon enough. She smiles wider as she imagines how they will react when her wife tells them about how you met, about your wedding and, of course, Elvis.
Her wife, she thinks, that sounds about right.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 3 years
Tea Asks
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☕ 🍵earl grey: how do you take your tea?
Milk and one sugar
☕🍵 lady grey: favourite outfit?
Sweatpants, graphic tee, sneakers, hoodie
☕🍵black tea: where are you from?
New York, U.S.A
☕🍵irish breakfast: what country do you want to visit?
South Korea
☕🍵turkish tea: where have you travelled?
US~ Florida, California, Las Vegas, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Maryland, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Ohio
International~ Italy, Greece, Ecuador, France, England, Canada, Mexico
☕🍵white tea: occupation/career aspirations
I'm a teacher and a makeup artist
☕🍵rooiboos: 3 facts about my family
We're big, loud and I only know my Spanish side
☕🍵matcha: favourite book?
Nevermore by Kelly Creagh
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☕🍵blooming tea: favourite flower?
Cherry blossom
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☕🍵chamomile: comfort movie?
Jurassic Park
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☕🍵peppermint: what’s your favourite holiday and why?
Halloween because I love dressing up and doing special effects makeup
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☕🍵milk: do you have any allergies?
Cat dander, dog dandruff, trees pollen, grass
☕🍵sugar: tell me about your first crush
Honestly I don't remember
☕🍵honey: type out the last text you sent
It was my email but I'm not putting that here lol
☕🍵ginger: favourite colour(s)?
Black, then blue
☕🍵green tea: where do you feel most at peace?
In my bed
☕🍵bubble tea: what ride would you pick at an amusement park?
Roller coaster, hands down
☕🍵mug: when/where do you normally drink tea?
In the morning and at night. Normally in bed
☕🍵teacup: last tea party?
When I was like ten with my sister and our stuffed animals
☕🍵teapot: music preference?
Kpop (certain groups) and heavy metal music
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☕🍵chai: what do you order at starbucks?
English breakfast tea with milk and one sugar OR black iced tea lemonade sweetened
☕🍵oolong: ideal romantic partner?
Funny, loyal, loving, lazy
☕🍵darjeeling: a hobby?
Just one? Writing Fanfiction
☕🍵pu-erh: 3 random facts about myself
I'm a dinosaur freak, The little mermaid is my favorite Disney movie and one day I'm gonna marry Min, Yoongi (BTS)
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☕🍵herbal: post a selfie
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☕coffee: surprise coffee ask! how do you take your coffee?
I don't like coffee
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voorheehees · 4 years
the talisman
a little thing I wrote for my slasher oc :p 
The neon lights of the city looked almost muted behind the tinted windows. Red, green, gold, and pink letters spelled ‘Poker’, ‘Lobster Dinner’, ‘Live Nudes’, ‘Dead Nudes’, ‘Girls Girls Girls’. It was beautiful. Jonas watched the lively strip from his top floor suite, like a king watching over his peasants. The view from the top of The Talisman Hotel & Casino could not be beat, depending on who you asked of course. Jonas kept one hand was clasped around a glass of scotch, the other tucked casually into his white pants pocket. He looked like a cliche pornstar, washed up, sleazy, but a decent enough frame to rake in a few bucks. His brown hair was forced back by a thick layer of gel, exposing a pale face with cold, blue eyes. If it wasn’t for the expensive suit and solid gold chain around his neck, one might assume he was nothing more than a busted used car salesman. But busted as he may have been, Jonas Deihl was no cheap bastard. The Talisman Hotel & Casino had been in his family for generations, passed down from father to son. Old, old money. And despite his reckless casanova reputation, Jonas was no fool when it came to running the family business. The Talisman was known for its luxury and top-of-the-line services, attracting all customers from celebrities to billionaires to wasted bachelorettes. It was a sinner’s eutopia. And most everyone knew the devil that ran it. Although the general opinion of Mr. Deihl was that he seemed like a bit of a sociopath, reeked of overpriced cologne, and overall came off as quite off at times, people could in no way deny his sickening charm or the thick wad of cash he kept generously in his breast pocket. And Jonas devoured the attention. It was a rare feat to see him roaming the bar or lobby without a model or drag queen or two wrapped around his arm, and a signature devious smile plastered on his face. He was like the poor man’s Hugh Hefner.
The shrill sound of a meow which could only be compared to the sound of a slow, painful death suddenly tore Jonas’ attention away from the Las Vegas cityscape. He turned to see a tortoiseshell cat sitting perched on the glass coffee table, her orange eyes glaring daggers directly into her master’s chest.
“What’s the matter Camile?” Jonas cooed, approaching the animal.
“Daddy not giving you enough attention?”
He set his glass down on the table and reached out to scratch Camile’s head. Without warning, she hissed loudly, whipping her paw around to sink a set of sharp claws into his hand. The man yelped as he ripped his hand away, unintentionally making the damage of the scratch worse. Camile seemed pleased with herself at the sight of blood dripping down his bejeweled fingers. Jonas swore under his breath and once again lifted his glass, making sure to take one last, large gulp of the liquid. 
“Little bitch.” He grumbled.
The two of them had never particularly gotten along. Yet over time, Jonas had become very attached to Camile, thinking of her more as a baby than a pet, and she liked the free food, catnip, and designer collars. The man pulled a handkerchief from his jacket pocket and pressed it to the wound. It seemed that sharp nails were his only kryptonite. The clear, small but deadly ones of sweet little Camile, and the colorful ones of desperate, panicked fingers attached to soft, trembling hands. He smiled at the thought of them, unconsciously tracing over the pink, fleshy scars on his collarbone. He remembered the woman who had put them there. It was three months ago. Her nails had been green with little gold hearts on each of the ring fingers. They looked cute, different. That’s why he had picked her. He liked the ones that stood out in some way, whether it be their nails, shoes, hair, anything really. He had an eye for unique pieces. 
The images of past conquests dancing in his head reminded him of his latest one, whom he had so rudely left alone in the bathroom. He smiled to himself, tossing the bloodied handkerchief onto the coffee table. 
He could hear muffled whimpers even before he reached the door handle. The sound was music to his ears, an itch to his groin. He opened the door like it was some game show reveal of his million dollar prize. Yet there was no car or all inclusive trip to Aruba waiting there for him. It was so much better.
The woman on the bathroom floor made the best attempt of a scream at the sight of him, which was unfortunately cloaked by the wash cloth stuffed deep in her mouth. Jonas grinned down at her, slowly removing each of his rings as she scooted her bound body towards the bathtub in a trivial effort to escape. He found it sort of amusing, in a sad kind of way. Her legs had been broken, and it took every fiber of his being to not burst into laughter at the sight of her struggle. She had just moved to the city with hopes of becoming a burlesque star. Jonas had smiled at her wide, eager eyes as she told him her plans at the downstairs bar, all the while mentally howling at how pathetic she was. It was no trouble to get this naive little princess up to his suite. 
He slunk towards her before crouching down to her level. She winced as he removed her gag, gasping at the sudden sliver of freedom. Her two front teeth had a large gap, like Pattie Boyd. That’s why he had chosen her.
It was all such an incredible high to him. Better than any drug, liquor, or orgasm could ever give him. The fear in her eyes, the gore of her now useless legs, the thick stench of sweat and adrenaline that filled the windowless room. He got off on the power, the idea that for a short moment in time, he was God. He wiped the mix of tears and mascara from her cheek, hands hot and vile against her cold skin. 
“Why’re you crying baby?” his voice attempted to carry out a sweet tone, which only sounded more bitter. 
The woman’s lower lip quivered, her eyes frantically trying to avoid his own. 
“Please don’t hurt me. Just let me go home.” she choked out. 
Jonas smiled and sucked his teeth, seemingly drinking her words up slowly in contemplation. His ego felt swollen, not dissimilar to how the patrons of his casino must have felt when they won a jackpot or when they knew they were about to get lucky. 
“Sorry beautiful,” he spoke finally, “I don’t make promises I can’t keep.”
She couldn’t even blink before the man pulled a knife from a holster around his ankle and plunged directly between her still wet eyes. A look of shock and hopelessness remained painted on her face as her body fell onto the tile floor with a thud. Jonas removed the knife and placed it back into the holster. His heart raced, his eyes were wild. It was pure ecstasy and he didn’t want it to end. He slowly rose to his feet, shifting his attention to the sink to wash away the crimson residue. His high was wearing off fast, and the self-loathing and restlessness began to creep back into his mind. He looked into the mirror. His eyes were baggy and dark, pristine white suit now riddled with blood. He looked like shit, to say the least. He splashed cold water onto his face and stripped down, leaving only his chain and weapon on his naked body. A red, silk robe hung on the back of the bathroom door which he slipped into. He felt drained, miserable even, crashing back down to his decrepit existence after such sheer moments of bliss. This was always the worst part of what he did, the aftermath. He plopped down onto the couch with a grunt and propped his feet up next to Camile who hadn’t left her spot on the coffee table. She used his legs as a bridge and climbed over his body to rest on the back of the sofa next to her owner’s sleepy head. 
“Are you ready to be nice now?” Jonas asked her in a condescending tone. 
She mewed in reply, glendly pawing at his hair. Jonas smiled and scratched her chin, his eyes becoming increasingly heavier. He let them close, already dreaming about his next great high. 
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WinterHawk Accidental Marriage AU
It was been a while since I’ve gotten a WinterHawk prompt. I love my himbos so much.
There was a sour taste in Clint’s mouth that he didn’t necessarily enjoy. Nor did he enjoy the blinding sun being able to just peek between the beige curtains and strike him in the eyes. And honestly, he didn’t enjoy the one-fourth robotic man beside him who was snoring like a freight train either. All in all, it was a bad morning and he needed some coffee.
What in the hell happened last night?
The blonde sat up with a heavy huff, dragging the cheap motel covers with him. He could feel his skin crawling as he looked down at them, reminding himself he needed to take a fie hour shower just to feel clean again after being in these. Never watch a documentary on hotels, folks. Never.
The brunette beside him snorted and rolled over, his metal arm being thrown over Clint’s waist. The guy was pretty cute. He had dimples and freckles and a small scar under his left eye, one you couldn’t see unless you were right there. That chiseled jawline and full lips really made for some passionate kissing too.
Holy fuck, did they kiss last night?
Did they fuck?!
Clint scrambled from the bed and nearly fell over the covers wrapping around his legs. He grunted as he stumbled back into the dusty curtains and jerked them open in his effort to stay up. The sunlight was screaming hot and bright, beaming down on his guest of honor.
“What the hell?” The brunette groaned, rubbing at his eyes and throwing a pillow over his face. “Close the damn curtains you maniac. Is this how you fucking treat your husband?”
“Husband?!” The word squeaked from Clint’s lips as he looked down at his left hand. Sure enough, a purple, metallic ring sat there. And on the man’s metallic fingers sat a red one. They were married.
“Hang on…” The man groaned as he sat up and dragged the sheet with him in his deed to close the curtains next to a frozen Clint. He didn’t even seem to mind that they were both naked. “Don’t you remember?” His fingertips trailed over Clint’s jawline, causing the blonde to both blush and shudder.
“N-no! I think I’d remember if I got married, asshole.” He slapped the hand away, causing the robotic man to pout. Damnit, he had no right to look adorable when pouting. No right. “I don’t even know your name or-or how we met. Or where are we! What happened?”
He needed some coffee. Or a drink. Both, even.
Stomping over to the bathroom counter, he was glad to see the cheaply disgusting coffee waited to be made. It smelled like crap but it was something hot and caffeinated.
“I’m Bucky, for one. For two, why are you drinking out of that disgusting thing? You know they don’t clean those right?”
Clint hadn’t even considered that, but at this point, he was thirsty and needed something to keep him focused. “Bucky. That’s a weird name.” He chose to ignore what the man said, setting the pot he was drinking straight out of down. “Who names their kid Bucky? Did your parents hate you or something?”
It was Bucky’s turn to make a face. He plopped down on the bed and dragged the pillow in his lap. “No, they loved me, actually. Unlike yours, Francis.” Ouch. Cheap shot. A deserved shot. “Anyway, no it’s a nickname. My name’s James Barnes.”
James Barnes.
“As in the Winter Soldier?!”
There was the squeaky tone again.
“The one and only, baby. Well, I like to think so. There’s plenty of copy cats, but no one can do it like me.”
Clint was panicking now, running his hands over and over again through his hair. He was leaving tracks in it, not caring how he looked. His body was covered in soft bruises as if someone’s mouth had left them behind and two guesses as to who in the hell that would be. His heart was racing, jumping between his throat and stomach as the situation turned over in his head.
All the while Bucky just watched him under pretty, blue eyes. No wonder the man seemed familiar this morning. He fucked up. He really fucked up. This was bad. This was terrible. Natasha was going to kill him.
“Babe, what’s wrong?” Clint flinched when he said babe and Bucky pouted. “Okay, no pet names, I see. Seriously, stop pacing you’re making me antsy. Talk to me.”
“What’s wrong?! Do you really have to ask that?! I-I-I don’t even remember how we met! And you’re saying we married one another last night?! Who let’s two drunk people get married?! Do you really have to ask what’s wrong when I-I married the Winter Soldier?! Do you not see the problem with that?!”
Bucky huffed and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his scarred chest. “If you’re talking about that charge in Germany, I was cleared of all charged, thank you. It wasn’t my fault the idiot didn’t know how to use a blow dart. Seriously, who robs someone with a blow dart?”
Standing up, he crossed over to Clint and grabbed him by the shoulders, keeping him from pacing. Clint was a good few inches taller than him, enough to cause Bucky to have to look up at him. Damn it, why did he have to look so adorable with his chin tilted up? There was that coy, little smile on his lips too. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Maybe he should call Barney but his big bro would just laugh at him when he told him, tell him his childhood dreams were coming true. And to be careful what you wish for, the bastard.
Natasha would just laugh or be jealous and she got petty when she was jealous.
Fuck. This was bad.
“We met last night at the bar. You were pouting because of some situation about missing a concert. You looked so pathetic, like a dog left outside in the rain. I couldn’t take you elsewhere to lighten you up. You’re honestly pretty fun when you’re happy. Didn’t shut up the whole night.”
It all rushed back to Clint. He was pouting last night. He had other obligations last night with Barney that ran over, causing him to miss the concert of a lifetime. He’d gone to the bar to get drunk because fuck he deserved that, even if the drinks in Las Vegas were three times as much as elsewhere. Then he’d met him. The guy had come in with a pair of leather, zipper jeans, a ripped fishnet tank top, and his hair a wild mess. There was no way Clint could miss who the fuck he was.
Until he did because he was a fucking idiot and drunk.
“Well, I got pretty shitfaced too,” Bucky continued, shaking his head. “We just started talking about our lives and how they led up to this point. One thing leads to another and now we’re married. And sorry, toots but you’re stuck with me. At least until I can legally divorce without being considered an immigrant.”
That makes sense. The man wasn’t American and the stupid laws and loopholes worked. It helped when your brother’s wife was a lawyer. He remembered being on the phone to Laura and Barney last night, but they were used to his 3am drunken calls.
Clint groaned as he sat on the bed and covered his face, Bucky still standing above him with a more than amused look. “I still can’t believe I married the Winter Soldier. You’re the lead singer in the-the Winter Soldiers! I have a huge crush on you!”
Bucky laughed, plopping down beside Clint to throw one arm over his shoulders and squeeze him to him. “Well, now you’re married to me. How’s that for an upgrade?”
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altumvidetur · 4 years
Kaishin Fic Recs
Previously: Haikyuu!! Fic Recs
So, I was thinking about the coronavirus pandemic and what I could do to help people out. I’m isolated because I’m at higher risk, so I can’t really offer to go out for my elderly neighbors or my family… but I thought I could try to help keep people entertained.
Because I don’t have an AO3 account right now, I’ve been compiling fic recs for my own amusement for a year or so. And I thought – maybe that’s the time to share these with everyone? So everyone will have plenty of things to read while they have to stay at home, or even to escape anxiety a little bit if you’re forced to go out.
Of course, these cater to my own tastes, so you may find stuff you don’t like around here. I never include works in progress. The Mature and Explicit works will be in italic. I ask you to READ THE WORK’S TAGS before continuing, so you won’t find anything that makes you uncomfortable.
I’ve decided to split it in a series of posts, and, well, when it comes to DCMK, I have one major OTP. So here’s enough Kaishin to keep you entertained for a year:
The Dwelling Night, by proser132
Three shot. KaiShin. Brief moments were all they had, but dwelling on dreams is sometimes enough.
In Theory, by orphan_account
Kaito's got a whole list of cheesy and awful pickup lines to use on Shinichi.
(Un)fortunately for him, Shinichi's got just as many to throw back.
As You Wish, by orphan_account
Shinichi hasn't been doing a very good job of pretending he isn't hiding something from Kaito, and Kaito is more than determined to find out what it is -- even if it means asking everyone the detective knows in order to do so.
He just wants to know what all the boxes are for.
you’re the reason i come home, by LunaDarkside
Shinichi comes home after a two-week investigation in New York. Kaito could not be more thrilled.
Lovesick, by DragonSorceress22
"You know what I want? I want a fic where Kaito sends out a heist notice but then he gets sick but he can't NOT go. I guess it could go the other way too, where Conan solves a heist notice but then he gets sick but he can't NOT go. I want to read that fic." "There's tons of fics like that..." And now there's one more.
whispers and nicks and all these tricks, by LunaDarkside
In which there is sex pollen at a heist, and Kaito and Shinichi end up in the same room. Coincidentally enough.
Be Real, by DragonSorceress22
This, KID thought, was what someone reaching their limit looked like.
a study in scarlette, by kittebasu
There are people who want to live forever, and then there is Shinichi, who just wants to live a little longer than this.
wait a minute (so you’re not just losing the dress), by LunaDarkside
Everything is overwhelmingly good. And then Kaito has to go and say it.
“I’ve never done this before,” he mumbles mindlessly against the pliant softness of Shinichi’s lips, and everything immediately stops.
“Wait, what?” Shinichi jerks upwards, eyes wide.
Or, neither Shinichi nor Kaito has any experience, but they make do.
The printer’s a lie, by OrphanText
In which Kuroba has an annoying printer, a very good looking (and mildly terrifying) RA, and general bad ideas up his sleeves (but it works out in the end).
The Alcohol Test, by DragonSorceress22
When your rival-turned-best-friend is a phantom thief who has recently reached legal drinking age, there’s really only one responsible way to approach the matter. Spreadsheets.
Getting Off Track, by solomonara
The easiest way to find out what someone wants is to ask them, so of course neither Shinichi nor Kaito KID is going to do that. (OR: In which Shinichi and Kaito KID take turns falling into each other's arms.)
Wouldn’t Change A Thing, by BlackKatJinx
“Don't you get tired of it?”
“'It'?” He asks.
By Any Other Name, by AngelicSentinel
the one where you don’t know your soulmate until you hear them say your name.
Snowed In, by DragonSorceress22
Shinichi and Kaito are exceptionally bad at quiet nights at home.
Go Out With a Bang (Since We’re to Wilt Anyway), by KXL
Love can be cruel, and painful, but Kaito knew that already. Maybe he's just a masochist.
take in another breath (get closer), by Melomaniac
He paused on the threshold of the door between the pseudo-corridor and the seating area, and faintly corrected himself. Not as alone as he thought. Not as alone at all.
Sat by himself, with his chin resting on his hand, an arm loosely propped on the small table, an explosion of paper and assorted important looking documents in front of him, flask of (presumably) coffee held to his lips, was Kudou Shinichi, whose eyes had met Kaito’s when he walked into the carriage, had widened, and hadn’t looked away since.
In which there is a late night (or an early morning), a train, copious amounts of flirting, a phone, a name, and a stolen heart.
Last Day Again, by Phantoms_Echo
(Summary by me: Groundhog Day!AU with Kaito becoming more and more unhinged as he desperately tries to break the time loop he’s stuck in.)
Net Force, by LunaDarkside
Ran decides it's high time for Shinichi and Kaito to get together. Awkward matchmaking ensues.
Of Corset Hurts, by KXL
Shinichi and Kaito are both pretty much done with the situation, though for somewhat different reasons. Both reasons involve overly long dresses to some degree.
Ace up Their Sleeves, by Procrastination_Sensation
Summary by me: Soulmates!AU in which seeing your soulmark in someone else (your soulmate) causes debilitating pain until the two of you kiss.
Murder by Cremation, by KXL
Capturing the lawless monsters who ate people after burning them up was, apparently, the easy part.
Halloween Heist, by Phantoms_Echo
Because Halloween Scavenger Hunt doesn't sound as nice.
Trick or Treat, Tantei-kun! Up for a little Halloween game? I’ve left clues all over town. Find them all, you’ll get a treat. Fail to find them in time, you’ll get a trick. Good luck, Tantei-kun. -Kaitou KID
the suffering of fools, by AngelicSentinel
It's Las Vegas; the lights are bright, the liquor is flowing, and Ran married someone other than Shinichi. He just wants to drown his sorrows, but a half-familiar face steals his drink.
♠ ♦ ♣ ♥ Case Files, by AngelicSentinel
Solving life's little mysteries, one at a time.
one-shots in the suffering of fools universe
A Study in Trust, by Calculatrice
Conan swallows anger and condemnation and, for the very first time, gives Kaitou KID the benefit of the doubt. ________________
In which Conan constantly has to revise what he thinks of a certain thief, and is frankly getting pretty sick of feeling like his subconscious is already ahead of him.
Jacket, by Calculatrice
He turns to look at KID, grimacing as his overlong sleeves swish around him.
“It doesn’t exactly fit me,” he frowns as he points out the obvious. “Does this do anything for you?”
Kiss and tell., by DragonSorceress22
Shinichi might have gotten a little ahead of himself. And KID. Luckily, Hakuba has a level head and a soft spot for lovesick genius-idiots.
the goat one-shot, by helloimtrash
They're family now.
Interrogation, by Calculatrice
Admittedly, there are many things Kaito could probably be blamed for, but pulling Shinichi into the nearest empty hallway to kiss him senseless isn’t one of them.
So It Goes, by Calculatrice
It goes like this.
(In which Murphy’s Law isn’t much of a law - more something to be gleefully stomped on.)
Mii Plaza, by Calculatrice and helloimtrash
“Okay,” Kaito grins as the opening notes of Wii Sports ring out. “Are you ready for defeat?”
“Can’t we just play Mario Kart,” Shinichi frowns, crossing his legs as he watches Kaito push the coffee table out of the way. “It’s like, one in the morning.”
The Forensics of Falling, by LunaDarkside
[FF.Net Link] When fans of world-famous magician and actor Kuroba Kaito begin turning up dead, Inspector Kudou Shinichi is put on the case.
the toxicology of trust, by LunaDarkside
World-famous magician and actor Kuroba Kaito and the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Force's star inspector Kudou Shinichi finally get some much-needed time off. Or they would, if there wasn't a killer on their cruise.
(sequel to The Forensics of Falling)
On Familiarity, by lastdream
No one had ever known Kaito quite like Shinichi did, and Kaito wasn't sure he could take it.
Lies and the Art of Relaxation, by DragonSorceress22
Shinichi is stressed and Kaito is a liar. Business as usual.
And Again, by Calculatrice
It’s late, late in the night, and while on another night they may have been awake and neck-deep in plans, or perhaps delirious and making silly conversation, tonight he and Kaito are both curled in bed.
the only bed worth sleeping, by LunaDarkside
Kaito's not a detective, but he's pretty sure there's no logical explanation for Shinichi's disappearance from his apartment. Or for the cat that's shown up in his kitchen.
Magic Eight Ball, by Rikkamaru
Shinichi chases Kaitou Kid into the Blue Parrot thinking he's injured.
(For the Kaishin Discord, which made a "challenge" that a few people took up.)
swing for the fences, by LunaDarkside
"How to Fall in Love with Kudou Shinichi (Featuring Pink Panties, Dead Bodies, and Ill-Advised Bets): A Comprehensive and Kind of Embarrassing Guide" by Kuroba Kaito.
In The Soul, by Calculatrice
Shinichi ferries souls from the shores of the living to those of the dead, so they may pass safely on to an eternal afterlife. It’s really not a difficult concept, and definitely not one he thought could be wilfully ignored, but Kuroba Kaito obviously didn’t get the memo.
even miracles, by LunaDarkside
“No, Mother,” Shinichi says pleasantly. “I don’t think it would be a good idea to host a dinner party to find me a wife.”
bros before, by LunaDarkside
Shinichi needs a fake date for his parents' vow renewal ceremony. Naturally, he asks his best friend, Hattori. 
maybe I was going too fast, by Ann1215
A year after Kaito faces off Conan, who'd figured out his identity, he comes across Kudou Shinichi during their first year of university.
Trouble is, Kudou has no idea who Kaito is.
swear i’ll never leave again, by Ann1215
When Kaito eventually grows tired of his mother's relentless matchmaking tendencies, he ropes Shinichi into tricking everyone they know and love that they're both engaged. To each other. And it's easy enough, because all they have to do is:
1. Don't lie to each other. 2. Don't tell anyone about their plan. 3. Don't fall in love with each other.
At least, it was supposed to be easy.
(See you) Next Illusion!, by PhantomsEcho
Collections of Oneshots too long to fit in Next Conan Hint.
beneath a waxing moon, by kittebasu
The man stares at him, and then shakes his head, messy hair shaking with it. “Car trouble, Detective?” The way his lips curl around the word ‘detective’ strikes Shinichi as strange, eerily familiar, and Shinichi almost has to physically shake the feeling away before he can reply.
“Engine’s making a weird noise,” Shinichi says, and then his thoughts catch up with alacrity, his muscles tensing all at once. “What makes you think I’m a detective?”
“Police tags on your car,” the man replies, grin growing wider. “Plus this is a Camry from the nineties. No one drives those but police, these days, and regular officers drive patrol cars.” He leans forward a little, gloved hands circling his helmet and lowering it slightly to his handlebars for extra balance. “Far from undercover, if you know what you’re looking for.”
The cloud cover shifts, revealing the gorgeous full moon, and the light catches the man just right, surrounding him in a pearly glow and putting his face in shadow. “And you know what you’re looking for?”
broken glass, by jadedgalaxies
KID presses Shinichi into the wall, covering his mouth with a gloved hand and shushing him quietly. Shinichi’s heart thrums. KID isn’t looking at him but every part of KID that is pressed against Shinichi is electrified. Even amidst the circumstances that led to this moment, KID’s heartbeat is steady under Shinichi’s trembling fingers. His hair tickles Shinichi’s nose, his scent sweet and overpowering. KID is warm, alive, thrilling. Shinichi’s face warms.
In this moment, beneath the pale moonlight, helping KID evade arrest, detective Kudou Shinichi realizes he’s in love with the Phantom Thief, Kaitou KID. And he probably has been for a long time.
Shinichi realizes he's in love with Kaitou KID and that's just the beginning.
Owned and Never More Free, by Curry Jolokia
Kaitou Kid is uncatchable. Except for this.
about a love that glows, by LunaDarkside
The good news is that it’s not an overt time limit on his life, and it’s not anything parasitic. It’s not a life-force drainer, or a bad luck charm, or a magnet for unfortunate circumstances. It’s not going to bother him in day-to-day life.
The bad news is that if Shinichi falls in love with someone, he’ll die. And they’ll die.
(There is no good news, really.)
the empty vault of night, by AngelicSentinel
Shinichi offers Kid a gift. For a price.
Sound of Silence, by Cesela
His return to being Kudou Shinichi was not everything he had hoped for, not with Ran moving on, a limp and a shattered soul as he struggles with the return to normalcy. And then there’s the neighbour with a soft smile slowly battering down his walls. Kaishin / Shinkai
A Case Closed Carol, by solomonara
With apologies to Charles Dickens. Shinichi is working way too hard and has zero time for Christmas or anything else, really. But a rather unlikely source is about to put him back on track...
where villains spend the weekend, by aishiteita
A former teen sleuth enlists a should-be-retired-thief's help to slap ennui in the face.
(Alternatively, a study in motives.)
always ends in a hazy shower scene, by LunaDarkside
Shinichi didn’t mean to shack up with an internationally wanted thief.
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