#cause she's that level of capricious
gale-gentlepenguin · 5 months
Gale Rates: All the break ups of Ramona and her Evil exes
1. It will have 3 ratings. How bad the break up is, How much fault is on the Ex, and How much fault is on Ramona.
2. It will be rated 0 out of 10. 0 being that it was not their fault, 10 being it was completely their fault.
3. This is going as objective as possible. I will be using the Original source (the comics) and any supplemental source that gives insight on the break up.
1. Matthew Patel
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Ratings: Break up: 3/10
The relationship always felt like a means to an end. Plus it was middle school and it barely counts
Matthew’s Fault: 3/10
From my understanding he was too immature and his Capriciousness (moody) , but it was Ramona that indeed ended the relationship and he didn’t take it well
Ramona’s Fault: 7/10
Ramona said up front the only reason she dated him was to get the jocks off her back and because he wasn’t a Jock and wasn’t white (her own words). Which really makes it a means to an end. She doesn’t make it sound like he didn’t know this. But Ramona could have handled it better.
Lucas Lee
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Break up: 10/10
Considering Lucas felt this was a big deal and he was cheated on, it’s clear that this was a hurtful break up. As For Ramona she hardly seemed to think much of the relationship. But still it is completely on their actions it ended
Lucas Fault: 1/10
Ramona did mention that there was a lot of Drama in their relationship. To the point that she wasn’t sure what class she met him (drama, or math). But even so Ramona ended up leaving him for her next Evil Ex which she cheated on him with. Now I can’t fault Lucas too much, because he doesn’t even hold much ill will towards her, he hates Todd more. At worse he was described as whiny.
Ramona’s Fault: 9/10
She cheated on him. Like that pretty much sums it up. She might have not really considered it much of a relationship, And I’m being understanding and trying to be as objective as possible. Ramona has completely created this Evil Ex,
Todd Ingram
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Break up: 2/10
They ended up breaking up cause they were going to different colleges and it was mutual. They were the bad kids together but there was no real malice in the split
Ramona: 4/10
As mentioned above, it was a mutual break up cause they were going to different colleges. Ramona even pointed out that Todd was a bad guy known for fooling around. And she was mortified by the moon thing. So even though the break up was mutual, I feel like she still would break it off sooner or later.
Todd: 6/10
As mentioned above, it was a mutual break up cause they were going to different colleges. But Todd also had a girl back home he was waiting for him. And he was a prick.
Roxie Richter
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Break up: 8/10
Ramona's university roommate and the only ex-girlfriend. She alleges that their relationship was just a phase. But as expanded upon in Scott Pilgrim takes off, Roxie fell hard for her and the way they broke up was Ramona leaving without saying a word. So it was heartbreaking and sad.
Ramona’s Fault: 8/10
While not as bad as what she did to Lucas, I find what she did to Roxie on a similar level. Ramona never really gives a reason aside from it was a phase. Which Roxie is hurt by. I can’t entirely fault Ramona because if you realize you aren’t into another sex (or just not attracted To Roxie) you shouldn’t stay out of obligation. But that being said, she should have talked with Roxie about it.
Roxie’s Fault: 2/10
Roxie really isn’t at fault here, I guess the only thing one could argue is she could have pushed Ramona to get some answers and maybe be a bit more forthcoming with her feelings. But that is really all I can say. Though in the comic Roxie and Ramona have a more friendly relationship.
Kyle & Ken Katayanagi
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(Mostly they are in the background I’m sorry)
Break up: 10/10
Ramona blatantly cheated on them with eachother. Like yea according to her they were womanizers and sleazy, but it never made it sound like they were cheaters or anything worse. And the relationship ended when they found out about the cheating
Ramona’s Fault: 10/10
She intentionally did this. This is her fault which she admits. And quite frankly I feel bad for the twins, screwed over by screen time and Ramona. I will point out how intentionally f***ed this is
Kyle & Ken Katayanagi: 0/10
Maybe they were complete douchebags, but they got intentionally played by Ramona. It’s often skipped over but it’s probably the most justified why these guys are Evil Exes. At least they have eachother.
Gideon Graves
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Break up: 10/10
Gideon was an abusive asshole that experimented on Ramona and got angry when she left because she ended the relationship and his ego couldn’t understand why
Gideon’s Fault: 10/10
Gideon is an abusive asshole that thinks he’s God’s gift to humanity and can’t understand why people would ever want to leave him. He EXPERIMENTED on Ramona. Not experimented with like in a kinky way, but in a science lab rat kind of way. This doesn’t even include what he WAS planning to do with her later. Point is, this one’s on him.
Ramona’s Fault: 0/10
See above, she is 100% valid for leaving that abusive relationship.
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cirusthecitrus · 3 months
Iliad? In my She-Ra cartoon? It's more likely than you think
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Some of you may know that og Hordak and Prime (from the motu franchise) also have "normal" names. Sooo, you know how long it took my dumb ass to realize that Hec-Tor and Anillis are spelled and pronounced suspiciously similar to Hector and Achilles - u know, the heroes from Homer's Iliad??*
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I have no idea if this lil trivia fact is an intentional reference or not or if this specific choice of characters is supposed to mean anything at all. But it means everything to ME
Because why Horde Prime of all people was given the name of a hero?? Why Hordak, his brother, was given the name of his enemy and his victim? And why do these names fit the 2018s versions of these characters so well?
!I'm not an expert in ancient literature or greek mythology/history or anything close so my knowledge and understanding of the Iliad and its characters is literaly on the surface level! I'm only making this post cause looking for parallels is fun c:
Horde Prime as Achilles
The mythological hero, Achilles was often reffered to as the beast, or pure element, force of nature, or even a star. Not a person, not a human being
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He was an exceptional fierce hero known for his passion and determination, but also his arrogance and stubborness. Noble yet often selfish and capricious, understanding and caring yet cruel
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The one who possesed arcane knowledge about the fate of humanity, and with it - about his own destiny
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The one protected by the gods, who was so close to godhood himself, whos body was immortalized in the river Styx
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And yet, one small part remained vulnerable, a part of him stayed painfully human. And once it was discovered and aimed at, he was as good as dead
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The one who was driven by horrific almost animalistic rage. Rage that came from pain and grief. Rage that came... from love?
Achilles lost someone dear to him and this loss blinded him with desire for revenge, made him chase after the warrior who took his loved one from him. He refused to let go, not even letting go of Hector's corpse
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Hordak as Hector
Described as "deserving of love" Hector was a great warrior, deeply devoted and loyal to his home and his cause
A brave unstoppable leader who nonetheless made many mistakes by letting his human emotions and traits make him act unwise, arrogant, reckless and naive
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The one who believed in his gods and trusted so many, but in the end was only deceived and lied to. And this lie was the reason why Hector could not escape Achilles' wrath
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The cause and the victim of Achilles' rage. His personal enemy, the one who killed his beloved. The one who feared Achilles so much yet in the end stopped running away and faced him in their first and final duel
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The one who lost everything. Doomed to die tragically by Achilles' hand. Hector didnt even beg for mercy, only for his body to be treated with respect, but Achilles could not be reasoned with. Instead he dragged his corpse behind his chariot for days on end, not letting him rest. Not letting Hector return home to his family
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But wait, who is Patroclus of this story?
Funny how this part of Achilles' story fits Hordak a lot more, since it was him who lost a dear friend and it was him who was consumed with grief and fury. Thus, in a way, Hordak is both Hector and Achilles and Entrapta is his Patroclus. But what's Prime's deal then?
We can always enter fanon territory and headcanon that Prime might have lost someone a long time ago and grief turned him into a monster. Could be a lover, could be a friend or family, could be his old self even. But then what Hordak had to do with it? Why he became the target of his rage?
Perhaps in this version Patroclus isn't even a person. An idea of perfection and control. Hordak's imperfections ruined the image of his ideal world where everything goes his way, ruined his own image, the facade of an all mighty god who could not make a mistake or create something less than perfect. In a sense Hordak's defect and later betryal killed everything Prime was working on and was trying to achieve, everything he believed in
Perhaps Hordak is both Hector and Patroclus. A brother Prime loved so much, but only when he was still a perfect obedient doll with no name. But once Hordak began to change, showing his personhood and becoming harder to control, becoming unrecognizable, HP could not accept it. In his mind Prime lost a brother, and someone who named himself Hordak was his murderer
Again, I have no idea why the hell they chose these names for their aliases. Achilles and Hector were in no way pure or flawless people, but... they were still heroes. Does this say anything about the characters of Horde Prime and Hordak or their dynamic? Especially their motu versions**?? Or was this just a reference for the sake of reference? (oh maybe im only seeing things and its not even a reference??) They could've chosen an iconic pair of tragic brothers instead idk on the surface it'd seem more fitting :/
But i'd rather keep my tinfoil hat on and think that it was all intentional, because I'm LIVING for the implications regarding Prime's humanity .з.
**Motu fans and experts if you're reading this, i'd love to hear your thoughts on this, you have to know more than me!
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treedaddymcpuffpuff · 3 months
Beneath Miles of Stone - Part eighteen - John Wick x Plus Size Fem Reader
Summary: John has been in prison for nine months. He’s content to stay if it means appeasing the high table and keeping peace between the owners of each continental. However, he meets someone who erases that willingness. Peace be dammed.
TW: talk of killing/kill for hire job
Even though she left an extensive note to Michael detailing what happened, she decides to follow it up with a text. 
Hey, sorry about the wet marks on the couch and rug.
I’m worried about you. Is leather jacket man always going to come crawling to you when he gets beat up?
I’m a bad roommate.
Nah, you’re just ❤️in ❤️ Also, a letter taped to the fridge? I feel like I’m in the 1800s. Had to read that shit by candlelight to make it really authentic.
She smiles, laughs out loud, then frowns, puts her phone down and rubs her face, attempting to massage some reality back into her brain to replace the vivid delusion she’s been entertaining.
A knock on the door of their hotel room makes her suspicious. After all, John said: “don’t open the door”, “don’t leave the room”, “pick up the phone if it rings”.
But surely not answering the door doesn’t apply if it’s hotel manager on the other end.
Winston’s rich voice is a salve to chafed nerves, and she’s scurrying eagerly to let him in.
“May I come in?” He looks as tired as she feels, even with the kind smile on his face.
He sits in the swivel leather desk chair while she folds her legs up on the bed and listens to what he has to say.
“Do you know what they call him?”
“Who? John?”
Winston nods. “They call him Baba Yaga, the Boogeyman. A terrifying monster. The thing that lurks under your bed, if you will.”
“Why?” She asks this because she knows it’s what he wants her to inquire.
“Once he wants someone dead, whether it be for professional or personal reasons, their fate is sealed. No one he’s hunted has ever lived .”
Spiders ballroom waltz down her spine. “He’s dangerous,” she summarizes.
“He’s lethal. And I’ve never, ever seen him like this.”
She picks the skin on her fingers, which Winston notices and scolds her for. “That can cause bad infections, you know.” He’s not mad, though; still, with a gentle smile, he offers to have a variety of stress balls sent to the room instead.
“I don’t want you to feel like you have to accommodate me,” she admits, blood hot on her neck and jaw.
“My dear child, I do not have to do anything. I want to make you as comfortable as possible.”
She blanches a little bit at the term of endearment from him, reminded of a wise old uncle lost at sea, here to give her advice in her time of need.
He drops that topic for now. “It’s not my place to say, but he’s in love with you.”
She’s grateful for his patience as she chokes on this information.
“And while Johnathan is dear to me,” Winston says, leveling her like C4 does to a skyscraper, “It would be, forgive my wording, fucked up , if I didn’t try to help you get away from this life while you still can.” He pauses for a moment, and in his silence she hears the ending to that trailing sentence: “ if you still can.”
“You really think he’s that.. bad?”
Winston gives her a puzzled look. “No, not at all.” He shakes his head. “You misunderstand. I think the opposite. Johnathan has always been truculent, capricious, and implacable, but he has never been capable of being bad . The problem is not what he will do to you, it’s what he will do to protect you. And the hold over him someone could acquire by obtaining you…”
He keeps trailing off, which makes her think that he’s constantly trying not to say something. “Like, kill me?” She clarifies.
“Or worse.”
“I just want you to know you have options. It’s very easy to feel stuck.” His contemplative expression denotes that he’s been on the receiving end of that statement once or twice.
“Mr. Scott,” she says, “you’re really, really nice… thank you for being that way.”
“Please,” he holds up a hand, smile gentle, “call me Winston. A friend of Johnathan’s is a friend of mine.”
Once he leaves, she takes a big breath and screams into a pillow a couple times. Then, she engages it in a boxing match it didn’t consent to.
John clears his throat, and the image of her turning around, one hand strangling the pillow and the other raised to hit it, little mouth popped open in an O of surprise, makes him laugh.
“Uh.. the pillow started it.”
The fact that he’s quiet enough to open the door, shut the door, and then get halfway into the room with a cloth bag and a dinner tray balanced in his arms is unsettling. Only because it means he can get away from her too easily as well.
He unloads his arms onto the desk. “I’m sure it did. You want me to kick its ass?”
“Nah, I don’t think we’ll have too many problems with it anymore.” She places the crumpled pillow back in its nesting place on the bed.
“I got turkey sandwiches,” he says, pointing to the tray. He sees the untidy office chair and tilts his head. “Was someone in here?”
She could lie, but he’d see right through it. “Winston came up.”
His smile immediately drops a little, but he doesn’t press the issue . “Com’ere, eat.”
He bought four different bags of chips from the dining hall, three kinds of soda bottles, and two ice cream cakes in styrofoam containers.
The sandwich is delicious, probably because she’s eaten nothing but peanut butter toast and strawberries in the past 24 hours.
“I took our clothes to dry cleaning,” he tells her, “they’ll be done and at the door in the morning.”
She looks up at him, hair mussed and static-y, a big bite of sandwich in her cheek, sleepy bags under her eyes, red puffy robe so pretty on her skin tone - god, the color suits her - shoulder slipping down because she wanted one two sizes too big.
She says something to him after she swallows. Maybe thank you. He’s too busy kissing her to hear the words, slipping his knuckles into her hair to grip the base of her skull.
He’s desperate with tongue and lips, like she’s going to slip through his hands into the floor and fall to the core of the earth. He traps her thighs in his own, grabs the bottom of her chair and drags her closer and tries to pull her into his lap.
Both of them don’t fit in the office chair comfortably, not with the way he wants to hold her, so he picks her up around the waist and takes her to bed.
When will this stop being surprising? The fact that he can just fold her up and cradle her like she’s made of clouds instead of meat and fat and bone.
The entire time, he manages to keep kissing her, too. Like a scene from one of those sickly romance movies she tends to shy away from.
“Were you done eating?” He asks, kissing her cheeks and forehead. The tip of her nose.
She pushes her arms around his neck, pulls him so that she can land a big, wet kiss right on his forehead, and he swears to god she must’ve left an imprint because of the residual feeling; the heat that spreads from her mouth onto his cheeks. His eyes go all soft and melted chocolate for her, big strong shoulders caving and slack. He curls around her like a heated, weighted blanket, covers and shelters her and makes her feel….
There’s a word for it.
Safe . From everything but him.
“John,” she giggles, his adorable little pet - thinking back to a classical childhood cartoon, he grins - the young girl squeezing the life out of her new pet ducky, going on about how she wants to hug him and hold him and hug him and hold him forever because he’s so cute -
“S’your fault,” he murmurs into her ear, inhales her. She smells like his soap. “You taught me how to cuddle.”
She can’t argue with him, and she doesn’t want to.
He overkills the heat and wraps a blanket around them, but she doesn’t mind sweating a bit. Not if it means she gets to stay clinging on him.
He plans to slip his devil fingers under this robe and give her some clit petting stress relief - rub her into a slow, beautiful mess before his mouth replaces his hand and gets a taste of what it’s been salivating for - but her eyes are closing and she’s getting softer and her breath is evening out through her chest. She settles into sleep like walking into one room from the next, determined grip still tight around his robe collar. Eyelashes soft and tickling her cherub cheeks.
He kisses her head, brushes hair out of her face. My human , he thinks, almost absently, like the thought just organically appeared and has been here all along.
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The Meaning Behind Nanami’s Cow Dream
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While this scene may appear funny on a first viewing, it is, in fact, deeply tragic and emblematic of the uglier truths of the world that Nanami is ignorant to. The Nanami cow episode... is a tragedy. What do I mean by this? 
The nature of the donna donna nightmare that Nanami has is her becoming a cow that is sent off to slaughter by Touga, raised for the purpose of consumption as she becomes a steak that he eats. Nanami is blind to this process, questioning it all the while being sent to her death as Touga says his farewells. The nature of this scene within the context of how Touga and Nanami's relationship will develop in the Akio Arc is troubling, and this dream is extremely revealing at this stage of the narrative. Nanami is childish, capricious, shortsighted, and loyal to Touga to a dangerous extent. Her brother encourages her behavior by either waiting and observing the fallout and how he may take advantage of it, or performing ambiguous, borderline too-intimate actions that are designed for her to overthink. 
Regardless of his true intentions and feelings, his method of keeping Nanami close is grooming. This is beneficial for him, as this is not only encouraging her closeness to him but encourages a level of reckless, bullheaded action towards people who threaten him. It is unknown if Touga himself is aware of the root cause of Nanami's violent, defensive reactions to threats towards their relationship. But with her position as blindly loyal and blindly violent, Touga has someone who is willing to do just about anything for his sake. He has raised Nanami for slaughter, in the same way her dream warns her. However... How is Nanami, an aggressive and insecure young girl, meant to be connected to a cow, a herd animal bound to being nothing more than a meal for the masses?
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The answer to that lies in the end goal of such a grooming pattern. Touga wants to be like Akio - wants to be someone who seems to both yearn for and despise princehood, has managed to fly free of the risks it demands, and presents as a powerful, successful man who is next to nobody in the hierarchy of the world. Although Touga becomes desensitized to this goal, at this point he's in the process of chasing Akio's coattails and going about his own plans and manipulations. Just like Akio, however, Touga needs a scapegoat. 
Regardless of Dios's true intentions or feelings, Anthy's loyalty towards him resulted in her eternal martyrdom as “the witch who stole the prince from the world”. She became someone willing to sacrifice everything for her brother, aggressive and uncaring of the world that threatened their relationship. Akio takes advantage of this by keeping himself and the dueling game in a perpetual stalemate, where he benefits from controlling Anthy and controlling the illusions that layer Ohtori Academy all for the sake of a game designed to fail. He encourages Anthy's worst parts of herself as the Rose Bride, the ideal submissive woman and wife whose nature demands constant perfection in how she acts. However, Anthy is the focus of more than just admiration. Juri, Nanami, and Saionji are all violent towards her, and while Miki is not openly cruel he does objectify her and fixates on the actions of men like Touga. The nature of the Rose Bride is the expectancies of all women - to be on a paradoxical pedestal where the standards you must meet are constantly changing to every person you meet and you must manage to meet them, every time, without having to be told to do so.
The Rose Bride is a production of grooming, not only for what it stands for on a societal level but also a personal and horrific level. Akio and Anthy's relationship echoes Touga and Nanami's, presented as the natural end to the relationship Nanami seems to covet. If she remains on the path that she's headed down, she is dooming herself to the same fate as Anthy. Like the cow born for death, only appreciated for consumption afterwards, Anthy has become nothing more than a cow ready for slaughter - raised by Akio for the purpose of shielding him from the world, only for him to take advantage of her and the power that controlling her brings him. Nanami's nightmare where she dreams she's turned into a fucking cow is an ominous warning of the future. Thank you for reading.
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twilightmalachite · 6 months
Raison d’être - The Nameless Girl 4
Author: Akira
Characters: Mika
Translator: Mika Enstars
"I don’t think I’d be able t’stand bein’ in the one I love’s way."
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Shu’s Atelier (Paris)
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Raffaello: “Conversely, my mother was poor at creating works from scratch using her own imagination, and instead reproduced natural objects like such.”
“Perhaps that is why her name is unknown to the public, despite possessing such a high level of skill.”
“No matter how elaborate the “fakes” my mother makes, they will always pale in comparison to the “real thing” in nature created by God.”
“If she had spread her wings of fantasy and created something that did not exist in reality, the masses might have taken interest, but…”
“I’ve said this many times, but my mother had no interest in that side of things.”
“She had no desire for fame or recognition. Her works were made for herself as a hobby in private.”
Mika: Nnah~… I do kinda admire that, too. ♪
Raffaello: “…My father evaluated my mother as an unparalleled prodigy artist, and insisted his money on her to purchase her work.”
“But the moment he did that, while her wallet was enriched, my mother’s “own world” was invaded and defiled.”
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Mika: ……
“After that exchange with my father, my mother immediately ceased making dolls, which she had done passionately until then.”
“My mother had lost “something” important to her the moment she had exchanged something she had loved for money.”
Mika: She was a delicate person, huh… I’ve also fallen into slumps over trivial things though, so I feel I can understand her a lil’.
Raffaello: “Ah, so you understand her. I’m not able to.”
“If such a capricious man was willing to fork up ridiculous sums for her work, why not continue to create and sell them?”
“If she had done so, she could have built a fortune by now.”
Mika: Did it make life difficult for ya, Raffaello-san? ‘Cause she didn’t make enough…?
Raffaello: “Not particularly. I just think it was quite the waste.”
“I’m a materialist, after all.”
“And. I do not know what perception you have of him, but the world seems to overrate him, and treat him like some great man—”
“My father, and Shu’s grandfather, was a materialist just like myself.”
“I suppose you could call me a realist. I believe only in what I can see.”
“Such is why I am often angry at those who’d rather appreciate faith and other fanciful things they cannot see.”
“Rather, that's why my mother would attempt to perfectly, sophisticatedly “reproduce” what actually does exist, what can be seen—”
“Perhaps my father fell in love with her technique and work.”
“I’m sure he saw my mother as a God who created all things with her own hands.”
“My mother was my father’s God.”
“However, the God he worshiped was a living human of flesh and blood.”
“That is where the cause of all misfortune had lain.”
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Mika: What do ya mean by that…?
Raffaello: “Because my father ate the forbidden fruit.”
“He did what no person is allowed to do. My father, who loved my mother, did what he thought was natural to do as a man grounded in reality at the time—He proposed to my mother.”
“He proposed to the very God he worshiped and even had a child; myself. Surely even you know that such a thing is inherently unforgivable.”
“God is meant to be worshiped at a distance. However my father, my mother’s sole believer, embraced his God and made her “his property”.”
“I recognize that it is outdated to say a woman is a man’s property, but bear with me. It was a time where that was just how things were.”
“But, as a result, the inherently impossible situation of man owning God was brought about—Everything fell apart.”
“It’s like a devout believer dismantling the cross and using it as firewood to keep warm. My father must have been greatly worried about it too, he must have felt like he was Judas Iscariot.”
“That, and my father had a fiancée arranged for him by his parents back at home. He had betrayed this “fated partner” of his and fell in love with a dollmaker he met in a foreign country.”
“And even had a child with her.”
“I’m sure you know how serious an “error” that was at a time where marriage was for the sake of connecting two families.”
“He’d committed the greatest injustice to his family, worthy of disownment.”
“My father surely was prepared for that. Perhaps he cared more about the woman he had fallen in love with than his house or the fortune inherited from his ancestors.”
“I suppose you could call it youthful indiscretion.”
“However, my mother stepped aside in consideration of my father’s position.”
“She disappeared completely from my father’s life, and to this day, not a single member of the Itsuki family knows of her presence.”
“That was my mother’s own best way of thanking the man who loved her and her work.”
“No, it was how she loved.”
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Mika: That’s… such a cruel and painful story.
If I were in the same position, I’d… Ahh, yeah, I’d probably end up disappearin’ as well.
I don’t think I’d be able t’stand bein’ in the one I love’s way.
Raffaello: “I cant sympathize with it at all. Rather, that is why I’ve gone as far as to trample on my mother’s tragic resolve, by “appearing” in front of you all.”
“I am the very sin my father has committed.”
“At the very least, I would like to remind the man who destroyed my mother’s life of “that”, before he peacefully passes away and is memorialized as a great man.”
“No, I want to accuse that man of sin. It is too late for him to atone for what he’s done, but I do not want to let him pretend this never happened.”
“I will point at the grandfather of the Itsuki family, respected by all, and tell him he’s nothing but a filthy sinner.”
“Of course, it’s not like doing that would never make my mother happy. She has already passed away, not any type of offering can bring comfort to the dead.”
“However. At the very least, I’d like to confront a man, who claims to be a realist, with the “reality” he pretended not to see for his entire life.”
“Before he dies, before he goes to heaven, I’d like to bring to him what he had forgotten.”
“And if by doing so, if that man could remember my mother and regret it, even if only for a moment at the end of his life…”
“If he could understand that this supposedly flawless, perfect life of his is a castle of sand built upon a lie, if he could regret his superficial life he built…”
“Only then will that man’s sin of destroying a woman’s life will finally become even.”
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Mika: ……
[ ☆ ]
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kendrixtermina · 10 months
I've been thinking about it time & again, turning & turning it around in my head - like, even going back to some thoughts I'd had before this particular case, to make sure I'm not bending my morals here & being the worst kind of asshole. It's actually been nagging at the back of my mind since these ideas first became mainstream in the early 2010s.
But I just can't square it with my conscience to treat a miscommunication the same as, like... I've read many stories with with violence, threats or coersion.
Or even emotional manipulation, entitlement or pushyness.
I was thinking about this with the Melanie Martinez case, and that one's worse cause she was pushy & other people who consensually slept with her confirm that she could be pushy & insistent. But that's also a situation where she walked away with the belief that the other girl was simply convinced & agreed.
And in the story with Flake there wasn't even convincing.
It's so easy to say "if you really cared you'd notice". Lots of people are just really passive in bed. Some men hate it, some ask you to lie still - people might misread signs while drunk & that's why you (as in, the initiator, not the girl) should be careful with how much you drink.
But it just isn't the same. I can't call it the same word.
Threats, violence or even entitled demanding require a huge level of disregard of another person's autonomy & personhood.
A misunderstanding like this, however, or the person having conflicting feelings... It seems like it could just happen to anyone!
Could it happen to me? I hope not, of course. I do all the stuff you're supposed to to avoid it. But I'm not perfect. Hetero women may think they'd never be the one misreading stuff unless they actually mean to assault someone since in present society men usually do the initiating, but as one of those pesky bisexuals, and just someone who believes the best way to avoid becoming blinded, sanctimonious or entitles is to be aware of your own capacity for mistake or evil, I don't want to assume that I'd always get everything right because "im one of the good ones".
No one wants anyone to have an experience like this girl did, or at least i dont, & stuff like education on communication & consent & when-in-doubt-check-in-and-err-on-the-sage-side and centering mutual pleasure instead of the lock/key bullshit is so important. I'm FOR that. I WANT that. I don't consider this okay, or no big deal, or made up. I want a world where that doesn't happen insofar as the imperfect instrument that is human judgement can prevent it.
But how do we make it the standards, how do we promote it? I don't think declaring it rape, thereby putting it on the same level as Cosby, Weinstein or Trump stuff is the way.
I have never believed in "deterrent by harsh punishment to protect people" or "if you don't wanna be punished just don't misbehave" to dismiss fears of unjust or capricious punishment in any other context. I don't believe it when it comes to government spying. I don't believe it when it comes to death penalty. It's authoritarian. Not everyone who professes to be scared of false punishment or how anyone could just make up whatever about what their inner feelings were is just looking to excuse rape; there's insecure young men who are just afraid of messing up. (or heck, queer people, with how their attraction is often portrayed as predatory)
I 100% agree with the goal of minimizing "i felt I had to go along"/"just let it happen" type experiences as much as possible, but the question is how?
like crimes don't exist objectively; they are defined by people with the goal of creating good social incentives. We define and re-define crimes through history, and I'm no longer sure these recent pushs for redefinition have been a constructve ones.
With someone who would deliberately disregard the will of others, that's someone who probably won't engage in good faith & rarely changes their way; In that case, ostracism hammer is merited - they can't be convinced so they must be cut off from victims.
But communication fail isn't like that; those may be people who generally care & are willing to adjust behavior and the threat of the full punishment/ostracism hammer at the slightest misjudgement is more likely to drive them into the arms of extremists or grow resentful & isn't conducive to a working society.
You can't have safety guidelines too clunky to actually use or they will get ignored. It's like abstinence education or red tape. Drunk fucking (not unconscious but responsive/awake) will always happen; nonverbal initiation of sex will always happen. Most times all participants are happywith it.  And we saw in some of the Till stories that even a consistent habit of always asking "should we do this, should we stop, are you sure etc" all the stuff you're rightfully supposed to do to make the chance of it as low as possible, doesn't prevent some people having conflicted feelings or "going along".
I mean, I'm not doubting the girl's experience at all or dismissing the reality of her pain. but it's possible to feel shitty about an experience or find it traumatic without anyone having done a crime to you. What ppl find traumatic can be so subjective, and being dissappointed in how you reacted doesn't mean the other person automatically gets all the blame cause they cant read your mind. They did not "make you" be silent or give indication that they wouldn't listen, so how are they completely to blame?!
Like I realize this cannot be up to the perps, lots of indisputable rapists will say shit like how she "secretly wanted it". - if a girl says she said no, I believe her unless there is a track record of her making random shit up in the past. But if she explicitly says that she didn't say no or give any sign of distress, I see no reason to doubt that either & assume that her inner state "must" have been obvious.
The girl can't help having flawed messy human reactions either but like, will burning some guy on a stake make the trauma go away?
I just - I don't believe in fair world hypothesis and "if you do everything right no one ever feels hurt". I don't believe that doing your best will just automatically be good enough.
To be 100% clear: I don't blame the girl for feeling overwhelmed, but I also can't bring myself to blame the guy for misreading communication if she gives no indication of disliking what's happening. Or, like, both have nonzero responsibility (he should have verbally checked in and neither should have drank so much booze, for starters. ) but neither has full control of all the factors or can be exempted from human fallibility. Sometimes ppl mess up and it can't be 100% avoided & no one is the villain. People can only be judged based on the information they have, they can't be made 100% responsible for the inner state of others that they can't access if those others don't give indications of it. From today's perspective I can say he should have checked in verbally but I could not say that if I had not read about/been educated about why that can be so important/ how its common for ppl to not say anything etc. I might as well say "use a smartphone" to a person from the 90s.
I just can't bring myself to think that for this moment of misjudging her reaction, he's now the same as someone who would threaten another with a knife to get his way - it just seems too cruel to me.
It's unfair that she had a shitty experience, too. But I don't think shitty experiences could be 100% prevented even if no one on earth ever took the slightest lick of risk ever again, that's just outcome bias/ just world fallacy.
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The terrorcons are by all means zombies via supernatural methods, but it's also partially chemical as the majority of terrorcons have some sort of processor function considering how they can move, seem to be motivated to prey upon anything they can catch, and we see Skyquake trying to replace his arm with the severed Starscream arm. For most Terrorcons (I'll check back in on you for the vampire incident in "Thirst") they seem to retain some processor functionality, and the more damaged their frames/processors the worse off they are after being revived. I'm going to consider Megatron, in a way, a terrorcon in this equation because he was indeed revived a few times. Since he was revived immediately, he had the fewest consequences. The terrorcons that were resurrected in the "Darkness Rising" arc and in the post-series special represent the complete other side of the spectrum, with highly visible impairments in frame and mind. Skyquake being a sort of middle ground here, with some semblance to sentience and a frame that doesn't fall apart like tissue paper. I'm not going to count the aligned Galvatron, as I'll refer to him, in this equation because his resurrection in the special was a purposeful decision by Unicron influenced by his Dark energon addiction, rather than being primarily chemical.
Terrorcon!Cylas and the vampiric plague he very nearly inflicted upon the Nemesis is a very interesting case, because it's far more infectious than average Dark energon, and it causes some very interesting frame changes focusing around the intake. For brevity, I'm going to call the concoction that Knockout and Starscream made Dark-Synthe, as Knockout's Synth-En is a prototype based on Ratchet's Synth-En blend, which in itself was a prototype of the original that was lost to time and the episode T.M.I. Clearly, we can see the Dark-Synthe has traits in common with my above observations with Dark energon, such as more damaged mecha having more severe side effects such a noticable predatory drive. It also shares the iconic purple of Dark Energon, though I'd argue that Dark-Synthe is a more blue shade of it. It also shares KO's noted side effects of the Synth-En, such as heightened aggression and highly reduced fuel efficiency. The unforseen side effects of the mixing, however, are by far my favorite. I've mentioned how Dark energon has been consistently demonstrated as addictive in TFP, but the process of which requires the consumption of larger quantities. Synth-En, even Ratchet's original blend, also proved to be rather addictive. So Dark-Synthe is addictive². The increased predatory drive and fuel inefficiency creates a very intense desire to hunt, and the frame adaptations aid in this. And, unlike Dark energon, many of the more capricious side effects affect mecha both living and offlined, and with these side effects being inflicted with a mere bite from the almost viper like appendage they gain.
If we were to replicate the spectrum I demonstrated on the Dark energon for the Dark-Synthe, I'd put Arachnid on the less severe as she only gains the frame adaptations and the desire to hunt. The vehicons we see, less so. Cylas is particularly interesting in this, as while the Cybertronian frame is lost to the maddening chemical cocktail, when Arachnid kills him we see that his human aspect was functioning on a far better level. My theory on this is that Breakdown's frame was essentially resurrected with severe side effects, while Silas was trapped within with no control whatsoever.
Cliffnotes: I'm not quite sure where the episode Flying Mind fits into this, because Megatron put an absolute FUCKTON of Dark Energon into the Nemesis, and you can argue that instead of upgrading the ship's ai that it temporarily revived Trypticon. To humans, it seems like Dark energon is simply toxic with no visible supernatural side effects. As well as the Dark energon having been highly diluted within the blast itself, pointing to how it didn't affect Bumblebee much.
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sablegear0 · 2 years
Thinkin bout Dark Samus
I’m having Thoughts about Dark Samus so now you all have to hear them.
Specifically, I’m having thoughts about revising old fics and/or potential interactions between Dark Samus and Adam because of course I am. Headcanons ahoy under the cut. (This one got inordinately long, like four pages long, so brace yourselves.)
We don’t know what was going on in the GF Capitol during the Phazon Crisis. I’ve taken some guesses at it over the course of Electrochromic, but we don’t have any canon material. I imagine things were tense, obviously, knowing that the Space Pirates essentially had planet-killing weapons at their disposal.
I’ve toyed with concepts of what Adam might have been up to during this time (some of which may make it into EC/EC-adjacent pieces later), but one thing I’ve pondered over but never really been able to put into a fic is the possibility of Adam encountering some facet of Dark Samus.
I have a headcanon that any creature exposed to phazon radiation becomes connected to the “collective”/hivemind of Phaaze in some way. Only badly corrupted creatures become a part of the hivemind, but something as simple as a radiation burn can loosely connect a creature to other creatures who have been exposed to phazon. There have been no officially documented cases of “phazon sickness” among PED Marines, but I imagine exposure to the substance has caused a handful of unusual anecdotal symptoms. Afflicted troopers often feel as if they are being followed or watched. One extreme – and concerning, given the distance from the front lines – case involved a test trooper on Daiban hallucinating the presence of “a woman in black” observing his test along with the science team.
The Dark Hunter is curious and capricious. She likes to observe, but rarely appear or interact. She uses the network of both soldiers and victims the Pirate campaign accumulates to extend the reach of her perception. One version of the interaction with Adam I’ve pondered is him coming to be injured or otherwise exposed in a lab test (he’d be fine, of course, just a minor injury) and attracting the attention of the Dark Hunter. In some versions it’s just a mounting paranoia on Adam’s part – he knows something is present, observing or following him, there’s an unfamiliar figure in crowds and around corners. His peers chalk it up to stress; everyone is overworked because of the crisis, he’s shaken up from his injury and that trauma is affecting him, he just needs a break, to talk to someone. And they’re not wrong, and for a brief time Adam is convinced what he’s experiencing is just internal.
But Dark Samus (I want to give her a different name, I can’t imagine she would use this one for herself) doesn’t like to be ignored. Maybe her approach becomes more direct, maybe she starts to pick at the thoughts and memories of her new favourite thing to watch, push phrases into his mind, maybe she creates a more visible manifestation, even takes on a human-like form and speaks to him directly. I couldn’t decide.
But I want to know what these two would talk about, or clash about. Does Adam know what she is? Does she look like Samus, or can he make the connection? How does she feel about him? He’s interesting, certainly; a high-ranking officer in her enemy’s army, well-connected and highly capable and intelligent. Could she use him as a source of information, or is he merely a curiosity, a source of entertainment?
There’s another version of this scenario that I’ve been mulling over recently. Sort of a combination of a pair of fics I recently retired from DA. Part of me wants to rewrite them because their style is old and dated, and I feel like I could do a better job of them now with more material (both hc and canon) and experience to work from. I want to dig into Dark Samus on a personal level, which I tried to do a bit in the past, but I literally wrote that fic in my teens, so there wasn’t much emotional maturity or intrigue in it. Being just older and having existed more, I think I have more I can use a version of that fic to say (and maybe finish it this time).
And part of that is because I’ve been thinking about this interaction/scenario, and considering Dark Samus’s motivations and self more. What sort of instincts does a chimera like her have? What does a being with emergent sentience think like, what are her priorities and wants? This is where the sort of crossover and jamming Adam into the situation comes in.
His involvement begins when Samus is the last of the Hunters to lose control of themselves and turn against the GF (drawn from the other retired fic). Having some experience working with her, Adam is brought in to help/consult on what the heck to do with/about her. Through a series of contrivances where he comes into direct contact with Dark Samus, he negotiates a hostage trade – himself for Samus’s autonomy back – and is baffled when the Dark Hunter accepts.
Adam doesn’t see this as being terribly hazardous to him personally. Between his backup and training (despite not being psionic-sensitive, he’s been trained to identify and fend off psionic intrusion. Thanks Project Icarus.) he’s confident he’s both equipped to handle this, and disposable if absolutely necessary. His initial assumption is that the Dark Hunter sees him as a source of information more valuable than having one extra Hunter on hand, so it’s a fair trade. But over the course of his interactions with her he comes to realize that isn’t really the case. She doesn’t grill him for information or even really treat him as a prisoner – for the most part he’s stuck in her private quarters but it’s relatively comfortable otherwise. She treats him like a guest... almost like a companion.
The truth of it is that she finds him fascinating, not for what he knows but for who he is, how he functions. They’re not so different, she thinks.
I’ve been considering Dark Samus’s relationship to Phaaze. Phaaze isn’t evil, it can’t be, it’s just a superorganism that is driven to spread and reproduce, like any living thing. Dark Samus doesn’t take control of Phaaze so much as find a way to facilitate what it’s already meant to do, attaching the stolen Aurora Unit just gives Phaaze a nudge towards self-awareness and a direct interface with her. It can launch leviathans at targets instead of just at random, but it’s still very much the same self-perpetuating collective it always was. And of the two of them, Phaaze is the one in charge. Dark Samus helps it, guides it, but does not control it. And therein lies her perceived similarity to Adam. They’re both “middle management” – high up enough to lead, to be known and looked up to, even idolized by their subordinates, but both still obligated to the whims of a larger organization. In her case, the Phaaze collective, in his, the Galactic Federation as a whole.
What Dark Samus is interested in is how he performs and copes with his role. Adam comes to notice that when she isn’t out doing Evil Leader Stuff, Dark Samus just... sleeps. Or does nothing. She spends a lot of time resting, but it’s not because her position is all that strenuous. As they talk he comes to realize she sleeps so often because she’s bored. She doesn’t have any conception of what to do with herself when she’s not active. The only cultures she’s been exposed to are the Ing and Space Pirates, neither of which have any concept of “leisure activities” or “hobbies.” Pirates seldom make art, they don’t have a music culture, their sapient drive to create has been bred out of them in favour of aggressive or servile qualities. They’re just a step above a hivemind themselves, and when they’re not working, they’re sleeping. So Dark Samus thinks this is normal, even though she knows, deep down in the human parts of herself, that something about it is wrong.
She asks Adam what he does when he’s not working, she finds it fascinating, almost funny, that he’s in a similar position. He doesn’t have a very healthy work-life balance, not a lot of time for his hobbies because work wears him out, not a lot of friends because he tends to keep to himself. In a way, Dark Samus finds the minimal difference ideal. It would have hard for her to relate to someone more social, more creative, because the gap would simply be too wide. But Adam’s tentative step up from her utter inaction – and the depression it causes her slightly-too-human psyche – is a welcome education.
It’s such a novel experience the first time he plays music for her, dredging up a wonky keyboard patch to install on the console in her private cabin. (Yes this is a persistent headcanon.) He’s not even sure at first if she can parse music as something enjoyable or if it would just be noise for her. She tries to poke into his mind while he plays but he pushes her away; knowing what he’s feeling would be cheating, he wants her to listen and feel for herself. It’s rough, whatever he plays is all from memory and it’s not all there, but it’s good enough. When he asks her what she thought, she doesn’t respond much. She’s not sure, herself. It was so utterly alien to her. She asks him to play it again, and this time, he lets her sift through his thoughts while he does.
And this is where she finds something that truly captures her attention. The associated memories that surface when Adam plays – jamming with Ian, the sheer joy of making music with and for someone, the grief of losing him, of playing alone now that he can finally handle doing so. She realizes she’s never felt these feelings before. Joy and grief. Not alone, and never together. But she understands she could have, should have at times. But they’re new. She’s only ever felt self-satisfied: stealing from Pirates, freeing their metroids, taking over their systems, making them her own. There was never joy in that. She’s only ever felt angry: fighting and destroying, avenging her lesser kin, and herself, upon the Pirates or her rival-original. But there was no grief along with that. And now she knows there should have been. She should have taken pride and joy in her abilities, her wide-ranging explorations across impossible land- and space-scapes. She should have grieved the abuse and deaths of her brood-kin at the hands of the Pirates, perhaps even grieved her own deaths and transitions, the trauma she’s suffered.
There’s been a piece missing this whole time, and she hates it now that she knows what it is. Because it was a piece of that part of herself she most despises, that finnicky, sensitive human part. But it’s at the forefront, she owes her sense of self and her ambition to it, to forsake it would be going back to being just Metroid Prime; intelligent, but still just an animal a bit too clever for its own good. She comes to realize that some – not all, but a large some – of the discontent she feels is because that human part of her wants. It wants to be occupied, maybe even to create, it wants to socialize, maybe it wants friends, family – was that why it felt like such a good idea to bring metroids to Phaaze, did she hope to create other creatures like herself? That part of her likes this new human guest, too. Is it just because he’s male? Or because he seems so unafraid of her, treating her like an equal, letting her learn from him and holding so little back?
But... can she confide these thoughts in her new guest? Can she dare to consider him a “friend” in some capacity? Has he already figured her out? Is there a way to learn more without exposing too much vulnerability? Is there a way to do more without becoming distracted? She has her war to wage, Pirate Generals to appease with new targets and strategies. She can’t afford to go soft on them now. Not that her position is as perilous with them as it started out, they’re all well and loyal, but she can’t afford to lose ground to the Federation by diverting her attention.
Adam, on the other hand, does come to realize he’s exposed a soft spot here. But it comes with its own risks and conflicts. The idea of dissuading, or even flipping the Dark Hunter from her cause is incredibly tempting. But also... this is something he’s learned in confidence from an incredibly dangerous creature. She’s kept her abilities toned down around him to keep him safe, but her mere presence could be lethal to him, and making a move like that too obvious would not only risk his safety, but risk the Dark Hunter doubling down on her tour of destruction out of anger and spite.
Therein lies the appeal and the trouble I find in this situation. I want to explore this conflicted nature I believe exists in Dark Samus, and I’d like a human character to help facilitate that (or if I revive my DS-centric fic, some slightly more introspective Pirate characters). But I don’t like the idea of it being framed like someone, esp. a male character, “saving” her. At the same time, it seems extra tragic after all that introspection to have her decide that no, she doesn’t want to know that side of herself, and commit to burning it all down instead – destroying everything in her path so there’s nothing to tempt her to “go soft” again, so she can be lonely at the top and try to convince herself it’s fine.
But I crave that angst and introspective interaction, you know? Just like with Adam and Raven Beak, I think there’s some interesting parallels and contrasts that can be teased out of these characters interacting. Tbh, I just tend to gravitate to Adam bc he’s muh favourite, which means I have to jam difficult emotions into him whenever I’m not (and sometimes even when I am) putting him in mortal peril. Anyway thanks for reading, this one got way too long but I had to get it out of my head.
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septembersghost · 2 years
literally there are dudebros that r like Kim doesn't actually love him she's gonna con him she's actually evil etc and its soooo low-key misogynistic its like can't imagine a woman being nuanced in any way. but also its so obvious they complete each other
they've been like this for years, but they were usually silenced quickly before - recent events have sadly given them the excuse to double down on their heinous misogyny with less push back. these guys have been swearing for years that she was playing him - at the very least since S4 (and chuck's letter), but it began even more in earnest at, "maybe we get married," which for some reason made a whole host of them decide they hated her and she must be conning him, instead of understanding literally anything about the context of that scene. as if getting married didn't cause their bond to blossom even further. it's like they refuse to believe women are anything other than conniving harpies. :|
i was telling a friend about this, but it's legitimately horrifying to me that they're also rushing to unrestrained glee at not only the thought of her being violently murdered now (too bad for them, i fully believe this isn't going to happen), and additionally wishing cartel s*x slave/assault on her, as if this show would ever do such a thing, there's not even a TRACE of that threat in this narrative and they're foaming at the mouth wishing it on her as "punishment," as if she 1. pulled the trigger herself (she very much did not), or 2. as if that's a perfectly reasonable thing to hope a woman has to endure to bring her low in ANY circumstance. it's disgusting and it speaks to the way their minds work and how little they value women generally, tbh at a certain point that level of misogyny is so sick that it ripples far beyond fiction. they live like this? they see the world like this? despicable. i had to completely tap out of the subreddit because the comments i was seeing were too upsetting. /rant
she is a complicated, nuanced, insular woman. she always has been. this show has been a masterclass in how to communicate things with stillness, or minute movements that accumulate to far more. they've trusted us to spend enough time with her that we empathize and understand who she is as a person. she keeps herself tightly contained, so we see her measuring moments, being cautious with circumstances, but then when she lets that break open, we also see the complexity of her intellect, her emotions, and her fierce belief system - a system which includes jimmy. her moral compass being something that shifts seems to confuse some of them into thinking it means she's ~wicked~ rather than realizing WHY that shift has taken place. even her devotion to justice - it's very much something she uses to frame her world, but her sense of it changes as time goes on, and she experiences more, and gets more angry and frustrated at the broken aspects of the system. kim "breaking bad" is fueled by a sense of injustice mixed with hubris mixed with an almost fanciful quality. jimmy is capricious, but with kim to me it's almost like she's rational to the point of tipping into sophistry. she wanted to be atticus finch. she wants to improve the world, she wants people who aren't afforded fairness, who aren't heard, to be treated better, and if this means she has to make some sneaky moves and damage a few reputations and defy these men with privilege and power who keep the system unbalanced, doesn't she have the right to do it? we know it's illogical and ultimately even immoral, but she kept thinking the ends justified the means. after all, if they get the settlement faster, that means she can do good with it, right? they never foresaw it being blood money, which of course ruins everything. the hand of fate here isn't like...it's not coming down on the side of who is Good and who is Evil, which is why i wrote the post about EVERYONE in the entire story being to blame for this falling out the way it did. the repercussions are a reminder that even when we desperately want to, we can't take justice into our own hands.
the very quick turn to buy into howard's, "you're soulless, you're sociopaths" rant is an utter lack of nuance or understanding - they've been lying in wait for the chance to tear kim apart and they believe this handed it to them, and i do not in any way blame schauz or the rest of the writers' room for it, any more than i blame them for the way a much too large percentage of this same audience reacted to skyler back in the day. that damning judgment is not the intent of the storytelling imho, but the rot of the misogyny takes hold. we know that it isn't true. she isn't "evil." she hasn't been "psychopathic from the beginning" (lmao what? they're wholesale rewriting canon now, along with "howard never did anything wrong." he definitely did a number of things wrong, and acknowledging that isn't saying that what happened to him was justified). we have these small glimpses of her life and upbringing - an unreliable mother, an unstable home, her desire to achieve and accomplish things, her reaching for more - we know precisely why she and jimmy connect, and why their experiences of the world end up informing one another. we know why she defends him so fiercely. we know how deeply she loves him, and he her (but notice they don't question his love for her). i feel as though a lot of the comments convinced she's somehow playing a long con on him don't understand what this form of love and intimacy look like? it isn't spelled out for us in simple terms, it exists in their actions, gestures, even subtextually, but there's a startling, lovely realism about it that i personally find gorgeous and refreshing to watch, because we rarely see relationships depicted in this way. i don't know what more they needed than the beginning and end of bad choice road, which in and of itself speaks more volumes than some fictional couples ever do. it's such a genuine connection and it has always been portrayed that way.
they are very intentionally two parts of a whole. (whatever our souls are made of! i will keep saying it!) like you said, it's obvious they complete each other, they have from the start. where that eventually ends is difficult to say - violent delights or lovers meeting - but this has absolutely been a story about how these two people are united, and restorative and destructive, in one another.
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paisholotus · 2 years
𝘈𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘶 𝘏𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺/𝘈𝘣𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴
The Adamu Family
The Adamu family are descendants from different kinds of Orisha's. Orisha (also given as Orisa and Orishas) are supernatural entities usually referred to as deities in the Yoruba religion of West Africa.
Elara is a descendant of Obatala. Obatala is the eldest of all orisha and was granted authority to create the earth and human bodies. while on earth he created a woman named Abebi, and years later they had children. His time on earth was up, but before his family could enter heaven his rival Oduduwa (also called Oduwa, Oodua, Odudua or Eleduwa) Oduduwa usurped his position by trying to kill him. Oduduwa felt as though he had the right to create earth, and was angry at Obatala for taking everything from him.
A great feud ensued between the two that is re-enacted every year in the Itapa festival in Ile Ife, Nigeria. Ultimately. Oduduwa given the title to rule because of them fighting some much, Oduduwa killed Abebi. And with great sorrow Obatala wanted to retaliate, but was threatened that if he decided to fight Oduduwa again, he would come after his children. So Obatala stepped down to protect his children
His children passed down their bloodline from generations to generations. All different children of various Gods and Goddesses. Having the descendants of the Adamu Family gain their power.
Lua is the descendant of Oshun. Oshun is commonly called the river orisha, or goddess, in the Yoruba religion and is typically associated with water, purity, fertility, love, and sensuality. She is considered one of the most powerful of all orishas, and, like other gods, she possesses human attributes such as vanity, jealousy, and spite.
Aja is the descendant of Aja. Aja is an Orisha, the spirit of the forest, the animals within it and herbal healers. In her forests she would find plants with medicinal properties and mix the herbs and roots and other plant parts together to find cures for the sick.
Yarri is the descendant of Shango. Shango is perhaps one of the most popular Orisha; also known as the divinity of thunder and lightning, Sango is historically a royal ancestor of the Yoruba as was the third king of the Oyo Kingdom prior to his post-humous deification. In the Lukumí (Olokun mi = "my dear one") religion of the Caribbean, Shango is considered the center point of the religion as he represents the Oyo people of West Africa, the symbolic ancestors of the adherents of the faith.
There are five levels in the cosmology: Orisha worshipers believe in a creator who is called Olodumare or Olorun (God), the Orishas, human beings, human ancestors, and the lowest group, plants and animals.
Yoruba religion of West Africa and several religions of the African diaspora that derive from it, such as Cuban, Dominican and Puerto Rican Santería and Brazilian Candomblé.
Lua- when angered, she can flood Earth or destroy crops by withholding her waters, thereby causing massive droughts. Yet once she has been appeased, Oshun saves Earth from destruction by calling back the waters
Aja- It is said that if someone is carried away by Aja and returns they are believed to have become a powerful "jujuman" or babalawo. The journey supposedly will have a duratation of between 7 days to 3 months, and the person carried is thought to have gone to the land of the dead or heaven.
A/N: the Adamu Family is Jamaican and Nigerian. Elara is Jamaican and Damien Nigerian.
Yarri- the power of, capricious, authoritative, procreative, destructive, magical, medicinal, and moral power. Shango's staff visualizes the unpredictable and violent power of the deity. This power is personified through dance.
Elara- can create all life forms
Stella- is the descendant of Ayao. Ayao is a minor orisha in the Lucumi/Santeria pantheon. She is the orisha of the air. She can turn any living form into air.Ayao is considered to reside in both the forest and in the eye of the tornado.
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reviewsthatburn · 11 months
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CURSES is a Beauty and the Beast retelling which takes a few specific element of the older story: one person cursed to appear as a Beast, and one person who is generally considered beautiful being required to help them break the curse in exchange for forgiving a parent’s trespasses. Onto this basic premise the author has built a small world by which a larger story is supported. I like the story, I like the dynamic between merit and Tevin, between Merit and her various suitors, and generally with her group of friends and collaborators for them to help break the curse with as little meddling from her mother as possible. 
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2n2n · 1 year
-im going to insult Kou
This whole exchange gave me BIG hell of mirrors vibes, when Kou is like "oh youve just got a gross and dirty little heart so thats why you dont want to go inside the mirror"... and its like UH YEAAA.... YEAA BUT LIKE NO ALSO.... akdjwkdj.  Especially when you get actual confirmation that his fear is his brother's dead body. I ultimately can't even take it seriously cause its so childish and, genuinely I dont think Kou means much by it... but... I dunno!
gkdfl;g it’s like ohhhhhh KOU, he words things far too capriciously and with far too much confidence, it makes Hanako go “jesus.... okay ....” not... ready for the level of irreverence. In the middle of a situation or subject as serious as what they are up against. Hanako is out here thinking about his beloved little brother’s corpse, and how the entire Hell of Mirrors will turn into an unbridled nightmare if he steps in......................... and then its like Kou is on a different planet. It’s crazy, the different wavelengths they exist on. It’s half Hanako’s fault for how he presents himself TO others and how he guards against severity/preciousness being discussed, BUT I STILL THINK KOU COULD.... BE SLIGHTLY MORE OBSERVANT AND PERCEPTIVE.... just like, from his own... brain..... please, you do walk into this knowing Hanako is a murderer, and now you know enough that it’s a complicated situation, but I swear Hanako’s demeanor of flippancy just works to make Kou (confirmed biggest patsy ever) completely forget everything ever...... if Nene was here I swear she’d be like “.... right.... Hanako-kun.... has a lot of things he might fear..... ): ”
Kou is so like... I can’t take your idiocy so seriously... and I think Hanako doesn’t either, which is WHY he never bothers defending himself or clarifying... he gets no benefit from uh, educating Kou.... he can’t get mad.... whatever, he can stay a misinformed idiot handling things with less honor than they deserve, Hanako has no need for Kou’s honor or respect. (which ig is why it’s so interesting he does snap the one time Kou tries to outright say the murder must have been ‘for a good reason’.... the extent to which you have to majorly fuck up to finally piss off Hanako, lol... he will shrug off so much.... you CAN insult HIM for being ‘afraid of Tsukasa’, but you CANNOT insult TSUKASA by saying he deserved to die... :B)
He feels like the goon in the room whos job it is to say the dumb thing, once Nene’s grown out of that role with what she’s learned. Maybe Nene gives Hanako too much space of respect and boundaries and then Kou’s the opposite with no sense of “hey... maybe thats not in your lane to comment on...”
Don’t Try To Have a Take, I Am Going To Hit You With a Rake
I'm also bothered and wondering if Kou still thinks Tsukasa is fake or not. He's not even talking like he is, so that must have been swept away by now...? But like does he even care? he carried him in his arms!!!! Oh my god, he is so simple-minded it drives me crazy... Kou IS great for his simplicity but it's annoying when AidaIro keep trying to give him moving character arcs. What was the point of him meeting baby tsukasa if hes still going to make the most uncharitable readings of tsukasa and hanakos relationship!?!? Grrr!!! I get his animosity towards Tsukasa can't be wrapped up so quickly, but the lack of any feeling at all is so discouraging. So disrespectful! How is Amane not more mad? Get some self respect, man!!! Maybe set up 1 or 2 boundaries!!!
Kou’s processing of things is often for me a real ‘just show you where he’s at periodically’ thing, admittedly I’m always pretty confounded when we check-in on him. He goes from... completely and utterly doubling down on ‘you’re DEFINITELY fake and NOT real Mitsuba’ to Mitsuba’s face in PP (ouch!) [I mean.... he pads it with ‘but I do want to help you’ but, it’s still... brutal... and he lacks any authority to say that, but boy does he say it]
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 to... by the end of that arc, doing a ‘what’s real? idk’ (THEN WHY DID YOU DOUBLE DOWN SO HARD??? you really do just yell whatever comes to you before you critically examine it TT_TT) to Nene, 
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^^This scene^^ has my favorite Kou, he’s the most contemplative and ‘pausing for thought’ we’ve seen... if he were like this more often I would not dislike him! This is such a placid and grounding conversation, admitting to uncertainty, conferring with Nene how difficult this is to navigate. He actually knows he’s out of his depth here. FOR ONCE...!
idk how to say this, but I think it’s... cruel, he doesn’t externalize ANY of his confusion TO Mitsuba? Mitsuba only gets him screaming confidently, declaring things, Mitsuba doesn’t even.. know, that you lay awake struggling with this? Mitsuba actually doesn’t even presume Kou is thinking/worrying about him (why would he, he won’t even think to eat lunch with him daily)
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 ... he’s so humble!! It’s killing me, you’re supposed to be the good boy, but Mitsuba has made less progress peering into Kou’s psyche than freaking Nene has with goddamn HANAKO. WOOF! I mean, it’s both their fault, because   , they are both stupid,
...but still! 
Wouldn’t that be... helpful, for Mitsuba, who IS THE ONE STRUGGLING WITH HIS IDENTITY AND SELF, to know that even to an outsider, it isn’t so cut and dry, and it’s painful and intimidating to try to confront?
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... then  just before the Red House we get Kou interacting with Mitsuba’s mom, a dope scene wherein Kou censors himself while Nene doesn’t, but both get mommy’s approval..... Kou comes out of that mostly just wrestling with ‘death’, and cryptically, despite us (the audience) seeing the contrary (nene and mommy chatting about the ghost Mitsuba as if he was living Mitsuba), Kou ends this all with “ah... he’s really gone” (????????????????????? did you really go this whole time not even processing his death as a point of fact? You’re making Nene’s processing of Hanako being a ghost multiple volumes in look like she was a rocket scientist .......  ig Teru has done a great job keeping him ignorant and unthinking about all these things?)
....... its like every time we check-in with Kou, he’s definitely thought harder to himself and gotten himself in a tizzy and all.... he’ll be at different stages of struggling....... but like. For me, seeing him get ‘this far’ with Mitsuba was like “nice nice ... ok ... come on Kou ....” and then him leaping to ‘this is a fake Tsukasa’ was like,
WHY ARE YOU STARTING AT 0?????????????????? OMG please apply your experiences with Mitsuba, TO Tsukasa.... PLEASE RELATE TO HANAKO’S LOSS NOW THAT YOU UNDERSTAND LOSS?????? You-- JUST AREN’T??? OMG Kou what is the POINT then of you processing Loss and Identity,,, if you’ll use none of that to analyze the Yugi before you. IMAGINE if Hanako was like “lol you don’t interact with Mitsuba because you are afraid of him” it would be like ................................................ SORTOF????? it’s intimidating to interact with confusing things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s also sad!! It’s HARDDDD!!!! KOU!!!! What IS your relationship with ‘new Mitsuba’? How do you decontextualize your modern relationship from the legacy of your past?  Is it right to, is it wrong to? How do you act different, how do you act the same? What ‘future’ do you have with this person? YOU ALREADY KNOW HOW PAINFUL THIS IS, KOU. 
the authenticity removal due to alteration does not GET to apply to ONLY Tsukasa and be more vague for Mitsuba, for Kou’s convenience!! Questions of Kaii legitimacy and the source of identity are, going to be universal, you can’t pick and choose when to authenticate someone as ‘real’ and when to not based on IF YOU PERSONALLY LIKE THEM OR NOT. *hits him with a rake*
...anyway yeah, like ... seeing Red House not change his disrespectful tone about Tsukasa, is par the course for like.... omg.... you don’t seem to retain much information or apply it to Tsukasa.... I’m excited anyway bc I feel Kou has such a big storm coming when ultimately the narratives of Mitsuba and Tsukasa have overlap (where he can’t reject one and accept the other without collateral).... I feel like his purpose right now is to ... be the guy who needs to learn something .... 
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thewolfisawake · 11 months
Evil Verse Muse Ideas
Kesil: He lost Artemis in a traumatic way (either from one their earlier near escapes or he 'eats' him) and basically became like Vasily, known exterminator of anything with fangs and blood diet. His weird humor gets dialed up to sadistic and cruel and he just has pleasure in harm. Like he maintains his charisma but his aura is like death. Oh and one of those verses he masters his personal power, so untouchable by death and able to bring the curtain down on anyone he wants.
Eriskyne: Basically went full on machiavellian schemer and for some reason views the entirety of the Seelie as their target. And all of it needs to be in shambles. And they want to do it in some method that twists the pride or goal of his targets. From turning the king's paranoia to 100 to causing whispers amongst the gentry of possible (but in reality completely false) method to gain control of the Seelie to starting a rebellion of the humans and other beings that have been taken by the fae. They want bloodshed and torment with as little physical doing on their own part (not that they won't abscond from it).
Artemis: idk the catalyst but he becomes real debonair but he uses it for cold and calculated moves. He is like a perfect gentleman but has so many tools at his disposal because he just drained people for their ability and got really good at them. Dispassionate but so eerily patient in his endeavors. Honestly? Not the worst outcome to me. Basically the definition of 'god had to give me self-esteem issues or I would have bested him in combat years ago.'
Eiji: Aha, there is a possibility within his future where he discovered who cursed him. And there is this and basically his last chance to regain his former life is dashed. The hatred and doubt and fear in his heart manifests scarily fast as a grudge. That grudge consumes him before it consumes the tatarigami that ruined him. So he becomes like a newborn evil curse with the powers at a calamity level. And with the pain and hate, Eiji just wants all to suffer because if his good end has been robbed from him, he will rob the masses of everything.
Aspis: I actually have two versions. One is if he either returned or had from the start dealt with the infernal and like the environment or the time with them changed him. Kinda Y.iling P.atriarch vibes but more just destruction for destruction's sake. And in a way, he uses that kind charm of his to its worst potential to bewitch others do for him and do it willfully. The other is if he failed to have a support system and basically lost all the passion and love that made Aspis...well, Aspis. He became a 'hunter of hunters,' that is a little too into his work and has minions not friends. As in he has beaten a lot of beings and forced them into subservience. That version of him kinda reminds me of Greed from F.MA that he's like 'you are mine so I will care for you because you're mine.'
Altyn: Apparently just Altyn, fewer morals. The ramifications of that terrify me. She is already the lower moral haver between herself and Zhifeng. You add that she is willing to do anything for her pay? Oh man. She is the one that supplied much of the people that are trapped by the village. She seduced them with their greatest wants to enslave them. She bullies investors and even seedy organization heads to take on her business endeavors which range from the selling of the village resources to full on making people disappear. Also she's quite the bastard towards nonhumans because there's 'just a river of gold flowing through them.' And she's capricious as hell, making others afraid because she might just strike you down because she needed some relief.
Crowe: Boy, it sure would be a bad time if he lost his friendship. It's where Crowe's overwhelming fear and paranoia of not being trusted or loved breaks him. He's been hurt for the last time (Queen of Mean intensifies in background). If he's the bad guy then fine, he'll be the goddamn devastation you all will quiver to. Storm summoner, mass hysteria inducer and part time god devourer to take their essence and traits to make him an even better god. Because yeah, he literally cast his humanity aside. While his grandmother likely took advantage of him at his lowest, she underestimated that Crowe is a 'by any means' man and a man with nothing left to lose.
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opulvnts · 11 months
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   •  •  •    brand  new  city  by  mitski :    spotted !    if  it  isn’t  talia  yilmaz  walking  through  the  streets  of  nyc .    people  say  she  looks  like  özge  yağiz ,    but  i  really  don’t  see  it .    the  twenty-four  year  old  youtuber  &  artist  is  out  here  making  mommy  and  daddy  proud .    while  they  have  been  known  to  be  exuberant ,    we’ve  all  seen  their  capricious  nature  come  to  light .    sources  tell  me  they  remind  people  of  feminine  prowess  contorted  into  a  performance  ,   spoon  fed  poison ;   never  quite  knowing  why  insides  ached  ,   the  perfect  sacrificial  lamb  .   /  ciswoman  /  she  &  her .
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♡     ◞        𝐷𝑂𝑆𝑆𝐼𝐸𝑅  ,   𝗍𝗁𝖾   𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗌𝗍𝗂𝖼𝗌 .
official   name  :  talia   leyla   yilmaz  .   nickname  :  tals  .   birthdate  :  september   25th  ,   1998  .   birthplace  :  upstate   new   york  .   citizenship  :  american  .   current   residence  :  outpost   estates  ,   los  angeles  .   gender  :  cis   female  ,   she / her   pronouns  .  orientation  :   pansexual  ,   panromantic  .   languages  :  english  ,   turkish   &   some   high   school   spanish  .   occupation  :   former   reality   tv   star ,    youtuber   &   artist  .
♡     ◞        𝐷𝑂𝑆𝑆𝐼𝐸𝑅  ,   𝘱𝘩𝘺𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 .
faceclaim  :  özge   yağiz  .   height  :   four   foot  nine  .   build  :  slim  ,   slightly   underweight .   eye   color  :  brown  .   hair   color  :  brown  .   hair   style  :  half  up  /  half  down  ,    accented  with  a  velvet  bow .   signature   scent  :  mon   pairs   eau   de   parfum   by   ysl  .   style  :  inspired   by   y2k   grunge  ,   coquette  /  nymphette  .   piercings  :  two  on  each  lobe  .   tattoos  :  none  .   scars  :  none  .
♡     ◞        𝐷𝑂𝑆𝑆𝐼𝐸𝑅  , 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 .  
big   three  :  libra   sun  ,   scorpio   moon  ,   virgo   rising  .   mbti  :   infp  .   label  :  the   esoteric  .   traits  :  exuberant  ,   capricious  ,   coquettish  ,   mercurial  .   character   inspo  :  will   byers   (  stranger   things  )  ,   anastasia   steele   (  fifty   shades   of   grey  )  ,   andrea   sachs   (  the   devil   wears   prada  )  ,   charlie   kelmeckis   (  the   perks  of  being  a  wallflower  )  .
♡     ◞        𝐷𝑂𝑆𝑆𝐼𝐸𝑅  ,    𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘭 .  
biological   father  :  adem   yilmaz  .   occupation  :  nfl   all   star  .   biological   mother  :  fahriye   yilmaz  .   occupation  :   momager  .    siblings  :  too  many  .
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♡     ◞        𝑩𝑰𝑶𝑮𝑹𝑨𝑷𝑯𝒀  ,   𝘵𝘩𝘦   𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 .
upstate  new  york  was  where  the  dissection  of  talia  yilmaz  began .    a  birth  that  reeled  in  the  masses ,    media  attention  looming  over  the  small  town  family  .    the  mother ,    fahriye ,    had  dreams  of  chasing  the  spotlight  which  came  to  fruition  the  moment  camera  crews  rallied  at  her  door .
every  milestone  recorded  from  age  6  to  17 ,    talia  never  knew  how  to  act  when  she  was  old  enough  to  understand  how  strange  the  entire  thing  was .    nor  did  she  know  what  to  do  with  the  influx  of  opportunities  falling  into  their  laps .
what  cameras  didn’t  see  was  a  condition  slowly  eating  away  at  fahriye ,    munchausen’s  by  proxy .    this  psychological  and  behavioural  disorder  caused  fahriye  to  make  her  children  sick ,    most  notably  talia  as  she  suffered  with  depression  and  didn’t  have  the  energy  to  protest  her  mother’s  doting .    talia  never  knew ,    nor  does  she  still ,    that  all  the  medicines  and  pills  her  mom  would  feed  her  were  in  fact  making  her  worse .    an  attempt  to  keep  her  babies  close ,    to  nurture  them  and  of  course  to  garner  sympathy  from  others .
cheating  rumours  had  swirled  and  threatened  to  taint  what  little  remained  of  family ,    talia  couldn’t  even  look  at  either  of  her  parents  for  a  long  time  after  that ,    sure  their  family  was  far  from  perfect  but  she  never  thought  infidelity  would  slink  into  their  lives .
after  the  shows  end  talia  had  no  direction ,    surface  level  interests  and  worsening  mental  health .
after  being  put  on  display  for  so  long  all  talia  wanted  to  do  is  withdraw  from  society  more .    the  seventeen  year  old  practically  fell  off  the  face  of  the  earth  and  hid  in  her  room  24/7 ,    one  of  her  comforts  was  in  creativity  such  as  painting ,    playing  instruments  or  singing .    the  other  was  youtube ,    the  videos  posted  online  offering  her  an  escape .
eventually  talia  began  to  return  to  reality ,    deciding  she  wanted  to  put  herself  out  there  on  her  own  terms .    she  started  a  youtube  channel  which  consists  of  videos  like  daily  vlogs ,    challenges ,    travel ,    pranks ,    exploring  abandoned  places  and  her  favorite ,    ghost  hunting .
she  rose  steadily  to  internet  stardom ,    talia  was  much  more  content  on  doing  things  her  own  way  rather  than  letting  their  mom  dictate  everything .
recently  her  worsening  mental  health  has  caused  her  to  stay  with  her  parents  for  a  few  weeks ,    having  no  idea  that  the  stay  may  extend  if  fahriye  can’t  restrain  her  mbp  tendencies .
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♡     ◞        𝑴𝑶𝑹𝑬  ,   𝘵𝘩𝘦   𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴 .
she  is  still  very  much  a  hermit ,    preferring  her  own  company .
her  youtube  channel  consistently  sits  within  the  top  ten  channels  on  the  site .
tries  to  use  her  creative  outlets  to  take  her  mind  off  of  the  darker  thoughts .
stopped  taking  her  medication  again  and  has  fallen  into  the  habit  of  not  sleeping ,    withdrawing ,    drinking  etc .
with  being  put  on  display  for  the  entirety  of  the  years  she  was  growing  up  it’s  left  talia  with  a  twisted  sense  of  self  worth ,    she  tends  to  over-sexualize  herself  and  act  in  ways  people  want  from  her  when  she’s  in  one  of  her  rough  patches .
has  a  weird  relationship  with  her  mother ,    feels  cheated  out  of  a  normal  childhood  but  never  voices  it .    think  along  the  lines  of  amma  crellin  and  adora  crellin  in  sharp  objects .
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elonasblog · 2 years
Cancer woman virgo man
The Virgo man and Malignant growth lady similarity is surprising as there are situations where they are so connected in one manner thus disengaged in the other, which makes it somewhat of a mind boggling circumstance for the two of them.
Cancer woman virgo man The Virgo man is controlled by the planet Mercury, otherwise called the Courier of the Divine beings and addresses correspondence in day to day existence, which includes the outflow of one's thoughts, considerations and sentiments, this frequently makes them a smidgen more expressive. .
The Malignant growth lady is administered by the actual Moon, which means the genuine self, her feelings, and perspectives connected with her oblivious brain.
The idea of the Virgo man is delicate and functional, not looking for consideration and normally prefers to invest energy alone, they are delicate and furthermore warm on a basic level.
The Malignant growth lady is somebody who is merciful, mindful and empathic ordinarily, they are serious areas of strength for sincerely faithful to their accomplices.
Disease Lady AND VIRGO MAN IN Affection There is a novel and lovely association between this organization of the Virgo man and the Malignant growth lady, there are numerous feelings engaged with the connection among them and frequently blended.
The Virgo man is captivated by the magnificence and fondness of the Disease lady, at first he experiences passionate feelings for her and falls head over heels for her presence.
The Disease lady additionally thinks that he is appealling, alluring and attempts to comprehend his mentality as she delicately strolls close by and gives her all to assist him with satisfying his fantasies and wants.
The similarity of the Virgo man with the Malignant growth lady is to such an extent that they can cherish one another and be profoundly associated with the morning and can have a battle about negligible issues at night, such is the intricacy.
The Virgo man finds it extremely quiet and unwinding when he is with her, which frequently communicates his affection through her twilight eyes, permits him to feel the adoration between them, causing him to understand every one of the shameful things that have occurred between them. what's more, positioning him to encounter another rush of warmth.
They likewise prefer to hang out whether it is at any celebration or in a decent climate where they need to take a walk together.
LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN A Disease Lady AND A VIRGO MAN Both the Virgo man and the Malignant growth lady give their all to see one another, yet because of their specific qualities in them, a hole is made in their relationship.
Once in a while when he isn't feeling great or becomes capricious in his way of behaving, the Virgo man turns out to be more critical, this can be fixed on the off chance that they invest a few energy alone in the forest and experience serenity.
His successive emotional episodes likewise influence the Virgo man, who thinks a great deal.
The Virgo man likewise attempts to help her, being with her when she wants him most, in the most troublesome minutes and holding her firmly.
They likewise share an extraordinary actual relationship, where the two of them get energetically engaged with the demonstration of having intercourse when neither of them have issues inside and they lose one another.
This will make the Virgo man and Disease lady similarity arrive at their assumptions.
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tenebriiis-archived · 3 years
He enters with an audacious chuckle; brashness echoing in the room alongside each pompous footfall. Cane in hand, a dark brow quirks within his bold smirk. He would shake his head then, with sarcastic disappointment; before chancing a languid approach, but confident nonetheless.
" Ah, Miss Emilia; a liar down to your core. " The tap of his cane orchestrates each daring step closer, until they stand close enough to where a waft of her perfume can crease his nostril. " Dear, surely a woman of your stature would have... high demands when it comes to intimacy, but— " He halts, and long nails rest under her chin as he aims to tilt her - so she could look up, into his eyes. " Tell me that, after a thousand years of sleeping beside mortals, you would not like to add some taste ~ " Almost as if on instinct, their faces gravitate closer; and his eyes fall on her painted lips - eyelids heavy with desire.
" Especially when you own the keys to so many... secret passages. " Tongue quickly runs over his own bottom lip, before the very edge of pearly teeth would grip it. Standing this close, it would be easy for Emilia to perceive the way Jericho's breath hitched with excitement. His hand slowly caressed its way down the curve of her slender neck, and rested over her collarbone; pressed firmly, as if teasing a choke. After pausing to breathe in her perfume ( an unwise choice, as it was so intoxicating ) his palm would fall to her waist, and thereupon abruptly seize her wrist to spin her around - back meeting his chest.
" Would it not excite you, love? If you were pressed between me and the wall; buried in my arms all while the guards are patrolling outside? We would... " After a firm squeeze around her waist, to press them close, he aimed to gently cup her mouth - in a shameless display of what would transpire. " Have to be quiet, of course. " Should she offer him purchase, he would nuzzle into the crook of her neck, and bestow a few kisses around her jaw. " And quick too... Lest we get caught~ " A teasing giggle spilled between his teeth as he nipped her cheek, hand playfully groping at her hips. It was, of course, a jest between the two of them; seeing as the last thing they ought to fear were repercussions.
{ ⟡ } — The sound of his laugh, among the fearless confidence, silences her before any statement would fall upon her ears.
It’s the whole act that feels both equally natural, artful & pleasing as if fascinating herself in the iridescence of a raven’s plumage. On another time & in any other man; the whole show would have felt cheap, to not say even annoying & disrespectful, but not on him. When it’s about him, the details provoke an unavoidable shiver to escalate her spine & raise goosebumps among the porcelain of her skin. It permits her to grow silent to the world, & simply listen & witness how he is a whole melody on its very own.
It beacons –demands–her full attention, taking her away from the small spell-book she had been checking for a couple of hours by now. Emilia just can’t ignore his demeanor, as if a charm would be summoned, no matter the Enchantress’s gaze would make it seem as if it was by choice. But her heart, –oh her heart certainly skipped a beat the instant he halted in front of her. A predator & a guide; provoking a feline & prideful smirk to decorate her features, especially with the trepidation & light pressure of his hand on her throat -taking all in her not to invite him more of what her eyes may express on anticipation.
His gaze is flatter on its own, how not to when she’s the object of desires placing a flame on such collected & frivolous man? How not to when he makes her feel genuinely wanted? – & so a velvety laugh escapes her lips, which would turn into a brief & sudden gasp of surprise when spun & brought to his chest.
She trembles in his grasps, even if for merely a second, it’s a sincere reaction she doesn’t take the time to cover up for.
Closer; venomously & lusciously closer, there was a hazardous pleasure beyond the prospective of his plan: as she relished in the sensation of feeling so frail & malleable in his embrace. Her beauteous & petite silhouette being towered by him was an effervescent potion to her senses, & every single word falling upon her ears was entangling her in the promise of passionate possibilities as if they were merely secret & youthful lovebirds. Perhaps it was what inspired a soft little whine to playfully drown against the hand suggesting to steal her voice.
A saccharine & sultry chuckle would drown on her throat, closing her eyes in a seemly act of trust as tilting her head ever-so-slightly with a hum of blissful satisfaction & yearning at the little kisses. As if asking for more while one of her hands raised & nestled among the silver cascade of his hair, caressing the locks.
“Oh would I ever lie to you~?... Tell me so; would it not be for you, Mon Douce Souffrance? Exciting & intense to maybe call for attention, being found with 'such a mere' Lady as me where anybody could walk by, what would all say & whisper as we give them a show~?” Her voice teases, carrying adoration & need she doesn't bother in hiding in her own playfulness. Leaning slightly a little bit more into him on an invitation of sorts, her own chest raises & falls in a deep breath, yet assuring to be parsimonious as if to make even the minor detail into part of a temptation act.
“It would be a night to remember~”
Following him into the game; for all those evenings she sometimes may wonder if their lives would have been filled with all those endeavors had she ever stopped her pace sooner. A Romantic piece of her heart -even when her mind was corded & bait into sensual ideas now-, sometimes would wander more than necessary & make up for all those taken dreams, but she would never dare to ask nor let herself be fully engulfed by the past – not admits his warmth breathing, so close it could melt the coldness of her skin & eventually make her bit into her lower lip. Her features acquiring an unmistakable hint of crimson as her free digits would trace over the hand on her hip
“Careful, my General” Her voice purred, entwining their fingers, guiding them if he may along with the skirt of her flowing & vaporous gown, “Silks & organdie are very fragile & fluent, they could be tricky if not–…” Slowly, leaving his hand over the cut hidden among the many layers of sheer fabric with a low voice, full of bold daring.
“… –handled properly~”
@vixtionary ♡
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