bioniclechicken · 3 months
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The girlfriend ships our self-mocs and this is a scenario she thinks of regularly and it's admittedly accurate to our irl dynamic Anyways happy valentines
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nopeleavemealoone · 4 months
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The bee and the… puzzle… guy
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Nice Curves. Great blog! Excellent posts & reblogs! Thank you!
Tintern Avenue -- Top Treasures -- Tintern Alley
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nicecurves · 22 days
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singto-prachaya · 12 days
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So 4 new guys joined DMD! I already knew about Kim (he's 28). He's the one holding the purple figure. This pic also doesn't really do him justice.
But what was not on my bingo card was Ohm Krit joining. I thought him being in The Last Prince was just going to be a 1 time thing.
And also not on my bingo card was Por Suppakarn (ex DVI) joining! When I saw the full pic I was like "Wait do I see Por? No it's not Por right? But it totally looks like him!".
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kharia-adarkim · 27 days
decided to write some brief graha/venka fluff
The viera woman sighed, crumpling up another sheet of paper and tossing it at an overfull wastebin. The Alliance's soldiers needed a rousing speech to bolster morale, and the Elder Seedseer herself had vouched for Venka's speechcraft and motivational capabilities, but despite her efforts, the words wouldn't come to her. Her thoughts kept drifting to her fellow scions trapped in their unnatural slumber in the Rising Stones. Thancred's collapse had already sent ripples of unease through the troops, and while Y'shtola and Urianger's condition was still known only to a privileged few, it would only be a matter of time before the truth got out.
"A walk," Venka murmured, "to clear my head." She set her quill back in its inkpot and donned a comfortable jacket. For all it's blazing daytime heat, Ala Migho's frigid nights made her miss her mothers' cozy cabin in the Twelveswood. She'd scarcely walked a block before a faint whisper caught her attention. "Who goes there?" she called out, silently cursing at herself for leaving her bow at the inn. The whispering grew louder, and horror dawned upon Venka.
"Let expanse contract, eon become instant..."
"No, no..." Venka muttered. Who would be next? One of the twins? Tataru? Krile? Suddenly, her knees became week, and Venka's vision began to blur.
"Throw wide the gates..." the voice called out, and Venka's vision went black as she collapsed onto the cobblestones.
The smell of brewing tea roused Venka from her slumber, and she quickly jolted awake. She was shocked, however, to find whe was not in Ala Migho, nor the Rising Stones, but a wholly unfamiliar room. Furthermore, she was clothed not in her pajamas and jacket, but a simple linen smock. On the other side of the room, an elezen man stood over a set of teacups. When he noticed Venka was awale, he smiled warmly.
"It seems the Exarch was right after all," he said as he brought a cup over to the confused viera. "'Brew some bergamot tea, the smell will surely wake her up' he told me. How are you feeling?" Venka glanced between the man and the teacup before cautiously accepting it and taking a sip.
"Where are we?" she asked at last, "And who are you?"
"Name's Seigmar, miss," the man replied, "and you're in the Crystarium." Venka nodded politely, taking another sip of tea to hide her confusion. She'd never heard of a Crystarium, and Siegmar didn't resemble any elezen name she'd ever heard.
"And this Exarch," she continued, "who is that?"
"Why, he's our leader, and the founder of our fair city. I'll have Captain Lyna introduce you to him once you've got a clean bill of health. Let me get you some bread." Venka continued to sip her tea as she tried to make sense of the information. It had to have been several hours at the least, owing to the bright light that filtered through the window. But where was this Crystarium located? The air wasn't half dry enough to be Ala Mhigo, nor cold enough for Coerthas, and the architecture was unlike any she'd seen before.
A few hours and a short medical examination later, a knock on the door drew Venka's attention. "This is Captain Lyna," a voice from the other side announced, "are you ready to see the Exarch?" Venka opened the door and was shocked to see another viera standing before her, donned in polished plate. "What's the matter? Still not feeling well?"
"No. I mean, yes, er-" Venka stammered, "It's just, you're..."
"Oh come on, surely you didn't think you were the only viis to have left the greatwood?" the woman answered. "Come, the Exarch wants to see you. And when you're done, I can give you a tour." She turned and began to walk down the hall, and Venka followed the viera - viis? - out of the building. They'd taken but a few steps out the front door before Venka stopped in stunned silence as the Crystal Tower loomed high in front of her. "Impressive, isn't it?" Lyna called back. "Now come on! The Exarch might be too patient for his own good, but you still shouldn't keep him waiting." Venka shook out her confusion and followed her guide up the grandiose steps, into the tower itself. After strolling down a few unsettlingly familiar corridors, they arrived at a sturdy oak door. Lyna banged on it a few times with her fist and call out, "Exarch! Your guest has arrived!"
"She may enter," a voice replied from within, "Thank you Captain." Venka's brow furrowed. Though muffled, the voice, too, was familiar to her. Her musing was interrupted by the loud clunk and creak of the door opening. Lyna gestured for her to enter, and as she did, closed the door behind her. Venka looked around at the myriad of books and strange arcane devices literring the room, until her gaze came to rest on a robed figure with a crystalline hand gripping a staff. "Though I am likely not the first to say it, let me bid you welcome to the Crystarium. I am-"
"G'raha?" Venka whispered. Were her ears decieving her? He sounded more tired than when they'd last spoken, but his voice was unmistakable even after all this time. The Exarch coughed and cleared his throat.
"I- no, no, I- I am the Crystal Exarch," he stuttered, "I'm not sure who-" he began, and was again interrupted as Venka lept across the room, tackling him to the ground in an embrace. The Exarch tried to regain his composure, then noticed the tears rolling down Venka's cheek, and her small, stifled sniffles. After a moment's hesistation, he sighed, and laid a gentle hand upon her back. "Yes," he said softly, "it's me."
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peter831 · 24 days
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kradeelav · 15 days
speaking of brushes:
one of the reasons why i think i janked my wrist so badly back in february is because i was trying out some new brushes at the same time i was inadvertently stressing it out with a few other factors (cold weather, not knowing the warning signs etc), and also wasn’t cognizant that the new flick-wrist gestures were putting an additional amount of stress on the tendons.
it’s why i talk a lot about the “thin line animator’s style” which is best exemplified with the “standard inker (91px)” below which has been my go to for the last few months. can easily draw 2x if not 3x as long with it right now because when i hold the pen i “barely” put any pressure down on the tablet; it's just coasting the whole arm. (compared to "inking" which does require pushing down.)
i kind of want my lines a little thicker naturally (studying ryo-sumiyosho’s line quality lately), but also have that advantage of not pushing down on the pen. did a few tests today to see how close i can get with the other new brushes. same pressure, different sizes. 100% zoom.
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micro and the dip pen have the best quality / don’t pixelate as much… i do also like how micro's width is shockingly consistent/controllable, could honest to god do lettering with it.
need to do more studies with those specifically. here’s to tests!
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ridaine · 1 year
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I love my little elf daughter.... Finally finished her design!
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wowwiewoops7898 · 11 months
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Forgot to post this here-💦
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jatcv · 4 months
Hi! I was wondering how you get ideas for your OC's? They're pretty cool!
It started with my old ocs to them as the next generations! ^^
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bioniclechicken · 11 months
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Today marks the first year anniversary of dating my girlfriend, so I drew our self Mocs as a gift
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hyperbali · 1 year
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More BOTW goodness 🍃
Ilya is Rin's younger brother; he was about 4 or 5 when the Calamity hit, and became a mercenary traveler in his own right. He was content with wandering until he eventually met the woman he would marry, Yuzu - who he's been with for about five years when his sister wakes up.
Chira is Purah's granddaughter (and belongs to @thatferrybroad!), well-trained in Sheikah arts and sort of bemused by her grandmother's situation. She starts out in Kakariko Village, but eventually joins Rin on her quest.
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buxomverse · 7 months
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knario47 · 2 years
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El periódico digital español www.publico.es se hace con la publicación de la manifestación convocada en Santa Cruz de Tenerife y en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria contra la super urbanización turística Cuna del Alma en Tenerife y el macro proyecto de Red Eléctrica Chira-Soria del barranco de Arguineguin en Gran Canaria, muy pocos medios de comunicación publicaron estás masivas manifestaciones en defensa de las zonas arqueológicas Canarias que van a ser destruidas por los colonizadores españoles, la publicación es en sí, un enredo leerla porque se hace eco de las dos manifestaciones y quien no tenga conocimientos del tema se puede confundir fácilmente, vamos a leerla.
Preservación de la naturaleza: "Canarias no se vende, se ama y se defiende"
Protestas en Gran Canaria y Tenerife contra el proyecto de Chira Soria y la destrucción del medioambiente.
Manifestación celebrada este sábado en Tenerife para 'Salvar Canarias'.
Santa Cruz de Tenerife 22/10/2022 17:48
Andrea Domínguez Torres
"Canarias no se vende, se ama y se defiende" es una de las consignas más repetidas en las movilizaciones ecologistas que se han sucedido estos meses en el archipiélago. El lema tampoco faltó este sábado en las manifestaciones que se convocaron de manera paralela en Gran Canaria y Tenerife para Salvar Canarias. Los macroproyectos urbanísticos, la sobreconstrucción de los espacios naturales y la dependencia de Canarias del sector turístico fueron las críticas principales, pero no las únicas.
Dos mil personas, según los datos de la Delegación del Gobierno en las islas, han protestado este 22 de octubre en Tenerife contra la destrucción de la naturaleza. Esta manifestación surgió como apoyo a la convocada en Gran Canaria por más de un centenar de asociaciones y que reunió a 12.000 personas, según los convocantes. El punto en común de estas concentraciones ha sido la protesta contra el proyecto de Chira-Soria.
La multinacional Red Eléctrica Española S.A. planea construir una central eléctrica de bombeo con agua desalada "en el corazón de Gran Canaria". El proyecto se localiza en el barranco de Arguineguín, el de mayor envergadura de la isla y ha enfrentado a colectivos ecologistas con dirigentes políticos de la isla.
El modelo piloto del proyecto turístico de Cuna del Alma
Asociaciones ecologistas envían a la Fiscalía el proyecto turístico de Cuna del Alma en Tenerife
En ambas protestas se ha señalado el papel de las multinacionales en el archipiélago. "Los políticos no ofrecen un modelo alternativo. Estamos al servicio de multinacionales del turismo, de la alimentación y de la energía, así que hay muchas cosas que arreglar", gritaban en Tenerife. "Basta de políticos serviles a las multinacionales, basta de destruir esta tierra", añadió el arqueólogo Julio Cuenca desde la isla vecina.
A las críticas contra el proyecto de Chira-Soria se han sumado otras reivindicaciones centradas en la provincia de Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Entre ellas, los vertidos de aguas residuales al mar, la construcción de villas de lujo en el enclave del Puertito de Adeje o la postulación de La Gomera y El Hierro para convertirse en lanzaderas de naves espaciales. "No es solo el Puertito, es toda Canarias", alegaban los activistas durante el recorrido.
A diferencia de la movilización de Gran Canaria, en el anuncio de la movilización de Tenerife no aparecen asociaciones convocantes como suele ser habitual. Tampoco hay rastro de los colectivos que llamaron a la anterior, celebrada en junio y que reunió a 10.000 personas en las mismas calles. Durante la lectura del manifiesto, los convocantes resolvieron algunas de estas cuestiones: "Somos don y doña nadie, gente del pueblo, personas que hemos sentido la llamada de la responsabilidad y el compromiso".
Minutos antes, la cabecera de la manifestación estaba protagonizada por mujeres que portaban la frase: "¿Qué legado queremos dejar?". El mensaje estaba dirigido a la población canaria, pero también a las esferas políticas del archipiélago. "Nos vemos obligados a salir a la calle en reiteradas ocasiones porque el Gobierno de Canarias no quiere escuchar lo que queremos para los bienes que son de todos", insiste una de estas convocantes anónimas.
Esta protesta reunía tintes políticos que iban más allá de la reivindicación ecologista. Coincidiendo además con que este sábado 22 de octubre se celebra el 58 aniversario de la bandera nacional canaria, por lo que muchos manifestantes portaban la bandera tricolor de las islas, símbolo de los movimientos independentistas.
Las alusiones al independentismo no quedaron ahí, desde algunos gritos a la bandera española ("no nos representa") hasta pancartas en las que se denominaba a Canarias país o nación. Tampoco faltaron los símbolos aborígenes, como por ejemplo las referencias al abecedario guanche y los bucios, una caracola que se empleaba para comunicarse en largas distancias.
El acto concluyó con los manifestantes bailando batucadas y escuchando canciones protesta. Luego se leyó el breve manifiesto. "En apoyo a nuestros hermanos y hermanas de Gran Canaria. Para mostrar ese rechazo y pelear por ese barranco espectacular que es Chira-Soria. Estamos fortaleciendo la unión y el apoyo de nuestras islas. Canarias dice basta, ni un centímetro más de destrucción", concluyó.
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risingshards · 8 months
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