#chiron in the houses
astrosky33 · 7 months
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CHIRON IN THE 1ST HOUSE: Wounds involving your identity, outlook on life, appearance, physical fights, your confidence, your passions, your individuality, and/or your beauty
(Example) struggles with being your own person
CHIRON IN THE 2ND HOUSE: Wounds involving emotional security/stability, receiving, self worth, work ethic, and/or finances
(Example) struggles with self worth
CHIRON IN THE 3RD HOUSE: Wounds involving communication/speaking, your mind/thinking skills, opinions, your conscious mind, and/or siblings
(Example) speech impediment or mentally challenged in some way
CHIRON IN THE 4TH HOUSE: Wounds involving family, your mother, emotions/emotional instincts, femininity, your inner child, self-care, your roots, and/or home
(Example) family issues or mommy issues
CHIRON IN THE 5TH HOUSE: Wounds involving your childlike spirit, joy/letting yourself enjoy life, romance, fertility, children, pleasures, and/or talents
(Example) struggling to let yourself ever relax and enjoy things in life
CHIRON IN THE 6TH HOUSE: Wounds involving routines, health, fitness, animals, consistency, self improvement, hygiene, innocence, analytical nature, step siblings, service to others, and/or anxiety
(Example) lots of struggles with anxiety/panic attacks
CHIRON IN THE 7TH HOUSE: Wounds involving commitment, partnerships, relationships/marriage, concern for others, attraction, enemies, conflicts, negotiations, contracts, equality, harmony, and/or sharing
(Example) lots of wounds caused by relationships
CHIRON IN THE 8TH HOUSE: Wounds involving intimacy, sex, death, major transformations/changes, longevity, shared resources, secrets/mystery, the occult, and/or trauma in general
(Example) this is a big indication of just having a lot of trauma in general
CHIRON IN THE 9TH HOUSE: Wounds involving your grandparents, your in-laws - relatives through marriage, wisdom, law/laws, beliefs, religion, viewpoints, languages, foreign environments, travel, courts, media/television, interviews, and/or learning
(Example) religious trauma
CHIRON IN THE 10TH HOUSE: Wounds involving your father/father figure, reputation/public image, status, career, bosses, fame, goals, responsibility, sense of mission, achievements, and/or authority
(Example) daddy issues
CHIRON IN THE 11TH HOUSE: Wounds involving friends/friend groups, socialization, technology, money made from your career/material gains, gains in general, uniqueness, film, desires, manifestations, influence, social awareness, partying, step/half parents, step/half children, humanitarianism, and/or politics
(Example) struggles with social anxiety
CHIRON IN THE 12TH HOUSE: Wounds involving healing, the hidden, sleeping, dreams - the ones you have when you sleep, intuition, isolation, hidden enemies, illusions, secret bed pleasures, closure, impersonations, fears, spirituality, escapism, privacy, hypnotism, the past, restrictions, and/or lots of karma in general
(Example) lots of people out to get you for no reason
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crystalsenergy · 2 years
recurring themes in our lives - Pluto and Chiron placements
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Persephone and Hades
when I think of recurring issues in our lives, I think of placements of Chiron and Pluto by the very nature and effects they both have on us.
Chiron is the wound that takes time to heal and which, more than that, is the wound that hurts but that the native can't even understand and be aware of. Chiron relates to feelings that bad cycles will repeat.
Pluto represents our greatest fears, where we may want to control things (exactly because of the fears) and also where we project ourselves. Pluto hints at the area in which we need to undergo a profound transformation in order to be more evolved and even to stop certain suffering in our lives.
therefore, I decided to bring a post about the recurring themes that Chiron and Pluto touch for those who want to go through this process of consciousness.
Chiron in the 1st house: wound related to own identity, not being able to perceive who you are. feeling incapable of initiating things and being the protagonist of the search for their identity.
Pluto in the 1st house: fear of imposing yourself or fear of being dominated, which can manifest in a few different ways, but the center of it is the intensity and at the same time the lack of control involving your self-image.
Chiron in the 2nd house: wound related to the feeling of comfort, security, the right to relax, to enjoy the pleasures of life. not feel stable and able to acquire security in life situations. living with the feeling of inner insecurity.
Pluto in 2nd house: fear of existing without your material possessions, fear of not having security, interruptions in life regarding comfort and stability, fear of things involving the 2nd house, which can lead to destructive behavior.
Chiron in the 3rd house: wound in relation to communication, free expression, the mind can be quite guided by the idea of ​​incapacity, the feeling that others don't really listen to you, not feel ready for socializations.
Pluto in the 3rd house: fear of everything that involves expressions of what is on your mind. need to guard your thoughts because deep down you may feel that you are not so capable of expressing yourself, that you are not so intelligent.
Chiron in the 4th house: wound about family, feeling that the world or the place you are currently in is not a home for you. the lack of an emotional home, which hurts inside.
Pluto in the 4th house: fear of having your weaknesses and emotional issues exposed, fear of not having a comfortable family and home, which can lead to controlling behaviors.
Chiron in the 5th house: wound related to self-expression and ego. feeling that you are not good, you are not capable and that you will not be seen by others. wound related to the value that people (don't) give you.
Pluto in the 5th house: fear of not being appreciated; fear of no one knowing you. fear of not being loved, not receiving doses of love here and there. fear about the value of the things you do. fear of not being accepted by people.
Chiron in the 6th house: wound in regards to your sense of usefulness to others. wound that can even manifest on physical levels. feeling that you are here to give too much but receive too little. mental time and routine are problems that bring you soul-related wounds.
Pluto in the 6th house: fear of not being useful. fear of not having control of things on earthly levels, feeling that when one thing is out of your control, everything is out of your control. fear of being criticized.
Chiron in the 7th house: wounded with love and the idea of ​​love, either by concrete experiences or by things that the native thinks. that is, there are ideas and fears that were never confirmed - but that native fears that they will one day. wound related to partnerships in general, the idea that people aren't deep enough for a relationship, the "failures" in relationships that cut deep into that individual's soul. wounded in relation to what every individual wants most: to be loved.
Pluto in the 7th house: fear of being alone. fear of not being good enough for others. fear of betrayal. feeling that you are not a good boyfriend or a good girlfriend, a good husband or a good wife. feeling that there will always be someone better. fear of partnerships, but a deep desire to relate.
Chiron in the 8th house: wound in relation to trust. hurt related to manipulation. native sees someone being manipulated a lot. wounded in relation to opening up, the idea of ​​surrender on all levels haunts the individual, paralyzes him/her and makes him/her do several observations before allowing someone into his/her life. despite the difficulty in opening up - even on sexual levels, the apex of human intimacy -, the native can have difficulty discerning what is and what is not manipulation, and at the same time can not know how to close doors at the right times, closing him/herself wrong way.
Pluto in the 8th house: fear of being controlled. fear of being exposed to others. fear of having your privacy in front of others. feeling that all things are deeper than you see, fear of trusting others. fear of surrendering and opening the doors of your vulnerability.
Chiron in the 9th house: wounded about not being intelligent enough and capable of understanding profound things. feeling that things will never work out. a negative preconception of life. beliefs and philosophies of life can be seen in a fatalistic and/or pre-deterministic way. feeling of being lost and without a spiritual guide in this life.
Pluto in the 9th house: fear of not belonging to the world on spiritual levels. fear of expressing the deepest knowledge you have, whether for fear of criticism or exposure. fear of delving into dense knowledge all at once. denial of this, which can lead to the exact opposite of what the native wants to avoid, she/he can become obsessed with some point of a belief or the like because of his fear of not belonging spiritually.
Chiron in the 10th house: wound in relation to reputation, prestige and social recognition. the individual may feel that he/she was "born to be a failure" and that he/she can't get out of a situation to go to a better one. the negative view the natives hav of themselves may be intrinsically linked to how they think society views them or what they believe society expects of them. moreover, at the deepest level there may be a feeling that the goals pursued by people on a social level - career, material goods - are not capable of bringing satisfaction to the native. the native may also have difficulty finding him/herself on social levels - such as in the sense of career and vocation for life.
Pluto in the 10th house: fear of others seeing your inner weaknesses. fear of being publicly exposed. fear of not reaching your goals. fear of being a person out of control of things (or out of control of people). fear of not reaching a pleasant and stable social level. fear of lack of stability.
Chiron in the 11th house: wound in relation to social groups. not feel good enough to join groups. wounded in relation to groups that deny or do not perceive its presence. problems with friendships. feeling that you can't trust others. friendships that are important to you but that hurt too much.
Pluto in the 11th house: fear of not being in any group. problems involving identifications and ideologies. fear of getting involved in group activities. fear of being controlled by others. intense desire to do everything alone, denying their social needs, and at the same time fearing being alone. disharmony in relation to group integration.
Chiron in the 12th house: wound related to being quite deep but not being able to express it. wounded over deeper emotional and psychological issues that can't be expressed for some reason - fears, insecurities and desires are denied by you or by others around you. feeling that there is always something wrong around you, but not being able to deal with it. inner spirituality and life that bring some kind of discomfort to you.
Pluto in the 12th house: fear of knowing your depth. fear of your emotions and insecurities controlling you. fear of getting lost in the world and having nothing to lean on. feeling that your emotional life is so intense that few will understand, so you need to hide your inner life from everyone. fear of letting people get to know you for real. fear of what is deep and unconscious and at the same time a great attraction to it.
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saturnsbabyboii · 11 months
⚷ Chiron (The Wounded Healer) ⚷
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⚷ Brief Introduction ⚷
In Greek mythology, Chiron's mother was a water nymph who turned herself into a horse while trying to run from Zeus' amorous overtures. She was not able to escape. She later became pregnant with Zeus's offspring, and when she gave birth, she was shocked to see that her newborn was half horse, half boy. The mother was so terrified that she prayed to the gods to be changed into a tree. Her wish was granted. Thus, both of Chiron's parents abandoned him. Despite his pain and sorrow, he became a skilled teacher and healer. One day, while he was handing a poisoned arrow to a student, it dropped and pierced his leg. As the son of a god, he was immortal, yet he was still made of flesh and blood; The pains of the poison coursing through his body made him suffer greatly. In terrible pain, he prayed to the gods to let him die. In gratitude for his teachings, they granted his wish and placed him in the sky.
Chiron is the wounded healer. This planetoid is for everyone who, rather than giving into despair amid their suffering, reaches out so others will not have to experience the pain they've felt. This can especially be seen in people who have had a painful childhood and go on to be psychiatrists, therapists, or counselors. These people feel the influence of Chiron. It can be healing for a person to help others cope with a pain that they have lived through.
As such, the sign and house Chiron resides in and how well (or not so well) it is aspected will shed light on our wounds. It helps us identify them, what/where they are hurting the most, and conversely, how to heal, transform and move on.
⚷ Chiron through the Houses ⚷
Chiron in the 1st house:
Chiron indicates that the native's wounds are related to their appearance and self-expression. Your self-confidence may have taken a severe hit at a young age. People with this placement were, in many cases, shy children. They were afraid of putting themselves out there and going after their dreams. As a child, you see only the negative in yourself. Chiron in this house can feel like you were observing your reflection in a distorting mirror. Having a clear sense of self is hard. Often, the environment could be more supportive too, and you get little positive encouragement. Because of this, working on your self-esteem is a must as an adult. You may feel unwanted, unattractive, or unworthy of acknowledgment and love. This placement can also indicate that you think that you are not allowed to enjoy life. You have to have faith in yourself and find power in your life choices. Living passively and with regret would be a common mistake and habit you need to break. You feel pain in being you, and remaining authentic to yourself instead of embodying someone else's projection would be transformative. Taking action and being unapologetic is critical to breaking yourself out of the mold. You help others do transformative work by leading as an example. You can become the image of someone who triumphs in life despite all obstacles.
Chiron in the 2nd house:
Chiron in the 2nd house raises issues around self-worth and self-value. Those with this placement may have experienced some form of trauma or wound around their finances or possessions, leaving them feeling insecure about their worthiness. This can manifest in various ways, including overspending or undervaluing oneself in relationships or career choices. However, these individuals can learn to heal and cultivate healthy self-esteem and self-worth with awareness and introspection. Despite the challenges, it's worth noting that Chiron in the 2nd house can also bring a unique gift of healing regarding self-worth and value issues. This placement can inspire a deeper understanding of one's true worth and the importance of self-care. Additionally, it can lead to a career or calling in the healing arts or counseling, allowing individuals to help others heal their own self-worth and value struggles.
Chiron in the 3rd house:
Chiron in the 3rd house holds various implications. First, this placement suggests that the person may have experienced some injury or trauma concerning their communication, learning, or sibling relationship. Consequently, they may have difficulty expressing themselves effectively or understanding others' perspectives. However, this placement also offers an opportunity for deep healing and growth through developing better communication skills and learning to accept and love oneself despite past hurts. Individuals with Chiron in the 3rd house may find themselves drawn to healing professions or have a natural talent for teaching and mentoring others. Moreover, this placement can be challenging but ultimately transformative, providing the potential for profound personal growth and healing. By embracing their wounds and working towards healing, individuals with this placement can develop greater self-awareness, empathy, and compassion toward others. Ultimately, the journey toward healing and growth can be challenging, but it can also lead to significant personal transformation and a deeper understanding of oneself and others.
Chiron in the 4th house:
Chiron in the 4th house can be challenging. This is because it often brings past wounds and emotional trauma related to one's family and home environment. Those with this placement may need to work hard to heal and process these issues to find a sense of emotional security and stability. It's not uncommon for people with Chiron in the 4th house to have experienced a difficult childhood or family life. This can manifest in various ways, including issues with trust, boundaries, and intimacy in adult relationships. However, with awareness and effort, this placement can bring profound healing and a sense of inner strength and resilience. While the healing process may take time and patience, those with Chiron in the 4th house have the potential to transform their past pain into wisdom and compassion for themselves and others. In addition, by working through these challenging experiences, individuals can emerge stronger and more self-aware. Ultimately, this placement can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth and transformation.
Chiron in the 5th house:
The positioning of Chiron in the 5th house indicates a profoundly ingrained wound or trauma closely related to self-expression and creativity. Individuals with this particular placement may have undergone experiences of rejection or criticism in their artistic pursuits, which could have led to a persistent fear of expressing their creativity or putting themselves out there in a vulnerable manner. However, this placement can also signify a potential for healing through creative expression. By embracing their unique talents and gifts, individuals with Chiron in the 5th house can discover a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment in their creative pursuits. It is essential to acknowledge that it may take considerable time and effort to overcome the wounds and insecurities associated with this placement. Still, with patience and self-compassion, it is possible to transcend the challenges and tap into the transformative power of the 5th house. The journey toward healing and self-discovery may not be easy, but it is undoubtedly worth it.
Chiron in the 6th house:
This placement of Chiron suggests pain related to criticism and feeling that you are not good enough. You feel that you don't fit in the workplace, are inadequate, or are unfit to oversee tasks. You tend to take criticism too seriously, especially when you are still learning and honing your skills. However, none of us is perfect. Pain related to loss of health is also possible. Keep a sense of awareness of mental health. When in a bad mental state, there's a tendency to develop feelings of loneliness, isolation, self-criticism, and Stockholm syndrome. Breaking the cycles of self-sabotage and depreciation is key to improving resolve and creating a positive internal monologue. However, with this particular house, there is a great potential for transformation and healing to occur. Individuals with this placement may be drawn towards alternative healing modalities or find that helping others with their health and work issues brings them a sense of fulfillment and purpose. For those with this placement to thrive, it is essential for them to prioritize self-care and find work that aligns with their values and passions. By doing so, they can turn their past wounds into strengths and contribute to the greater good. It is also important for them to recognize the potential for growth and healing within this placement and embrace it with open arms.
Chiron in the 7th house:
Chiron's position in the 7th house signifies a deep wound or sensitivity associated with relationships and partnerships. This placement may suggest that the person has undergone significant pain or trauma in their past relationships, making it difficult for them to establish healthy and well-balanced partnerships in the future. However, with a heightened sense of awareness and self-reflection, individuals with Chiron in the 7th house can utilize their experiences to grow and heal. They may discover that they are naturally drawn to partners who reflect their wounds, which can present a unique opportunity for healing and growth. In addition, they may have to improve their sense of self-worth and relationship independence to avoid falling into codependent patterns. Having Chiron in the 7th house can undoubtedly be a challenging placement, but it can also open avenues for profound healing and transformation in relationships. Therefore, it is essential to approach the challenges it brings with a positive mindset, as it can offer valuable lessons and experiences that can ultimately lead to personal growth and fulfillment.
Chiron in the 8th house:
Chiron in the 8th house indicates deep emotional wounds and trauma related to power, control, and intimacy. People with this placement may struggle with trust issues and vulnerability, as well as experiencing fear of abandonment and betrayal. It can possess a significant and transformative on planets aspects as well. However, the positioning of Chiron in the 8th house also offers the potential for powerful healing and transformation. By facing and working through their deepest emotional wounds, individuals with this placement can emerge stronger and more empowered than ever before. It is important to note that navigating the intense emotions and challenges that arise from this placement can be a difficult task. Therefore, it is advised for those with Chiron in the 8th house to seek support from trusted individuals, such as a therapist or spiritual advisor. These professionals can help individuals manage the intense feelings that may arise and assist them in their journey to healing and transformation. In conclusion, Chiron in the 8th house is a placement that can be both challenging and rewarding. With the proper support and approach, individuals can overcome their emotional wounds and emerge victorious.
Chiron in the 9th house:
Chiron in the 9th can evoke a profound yearning for spiritual development and comprehension. Individuals who possess this placement may have undergone some form of trauma or injury related to their beliefs or higher education, prompting them to seek healing in these domains. In addition, they may be strongly inclined to travel and explore diverse cultures to widen their worldview. The Chiron in the 9th house placement also suggests a potential for becoming a teacher or mentor, as they naturally guide others towards greater understanding and personal growth. However, those who bear Chiron in the 9th house must be mindful of any tendencies towards dogmatic or rigid thinking, as this can impede their own growth and constrain their ability to connect with others. By embracing a more open-minded and comprehensive approach to spirituality and education, individuals with this placement can discover profound healing and fulfillment in their pursuits.
Chiron in the 10th house:
The placement of Chiron in the 10th house significantly influences their professional trajectory and public image. Those who possess this placement may encounter difficulties in their career path, struggling with feelings of inadequacy or feeling wounded. However, with introspection and healing work, they can transform their experiences into a source of strength and compassion, becoming exemplary leaders in their respective fields. Additionally, individuals with this placement must learn to balance their personal and professional lives, as they may tend to prioritize their careers at the expense of their relationships. While navigating these challenges can be daunting, those who are willing to put in the inner work will find that Chiron in the 10th house can ultimately be a transformative experience. Through cultivating resilience and compassion, individuals with this placement can emerge as influential and inspiring figures in their communities and industries.
Chiron in the 11th house:
Chiron's in the 11th house pertains to experiences with friendships, social groups, and humanitarian causes. Those with this placement may struggle with a deep sense of woundedness regarding their social interactions, feeling like they don't quite fit in or belong with their peers. This can be partly due to past traumas or experiences of rejection in these areas. Despite these challenges, however, Chiron's influence can also bring about a profound sense of empathy and compassion for others in those with this placement. This may manifest as a desire to help those who have also experienced social exclusion or marginalization or a natural talent for creating a sense of community and bringing people together. It's important to note that this placement can be particularly challenging, as individuals may feel as though they are constantly struggling to find their place within social groups or causes. However, with Chiron's influence, there is also the potential for profound growth and healing in the realm of social connection and collective consciousness. Again, this may involve facing and working through past traumas or wounds. Still, it can ultimately lead to a more profound sense of purpose and fulfillment in one's social interactions and contributions to the greater good.
Chiron in the 12th house:
Chiron in the 12th house can be a source of significant difficulty for the natives. This placement can bring up deeply buried wounds and traumas that may have remained hidden or repressed for an extended period. In addition, the 12th house is associated with the unconscious mind, spirituality, and the collective unconscious, so having Chiron here can indicate a profound need for healing on a soul level. Individuals with Chiron in the 12th house may experience difficulty with feelings of loneliness, isolation, and disconnection from the world around them. They may possess a solid intuitive or psychic ability but may need help understanding how to channel it healthily. As a result, this can lead to confusion or a sense of being overwhelmed by the emotions and energies around them. However, Chiron in the 12th house can also serve as a potent placement for transformation and spiritual growth. By confronting their deepest fears and wounds, individuals with this placement can better understand themselves and their place in the world. This may also lead to developing a deep sense of compassion and empathy for others, and they may feel driven to help those suffering in some way.
⚷ Chiron in the Signs ⚷
Chiron in Aries:
Chiron in Aries can bring up a lot of past wounds and traumas related to personal identity and self-expression. People with this placement may have experienced early childhood experiences where they could not fully express themselves or were criticized for being too assertive or independent. As a result, they may struggle with feelings of inadequacy or a fear of being rejected for speaking their truth. However, Chiron in Aries also offers healing and growth opportunities through learning to embrace and assert one's individuality healthily and constructively. This can involve setting boundaries, communicating assertively, and cultivating a strong sense of self-worth. Ultimately, Chiron in Aries can teach us that our unique identity and voice are valuable and worthy of expression and that we have the power to create our own path in life.
Chiron in Taurus:
The placement of Chiron in Taurus typically signifies a profound attachment to the earth and a strong inclination towards stability and security. Individuals possessing this placement may have encountered early traumas regarding issues of self-worth and material abundance, leading to a lifelong voyage of self-healing and self-discovery. Nevertheless, with perseverance and dedication, these individuals can harness their inherent qualities of patience, perseverance, and practicality to establish a firm foundation for themselves and others. They may also possess a flair for working with their hands or creating physical beauty. The ultimate lesson of Chiron in Taurus is that authentic wealth originates from within, and we possess the ability to develop our own sense of security, regardless of what life may present to us.
Chiron in Gemini:
Chiron in Gemini is an exciting placement that can bring many intellectual curiosity and communication skills. People with this placement may have experienced early wounds related to communication, learning, or siblings that have shaped their worldview. However, they also have the potential to be great teachers and communicators, using their own experiences to help others learn and grow. It's important for those with Chiron in Gemini to work on healing any wounds related to communication and to embrace their natural curiosity and desire for knowledge. With a bit of self-awareness and effort, they can turn their wounds into strengths and positively impact the world around them.
Chiron in Cancer:
Individuals with Chiron in Cancer often have a complex emotional history, as this placement can signify difficult experiences related to family and home life. These experiences may include abandonment or rejection by a parent or caregiver, which can lead to a persistent sense of insecurity and a need for emotional stability. However, with introspection and a commitment to personal growth, those with Chiron in Cancer can learn to nurture themselves and cultivate a sense of inner belonging that transcends external circumstances. Moreover, this placement can also indicate a natural talent for providing emotional support and comfort to others, as those who have experienced emotional pain themselves often develop deep empathy and understanding for the struggles of others.
Chiron in Leo:
The placement of Chiron in Leo can evoke emotions of inadequacy and insecurity when it comes to self-expression and creativity. Those who possess this placement may have faced unfavorable feedback or rejection in their artistic endeavors, leading to a fear of exposing their talents to the world. Nevertheless, through deliberate effort and therapeutic intervention, Chiron in Leo can also be a source of great power and assurance in one's unique abilities and gifts. Individuals with this placement must acknowledge their worth and significance as a creative entity and foster a sense of self-love and approval in order to fully unleash their creative potential.
Chiron in Virgo:
Chiron in Virgo indicates a profound yearning for healing and completeness, especially when it comes to matters of health and service. People with this placement may be strongly inclined towards aiding and mending others. However, they may also struggle with the tendency for perfectionism and self-criticism, which can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress. Additionally, those with Chiron in Virgo may find themselves overanalyzing and worrying excessively. Despite these challenges, by being mindful and compassionate towards oneself, individuals with Chiron in Virgo can tap into their healing abilities and utilize them to serve others significantly and meaningfully.
Chiron in Libra:
When Chiron is in Libra, it brings up various issues regarding relationships and partnerships. One may find it challenging to maintain balance and harmony within their relationships or need help setting boundaries and standing up for themselves. As a result, it is crucial to develop healthy communication skills and learn to appreciate one's own needs and desires in relationships. This placement may also indicate a tendency towards codependency or seeking validation through others, making cultivating a strong sense of self-worth and independence essential. Overall, Chiron in Libra presents an opportunity for growth and healing in the realm of relationships, but it may require some effort and self-reflection to achieve.
Chiron in Scorpio:
Individuals with Chiron in Scorpio may experience significant challenges related to power, control, and intimacy. This placement can bring deep-seated wounds and emotional trauma to the surface, which may manifest as feelings of betrayal and abandonment in relationships. Moreover, these individuals may hold onto grudges and resentments, making it difficult to move forward. However, when Chiron in Scorpio is harnessed and healed, it can become a powerful tool for transformation and healing. Those with this placement can become skilled healers and guides, helping others navigate their own journeys of growth and self-discovery.
Chiron in Sagittarius:
Individuals with Chiron in Sagittarius are known to possess an intense yearning for spiritual development and comprehension. This placement often instills a profound sense of purpose and a deep connection to personal beliefs. However, those with this placement may encounter difficulty finding a sense of belonging or experience a lack of understanding from others regarding their spiritual journey. Therefore, it is imperative for these individuals to seek out a supportive community that values and comprehends their quest for spiritual growth. Additionally, finding a balance between their aspiration for growth and the requirement to stay grounded and pragmatic in their day-to-day life is crucial for their overall well-being. Ultimately, Chiron in Sagittarius holds immense potential for personal growth and transformation.
Chiron in Capricorn:
Chiron's placement in Capricorn demands us to confront the wounds of our past and seek healing. Capricorn's uncompromising nature adds to the challenge, making it an uphill battle for many. However, we can transmute our pain into power with Chiron's guidance. This placement helps us address lingering issues related to our sense of self-worth, authority, and responsibility. Chiron in Capricorn inspires us to take control of our healing process and grow as individuals. It requires patience, perseverance, and courage to face our fears head-on, but the outcome is worth it. With this transit, we emerge as stronger, wiser, and more capable versions of ourselves.
Chiron in Aquarius:
The sign of Aquarius is renowned for its focus on humankind and progress, while Chiron is known as the wounded healer. Together, they create an intriguing combination that can suggest a person who is deeply committed to supporting others but may struggle with their own emotional and psychological scars. Individuals with Chiron in Aquarius are likely to possess a distinctive outlook on the world, one that is drawn to unconventional and progressive modes of thinking. They may also feel a strong pull towards humanitarian causes, taking on a great sense of responsibility for the well-being of others. However, the placement of Chiron in Aquarius can also signify a sense of detachment or emotional distance. These individuals may find it challenging to forge deep and meaningful connections with others or feel like outsiders in their social groups.
Chiron in Pisces:
Chiron in Pisces can trigger the emergence of intense emotional wounds that have been buried deep within. Therefore, it is crucial to dedicate time to processing and healing these wounds through therapeutic means, creative outlets, or spiritual practices. Additionally, this placement can heighten our sensitivity to the suffering of others and ignite a desire to alleviate their pain. However, it is imperative to maintain a balance between this desire and self-care, as Pisces tends to blur the boundaries between ourselves and others. In essence, Chiron in Pisces offers a unique opportunity for profound healing and compassion towards ourselves and those around us.
⚷ Chiron Aspects ⚷
Sun aspect Chiron:
When the Sun aspects Chiron, it signifies an opportune moment for growth and healing. Chiron symbolizes our innermost wounds and the ways in which we have been hurt in the past. Conversely, the Sun represents our sense of self and ability to radiate positively in the world. When these two energies converge, it presents a powerful opportunity to heal past wounds and step into our full potential. This aspect may elicit old pain and feelings of inadequacy; however, it also provides an opening to relinquish these limiting beliefs and embrace our true potential. With the Sun's brilliant light shining on the wounded areas of our lives, we can begin to perceive them in a new light and discover the courage to move forward.
Moon aspect Chiron:
When the Moon is in aspect with Chiron, it has the potential to trigger old emotional wounds and pain that may have been buried deep within us. However, this aspect can also provide healing and release opportunities if we are willing to confront and address these past traumas. It is essential to take the time to prioritize our emotional well-being and engage in self-care during this period. Our intuition can guide us in identifying what support we need, whether seeking assistance from loved ones or a therapist. It's important to remember that healing is a process that takes time, and it is perfectly acceptable to take things gradually, one step at a time.
Ascendant aspect Chiron:
Individuals with Chiron aspecting the ascendent may have undergone some form of early childhood trauma or wound, significantly influencing their identity and personality. However, this placement also implies that they possess the potential to use their experience to aid others and bring healing to those around them. As they mature and develop, they may find themselves attracted to professions in healthcare, counseling, or other helping professions. Individuals with this placement must prioritize their emotional well-being and seek support when necessary, as they may be more susceptible to emotional triggers and stress. Chiron's ascendant aspect can be a potent tool for personal growth and transformation if the individual is willing to confront and work through their inner wounds.
Mercury aspect Chiron:
The relationship between Mercury and Chiron in astrology is compelling, as these two entities symbolize the mind and communication in unique ways. Mercury embodies the concept of rational thinking, swift wit, and effective communication. Conversely, Chiron represents the wounded healer, signifying our most profound emotional wounds and the following healing process. When Mercury aspects Chiron in a birth chart, it can suggest that the individual has an inherent gift for communicating their pain and struggles. They may possess the ability to articulate their emotions and employ language to facilitate the healing process for themselves and others. However, this aspect may also imply a proclivity towards overthinking and self-doubt. The person might struggle with negative self-talk, making it arduous to trust their thoughts and opinions.
Venus aspect Chiron:
When Chiron makes an aspect to Venus in a natal chart, it can indicate a significant emotional wound associated with love, relationships, self-esteem, and beauty. This aspect may manifest as a sense of unlovability or unworthiness of love, challenges in establishing healthy relationships, or heartache and disillusionment in love. Nevertheless, Chiron's curative energy can also facilitate personal growth and transformation in these areas, as the individual learns to love and accept themselves and attract healthier relationships. Individuals with this aspect must focus on self-love and address past traumas linked to love and relationships.
Mars aspect Chiron:
Mars aspecting Chiron can evoke intense emotions and memories of past traumas. This alignment has the potential to be quite challenging, as it may stir up feelings of anger, frustration, and even hostility. However, it's crucial to recognize that this alignment can also present an opportunity for personal growth and healing. By confronting and gradually working through your inner pain, you can emerge stronger and more resilient. Astrology provides valuable insights into these intricate dynamics, and an experienced astrologer can offer guidance and support throughout this journey of self-discovery.
Jupiter aspect Chiron:
Jupiter aspecting Chiron in astrology can bring about a lot of healing and growth opportunities. Chiron represents our deepest wounds, and Jupiter represents expansion and growth. When these two come together in a harmonious aspect, such as a trine or sextile, we may find that our wounds are being healed through the process of personal growth and expansion. However, when these two come together in a challenging aspect, such as a square or opposition, we may find that our wounds are being exacerbated, and we may need to work harder to find the healing we need. Overall, Jupiter aspecting Chiron can be a powerful catalyst for healing and growth in our lives.
Saturn aspect Chiron:
When Saturn aspects Chiron, you may find yourself confronting deep-seated wounds and insecurities, specifically concerning your career and authority. These feelings may manifest as a sense of inadequacy or doubt in your ability to handle the responsibilities that come with leadership positions. But, even though this aspect can be challenging, it also presents an opportunity for growth and healing if you're willing to face your fears and work through them. To do so, it's important to take a practical and disciplined approach to your goals while also being kind and understanding to yourself throughout the process. Finally, remember that everyone's journey and struggles are unique and that asking for help and support is perfectly acceptable when needed.
Uranus aspect Chiron:
When Uranus aspects Chiron, there is a potential for breakthroughs in healing and growth. Uranus represents change, innovation, and awakening, while Chiron represents our deepest wounds and the potential for transformation through them. When these two energies come together, we may experience sudden insights, unexpected solutions, or new perspectives that help us move past limiting beliefs or patterns. However, it's essential to approach this energy with openness and receptivity, as Uranus can also bring disruption and upheaval if we resist its call for change. By working with the energy of Uranus and Chiron consciously and intentionally, we can tap into their transformative power and ultimately emerge stronger and more whole.
Neptune aspect Chiron:
Aspects between Neptune and Chiron can signal spiritual revival and advancement. This may stir up past traumas and emotional anguish, but it also offers a chance for profound insight and empathy. It is crucial to remain anchored and seek guidance from reliable sources, such as trusted confidants or well-versed professionals. Embracing your instincts and being receptive to unique perspectives has the potential to usher in remarkable healing and metamorphosis.
Pluto aspect Chiron:
When Pluto aspects Chiron, it's possible for old wounds and traumas to surface, requiring attention for healing and transformation. As outdated patterns and beliefs are challenged and released, this can trigger deep emotional and psychological growth. However, it's important to be aware that power struggles and intense emotions may arise as Pluto's intensity clashes with Chiron's sensitivity. Staying grounded and centered is crucial during this period, and seeking support from trusted friends, family, or therapists is necessary. Ultimately, this aspect can lead to profound self-healing and transformation as past wounds are confronted and released, paving the way for enhanced self-awareness and personal growth.
North Node aspect Chiron:
This particular aspect can prove to be quite daunting, as it unearths past traumas and vulnerabilities that we may have long thought were buried. However, it also presents an opportunity for growth and healing as it compels us to confront these issues and work through them in order to move forward. Through my personal experience, engaging in meditation and journaling has been instrumental in this process, as they provide a safe and supportive environment for me to reflect on my emotions and experiences. The North Node aspects to Chiron can be a powerful catalyst for personal transformation if we are willing to put in the work and face our fears head-on.
South Node aspect Chiron:
When the South Node is in aspect with Chiron, it implies that you may rely excessively on past experiences and patterns, especially those related to emotional wounds and traumas. This inclination towards familiar patterns may provide comfort, even if they are not beneficial or productive. However, this can hinder your progress and prevent healing from past hurts. Therefore, acknowledging and confronting these wounds to release them and move towards a healthier future is crucial. Additionally, this aspect may indicate a need to let go of old habits and beliefs that no longer serve you. By embracing new experiences and perspectives, you can cultivate a more fulfilling and balanced life.
Mean Lilith aspect Chiron:
Aspects of Lilith and Chiron significantly impact an individual's emotional wounds and healing process. Lilith represents our inherent instincts and uncontrollable desires, while Chiron symbolizes our deepest traumas and the path to recovery and personal development. This convergence of energies can lead to intense emotional struggles and a profound need for healing. Therefore, it is crucial to acknowledge and validate these wounds while striving to heal and attain a sense of completeness. Astrology serves as a valuable tool in this journey, offering insights and direction to navigate the intricate dynamics of Lilith and Chiron.
Unaspected or Less than two aspects Chiron:
An unaspected Chiron, or one in less than two, refers to a scenario where Chiron does not form any significant connections with other planets or points in a person's natal chart. This may suggest an area of life where the individual may feel a sense of detachment or isolation, as if they are working through their issues alone. On the other hand, it also indicates a need for self-reliance and self-healing, as those with an unanspected Chiron placement may have a unique perspective on healing and be able to offer guidance to others who are struggling with similar challenges. However, it's important to remember that each astrology placement is just one piece of the puzzle, and the interpretation of Chiron should be made in the context of the whole chart. For example, look into the house ruler of the sign of your Chiron as well as the house itself for more insight. The house rulers planet placement can shed light into underlayered or overshadowed areas that effect Chiron. (Chiron in 12th house Capricorn with Saturn in the 3rd suggests isolation from the immediate environment can be detrimental to the person's mental health.)
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astrologicaldreamin · 3 months
Chiron in Capricorn, 6th House Moodboard
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black-lake · 2 years
chiron ascendant aspects
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Chiron opposite/square/conjunct ascendent, in the 1st or 7th.
Feeling inadequate in social encounters, putting on a strong defensive face at all times. Their fears or discomfort can appear in their appearance so they hide it with all their power. Hyper aware of people's slightest responses and expressions. Afraid of strangers' gazes or words, taking it as a rejection or judgement. Putting on a facade, not letting others take the slightest chance to hurt them. Seeing people's nastiest motives and intentions, seeing them unclearly. Do they hate me or are they a bad person? Did I misrepresent myself? Did I do something wrong? Am I unlovable? Am I the one projecting? Who's the bad person? Not staying for long in any place they enter. They dislike socializing because it drains them, because they put on all their energy in fear of appearing vulnerable, as if it's their full time job. After all, others have taken the chance to criticise them and even hurt them at their most vulnerable times. It's always when they are feeling vulnerable, that they are attacked. They know what it feels like to never be supported when you need it the most. People with low self esteem especially with their appearance project on them, avoid them or even start arguments with them out of the blue. Others love when they see them fail or look defeated, especially if chiron is in the 7th, your enemies aren't gonna be able to be invisible or hide their hate for long. Wounded people or narcissists want to date them.
Yet once these individuals know how to accept themselves and see vulnerability as a beautiful aspect of human beings, they can be everyone’s teacher. They can appear unstoppable, like not even the worst painful experience can shake them, like they can take it all with a smirk. Because it is admirable, it is charming to see someone being a real and messed up human being and embracing it, it makes us relate to them, it is part of us all. Learning to see the humor, the beauty, the empathy, the love in it. It is by going through these tough experiences that we can truly love ourselves and others. Ironically, others rely on them and trust them especially with social and relationship matters or matters of the self. They appear wise after all they've been through, even nonchalant. Others know that they can sense people's energies and motives and take their advice. Self-confident people will vibe with them now and both can empower each other. Your ascendent can tell you a lot about your path in life and purpose, and so these individuals can be healers or mental health activists of some sort. Chiron is healing no matter the aspect, wherever there's a wound it triggers it, like a wound spray, it hurts before it heals, but those who don't want it fight it.
One of my goals with this blog was to discuss hard placements and experiences in general with people, so we can learn from each other. If you have this placement let me know how you deal with it, I have it opposite ascendant, it gets extremely difficult sometimes. ☹︎
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thecryingastrologer · 2 years
Astrology observations pt17🕺
Disclaimer: All these observations are based on my personal observations ❤️
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✨mars◾saturn tend to have anger issues. Hear me out.
Saturn= restrictions
Mars= anger, drive
These natives don't know how to express their anger properly when theyre underdeveloped 💀💀💀💀💀🤠
Scary to be around tbh.🤡😂😂
✨sun conjunct saturn can have issues with father figures or male authoritative figures in general. They may not like them at all.💃😂😂
✨ Chiron in first house tend to create alot of wounds around sense of self, their body appearance. These individuals either get projected on alot or they project alot on others. 🥶🥶🥶
✨ pluto in any house tends to create a transformative experience in that part of your life. There may b alot changes {+ve/-ve} to teach us a lesson and create a sense of stability in the long run. 💃💃💃😂❤️
✨if you feel that youre not able to relate to your rising sign, try checking out the ascendant persona chart 🕺🕺
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flickeringart · 7 months
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luciddownloading · 7 months
The 5th House and Star Power/Quality ✨
The sign on your 5th House cusp and/or planet(s) in your 5th shows how you shine. Bright like a diamond! It's the key to finding not only your talent but your star power, your It Factor. If you were a celebrity, it would be what people praise you the most for. But, everyone gets the most hype for their 5th House energies. So, be your own talent agent and take advantage of them!
Life hack for creatives and performers out there: your 5th House shows you "your lane" as an artist. Not your 10th House. It's the direction you should go in creatively if you feel like you're struggling to successfully carve out your niche or attract recognition. You will gain the biggest following by emphasizing it.
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Lucky you! You seemingly just have to be you to gain an adoring following. People love how authentic you are, how you're not trying to be anyone other than you. This is "movie star" type energy. The kind of performer who is constantly "playing themselves" but is so charming and magnetic that nobody minds. You have Stage Presence. You could just stand around, doing nothing, and people want to watch. So, remember that you never have to try hard. You're just naturally entertaining and charismatic. Don't be afraid to play the role of the star, either! Admit it. You enjoy the attention. And others enjoy giving it to you! Your confidence plays a big role in this (whether it's natural or you're faking it til you're making it), creating this golden aura of greatness around you. You could turn the grocery store into a Red Carpet event just by walking in.
No matter your age, you remain the girl or boy next door. Your star quality is cute, comforting, safe. Wholesome vibes. This is the actor who does a dozen rom-coms or tearjerkers that are like a fuzzy blanket on a rainy day. You gain the most applause via your vulnerability. In spite of what you may fear, shedding a few tears or having a cathartic meltdown only earns you admiration, not ridicule. Sensitivity allows you to shine! You might have a very charismatic mother figure that you clearly get your greatness from. Or, if/when you have children, they could look up to you as the brightest light in their life. Your whole immediate family may be very talented or entertaining and you're most in your element when around them.
Hello, Jack/Jill of all Trades! People will be enthralled by just how multi-talented you are. Double/triple/quadruple threats! It may even exhaust others a bit and even if you're not exactly mastering all those interests, you still make it fascinating to watch. But, let's be clear: writing is your bread and butter, whether it's screenwriting, prose, poetry, or blogging. You are a top-tier storyteller, even in person, and will probably gain the most attention for your writing. Your star quality stems from that witty, smart, cheeky, clever voice you have. When you have something to say, people listen! And it usually takes them in an unpredictable direction. Your duality is also the key to your charisma, as you are an entertaining bundle of opposites that others can't truly figure out.
Okay, let's be honest. Your attractiveness keeps people in the palm of your hand. Most of your audience is so entertained by you because they think you're such a babe. Also, that you're just such a sweetheart! This would be the kind of actor whose characters you always root for because they're so damn likable. But, before you see your star power as superficial (as you may sometimes complain about not being taken seriously enough), you have some serious artistic prowess. It's largely visual. You'd make a fabulous director, painter or photographer because your aesthetic and eye for beauty leaves others wanting more. (You might even just be the best at curating your social media) PS: You are either the ultimate muse, constantly inspiring others' art or other notable efforts, or you tap into your light by making a special someone your muse.
Do you hear that? It's the sound of your fans salivating over you! Your star power makes you hot as a summer day and it's not necessarily about how you look. You just have this sexual charisma to you. It's giving sexy rock star, with all the panties or boxer-briefs thrown on stage to prove it. So, if you were to be a performer, that would be your lane. Or possibly a rapper (depending on your skills/interests, obviously). Anything that lets you be wild, raw, hard-hitting. Regardless of your talents, you shine brightly when being daring and living on the edge. This also makes for extreme-sports enthusiasts and excellent athletes, the latter of which can lead to a killer bod. Which will definitely gain you much attention. Tbh, there are some himbo/bimbo vibes here but in the most empowered way. Like, "yes, I will wear little to no clothes because I know people love it and it's my power move."
Listen, you're not just talented. You have serious Chosen One energy. Whatever you are good at, it's blatantly obvious that you were put on Earth to do it. You live out your path like a God-given mission and it leaves people kind of in awe. If you're an artist (and there's a good 83.5 percent chance you are, with this placement), you are capable of either becoming a larger-than-life force in your creative field or gain a passionate cult following that is convinced you're terribly underrated (even though you're quite popular) and no one gets your work like they do. In the midst of it all, your sense of fun and humor remain, never taking yourself too seriously. You shine bright by being funny, colorful, a little bit extra and uncensored. Blunt, on-the-edge statements that others would be crucified for are mostly seen as entertaining and refreshing coming from you.
This is definitely the girlboss position, even for the boys with this placement, lol, because you know how to be in-charge in a way that others find exciting and engaging. Like, "Yes, I want to get that bread, too!" But, few people can actually match your work ethic or authority, which could stem from a father figure who you worship and adore and make you a very commanding figure. It's funny but the more intimidating you are, the more you shine. Or should I say the brighter you shine, the more that light intimidates others? Most of you with this placement embrace it, seeing the perks of being feared. Popular people often are! You might not get the credit for your actual talent that you deserve, especially if you're an artist. People may think your greatness is a matter of image or focus more on how you hustled to the top. It may not be until you're a bit older that people start seeing your actual substance.
You are most charismatic or entertaining when you're not trying to be. The nerdy, weird, or chaotic parts of yourself that you may cringe at or think nothing of are actually what gain you the most praise. You might be like that celebrity who acts like they're not famous or doesn't understand why they are. But, as time goes on, you learn to just go with it! Similar to Jupiter/Sagittarius in the 5th, your creative talents can be truly iconic. But, there's like an "artistic genius" or "young prodigy" vibe here. You might completely stumble into a skill and shock everyone, especially yourself, with what a natural you are. You also shine by defying certain gender roles, impressing others as a sensitive or beauty-loving guy or a tomboyish or aggressive lady.
Your star power stems from the entire worlds and dimensions you can create. Obviously, this is a particularly artsy, imaginative placement. But, a role as a fantasy/sci-fi writer, especially, could lead to lots of praise. Few would excel at intricate world-building or provide glorious escapism like you. Whatever you do creatively, your special magic shines through. A chameleon type presence is also evident, like the type of actor who can easily "disappear" into roles. Even in regular life, people are most entertained by your disappearing acts. You might be very quiet and internal, even in a room full of people, intriguingly fading into the background. Or you could just be evasive, like a spirit that quickly vanishes and whose absence haunts you. Regardless, it's your softness, your mystery, your fantasy life that enthralls people. Bonus points if you have a particular alter ego you constantly assume.
You entertain folks best when your highs and lows are on full display. People want to see the drama with you, the "sturm und drang", the tears and the ecstasy. A creative outlet is actually quite recommended for most of you with this influence. Those emotional extremes you're capable of draw your audience in the most, whether it's through introspective poetry or soul-baring music or the kind of raw character work that is worthy of Best Actor or Actress. The deeper you go, the more you shine. And while that may be scary, you embrace that fear and enjoy conquering it. But, there are limits to this intimacy, as you can be equally guarded in a way that ironically gains you more fans. It's that "leave them wanting more" star quality, a kind of Greta Garbo mystique. Even when you tell people you want to be alone, it doesn't stop them from trying harder to get into your business. The dilemma of such a private star!
Feeling particularly neurotic? Like you're not good enough and like you have no clue how to do what you're supposedly talented at? This is the struggle of many creatives. But, for you, this insecurity is actually the essence of your star quality. You are the underdog that everyone roots for. Your fans might find it especially endearing or rather heartbreaking that you don't see your greatness. But, it creates this narrative around you where others want to invest in your endless journey to prove yourself. One secret you may keep, even from yourself, is that a part of you knows you're good. But, you're afraid to admit it because you think it'll jinx you. Or you think you have to squash any potential ego and remain impeccably humble. Allow yourself the occasional private "I'm feeling myself" moment. No one else will know!
Thank you for attending my Hype Session. Keep shining, babes.
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zeldasnotes · 5 months
What your placement makes me think of
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CHIRON IN THE 1ST HOUSE: Afraid of being seen as weak, people commenting on your appearance, hiding behind makeup, forcing a tough phacade, extreme competetiveness, surrounding yourself with tough people, comfortable in a small pond so that you can be the big fish, projecting your selfhate onto others, picking other peoples appearance apart, picking your own appearance apart, acting arrogant as a coping mechanism, analyzing, forcing confidence, body dysmorphia, being seen as a target, afraid to go places alone, having a unique feature people comment on.
CHIRON IN THE 2ND HOUSE: Poor kid in a rich kids school, growing up poor, growing up in a family with no money or the opposite growing up in a rich family where money is everything, childhood messed up your moral compass, low self worth, body image issues, not feeling at home in your own body, being used for money, born in the wrong body, growing up in a single parent household, possessive, afraid of loss, experiencing a lot of loss, greediness or completely rejecting the material, not taking care of yourself properly, afraid of change, afraid of never finding stability.
CHIRON IN THE 3RD HOUSE: Bullying during early school years, being compared to a sibling, having a lisp, stuttering, difficulty with expressing yourself, passive aggressive, asthma, communication issues, feeling unwelcomed in your neighbourhood, issues with cousins, speech therapy, having a twin, having a sibling you are expected to ”live up to”, feeling afraid to talk, strong need to be seen as intelligent, outsmarting people, feeling insecure about your social skills.
CHIRON IN THE 4TH HOUSE: Being the black sheep, suppressed childhood memories, feeling rejected by a family member, being the family scape goat, walking on eggshells at home, extremely intuitive, afraid of people being angry or irritated with you, a mother with bpd, a narcissistic mother, generational trauma, trying to heal your mother, a family of broken women, emotionally unavailable parents, constantly hearing parents fighting, having to pick sides between family members, feeling stuck at home, issues renting or buying a home, having to constantly move.
CHIRON IN THE 5TH HOUSE: Experiencing mom/dad shaming, shamed for having kids later in life, shamed for having kids too young, shamed for not wanting kids, teen dad/mom, strong need to be creative or rejecting your creativity, custody battle, having to co-parent with someone you dislike, baby trapped, growing up too fast, ashamed of having fun, afraid of expressing yourself, inability to just let got and have fun, insecure about your style or art, not getting along with your own child, using your pain as entertainment or art, feeling a need to constantly perform.
CHIRON IN THE 6TH HOUSE: Hard time with routines, door dash addict, inability to take care of yourself, obsession with routines, overworking or inability to find work,a job that drains you, a need to constantly be of service, constantly getting sick, your needs being ignored growing up, working with healing others, being overly criticized by a parent, workoutschedules, bad experiences with pets, dieting, hypochondriac, never feeling clean enough, growing up in dirty surroundings, among hoarders.
CHIRON IN THE 7TH HOUSE: Feeling like there is a wall between you and others, fear of rejection, early experiences with rejection, rejected by your first love, no social life, afraid of never finding ”the one”, early experiences with betrayal, people pleasing, ”you havent met anyone yet?”, getting into your first relationship later in life, attracted to wounded people, trying to save bad people, scared of being left for someone else, trying to be perfect, obeying to be liked, connections with others ending badly.
CHIRON IN THE 8TH HOUSE: Afraid of opening up, experiencing constant loss, afraid of loss of power, growing up around someone who asserted power over them, a wound surrounding sex and intimacy, being left out when it comes to inheritance, afraid of not being in control, people trying to control you, freaked out at the thought of ”doing it”, a bad or traumatizing first time, ”doing it” as a selfharm method to take back control after trauma, having to take money in the form of donations, external help, scholarships bc of your family being low income, ashamed of having to take money from others.
CHIRON IN THE 9TH HOUSE: No faith, painful memories from school, the only kid with your cultural background in the whole school, feeling no hope, being forced to convert to another religion, afraid of traveling, never been out of the country you were born in, changing schools, afraid to go to school, bullying in school, not feeling accepted by your inlaws, not feeling free, feeling stuck where you grew up, feeling like you have no roots, being mixed race and not feeling at home with any side.
CHIRON IN THE 10TH HOUSE: Being a part of a family with a bad reputation and therefore being born with a bad rep, being forced into a career, not getting the recognition you deserve for your work, scandals becoming public knowledge, people still talking about that thing you did years ago, being known for something painful, an absent father, not being able to live up to who your father wants you to be, seeking validation from the public, afraid of public humiliation, being slandered.
CHIRON IN THE 11TH HOUSE: Struggling to fit in, prefering to hang out one on one instead of a group, being left out or blamed by a group, toxic friendships, wanting to save the world, misunderstood, deep understanding of the unspoken undercurrentsin group settings, uncomfortable in a group setting, bullying on social media, being exposed online, lack of hope, feeling that nobody gets you, not belonging to any group, strong need to contribute to society, powerstruggles with a stepparent, evil stepmom or evil stepkid kinda energy.
CHIRON IN THE 12TH HOUSE: Absorbing other peoples energy, living in solitude, sleep disorders, the people you least expected turning out to be an enemy, feeling a need to please the collective unconscious, hypersensive to your surroundings, feelings loneliness no matter how many people are around, feeling like you belong in the underworld, repressed memories, zoning out, constantly sensing emotional undercurrents, pushing things under the rugs, medication, bad experiences with addicts, psychic attacks.
SUN/CHIRON: A fragile ego, inflated ego, absent father, putting on a false persona, defensive, acting arrogant when you feel insecure, a dad who left, deep understanding of why people do what they do, not knowing how to express yourself, identity issues, having a healing energy, trying to help everyone.
MOON/CHIRON: Extreme sensitivity, hiding your sensitivity, trying to find parental love in a partner, being shamed for your sensitivity, betrayal from women in the family, emotional scars, seeing through anyone, a bitchy mother, surrounded by bitches, having triggers you cant explain, rejecting and suppressing your emotions, nurturing issues, ”with women comes pain”.
MERCURY/CHIRON: Healing or wounding people with your words, verbally undressing people so that they feel as naked as you, penetrating people to the core, therapist, harsh criticism, wordplay, saying the thing everyone thinks but doesnt say, constantly putting your foot in your mouth, peoples words cut you like knives, you cut back.
VENUS/CHIRON: Extreme fear of rejection, connecting women with pain, female rivalry, low self esteem, attracted to wounded people, plastic surgery, wanting to look perfect, people pleasing to be loved, feeling unworthy of love, ”the bar is in hell” being treated like shit and accepting it bc you love them, feeling ugly no matter how much people tell you youre beautiful, betrayal by women, brutal rejection from a love interest that affected your self esteem deeply.
MARS/CHIRON: Suppressing anger, turning the anger inward or overcompensating by being overly aggressive, surrounded by aggressive men, surrounded by toxic masculinity, feeling uncomfortable around men, afraid of anger, extreme anger from men, feeling like you are not ”man enough”, the dark side of being a man, shamed for your sexuality, rejecting your mascuiline side or acting overly masculine.
© 2023 Zeldas Notes All Rights Reserved
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lifeonmarz-blog · 2 months
What I think of Lilith through the houses
Both polarities blended together, Enjoy!
Sb: pls take it with a grain of salt if it doesn’t apply let it fly.
1st: dogmatic views, do as I say not as I do, attracted to the bad boy/bad girl, relationships with promiscuous people, openly opinionated, body dysmorphia, magnetic aura, captivating presence, traditional views when it benefits them, competitive, strong work ethic, very attractive but it may be hard for them to see it, money is power and they know this, dark humor, gets people to open up easily, self imposed restrictions, victim mentality.
2nd: jealous co workers, insecure without money, focused on long term success, thinking outside the box, quirky, illusions around upbringing, favorite child, should embrace new perspectives //possibilities, attracted to the outcasted, can feel pressured to help others, victims of betrayal, takes shortcuts to get what they want, responsible with money, loves the idea of love but not the commitment, pressure to perform well.
3rd: secret teller, uses sex for power, uses communication for power, odd sex appeal, unique style, entrepreneurial mindset, self motivated, driven, spiritual blessings through others, easily adaptable, loved by women, team player, liar, familiar with the underworld from a young age, ambitious, fast thinker, prefers to be coupled up, questions others authenticity.
4th: self driven, “been there done that” vibe, quirky sense of humor, untrustworthy mother, misuse of sexual energy, confusion around self identity, jumping from relationship to relationship, doesn’t know when to let a relationship go, generous in relationships, charming with their words, idealistic about love, passionate, cold demeanor, manifest desires easily, persistent with what they want, right place right time, hard worker, likes/requires routine, attracts/likes conflict, dramatic relationships, impulsive, loves adventure, victim of betrayal, liar, self destructive, possessive, comes across as intimidating.
5th: charming, witty, self destructive, overly emotional, lashing out, makes friends with common interest easily, convincing, attracts money easily, make it and get it right back mentality, lacks patience, needs to do things in moderation, anxiety, worry, fear of the unknown, depression, needs to find peace within themselves, overly serious, scattered brain, life of the party, big personality, attracted to big personalities, lives outside the box, always standing out in the crowd.
6th: requires stability, shame around upbringing, lacks self esteem, thinks too much before acting, hasty careless movements, overworks the body, running from thoughts, overwhelms themselves, feels they have something to prove, intellectual, restricts sexual desire, attachments issues, addicted to ideas/belief systems, reliable, helpful, resourceful, natural leader, feels they have big burdens, should let go and be more carefree.
7th: feels misunderstood, values family dynamics, strength, disconnected from others, integrity questioned, do what they want not what their told, distorted view of family and relationships, strong intuition, divine feminine, nurturing spirit, frequent conflicts, lacking accountability, escaping justice, partners that bring out the worst, popularity, unique voice, charming, very opinionated, sexually explorative, calm before the storm.
8th: relationships that alter view on sex, emotionally manipulative, self critical, overworks themselves, always stressed about time, too much on their plate, overwhelm, self sufficient, luxury, abundance, doesn’t rely on others to make things happen, can see their plans through, should flow more with life, slow down and take your time, receives a lot of gifts, also gives a lot too, gift of gab, dark humor, sneaky vibe.
9th: comes off quiet but really a social butterfly, confident, independent, determined, chooses partners that talk disrespectful to them, lacks self discipline, easily unmotivated, changes paths often, loves podcast, sweet words, jack of all trades master at none, trust your intuition, many rebirths, it’s okay to be the student, don’t fear growth, insecure about how their perceived, feeling misvalued in relationships, hard time feeling ready enough”.
10th: home body but equally likes being outside, big family lots of kids, multiple baby daddy’s/baby mamas, impulsive decisions, gets a lot of attention from their outfits, defending your beliefs to the public, advocating social issues, underdog, very intelligent, people come to them for advice, secret relationships, weighs the risk vs reward, doesn’t value others opinions, brushes issues off, truth seeker/ truth teller, would rather work alone, loves love, attracts a lot of haters and secret fans, always partnered up or wants to be, gets lied to a lot, so much potential, generous, loves to be a provider, doing the same thing and expecting different results, strong emotional world.
11th: inflexible, likes to dominate others, would benefit from connecting to Mother Earth, jealousy, overwhelmed by responsibilities, loves to be in a relationship, creative, doesn’t invest time properly, wasteful with their energy, sharing wealth, attract fake friends, friends are very different from them, very confident demeanor, don’t get along with women, very convincing, two sides like a Gemini, a lot of love to give hopeful it’s not being misused.
12th: reserved, quite but a social butterfly, courageous, loves learning new things especially darker subjects, wants their voice heard on a public forum, should take time to be alone to hear your own voice and strength intuition, fear of change, escaping at the nick of time, learning to develop personal beliefs, people pleasing, strong will, persistent, misuse of power, direct, quiet power, reads the room.
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loveemagicpeace · 4 months
🐚Creativity and Focus💿
🌙5th house & 12th house are considered houses of creativity. Only for the 5th house, it shows itself through hobbies, visibility, activity, impulsiveness, fun, joy, passion, and the 12th house through the deeper art with which we show our emotions and our imagination.
🦋Pluto in the 5th might confer the gift of writing a good detective novel; being creative in other ways, can be an all-consuming and transformative experience, giving rise to a deep and unassailable power within yourself. 🌱Uranus here might suggest that creative ideas fall like heavenly sparks, trying to find a place to land and take root. You have potential for genuine creative originality, although your challenge might be to allow it to land and take form, because each idea is rapidly superseded by the next. You can create something very unique and different. These people usually have very interesting and unique talents.
🪐Saturn in 5th house-maybe you find creativity through the lessons of life (everything you've learned). Real creativity can come later in life and so can the inspiration you find. Saturn in the 5th house brings a strong desire for fame, recognition, and success but may result in delays and disappointments in love life and artistic creations. Your chosen pastime might be chess or something equally strategic. Creative work can become a honed skill, from event planning to sculpture or pottery.
🧜🏼‍♀️💫Neptune in 5th house- your creativity shows through your imagination, which is limitless. Many times people do not understand the creativity and hobbies that these people have - because it can be something completely different, mystical. They have a vivid imagination and often surprise others with it. You find a lot of your inspiration or creativity by the sea or places that are more emotional. Music or poetry might appeal to you, and you may find it easy to lose yourself in artistic activities. These can bring a sense of emotional and spiritual fulfilment.
❤️‍🔥Jupiter in 5th house- traveling is your passion and you can also do something that involves traveling. You can find hobbies everywhere. These people are many times famous abroad. You might opt to have a large family or just enjoy indulging in holidays and recreation. Taking time out to play can be rejuvenating.
⚡️Mars in 5th house-For you, sexual potency might well be a form of self-expression. Games are competitive and having children could bring your fighting spirit to life. You can show your creativity through sports, especially more dangerous sports or sports that require a lot of energy. You like things that give you an adrenaline rush.
🩷Venus in 5th house-Romance needs to be at the heart of a relationship for you, a sense that your worth and attractiveness are admired. Creative skills might involve design or fashion. You can also show creativity through the love or feelings you have for someone.
🎄Mercury in 5th house- Your creative impulse might involve words and communication - inventive writing or storytelling. You seek praise for this, since this is a side of you that can shine. You can have many mental abilities. People may see you as a person who can solve a lot or a person who can compete well in words.
🌙Moon in 5th house- Attuned to the playful world of children, you have an easy creativity and fun-loving side. You might also want your personal needs to be placed centre stage. You feed your mind through different learnings and attaining knowledge. You are likely to have a strong desire for creative self-expression.
☀️Sun in 5th house- You can be a natural performer or creative artist, happy to take a place in the spotlight or put your heart into your creative work. You seek attention and praise. You need to give yourself permission to be who you really are. You are gifted with the ability to remind others about the importance of creativity and fun. You can have a very beautiful childlike energy.
🎞️Chiron in 5th house- Perhaps adoption or surrogate children are part of your experience. Any form of play can help to nurture the wounded child within, both in yourself and in others. It suggests that you are a creative and unique person but sharing your gifts with others is not always easy for you. You remind people how important it is to be you and express yourself.
🌟12th house energy. This is a place where you can conjure images and connect to non-ordinary worlds.
🥑Mercury here you might be interested in myths and fairy tales, or be attracted to symbolic languages (such as astrology!). You might be curious about the spiritual or intangible dimensions of life, including myths and symbols. Imaginative story telling allows your voice to be heard Or with Venus here, perhaps art or photography appeal to you, or losing yourself in a romantic novel (or writing one). The perfect lover probably does not exist - but hold the image in your head and you might then recognize it as a projection of your own beauty or gifts. Even Saturn enters into the spirit in this house - Saturn here might serve you well if you are a designer, a composer, or the manager of an art gallery, giving form and substance to imaginative conceptions. Remembering you are not responsible for the world's suffering can help you to focus your dedication around truly worthy causes. You have a gift for bringing order to chaos.
🩵Mars in 12th house- On your own you might feel as though your efforts do not hit home - yet you can fight effectively and courageously on behalf of those who are weaker or less fortunate. You find your creativity through passion, energy, actions - you can have many hobbies and you are very good at many things. You have many hidden talents. You can also express art through anger. When you're angry and you doing things you do things better. Mars here suggests that you can solve problems in a unique and creative way. You can use your planet here for making art, writing, or in any creative way. The 12th house is the house of fantasies, illusions, music, acting―with placements here, you can easily tap into the ocean of the unconscious and turn into something unique and beautiful.
🌛Moon in 12th house- Care work might appeal. Focusing your compassionate efforts in this way can be more fruitful than trying to care for the whole world. You find yourself emotionally connected to people and understand their emotions on a subconscious level.
🌞Sun in 12th house- many times you show your art through things that others cannot see. You want to show what people can't see.To go into the unknown and unconscious. With your artistic expression, you often inspire other people and people can find you as someone who helped them a lot through (music, writing, dance...) whatever you do, you do it to inspire others. You can talk a lot about mental health or how to find the light. Your identity and purpose can emerge from a life dedicated to service. You may shine as a performer or actor, easily shifting into character.
🔥Jupiter in 12th house- Bliss might be the perfect trip abroad or time spent celebrating in jovial company. For as much as you give generously, you might also feel blessings magically arrive. You can bring happiness to the people around you. You can do a lot of things that are fun, optimistic and inspire a lot of people with your work.
🫧Neptune in 12th house- Perhaps you give everything to the cause, leaving nothing for yourself - but you can be a beacon of compassion in a troubled world. These people express their art through the most spititually imaginative things. They have their own imagination. They live in their own fantasy world and many people find their work very interesting.
🪁Uranus in 12th house- Perhaps you hide your unconventionality so as to fit in - reclaiming this can heip set you free. Your radar for collective trends can put you ahead of your time. You often have a unique and unconventional personality. People with this placement usually try to avoid being in the spotlight.
🏹Pluto in 12th house- If you do not accept your own power (or feelings of powerlessness) you can undermine your efforts. You have the capacity to probe the psychology of the collective mind. You can leave a mark with your work. Many powerful people hold this position. ( Steve Jobs, Marilyn Monroe, Kurt Cobain, Jennifer Lopez, Katy Perry, Lana Del Rey, Tom Hanks..)
🛼Chiron in 12th house- This suggests a desire to heal the collective and show compassion to all. Perhaps you have had to conceal your own suffering, making you sensitive to others' hidden pain. You have the potential to become a remarkable psychologist for others. By overcoming your fear of self-exploration, you can understand the mechanisms of healing and utilize them to heal others with subconscious wounds.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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astrolovecosmos · 22 days
Sun in the 1st House - main character vibes
Moon in the 1st House gives off protective, maybe even mom/dad of the group vibes
Mercury in the 1st House gives off * ~ ~ * vibes
Venus in the 1st House gives off glamorous and seductive vibes
Mars in the 1st House gives off "ready for battle" vibes
Jupiter in the 1st House gives off lucky vibes
Saturn in the 1st House gives off "old soul" vibes
Uranus in the 1st House gives off 🌟🌀🛸🌠vibes
Neptune in the 1st House gives off romantic or magical vibes
Pluto in the 1st House gives off mysterious and/or intimidating vibes
Chiron in the 1st House gives off "on your side" vibes
Juno in the 1st House gives off "wifey or husband" material vibes
Ceres in the 1st House gives off comforting or familiar vibes
Black Moon Lilith in the 1st House gives off seductive and enigmatic vibes
Asteroid Lilith in the 1st House gives off rebellious, wild, and defiant vibes
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occultwaters · 25 days
Painful placements in astrology I
💜 Sun square/conjunct/opposite/inconjunct (quincunx) Pluto. Inconjunctions should be maximum 2/3 degrees. If I see this in a natal chart it would indicate to me that the native has had issues with their father or figures with authority in general. Could also be men in their family. I have also noticed the fathers side of the family were absent, early on they could have been separated. The separation could be due to many threats. If not cultivated well, this aspect is common amongst serial killers and people notorious for being bullies.
💙 Moon square/conjunct/opposite/inconjunct (quincunx) Pluto. Inconjunctions should be maximum 2/3 degrees. Now this would indicate a person who has issues with the mother figure in their family. This could also indicate issues with the women figures in their life. These people are also very distant with their mother’s side of the family. Like harsh Pluto and Sun, they were separated early on. Which again potentially could’ve been due to threats to their safety in general. If not cultivated well, this can lead to mental health issues, especially those relating to Pluto. Dark obsessions and desires etc.
💜 Having square placements to personal planets, this alone is very hard to deal with as there is strong friction no matter which side you look at. These people need to work on the aspect and appropriately release the energy, depending on the house, sign, and degree.
💙 Pluto in 12th. These individuals harbour a lot of their trauma in the subconscious. They have probably also seen some crazy things in the spirit world. It’s like they attract that sort of attention without really meaning to aswell. These individuals may also have very disturbing dreams and sleep paralysis.
💜 Saturn/Uranus/Chiron in 11th. This is a constant cycle of feeling alienated from society. These people may feel like they never found their group of friends. They crave for a home they’ve never had. These are also the type of people who have had friends make secret group chats behind their back and never include them. Just because Uranus is at home here, doesn’t make it any easier. This is also true if these placements are in Aquarius.
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💙 Harsh Venus and Saturn aspect (square, opposition, inconjunction). Or Venus in Capricorn/aquarius. These people were made to feel unworthy of love and care when they were younger. There’s a constant battle between loving oneself and self destructive behaviours. There is an imbalance with their feminine side, due to masculine/ figures of authority, making them feel like they weren’t good enough.
💜 Harsh Moon and Venus aspects (square, opposition, inconjunction). Again made to feel like they weren’t pretty enough and probably dealt with a lot of toxicity from maternal figures. There is also an imbalance with their feminine side due to issues with women, and maternal figures. These people also a lot of the times refuse to acknowledge their emotions and bottle things up a lot.
💙 Having inconjunctions/quincunx aspects. They need to be at a maximum 2/3 degree orb. This is similar to opposition. But the difference here is that two signs that have no similarity are making a harsh aspect. There’s bound to be heat and constant internal conflict. This one is about learning to balance the scale of energies from both areas.
💜 8th house placements. These people are constantly undergoing transformations in their life. They can easily leave everyone on delivered for months and when they return, they are no longer the same person. Then the cycle repeats. There’s a lot of trauma in these people’s lives, and a lot of it comes from family. But they’re also naturally talented when it comes to things like the occult. This aspect is powerful for astrologers as it gives the native the talent to deeply study and observe people for long periods of time. This also includes psychology.
💙 Saturn opposite/square/inconjunct Pluto. Again inconjunctions should be maximum 2/3 degrees to be truly felt. This is more of a generational aspect (may reflect the society more so). These individuals dad could carry some sort of deep trauma. This is a pretty heavy energy so will require a lot of work for the generation that has this. In addition, the themes of the abuse they dealt with surround feeling restricted from expressing oneself in regards to what Pluto represents. They seem like the sheep or the scape goat of the family. Also if they have siblings that don’t have a similar aspect, if they make a mistake, the punishment they receive can be harsher than if their sibling was to make the same mistake. Their dad/ authority figures in their family can also be/ may have been involved in the dark side of structured systems and have a lot of experience and knowledge regarding the world from that.
© 2024 occultwaters. All rights reserved.
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astroismypassion · 2 months
Astrology observations 🌷🫧 by @astroismypassion
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🌷Romantic partner of the Capricorn Moon native often doesn't have a father either the person died or they come from a singleparent household. They attract "fatherless" people.
🫧 I would suggest studying closely your 6th house if you are looking for a romantic partnership. Why you might wonder? I notice that planets in the 6th house, the aspects, the sign over the 6th house, but also wherever there is Mercurial influence, these are the people you are likely to talk to basically every day or even if you are too busy, at least every other day. So these are the people you take time every day no matter how busy or how many due dates you have, you would always make time of them. And communicating every day builds connection and trust which is essential in romantic partnership.
🌷I'm saying this because you would think you would date only people with signs and aspect over your 5th house. But you likely don't really talk to them every day. It's mostly ONLY when you have enough time or enough free time.
🌷I notice that Aquarius Venus often meet their person (the one that is truly their equal romantic partner) well later in life, not even in their 30s, but after 45. It's also that they take the time to mature or/and don't find the person that truly matches their energy.
🫧 The same goes for other Aquarius placements, for example if it's JUPITER, it relates to marriage, so an Aquarius Jupiter might marry really late in life (example actor George Clooney, Aquarius Jupiter native), have an unconventional view on marriage (example actress Meryl Streep, Aquarius Jupiter native, who’s been known to live separately from her husband for years) or consciously decide to not marry. So an Aquarius Jupiter might marry for the first time well after 45 years old. If it's the MOON in Aquarius, the native could decide to form their first own secondary family later in life.
🌷 Sagittarius Sun and Sun Jupiter aspects (more so positive aspects, such as trine or sextile) have this air about them that whatever they say you are never 100 % sure whether they are joking or not. They are in a similar manner sarcastic like a Scorpio Sun when they say something serious in a jokingly manner to the point when you are not sure whether is really a joke or not. Again, it's Sagittarius, so they love having an element of the truth in their jokes, but also an element of exaggeration and joking every time they tell you their own truth.
🫧 I noticed Jupiter in the 3rd house and Mercury in Taurus often went to school (at any level of education) with a few "rich kids".
🌷 Having a Taurus Venus can feel like "a curse" sometimes, because you know that your romantic partner is "about that coin", even if they are passive, more lazy and indulgent or reserved about finances and DOESN'T come across that way. They are thinking about money hard. You sadly attract romantic interests that are really about money. Their own, but yours as well. So you could attract people that would say that their main type is "a rich person".
🫧 I noticed that if you have Cancer over the 7th house, you often attract Cancer Venus, Venus in the 4th house, Moon in the 4th house people. Or if you have Virgo over the 7th house, you romantically attract a lot of people with Venus in the 6th house, 3rd house, Gemini Venus or Virgo Venus.
🌷 Leo Mercury and Leo over the 3rd house/6th house and Mercury in the 5th house sometimes come across as they are begging for an argument, especially when they percieve that your connection is too stale or if things are too peaceful, uneventful or not engaging enough in their own life.
🫧 It's harder to navigate around Moon square Mars natives. They seem too competitive for their own good. To the point of sabotaging themselves and they are so independent to the point of not allowing other around them.
🌷 Pisces Vesta natives have lessons around how not to be so much in their head, up in the air and how to ground themselves more. Also beware of substances, even as simple as coffee, since you can end up being even less grounded or less in touch with everyday life.
🫧 The quality of work of Sun in the 6th house is really important to them. To themselves, but also how the work is percieved by others. So if others think the quality of their work is not adequate enough, it really plays into their sense of self-worth and they might start feeling not good.
🌷 Also, 6th house Sun native is often born with some sort of "imperfection" or "a deficit", which is why they end up mastering a specific trait, craft, art or activity. To give a mundane example, they have uneven teeth and they end up working so meticulously on this, that they end up having perfect, better teeth than an average person.
🫧 6th house Suns often love sticking to the same workout route. They might have a favourite running path, track they go to or they just don't change it that much.
🌷 I noticed Libra Chiron, Chiron Venus people deal with social anxiety throughout life. These are the people that might have been considered shy, timid, reserved and cautious when young, labelled as it's just a shy phase, they will grow out of it. When in reality they have a lot of social anxiety even as adults. There is a challenge in relating in their social life, due to having many unique, specific life experiences.
🫧 Mercury Chiron aspects, Gemini/Virgo Chiron, in the 3rd or 6th house can represent that the native has issue regarding communication (their words being more prone to misunderstood/misinterpreted) due to a physical reason. Such as having uneven teeth, not opening mouth/lips enough when speaking etc.
🌷 It's interesting, because Pisces Chiron, Neptune Chiron and Chiron in the 12th house are the most creative, imaginative people you meet, yet they themselves feel like they "lack" proper imagination and struggle with inspiration when it comes to their artistic projects. But at the same time, they are so fruitful in every single creative song, painting, drawing etc. they do.
🫧 Someone's Moon on your North Node? You bet they will teach you lessons, like really life-changing, transforming-your-outlook-on-life lessons. You will transform what you've been doing “wrong” since like...childhood (the Moon). So you'll start behaving completely different now as an adult than how you would just naturally behave when younger and how you were used to. You'll feel the need to evolve.
Credit @astroismypassion
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black-lake · 1 year
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Chiron opposite Ascendant, 7th
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Chiron conjunct Ascendant, 1st
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schtrawberry · 29 days
[3] personal astrology observations
[!] this is mostly an introspective view into my chart; in no way, shape, or form am i saying that any of this is fact or set in stone, nor am i saying that i am a professional astrologer. these are just presences that exist within my chart that i've felt manifest themselves in real life. simply put, take what resonates and leave what doesn't :)
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— the observation that venus in the 9th house and sagittarius mars natives are far more likely to be attracted to foreigners and/or meet their future partner/s in a foreign country is true!
[nothing, just felt like confirming, esp as someone w both these placements 🤭 like, i honestly am more likely to be approached (in a romantic setting) by a foreigner both in-person and online!]
═ sun square neptune is the aspect of daydreamers. they're always thinking about an idealized version of the future or dwelling on the past. rarely do they ever think in the present. it is often easier for them to drift off into a daze either thinking about what could have been or everything that could be.
☰ chiron in fifth house indicates pain associated with creative passions and self-expression. one may have had negative experiences that have led them to feel insecure about these aspects of life; thus leading them to distance themselves from openly expressing themselves creatively. they may take great care to keep their works of art private, tone down certain parts of their personality, and may even feel ashamed to explain themselves when others ask them about certain aspects of their creative and self-expression because of negative feedback they could have gotten in the past.
but with such pain comes empathy and understanding. once developed, these natives are the first to take notice and are the fastest to lend a sensitive ear as well as a supportive hand as soon as they see others going through the same struggle.
☱ sun-lilith in harsh aspects might have been told to cover up more by both peers and grown-ups, even when wearing "acceptable" clothing when they were kids. this placement can indicate an individual that was more sexualized from a young age, which can lead to them either being hypersexual or overly-reserved sexually in adulthood.
☲ lilith in the 7th house can indicate an individual that struggles to commit and open up about who they are to their partner/s. people with lilith in this house may have had bad experiences with marriage (perhaps witnessing bad divorces or tumultuous long-term relationships between their parents) and therefore might be turned off by the thought of marriage and/or long-term partnerships.
and though this doesn't mean that the native will be a lone soul forever, it does make one more likely to have these sort of relationships at a significantly older age in comparison to other signs.
[tw: mention of domestic violence in my personal experience, i have witnessed my parents go through an incredibly bad separation (tons of emotional abuse, infidelity, and a situation actually involving domestic violence) which has honestly made me quite hesitant to get married, even as i approach my mid-20s.]
☴ the cancer rising urge to cry when someone you care about is crying or in distress in general.
☴ a few asteroid notes:
note: asteroids are less impactful to one's personality, physicality, etc. compared to personal planets. they tend to only be relevant to one's chart if they are either in a tight orb (0-1°) or have major aspects to personal planets, preferably conjunctions or oppositions.
✢ messalina (545) known as the most promiscuous woman in rome, empress messalina is still recognized today as a symbol of uncontrolled, violent, irrational, and impulsive behavior. this asteroid reminds me very much of lilith in that it is representative of dark feminine energy and having this prominent in one's chart can be indicative of an individual that is not afraid to use their sexuality to their advantage or to create harm unto others in different aspects of their lives, but especially in terms of romantic and sexual relationships.
✢ anagolay (3757) is an potentially hazardous asteroid named after anagolay, the tagalog goddess of lost things and the daughter of the hermaphroditic goddess of seasons, lakapati. she is culturally-recognized for her ability to find not only physical objects but also abstract possessions like lost opportunities and faded memories. having this prominent in one's chart can suggest an individual that is very in-tune with cycle of nature and the subsequent passage of time. they may be more sensitive to bouts of nostalgia where they dwell on things that could have been and the way that things were. may also just indicate a person that is hypersensitive to losing physical things, though.
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[`] film: go (2001) dir. isao yukisada
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