#chord family
alicepooryorick · 6 months
Yooo no no no we're back.
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starleska · 20 days
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now i know i say something similar every other week. but i am reaching critical levels of down-badness and feel like if i see one more picture of this music-devouring entity my heart will give out 😳💖🎶
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missathlete31 · 5 months
I wish I could go to one of his parties. Always looks like the best time!
Also a good sign that Butch Cassidy is happening since Rege-Jean is there!!!
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And just a reminder of how good Glen looked at his summer parties 🔥🥵
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soymikki · 4 months
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Sketch of Chord and his siblings to get a better idea of how they resemble each other as a family
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itspileofgoodthings · 22 days
Taylor returning over and over to the falling through the ice accident in the Bolter—everything to me
#like. just. the shock of it all#there’s something about Taylor where her experience of life is so ….. brutal#like I don’t know how else to say it but it just is. life is not easy on her it is always ready to CLOBBER her#and in a way she’s not easy on life. there’s some kind of magnets/opposite poles stuff where she’s just always drawn to the worst things#to feeling them and experiencing them and almost ??? creating them#like I don’t mean to overstate it. and I know she has a family who loves her (thank GOD)#and also she’s very practical and industrious about creating this very Instagram worthy life full of Fine Things and a Fun Time#and of course all the resources in the world at her disposal to create all the trappings of it#whether it’s a celebrity Fourth of July party or the eras tour#and she’ll do it and love it. but as all the best critics know and point out the most fascinating thing about Taylor is always the music#and it’s where all the weirdness and stubbornness and difficulties of her life. her a c t u a l longings her actual fears#her actual terrible awful experiences that she charges headlong down the paths of#is set free! and it’s breathtaking in the most shocking way#like falling through the ice! I always say the first thing that always hits me about a Taylor album is the bitterness#just this blast in the face. and her music is so gentle! in so many ways#and the packaging is so appealing and her voice is so soft and expressive and there is none of that weird experimentation#even musically (remember when she shut down imogen heap for putting a minor chord in clean she was like absolutely not. I’m obsessed)#(with that moment forever)#but like. so much of Taylor’s packaging and life and HER really does SEEM so basic or ordinary or just rich girl ordinary I guess#she likes basic things and wants basic things. but also she is so hungry so restless so angry so wounded the rich internal life is CHURNING#all the time. every second. and it’s spectacular to watch and also I will worry about her until the day I die#or just—-I don’t know. it’s going to be spectacular and it is sometimes going to be awful#but she will keep furiously writing her way through it!!#there IS such a woundedness to her. and it makes me love her so much because it’s packaged in such a way people think it must just be#whining or privilege. but it’s not! it’s just. the human condition and Taylor’s own flaws#okay I’ve lost the plot here a bit in my ramblings but yeah the ice metaphor. insanely perfect
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ohno-the-sun · 4 months
Ya know sometimes it’s funny to me
I’m like why do I always write the boys as humans and specifically recently mermaids, why not write them as robots?
And then I look at my backlog of human bio and fish anatomy stuff and I’m like-
Yeah okay I could world-build for hours using this
And on the other hand I am completely in the dark about most programming and robotics things
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maniacace · 3 months
sometimes i think jatp doesn't mean that much to me anymore and then i can't change my alarm tone to anything other than now or never
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stressedanime · 2 years
making myself sad by thinking about dylan, who’s a big music guy and probably plays guitar, post-game realizing he can’t play guitar anymore.
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knife-dad · 7 months
I've watched Blue Beetle 3 times now and i think it might be one of my favorite movies? All the little details that are specific to Mexican American culture really warm my heart, and I'm delighted by how much my whole family enjoys the movie. It's not just because of the Mexican pop culture references either, it's also the themes of the movie that feel deeply informed by our culture and experiences. It feels really special to have a superhero movie that's for us.
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mynameisquoi · 8 months
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happy birthday job!
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awww it's so sweet for the shrink to attend job's birthday party! i think these two are going to be friends for a long time :)
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here's a better look at our birthday boy. he wants to work in medicine, possibly as penance for his role in spreading roach flu and killing his sister. might be kind of difficult without a college degree, but we'll see.
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fo-enjoyer · 1 year
¤ Ask game ¤
[Theme days]
[Family ask]
Kid f/o(s)
Backwards Day: What's something they're doing wrong but you don't want to correct it? And why don't you want to correct it?
Birthday: How old are they?
Star Wars Day: What is your child currently into? Do you guys share the same interests?
National Hug Your Cat Day: Have you given them a pet? If so what is it?
National Lost Sock Day: Has your child ever lost something that they cared about? How far did you go looking for it? Did you end up finding it?
Kid Inventors' Day: Have they ever tried to make something? Was it good?
Buy a Musical Instrument Day: Do they have any hobbies they enjoy doing like music or art?
Sibling f/o(s)
Boxing Day: If you two were to fight each other in a boxing ring who would win? (Get it? Heh.)
Homestuck day: Do you guys ever play games together?
Valentine's Day: Do either of you have a crush? and how often does the other person make fun of you for it? Or are they your leading wig man? Or both?
National hugging day: How do you guys show affection to each other?
International Talk Like A Pirate Day: Which one of you would actually celebrate this?
No "L" Day: When you guys compete with each other who usually wins? (I don't care if that's not what it means)
National Nothing Day: What do you guys normally do on a uneventful day?
Parent f/o(s)
New Year's day: How crazy do they go for events? Either with making or just being in them.
National Pizza Day: Do they know how to cook or do they usually order out?
Ferris Wheel Day: Have they ever brought you anywhere fun?
420 day: Are they HIP with the memes?
Please Take my Children to Work Day: Do they have a job? Would they ever take you to their job?
International Goof Off Day: Do you guys share any inside jokes with each other?
Cut the cord day: Are you related or was it adoption?
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slayhamkennedy · 2 months
SOME headcanons I've seen about Gerry's childhood rely on the idea that 20th century Ireland was uniquely uncivilised and uncaring. Some people will pretend his childhood was this entirely loveless and emotionally barren landscape and like yeah he's a queer kid growing up in a practical theocracy but despite the thrall of Catholicism, the unchecked power of predatory priests over children, the mother and baby homes like in Tuam, etc etc, Ireland wasn't a wasteland of horrible, compassionless people at the time. I think Gerry cannot have grown up in the environment he did unscathed. Of course he has trauma. But to characterise his childhood as uniquely abusive and loveless feels very. It draws upon very outdated and xenophobic ideas of the Irish experience that I thought were put to bed at the turn of the century.
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molsno · 10 months
speaking of on earth we're briefly gorgeous, I think one of the moments that stuck out to me the most was the scene where little dog is with his mom at the nail salon, and she's working on a customer who's in hysterics about the death of her little girl, and his mom keeps offering her condolences until she realizes the customer is talking about a horse. and then after the customer leaves, she shouts "a fucking horse! I was ready to go to her daughter's grave with flowers!" it's a very funny moment, a moment of joy and laughter amidst all of the trauma this family has had to endure. the thought of having enough money to own a horse and mourn its death like it was one of their children is such a ridiculous and unthinkable concept to this impoverished family that they can't help but laugh together.
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matamisin · 1 year
Against my own will, I haven't seen the afternoon in a week
#I CANT KICK THIS JET LAG AUGSHSKDBX#it was so easy adjusting when i was at the philippines like two days max i was already good#HERE THO??? I AM A SLEEPY GIRL#once the clock strikes 2 PM i blink and suddenly im all swaddled up in bed and its fucking 10 PM AAJSJDHDJ#i wont lie i only like it bc that means i get to see sunrises 🤭🤭🤭#BUT I CANST STAY LIKE THIS#EVERYONE ELSE HAS ADJUSTED LIKE NORMAL AND IM OVER HERE BEING A NIGHT OWL LOL#im gonna try to draw tonight ehehehe might as well#the only thing about being the only one up at night is im trying to vibe downstairs by myself right??#and its a vibe dont get me wrong#however i am what the young people call extremely paranoid#so i carry an emotional support knife around as i watch my silly modern families and scroll and tikkytok#if i at least had my 3 big akitas with me id feel a little bit less ummmm like i need to be on guard#but they go up to bed with my parents every night 😞😞🥲#i tried drawing last night and i doodled a genya but that was all i could muster :(#so maybe DS isnt the best thing for my art block right now 🤔🤔#but idk if im feeling SDV 😩#once i fall for 2 ✌️ sibling-like characters that would die for each other and are like a gold mine for angst i am GONE from everything else#its funny cause ive liked DS for about 3 years but when i first got into it i just COULD NOT get into making fanart#and even tho i loved the charas i was like nahhh none of them are hiting the right chord for me to full on hyperfixate and build my own aus#but i got back into it a bit ago cause i was like alright if the world insists i read the manga thru for the 4th time WHO AM I TO SAY NO LOL#AND SUDDENLY THE SHINAZUGAWAS CAPTURED MY HEART AND THEYVE BEEN ON MY MIND EVER SINCE#HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO BLIND TILL MY 4TH REREAD#🤔🤔 hmm maybe its cause we finally got to see genya in action with the 3rd season#they did him so right bros i LOVE HIM HE IS MY SON#anyways thats all for now#gonna go get comfy and make my nest on the couch to try to draw again >:)
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hybrix-hidings · 1 year
being gendered correctly and still knowing you're being mispercieved is a whole new type of dysphoric
#heavy tag#like dont get me wrong!!! im insanely grateful that people are Trying#and that im lucky enough to have at least a side of my family that Does try#along with my immediate one#i Know thats lucky and im Grateful for it#but i Also know. that they dont actually see anything masculine when they look at me#they see me as an eccentric tomboy at Best#and a delusional little girl at Worst#and i KNOW theyre trying but it fucking! hurts!! that i can Tell they dint actually percieve me the way i percieve me#and it fucking sucks that theres Nothing i can do non-medically to convince them otherwise#my chest is too big to bind and I just end up being more dysphoric when i try (because it always fails)#theres Nothing i can do to flatten my hips without some kind of surgery#my vocal chords already dont function right; so trying to upkeep the tone direction is difficult#and just Sounds Outright like im Trying to deepen my voice#i just. i fucking hate it#i hate this fucking body and i love my family but i hate that they dont see me right#and i hate that ive Never been gendered correctly wjthout having to outwardly correct someone#and that even when someone meets me Knowing im a guy they still fuck up because i just Dont Present Enough as one#theres just. theres fucking nothing i can do until we start medical treatment#and even that can go wrong in so many ways#i dont Talk about my dysphoria much because talking about it makes it Worse how the fuck am i supposed to have enough 'documented'#that I can actually be cleared for testosterone?#and god knows we already have to cash out so much on my fucking Teeth so surgery isnt happening Any time soon probably#i just. im so tired#im so fucking tired
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antiticketmaster · 1 year
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