vintagehomecollection · 11 months
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...the focus of this coir-covered staircase is an ornately carved balustrade which doubles back sharply to create an elaborate linear pattern. The space by stairs is often wasted; here it is piled with unusual rustic baskets.
Classic Country Style And How to Achieve It, 1990
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victoria8223 · 8 months
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One of my favorite discussions and explanations of casing layers, by Paul Stamets and J.S. Chilton
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tenpolegardener · 2 years
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My day in the garden….
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plant-best · 2 months
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plantbest · 5 months
Coconut Coir Gardening: A Sustainable Approach to Cultivating a Flourishing Garden
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In recent years, gardeners and environmentally conscious individuals have been turning to more sustainable alternatives for cultivating lush, vibrant gardens. One such eco-friendly solution gaining popularity is coconut coir. Derived from the husk of coconuts, this versatile material offers a myriad of benefits for both plants and the planet. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the wonders of coconut coir gardening, shedding light on its numerous advantages and how it can be a game-changer for your gardening endeavors.
Chapter 1: Understanding Coconut Coir
Before delving into the benefits of coconut coir for gardening, it's essential to understand what coconut coir is. Coconut coir is the fibrous material extracted from the outer shell of coconuts. It is a natural byproduct of the coconut industry and is renowned for its sustainability. Unlike traditional peat moss, which is harvested from non-renewable sources, coconut coir provides a renewable and eco-friendly alternative.
Chapter 2: The Versatility of Coconut Coir
One of the key advantages of coconut coir is its versatility in gardening applications. Gardeners can choose from various coconut coir products, including coconut coir bricks, coco chips, and coconut husk chips. These products serve multiple purposes in the garden, from seed starting to soil conditioning.
Section 1: Coconut Coir for Gardening
Coconut coir is an excellent growing medium for a wide range of plants. Its fine texture and ability to retain water make it an ideal choice for seed germination and propagation. When mixed with soil, coconut coir enhances aeration and water retention, creating a well-balanced environment for plant roots to thrive.
Section 2: Coco Chips for Plants
Coco chips, another popular coconut coir product, are larger chunks that provide enhanced aeration to the soil. This promotes healthier root development and helps prevent soil compaction. Gardeners can use coco chips as a top dressing for potted plants or incorporate them into the garden soil for improved structure and drainage.
Section 3: Coconut Husk Chips
Coconut husk chips, with their coarse texture, are particularly useful for orchids and other epiphytic plants. They provide excellent aeration and drainage, preventing the risk of overwatering and root rot. The fibrous nature of coconut husk chips also offers a natural resistance to decomposition, ensuring a longer lifespan in the garden.
Chapter 3: Advantages of Coconut Coir Gardening
Now that we've explored the various coconut coir products available, let's delve into the numerous advantages of adopting coconut coir gardening practices.
Section 1: Sustainable and Renewable
Unlike peat moss, which is harvested from delicate ecosystems, coconut coir is a byproduct of the coconut industry. This makes it a sustainable and renewable resource, reducing the environmental impact of gardening activities.
Section 2: Water Retention and Aeration
One of the standout features of coconut coir is its ability to retain water while providing excellent aeration to plant roots. This dual functionality ensures that plants receive the moisture they need without the risk of waterlogged soil, promoting healthier growth and reducing the likelihood of root diseases.
Section 3: pH Neutral and Nutrient-Rich
Coconut coir has a neutral pH, making it an ideal base for a variety of plants. Additionally, it naturally contains essential nutrients like potassium and copper, contributing to the overall health and vigor of plants. This nutrient-rich profile reduces the need for additional fertilizers, making coconut coir a cost-effective choice for gardeners.
Chapter 4: How to Use Coconut Coir in Your Garden
Now that we understand the benefits of coconut coir, let's explore how to incorporate it into your gardening routine.
Section 1: Seed Starting Mix
Create a seed starting mix by combining coconut coir with perlite or vermiculite. This blend provides a light, well-draining environment for seeds to germinate and seedlings to establish strong root systems.
Section 2: Soil Amendment
Improve the structure of your garden soil by adding coconut coir. Mix it with existing soil to enhance aeration and water retention, creating an optimal environment for plants to thrive.
Section 3: Mulching with Coco Chips
Apply coco chips as a mulch around the base of plants to regulate soil temperature, suppress weeds, and conserve moisture. This not only benefits the plants but also adds an aesthetic touch to your garden.
Chapter 5: Tips for Successful Coconut Coir Gardening
To maximize the benefits of coconut coir in your garden, consider the following tips:
Tip 1: Rehydrate Coconut Coir
Before use, rehydrate coconut coir by soaking it in water. This allows it to expand and become a more manageable growing medium.
Tip 2: Combine with Other Amendments
Experiment with combining coconut coir with other soil amendments, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to create a balanced and nutrient-rich growing medium.
Tip 3: Monitor Moisture Levels
While coconut coir retains water well, it's essential to monitor moisture levels to prevent overwatering. Adjust watering frequency based on the needs of your specific plants.
In conclusion, coconut coir gardening offers a sustainable and eco-friendly approach to cultivating a flourishing garden. With its versatility, water retention, aeration, and nutrient-rich properties, coconut coir has become a favorite among environmentally conscious gardeners. Whether you choose coconut coir for gardening, coco chips for plants, or coconut husk chips for specialized applications, incorporating this natural material into your gardening routine can lead to healthier, more vibrant plants while contributing to a greener planet. Embrace the wonders of coconut coir and witness the transformation of your garden into a thriving oasis of sustainability.
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pioneeragro · 8 months
What is coconut coir and what are its benefits for gardening?
Coconut coir, often simply referred to as coir, is a natural fiber extracted from the husk of coconuts (the inner part of the coconut fruit). It is a popular choice for gardening and horticultural applications due to its many benefits:
Sustainability: Coconut coir is a renewable resource because it is a byproduct of coconut harvesting. Using coir in gardening helps reduce waste and supports sustainable practices.
Excellent Water Retention: Coir can hold a significant amount of water while still providing good aeration to plant roots. It helps prevent overwatering and underwatering, promoting optimal moisture levels for plant growth.
Good Drainage: Coir has a fibrous and open structure that allows excess water to drain away, preventing waterlogged soil, which can harm plant roots.
pH Neutral: Coir has a near-neutral pH level, typically around 6–6.7. This makes it suitable for a wide range of plants, as it is less likely to affect soil pH significantly.
Slow Decomposition: Coir breaks down slowly in the soil, providing long-lasting benefits as an organic amendment. It improves soil structure over time.
Nutrient-Rich: While coir itself doesn’t contain many nutrients, it can absorb and release nutrients present in the soil, making them more available to plants.
Weed Suppression: Coir mulch can help suppress weed growth when used as a top layer in the garden. It blocks sunlight from reaching weed seeds, preventing them from germinating.
Lightweight: Coir is lightweight and easy to handle, making it a convenient option for container gardening and potting mixtures.
Disease Resistance: Coir is naturally resistant to bacterial and fungal diseases, reducing the risk of plant infections in potting mixes.
Eco-Friendly: Coir is biodegradable, so when it eventually breaks down, it does not harm the environment.
Coir is commonly used in gardening in various forms:
Coir Fiber: Used for improving soil aeration and water retention. It can be mixed with soil or added to potting mixes.
Coir Peat: Coir peat is a fine-textured, soil-like substance that is used as a soil conditioner or as a component in potting mixes to improve moisture retention and drainage.
Coir Mulch: Coir mulch is used to cover the soil surface in gardens and planters to retain moisture, reduce weed growth, and insulate soil temperature.
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Coir Pots and Liners: Coir pots and liners are biodegradable alternatives to plastic pots and containers. They provide good drainage and can be planted directly into the ground.
Overall, coconut coir is a versatile and sustainable gardening material that can benefit plants by improving soil structure, moisture management, and overall growing conditions.
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crackingmatting · 8 months
10 Intriguing Facts About Coir Door Mats That'll Make You See Them Differently!
Have you ever wiped your muddy shoes on a coir door mat and wondered about its history, or how it came into existence? Today, we’ll dive deep into the fascinating world of coir door mats and uncover some intriguing facts that might just have you looking down at your feet more often!
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1. What is Coir, anyway?
Coir is a natural fibre extracted from the husk of coconut. It’s incredibly tough and resistant to wear and tear, which makes it perfect for door matting. When you're wiping your feet on that rugged, textured surface, you're essentially scrubbing them on coconut husks!
2. A History that Dates Back Centuries
Coir has been in use for over a millennium. Ancient mariners in places like India and Sri Lanka recognised the value of coir for making strong ropes and rigging for their ships.
3. It’s Super Eco-friendly
Coir door matting is entirely biodegradable. So, when you eventually retire your old coir door mat, you can rest assured knowing that it won’t be sitting in a landfill for centuries to come.
4. Versatile in Style
Coir door mats aren't just the brown, bristly rectangles you might be imagining. Thanks to innovative manufacturers like Commercial Matting (which I personally recommend for their top-notch quality!), you can find coir matting in various designs, colours, and even with bespoke prints here.
5. The Making of a Coir Door Mat
The process is genuinely fascinating. First, the coconut husks are soaked in water to soften and separate the fibres. Once separated, they're cleaned, sorted, and then spun into yarn. This yarn is woven to create the iconic coir door mat we all know and love.
6. Natural Pest Deterrent
Coir door mats are naturally resistant to bugs and mould. That means less worry about unwanted critters taking up residence under your feet!
7. Supports Thousands of Livelihoods
The coir industry provides employment to over half a million people in India alone. By purchasing a coir product, you're indirectly supporting numerous families and artisans who've been in the trade for generations.
8. A Mat with a Memory
Did you know that coir fibres have a natural ‘memory’? They can spring back to their original form even after being compressed. This makes coir door mats durable and long-lasting.
9. Natural Absorbent
Coir door matting is naturally absorbent, soaking up water and moisture with ease. This is especially handy in the UK, where one can never truly predict when the skies might open up!
10. Not Just for Doors!
Whilst we often associate coir with door mats, its usage is vast and varied. From brushes to upholstery, and even in horticulture, coir's durability and resilience make it a favourite in multiple industries.
In conclusion, the humble coir door mat isn't just a staple for clean homes; it's a product with a rich history, intriguing facts, and eco-friendly benefits. The next time you step on one, take a moment to appreciate the journey of that coir from how it started on a tree to how finished on your floor!
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mycochaotix · 9 months
Welcome to a captivating exploration of fungi with MycoChaotiX (MCX) (he/they).
Disclaimer: This video is for educational purposes only.
In this fun-filled video, MycoChaotix hopes to take us on an exciting journey into the fascinating realm of mushroom cultivation. With enthusiasm, MycoChaotix shows us their preferred 6qt shoebox tub method for the spawn-to-bulk substrate process. This is just part one of the adventure with part two coming out in the near future (showcasing the very... thick 'big boi' albino penis envy (APE)s that fruited from this tub!
Throughout the video, MycoChaotix aims to share their knowledge and experiences: touching on various topics like mycelium's surprising adaptability, the significance of nutrients like gypsum, and the intricate process of selecting specific mushroom strains. MycoChaotix also strives to share valuable tips on achieving substantial and varied flushes.
Please: like, follow, and subscribe to MycoChaotix's channel (and any other social media) to join in on their continued, passionate fungal journey. Let MCX know in the comments if you want to see part 2 where they harvest the magnificent 'big boi apes'!
Stay tuned and keep it myco-mazing!
Social Media: Instagram: myco_chaotix Tumblr: mycochaotix Reddit: u/Dry_Cardiologist8370 Music Credits: Intro/outro - MycoChaotiX vocal-chant A and V Main background music: – xander. Sleepwalking: [Everlasting ft. Brillion] [Autumn Camp] [Healing ft. Wishes and Dreams] [Journey ft. No Spirit & Tonion] – Provided by Lofi Girl – Watch:    • xander. - Sleepwa...   ------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: This video is for educational purposes only. The creator of this video is not a licensed medical professional and does not endorse or condone the use of mushrooms for any illegal or non-educational purposes. Any cultivation shown in this video is done solely for educational purposes and in a location where it is legal to do so. The information provided in this video is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with a licensed medical professional before consuming any mushrooms that may influence and impair your brain and body.
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brandedmats · 1 year
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In this carefully-planned entrance hall, interesting contrasts of texture all link up. The closely woven coir matting blends in with the terracotta painted walls, the silky, skin-covered upholstered stools tone with the dark, chunky, wooden bannisters, and the thick weave of the sofa looks good against the smooth cotton of the Roman shade.
The Decorating Book, 1981
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coir-blimey · 1 year
The Benefits of Coir Matting and How to Choose the Right One
What is Coir Matting and Why Should You Consider It?
Coir matting is a natural, eco-friendly floor protection solution, made from the fibrous husks of coconuts, and is therefore also known as coconut matting. It has many advantages over other types of floor coverings, such as being extremely durable and resistant to moisture, making it perfect for high-traffic areas. It also has a natural resistance to bacteria, which makes it ideal for use in commercial buildings and other places that require hygiene standards. Additionally, coir matting can be used in a variety of settings, both indoors and in sheltered outdoor locations. This makes it an ideal choice for homeowners looking for a long-lasting and stylish solution to their flooring needs. Not only does coir matting look great, but it also provides superior cushioning and insulation properties that can help reduce energy costs, keeping your feet warm even during the coldest months. Furthermore, it is very easy to maintain and doesn’t require any special cleaning or treatment. This makes it an ideal choice for busy households and businesses that don’t have time to dedicate to floor care. Additionally, coir matting comes in a variety of colours, textures, and sizes so you can find the perfect one for your home décor. If you're looking for an attractive yet practical floor-covering option, then coir matting should be at the top of your list!
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Choosing Coconut Matting - Factors to Consider
Choosing the right type of coconut matting for your home or office is an important decision. It's not only about aesthetics but also about durability and functionality. There are several factors to consider when selecting the right coir matting for your needs. These include size, colour, texture, thickness, and other properties such as water absorption and anti-slip properties. By taking into account these factors you can ensure that you choose a coir mat that will last for years to come while adding beauty and style to your home or office space.
There are numerous companies that manufacture coir mats, including Grimeford Mill, which specialises in the industry. If you are in need of high-quality and effective matting, they are definitely a company that you will want to check out. They stock a range of top-quality mats, including coir matting which is available with a made-to-measure service!
To help you find the best type of coconut matting, I have listed some key features to look out for.
Size: It’s important to select a coir mat that is the right size for your space. Consider the amount of traffic, as well as the size of the area you plan to cover with your mat before making a purchase. Personally, I believe the bigger the better (whilst not going overboard), as you will want people to actually wipe their feet before entering your building. As you probably will have learnt, some people don't take even time to wipe their feet, so you will want enough floor coverage to remove dirt and moisture when they walk through. Obviously, a mat which is too small will not be effective, as people will take two steps and will be walking on your nice, clean flooring with muddy shoes!
Thickness: Coir mats come in different thicknesses, so be sure to choose one that will provide enough cushioning and support for those walking on it. Higher-quality mats tend to last longer and be more durable, so it’s worth investing in a thicker option if possible. If your entrance is often very busy and experiences a high level of foot traffic, you may want to buy a heavy-duty coconut mat, as it will be more resistant to wear and tear.
Durability: Coir mats can endure wear and tear over time, but some are more resistant than others. Choose a coir mat with tightly-woven fibres for maximum durability and longevity. You may notice that when you first install your mat, some of the fibres will start to shed, however, this is completely normal! After it has been used for a while, the shedding will stop.
Design: Many coir mats come in an array of designs, from plain to intricate patterns or images printed on them. Select a design that best suits your style and décor! Bespoke coir mats are perfect for any home or business, as you can truly make them your own. Coir is naturally quite brown, however, the fibres can be dyed in a range of vibrant colours to suit any interior. Even if your building is lacking the wow factor, a custom mat can help enhance the appearance of your interiors, to leave a positive, long-lasting impression on visitors.
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Benefits – Keeping the Dirt & Moisture Out
Coconut matting is the perfect solution for keeping dirt and moisture out of your home, it has many benefits, including its ability to trap dirt and moisture while also providing an attractive decorative element to any space. The main benefit of coir matting is its ability to keep you and your guests safe, without it, your flooring can become slippery and dangerous over time, which can lead to slip and trip accidents. This style of mat can successfully remove excess dust, dirt, and grime before it enters your building. Although this offers a safety advantage, it also provides protection for your flooring too. If you have had a shiny new floor installed, you will want it to remain intact! When people walk through your building, dirt and stones which are trapped in the soles of shoes may cause damage to the floor surface, such as scratches, scrapes, and dents. With coconut matting, you will be able to reduce the risk of these!
The material is also resistant to mould and mildew, making it ideal for high-traffic areas like entryways and outdoor patios, which are prone to moisture. With its natural properties, coir matting is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a long-lasting solution to keep their home clean and dry. It has a natural resistance to fire and is easy to install and maintain - just sweeping or vacuuming with a soft brush is enough to keep it looking good as new. As an environmentally friendly material, coir matting is recyclable and biodegradable, making it a great choice for those looking to reduce their environmental footprint. With all of these benefits, it’s no wonder why so many homeowners choose this type of flooring over other options!
Where to Find Quality Coir Door Mats at a Reasonable Price
If you are looking for quality coir door mats at a reasonable price, then your best bet is to shop online. Online stores like Grimeford Mill offer a wide selection of coir matting products that won't break the bank. Not only will you find great prices on these items, but you can also read customer reviews to make sure that the product you are purchasing is of good quality. They also offer free shipping on orders over a certain amount so that you can save even more money. With the convenience of online shopping, it's easy to find exactly what you're looking for at a price that works for your budget.
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alpha-rubber-mats · 1 year
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bluelakeinteriors · 2 years
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You've arrived at Mermaid Cove Artsy doormat #mermaid #mermaids #mermaidcove #doormats #doormatsofinstagram #homedecor #coirmat #coir #shopsmallbusinesswales #onlinegiftshopping #rhonddacynontaff #southwalesbusiness #southwales https://www.instagram.com/p/CjGHqWzo-9g/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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plantbest · 6 months
Unlocking the Best Deals: Your Guide to Coco Peat Price Online
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Are you in search of premium-quality coco peat for your gardening and agricultural needs? Look no further, as we bring you the ultimate guide to finding the best deals on Coco Peat Price Online. In this comprehensive article, we'll explore the world of coco peat, its myriad benefits, and how to source it from reliable suppliers at the most competitive prices. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a newbie in the world of horticulture, understanding coco peat and where to find it online is essential to achieving successful and sustainable plant growth.
Chapter 1: What is Coco Peat?
Coco peat, also known as coir pith or coir dust, is a natural byproduct derived from coconut husks. It's a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional soil, offering numerous advantages for gardening and agriculture. Coco peat is an excellent choice for those seeking a soilless growing medium that's rich in nutrients, water-retentive, and lightweight. Its ability to retain moisture while providing aeration to plant roots makes it a popular choice among gardeners and horticulturists.
Chapter 2: The Benefits of Coco Peat
Coco peat offers a multitude of benefits that make it a superior choice for gardening and agricultural applications. Here are some of the key advantages:
Water Retention: Coco peat has remarkable water-holding capacity, reducing the frequency of irrigation and ensuring consistent moisture for plant roots.
Nutrient-Rich: It is naturally rich in essential plant nutrients like potassium, phosphorus, and micronutrients, promoting healthy plant growth.
pH Neutral: Coco peat has a neutral pH, making it suitable for a wide range of plants. It can be easily adjusted to meet specific plant requirements.
Lightweight: The lightweight nature of coco peat facilitates easy handling and transportation, reducing labor costs.
Biodegradable: It is an eco-friendly and sustainable growing medium, making it an excellent choice for environmentally conscious gardeners.
Chapter 3: Finding the Best Coco Peat Price Online
Now that we understand the value of coco peat, it's time to explore the options for purchasing it online at the best prices. When searching for coco peat suppliers and deals, consider the following steps:
Search Engines: Use popular search engines to look for "Coco Peat Price Online." These search results will provide you with a list of suppliers and e-commerce platforms offering coco peat for sale.
Online Marketplaces: Check well-known online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Alibaba, where you can find a variety of coco peat products from different suppliers.
Agricultural and Gardening Websites: Visit websites dedicated to gardening and agriculture, as they often feature specialized sections for coco peat products, along with competitive prices.
Coco Peat Manufacturers: Some coco peat manufacturers also sell their products directly to consumers through their websites. This can be a good way to get quality products at competitive prices.
Comparison Shopping: Once you've identified potential suppliers, compare the prices, shipping options, and customer reviews to make an informed decision.
Chapter 4: Assessing Coco Peat Suppliers
Not all coco peat suppliers are created equal, so it's crucial to do your due diligence when selecting the right one. Here are some factors to consider:
Quality: Look for suppliers with a reputation for providing high-quality coco peat. Read product descriptions and customer reviews to gauge the quality of their products.
Price: While price is essential, don't compromise on quality. Balance affordability with the quality of the coco peat to ensure the best value for your money.
Shipping Costs and Times: Consider the shipping costs and delivery times, especially if you're purchasing in bulk or have specific timing requirements for your gardening or agricultural projects.
Customer Support: Ensure the supplier offers reliable customer support. You may need assistance with orders, product information, or troubleshooting.
Sustainability: If you're environmentally conscious, inquire about the supplier's commitment to sustainability and eco-friendly practices.
Chapter 5: Coco Peat Price Online: Tips for a Great Deal
To secure the best deals on coco peat, here are some tips to keep in mind:
Buy in Bulk: Purchasing coco peat in larger quantities can often result in cost savings per unit.
Subscribe to Newsletters: Many online suppliers offer discounts and promotions to subscribers, so consider signing up for their newsletters to stay updated on special offers.
Keep an Eye on Seasonal Sales: Some suppliers may have seasonal sales or discounts during specific times of the year, so monitor their websites for these opportunities.
Read Reviews: Customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality of the coco peat and the supplier's service.
Contact the Supplier: If you have specific questions or are looking for a custom solution, don't hesitate to contact the supplier directly. They may be able to offer tailored advice and pricing.
Coco peat is a versatile and eco-friendly growing medium that can enhance the success of your gardening and agricultural endeavors. By following our guide and using the right keywords like "Coco Peat Price Online" in your online searches, you can find the best deals on coco peat from reputable suppliers. With its excellent water retention, nutrient-rich composition, and pH neutrality, coco peat is an investment in the future of your plants. So, start your journey toward greener, healthier gardens and farms today by exploring the world of Coco Peat Price Online.
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friendtutor · 2 years
A detail explanation on the history of clothing and various types of fabrics used  for clothing has been listed in detail for kids as question and answer session. The topic discussed are the types of fibre. Cotton wool are the natural fibre whereas the nylon, polyester are the synthetic fibres used in the making of clothes. A detail explanation  on the cultivation of cotton and jute plants and the process involved in obtaining the cotton and jute fibres are in simple terms.The various other fibre that are used are coir, synthetic fibres. Silk is obtained from the silkworm. silk is the most lustrous and costly fabric around the world
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