#con beckett.
colonelshepparrrrd · 2 months
Calling all Canadian (and the rest of the world if you feel like travelling) SGA –and Stargate in general– fans!! As many of you may know it's the 20th anniversary of SGA this year, and the guest list at Basingstoke Comic Con has literally everyone there. Some of us on the other side of the pond can't make it (me among others). HOWEVER! There is hope for us!
Ottawa Comic Con has a guest suggestion list! You can pick 5 people you'd like to see! Actors and other creators have to get invited to these things, so if there is enough interest from fans I think there is a good chance that the con organizers might invite some! I picked Joe Flanigan (shocking I know!), David Hewlett, Jewel Staite, Paul McGillion, and Rainbow Sun Franks. As the latter four still live in Canada.
I can speak for myself, and maybe other fans who live in close enough proximity to Ottawa, that it would be awesome to see some Stargate people at a con, it's been awhile since we've had one on this side of the continent.
Thank you everyone who fills this out and shows support 🤙💜
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ansonmountdaily · 2 years
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Strange New Worlds cast talk about the Strange New Worlds/Lower Decks crossover
Anson Mount, Ethan Peck, Celia Rose Gooding, Christina Chong and Paul Wesley at San Diego-Comic Con 2022.
"There's an 'extremely buff 2D version of me' says Anson Mount of the Lower Decks crossover episode." - SFX magazine via Twitter
Source: Entertainment Weekly interview, July 23 2022
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renegadesstuff · 3 months
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Same but different 💙
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morezelenka · 1 month
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salchat · 2 months
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Another one ready for the Basingstoke Comic Con. This one's oil pastels. Paul McGillion, aka Carson Beckett.
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incorrect-multiverse · 4 months
Castle: What do you call a snobbish criminal going down the stairs?
Beckett: I don’t know, what?
Castle: A condescending con descending.
Beckett: Get out.
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alienejj · 4 months
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Part 3: This is a collection of short stories, 50 penguin's modern classics.
21. FOUR RUSSIAN SHORT STORIES by GAZDANOV & OTHERS. In these stories, four writers - all exiles from revolutionary Russia - explore four deaths in a world in which old certainties have crumbled.
22. THE DISTANCE OF THE MOON by ITALO CALVINO. These exuberant, endlessly inventive stories interweave scientific fact with wordplay, whimsy and cosmic flights of fancy in a strange and wondrous universe.
23. THE MASTER'S TOOLS WILL NEVER DISMANTLE THE MASTER'S HOUSE by AUDRE LORDE. From the self-described 'black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet', these soaring, urgent essays on the power of women, poetry and anger are filled with darkness and light.
24. THE SKELETON'S HOLIDAY by LEONORA CARRINGTON. These dreamlike, carnivalesque fables by one of the leading lights of the Surrealist movement are masterpieces of invention and grand-guignol humour.
25. THE FINGER by WILLIAM S. BURROUGHS. A deliberately severed finger, a junky's Christmas miracle and a Tangier con-artist, among others, feature in these hallucinogenic sketches and stories from the infamous Beat legend.
26. THE END by SAMUEL BECKETT. From the master of the absurd, these two stories of unnamed vagrants contending with decay and death combine bleakness with the blackest of humour.
27. NEW YORK CITY IN 1979 by KATHY ACKER. A tale of art, sex, blood, junkies and whores in New York's underground, from cult literary icon Kathy Acker.
28. AFRICA'S TARNISHED NAME by CHINUA ACHEBE. Electrifying essays on the history, complexity and appropriation of a continent, from the father of modern African literature.
29. NOTES ON CAMP by SUSAN SONTAG. These two classic essays were the first works of criticism to break down the boundaries between 'high' and 'low' culture, and made Susan Sontag a literary sensation.
30. THE RED TENDA OF BOLOGNA by JOHN BERGER. A dreamlike meditation on memory, food, paintings, a fond uncle and the improbable beauty of Bologna, from the visionary thinker and art critic.
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adder24 · 23 days
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Flowers for your hotdogs
A crossover fic with the Mentalist and Castle, since we never got the crossover of the centurary.
A/N: The timelines are not accurate I admit since I have mashed season 6 of the Mentalist with season 4 of Castle. I know I know but it's a bit of fun right?
Summary: Fed up of being restricted by the FBI, Jane makes a break for it while working a case in New York. He manages to throw the FBI off his scent but in doing so, he manages to bump into one of New York's finest detectives and a famous Author come consultant who both require Jane's expertise.
@profwonderbearthementalista @captkatecastle @untilthe12ofnever @nuggsmum @loops911 @nikki-rook @loops911 @hellostickerdoodle @myfriendtheurbanlegend @bonnie131313
Story below the cut
Chapter 1 - Damp Warehouses
When a dog is put on a short leash, it loses the ability to explore, to get acquainted with its surroundings and familiarise itself with the locals so to speak. It’s a tactic used to make a dog fall into line and a Tactic that the FBI were currently using on Jane. The problem was the more restrictions they put on him, the more Jane tested them and the trip to New York and being denied a Hot dog, was the breaking point.
He created a suitable distraction, by getting a suspect on a homicide to tell Kim Fischer she was going to inform the media, and while her and Lisbon ran after them, Jane decided to make a break for it, evading the other agents on the ground and blending in with the crowds of people around him. With his new found taste of freedom his first stop was a hot dog stand on the Manhattan side of Brooklyn bridge, next to the City hall park. Understandably there was a queue but eventually Jane reached the front of it and put in his order for a hot dog all the way.
A child like smile spread across his lips as he was given his hot dog, Jane made sure to pay the vendor generously, using the leftover change that he got from the disallowed hot dog earlier, but as he was about to take a bite, he sensed someone close by watching which was soon confirmed by an excitable sounding “Patrick Jane?!”
He turned his head to the voice and upon recognising the tall,stocky looking man coming towards him, he too got a little excitable.
“Richard Castle?!” He replied, chuckling when he saw the other man's Jaw drop and then turned to the woman standing next to him, the woman he could only assume would be the inspiration behind Nikki Heat. Kate Beckett.
“He knows me! Kate, he knows me!” Castle squeaks happily
“How can I not know you? The Derrick Storm novels and now The Nikki Heat stories? You’re pretty well known” Jane replied calmly as he took a bite from the hot dog and savoured the taste “I have been craving this all day”
“The man likes hot dogs too” Castle whispered as Kate gave him a look.
“A lot of people do Castle, now can you stop fangirling for five minutes and explain to me who Patrick Jane is” Kate replied firmly.
“He’s a Psychic!” Castle replied happily.
“No such thing as Psychic’s, more like an elaborate con artist” Patrick interjected with a smile
“A con artist?! You’re fangirling about a Con artist pretending to be a Psych-Wait hang on, Patrick Jane? The same Patrick Jane who’s fam-”
“Family was murdered by a serial killer! Yes, that Patrick Jane, I was trying to avoid bringing that up around him Kate but nevermind” Castle grumbled
“It’s okay…I have grown accustomed to it now.” Patrick replied as his smile fell a little. “Yes I am that Patrick Jane and yes I know you two are more than just Colleagues and I am guessing you’re trying very very hard to keep it a secret from those you work with”
Both Castle and Kate looked at him dumbstruck. They had literally only just met him and the man was already picking up on the fact they were an item and desperately trying to keep it hush hush.
“Oh he’s good!” Castle said a little too enthusiastically.
“Yeah, he’s a con artist Castle” Kate replied unimpressed, “He probably followed us-”
“Or I have a good read on people. Castle here, he’s like a Labrador, Excitable, always sees the world as his playground, can be tamed with food and is loyal to his family and those he loves but you Kate, you’re a little more complex. See you want to be like him but you lost someone very close to you and their death has given you a thirst for revenge, one that hasn’t been quenched yet but you have been tantalisingly close on a few occasions. And that drive, that quest you have set out in your mind, it’s what has closed you off a little from all the good things he sees in this world...You’re opposites but you need one another. You need him to help you lighten up and he needs you to ground him and reel him in a little, otherwise he becomes an untameable, bouncy labrador that humps all the furniture” Jane interrupted, watching their expressions as he accurately described them. “Am I close or do you still believe I followed you? A bit of a feat considering I crossed over from Brooklyn”
“I don’t hump furniture!” Castle blurts out, watching Jane as he takes another bite from his hot dog, chuckling.
Kate however was a little more shaken up. It felt like Jane had reached into her soul, pulled out her memories and was poking at them, seeing what kind of response he would get from her when he was able to discover her life story in mere seconds.
“How did you do that?” She asked him carefully
“Like I said, I just have a good read on people” Patrick replied casually as he finished off his hot dog.
"Right…come on Castle we got a case to work on" Kate says cautiously, watching Patrick closely.
"We do-wait, I got a brilliant idea" Castle replied, his voice filled with excitement.
"Oh no" Kate groaned.
"Oh no? What's Oh no?" Patrick asked, being his usual nosey self.
"Why don't we get Jane to help us solve the case quicker?! That's only if he hasn't got anywhere to go or isn't working" Castle suggested, watching the death glare form on Kate's face.
"Excellent idea, I'm not working on anything, I'm just here visiting" Patrick replied with as much eagerness as Castle.
"We can't just bring him into the precinct like a stray dog and hope Gates will let him work a case" Kate growled 
"Then like a stray dog, we sneak him in, tell her he's a witness or something." Castle replied
"You know the times where I hate you? This is one of them. He can tag along but there are rules." Kate said sternly 
"It's okay I'm house trained" Patrick interjected.
"Oh great, he's just as Snarky. Okay Patrick, rule one, you don't tell anyone what is going on between me and Rick, do and I lose my job. So unless you want me to use your inside as a football, I suggest you keep it quiet. Rule two you only read the suspects. Castle I don't want you encouraging him either" Kate said firmly giving the man that look "Rule three and the final rule, if you want a coffee…make it yourself"
"But I only drink tea" Patrick replied
"Then you should be fine" Kate said as they started to walk towards the car "You coming?"
“Absolutely!” Jane said with a beaming smile, chasing after them, eager to see how this dynamic partnership worked together.
The journey to the precinct was a bit of a whistle stop sightseeing tour for Patrick, he got to see the Empire State building, Times Square, a peek at the Chrysler building and a fleeting glance at lady liberty herself before they finally reached the precinct. Patrick got out of the car and took a moment to get himself acquainted before Castle showed him the way in and signed him in as a guest. They then made their way up to where the magic happened, a small area that was alive with the hustle and bustle of detectives working cases or acting on call outs. It felt a little like home for Patrick, reminding him of the CBI before it was disbanded.
“Do you have a couch?” Patrick finally asked
“Yeah in the family room…where we talk to the families, why?” Castle asked “Oh it’s just how I do my best work, laying on the couch, staring at the ceiling, listening to my environment. Something I asked from the FBI but they're not in the mood to bend and consequently I’m not doing my best work for them” Patrick replied, giving Castle a coy smile.
“You think Kate will buy it?” Castle asked him
“She will buy it if you are in on it, say ... .I tell you it’s a technique used to gather your thoughts, see clarity in your decisions and all you have to do is tell her it works”  Patrick suggested, knowing full well Castle was up for a bit of mischief making.
“I’m in!” Castle replied Defiantly 
“Excellent, show me the way to the family room and I will show you the magic” Patrick replied confidently
“Certainly and may I say, I like you, we’re going to get into so much trouble” Castle said happily.
“Oh we are, we really are” Patrick replied with a chuckle as Castle showed him to where the couch was kept.
Oddly enough, it was a similar one to the one Patrick grew accustomed to, only this one seemed a little more supportive. He sat down, bounced on it a few times before laying down on it to get a feel.
"Oh this is comfortable, I can work with this" Patrick said as a grin spread across his lips "Wanna give it a go on the other one Castle?"
Castle quickly looked around to make sure no one was looking in before he too took his place on the other couch, laying his 6 foot 2 frame across the cushions and letting out a contented groan.
"Oh yeah…I can see why you like this way of working" Castle said huskily 
"It's great, you can relax and let your brain unravel the case but what's even better, is you can listen better like this…you can hear everything going on, channelling in on the right conversations, picking up little nuggets here and there" Patrick says as he closes his eyes to tune his listening skills  "What's the case you're working on?" 
"A guy killed by a Zombie" Castle replied nonchalantly 
"You're joking right?" Patrick replied surprised 
"I'm not. We got video evidence. It's really cool but a little creepy!" Castle replied excitedly
"There is no such thing as Zombies. It's illogical for them to exist" Patrick replied calmly, knowing Castle will argue against him.
"Okay well I guess I'll have to show you the footage to make you believe" Castle replied.
"Guess you will" Patrick replied softly 
There was a moment's silence between the two men, both of them listening to their environment momentarily before Castle's curiosity got the better of them.
"You know how you freaked out Kate? Can you do that with me?" Castle asked "Just curious to know what you're psychic abilities picked up on me"
"Not psychic and I already did" Patrick replied as he turned to look at him "You ready to hear it?"
"Fire away" Was Castle's response, not truly prepared for what Patrick was about to say.
"On the outside you appear as this loveable guy that has a good sense of humour, wit and charm but on the inside you've experienced a lot of heartbreak, sensing your father was never around when you was born, that you took on the responsibility to be the man about the house, look after your mom, pay the bills and help keep a roof over your head." Patrick replied
".......I never told-"
"I'm not done" Patrick interrupted "You put on the playboy act after a broken heart by a childhood sweetheart, you didn't want your heart broken like that again so you played the field for a very long time…got married a couple of times and had a child. A daughter who is and always will be the apple of your eye. You're loyal, loving to your family and now you actually feel ready to have a serious relationship with someone, who I believe is Kate or Beckett as you call her at work. Problem is you love her but you still keep things from her and I can tell you, you need to be open with Kate, stop hiding behind the playboy act, lower your walls a little and just be you. You don't need to impress her Castle, she likes the man you are." 
Castle just stared at him, he was impressed by the man's skill, if somewhat a little uncomfortable by the man's accurate reading. Of course it did cross his mind that Patrick may have researched him beforehand but something was telling him that it was not the case, that somehow, Patrick leapt into his mind and relayed all that he saw before him.
"How far off was I?" Patrick asked
"Did you research me?" Castle asked
"Nope, didn't have time and didn't know I'd end up working alongside you." Patrick replied casually.
"Well for someone who hasn't done his homework, you got it spot on. You gotta teach me how to do it, it would be a cool thing to do at parties!" Castle responded enthusiastically.
"I'm not one to give out my trade secrets but as a tip, people give out visual clues all the time, you just need to know where to look and how to read it." Patrick replied with a smile.
"Kate can be my test subject" Castle replied thoughtfully
"Yes she can but don't be too obvious with it, try and be subtle" Patrick advised.
He then went on to spend ten minutes schooling Castle on how to subtly get a read on someone, reminding him to keep eye contact with someone but not make it uncomfortable, all before Kate burst into the room and stood in the doorway, a disapproving look on her face and her arms folded across her chest.
"She's upset" Castle said calmly
"Yeah it's quite obvious" Patrick replied
"Castle you asked to have this man work on the case and here you both are, laying on the couch, gossiping while I am out there busting my ass off trying to catch a lead" Kate said in frustration.
"This is how Patrick works, you lay on the couch and lis-"
"I don't care. Get your asses to my desk. Now!" Kate demanded, giving Patrick her trademark death glare "I don't care how you work, when you are under my command you do things my way. Are we clear Mr Jane?"
"Oh we're clear but you'll be surprised what you hear from the couch" Patrick replied in an annoyingly optimistic manner, hoping he could make Kate crack a little.
"Desk!" She snapped back at him as Castle hurriedly ran to get another seat setup at Kate's desk.
"But I don't know where you sit" Jane protested "And I still need a cup of tea"
"Tea can wait. Follow me if you know what's good for you" Kate replied.
Patrick shrugged his shoulders and followed her through the office, watching the people around him work and noting two detectives that were giving him a quizzical look as he passed them by. He then approached what he assumed to be Kate's desk and sat in the empty seat next to Castle, the man presenting Patrick with a cup of tea he had made for him.
"Did you put the water in, make sure the tea bag stewed a little and then the milk?" Patrick asked him.
"Yep, my mom knew this English guy who was very precious about the way his tea was made and he taught-"
"Guys. A little focus here" Kate said sternly
"I made him tea," Castle said proudly.
Kate rolled her eyes and shook her head before presenting Patrick with the file they were working on. Inside was the report on the body from Laney, pictures of the body and the crime scene and a few statements from those who attended the scene along with information gathered on the victim and a list of potential suspects.
"For someone to bite another human and leave behind a deep wound, they would need to be high or deranged" Patrick said as he continued to read the notes.
"Or a zombie,"  Castle interjected.
"You only ever bite someone if it's in self defence or…you're sexually aroused by it. This doesn't come across as either…was there any chemical residue left behind?" Patrick asked
"As a matter of fact there was, traces of a chemical found only in this specific Warehouse district downtown which is on the to do list" Kate replied as she studied Patrick "You thinking drugs are involved?"
"Could be, where's this Charlie fellow?" Patrick asked
"Down in holding, he believes he's going to turn into a zombie" Kate replied with a sarcastic tone in her voice.
"Ooof. Someone's been watching too many horror films. Can I speak to him? I want to know what person we're dealing with here" Patrick asked
"I'll take you to him, I would say take Castle but it'll only encourage his zombie fixation" Kate replied.
"Don't come running when he turns and hungers for your brainy goodness" Castle quipped as he started going over the files again.
"Nice tea by the way" Patrick said, raising his cup to him as he walked alongside Kate. 
They didn't speak much but Patrick could tell that this was a woman who was strong minded, stubborn and confident. He could see It in the way she walked, the way she commanded authority and kept her team in check but under that tough exterior he knew there was a soft spot, someone who was warm, caring and understanding. He just needed to gain her trust a little.
"Do you have a team you work with in the FBI?" Kate asked him finally.
"Yes…yes I do it's still being put together but all the right ingredients are there, it's just getting them to click into place" Patrick answered as they reached the holding cells and waited for someone to sign them in.
"I'm guessing you're an agent" Kate said as she began to fill in the forms.
"No actually, I'm a consultant like Castle I guess" Patrick replied. 
“So who’s lucky enough to have you as their pain in the ass?” Kate asked with a chuckle
“Theresa Lisbon, you’d get along, she has things she can teach you and you have things you can teach her” Patrick replied as he signed the forms where he needed to “We have worked with each other a while now, she’s the only one I truly trust when it comes to things close to my heart”
“Sounds like you have a soft spot for her” Kate says with a smile
“I’ve worked with her for years, of course I’m going to develop a soft spot for her” Patrick says defensively as Kate walks him into the maze of holding cells, every single one of them empty bar one, which was occupied by Charlie, tall man with short black hair, wearing a grey shirt, white tee and Black trousers. Sure enough, Patrick saw the bite mark on his arm, same as the one found on the victim.
“That is interesting!” Patrick says gleefully as he sits down on the floor, placing his cup of tea on the ground between his legs “Hey I’m Patrick Jane, I’m another consultant. Look I need to ask about the attack, smooth out a few details. Now according to Zombie lore, by now you would have turned and that wound on your arm would become a lot more redder and angrier, your veins would be purple and more to the surface and you would be clammy and sick looking, like you have the flu. None of that has happened so I think you’re still able to help me understand what happened to you and David.”
Charlie slowly looked at his arm and then back at Patrick, indicating for the man to carry on with what he has to say.
“I want you to close your eyes for me and slow your breathing down, breathe deep in through your nose, hold for three seconds and breathe out slowly. Can you do that for me?” Patrick asked
“Yeah ... .I can do that” Charlie replied as he slowly closed his eyes and followed Patrick’s instruction.
Patrick waited a couple of minutes, watching the man calm himself down and fall into some form of trance that made him a little more amicable and easy to coerce.  The perfect moment for Patrick to try and draw out some information they couldn’t get out from him while he was hysterical and focusing on his bite.
“I know the attack was quite violent and disturbing for you but I want you to try and remember that day for me, recall any smells or sounds that put you there, maybe there is a colour that reminds you of that day” Patrick says softly, watching the man relax.
“Glue….I could smell Glue….like latex glue” Charlie replied
“Okay that’s good. What else stood out to you?” Patrick asked him
“Rust and…staleness, no damp, the clothes smelt damp” Charlie replied
"Good and did you recognise this person who attacked both you and David?" Patrick asked.
"No idea they just…they came for us and then ran off" Charlie replied 
Patrick took a sip of his tea and looked at Kate with a smile.
"Rust and damp smelling clothes would fit warehouses, especially the leaky ones. But…I don't think our killer was of sound mind and I have a feeling, since Charlie here doesn't know them, is that they were hired to kill or maybe coerced" Patrick suggested before he clapped his hands, snapping Charlie out of his trance "Thanks Charlie you have been a big help"
Charlie blinked, confused and disorientated, unsure of what happened to him as Kate gave Patrick a perplexed look.
"Did you hypnotise him?"She asked
"No just calmed him down and made him more cooperative" Patrick replied with a smile as he got to his feet and picked up his tea from the floor “Castle makes a good cup of tea”
“I'm sure he will be thrilled to know” Kate replied as she walked with him out of the holding area. “Fancy having a walk around some of New York’s finest warehouses in the middle of the night?”
“Sure. I don’t sleep much anyway so maybe a walk around some Warehouses might make me sleepy” Patrick replied with a sarcastic tone and a cheeky smile on his lips.
“I’m guessing you have a hotel room for the night?” Kate asked as she started to sign them out 
“Err…not really I was just going to take a chance on luck” Patrick replied as he started to sign the documentation.
“Well Castle has a spare room or three you can make use of, I’m sure he would love to have you around” Kate replied as they made their way back to the bullpen 
“I’ll be sure to ask him” Patrick replied
Once they returned to Beckett’s desk, she started to put her plan into action. Her, Castle and Patrick would take a few warehouses within  Manhattan, while Ryan and Esposito took a few spots along the Hudson and of course they would move at night, usually the time where crime would be at its peak and they may catch a few breaks with some drug dealers that could potentially have a role to play within the case. So as soon as Darkness fell over the city, Beckett and her team got to work, Esposito and Ryan headed to their spots while Kate, Castle and Patrick went to theirs. Their first spot was a bust, nothing happening, no suspect behaviour or even drug dealers but the second spot, the second spot was interesting. There was steam and a creepy atmosphere around the place which oddly put a smile on Patrick's face.
“Oh this is deliciously creepy” Patrick said joyfully
“Even more reason to have your wits about you Patrick” Kate retorted as they walked through the grounds of this particular spot.
“Oh I have my wits about me, don’t you worry about that” Patrick replied as he marvelled at the spot, chuckling when he saw how on edge Castle was, despite the man trying to disguise it with the macho front he put on. Of course, it teased out Patrick’s mischievous side, he couldn’t help himself and when the right time presented itself, Patrick struck. He managed to find a discarded paper bag,collected air into it and popped it, the explosion loud and reverberated around the grounds of the warehouse. Castle must have lept twelve feet in the air, causing Patrick to laugh loudly before he realised Kate’s gun was trained on him and he flung his arms up in the air to show submission.
“Do that again and I’ll tell Lisbon personally why you came home with a hole in your body” Kate snapped.
But as Jane was about to reply with a witty comment, something caught his eye, something running frantically behind them.
“You might want to turn around” Jane said hurriedly
“If you’re tricking me, I swear-”
“I’m not tricking you! Turn around, there is someone running for their lives!” Patrick pleaded
Thankfully Castle saw it too, despite his nerves already being shredded by Patrick’s antics.
“Kate I think they need help” Castle said
Kate slowly took her eyes off Patrick and looked in the direction both men were looking in, sure enough there was a young woman emerging from the steam in the distance, sprinting towards them, horror etched on her face.
“Get out of here! They’re coming!” She screamed as she ran past them, Patrick watching her path as she ran by..
“Gotta admire a woman who can sprint in heels!” Patrick said before he then turned to look in the direction she came from and sure enough, emerging from the steam was a horde of people also running in fear.
“Okay what’s going on?!” Castle blurted out as he watched Patrick and Kate watched as these people ran past them screaming.
Then there was an eerie silence as the screaming died off into the distance. A moment for them to catch their breaths and try to figure out what had just happened. Patrick was about to speak before he noticed a crowd of slow moving people In the distance, people that stumbled over their feet, that had their hands outstretched. They could hear the distant growls and groans before they emerged from the shadows, coming from every direction. Patrick's eyes lit up in wonder while Castle appeared more panicked. He knew what this group of people were.
“We need to run!” He shouted
“Why?” Patrick asked, confused.
“Because if we don't they'll eat out brains, they're Zombies Patrick!” Castle replied
“.....Zombies? Well this should be Interesting” Patrick replied calmly.
“How are you calm?!” Castle yelled
“Err…I dunno, maybe I know the difference between fact and fiction” Patrick replied 
But the Zombie horde got closer and closer, Patrick fought  back the urge to yell out Lisbon's name as he became increasingly uncomfortable with the amount of people coming towards them, vacant, soulless eyes staring right at them. Unsettling, unnerving and creepy. Kate quickly drew her gun and stood her ground.
“CASTLE, PATRICK, GET BEHIND ME!” She yelled as she kept eyes on the horde.”This can’t be real…”
“WE’RE OUTNUMBERED!” Castle replied, panicked by the sight.
“Significantly! You don’t have enough bullets in that gun to hold them back,so I hope you got a plan, Detective” Patrick warned as he backed himself up against Castle
“Only one. Hold tight and be prepared to fight!” Kate ordered.
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translightyagami · 4 months
I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE A QUANTUM LEAP FAN!?!?!?!?! Have you ever drawn any fanart you're willing to share? I've been following you for over a year because of death note, but i didn't know you also knew my best friend Sam Beckett!
Oh DUDE! I had an intense Quantum Leap moment in college. I still have Quantum Leap novels, a QL sweatshirt from my friend @allisonpregler , a QL coffee cup with Sam on it, and SEVERAL sam/al fics on my ao3. I haven’t drawn fanart but if you go in my quantum leap tag there’s definitely fanart there. Oh also:
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Sam Beckett fanart I commissioned at my first comic con with adult money. he’s on my bedroom wall making sure i have good dreams.
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justellie-b · 5 months
A little "Castle" reference from a new tv show on CW called "Wild Cards". Guess what the show is all about? A con artist being a consultant to a cop 😂
While I appreciate and totally agree with her saying "that hot girl", her name is Kate Beckett! 😂😂 (somehow I can hear Kate Beckett saying "damn straight, she is" to that hot girl remark. If you don't get the reference, you need to watch S8 again 😛😂)
Video credit: x
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renegadesstuff · 3 months
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Them after solving the case 🥺🥺
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la-semillera · 1 month
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Cómo es largo morir, no llega, no acaba, ¡qué historia!, tal como suele decirse, nunca nada terminado, todo siempre ha durado para siempre.
Lo que agota intentando agotarse es el discurso, se cae a pedazos... y dura, agotar la duración, ¡ qué idea, qué vida!
Lo que te falta, lo que te hace fracasar, lo que incluso no te hace fracasar en todo (amor, amistad, vida de padre, vida de hijo, profesión: sin, ninguna profesión, nadie) no es la inercia, la mala voluntad, la torpeza, la mala fe -aunque también haya un poco de todo eso, porque "la miseria nace de la nada" (diría Kafka, diría Bernhard); es la falta de fin, de fin y de fin, doblemente, uno y otro, porque ambos están ligados, el uno hace al otro, sí, el fin hace el fin, el fin de uno hace el fin del hombre, y la ausencia de fin, por lo tanto de término, por lo tanto, igualmente, de finalidad, es como la falta de aire y la falta de ley, es invivible. Ahora bien, no hay nada que hacer en cuanto a esto que es invivible, hay que vivirlo, ya que tenemos para un horrible rato, palmo a palmo, con los miserables recursos del borde, es decir, hay que malvivir, soportar, fabricar, remendar, no para ponerse al día con lo que descuidaste, no podemos ponernos al día con lo que nos precede, sino para tejer y destejer la duración del tiempo, porque esta tarea, bueno, vale tanto como cualquier otra.
- El vecino de cero. Sam Beckett, Hélène Cixous. Swan ensayo/Shangrila. Trad.: Mariel Manrique
_ Lygia Clark. Ping-Pong, 1966. Cortesía Associação Cultural “O Mundo de Lygia Clark,” Río de Janeiro.
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lunamagicablu · 2 months
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“Ecco gli uomini! Se la prendono con la scarpa quando la colpa è del piede.” SAMUEL BECKETT art by_csjulie ************** “Here are the men! They blame the shoe when the foot is to blame.” SAMUEL BECKETT art by_csjulie
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lahija-del-molinero · 1 month
Ésta es una de las muchas razones por las que evito hablar tanto como puedo. Porque siempre digo demasiado o demasiado poco, lo cual es algo terrible para un hombre con una pasión por la verdad como la mía. — Samuel Beckett
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Everyone in the vtmb fandom fighting for who the best boy is, and they always say Nines, Beckett, or Gary. Y'all shallow ass looking over the greatest boy, the only one I will ride and die for the rest of my unlife...
Chunk <3
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Pros : cute Nicknames, never sends you on fetch quests, wonders where you've been, ask you on a date, he is Chunk
Cons : none
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creativitycache · 3 months
Dickstroke: just look at it.
Caskett: Crime Drama ship names should be spooky, and baby this buried the competition
Dickstroke: somewhat unsearchable as a tag
Caskett: none
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