#consulting husbands
andtheywhereroommates · 6 months
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I’m majorly retooling the most recent chapter of Langstroth on Bees; below is a section I’m deleting, as it no longer fits the tone and trajectory of the section. However, I like it too well to just drop it into a deletions file and never look at it again, so here, have some beekeeping angst!
Set during Last Bow, when Holmes has taken off for America and left Watson in charge of his bees. You may think of this as a companion piece to “From Allegany,” if you like.
After breakfast, I suited up in Holmes' beekeeping gear and loaded his barrow with his apiarist's notebook, his smoker, and a collection of empty supers, and proceeded to the copse that held his apiary.
I was still agitated in my mind, however, a state to which his bees must have objected, for I was stung while installing the supers -- my first sting while working with Holmes' hives. I swore and stalked off beyond the edge of the copse, yanking off my gauntlet to get at the welt on my wrist, lifting my veil and twisting my arm this way and that against the sky in an attempt to see the stinger. My arms were not long enough to see the stinger without a glass, but I scraped at the cursed thing with my hive tool, succeeding only in smearing my wrist with propolis and in no way preventing the stinger from pumping its full load of venom into me. The thing smarted abominably. Holmes would have said a few words of sentimental eulogy for the bee who had died for my sins, but I could only summon up a hatred for the wretched creature and all its brethren.
All seemed futile in that moment; I lay back in the tall grasses of the Downs, just below the lip of the hollow that cradled Holmes' apiary, and sucked at my wrist in hopes of drawing the venom out. I only succeeded in coating my front teeth with propolis. Frustrated, I bit at the welt viciously, so that one pain might supersede the other. I should have gone back to the cottage for a chip of ice for my wound, or barring that, back to the apiary to close up the hive box and retrieve my beekeeping equipment, but I did neither, laying back and watching the clouds scuttle across the sky while I chewed at my wrist.
It occurred to me, as I watched the sky, that the editor of the Bee Journal might know Holmes' location; that Holmes, in communicating with him, had trusted his fellow apiarist where he had not trusted me. Or Holmes might only have sent his letter to some trusted intermediary to forward to the Journal: his brother or Captain Kell, or perhaps a now-grown Irregular. It would not be the first time he had trusted his brother or an Irregular before trusting me.
It was useless to speculate on Holmes' methods. The upshot was that Holmes did not wish me to know where he was. I would only drive myself mad brooding upon it. Mad and bee-stung, both, apparently.
But as I gazed upon the warm blue sky, I thought of Holmes, laying aside his false persona and Irish accent to write a letter about his beloved bees. Perhaps he did so even now, in the pink, cold light of an American dawn, while his criminal compatriots still slept. Did he miss his bees? Did he wish, as I did, for the opportunity to lay here beside me near his apiary, the both of us watching the clouds together? Would he have teased me for my first sting, or earnestly scolded me for it? Would he have gently tended to my wound? Would he have treated it as a badge of honour?
Even as I thought on such things, I tried to summon the bitter thought that if he was lonely in America he had no one to blame for it but himself. But I knew that to be a lie. He had never wanted this case; I had pressed him to take it. His preference would have been to bask in his retirement, with his bees before him and me at his side, as we had done the long summer before.
For a single summer, I, too, had been content with that. Another long summer stretched before me, and it seemed impossible that I should be content with it again.
By this time the welt on my wrist was bruised and riddled with tooth marks; the damage the bee had wrought on me was minor compared to what I had done to myself. Holmes would certainly have scolded me for it had he been there to see it. 
I missed him, then, missed him with a fierce, simple longing, unsullied by my resentment at being left behind. 
But even as I longed for him, there was no solace to be found: Holmes was in America, possibly in peril of his life, but certainly unreachable. Meanwhile, I was stranded in Sussex, pretending to be a beekeeper.
It was all wrong, all of it.
I took up my veil and gauntlet, and went to see to his bees.
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stellarsagittarius · 1 year
-Composite North Node through the Signs-
[P.s. Please follow me on Instagram! @/Stellar.Sagittarius I post even more astrology content on it and it's a business I'm trying to grow. Your presence means a lot to me ❤️.]
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(Disclaimer: Don't be fixed on this reading! Always have an open mind because the Universe works the best when you have trusted and let go of expectations! Always remeber, the chart won't tell you the exact place, time or how you would feel about something, no one can do that. What it WILL tell, is the theme that can be the most prevalent during that event, and how the event can play out. There is no good and bad in astrology. Only growth oriented and easy going.)
Paid readings are ✨️OPEN✨️
Composite North Node in Aries
Aries start things. With the Aries energy you will find people who have this childlike view of the world, where everything is like a blank canvas. This energy makes the native full of zest for adventure (no matter what kind). As a couple, your destiny is to do what feuls your relationship with passion and adventure. Go on adventures, whether it's going for bungee jumping or simply going out to have some ice cream. You both will find the most fulfillment in the process, than in the end goal. Enjoying little things together, being wild, free and passionate, speaking your mind with each other and not being 'afraid' that you would ruin the 'harmony'. Your destiny as a couple is to run wild, and do what fills the air with excitement. Engage with each other's passion and hobbies. Create a healthy space where you both can express yourself fully without being afraid of judgements from each other. You both will benefit from giving the relationship movement and momentum, in a sense, be physical with each other more and more. Smashing together will be pretty healing. Sports and working out together will bring plenty of positivity in the relationship. Don't strive to keep the peace in this relationship to the point that everything becomes a show, and no authenticity is left anymore.
Composite North Node in Taurus
Taurus rules the material realm. And Taurus is the type of energy that is so fixed on something, that if it wants that, it'll will make it happen for itself. It is sensual, earthy and natural. Taurus rules stability and your long term plans, because there is a great deal of patience that needs to be learnt with this energy. When couples share a Taurus North Node, their destiny in this lifetime together is to become this soild rock for each other. They need to learn how to depend on each other without getting codependent or manipulative. There is a need to create this stable foundation together, whether it's an actual home or a business or even a family. With Taurus North Node, you both will come together as a team to build something for the long term, something that is solid and will provide for you both. The Taurus energy will give you a sense of practicality and intelligence that will help you solve problems instead of dwelling on the intense emotions that emerge from the problems. Focus on having quality time together, where you both indulge in the five physical senses. Cooking together, taking a bath together, giving each a massage, working on your business plans together, taking a walk in the nature together, etc, will give you both a sense of fulfillment and calm in the relationship.
Composite North Node in Gemini
Gemini rules communication, information, the intellectual side of ourselves, etc. With the Gemini energy a person is quick! The mind is constantly working, there are ideas and thoughts in constant motion. Your guys' destiny as a couple is to engage with each other in a communicative way. Share your thoughts and ideas, tell each other the things that you have learned. When we gain so much knowledge and wisdom, we need to share it with the other, discuss about it together. The purpose is to go inwards. You both don't have a some 'grand' wisdom to achieve anymore with each other. It's now the time to actually use all that wisdom you have gained, and learn from it. Get interested in your relationship, talk with each other as much as you want, discuss topics that interests you, etc. Grow together intellectually! Take curiousity in the aspects of your relationship that you usually overlook thinking, "It's understandable anyway." You might find something new about your relationship! You both will benefit immensely with a healthy form of communication, by speaking the truth to each other, maybe even taking courses together. As a couple you focus shall be on creating a safe space for communication and to listen to each other without biases to actually brainstorm on the solution together. Encourage words of affirmation for each other!
Composite North Node in Cancer
Cancer is the energy that rules home, boundaries, emotions and intimacy. So a couple with their North Node in Cancer need to get closer to each other, whether it's about living in a home together, or simply building emotional intimacy. You both need to let go of the boundaries, and get comfortable with each other. This is very classic example that a couple is destined to have a loving home together. This is more about the cooperation and bonding part of "building" a home. It's not a house that you are trying to build, with bricks and cement, it's a home that you guys need to create with a genuine understanding of each others' needs and emotions. This relates to a space that can nurture your emotions, and gives you both the power to be intimate with each other. A Cancer north node also asks you to focus less on your individual plans and things like being overly ambitious about careers/achievement or constantly focused on winning the bread for the family to the point you forget to nature that family! Of course we all work and earn, but the focus is what matters. The focus with a Cancer north node shall be on creating a nurturing space for one another, where you don't feel the need to constantly prove yourself to each other. Step out of that father archetype energy and step into the mother archetype energy. This may also indicate that the more the feminine energy is, the easier and happier your relationship will feel.
Composite North Node in Leo
Leo is the energy of confidence, self expression, creativity, and at the same time wherever Leo is placed in a chart, the native tends to shine the brightest in that area of life. Leo energy is also about a warmth that feels generous and fills you up with this genuine strength. So when couples share Leo as their North Node, they are meant to shine as a couple. They are called to embrace their identity as a couple and become confident about each other. These two are meant to shine. They come across as the IT couple or the power couple, which is very true of them because in each other's presence they magnify the energy that exists between them. You both as a couple are destined to shine together. Your relationship will record it's most growth when you both work together on creative projects, and not hold each other back from shining the brightest. In this relationship seek to explore your talents, tell each other how amazing you did something. Encourage each other with praises and don't shy away from complimenting each other whenever they do something cool. With the Leo energy, the couple needs to become confident in themselves, so that they can become confident in the relationship. And this relationship actually will push you to shine, both individually and in the relationship. With that being said, frequent date nights, collaborating on hobbies, doing something creative together, will make this relationship tremendously positive! Make sure you appreciate and encourage each other.
Composite North Node in Virgo
With the Virgo energy a person tends to become super particular of details, super practical and efficient in the way they do their tasks. Virgo energy is that of a busybody, and the focus is on practicality, whether it is for completing tasks or achieving bigger goals. When two people share a Virgo north node, they need to ground themselves in this relationship. This relationship will give them a chance to focus on what is real and important. When they are at their highest self level, this couple will be seen as the one where they are particular of their routines, they do household things together, they like to solve their relationship issues through practical terms, etc. Because following the north node is challenging, since we are so well versed in the matters of our south node. In this relationship it is very important to have the sense of reality, and to not get lost in imaginations and fantasies about each other. The communication should result in a task being completed. Encourage each other to follow a routine, stick to focusing on your everyday life, focus on building a practical way to solve problems in the relationship. Virgo energy asks you to get out of the head and get in the now. Focus on how you both can divide duties between each other, what routines will help you both as a couple, how you can solve problems instead of daydreaming about the problems. Take action, and build such a life together that will result in productive days ahead.
Composite North Node in Libra
Libra energy is that of harmony and cooperation. When couples have Libra as their north node, there is a need to find fulfillment through establishing a healthy connection. Even if Libra rules things such as beauty and aesthetics, it is the sign of balance, partnerships and meaningful connections. This is a very vauge way of saying, 'destiny is to establish a healthy connection.' But with Libra, that's literally what it is all about. Whether it is through your communication, or through emotional needs or even physical needs, you both need to become intune with each other. Because in this relationship you both are coming from the 'me' mentality to 'us' mentality. Plus, there is a need to talk things out, to not be selfish, to hear out the other as well. In this relationship, you both will learn how to be in a relationship itself. Now the other side of Libra is about beauty, art and aesthetics. This could mean that you both as a couple will enjoy plenty of activities where you explore the artistic side of life, where strive to make the relationship a pleasant experience. Meaningful vacations, artistic endeavors, couple activities, collaborations, will help you both come together in a harmonious environment which will nuture the growth of this relationship. Try to spend as much time with each other as possible, because this relationship is all about being in a relationship. Explore and learn how to depend on each other in a healthy way and to create a bond that respects and serves both of you equally.
Composite North Node in Scorpio
When two people have their north node in the very intense and deep sign of Scorpio, the destiny of their relationship is to get REALLY deep into understanding each other. With the Scorpio energy, intimacy is an understatement. What the Scorpio energy carves, is a deep emotional bonding, a deep sense of knowing about the other person, because if it doesn't, then it won't open up to you. The couples with a Scorpio north node need to show each other their most vulnerable sides and the parts of themselves that are super private and almost secretive/taboo. Whether it's emotional, mental or physical, these couples need to bond with each other. Their focus should go away from constantly working and building their dreams to the point they got overly materialistic in the relationship. They need to dive hella deep in the issues, and discuss it thoroughly. Like don't leave anything unsaid or keep secrets from each other. Build such a strong emotional bond that whenever an issue arises, the first instinct is to listen well to each other, and think how it can be solved in the most private manner, and in a way that will honor your deepest emotional needs. Don't share your relationship business with others, keep it like a safe space between you both. You both as a couple will highly benefit from quality time together. Scorpio energy craves intimacy and bonding. Sex is something that will be extremely meaningful and healing in this connection. Slow down, get comfortable, and just completely immerse yourself in each other's presence. This is also a couple that tends to appear extremely private and lowkey.
Composite North Node in Sagittarius
This has to be my favorite north node placement! Sagittarius is about travel, expansion, philosophy, wisdom, learning, exploring different cultures/religions/traditions, spirituality (the moral/philosophical aspect), abundance and luck! I mean it's ruled by Jupiter, what can't go right? A couple with their north node in Sagittarius need to embrace the wisdom they will gain through this relationship. These two could very well be from different backgrounds or cultures (doesn't have to be, of course.) With the Sagittarius energy, there is this need to explore, whether it's the relationship itself or learning how to grow together. What knowledge/skills this couple gathers, it needs to be something that allows them both to grow in some way (because of Jupiter). The relationship will expand your horizons, it'll give you both an open mind. Travelling together, learning about other cultures and traditions, cultivating a sense of adventure in the relationship will bring plenty of joy and positivity in the connection. Try to get out with your partner and do something that you both have never done before. Challenge your minds, do the things that will make you both evolve spiritually as a couple. You both might connect over a certain philosophy or a religious belief. Expand, explore and experience together, whether it's small or big. Sagittarius energy will push you both to get out there and aim to experience the world in a completely different lens whenever you both are together. This relationship can end up being extremely meaningful and it will teach you a lot about life.
Composite North Node in Capricorn
Capricorn energy is that of ambition. And it doesn't matter what kind of ambition, whether it's a small thing or a big thing. Wherever Capricorn energy is in your chart, you will experience a sense of duty and responsibility. This can often times lead to a sense of, "I need to work the hardest or else I won't be able to do anything." Whichever house Capricorn is placed in, it teaches you maturity and limitations from a very early age in that area. So when couples have their north node in Capricorn, their destiny is to become a reliable and a responsible couple. These people will need to find a ground to build their relationship from. And often times, they need to learn to get out of constant codependency, overly emotional situations, and actually focus on giving each other a solid place to rely on. This couple will mature very quick. Their destiny is to have a solid foundation on which they can support their relationship. Yes you want to build a home, but you will need to be good at handling responsibilities. This is also a power couple energy! These two can work together, or have connections around their careers that will help both of them to build a sense of duty with each other. In this relationship it is very important to see eye to eye on what you both can work on, what is the best way to provide for in the relationship, how you can offer practical support to your partner, etc. This is the energy of getting out and supporting each other like two mature adults. Appreciating each other for their efforts, working on things together, encouraging each other to achieve the things they want, being a reliable partner for each other, these all will bring plenty of positivity in the relationship.
Composite North Node in Aquarius
Aquarius energy is all about being different. There are so many things that we can't quite fit into a label, all of that is Aquarius energy. This energy is wild and free. It craves freedom more than any other sign, and it's almost that it's the definition of freedom itself. Whether it's emotional, mental or physical, Aquarius is about detachment from all of it. So the couple with their composite north node in Aquarius, tend to grow to be in pretty unsual or not very common types of relationships. This might be the couple that lives off grid, or has a van life, or even doesn't get married because they think it's not a necessity. These couples tend to be the social barrier destroyer. And they might enjoy a pretty unique relationship where they can be best friends above anything else. This relationship might even start off as being friends. There is a need to value their individual identities in this relationship, and to not feel bound to their partner. This is a very fun relationship where both parties can express themselves freely and do whatever they want to do without feeling like they are being chained to one spot. These couples wouldn't care about validation or approval of others on their relationship. And most of the times, they will do everything in their power to defend the relationship in the most rational and logical manner. People will hardly see you both as the couple who cry about their issues and their relationship is a business of everybody. You both keep this relationship between yourselves, and try to solve the problems in most cool and level headed manner. Going out on frequent adventures, being each other's best friend, and respecting each other's individuality and uniqueness, will help you both bring plenty of joy in this relationship.
Composite North Node in Pisces
This straight up reminds me of the couple who in this life needs to become more and more spiritual and intune with each other in a way that will allow them to explore their own inner worlds. Pisces is about spiritualism, the inner world, creativity, intuition, reflection, etc. You will hardly see a Pisces native who won't be able to tell the sublte/intuitive hints in a situation. As a couple though, this relationship will pull you guys closer to explore the idea of your inner worlds. Get out of the mundane and go towards the fantastical. This is the type of couple that needs to listen deeper to the emotional nature of this relationship. You both might have the same dreams or fantasies. And you both are encouraged to move towards a life that allows you to explore the relationship in depth, to understand how beautiful love can be or what dreams can you both dream together. You both will become the couple who live a life that is very different than what is "acceptable", because Pisces energy is that of imagination and creativity. And Aquarius energy might be the unusual or unique one, but Pisces energy will be the most creative one. The thoughts, the emotions, the intuitive nature, will always end up with something super wonderful to look at. This relationship needs to be filled with plenty of room for imagination and creativity. There will be a need to relax and realise that you are working hard enough for this relationship, everything is in order, and now is the time to give out some moments for your inner child to shine. Frequent quality time, getaways, dates where you both do something creative together, will bring plenty of joy in the relationship.
-the end.
Stay tuned for more astrology content ✈️✨️!!
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starlightseraph · 7 months
happy birthday to earth! remember to avoid salads.
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oifaaa · 9 months
Didn't Kon name his stepdaughter Martha in gemworld? Also is Janet wearing an eyepatch for fun or did she actually lose an eye
I'm not gonna lie I read like 1 or 2 issues of young justice 2019 and swiftly purged it from my mind but I don't think it matters much anyway i let the people choose and they chose martha - in regards to the eyepatch yeah there's a reason Bernard and tims relationship broke down so suddenly
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pierrotwrites-hc · 5 months
just submitted final grades for what will hopefully be the last time ever and am feeling very
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danica promised to visit ice wind dale and catti brie promised to visit spirit soaring again. i really. really really hope they saw eachother again in the big timeskip before the ghost king bcus my heart is breaking
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quillkiller · 24 days
”and what will you do with your bachelors degree in film?” a wife will graham study through the gender narrative of his character arch. thanks
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binch-i-might-be · 1 month
not to be a homosexual on main but the early seasons supernatural could have been improved 110% by switching John and Mary's roles within the narrative. let's fridge the loving husband and father for once and let the wife and mother spiral down a character devolvement that makes her hellbent on nothing but revenging her lost love, estranging & fucking up her young sons in the process. that would have been soooo hot and sexy. also consider a weathered middle aged woman carrying so many weapons. I would let her stake my heart no questions asked. no my mommy issues do not play into this in any way
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magicinverse · 11 months
Since Cellbit is applying to be the president without consulting his husband first I want guapoduo angst plis
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medicus-felini · 3 months
Linn are you jealous of your own husband being your captain’s favourite???
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thedarkmongoose · 2 years
will: i’m a good fisherman, jack
jack: so am i
will: yeah but are you willing to undergo a 90s style movie makeover and lure hannibal like sexy human bait?
jack: you’re fired
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spacexseven · 1 year
Dazai would find out about Fyodor's wife and son and show up at their house just to get under his skin.
i did contemplate making it that dazai shows up at the end instead of fyodor, but that would also be putting them at risk so :( wasnt sure how i was gonna go with that
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cinemaboy · 1 month
it's the fact that kirby as a teenager isn't that large of a contrast to them as an adult but the thought is the opposite because of the misconceptions. people don't believe that she has a high sense of justice because they don't recognise how big their heart is. her dismissal of the path sidney took was down to being naïve and too immersed in the movies to understand the gravity of reality.
until it happened to her, and she followed the same path: college, helping others, putting themselves out there in the public eye to share their story in addition to everything else. kirby did everything sidney did but in quicker succession because they had a point of reference. "the movies don't matter," because they don't. she knows they don't. it was never about the movies so much as it was the individuals consuming them, and even then, was it really about them? it has been for a couple of cases, but not all of them. the movies had nothing to do with kirby being stabbed (& killed). they used to be the primary focus but she realised that the real world is where people like charlie & jill really live, and those are the people that hurt her.
so this sense of justice does stem from their heart — and their heart is huge. growing up helped her heart grow in size and that anger + grief + fear was swapped with acceptance + peace + love, and that sounds a little cliché but it's true. sometimes life is cliché. how did that happen? it remains to be seen by some but that doesn't mean it didn't. it doesn't mean her journey doesn't make sense because it didn't end at becoming a special agent. it hasn't ended yet and it won't for a very long time.
what people think kirby is has been built upon stereotypes and surface level analysis. the stereotypical cool girl who doesn't care about what people think and grew up the same way. that isn't kirby. her introduction in the early draft of 4 establishes she cares — and sometimes the scripts get it wrong, but not that time. not the moment we meet them.
i wish i had more to say on this but it is just so simple. it's so clear why they stepped into the world one day as part of law enforcement, it's so clear why someone like them would want to help people, to save people the way she wishes someone had saved her from what happened. that doesn't mean they're suddenly stripped of their identity and i wish people would see that.
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banannabethchase · 1 year
Please be kind to retail workers. For the love of all things good in this world, be kind to retail workers. If you're in a position where it's safe for you to do so, step in if another customer is going off on a retail worker. People only behave badly when they think they can get away with it, and a bystander going, "Hey, is that really necessary?" can make a world of difference.
Retail workers, you DO NOT deserve the abuse thrown at you by the elitist, pompous, entitled customers who demand things of you that you aren't paid to do. I'm so sorry people are so cruel and it's wrong.
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