#could’ve done a little bit better job on the designs tbh
blue-unifox · 4 months
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Sgg robbed us of the option to choose our Reader’s kind of species so I’m doing that myself
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snkpolls · 3 years
SnK Episode 65 Poll Results (for Manga Readers)
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The poll closed with 318 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Manga Readers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll, click here.
RATE THE EPISODE 309 Responses
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Overall the episode was a hit with viewers, with the majority ranking it a 4 or higher. Over half of all respondents rating it a solid 5. The hype is real!
I thought this was a great episode. A lot of hype moments and the CGI worked for me, for the most part. Looking forward to the next episode!
All around exceeded my expectations if mappa keeps this up this will go down as the best anime in history
Chef's KISS!!! 10/10 episode, i was extremely hyped the entire time. 
It was amazing and I hope MAPPA keeps up with the same quality for future episodes
Amazing episode really hype
I thought the voice acting was amazing! :)
Great episode, not perfect but neither was WIT. No adaptation is perfect. This was fantastic.
It was pretty good just maybe good have been done better but I’m just happy it was done at all.
I’ve lowered my expectations to rock bottom at this point
An enjoyable time.
I think it was great! I was very excited and left me wanting more tbh
It was a very good episode!! I'm so happy to see the survey corps again!
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Mikasa’s reintroduction to the series takes the largest piece of the pie, with 31.6% enjoying the scene the most. In second comes the coordinated attack from the Survey Corps against Porco, with 14.8% feeling that scene really brings the hype. At 10.3%, Levi’s first appearance in the season takes 3rd place, and with 9.7% is the overall fight between Eren and the War Hammer Titan.
Ackermans ran this episode as they should. They're on a whole different level. 
Why isn't the Sasha-Gabi moment in the list of favourite moments? That's my actually favourite moment. Gabi seeing Sasha through the fire and smoke, Sasha's reflection in her eyes...chilling.
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In general, the fandom appears to be understanding of MAPPA’s usage of CGI, with 38.2% being completely unbothered by it, 20.1% feeling that while it’s not ideal, it could be much worse, and 18.8% not particularly caring for it but not faulting MAPPA for it either. A handful of people just wish that there would be more appreciation that it’s getting animated at all, while others continue to be a bit salty about the usage of CGI this season.
Did people forgot the god-awful Colossal titan's CGI from WIT? Well, I didn't so I wasn't surprised by the same level of CGI in Eren's scene (thankfully just one of them). I rarely have issue with CGI in SnK except for truly awful looking ones so like couple of times in the season, usually. 
I honestly wouldn't even know there's CGI if everyone wasn't complaining about it. I honest to god can't see where they use it.
It's mostly fine
I thought the war hammer titan looked AMAZING, the only CGI that looked odd was the scouts in the background, but that’s really it...?
A few sore spots (e.g. Erens titan looked kinda off this ep), but it's not season-ruining yet. 
CGI Titans >>>>>>>> CGI Survey Corps
It works fine for titans that already look somewhat mechanical (Armor, Jaw), but it looks incredibly awkward for the others, to the point of taking me out of the story. 
Sometimes great sometimes shit
Maybe I've been spoiled by studio orange and the previous seasons, but I know for a fact that they can do better. This is not a new anime, this is the final season of one of the greatest anime of all time, so yeah I expected much better CGI, it was poor and unecessary.
i think it’s gr8/unnoticeable,,,,,like we all put up with the colossal titan in s1-3 lmao
Some Titans like Eren and Beast look a little weird but I just really like how they made effort to make it blend with the art style. Maybe if they had found a way to cut the animation down to 12fps it might not look so bad? Anyways I think it’s good for what it is, MAPPA is doing their best!
I barely noticed it. The animation looks BOMB. Top 5 episodes of the whole series for me and BEST action episode of AOT easily.
I'm always going to prefer 2D but I understand why they're using it. Still sad about what could've been if they were given enough time to work on the season. Definitely going to lower my expectations.
My dumbass wouldn't even notice, I just want to see the pretty people
I think the CGI for the Titans is completely fine. It's the CGI for the Scouts that was a bit off putting for me. Still, not enough to ruin the episode. And if we continue to get animation of this standard I will be fine with it. 
At this point after episode 7 onward eventually AOT CGI is going to be worst than EX-arm's CGI 
I love it because it makes the titans scarier and more eerie? I also miss the 2D ones because they feel more natural. Overall, I think it's fine!
I think the CGi is well executed (for the most part), I just don't like that they had to use it so much.
It's a great job. They manage to execute it very well and go to a normal animation when it's needed. It doesn't bother me tbh
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Eren’s dive in the anime was a bit different than in the manga, but it seemed to get a few laughs out of the fandom, so we asked you all to rank it. 58.3% felt it was the most beautiful dive to have ever dived, while only 5.5% think Eren really needs to work on his form. He did his best.
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Mikasa stole the show this episode, with 53.5% enjoying her entrance the most. Levi wasn’t too far behind though, with 29% of respondents hyped over his return. 11.6% were very happy to see Sasha again, while smaller chunks were glad to see Jean and Connie.
They massacred my Jean-boy’s entrance 🥲
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We got a more colorful and evened out pie for this question. Overall the largest chunk, at 24.3%, are enjoying MAPPA’s take on Eren’s iconic “hobo chic” look. 21.1% think Sasha looks the best out of all of them, while Mikasa trails just behind her at 20.1%. 16.1% are grateful for Connie’s design, leaving 9.5% favoring Jean, and smaller handfuls appreciating MAPPA’s take on Levi and Floch.
Chubby Floch
Here I am watching the trailer all over again because that's probably the only way to see Jean animated handsome and with his actual manga face. MAPPA what happened?
Levi has a thicc ass
I’m a big fan of all the time skip character designs, it was hard to pick just one favourite :) 
Jean looked stupid... Floch too but that's not important.
OG characters designs feels a bit off to me. I understand why they use CG for some parts and I have mixed emotions about it. I hope they won't rely on it too much on the upcoming episodes.
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One of the most anticipated scenes of the Marley arc was the return of the Survey Corps and the way Mikasa paves the path for their reintroduction. The fandom appears to be very happy with MAPPA’s execution of the scene, with 60.9% of respondents rating it with a 5, with 27% rating it a 4. 
Mikasa! Mikasa! Gosh love her!
im so glad mikasa is back owfejgrnrkdfs
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The series isn’t known for having too much filler, but typically what filler does exist seems to be appreciated by the fandom, and this was no exception. 56.8% of respondents were happy for a little more fleshing out of Willy’s character (also learning that those kids were his!) and being able to sympathize more with him. 19.7% appreciated the more sympathetic addition until they remembered he was willing to throw Liberio under the bus for his plan. 13.5% are appreciative of any and all additional Willy content. A small amount didn’t like the filler and would rather have had MAPPA put their effort into other things. 
I liked it. Got to see more of his fine ass. lmao
Don't add extra 2d animation if You can't even handle what's in the manga
It would've been better to show before he was dead. Fleshing him out after the audience already know he's dead doesn't hit as much imo
Wasn't one of the scene itself, but then again I'm always interested in scenes I haven't seen yet.
I am so grateful, willy for is one of my favourites and omg we got to see his family and how is he a lovely papa 😭💕 I can't ask for more bless you MAPPA🤘
fuck them kids
Why should we feel bad for him? He tried to unite the world against Paradis. He got what he deserved.
this was a benefit. as manga readers, we had time to know willy. anime onlies will only ever have these 2-3 episodes and it was very humanizing
How is that possible that Tybur little kids in few seconds were louder nad more chaotic than THE WHOLE CITY DURING THE ATTACK??
It's very regrettable he left so many children fatherless because of what he chose to do. Really saddening..
I’d have rather seen more of the manga animated 
I knew why they added it, but I (personally) think willy is crud. Not mad it's there tho!
He did his duty as a Tybur to the very end. Honestly I wish he could have lived longer, he’s a really compelling and interesting character.
I feel like some viewers have carelessly misunderstood Willy because of that scene in the carriage. They're like 'wow, he really hates and shames his own people huh?' but at the beginning of the episode we all saw his abundance of children. Would it not have been extremely contradictory if he had truly wanted the extinction of all Eldians and then at the same time did the complete opposite by mass-reproducing a small army of Eldian children? Maybe that's why that scene was added to the start of the episode, to keep people away from mischaracterising him. Unfortunately, this may have simply been missed or overlooked by some. 
they should had polish the damn episode instead of fillers.
Loved it! Mappa is killing it with the episode additions 
Reading the manga, I truly didn't even consider the possibility that these were Willy's children because he is so obviously a ~*bachelor*~. Like, it didn't even cross my mind that those children weren't his little nieces and nephews because he is suuuuch a Theater Gay. Nothing can change my mind.
Wait a minute, are these the kids in that ending slide from season 3?
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A minor dialogue change didn’t seem to have much of an effect on nearly half of respondents, with 47.5% saying they’re indifferent to the change. 43.3% like the change much better, feeling that it works a lot better with future story developments and makes more sense. A handful didn’t care for the change and felt it tampered with Magath’s overall characterization. 
I think the change was logical and more consistent with the story, but I'm naturally skeptical of any AOT manga-to-anime change.
I forgot this.
It ovewrites the flaw of Magath's original plan. Even if I think its unfitting of him, it makes sense.
I'm not sure what I feel about it. Kinda like how they added Falco having a dream back in episode 1. For now, let's just see.
I suppose the new change is a little contradictory because Magath dislikes Marley’s reliance on Titan power and rather just wishes th ey had prowess in other ways. 
Realistically eating him makes more sense for them to eat Eren so they gain control of the Founder but I think Magath accepting the age of Titans is now done for is more in character.
It obviously makes more sense logistically, but I think it's important for Magath to stand opposed to Marley national policy on this front, like, symbolically.
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Though they are minor characters, the anime seems to have made some of the fandom a bit more fond of them. Still, 38.5% wouldn’t change anything about their fates, stating that they were necessary for Gabi to develop further as a character. 28% would rather neither of them died and are curious about how they would have developed if they lived to see another day. 23.7% say if they had to pick only one of them, it would be Udo due to his relevant commentary. A handful leaned toward Zofia, wishing they could have learned more about her. 
Udo. But at the same time Isayama can barely handle all the characters that are still alive so Udo probably wouldn't get a lot of screen time anyway.
Zofia. I didn't care about her while reading the manga, but in the anime she was more unique. I liked her stoic voice a lot. Zofia and Gabi should have switch the places. 
None cus i don't like Gabi
Both or neither. One would be just a third wheel to Gabi and Falco. I would love to see more of Udo and Zofia but I think their deaths were important
Udo and zofia's deaths hurt so bad. I didn't particularly care for either of them when reading the manga but i grown attracted to them in the anime. Udo's in particular breaks me. He was such a energic kid and he... got trampled to death. I'm just...
Neither. Both were serving an enemy nation and deserved what they got.
They weren't important to me so I don't really care
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47.1% of respondents didn’t want to pick sides, stating that the attack was tragic in both mediums of the story-telling. 25.8% felt that it was much more devastating in animated form alongside the sound, music and voice acting. 18.3% felt a bigger impact while reading the manga. 
Both versions are devastating, but Manga hit harder bc I just was so confused and couldn't stop trying to figure out wtf Eren was doing and why. Watching it knowing what I know made it somehow more devastating and yet also more palatable (bc I have a better understanding.)
It was more devastating in the manga. Especially Udo's death scene 
I think I have to wait until the battle is over. So far it's alright.
Loved it
It gave me more emotions in the manga. 
They got what they deserved
It was far more devastating in trailer 🙄
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One of the few characters left with no name after the large guidebook released a few years ago, Lady Tybur was all we could call her (aside from fan-given names). Now she has an official name! 26.7% found it neat that we finally got this official detail. 25.4% feel that now they can finally sleep at night. 17.6% are forever grateful for the name drop and hated waiting so long for it. 15.3% don’t care at all and 11.7% feel this confirms that Isayama is a fan of Tomb Raider.
Not what I was expecting and wasn't expecting her to get a name. At least people can stop calling her Emma or those other dumbass meme names.
Cool. Next up: names for the Blouse kids, right? Right right?
I'm not kidding when I say I literally jumped up and screeched "SHE HAS A NAME!!!"
she didn't need it. she was the mysterious lady t. 
Lara was more lucky than Traute, who got more panels in the manga but her name was mentioned only in the guidebook. 
Still died
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Of all the shots in the preview, 45.1% of respondents were most looking forward to Levi’s staged attack on Zeke. 17% favored seeing Mikasa assist Eren, 15% were most looking forward to seeing Falco emerge from the basement to see the carnage outside. 10.1% were stoked to see Pieck enter the battlefield. The episode has aired as of the publishing of these poll results - we hope these scenes lived up to the hype (even though we guessed one wrong lol).
I enjoyed the episode very much. I felt that the CGI was handled fairly well given the time restraints. However, there were a few instances where it was a bit jarring like Eren eating Willy, Eren pulling the WHT's cord, Mikasa landing on Eren, and Jean climbing up on the roof. Also some of the CGI models looked a bit weird for the scouts. I'm hoping some of these issues can be improved on in the Blue-ray version. Overall, these issues were noticeable but didn't take too much away from my enjoyment of the episode.
As much as I don't like the CGI, episode was great.
Just that it was fantastic and I can't wait for the next one!
The music is top notch. I love it. Especially the new version of XL TT near the end
After re-visiting the trailer we got for this season, it's just....saddening. Everyone was wondering how Mappa was gonna animate AoT and after seeing that trailer, all that effort by the animators, I thought "it's in good hands!". Now that we're getting the episodes and it's underwhelming. I don't blame the Mappa animators at all and cgi is unavoidable at some moments. But whoever are the higher ups who said "animate this in the shortest amount of time" ARE the assholes. It's so upsetting for this anime and the workers of it to be brought down like this :'(
Continuing to enjoy the pictures on the page come to life in the anime.
It was pretty amazing, I was waiting for so long to see this part animated! Aaand I'm so happy I got to see again the scouts! (expecially Connie, my personal fav)
Erwin should had lived instead of Armin, so Erwin can nuke Marley dropping from a blimp
I really liked it! I don't understand all the critics about the animation. It looks really neat and smooth
the SC backlit in that final scene was sickkkkk
It was different from the manga, but all the differences just improved the storytelling and fleshed out the people in Marley. Well done, MAPPA!
I’m just grateful Mappa actually gives a shit about adapting the story properly. That alone makes this season a 9/10 for me cause that’s rare to see in the anime industry these days.
Gabi's voice acting was amazing this episode ! Also, it feels good to hear the ODM gear sound effect again. The CGI didn't keep me from enjoying the fight, we got awesome camera movements and good choreography, I'm very hopeful for next episode ! Also best boy Onyankopon might appear soon ?
I seriously do not know why people are complaining. It was amazing! Can't wait for the next episodes, it's going to be action-packed and intense!
I don't know if I liked the episode or not. I usually prefer manga so even episodes I like I prefer their manga versions but there is something in off with the episode and usually, Titans fight are more excited but this one Nah it was not at all. War hammer was great in animation it served a better understanding of its powers but the fight, in general, was like boring?? idk maybe because I am a manga reader so the titan power/character's introduction was not as thrilling as they were when I've read the chapters. anyways, there is still more of the attack on liberio in the next episode so I'll give my final thought when we conclude the arc
I really enjoyed and the CGI doesn't bother me.
I think the reason Attack Titan looks a bit off is it looks a bit thinner! Warhammer looks amazing because it's a true copy of the manga. If Attack Titan was a bit buff, I think nobody would have that much of a problem. Overall the chapter is amazing!
as much as i adored everything else i must admit... what is wrong with the character design? what happened to everyone's jaws?? i think jean, mikasa and pieck were the worst drawn. in the manga, they look flawless. 
I just hope we would get actual discussions in the sub instead of circle jerking or bitching about the cgi/ost etc.
The soundtrack was epic as hell
Mappa is doing a good job, with the little time they had. But sadly, they had the capacity to do way better and I will always regret this situation. And the Jojo memes on Mikasa are on point: in that specific panel, she looks ugly and unlike her cute face in the manga. For the rest of the episode, she's well portrayed
I think this episode is a taste of what is to come. It’s one thing to read still, silent pictures of complete devastation, and it’s another thing to hear the explosions, the screaming and crying. Seeing the blood painted red instead of black and white. When Eren rumbles the world, more people will realize how evil it is, how completely irredeemable. Less people will be #teameren once they get to see it in the anime. I can’t wait to see what MAPPA has in store.
So many nice details in the battle that weren’t there in the manga, the war hammer animation was particularly great
I feel bad complaining, but this was the first episode of the season that has disappointed me at all. Every other episode I feel has elevated the manga. I don't want (and never expected) to be that person, but the CGI, especially on the humans (WHY??) was so awkward it was distracting. We also lost a little bit of expressiveness from Eren, which is kind of a big deal when there's so little from him to begin with. 
Soundtrack was lit!!!!
It is what it is. But after I finished the episode I went back to watch the trailer and got sad that the season just isn't going to look like that. It's not bad by any means and I understand that these are people, not robots working on this with an extremely tight schedule. This entitled fanbase is super embarrassing with it's behavior and harassment of the people working on it. I kind of hope the final arc doesn't get animated now because these people don't deserve it. 
Awesome! I was a bit distracted how the pacing was, cutting a bit weirdly from one episode to another, but I really enjoyed it!
That closeup of Eren's Titan after he nom'd Willy is NUTS. 
It was emotionless and almost boring. The sound director keeps fucking up big time. I didnt feel anything close to the hype I felt watching the Armored/Colossal reveal animated. There were no exciting goosebumps, or tears. Nothing. Also the CGI was terrible. There were good things, but I expected much more for suck a climatic episode
It was a good episode after all, graphic was ok but i think that if they continued with the same titan 2d animation of first episodes and maybe changed a bit some sound it would have been waaay better. Still a good episode imho
The episode was very average. I'm not trying to complain, I know that the anime is mostly for anime-onlines, while we have a manga, but I expected better. I imagined the titan fight to be smooth, but in reality both - WHT and AT - moved like two, fat elephants. In the manga I felt that WHT was fast like a wind. In the anime Lara was slow, she looked like she had a hard time to even hold her hammer. The moment between Eren and Mikasa was disappointing. In the anime when Mikasa was upset about Eren's actions, he was completely unfeeling, while in the manga we see him being full of emotions and almost crying. I know he will turn into a cold bastard but MAPPA shouldn't dehumanize Eren so much now. I was surprised by Connie's glow up. MAPPA has done better job with him. In the manga he still looks like a kid, while MAPPA made him more mature-looking and masculine. That's good for underrated Connie. I'm grateful for the scene between Willy and his children. This way he feels more sympathetic and isn't ""just a guy who declared a war and was eaten by Eren"". 
I really like how the warriors and Marleyans seem to be getting a somewhat equal amount of screen time as the scouts have gotten after they've come into the picture. I hope this helps to make clear for the anime-onlies that understanding the experiences, emotions and the development of the other side is just as important as understanding those of the scouts/Paradis.
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Thank you again to everyone who participated!
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naturallyweirdedout · 4 years
Okay here I go
The Steven Universe Future Finale Was Not That Great
Just a note this is my own opinion.
Honestly I feel like the finale for SUF was decent at best and lack luster at worst. I’ll break these up into my views on each episode.
Homeworld Bound
Honestly this is one of the two episodes that disappointed me the most in this finale. Intially I went, yay Homeworld! We’ll get to see the Diamonds and Spinel and hopefully they’ll be helpful to Steven. And in all honesty it seemed like, they weren’t even trying. Firstly Spinel. I feel like Rebecca did Spinel really dirty in this episode simply because she was reduced to, comidic relief. And I feel as if that’s such a waste of her character potential. Imagine if every character that had a completed arc was just turned into “oh that goofball who doesn’t know what the fuck they’re talking about”. That’s literally Spinel now. All she does is annoy Steven and well, act like a bafoon. She could’ve offered him some insight, her struggles to change and adjust to her new life and be satisfied with herself. But nope, she simply was there just to annoy the main character and provide nothing useful. Then onto the Diamonds. Another wasted potential in all honesty. Yellow, Blue, and White didn’t even really TRY to help Steven at all. They basically shrugged it off and went ah shit well I can’t do anything for you bud even though we only talked for like 2 minutes and all I did was try to force the only way I know to improve onto you. It feels as if, they were only there just to show Steven “wow look at how these former murders and dictators improved! You sure are shit when compared to them now”. And White. White was the biggest waste compared to Yellow and Blue considering what potential she had. The one who caused all of Steven’s problems and issues. But nope, she was just like “ah Steven just project into me and this is surely to go fine even though you just basically acknowledged you don’t like your Diamond powers and this will most likely not help you”. I feel like this episode would have gone a lot better if the Diamonds and Steven had time to have proper interactions, or even just Steven, Spinel, and White due to the impact those two had on him directly. Just a lot of wasted potential in this episode that could’ve made the episode a lot better in my honest opinion.
Everything’s Fine
Now this episode was the better of the finale episodes, but still had its fair share of flaws. Steven comes back, and he has a good ol fashion mental breakdown essentially and tries to talk himself out of it and reassure himself. Good shit. However my problem was when the Gems showed up. It’s VERY VERY painfully obvious that Steven is not okay. I mean, all they commented on was that he looks weird. The dude literally had DIAMOND EYES. The fact that the FUCKING DIAMOND EYES went the ENTIRE EPISODE ignored just doesn’t make any sense. The Cyrstal Gems and the gems on Little Homeworld should have all been shocked at this but they all act like it’s nothing?? Anyways going to Little Homeworld and trying to act like everything was fine and dandy was really well done. I’m a bit annoyed though at just showing us Pink Pearl but not showing us her eye because that’s just a fucking tease at this point. Anyways, no other complaints really. Steven breaking down at the end was really intense to watch and my heart rate was actually speeding up. But then, that lead to the thing I did not want to happen.
I Am My Monster
To be fucking honest, I should’ve known. I really should have known but I just REALLY didn’t want it to be true. Steven turning into a monster literally is just. Oof. For starters, I do not support the corruption theory and I STILL do not, because what we saw wasn’t corruption. Steven shapeshifted. Corruption was shown to have only two causes. Either an attack on a Gem by Yellow, Blue, and White Diamond OR because of fusing with a corrupted Gem. There was no other hint or sign that a Gem could corrupt for any other reason. And there still is not. Yes Gem’s can poof because of extreme emotional stress and yes Volleyball was so damaged that the trauma manifested physically, but those were not examples that could support the corruption theory. Anyways, for starters I hate the design of Monster Steven. I really wish the color scheme could have been darker because that just would’ve been more aesthetically pleasing but I digress. There were so many ways I wished that the monster in the intro could’ve played a role in the series that didn’t involve Steven being corrupted. Perhaps a sort of mindscape battle between Steven and this monster, perhaps Pink Steven makes a return and turns into this monster and it’s a race against time to return the two Steven’s together, perhaps Pink Steven even took over normal Steven! But nope, it just HAD to be this way. Anyways enough of Monster Steven talk. My other issue was with well, everybody else. For starters, the Diamonds showing up? Convinient as fucking hell considering how a whole episode passed before they showed up again. Secondly, I hate the dismissal of Blue asking if Steven was corrupted or not because gosh shouldn’t we as an audience know what the hell is happening to our protagonist?? Also how did Garnet know that Yellow could make her big? As far as we know, perfecting physical forms is a new ability that Yellow discovered. I really liked Greg finally taking a stand in this episode to save his son, it kinda redeems how he was acting in Mr. Universe. But gosh I just hate how, everything broke into a crying fest? I’m gonna be honest and say that tears are a cheap way to invoke feeling in your audience and it can be overdone when EVERYONE ON SCREEN IS CRYING. And I hate the Diamonds blabbering about how “oh this is all my fault. No, no it’s all MY fault” because just, are you all just now acknowledging that you fucked Steven over. You mean in the entire time you’ve been buddy buddy with Steven you haven’t addressed this to him ONCE?! Bullshit. And Spinel, I was taking her a bit seriously until the fucking cartoonish nose blow then I just gave up with her. Way to degrade one of the best characters this show has provided. And the Cluster was just, deus ex machina. That was REALLY fucking convenient for the Cluster to just show up and help restrain Monster Steven. Anyways that’s all my complaints for that episode, now onto the final one.
The Future
The final episode of the series. Several years worth of progression have led to this point. And it was extremely lack luster. Honestly this episode felt like a fizzling end to the series. I’m glad that Steven decided to move out because honestly fuck that entire town it was harmful to the boy. I’m glad he finally got a therapist too. But this episode was essentially just, a good bye episode? And I feel like that alone cannot drive an episode along. Also Jasper’s character arc was ABSOLUTELY WASTED. Basically her entire arc is just being abused and putting that on repeat up until the end where they just disregard her as “hmph I’m angy now”. The only part of the episode I really liked, or can even properly remember for that sake, was Steven leaving at the very end and hugging the Gems. But tbh, Steven doesn’t have a high school diploma, legal papers, he’s not going to college, and he doesn’t have a job. So can someone tell me. How. Is. He. Gonna. SURVIVE.
Anyways that’s all I have left to say about the finale. Overall I feel pretty dissatisfied with it and this picture describes exactly how I feel.
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If you wanna complain to me shout at my main @thespiffyspiffiestspif $5 a complaint
Also @salty-sapphire I got inspired to write a critique by you :) thanks for enlightening me to how legitimately bad this show is.
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lordeasriel · 3 years
I really care about your opinion, how do you feel about the bbc show and the way it's going?
I feel like before I give my take, I need to say that I understand the show is its own thing, and while I do wish they did a better job adapting certain things, I understand that sometimes there is a need for radical change or cut, especially when your budget is not super high (which HDM does have a lot of money into it, still is not a super big budget production, so they have to worry about these things). And I do enjoy many things about the show, but my overall vibe is mixed, to be honest. I’m stating this now because people often question whether I like the show or not, becaus I do criticise it a lot, and I simply have a critic view of the things I like, which is why I discuss them a lot and it can be overwhelming.
My main issues with the show are these 3 things: (which I’ll put under the cut because this got a bit longer than I wanted to lmao sorry)
Lack of worldbuilding and loose lore: I’ve been talking about this since day one, and this mostly applies to season 1 because I can’t judge season 2 yet because it’s not fully aired yet, but the show suffers from lack of worldbuilding, especially in Lyra’s world, which is the world that sets everything in motion. I still dislike the fact they introduced Will mid-NL, I don’t think he needed all those episodes to establish something that easily could’ve been done in S2 and because they gave TSK a lot of time, other parts of Lyra’s world suffered considerably, mainly the witches and the Magisterium.
The show doesn’t really expand on those two groups, especially, and I think that’s not good, especially the Magisterium (which they have over simplified by making it one big baddie, or so it seems at least, not to mention that implying a single leader for them practically ruins Marcel Delamare’s arc in TBOD and I’m very mad about that lmao). A lot of the Magisterium plot has that infighting aspect, which creates tension on their side as well as against their enemies, but the show doesn’t really explore that or the nuances of the Church, and they also don’t explore how varied the witches are, and I feel like this is a serious mistake. (The portrayal of the witches is by far my least favourite thing in the show, if I’m being honest).
Dull parallel world (and lack of daemons): this ties a bit with the worldbuilding aspect, but this is mainly about design choices. I think the show doesn’t make Lyra’s world as unique as it should be. On its own the world looks pretty and the outfits of most of the cast are great, but when you realise that Will’s world is intertwined with that, you don’t really feel like these two worlds are vastly different.
There is an odd situation in which Marisa’s fashion feels 30s/40s, but most of the men from her social circle (not fair to compare with the gyptians) just wear plain suits and they look much more modern. And while I get that they went for a timeless vibes, with different eras and styles, Lyra’s world feels like a caricature and it doesn’t feel believable. The colour palette is mostly the same for both worlds (even in s2, it’s hard to tell much of the difference because either the scenes are indoors or at night.) This, paired with the lack of daemons (which has been discussed many times in the fandom) kinda bums me out.
Marisa’s oversimplification: I’m mentioning Marisa, specifically, because she is the one that suffers the most due to this writing issues, but other characters like Lord Asriel, MacPhail, the general collective of the Witches, they all suffer from the writing trying to take away the nuances of them and make them flatter than in the book. Marisa is the worst because without her complexity and her flaws, she simply gets dull and boring and flavourless, and it’s kinda what has been happening in the show in my opinion. All she does is weep and she has no strength that doesn’t rely on a random fit of rage that dies out and she gets upset. There’s some great moments, like when she mimics the Monkey, but most of the time she’s just a shadow of who she is supposed to be.
The show tries really hard to make her a Scorned Mother - right from the get go, they try to makes us see how she wants Lyra, how she struggles with her “bad nature” and how that affects their relationship. There is this lingering implication that Lyra was taken from her against her wishes; they make it seem like being a mother to Lyra is her driving force, the only reason why she seeks power and influence. And that is the opposite of Book! Marisa, who is a force of nature, ruthless and ambitious, with not an ounce of maternal instinct.
She does eventually decide to help Lyra, instead of harming her, but even that action comes from a narcisistic place: Lyra is to her a possession, something that belongs to her, and that she wants to preserve. The show just handles her badly, falling into overused, boring tropes that struck far from the book version.
These are usually my main complaints about the show, and they upset me every episode to the point I’m practically ignoring them now lmao The show does a lot of good things too, making Will less of a prick, restoring Lyra’s personality from the first book into S2 Lyra (so far, please keep it that way), Mary is looking great too. They have mostly a great cast, and they did improve the daemons this season (except uh, there are far less daemons to show because of the other worlds - and the Ruta Skadi daemon change pisses me off tbh).
They do have a lot of interest in the show, but the writing (the main issue to me) feels clunky and childish, with the show toning down most of the themes that make His Dark Materials so special, especially to me (which frankly I expected them to do, but it still stings a bit). They make the Magisterium a single bad entity that feels more Authoritarian-Fascist, than a theocracy (even if they sneak in the religious symbols and rituals and garments, it’s just not a good portrayal, it’s very tame and shy); and they try to justify Marisa’s actions (especially in current interviews, there’s lots of talk about how her background will play in the show to “explain why she is the way she is”). The fact the Magisterium is portrayed as pure evil makes it looks less familiar than it should be, and therefore they don’t look scary, they seem like a caricature, a joke.
A lot of the essence of the characters get lost, and the core message of the story too, like when Iorek and the Gyptians tell Lyra she can be one of them, to support her lack of “proper family”, when that is the opposite of the books message. It doesn’t make sense for them to change that, other than maybe Jack Thorne wanted to because it makes the story feels less hopeless, but it’s why he fails to adapt these character - he doesn’t capture the essence, he tries to write these character with gaps in them.
However, the thing that annoys me the most is how they portray Asriel. It’s just... it’s bad. Really bad, which is a shame cause James is talented as fuck, but he had little time to film for season 1, and then they portrayed him very poorly. That scene when he addresses Roger in episode 7 is ridiculous, Asriel would never behave that way; there was relief in him finding Roger was there too, yes, but not to that extent and not in such a cringe way. Asriel is not deranged or irrational, he is a man on a mission, and Roger was a tool (there is no pleasure in Asriel taking his life and no excuses - it needed to be done and he did it); they just needed him to sound creepy in the show for whatever reason.
I hated how they handled the bridge scene for Asriel, Lyra and Marisa, but that’s long and complicated for me to explain here. In S2, there has been some mentions of him so far, including the implication he might have ruined Cittàgazze himself and I frankly don’t understand where did they get that idea. But the cherry on the top was Thorold telling Marisa that Asriel was gonna kill Lyra and that’s just-- that’s so dumb. That’s genuinely dumb writing, because Thorold knows Lyra followed Asriel to the mountain, and while I do believe Asriel would have killed Lyra if Roger wasn’t there, there is no way Thorold should know or consider that Asriel was gonna hurt Lyra, because Roger was there. In fact, Thorold’s interactions with Asriel in episode 8 already disprove this, so either Thorold was lying in S2 for the sake of, I don’t know, chaos or whatever, or the person who wrote this was a five-star, solid gold, fucking moron.
I’m not gonna mention the lost episode because that was no one’s fault, but the fact that they discarded an episode that all information we have on imply that it was important to set up the backstory of the angels and the city, it’s... concerning. It means they wrote something parallel that should’ve been woven into the season.
The truth is, I still watch the show on Sundays, and I still like some stuff they do (especially Mary’s stuff, so far), and despite me slandering the show per your request anon lol (cause unfortunately my honest opinion is mixed, I just don’t try to overfocus on the negative on Tumblr, I mostly talk about it on discord or private), I do think anyone who has read the books should watch the show.
For me, personally, everything I love about HDM is barely on the show - complex characters, the philosophy, the oppression by religion, the interesting world - and the vibe I get is that they’re adapting a coming-of-age love story, which is the last and - being fully honest - the least important message these books give us, but unfortunately they were set to making a family show from the start, and my expectations were high and unmatched, and a family is what we’re getting: toned down, cute, pretty visuals and soulless (heh, pun intended), philosophically speaking. I expect a certain pattern going into S3, but I always like to hold out hope that they will hire better writers (apparently Jack Thorne already wrote 4 scripts, so there you go lmao), and try to give HDM the adaptation it deserves. The truth is, if you’re a picky, canon reliant person like I am, the show might be a struggle, but if you just like the story for the teen romance, or if you don’t care about overthinking a show/book, then most people can have a good time with it.
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scatterpatter · 4 years
Some expanded thoughts on FF7R under the cut [SPOILERS]
So! Overall I freaking LOVED the remake and I can’t wait to see the rest! Midgar feels so alive and expanded, you really feel attached to everyone, it’s... muah! Honestly a lot of the points I’m gonna make are more nitpicks than anything. I won’t make any commentary on the gameplay because I watched a let’s play instead of playing by myself(im broke and cant afford a PS4 and $60 game >_>)
So the designs are GORGEOUS... no, the entire GAME is gorgeous. Midgar looks so good and detailed, there’s so much great implementation of color theory! Cloud is sooooo good looking!!! Barret and Aerith and Sephiroth are all GORGEOUS! Reno Rude Tseng and Rufus.. AAAA!!! The only slight complain I have is that- okay so Tifa looks AWESOME, but I honestly wish she wasn’t so skinny. Like she’s a melee fighter, but her waist and arms are so thin! I wish they gave her a bit more tone and muscle, but, oh well. I honestly can’t stop staring at the character models they look SO good
Plot-wise, I really like most of the changes/additions they made! Especially with Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie. They’re wonderful and I love them and did I mention that I love them because they’re just so dorky!!! And good!!!
Honestly, I like that Aerith is actually written to be likeable. I know that doesn’t seem like much but a lot of games fall into the trap of telling you that you’re supposed to like the female protag(looking at you, Breath of the Wild) or tell you that she’s a strong character, but they fail to show that, so the player feels like they’re just being told to get attached. Aerith, though, is actually really likeable in this game!!! She’s cute and down-to-earth, really dorky and even snarky, easily seeing past Cloud’s tough-guy act, and she can fight! It’s just so nice to see a game that shows a strong female protag instead of just telling you.
Legit everyone is horny for Cloud and I’m so here for it
Okay so like. I love Roche. I didn’t at first but he quickly grew on me. He’s so awfully chaotic and I just- I love him. I’m mad that he was just kinda forgotten, though. Like! He could’ve shown up at the ending chase!!!
THEY REALLY WROTE HOJO TO BE AS CREEPY AS POSSIBLE HUH. Like I’m not complaining because like he’s basically the reason why everything happened, but! Ahhhh he makes me squirm he’s a creep with a gross science fetish and I wanna stab himmmmm
Okay so. President Shinra is a little bit TOO stereotypically evil? Like having a gold statue of himself and not even caring about sabotaging one of his own reactors when one little console gets destroyed??? Like it’s almost comical how evil he’s written to be. Though, I do like the scene where he calls Barret out on his ideals, that was neat!
Nowww, Heidegger Scarlet Palmer and Reeve? MUAH. Heidegger and Scarlet are written so sadistically but like in such a likeable way, especially Heidegger. God I hate them both but you just love to hate them!!! Palmer is HILARIOUS- I love how he’s written to be the spoiled kid whose parents forced the other kids to include him so he’s just there even though he doesn’t do anything. And Reeve? Well...
SO REEVE IS MY FAVORITE ATM SINCE WE DON’T HAVE VINCENT YET, AND REEVE IS JUST... <3 <3 <3 Okay so first off, his design is perfect. He doesn’t really stand out in the same way that Heidegger Scarlet and Palmer do. He just has a normal build, normal suit, normal hair slicked back- he just looks like a normal employee, totally inconspicuous... which is very fitting considering how he ends up being undercover and needs to look inconspicuous ;)
Though Reeve shows clear signs of overworking himself and being emotionally abused by his coworkers which... sucks. I mean it’s good writing but I feel so awful for him- Like you know it’s bad when someone just has to hold up a hand to get you to shut up and sit down. I like that he tries to do good things but steps down when he’s told to, that he’s empathetic but cowardly. It does a great job at setting up his character arc in future chapters <3
Okay so one thing- I thought the build-up for the plate dropping was amazing, but honestly... the plate itself falling was slightly underwhelming, to be completely honest. Like- I just didn’t feel the impact that a plate falling would have! Mainly because, you don’t see a single death which is interesting. Like you see people running from falling debris, but legit not a single death is implied. Honestly? I thought the scene would have been far more impactful if they showed:
Seventh Heaven actually being destroyed
The people topside reacting to the ground beneath them collapsing and them falling to their deaths(They only tried to evacuate Sector 7 slums! Not the topside!!!)
More people actually being implied to have been crushed(No, Im not counting Wedge). Like in the original FF7 there’s a scene where someone’s watching tv and you see the plate falling from outside the window- and there’s a reporter just doing his normal shit before he suddenly looks up and things go to static- like- thats an intense scene and I wish the remake did more stuff like that!
They do great showing people REACTING to the plate falling which is why its so appalling to me that they dont show much of the actual devastation DURING plate fall
I LOVE that Cait Sith shows up at the plate falling! It shows that Reeve actually tried to warn people(something he asked to do and was denied earlier), even if he was too late. The only problem I have is that new players who dont know who Cait Sith is will be horribly confused as to who and why he’s there???
Also, when the crew goes back to Sector 7, you don’t really... feel the impact right away. Keep in mind, an entire section of city just fell onto another section of city WITH the supports holding it up, there should have been way more rubble. Yet, the area where Seventh Heaven is just... looks like it was hit with a major earthquake. There should be way more rubble, like mountains of it. It’s weird since the opening cinematic really captures the scope of how huge Midgar is, but the plate falling just doesn’t really show the scope of how much devastation there was to losing an entire plate.
The scope of it is done a bit better when climbing up Sector 7, but I still feel like the weight and scope of destruction isn’t lived up to its full potential.
Okay so- Wedge and Biggs. ... Yeah, it takes away from the impact of their deaths to have them not die. I mean, I can’t make a total opinion on this just yet, because the other parts haven’t come out yet, but... if FF7R is gonna keep them alive, they better have a good reason for it tbh.
They might have done a little bit too much foreshadowing with Cloud and Aerith? Like I like Cloud having memory issues, it’s kept pretty vague... but him going “Mother?” with Jenova is a little bit too spoiler-y. Like yeah you gotta tease his whole thing but like- don’t give it away this soon!!!
I also don’t mind Seph showing up as much as he does. Like, in the original, you don’t even hear about him until close to the end of the Midgar arc. Obvi since the remake ONLY covers the Midgar arc so far, I totally understand bringing him in sooner. Again, having the clones existing might be a little too spoilery for the big twists later on, but I can let it slide since it’s still treated as very “wtf” and I’m sure anyone new to the story hasn’t put it together yet.
Did I mention how much I love Seph he’s so creepy and his eyes are gorgeous and he’s so intimidating by just being there
And the Whispers... I honestly didn’t like them. I kept forgetting that they existed honestly. They just feel so... detached from the plot. I don’t mind adding new content/story, but the Whispers just... didn’t feel well-implemented. They also felt really campy towards the end. Like, the fact that they could un-stab Barret and shield Avalanche from car accidents while they were escaping? They were legit like “no you can’t die even if you tried because fate” and takes away any tension of the scene because... well, they know they cant die.
That being said, the ending was interesting. I uh. It was interesting! So they actually defeat fate itself in order to change... who knows what. The future, maybe even the past??? I’ve got many thoughts on this
If the future is changed, that can be exciting since people who know the original’s plot won’t know what’s gonna happen next so like- okay!
If the past was changed... y’all know I’m talking about Zack. Was fate changed so that he could live? Keep in mind, we see Whispers surrounding Midgar before they dissipate and Zack’s like “ohey did I get all of em?”, implying that fate would have forbade Zack from ever getting to Midgar. Having the team defeat fate means... Zack may have now reached Midgar. 
Is alternate reality/timeline stuff going to happen now???
Cloud’s character revolves around Zack dying. What’ll happen to Cloud now???
I feel so bad for people new to the plot who don’t know who Zack is.
Nomura... you madman.
So with the ending... Nomura and Squenix is setting something up. They’re going for something huge. I uh. I fear, honestly! Because this could very likely get WAY too ambitious and WAY too confusing(Think Dream Drop Distance’s bullshit plot), and could totally fall on its face and end up being Squenix’s biggest flop of all time. But... if this succeeds and they actually pull off whatever they’re trying to pull... holy shit. I would be floored.
I honestly am a bit afraid that the plot will be too confusing for new players. Like- no one would know whats going on with Zack unless they knew the original plot, so like while this would be a great game for FF7 fans, I’m really worried that it won’t be a good game for people new to the series.
Cloud in a dress is the greatest thing and I’m so happy they kept that scene I love him so much the entire scene is so queer <3
But overall, despite some nitpicks, it was a SUPER SOLID game and I’m soooo hype to see where they go with it! I wanna see Cait and Yuffie and Cid and Vincent!!!!!!!!!
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green-blooded · 4 years
Hokay, I'm starting Star Trek: Beyond. Going to rant again... maybe say some positive things here and there. Does McCoy get to be a character in this one? Guess I'm about to find out.
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(Because he did! And also other words! So there’s still some negativity here, but I liked this one best out of the three movies.)
What.... are these aliens. Why do they look like this. Why are they gargoyles. Why are they attacking Kirk. Why is this happening. Why is this in a Star Trek. Okay. I'm. Trying. Let me enjoy this. Let me try to enjoy this. I will stop being grumpy.
Haha he ripped his shirt okay you got me but if the nipples aren't out it doesn't count.
McCoy is onscreen early in a corridor walk that they could've easily left him out of, so that's a good sign? They were a trio for a second.
Why are they showing all Kirk's uniforms as the same? Where is his fat shirt? This is important to me, okay. Wait, I said I wasn't going to be picky.
Whoa, McCoy has a second scene already!!!!!!!! Oh they're having a whole interaction oh no it's cute. WHY IS McKIRK THE ONLY THING I LIKE IN THESE MOVIES? "You know me, Mr. Sensitive." Oh no he's so cute.
MCCOY'S CONTINUING TO BE IN SCENES AND ARGUING WITH SPOCK. It's still about nothing because these movies don't do deep conflict, but. Y'know. There was a tiny trio moment again. I'm being positive.
Okay, those were a lot of establishing shots for Yorktown, so I hope it's actually important...
Oh yeah this is the one where they kinda let us know Sulu's gay? I forgot about that.
Oh no don't make me cry about nimoy please i don't want to deal with real emotions watching these movies. :(
Some of this does feel vaguely Star-Trek, even though it's still taking place in such HUGE environments that it throws me off. Every room is so POINTLESSLY huge.
Um... we're leaving Yorktown so I'm continuing to wonder if those establishing shots meant anything...
The CMO is on the bridge where he belongs, thank you.
Oh, did they let the lady characters have rank now? Soooo progressivvvve.
Do we really need to completely destroy the Enterprise in every movie? Like. Gosh. Where is Kirk's weird sexual attraction to his ship that makes him want to keep it safe? He's sexually attracted to everything ELSE in this version.
Oh my god are Spock and McCoy getting to do something without Kirk there???!!! ARE THEY CHARACTERS????
Everything is so spaced out on the bridge that Kirk has to be standing at the nav station to talk to someone in another part of his ship???
Newer versions of Star Trek keep putting the "evil" aliens in five hundred pounds of latex and makeup... you don't have to make the aliens less humanoid to make them threatening if you just... write better. Also maybe stop creating evil aliens.
I really have no emotional reaction to seeing the Enterprise being destroyed two movies in a row. I don't even have any emotional attachment to this version of the ship because it looks so stupid inside.
... We couldn't get the red alert sound right? Really?
Too much action too much action too much action. Please give me a story so I can care about what's going on.
Once again the gravity situation shows why the Enterprise shouldn't have such huge interiors... I know I'm going on about that a LOT, but it's one of the stupidest design choices in these movies.
Pointless action sequence with Scotty just... getting out of his escape pod. Cool.
Why put Uhura with an alien race where she could use her linguistic skills and then just have them know English? Sigh. Oh well, at least she's getting a scene to herself. Like she's her own character or something, wow.
Hello Spock and McCoy interacting! Thank goodness for small mercies. But a little less exciting when they have no established relationship to this point, but it's fine.
Oh wow they're having a conversation that could be considered somewhat philosophical. Someone saw a Star Trek episode before writing this!
The hot alien lady seems like a D&D character, but that's fine.
I appreciate McCoy yelling at Spock for collapsing in pain. But like, a caring kind of yell. Good job Urban.
I really do keep zoning out during action scenes. I barely know what's going on in the Kirk scenes because it's just a ton of action that doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Like... the character who has already lied... lied again. Wow.
I really would like to have some emotional reaction to characters running around the wreckage of the Enterprise, but I don't. :(
Goodbye pointless alien who screwed everyone over a lot.
"Federation has taught you that conflict should not exist." No, these movies are just really bad at it, latex face alien.
Ooookay, we established Yorktown so we should care that this alien guy wants to destroy it because he hates unity or something. Cool.
Spock and McCoy scene okay. And we directly mention philosophy! Blunt, but cool. Again... it's just hard to get into it because there's nothing established with these characters, since these movies are more into action than character. But that was a good moment between them. Like... McCoy saying he'd throw a party if Spock left doesn't work because we have seen hardly ANY of the banter between them. It's relying on what we've seen in TOS... But Spock laughing was cute.
I like Jayla a lot. She's definitely a Star Wars character, but it's fine.
Lol they had to give us a ship older than the Enterprise to find one that looked a little bit like a Star Trek ship. Sigh. But at least they're doing it.
I love you Karl Urban for trying so hard to sound like you're from Georgia. I forgive you for, y'know, not.
He just yelled at Spock for collapsing in pain again, which is just the best.
Spock: [dying a lil]
Gotta say... I did like the moment where Spock looks to McCoy when Kirk says he needs him to stay alive. All I wanted this whole time was the trio.
Okay, McCoy calling Uhura's necklace a tracking device, then saying that he's glad Spock doesn't respect him--when literally a few scenes ago, Spock said he did respect him--is kinda great. Especially since respect in this scenario is, like, a way of Spock saying he has romantic feelings for Uhura? Beyond is bringing Spones back into the picture, and it's not perfect, but I'll take it.
Scott saying "she's lost people too, Captain" was good. It was real good. There are good moments in this one, thank goodness.
Holy goodness, they're letting Scott be a character too! They're letting everyone be real characters instead of just scene dressing for the Kirk and Spock show!
I appreciate Kirk calling everyone Mr. Whatever and McCoy is just "Bones."
McCoy saying "I'll keep an eye on him" about Spock oh no. Oh no it's cute.
Wow this dumb motorcycle scene is Very CG.
The main storyline of this movie is Also Very Bad, but I can deal with bad plots when there are good character moments.That's why I can watch the worst Star Trek episodes for the most part... So Beyond is capturing the feel of a bad Star Trek episode, which is an improvement from the first two movies.
On the other hand, while I would like to try to judge these movies on their own merit, I CAN'T because they lean on the original series. The Spock and McCoy interactions are just one example where all of the emotion and development was actually in the series, but now I'm supposed to apply it to this version of the characters who have never shown any connection before now. So, I have to compare them to TOS and it's just not going to come out well for AOS in any department but special effects and budget. (And Pine being more likable than Shatner as a person tbh.) Then even the relationships they HAVE developed in the show, like Spock and Uhura, make me feel very little because they didn't develop them well. Again, action scenes take precedence over development, and it makes the entire thing weaker.
But little moments like Kirk going to save Jayla when she thinks she'll be left behind, which calls back on the moment with what Scott said about being a team... that was a good within itself because it didn't rely on anything from the original series without entirely deviating from the spirit of it! I wish moments like that weren't so rare in these movies.
Were all those establishing shots like an hour ago really enough for me to care about what's happening to Yorktown? Not... not really? I mean, it's sad, but. I don't know anything about this place. The only ones I have any connection to are Sulu's family, and that's only because I like Sulu...
AHHHHHHHHHH MORE SPOCK AND MCCOY um... do you see how easy i am to make happy like... i could have easily loved these movies if they'd done a little better
Scott and Jayla are really cute engineering buddies and this is one thing that's 100% AOS that I really appreciate.
This is how I feel when I hear the Beastie Boys too. (Not in a good way. Not a fan.)
Hey guess what I'm about to say! Guess what it is! If you guessed "This action sequence is too damn long" then you get no prizes because it's pretty much a given at this point.
.... Krall is Idris Elba? I could've been looking at Idris Elba this whole time? Stupid latex.
This... reveal makes... no sense? I mean, on the plus side, I guess this means that the evil latex face aliens weren't evil aliens, but bad Humans... Still not great that they use latex to other characters and make them more ~scary~ imo.
Also, this is... basically the same reveal as the Khan reveal, just slightly less stupid because we didn't already know this character like we knew Khan. But they literally did the "different name, and then we find out who they are" thing twice in Into Darkness... seems weird to do it a third time for Beyond.
ALLLLSO I'm really tired of every conflict in these movies being resolved with fighting... isn't the theme of this very movie about how conflict is something we're moving beyond as Humans?
Are McCoy and Spock still just flying around? I'm confused. Too much action has happened and I can't tell who is doing what. I only know Kirk is in danger because people keep saying he is.
Oh, okay, they were still just flying around so they could save Kirk at the last minute. Which is goofy, but okay. Gotta love Kirk continuing to give Spock all the credit when McCoy is the one saving him. GREAT LOVE THAT SO COOL.
Love that Spock's conflict about leaving Starfleet to help his people is literally the exact same in these two movies.
Oh no they're bringing back Nimoy related thing to give me emotions again. Don't do that. You didn't earn my love of Nimoy, movie.
Oh, Karl Urban. I appreciate your accent efforts.
....... lol that look Spock and McCoy exchanged about the necklace. Um. Okay. I won't read into that, don't worry, not at all.
Okay, this one was the best of the three movies by a lot. Still not. Y'know... great. But they introduced a new character I liked. They had some good Spock and McCoy moments, even if they pretended that the TOS relationship was intact. They let Uhura exist outside of Spock for a while. Scotty got some really great moments. Overall, I'm not as angry as I was while watching the other two!
But now I'm going to watch some TOS, and the next episode I have queued up is Journey to Babel, so. I'm much happier about that. (Yes, this is a call back to the gif I used up top. Look at me, tying things together like a cohesive story would.)
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memelordandsavior · 6 years
Klance Shippers Are Hypocrites And Romantic Sheith is Valid.
So let’s just dive right in and this is going to be long but bear with me. I’m covering all the bases. By now you’ve all heard about the nasty discourse surrounding Sheith due to season 6 and that scene.
“You’re my brother, I love you.”
This scene is huge because we finally understand what Shiro really means to Keith. Sheith fans have a lot to celebrate this season and they are, some fans have even joined the Sheith fandom due to season 6. But a lot of people also argue that Sheith is strictly platonic and familial due to “You’re my brother.” Some other’s have even gone to extremes with “it’s incest.” “Shiro adopted and raised him.” All of which are false. Keith is Krolia and Papa Keith’s only child and if there was a blood family relation, Shiro would’ve shown up in flashbacks with his family. Also let go of your hatred and look at baby Keith he’s so cute.
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“It’s incest” is false.
Now to the “adopted and raised” thing. Listen. I’m 20 years old, I’m going to college and trying to get a job. NO ONE around my age, especially not younger, wants the responsibility of adopting and raising a kid and I doubt a 19-21 year old Shiro would either. It’s pretty clear what happened with Shiro and Keith’s backstory.
Shiro was a recruiter. Shiro did not adopt Keith. He recruited him.
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Shiro came to Keith’s high school. By now Keith is already in a foster home being taken care of since his dad died when he was a lot younger than a teenager.
Shiro recruited Keith, probably because he saw the hidden potential in Keith that no one else could. He vouched for him to go to the Garrison which is a military organization. I’m assuming the Garrison is in the U.S. and the timeline is years into the future. By law you have to be at least 17 years old to enlist in a military organization. Keith was more than likely 16 in the Garrison flashback where he’s seated next to a kid who looks older than him, and when Shiro tells him he won’t give up on him. He was probably being tested to see if he was good enough for the Garrison (and being Keith he got into a fight).
I think people were confused when Keith said “just take me back to the home already” and automatically assumed Shiro took him in. That’s not what happened.
People who say this forget that the Garrison has dorms and housing.Otherwise Lance and Hunk wouldn’t be snooping around the faculty lounge at night and Pidge wouldn’t be seen leaving her dorm room in the first episode, they would be in their own homes. They literally live at the Garrison. Keith definitely also moved into the dorms and it’s very likely he got in on a flight scholarship (considering he was their best pilot) that Shiro vouched for.
So yeah. Keith was 16-17 when he got into the Garrison and also kind of a late bloomer. But he didn’t stay that way.
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Keith is likely 18 here. The same age he was when the show began. And the crew confirmed Shiro wasn’t a faculty member before for long Kerberos, he was a student. He must’ve recently gotten promoted to one right before but Sam Holt was the designated adult faculty on the mission. Keith and Shiro knew each other as students at a military COLLEGE. Shiro never raised him.
“But Krolia said-“
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This isn’t literal. What Krolia most likely meant by this line is “Thank you for being there for my son when no one else was, if it wasn’t for you his life would be different.” Which it would be as Keith himself has mentioned.
If Shiro hadn’t been there for him, hadn’t believed in him, hadn’t gave him advice when things got tough. Keith would have no one. Keith could’ve ended up the way Lotor did. When you don’t have a source of love in your life… things go sour quickly… Krolia’s words aren’t meant to be taken literally as if Shiro was a replacement for Keith’s dad. They simply mean she’s grateful for all he’s done for him.
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Now that those points are covered. I’d like to address “you’re my brother.” The argument I keep seeing thrown at me constantly which is getting tiring and unnecessary at this point.
I’d like to remind these people, most if not all of whom are klantis or klance shippers (i know good ones exist though so please don’t go there), that klance has been called brotherly before as well.
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This was literally the second episode. Hunk refers to Keith and Lance as “brothers” along with himself.
Even their supposed Klance savior Jeremy Shada himself has compared Klance’s relationship to being brotherly.
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Yet NEVER has this been a problem for Klance shippers. They never stopped shipping it and no one has harassed them for it.
But suddenly it’s a major problem for Sheith. Give me a goddamn break. Sheith (as a romantic relationship) has been supported by the cast and crew of this show since the day it began and it continues to be supported by them. They have been less vocal about it but that’s likely because of the horrible harassment they were receiving. But If the creators intended Sheith to be a “brotherly” relationship, they’d also be grossed out by supporting it in a romantic light which is clearly not the case so that’s that.
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STILL GETS ME TBH. This scene is so unbelievably telling and important to the evolution of Keith’s relationship with Shiro. However, if you choose to see Sheith as platonic and brotherly for your own personal reasons or heck just because that’s how you see it, THAT IS PERFECTLY FINE, but this post is explaining a different point of view and as long as you’re not an anti and are being respectful to all interpretations, you’re fine. I’m going to explain what this scene means to me personally as a bisexual girl, and many others in the LGBT+ community. 
As a bisexual woman who’s had romantic feelings for other women, I understand Keith calling Shiro a brother because I’ve called those women sisters. I’ve said “you’re like a sister to me” or “you are my sister” and realized later that those feelings were something more. I’ve seen this kind of thing happen often even in m|f relationships and ESPECIALLY in the LGBT+ community. Referring to a person you love in a romantic way as a brother or a sister is simply a way of expressing 1.) You trust them as much as you would trust family. 2.) A way of figuring out why you feel so close to this person in the first place and understanding your feelings. Or 3.) Expressing the romantic love you feel for the person in a safe way should they not reciprocate.
This scene is telling because we know how Keith saw Shiro throughout the show, the brother thing isn’t exactly new.
“Shiro, you’re like a brother to me.” - Season 2, Episode 8, The Blade of Marmora.
You all remember that, We can see that’s how Keith viewed the connection he had with Shiro because possibly, it was the ONLY way he could put a word to what he was feeling. Especially as an orphan with no one, surely the thing he wanted most was a family or someone he could call family. Shiro definitely was that person for him in the beginning stages of their relationship, but just like the weather, and the world, and age, and almost everything in the universe, relationships, people, and dynamics can change. To deny that theirs could’ve as well is frankly a bit ridiculous.
Keith has had time to grow, he’s had time to have his own little family with a dog and to get to know his mother better. Two years is more than enough time to make up for their lost time and lost familial relationship and now he’s got a new family dynamic that’s separate from how he viewed Shiro. Keith has also gotten older. He was 19 last season and now he’s 21 making him a mature adult and he’s gained a lot of self assurance in speaking to his mother, figuring out why she left, and understanding his family didn’t abandon him. MANY things about Keith have changed since he last called Shiro his brother. He goes into the fight with clone Shiro with determination and resolve, one that would waver once before with the thought of Shiro abandoning him. (I’VE ALMOST HIT IMAGE LIMIT SO BEAR WITH ME.)
His relationship with Shiro has also changed and I think Keith himself realized it. Keith realized as the clone was attacking him once he said “You’re my brother” that it simply wasn’t enough. It wasn’t enough to express what Keith felt for Shiro. Keith also would never use Shiro’s feelings against him as a manipulation tactic. Keith knew he was going to die, he knew he was losing, and he simply just wanted Shiro to know what he meant to him. If Shiro was familiar with Keith saying “I love you” in a brotherly context, it would not have made him stop attacking and pause in shock. The “you’re my brother” line wasn’t what got through to Shiro, It was the “I love you.” because it was new to both of them and showed a change in their relationship.
I could go on about how Sheith was likely the LGBT+ rep the crew has been fighting for but that’s not what this post is about so I’ll end it here.
Sheith has evolved, it’s grown and changed along with Shiro and Keith as individual characters. It’s a beautiful relationship however way you choose to interpret it and the people who see it romantic deserve to be able to because that interpretation is just as valid.
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lindsayrps · 7 years
violet beck char. dev.
• Name: violet jennifer beck • Nickname: vi, mostly. • Birthday: december 15th • Age: twenty eight • Gender: female • Place of birth: ventura, california • Places lived since: los angeles, ca; new york, ny; boston, ma; chicago, il. • Parents’ names, backgrounds, occupations: christopher & annette beck • Number of siblings: one younger sister • Relationship with family: closeish? vi's younger sister moved with her to chicago and they still talk pretty regularly with their parents who still live in california. they're big skypers and go back home for holidays and whatnot. • Children of her own?: nope.

• Height: 5'8 • Build: tall and lanky. bit waif-y. • Disabilities: — • Complexion: fair • Face shape: oval • Hair color: brown • Usual hair style: depends on what the day requires. if she's not working she keeps it in a ponytail or top knot, otherwise, it's down and pretty straight. • Eye color: hazel • Glasses? Contacts?: both, mostly wears contacts but sometimes she can't be arsed to put them in so she goes the glasses route. • Style of dress/typical outfit(s): again, really depends on what the day requires. vi mostly likes comfortable things but can wear dresses and the like to work but tends to keep them more on the casual side than the fancier side. lotta black, too. • Typical style of shoes: combat boots, tbh. or flats or sneakers. • Grooming: little scruffy • Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: minimal jewelry. she'll wear earrings and a necklace but otherwise, she'll pass. tattoos, one of undetermined design and ofc peircings. • Accent?: not really? • Unique mannerisms/physical habits: none, really? • Athletic?: not really? she loathes working out in any sort of gym setting but she's good to do stairs and standing all day.

• Level of education: television and broadcast journalism degree • Level of self esteem: she's pretty confident in herself, for sure. • Gifts/talents: oh god ha. um, stock answer of saying she's pretty creative and driven when she cares about something deeply, both in terms of her work on the podcast and work in general. • Shortcomings: her attention span is…very limited if she's not interested in something. • Style of speech: a little laidback in terms of the words she uses — she's v much from socal and you can tell — but she's occasionally very loud. • Artistic?: yep • Mathematical?: oh goodness no • Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: emotion • Neuroses: nah • Life philosophy: yolo, in a manner of speaking. vi doesn't have time or desire to linger on things she could've done better or differently or anything like that. • Religious stance: no thanks • Cautious or daring?: depends on the situation. • Most sensitive about/vulnerable to: people commenting on the state or her relationship w/ tom. like, yes, they've been together for a while but no they are not getting married if it ain't broke don't fix it pls stop asking • Optimist or pessimist?: optimist • Extrovert or introvert?: extrovert • Level of comfort with technology: hell yeah pass it here

• Current marital/relationship status: in a relationship with tom morris • Sexual orientation: bisexual • Past relationships: a handful but tom for the past few years. • Primary reason for being broken up with: flakiness • Primary reasons for breaking up with people: Wanting Different Things • A social person?: y e s • Most comfortable around: tom and daria • Oldest friend: daria • How does he think others perceive him?: idk she doesn't care but she hopes people think she's nice • How do others actually perceive him?: loud and obnoxious but passionate

• Profession: video producer for a bf-esque company / co-host of seekers • Past occupations: intern, junior video producer, etc. • Attitude towards current job: she loves it!! it's, like, The Dream. • Attitude towards current coworkers, bosses, employees: loves 'em • Salary: enough

• Dreams: opening another restaurant • Greatest fears: nothing substantial outside of, like, fashion fears, you know? • Most ashamed of: she's done some Crazy Things for work. eaten some weird shit she wishes she could go back and not eat. • Hobbies: podcasting w/ daria, hangin' out w/ tom. • Past sexual transgressions: none, really. • Crimes committed: nah • What he most wants to change about his current life: she's good. • What he most wants to change about his physical appearance: nope.

• Daily routine: wake up / shower / coffee & breakfast / work or podcasting/researching w/ daria / home / dinner / shower / maybe going out w/ some friends or tom depending on the day of the week. • Light or heavy sleeper?: light • Favorite food: korean-mexican. • Favorite book: ehhh • Favorite movie: [shrug] • Favorite song: [shrug] • Coffee or tea?: coffee. always coffee. • Type of car he drives: uhhhh some kind that i haven't thought about yet. • Lefty or righty?: righty • Favorite color: black. honestly lol. • Cusser?: yes • Smoker? Drinker? Drug user?: no/yes/no • Pets?: listen, boris is also violet's okay. but otherwise, no
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cookies-hetaoni · 7 years
This is a rant but, like, you know. It would be nice if you read, if, like. You have patience and time? idk lmao
 (adm: Hey guys!! Some things are kind of getting out of control, and honestly I don’t even know where to start, but...! I’m putting this under a cut because it’s so long lmao [I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE]
First thing’s first: this blog was originally created to keep you updated on the progress of the making of my own version of HetaOni [holy cow, that’s a lot of “of”s]. It was released on December 26th, 2016. So, since then, all I’ve been doing is answering asks. 
First the asks were about the game, glitches and all that. When people started to praise my art saying they liked how I drew a certain character, I drew them said character as a thank you for the compliment. And somehow, my art has become the main attention of this blog. 
It makes me extremely happy that everyone enjoys my art so much, and even more happy when people remember I spent so much time working on the game [lmao], but, guys. Listen. I do not mind getting requests at all, but please understand that I am busy, I have a life and I when I have free time, I want to focus on working on HetaOni and its sequel. 
People who have been following me since the beginning might remember I used to say that the reason I was rushing so much to finish and release the game was because I knew that this year I wouldn’t have nearly as enough time as I had last year. And this is exactly what’s happening. I made another post the other day talking about what I was working on regarding the game and the sequel, but now I’m going to tell you a bit of my personal life. Which is not much, to be quite honest.
I am a 21 year old student attending to a Graphic Design course in university, which is set to end in December 2018. It’s a really quick course, so I have to respond just as quickly. Every week I have a lot of work to do for it, now even more so since my class chose me as the class rep [I had absolutely no say in it tbh lmao but that’s okay]. So yes, you get the picture. Picture a Cookie running back and forth, carrying things around while helping my classmates.
Now, because I have depression and other mental health issues, I have to go to both a psychologist and a psychiatrist. I have to go to the psychologist every week, and to the psychiatrist once every month to get meds prescriptions. Imagine a Cookie, running back and forth carrying things around, helping my classmates and having to take meds and go to appointments to try to live life a little bit more normally.
Not only do I have these problems, but things have been going on in my family that have been making me feel even worse. I swear to all that’s looked upon as Holy in this world that I have NEVER been more stressed in my entire life. Never, ever. I’m currently experiencing overwhelming stress while having to deal with uni, health care and personal problems.
To top it off, the country I live in, especially the city I live in, is extremely dangerous. Just so you have an idea, last year my mom’s car and all of my sister’s and her documents/money/credit cards were stolen right in front of my house, while she was getting her car out of the garage. Last week, as I was coming home from uni, there were cops everywhere in my street and a bunch of people gathered together. We heard there was shooting while theives tried to steal someone else’s car. My neighbor’s dog has been killed recently when theives attempted to get inside their house. My neighbor was killed two years ago when he was painting his gate. 
So now, imagine Cookie, running back and forth carrying things, having to help my classmates, while having to deal with uni, health care, personal problems and the risk of being killed/assaulted at any time, any day, anywhere. Not really fun, huh?
Well, let’s all be honest. All of this isn’t really a big deal. No, really, it isn’t. Literally everyone have their own problems to deal with, and just because I’m exposing my own doesn’t make it any more serious than anyone else’s problems. In all honesty, even with all of this going on I am still extremely grateful for having a house, clean water, access to education and health care, a family and being someone competent enough that people can rely on. All of us have it hard, and it’s only natural. If things were easy, we wouldn’t be able to experience emotions to its fullest, amiright?
The same way my problems aren’t more important than anyone else’s, that doesn’t make it any less heavy either. Everyone’s said this before, everyone says this constantly and in 80 years, people will continue to say: Life is hard. We are only one, yet the world demands we work as if we were one hundred. But we are not.
Why am I telling you all of this? I could’ve just summed it up and said I was busy, right? Well, I did make a post telling you I was busy before, but people still seemed not to care much. Which is totally fine, I guess. It’s not like it’s anyone’s obligation to care for other’s lives, anyway. Especially since a blog like mine is supposed to create entertaining content. If I offer you something you like to see then you’ll obviously want to see more, because entertainment is most definitely a thousand times better than having to deal with problems.
I am not writing this to complain about the asks I get, or that I want you guys to stop sending me asks or anything of the sort. I am just trying to explain that I do not have time to answer you immediately. That’s all. 
I don’t delete any of the asks I get [unless it’s people sending me useless criticism - aka bitching at me for nothing], so it’s not like I forgot about you. So you don’t need to send me the same asks over and over again- this has happened multiple times, probably with different people. I get it, you want your request, I will do it but I just don’t have as much free time as I wish I had.
As I said in the beginning of this post, I created this blog to focus on HetaOni and on its sequel, so that’s what I’m trying to do. If I spend all of my time answering asks, I won’t be able to work on the game and I’ll have to deal with solving glitches for everyone and not getting any work done. And besides all of this I have to do, I also need to work on commissions.
I very much probably made it obvious that I do not have money. I have to gather every single penny I have to be able to pay for my school. If I couldn’t pay it myself, my mom would surely help me. The thing is, I don’t want her to, because I know she doesn’t have money either. All of it goes to pay for the house itself, its expenses, her car, food, bills, and my sister’s uni. She already has her hands full, so I’m trying my best to keep myself standing still. My friends know already that I love my mom unconditionally. She’s everything to me, I would give my life for her in the blink of an eye. I love her a billion more times than I could ever wish to love myself. She is trying very hard to keep everything under control. I’m not going to go much farther on this subject because it would get too personal, and it’s not really necessary for me to share this much information. All you need to know is I am trying my best to earn money so I can pay for school myself and give my mom one less problem to worry about. And earning money is NOT easy.
I don’t have a job. I couldn’t find one because of my mental health issues. Now I am a bit better than before so i started job-hunting again, but with no luck until now. All I can do is rely on commissions, the Patreon account I created just recently and on the donation button I added in the page, though I don’t really expect anyone to actually donate to be completely honest. It’s literally all I can do to earn money, besides selling some of my things.
Making art takes a lot of time. Requests usually take me at least 2-3 hours each. I enjoy drawing requests very much so, I just love drawing with all my heart and whenever I get positive feedback from you guys, I feel like everything is worth it. As much as I love this feeling and wish to hold on to just this, I can’t pay for my university with emotions. More than I love drawing, I love my mom. And if it’s to make the weight she carries even a little bit lighter, I will do whatever it takes to keep steady on my feet by myself, until someday I can earn enough to take care of all of her financial problems and give her the proper life she deserves to live.
I’m not begging you for money. You do not have the obligation to give me financial support, especially because I know a lot of my followers are underage, that art is often not appreciated enough to be seen as something worth investing on and that money is just something VERY hard to attain. Not everyone can afford commissions, being a patron or donating. It’s just natural. That’s why I like to draw requests. I myself am someone that would love to offer financial support to a lot of my favorite artists, but I can’t. Even so, I have to talk about it everytime because I just don’t have another choice. 
I am also not writing all of this to make you feel sorry for me, or to create drama or whatever. I am just being completely honest with you, and the length of this post just goes to show how absolutely stressed I have been trying to keep my life in order.
The only reason I am writing all of this is asking you guys to be patient. I WILL answer your asks, but please, just be patient. I’m trying my best to always get as much done as I can whenever I have free time, but I only have two hands. Art isn’t just magically created. It takes time, effort and lots of love for me to come up with answers for you. A lot of you already told me to take my time, not to worry about it and not to stress myself, but it’s kind of impossible not to. To each ask I answer, I get 3. I can never clear my inbox. When I tried closing it, even though I made a post about it, everyone came talking to me personally saying they couldn’t send me asks. I’m not the type of person who forgets about things easily. You could’ve asked me for something 10 years ago and I would still remember about it today- because you asked something for me, and I have 100% intention of doing it. I just need time and inspiration.
So please understand if I take long to answer your requests, or if I turn down a request because it would normally be considered a commission. I’m trying my best. I keep repeating that over and over again, but it’s not something I say just out of habit- I really am trying my best.
I appreciate your asks. I appreciate your support. I appreciate you taking your time to write something for me. Recreating this game and creating this blog was honestly the best idea I could’ve ever had. Interacting with you and creating art that causes positive emotions on both of us is what gives my life meaning. I am holding onto this fandom as if it were my life, because it gives me joy and the feeling I actually matter to someone, that I do things that some people care about and that’s what’s helping me get through the hard times. I love this game, I love this fandom, I love this blog and I love you. All I want from you is patience and understanding. If you want to do something for me, just show you care. Reblogging my art and getting other people to see it is a great way to do that. I just want to get someone to smile with my art and hope to make their day a little bit better. Life sucks for everyone, but we’re all in this together.
 But jesus this was a HUGE rant lmfao I am so sorry for all of this. I just needed to write all of this down. If you actually read it until the end, thank you so, so much for your time. I really appreciate it, and hope you have a great week!!!)
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jess-oh · 6 years
Hey journal!
I’m still keeping up with this and I’m doing pretty well! I’ll probably shower after this since I have a 9am class tomorrow morning that I don’t want to be late for! I gotta get into the habit of just rolling out of bed once my alarm goes off instead of hitting “snooze” one too many times! It’s such a bad habit! T A T I just gotta do it! Yeah, I’ll have some extra time but that’s more time I could be dedicating to reading my discipline book or the Bible! I’ve been using the fact that I don’t have a physical Bible anymore as an excuse but I really do want to get into the habit of doing my QTs again! I had a pretty long first day today but it was rather fulfilling! I started the day off at work with Scott and Thor and did my best to be attentive and do a good job! I arrived about 15min before 8am and set everything up, I got along well with Thor and Scott, I was enthusiastic and focused, and overall, I felt pretty good! I was in a rush after work because I wanted to go downstairs, get my ID, heat up my pizza, and check when lockers would be available for check on the ninth floor...all in the 15min gap between work and class. Except, I got off of work a little late and forgot my phone and the elevators were taking too long so that didn’t exactly work out. Instead, I just stopped by the 9th floor and ate my cold pizza for lunch! I was planning on hanging out with Thor pretty closely but I actually became incredibly toxic with my old friends from past classes. It was so easy to fall into gossip and feeling confident and better than everyone else and I could tell that it really turned off Thor. Guy, our teacher, reminded me of Bruce Banner aka the Hulk today, haha. But he seems like a good teacher! He’s very upfront, which I appreciate, and I am looking forward to his class. I just need to get better at speaking up and not going with the flow of talking shit on others and just doing the best that I can now. I don’t want to be like those cliques that are “too cool” for everyone else and just keep to themselves! I want to be welcoming and reach out to others and make sure no one ever feels left out. But yeah! We were assigned our first project today which is going to be a 32-paged minimum magazine and I’ve been wrestling with what to do it on. As of right now, I am really enjoying the concept of automatic drawings and how fluid they are so I was thinking of somehow incorporating psychology or making this a self help book of sorts with automatic drawing flowing throughout to show how we are all interconnected as people! I think it’s a pretty cool concept. I just need to brush it up a bit and solidify my vision and make a vision board for both that and something else! And then we’ll see what Guy says next Tuesday. After that, I took the elevator down with Guy, Sara, and Anna Kunz. I went out at first before realizing that I had two hours to kill since Guy let us out early and decided to head back in and work on my concept for a bit longer on the ninth floor instead. There, I saw Sara again and kept her company as I continued to brainstorm. We chatted for a bit and she showed me a couple funny videos and then went off to do her own thing while I chose to stay behind. Honestly, I took a 10min nap before heading to the SDI around 4:30pm and thankfully, there were people there! I immediately clicked really well with everyone and felt incredibly confident and charismatic. Tina seemed pretty nervous today but maybe it was just because she was in such a rush! But yeah! Our icebreakers went really well and I lowkey carried my team throughout the competition. Then, we all headed downstairs to go to Chinatown together before realizing that Joyce was missing! We waited for a bit at first before Tina gave me the go to take the lead instead. I unfortunately cut my conversation with Janae short as a result which I was pretty sad about but was able to pick up a new conversation relatively quickly. We ran into a bit of a problem with one of the transfer students and tried buying a ticket at first for her but the line was pretty long. Thankfully, Esa offered to cover her fare and just swiped her in instead! We then went downstairs and barely missed the 95th train and had to wait a bit for the next one but it’s okay bc that gave Joyce time to join us! I also joked around with Mulan and surprisingly got along really well with her! Honestly, I was surprised that she showed up today at all and I was more surprised to see Claire so happy to see her bc I know things were kinda tense between the two of them last year. But even at Joy Yee, I saw Joyce getting along with Mulan and that REALLY surprised me. I guess they’ve put all the drama of last year behind them! I’m glad. When we got to Chinatown, we had to sort through who we were missing and decided to head in while I waited outside for Esa who took a crazy long time. Tbh, Sofia’s comment about how my blue dress is the perfect combination of “classic and sexy” took me by surprise earlier today and I kept thinking about it. I never was one to label myself as “sexy” and it just spoke to all my insecurities about how I’m not at all sexy and how I’ve been raised to go against that “vision.” That I should be more conservative in the eyes of the Lord so that statement really bothered me. But the more I looked at it, the more I could see what she was talking about. And the more uncomfortable I felt with wearing it. How did I go from being so over the top in love with the dress before and now I feel so incredibly afraid and insecure to wear it? It’s not like I’m going to a church wedding or anything. It’s family! Why does it matter? But then I was worried that everytime I bent down to write something while checking people in, they would see my boobs from above and think I was thirsty when really it’s just the dress and really just got in my own head about it all. Mitchell came to keep me company for a bit while I waited for Esa and gave me their number. I immediately texted and called them to only hear no response. Later, Joyce came out since the food had come and invited me in since they were taking so long. So I agreed and went in. I mostly talked with the new transfer student across from me, JO, and this other graphic design major. We made white people jokes, joked about how much onion JO got on his plate in comparison to mine and the other GD guy, and much much more. I was really able to laugh along with them and I was happy! They cheered me on as I attempted to finish my meal and we all laughed in fellowship as one. Esa eventually texted me back and let me know that they actually walked all the way to Roosevelt to get to a PNC ATM to pay for the food and was jogging back to Chinatown shortly after. Thankfully, the food came only a few minutes before Esa finally joined us! Me and the other GD kid waited a while for our good but it was so good and well worth the wait! I was happy! We then all headed to the bakery across the street and I offered to buy something for the GD kid since it was his birthday recently and I felt pretty good about doing it! I wasn’t planning on getting anything for myself but Joyce offered and I accepted, haha. I really should’ve said no but I was still happy to have paid for his food, even if I didn’t get any pastries too. I was fine with the decision that I had made to sacrifice my own money to make him feel welcome and special. Then, I got on the red line from Chinatown to go back home and as I was getting off, this lady that was talking on the phone yelled at me! But I didn’t realize it at first. I thought she was still just talking on the phone because she was already speaking pretty loudly. But once I realized what she had said, I quickly apologized and claimed that I didn’t even know I bumped into her before getting off at my stop. She said something along the lines of, “You don’t just bump into someone and not say excuse me! That’s incredibly rude!” And I was so taken aback at how serious she was because I really didn’t even realize that I had hit her! But her words kept ringing in my ears again and again and again while I waited for the bus and on the way to my apartment. I did feel pretty bad. I could’ve been offended and immediately retaliated. Or, I could’ve sucked up my pride and just accepted it. In the end, I chose to accept it. Once I got home, I immediately went to the restroom because I had to pee SO BAD. Then I joined Emily in her room and she showed me videos of her as a child and I showed her how to put in maintenance requests! I then checked the mailbox, hoping my paycheck and/or package would be there but unfortunately, it was not. So I finally sent the text to Jon asking for when I should be expecting my stuff. Then I took the cakes out, we watched some old childhood shows, put frosting on the cake, I get pieces for us both with marshmallows, headed back to her room, and finally ate the cake. It actually wasn’t that bad! I’d eat it again, 10/10. Jk. More like 7/10 but still, not bad! Then we watched a few episodes of Kipper and Caillou and then I showed her a commentary on Caillou which we both laughed hysterically at! I forgot how funny it was, HAHA. Then we listened to some trap remixes and watched other videos and laid on her rug. I was falling asleep as she read her class syllabus. Then, I decided to get up and go to my room and take care of some things and prepared to review tomorrow’s schedule and set my alarms. I heard Rhyarna and Eliza come in and wanted to say hi but I also really wanted to get some stuff done so when they asked to come in, I just let them. Rhyarna helped me tape my fuijfilms and polaroids onto the wall and gave me a taco! So nice. Then, I chatted with Eliza and Rhyarna for a bit in Eliza’s room before heading back out to do the dishes, brainstorm a bit more for Publication Design, and type my reflection. And now here I am. I have a 9am class aka Negotiation Skills and a 1-4:50pm class aka Graphic Design III. I am looking forward to GD III with Dawn and my other friends and Negotiation Skills sounds like it would be fun, so. I’m looking forward to it! Woo!
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