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“Hey Logan”
”hey Logan”
”hey Logan
”hey Logan”
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rosepetalsthings · 3 years
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All things given life will one day meet their gentle goodbye
Creativitwins as the God of Life and Death respectively
Please don't tag as R*mRom, they are purely platonic here
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entity9silvergen · 3 years
Oblique- Chapter 2 (Sanders Sides Fanfiction
Previous chapter, Full Story
Story Info:
Summary: Unable to experience romantic attraction, Remus feels incomplete. Unable to feel sexual attraction, Roman feels less than. Maybe as the King, they decide, they will feel whole again. Their partners and friends, however, know this isn’t the solution and seek to help them realize there’s nothing broken about them before it’s too late.
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Characters: Logan, Patton, Roman, Virgil, Nate, Remy, Emile, Seth, Toby, Janus, Remus, Unnamed Orange Side, Romulus, Dragon Witch 
Relationships: Logan/ Patton, Virgil/ Roman, Janus/ Remus, Remy/ Emile, Toby/ Seth, Nate/ Orange Side
Other Tags: AroWriMo, Aromantic Remus, Asexual Roman, Spider Virgil, Snake Janus, Orange Side, 7th Side, Additional Sides, No OCs, Short Vid Characters
Warnings for this chapter: Sexual themes, internalized acephobia, internalized arophobia, arousal, romantic feels, minor self-harm, intrusive thoughts, Remus
Author’s Note: There is nothing explicit in this one but there is some post sex scenes and pre almost sex scenes. Also romantic feels. I am aroace so like I don’t actually know what I’m doing, first time writing something like this, but we’re doing it. If any of that makes you uncomfortable, feel free to skip this chapter. It takes place prior to the previous chapter and provides more context to what’s up with Remus and Roman but is not actually relevant to the plot.
Remus felt good in that way only an orgasm could cause.
It was like… like everything inside him just melted away. Everything tense and tight just washed away. It was at times like this he really felt at peace. The only times he felt at peace. With his mind quiet, he really just felt like himself. Not Dark Creativity, not Intrusive Thoughts. Just Remus.
He should go be productive. Draw something that wasn’t totally obscene. Maybe take a shower without trying to swallow the soap. Eat something other than deodorant. Trim his mustache without cutting himself. Nah, he was still going to do all that stuff. He loved it, intrusive thoughts or not.
He started to roll out of bed when an arm stopped him.
“You’re always so quick to leave,” Janus murmured, draping an arm over Remus’s bare hips. Fuck, that was sexy. Why was he so sexy? All naked and relaxed… Disheveled. That was the word Remus was looking for. His hat, gloves, and clothes were long gone, messy brown hair and scales out for the world to see. Well, not the world. Just Remus. Janus was cute when he was like this, rare as it was. Not cute enough for Remus not to have a double take at his words though.
“Is that bad?” Remus asked hesitantly, a bit more of his insecurity in his voice than he would’ve liked. He knew Janus wasn’t mad and he wouldn’t make fun of him. It was just… ugh, the post-sex euphoria was kind of fading and Remus was starting to feel bad about himself again.
Janus looked up at him, breaking out of his affectionate daze. He frowned. “I mean… no? If you don’t want to be here, you don’t have to be. Staying the night is just nice.”
The question tumbled out of Remus’s mouth before he could think, like most things he said did. He felt like he shouldn’t have said that but he couldn’t help it. And he really did want to know.
“It just… um, helps with the emotional side of hooking up?” Janus ventured. Remus tried not to frown. “The romantic aspect?”
“Oh. Um, okay.”
“Okay what?”
“Okay, I’ll stay,” Remus responded and flopped back down on the bed, letting his back hit the sheets once more. Janus stayed where he was. Remus just stared at the ceiling, unsure if Janus’s touch was nice or uncomfortable. They were both all sweaty. And sticky. Didn’t people normally shower after this? Or wipe off or whatever? Normally Remus would just run around naked and the air would dry him off and he’d be good as new but that didn’t really feel like an option right now.
“You look so uncomfortable.” 
“What? I’m not uncomfortable.”
“You’re like a tree right now.”
“Unfuckable unless you want splinters?” Remus cracked, looking down at Janus, but the snakey Side didn’t seem amused.
“You’re literally lying on your back with your arms at your sides,” Janus deadpanned. He shifted a bit, resting his head on Remus’s chest. “And that’s fine but you look stressed. Which is weird because you just came and normally that makes you all loose. Figuratively, not literally, don't look at me like-”
“I’m loose in so many more ways than one,” Remus responded with a shit eating grin, wiggling a bit. Janus sighed, sounding exasperated but fond. But then Remus sobered up. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine. You know I don’t really mind your jokes. Or lewdness. It’s just part of who you are as a Side.”
“Not that. I meant for not being… romantic. It’s just not my thing. I’m not Roman.”
Janus lifted his head to look at him. “I don’t want Roman. You think if I wanted Roman I’d be in bed with you? If I wanted Roman, I’d be having Roman.”
Remus couldn’t stifle his laughter. Roman probably wouldn’t want Janus either, not when Virgil was so clearly the Side for him, but Janus’s confidence and self-assurance amused him. He was right, Janus probably had the swagger to seduce whoever in the mindscape he wanted. Though he may be biased.
“I don’t really care if you do the whole romantic bit of a relationship,” Janus went on, putting his head back down. “Feelings can get kind of icky. You’re my best friend and I love you, I wouldn’t change that.”
Now, Remus knew Janus said that to comfort him but it just made him feel all kinds of bad. Guilty. Selfish. Ungrateful. He didn’t like these feelings. He was the Duke! He didn’t get down in the dumps. He was just pure, unfiltered nastiness. Not whatever this was. 
He didn’t know if Janus expected a response or not but he just smiled awkwardly and patted Janus’s hair. Janus didn’t comment on how grimy his hands were and just relaxed against him, seeming to enjoy Remus’s fingers in his hair. It felt weirdly intimate to be doing this. It was nice, Remus supposed, but it felt foreign. Like he was missing something. Maybe he was missing something.
He tried to steer those thoughts away. He was naked in bed with his best friend, not fully clothed and crying in the shower alone like he normally was when these moments hit. Now wasn’t the time to be thinking about that. He was… This was a good moment. Good things were happening. He’d just had an amazing night of mindblowing sex. His friend- partner, fuck buddy, boyfriend, whatever- had just told him he loves and accepts him. How could he be thinking about this right now?
Janus would tell him he wasn’t broken. That he wasn’t missing anything. That he was amazing the way he was. But Remus couldn’t find it in himself to bring it up right now. It was hard, not voicing his thoughts. He loved talking, spouting out every thought that crossed his mind. These ones though… He didn’t really want Janus worrying about. He already knew what Janus would say. Janus was a two-faced liar who could trick the smartest Side in the mindscape but Remus trusted him. Janus knew how to be serious. He knew how delicate Remus’s heart could be when it came to- to… He wouldn’t tell Remus anything about himself that he didn’t believe. It was just Remus who didn’t believe it.
Remus loved himself. He knew he was amazing. He loved his creations and that he could creep any Side and Thomas out. He just wanted to live his best life. But that little voice telling him something was wrong, giving him memories of a time before, would always be there.
Maybe it was time he listened to it.
Roman just felt so freaking good.
His heart just felt so full. He just had so much love in him that he felt like he was going to burst. It thrummed in his chest, letting the feeling of life flow freely into his limbs. He didn’t know why he felt like this. Maybe it was because of the role he fulfilled as Thomas’s romantic facet and his fanciful side. Or maybe he was just so high on love that it got him all giddy like this. He didn’t know, he just knew he liked it. It was an amazing feeling that he just wanted to have forever. 
But all good things had to come to an end.
Virgil withdrew from him, not quite letting go but enough that Roman craved his touch again. He leaned in for another kiss, and managed to successfully get one, before noticing the look in his boyfriend’s eyes. It wasn’t… a bad look. Not a new one either. Just somewhat different.
Virgil was definitely turned on. Expected, after making out for however long they’d spent doing just that. To be honest, Roman was pretty into it too and he could feel some arousal coming in. It was an exciting feeling, one only supplemented by the rush of affection he was feeling. 
So why did he feel so uneasy?
Virgil slotted his palms over Roman’s hips and gave him a sultry look. “You want to do a bit more?”
Roman opened his mouth to respond but no words came out. He didn’t know if it was from arousal or fear. He locked eyes with Virgil and nodded, trying to look eager. Virgil looked… excited? Happy? Satisfied? Something. He looked something good at his response and started undoing the zipper and buttons on his pants. Roman looked away, not really wanting to watch despite all the feelings happening down there. It was only once Virgil’s fingers were hooked around his underwear that it became apparent something was wrong.
“Dude, you okay?”
“Don’t call me dude when we’re in bed. You’ll kill the mood.”
“I’m trying to kill the mood. You look hella uncomfortable.”
“I’m not uncomfortable.”
“You looked away when I took your pants off and you flinched when I touched your underwear. Is that comfortable in your world?”
“I’m fine, Virge. Let’s just keep going.”
“We don’t need to do this if you don’t want to.”
“But I do want to,” Roman insisted, gesturing vaguely to his crotch which was very visibly hard through his underwear.
Virgil didn’t budge. “Having a boner and wanting me to touch you are two different things, Princey.”
Roman sighed. “I know.”
“Consent is sexy.”
Roman sighed louder. “I know, Virgil.”
“Communication is-”
“I know, Virgil.”
“Come on, talk to me, Princey.”
“You’re still killing the mood.”
“I know, Roman,” Virgil responded, mimicking Roman’s tone, before giving him a serious look. “What’s up? If you don’t want to, that’s fine.”
Roman opened his mouth but, again, no words came out. How was he supposed to articulate his thoughts? He wanted to… do stuff. Sexual stuff. Touching. That sounded fun. Sex was supposed to be, like, a big thing in a relationship, right? So shouldn’t he want to do it, being the romance guy and all?
Maybe it was because sex was more of a Remus thing. Ew, no wait, he shouldn’t be thinking about his brother right now. Actually, that was a big turn off which was what he needed right now. But point was that sex was never his thing. Roman didn’t think about it much. Or at all. Should he? That was something people thought about, right?
Thinking about sex made him feel… gross. Not completely though? Thomas was a pretty sex positive guy so all the Sides generally viewed consestuall sex as a healthy part of a relationship but anytime Roman thought about sex in a more personal way, not as an abstract concept, he felt all weird. And he knew he shouldn’t. Sex was natural. Hundreds of generations of humans have been doing it. So why couldn’t he?
There was just this… disconnect. Between what, he wasn’t sure. His feelings, his body, arousal, desire, all of it. And it felt wrong. Like, it should be there. He didn’t know what it felt like but he could imagine it. He’d read about it and he could see it in his mind but when it came to the present moment, it just wasn’t there. He-
Odin’s eyepatch, Virgil was waiting for him to say something, wasn’t he?
“Can we… not?” Roman said weakly, hating how unsure he sounded. But to his relief, Virgil just nodded. 
“That’s fine. We’re not ready,” Virgil responded. Roman couldn’t tell if he sounded disappointed or not. “But I, um, I’m going to go take a cold shower. Figuratively, not literally. I hate the cold. I’m going to go jer- I’m going to go take a shower. And you can do whatever you need to do or take one after me. And then we can just hang out. Does that sound alright?”
Roman was a bit surprised Virgil seemed so together. Not anxious. He was still a bit rambly but mostly together. Maybe he was just trying to put on a face for Roman’s sake. Either way, he was grateful that Virgil was taking the lead on this one, however odd it may be for the other Side. Smiling, he nodded. Virgil returned it and wandered off to the bathroom.
But when he returned, Roman was nowhere to be found.
They both slunk out in the night, stumbling to the Neutral Zone with similar goals in mind. Consciously or unconsciously, it was impossible to tell. They were just hurting and that was enough to draw them together.
Still, they looked surprised at the sight of each other, Roman on the stairs leading up and Remus surfacing from the basement. It was dark but the red and green of their clothes seemed to stand out. They stayed silent, staring at each other wordlessly, waiting to see who would move first.
It was a third figure who broke the silence.
“Sup guuurlssss,” Remy slurred as he drifted through the living room, seeming to materialize out of nowhere. Both of the twins jumped, startled by his sudden appearance, but Remy was already wandering towards the hallway by the time they realized who exactly it was. “Go to the dreamspace if you’re going to destroy anything, bitches. Toby will be pissed if you touch his shit. Byeeee.”
The twins watched the Neutral Side walk away, his shuffle making him seem to float away in a very dream-like manner. But that was just how Remy was and they could ignore him and soon they were once again focused on each other. Remus spoke first.
“So why are you here?”
“Why are you here?”
“I asked first.”
“But I’m older.”
“Explain or I fart and wake up the whole floor. And you know how smellicious this tank can-”
“Ugh. Okay, fine.”
“What was the question?”
“Why are you here, Prince Boring?”
“Um, well…”
“Just spit it out, brother mine.”
“How do you sex?” Roman blurted bluntly.
Remus started at him. He blinked. Once. “What?”
“How do you do sex?” Roman repeated, looking flustered. “I can’t.”
To his credit, Remus was quiet for a full three seconds before bursting out laughing.
Roman scowled. “It’s not funny! I just… I can’t.”
Remus tried to smother his laughter to a series of giggles, wiping a couple fake- or real, who knows?- tears out of his eyes. “Oh Princey! You should’ve come to me sooner! I tried giving Seth some crash course kink lessons from yours truly but Toby hit me. Really hard. It was hot. Janus let me do my whole spiel on him but it’s no fun when you’re fucking the guy you’re teaching because he already knew all this stuff when he signed up to be my fuck buddy but now that you’re-”
“Stop. I already regret this,” Roman said, waving his hands. “That’s not what I meant.”
“Poopy.” Remus didn’t actually sound disappointed, a blessing in disguise. 
“I just… can’t get into it.”
“I know what you mean,” Remus said, surprising Roman. When Roman didn’t speak, Remus continued. “I can’t do feelings. All that romantic stuff? Bleh. Not for me. But I feel bad because I think Janus would like it. I’ve tried but it just feels like it’s… not… there.”
Roman suddenly felt a surge of mutuality for his brother. He was voicing exactly how he felt. Well, not exact. Opposite, really. But he felt understood. “Do you think it’s because of the split?”
“I- Maybe,” Remus admitted with a shrug. He rubbed a finger under his nose. Roman almost reached out to stop him from picking his nose but he was just scratching his mustache. “It feels like… like… I’m a mirror. And I shattered. A long time ago. And someone taped me back together. They really tried but they did an awful job. There’s sharp pieces sticking out everywhere ready to cut your hands open so you can watch as you bleed out but the reflection’s all fucked up and you just see all the dark, awful… goop inside of you. And there are pieces missing. And I don’t know where they are.”
“They’re probably in me,” Roman said softly. “I don’t feel like-” He gestured loosely in Remus’s direction- “that. I feel like- like a mirror that broke but got put together with glue. They made something new and it’s- it’s art. But it’s still broken. You just can’t always tell but it’s real and it’s there.”
Remus nodded, uncharacteristically solemn. He was playing with his hands, like he was nervous. Roman noticed tiny cuts on his hands around his fingernails, like he was picking at them. He wasn’t picking now though, just fidgeting. Like Virgil. “Do you think we’d be whole together? As King Creativity? Do you remember if he felt normal?”
Roman hesitated. “I don’t remember. But I think… Remus, I feel so empty all the time. Like I’m only half a Side. And not just about the sex thing. I feel so- so- so-”
“Oblique,” Roman whispered. “And I want to feel normal. And I think maybe we can do that if we tried to… I don’t know, unsplit?”
Remus didn’t say anything but his face betrayed him. With decisiveness, he offered Roman his hand. And Roman accepted it.
No longer would they be broken mirrors of each other. No longer would they be oblique. Soon, they would be whole once again.
Next chapter
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nightmarixx · 4 years
Prompt #9
Roman and Remus try word finds.
Whilst the other sides do whatever they do, Roman starts doing word finds to keep himself busy when he can’t go on social media. Remus would usually sketch out something on his notebook whenever he was bored, but then Remus couldn’t think of anything new or interesting enough to draw. Remus went to his twin’s side of their room and annoyed Roman. After a while, he would get bored at that too. Looking at his brother’s hands, he sees a word find. Roman is still concentrating at it. Naturally, Remus would find a word and say it to his brother to annoy him, so he did.
It would be a common occurrence to find the twins competing to find the most words in the word finds.
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Well, at least one iteration of the Creatvitwins’ parents aren’t complete horse shit. (Another brief exchange with the co-conspirator.)
Me: i've been thinking abt the gymrat!au twins hx some more thinking maybe one of their parents ran off, the other died in an accident (who was actually doing their best)... and one of their uncles/aunts (and in-laws) got custody. And They Were Absolute Shit about them realizing their queerness, layered upon their 2e challenges it's up in the air how the gymrat!twins blood relative parental figures would compare to the iZ!AU... both sets of figures were garbo at least the begotten!twins get actually great parents now just picturing the begotten!parents pulling a gd Patton and wanting to throwdown with these assholes
Me: YES just picturing the promethean!"twins" going, "does that include us?" (though their attachment to humanity and concepts like family structures is more abstract and distanced. remus being even more disconnected given his refinement choice.)
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Me: A+ absolutely ADORABLE i totally picture part of gymrat!patton's aims with the twins is to be a better pseudoparent than the ones they were stuck w/ 'cause that shit just breaks his damn heart, man i just also picture gymrat!janus being more than willing to commit homicide on the twins' parents/relatives. just say the word. they have revoked their stake on the hippocratic oath, as far as he's concerned
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attystark · 4 years
I finally wrote something
I'm new to the whole writing thing, go easy on me.
characters: Ambiguous (I was thinking Janus?), Virgil, Roman, Remus. warnings: Terrible parenting (Its blink and you'll miss it, but its there), Abandonment, angst. lmk if I need to add others Ships: Platonic creatvitwins, Platonic prinxiety, platonic Dukexiet, other platonic friend ships (you choose)
The forest had always been his favourite place, a lush carpet of green and brown coated the floor, protecting him from injuries when he was little.
Later, the forest had become a sort of safe space. The only place he could come when things were too much, when the yells of his classmates became too loud, or he needed somewhime quiet to read one of the many books he devoured during those formative years.
he came to know every secret of his small corner of the forest. He could tell the rabbits apart on sight and knew where every single one would borrow and hide while sleeping. He knew every twig, every rock, every twist and turn in the path. More than his school, more than the parents he barely saw, more than the people he saw, the forest raised him.
He had friends, of course, people he spoke to on a daily basis, and who declared themselves friends by the heer virtue of that fact, but they were only school friends, friends until that bell rang and they were released into the world. After that point, and during school holidays, he was totally alone.
Maybe that was why he thought he’d made the boy up when he first met him. Because he hadn't met him in school. Because he had never seen him before. Because he showed up in his forest. But the hours they spent together during that summer holiday turned into days, then into weeks, the months, two to be exact, until school intruded on their wild adventures and they went back to the dull monotony of the real world.
His name was Remus.
he didn’t learn that for weeks. he just called him duke, as he called himself knight, until at last Remus had announced that they were now properly friends during the endless noon of one july day and introduced himself. He had done the same, and by the time they went to school, they were inseparable.
He had a twin. It took him even longer to learn that. It took sitting in his new assigned seat next to a boy who looked like Remus, but wasn’t, because he called himself Roman. The two of them became friends too, and two became three. Three eleven years olds who the town declared “off” called odd and unusual, although he and Remus usually got the brunt of that, Roman had a gift for making them think he was “charming” and “mysterious” and “unique”.
Sometimes, he wished they could have been eleven forever.
But eventually, they made a new friend, and that had seemed like such a delightful thing, someone else to share in the secrets of the forest with. But then Roman had made friends with other people, and it was just the three of them.
Just him, Virgil and Remus.
But then Virgil had left, and Remus had come less and less.
And by the time he hit thirteen, he was alone again.
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imlovethomassanders · 4 years
......would yall be interested in a medieval dlampr (platonic creatvitwins) au?
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remusownsmyuwus · 5 years
Still Have The Resolute Belief
That Dane Cook's B'n'E bit is Creatvitwins energy.
Bet y'all can't guess who is who
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r-r-raf · 4 years
I'm so freaking sleepy but all I can think abt is creatvitwins on their birthday. Like after they're sung to they look each other in the eye and start chanting "MORDIDA, MORDIDA, MORDIDA, MORDIDA" until A) one of them caves and gets their face violently shoved into cake, or B) they both grab fistfuls of cake and throw it at each other
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