unicornsaures · 1 month
ugh. being a pathetic little rat man and drinking alone.
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blbllblblblll · 1 month
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here have a dally sketch :)
“woah liz you doing digital art thas crazy”
haha! i know im so cool B)
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lostghost0o0 · 8 months
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stinkygirl009 · 4 months
Birthday with dally🎂
No warnings! Just dally smoking a little:)
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“Get anythin’ you want doll” Dallas said lighting a weed and slugging his arm around your shoulder.
“You’re serious dally?!” You squealed turning towards dally in the table booth. “Yea.” He smirked running over his hair almost proudly. He saved up for a few weeks-
That’s such a lie, he stole money from some soc when they weren’t lookin. But it was for a good cause, it was your birthday and wanted to treat you to breakfast and then other things you wished to do later on.
“Thank you, dally! Guess my birthday wish came true.” You laughed and rested your head on his shoulder. “Yeah? An’ what’s that?” He sighed out a soft laugh looking down at you.
“Getting food.” You look up smirking holding back a wide smile. “Don’t forget who’s payin’ here.” Dallas said looking up and blowing the smoke away from you. “AND, having my Dallas here with me today.” You say and kiss his shoulder covered over his worn leather jacket.
“That’s more like it.”
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bubblegumflavor · 5 months
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!!Happy New Year 2024!!
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mojaves · 1 year
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tick tock, mr. wick. tick tock.
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2knightt · 6 months
「 be our guest! 」
IN WHICH—dallas winston is the beast while readers the beauty!♡ ໋֢👒✧
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⌗ 👒 notes !𖥔༌ ᰷ ﹅i am NAWT making him an actual beast. he’s just shaggy guys☺️.
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“well, maybe dallas winston got ‘em. sounds right up his alley, y/n.”
cherry shrugs, saying everything in a nonchalant voice. she crossed her arms, blinking as she waits for a response instead of this over-exaggerated look on your face.
you never got why she hung around you. she was able to fit into any crowd, she wasn’t called weird or different, and she wasn’t just liked for her beauty.
you had the right side of your top lip raised, your eyebrows were furrowed and you—ever so slightly—squinted.
you were about to respond with some snappy remark before you felt a hand grip your shoulder, snaking their arm around your waist.
“‘m terribly sorry to hear about your father, y/n. but—going after him would be a fools game.”
you couldn’t stand bob! he goes after every girl in the village, then gets his sights set on you for not liking him like how the brainwashed girls do!
first he calls your dad crazy to his face, then he makes you feel dumb for reading books beyond his comprehension, and now he’s mocking your father for chasing his dreams!
you scoff, pushing yourself away to get as far away from him as possible. bob gets this weird look of hurt on his face, a mixture of shock, hurt, and amusement.
“you pig! what makes you think—in any universe—you can even think that he won’t come back?!”
you shout, waving your arm around. you walk, as quickly as you can to stand beside cherry. she had her chest puffed out, her face contorted into a look of anger.
randy now stood behind him, trying to seem tuff now. he never was one that struck you as tuff anyhow. bob got a fake sympathetic look.
“c’mon, hun. you know that’s not what i meant. all you need is me with you.”
he smirked, pointing to his chest with his hands. randy mumbles a fast ‘yeah,’ trying to fit into the conversation somehow.
you opened your mouth to call him some not-so nice words before huffing off, turning on your heel. you started marching your way towards your house.
cherry was right behind you, complaining about bob. saying he was no good, that he’s just the same as before. those complaints fell to deaf ears, though.
you were too busy thinking on how you were gonna help your father. how scared he must be, how you were gonna save him from anything and everything.
you tossed on the closet thing you can find to be a jacket, wrapping the strings loosely around your neck.
cherry was leaning onto the door frame, calling bob a, ‘no good two timing looney.’ whatever that means. she turns her head, seeing this jacket wrapped around your shoulders as you flick your hood up.
“no way you’re actually going, y/n.”
you scrunch your face, confused on what she meant. sure, you understood her words but why didn’t she think you weren’t gonna go?
“you got an issue with that?”
you ask, blinking. you had furrowed your eyebrows, eyes shifting around. you sigh, not wanting to hear an answer. she was jus’ gonna bring up dallas winston. dallas winston was all you heard when someone talked to you about your father.
‘dallas winston’s gonna gut ‘em.’ ‘dallas winston’s never gonna let your dad go, y’know.’
you huff, walking out the door past cherry. she quickly places a gentle hand on your shoulder, trying her best to give a reassuring smile.
“don’t die. i need someone to, uh, talk too.”
you smile, nodding your head. you seen that she was visibly worried, her eyebrows upturned. she lost the rosy hue to her cheeks, the sparkle in her eyes was a little more shiny, her lips were shaking ever so slightly.
you grasped her hand in yours, holding it like she was gonna break at any moment. you mumble a fast, ‘it’s alright,’ before rushing your way towards the barn.
your fathers horse stood there, looking worried herself. you gently pet the nape of her neck, unhitching her. you sigh, tightening your lips.
“please, just take me to him.”
you mumble quietly, hoping that celine would understand you. you hopped onto the saddle, gripping the reins. you thwack the leather, telling the horse to get going.
she rode and rode, leading you to once a beautiful, bright, with blooming flowers turn into a dark, frightening, gloomy forest.
you felt your breath hitch as you fled deeper into the woods, hearing owls hoot, the twigs under celine snapping.
you reach this huge gate, the metal rusting. you look up, your eyes trailing up the cracks in the cement border. the dead trees growing up the walls, the roots sticking out of the ground. the black iron gate looking heavier than anything you’ve ever seen.
you jump off the horse, figuring it’s worth a shot to at least try to open the gate. you push it open, the bottom of the gate dragging the dirt along with it. your eyes shift around, locking onto your fathers hat. you gasp, looking forwards, seeing the door to the huge castle.
it had towers upon towers, the door looking just as huge as the gate, if not bigger. you inhaled, trying to find courage to rush through the door. you grip your fathers hat, finding an odd comfort in a way.
“oh, you just had to invite him!”
ponyboy groans, throwing his head back. he walks towards two-bit, pointing at him as he furthers with his complaining.
“sit in dally’s chair, of course! take a look at this vase! stay, stay, i insist!”
ponyboy mocks him, copying two-bits movements in an over exaggerated way. he quickly rolls his eyes, kissing his teeth as he crosses his arms.
“well, excuse me for trying to be orderly!”
two-bit replys, sarcasm laced in his voice as he snarls. he huffs, turning his head away from ponyboy. he opened his mouth, ready to say something snide back before hearing the door creak open.
“hello? is anyone here? hello?”
you yell out into the empty halls, rushing up the stairs. the bright red carpet helping you stay balanced as you were calling for your dad in this castle. god, how scared was he?
“dare! there’s a girl in the castle!”
johnny whisper-shouts, stumbling his way towards darry who was washing the dishes. darry quickly glances towards johnny, sighing as he scrubs the plate faster.
“now, johnny, let’s not start makin’ up these elaborate stories.”
“honest, darry! i saw ‘er!”
darry sighs, frustrated. he tossed johnny a wet rag, shaking his head.
“enough with that nonsense. start helpin’ me with the dishes, johnny.”
sodapop comes skidding into the kitchen, almost missing the room entirely. he trips onto the checkered tile, rushing to get up. soda shoots up beside darry, his elbows propping him up as he leans onto the counter.
“i saw a girl in the castle, darry! a girl!”
johnny throws the dish rag into the sink, staring at darry with an, ‘are you kidding me?’ look.
“told you.”
two-bit cracks a grin, seeing ponyboy get more furious the more he toys with him.
“you irresponsible, wax for ears, sassy littl-“
ponyboy gets cut off, hearing your voice echo through the walls of the castle. two-bit and ponyboy rush towards the door, peaking out from the side to see you cautiously step down the hall.
“did you see that? a girl, pony!”
“i know it’s a girl.”
two-bit grins, practically skipping around.
“she’s the girl we’ve been searchin’ for! she’s the one that’s gonna help dally!”
ponyboy shouts, chasing after two-bit who’s currently following you carefully.
you stumble past a door, looking forward before hearing it creak behind you. you rush inside the room, looking left and right.
unknown to you, two-bit and ponyboy had just entered the same room. sure, the two of them knew you’d hear but two-bit was hoping you’d go in.
two-bit drags ponyboy into the closet, hiding inside it. two-bit cracks the doors open slightly, seeing you walk up the stairs.
you hear your dad groan from this door, a small part at the bottom having bars. you rush towards the wooden door, grabbing a torch on your way there. you crouch down, holding your dads hand gently. it was so much colder than you remember.
“wh-what are you doing here? how did you find me?”
“i need to get you out of here.”
“no! you can’t! get out, far away as possible!”
you felt a hand grip your shoulder tightly before tossing you up, causing you to stumble back slightly. in the process, you dropped the torch. it was pitch black, you were unable to see three feet ahead of you.
“wha—who are you?!”
you shout to this dark figure, the moonlight being the only thing shining through the towers window. he fled to a darker part of the chamber, as if trying to hide from you.
“who are you?”
he snarled, looking down at you like you were just some…bug. you were unable to see anything but the scowl on his face.
“let my father go! he’s sick, he could die! please, i-l’ll do anything!”
the man turns on his heel, looking away from you. he huffs quietly, getting annoyed by the second.
“there’s nothing you can do. he’s my prisoner—what aren’t you gettin’ lady?”
he kisses his teeth, walking past you. when he stomped away. he looked down at you once more. you looked closer at him, seeing slight fangs when he snarls.
“there must be some way….there must be some way.”
you ramble to yourself, your eyes darting around the floor. you notice cracks that are leading towards the door keeping you away from your father.
you shout without thinking, extending a hand out. dallas stops walking, looking over his shoulder. he had an eyebrow raised, looking down at you with curiosity.
“take me instead.”
you sigh, gripping the hem of your little cape. your just now noticing your hoodie fell, a cold breeze hitting the back of your neck.
dallas blinks in shock, turning around. his lips were slightly parted as his eyes trail from you to the ground. his eyebrows were furrowed, confusion painted on his face.
“you would…take his place?”
“no! you don’t know what you’re doing, please!”
your father shouts, his voice shaking. you sigh, trying to recollect your thoughts. why did you say that? why are you getting nervous? why are you acting like you wouldn’t take his place over and over again?
“if i did, would you let him go?”
dallas takes a step forwards, crossing his arms. he looks you up and down, licking the inside of his cheek. he clenches his jaw before nodding his head slowly.
“yea. only if you stay forever.”
you sigh, your mind running at a million miles per second. you bite the skin off your lip, trying to make out how this guy looks.
“come into the light.”
you demand, squinting your eyes. you try to seem as tough as possible, tilting your head. sure, you weren’t the most intimidating—but you can try.
you hear an audible sigh and you’re willing to bet he rolled his eyes. he took a step forward, not trying to hide his angry expression.
the first thing you see being a scowl. he had rugged black hair, thick eyebrows, and dark brown eyes that felt has if he was staring past you whilst looking directly at you. he had noticeable fangs when he licks his teeth, raising his chin.
he had a stubble, his side burns quite shaggy. he was unkept, looking as if he hadn’t had a good haircut in months, years even if you wanna push it.
you gulp, as cartoony as that sounds. he intimidated you by just standing there. his eyes didn’t shine under the moonlight, his expression showed something you couldn’t read.
you bump into the wooden door, your father gently touching your shoulder. you find it comforting, but it wasn’t enough for you to change your mind.
“y/n, please. i cannot let you do this!”
you walk forward, your head hung low. you look up at him as you stand infront of him, standing up straight.
“you have my word.”
he growls, stomping towards the chamber your father was in. he opens the door, creaking loudly as it echos. you hide your face in your palms, trying to calm yourself.
your father rushes towards you, holding your shoulders. he stutters before finally saying a coherent sentence.
“listen to me, y/n! i’ve lived my life, i’m old!”
he gets cut off when dallas drags him away, not bothering to look at you or the ground in shame. he just looks forward, not an emotion present on his face.
your dad shouts out for you as he gets pulled away, extending out his arms. you shout another, ‘wait,’ but it falls to deaf ears.
“no, please! spare my daughter, i’m begging!”
“she’s not somethin’ you should be worryin’ about, man.”
dally mumbles, a sly grin on his face as he shoves your father into this carriage. the thing got up on four legs and started moving, ignoring the shouts of protest. dallas ignores him like he had before, the complaining getting easier to block out.
you watched as the man that can go head to toe with the devil threw your father into a carriage, throwing your face in your palms. a whine escaped your throat, a sound that can only be described as agony.
dallas was about to climb up the stairs once more before hearing a small, ‘psst!’
two-bit shouted from the closet, taking a step out from it. ponyboy wasn’t that far behind, a worried look on his face.
dallas snarled, his voice filled with anger. two-bits eyes widened, eyes darting around before nervously chuckling.
“we-well, since the girl’s stayin’ for longer…how ‘bout we give ‘er a nicer room?”
dally raised his lip, angered at the question. before two-bit could add onto his sentence, dallas was already halfway up the stairs.
you sat in the dungeon, keeping your word. you were scared to not keep your word. dallas cautiously entered the room, hearing your cries. he almost felt a drop of pity for you.
the fear you felt trickled into anger as you turned on your heel, jaw clenched with your face scrunched.
“you didn’t even let me say goodbye! i’ll never see him again! …i didn’t get to say goodbye…”
a sob left your lips, palms back on your face. dallas’ lips were slightly parted, eyebrows twitching. he tightened his lips, crossing his arms before sighing.
“follow me to your room.”
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themesopelagiczone · 9 months
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earth fact time. this is a blue-banded goby! a lot of marine species can change their sex, but most can only change in one direction (e.g. the blackeye goby). blue-banded gobies can change back and forth, sometimes even within days!
oceana.org | fishbase
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getyourjollies · 2 months
Dallas HCs cause i love him!!!!
• illiterate
• new york accent gets heavier when he’s tired
• robs little kids
• burnt a few toes in NY in a fire he made and he can’t feel them anymore (the gang tried to get him to feel pain in them and he literally cannot)
• sells weed to socs for way higher prices cause he knows they are too rich to care
• is farsighted and does the old man holding the object far away and squinting at it
• big fan of the sonics (the band, not the hedgehog 😭)
• everyone in the gang is a pyro, but dallas is the worst.. except for johnny who is an extreme pyromaniac and lights everything on fire
• if he was alive during modern times he would definitely hate fortnite- steve and soda would try to play with him and he would scream at them to go away
• no self confidence but acts like he’s the best thing since jesus
• i’m sorry but he would not!!! say “where my hug at” i just don’t see it
• he is a horrible hugger and doesn’t like full body contact- only side hugs
• only person he would hug is darry and maybe johnny
• super sensitive skin- he would get red at just people touching him and would burn sooo easily
• probably has scandinavian parents- would explain his paleness (hair, skin, eyes)
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motorcycleboy9 · 4 months
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when you never learned the color theory so you just gonna tvgirl the whole thing
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vinillain · 10 months
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unicornsaures · 28 days
bigender dally truth send tweet
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b0tch3d-analog · 3 months
when i read the outsiders for yhe first time i thought darry and dally were the same person and i was so confused (after chapter 5 i figured it out)
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lostghost0o0 · 6 months
Dallas at the Curtis’ house for Christmas Eve. Polaroid taken by Twobit, hence the blur.
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Clearer ver:
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This is shit, but more on the way! This is kinda rushed, sorry!
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stinkygirl009 · 4 months
Pretty Ribbon<3
Dallas X y/n
Warnings: Slight bondage k!nk? (if you squint)
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“Y’know’ you’re the only one who can do this…” Dallas said grumbling slightly embarrassed.
“I know, thank you.” You say smiling and kissed his chest. You sit up more comfortably on his lower stomach and grab your hair ribbon you took off Meir minutes ago. You look up at him, signaling him to put his wrists in front together. You lift up his hands and put the ribbon on his stomach and guided his hand back to rest on his stomach. Dally sighed and looked up at your peaceful gaze concentrated on tying the lace on his wrist. He wanted you to hurry but he knew not to rush you, that was one of the things you hated, feeling rushed in almost anything in general.
“Doll?” Dallas said quietly. “Hmm?” You look up.
“Why do you like this kinda stuff, huh?” He asked softly, he didn’t mean in a disrespectful way, he seemed genuinely curious. He honestly found it odd he never asked you before.
“I don’t know…I’ve always liked tying things, and hair ribbons, Y’know that kinda stuff..It just feels normal to me honestly.” You finished rapping the ribbon and made a little bow on it, you thought it would look nicer.
“Why do you let me do this on you?” You smiled laughing a bit. Dallas looked at the tight pretty ribbon on his rough wrists.
“Feels nice not doin’ all the work.” He continued staring to his wrist. He knows he won’t do this for anyone, because he’s already attached to you And there will be no one else, you’re his one and only.
A soft smile rests on your face, didn’t push for more details from him. “Y’know real men like ribbons on them.” You joke shifting your hands to find the latch of your bra. Dallas rolled his eyes at the comment but a faint smirk was visible on his face.
“Only f’you.”
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bubblegumflavor · 25 days
If it's no problem, could you please draw Johnny Cade and Johnny Lawrence meeting?
My two favorite Johnnys? On the same page?? Hell yeah! =D<3
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