french-maestro12 · 9 months
Les forfaits touristiques en Égypte
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L’Égypte est la terre des légends! Est-ce que vous voulez découvrir la terre des légends lors de vos vacances? J’aimerais vous dire que notre agence,Egypt Online Tours vous propose beaucoup de forfaits touristiques en Égypte avec les meilleurs prix. Nos forfaits all inclusive en Egypte répondrons à tous vos besoins.
Si vous voulez explorer l’Égypte en termes de ses destinations archéologiques et de son grand patrimoine, je vous conseille de jeter un oeil sur les forfaits de circuits classiques en Egypte, qui incluent des excursions pas chéres à Louxor et à Assouan et des circuits touristiques aux pyramides de Gizeh au caire .
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Par ailleurs, vous pouvez aussi voir ces destinations archéologiques en réservant le forfait de croisière sur le Nil et sur le Lac Nasser,par lesquelles vous pouvez naviguer à beaucoup de temples comme le temple de philae , le temple d’Abou simbel et etc.
Si vous souhaitez découvrir l’ambiance festive en Egypte et ses voyages pendant Noël, vous pouvez réserver parmi le forfait des voyages en Egypte en Noël et en Nouvel An. Vos vacances en Égypte à Noël et Nouvel An seront différentes. En aidant notre agence,Egypt Online Tours, Vous pouvez commencer la nouvelle année en Égypte en visitant les destnations touristiques égyptiennes.
Lorsque vous choissisez les forfaits en petites groupes en Égypte , nous vous emmènerons dans le passé pour visiter les sites archéologiques et touristiques uniques comme les pyramides de Gizeh , le musée égyptien , le vieux caire , la citadelle de Saladin ,ainsi que de nombreaux sites archéologiques à la ville de Louxor et Assouan comme le temple de Karnak , le temple de Louxor, la vallée des rois et des reines , le temple d’Hatchepsout , le temple de philae , le temple d’Abou Simbel et etc.
Itinéraire 1er Jour: voyage en Egypte, le Caire. Votre voyage en Egypte commence par le service d'accueil dés votre arrivée à l'aéroport du Caire par notre représentant pour l'enregistrement à l'hôtel au caire. Dans la soirée, en option un dîner croisière avec spectacle de danse du ventre, puis retour à l'hôtel au caire, nuit au caire
2ème Jour: Gizeh Aprés le petit déjeuner sera la visite de la ville de Gizeh ou se trouve les grandes pyramides, gizeh Sphinx, un des sept merveilles du monde ancien et Temple de la Valleè. Déjeuner est servi pendant la journée au caire. Excursion facultative pour assister au spectacle son et lumière aux pyramides. Puis, visiter l'institut de fabrication de Papyrus et Parfum si vous désirez avoir des renseignements de ce sujet. Transfert à l'hôtel et nuit au caire.
3ème Jour : Visite du Caire Petit déjeuner à votre hôtel au Caire, suivie d'une visite du Musée égyptien, visitez la Mosquée de Mohamed Ali connue par Mosquée d'Albâtre, la Citadelle de Saladin, et l'église suspondue dans le quartier copte du Vieux Caire ainsi suivie d'une balade dans le fameux Khan El Khalili bazzares, déjeuner est servi durant les visites au caire et enfin, transfert à la gare pour prendre le train couchette vers Assouan. Nuit à bord du train.
4ème Jour : Assouan, croisière sur le nil. Petit-déjeuner à bord du train avant d'arriver à Assouan. Acceuil et assistance à la gare par votre guide qui vous accompagnera dans une visite des sites d'Assouan comme le Haut-Barrage, l'obélisque inachevé et le Temple Philae, puis transfert à la croisière sur le nil pour l'enregistrement. Déjeuner à bord. L'après-midi, faire une promenade en felouque autour de l'îlot rocheux du Nil. Retour à la croisière sur le nil, dîner et divertissement à bord du croisière nil. Navigation vers Kom Ombo et nuit à bord.
5ème Jour : Kom Ombo - Edfou. Petit déjeuner à bord de croisière nil, arriver vers Kom Ombo pour la visite du temple Kom Ombo qui est dédié au dieu crocodile Sobek et le dieu faucon Haroeris. Navigation vers Edfou, déjeuner à bord. Après le déjeuner, visitez temple Edfou, le majeur temple ptolémaïque et le mieux conservé en Egypte. Le temple est dédié au dieu faucon Horus et a été construit plus de 180 années de 237 avant J.-C. à 57 av. Navigation vers Esna pour traverser l'écluse. Le Dîner sera suivi d'une soirée galabieh, navigation vers Louxor. Nuit à bord.
6ème Jour: Excursions à Louxor Après le petit-déjeuner, visite de la rive ouest ou se trouve le temple Hatschepsut à Deir El Bahari, la Vallée des rois et les colosses de Memnon. Retour pour le déjeuner, puis la visite de la rive est ou se la trouvent les célèbres temples Karnak et temple Louxor. Dans la soirée, vous profiterez d'une excursion facultative pour assister au spectacle son et lumière au temple de Karnak, puis retour à la croisière nil, animation et nuit à bord
7ème Jour : Débarquement, Hurghada Départ aprés le petit déjeuner de la croisière nil avec du temps libre à Louxor pour des activités optionnelles comme visiter le Musée Louxor et Temple Dendara. Transfért vers Hurghada à la mer Rouge pour commencer vos vacances de détentre, enregistrement à l'hôtel, dîner et nuit à Hurghada.
8ème Jour: Hurghada Dégustez votre petit déjeuner à votre hôtel à Hurghada avec du temps libre pour profiter du soleil et la plage. L'après-midi, vous serez accompagnè par votre guide francophone privé en véhicule de luxe pour la visite de la ville d'Hurghada, l'Aquarium, suivie d'une visite de l'ancienne mosquée et l'église orthodoxe de Saint Marie, le village de pêcheurs, ainsi que le port où les petits navires en cours de construction et rénovation. Profitez du temps libre pour le shopping dans les bazars locaux où vous pouvez trouver votre souvenires égyptiens . Retour vers l'hôtel. Nuit à votre hôtel.
9ème Jour : Hurghada Petit-déjeuner, après le petit déjeuner, vous commencerez votre voyage de plongée sur l'ile Giftun pour nager et jouer avec des dauphins, avoir une grande occasion pour les différents types de sports nautiques. Déjeuner à bord du bateau est notamment l'eau et des boissons gazeuses. L'après-midi retour à la marina et transfert à votre hôtel à Hurghada.
10ème Jour : Retour Petit-déjeuner, accueil et transfert à l'aéroport d'Hurghada pour votre vol de retour.
Le prix inclut:-
Acceuil et assistance à l'arrivée et au départ par notre représentant dans tous les aéroports
Assistance de notre personnel pendant votre visites
Tous les transferts de l'aéroport en vehicule climatisé moderne
Hébergement pour 2 nuits dans un hôtel au Caire avec petit déjeuner (buffet )
1 nuit à bord du train couchette de première classe
Hébergement à bord d'une croisière nil pour 3 nuits en pension complète
Hébergement pour 3 nuits dans un hôtel à Hurghada avec petit-déjeuner
Billets de vols intérieurs Hurghada / le Caire par Egyptair -Journée aux pyramides, gizeh Sphinx, Temple de la Vallée Sakkara et Memphis
Visiter le Musée égyptien, la citadelle, les mosquées et les églises coptes
Journée au temple de Karnak et temple louxor
Journée à la vallée des Rois, temple Hatshepsut et les colosses de Memnon
Demi-journée au temple Edfou
Demi-journée de visite au temple de Kom Ombo
Journée au Haut-Barrage et Temple Philae à Assouan
Demi-journée de visite à l'île Éléphantine et jardins botaniques en felouque sur le Nil
Toutes les excursions selon l'itinéraire du voyage
Toutes les excursions à Louxor et Assouan selon l'itinéraire de la croisière sur le nil
Déjeuner au cours des visites au Caire et à Gizeh
Guide égyptologue froncophone
Billets d'entrées des sites touristiques selon l'itinéraire
Le prix n’inclut pas
Visites facultatives
Les dépenses personnelles
E-mail:- [email protected] Mobile:-+201001422529 Site: www.egyptonlinetours.com
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alexbkrieger13 · 1 year
I bet it's first sweden, then denmark and maybe a short vacation to M and P's favourite destnation - spain.
definitely the tour of 2/3's of Scandinavia and im assuming P would go the to warm weather camp even just to do a little bit of rehab
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beamstacks · 1 year
Offshore Software Development Austin | BeamStacks
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What is Offshore Software Development?
Offshore software development is the practise of hiring offshore software developers from a different country that offers lower rates than their own. It has emerged as one of the most successful business strategies in today's world. Offshore development has become an essential tool for businesses seeking to gain a competitive advantage.
The practise is dependent on whether business owners want assistance with specific processes such as web development, quality assurance, mobile app development, UI/EX design, or end-to-end software development services. In general, companies outsource their software development work to countries such as India, Poland, and South America. Because there are a lot of skilled resources available in these areas for software development, the rates are relatively low.
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If you are looking for offshore software development Austin, then you are at the right destnations. Beamstacks has expertise in developing scalable software applications and innovative mobile applications for companies across the globe. We achieve this through a collaborative approach by involving our clients at each stage. We look beyond the technical coding part and focus more on the core purpose of the software application and how it aligns with your business objective. For more information visit our website.
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frenaadventures · 1 year
7 Days Trip to Kibale Queen and Mgahinga Trip
If you want to 7 Days Trip to Kibale Queen and Mgahinga Trip, then you are at the right destnations. This is a 7 day Uganda safari that will take you to Kibale Forest National Park for Chimp trekking which is the main attraction. For more information visit our website.
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Pyramids and Islamic Cairo Budget Tour in Cairo
Pyramids and Islamic Cairo Budget Tour in Cairo  
Take yourself to Egypt and book your Pyramids and Islamic Cairo Budget Tour in Cairo with World Tour Advice and take the newest manner of conducting business in Egypt. World Tour Advice would like to present Egypt Cheap Tours in fresh ways and varied Tours packages.
Spend 4 days in Cairo and experience historical attractions like the Giza pyramids, Memphis Tours, Saqqara, Egyptian museum, and if you have time, go shopping in the expansive Egyptian Market for Khan El Khalili. This is one of the best Egypt Cheap Packages you can take on your Cairo Cheap Tours.
Spend a great trip in Cairo, which is home to a remarkable collection of monuments that have endured throughout the many ages, beginning with the Pharaonic period and continuing through Coptic Cairo and Islamic Cairo. Explore your inner self with Cheap Egypt Tours and a Cheap Vacation in Cairo, which enables you to see the city's top sights, including the magnificent Pyramids of Giza, which were constructed between around 2550 and 2490 B.C. Enjoy gazing at the three pyramids of Cheops, Chephren, and Mykerinus. These structures, particularly the great temple of Cheops, are the last of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and are regarded as the most beautiful man-made structures in history.  Move to explore the mighty Sphinx, with its human head and lion body, the statue has come to symbolize strength and wisdom, it consists of about 2,000 limestone blocks and although the date of its constructions is uncertain, the head of the Sphinx is believed to be that of the Pharaoh Khafre. Enjoy the Giza Plateau with our Cheap Holidays to Egypt and visit the Valley Temple which is considering the oldest stone buildings in Egypt, is located in front of Khafre Pyramid beside the Sphinx. In the next day your will get a ravishing tour to explore the Egyptian Museum where you will watch the great amount of preservation and monuments of 5000 years of civilization including the outstanding treasures of kings Tutankhamu.
Day 1 Giza pyramids and The Egyptian museum ( Cairo Tour )
Our Rep will pick up you from your hotel, or from airport or any other destnation in Cairo, direct transfer to Giza pyramids, visit the three pyramids, the Sphinx and the valley temple, lunch meal, proceed to the Egyptian museum in Cairo, 2 hours guided tour in the museum, back to hotel
Day 2 Memphis and Saqqara tour, Dahshur pyramids tour ( Cairo Tour )
Your guide will pick up you from hotel, transfer by van to Saqqara complex, See what the others miss during their tours to Saqqara your Cairo tour to Saqqara complex includes Heb Sed building, Imhotep museum, Kagemni mastaba, The Serapium,entry in Unas and Teti pyramids and of course you will see the step pyramid and the false tomb of king Zoser. We will feel upset if you are really interested in pyramids tour and not going to visit Dahshur pyramids,It is so rare to find Cairo tour itinerary including tours to Dahshur to visit the bent pyramid, the Red pyramid and the black pyramid, So relish your guided tour with Worldtouradvice to explore Dahshr area and pyramids,lunch mealis included during the tour, Free time for shopping, back to your hotel in Cairo.
Day 3 Old Cairo, Citadel & Al Azhar park
Enjoy a tour to see the complex of 3 religions in Old Cairo, Your private tour guide will pick up you from your hotel in Cairo,start one of our best Cairo tours which offer a chance to see the ruins of Babilion fortress, the hanging church built on the fortress towers, the crypt of ( Holy Mary and Jesus in Egypt) , The Old Synagogue, see the first mosque ever built in Africa, visit the fortress of Saladin, Mohamed Aly mosque and relish a lunch meat and walking tour in Al Azhar park, return to hotel in Cairo
Day 4 Nilometer,Felucca, Islamic Cairo Tour
Tour to discover more about Nile river, visit The Nilometer, ride felucca on river Nile, visit Ibn Tolun moque and Keretlia house ( Gayer Andereson museum ), proceed tour to Fatimid Cairo, see the ancient gates of the city Bab Nasr and Bab Fotuh, walking tour, see the markets, enter in Qalaoon complex, Beit El Seheimi and Wekalet Bazaraa, Enjoy a tea with mint in Fishawy coffeshop, enjoy lunch meal in one restaurant of your choice in the area, there are plenty of restaurants of different types of food such as Al Dahan, Al Ahd El Gedid and Naghuib Mahfouz which is the top of all of them and it is also the most expensive, at night enjoy watching the musical and dancing show Tannoura dance in Wekalet El Ghoury
Day 5 Check out, Final departure
Early breakfast, meet our tour representative, direct transfer to Cairo international airport for final departure
Islamic Cairo and Pyramids Tour Includes
- Pick up and drop of service from hotel and airport
- All tours transfers by modern AC van
- 4 nights accommodation in 5 stars hotel in Cairo
- Private professional tour guides during all day tours in Cairo
- Lunch meal during all tours in Cairo
- Mineral water on board during all tours in Cairo
- All the mentioned sites entrance fees as per itinerary
- All the tour taxes
Islamic Cairo and Pyramids Tour Excludes
- Optional tours such as entry inside Cheops pyramid or mummies room or extra places not mentioned
- Beverages not mentioned
- Tipping kitty, not obligatory but recommended
For more info
Mobile and what’s App:
002 01090023837
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kmp78 · 2 years
It’s like you two are purposely trying to avoid each other but still twirling around the same damn locations… 😂🙈 - K, Portofino is the most luxury destnation in Europe. Are you surprised Val is there?
It's just hilarious! 😂
Besides it's not like JL is famous for ALWAYS going to Porto anyway, so it's just hilarious they both ended up there right after the other... 😂
She seems to be there for a wedding. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
Wonder if Dimsky is her Plus 1! 🤗
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commericalsdeals · 5 years
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investislands-blog · 3 years
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From pristine beaches to lush forests to sprawling savannahs, the Indonesian island of Sumba offers a multitude of diverse landscapes. With such variety and opportunity, there is surely something to interest any ambitious real estate investor.
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azurpropertycare · 4 years
Azur Property Care
Article link
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french-maestro12 · 9 months
Prix du voyage en égypte
Cher touriste,découvrez les meilleurs prix des voyages en Egypte avec notre agence,Egypt Online Tours. Vous pouvez voyager en Egypte sans dépenser beaucoup d’argent. Vos vacances en Egypte seront un choix économique. En fait, vous visiterez plusieurs destinations égyptiennes aux prix les plus bas. Et en ce qui concerne le budget du séjour en Egypte, les prix des hôtels en Egypte sont adaptés à tous. L’Egypte comprend beaucoup d’hôtels pas chers.
Il convient de noter que les tarifs des voyages en Egypte sont déterminés en fonction de la date du voyage. Ne perdez pas le temps et réservez les meilleures forfaites touristiques d’Egypt Online Tours avec les prix les plus bas comme voyage egypte tout compris pas cher, circuits touristiques orgainsés en Egypte à petits budgets et séjour en Egypte pas cher penadant une semaine.
Meilleures destinations touristiques de l’Egypte *Aller à l’oasis de siwa à petit budget
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Profitez d’un circuit budgétaire dans l’oasis de siwa! La meilleure période pour visiter l’oasis de siwa est la saison d’hiver. C’est l’une des meilleures destinations de tourisme d’hiver en Egypte. Votre excursion à l’oasis de siwa est une opportunité idéale pour vous détendre .
Cette destination touristique a une nature spectaculaire. Là -bas,vous pouvez faire beaucoup d’activités comme le safari en quad ou en jeep. Lors de votre circuit budgétaire dans l’oasis de siwa, vous pouvez visiter les lacs du désert.
Par ailleurs, vous pouvez faire une balade en bateau vers le lac de Cléopâtre. En visitant le temple de l'Oracle d'Amon, vous explorerez l’histoire de Siwa.
*Visiter les villes de Louxor et d’Assouan
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Pour passer des vacances pas chères en Egypte, vous pouvez faire un voyage à Louxor et à Assouan. Dans ces deux villes,vous visiterez beaucoup de temples pharaoniques et de sites touristiques comme le temple de Louxor , le temple de karnak , la vallée des Rois et des Reines , le temple d’hatchepsout, les colosses de Menon, le temple de Philae, le temple d’Abou Simbel , le temple d’Edfou, le Haut Barrage et etc.
*Voyager à Marsa Alam
En Egypte, vous pouvez passer un séjour balnéaire en réservant un voyage à Marsa Alam ou à la Mer Rouge généralement. Au cours de vos vacances à Marsa Alam, vous pouvez pratiquer plusieurs sports aquatiques comme la plongée. Vous pouvez découvrir le fond marin plein de poissons colorés et de récifs coraillons en pratiquant la plongée.
En bref, l’Égypte est l’une des plus belles destnations touristiques que vous pouvez y voyager pour profiter de vos vacances.
Écrit par:-Mariam Sameh E-mail:[email protected] Mobile:-+201001422529 Site: www.egyptonlinetours.com
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life-spire · 2 years
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Aarburg, Switzerland (by Werner Kratz)
See more of Switzerland.
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beamstacks · 1 year
Enterprise Application developer in USA | Beamstacks
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If you are looking for best enterprise application developer in USA, you are at the right destnations, We offer a wide range of services that include website design, web application development, mobile application development, web marketing services and online promotion among others. We have a long history of developing high-quality software solutions that meet your needs and expectations. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the most suitable solution for your business needs. For more information visit our website.
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kristo-flowers · 6 years
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River Donau
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destination-travel · 6 years
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Oia, Greece by Julian Paul ...
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sammysnaughtygirl · 3 years
just the three of us
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warnings: adult content characters;Sam winchester,Brooke davis & Damon salvatore summary: the trio start out as friends until something changes angst,smut,love,friendship,complications ,threesome fanfic:crossover fall had just begun and Brooke had just started making plans to open her new cafe with the help of her two best friends Sam and Damon who had always seen her as a little sister, she insisted they help her clelebrate so she ordered a bunch of food and some champane even though she knew the guys hated it.brooke sent both of her friends a text inviting them to celebrate with her the text consisted of where to meet for the fun' sam was with his brother dean when he got her text trying to hide it from dean because he didnt understand their relationship he always made sam question everything ,Sam sent her his reply with a smilyface letting her know he,d be joining her later.Damon was also with his brother when he recieved her text but he didnt care what anyone thought he was own boss, he was excited he too replied with a smilyface,Brooke gushed as she got their responses she knew it would be a night to rember for them all.later that night as Brooke was traveling to her destnation she had a vision at what things would be like if Sam was he boyfriend ,she could feel the excitement in her stomach as she invisioned being with him .Sam was easy to love he wasnt complicated or overbearing like some of her old flings.then her thoughts landed on Damon what it would it be like to be his girl Damon was complete opposite of Sam he was fierce,demanding,but also had the ablilty to make her feel alive ,like she could do anything ,reality hit her hard as she could easly fall for either of her bestfriends but she couldnt let herself think of that because it would ruin their friendships.as she reached her stop she popped open the trunk ,at the back of the car she leaned down to to pick up the box of food she had brought 'i got it Damons voice came from behind her, he picked up the box smiling at his beautiful friend .Sam bringing up the tail threw his arms around Brooke to get a hug before the festivaties begun hi girlie he teased im so proud of you his smile as big as an ocean it was like a breath of fresh air to Brooke.well ,let me get in on that action Damon glared as he picked Brooke up and tossed her in the air catching her and kissing her check his face was glowing as he spoke to her ,she was suprised to see him acting this way she,d never seen him like this before now.lets get this party started the guys hinted Sam had brought with him a radio so that they could have music,Damon wanted to do something more with his friends 'he wanted to show them they meant the world to him, he proposed a toast to Brooke for all her accomplishments as they banged their glasses togather and laughed.Brooke turned on the music and started to dance around in a circle as she was getting alittle tipsy Sam noticed her stumble so he tooke her hands and started dancing with her. soon after Damon joined his friends 'they all got carried away and before nightfall they were all feeling strungout ,and exhausted but not wanting the night to end Brooke made a propsition to her friends ,she wanted one night just the three of them no excuses ,no exspations just them all togather in the sense of being one.Sam & Damon knew what she was asking ,and knowing this they knew what it meant ,what they didnt know was if they could it,could they share one night with this beautiful woman they shared as a friend ?if they did this what would happen to their friendships could everything stay the same between them or would it destroy them forever? Sam and Damon knew she wasnt thinking with a clear head she was intoxaciated to the
where she didnt care ,she wanted to feel them both in that moment in time and the consequeses didnt cross her mind. Sam and Damon took a step back and thought about what she was offering them ,but could it work for them were they willing to take that chance ?Brooke getting annoyed started to undress one piece of clothing at a time while Sam and Damon watched her not caring if it was wrong ,she flung her clothes at the boys as they never took their eyes off her, she slurred at them how great she thought they both were ,letting them know she had visioned this night with them before .Brooke stumbled over to Sam and gently stroked his face ,sending vibes he couldnt deny,he didnt want to deny he had wanted to share his own feelings with Brooke .She danced provacated around Sam touching his butt,smashing her body to his, as she was trying to get a rise from her opponents .Damon who was now acknowleding that his heart was not into it but" his body just wanted to feel hers ,he moved into postion so he could see her face as he rubbed his body into hers gliding his hands up and down her backside feeling the tention rise between them all' as the guys took charge. Sam held her hands behind her while Damon made his way to her lowerback touching every inch of her until she was screaming with passion,Sam then followed his path as he made his way ,back up to her face grabbing her mouth and forcibly pounding it with kisses Brooke could not move nor did she want to she was inhaling and exhaling with excitement before the night ended the three lie there naked in a plie exsaulted from what they had been apart of . the next morning as each one awoke they didnt speak a word to one another ,they grabbed their clothes from the stack where they had thrown them and left as quietly as they could looking back to see the others reaction but still not saying a word. later that day Brooke called Sam first and told him what a great time she had with him,and that everything was good with them ,Sam could hear in her voice she was holding back but he agreed the night was magical. she didnt call Damon until alittle later because she was busy in the cafe ,but when he answered her call she told him the same thing but that something felt different with him she didnt know what it was but it felt strange she told him' he too agreed to what she told him because he didnt want to lose her as his friend he knew what she was saying but it didnt make a difference to him he justed wanted to be a part of her life . in the end they all believed they could overcome and remain best of friends even thought their was secrets and love that they couldnt bring to life.
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sunshinephysiostuff · 3 years
Sunshine Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic is your one stop destnation where your wellness is our success. Our versatile team is well equipped to manage all your health care. Sports related physiotherapy treatment offering massage therapy, athletic therapy to recover from pain speedily.Contact us to get more details - 604-445-1100 or reach out to us in this address - Unit-121 6345 120 street Delta BC V4E2A6.
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