#diabolik lovers lore
¿Tienes algunos headcanons sobre cómo podrían ser los territorios de los clanes Águila, Lobo y Víbora? Gracias a los CGs y backgrounds de Vandead Carnival, Dark Fate y Lunatic Parade sabemos que el Makai es un enorme mundo lleno de hermosos paisajes naturales, sobretodo bosques, acantilados, montañas y ríos, (muy al estilo europeo). Pero me gusta imaginar que cada territorio debe tener sus propias características.
Al menos sabemos (por Dark Fate) que el territorio de los Fundadores o al menos su castillo está sobre un acantilado.
¡Sí, tengo ((๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)ﻭ*⁠.⁠✧!
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Aclaración 1: voy a agregar al Clan Murciélago porque leí mal la pregunta y lo terminé agregando por accidente lol.
Aclaración 2: Hice mapas del Mundo de los Demonios para esquematizar lo que voy relatando ^_^
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El Clan Murciélago tiene un territorio similar a los Cárpatos Romaníes: montes, montañas y bosques; todo con mucha flora y fauna viva. Los pueblos aledaños a los principales castillos y ciudades recuerdan a construcciones del Mundo Humano, con características muy propias de las edificaciones de Europa del Este.
Esto no es casualidad. Bien sabido es por todos los miembros del Clan Murciélago que Karlheinz ha hecho todo esto —incluído apropiarse de detalles como desfiles y carnavales— para llevar cierta cultura humana al Mundo de los Demonios.
Por esta misma razón, la primera impresión del lugar resulta bastante contradictoria para tratarse del hábitat natural de los demonios: muy civilizado y humanizado, con tiendas, casas y composición estructural general propia de una ciudad europea rural humana que ha permanecido intacta a lo largo del tiempo.
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El Clan Águila, por el contrario, es poseedor de territorios montañosos, y por esto viven en las alturas (por encima del Clan Murciélago, para ubicarlos en el mapa).
Algo así, para esquematizar, como los Alpes suizos.
Sus construcciones más importantes (como castillos y palacios) estarían hechos en y con las mismas piedras de las montañas. Por sus grandes habilidades para la construcción, que suelen ser imponentemente bellas, se han ganado gran renombre en el Makai.
Las ciudades van cuesta arriba y las casas son como cabañas de madera —diferenciándose así de las construcciones complejas apropiadas por Karlheinz del Mundo Humano—.
El clima, conforme aumenta la altura, se torna más y más frío y con algo de nieve, pero al mismo tiempo —sobre todo al llegar a los pies de las montañas— con mucho verde y mucha fauna salvaje, similar al territorio del Murciélago.
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El Clan Víbora posee un territorio que se extiende más allá del Clan Murciélago (por debajo de este), directamente en un terreno de mesetas y formaciones rocosas (restos de lo que alguna vez fueron sistemas montañosos propios, pero que ahora se han erosionado y perdido con el tiempo), estando así delimitado por los demás clanes.
El beneficio que tiene esta tierra es la gran cantidad de ríos y lagos; su defecto es que no posee grandes espacios verdes.
Es el Clan con mayor cantidad de castillos a lo largo y ancho de su territorio, y restos de otros tantos que han permanecido como recuerdo de guerras pasadas, sirviendo de muestra fehaciente de la fuerza y la riqueza de este clan.
Un único sendero guía a través de todos los pueblos que se alzan alrededor de este único camino, desembocando, finalmente, en el gran castillo del rey actual.
Lo imagino algo así como la conocida “Ruta de los nidos de Águila” en Polonia, y con la estructura poblacional de Suloszowa (también ubicado en Polonia).
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El Clan Lobo es conocido por su orden social, que se encuentra clasificado en Casas de Familias, y que se dividen en nobles, sirvientes, comerciantes y artesanos. A cada Casa de Familia le corresponde una porción de tierra (aldeas), y de acuerdo a la posición socioeconómica de la misma estará ubicada más cerca del castillo del rey.
Toda su población se encuentra dentro de un espeso bosque, más precisamente en el centro del mismo. Parte de estos bosques fueron, alguna vez, propiedad del Clan Águila.
El Clan Lobo tiene una conexión muy fuerte con la naturaleza, siendo así el clan considerado menos actualizado de todos, ya que continúan rigiéndose por antiguas reglas y tradiciones propias de su raza. Por esta misma razón, tienen como principal prioridad que sus construcciones se encuentren en estrecha armonía con la naturaleza.
Aun así, pese a la apreciación anticuada que el resto de los clanes mantienen del Clan Lobo, éste es rico cultural, social y económicamente. La gran mayoría de los territorios fértiles se dividen entre el Clan Lobo y el Clan Murciélago, por lo que éstos tienden a desarrollar actividades económicas que los vuelven indispensables para el resto de las economías.
Contrario a los clanes anteriores, el Clan Lobo no es extremadamente lujoso respecto a los castillos y edificación noble. La armonía, el orden y los roles dentro de cada casa son los pilares fundamentales de su raza, y esto se aplica también a la hora de construir.
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BONUS: Mapa del Makai antes de la guerra contra Giesbach
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me gusta dibujar mapas, perdón :"^)
Espero que te sea útil y que te haya gustado, ¡muchísimas gracias por preguntar! ~♡
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cardsofthemoon · 6 months
okay so putting my tin foil hat on, knowing that vampires are real and really do exist (in the dl universe), then how will that intertwine with Greek mythology, or Norse mythology, or literally any folktales or fairy tales concerning the supernatural? Like the easy and simple answer is to say that they don’t exist, and that it’s just silly human creation, but is it though?
If vampires are immortal and existed for ions, then could there have been a time where vampires and humans co-existed? Are these folktales and fairytales that we see in everyday life were actually based in reality, but over time was heavily exaggerated and blown out of proportion, that its no longer reminiscent to the original source material?
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blvckdress · 2 years
𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
Based off this list by @nutaella-kookie
Beware the creatures of the night. They are beautiful, with eyes so entrancing, they burn with the intensity of hellfire. There are the vampires, who's hands run over human flesh, drinking the fear and desperation in their victim's eyes as they gaze down, satiating the ever growing hunger, fangs bared, until they fulfill the urge to sink down. They place a clawed hand atop your head and another under their chin, exposing your neck until there is no option but the option to submit. Then the viboras, who inhale the stench of corruption, their scales glinting in the moonlight as a faint red stains their skin. They coil their bodies, death drawing nearer as the little breath of life slowly escapes the lips of their shaking prey. The sickle and talons of the adlers sink into flesh, ripping one's body to shreds as they sore above like angels with the blood lust of demons. At last there are the werewolves. Savage, beastly creatures, their animal form devoid of any beauty but it is there proximity to the human heart that makes them a force to be reckoned with.
During The Great War, the werewolves under the rule of Gottfried, allied themselves with the ancient founders, believing in the old order. Led by a young general by the name of Karlheinz, his sheer power and innovation led to the extinction of the founder clan and a new age of clans. Due to the decision to side with the losing opponent, werewolves were confined to financial and agricultural ruin, as they occupy barren lands with extremely harsh weather. The lack of cattle caused many wolves to depart the demon realm and enter the human world where the number of werewolf hunters would increase. Similar to a young vampire king, a new rebellion began to stir up decades after the war by a young wolf named Reyhan. Witnessing the devastation that has forsaken his race because of the foolish choices of a primordial king, a civil war ensues in the clan and soon enough he usurps the throne and crowns himself king. Werewolves from the human world hear of this victory, as does Karlheinz. Tension builds up between the two clans as Karlheinz senses the resentment gradually building throughout the years. Finally, enough is enough, and Reyhan prepares his attack on the bat clan.
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And it is bloody.
Present day it is known as the bloodiest war that has ever been fought in demon- no- history.
The werewolves utilize biological warfare to the max, de-fanging war hostages and putting their heads on spikes. An unlikely ally that comes into fruition is that of the witches. The vampires were equally as ruthless, skinning the the skin of werewolves and using their fur to create coats, scarves and headwear (they were usually worn by nobles as a sort of patriotic gesture but mostly because they looked nice).
The war would continue for many years until a consensus was reached and wolves obtained fertile land that was far away from the rest of the clans. Though it was not the ideal resort from either party, some good came out of it. Reyhan, who is known in the human world as Hayato Malandro, owns a green corporate company that specializes in shipping and landscaping. Eventually Reyhan gets married and has three children, Leo (👀 future oc coming to a theater near you) Suki and Kenji.
When wolves migrated to the human world, they continued to live in packs. These packs would exist in the form of gated communities that would have all the standard ranks of a pack.
Many start their own private or charter schools that only take in werewolf students. Many wealthy non-wolf families consider these schools prestigious for its low acceptance rate and consistently try to send their children there. This is often played as a joke in wolf communities.
Though a lot of humans mistake them for cults so you win some you lose some.
Speaking of ranks, there is the Alpha - leader of the pack, a circle of Betas, and Gammas. Omegas are wolves that choose to leave the pack. Rogues are wolves that have been banned from the pack and often carry a mark or brand signifying that. However those who are used as the pack "punching bag" are referred to as omegas. Then there is the Alpha Female or wife to the Alpha. The dynamics of the Alpha and Alpha Female vary from each pack. In some packs the Alpha chooses the strongest she-wolf from the pack to breed pups, while in others it is a love match. Either way, the Alpha and Alpha Female are to be respected. Anyone who criticizes the Alpha's choice in partner publicly will be subjected to immense punishment.
The King's court is not much different. The King is referred to as the True Alpha while the Queen is referred to as the True Alpha Female. The Queen or True Alpha Female, is also referred to as the Luna though it is an unofficial term and is mostly used as a term of endearment.
Mind link is an ability between two mates though it is extremely rare.
Contrary to popular opinion, werewolves do not only transform during the full moon. Like vampires, the full moon is when they reach their peak, however the lunar cycles carry much more value to them. This ability improves with age and self control. Pups are vulnerable to changing from the full moon and since shifting is a painful process, they become more out of control. Tolerance to the pain increases with age as well. There are also triggers which can include anger, over abundance andrenaline, getting hurt and the need to protect or possess.
The ability to shapeshift will be awakened during the young wolf's teenage years where every emotion becomes more and more heightened which includes but not limited to - the desire to mate, as well as other mental and biological changes.
So like puberty but 1000000x especially when it is the time of the month.
Werewolves exist around the world but are generally concentrated and originate in these areas.
Europe- Mediterranean area of Greece and the Indo-European Celts of Ireland, Wales, Brittany and Scotland , with migrations to England and Spain 
The Americas- Indigenous peoples of the Ojibwe tribe, Mexico near the mountain of La Malinche
Asia- Japan (the natural wolf has been extinct since the Meiji restoration so the King had ordered protection and elimination of those who threatened his demon race). Because of this omega werewolves in Japan are quite rare as they prefer to stay in close, tight-knit communities, predominantly in the Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu regions. Similar to how vampires in the human world migrate out of Eastern Europe, many Japanese-born wolves will migrate to Korea and China, though a popular hub for Japanese werewolves have been Russia (Yakutia), India, and Mongolia. These are mostly due to the business ventures by the King as well as weather suited for each wolf.
Africa- Exist mainly around the horn of the continent such as Somalia and Ethiopia.
It is very much a warrior society centered on loyalty and military service. The top school in the demon world that families send their pups to is the Zoran Academy, a prestigious military academy where combat/weaponry and strategy are taught along with the general education classes and electives. And astronomy of course. There are residential and non-residential students; cuts exist. It is extremely rigorous and ruthless with only the top students making it out.
Marriage is extremely important. Weddings are known as Unification Ceremonies and are typically done at night where the hands are tied together to symbolize the binding of two lives. For females, wedding dresses are a reflection of nature and are unique to the bride, though flowers are generally a popular embellishment. Styling the hair into horns is also a very popular wedding day hair ritual. In a royal wedding, silver is the color of the dress. For the groom, silver face paint is used. 
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Along with shifting werewolves have a variety of abilities that are unique to them and are also shared by the four clans (healing saliva, long life span, night vision, regeneration, increased strength, speed, endurance etc.) This is all in the context of pureblood werewolves.
Wall crawling
Infectious bite (werewolves that are not pureblood are extremely rare since you not only have to survive the wolf attack itself, but also the bite).
Temperature Regulation
Vertical pupils
Infrared vision
Roar (used by Alphas)
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ofstormsandsaints · 2 years
witches in the demon world - part 1
A preface. A brief story of everything.
I'll add more details regarding their powers, their society's functioning, their customs and their relations with other clans in the future
tw: mentions of violence and sa
There are female witches and male witches, let's start with that.
The term "witch" is gender-neutral but when they refer to each other they prefer to be a little bit more specific and actually use the names and titles corresponding to their roles in the coven/community.
Men and women don't live together - most of the time. It is under some specific conditions and on rare occasions that they must choose living together.
And regarding the non-binary/genderfluid witches, they have a total personal right to decide with whom they prefer to live (as every witchling is born and raised among female witches because it is part of their traditions). But generally, they stay with the women.
However, let's also mention that community life isn't mandatory or anything. Many witches can choose to go solo, to seclude themselves from their coven.
But we'll come back on these later.
What we need to remember is:
They spend their existence hiding to survive.
In the human world, they've always been the target of hatred. the GOAT of the scapegoats-
Obviously, we think about the witch hunts but let's be formal on this: it did not start in the Middle Ages. It has always existed somehow. (moreover, the frenzy around witch hunts occurred during the Renaissance, not the Middle Ages. Yes, when Humanism was the philosophical stance and was supposed to 'focus and emphasise on the human beings and their rights over the physical and metaphysical and blablabla' hypocrites as always).
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Humanity built its survival on this evident, strong, natural fear of what is unknown
you're wary of what you have never seen before
you're in awe in front of what cannot be explained by the rule of God
you reject what doesn't find an answer, a result in the laws of nature or physics. you detest what you can't name.
So how can someone explain the very existence of magic? When they're alone to wield it, to understand it. They can't explain why.
But they know how.
And this simple ability makes them the most dangerous and beautiful living thing.
Therefore, you understand that at all times, the only solution witches had found was to hide. Then leave.
That's what they had to do in order to stay alive. Free.
No one can clearly tell when the first exodus happened. Every tale has its own story: the place they fled and the haven they found, those who helped and those who didn't.
Some manuscripts and other apocryphal texts mention a big exodus in ancient Mesopotamia as it is also the civilisation that recorded the earliest examples of magical performances.
However we also have this strange parchment dating from the Greek Dark Ages - difficult to decipher, it recounts a fateful night: priestesses and sibyls were slaughtered by god knows who and for god knows the reason but what we know is that, fortunately, some were able to escape the bloodbath and find refuge in the mountains.
There is also this short bedtime story from the Baltics about those mysterious people who had to flee their land and hide somewhere under the ground. They took the Moon with them because the sun was too hot and too high to reach and they needed light beneath the earth. However, they felt bad for stealing. So after one long lunar eclipse, they decided to give the Moon back to the sky. But without the Moon near them - without the light, they were weak. Thus, just a few times in the month, they would steal it again. But just a piece. Just a quarter at a time so they could gradually cultivate its light. Cultivate its power and revive their energy then give it all back to Mother Night.
Sweet huh?
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But let's be honest, in the human world, they actually made quite a good job in concealing their powers and abilities. Most of the poor people who went to the stake were not even witches. Like, come on, they spent centuries perfecting their codes, their language, and their symbols in order to not be suspected of being the Devil's concubines or some other shit
Naturally, they wouldn't get caught so easily by some frustrated clergymen who were more interested in knowing how big Satan's cock was than trying to understand that women could use plants to create a poultice.
But what about life in the demon world? well.
The pros: There they are free to perform their rituals, worship their deities and practice their magic all they want. After all, the demon world's soils are imbued with magic and enchantments. Many living creatures *cough* Kino *cough* were born from mud, plants and magical residue. Every demon has a basic magical knowledge so witches could work with the weirdest spells, it would be technically ok.
Now what about the cons?
Racism, heavy discrimination and sexism, sometimes kidnapping, torture, and sexual assaults
Violence hit them hard.
Because if there is something demons are good at it's perpetrating stupid-ass traditions of male dominance, vile and undiluted violence over any community they'd consider weaker
Surprising coming from them huh?
Thereby what did they do when they tried to establish in the demon world and they got beaten up and used as pricey slaves because demons were just looking for some entertainment?
Bingo - they hid again.
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How do you think Ayato will act towards his s/o who is a virgin? What do you think he will say?
I will answer this ask in general.
Basically, Ayato and all the diaboys in a nutshell don't give a damn about virgins, ya know? Like they don't care if their s/o is a virgin as long as their s/o is theirs. It's basically saying "I got it, so it's mine. Doesn't matter who touched it."
Ofc we have a however. I personally think one diaboy who would give a damn abt this concept... and yes, it would def be Subaru. Like that guy's been dealing with a lot of stuff abt his mom losing her virginity and being used by Karl for his incestuous plan that turned into a massive sht of failure.
I don't think he will be crazy abt his s/o being a virgin tho; but I think his pursuit of innocence and sht will make things go awry. trust me, a lot of guys have this crazy stint of pursuing a woman bcos of their innocence like as if that's their whole character.
And there's a high possibility that if Subaru finds out his s/o is not as innocent as they are, he can go through a plethora of overthinking. Like there's a lot of things that can happen, from mild acceptance to violent and gruesome sht. You think it won't? They will. Subaru is violent, ya know.
But anon that's just me. After all, there can be a plot twist of Subaru accepting his s/o is not as "innocent" as before or he will not give a damn in the first place.
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(ps. if you're talking abt vampire perspective, I would kinda get it if they would prefer virgins bcos they view humans as food and from a perspective of the "eater", you don't want your food touched by filthy sht)
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secretarykang · 2 years
as promised: devyn’s secret service inspired by the kingsman
the queensman
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the organisation started as a response to devyn’s need of total control over the important institutions of the kingdom; she tried using the national secret service: vespertilio secretum ministerium, short vsm, but soon realised that almost every official had its people in there so the only answer to the problem was creating her own secret service.
karl approved her idea (has he ever said ‘no’ to her?) and let’s devyn have her fun with it. it will be her secret service, not his. she’s the boss to that one and even recommends the name for it: the queensman (couldn’t go too far from kingsman cuz i love the title so much)
the only 3 people that are a part of the “system” are devyn, and the two twin generals, ian and vlodislav orlov — two young men who caught donghwa’s attention and soon his interest and friendship, very loyal to the old man, but just as loyal to his daughter; the rest of the agents are “ordinary people” recruited from some of the worst parts of the kingdom: some are killers, some sex workers, some truly simple individuals who want a better life in one way or another; they are brought and trained vigorously in different branches and then put in different departments.
the department consists of: the “attack” department: which consists of the spies and assassins; the medical department: obviously consists of doctors; and the chem and bio department: this one consists of scientists who work on poisons, treatments, etc.
there is also a special department: the foreign division that has foreigners, demons of all kind that were sick of their own government and upon recruiting they happily joined.
it’s safe to say that in every important institution or household in the vampire kingdom there are at least a few queensman agents; the agents of the foreign division, who operates solely international, are found mostly in the important institutions, but also in the households of those close to the leaders. in short: that young servant who brought burai some brady is an agent, those 3 beautiful concubines that giesbach fools around with are agents as well, the queensman agents are everywhere.
as i mentioned, there are at least a few in every important vampire institution and household, therefore every wall has eyes and ears; devyn knows about every plot when they’re still not fully planned yet, why do you think any assassination attempt never works; also their spies are a great help for providing info for the “spring cleaning” — now i don’t remember if i ever talked about it, but the spring cleaning is practically devyn and karlheinz playing “god”; they have a list with all the officials and what they have since the previous spring cleaning, they choose who has to go, make a false coup against themselves, and then charge them for that: the penalty is always death.
ratliff was supposed to go in big time that spring, a whole fake assassination attempt at karl was planned, but devyn killed him in the winter after he tried to do the same to her. such a shame.
98% of the missions were successful and perhaps their biggest success was the assassination of this founder general, who was very close to giesbach and just as stuck up and ignorant towards karlheinz’ actions, but the old fuck seemed to wake up and actually understand the threat and there’s no way devyn would’ve let their biggest advantage slip away; a few agents were placed in his house: two maid, one footman and a cook; they begun to poison the general little by little and the final dose was in this flask he carried around everywhere. so at a meeting, he was ready to express his concerns and talk to the king about it. the general took his flask out, took a sip and before he got to say something his head his the table: he was dead; it was never discovered who done it, the founder authorities suspected spies, but the poison used didn’t matched with anything any other foreign secret service would use.
they use code names for the important people: ian and vlodislav are simply “lord i” and “lord v”; karlheinz is “lord jupiter” and devyn is “lady juno”; dong hwa is “lord mars”; the other demon leaders are known as “the pig” (giesbach), “the friend” (burai), “the sparrows” (the adler’s edler council), “the coyote” (the wolf king); saeclus was also under a code name: they used “the timeless” after all the reports in the history books, but was later changed by devyn to “autumn”
they whole organisation is very loyal to devyn and there was never a case of betrayal, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t precautions. each agent has the queensman logo tattooed on their right palm, in the space under the ring and little finger. the tattoo is usually hidden with magic and revealed for identification only in the company of other queensman agents; it also has a hidden purpose: since it’s an enchanted symbol, it can sense the simple sense of betrayal and kills its host.
they’re motto is “in juno we trust” and every office has a portrait of devyn in the centre of the room.
devyn doesn’t hides away from her agents and once every 10 years she holds a banquet where all the agents are invited;
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karlheinz-sama · 2 years
Muses childhood
His favourite subject is history in modern terms, but more specifically the rebuilding of countries and the existence of empires. No, the numerous plans and war tactics and diplomatic schemes aren't what interests him but rather the common man's experience.
He enjoys people acting like they've understood a country or idolising it to a certain extent, whilst he not only enjoys studying about these countries, but visiting them under the guise of tutor trips, changing identities to see the privileged and the non-privileged side of things. How mixed people exist in these conditions, women and children. What is the patriarchal standard here? The predominant religion? How does it influeneces the law? The geographical pros and cons, the best place to get good food.
Understanding how their economy and government came to be, picking up traditions and skills native and tied to a certain land on a little spinning blue rock brings him so much contentment he cannot put it into the world. It's not even just demon clans, but any country really.
It's also his favourite thing to come back with a faux accent, but over time he's developed this really strange accent that no one can decipher where it's from. 
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vampiresruinlives · 2 years
DL fandom pet peeve
The lowkey high key racism and misogyny in the fandom.
I was literally told that making a poc original character in the fandom that wasn’t East Asian is “unrealistic”.
Like???? What??? All the Sakamaki, Mukamki and Tsukinami boys are WHITE VAMPIRE BOYS IN JAPAN??? How is that any more realistic? Like there’s no non-racist explanation for that.
Everyone skin color is beautiful and it’s honestly so annoying how one is elevated and associated with pretty aesthetics while the other barely is.
It’s even more petty, how people really get threatened by a fictional character who gets attention from fictional boys.
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reminder: vampires aka fictional creatures can be black. cope. vampire lore belongs everywhere, not just Europe.
“But vampires are pale!!!1!1!!1!”
Shut up. Just shut up.
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lovebatty · 3 months
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ㅤ( English and Spanish ver. )
Diabolik Lovers: Haunted Dark Husband — Dark 01
ㅤCW: Blood, blood sucking and suggestive / Sangre, succión de sangre y contenido sugestivo.
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English ver.
Romantic: ( This whole week has been quite difficult for me… )
( Living next to monsters like them... bloodthirsty creatures, sadistic by nature. )
( I don’t consider myself an expert on the subject. But I know enough to know that this was a terrible mistake... )
...I don’t want to go back home.
Ayato: Hey, what are you babbling about?
Romantic: ( It’s him, again... )
( I don’t want to see Ayato-kun... I'm not in the mood to deal with him. )
Ayato: Helloo? Are you deaf? The bell rang, let’s get out of here, Chibimushi.
Romantic: Ugh. Ayato-kun, I already told you to stop calling me that way!
Ayato: And what’s about it? After all, If I call you «Chibimushi», you respond immediately, right?
Romantic: I got a name, you better not forget that. Is Romantic Benhumea, engrave it in your head. We don’t even know each other.
Ayato: Ah, but that’s a lie. After all... I was the first person you meet in the mansion.
Romantic: Exactly. I meet you but I didn’t know you, not even befriend you. The difference between the two things is quite stark, Ayato-kun.
Ayato: Yeah, yeah... I really couldn’t care less.
Anyway, what are you doing?
Romantic: ( And as always, he never listens. At least he’s going to leave soon...? )
...Can’t you see? It’s today’s homework.
Ayato: Ugh, can’t be there a more serious person?! You are such a pain in the ass!
Ayato: Damn, stop joking! You can do it at home. Hurry up and let’s go back!
Romantic: Well, sorry if my attitude bothers you! But if you haven’t noticed yet, I’m busy enough!
You’re the one who should go and get to work too! Instead of bothering me...
Romantic: At home, a certain annoying person is always bothering me so I can’t work… that’s why I’m doing it at school, and I’ll keep doing it!
Romantic: No way!
Ayato: …If you keep challenging me like this, I won’t be as understanding as I am now! So, it’s not in your best interest to make me mad!
Ayato: Let’s get home now so you can feed me!
Romantic: If that’s what you want so much, I have something from my lunch that I haven’t eaten... you can eat it if you like.
But please, Ayato-kun. Seriously, I have a lot of work to do. Just go already!
Ayato: ...
Doing this to Ore-sama, you think you’re very brave, huh?
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Romantic: ( He seems upset and visually disappointed... )
( ...Sometimes, I wonder if I would be able to get along with Ayato-kun if only he weren’t a vampire, but that’s impossible. )
Ayato: I don’t dislike boys who play tricks, but you...
( When I was little, I imagined them differently... but of course, I was not as aware of what it meant as I am now. )
( And especially now is when I realize what they really are… )
Romantic: ——?
Ayato: You’re not even trying to please me.
Heh, do you really think I’m going to confirm myself with some of your stupid lunch...?!
Maybe you ran away from me that time... but I won’t let you do it now!
Romantic: Eh...?!
Ayato: If you are not willing to cooperate, then... I just have to make you feel like it, right?
Romantic: Don’t—! Ayato-kun...!
( W-what should I do now...?! )
...G-get away from me!
Ayato: Ah, that’s it.... Hahaha.
Where do you think you’re running? It’s just you and me in this room... There is nowhere else to hide.
Romantic: Please, Ayato-kun... Don’t bite me.
Ayato: It’s so good. That expression of despair. Nothing happens, right?
I’ve never had the chance to drink from a guy...I wonder what that feels like.
Romantic: ( Shit, I paralyzed... )
( Is he really going to drink my blood? )
Ayato: Hmm? You’re taken over by fear because you don’t know when I’ll bite you, right?
Even though you can’t wait for me to latch it on you...
Romantic: You lie...
Ayato: Please, Chibimushi. Don’t act strong. After all, you’re already this... needy.
Romantic: Ah...! Wha—?
Ayato: Oh, look at that... That neck of yours is really provoking me without any marks on.
...This is bad... I seriously feel like I’m about to get drunk off the smell of your blood alone...
Romantic: N-no, I... eak!
Ayato: Haa… you have a sensitive neck, huh? Hehe.
Romantic: ( Stop it, I feel like he’s playing with me... why hasn’t he bit me yet? )
Ah...! Nn.
Ayato: Why can’t you be as obedient as now? You seem like a pretty intelligent boy...
Tell me, is this what you imagined?
Romantic: ——!
Ayato: Letting your blood sucked by a vampire like me... Is that what you dreamed before you got here?
Romantic: That’s...!
Ayato: Hahaha! It’s okay, pervert nerd...
You can let your voice out. Nn… I’m going to enjoy every second of this, just be honest with yourself... Beg me to make it hurt even more.
Romantic: Hyaa...! Agh.
( I-It hurts... it hurts a lot... )
( I feel like my shoulder is melting. It’s a stabbing, constant pain... I... I don’t know how to express myself. )
Ayato: Mm... Aah...
It’s... delicious. What is this? It’s sweeter than anything else I’ve ever tasted before...
Romantic: ...Nn...
Ayato: Looking at your face twisted in pain...Mm. It’s so good...
...I feel like I could devour you whole, in a couple of bites...
Romantic: ( It... it hurts... It seems like he’s biting even harder. )
( Please, no more... I feel like I might faint. )
Ayato-kun..., p-please, let’s give us a break...
Ayato: A break? As we could.
Besides… Making those sweet sounds you don’t seem so dissatisfied.
Romantic: But... that’s enough...
Ayato: Haa… how stubborn. I’m going to make you stop saying unnecessary things.
Romantic: Kyaa...! Nn... Aah!
Ayato: ...Haa. Mh... The blood continues to flow from your neck... not bad, this smell...
Just a little bit more... Nn.
Romantic: ( M-my... my heart... is beating so fast... )
Ayato: Hey...! What the...?!
❁ㅤThe redhead craned his neck back and looked into the nervous man’s eyes with a puzzled expression. Ayato seemed to want to talk about his sudden attitude, but shortly after Romantic fell, the vampire found himself holding him in his arms to protect him from a terrible fall.
Ayato: Oops! Maybe I cross the line this time?
Damn, it looks like you’re in pain. But I didn’t even drink that much...
Romantic: H-haa...! Ah...
( It must have been some reaction to the lack of blood... M-my chest hurts a lot. )
Ayato: This is weird, I mean... I’m not even full. Are you sure you’re not playing a joke on me?
Romantic: ( I have no strength left... I can’t move that much... )
( Leaving a person in this state... is so cruel. )
...I swear it’s not a joke, but I already feel better. You can let me go now— Ah!
Ayato: Wow, you’re so clumsy, Chibimushi...! You’re even shaking like a leaf.
Do you really think I’m going to let you free in this state? Or you’re just a masochist.
Romantic: It’s just... it’s hard for me to walk now. But I'm sure I can do it!
Ayato: Come on, it wouldn’t be funny at all if a low-class demon attacked you. Stop pretending.
I’ll let you lean on my shoulder. You’re my food, so don’t be passing out there just because you’ve lost a pittance of blood!
Romantic: ( He means it...? )
...Yes, you’re right. I should go take my medicine.
Ayato: The smell of your blood is dangerous, you know? You never know what kind of people will approach you.
Romantic: ...Yes, sure...
( Whose fault is it?! It doesn’t suit him at all to be «so nice» now! He just sucked my blood, I thought I would die! )
Ayato: So, consider yourself lucky to be able to be in Ayato-sama’s arms. ♪
Just this once, it will be your welcome gift, hehe!
Romantic: ( ...A vampire drank my blood... )
( I don’t know how to feel... Everything happened so fast, so fast that I can’t even tell if I’m safe anymore... )
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( This treatment seems nice to me, but definitely not genuine coming from Ayato-kun, or any other bloodsucker. )
( ...God, why did I have to enter that mansion? I should have listened to you. I will never doubt my instinct again—! )
ーー END OF DARK 01 ーー
Admin's comment 🧚🏻‍♀️
Thank you very much for all the waiting. You know I don’t post chapters in any order... and I finally felt inspired enough to continue this one. 🙏🏻 I’m so happy with how it turned out.
If you like it, please consider giving this post a fav, reblog and why not, even follow me❕ As always, thank you so much for reading. Have an amazing day.
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Versión en Español.
Romantic: ( Toda esta semana ha sido bastante difícil para mí... )
( Viviendo junto a monstruos como ellos... criaturas sedientas de sangre, sádicas por naturaleza. )
( No me considero un experto en el tema. Pero sé lo suficiente como para saber que esto fue un terrible error... )
...No quiero volver a casa.
Ayato: Oye, ¿de qué estás hablando?
Romantic: ( Es él, otra vez... )
( No quiero ver a Ayato-kun... No estoy de humor para tratar con él. )
Ayato: ¿Holaa? ¿Estás sordo? Sonó el timbre, vámonos de aquí, Chibimushi.
Romantic: Uf. Ayato-kun, ¡ya te dije que dejaras de llamarme así!
Ayato: ¿Y qué es eso? Después de todo, si te llamo «Chibimushi», respondes inmediatamente, ¿verdad?
Romantic: Tengo un nombre, será mejor que no lo olvides. Es Romantic Benhumea, grábalo en tu cabeza. Ni siquiera nos conocemos.
Ayato: Ah, pero eso es mentira. Después de todo... yo fui la primera persona que viste en la mansión.
Romantic: Exacto. Te ví, pero no te conocí, ni siquiera me hice amigo de ti. La diferencia entre las dos cosas es bastante marcada, Ayato-kun.
Ayato: Sí, sí... Realmente no podría importarme menos.
De todos modos, ¿qué estás haciendo?
Romantic: ( Y como siempre, nunca escucha. ¿Al menos se irá pronto...? )
...¿No estás viendo? Es la tarea de hoy.
Ayato: Ugh, ¿no puede haber una persona más seria? ¡Eres un dolor de cabeza!
Romantic: ¡Bueno, perdona si te molesta mi actitud! Pero si aún no lo has notado, ¡estoy lo suficientemente ocupado!
¡Tú eres quien debería irse y ponerse a trabajar también! En lugar de molestarme…
Ayato: Maldita sea, ¡deja de bromear! Puedes hacerlo en casa. ¡Date prisa y volvamos!
Romantic: ¡De ninguna manera!
Ayato: …Si sigues desafiándome así, ¡no seré tan comprensivo como lo soy ahora! Entonces, ¡no te conviene hacerme enojar!
Romantic: En casa siempre me molesta cierta persona pesada y no puedo trabajar… por eso lo hago en la escuela, ¡y lo seguiré haciendo!
Romantic: Si eso es lo que tanto quieres, tengo algo de mi almuerzo que no he comido... puedes comerlo si quieres.
Ayato: ¡Vámonos a casa ahora para que puedas alimentarme!
Pero por favor, Ayato-kun. En serio, tengo mucho trabajo que hacer. ¡Retírate!
Ayato: ...
Al hacerle esto a Ore-sama, crees que eres muy valiente, ¿eh?
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Romantic: ( Parece molesto y visualmente decepcionado... )
( ...A veces, me pregunto si sería capaz de llevarme bien con Ayato-kun si él no fuera un vampiro, pero eso es imposible. )
Ayato: No me desagradan los chicos difíciles, pero tú...
( Cuando era pequeño los imaginaba de otra manera... pero claro, no era tan consciente de lo que significaba como ahora. )
( Y especialmente ahora es cuando me doy cuenta de lo que realmente son… )
Romantic: ——?
Ayato: Ni siquiera estás intentando complacerme.
Je, ¿realmente crees que voy a confirmarme con algo de tu estúpido almuerzo...?
Tal vez te escapaste de mí esa vez... ¡pero no te dejaré hacerlo ahora!
Romantic: ¡¿Eh...?!
Ayato: Si no estás dispuesto a cooperar, entonces... sólo tengo que hacerte sentir como tal, ¿verdad?
Romantic: ¡No...! ¡Ayato-kun...!
( ¡¿Q-qué debo hacer ahora...?! )
...¡A-Aléjate de mí!
Ayato: Ah, eso es todo... Ja, ja, ja.
¿Adónde crees que estás corriendo? Estamos solo tú y yo en esta habitación... No hay ningún otro lugar donde esconderse.
Romantic: Por favor, Ayato-kun... No me muerdas.
Ayato: Es tan linda. Esa expresión de desesperación. No pasa nada, ¿verdad?
Nunca he tenido la oportunidad de beber de un chico... Me pregunto cómo se siente eso.
Romantic: ( Mierda, me quedé paralizado... )
( ¿Realmente va a beber mi sangre? )
Ayato: ¿Mmm? Te invade el miedo porque no sabes cuándo te morderé, ¿verdad?
Aunque no puedes esperar a que lo haga...
Romantic: Mientes...
Ayato: Por favor, Chibimushi. No te hagas el fuerte. Después de todo, ya estás tan... necesitado.
Romantic: ¡Ah...! ¿Qué—?
Ayato: Oh, mira eso... Ese cuello tuyo realmente me está provocando sin ninguna marca.
...Esto es malo... En serio siento que estoy a punto de emborracharme sólo con el olor de tu sangre...
Romantic: N-no, yo... ¡eak!
Ayato: Haa... tienes un cuello sensible, ¿eh? Je, je.
Romantic: ( Basta, siento que está jugando conmigo... ¿por qué no me ha mordido todavía? )
¡Ah...! Nn.
Ayato: ¿Por qué no puedes ser tan obediente como ahora? Pareces un chico bastante inteligente...
Dime, ¿es esto lo que imaginabas?
Romantic: ——!
Ayato: Dejar que un vampiro como yo te chupe la sangre... ¿Es eso lo que soñaste antes de llegar aquí?
Romantic: ¡Eso es...!
Ayato: ¡Ja, ja, ja! Está bien, nerd pervertido...
Puedes dejar salir tu voz. Nn... Voy a disfrutar cada segundo de esto, sólo sé honesto contigo mismo... Ruégame que haga que duela aún más.
...De ahora en adelante, Ore-sama tomará cada parte de ti, y un poco más que eso. Mmm...
Romantic: ¡Hyaa...! Ah.
( D-duele... duele mucho...)
( Siento que mi hombro se está haciendo pedazos. Es un dolor punzante, constante... Yo... No sé cómo expresarme.)
Romantic: ...Nn...
Ayato: Mm... Ah...
——Es delicioso. ¿Qué es esto? Es más dulce que cualquier otra cosa que haya probado antes...
Ayato: Mirando tu cara retorcida por el dolor... Mm. Es tan bueno...
...Siento que podría devorarte entero, en un par de mordidas...
Romantic: ( Me... duele... Parece que está mordiendo aún más fuerte. )
( Por favor, no más... Siento que me voy a desmayar. )
Ayato-kun..., p-por favor, démonos un descanso...
Ayato: ¿Un descanso? Como si pudiéramos.
Además… haciendo esos dulces sonidos no pareces tan descontento.
Romantic: Pero... ya es suficiente...
Ayato: Haa… qué terco eres. Voy a hacer que dejes de decir cosas innecesarias.
Romantic: ¡Kyaa...! Nn... ¡Ah!
Ayato: ...Jaja. Mh... La sangre sigue fluyendo de tu cuello... no está mal, este olor...
Sólo un poquito más... Nn.
Romantic: ( M-mi... mi corazón... late tan rápido... )
Ayato: ¡Oye...! ¡¿Qué rayos...?!
❁ㅤEl pelirrojo estiró el cuello hacia atrás y miró a los ojos del hombre nervioso con una expresión de perplejidad. Ayato parecía querer hablar de su repentina actitud, pero poco después de que Romantic cayera, el vampiro se encontró sosteniéndolo en sus brazos para protegerlo de una terrible caída.
Ayato: ¡Ups! ¿Quizás cruce la línea esta vez?
Maldita sea, parece que estás sufriendo. Pero ni siquiera bebí tanto...
Romantic: ¡H-haa...! Ah...
( Debe haber sido alguna reacción por la falta de sangre... M-me duele mucho el pecho. )
Ayato: Esto es raro, quiero decir... ni siquiera estoy lleno. ¿Estás seguro de que no me estás gastando una broma?
Romantic: ( Ya no me quedan fuerzas... no puedo moverme tanto... )
( Dejar a una persona en este estado... es muy cruel. )
...Te juro que no es broma, pero ya me siento mejor. Puedes dejarme ir ahora... ¡Ah!
Ayato: ¡Vaya, eres tan torpe, Chibimushi...! Incluso estás temblando como una hoja.
¿De verdad crees que te dejaré libre en este estado? O simplemente eres un masoquista.
Romantic: Es que... ahora me resulta difícil caminar. ¡Pero estoy seguro de que puedo hacerlo!
Ayato: Vamos, no sería nada gracioso si un demonio de clase baja te atacara. Deja ya de fingir.
Te dejaré apoyarte en mi hombro. Eres mi comida, ¡así que no te desmayes sólo porque has perdido una miseria de sangre!
Romantic: ( ¿Lo dice en serio...? )
...Sí tienes razón. Debería ir a tomar mi medicina.
Ayato: El olor de tu sangre es peligroso, ¿sabes? Nunca se sabe qué tipo de personas se acercarán a ti.
Romantic: ...Sí, claro... Qué considerado.
( ¡¿De quién es la culpa?! ¡No le conviene en absoluto ser «tan amable» ahora! Él acaba de chuparme la sangre, ¡pensé que iba a morir! )
Ayato: Entonces, considérate afortunado de poder estar en los brazos de Ayato-sama. ♪
Sólo por esta vez, será tu regalo de bienvenida, ¡jeje!
Romantic: ( Un vampiro bebió mi sangre... )
( No sé cómo sentirme... Todo pasó tan rápido, tan rápido que ya ni siquiera puedo decir si estoy a salvo... )
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( Este trato me parece agradable, pero definitivamente no es genuino viniendo de Ayato-kun o de cualquier otro chupasangre. )
( ...Dios, ¿por qué tuve que entrar a esa mansión? Debería haberte escuchado. ¡Nunca volveré a dudar de mi instinto—! )
Comentario del admin 🧚🏻‍♀️
Muchas gracias de corazón por toda la espera. Sé que no público capítulos en ningún orden... y finalmente me sentí lo suficientemente inspirado para continuar con este. 🙏🏻 Estoy muy feliz con cómo quedó el resultado.
Si les gusto, consideren darle a esta publicación un fav, rebloguear y, por qué no, incluso seguirme❕ Como siempre, muchas gracias por leer. Qué tengan un maravilloso día.
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kindan-no-kanojo · 7 months
🦇 𝕯𝖎𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖇𝖊𝖗 2023 🦇
Day 10+11: Fire / Tears || Masterlist || Prompts by @fruit-of-infidelity ☯ Excerpt from Memory #10 ☯
——Too late.
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It was too late.
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As I stepped into the scene, I found something worse than anything I could have ever imagined. Rhiannon-sama's room, which I had cleaned and tidied earlier today, was in flames. Smoke filled my lungs as I gasped in exhaustion after the pointless rush trying to save the unsalvageable. I was too slow. Fire. Blood. My master's corpse. The manor I took care of for the last century and a half. My work, my task, the majority of my lifeless life... Everything disintegrating, being consumed before my eyes. Despite the scorching heat, for a good amount of seconds, I simply froze up. I couldn't think. Something inside me... hurt. Around my chest, around my throat. I hadn't felt pain in so long, and suddenly I felt myself burning, inside out. Suddenly it felt familiar, like a part of me I forgot about. Tears coming out unannounced, evaporating on the spot, were a reality check I didn't ask for, one that made me realize that I hadn't cried since... years, centuries, how long has it been? All I was certain of was that all that time and my effort were destroyed, and the four culprits were now approaching me. They took everything from me. The manor, my past, my work, my master, myself..., everything was ablaze. And, for the first time in who knows how long, I felt something inside me——
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Me encanta tu blog y creo que puedes responder esto que tengo en la cabeza. Si papamaki es tan poderoso ¿porqué fallan sus intentos de Adán y Eva? No es que tiene el poder igal al de un dios? Y qué es eso de el plan de Adán y Eva? Porque leí por ahí muchas cosas, que era un plan para crear una nueva raza y eso..... bueno eso..... espero no molestar 🙂🙂🙂
¡Me alegra mucho saber que te gusta mi blog! ¡Eso me motiva enormemente a estar más activa!
Bien, antes de ir al quid de la cuestión, tengo que dejar varias cosas en claro: esta es mí interpretación y apreciación de lo que ocurre en DL. Si alguien por alguna razón discrepa conmigo, o simplemente quiere agregar o acotar algo, siéntase bienvenido de hacerlo libremente.
Ahora sí, inicio con esta respuesta que va a ser un análisis extenso.
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Si hay algo que ha quedado claro a lo largo de toda la saga de juegos es que Karlheinz trabaja con el factor causa-efecto. Es decir, cuando vuelve el tiempo atrás y “cambia un movimiento de su jugada” (como por ejemplo, agregar e involucrar a los hermanos Mukami en su plan) espera por las eventualidades y consecuencias que dicho cambio genera a largo plazo, y si esto resulta o no beneficioso para lograr el destino oscuro que propicie el logro del plan de Adán y Eva.
Pero esto nos permite ver una de sus más grandes falencias: si bien Karlheinz puede volver el tiempo atrás para cambiar el orden de ciertos acontecimientos del pasado y realizar nuevas acciones que alterarán el futuro, él no puede prever el cómo afectarán concretamente a largo plazo porque no puede controlar la voluntad de nadie: ni la de sus propios hijos, ni la de Yui o la de ningún otro personaje ajeno a su plan (Richter, Kino, Seiji, etc.).  
Al no poder controlar la voluntad de “las piezas del juego”, se limita a ejecutar ciertas movidas que los incite a tomar la iniciativa, que los motive a la introspección, a tomar decisiones y a cambiar (por ejemplo, la maldición de las rosas negras de Bloody Blouquet). 
Él es consciente de esta falencia, y por esta misma razón hace lo que hace. Adán tiene que tomar la iniciativa de despertar y cambiar por sí solo, por elección propia; aunque ciertamente él influye directa o indirectamente en la toma de decisiones.
Un ejemplo de esto es la presencia de Reinhardt en More Blood, el enfermero que es en realidad el mismísimo Rey Vampiro.
En More Blood, Reinhardt aparece como una especie de consejero que brinda palabras de guía tanto a la protagonista como a ciertos diaboys sobre cosas o actitudes que escapan el entendimiento de éstos.
Aquí Karlheinz busca influir directamente en las decisiones tanto de Adán como de Eva, proporcionando su perspectiva “objetiva” de las cosas (perspectiva que únicamente beneficia a su plan).
Otro ejemplo notable de la incapacidad de Karlheinz para proveer las consecuencias de los cambios realizados en el pasado es la existencia del mismísimo Kino. 
Kino no fue planeado ni buscado por Karl. De hecho, su creación fue un completo accidente.
En Lost Eden, Karlheinz dice que si Kino tiene una razón para estar vivo (para haber sobrevivido todo ese tiempo en el Rotigenbelk), entonces tiene una posibilidad de convertirse en rey. Pero Kino ni siquiera puede ser considerado un vampiro o un ghoul.
Estos detalles son lo que dejan en evidencia que, a pesar de que Karlheinz tiene el poder de un dios, no puede controlarlo todo.
Por lo general, puede controlar cosas como la vida y la muerte (como ocurre en el Vampire End de Laito en More Blood, cuando trae a Yui de regreso después de que ella debiera veneno), la suerte que tiene una persona (como él mismo aclara en DF durante la ruta de Ruki, en donde el Brute End se desata como consecuencia de que Karl le quita la suerte que tiene por defecto), y el tiempo.
Asimismo, quiero remarcar varios asuntos que me parecen sumamente interesantes y que tu pregunta sirve para exponerlas.
En Dark Fate se habla de algo llamado “la ley de la oscuridad” que rige en el Mundo de los Demonios y crea el Destino Oscuro de cada ser habitante de esa tierra. Este Destino Oscuro es inalterable, de modo que un vampiro, por más que intente evitar un hecho que ya está predestinado por la ley de la oscuridad, siempre terminará por cumplirlo.
Teniendo en cuenta que los Sakamaki son hijos que Karlheinz tuvo con la única finalidad de que uno de ellos fuese Adán, Karl debe:
Buscar una manera de alterar el Destino Oscuro a modo de imponer su deseo como destino inalterable.
Asegurarse que aquel hijo que Eva escoja sea definitivamente Adán por decreto del Destino Oscuro (cosa que hizo Sócrates en Chaos Lineage).
Ciertamente, ambas cosas ya ocurrieron en la franquicia.
Es canon que More Blood es un nuevo inicio, debido a que el primer intento de su plan (los acontecimientos en Haunted Dark Bridal) terminaron llevando todo a un error.
La primera alteración notable del Destino Oscuro viene de la mano de la aparición de los Mukami, no solo por el hecho de haber sido salvados de la muerte, sino por haber sido convertidos en vampiros.
En esta visión de los hechos, los Mukami no son simples “serpientes que buscan tentar a Eva” sino una alteración física permanente, y sirven como piezas que linearán el futuro de una manera completamente diferente y nueva, ayudando así a crear o gestar el Destino Oscuro que Karlheinz busca.
El segundo cambio notable es que el mismísimo Karlheinz se deshace del espíritu de Cordelia que aún habitaba en el corazón de Yui, afirmando que le dejará toda esta tarea a “la nueva Eva” (prólogo general de More Blood).
Esto hace que la voluntad que Karlheinz no puede controlar en los demás (específicamente de todos aquellos que sean habitantes del Makai, incluyendo a Yui por tener el corazón de Cordelia), sea en realidad la voluntad del Destino Oscuro. Por eso el interés del Rey Vampiro por alterarlo y crear el propio en donde uno de sus hijos pueda finalmente convertirse en Adán.
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Con respecto al plan de la manzana, lo que se sabe muy superficialmente es que Karlheinz busca crear una nueva raza de vampiros que tengan sentimientos y que puedan morir.
Pero esta evolución de la raza sólo puede darse con Adán.
Reinhardt —durante la ruta de Shu en More Blood— le dice a Yui que los vampiros tienen una dificultad natural a la hora de entender sus propios sentimientos, así como de entender los sentimientos de un otro.
En palabras de Ruki, Eva debe despertar aquellos sentimientos que están "dormidos" en Adán. Que —únicamente— cuándo éste haya sido “despertado” con la sangre de Eva, será capaz de obtener el lugar del rey.
Entonces, el “despertar a Adán” se traduciría en Eva, proporcionándole a uno de los diaboys una característica no intrínseca a su naturaleza demoníaca: una cualidad humana.
Karlheinz pretende que Yui (y aquel que escoja como su Adán) sean el eslabón de una evolución de la raza, y dicha evolución sólo se puede llevar a cabo con una revolución (revolución que comienza con la guerra que se desata en el Makai tras la muerte de Karlheinz).
De más está decir que la historia deja en evidencia que revolución y evolución van de la mano, sobre todo si nos enfocamos en lo social. Una revolución llevada a cabo con éxito lleva, indudablemente, a un cambio que pretende una evolución.
Aquí, teniendo en cuenta que los vampiros son demonios que carecen de cualidad básica de morir (propias del ser humano), la evolución de la raza (a niveles biológicos, psicológicos y social) debe ser realizada a conciencia.
Hay algo sumamente interesante que @shu-sakamaki dijo en uno de sus post: que el plan de la manzana se resume a una selección natural; el ver cuál de sus hijos es el más apto y fuerte, no solo para obtener su poder, sino para tener descendencia. Y esto tiene mucho sentido, ya que los vampiros, al carecer de la capacidad natural de morir, carecen de la capacidad para llevar a cabo dicha selección natural.
La única cualidad básica propia del hombre, aquella que la ha hecho mejorar y, en definitiva, evolucionar a lo largo de los siglos, ha sido la muerte. La muerte y el cambio de generación.
Una raza que no puede morir no solo queda estancada en el tiempo y no evoluciona físicamente, sino que no puede evolucionar ideológicamente. El cambio de paradigma que gestará la revolución y concluirá con la evolución de todo, hará que esta nueva raza que Karlheinz pretende crear (ya habiendo adquirido la cualidad de morir y sentir) esté en constante renovación y evolución, de modo que no necesitará de una selección natural y evolución forzada.
Entonces, para Karlheinz, la muerte deja de ser un medio de liberación sustancial del cuerpo para convertirse en flujo constante de renovación. Revolución y evolución van de la mano de renovación; destruir para reconstruir.
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cardsofthemoon · 6 months
Demons and Religion
I haven't logged into this blog for two years and idk if I'm fully back but I've been undergoing some major DL brainrot over the past month, specifically about the lore and such.
We all know that the Church plays a role in the story, and while it might not be a major role as it should be, the Church is the main reason as to why Yui is even in this predicament in the first place. But I want to talk about religion as a whole, and the relationship between demons and religion, or more so, how religion could benefit demons in the long run.
While it’s no secret that demons aren’t the biggest fans of God and religion, I feel like there’s another aspect to religion that is often overlooked and can serve a greater aspect to the story, than simply just “demons hate god! Religion bad!”
In fact, I honestly think that demons and supernatural beings can more often than not benefit from religion or more specifically, benefit from how religious humans are. Throughout history, humans have undoubtedly done some horrendous and horrific shit in the name of religion (the Salem Witch Trials, the Medieval Inquisition, the Mass Genocide of Natives, etc.) It’s a pretty well known fact that human beings will do the cruelest things under the guise of religion, so wouldn’t it make sense for demons to use this die hearted belief humans had about religion and God, and use it to their advantage?
Sadistic tendencies aside, what exactly separates a demon from a God? If a human being encountered a demon, who has shown to have eternal youth, can use magic, has inhumane strength and speed, and is wise beyond their years, their first thought isn’t going to be a wicked demon, but instead a reincarnation of God. They could have used this naivety to their advantage, building a following of devoted followers, who sincerely believed that they are God, and therefore would do whatever they ask for them- including sacrificing their body and blood for the greater good of society.
In fact in most cults, followers would happily volunteer themselves as a “sacrificial bride” if they were devoted enough to the cause. And yes I say, cults because that’s exactly what this is, I honestly feel like demons would thrive a lot more in society if they had a cult following because that eliminates the need of hunting and suspicion, since no one in a cult ever questions the cult leader.
Of course in modern times, with the rise of vampire hunters and whatnot, that’s no longer possible, because now a demon would be targeted if they show even the slightest bit of supernatural ability, but I’m not talking about the modern times. I’m more talking about before, when the church and religion had such a large grasp and pull on the masses, before the invention of church and state, when the church was the government.
I know when we talk about the church, it’s often assumed to be the Roman Catholic Church, but it doesn’t have to be! Like there are so many religions out there, it would be ridiculous for Karlheinz to put all of his eggs in one basket and only have sacrificial brides come from one church. And if we really get into it, demons will have a much better time thriving under a Polytheism religion rather than a Monotheism one, because in a Polytheism religion there’s more than one God. Which allows more wiggle room and more leeway for several demons to take up the identity as "God", therefore having an easier access to prey, and therefore successfully infiltrating religion as a whole.
It’s kind of a bitter irony, humans who put so much faith in these “Gods” to protect them from evil, who shower them with praise and adoration, are unknowingly praying to the same people that they wished to be protected from.
We don’t know what age the diaboys are (but there are theories that the boys were children in the 17th century so I’m going to go base on that), and we don’t know when exactly they decide to come to the human world, but had they infiltrated religion earlier, a lot of things could have been so different. One of the reasons as to why the separation of church and state happened is because during the Enlightenment era, people were starting to believe in rationale, logic, and skepticism, religion was falling out of favor from the people, and was branded as superstitions, childish beliefs that have no substance. However if you have actual evidence that these deities and gods are real, then who’s to say if the separation of church and state would even happen?
In fact wouldn’t this phenomenon only strengthen the church more? And we know that Karlheinz made a deal with the church to send the boys sacrificial brides, so could you imagine the greater influence and power demons have over the church, now that church and religion as a whole is fueled by demons? And what would become of vampire hunters? Would the hunter organization still exist since demons are the reason as to why the state of their society is the way it is (for better and for worse), or would they still be anti-demons because of their inhumane treatment and sacrificial rituals of young girls, in exchange for helping the human society?
In the end, no matter what happens, whether it be sacrificial brides or willing cult participants, the only people that would truly suffer in the end are teenage girls.
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blvckdress · 2 years
what do you think of the tsukinamis?
yall i have so many ppl asking for opinion answers so pls bear with me if i don't get through all of them, i'm still writing headcanons too >.<
The tsukinamis are.....okay. Truth be told, I think they failed - at least for me - to live up to the hype.
They reminded me of when every TVD season had a villain that was progressively more powerful than the last and after The Originals (Klaus ❤️❤️❤️), Katherine (the best character argue with the wall), and even Damon in S1 were introduced they became iconic characters to their respective franchises.
I know DL is an otome game with garbage writing and worldbuilding, but like the Tsukinamis were built up to be in essence "The Originals" of the DL universe, or what they call "First Bloods" who are the ancestor race of the four clans. That's cool, I can vibe with that. By the looks of it, we were actually going to get a glimpse into some of the lore and how that plays out.
their routes didnt suck completely but they were super mid. not even gonna get into it bc there really is nothing to get into.
hot take tho, shin is the best one even if his design looks weird af. carla looks great yet his voice is ass. like if he wasn't supposed to be a dilf why tf does he sound like that? s t u p i d.
also apparently all the demon clans can suck blood, which is really fucking stupid. the first bloods i get bc there vampires in a sense but a fucking werewolf? a fucking adler? that's genuinely so brain dead and forced as hell.
it also just makes vampires look like fucking pussies bc the other clans cannot only suck blood, but they can actually transform into demonic beings.
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ofstormsandsaints · 2 years
Past Fashion in the Demon World - First Bloods
Reminiscence of the past
Let us be clear: the founder race is dying.
Their previous king's sanity had declined past the point of denial.
Didn't even try to save his people.
The mad king's overthrow - was planned by collective force.
The war. the End. the plague of the land.
And those still alive, erased from memory and then eaten away by the disease. Locked and sealed in the dark.
Vomiting blood and bitter regret.
Like the Great Roman Empire - Idleness and Decadence led to their downfall.
The war had ransacked everything. Every element of the past, of the golden age of the Ancestors. Endzeit took the living and left only meaningless trinkets of memory.
Burai kept some of those and even more: Menae's dresses, some of her jewellry...
and a daughter as the hidden remaining evidence of an ancient time. An ancient world he had conquered.
The two last remaining Founders. First children of the Moon
Today protect body and soul, the last bits of their glorious heritage.
The founder race thrived in the centre of the demon world
cold, dry winters
quite pleasant summers and mid-seasons full of soft colours.
mountainous land (not to the level of the Adler's but still high enough so they could get fresh gusts of wind), they towered over the other territories.
Their hegemony was supreme, at first even quite brilliant. They were self-sufficient, feared but respected.
Not the slightest interest in human civilisations. For them, humans were slaves, food, and entertainment.
At the top of the hierarchy, Founders were the reference of good taste and what was fashionable at the royal court would be in vogue everywhere else.
due to similar weather conditions, some elements of the First Blood fashion could be compared to a strange mix of old European apparel.
which is crazy because the timeline is so fucked up we don't even know where to situate the founders existence in human history because they were ahead of their time: from the clothes silhouette to the fabric used and the skills of their tailors.
Let's dive into blood into a 'brief' description of founders' fashion.
Aristocrats' clothing. Because like everywhere else, the world doesn't seem to care about how the commoners would dress. We prefer rare silks and gold over anything.
But the shiniest stars are always the dying ones.
male fashion
can be sum up in four points :
18th-century "habit à la française" (I'm french but I only read it with a fake British accent it's terrible)
Imperial Russian court and military uniforms
Alucard from Castlevania (especially the one from 1997)
and Bloodborne
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what? I should develop?
the 18th-century/Alucard style. soft ruffled shirt, large embroidered silk cravat, heavy linen pants with high leather boots sat on top, again a goddamn cloak...on top of a pirate coat-
founders men were responsible for the "romantic vampire aesthetic" but Karlheinz will never admit it.
they liked form-fitting clothes, slightly tight on the chest because they wanted to accentuate the strong lines of their necks and outline their shoulders to make them look broader.
yeah they're insecure like that😔
overcoats heavy with wealth.
it could be brown, it could be blue, it could be violet-You see what I'm doing here.
some buttoned, some buckled but all embellished with stitches of silver and gold
long hair was a genderless preference.
Well. Women were expected to keep them long because blablabla women and feminity blablabla but for the men who chose to have long hair (like Carla) it was perceived as a sign of power??
like they considered that you have to be particularly deft or confident in your magical abilities to be able to fight with long hair (they're not particularly wrong though)
but I prefer to think that they liked long hair because it contributed a LOT to their dark romantic aesthetic.
anything for the drama.
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female fashion
a glorious mix of 18th-19th century russian court fashion and... 50s old hollywood dresses. (don't ask me, they're stylish and visionary)
beautifully designed, from the delicate shape of a butterfly sleeve to the way it embraced the line of the shoulders
distinguishing and elegant, the off-shoulder elongated the neck and the low neckline was lined with small almost-transluscent pearls and silver threads to capture the light and make their skin radiates under the fine diamond necklaces.
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corsets obviously but we are far from the killing corsets Cordelia could wear to have one hell of a waist. In comparison, they were comfortable (again, their tailors were that good)
silk opera gloves, sometimes lacy ones to match the men's stupid shirts 🙄
layered skirts but not the bulky type (not the Empress Sissi style). Founder women didn't like the ballooning silhouette and found it unattractive as it didn't do them any favour.
preferred drawing attention to their waist and cleavage but also to their height.
skirts had to compliment and accentuate the length of the body as the First Blood women were taller than most female demons. (well see Cordelia. She's the tallest among the three wives and I suspect her to be actually quite 'short' for a founder woman.)
their silhouette is almost fae-like: lithe, lean and strong despite being overprotected and confined to that castle 😔
so the skirts were long, organza or taffeta draped the main skirt to give some dimension to the dress - no crinoline. maybe a bustle to add a little to their hips and bums
because the Founders can only be killed by decapitation, they provocatively exposed their necks a lot in their clothing style.
open ruffs (like a smaller Medici collar), off-shoulder, v-neck or sweetheart necklines...
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Fate being a cruel mistress, this small game of silent provocation was definitely not what caused their ruin.
But you know what happened.
Now most of these lavish gowns and sumptuous coats are just crumbs of inspiration from an old system, left to be pecked.
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Hey fellow Beatrix stan~💋 Was thinking about how Beatrix does not have a title like “the demon king’s daughter” or “the white rose”. If she had a title, what do you think it would be?
Let me die, let me drown, lay my bones in the ground
I will still come around when the time for sleep is through
Over hill, over dale, through the valley and vale
Do not weep, do not wail, I am coming home to you
AHHH hello!! I love fellow Beatrix stans, I literally think about her 24/7. Thank you so much for this ask. It brings me so much joy to be able to talk about her and put down in writing the various ideas I have about her, even though it is very late I hope you’ll enjoy it!
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Personally, I feel as though Beatrix has been an enigma throughout the short glimpses we got of her.
Especially as a vampire who has such a long history, most of these are simply theoretical based on what limited information there is about her. If that makes sense?
- Ice Princess
- Queen of Hearts
- Plain Woman
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Ice Princess is probably the first one that came to mind with her, I think her impassive exterior is one formed over a long period.
From her actions, she has this callous care for the people around her that I think came from being one of those quiet children that meant well but stayed silent unsure of when they were allowed to speak, so she stayed content in not having to stand in the limelight. So she was probably someone quite introverted, hence when it came to being put out like a puppet her flight or fight response literally caused her to … freeze.
As far as I’ve understood from the way she treats her sons, she almost has an avoidant personality, many people do this by dissociation or simply ignoring things that will complicate their situation at hand, the worst part is it’s never on purpose and they feel guilt but it’s what they believe is for the best.
By choosing not to respond or give in to bait, and never being able to gain the courage to leave her mental castle, in a way she traps herself in her own tower from others because of something that occurs in her life that is so violent, unpredictable, something so out of her control.
It is the catalyst for her mask, like most children raised in these conditions they often find comfort in these abusive situations as it’s something familiar to them, and because her most frequent response became to avoid as much conflict as she could; the persona she now exudes is hardened, cold-blooded, and someone who needs control. Someone that puts priority and duty first not out of obligation or responsibility but as a survival tactic.
Which is my explanation for the ‘ice’ bit.
The princess bit is what I think is a bit more obvious, in comparison to Cordelia who is of viboran and first blood descent which makes her so important as a foreign bride of another powerful - if not equally powerful - clan.
Or Christa who is second or third? cousins with Karl which clearly solidifies her lineage as the blood of the imperial monarch of vampires.
Beatrix would come from nobility, partially as someone who would need solid legitimacy and also because it puts a balance to powers within the court because Cordelia strengthens the power of foreign ministers. Christa reinforced the power of royalists within the court the nobles would be neglected.
Within the peerage of nobility, the highest are the Dukes, usually 2 or more within every empire to restrict the power of the royal family, this is why many of their titles are also Prince or Princess before they inherit their duchy’s, or Your Highness.
Not to be confused with royal titles which are Your Royal Highness, otherwise, you might just be tried for treason and killed.
Again because the main responsibility of ducal families is to limit royal power, hence their families are kept separate. No marriages.
Normally the second most important rank in the peerage - the Marquises - would marry into the Royal Family.
So if there were a need for revolt it wouldn’t be cousin vs cousin or brother vs sister as coups are led by the Ducal Families so whoever wins has to execute all family members on either side and that would simply be crude.
Beatrix was an exception however and as a Ducal Princess the only one relevant enough to challenge the rights of the other wives.
So came the title ‘ Ice Princess’ in her younger years
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Queen of Hearts is something I feel occurred once she became more established within her role.
I imagine it was a title of jest at first, where in the years after her marriage Cordelia spent her time throwing lavish balls and travelling the country from noble family to family under the guise of forming connections and spreading patronage; Beatrix was the polar opposite.
She spends long hours confined within her palace sorting through documents, attending royal ceremonies, meeting with officials, dignitaries and ambassadors. She looks through contracts and complaints within constituencies. As most would expect, such thorough combing through of the parliament and court led to quite a lot of lords and influential people being stripped of power, exiled, or executed.
Hence the trail of rolling heads at her feet led to the title ‘ Queen of Hearts.
However, near the end of crimson and amber leaves that once decorated the demon world, comes a new joy. His royal highness, crown prince Shu who is the firstborn of Karlheinz and Beatrix Sakamaki; it’s such a joyous occasion even the demon world’s winter couldn’t damper the hopeful festivities in hopes that he’d make it through the winter.
And he did.
Thus with his birth, and the first obstacle overcome with the resilience of a righteous ruler emerges a new Beatrix from her cocoon. Most are stunned at the frequency, they see her look content if not joyous in the presence of her little sun; she takes him out on parades around the nation and far travels.
Soon disperse the rumours of the plain, bookish woman who is their queen, for who better represents vampiric values than Beatrix. Someone who puts her family and duty first and frivolous activities second, never faltering in her politeness and gracefulness not to mention her striking looks that their prince has inherited. Vividly displaying power and commandeering those around her, they soon grow proud to have someone like her as Queen.
Especially with the work she puts into improving the social, economic and political situation within the country; her hard work evident in the new improved infrastructure, the peace treaties developed, so that some day her son shouldn’t have to lead armies like her husband once has.
So came a new meaning to Queen of Hearts, it wasn’t often someone became monarch and deserved their title.
It was to the extent even Karlheinz was forced to change inheritance laws, for so long only divorced or widowed women could own titles, but in the beginning of spring when more exciting news of her being pregnant again spread ‘The Act of Succession’ was passed, that if a husband were to pass his wife/mother of his eldest child shall take his title till his eldest child (not son) is of age unless specifically passed to another in his will.
It was enough to start outcries, and debates but in the end no one could deny faults within Beatrix as their ruler, and even if they never became regent monarch they happily let her rule their hearts.
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Plain Woman had to be the most vicious of the nicknames Beatrix had gained in her time, for what did someone with such pure intentions know of the mental games that would exhaust her soul in the next century.
Obviously Beatrix was beautiful, but in the twisted comparison to the other wives not even the strongest mental fortitudes could resist it's slow decay.
Cordelia with her exotic features, enchanting lilt from her accent, and seductiveness that poured from the cells that made her or even Christa with her innocent pretty features, oh she was as pretty as the moon itself, with her illustrious silver strands and blood-wine eyes.
In comparison, Beatrix often wondered in the colder afternoons, when she would sit alone for hours on end her tea long cold, staring at her ink stained hands, knobbly and ugly, her straw like hair heavy, and her dull goulish skin in the reflection all she can wonder why was this the one truth Cordelia had to utter in all of her lies.
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therealaiko-yumei · 1 month
Story: page 2
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