#disordered eating habits
yeah it made me so sad tho I feel bad for all of them especially peter
im not doing very good tbh, I didn't get anything for valentines day, and my mom won't make me this one thing I want for dinner; and since I'm weird my brain won't let me eat anything else so I'm probably not gonna eat any dinner
i loved peter and charlie both so much, they rlly made you care for the family so well
and oh no, i'm sorry!! i totally get the food thing, i have that same issue - if it's not the one (1) thing i want to eat, i don't want to eat at all. i'm sending you a virtual valentine's day hug!!!
my day lowkey sucked too so i am standing in solidarity with you my friend
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glaucousgoblin · 1 year
anyone got reccomendations for meal replacement shakes that aren't geared towards weight loss? i struggle to eat enough meals a day so it's nice to have a few shakes in the fridge to make sure im getting enough nutrients, but huel is so expensive and most of the other brands available are all like "this will block your hunger cues for hours!" which is the current problem
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mimikyuno · 2 years
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she’s so right
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angelsdean · 21 days
ok but the way jack is immediately like "don't tell sam" abt the cookie crunch like yes it's a funny moment but thinking abt it for one second longer it's like ohhh so sam is annoying abt Everyone's eating habits, not just dean's? insufferable man. to quote dean: these are your issues, quit dumping them on [others]
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ghostdeere · 8 days
i’ve got a war in my mind
- Lana
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femmeidiot · 17 days
being fat is literally so annoying and it's not even like the being fat part it's the stupid ass comments people make like as much as I struggle with body image I've pretty much accepted that this is just how my body is and how it is going to look but I am so tired of having people bring up stupid shit or feel like I owe them explanations about my body it's exhausting everyone should shut the fuck up and leave fat people alone forever cause we could absolutely destroy most of y'all's skinny asses if we needed to and I'm about to start physically fighting the next person who says any sort of bullshit to me
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guys if i'm being so real. being diabetic IS having an eating disorder. like, there is no way of being diabetic that does not include disordered eating. and that's not even counting the diabetes-specific eating disorders that we have names for, like diabetic bulimia. like i feel like there should be a name for the relationship between the diabetic, the food that they eat, and the body they put it in. but right now we just call it "diabetes" and it's just a washed over part of the process of being alive with this shit
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boilingdreamland · 4 months
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Senshi would be Damn Proud of the meal I made my family tonight....
Clockwise: Egg Drop Soup, Chow Mein, Chicken Stir Fry, Fried Rice with mixed Veggies
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actualbird · 3 months
due to certain circumstances (stress, mental eelness), i did not eat a full meal for over 24+ hours, subsisting on only coffee and cigarettes. which was stupid, because this resulted in me ailed by every agonizing bodily discomfort and negative status effect known to man all at once. but now that im eating a full meal as i type this it is insane how i can noticeably physically feel my HP recovering. my dizziness, fading away. my tummy ache, exiting the building. my headache, saying farewell. my general anguish, slightly diminished.
what is my point with this post? food is magic. i need to stop skipping meals. this shit is banger. how do i forget this. why do i deprive myself of this. im sorry, food. i love you, food.
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faiined · 3 months
gained 4 pounds from a binge
god im such a fucking fatass but im gonna start a 3 day fast and work out like crazy
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bunnihearted · 3 months
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florallylly · 5 months
steve harrington who becomes vegetarian after getting turned into minced meat by the bats
eddie munson trying to introduce him to the famous munson chili and steve is worried bc chili is usually made with meat. but the famous munson chili was made on a budget and meat is expensive, so it's 80% beans
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bandydear · 12 days
hate that it's seen as a "good thing" when a fat celebrity gets their stomach stapled or gastric bypass and the narrative is "oh look how much SEXIER they are!" "oh look how much HEALTHIER they are" when they can't eat without throwing up now, or they're no longer able to metastasize nutrients because now they fit a size 6, as if: 1. it's more important to be small and lean than to be able to consume sustenance WHICH IS WHY WE FUCKING EAT and 2. FAT PEOPLE CAN BE, WILL BE, AND ARE SEXY without conforming to "acceptable body sizes"
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citricacidprince · 18 days
[Walks in heavily panting and covered in blood] I need to eat something
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Tips instead of binge eating ? I need something to replace it.
Drink water, water infused with lemon or fruit, black coffee or tea in-between meals and snacks when you're bored or stressed and not actually hungry
If you need to chew on something, try some mints, gum, or a lollipop (I recommend Refresh plant-based gum and YumEarth products)
If you have the ability to engage in a distraction method, go for a walk, dance around your room, clean your home/room for a few minutes, take a shower, etc. when you have the urge to binge
Try doing activities when you need to use your hands – reading a physical book, writing something out with a pen & paper, drawing, etc. (eating while on your laptop is too easy, lol)
Engage in deep breathing to calm your nerves. Get up and shake your arms to release the stressful energy. Try to release your emotions with a conscious effort for at least 1-2 minutes before considering trying to stuff them down again with food.
Learn your hunger cues and ensure you eat when you're actually hungry. This practice – albeit difficult – will help you learn to differentiate between actual hunger and stress/emotional/boredom hunger.
Build discipline through promises to yourself not to binge for small increments of time (like powering through a 10-20 minute task) and actually follow through with it. Learning to trust yourself is a huge part of overcoming the urge to binge.
Hope this helps xx
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inkwingsinc · 26 days
Chapter 22 of BMGWMBGG posted...and y'all already know where chap23 is gonna go just from the ending alone :3
(also, I don't think I've had Laera and Feyd have a single sexual encounter that doesn't somehow involve blood...my #blood kink tag is really doing some heavy lifting)
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