#do a buddy read or a readalong
faejilly · 4 months
Speaking of reading! Look what Storygraph made me:
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I read a whole 37 books! (That feels so much better than the *nine* in 2022. My goal was 26 and I did BETTER! This year I'm going for 52, wish me luck. 🍀)
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readingrobin · 2 years
Mort Readalong
Hello everyone!
For everyone who was interested in doing a buddy read of Mort by Terry Pratchett, it's going to start...well... now.
This is going to be a very casual readalong, I'm not going to set any dates or assign chapters to certain weeks. Just go at your own pace and make posts at your leisure. Use the tags #mortreadalong and #mortreadalongspoilers if you wanna share your thoughts!
Happy reading everyone!
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bibliobethblog · 1 year
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Hello everyone and hope you’re doing well, halfway through the week! Today I’m catching you up on what I’m #currentlyreading and it seems I’ve broken my own record - 18 books 🤣 I’m doing better than last time I posted my list with Kingdom Of Asg, I’m 700 pages through, the end is not quite in sight but is round the corner 😅 I’ve also torn through #farfromthemaddingcrowd over the last week and am 50 pages from the end. Unfortunately the same can’t be said for #sapiens which I have very much neglected recently - about halfway through. The end is also nigh for my buddy read with Mr B (not pictured) which we’ve read over an entire year #lightrainssometimesfall New books: After finishing Voyager, I have immediately popped #drumsofautumn the fourth book in the Outlander series on my pile. I’m also reading and loving #theperfectchild which was recommended by my sister @chrissireads My current re-read is #thewhitequeen in my quest to read the Philippa Gregory Tudor novels in order. Then I have my #keeperofkingbookclub choice of #nightshift by Stephen King for the month of January. I’m also a slave to buddy reads, buddy reading #ourshareofnight with @keeperofpages #warandpeace or #whiskyandperseverance with hundreds of bookstagrammers #tomorrowandtomorrowandtomorrow organised by lovely @travelseatsreads #gilgamesh with the #meanderingthroughliteraryancienttimes #thefortuneoftherougons hosted by @pezzasclassicbooks and @annathebooksiread #whyhasnobodytoldmethisbefore with @chrissireads Reading on my Kindle: MORE buddy reads of #theherd by #emilyedwards with the #bitcrackbookclub #anythingispossible by #elizabethstrout hosted by @edels_reads and #therosecode for #hfbookclub Finally 😅🤣 I’m listening to #janeyre as part of a Brontë readalong organised by @bookswerestuff I promise, I’m done now. Feel free to tell me how crazy I am in the comments! 🤪 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnke3T2L358/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3
Week 4 (§22)
"It had something to do with paying attention and the ability to choose what I paid attention to, and to be aware of that choice, the fact that it's a choice... That there were depths to me that were not bullshit or childish but profound, and were not abstract but actually much realer than my clothes or self-image, and that blazed in an almost sacred way... and that these realest, most profound parts of me involved not drives or appetites but simple attention, awareness, if only I could stay awake..." (p. 189).
[tw: parent death]
This is the longest and most intensive section so far, and I'm sure it's no mistake that it comes right at the heart of the novel. What has happened to me that I can read 250 pages of Wallace's dense prose and still not feel like I'm anywhere near the middle of this story-- or like I'm pushing something heavy up a hill? That being said, I did find it a little harder to stay focused in this section with all of the narrator's digressions and repetitions of the words "wastoid" and "nihilist." We get it, buddy. You were a slacker. Move on.
That's not to say it isn't masterful writing though. Like with a lot of Wallace, he sort of circles around the main ideas until you almost don't notice that you're right in the middle of them, and this somehow manages to hit two or three major plot/development points in one section. The first, of course, is the death of the narrator's father, which capitalizes on Wallace's usual brand of slapstick humor bracketing things that are actually quite sad and horrifying to think about.
The other is his accidentally stumbling into the Advanced Economics course, which I think highlights a lot of the major themes of this book. The narrator describes it as almost a religious experience, in the sense that it affected him deeply enough and at exactly the right time to change the course of his life forever. Despite Wallace's cynical insistence that events like this are too personal to convey without being cheesy or cliched, there is some genuine emotion conveyed there.
The Service is frequently paralleled with things like religion or military duty (I mean, they call it “The Service”), and it's framed here as something that can give a life intense meaning and purpose, as well as provide a sort of moral structure for the characters. It calls up a lot of Wallace's other writing (e.g., Jest, "This Is Water") in choosing what to give all our time and attention to, and how some of those things may be more valuable or less personally destructive than others.
I'll be taking a break from this for the rest of the month because we're ten days into October, and I've not yet had time to read a single horror novel. Truly nightmarish. See you back in November! Discussion questions below the cut.
The DFW Discord server is hosting this readalong. Join us for discussions! 💀
Q: - What do you think of the narrator's tendency to count the words instead of interpreting them for meaning? Is there something symbolic going on there? - What do you think about the way work at the IRS ("The Service") and the narrator's experience in the Advanced Accounting class are compared to things like religious experiences or military service? What does that say about one of the overarching themes of the novel? - There's a lot of conjecture on the narrator's part about what his father thought or would have thought about his new direction in life. Do you think he's right? Does it matter?
Observations: - Not questions, but I think it's interesting the narrator insists he can't remember the roommate's name and then tosses in a time or two that it's Steve Edwards without realizing that he remembered it. - I also think it's interesting the way he describes his meta-awareness as similar to a lot of meditation-type things as being totally present and in the moment, but also that his awareness isn't ultimately that helpful to him as far as making actual life changes.
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intlbookclub · 4 months
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Today is the start of our Raven Cycle readalong! How will you be reading The Raven Boys?
ICYMI: In preparation for the Writing the Raven Cycle: Two Day Weekend Webinar with Maggie Stiefvater @writeitinwaves and @thetiredmagician are doing a buddy reread of the series.
Anyone who is interested, whether they’re rereading the series or starting it for the first time, is welcome to join us! Registration for the seminar is not a requirement (but I think it’s going to be a lot of fun and really educational/inspirational) it’s just an excuse for two friends to revisit a beloved series.
We’re going to try to tackle one book a week but it’s the holiday season so we’re going to be kind to ourselves if we can’t keep to the schedule.
Learn more about the readalong, including the schedule, at the pinned post.
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yazthebookish · 2 years
Me: *hosts a month-long readalong*
Also me: hey guys... mind if I finished HOEAB earlier because I really don't want to stop
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stvrmwitch · 3 years
since rule of wolves comes out at the end of march and I’m already in shadow and bone mode for april, I’m probably going to reread the main grishaverse books this month. is anybody hosting a readalong? or does anyone wanna do a buddy read?
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imanes · 5 years
love that poem but i only connect it with tarantinos death proof where i heard it first, the poem itself has a different tone than the way its used in the movie, do you read short stories as well as whole books? im just trying to get thru the books i currently own before i get books from the library but its hard organizing the order i’ll read em in, do u have a method?
never watched death proof so i’ll keep my memory of that poem free of any quantum tortellini input lmao. i’ve read one short story collection this year (a thousand beginnings and endings) and it was ok - very uneven (you can watch my review in my may wrap-up). i have “his hideous heart” on my october tbr - it’s a short story collection of authors reimagining edgar allan poe’s work accompanied with the source material, which seems fun. there is also “stories of your life and others” and “exhalation: stories” by ted chiang that i want to try out. i think having only one author in a short story collection is probably better to avoid uneven quality across the anthology.
for my reading plans i do have a certain method in place but i do give myself some breathing room. skip these and go directly to the bullet points below if you don’t care about my life lmao
first off, if the books that i have on my monthly list are hard to pick up for me, i switch them up. forcing myself to read things that i am not in the mood for is NEVER a good idea. so while i have a list of books that i try to stick to, there is always one or two that i end up dropping for more auspicious times (or forever) and it makes me feel better to know that i always have the option to switch it up. so if the books that you own aren’t exciting you, do cut yourself some slack and get a couple of books from the library to breathe some new life into your reading plans.
secondly, i try to match some books with seasons. as i said before i’m going to read his hideous heart in october bc it’s a bit spooky and goes well with halloween and fall. i feel like mystery/suspens/thriller books are also ideal for fall. but i’m also going on vacation to a tropical destination in october, so i have beach reads lined up as well. 
thirdly, i have a list of books that i want to get to by the end of the year. that means that i select a few of them every month (or at least one) and these are typically books that i’ve been meaning to read for like up to a decade (like the lies of locke lamora... i’ve had this book for YEARS and i still haven’t gotten to it even tho i really want to read it lmao) so it’s on one of my monthly lists.
in fourth position, i do engage in some book-related social activity by participating in a buddy read over on caravan. this is new to me so i’m not going to go into details but from now on once a month i’ll pick up a book that i’ll be discussing with like-minded people and every week we have a certain amount of chapters to read, which leads to discussion. i kind of want to start a book club on my own with a couple of people with a rotation system to pick out which books we’ll be reading that month and a readalong of the wheel of time next year to gear up for the prime adaptation hehe. 
lastly, my youtube channel challenges me to make more specialised content so although atm i’m just doing regular videos, i did prepare a few more thematic videos to post and that means they have a specific list of books. rn i’m filming one that you’ll see at the end of the month and i have one of those challenges lined up for every month up until idek when cuz the possibilities are endless. i have a list of ideas on google docs that i constantly update with literary options and that helps me focus on long term goals. but that is very specific to me! however i do feel like book challenges are really exciting bc it’s goal-oriented and mood-oriented at the same time. it’s the best of both worlds.
so that’s how i organise my reading plans! i’d say that for you most of it is pretty useless but focus on:
themes (reading thrillers in october)
mood (reading rom-coms when you feel down or in your case picking up a book from the library if the ones you own don’t feel exciting at the minute)
season (reading books that happen in winter from december through january for an optimal atmospheric experience)
social events (book clubs, buddy reads/readalongs/readathon)
this would probably be the best ways to organise your TBR. listen to your mood and give yourself some breathing room but also do challenge yourself to meet certain goals that you’ve been putting off, you’ll feel better once you get to them. and as always don’t hesitate to put a book down and move onto better things bc life is too short for unpleasant reading experiences!
and if you’re fastidious like me make lists on google docs and have a reading journal to catalogue your plans and experiences lmao
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firstdegreefangirl · 5 years
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So #katiereadslesmis is on hold until at least after graduation. It’s just too dense for me to get through right now. But I’m still itching to do a readalong, and my copy of Too Much is Not Enough came in the mail yesterday. For those who have never spoken to me, Andrew Rannells is a personal hero of mine, and also my birthday buddy, so we’re gonna do this for now. 22 chapters, which means at least 22 more posts, but I’m gonna start with my impressions of the cover and dust jacket.
Omg his headshot is ADORABLE. He’s so tiny and I love how they put the subtitle on his card.
All the lettering on the front and spine is gold leaf and it’s so pretty. The embossing feels so fancy, and it’s done in his handwriting. Truly the little details that make this even better than it already is.
The book underneath is a fancy eggshell color with the gold leaf on the spine title. Inside of the dust jacket is glossy white, and it gives the whole thing a very classy feel.
He moved to NYC ((from Omaha, which we all know he’s never mentioned before)) literally the year I was born.
“As Andrew fumbles his way through bad jobs, bad relationships and some really bad highlights ...” is actually the greatest sentence I’ve ever read.
The cover does a great job teasing to what’s inside without giving too much or too little away.
I love the headshot on the back flap, like it’s the sort of pic where you can tell he’s saying “no, wait, don’t take it yet-“ and then the flash went off.
I knew all the theatre and TV credits and also about his NYT column. By the way, for anyone who hasn’t read it, go do that now while I knock out the preface to this book.
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crowkingwrites · 5 years
Guns for Hire Readalong! (Ch.5&6)
How this works: I grab quotes from the chapter and post my genuine reaction and commentary on them. Please read along with me! To prevent spoilers and other surprises, I will be using the “read more” option so no one will be spoiled. Quotes in italics are real quotes from the fic. The rest is my reaction to everything.
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Chapter Five: Bad Moon Rising . > LINK TO CHAPTER FIVE HERE <
Ramsay was hastily packing bags full of guns and other weapons. You scrunched your brows, "What are you doing?" You asked through a dry mouth, rubbing your eyes. Ramsay spun around to look at you, "What are you doing?"
Of course. Ramsay packin’ away at guns and shit AND he has the BALLS to ask his PREGNANT WIFE ‘what r u doing?’ My dude. Ramsay. My boy. Phew. I hope this goes well for you.
 "You're right. It wasn't me. But that bank is my bank. Those tattoos were placed and caught on camera on purpose." He hissed, in anger, holding his arms up in comparison.
Woof. That did not go well for you at ALL, buddy. Yeowch.
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“Whatever my queen likes." He murmured, kissing along your folds.”
YESS. I am here for the NSFW CON-TENT LEGGO
 “He set the glass down and offered a sickly, sweet smile that you weren't sure was genuine or not. "Yes sir. Very much so.”
Can I have more awkward Ramsay please? This is lovely.
 Ramsay gave you a quick side long glance before rising slowly from his seat. You took in the looks of horror on your parents faces before turning to see Detective Greyjoy and three officers.
GODDAMMIT. Here? In this lovely bar and grill? Now? Seriously???
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"The jig is up, the news is out, they finally found me!" Ramsay sang with an upbeat step and his usual smirk, eyeing Greyjoy.
Bless you, Ramsay.
"She's in on it too." You heard Greyjoy mutter.
Shut up, Greyjoy
Chapter Six: House of Memories > LINK TO CHAPTER SIX HERE <
This lot was where you learned it all. How to hustle, shake your ass, useless party tricks, and how to love. This was the first place you had met Ramsay. The first place you had fucked him. The first place you had met the gang. The place Ramsay had professed his love for you. The place where Ramsay beat a cop into an unconscious, bloody pulp before asking you to marry him through the back seat of the cop car. The first place you were when you found out you were pregnant just a few short days ago.
As tragic as this is, WHAT GREAT WRITING THO
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"My god." Your mother gasped.
My god is right, mama.
"Start again I guess. Maybe save some of the unburnt wood to use in the building of a new bar counter. Go bigger. Go better. Blow the Lion's club out of the water. They wouldn't have shit on us."
You gasped, taking Ramsay in. He was sporting a black eye, bloodied nose, and covered in blood that was not his. The other three men looking just as rough. Ramsay brought his gaze to yours before frowning. "God damnit. Fucking ice cream." He groaned, clutching his shoulder.
You gotta admit, Kee’s good at humor. Lol
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suckerforcoffe · 2 years
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It's been a minute (read 5 years) since I introduced myself on here so let me rectify that. Let's #meetthebookstagrammer Hello, Reader. I'm Faith, a reader & blogger at Suckerforcoffe, where I create bookish content, write book reviews and talk books. Constantly! Something to note: all my book reviews are on my site suckerforcoffe.com. You can visit the link on my bio for a little browse. As the name suggests, I love coffee. This is another constant in my life. More so the events that happen over it,conversations I’ve had and friendships formed over coffee. The best! I love Fiction and one might say I read anything with a spine. My genre of preference is Historical, Domestic, Literary & General fiction though, & I do love my Classics & Thrillers too! I love buddy reads and readalongs and I'm always open to them. Also, reading challenges! What better way to expand my reading. One last thing, I'm not a bookstore or a bookseller, I just happen to spend a lot of time in them. I think that covers the basics but feel free to ask me anything. Thank you for keeping me company in this little corner of mine on the Internet, I appreciate each and every one of you. ♥️ #Bookstagram — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/nLCxQZu
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logarithmicpanda · 6 years
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The Tearling Trilogy by Erika Johansen
So... Years after buying the first installment, I finally finished the series thanks to @shadowtearling‘s readalong :) My buddy @nerdishfeels is still reading it (I hope you’ll love it :D)
I liked the writing a lot more in the second and third books. It starts off as okay if unremarkable, and grows to become really good at conveying multiple voices.
The story is incredibly intricate and original, I was truly impressed by the way the author weaves multiple points of view into one cohesive narrative. It gets truly dark at times, while retaining hope in the good of people, I really appreciated that.
The world is constructed in layers and revealed along with the story, almost as if it were a character in its own right! Most of the questions I had after finishing the first book were elaborated on in the rest of the series, and the whole is consistent.
After the first book, I was curious about the main antagonist, and my curiosity was definitely satisfied! I also really enjoyed Kelsea’s growth, and all the secondary characters that get their own voices weaved in the story. I think I’m gonna miss the characters, actually...
How have people let me ignore this series for so long??? (joking, I’m glad they all were out by the time I started) It is one of the most original series I’ve ever read, and I’m truly impressed at the way the authors balances everything. Definitely recommend! 
❇ ⋆ ❇ ⋆ ❇     8.5/10     ❇ ⋆ ❇ ⋆ ❇
Have you read this series? What did you think? Do you want to read it? 
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bibliobethblog · 1 year
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Hello everyone and hope you’re all doing well. I have been at the mercy of a two week migraine recently which really floored me, I have to admit. While tests are ongoing, I finally feel well enough to post again. And what better than a #currentlyreading stack?? From the bottom 😏: Desperation - Stephen King My monthly #keeperofkingbookclub read A Fire Endless by Rebecca Ross The second book in the #elementsofcadence series, I’m buddy reading it with @keeperofpages Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte I’m loving the readalong hosted by Cindy from @bookswerestuff #bigbrontereadalong2023 A Year Of Birdsong - Dominic Couzens This is one of my buddy reads with Mr B for the year. It’s wonderful learning about a different bird each week! Untamed - Glennon Doyle This is my nonfiction choice at the moment. I know it’s had a mixed response but I’m enjoying it so far! Lucy By The Sea - Elizabeth Strout I’ve had an amazing time with the Lucy Barton books organised by lovely @edels_reads and this is the last 🥲 definitely a new favourite author! A Far Cry From Kensington - Muriel Spark Organised by @r4ch4elreads I’m having such a fun time making sure I’m reading my #vmcdesignercollection editions! 😂 Drums Of Autumn - Diana Gabaldon The White Queen - Philippa Gregory A Pair Of Blue Eyes - Thomas Hardy My Hardy journey also continues this year and I’m thoroughly enjoying the immersion in his love triangles 🤣 Hear No Evil - Sarah Smith I’m about halfway through this book for @thescottishbookclub The Memory Of Animals - Claire Fuller I love @writerclairefuller as an author and am already predicting I’ll be shouting from the rooftops about this book! 😍 The Complete Poems of Emily Jane Bronte In addition to WH, I’m not enjoying these as much as I had hoped to! War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy Part of the #whiskeyandperseverance buddy read The Almanac 2023 - Lia Leendertz My second buddy read with Mr B! On my Kindle - The Idea Of Perfection by Kate Grenville @womensprize winner in 2001 Listening to - Nothing To Envy:Ordinary Lives in North Korea I’d love to know your thoughts on any of these books or authors, come have a chat in the comments! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cor_bDHovD3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lavieenville · 4 years
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Happy June everyone!! Today has been so productive for me & I can already tell it’s going to be an amazing month. I figured I’d share with you guys a couple of books I’m going to read this month! I still have more coming in the mail but to hear about those make sure to check out my new blog post (link in bio). • • I’m also doing 2 buddy reads this month with @heatherloureads & another with @brisbookishadventures & 2 read-alongs with The Howling Pack & one of my favorite booktubers. • • • QOTD: which books are you buddy reading this month? & if you’re not doing a buddy read, are you participating in any read-alongs? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • #junetbr #crescentcity #bookphotography #thehoneydontlist #bookworms #balladofsongbirdsandsnakes #bibliophile #dontcallthewolf #booklovers #harrypotter #readalong #twocankeepasecret #girlswhoread #boyinthestripedpajamas #buddyreads #scrappylittlenobody #readingisfun #letitsnow #booksofinstagram #thehelp #readersofinstagram #goodreads #bookblog #goodreadschallenge #readingchallenge #bookblogger #ilovetoread #readreadread #booksbooksbooks #books (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA5rHdxgUIO/?igshid=md7bsuh5ac3e
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bookrapt · 4 years
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🌿The weekend has arrived and I can't wait to have our very first barbecue of this season tomorrow! QOTD: Do you prefer having a barbecue or going to a café? . . Warning: This is an unpopular opinion on Serpent and Dove . . As you probably know by now, I finished 'Serpent and Dove' last week (buddy read it with @yourwordsmyink who is an absolute darling!) and I still have so many mixed feelings on it. I heard so many great things on this book (actually it's one of my 'Bookstagram made me buy it reads'), and while I really enjoyed the world the author has created, the story just didn't work for me. The writing style was a little bit too plain, the main characters seemed like carbon copies of other main characters in other fantasy books I've already read (I can't even tell which exact books because it seems like the current YA market is flooded with fantasy books) and I generally had a hard time understanding the way they acted. The character arcs they experienced didn't seem natural to me and there were a lot of plot holes that weren't properly filled out. If it weren't for the unexpected twists at the end, I probably would've cried for I've spent so much time on this book. . . Overall, I wished I would've been swept away by the story but sadly it was a very mediocre fantasy read for me. Curiously enough, I still want to read the second book though! ⭐⭐⭐ 3/5 . Have you read this book? What are your thoughts on it? . . #bookworm #review #booklover #fantasy #bookstagram #booknerd #bibliophile #bookblogge #readersofinstagram #reading #bookish #yareader #bookaddict #bookcommunity #bookstagrammer #booksofinstagram #bookphotography #ya #readersofinstagram #readalong #serpentanddove #bookworm #booklover https://www.instagram.com/p/B_YLOR8qRa0/?igshid=16776e9a5tz19
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generallygothic · 4 years
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"𝕴'𝖒 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖘𝖚𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖚𝖘, 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝕴 𝖆𝖒 𝖆 𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖚𝖘." - Michael Scott 🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷 It's still Friday the 13th somewhere, right? Perhaps it is obscene to show this stack to you now, in the wasteland between Friday the 13ths, but I offer it to you all the same. Thank you to @gothicbookworm for the #showmeyourfriday13 tag 🖤, and for testing my counting skills! I definitely didn't almost post a pic of 10 books, and I definitely can do simple addition... Each of these books is an eager member of my tbr pile. 12 of them have been gathered from Little Free Libraries, second-hand bookshops, and even bookstagram giveaways 🙏. The 13th (In the Shadow of Poe) is a traditional library book. See, I can count. Everyone has different book consumption habits, and I'm pretty militant with mine. I may get to new releases late, but I don't care, 2nd (or 3rd, or 4th - okay now I'm just showing off 😏🧮) -hand books are the one/twelve for me! 🤔: What's your preference? Do you treasure texts with the fingerprints of past readers lingering on the pages, or do you delight in a pristine paperback with a spine all yours to crack? 📖: If you fancy buddy-reading anything pictured, scream madly below 👇. 👺: More details on 'The Masque of the Red Death' readalong coming soon; thanks to all who've already joined! The drawbridge isn't up yet though, if you want in too. . #gothic #generallygothic #michaelscott #theoffice #bookstagram #booknerd #bookworm #spookynerd #tbr #secondhandbooks #prelovedbooks #horror #thehauntingofhillhouse #themasqueofthereddeath #houseofleaves #scifi #ice #idaho #readalong #shortstories #americangothic #missperigrineshomeforpeculiarchildren #destinationvoid #rosemarysbaby #edgarallanpoe #mycousinrachel #thelastman #sylviaplath #possession https://www.instagram.com/p/B9uCrM3AJ9h/?igshid=7i4lg4qozfes
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