#doug wolk
onihcinimkcin · 3 months
Doug Wolk's book got me interested in Hickman's Avengers, so i got "The Complete Collection Vol. 1" from the library. I'm on board so far, but whoever thought that his 48-page "comedy" story (originally threaded through 2009's Astonishing Tales anthology series) should be included as backmatter should step on a fucking Lego.
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einereiseblog · 2 years
Vom berühmten Nordlicht bis zum weniger bekannten Sternenmeer teilen wir die atemberaubendsten Naturphänomene der Welt Es ist Feuerzeit. Jedes Jahr, etwa Ende Februar, trifft die untergehende Sonne die Schachtelhalmfälle im Yosemite genau im richtigen Winkel, um die Kaskade in leuchtenden Orange- und Rottönen zu erleuchten, die den Anschein von fließendem Feuer oder Lava erwecken. Um das Spektakel zu feiern, erforschen wir die atemberaubendsten Naturphänomene der Welt. Atemberaubende Naturphänomene Als Doug Hurley und Bob Behnken im Jahr 2020 als erste Astronauten, die mit einem privaten Raumschiff in die Umlaufbahn starteten, Geschichte schrieben, hielt die Welt inne, um zuzusehen. Angesichts der Turbulenzen unserer Zeit witzelte ein Beobachter: „Herzlichen Glückwunsch an die Astronauten, die heute die Erde verlassen haben. Gute Wahl." Der spontane Kommentar war amüsant, aber auch überraschend ergreifend, denn er erinnerte uns an den Schaden, den Menschen anrichten – nicht nur einander, sondern dem Planeten selbst. Die Krümmung der Erde durch das Fenster der Astronauten zu sehen, erinnerte uns an die außergewöhnlichen Naturphänomene hier zu Hause. Im Folgenden teilen wir die besten von ihnen. 1. Polarlichter Die Aurora Borealis, besser bekannt als Nordlicht, ist eine natürliche Lichtshow, die durch Kollisionen zwischen gasförmigen Partikeln in der Erdatmosphäre mit geladenen Partikeln, die aus der Sonnenatmosphäre freigesetzt werden, verursacht wird. Jamen Percy/Shutterstock Das Phänomen tritt normalerweise in nördlichen Regionen wie Kanada, Alaska, Norwegen, Grönland und Island auf, ist aber auch weiter südlich in Schottland und sogar in New Orleans in den USA aufgetreten. 2. Catatumbo-Blitz, Venezuela Dieser „ewige Blitzschlag“ ereignet sich in 140 bis 160 Nächten im Jahr, 10 Stunden am Tag und bis zu 280 Mal pro Stunde über dem Maracaibo-See, normalerweise über dem Gebiet, wo der Catatumbo-Fluss in den See mündet. Fernando Flores/CC BY-SA 2.0 Nachdem der Blitz jahrhundertelang ununterbrochen aufgetreten war, hörte er von Januar bis April 2010 auf, möglicherweise aufgrund von Dürre. Dies ließ Befürchtungen aufkommen, dass es dauerhaft gelöscht wurde, aber es tauchte einige Monate später wieder auf. Wissenschaftler sagen, dass Catatumbo ein normaler Blitz ist, der aufgrund der lokalen Topographie und Windmuster viel häufiger als anderswo auftritt. 3. Wolkenformationen Die Briten pflegen eine Abneigung gegen Wolken. Sie sehen, wir bekommen selten diese zarte, strahlend weiße Zuckerwattewolke, die durch wärmere Gefilde gleitet. Nein, unsere sind grau, prall und bedrohlich. Sie drohen bei den Grillabenden im Juli zu platzen und präsidieren Hochzeiten wie Untergangsboten. Was uns niemand gesagt hat, ist, dass es nicht so sein muss… Menno van der Haven/Shutterstock Vladimir_41/Shutterstock Shutterstock Asperitas, Mammatus und Linsenwolken Asperitas-Wolken sind ein natürliches Phänomen, das wie plätschernde Wellen aussieht. Es wird angenommen, dass diese nach konvektiven Gewittern auftreten. Mammatus-Wolken sehen aus wie Ausbuchtungen oder Beutel, die aus der Basis einer Wolke auftauchen, während linsenförmige Wolken wie fliegende Untertassen aussehen. Tatsächlich wird gesagt, dass diese Wolken eine der häufigsten Erklärungen für UFO-Sichtungen auf der ganzen Welt sind. 4. Sternenmeer Die Insel Vaadhoo im Raa-Atoll der Malediven ist berühmt für ihr „Sternenmeer“. Nachts wird das Meer durch marine Biolumineszenz beleuchtet, die von Plankton erzeugt wird, das als Dinoflagellaten bekannt ist. Wenn das Plankton durch die Meeresbewegung gestresst wird, sendet es Licht als Abwehrmechanismus aus, ähnlich wie einige Glühwürmchen. Mit zunehmender Intensität der Wellen nimmt auch das Licht zu und erzeugt die Illusion eines Sternenmeeres. 5. Seeblasen, Kanada Diese Formationen unter dem Abraham Lake in Kanada sehen malerisch aus, sind aber tatsächlich gefrorene Methantaschen, ein hochentzündliches Gas.
Dr_Yu/Shutterstock Durch die Zersetzung organischer Stoffe wie Pflanzen, Tiere und Mikroben verursacht, wandert das brennbare Gas in wärmeren Monaten näher an die Oberfläche und entweicht schließlich in die Atmosphäre. Der Vorgang ist harmlos, solange Sie nicht in der Nähe leuchten. 6. Lichtsäulen Lichtsäulen sind ein optisches Phänomen, bei dem sich schmale Lichtstrahlen scheinbar vom Himmel bis zum Boden erstrecken. Malachi Jacobs/Shutterstock Diese entstehen, wenn Licht von Sonne oder Mond von Eiskristallen, die sich in frostiger Luft bilden, nach oben reflektiert wird. Damit sich Eiskristalle bilden können, müssen die Bedingungen extrem ruhig und kalt sein, ohne Wind. Damit die Lichtsäulen sichtbar sind, müssen sich die Eiskristalle in Bodennähe befinden. 7. Schachtelhalmfälle, USA Jeden Februar werden die Horsetail Falls im Yosemite-Nationalpark von der untergehenden Sonne beleuchtet. Wenn die Bedingungen stimmen, entsteht die Illusion eines „Feuerfalls“, bei dem der Wasserfall orange und rot leuchtet und den Eindruck von Feuer erweckt. Engel Ching/Shutterstock Fotografen strömen in Scharen zum Ort, aber das ideale Bild erfordert ein Gleichgewicht der Kräfte: genug Feuchtigkeit, um den 1.000 Fuß hohen Wasserfall zu befeuern, klarer Himmel, um das Licht durchzulassen, und der richtige Winkel, damit die Sonne die berühmten Wasserfälle trifft. 8. Wasserhosen Wasserhosen sind wie Tornados, treten aber über Wasser auf und werden normalerweise von starken Winden und Wellen, großem Hagel und häufigen gefährlichen Blitzen begleitet. Ellepistock/Shutterstock Wasserhosen werden in den Florida Keys häufiger gesichtet als an jedem anderen Ort der Welt. Sie wurden in Europa, Neuseeland und sogar in der Antarktis gemeldet, kommen aber am häufigsten in den Tropen und Subtropen vor. 9. Lichter von Hessdalen, Norwegen Diese seltsamen Lichtkugeln, die über einem Tal in Mittelnorwegen schweben, haben Wissenschaftler drei Jahrzehnte lang verblüfft. Manchmal so groß wie Autos, haben die Kugeln (verständlicherweise) zahlreiche Berichte über UFO-Sichtungen ausgelöst. Einige Kugeln schweben bis zu zwei Stunden lang sanft durch den Himmel, während andere weiß oder blau blinken und durch das Tal streifen und in Sekundenschnelle verschwinden. 10. Türkises Eis, Russland Der Baikalsee in Ostsibirien in Russland ist einer der größten und tiefsten Seen der Welt und enthält ein enormes Fünftel des Süßwassers der Welt. Alexey Trofimov/Fair Use Im März bilden sich aufgrund der Wetterbedingungen Risse und Eishügel, die wiederum ein atemberaubendes Naturphänomen hervorrufen: leuchtend türkisfarbene Eissplitter, die in die Massen des gebrochenen Eises eingewebt sind. 11. Vulkanischer Blitz Als ob aktive Vulkane nicht beängstigend genug wären, lernen wir jetzt, dass einige so wild sind, dass sie tatsächlich Blitze erzeugen. Dieses als „schmutziges Gewitter“ bekannte Phänomen wird durch elektrische Ladungen verursacht, die entstehen, wenn Gesteinsfragmente, Asche und Eispartikel in einer Vulkanfahne kollidieren und statische Aufladungen erzeugen, so wie Eispartikel in normalen Gewittern kollidieren. 12. Schneekamine Schneekamine sind eine Art Fumarole; Öffnungen in der Erdkruste, durch die Dampf und Gase aus Vulkanen entweichen können. George Steinmetz/Fair Use In arktischen Gebieten gefriert der Dampf, sobald er eine dieser Öffnungen verlässt, und bildet schließlich massive Schneekamine wie diesen auf dem Mount Erebus in der Antarktis. 13. Feuerwirbel Wenn es jemals ein Malzeichen des Teufels gäbe, dann wäre es sicherlich dieses. Ein Feuerstrudel, auch bekannt als „Feuerteufel“ oder „Feuertornado“, entsteht, wenn sich intensiv aufsteigende Hitze und turbulente Windverhältnisse zu einem Wirbel aus Flammen und Asche verbinden. Laut National Geographic ist der feurige Kern im wirbelnden Wind normalerweise einen bis drei Fuß breit und fünf bis zehn Stockwerke hoch und kann im Extremfall Dutzende von Fuß breit und mehr als hundert Stockwerke hoch sein. Schrecklich.
Hauptbild: Gregory B. Cuvelier/Shutterstock .
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comic books kinda settled into my routine
I’ve been working on the podcast pretty much nonstop lately, which has been a huge delight, and since the biggest task apart from scripting and recording new episodes is that of securing guests, all of whom are authors, the “work” has mostly been reading their books. I’m hoping to have Jonathan Alter on the show next week, so I’m reading his terrific biography of President Jimmy Carter, as well…
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protect-the-pack · 7 years
Holy fuck it was good!!
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adamconnelly · 5 years
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Adam Connelly | Six Characters
Martin “Marty” Ginsburg (Armie Hammer in On the Basis of Sex) - Largely aesthetic inspiration. Knowledgeable lawyer. Supportive partner and parent.
Neil Perry (Robert Sean Leonard in Dead Poets Society) - Under pressure (and abuse) from family expectations. Wants to push back against it, but this carries consequences.
Jane Seymour (Annabelle Wallis in The Tudors) - Pawn of a more powerful family to achieve their ambitions. Plays “nice” in order to please others and stay safe. Strong religious views.
Tommen Baratheon (Dean-Charles Chapman in Game of Thrones) - Easily manipulated by those with more political experience. Somewhat naive despite being in a position of influence. 
Will Truman (Eric McCormack in Will and Grace) - Product of a dysfunctional family situation. Usually tries to be the “responsible” one. And of course, the obvious gay lawyer thing.
Douglas “Doug” Hammond (James Wolk in Political Animals) - Son of a family with a history in politics. Often bears responsibility for the family’s success. Close relationship with his mother.
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twiststreet · 5 years
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In case you missed the Exciting Comic Criticism event of the day (and shame on you if you did!), Kim O’Connor had a really neat and thoughtful  twitter reading group for the new Marc Singer book.  Who among us hasn’t loved hearing Marc Singer write about comics for *holy shit* nearly 25 years now? I don’t have that book yet but boy, I’m looking forward to it now.
(I also have to get around to joining Doug Wolk’s Patreon reading group, too, for random Marvel comics that he’s come across as he’s been ... and I don’t know if I recommend this... but if I understand it right (and I hope I don’t), reading all the Marvel comics.  I hadn’t heard of Ghost Rider #35 before he mentioned it the other day, and that one’s a winner...)
And in less heady talk, I also just found the Comic Book Yeti the other day-- I’m always on the lookout for sites that just do recommendations of more run-of-the-mill comics well, and they do a thing I like of kind of laying out who each member of the creative team is and like, why they like them?  (Example: a colorist for a comic called Paradiso is described in a bullet point as “Multitalented: Also does graphic design, illustration, motion graphics, branding, editorial & commercial work”... which just seems good-natured to me).  I don’t know about the writing or the taste or anything, but it’s very enthusiastic, and I always kinda appreciates that.  And I like the bullet points because I’m shallow.
I also liked this headline for a Comicbookresources review of a Kevin Smith Hit Girl comic:  “Hit-Girl Season Two #1 is Silent but Deadly.”  Are they comparing to a fart on purpose?  I wasn’t interested enough to read the whole review, so: embrace the mystery. (Silent farts are deadlier by definition because they have more sulfur in them. FYI).
Also, damn, Fraction and Steve Lieber on my very favorite comic character Jimmy Olsen.  That’s... boy, that’s a pretty fucking good team-up-- I could see Lieber pairing really well with Fraction, at least. I just don’t read DC comics until there are a couple changes over there-- and I don’t have like a “I’ll just pirate them” out that I give myself because I mean, what is that.  Which-- usually it’s no loss at all-- there’ve only been two things where I’ve wished I could take a look at them since I started avoiding DC stuff back in... somewhere in 2015 or 2016 somewhere?  (I’m more sad it took that long).  (That Evan Shaner Future Quest book and the Mark Russell stuff; and maybe that Bendis Cover book, though I’m sure it’d drive me craaaaazy).  But yeah, this one smarts-- I’d have liked to take a look at this one.  When those changes eventually happen, I guess I’ll have something to go back and take a look at, though.   
(Then again: it’s spinning out of a 10 dollar one-shot where they also make you buy a Greg Rucka Lois Lane comic...?  Eeew!  I’d pay you 10 dollars to *not* hand me a Greg Rucka Lois Lane comic. I’d go quickly broke-- I’m very easily emotionally blackmailed; I’d need Dave Ramsey to straighten out my “I don’t want to read lois lane be a Rucka Strong Female Character” budget with some of that good Dave Ramsey tough love.)
Anyways: the comic books!   (Except I started the day accidentally seeing excerpts of classic Joe Matt comics, thanks to some of those popping up on tumblr, so... that was not really what I’m into-- hoo-boy...)
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weekinethereum · 7 years
September 19, 2017
Ethereum News and Links
Toshi (formerly known as Token) is now live on main net. As early technology, Ethereum needs to progress in scalability, privacy and usability.  Ethereum needs apps like Toshi, Status, Leth, imToken, etc to make Ethereum usable by non-nerds.  You can message me @EvanVanNess and make sure to rate Toshi’s Week In Ethereum app.
MicroRaiden:  "off-the-shelf micropayment solution."  Live on Kovan, main net "very soon."
Fizzy: Largest insurance company in the world copies Etherisc's flight delay insurance, currently live for flights between Paris and the US. (Oracle problems?)
Cosmos published Shanghai Accord - Ethereum Scaling Agreement, which is mostly Vitalik expressing support for Cosmos building things that make Ethereum more scalable by moving stuff to another chain through interoperability
Vitalik: "This is the real "ethereum scaling roadmap" - it's a combination of continued improvements to increase the scalability of the base chain, together with the ability for anyone to make their own system that hooks into ethereum that provides its own scalability as well as possibly other properties that the base chain does not."
Alex Van de Sande explains what's in the Byzantium hard fork
Ropsten testnet successfully hardforked to Byzantium.  I've seen talk about whether people will keep the old chain alive -- but the old chain will be in ice age, so you'd actually have to hard fork the old chain in order to keep it alive.  Seems tough from a marketing standpoint.
Bug bounty doubled for issues relating to the upcoming Byzantium fork
Byzantium releases: Geth v1.7 and Parity v1.7.2 release
Token Contracts on Plasma or: a Tale about Local and Global Invariants
Diving into the EVM, pt 4: Deciphering a method call
Zero-knowledge proofs, Zcash, and Ethereum
ZCash's "groundbreaking performance improvements" for zk-SNARKs
Christian Reitwießner: testnet just verified a zcash transaction
Stuff for developers
Implementing the EVM in Clojure
Building a table of token holders using Quickbooks
How to read Ethereum contract storage
Maurelian: The use of revert(), assert(), and require() in Solidity, and the new REVERT opcode in the EVM
Ethereum authenticated VPN service
Matrix & Riot for Crypto-Communities
How MetaCert is working to make Slack usable by crypto projects again
Orinoco: Understanding ERC-20 token contracts
China: it seems as if blockchain crackdown is more serious than expected. Exchanges are closing and perhaps exchange operators have been told to stay in China?
Explaining Raiden without using the bar tab analogy
Oraclize and Eidoo are semi-merging
ConsenSys is hosting the first global MBA Blockchain Venture Competition
Mike Goldin: Token Curated Registries
Vitalik: A Prehistory of the Ethereum Protocol
Project Announcements
Props Project by the YouNow team.  Video announcement. Whitepaper
EthRPS: play rock-paper-scissors for money
Leverj: futures exchange with margin, supported by ConsenSys
FansUnited: sports betting
GitToken: earn tokens for your pull requests
Ocean: Trent McConaghy's decentralized data marketplace protocol
Project Updates
Augur's Solidity migration is complete
The 0cean's "high performance funnel" order book
More on Legacy's vision of transfering your memories and belongings after death
Secure & fair shuffling of the deck on Virtue Poker
The Brave browser now blocks backgroun coin mining scripts
Decentraland's first LAND sale
Decentraland community whitelist is ongoing
Interviews and Talks
Gavin speaks: Interview with Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood
More Parity: Jutta Steiner on Governing the Future podcast
Q&A with Luis Cuende of Aragon
Status Q&A with Stani Kulechov from ETHLend
William Mougayar talk at ICO Summit
Brendan Eich podcast interview with Aaron Watson
Cofound.it's Daniel Zakrisson and David Szabo on trends at ICO Summit
Doug Petkanics from LivePeer is my guest for episode #2 for An Ethereum Podcast. We get deep into the magic of decentralized video.
San Fran Ethereum meetup: Jun from OMG, Vitalik, and Joseph Poon.  Also, Sergey Nazarov on ChainLink
Silicon Valley meetup: Vitalik Buterin, Balaji Srinivasan, Joseph Poon, and Dan Boneh
Naval interviews Vitalik at TechCrunch Disrupt.   Vitalik is optimistic we can scale to Visa-like levels in a few years.
Token Sales
Grid+: The P2P grid we want, and why we need a blockchain
Seems like Etherisc wins at every blockchain startup competition
Livepeer for beginners
This week in undisclosed celebrity ICO shilling: Jamie Foxx
Request Network token sale details.  Yellow paper.
Someone wrote comedic fiction about being the hacker of the Parity multi-sig wallet
People keep sharing this image of JPMorgan being one of the biggest buyers of Bitcoin after Jamie Dimon's fraud comments.  But most likely this is just JPMorgan's brokerage activity, not them trading their own account.
Trusted IoT Alliance: "set the standard for an open source blockchain protocol to support IoT"
EY rigged their coffee maker with a Raspberry Pi to accept payment using LETH
People widely shared a TechCrunch article due to headline of "SEC show support for ICOs" but it was just a weakly supported opinion piece
Dates of note
From Token Sale Calendar: (didn't have time for comprehensive update for the newsletter before I had to get on my flight, please click the link for an updated list of sales)
Upcoming token sale start dates:
September 21 – Digital Asset Power Play (Cofound.it Priority Pass presale: Sep 19)
September 21 – Opakeco
September 25 – EthLend
September 25 – Jibrel Network
September 28 – Doc.ai
September 29 – Snip
September 29 – Customizable Basic Income
September 29 – Assistive Reality
October 1 – Hirematch
October 1 – Etherparty (pre-sale ongoing)
October 2 – Rhea
October 2 – WandX
October 2 – Horizon State
October 3 – Enjin (ongoing pre-sale)
October 3 – Snov
October 10 – Swap
October 10 – Notary Platform
October 15 – Paypie
October 30 – Grid+
November 1 – Winding Tree
November 1 – ScriptDrop
Ongoing token sales:
Databroker DAO
Air Token
Aeron (ongoing pre-sale)
Kin (must have already registered)
Umbrella Coin
Want to be included?  If you are building your project on Ethereum, email weekinethereum @ gmail [period] com with 1) your URL, 2) sale date and 3) a brief but convincing description of how you are using Ethereum, preferably with a link to your Github repo.  Listings are free.  But please make sure to follow those instructions.  If you don’t follow the instructions, you likely won’t get a response.
WARNING: list may include or even likely includes scams and quasi-scams.  Do your own research and due diligence before putting value at risk.
[I aim for a relatively comprehensive list of Ethereum sales, but make no warranty as to even whether they are legit; as such, I thus likewise warrant nothing about whether any will produce a satisfactory return. I have passed the CFA exams, but this is not investment advice. If you're interested in what I do, you can find my somewhat out-of-date investing thesis and token sale appreciation strategies in previous newsletters.]
Every week I still get emails saying, "you joined ConsenSys?"  So this section stays.
If you emailed my Ticketleap email address in the last 30 days or so, then I likely didn't get it.  If you were waiting on a response from an email you sent there, I suggest you re-send to weekinethereum @ gmail [period] com.
I've joined ConsenSys.  Here's a logo to draw your eye in case you were going to skip over this section:
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My charge from Joe Lubin is pretty similar to what Status has told me: keep telling the truth and covering the space as objectively as I can.
I measure the success of each issue by how much it gets upvoted and shared. This is the link:  http://www.weekinethereum.com/post/165538198138/september-19-2017 Follow me on Twitter? @evan_van_ness
This newsletter is supported by Status.im and ConsenSys (have you seen that we're hiring?).  But in case you still want to send Ether or tokens:  0x96d4F0E75ae86e4c46cD8e9D4AE2F2309bD6Ec45
Sign up to receive the weekly email.
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wiremagazine · 5 years
Photos and film synopses provided by OUTshine Film Festival
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ADAM (U.S., 2019) Director: Rhys Ernst In English
It's 2006 and awkward, self-conscious Adam Freeman has just finished his junior year of high school. His cool older sister Casey (Margaret Qualley) suggests he visit her in New York for the summer. Casey has enthusiastically embraced life amidst Brooklyn's young LGBTQ+ community and invites Adam to tag along with her to queer bars, marriage equality rallies and other happenings. When Adam falls at first sight for Gillian, a smart, beautiful young woman in this new crowd, she mistakenly assumes he is trans. Flummoxed and enamored, he haplessly goes along with her assumption, resulting in an increasingly complex comedy – and tragedy – of errors he's ill-equipped to navigate.
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AND THEN WE DANCED (Georgia, Sweden, France, 2019) Director: Levan Akin In Georgian, with English subtitles
Merab is a talented dancer. His burgeoning romance with stage partner Mary is thrown into disarray by the arrival of the magnetic Irakli, leading to a forbidden sexual attraction that recalls those in Moonlight and God's Own Country. Georgia is a country that only celebrated its first LGBTQ+ pride event seven years ago and its society remains conservative. Because of this, And Then We Danced has stirred controversy and many involved remain anonymous out of fear. Amid the potential for socially explosive fireworks, Swedish director of Georgian heritage Levan Akin has captured something uniquely tender and personal.
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BENJAMIN (UK, 2019) Director: Simon Amstell In English
In Simon Amstell's affecting, bittersweet comedy, a rising young filmmaker is thrown into emotional turmoil by a burgeoning romance and the upcoming premiere of his second feature. It's perhaps no surprise that the imminent release of Benjamin's sophomore feature plunges him into an existential crisis. In this heightened state of insecurity, even meeting his potential dream match, young French musician Noah, doesn't soothe Benjamin's fears and self-loathing. And that's before he has to screen his film to the merciless film festival audiences. Benjamin is a low-key, intimate film, exposing the contradictions of a creative culture while perfectly balancing drama and comedy.
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DEFIANT SOULS (Cuba, Switzerland, 2018) Director: Fernando Pérez and Laura Cazador In Spanish, with English subtitles
Defiant Souls is based on the true story of a woman who, disguised as a man, became the first female surgeon in Latin America. In the early 19th century, Swiss doctor Enrique Faber (Sylvie Testud at her best) travels to Cuba to search for his son, who is said to have been killed in a slave uprising. The local population is jealous of Faber's success as a surgeon and his marriage to Juana, an attractive outsider. Before long, rumors spread regarding his high-pitched voice and his gentle features, and a drama of epic proportions unfolds around one of the most scandalous cases in Cuban colonial history.
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EVERYBODY CHANGES (Panama, 2019) Director: Arturo Montenegro In Spanish, with English subtitles
The Ponce Family is the perfect family. They live in the quiet, close-knit mountain town of Bambito, where everyone knows everyone and, unfortunately, everyone knows everyone's business. Frederico is the successful father, Carol the loving mother, and they have three wonderful boys. Despite appearances, perfect might not be the best way to describe the family as Frederico and Carol share a secret: Lizzie, the woman that Frederico has always wanted - no, needed - to be.
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FROM ZERO TO I LOVE YOU (U.S., 2019) Director: Doug Spearman In English
Pete Logsdon is just a guy in Philadelphia whose fear of intimacy creates his history of getting involved with married men. His father and his soon-to-be step-mother are on him to settle down and find someone who's actually available. Instead, he finds a man named Jack who is fifteen years into a perfect marriage, has two beautiful children and an enviable wife, and is firmly inside the closet. Could this be the one? Featuring strong chemistry between the leads, director Doug Spearman (Noah's Arc) creates authentic characters in this highly engaging, obstacle-filled romantic comedy.
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HAM: A MUSICAL MEMOIR (U.S., 2019) Director: Andrew Putschoegl In English
In this dazzlingly filmed live performance of Sam Harris' award-winning one-man musical, Harris belts out original songs and beloved ballads while playing 11 different roles to tell his own life story - from growing up gay in Oklahoma's Bible Belt to his escape for Los Angeles, where his rendition of "Over the Rainbow" on Star Search led to fame, Broadway, television, platinum records and Carnegie Hall. But after the highs and lows of a life in show business, Sam ultimately learns to ask: when is enough finally enough?
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LEONARD SOLOWAY'S BROADWAY (U.S., 2019) Director: Jeff Wolk In English
Through verité documentary footage, humorous storytelling, interviews and archival film material, Leonard Soloway's Broadway captures a Broadway few ever see as told through the eyes of a legendary Broadway producer you've probably never heard of. He lives an unconventional life on his own terms and, over a 70-year span, staged over 100 shows (and counting) which generated history making headlines, over 40 Tony Awards, 62 Tony Nominations, 21 Drama Desk Awards, 29 Drama Desk nominations and 3 Pulitzer Prizes, in addition to launching the careers of famous stars known the world over.
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SELL BY (U.S., 2019) Director: Mike Doyle In English
Does every relationship have an expiration date? Adam and Marklin are about to find out. Their 5-year relationship has gone from a passionate flame to a medium burn, forcing them to reconcile with each other's shortcomings all while watching their support network crumble around them. But in this mess, hope springs eternal as they all muddle their way through to try and make life work. Featuring Scott Evans, Augustus Prew, Kate Walsh, and Academy Award nominee Patricia Clarkson, Sell By asks the timeless questions… how do you know who's right for you and how do you know when to let go?
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SONG LANG (Vietnam, 2018) Director: Leon Le In Vietnamese, with English subtitles
An unlikely bond develops between hunky, brooding and tough debt collector Dung and Linh Phung, a charismatic young opera singer from a struggling Cai-luong troupe (traditional Vietnamese opera). The two meet when Dung comes to forcefully collect a debt from the opera troupe, but when their paths cross again, a friendship – and then more – develops, awakening surprising, tender feelings in both men. Their story, too, soon scales operatic heights. Director Leon Le has delivered a rich drama, a smoldering relationship between two apparent opposites set against the backdrop of a gorgeous, fading art form. Set in 1980s Saigon, Song Lang is a gritty underworld noir hiding a tender, romantic heart.
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STRAIGHT UP (U.S., 2019) Director: James Sweeney In English
The path to relationship bliss is often filled with self-doubt, second guessing and other methods of self-sabotage, but Todd takes this to a whole new level. After all, he is questioning his sexuality… not a good start when forging a new relationship. Todd might be gay. Rory might not care. The result is a neat, romantic-comedy drama with a twist; this is a love story without the thrill of copulation. With wit, humor and poignant moments, coupled with some of the best rapid-fire one-liners in a movie, Straight Up is a feature film about intellectual soul mates.
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THE PRINCE (Chile, Argentina, Belgium, 2019) Director: Sebastián Muñoz In Spanish, with English subtitles
Chile, 1970. During a night of heavy drinking, Jaime, a lonely 20-year-old young man, stabs his best friend in what seems a crime of passion. Sentenced to prison, he meets The Stallion, an older and respected man in whom he finds protection and from whom he learns about love and loyalty. Behind bars, Jaime becomes known as The Prince. But as their relationship grows stronger, The Stallion faces the violent power struggles within the prison. The Prince is brutal, raw and cold, yet also beautiful, sincere and honest.
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THE SHINY SHRIMPS (France, 2019) Director: Maxime Govare and Cédric Le Gallo In French, with English subtitles
Matthias, an Olympic swimming champion at the end of his career, makes a homophobic statement on TV. His punishment: coach the Shiny Shrimps, a very flamboyant, very bad and very LGBTQ water polo team. They have only one thing in mind: to qualify for the Gay Games in Croatia where the hottest international LGBTQ athletes will compete. It's the start of a bumpy and joyful ride. If the Bad News Bears were a water polo team, and LGBTQ, they would be The Shiny Shrimps. Faster, higher, stronger… and fabulous.
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UNSETTLED: SEEKING REFUGE IN AMERICA (U.S., 2019) Director: Tom Shepard In English
A remarkable look at the untold stories of LGBTQ+ refugees and asylum seekers who have fled intense persecution from their home countries and who are resettling in the U.S. The film follows four new arrivals, each of whom have escaped potential peril in their native countries for being different. They've landed in the purported "gay mecca" of San Francisco, yet even there, building a new life in an adopted nation is a precarious undertaking. As new leadership in America continues to restrict immigrants and drastically cuts the flow of refugees and asylum seekers, Unsettled: Seeking Refuge in America humanizes a group about which few people know.
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WHERE WE GO FROM HERE (U.S., 2018) Director: Anthony Meindl In English, French, with English subtitles
In Binghamton, an ESL teacher dealing with domestic abuse finds even greater violence at her school. In Orlando, two lovers drifting apart may be separated by the hate of another. In Paris, friends on an introspective night out are caught up in a brutal madness. Three acts of terror disrupt the lives of ordinary people. Will love win out over violence? With gripping performances and storylines all too familiar and frightening, Where We Go From Here is not an easy film to digest nor is it a question easily answered, but both are ultimately worth the effort.
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Black Hat  Director: Sarah Smith, U.S., 15 minutes
Softer Director: Lovell Holder, U.S., 10 minutes
The Proposal Director: Gerlando Infuso, France, 15 minutes
Thrive Director: JamieDi Spirito, UK, 17 minutes
Touchscreen Director: Arthur Halpern, U.S., 15 minutes
Vacaciones Director: Juan Olivares, Spain, 21 minutes
Wonder Director: Javier Molina, U.S., 16 minutes
This was originally published in Wire Magazine Issue 20.2019
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Rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 followers you want to get to know better.
I was tagged by @grunge-grantaire (thanks bud!)
Name: Emma to most Nickname: Ehhhh never really had one. Never one that stuck anyway. Which is a shame. Tiny me would have killed for a cool nickname. Zodiac sign: Pisces. Height: 5′1. I am the smolest.  Ethnicity: Scottish/German I think? A little Irish maybe.  Favorite fruit: Bananas and/or watermelon. Favorite season: Winter. Gimme all the cold. Favorite book: BOY HOWDY TOO MANY. Top 3 right now I guess would still be S. By Doug Dorst and J.J. Abrams, the Anne of Green Gables series (for nostalgia) aaaaand...frick, I guess Sputnik Sweetheart. Favorite flower: I really like tulips I guess. Favorite color: Yeah, same as Shea, black and/or dark green. Favorite animals: All of them.  Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: Teaaaaaa Average sleep hours: Aahahahahahahaaa Cats or dogs: *softly* Don’t. Favorite fictional characters: Again, waaaaay too many. Cole, Merrill, Thane, Garrus, Alistair, I mean I could spend days on just Bioware game characters.  Number of blankets: 1 normally. Maaaybe 2 if muh feets is cold. Dream trip: Back to Belgium, revisit old haunts. Or Romania. Romania would be nice. Or just a walkabout, frick idk. Blog created: 2012 apparently.  Number of followers: 531. I don’t know why.
Thanks again bud! 
And I guess I’ll be tagging  @bladeinthenorth @wolkking @lightgetsout @jokerondeck @knife-to-see-you @renegadechristie @sweetheart-sona @cowboybebutt @imitationlulu and @actualryder
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wesonerdy · 6 years
CBS has huge plans for this year’s SDCC, including the world premieres of Charmed, Magnum P.I., and more!
Courtesy of CBS Television Studios
  Happy July Friends! Besides the fact that summer is speeding right along (*cries*), it’s officially Comic-Con month! That means more and more details will be on the way and we can’t wait to learn more about all the events.
Today, CBS Television Studios revealed that they’ll be presenting the exclusive world premiere screenings of The CW’s upcoming Charmed reboot and Magnum P.I. Fans will also be treated to a special sneak peek of CBS All Access’ new psychological thriller Tell Me a Story, followed by a panel discussion with EP Kevin Williamson and cast members.
The producers of Star Trek: Discovery will beam into Hall H for a look back on season one and tease what’s ahead for season two. Plus, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend will make its SDCC debut, ahead of the show’s final season.
In addition, CBS TV Studios will also be hosting a marathon screening of The Twilight Zone, plus several fan activations for our enjoyment.
Check out the details here!
CHARMED EXCLUSIVE SCREENING AND PANEL, 11:15 AM–12:15 PM, BALLROOM 20 – The iconic CHARMED is back just in time to celebrate its 20th anniversary. This reboot of the original series centers on three sisters in a college town who, after the tragic loss of their mother, discover they are powerful witches. Between vanquishing supernatural demons, tearing down the patriarchy and maintaining familial bonds, a witch’s work is never done. Please join series stars Melonie Diaz, Sarah Jeffery, Madeleine Mantock and Rupert Evans, along with producers Jennie Snyder Urman, Jessica O’Toole and Amy Rardin, for an exclusive sneak peek of the first episode of The CW series followed by a panel discussion.
TELL ME A STORY, 12:15–12:45 PM, BALLROOM 20 – Step into the world of TELL ME A STORY, the latest project from the brilliant mind of Kevin Williamson. In this reimagining of the world’s most beloved fairy tales, see “The Three Little Pigs,” “Little Red Riding Hood” and “Hansel and Gretel” come to life as dark and twisted psychological thrillers interweaving with each other against the backdrop of modern day New York City. Join executive producer Kevin Williamson, as well as series stars Paul Wesley and James Wolk, for an exclusive sneak peek of the CBS All Access series followed by a panel discussion. Moderated by the editor-in-chief of Entertainment Weekly, Henry Goldblatt.
MAGNUM P.I. EXCLUSIVE SCREENING AND PANEL, 4:15–5:30 PM, ROOM 6A – MAGNUM P.I. is a modern take on the classic series starring Jay Hernandez as Thomas Magnum, a decorated former Navy SEAL who, upon returning home from Afghanistan, repurposes his military skills to become a private investigator. A charming rogue, an American hero and a die-hard Detroit Tigers fan, Magnum has Juliet Higgins and her Dobermans to keep him in line, as well as his trusted buddies and fellow POW survivors TC and Rick when he needs backup on a job. With keys to a vintage Ferrari in one hand, aviator sunglasses in the other, and an Old Düsseldorf longneck chilling in the fridge, Thomas Magnum is back on the case! Please join series stars Jay Hernandez and Perdita Weeks and executive producers Peter Lenkov and Eric Guggenheim for an exclusive sneak peak of the premiere episode of the new CBS series followed by a panel discussion.
CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND: THE FINAL CURTAIN CALL, 5:45–6:30 PM, ROOM 6A – As the critically acclaimed CW series enters its final season, come celebrate and take a trip down memory lane with co-creators Rachel Bloom and Aline Brosh McKenna as they look back on some of the series’ most memorable moments and talk about what’s ahead for Rebecca Bunch. The panel will be moderated by series guest star Michael McMillian and will include a special performance and never-before-seen footage.
STAR TREK: DISCOVERY PANEL, 1:30–2:30 PM, HALL H – Over 50 years ago, the world was first introduced to what would quickly become a cultural phenomenon. “Star Trek” inspired developments in science and technology, broke social barriers, and transported viewers around the globe to new adventures and uncharted frontiers. Last fall, STAR TREK: DISCOVERY continued that tradition and followed the voyages of Starfleet aboard the U.S.S. Discovery. Join the cast and producers of this CBS All Access series to look back on season one and find out where the crew is headed as it transports into its second season. Cast members scheduled to appear include Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Shazad Latif, Mary Wiseman, Anthony Rapp, Wilson Cruz, Mary Chieffo and Anson Mount alongside executive producers Alex Kurtzman and Heather Kadin. The panel will be moderated by series guest star Tig Notaro, who will appear as Chief Engineer Reno.
THE TWILIGHT ZONE MARATHON SCREENING, 7:15–9:15 PM, ROOM 6A – THE TWILIGHT ZONE new original series will be coming soon to CBS All Access in a modern reimagining of the iconic series that took viewers to another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. It was a journey into a wondrous land of imagination for five years on CBS, from 1959-1964. The godfather of sci-fi series, the show explored humanity’s hopes, despairs, pride and prejudice in metaphoric ways conventional dramas could not. Please join us for a special marathon screening and a look back at some of the fan-favorite episodes from the original series. Concessions and an exclusive giveaway item will be provided.
CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND LIVE STARRING RACHEL BLOOM, 7:30 PM, BALBOA THEATRE – The cast of the CW’s award-winning musical dramedy CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND is taking their show on the road in this live tour. Join Rachel Bloom, the rest of the cast and the CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND songwriters as they bring the show’s songs to life in this very special live concert event. This is a ticketed event and is currently sold out. For more info, please visit: https://sandiegotheatres.org/rachel-bloom/
Courtesy of CBS Television Studios
Courtesy of CBS Television Studios
Courtesy of CBS Television Studios
Courtesy of CBS Television Studios
  CBS COMEDY CARS – From Thursday, July 19 through Sunday, July 22, CBS will offer complimentary rides throughout the Gaslamp District in branded electric cars. Featured shows will include the new fall comedies THE NEIGHBORHOOD and HAPPY TOGETHER. Trailers of the series will be screened for the passengers in those cars as well. Brand ambassadors will distribute giveaways making their debut at Comic-Con, including a variety of collectable emoji squeezies for THE NEIGHBORHOOD and HAPPY TOGETHER.
MAGNUM P.I. TAKEOVER – On Thursday, July 19, CBS will cruise the streets of Comic-Con in a branded Ferrari 488 to promote the return of MAGNUM P.I. Brand ambassadors will distribute red sunglasses and Hawaiian leis.
STAR TREK: DISCOVERY PEDICABS – From Thursday, July 19 through Sunday, July 22, CBS will offer free “intergalactic” rides throughout San Diego’s Gaslamp District in pedicabs inspired by the design of the U.S.S. Discovery’s captain’s chair. The pedicabs will feature the chair’s distinctive stitched black seats as well as video monitors built into its armrests, which in this case will screen trailers for the highly anticipated second season of the show. As an added touch, each vehicle will display an illuminated U.S.S. Discovery delta shield on the back.
STAR TREK: DISCOVERY MIRROR UNIVERSE GALLERY TAKEOVER – CBS is creating a fully immersive STAR TREK: DISCOVERY Mirror Universe experience at the Michael J. Wolf Fine Arts Gallery (363 Fifth Avenue, San Diego); Comic-Con badges are not required for entry. The exhibit, scheduled to run from Thursday, July 19 through Sunday, July 22, will feature a photo opportunity with Emperor Georgiou’s throne and will showcase props and costumes from the series’ Terran Empire. The gallery will also house an official “Star Trek” shop with Comic-Con exclusives.
Exhibit Hours: Thursday = 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM Friday = 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM Saturday = 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM Sunday = 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  CBS TV Studios Coming to SDCC 2018 CBS has huge plans for this year's SDCC, including the world premieres of Charmed, Magnum P.I.
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booknatter · 6 years
Books Read In 2017
Including novels, nonfiction, and graphic novels, not including picture books.
Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas
The Stonekeeper by Kazu Kibuishi
The Sense of Reality: Studies In Ideas and Their History by Isaiah Berlin
For Today I Am A Boy by Kim Fu
The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo
Smile by Raina Telgemeir
Mary Coin by Marisa Silver
The Stonekeeper’s Curse by Kazu Kibuishi
The Martian by Andy Weir
The Cloud Searchers by Kazu Kibuishi
Castle Waiting by Linda Medley
The World In 2030 A.D. by the Earl of Birkenhead
A Long Way From Chicago by Richard Peck 
Enchanted by Alethea Kontis
A Fine Passion by Stephanie Laurens
Sisters by Raina Telgemeir
The Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes by Neil Gaiman
Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen
Zita the Space Girl by Ben Hatke
Cardboard by Doug TenNapel
The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
Karl Marx’s Interpretation of History by M.M. Bober
The Last Council by Kazu Kibuishi
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
The City and the City by China Miéville
Pandemonium by Chris Wooding
Flight Volume 1
Prince of the Elves by Kazu Kibuishi
Rapunzel’s Revenge by Shannon Hale and Nathan Hale
Across the Sea of Suns by Gregory Bedford
Marcelo in the Real World by Francisco X. Stork
Calamity Jack by Shannon Hale and Nathan Hale
The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater
Blood Price by Tanya Huff
A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck
A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park
Hildafolk by Luke Pearson
Tales of the Madmen Underground by John Barnes
Owly: The Long Way Home and the Bittersweet Summer by Andy Runton
A Brief History of Montmary by Michelle Cooper
Batman, Volume 1, The Court of Owls by Scott Snyder
The Search for WondLa by Tony DiTerlizzi
Korgi, Book 1: Sprouting Wings by Christian Slade
Black Unicorn by Tanith Lee
Legends of Zita the Space Girl by Ben Hatke
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater
Jellaby by Kean Soo
Goose Chase by Patrice Kindl
Onward Towards Our Noble Deaths by Shigeru Mizuki
The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner
Owly: Just a Little Blue by Andy Runton
The Children of Green Knowe by L.M. Boston
Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor by Lisa Kleypas
Princeless: Save Yourself by Jeremy Whitley
White Cat by Holly Black
Tales from the Farm by Jeff Lemire
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
Korgi, Volume 2, The Cosmic Collector by Christian Slade
Escape from Lucien by Kazu Kibuishi
An Acceptable Time by Madeline L’Engle
The House with a Clock in its Walls by John Bellairs
Jellaby: Monster in the City by Kean Soo
A Season of Gifts by Richard Peck
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
The Queen of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde
Lumberjanes Vol. 1: Beware the Kitten Holy by Noelle Stevenson
Red Glove by Holly Black
Mouse Guard: Fall 1152 by David Peterson
Forbidden Captor by Julie Miller
The Maze Runner by James Dashner
Pluto Vol. 1 by Naoki Urasawa
The Storm in the Barn by Matt Phelan
The King of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner
A Flight of Angels by Rebecca Guay
Multicultural Dynamics and the Ends of History by Réal Fillon
Pluto Vol. 2 by Naoki Urasawa
Reading Comics by Douglas Wolk
Farthing by Jo Walton
Lumberjanes Vol. 2: Friendship to the Max by Noelle Stevenson
Bloody Jack by L.A. Meyer
A Hero for WondLa by Tony DiTerlizzi
Giants Beware! by Jorge Aguirre
Stranded with the Navy SEAL by Susan Cliff
Caroselli’s Christmas Baby by Michelle Celmer
Zeus: King of the Gods by George O’Connor
Just Ella by Margaret Peterson Hendrix
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz adapted by Eric Shanowner
Super Amoeba by Jennifer L. Holm
A Conspiracy of Kings by Megan Whalen Turner
How to Talk to Girls at Parties by Neil Gaiman
The Lost Conspiracy by Frances Hardinge
Skim by Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki
The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie by Jennifer Ashley
95 books in total, 59 novels, 41 graphic novels. 7 nonfictions.
0 notes
pgnangnan-blog · 7 years
1. Wie die Propheten von der Bibel im April 1993, mich Kacou Philippe, ein Mann der nie in einer Kirche gewesen war, Ich erhalte in Erscheinung der Besuch einem Engel der mich kommissioniert für eine Nachricht die zur der ganzen Erde bestimmt ist, in Ausführung von Matthäus 25,6 und Apokalypse 12,14. Hier ist der Bericht von meiner Bekehrung sowie den dritten großen Erscheinungen der Anruf und Kommission dergleichen Ich Es erhaltet habe: 2. Ich bin zur Bekehrung Gekommen am 24 April 1993 nach Daniel 10,4 bis 11 durch eine Erscheinung in der Ich Sah mich auf Meer Sand gestanden War, dann am Gipfel einer Höhen Pyramide, dann auf Meer Sand in einem anderen Ort und Ich sah einen Militär Frachtdampfer nach oben der Wassertiefen herauf kommen und sich hinter mir gehen. Ich habe mich gedreht und Ich habe gesehen, daß Es alle Lebenden Personen fasste. Es war Frauen und eine, eine Mischlinge war. 3. Dann kamen zwei Tauben zu mir und gingen noch auf die Wässer. Und Es hatte eine Sonnenfinsternis und ein Mann mit einer Wolke Aussehen und einem Schwert Festhaltend aus der Himmel ausstieg mit einem Lamm und die Erde war noch beleuchtet.  Sie standen an die Wässer und das Lamm Sprach zu mir in einer unbekannten Sprache.  Der Klang seiner Stimme bei mir eintrat und Ich fall tot. Meine Seele ging mit ihnen sich auf dem Wasser stehen während meiner Körper auf dem Meer Sand gelegen war. Wenn Er zu mir fertig gesprochen hatte, meine Seele bei mir eintrat und ich lebende wieder wird aber Ich sah Sie nicht mehr. 4. Dann kam eine Menge Von Menschen bei mir auf der rechten Seite und ich fragte sie, ob Sie den Engel und das Lamm gesehen hatten. Sie sagten: Nein! Und Ich habe gesagt: „ Wie haben Sie   nicht den Engel und das Lamm gesehen und alle Sie gemacht haben?“ Sie antworteten : „wir haben nicht den Engel und das Lamm gesehen und Wir haben nicht die Wörter Verstanden, dass das Lamm ausgesprochen hat, aber ganz glauben wir das, denn was Gott gegeben hat und, daß der Teufel genommen hat, ist zu dir zurückgegeben „. Ich höbe die Augen und Ich sah eine aufgerichtete Leiter zwischen dem Himmel und die Erde über die Wässer und die Engel Stiegen hinauf und kamen herunter. Und die Erscheinung endetet, und Ich fühlte was Ich heute weiß als den Heiligen Geist zu sein und ich weinte und Ich glaubte sofort an Gott. 5. Der nächste Tag um 15 Uhr, als ich mit meiner Familie gesessen hatte, war ich noch in Erscheinung transportiert, nach einem allen wüste Land und Ich sah auf Öst, die Wörter die aus der Himmel ausstiegen auf Wolken getragen. Es war nach dieser beiden Erscheinungen, daß ich für das sehr erstes Mal mich aufgestanden habe in der Kirche zu gehen. 6. In einer Dritten Erscheinung, wir waren in einem Abitursprüfung Raum gesessen und der Prüfer teilte die Prüfungen aus. Ich habe mir gesagt: „Aber was mache Ich hier? Ich habe nicht ein gutes Schulniveau und was werde ich schreiben?“  Und später hat er mir gesagt: „Dieselbe Art, dass Maria wunderbar empfangen hat ohne Mann zu kennen, dieselbe Art, daß Moses im Details was sich in der Schöpfung ereignet, Du auch hast die Wörter von dem ewigen Leben diesen 24 April 1993 erhaltet und das ist von Gott verordnet. Zur verabredeten Zeit, Du wirdst verstehen und unterrichten, was Du nicht gelernt hast, damit irgendjemand glaubt ewiges Lebens hätte.“ 7. JETZT! WAS SAGT DIESE NACHRICHT? Diese Nachricht sagt, daß wir nicht mehr in der Abendzeit sind aber am Mitternacht. Jedoch ist Es desselben Alter und denselben Geist Von Elija aber eine „Neue“ Nachricht, die eine höhe Tragweite dem der Abendzeit ist. Zächarja14,7 ist also unterschiedlich von Matthaüs25,6. 8. Diese Nachricht  sagt, daß der Weltkirchen Rat, der ökumenische Rat von Kirchen, die Vereine, Verbindungen, Bunden und Verbänden von Kirchen… die Katholischen Kirchen, die orthodoxen Kirchen, die Methodisten Kirchen, Eckankar, die Horus Sekte, die Lutheraner Kirchen, die anglikanischen Kirchen, Mahikari, Baptisten Kirchen, Das Rosa Kreuz, die Nazarenischen Kirchen, die Scientology-kirche, die Esoterik, die anabatisten Kirchen, der Voodoo-kult, die Adventisten Kirchen, Die Gefährten von Jesus, Die Emmaüs Mission, Das Tiefes Leben, Die zeugen Von Jehova, Die Zeugen von Jesus, die Foursquare Kirchen. 9. Die Freimaurer, die pfingstlerischen Kirchen, Der Kult der Inka Götter, die protestantischen Kirchen, Krishna, Kirche von Christus, Die Inne transzendental Meditation, der Graal, die lebhaften, die Evangelischen Kirchen, Die Mormonen, Guru Maharadji und alle die genannt offenbarenden und wiederhergestellten Kirchen… Die Betensglager, die Klöster, die Missionen und Ministerien einschließlich die Branhamisten   das heißt jenen, die noch die Nachricht von William Branham folgen, selbst in ihrer Reinheit Sind die Netzen vom Teufel um Menschen zur Hölle zu schicken und, daß die Geister die in diesen Kirchen handeln nicht der Heilige Geist sind, aber die Verführungsteufel. Es sind dieselben Teufel die in den Flüssen, Masken, voodookult, heiligen Wälder und Hölzer waren, die Brauche und Traditionen und die die Fetischpriester hervorriefen. 10. Diese Nachricht sagt, daß es dieselben Teufel die Elvis Presley, Bob Marley, James Brown, Madonna, Papa Wemba, hervorriefen, die heute riefen diese Gruppen und evangelischen Singer wie Tabitha Lemaire, Don Moen, Exo Eclats, Yolanda Adams und Celine Dion hervor. 11. Diese Nachricht sagt daß, Caïn, Joel Osteen, T. D. Jakes, Doug Batchelor, David Owuor, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Uebert Angel, T. B. Joshua und Manasseh Jordan sind die Verkörperung des Satans. Diese Nachricht sagt, dass Jesse Jackson, John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Joaquim Gonçalves, Donald Parnell, Alejandro Bullon, Guillermo Maldonado und Alberto Mottesi sind die Verkörperung des Satans. Diese Nachtricht sagt, dass Claudio Freidzon, Dante Gebel, Edir Macedo, Valdemiro Santiago, Sillas Malafaia, Paula White und Joyce Meyer sind die Verkörperung des Satans. Diese Nachricht sagt, dass Chris Oyakhilome, David Oyedepo, Tommy Osborn, Morris Cerullo, Yonggi Cho, Win Worley, und Rebecca Brown sind die Verkörperung des Satans. 12. Diese Nachricht sagt, dass Billy Graham, Luis Palau, Frank Alexandre, D. Owens, S. Swingfield, L. Allison, Ewald Frank, Joseph Coleman, Billy Paul und Joseph Branham sind die Verkörperung des Satans. Diese Nachricht sagt, dass Christian Bernard, Jim Lassiter, D.K. Olukoya, Zacharia Adetola und Charles Talingano sind die Verkörperung des Satans. Diese Nachricht sagt, dass Benny Hinn, Reinhard Bonnke ... Kacou Severin, Faustin Shungu, Mamadou Karambiri, Charles Ndifon, Martin Mutyebele, Derek Prince, Andre Larrue, Yvan Castanou und Shora Kuetu sind die Verkörperung des Satans. Diese Nachricht sagt, dass Konrad Raiser, Setri Nyomi, Paul Ayoh, George Freeman, Cecil Robeck, Theodor Angelou, Hamsa Eichler, Bet Beach, Ricardo di Segni, Samuel Rene Sirat, Nichiko Niwano, Henri Viaud-Murat, Rabbin Schneider und David Rosen ... sind die Verkörperung des Satans. 13. Alle die ihnen folgen oder die handeln im demselben Geist als sie und alle die Propheten die die Länder durchzeihen, sind die Zauberer, die Hellseher und Fetisch Priester, Umherrinnenden Sterne im Dienst vom Satan um die Einwohner der Erde zu verführen, die die Namen im Lebensbuch vom Lamm vor der Welt Gründung nicht geschrieben werden wie in der Zeit von Noah. Und, daβ sein Ministerium das von der Schlange ist nach Genesis 3 und Matthäus 24,24. Sein Ministerium ist das von dem Frosch nach Apokalypse16, 13-14. Es ist Gott Er selbst der Sie wie eine Armee gegen seine Feinde hervorrief nach 1 Königs 22, 19-20; 2 Thessalonicher 2, 9-12. Und alle seine Wunder einschlieβlich die der Branhamisten haben das Ziel, die Auserwählter zu verführen und Sie von Ägypten herauskommen zu verhindern und die Herze des Pharaos und seine Könige Abzuhärten. 14. Diese Nachricht sagt, daβ die protestantischen Kirchen, die Evangelischen Kirchen, einschlieβlich die offenbarenden und wiederhergestellten Kirchen und die Missionen und Ministerien sind das Vorbild des Tiers, das heißt von dem Katholizismus, und haben sein Zeichen erhaltet, seinen Geist, daβ sie der „der Heilige Geist “ nennen. Selbst wenn sie in der Sprachen sprechen, taufen namens Jesus Christus, erwecken die Tode auf, und predigen alle die Wahrheit, die Geiste die sie leiten und, dass Sie der „Heilige Geist“ nennen, sind der Geist dem Python, der Geist von Wahrsagen. Diese Nachricht sagt, daβ eine Taufe von Wasser für die Zurückgabe für alle die Einwohner der Erde geboten ist. 15. Diese Nachricht sagt, daβ die Bibeln Louis Segond, TOB, Martin, Crampon, Thompson, Scofield, Ostervald, Colombe, Semeur, King James, Neuen Welt Übersetzung, und Mitglieder, einschlieβlich alle die wiedergesehenden und korrigierten Fassungen sind Kanarien [Anm.d.Red: afrikanisch Kalebasse] von Fetischen. Und, daβ die genannt christlichen Buchhandlungen das Vorbild der Buchhandlungen den geheimen Wissenschaften, esoterischen, mystischen und wahrsagenden sind. Und, daβ die Radios und Fernsehen von der protestantischen und Evangelischen Kirchen wie zum Beispiel LMTV,  und BENIE TV sind  die Abwasserkanälen alle Arte Verschmutzungen und Unreinheiten  vor Gott. 16. Diese Nachricht verurteilt alle Form von pastorischen Schule. Diese Nachricht verurteilt die Theologie „Theo“ bedeutet Gott, „logie“ bedeutet lernen. Die Theologie ist also eine Wissenschaft die ihre Quelle von der Hölle entspringt. Man kann Gott weder studieren noch seines Wort studieren. Es ist Gott Er selbst der Sein Wort offenbart oder der sich offenbart zu wem Er will. Diese Nachricht verurteilt die Ohr Beichte zu einem Pfarrer oder zu einem Pastor, und sagt, daβ alle Beichte öffentlich sein muβ, vor der Versammlung. 17. Diese Nachricht sagt, daβ die alleine und einzigen Satzung und Geschäftsordnung der Kirche die Bibel sind und was der Lebende Prophet sagt.  Und, daβ die Kirche sich der Staat nicht unterwerfen kann, und infolgedessen erkennen wir nicht an, die macht einem Kults Minister auf uns. 18. Diese Nachricht sagt, daβ alle die Räte, alle die Vereine, und Bunden von Kirchen im nationalen oder internationalen Plan Drachen, satanischen Karikaturen sind, die für den Grund von Satan arbeiten. 19. Am Dienstag den 12 August 2003, mich, der Prophet Kacou Philippe, Ich habe eine groβe Menge von Bücher, Abhandlungen und evangelischen Kassetten verbrennen der die Bibeln TOB, Louis Segond, Martin, Ostervald, King James und Bücher von Kaiser Billy Graham, Ewald Frank, Benny Hinn, Reinhard Bonnke, Tommy Osborn und Kassetten vom Film „Jesus Von Nazareth“, die Rosenkränzen, Diplome von Theologie und Diplome von verschieden biblischen Ausbildungen, die Taufen Karten, die Kassetten von religiösen und heidnischen Singer… diese Dokumenten werden gebracht von der der Mitternacht schrei glauben, dass Ich predige nach Apostelngeschichte 19, 19. Seit dieser Zeit machen die gläubigen derselbe, diese Sache verbrennend. 20. Es ist diese Nachricht, die bis zur Enden der Erde gehen wird, und es ist diese Nachricht die der  Auflauf, die Verfolgung und die Entführung der auserwählter bringen wird. 21. Auβerdem noch, offenbart diese Nachricht die letzten Geheimnisse und die Ausführung von der letzten Gottes Versprechen zur Kirche der Völker, die im Alten und neuen Testament fassen sind, deren das Verständnis und die Annahme zur auserwählter gegeben sind nach Daniel 12, 8-10 der sagt, dass: „Vielen werden reinigt, weiß gemacht und verfeinern werden… und keiner der bösen wird verstehen“ und Apostelngeschichte 13,48 sagt: „…und alle die für das ewige Leben bestimmt waren, glaubten.“ 22. Und alle Mann muβ verstehen, daβ niemand durch er selbst aufstehen kann und verbrennen zehnen von Bibeln, Verurteilen mit stärke alle diese Kirchen und ihre führenden Männer und ihre gläubigen mit der macht, die alleine zu Gott gehört. In solchem fall, ganz gleich wer euch verhindern wird, ihr muβt was es sich passiert suchen wissen, weil in dem Urteil, jeder für sich selbst antworten wird. 23. Und seit 2003, dieser Kapitel ist der Prospekt Verteil zur Zeit der Evangelisierungen mit der Namen von Pastoren und Propheten der Völker. Er ist als das Rote Meer vorbeigeht betrachtet. Allein können hindurchgehen nur Moses und die Juden durch die Mächtige Hand von Gott. Und im August 2006, der Geist hat mir, zu mir der Prophet Kacou Philippe gesagt: „Stellt der Erste Predigt zu der Große dem Schreiben von der Bibel und die Nummer von Seiten, dass Du finden wirdst, es ist die Länge und die Nummer von Seiten für die Nachricht, die an dich vertrauen ist.“ 24. Und wegen dieser Nachricht, im 2016, auf vielen religiösen Führender Männer betreiben, mich, der Prophet Kacou Philippe, Ich wurde verfolgt und inhaftiert. Vorbeigegangen war ich fünf Tage und fünf Nächten sitzen geblieben auf einem Stuhl in den Räumen dem Geheimdienst der Elfenbeinküste. Vorbeigegangen war ich zwei Tage und zwei Nächte bei dem Untergeschoß der Polizeipräfektur von Abidjan und drei Monaten in die MACA dem Groβen Gefängnis von Abidjan. Wie werden Propheten von der Bibel und Mein Herr Jesus Christus behandelt, so werde ich behandelt. Und soll derjenige der hat Ohren zu verstehen, soll er verstehen.
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therightnewsnetwork · 7 years
Journalism! Dem shoots GOPers, WaPo examines role of right-wing talk radio (open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
Another Sunday is upon us, so here’s our weekly cavalcade of odds & ends.
Leading off, remember not long ago when an MSNBC-loving Bernie Sanders-supporter went unhinged and tried to assassinate Republicans at a congressional baseball game? If you’re the Washington Post, how do you frame that? Easy!
In the week leading up to the Trump/Putin meeting at the G20, CNN was chock full of reports about “sources” who told them Trump wouldn’t bring up Russian hacking. And then of course reality struck again:
CNN all week: An anonymous source says Trump won’t confront Putin about Russia meddling in the election!
Today: https://t.co/ik4daHedVA pic.twitter.com/bVTdhlnXWn
— Matt Wolking (@MattWolking) July 7, 2017
Chuck Schumer wasn’t happy about Trump’s meeting with Putin:
Democratic Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer called the meeting with Putin “the lowest moment of all” and an “embarrassment to our country and our ideals”.
It looks like the only way Trump could have gotten Schumer on his side would have been to assure Russia he’d have more flexibility after his re-election and then hand Putin a reset button.
Great news for Republicans! Hillary Clinton’s looking for ways to help get Democrats elected next year:
Hillary Clinton wants to play a role in next year’s midterm elections. It’s just not clear yet what that role will be.
Clinton has already launched a PAC aimed at helping congressional Democratic candidates in 2018, signaling the former first lady, senator and secretary of State is ready to help her party with fundraising.
She also is looking at the House districts she won in last year’s presidential contest against Donald Trump as part of an autopsy of her failed campaign, according to two sources who have spoken to the former secretary of State.
Meanwhile, Dems appear to be handling the news that Hillary plans to “help” them next year with trepidation:
NYC Mayor and G20 Resistor Bill de Blasio has said he remains “undeterred in our efforts to bring New Yorkers off the streets.” Hopefully for New Yorkers, “undeterred” de Blasio gets deterred pretty soon before nobody has a place to live:
There’s no worse news than hearing that progressive/socialist/communist leaders are working to “help” you.
Photo of the week:
That feeling when you’re overthrowing capitalism but just can’t resist taking a selfie on your iPhone 7 pic.twitter.com/Z6axp3GGb5
— Jimmy Rushmore (@JimmyRushmore) July 7, 2017
Nothing captures the beauty of anti-capitalist anarchy quite like an iPhone.
Finally, how will “The Resistance” spin this one? “Trump blows Marine’s cover”? We’ll see:
VIRAL VIDEO: Last night, before boarding Marine One, @POTUS​ retrieved a Marine’s hat, and the moment is taking the Internet by storm. pic.twitter.com/ul4CNjUQ3H
— Fox News (@FoxNews) July 9, 2017
Have a good Sunday all!
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
Powered by WPeMatico
from http://www.therightnewsnetwork.com/journalism-dem-shoots-gopers-wapo-examines-role-of-right-wing-talk-radio-open-thread/
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Journalism! Dem shoots GOPers, WaPo examines role of right-wing talk radio (open thread)
New Post has been published on http://www.therightnewsnetwork.com/journalism-dem-shoots-gopers-wapo-examines-role-of-right-wing-talk-radio-open-thread/
Journalism! Dem shoots GOPers, WaPo examines role of right-wing talk radio (open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
Another Sunday is upon us, so here’s our weekly cavalcade of odds & ends.
Leading off, remember not long ago when an MSNBC-loving Bernie Sanders-supporter went unhinged and tried to assassinate Republicans at a congressional baseball game? If you’re the Washington Post, how do you frame that? Easy!
In the week leading up to the Trump/Putin meeting at the G20, CNN was chock full of reports about “sources” who told them Trump wouldn’t bring up Russian hacking. And then of course reality struck again:
CNN all week: An anonymous source says Trump won’t confront Putin about Russia meddling in the election!
Today: https://t.co/ik4daHedVA pic.twitter.com/bVTdhlnXWn
— Matt Wolking (@MattWolking) July 7, 2017
Chuck Schumer wasn’t happy about Trump’s meeting with Putin:
Democratic Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer called the meeting with Putin “the lowest moment of all” and an “embarrassment to our country and our ideals”.
It looks like the only way Trump could have gotten Schumer on his side would have been to assure Russia he’d have more flexibility after his re-election and then hand Putin a reset button.
Great news for Republicans! Hillary Clinton’s looking for ways to help get Democrats elected next year:
Hillary Clinton wants to play a role in next year’s midterm elections. It’s just not clear yet what that role will be.
Clinton has already launched a PAC aimed at helping congressional Democratic candidates in 2018, signaling the former first lady, senator and secretary of State is ready to help her party with fundraising.
She also is looking at the House districts she won in last year’s presidential contest against Donald Trump as part of an autopsy of her failed campaign, according to two sources who have spoken to the former secretary of State.
Meanwhile, Dems appear to be handling the news that Hillary plans to “help” them next year with trepidation:
NYC Mayor and G20 Resistor Bill de Blasio has said he remains “undeterred in our efforts to bring New Yorkers off the streets.” Hopefully for New Yorkers, “undeterred” de Blasio gets deterred pretty soon before nobody has a place to live:
There’s no worse news than hearing that progressive/socialist/communist leaders are working to “help” you.
Photo of the week:
That feeling when you’re overthrowing capitalism but just can’t resist taking a selfie on your iPhone 7 pic.twitter.com/Z6axp3GGb5
— Jimmy Rushmore (@JimmyRushmore) July 7, 2017
Nothing captures the beauty of anti-capitalist anarchy quite like an iPhone.
Finally, how will “The Resistance” spin this one? “Trump blows Marine’s cover”? We’ll see:
VIRAL VIDEO: Last night, before boarding Marine One, @POTUS​ retrieved a Marine’s hat, and the moment is taking the Internet by storm. pic.twitter.com/ul4CNjUQ3H
— Fox News (@FoxNews) July 9, 2017
Have a good Sunday all!
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
Powered by WPeMatico
http://www.therightnewsnetwork.com/journalism-dem-shoots-gopers-wapo-examines-role-of-right-wing-talk-radio-open-thread/ %cats%
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cchsctv · 7 years
Stn Nationals 2017
Wow. I can't believe it's over. My second Stn has come and gone, and it fully lived up to my expectations. As I'm sitting here on the plane back, I can't help but smile and think about all of the amazing memories I've made. About Crazy 8- Boy was it crazy. We called 13 places and all of them fell through. We finally went to the transportation center and found a story. Security kicked us out 3 times, but every time we went back to film. Getting back to base, we edited and turned in our news pkg, it was great to make deadline. Watching Lian edit the show was awesome. I knew we were in great hands, and she performed so well. We we finished and the show exported, we all followed Lian, yelling "Ooo ooooo ooooo ooooo". It was pure awesomeness. Alexa - Sis, you were awesome. I think we worked so well together, we really meshed. We had fun and at the same time go the job done. It felt great editing with you and I think we really compliment each other. I can't wait for the many more memories we're going to have. Casey - Casey Chapter. You crazy kid. You're such amazing scripter. You help us convey the story by adding a whole new element to our show. Beyond that, you're so I knowledgeable behind the camera. I love working with you, and I love how much you care. Individuals- Movie trailer I woke up so excited to start my comp. We got to the table early and we were one of the first to receive our prompt: "Incognito". We had 3 hours to film and 3 hours to edit. Becca, Andrew, and I came up with Ideaa for the prompt. The idea was that Lian was an agent on the case of the infamous "incognito killier." She chases the killer, only to realize it's herself. Fillomimg went smooth. We all worked in tandem and it flowed really well. Andrew got beautiful shots and Becca added so many aweome scenes. As we went to the edit room, I was so ready to dive in. I picked out sound tracks while Andre did cool after effects. He did this amazing red eye effect and tv effect. After a long time of editing, Andrew and I were ready to export. Watching it load on the the flash drive was beautiful. We ran outside found Becca and the rest of Ctv cheering us on. It was an amazing feeling of relief, exhaustion, and happiness. What made it even more special was that everyone made deadline!!! Andrew- holy crap man. You've got something special. You're just naturally good at what you love. And because you love it you have a drive that I've seen up close to perfect your craft. You've got special skills, not may people have them, and you can make special things. You did aweome in the editing room, the aftereffdcts were fire. Just keep being humble, and good thing will come. Your a hell of man my friend, and I'm so glad we've gotten closer. Becca- You're my soulmate and we kicked butt. All I can think about is your passion for Ctv, and it makes me so happy. You care so much, and you're not afraid to show it. You make the group laugh and you always put us in a good mood. I'm so glad we got to work together, laugh together, and make so many memories. Closing Ceremonies - This is it. This is the real deal. A million things were racing through my mind as we stepped through the doors. Individuals were announced and no one placed. We all were down a little bit, but it gives us something to improve upkn next year and step up our game. Then the big finale, our chance to show Stn who we were. It seems our Crazy 8s were appropriately saved for last. Honorable mentions came and went. And they announced third place.... Cooper City High!!! We went wild, it was the feeling I'd been waiting for. We cried and hugged and cried even more. We came to win and thats what we did. Room Gang Harris- Duude. Roomies again and it didn't disappoint. We had so much fun laughing and and just hanging out. You're my bro Doug- Douggg!!! We had so much fun lol. All of our jokes and everything else we did made the tripe even better. You're an awesome dude and I'm happy we got closer Ashton- I have so much fun with you. Being in Anaheim with you was an awesome experience and it was so much fun. You're a stud bro Jessica- I'm so happy we got closer, you're such a fun and outgoing person and you made the trip even better. Anna- We always have a good time together, no matter what! I love sitting at dinner or waking around the hotel with you. You've alleays for something so funny to say, I'm glad we spent so much time together. The Presidents- I honestly can't describe my admiration and respect for all of you. Lian, you're our rock, our leader. You destroyed any expectations and showed everyone how good you are. Through all the challenges, you still rose up to the occasion and performed. I'm so happy to have you as my president and as a great friend. I love when we make each other crack up, and all of our jokes. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for being a great leader. We are all lucky to have someone like you. Lexi- you are such an amazing Ctver. You're one of the most talented filmed and editor I've ever seen. You're always there for us, and you have our back. I love how you're always smiling, your optimistism is infectious. You're a great leader and teacher, and you give us such a great example to follow. Isy- What would we do with out you. You keep us organized and bring so much life and spirit into our Ctv family. You're so strong willed and I respect you so much. I think we spent spent of time together and I feel we got even closer. You are a great reporter and editor and you bring an aweome sense of confidence to Ctv. To Future Newbies- After going to my second Stn, it only remifoces what Chardo and tthe oldbies say. Practice practice practice. Work with your group memeber, get as my Pimental as you can. Practice gimmicks and every area of your competition. As Mr. Pichardo for any aadvice and talks off of his tips and criticisms to heart. He knows what's he's talking about. Also, listen to your oldbies. They've been there , they know the ropes.the have valuable experience that they can share with you, don't be scared to ask. To my fellow Ctvers of next year- we can't forget the feeling of this. Let's continue on and show everyone who we are. We'll be cbacn and ready to kick ass again. Let's do it Mr. Pichardo- thank you so much for everything you've given to us . I look up to you so much, and I have such great respect for your hard work and dedication. You're an amazing advisor, and you care so much about us. it makes me love Ctv 'even more. Stn was such an amazing and exhilarating experience. It totally surpasses the hype and I loves everything about it. We came and did what we came to do. We showed everyone who we are and why we were there. It was an amazing experience and andwinning as family made it even better. Until next time Stn blog, Jakob Wolk
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allbestnet · 7 years
Military Reading List
1776: McCullough, David G.
A Companion to American Military History: Bradford, James C.
A History of Air Warfare: Olsen, John Andreas
A History of Modern Iran: Abrahamian, Ervand
A Savage War of Peace: Horne, Alistair.
Accidental Guerrilla: Kilcullen, David.
America the Last Best Hope: Bennett, William J.
American Soldiers: Kindsvatter, Peter S.
An Army at Dawn: Atkinson, Rick.
Beating Goliath: Record, Jeffrey.
Building the Trident Network: Mort, Maggie.
Caine Mutiny Court-martial: Wouk, Herman.-Avery, James-Hunter-Gualt, Chuma.-Lithgow, Ian.-Lowell, Scott.-Rivkin,
Cataclysm: Wolk, Herman S.
Clausewitz and Modern Strategy: Handel, Michael I.
Closing With the Enemy: Doubler, Michael D.
Command Culture: Muth, Jörg
Contemporary Military Innovation: Bjerga, Kjell Inge.-Adamsky, Dima.
Contemporary Nuclear Debates: Lennon, Alexander T.
Counterinsurgency Warfare: Galula, David.-Nagl, John A.
Credibility: Kouzes, James M.-Posner, Barry Z.
Critical Thinking: Paul, Richard.-Elder, Linda
Cyber Warfare: Andress, Jason.-Winterfeld, Steve.-Rogers, Russ.
Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar: Libicki, Martin C.
Discourses on Livy: Machiavelli, Niccolò.-Bondanella, Julia Conaway.-Bondanella, Peter E.
Eisenhower: Wukovits, John F.
Eisenhower on Leadership: Axelrod, Alan
Elephant and the Dragon: Meredith, Robyn.
Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front: Bloom, Harold.
Federalist Papers: Hamilton, Alexander-Madison, James-Jay, John-Goldman, Lawrence
Forgotten Continent: Reid, Michael.
From Babel to Dragomans: Lewis, Bernard.
George C. Marshall: Brower, Charles F.
Guardians of the Revolution: Takeyh, Ray.
History of Air Warfare: Olsen, John Andreas.
History of the Peloponnesian War: Thucydides.
Horse Soldiers: Stanton, Doug.
How: Seidman, Dov.
How Wars End: Reiter, Dan
Improving the Decision Making Abilities of Small Unit Leaders: National Research Council (U.S.).
Innovator's Dilemma: Christensen, Clayton M.
Inside Al Qaeda: Gunaratna, Rohan
John M. Schofield and the Politics of Generalship: Connelly, Donald B.
John Warden and the Renaissance of American Air Power: Olsen, John Andreas
Joseph Heller's Catch-22: Bloom, Harold.
Just and Unjust Warriors: Rodin, David.-Shue, Henry.
Knowing the Enemy: Habeck, Mary R.
Landscape of History: Gaddis, John Lewis.
Last Stand of Fox Company: Drury, Bob.-Clavin, Thomas.
Leadership: Ulmer, Walter F.-McCaffrey, Barry R.-Kolenda, Christopher D.
Leadership and the New Science: Wheatley, Margaret J.
Leading at the Edge: Perkins, Dennis N. T.-Murphy, Jillian B.-Holtman, Margaret P.
Lean Thinking: Womack, James P.-Jones, Daniel T.
Learning Large Lessons: Johnson, David E.
LeMay: Kozak, Warren
Lincoln and His Admirals: Symonds, Craig L.
Louis Johnson and the Arming of America: McFarland, Keith D.-Roll, David L.
Maneuver Warfare Handbook: Lind, William S.
Masters of the Air: Miller, Donald L.
Masters of War: Handel, Michael I.
Military Power: Biddle, Stephen D.
Modern War and the Utility of Force: Duyvesteyn, Isabelle-Angstrom, Jan.
On Becoming a Leader: Bennis, Warren G.
On Nuclear Terrorism: Levi, Michael.
On War: Clausewitz, Carl von.
Once an Eagle: Myrer, Anton.
Overcoming Post-deployment Syndrome: Cifu, David X.-Blake, Cory.
Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team: Lencioni, Patrick
Patton: Axelrod, Alan.-Clark, Wesley K.
Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant: Grant, Ulysses S.
Power Mentoring: Ensher, Ellen A.-Murphy, Susan E.
Presidential Courage: Beschloss, Michael R.
Red Badge of Courage: Crane, Stephen.
Rivals: Emmott, Bill.
Sailor's History of the U.S. Navy: Cutler, Thomas J.
Sea Power and the Asia-Pacific: Bratton, Patrick.-Till, Geoffrey.
Secrets of Special Ops Leadership: Cohen, William A.
Six Frigates: Toll, Ian W.
Starship Troopers: Heinlein, Robert A.
Success Built to Last: Porras, Jerry I.-Emery, Stewart-Thompson, Mark
Team of Rivals: Goodwin, Doris Kearns.
Testing American Sea Power: Felker, Craig C.
The AEF Way of War: Grotelueschen, Mark E.
The Armed Forces Officer: 
The Art of War: Sunzi-Calthrop, Everard Ferguson-Wu, Qi-Butler-Bowdon, Tom
The Face of Battle: Keegan, John
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: Lencioni, Patrick
The Forgotten Soldier: Sajer, Guy.
The Global Achievement Gap: Wagner, Tony.
The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire: Luttwak, Edward.
The Guns of August: Tuchman, Barbara Wertheim.
The Little Book of Economics: Ip, Greg
The Metal Life Car: Buker, George E.
The Myth of the Clash of Civilizations: Bottici, Chiara.-Challand, Benoît
The Naval Air War in Korea: Hallion, Richard P.
The Next Level: Eblin, Scott
The Origins of War: Guilaine, Jean.-Zammit, Jean.
The Peloponnesian War: Lazenby, J. F.
The Red Badge of Courage: Crane, Stephen-Sorrentino, Paul.
The Thousand-mile War: Garfield, Brian
The Warrior Ethos: Coker, Christopher.
Thinking About America's Defense: Kent, Glenn A.-Ochmanek, David A.-Spirtas, Michael.-Pirnie, Bruce
Transformation Under Fire: Macgregor, Douglas A.
Understanding Arabs: Nydell, Margaret K.
United States Coast Guard in World War II: Ostrom, Thomas P.
Victory on the Potomac: Locher, James R.
War to End All Wars: Coffman, Edward M.
What Went Wrong?: Lewis, Bernard.
Why Air Forces Fail: Higham, Robin D. S.-Harris, Stephen John.
Winged Defense: Mitchell, William
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