#echo tbt
necroecho · 1 year
@livingecho wishes to see the necromancer... ( closed starter )
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"Your heart is beating so fast..." Getseigeist spoke slowly and with an air of superiority- though that was hardly anything new. He looked down on his Shadow- an impressive feat considering she towered over him. He stood in the center of her office, pretending to pour over a tome of history. In truth, Getseigeist had been waiting for some time for the affluent Shadow to return from wherever she had gone.
"Did your maid tell you that I was here? I do hope I haven't given her a fright..."
A frighteningly wide smile played its way across the necromancer's face. With sunken eyes with enough luggage to clothe this entire island, unkempt hair, and his uncanny resemblance to the maid's employer? She was more than likely beside herself with fear.
"I have come to speak with you. In truth, I wished to be cordial, but recent discoveries have led me to become incensed."
"How could you do that to your daughter?"
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loetise · 2 years
@azgedaspy​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​,   song lyric starter call, accepting.  ˎˊ˗
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"  i  don't  belong  in  the  world,  that's  what  it  is.  "
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xprojectrpg · 11 months
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Throwback Thursday - Breakdown:
Two years ago, Claremont Hospital came under siege by the Purifiers and it fell to a few members of the mansion to try and shut it down from within.
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love-seared · 1 year
hundred points, leaves fluttering
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know. - Arryn has interest in marine life and its mutations. As someone who perused books from ‘awhile ago’ she noticed how fish and anthropoids changed over time. If she is really comfortable with someone she will bring this interest to the table.
-She has a very uneasy stomach. Her anxiety will turn her stomach very easily, and even more so when she is lacking resources. Plus she cries when she’s sick, and she’s an ugly crier. A fantastic combo
-Arryn is crazy good at card games. She’s also stupid good at seeming like she has never played before to lower expectations.
🍃 LEAVES FLUTTERING IN WIND — what is/was your oc's favorite subject in school?
In high school, definitely history class. She loves non-fiction reading and answered every question shamelessly. In college she surprisingly took on art history as an interest. She considered changing her major to anthropology and preservation of history but knew that she wanted to chase the money.
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bellsliturgy · 1 year
solus and his mom both had the echo prior to their respective demises. upon his soul being ferried into the body of an unused clone, however, his connection to hydaelyn is severed. he still suffers from migraines and visions of peoples’ pasts, but is unable to hear her voice, and visions that would be otherwise occupied by a massive floating mothercrystal for others, are instead replaced by a pitch black void for him. he can hear only silence, and it’s a silence that fills him with dread.
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kittyball23 · 6 months
Diaper Duty (a Trolls fanfic)
Summary: It’s obvious by the stinky smell coming from Baby Branch’s diaper that ONE of his brothers has to do the dirty work. Question is, who?
A/N: Taking place before TBT
John Dory sighed, his head slumped against the windowsill of their pod and a pout on his lips. Outside, a harsh storm had just started to pour down, the sky clapping with thunder and raindrops beating harshly against the land. It was so not the way that he’d pictured this evening. It was supposed to be another great one up on the mushroom stage, belting out a song alongside his brothers, eating up the claps and cheers from the audience and soaking in the praise – not getting soaked in raindrops.
Behind him, he could hear the sounds of soaked feet squishing against the soft carpet and the sounds of water droplets patting against the floor as hair was wringed out. He, Spruce, Clay, and Floyd had made an effort to try and get out as quickly as they could before their concert got rained out, but it just hadn’t been fast enough. Heck, even Baby Branch, who was too young to perform and had only been there to watch, was soaked from head to toe. And all four of them were also less than pleased with the turnout of that evening.
John Dory groaned, finally prying himself away from the window and turning towards his brothers. “This stinks!” he exclaimed, kicking at the air angrily. There were only so many rehearsals they could do before they got bored and craved the real deal of an actual performance.
The other boys nodded, solemnly agreeing.
Floyd sighed. “Yeah…” But then, he scrunched his nose, a look of disgust crossing his face. “Ugh… but that’s not the only thing that stinks…”
It was then that Clay and Spruce, too, donned their magenta sibling’s same expression.
“Aww, ewww!” the yellow-haired Trolling moaned, pinching his nose to keep the putrid odor from infiltrating his nostrils. “Spruce, did you let one rip? Not cool, man!”
“Don’t blame this on me,” the purple-haired Trolling said, defending himself from the accusation, “it was you who probably did!”
“No way, dude,” Clay retorted. “I might be all for jokes n’ stuff, but I wouldn’t do something like that. That’s just wrong!”
John Dory, who’d made his way over as Clay and Spruce bickered, suddenly realized where the smell was coming from. “Bros, I think it’s Branch!”
The boys paused. “Branch?” they echoed.
JD picked the little baby up off the ground, who babbled at his brother with his one-toothed grin. It was when he was up close to his youngest brother that JD saw the lump that hung in his diaper, and noticed the awful scent that wafted into his nose was much stronger now.
“Ugh! Okay, I don’t think it’s Branch. I know it’s Branch.” He held the baby at an arms length away. “Okay, guys, whose turn is it to…”
But John Dory trailed off when he turned to look at the others. Within the split moment in which he’d affirmed the case of Branch’s dirty diaper and began to ask the question, Spruce, Clay, and Floyd had already picked up and dashed off from right under his nose, the only evidence of them ever having been there in the first place being a strand from each of their colorful hairs in the spots where they’d been sitting.
“Seriously, guys?!” John Dory complained. “Just cuz I’m the oldest doesn’t mean I gotta do all the dirty work!”
But, left without a choice, JD just sucked it up, using one of Grandma Rosiepuff’s clothespins to pinch his nose and grabbing a fresh diaper from the package they had.
“Remind me to add potty-training to your schedule, bro, a’ight?” he said rather nasally to Branch as he laid him down on the changing table and began to undo the diaper, cringing distastefully with every move.
Baby Branch just giggled in response.
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corelliansunsets · 2 years
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tbt to when they defended Kamino and got a cool promotion for it
(I like to think that Fives loves pictures and having pictures taken and echo just goes along with it)
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rosebrolol · 4 months
Uniting Hearts
this is before tbt
Viva, a spirited and determined troll princess, leaded a group of trolls through an underground tunnel, trying to escape the relentless pursuit of the Bergens. The trolls are exhausted, struggling to keep up.
Viva's eyes well up with tears as she glanced back at her fellow trolls, who are struggling to keep pace. Feeling overwhelmed, she taked a moment to catch her breath.
Clay, a kind-hearted troll, noticed Viva's distress. He approached her with a gentle smile.
"You seem troubled. Is there anything I can do to help?" Clay said softly.
Viva looked at Clay, surprised by his kindness. "I don't even know if I can keep leading them. They're all struggling, and I feel responsible for their safety." Viva cried teary eyed. "Leadership is not about shouldering all the burdens alone. It's about finding strength in unity and supporting one another. Let me help you." Clay said, offering a hand.
Viva hesitates for a moment, touched by Clay's offer. She nods, accepting his help.
The trolls finally reached a peaceful riverbank. They collapsed, panting and exhausted. Viva took a deep breath and addressed the struggling trolls. "Everyone, please gather around." Viva called out.
The trolls gathered, looking weary but curious. Among them, Clay stood beside Viva. "I know we're all tired, but we can't leave anyone behind. We're a family, and we support each other. So, if you're struggling to keep up, let us know. We'll find a way to help you." 
The trolls exchange hesitant glances, unsure about admitting their struggles. But one by one, they stepped forward, sharing their difficulties.
Viva's eyes met Clay's, grateful for his presence and support. "Thank you for speaking up. Now, let's find solutions together."
Clay stepped forward, his voice filled with determination. "Let's form smaller groups. Those who need a little extra support can pair up with those who can lend a hand. We'll take turns leading, making sure nobody falls behind."
The trolls seem relieved, understanding that they don't have to face the journey alone. With renewed determination, the trolls set off once again, forming smaller groups. Each group supported and encouraged one another, ensuring no troll was left behind.
Viva led from the front, alongside Clay, their hearts connected by their shared purpose. The trolls emerge from the underground tunnel, entering a lush forest. The sound of the Bergens faded away, replaced by the soothing melodies of nature.
Viva looks back at her fellow trolls, now filled with resilience and hope. "We'll make it. We'll find a safe place to call home." Viva whispered.
The weary but determined trolls continued their arduous journey through the lush forest. Suddenly, a glimmer of hope appears in the distance – a sign reading "Putt Putt Golf - Welcome Home." Excitement and relief fill the air as the trolls quicken their pace, eager to reach their destination.
"We've made it! This will be our new home." Viva exclaimed.
The trolls cheered, their exhaustion momentarily forgotten. Viva stepped forward, feeling a mix of emotions, and turned to Clay, who stood beside her.
"Clay, you have been my guiding light throughout this journey. Your unwavering support and compassion have made all the difference. From this day forward, I name you my right-hand troll and advisor. Together, we will lead our troll family and build a thriving community here at Putt Putt Golf." 
Clay's eyes filled with pride and gratitude as he bowed before Viva.
"Thank you, Princess Viva. I am honoured to stand by your side and serve our troll community with all my heart."
The trolls cheered once again, their voices echoing through the valley. Viva and Clay, now Queen and her trusted right-hand man, shared a knowing smile, ready to embark on this new chapter together.
Months passed, and Putt Putt Golf was transformed into a bustling troll village. Colourful houses were built, laughter filled the air, and the trolls thrived in their new home. Viva, now Queen Viva, and Clay worked tirelessly, leading with compassion and wisdom, ensuring that no troll wasleft behind.
Queen Viva sat on her throne, adorned with a crown of flowers, listening attentively to her subjects' concerns. Clay stood beside her, offering guidance and support. The trolls gathered around, expressing their gratitude and admiration for their queen and her right-hand troll.
"We have come so far, my fellow trolls. Together, we have built a place of love, acceptance, and unity. Putt Putt Golf will forever be our home, a testament to the strength we found within ourselves and the power of standing together."
The trolls cheer, their voices echoing through the chambers, filling Queen Viva's heart with joy.
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John Dory
The Leader Voice of Reason
(Brotherworldly Au Masterpost)
Age after TBT: 41
Birthday: June 26th
Info under cut:
Power: Sound Imitation
Able to talk without using his vocal cords
Able to imitate basic one note noises
Able to project his voice from anywhere in a 1 foot radius
Able to imitate basic songs
Able to imitate someones voice
Able to project his voice from anywhere in a 1.5 foot radius
Able to imitate the speaking patterns of someone’s voice
Able to imitate complex songs
Able to project his voice from anywhere in a 2.5 foot radius
Able to replay previous noises he heard
Echos any noise he can hear with a 1 second delay
Pre JD Capture
“I have to protect everyone.”
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Lives in the troll tree with his four younger brothers
Has to raise himself and his brothers since there parents passing
Feels the need to protect every troll due to seeing himself as a danger
His dad made his goggles
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Post JD Capture
“Maybe my powers aren’t completely a curse.”
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Got captured after pushing a young troll out of the way from Chef’s grasp
Tricked Chef by imitating the Kings voice
Escaped to a nearby forest and met Rhonda
Pre Return to Troll Tree
“I’ll get everyone else out of the Troll Tree too!”
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Created a plan to get everyone out of the troll tree by tricking the Bergens to open the cage
Got attacked by a bird on the treck to Bergen town
Post Return to Troll Tree
“They’re all gone...”
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When no one was at the tree he believed they all died
Almost went grey but Rhonda stopped him from getting to that point
Stopped talking for 3 months due to grief
Forgot what his voice sounded like and how to talk with his vocal cords
He talked with a jumble of what he remembered from his brother’s voices
“I got Rhonda. She’s all I need.”
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Has lived in the wild for 23 years at this point (20 since returning from the troll tree)
Destroyed his shirt by continually ripping it up for bandages
Master Survivalist
Has been spotted by other troll tribes but no one ever did anything about him
Post TBT
“I’ve made it and never been better!”
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Adjusting to living in civilization again
Lives in Branch’s bunker with Branch and Floyd
Found a voice recorder with his voice so now he can talk with his voice own again
Thought about learning to talk with his vocal cords again but decided not to
Doesn’t like the texture of shirts
Was going to fully fix his pants but a rock troll called it gnarly and now he refuses too
Got a new set of lenses for his goggles
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Very friendly
Met JD after her parents died
JD became like a parent to her
Never grew big due to not getting enough food too
Likes to hide in JD’s hair and sit on his lap
Quadruple A Battery (AroAce, Agender, and Agenre)
Uses He/Him pronouns
Hates camping
Has spent hours staring at large quantities of food (usually with Floyd too)
Threw up on Rhonda on his 34th birthday and she has never forgiven him for it
Loves to pull pranks (especially with his abilities) and often teams up with Floyd to pull them
His first April Fools back ended up with him and Floyd getting banned from 6 separate stores, almost the entire village despising them for around a month, both of them getting a black eye from Smidge, and Branch giving them the silent treatment for a week (they would do it again in a heartbeat)
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jouliejihan · 9 months
𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 𝑶𝑵 𝑨𝑰𝑹! - hueningkai × fem reader
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𝑺𝒀𝑵𝑶𝑷𝑺𝑰𝑺: When Y/N and her eccentric friends decide to host the 'Love On Air' podcast, they think they can heal the heartaches of all HYBE Uni students.  But when love begins to bubble up behind the scenes, Y/N finds herself at the center of a messed up love triangle. While she tries to save broken hearts, a shy student, Hueningkai, does everything to win her heart. With clumsy dating advice, accidental encounters and a chaotic podcast, will love triumph or end up in a hilarious mess?
"Tune in with us guys, cause Love is On Air!"
TAGLIST (open, send ask or comment to be added) @full-sunnies ​@enhacolor ​ @mackjestic ​@beabeanice ​@beoms-sugar
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11- TBT (Tiger-Bee Truce)
Y/N and Wonwoo were sitting side by side, focused on Y/N's laptop screen.  They were editing the latest episode of "Love On Air", ready to be posted on the YouTube channel. Jungwon and Jay's laughter and lively conversations with her echoed through the hallway as they worked.
"This part was funny, don't you think, oppa?"
"Yes, definitely. I think our listeners will love it."
While editing, they started talking about other topics.
"So, Wonwoo, what do you like to do in your free time?"
"Well," he said thoughtfully. "I enjoy everything, reading, going out drinking with my hyungs, but my favorite hobby as you heard, is gaming and streaming with my followers."
"I confess that games aren't really my thing" she scratched the back of her head, embarrassed "The only one I usually play sometimes is Legends of Runeterra, as it is one of the few Riot Games games that explores the game's universe and lore beyond of what was presented in stories, cinematics and other media."
"I've never heard of him. What is it?"
"It's a card game with some of the champions that League players know, with a few more special things! If you have time, I'll show you this game!"
"Of course, I would love to."
The conversation flowed naturally, and they discovered that they had a lot in common on other subjects, despite studying in practically opposite areas at HYBE Uni. Wonwoo had big aspirations in the gaming industry, while Y/N had other plans for her future.
"You know, oppa. My dream is to publish a book one day, maybe one of my stories will be adapted into a film script, or even I'll be called by Riot to write a new champion's lore in League!"
"Anything can happen, but I see that you are very talented, Y/N! You have a lot of potential to achieve great things in your life!"
She blushed slightly at the compliment.
"Thanks. But what about you? How are you doing with your livestreams?"
"Very well! In the last broadcast I broke my last record in Super Mario Kart and my goal of 10M subscriptions on my Twitch channel!"
"Really? Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!"
As they continued to talk, they discovered more about each other's interests, sharing stories about their hobbies and their ambitions for the future. Slowly, a friendship began to blossom between them, fueled by their passion for their studies and their excitement at working together on Love On Air.
As she finished editing the episode, she looked at him with a warm smile.
"Thank you. You really were a gem in this episode."
"It was my pleasure. I can't wait to see how our listeners react!"
As the sun set on campus, their friendship was beginning to form, fueled by their love of creation and shared dreams. It was the beginning of something special that they both knew could last a long time.
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Y/N returned to her dorm, feeling a heavy weight in her heart due to the recent conflict. She knew she needed to sort things out and start a heart-to-heart with him. When she opened the door, she saw Sooyoung, who seemed to be reading something on her phone.
"You came back."
"I'm a woman of word, oppa. I would never postpone something so important to us for nothing."
The silence in the room was suffocating. Guilt weighed heavily on Soonyoung's shoulders, but the broken heart shook Y/N's feelings, so as she sat down on her rolling chair, dragged her closer to Hoshi and took a deep breath, she decided it was on her to take the first step.
"I want to apologize. I was immature with you, and it wasn't fair. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that."
He nodded, showing gratitude for her sincerity.
"I also apologize, Y/N. I didn't make an effort to really get to know you. I was influenced by rumors, both those posted by Beomgyu and those told by Yunjin and her friends. I feel so bad for judging you like that."
She smiled, relieved that they were finally starting to work things out.
"I understand. We both made mistakes by subjugating each other, but I believe we can do better from now on."
He nodded in agreement.
"Of course, that's why we need to establish some rules for healthy coexistence in the dorm, to avoid worse fights for no reason."
"I agree. Here are my suggestions: I would like to have more privacy and quiet in the room to study and plan the "Love On Air" episodes. And I would like to help you organize your things in the half of the room that is yours, I would hate to see you angry when you easily lose something important because of disorganization."
He considered the proposals and nodded.
"It's okay, I can do that. In return, I would like you not to go through my things without permission and to make a greater effort to respect my likes and hobbies."
She agreed, saying the rules were fair and balanced.
"Agreed. I promise not to touch your things and respect your tastes. Let's create a healthier coexistence from now on."
"No silly arguments and resentments?" he reached out to her
"I promise. Those were waters under the bridge, what matters is our future in the dorm." She returned a friendly smile.
"Good to know! I think we can be good roommates from now on, maybe even friends?"
"Don't force it." she grinned "It's going to take a while before I even consider you a friend, okay?"
"I'll take that risk." he shrugged
They knew it would be a winding path of learning, but they were determined to make living in the dormitory more harmonious and respectful. For them, this was a new beginning.
A/N: SooY/N FINALLY having their redemption arc. Things are getting spicy...
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lyriquediscorde · 3 months
1980: Time Travel Tunes
1980: Time Travel Tunes - #TBT Playlist
“Ashes to Ashes” by David Bowie“Listening Wind” by Talking Heads“Isolation” by Joy Division“A Forest” by The Cure“Babooshka” by Kate Bush“And Through the Wire” by Peter Gabriel“Do It Clean” by Echo and the Bunnymen“Christine” by Siouxsie and the Banshees“That’s Entertainment” by The Jam“Girl U Want” by DEVO“She’s So Cold” by The Rolling Stones“I Wanna Destroy You” by The Soft Boys“When You Were…
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whymusic · 11 months
#TBT - Album Review “ Space is only noise “ , Nicolas Jaar
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How fitting is it that for an artist as robust as Nicolas Jaar, his debut would contain some of his most varied and eclectic work? As a huge fan of the guy’s work, listening to Space Is Only Noise is a fascinating experience, not only because of how amazingly produced the whole thing is but for what it represents in Jaar’s discography.
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The album doesn’t hone in on a single sonic focus or genre, instead housing individual flashes of sounds that come together for a greater, darkly-tinged picture. Spoken word samples, chopped-up vocal snippets, echoes of house production, and a prevailing sense of deep atmosphere and immersion can be found here. All these pieces would go on to become hallmarks of Jaar’s, only on this record, they were each being presented in a microcosm all at once, which is a joy to listen to! The varied sound palette doesn’t detract from the cohesion of the album, instead, each sound is given context with one another by being delivered with the same moody, textured vibe. To me, the album feels like the black void of space. It’s vast and difficult to fully grasp the sheer weight of, but ultimately, it functions with all its working parts, and what you make of it is entirely dependent on your own perspective.It took a good number of listens to fully make sense of it, but after clicking, I find it to be a stellar debut record from a stellar artist who would go on to make even more stellar music. I do think a handful of songs work more as transitory moments than full pieces, and it’s certainly a lot to take in, but I still believe Space Is Only Noise to be a strong figure in one of the most consistently interesting discographies in electronic music
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cowboylikedean · 1 year
iirc at the time she was discussing not just the queer community but also racial justice which is why i never took it as being a declaration of her sexuality but i can see why other ppl would interpret it that way. thanks for answering my questions!! also tbt when taylor was on tumblr. what a time to be alive that was lmfao
Nope. Here's the paragraph from the article:
I ask her, why get louder about LGBTQ rights now? “Rights are being stripped from basically everyone who isn’t a straight white cisgender male,” she says. “I didn’t realize until recently that I could advocate for a community that I’m not a part of. It’s hard to know how to do that without being so fearful of making a mistake that you just freeze. Because my mistakes are very loud. When I make a mistake, it echoes through the canyons of the world. It’s clickbait, and it’s a part of my life story, and it’s a part of my career arc.”
It is unambiguous what she is talking about.
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djbmello · 2 years
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This is from the 90s. I remember I had a sponsorship from @zumiez & got all the new Echo gear. Fun times and good hip-hop! #tbt #djbmello #djlife #hiphhop #hiphopmusic #turntables #throwback #seattehiphop (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chr4Kd_r_Tp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fatesought · 4 years
When Echo Ironwood gets into rogue shenanigans it is 500% like A Heist With Markiplier. He will do the thing, with or without you. Are you suuuuuuure you want to do it like this? No, it's fine. I'm judging you the whole time but it's fine. We are hiking up a trail of gore I'm sure this is safe and I'm definitely not planning on tripping you if I need to.
But also, artificially giving strangers he is around a sense of control, acting like he doesn't have the potential to be a leader because he is still Stipa's son and he knows better than to show all his cards at once.
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riddleculed · 5 years
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Eddie: Don’t be jealous because I’m beautiful, Nina. It’s unbecoming.
Echo: ....
for @queryxecho
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