#falcon!nina tag
flamingfalcon3 · 7 months
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Some art for the House of Anubis AU I’m making. The gist of it is that Nina gets her body stolen by an evil entity while she was staying at school over the summer after s2 to make up for all the classes she missed. The possession was supposed to destroy her soul, but the Eye of Horus manages to save her soul and gives her a body in the form of a falcon. Unfortunately, no one saw what happened, so when they discover her, they assume that something must have happened to Nina and somehow a random bird got ahold of her locket.
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avatarskywalker78 · 5 months
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Formal OC Introductions - Meri Solo (fc Nina Dobrev)
As most of my OCs on my Masterlists were added after the initial post, I'm going to be posting about the ones you might not've seen for the next couple weeks!
When twelve-year-old street rat Meri snuck on board the Millenium Falcon, she expected that she'd just be dropped off at the next nearest planet, figuring that anywhere would be better than her homeworld. But Han Solo isn't prepared to just dump her anywhere because he remembers well enough what it was like to be half-starved on a wretched wasteland of a planet, and with the Empire looming over everything he decides instead to take her under his wing, because it's about as safe as anywhere else. And so Meri spends the next several years as his partner, of sorts - soon coming to see him as the older brother she never had - but she's also not one to just stand by. Han already pretends not to know that she helps Tatooine slaves to escape, but when Meri hears increasing whispers of the Rebel Alliance she knows what she has to do - the Empire has to be brought down - and when she eventually leaves the Falcon to establish herself she goes to join up with them, planning to get back in contact with Han as soon as she's able. Three years later, this still hasn't happened, even as she decides to take on the surname Solo (because she's well aware he thought of her as his sister even if he never actually said so) - but she does hear of his actions in the Battle of Yavin and figures it'll only be a matter of time before they see each other again. She turns out to be right, though he's taken aback at the name change, Luke and Leia are confused because hey, you never mentioned a sister, and as she becomes part of their team, she has no idea what lies ahead - she only knows that she'll do whatever she can to protect those she loves...and to take down the Empire once and for all.
Tagging (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @shrinkthisviolet @ocappreciationtag @lady-of-the-spirit
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emeraldhazeart · 1 year
Thank you for the tag @friendofbats!
Sorry it's taken me so long - I really struggled to find 4 ships 😅
The Rules: Tag (9) people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the following:
Four Ships
In no particular order
1. The Titanic (1912)
2. The Millennium Falcon (Star Wars)
3. The Ever Given (Suez Canal March 2021)
4. The USS Enterprise NCC-1701 (Star Trek)
OK, OK, not that kind of ship. Gotcha.
For real though, this was kinda hard because I'm not a big shipper. I tend to just go along with the default canon ships. Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of ships, but I had to really wrack my brain to find four I love.
1. Female Shepherd x Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect trilogy)
I was not expecting to feel so strongly about this ship, but after recently replaying the ME trilogy and romancing Garrus this time, I was blown away by the chemistry between him and FemShep. The voice actors do a phenomenal job anyway, but they really brought their 'A' game to this relationship. It made the ending all the more bittersweet for me, knowing how ME3 closes out...I just want these 2 to be together forever, dangit!
NB: I know the player chooses Shepherd's appearance and how they respond to certain situations, but I still see Shepherd as a defined character, rather than an OC/self insert.
2. Nina x Galen (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Does it still count as a "ship" if they've already been married for decades when we meet them? Eh, I'm counting it.
When I think of OTPs, I think of characters I can't imagine with anyone else. That defines Nina/Galen for me. They clearly mean the world to each other.
3. Fox x Vixen (Animals of Farthing Wood)
I've spoken before about how the AoFW cartoon was my childhood. Well, these 2 were my OG ship. I can't think of Two characters more meant to be together.
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Even the narrative (in the books, at least) calls out how unusual their bond is, with the two choosing, unlike other foxes, to stay together long after their cubs are grown up. I love the way they respect and admire each other, how there's never even any question of anyone else for either of them, and how, even when times are tough, they never turn their frustrations on each other.
4. Robin x Starfire (Teen Titans 2003)
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I've always enjoyed 'Friends to Lovers' stories - Which makes a lot of sense since I realised I'm demisexual 😅 My favourites are the stories where they've been friends for a long time, before something shifts and they finally realise they see each other as more than friends.
I think that's part of the reason I resonate so much with this ship.
Last Song: Eyes Closed by Ed Sheeran
Currently Reading: Shadow by Michael Morpurgo
Last Movie: um... I really can't remember what my last movie was. It's been that long since I consciously sat down to watch a film
Craving: it's a cliché, but: milk chocolate. 😅🍫
No pressure tags: @sneakyfox55 @lizzie-tempest @hannahcbrown @acustardduckling @harvestpokerune @devaneiosblues and anyone else who'd like to have a go 🙂
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ao3feed-sambucky · 2 years
just miss simone
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/40067883
by HolyHellHamilton
“I would have,” He told him, “you know that I would have.”
He felt Sam’s hand on his shoulder, and Sam’s breath on his skin, “Why don’t you?”
It wasn’t that he was against it, it was that the fear, the one in the back of his mind, would always be there no matter how hard he pushed it away, “Someone could see us.”
“No one can see us, Buck,” Sam assured him, getting closer, closer, closer, “Except maybe Miss Simone.”
Words: 579, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Nina Simone, i guess - Character
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson
Additional Tags: canon is a sandbox and i am an angry toddler, Dancing, kind of. they definitely try to, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Light Angst, not if you blink you’ll miss it but it’s brief, Bucky Barnes Loves Sam Wilson, so much it’s sickening, Songfic, song: Miss Simone (Sara Barellies)), kind of a song fic inside a song fic, Delacroix - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/40067883
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rickygoldman34 · 2 years
Hello everyone Ricky Goldman here.
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Its Progress wrestling: The Deadly Viper tour codename side winder.
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1st match is Alexxis Falcon vs Millie McKenzie. Yea former NXT UK star Mille McKenzie. Alexxis very much in control from the early going but Millie got into again then both women traded German suplexs,both women back up and they trade blows with Alexxis with the upper hand. Here comes Millie back into it with straight fire to Alexxis hitting an RKO to no avail. Alexxis back in on the action but not for long as Millie hits a knee followed by a spear for the win.
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Next up its Elijah vs Tom Dawkins. My 1st look at Elijah here and Tom is the former Cara Noir. Out comes Spike Trivet he tells Tom to take off his Cara tshirt he kept distracting him throughout the match. Elijah very much in control from the offset with the crowd firmly behind Tom. Tom slowly rolls back into the action Tom and Elijah exchange hard shots but with a package suplex its Elijah coming out as the winner.
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Next match is Tate Mayfairs vs Sam Bailey. Tate gains heat by grabbing the mic and saying Manchester is trash. It's slow paced action to start but it does pick up and Tate is in control,now back and forth action from both men with Tate staying on Sam. Both men trade chops which Tate follows up with a coast to coast on Sam giving him control again. Both men jockey for position and look for a pin fall victory here. Tate distracts the referee and cheats to picks up a win.
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Lets get to the next one and it shall be Taonga vs Nina Samuels. Yes former NXT UK star Nina Samuels is here. Both women look to gain control from the early going with Nina with the advantage here. Taonga tried to come back into it many times but Nina just put her down again her opponent battles back but ultimately Nina Samuels comes out on top as the Victor. After the match Nina grabs the mic and Alexxis interrupts her.
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To the next match its Lykos Kid vs Luke Jacobs. This was supposed to be a tag team match but Ethan Allen is injured. Luke takes it right to Kid Lykos with multiple chops,Kid Lykos 2 at ringside distracts Luke to give his opponent the upper hand. Luke comes back into it turning the action around he puts his opponent in the corner and chops away. Kid back into it hitting a V trigger and then a swan ton bomb to no avail. Both men battle trading hard shots,Luke hits a power bomb but didnt get the win. Luke with a clothesline to Kid Lykos 2 he then throws both men into to chairs on the crowd. Back in and Luke hits a frog splash but no win here. Kid Lykos witn a roll up and the dub.
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Next match is Liam Slater vs Leon Slater. My 1st look at Liam here. Both men feel each other out as the bell rings. Liam gaining the upper hand as the action quickly goes to the outside. Liam staying on Leon here beating him down he looks to make Leon tap with ground grapple moves but Leon battles back here. Both men looking for the win here as Leon pulls out some high flying moves but it was Liam who took control again. Leon hits 2 spinning suplexs,goes to the top rope and hits a 350 to pin Liam.
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The next match is team 1 CPF (Joe Lando,Danny Black,Maverick Mayhew vs team 2 Omari,Mike Bird vs team 3 Vaughan Vertigo,Keinen Krishna and Tu Byt vs Gene Munny and Sunshine Machine in a super smash bros match what ever that is. My 1st look at most of these. This was just crazy from the beginning with all men getting thier shots in. Gene goes for a pin and all the other guys pile in to stop him. Now a brawl is on it's like a Royal Rumble of sorts. Absolute mayhem as all mem high fly over the top rope unti Sunshine Machine take over. Gene dives onto Keinen outside the ring and now Mike is in control but now Omari is in but in come 2 members of CPF to fight and pull out high flying moves. 4 men go to the rope and all at the same time hit a moonsault. Gene comes in but Mike stops him. Now CPF take out Keinen until Sunshine Machine get in on the action,Chuck Mambo dives onto all the other men outside the ring while meanwhile inside the ring the pace quickens and high flying moves are dealt out but it was Mike Bird with a package piledriver to get the win here. Very good match.
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For the next match it is Rhio vs Skye Smitson. This was supposed to be Kanji vs Skye but Kanji couldn't make it. My 1st look at Skye here. Its great to see how far Rhio has come but Skye takes control to start though Rhio does get back into it. Skye tries to get into but here is Rhio to stop her at every turn. Rhio dives onto Skye outside the ring before rolling her back in. La Taylor at ringside tries to distract Rhio as Lana Austin grabs Rhio but Rhio moves and Skye runs into Lana then a power bomb from Rhio gives her the victory. After the match Taonga comes out to help Lana but Millie McKenzie is in the ring to help see off The Lana Austin Experience.
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theirlovewasreal · 3 years
#TheirLoveWasReal Challenge, Day Three: Noir
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That was all there was to it. Nothing had slipped, nothing had been overlooked, there was nothing to give us away. And yet, Keyes, as I was walking down the street to the drugstore, suddenly it came over me that everything would go wrong. It sounds crazy, Keyes, but it's true, so help me. I couldn't hear my own footsteps. It was the walk of a dead man.
-- Double Indemnity 
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ALICIA: Oh, you love me. You love me.  DEVLIN: Long ago. All the time. Since the beginning...Come on, try to sit up. ALICIA: Oh, Dev. I'm afraid I-I can't make it because they gave me pills to sleep. DEVLIN: Keep awake. Keep talking... ALICIA: They didn't want the others to know about me. DEVLIN: Keep talking. Come on, what happened? What happened? ALICIA: Alex found out. DEVLIN: And the others haven't? ALICIA: They'd kill him if they knew. They killed Emil. DEVLIN: Are you in pain? ALICIA: I don't know - the pills...Say it again, it keeps me awake. DEVLIN: I love you. Stand up. Stand up. Come on, wake up. Talk!
-- Notorious 
Noir Playlist on Spotify
Happiness Is a Warm Gun (Joe Anderson feat. Salma Hayek)
Feeling Good (Nina Simone)
Toxic (Postmodern Jukebox)
Fever (Peggy Lee)
I Put a Spell on You (Nina Simone)
Bang Bang [My Baby Shot Me Down] (Nancy Sinatra)
Seven Nation Army (Postmodern Jukebox)
Preacherman (Melody Gardot)
Dramophone (Caravan Palace)
Sin City Waltz (Robert Rodriguez)
Dream On (Postmodern Jukebox)
The Deal [The Maltese Falcon] (Moscow Symphony Orchestra)
Share with us your works about all things Saileen and Destiel as they fight crime, solve mysteries, and traverse the seedy underbelly of the city. All formats are welcome as well as any setting -- canonverse, AUs, modern, historical, take your pick. 
Tumblr: use the the tag #TheirLoveWasReal & tag this blog, so we can make sure that we see your post and boost it. 
AO3: use the the tag #TheirLoveWasReal & add your work to our collection.
Submission Dates: Feb 16th, Feb 21st to 27th
**Finally, be sure to check out and share the SPLC fundraiser.**
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kingsmakers · 3 years
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Nina Cortez + The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Yeah, when a guy says superheroes shouldn’t be allowed to exist and your teenage son is a superhero, a woman’s allowed to freak out!
Forever tag: @poe-tato-dameron @drbobbimorse @itsjustgracy @prophecy-grrl @thanksbutnoshanks @ocfairygodmother @dakotajohnsom @perfectlystiles @darkwolf76 @villanele @foxesandmagic @oreostars @moirei @princes-jasmine @butcherofblackwater @fiercefray @papergirlverse @lostiintheocean @mystic-scripture @the-october-reviewer @misshiraeth98 @a-song-of-quill-and-feather @booty-boggins @randomfandomingwrites @stareyedplanet @randomestfandoms @delicateblackrose @eddysocs
Nina tag: @jewelswrites-ish​
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sproutwings · 2 years
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I posted 2.113 times in 2021
30 posts created (1%)
2083 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 69.4 posts.
I added 1.735 tags in 2021
#the flash - 239 posts
#so beautiful when the boy smiles - 232 posts
#the falcon and the winter soldier - 208 posts
#art - 169 posts
#otp of doom - 164 posts
#otp: there's good in you - 156 posts
#dceu - 150 posts
#coldflash - 146 posts
#leonard snart - 143 posts
#i could ship it - 128 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#like... when they had to write out elena because nina was quitting the show i legit had a moment thinking 'maybe katherine could come back'
My Top Posts in 2021
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See the full post
60 notes • Posted 2021-06-24 13:26:02 GMT
Snart: *makes vaguely threatening statement about revealing the Flash's identity if Barry doesn't do some morally dubious thing to help him*
Barry: "Oh, no, don't bother. Everyone already knows."
Snart: ....
Snart: "Wait, then why am I not in prison?"
Barry: ....
Team Flash: 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏻‍♂️
73 notes • Posted 2021-04-18 08:20:34 GMT
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82 notes • Posted 2021-10-09 13:10:17 GMT
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187 notes • Posted 2021-02-27 11:44:26 GMT
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292 notes • Posted 2021-03-22 10:18:39 GMT
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k-tblog · 3 years
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I posted 4,451 times in 2021
35 posts created (1%)
4416 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 126.2 posts.
I added 54 tags in 2021
#grishaverse - 8 posts
#shadow and bone - 7 posts
#shadowandbone - 6 posts
#six of crows - 6 posts
#marvel - 5 posts
#jesper fahey - 5 posts
#kaz brekker - 5 posts
#inej ghafa - 4 posts
#matthias helvar - 4 posts
#nina zenik - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 93 characters
#if i see this man on the street he’ll have to be arrested because he’s killing all the ladies
My Top Posts in 2021
kaz brekker has done many things that one would consider them to be somewhat corrupt or maybe even illegal.
here’s one more thing to add to that list:
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26 notes • Posted 2021-04-29 02:50:50 GMT
i am sorry to all my mutuals for the person i am about to be for the next week as we approach the finale for falcon and the winter soldier AND the shadow and bone release.
i will understand if you all decide to unfollow me
35 notes • Posted 2021-04-16 16:45:40 GMT
rules: name seven comfort films and tag seven people 
tagged by my fave @steeeeeeeviebb
1) pride & prejudice
2) clueless
3) the incredibles
4) ferris bueller’s day off
5) juno
6) harry potter (it’s hard to choose which one but most of the time it’s either prisoner of azkaban or the goblet of fire)
7) only you
@keeper0fthestars @fromthedeskoftheraven @lcandothisallday @frannyzooey @insideafictionaluniverse @lancestans + ANYONE who wants to :)
97 notes • Posted 2021-04-28 03:32:25 GMT
i’d like to think that kaz would’ve blackmailed his way into getting himself and the dregs the vaccines like AS SOON as they were distributed
the bastard of the barrel would want his crows to be safe and vaccinated before going on heists
146 notes • Posted 2021-05-06 21:32:10 GMT
just me sitting here thinking about how we got the iconic phrase no mourners no funerals and thinking about how the last time I heard that phrase I was sitting in my bed in a puddle of my own tears reading crooked kingdom.
we love the traumatic flashbacks
210 notes • Posted 2021-04-28 18:29:31 GMT
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justanalto · 3 years
i was tagged by the fantastic @daisylincs to talk some more about me in the current moment! :) hi lily ily!!
three ships atm: jola (joann owosekun/keyla detmer), jess tran/abby monroe (sidekick squad; waiting on that fourth book!), chimney han/maddie buckley
last song: ...I was hoping my music would shuffle by the time I got here, but I’m listening to call me by your name (montero) by lil nas x. it absolutely slaps, tho
last movie: i need to watch another movie, clearly. high school musical 3. short films was 3-way (not calling) though! 
currently reading: crier’s war by Nina Varela, which was recommended to me by a friend! it’s stupendous and i highly recommend it. 
currently watching: star trek: discovery, grey’s anatomy, how i met your mother, buffy the vampire slayer, falcon and the winter soldier, wandavision, and i just burned through two seasons of endlings. (give me the season 3 cbc oyin deserves her main credits)
currently craving: i’ve never had one, but a korean corn dog. cdc let me go to california when
tagging people i haven’t caught up with in a while: @maos2013, @immhungry, @loved-the-stars-too-fondly, @clementinewhy, @maybebrilliant, @missinglittlebritishfriend, @the9muses and @sad-tunes :))
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flamingfalcon3 · 7 months
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Making sketched for my HoA AU and I think it would be super funny if the Sibuna squad didn’t realize it was her for at least a week so they were just like: “Wow, this bird with Nina’s magical cursed locket is really good at solving puzzles! It’s also weirdly attached to Fabian for some reason. We shall name her Nina Jr.”
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trashbinbackyard · 3 years
background, relationships and fun facts for zoe and yecal
Remote learning is Bad
Where were they born? What was their childhood like?
She is citadel born and raised for a hispanic family, doesn’t know spanish however. She was a rowdy kid and did average in school so she opted for a more physical field of work first in the navy and then as a bounty hunter
In his homeworld, a larger city, he had a decent childhood, nothing traumatic but his family was lower middle class so it wasnt dancing on rose petal either. He absolutely tanked his school tho
What’s their family like?
They’re good people, she was pretty hard on them due to her temperament (teen zoe was a nightmare), her dad is earth born and mom from citadel
Well mannered and very polite, the neighborhood nice parents with rowdy kid
What factions or organizations are they a part of? What ranks and titles do they hold?
In the Navy she reached the rank of lieutenant, in the bounty hunters she holds the rank of commander and title of milf
He’s not officially part of anything, though he is a recognized vigilante/man for hire on the outer rim
How do they fit into their “story”?
She’s there to support the younger generation of bounty hunters and to entertain the office with reno with their no limits old friends acting like a married couple shenanigans
He was put into this earth to love his wife and to keep nasty people on their toes, run into shyn and trias for endless entertainment possibilities
Where do they currently live? What’s their place like?
In citadel, she has a decent flat, three rooms, office, bedroom and guest room if her son visits
On outer rim, on the outskirts where the rent is cheap but it comes with the cost of having sketchy neighbors. His flat is pretty run down where every time you turn on the lights you could consider standing on a rubber mat, and where hot water comes out 50% of the time you want it
How do they eventually die?
Old age or some health complications, she isn’t in active duty anymore so going out in a blaze wont happen
Anywhere ranging getting killed, accident or even a happy old age honestly at this point
Do they have any friends? Would they consider anyone to be their best friend?
She does have friends, considers her ex Nina as one as well. Reno is her best friend for like two decades
He has like two or three, Neja is his best friend bc you gotta be best friends with yo wife
What’s their friend group like? What role do they play in it?
None of her friends are friends with each other, they keep separate. She’s the loud one for sure, the one that always has an opinion and just goes head first into anything
He’s more restrained, pretty observant, doesn’t have much to say tbh when hanging out
What’s their love life like? (See also: ship question meme.) Do they have any kids?
Had a wife and son, divorced now and is running pretty dry
Has an amazing wife who he would die for
Who do they look up to? Who do they trust?
Even if she’s equals with Reno I’m pretty sure they both look up to each other, also trust each other with their lives (but not necessarily their kids). She also very much trusts her underlings
He looks up to his parents a lot, they gave him a good life and taught him that kids and women should be respected. He trusts them, Neja and Shyn at least
Who do they hate? Do they have any enemies?
The police, she takes care of handling the communication between them and the hunters but boy does it get on her nerves. I dont think it’s enemy level just yet
People who abuse those less powerful than them. I’m pretty sure there are people he’s beat up want revenge on him
Do they have any pets?
Are they good with kids? Animals?
Decent, like she’s not actively killing them nor are they not getting their needs met but there’s a reason she lost custody. She’s not the warmest person lets say that
He’s good with kids and animals, part of his job is comforting kids who have experienced trauma
Which tropes do they fit? Which archetypes?
Action girl, badass older woman, leader or mentor
dumb man loves his wife, looks hard on the outside but is actually a softie, a hunk maybe?
Do they play any instruments? Sports?
No instrument, will kick your ass in multiple sports
Nah, not many hobbies really
What are some items they always carry?
Handgun, lip balm, dog tags, hair ties, wallet, keys
wallet and keys, hair ties for neja
What position do they sleep in?
Dearly departed
starfish, or aggressively cuddling neja
What’s their favorite candle scent?
Something earthy and little sweet like woods and sugar
 Anything fruity
Which animal would you say represents them?
Peregrine falcon
What stereotypical high school clique would they fit into?
Jock, no question
The guy who gets into a lot of fights
Do they believe in aliens? Ghosts? Reincarnation or something else?
Has met some, doesn’t explicitly deny ghosts.
Is married to one, ghosts yes
Which Deadly Sin do they most correspond to? Which Heavenly Virtue?
Pride, Diligence
Wrath, Charity
If you had to choose one tarot card to represent them, which would it be?
The chariot, Upright: direction, control, willpower, Reversed: lack of control, lack of direction, aggression
The magician, Upright: willpower, desire, creation, manifestation, Reversed: trickery, illusions, out of touch
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thesnowygalaxy · 4 years
ultimate tag/about me
tagged by @seongsangi
nina!! look i did it!! thank you for tagging me!!
personal stuff-
name: i don’t think i’m gonna put my real name out there bc it’s pretty uncommon
nickname: sushi!! it’s been my nickname for about a decade!!
birthday: march 4th
zodiac: pisces
nationality: indian american
languages: english is my main, but i can understand a lot of indian languages but not speak or write in them.
gender: female
height: 5’4”
well i like writing a lot but i never finish anything!! i start something and then never finish it and go off to work on something else... so that’s why this is my first post :(
inspiration: literally any attractive or cute girl or guy gets my gears turning but i do take a lot of inspiration from other amazing writers!
meaning behind my url: idk fam idk
blog established: honestly no clue maybe three or four years ago?
followers: on this profile? none i think so, but on the original account that i moved this username from had like 150 and a lot of them were porn blogs lmao. my other account is just a bunch of reblogs of amazing writers and stories!
favorite things-
fav animal: peregrine falcons
fav books: throne of glass series, wings of fire series, assassination classroom series, fnaf series, any junji ito stories
fav color: black
fav fictional characters: honestly i just like all of them, especially if they’re attractive. mostly psychopaths/villains lmao.
fav flower: i’m gonna be basic and say roses but i just really like them!! especially unnatural colors like black and rainbow!!
fav season: fall
average hours of sleep: rn i’m getting like 10 hours of sleep every night but sometimes i can function off 2 hours of sleep :)
cats or dogs: i don’t care as long as they’re affectionate towards me lmao
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: i like all of them but tea has more variety i think and my mom makes amazing tea :)
current time: 7:54 PM
dream trip: honestly my parents travel way to much so i’ve gone with them to a lot of foreign places but i think traveling the world and going to all the extremely haunted places in the world would be super fun for me! like the catacombs of paris or the suicide forest in japan!
dream job: hm honestly if not having a job but still getting money was a thing, that would be nice. but i think maybe being an interior designer or an architect would be really fun for me!
hobbies: writing, singing, listening to music, dancing, watching random youtube videos (k-pop, markplier, spooky ghost sightings), drawing, organizing stuff, gaming, archery, PLAYING ANIMAL CROSSING!!
hogwart house: slytherin
last song listened to: god’s menu by stray kids
number of blankets you sleep with: one to two depending on the temp in my room
random fact(s): i'm good at singing in foreign languages; korean, chinese, japanese, vietnamese, hindi, telugu, italian, latin, portuguese, russian, and spanish. also i’m pansexual!!
tagging: anyone who wants to do this because i don’t have any mutuals besides the one who tagged me!
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hazyheel · 5 years
NXT UK 3/6/19 Review
The night started with a recap of the Travis Banks and Jordan Devlin, but after that, we had the first match of the night: Ligero vs. Joseph Connors. Connors had a very clear strength advantage, while Ligero had an agility advantage. As the match dragged on, Connors became more and more desperate, going several pins at a time.The match also showcased Ligero’s resilience, as there was one spot where he refused to tap out to a shoulder stretch, despite the intimidating Connors yelling at him to give up. In the finish, Ligero was able to lock in a pinning combination for yet another win over Connors. After the match, Ligero offered his hand, but Connors refused it and walked to the back.
Grade: C+. Pretty good match, especially the technical stuff. It’s a good story too. But there were a lot of clumsy spots, and they didn’t have the greatest chemistry together. But this is definitely not the end of their feud, so I will look forward to when it continues. I think they can develop better chemistry as their feud continues.
Backstage, Tony Storm talks about her rivalry with Rhea Ripley, and how the UK women’s division is coming for her belt. In the background, Jinny was looking staring at Storm. We also had an ad for the tag team of WIld Boar and Primate. Then we had Gallus backstage, talking about their lack of respect from the NXT Universe, and they called out both Pete Dunne and WALTER. Then an interview with WALTER about Gallus’ words, and WALTER just didn’t care.
Next up was a tag match, pitting Sam Stoker and Lewis Howley (the commentators called them Pretty Deadly”) against Fabian Aichner and Marc.el Barthel. Aichner made quick work of putting his opponent on the ground, and it was around this time that I realized that Aichner and Barthel were fighting jobbers. I apologize for my lack of knowledge of the British wrestling. The jobbers got in a good amount of offense on Barthel, but he was able to quickly fight back and utterly destroy both of them. The heel tag team absolutely brutalized their opponents, and they won with a lawndart into a powerslam, followed by a European Uppercut/ powerbomb combo for the win.
Grade: C+. I am not normally a fan of squash matches, but this was entertaining. I like Aichner and Barthel, they are perfectly detestable. and cool. Good stuff
And then we had the debut of Nina Samuels against Charlie Morgan. I am pretty sure Morgan is a jobber, but she is apparently queer, so thats cool that commentary just sort of acknowledged that. Samuels showcased some cool technical wrestling. It didn’t take long for Samuels to devolve into heelish antics, and it even got to the point where she was yelling while locking in submissions. Morgan also looked decently impressive, so good stuff to her. I hope her indie career takes off. Samuels was able to take the victory with a Yoshigaroshi. I have no clue how to spell that. It was a neckbreaker on the knee.
Grade: D+. Odd for a debut match, but it didn’t seem like they played too much to Samuels strengths in this match. She was dominant, but they didn’t spend much time in technical style holds. I guess that may not have made for an exciting match, but whatever. I wasn’t super impressed, although I do see potential in Samuels
We had a prerecord of Pete Dunne talking about his upcoming match against Gallus. He simply said that whether he and WALTER can get along, next time he fights Gallus will be the last time. Also, Jeff Jarrett was in the crowd, so that was cool.
In the main event, we had Jordan Devlin vs. Travis Banks in a falls count anywhere match, and it started very intense as Banks attacked Devlin on the ramp. The match quickly spilled into the crowd, and there was a cool spot where Banks hit a frog splash off a railing in the crowd. There was also quite a terrifying spot where Banks went for a suicide dive and Devlin countered with a chair shot. it was well protected, but still. And then the crowd just started chanting that Devlin’s head was too big for him, so I enjoyed that. I also liked it when Devlin just randomly shit on Ricochet. They are on different continents! Anyway, back into actual wrestling, there was a ref bump, right before an awesome sequence where Banks flipped Devlin up onto his feet, drilled him with a knee to the face, and then hit the Kiwi crusher, but there was no ref. While Banks tried to yell at him to get up, Devlin nailed him with a headbutt (drawing “classic headbutt” chants from the crowd. I love them) and then a moonsault, but only got a near fall. At one point, Devlin hit a superplex, and looked like he was going to go right into a falcon’s arrow or something, but then Banks reversed it into a Kiwi Crusher for another near fall. The two men squared up in a striking contest in the middle of the ring, one that Devlin came out on tp of. Devlin then ran into the ropes, but Banks hit the Slice of Heaven kick, only for Devlin to roll out of reach. As the match drew to a close, Banks began to stomp on Devlin’s knee, a revenge ploy for when Devlin did the same to him a few months ago. He even hit a double stomp to the knee, and locked in an ankle lock (not quite the same body part, but Ill let it slide) only for Devlin to slip out. In the finish, Banks was going to put Devlin through a table with the Kiwi Crusher, but Devlin reversed it into a spanish fly for the win.
Grade B. Very fun match. Great use of the Falls Count Anywhere stipulation. These guys have very good chemistry together, and it’d be tough for them to have a bad match. The spots were very cool, but my criticism of this match simply lies in the fact that these guys probably could’ve done better without it. It made sense for the feud, and I did enjoy it, but if they had this much time just in a normal singles match, they would’ve done better. Still, they pulled off the match of the night in the main event.
Overall Grade: C+
Pros: Aichner and Barthel winning, Falls count anywhere
Cons: opener was a bit sloppy, samuels’ underwhelming debut
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serceleste · 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
Okay I’m watching Hawkeye 1x6 and the part where Kate tells Clint about how she saw him fighting aliens and it made her realize she didn’t have to be scared and that anyone brave enough to do what’s right can be a superhero made me cry (predictably, it’s me, lmao), omfg, my two Hawkeyes <3333333
(Also wow, what a perfect encapsulation of what makes Clint great as a hero, and why Kate becomes a hero herself)
30 notes • Posted 2021-12-25 02:32:15 GMT
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This little butthole got a clean bill of health from the vet! Both he and I are extremely relieved to be done with medications, lol. But little does he know, he’ll be getting his teeth cleaned in the next few months!
43 notes • Posted 2021-06-05 16:21:47 GMT
Watching Scenes From a Marriage and I have to ask, how in the fuck does a person become no longer attracted to Oscar Isaac, he’s so hot in this and I’m attracted to him even when he’s styled unattractively, even when he’s playing disgusting characters who shoot women in the head I’m like ‘eh I’d still fuck him’.
58 notes • Posted 2021-09-21 23:41:17 GMT
Just watched Tick Tick... Boom! (which I loved btw) and there’s a scene where Jonathan and his friend Michael have an argument and Michael says something like ‘yeah, that’s what the world needs, more art’ and I have to say, that really hit me.
Because you know what? Art is IMPORTANT. I cannot even begin to discuss all the ways art has affected me, and the emotional impact it has. I mean, just imagine if someone like Jonathan Larson had decided ‘fuck it, I give up’, and then there’s no Rent, and all the people who saw Rent and were inspired, they don’t have that, and then we don’t have it, the world doesn’t have it, and it’s just a slide of things we would miss out on.
The past few years have been rough, both in general and for me personally, and you know what happened in the summer of 2020? Hamilton got released in a filmed version, and it absolutely changed my life. Maybe that sounds silly! But that’s what art does. It speaks to you, and it grabs hold of you. I must have watched that movie 15 times by now, and it always cheers me up. I have listened to the OBC recording God only knows how many times, enough that I can sing the whole thing, and it drives me, it motivates me, and it makes me feel good. Even when I’m crying because the emotional bits speak to my soul, it just helps me. I used to listen to it at my shit job that I hated and then I would put it on during study breaks to get me through my return to school so I could leave my shit job I hated. I listen to it in the car, while I run, all the time, and it never fails to boost me. Hamilton even got me to write a little bit, when I’ve been in a creative low. And that’s just one single piece of art.
Yeah, maybe a guy sitting in his apartment writing songs isn’t saving the rainforests, but what he’s doing is a vital part of the human experience. Musicals have certainly saved me in a way I can't articulate. Remembering being a little kid seeing a live performance of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and having my mind absolutely blown. Learning On My Own to perform in a class that I thought was a chorus and was instead a solo class and realizing I could fucking do it, I could sing that beautiful song in front of a room full of people while I was totally terrified and crush it. Sobbing to Nina Rosario singing Breathe because that song understands me and how I feel. Belting out Defying Gravity in the car on the way to a job interview because it makes me feel strong and powerful and in charge of my own destiny. Dancing to Living It Up On Top because the joy is infectious. Laughing along to A Little Priest because somehow it’s impossible not to laugh with crazy weirdos having way too much fun making cannibalism puns.
tl;dr: Art fucking matters, and I don’t want to live in a world without it.
130 notes • Posted 2021-12-20 02:08:07 GMT
so this update because of apple is fucking annoying given most of the time when i check tumblr i’m on my phone, but i have to say i find it hilarious that alec lightwood is banned, alec, what did you do to deserve this? are you too sexy for tumblr?? what does magnus think about this, is he just like ‘yeah makes sense, my husband is hot af’ or is he bitter because he’s not banned too?
209 notes • Posted 2021-12-26 15:25:49 GMT
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TAGGED BY: @duzmachines95
TAG! YOU’RE IT!: nope
1) NAME: prefers to be known as Nina 2) GENDER: female 3): STAR SIGN: Libra 4): HEIGHT: 5′3 as far as i remember 5): HOGWARTS HOUSE: Ravenclaw 6): FAVORITE ANIMAL: peregrine falcon 7): HOURS OF SLEEP: 5-6 8): DOGS OR CATS: CATS! 9): NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 1 10): DREAM TRIP: anywhere on Ireland 11.) DREAM JOB: Florist 12.) TIME: 13:07 pm 13.): BIRTHDAY: 11th Ocober 14.): FAVORITE BANDS: N/A 15.): FAVORITE SOLO ARTIST: Ellie Goulding 16.): SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD: atm, Fist Bump lol 17.): LAST MOVIE I WATCHED: Hmmm, a Pokemon movie 18.): LAST SHOW I WATCHED:  Pokemon sunand moon anime 19.): WHEN DID I CREATE MY BLOG: Around the end of August 20.): WHAT DO I POST/REBLOG: art, ic things, flowers,, whatever i feel like really 21.): LAST THING I GOOGLED: desert landscapes 22.): OTHER BLOGS: about 13 or 14, maybe more, haven’t counted 23.): DO I GET ASKS: not every day but yes 24.): WHY I CHOSE MY URL: because it basically meant to fit my muses 25.): FOLLOWING: 43 26.): FOLLOWERS: 88 27.): LUCKY NUMBER: 6 & 9 28.): FAVORITE INSTRUMENT: harps 29.): WHAT AM I WEARING: red shirt, blue skirt 30.): FAVORITE FOOD: pepperoni pizza 31.): NATIONALITY: Canadian 32.): FAVORITE SONG:  Love me like you do by Ellie  Goulding 33.): LAST BOOK I READ: i don’t remember  34.): TOP THREE FICTIONAL UNIVERSES I’D LIKE TO JOIN: STH, Steven Universe, LOZ
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