#fatty stokes
boylikelinus · 1 year
New ep is up!
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fatguarddog · 1 month
i can't help but think of the stockades that Ren Faires have, the ones where people get put in them willingly, for a laugh, a photo op, or just part of the show.... And then, I think of the crier presiding over the "display" of the "prisoner"- perhaps you've been "convicted" of swiping a tart from the royal kitchens. The audience chuckles, you chuckle it's all in good fun. The crier decrees your punishment and induces the audience to take the various sweets being passed around and feed them to you. They do so, one by one, tentatively at first, still chuckling over the whole thing, as you happily get cakes and tarts popped into your mouth, but they're getting more and more excited with the feeding, all while the crier is stoking them into a veritable frenzy- soon, you're struggling against a deluge of sweets being forced down your throat by the mob, while the crier whips them into a frenzy. By the time the fun's over, you've nearly outgrown your "shackles" and you're sent waddling from the stage, utterly swollen, to the sound of applause. But even when the show's over, for the rest of the day, the other faire-goers eye you hungrily, and a few are even bold enough to push another sweet or two into your mouth -🔵
Oh my what a delicious thought 😋
I suppose once you've been established as the Faire Fatty, it's hard to shake the reputation, especially when you're looking so swollen and helpless wandering around trying to keep your costume from splitting at the seams
That's just another fun challenge for anyone eager enough to push you even further though, to make your fattened pop right out of your garb for all to see leaving you so flushed with embarrassment and a strange heat between you're legs 👀
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girulicchio · 2 years
Zeta, la variabile impazzita
Matematicamente, è possibile esprimere praticamente qualsiasi cosa secondo un’equazione. Questo è dato dal fatto che la matematica è un linguaggio, come l’italiano, come il C++, come il codice Morse. E questo vuol dire anche che, come in italiano, possono nascere neologismi, ma non tutti saranno utili nel tempo. Chi ricorda la storia della parola petaloso? Ecco, un giorno potrebbe nascere - ma, magari, è anche già nata - l’equazione petalosa. Un’equazione che sarà riconosciuta per il solo fatto di essere bella, per rendere onore a chi l’avrà inventata, ma che, passato il quarto d’ora di Warhol, sarà accantonata.  Il problema di fondo è che poche variabili hanno senso su dieci, in genere. Alcune scienze, almeno in passato, si sono addirittura basate sul trovare prima le relazioni e poi il senso fisico delle variabili. La termodinamica è un esempio lampante di determinazioni empiriche e semi-empiriche di variabili e relazioni tirate fuori quasi magicamente da un cilindro e poi giustificate con dei fatti veri e tangibili. Insomma, parliamoci chiaro: l’entropia è per definizione un’energia diviso una temperatura (per unità di massa, eventualmente). Già l’energia di per sé è un concetto un po’ strano, ma certamente accettabile e accettato dalla comunità. Non si mette in discussione la massa, la temperatura è qualcosa di innegabile, al pari del tempo, benché tutte queste grandezze siano relative. Ma che cosa rappresenta un’energia diviso una temperatura? A quanto pare, rappresenta il grado di disordine di un sistema. Ora, a me nessuno ha spiegato mai perché l’energia diviso la temperatura restituisce il grado di disordine, ma ci saranno sicuramente definizioni e dimostrazioni tanto arbitrarie quanto convincenti al riguardo.  Ricorda un po’ le storie alchemiche del flogisto, dell’etere, dei coboldi, dei niccoli... Sostanze imponderabili, esseri fatati, trasformazioni magiche basate sui sette pianeti. Cose affascinanti, assolutamente non derisibili per l’epoca in cui sono state messe a punto, immaginate o tentate di dimostrare.   E tutto questo è possibile perché bastano poche funzioni per definire qualsiasi cosa. A volte, addirittura, basta una polinomiale del grado adeguato. Poche cose non sono definibili da una polinomiale di decimo grado o somme algebriche di funzioni lineari e non. Pochi andamenti non risultano correnti con dieci variabili aggiustabili in una generica funzione.  Ad oggi esistono equazioni irrisolte - per meglio dire, si dovrebbe parlare di problemi irrisolti. Uno dei casi più eclatanti è l’equazione di Navier-Stokes. È stato offerto un premio di un milione di dollari per la confutazione di un enunciato riguardante suddetta equazione. Premio esiguo, se si pensa che dagli anni ‘60 ad oggi resta irrisolto. Se i matematici e i fisici fossero tutti venali, si potrebbe pensare che non ne vale la pena, che la cifra è troppo bassa e che piuttosto convenga investire in bitcoin e simili. 
Una cosa può sembrare tanto ovvia quanto l’esatto opposto: tutto quello che precede questa frase è una generalizzazione che lascia il tempo che trova.  Il progresso si basa sulla fame di conoscenza, sulla voglia di dimostrare che l’impossibile è sempre stato possibile, bastava solo crederci.  Tutto questo mi serve solo per strutturare un nuovo incipit di un racconto che non vedrà mai la luce. È un piccolo prologo - in realtà più un episodio costretto di brain storming - su una formica immaginaria che si inserisce nei problemi irrisolti di tutto il mondo e crea un punto di svolta.  Ora, delle due, l’una: o già è stato scritto qualcosa del genere e io non ne sono al corrente, o quando sarà fatto io reclamerò diritti di autore in merito.  In entrambi i casi, so che incrocerò le braccia e dirò: mannaggia, ogni volta che ho una buona idea qualcuno mi frega sul tempo. 
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becorbin · 2 years
Mental Health Supplements
Vitamin B
This supplement has been shown to improve mental health by lifting mood and reducing stress and anxiety. Another bonus is that Vitamin B is absorbed quickly unlike Vitamin D treatment, that can take months to reach the full effect. It hasn’t been shown to be as effective for depression. This supplement doesn’t seem to have significant side effects unless taken in high doses & the recommended dose for adults is 2,400 mg daily.  (Young, 2019)
Fish Oil
Fish oil can be used for borderline personality disorder and ADHD. Low levels of omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to people with depression and schizophrenia, making it a good option for those diagnoses too. Plus, mental health conditions are usually connected with heart disease and diabetes & fish oil will reduce chances of heart attacks and stroke. Some side effects are upset stomach, blood thinning, low blood pressure, heartburn, belching, or that bad fish oil aftertaste. There ARE brands that have eliminated the bad aftertaste though. Up to 3,000mg is considered safe. (Stokes, 2005).
Depression and anxiety are linked with higher levels cortisol and DHEA and Ashwagandha has been shown to reduce both! It is also possible that this supplement helps increase testosterone levels in males. Another bonus is that it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Ashwagandha has positive effects on serotonin and GABA which both tie into depression and anxiety. Many people claim this supplement gives them energy and motivation. There also haven’t been significant adverse effects noted. Recommended to start around 300mg/day and increase as tolerated, 6,000mg/day is about the max dose recommended. (Lopresti, 2019)
Vitamin D
This supplement is widely known to support mental health conditions. Specifically, depression and anxiety but even has the potential to improve behavior and has anti-inflammatory effects. When taking too much vitamin D you can have weakness, nausea, vomiting or dry mouth. In general, adults can take 800 international units (20 micrograms) of vitamin D per day. (Abska, 2021)
There is a connection between zinc deficiency and depression especially in those over age 65. Zink can improve symptoms of dementia, anxiety, psychosis and even improve behavior. Anxiety is less studied, yet the effects still seem promising. Zinc plays a part in healing and immunity as well. In general, it is tolerated well but too much may cause stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. The recommended daily amount of zinc is 8 mg for women and 11 mg for men. (Gronli, 2013)
Daily supplementation of magnesium leads to a significant decrease in depression and anxiety symptoms regardless of age, gender, baseline severity of depression, or use of antidepressant medications. This is another that is tolerated well aside from taking way too much. The recommended amount for magnesium for adults is 310–420 mg depending on age and gender. (Tartleton, 2017)
Vitamin C
Vit C is involved in anxiety, stress, depression, fatigue and mood. Several studies have shown 7 different effects of vitamin C on the body that all help reduce depression. This supplement also seems to improve symptoms of schizophrenia. Unless you take far too much you shouldn’t have any significant side effects. Dosing is 90 mg daily for men and 75 mg for women. For pregnancy and lactation, the amount increases to 85 mg and 120 mg daily, respectively. Smoking can also deplete vitamin C levels in the body, so an additional 35 mg beyond the RDA is suggested for smokers. (Kocot, 2017)
Not only does this supplement improve depression and anxiety symptoms but also has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antidiabetic properties. It’s been shown to improve dementia symptoms by improving memory and learning. The most common side effects are headache, nausea, appetite changes, anxiety, dry mouth, drowsiness, and constipation. Up to 1,500mg daily is considered safe. (Singletary, 2021)
Too little or too much of it can cause depression anxiety and other negative effects on mood. Calcium may even play a large role in PMS (premenstrual syndrome), since the ovarian hormones affect calcium metabolism and absorption. It can improve sleep disorders as well. 1,000 mg per day is the standard.  (Alkhatatbeh, 2021)
5-Hydroxytryptophan (5- HTP) is a precursor to serotonin that’s known to help treat obesity, diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, migraines, fibromyalgia, insomnia, panic disorder, anxiety, depression and was even useful for the treatment of emotional suffering related to unreciprocated romantic love. What doesn’t it do? If you’re already taking a medication to increase serotonin (SSRIs) you’ll be more likely to have side effects which include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, anxiety, shivering, and heart problems. A less common risk is serotonin syndrome, especially when taking multiple medications that impact serotonin levels. Usually 50-100mg per day of 5-HTP is taken. (Maffei, 2020)
Here is original post if anyone is interested. 
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cru-caviar000 · 23 days
Health Benefits Of Osetra Caviar: More Than Just A Tasty Treat
Have you ever had caviar and thought about how good it might be for you? In the world of culinary delights, few delicacies hold the same allure as Russian Osetra Caviar. Its mere mention evokes images of luxury and decadence, and rightfully so. Yet, beyond its reputation as a gourmet indulgence, Osetra Caviar offers a myriad of health benefits that may surprise even the most discerning connoisseur.
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Omega-3 Richness: A Bounty for Body and Mind
In the hierarchy of nutrition, Omega-3 fatty acids reign supreme, and Osetra Caviar emerges as a veritable titan in this domain. Bursting with EPA and DHA, the coveted "good fats," this delicacy bestows upon its indulgers a cornucopia of benefits. From fortifying the nervous and immune systems to nurturing cardiovascular health, these Omega-3s offer a shield against ailments while fostering a sense of vitality and well-being.
Zinc: The Elixir of Immunity and Metabolism
Amidst the velvety pearls of Osetra Caviar lies a mineral powerhouse – zinc. This essential nutrient serves as a catalyst for immune function and metabolic processes, ensuring the body operates at peak performance. With every savory morsel, one not only tantalizes the palate but also fortifies the body's natural defenses and stokes the fires of metabolism.
Electrolyte Elegance: A Symphony of Vitality
Beyond its luscious taste, Osetra Caviar offers a symphony of electrolytes essential for bodily recovery and rejuvenation. Selenium, magnesium, sodium, and phosphorus dance in harmony within each delicate egg, replenishing what the body craves for sustained vitality and vigor.
Vitamin Vitality: A Bouquet of Wellness
From the depths of the Caspian Sea emerges a culinary elixir brimming with an array of vitamins crucial for holistic health. A single serving of Osetra Caviar delivers a bounty of vitamins A, B2, B6, B12, C, D, and E, each playing a vital role in fortifying the body against illness, promoting cellular rejuvenation, and preserving youthful vitality.
Quality Assurance and Authenticity:
Ensuring the authenticity and quality of Russian Osetra Caviar involves discerning factors such as grading, processing techniques, and certifications. Exploring these aspects underscores the commitment to excellence in preserving the integrity of this gourmet treasure.
Sturgeon Species Diversity and Characteristics:
Exploring the various species of sturgeon, including the Russian Sturgeon (Osetra), sheds light on their unique qualities, habitats, and contributions to the caviar industry. Understanding the distinctions between species enhances appreciation for the diversity within this prized delicacy.
When considering the nutritional value, the price of Russian Osetra Caviar might not immediately come to mind. However, within its rich flavor profile lies a wealth of nutrients that could rival the most esteemed superfoods. Osetra Caviar isn't just a treat for the palate; it's a symphony of health-boosting components.
In conclusion, Russian Osetra Caviar, epitomized by exquisite examples like CRU Caviar, transcends its reputation as a mere epicurean delight. Bursting with Omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, electrolytes, and an array of vitamins, each delicate pearl of Osetra Caviar not only tantalizes the palate but also nourishes the body and invigorates the spirit. As we indulge in this culinary masterpiece, we partake not only in a gastronomic experience but also in a journey towards holistic wellness and vitality.
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annettescott966 · 3 months
8 Foods That Actually Boost Your Metabolism and Help You Burn Fat Faster
<h2>The Skinny on Fat-Burning Foods</h2> <p>Have you ever wondered why some people can eat a lot without gaining weight, while others put on pounds even eating just a little? Well, the truth is different foods affect your body in different ways. Some are actually better for burning fat than others.</p> <p>In this article, we'll take a look at 8 tasty foods that can help you lose weight by boosting your metabolism. Your metabolism is basically how quickly your body burns calories. The faster it runs, the more fat you'll torch!</p> <h3>Fish</h3> <p>Fish like salmon and tuna are full of healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Studies show omega-3s can improve your heart and even help you sleep better. Getting enough shut-eye lets your body work harder to burn calories while you snooze. Fish is also high in protein, which keeps you feeling full for longer so you're less likely to snack. And that protein revs up your metabolism too!</p> <h3>Whole Grains</h3> <p>Whole wheat pasta, brown rice, and oats contain beneficial vitamins and fiber your body needs to function at its best. Fiber helps slow digestion so your stomach stays satisfied for hours. Plus, it takes more effort for your body to break down whole grains versus processed ones like white bread. The more you work your system, the more fat you torch!</p> <h3>Lean Meats</h3> <p>Poultry and beef can help build muscle—and muscle boosts your metabolism. Meat is also packed with protein for fullness. When your body digests protein, it revs up your engine and burns more calories breaking it down. Choose skinless options like chicken breast or sirloin steak to avoid extra fat.</p> <h3>Nuts and Seeds</h3> <p>Almonds, walnuts, and chia seeds make a filling and nutritious snack. Eating nuts may lift your mood and help you relax, both of which can combat stress eating. A happier mind also leads to better sleep—and we all know sleep stokes your fat burn! Nuts contain healthy fats and protein to leave you satisfied for hours.</p> <h3>Dairy</h3> <p>Milk, yogurt, and cheese supply bone-strengthening calcium. Calcium reduces muscle soreness so you're more likely to exercise. Research shows calcium may speed metabolism too. Top some Greek yogurt with granola for a portable breakfast or afternoon pick-me-up.</p> <h3>Green Tea</h3> <p>Green tea boosts fat burning thanks to antioxidant compounds called catechins. These rev your engine and ramp up calorie burn. Try sipping hot green tea before workouts or with meals. Going green just takes black tea's perks up a notch!</p> <h3>Chili Peppers</h3> <p>Spicy peppers like jalapeños contain thermogenic compounds that stir up your engine. Capsaicin, the compound that gives peppers their kick, may boost calorie and fat burning. Add chili powder or hot sauce to dishes for an easy metabolism booster.</p> <h3>Takeaway</h3> <p>By including some of these fat-torching superfoods in your diet, you give your metabolism an advantage in the weight-loss game. But remember—a healthy diet is just one piece of the puzzle. For best results, pair food with regular movement like walking, sports, or strength training.</p>
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inksightchronicles · 6 months
The Art of Safely Shedding Pounds: A Complex Endeavor
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Losing weight is an aspiration shared by many, a pursuit both sought-after and demanding.
The factors influencing weight reduction encompass dietary choices, physical exertion, genetic predispositions, health conditions, and lifestyle patterns.
Amidst this intricate landscape, there exist fundamental principles that underpin the journey toward a wholesome and sustainable weight loss. In the following exposition, we shall explore ten strategies for achieving successful weight management, underpinned by scientific validation and the counsel of experts.
1. Diversify Your Diet with Nutrient-Rich Elegance
A diet that embraces balance and nutrition serves as the bedrock of both health and weight control. The art lies in amalgamating a plethora of consumables from various food groups into each repast.
This medley may encompass fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, and dairy items. Within this assortment, lies an abundance of vital vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, fostering satiety and contentment.
To maintain equilibrium, one must eschew high-calorie, fatty, sugary, and saline fare, typified by processed comestibles, patisserie goods, fast food, and sugary libations.
Consuming such victuals may contribute to corporeal mass accrual and heightened susceptibility to chronic ailments.
2. Chronicle Consumption and Physique
The act of self-monitoring assumes paramount importance in the realm of weight loss and the enduring preservation of one's accomplishments.
Cataloging one's victuals and potations, in conjunction with metrics relating to bodily mass and physical engagement, enables the continual appraisal of one's progress.
This endeavor can be facilitated through means such as handwritten records, mobile applications, or dedicated websites for the cataloging of dietary intake and caloric consumption. Periodic weigh-ins and assessments of one's Body Mass Index (BMI) provide a window into one's physical status.
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3. Embrace the Art of Physical Activity
Physical exertion and exercise constitute potent tools for calorie incineration, musculature enhancement, metabolic refinement, and emotional elevation.
The conventional counsel recommends a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week or 75 minutes of strenuous-intensity aerobic exercise.
Additionally, engaging in strength training exercises at least twice per week contributes significantly to one's fitness regimen. Augmenting the daily routine with activities such as stair-climbing, walking or cycling for commutation, and domestic chores infuses vitality into the quotidian.
4. Stoke Your Inner Incentive
The voyage to weight reduction demands a steadfast commitment, demanding a potent incentive that resonates deeply. This catalyst could revolve around enhancing one's health, countenance, self-assuredness, or performance.
To forge an indomitable resolve, this motivating force should assume a personal and profound character. Externalize your aspirations and accomplishments through the medium of the written word or conspicuous visual reminders.
5. The Importance of a Support Network
The presence of a robust support system can be transformative in the pilgrimage toward weight reduction. Seek out individuals who furnish encouragement, devoid of judgment or condemnation. These pillars of support could be kin, comrades, colleagues, or participants in digital communities.
Another avenue entails membership in a weight management program or a collective that offers guidance, accountability, and social companionship.
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6. The Lure of Realistic Objectives
The selection of practical and specific objectives is the linchpin to unwavering focus and motivation in the pursuit of weight reduction.
These goals ought to conform to the SMART criteria: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Instead of expressing a vague desire to "lose weight," articulate a clear target, such as shedding 10 pounds in three months by the means of a daily reduction of 500 calories and 30 minutes of exercise, five times a week.
These objectives may further be dissected into smaller, manageable milestones, each meriting celebration along the arduous course.
In Conclusion
Embarking on a weight loss journey is not for the faint of heart; it is a challenging odyssey that demands a strategic mindset.
By adhering to these tenets for efficacious weight management, the prospect of better health, appearance, and overall well-being unfolds in a secure and effective manner.
Remember, weight loss is not a destination but an ongoing expedition. Cultivate patience with yourself, and relish the process.
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captainconvey · 1 year
what to do if you have a stroke and the best nutrient to support stroke recovery.
Credit      Dr. Eric Berg DC
Learn the signs of a stroke and what to do if you have a stroke.
Today, we’re going to talk about what to do if you have a stroke and the best nutrient to support stroke recovery.
Mini-strokes have symptoms that aren’t permanent. But severe strokes can leave permanent damage. If you have a mini-stroke, the odds of you having a severe stroke are pretty high.
Warning signs of a stroke:
• Loss of balance
• Blurry vision •
One side of the face starting to droop
• Arm or leg weakness
• Speech difficulty
If you experience these symptoms of a stroke, it’s crucial to call an ambulance as soon as possible. There is a certain medication that can help you if you can get it fast enough.
There is also a type of vitamin E called alpha-tocotrienol that may be beneficial. All it takes is a very small amount of this nutrient to help prevent glutamate-induced brain cell death.
If you start noticing stroke symptoms, you may also want to take alpha-tocotrienol as quickly as possible or use it during your stroke recovery.
Tocotrienols may help prevent a stroke, help prevent damage during a stroke, and support recovery after a stroke.
Tocotrienols are also very powerful for many other health conditions.
Vitamin E, in general, is necessary to allow omega-3 fats to work in the brain. One of the top causes of vitamin E deficiency is a diet high in refined grains.
Or, you might not be consuming enough vitamin E.
But keep in mind that it isn’t easy to get vitamin E from food. Natural ways to help prevent a stroke:
• Consume garlic
• Get on the ketogenic diet
• Avoid consuming sugar
• Take omega-3 fatty acids and avoid omega-6 fatty acids
• Exercise regularly
Captain Convey Note
Given the massive uptick in adverse reactions of the nervous system from the mRNA covid-19 "vaccine" jab, this video may be more helpful than even Dr. Berg realizes.
Here are some comments about the video:
There is a problem with getting the medicine after having a stroke.
Having had two small strokes and three minor stokes I was never given the post stroke medicine.
The problem is you get to the hospital and admitted as an emergency patient.
You have wait for the doctor to get to you.
The doctor will not issue you the medicine until you get an MRI. You wait to be taken down to the MRI.
Once there you have to wait for all the patients in front of you to get their MRI.
This includes non emergency scheduled MRIs.
After that you wait to get taken back to the emergency room where you wait for the doctor to get around to you.
This process has always exceeded the four hour limit to receive the stroke medication.
Stroke patients are not given the ER priority they need.
Truth Seeker
3 weeks ago
I am a retired RN of 27 years employment.
From 1978 to the middle/end of the 80's I worked in ICU, and in one facility where I worked, was also an emergency room "code" nurse.
If a patient was admitted with CVA (stroke) symptoms, they were ALWAYS given priority in diagnostic procedures over scheduled appointments.
Sadly, times changed as I experienced the medical profession slowly, gradually, and increasingly deteriorate, and is the major reason why I retired early.
Although, the diagnostic technology has greatly advanced, the application o and the treatments deteriorated.
Truth Seeker
3 weeks ago (edited)
 @Kathy Escobedo  EMT's do not diagnose.
They are on about the same level as a CNA and are basic technicians (as their name states).
If they informed the professionals of those complaints of yours, then the professionals should have taken over.
If they told the ER that you had "no symptoms", then the professional, knowing that they are not educated to do assessments and diagnose, should have assessed the patient thoroughly. (Paramedics can do assessments but not EMT's.)
If you were not treated properly, the responsibility falls into the professionals hands.
(If you are picked up in an ambulance by an EMT you better make sure, if you can, that the doctor in the emergency room or RN knows about your symptoms.
The same is true if your picked up by a Paramedic even though they can do assessments.)
The above possible Fiasco could happen to anybody.
That makes it even more important to have Alpha - Tocotrienol on hand to take every day and in a stroke situation take even more as Dr Berg suggests.
I don't sell Tocotrienol.
I am providing a link on Amazon where it can be purchased at a good price.
NatureCity True-E Full Spectrum Vitamin E Tocotrienols & Alpha Tocopherol Complex 60 Soft Gels (2 Pack)
Given the information, the process it takes in a hospital can exceed the four hour limit to receive the stroke medication this is a must have item!
I have a friend who is an RN and she agrees a hospital can cure you or kill you.
She worked as an RN in a hospital for 20 years including the emergency room.
Delays and mistakes etc.
Another big, big reason to have some Alpha - Tocotrienol on hand is, if you have gotten the JAB which makes you more vulnerable for sure.
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Measurement of Raman Spectra for Surfactants Contained in a Textile Detergent Product and Three House Washing Detergent Products_Crimson Publishers
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Four common use detergent products were analyzed and their soluble-insoluble matter ethanolic 95%w/v was determined. Their soluble matter ethanolic was used to acquire their Raman spectra. Their pH values at 298K were measured also. Several Raman bands were related to –C-C- skeletal stretching vibrations in the region between 1000cm-1 and 1150cm-1, and a peak at 1430cm-1 was related to δ(CH2) deformation for the first detergent product. A band at 1290cm-1 was related to the -SO4 stretch for the surfactant lauryl sulphate. For the alcohols C12-14 ethoxylated sulphated sodium salts in the second detergent product the 1440cm-1 peak was attributed to C-H scissoring. The 1060cm-1 peak was corresponded to –C-C- skeletal stretching of the saturated fatty acid present also. The presence of the aromatic group in the surfactant benzene sulphuric acid C10-13 alkyl derivatives sodium salts was identified at 1615cm-1 in the Raman spectrum of the third detergent product. In the spectrum of the fourth detergent product a peak at 1300cm-1 was attributed to in-phase methylene twisting deformation vibration of the fatty acid sodium oleate. Also, the peaks at 1730cm-1 and at 1270cm-1 were attributed to sodium oleate. Then the alcohols ethoxylated Raman spectrum changes with pH were studied and shifting to longer wavelengths was observed for the second detergent product due to less coupling of the –C-C- stretching vibration to the –C-O- stretching vibration. The ratio of the intensities of anti-Stokes to Stokes lines was found to increase as the temperature increased for 20K for Raman scattering with the 1064nm excitation. Finally, the dissociation energy Do of the bond –C-C-O- in the alcohol C13-15 ethoxylated in the first detergent product was determined to be 386.148449cm-1, or 0.04787507086eV using the Birge-Sponer extrapolation.
Read more about this article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/acsr/fulltext/ACSR.000553.php
For more articles in our journal: https://crimsonpublishers.com/acsr/
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Selección Oficial BMVF 2022 Panorama Internacional Ananda Luna - You Again (Mercedes Arturo, EEUU) Brother Sun Sister Moon - A Whale Song (Sacha Beeley, EEUU, Japón) Cook Thugless - Ugly Boy (Bianca Catbagan, EEUU) DAPS, PMP, Garabatto Ft. Escandaloso Xpósito - Tan Sensual (Irene Montes & Manuel Luque, España) Ébano, Louis Amoeba - Overdosin (Omar Hachemi, España) FonFon Ru - Fatty Tissue Thorn (Wes Sterns, EEUU) Graindelavoix - Saint Anthony’s Fire (Sebastian Panczyk, Polonia) Koala Voice - Spaghettification (Miha Šubic, Eslovenia) Leoni Leoni - Weirdest Ritual (Inger Bierma, Alemania) Marcus Massalami - Pluma Bollera (Alexandra Gascón, España) Merol - Vol (Joost Van Hesik, Países Bajos) Noizu - Summer 91 (Looking Back) (Rupert Höller, Austria) Only Y - Sterne (Robert Zerbst, Alemania) Power Paladin - Creatures Of The Night (Lauren Ambry, Ella McShortall & Olivia Tang, Australia) Rose-Erin Stokes - The Same Way (Andrew Justin Sowka & Eric Robillard, Canadá) Soilwork - Övergivenheten (Hanna Oldenburg & Johan Kuurne, Suecia) Sule B - Ni Un Paso Atrás (Irene Montes, España)
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boylikelinus · 2 years
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munsonthemisfit · 1 year
Good! We can smoke a fatty and then ’m gonna make you dinner and we can watch whatever you want while I hold you and play with your hair 😘
I’m so stoked, fuck yeah. Thank you.
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centretrust · 2 years
Euphoria show
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#Euphoria show series
On Februfans of the show tuned in to watch. Ofer Hayoun as Shuki Samiguara, Tomeriko's religious older brother, tries to convert Mastuli. Euphoria season two came to a sweet and bitter end earlier this year, and we for one haven’t been able to stop the water works ever since.Tawfeek Barhom as Dudu, a 17-year-old Arab teenager and aspiring veterinarian, lives in Kino's apartment building.He shares similarities with Ashtray in the HBO adaptation. Uriel Geta as Tomer Samigura, nicknamed "Tomeriko", a young drug dealer and Orthodox Jew who later murders Yizhar, Ra'anan's killer, and broadcasts it live on the internet.Avi Mazliah as Uriel, nicknamed "Mastuli" (stoned), an openly gay drifter/couch surfer who has left home and moves from place to place, per request takes Noy's virginity and later stays with Shuki who tries to perform conversion therapy on him.Amit Erez as Noy Cohen, a lonely, obese girl who begins having casual sex with men per Elkana's advice and is subsequently diagnosed as having HIV, shares similarities with Kat in the HBO adaption.Roy Nik as Elkana Eldar, Deker's older brother, an IDF defector who spends most of his time having casual sex and giving advice to the others.Tries to get into the pilot course in the IDF. Dolev Mesika as Deker Eldar, nicknamed "Tzehubon" (yellow), a shy boy who uses his knowledge of chemistry and online instructional videos to produce and sell hallucinogenic drugs, in love with Hofit whom he later rapes when she rejects him.Has sex with the house maid and eventually buys a sex doll. Maor Schwitzer as Osher Gimpel, nicknamed "Shamen" (fatty), a self-conscious boy addicted to pornography, experiences impotency as a result.Dekel Adin as Kino, Ra'anan's childhood friend, lives alone while his parents are in Shanghai, has an active imagination and is mostly seen sleeping and in a dream world where he spends his time with Ra'anan in search of "Mirando Al Cielo" in South America.Kosta Kaplan as Raanan, a 16-year-old murdered the year before the events of the series, based on 2004 murder of Ra'anan Levy.Roni Dalumi as Hofit, a teenage drug addict girl and cutter who blames herself for Raanan's death, shares similarities with Rue in the HBO adaptation.
#Euphoria show series
In 2019, Euphoria was adapted into an American television series of the same title, which premiered on HBO on 16 June 2019. Skins has been named as an influence on the creators of the series. Some of the series plot is based on a true story. Adults appear in the series only rarely, and are always filmed at an angle that obscures their faces. The series follows a group of 17-year-olds who spend their time carelessly having sex and taking drugs, with seemingly no parental authority. Dominic Fike says that Elliot will definitely be back, however.Euphoria ( Hebrew: אופוריה, Oforia) is an Israeli teen drama television miniseries created and written by Ron Leshem and directed by Dafna Levin, broadcast on Hot 3 from 30 November 2012 to 1 February 2013. Ferreira was MIA at the season-two red carpet, further stoking the conjecture.Įuphoria has been renewed for a season three, but few details are known beyond that. Ferreira reportedly walked off set on at least two occasions over the direction her character was taking. Rumors of bad blood between Ferreira and showrunner Sam Levinson abounded - rumors that Ferreira denied. “i hope many of you could see yourself in her like i did and that she brought you joy to see her journey into the character she is today.” Kat became a fan favorite in season one of Euphoria, only to take a backseat in season two. “After four years of getting to embody the most special and enigmatic character kat, I’m having to say a very teary eyed goodbye,” she wrote. No longer will fans finish an episode of Euphoria and go “Wait … was Kat in that one?” Posting on Instagram Stories, Barbie Ferreira said that she was saying good-bye to Euphoria and Kat Hernandez.
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opinionresearch93 · 2 years
Global Salmon Market 2022-2030 Size, Share Key Facts and Forecast Predictions Presented
The study undertaken by Astute Analytica foresees a tremendous growth in revenue of the market for global salmon market from US$ 20,880.5 Million in 2021 to US$ 27,344.0 Million by 2027. The market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 4.6% during the forecast period 2022-2027. Moreover, in terms of volume, the global salmon market is expected to project a CAGR of 4.2% during the forecast period 2022-2027.
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The salmon is a fish food that is loaded with nutrients which may even reduce certain risk factors for several different diseases. It is the one of the best sources of the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids eicosatetraenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is an essential part for human diet. As salmon consist of low total fat and has high number of proteins, vitamins, calcium, omega-3 fatty acid and others which reduces the risk of heart stoke and other chronic disease.
On the basis of species, the Atlantic salmon segment held the largest share in the market in 2021 and is expected to project the highest CAGR over the forecast period. Moreover, in terms of fish type, the farmed segment is estimated to hold the largest market share and highest CAGR over the forecast period, Furthermore, by product type, the canned segment dominated the salmon market in 2021, whereas fresh segment is expected to project the highest CAGR over the forecast period due to its longer shelf-life and high nutritional value. In addition, based on distribution channel, the retail segment dominated the salmon market in 2021 and projected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
Market Dynamics and Trends
Rise in consumer awareness towards the health benefit of salmon and rising prevalence of chronic conditions will boost the global salmon market during the forecast period. Growing demand for healthy food, owing to rapidly expanding population, rising literacy level, and technological advancement leads to high expectations from food services. The individual's interest has grown more responsive in the health and hygiene standards related to food products. Moreover, with the adoption of sedentary lifestyles and irregularity in routine healthcare checkups in emerging and developed countries, resulting an increase in lifestyle related chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease and hypertension. This has shift consumer to opt for healthy food options like salmon which is full of nutrients, vitamins, proteins and many more, therefore this will boost the growth of the global salmon market.
Depletion of sea species is a restraining factor which inhibits the growth of the salmon market during the forecast period. The rising demand for organic seafood and salmon is the main key factor that depletes the marine species, which results in restraining the growth of the market.
Global Salmon Market Country Wise Insights
North America Salmon Market
US holds the major share in terms of revenue in the North America salmon market in 2021. Whereas, Mexico is projected to grow with the highest CAGR during forecast period due to presence of leading manufacturers. Furthermore, based on species, the Atlantic salmon segment held the largest share in the market in 2021 and is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
Europe Salmon Market
Germany is the highest shareholder region in 2021, whereas Russia is projected to grow with the highest CAGR of 5.0% over the forecast period. Moreover, among the fish type, farmed holds the major share in term of revenue in the Europe salmon market during the forecast period. Also, farmed fish type is projected to grow at a highest CAGR of 5.1% during the forecast period.
Asia Pacific Salmon Market
China is the highest shareholder region, and ASEAN is projected to grow with the highest CAGR of 6.7% in the Asia Pacific salmon market owing to increasing consumer awareness in the region and rapid surge in E-commerce sector. Moreover, based on product type, canned segment contributed the major share in the Asia Pacific market. Where, the fresh product type in Asia Pacific salmon is growing at the highest CAGR over the forecast period.
Middle East & Africa Salmon Market
South Africa is the highest shareholder country in 2021 and is also projected to grow with the highest CAGR during the forecast period in the MEA salmon market. Moreover, by distribution channel, retail holds the major share in the Middle East & Africa salmon market, and further it is projected to grow at a highest CAGR 5.5% during the forecast period.
South America Salmon Market
Brazil is the highest shareholder country in the South America salmon market in 2021 and is projected to grow with the highest CAGR over the forecast period. Furthermore, on the basis of distribution channel, retail holds the major share in the South America salmon market, and further it is projected to grow at the CAGR during the forecast period.
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Report Attribute
Market Size Value in 2021
US$ 20,880.5 Million
Market Outlook for 2027
US$ 27,344.0 Million
Expected CAGR Growth
4.6% from 2022 – 2027
Base Year
Forecast Period
Top Market Players
Cermaq Group AS, Leroy Seafood Group ASA, Mowi ASA, SalMar ASA, AquaChile, Cooke Aquaculture Inc., Greig Seafood, Multiexport Foods S.A., Blumar S.A., Camanchaca S.A., Nova Sea AS, Tassal Limited, Sinkaberg Hansen AS, Nordlaks Produkter AS, Bremnes Seashore AS and Norway Royal Salmon ASA among others
Segments Covered
 By Species, By Fish Type, By Product Type, By distribution Channel, By Region
Geographies Covered
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, South America
Customization Options
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Competitive Insight
Global Salmon Market is highly competitive in order to increase their presence in the marketplace. Some of the key players operating in the market includes Cermaq Group AS, Leroy Seafood Group ASA, Mowi ASA, SalMar ASA, AquaChile, Cooke Aquaculture Inc., Greig Seafood, Multiexport Foods S.A., Blumar S.A., Camanchaca S.A., Nova Sea AS, Tassal Limited, Sinkaberg Hansen AS, Nordlaks Produkter AS, Bremnes Seashore AS and Norway Royal Salmon ASA among others.
Segmentation Overview
Global Salmon Market is segmented based on species, fish type, product type, distribution channel and region. The industry trends in the global salmon market are sub-divided into different categories in order to get a holistic view of the global marketplace.
Following are the different segments of the Global Salmon Market:
By Species segment of the Global Salmon Market is sub-segmented into:
By Fish Type segment of the Global Salmon Market is sub-segmented into:
By Product Type segment of the Global Salmon Market is sub-segmented into:
By Distribution Channel segment of the Global Salmon Market is sub-segmented into:
E-commerce (online)
Brick & Mortar Stores (offline)
HoReCa & Wholesale
Processed Food Industry
Other Institutional Customers
By Region segment of the Global Salmon Market is sub-segmented into:
North America
The U.S.
The UK
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Australia & New Zealand
Rest of Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa (MEA)
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Rest of MEA
South America
Rest of South America
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becorbin · 2 years
10 Supplements to Improve Your Mental Health
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Vitamin B
This supplement has been shown to improve mental health by lifting mood and reducing stress and anxiety. Another bonus is that Vitamin B is absorbed quickly unlike Vitamin D treatment, that can take months to reach the full effect. It hasn’t been shown to be as effective for depression. This supplement doesn’t seem to have significant side effects unless taken in high doses & the recommended dose for adults is 2,400 mg daily.  (Young, 2019)
Fish Oil
Fish oil can be used for borderline personality disorder and ADHD. Low levels of omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to people with depression and schizophrenia, making it a good option for those diagnoses too. Plus, mental health conditions are usually connected with heart disease and diabetes & fish oil will reduce chances of heart attacks and stroke. Some side effects are upset stomach, blood thinning, low blood pressure, heartburn, belching, or that bad fish oil aftertaste. There ARE brands that have eliminated the bad aftertaste though. Up to 3,000mg is considered safe. (Stokes, 2005).
Depression and anxiety are linked with higher levels cortisol and DHEA and Ashwagandha has been shown to reduce both! It is also possible that this supplement helps increase testosterone levels in males. Another bonus is that it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Ashwagandha has positive effects on serotonin and GABA which both tie into depression and anxiety. Many people claim this supplement gives them energy and motivation. There also haven’t been significant adverse effects noted. Recommended to start around 300mg/day and increase as tolerated, 6,000mg/day is about the max dose recommended. (Lopresti, 2019)
Vitamin D 
This supplement is widely known to support mental health conditions. Specifically, depression and anxiety but even has the potential to improve behavior and has anti-inflammatory effects. When taking too much vitamin D you can have weakness, nausea, vomiting or dry mouth. In general, adults can take 800 international units (20 micrograms) of vitamin D per day. (Abska, 2021)
There is a connection between zinc deficiency and depression especially in those over age 65. Zink can improve symptoms of dementia, anxiety, psychosis and even improve behavior. Anxiety is less studied, yet the effects still seem promising. Zinc plays a part in healing and immunity as well. In general, it is tolerated well but too much may cause stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. The recommended daily amount of zinc is 8 mg for women and 11 mg for men. (Gronli, 2013)
Daily supplementation of magnesium leads to a significant decrease in depression and anxiety symptoms regardless of age, gender, baseline severity of depression, or use of antidepressant medications. This is another that is tolerated well aside from taking way too much. The recommended amount for magnesium for adults is 310–420 mg depending on age and gender. (Tartleton, 2017)
Vitamin C
Vit C is involved in anxiety, stress, depression, fatigue and mood. Several studies have shown 7 different effects of vitamin C on the body that all help reduce depression. This supplement also seems to improve symptoms of schizophrenia. Unless you take far too much you shouldn’t have any significant side effects. Dosing is 90 mg daily for men and 75 mg for women. For pregnancy and lactation, the amount increases to 85 mg and 120 mg daily, respectively. Smoking can also deplete vitamin C levels in the body, so an additional 35 mg beyond the RDA is suggested for smokers. (Kocot, 2017)
Not only does this supplement improve depression and anxiety symptoms but also has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antidiabetic properties. It’s been shown to improve dementia symptoms by improving memory and learning. The most common side effects are headache, nausea, appetite changes, anxiety, dry mouth, drowsiness, and constipation. Up to 1,500mg daily is considered safe. (Singletary, 2021)
Too little or too much of it can cause depression anxiety and other negative effects on mood. Calcium may even play a large role in PMS (premenstrual syndrome), since the ovarian hormones affect calcium metabolism and absorption. It can improve sleep disorders as well. 1,000 mg per day is the standard.  (Alkhatatbeh, 2021)
5-Hydroxytryptophan (5- HTP) is a precursor to serotonin that’s known to help treat obesity, diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, migraines, fibromyalgia, insomnia, panic disorder, anxiety, depression and was even useful for the treatment of emotional suffering related to unreciprocated romantic love. What doesn’t it do? If you’re already taking a medication to increase serotonin (SSRIs) you’ll be more likely to have side effects which include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, anxiety, shivering, and heart problems. A less common risk is serotonin syndrome, especially when taking multiple medications that impact serotonin levels. Usually 50-100mg per day of 5-HTP is taken. (Maffei, 2020)
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In the quest for effective weight loss, the metabolism often takes center stage. Your metabolism is essentially the engine that powers your body, converting the food you eat into energy. A faster metabolism can increase the number of calories your body burns, even at rest, making it a crucial element in weight management. This article delves into practical strategies to rev up your metabolic rate, paving the way for more efficient weight loss.
Understanding Metabolism
Metabolism encompasses all the biochemical processes that occur within your body to maintain life. These processes require energy, measured in calories. Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the number of calories needed to perform basic life-sustaining functions, such as breathing, circulation, cell production, and nutrient processing. Several factors influence your BMR, including age, gender, weight, height, and muscle mass.
Key Strategies to Boost Your Metabolism
1. Increase Muscle Mass
Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, even when at rest. Incorporating strength training into your workout regimen can build muscle, thus enhancing your resting metabolic rate (RMR). Aim for at least two strength-training sessions per week, focusing on major muscle groups.
2. Stay Hydrated
Water is essential for optimal metabolism. Studies suggest that drinking water can temporarily boost your metabolism by about 10-30% for about an hour. Aim for 8-10 glasses daily, and consider drinking cold water, which may cause the body to expend more energy to heat it to body temperature.
3. Eat Enough Protein
Every time you eat, your metabolism increases slightly, known as the thermic effect of food (TEF). Protein causes the largest rise in TEF, increasing your metabolic rate by 15-30%, compared to 5-10% for carbs and 0-3% for fats. Incorporating protein-rich foods into your meals can also help you feel more satisfied and reduce your appetite.
4. Spice Up Your Meals
Certain spices, such as chili peppers, contain capsaicin, a compound that can boost your metabolism. While the effect is modest, incorporating spicy foods into your diet can contribute to increased energy expenditure and fat oxidation.
5. Get Plenty of Sleep
Lack of sleep can negatively affect your metabolism and increase the risk of weight gain. Sleep deprivation can lead to elevated levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin, and decreased levels of leptin, the satiety hormone, leading to increased appetite and calorie intake.
6. Sip on Green Tea
Green tea and oolong tea may increase metabolism by 4-5%. These teas help convert some of the fat stored in your body into free fatty acids, which may enhance fat burning by 10-17%.
7. Eat Small, Frequent Meals
Eating small, frequent meals throughout the day can keep your metabolism working efficiently. Large meals with long gaps in between can cause your metabolism to slow down. Smaller, more frequent meals can help maintain a steady metabolic rate.
8. Incorporate High-Intensity Workouts
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is highly effective at boosting your metabolism. HIIT workouts involve short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest or low-intensity periods. This type of workout can help you burn more fat by increasing your metabolic rate, even after you've finished exercising.
Boosting your metabolism plays a pivotal role in effective weight loss and overall health. By incorporating these strategies into your lifestyle, you can enhance your body's ability to burn calories more efficiently. Remember, consistency is key. It's not about short-term fixes but rather about making sustainable changes that can lead to long-lasting health benefits.
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