#feel free to write a crackfic about this if you feel inspired
sparklitive-sonya · 9 months
I need Tommy to take Jere with him to those high-brow fashion shows to absolutely slay in strange matching outfits but before all else to cause ultimate chaos together
I wanna see them trend not just here but on all platforms for being menace to high society
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denalilily · 7 months
🤍 About Me 🤍
hi I'm Lily and welcome to my blog!! I joined last summer and am lovin it. tumblr is literally my job. like, seriously. I post every single day. I mostly reblog twilight posts and all my original content is about twilight. I mainly create memes and gifsets, but I also write fanfiction (oneshots here and a wip on ao3). my favorite characters are the denali sisters and my otp is kate & garrett so most of my content is about them! other stuff you might find on my blog include: funny posts, poems, positivity & mental health support, art, lgbt stuff, games and more. I love the community on tumblr and always happy to make new friends/mutuals, so if you dig my vibe feel free to message me! and if you're a twilight fan.....
I run a discord server for twilight blogs to come together and chat, so if you're interested in getting to know your mutuals, making new friends and discussing twilight stuff message me for the link!
my fav characters: Kate, Garrett, Tanya, Alice, Riley, Carlisle, Charlie, Bree, Leah, Demetri, Mike, Jessica, J Jenks, the blond kid who plays Spiderman
my fav ships: Kate/Garrett, Tanya/Bella, Alice/Demetri
other socials
ao3 - denalilily
discord - denalilily (if we interact frequently feel free to add me der)
🫀 My Creations 🫀
Hasta la Vista, Baby (WIP fic)
The Hunter
Twilight ships VDay edit
Twilight social media AU
Kate and Garrett gifset (Hamilton edit)
Volturi confrontation gifset (les mis edit)
Black Widow video edit of the Denali sisters
Garrett's quotes
Kate's quotes
Twilight characters + funny text messages meme
Denali sisters succubus inspired gifset
Video meme of the Cullens and Denalis
🤍 Garrett's phone gallery 🤍
🤍 Kate's phone gallery 🤍
Garrett's speech meme
Garrett and vegerarianism meme
Twilight character meme
Breaking Dawn Christmas celebration drabble
Tanya's pov after Volturi confrontation - a Breaking Dawn oneshot
a Breaking Dawn AU crackfic
Twilight characters incorrect quotes generator memes:
Part 1
Part 2
The first anonymous Tanya Denali ask because it deserves a spot on my pinned post
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glassheadcanon · 8 months
Dear Yuletide Santa,
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This will be my 3rd Yuletide (every year has been a lot of fun)! Thanks so much for being willing to write in one of my favourite, tiny fandoms. Gifts are enabled in AO3, so treats are more than welcome.
While "optional details are optional", of course, here are some prompts in case you need more ideas, but please don't let them stop you from chasing your own plot bunnies - the most important thing to me is that you find joy in what you're writing.
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General likes: Characters as narrative foils; unreliable narrators; Banter (snark, companionable snark, wordplay); Fluff (especially slice-of-life); Found Families; Hurt/Comfort; heists/capers; action, adventure, the martial arts, battle couples; unresolved sexual tension; mysteries/investigative work, casefic; travel and exploration; secret/hidden/fantastical worlds beneath our own; Magical Realism; finding beauty and humour in the everyday/commonplace; the supernatural, fantastical and whimsical; missing scenes, pre-canon, post-canon; crossovers/fusions; crackfic, crack treated seriously; breaking the Fourth Wall; teamwork, especially with a motley crew
Fic/narrative styles: Open to reading different POV and tense styles, AUs, 5+1, fix-it fic, canon-divergent, drabble collections, non-standard formats, epistolary, verse - whatever inspires and works best for you!
DNW: Nothing Explicit or NSFW (Gen-Mature is fine); nothing needing Archive Warning categories such as graphic depictions of gore, violence, or sex, no rape/non-con, underage or incest (canon-typical violence is fine); no unrequested shipfic (mention of existing canon relationships is fine), sexuality or gender headcanons
...onto the fandom-specifics!
Fandom: Night Hood | Les exploits d'Arsène Lupin (1996)
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It's set in the 1930's, and from the Art Deco aesthetics to the witty, competent protagonists, these lighthearted adventures of this classy, suave, master-of-disguise version of gentleman burglar Arsène Lupin, his slowburn romance with bold investigative reporter Kelly Kincaid (and the found family/team-as-family vibes with her young protégé Max and Lupin's driver/sidekick Grognard) vs. their nemesis: billionaire arms manufacturer Karst, and his cunning and stylish team of Countess May Hem and Steel - are little known and woefully underappreciated. (Check out its TVTropes page for more of an idea what it's like.) Plus, it only has the slickest opening theme/intro sequence of all:
(Fave characters are Lupin, Kelly, and Max, but feel free to add Grognard and any other tagset characters as needed for the sake of the plot/dynamics!) Prompt ideas:
Casefic, pre-canon, post-canon, missing scenes - anything that's fodder for more Kelly/Lupin companionable snark, banter, and UST, especially if they're situations where Kelly and Max hold their own more for a change (instead of needing to be rescued by Lupin) and/or brings to life 1930's Jazz Age Paris and New York's music, culture, fashion, and style
A crossover with Dorothy Sayers's Lord Peter Wimsey/Harriet Vane (even Bunter and Miss Climpson) and/or Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot characters (Chief Inspector Japp, Hastings, and Miss Lemon) would be absolutely fabulous
Kelly and Lupin encountering the infamous Dorothy Parker and her literary peers of New York's Algonquin Round Table
Fandom: Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
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Gally/Alita is one of my very first, all-time favourite anime characters. I've also watched the Battle Angel OVA, read all volumes of the first manga and its sequel, "Last Order" but haven't read "Mars Chronicle" yet. So far, I've greatly preferred the original Battle Angel Alita/Gunnm manga series (much more solid character/plot arc and satisfying ending, to me) to Last Order (far too much filler plot and gratuitous fan service, for my liking). But I digress.
What I appreciate about it: the application of martial arts in a sci-fi setting, kickass protagonist with amazing fight agility; she's a truly noble-spirited and kind-hearted hero and given this, how she navigates a dog-eat-dog post-apocalyptic world with single-minded determination. (Alita's my fave character, but feel free to include Ido or any other tagset characters as needed for the sake of the plot/dynamics! One exception: DNW for this particular fandom - I'd greatly prefer you leave Hugo out of the story)
Prompt ideas:
Alita exploring her new home and discovering more about everyday life in "Iron City"
Alita learning to use her new Berserker body and its combat capabilities
Motorball training sequences, matches, and other missing scenes filling in Alita's rise to Motorball champion (if you're familiar with the manga, feel free to more fully develop her respectful and mutually-strengthening competitive rivalry with Jashugan, which was never touched on in the live action film, and if you're interested, more of his "Maschine Klatsch" martial arts style vs. Alita/Gally's Panzer Kunst, and/or work in the story of how she came to wear the number 99)
Pre-canon of Alita's time learning Panzer Kunst/as a soldier for Mars
Fandom: バケモノの子 | Bakemono no Ko | The Boy and the Beast (2016)
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What I appreciate about it: the depictions of Tokyo (recognized so much from past travels here), the isekai, the found family vibes (especially between such a motley crew of disparate personalities - like Kumatetsu's larger-than-life, let-it-all-hang-out braggadocio bravado and how it inevitably conflicts with just about everyone), how Kyuuta/Ren learns the martial arts (and all of the training sequences). (Kyuuta/Ren and Kumatetsu are my fave characters, but feel free to include any others - even if they're not in the tagset - such as Kaede, Soushi, Tatara and Hyakushuubou, for the sake of the plot/dynamics!)
Prompt ideas - mostly post-canon:
Kyuuta/Ren as an older adult in modern Japan - are there situations in his new life in the human world, in which he's able to apply the martial thinking and skills he learned from life in the Beast Kingdom?
What's it like for Kyuuta/Ren, living his life with the spirit of Kumatetsu now residing within him? What conflicts or arguments might they get into, and over what?
Under what situations would Kyuuta/Ren return to the Beast Kingdom in the future? What circumstance might threaten the Beast Kingdom to such an extent that it forces the spirit of Kumatetsu and Kyuuta/Ren to return, and use his/their combined abilities to fight for its survival? How might this cause tension between the obligations of his human adult life, and his obligations to his friends in the Beast Kingdom?
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
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What I appreciate about it: One of my all-time fave OTPs (though if you're not one for this pairing in a romantic sense, no worries - above all, I love their friendship as well so feel free to stick to the platonic angle if that's what you're more comfortable with). I just really enjoy how well they complement each other in personality, and would love to see more of how this works out whenever they have to team up. And call me biased, but the gorgeous, nuanced voices of both their English VAs (Gideon Emery and Nicole Fantl) really sold it for me. (Fran and Balthier are my fave characters, but feel free to include any others - even if they're not in the tagset - for the sake of plot/dynamics!)
Prompt ideas:
Pre-canon, post-canon, missing scenes, heist/caper fic
How Fran and Balthier met, and what situation made them decide to team up for good
What moment in the history of their friendship solidified their trust in, and loyalty to, each other?
In what ways did Balthier being Hume and Fran being Viera challenge or put a strain on their friendship/relationship?
How the two managed to survive the crash-landing of the sky fortress, Bahamut
Swashbuckling sky pirate adventures with or without the airship Strahl; battles, and/or thievery - e.g. plans to steal an arcane treasure go awry and they need to use their wits and prowess to succeed (and of course they do - in style! :D)
Times when Fran's sensitivity to Mist either helped or hindered combat/these goals
Fandom: X-Men The Animated Series (Cartoon 1992)
What I appreciate about it: besides the epic opening theme song, you mean? :D The nostalgic early 90's vibes and fashion, any time there's lighthearted, snarky dynamics, and they competently coordinate/use their unique mutant powers in combination as a team; Rogue and Gambit is one of my earliest OTPs and the poignancy of their predicament with Rogue's ability has always held a special place in my heart. (Rogue, Gambit, Storm, and Beast are my fave characters in this fandom, but feel free to include any others - even if they're not in the tagset - for the sake of plot/dynamics!)
Prompt ideas:
Pre-canon, post-canon, missing scenes or casefic
Christmas at Xavier's mansion, or New Years' Eve with the team
A fun girls' night out with Rogue, Storm, Jubilee, and Jean Grey turns into an adventure
Danger Room training sequences/combat practice
Rogue x Gambit in New Orleans
The first time that Rogue and Remy were able to safely touch, or the moment they did that was most memorable to them both
Fandom: Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex (full episodes available to watch online for free via Adult Swim!)
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What I appreciate about it: GitS (1995) was one of my very first fave anime films, and this series perfectly captures the cyberpunk vibes, the great dynamics and loyalty between members of a competent investigative team (especially between the Major, Batou and Togusa) and the philosophical issues surrounding the mind-body connection, sense of self/agency and the nature of humanity in a hyper technological age. The addition of the Tachikoma AIs in Standalone Complex bring an element of light-heartedness to the team that I've always enjoyed. (The Major, Batou, Togusa, and the Tachikomas are my fave characters in this fandom, but feel free to include any others - even if they're not in the tagset - for the sake of plot/dynamics!)
Prompt ideas:
The personalities of the different Tachikoma AI, and how they interact with each other and other members of their unit (especially Batou, Togusa and the Major)
How the Tachikoma respond to and navigate the aspects of everyday human life we take for granted, especially how they might attempt to interpret human emotional/interpersonal experiences they observe
Casefic, "heists", fun with hacking and infiltration
What if the Tachikomas and/or the other team members like Batou and the Major had to do a "ghost" dive on each other and/or their "ghosts" temporarily switched places/got trapped in each others' "shells"...what hijinks would ensue?
The friendship and trust between Batou and the Major; exploring whether or not there might have been room there for something more to have developed under the right circumstances
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beautifulduckweed · 8 months
Dear Yuletide Author 2023
Shh! Listen—can you hear it? That weird humming sound? That's me, vibrating with joy and anticipation for everything that Yuletide brings, especially what you, dear Yuletide author, have in store for me.
I’m beautifulduckweed on AO3. Below is a list of likes, a short list of DNWs, as well as my requests for Yuletide. I've included prompts, but please know that they are ABSOLUTELY just suggestions and points of inspiration; feel free to deviate from them, or ditch them entirely and write me something else. God knows I can’t write my own dang stories without taking several wild left turns along the way.
Thanks so much for my gift, and I hope you have a blast writing.
💖🥰 Some things I like 🥰💖
Crackfic and mashups. No premise to stupid, no crossover too incongruous. Listen, recently someone in another exchange requested John Wick x Marie Kondo and I have legit lost sleep thinking about that.
Sexytimes. Please note that I absolutely do not require sex! Some of my favorite exchange gifts have featured absolutely zero sex on page. But if the smutty muse strikes—well, far be it for me to stop you. My tolerance is…high. No, higher. No, no, higher than that. Look, I’ve been a denizen of the Internet long enough that I subscribed to porn newsgroups, OK? My constitution is CAST IRON. I especially enjoy service topping, orgasm control (delayed? denied? forced? ruined? YES), femdoms, people coming untouched, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, improbable feats of horny stamina, people losing control while fucking, gangbangs, and threesomes/moresomes/orgies. I also really love first times, and people finally dropping their defenses and allowing themselves to be vulnerable during sex, and the STOP MAKING LOVE TO ME WHEN WE'RE FUCKING trope. I do have a small list of smut no’s in the Do Not Wants section.
Tropes. Some of my fave tropes are idiots to lovers (idiot4idiot4eva), friends to lovers, forced proximity, cramming attractive people into corsets, drag queen AUs, SFF AUs of every stripe (daemon? Pacific Rim? Superhero/supervillain? Vampires? Inception? Yes yes yessss). I absolutely adore the golden retriever/hissy feral cat dynamic. I also like two soft-hearted dinguses doing their best and trying to treat each other right. And ain't nothin' wrong with enemies who are obsessed with each other who OOPS realize their preoccupation may be more than mere antipathy.
I’d also like to note that much as I love a fic that’s like, a trope confetti cannon, I also really love having tropes (and expectations) subverted. Like, take your standard daemon AU. What would happen if the main character and their daemon…didn’t like each other? What if they were, in fact, mortal enemies? It would be so fucked! I would love to read about it!!!
Horror and gore. I love scary stories and horror; I have a really high tolerance for gore. If you want to lean into action sequences, gore, and body horror, I am (with a few exceptions, which I’m gonna list in the DNWs) gonna be totally cool with it. I basically jumped straight from Enid Blyton to Stephen King. My childhood media consumption was very normal why do you ask 😊
And other stuff. If you want to fuck around with the format of the fic, play around with structure, format, voice, POV, all of it, please do. Here for any weird shit you care to toss my way.
I also really love having my sense of what’s real and what’s not messed with. Like, is it ever possible to have a fully reliable narrator? What is the nature of truth and reality anyway? What role does the overall narratorial voice or framing device of the story play in our perception of the story? I regret to inform you that I'm writing this 100% sober; this is just how my brain is all the time.
😭🚫Do Not Wants 🚫😭
Pet death. I am totally fine with, like, random rabbit needs to be killed for dinner while out in the woods, or oh no, we have to defend ourselves from a charging hippo or hostile lizard from outer space.
Animal cruelty. Brief mentions of stuff happening in the past or whatever are fine; seeing an animal tortured on-page is a big no.
Major character death. Random minions, as always, can be sacrificed to the storytelling gods. NOTE: Major character undeath fine.
Kink and smut no’s: I’m not into blood, scat, vomit or piss. Please no noncon/dubcon where a woman is the victim. NOTE: sex pollen scenarios whereby everybody loses their mind simultaneously is totally fine, as is Fuck or Die.
Unhappy/hopeless endings. Bittersweet is fine; endings where it’s clear a cost has been paid and everybody’s changed etc. etc. also fine, but like, please don’t leave the characters absolutely miserable or unrelentingly tormented by their demons (unless the demons are sexy and the torment is also sexy).
Breakups without makeups: If I requested a canon pairing, or if you decide to write a shippy pairing, please leave their relationship intact at the end of the story. It can take a battering! Just don't break them—or my poor little heart—apart. NOTE: If you're writing a missing scene that takes place while or leads up to a period when the characters are canonically on a break, leaving them broken up or the fight unresolved is fine, because I know canon takes care of things.
🍪🧁Treats 🧁🍪
Are very yes. Love me some treats!!!
📝🎅The Requests 🎅📝
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Fandom: The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting - K.J. Charles
Characters: Alice Fenwick, Marianne Loxleigh
Thoughts/Prompts: I am a simple bean, and all I want is Alice and Marianne having adventures. Maybe some lesbian porn. Or platonic lesbian BFF vibes. You can have 'em fall in love, or become platonic life partners, or fuck a lot and never fall in love, or start an elaborate grift or heist together. Like, wouldn’t it be hot if Marnie decided Alice needed some tutoring in the ways of fuckboys, lured one in, and used him to tutor Alice in the ways of satisfying herself while not getting pregnant? I’m seriously down for whatever.
Also, as with all of my fandom requests, please feel free to drag in as many other characters in as necessary. The more, the merrier; I just want Alice and Marnie’s relationship front and center.
Crack Prompts: Hey what about a vampire AU? Marnie as a vampire would be hot—hundreds of years of grifting, and GOD what the hell is up with this entirely-too-nice nerd oh WHOOPS turns out she’s her generation’s foremost vampire hunter. Alice as the vampire would also be amazing—Marnie tries to con Alice and discovers she’s bitten off more than she can chew (ba-dum-tish).
Vampire AU not your cuppa? How about crossovers with literally any other KJC universe? Stick ‘em in Magpies, or have them tangle with the Lilywhite Boys, solve a murder mystery with Pat and Fen, cosh some villains on the head with the Will Darling crew, accidentally fall into an orgy with the Murder, be pulled through time by one of the Green Men. I have read all the KJC books and extras. Go nuts.
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Fandom: England Series - K.J. Charles
Characters: Bill Merton, Jimmy Yoxall
Thoughts/Prompts: Look, I love idiots, and these two are SUCH MAGNIFICENT IDIOTS. Jimmy is a giant doofus, and Bill thinks he's smarter, but all evidence points to him being at least as big an idiot when it comes to matters of the heart. I get all feral and heart-eyes over these two nincompoops. I will accept any and everything for these two: fics of the two of them getting to know each other during their university days, falling in love in London, THAT HORRIBLE FIGHT AFTER BEN HUR. Whatever. I ain't picky. I also said one time that they'd be great in Lower Decks and ever since then I may have brainwormed myself a little. They'd be so good in the USS Cerritos! Also down 2 clown with like, incongruous mashups---like John Wick? God, what if Jimmy Yoxall was just really weirdly good at murder, and Bill has to keep his stupid ass alive?
Opt-in for this specific fandom: waiving the breakup without makeup DNW for anything that takes place pre-Proper English events.
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Fandom: Fire Island (Movie 2022)
Characters: Noah, Will
Thoughts/Prompts: Goddd, over a year later and it's still my favorite Pride and Prejudice adaptation to date. The found family vibes! Noah explicitly being non-monogamous! The dynamics between ALL the characters, but especially Noah and Howie!!! I am down for whatever for this fandom. Wanna write a big ole sweaty orgy? Have the entire crew go on a giant chaotic family vacation together? (Maybe even…the following year’s trip to Fire Island???). Somebody somehow manages to dare Will into entering a drag contest, and it’s gonna take everyone’s help to make this happen. Noah suddenly finds himself a TikTok sensation and gets into a weird Twitter beef with Taylor Swift.
Crack Prompts: These fools would be incredible in What We Do in the Shadows and Our Flag Means Death.
ALSO, oh my god: since this is a Pride and Prejudice retelling, how about sticking ‘em in a Regency romance novel? I’m inordinately fond of Loretta Chase, and the thought of these four idiots running amuck in the ton is giving me so much glee. Like, think of the Lord of Scoundrels retelling: Will is determined to rescue his idiot friend Charlie from the toils of Noah, a notorious rake, only to find himself reluctantly falling for Noah’s charms. And in the meanwhile, Charlie is falling in love with Howie….
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heavensenthearty · 3 years
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@siambre tagged me a while ago, I've been thrilled to answer this, but I got a lot in my head and kept postponing it. I finally got around to it, thank you so much for the tag, it was really fun!! 💖💋
How many works do you have on AO3?
73. Feeling like doubling the number 😅
What’s your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
So far, 15.
Shadowhunter Chronicles
Boku no Hero Academia
Shadow and Bone, The Grisha Trilogy (the story was kind of a mashup of the two)
Fairy Tail
SK8 The Infinity
Carry One Series
Seraph of the End
The Owl House
Cruella (again, it was a mashup with her original story from 101 Dalmatians)
Shatter Me Series
Carmen Sandiego 2019
Voltron: Legendary Defender (don't judge, I'm making things right for that show).
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Book One: Wind — ATLA, Zutara. Multi-chapter, Ongoing.
Summer Love — SK8, Renga, Matcha Blossom, Miya x Takashi. Multi-chapter, Ongoing.
Playdates — The Owl House, Goldric. One-shot.
Later that night — Carry On Series, Snowbaz. One-shot.
You had me at "Hello" — Supernatural, Destiel. One-shot.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I love receiving comments, but lately I haven't been on my best mental space so I haven't felt like interacting as much as I usually do. I try to always pour out everything I want to say in the author's notes. I'll probably end up responding to all unanswered once I feel a bit better.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Mmmmmm... I really like to go for happy endings, but I guess it is The Words Never Said (ATLA, Zutara).
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics already are tagged as fluff without plot, so it's kind of hard to pick 😅. I think I'll go for a rather recent one Don't You Forget About Me (ATLA, Zutara), the atmosphere where the fic takes place is very angsty but I love how sweetly it ends.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I wrote one between ATLA/Shadowhunter Chronicles, but I deleted it, it was pure self-indulgence. I am thinking of giving such a crossover another chance, I have a super crackship I want to finally write.
And maybe I'll keep up the crackships and crackfriendships for an ATLA/Voltron crossover.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yeah. It reached a point where I actively avoided looking at the comments for a while.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, but most of it is unpublished. It's all "Angst with Feels", I headcanon many characters having issues with physical intimacy so it becomes a milestone for them when they finally achieve it with their significant other.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, I don't know why anyone would want to steal my fics 😅
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I translate my own fics. It's a personal vendetta of mine because all published translations of bestsellers are in European Spanish (Spanish from Spain) instead of American Spanish (Spanish from Latin America).
Como sea. Los latinoamericanos también merecemos nuestras ediciones especiales 😑.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Haven't had the pleasure yet.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
That's a trap question, I don't want to hurt any of my ships feelings! 🥺
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
There was inspired by the prompts for the ATLA-Summer Festival, but I'm not feeling the drive to all of them anymore. I'll probably write some one-shots with the scenes I have the clearest.
There was also this Jetko highschool AU, but I'm not feeling Contemporary YA. I don't want to discard it so soon though.
There was a Modern AU Zutara crackfic that I'm also not sure of right now.
Also, a MikaYuu (Seraph of the End) one-shot, but the recent chapters of the manga make it difficult for me to picture where to set the story.
What are your writing strengths?
I wouldn't know. I've been told I characterize very well, that I give the characters nice chemistry, that I make scenes readers can easily see play out in canon, so... I guess there's that.
What are you writing weaknesses?
Everything 😅.
It's just my opinion. I'm a perfectionist, okay? I know I shouldn't be when it comes to writing, I'm working on that, but for the moment, I am and I'm always practicing in order to improve, and improve, and keep improving.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I love multilingual characters, I can relate to them. I'm always switching languages in the middle of a sentence.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Carry On Series. The first book, Carry On, awoke something after some reading hiatus I had taken, so I thought it'd be nice to give something back.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
I'm currently very excited about my main WIP, Book One: Wind. It's an Avatar!Zuko AU. But the reason I write is because I sincerely enjoy all my stories, I reread them from time to time, so it's hard for me to choose. Also, I have many things planned and I'm excited to show them, it's really hard to choose.
Tagging anyone who wants to answer!! 💖💋💋
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voidbeans · 3 years
So I wasn't tagged or anything but I saw @jesperfaheeys do it and it looked fun so I'm doing it now
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
So. Just a warning: most of these are working titles, and my working titles SUCK. but ANYWAY. Let us begin.
Original Stuffs
Brass Hearts Beating, also known as We Are Mad Scientists And We're Gay - I think the title kind of says it all
SPACE PIRATES??? - ok so that's the name of the doc, it contains short stories about the crew of a dimension-hopping pirate ship (not exactly space pirates but I don't know what else to call them). The short stories are called:
That One Time Beckett Stole A Fucking Velociraptor
Post Traumatic Surgery Disorder
BaRdIc InSpIrAtIon - fantasy novel
My Once and Future Thing - Arthurian legend retelling!!
An Attempt (that will probably end in disaster) - cosmic horror detective shenanigans
And then two more things that I'm writing with a friend, I don't know if she'd want me to talk about them on here so I won't for now.
And now: Mechs stuff (my Mechs blog is @gunpowdville so if you want to ask about these go there)
The Lives and Deaths of (Drumbot) Brian M. Lazarus - also known as Brian: The Novel. Basically just all my thoughts on Brian (pre and post drumbotted) in a vaguely narrative format
Something Phenomenally Stupid - bertie/ts fic with bonus hearteyes
The Mechanisms of New Albion, also called Stop Dating Marius' Dead Family or Seven Weddings and Way Too Many Funerals - Mechs/new albion crossover crackfic taken somewhat seriously
Right and.. that's it!! I don't think I know enough people to tag and also I don't know who all has already done this so... If you see this consider yourself tagged if you want!!
Feel free to ask me about any of these if you're interested!!!
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somniabundant · 3 years
Tagged by: @stamatis thank you so much!!!
Name(s): dreamthievespart17
Fandom(s): the raven cycle, boku no hero academia, free!, haikyuu!! (coming soon) and miraculous ladybug (coming soon)
Where you post: ao3, but I usually put up the links on tumblr too
Most popular oneshot (by kudos): moonlit meandering (with unexpected company) - it’s a chill, nighttime conversation with BakuShin and I wrote it at one of the most chaotic times in my life, so the contrast between the vibe of the fic and how I was feeling makes me laugh XD (still turned out well tho lol)
Most popular multi-chapter (by kudos): A Place to Belong, the first fic I ever wrote, started last summer. Still haven’t put up all the chapters yet, but we’re getting there as I struggle through the editing. Oh it’s a Rovinsky/Poly Dream Pack fic too which means it’s chaotic as hell, but in the very best way :)))
Favorite story you’ve written so far: okay honestly at first I was going to go with APTB, but I think a new fic I just put up is going to have to take its place - to take the plunge (is no small feat). I just put this up a couple of days ago but I worked on it and let it live in my head for about six weeks and I’m really proud of how it turned out. It’s a platonic soulmate AU with Bakugou and Deku and I worked super hard on it
Fic you were nervous to post: there isn’t really one specifically that comes to mind, but I’d have to say the first few. The first time I put up a fic I was just freaking out and waiting to see if anyone would read it...
How do you choose your titles?: I usually wait until I finish and pick out either a) a specific phrase that is important to the main idea of the story or b) a short phrase that encompasses the overall feel of it
Do you outline?: haha. Haha. Well. Short answer is no. So the majority of the time I don’t outline, I just sit down with two random concepts and start going at it. Sometimes I’ll write down little snippets of what I want to happen, but I usually only plan 2-4 major events and an endpoint if I’m doing a longer fic. For multi-chapter stuff every time I end a scene I get a new idea for what should happen next, so outlining and planning ahead don’t really work out for me.
Complete: all of the oneshots, none of the series and the three chapter rollercoaster of emotion that is Just Hair Dyeing Things (Skov/Kavinsky)
In-progress: all of the series, APTB, Welcome to Lush (BakuShin crackfic)
Coming soon/not yet started:
- Coming soon - Ronsey climbing oneshot, Skov/Gansey climbing fic, Skov top surgery Dreampack fic
- Not yet started (but still hopefully coming soon 👀) - Ushijima & Tendou fluff (QPR), Trans!Hinata and Non-binary!Kenma hair dyeing fluff, Proko/Jiang nail painting, Luka/Chat Blanc conversation, BakuKami fluff, Proko/K HSM2 crack, Gansey solo sinning, Declan/Gansey/K something
(There are a couple others that I either plan to do series of or multi-chapters that I’m not ready to reveal yet, but planning for those is in the works :))
Prompts?: literally send me whatever and if inspiration strikes I’ll dedicate it to you
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: probably the skov top surgery one. Fun fact I had top surgery recently so one day a couple weeks ago, I was lying on my back and not moving and I thought ‘huh I could totally write a fic about this,’ so I’m going to. It’ll be great I promise.
Tagging: @avalonjoan @frogswithwings @being-gay-on-ice @2am-limbo @derrygirlstateofmind
Do it if you feel so inclined, but don’t feel pressured :) And if anyone else who I forgot to tag wants to do this too, you can say I tagged you lol
Also! Feel free to send me asks if you have any questions or requests :)
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narukoibito · 4 years
Daily ask! Strong enough (to let you in) and sight for sore eyes sound interesting!
@whiffingbooks​ ♥️
strong enough (to let you in)
This is my Ginny character study to go with my Hermione, Harry, and Ron character study. It’s inspired by “Eight” by Sleep at Last.
Ugh this song screams “Ginny” to me — I get emotional when I think about it. Her character study is about her experience with the diary, her trauma, how quickly she had to grow up, rebuilding herself, and, after everything, find the strength to be vulnerable again. 
Here’s a snippet:
God, that was so long ago, long ago, long ago. / I was little, I was weak and perfectly naive, / And I grew up too quick.
She made it halfway through the dank Chamber before her legs buckled under her and she collapsed onto the cold, smooth floor, the diary tumbling beside her.
It was like a light was lit in her brain. 
She was going to die. She knew it with blinding clarity. It was almost soothing how true it was. It momentarily threw a fire blanket over the bursting panic and fear that screamed from her chest.
In the haziness, she saw Tom slowly blossom out of the diary. He stood above her, and even now, she couldn’t help but think of how beautiful and perfect he looked. That porcelain skin, unmarred by blotchy freckles, those long, fluttering lashes, that smile she once thought so open and guileless, now curved up with such devious pleasure.
“Ginny,” his soft voice cooed. As he spoke bright spots burst into her vision. “I’m here, just like you wanted.”
He was her friend. She trusted him. But the sobbing pleads died on her rapidly tiring lips because she knew (maybe has always known) better. She hadn’t known from the start because evil had always been such an obvious thing, loud, brass, violent. Now she knew what evil truly was.
Apathy. A cold, calculated cruelty.
She felt like choking, pain prickling behind her eyes, hating herself. Hating that she was nothing but a stupid little girl, with stupid dreams and fantasies, living in a make-believe world where someone cared about her. Someone wanted to be her friend, someone would be there for her. So stupid.
Dirty, her hands smudged with ink and blood.
Oof, oh Ginny... 
sight for sore eyes
Bwahaha this was my attempt at a crackfic based on this hilarious tiktok about the ridiculous romance trope of “oh you took your glasses off and now you’re beautiful” — but I was going to subvert it and have it be Harry, the nerd with his glasses, and when his glasses finally come off, there’s a oh shit you’re beautiful moment. 
And from there, I discovered that I am really awful at writing crack fics. Because, despite having hilarious texts about the idea with my beta, it instead blossomed into a full-fledged Highschool/Muggle AU, where Ginny is the popular jock; Harry, Ron, and Hermione the nerdy outcast trio; all the American high school tropes hahaha. And the backstory of when the trio thought they were really cool before high school, and Ron would exclude Ginny. She used to have a crush on Harry, and now she’s supposedly over it and popular and he’s SUPER nerdy and unpopular.
Hahaha, anyway, here is the snippet that was supposed to be hilarious, but then I had to write it, you know, all serious-like:
He heard her sharp intake of breath.
Even though everything was a blur, Harry looked up. Ginny was close enough that he could just make out her slightly hazy features. He felt heat build up in his chest — she was close enough that he could make out the light freckles on her face, the soft fullness of her slightly parted lips, the tiny freckle that blended into the pink of her lower lip. He swallowed hard, trying to fight the alluring pull of her flowery scent, and finally met her gaze and the inscrutable look on her face.
“Uh, shit, no, you have to keep these on,” Ginny said, her voice low and gravelly in a way that had the monster in his chest stirring in interest. Before he could register what she was saying, she was abruptly placing his glasses on his face.
“Ginny?” Harry fumbled to adjust his glasses so he could see her clearly. She had turned away, and a slight flush had crawled up her neck. “Are you okay?”
Had he done something wrong?
She cleared her throat loudly but kept her back to him. “Fine.”
*cackles* These two idiots.
God, I can’t believe I still have more WIPs. I’m too much. 
But feel free to send an ask for the WIP title game if you want to know more of the plot bunnies that reside in my head. 
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Both for the fic thing but I was thinking for story thieves or rom
Okay, for ROM, as far as I know there’s only one and it’s the one I wrote: Destiny - it’s a Ria (Rachel x Jia) fluff fic I wrote, though it’s just a one shot. (Definitely wanna write more for them, though!)
As for Story Thieves fics I wrote, they’re all on AO3, but I’ll link them here for easier access:
Everything About You Is Just Terrible - Set between Stolen Chapters and Secret Origins. Tired of constantly messing up, Owen gets a SQUIP from the Be More Chill book in order to fix himself. (While knowledge of the book/musical is recommended, it’s not needed to read the fic.) One shot. No ships. Focuses on Owen/Bethany friendship. Warnings for angst.
The Flesh Will Have Its Way - Inspired by Hadestown/the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. One shot. Kielany. Warnings for character death and implied suicide.
Story Borrowers - A Borrowers Au of Story Thieves. It’s best to know The Borrowers by Mary Norton, or the movie The Secret World of Arietty to know what Borrowers are. Ongoing series. Only one story so far since I’m still working on the second part. No warnings for the story I currently have out, but there may be angst in future stories. I don’t plan for this series to be very ship focused.
Dreams Are Sweet Until They’re Not - A Hanahaki fic where Gwen develops the Hanahaki disease. Mostly a one shot, but I wrote three separate endings because I couldn’t decide how I wanted it to end (I’m planning on rewriting the second ending though, that one was rushed). Mostly Kielany/Gwethany. Focuses on Owen/Gwen friendship. Warnings for a lot of angst.
A Tiny Problem - After a battle with a new villain in Jupiter City, Orion is shrunk down to 4 inches tall. 11 chapters and finished. No ships (unless you want to count Christian x Catherine, but even then their romance is barely there). Focuses on Orion bonding with the Sandersons. Warnings for some angst.
Speaking of Tiny!Orion, I loved the idea so much that I also make other Tiny!Orion fics that don’t fit into the main story for reasons. Read them here! (Plus more to come in the future!)
Riley High School - A high school Au of Story Thieves. Ongoing series. Current canon ship: Kwethany (Gwen x Bethany x Kiel). Focuses more on friendship and interactions between the main seven, though (Kara is joining their group in sophomore year. Sorry to Kara fans who have to wait for her, this includes myself lol). No major warnings, as it’s mostly Slice of Life (there is angst, but I wouldn’t say it’s that bad).
Want a laugh? Here’s a story where I just put chapters of the High School Au through 10+ languages on Google Translate then put them back to English to see the result.
Big Brother - An Au where Orion joins Christian and Catherine in the nonfictional world and gets to be Bethany’s older brother. Ongoing (only 1 chapter up right now). No ships, focuses on Orion/Bethany sibling relationship. Currently no warnings for angst, but no guarantees for the future chapters :)
School Day - Part of a project I did with friends where we wrote about the Story Thieves kids but they’re young children. One shot. No ships. Focuses entirely on Bethany. Warnings for angst (isolation, loneliness, all that good stuff I projected onto her :D)
And I have so many ideas for more! I just have to stop daydreaming and actually start writing them lol
And here are fic recs I have, most of them from my friends! (Most of these links are AO3 links since that’s where I primarily read my fics):
Baby Story Thieves - This is the project I mentioned earlier that I did with my friends. It’s still ongoing, as we still have to finish the other kids’ stories, but aside from mine, we also have a story with young Kiel and Charm, and a story with young Orion. The Kiel and Charm one has some angst, but not too much, it’s more humorous if anything. The Orion one is very angsty. Warnings for character death. No ship focuses in any of these.
Story Thieves: Crashing Clouds - A free verse poem where Owen gets hurt and lands in the hospital. One shot. No ships, focuses on Bethany/Owen/Kiel friendship. Warnings for angst.
I’m Not Scared, Neither Are the Stars - Orion’s feelings after finding out that Christian and Catherine are engaged. One shot. No ships (unless you count the very background Christian x Catherine). Orion focused, along with Orion/OC friendship. Warnings for some angst, but not too much.
Left Behind - What happens to Moira after Stolen Chapters. Ongoing (currently 4 chapters). No ships. Moira focused. Only warnings for some swearing, but there’s nothing really needing warnings outside of that.
Reality Check - I’m pretty sure this is the most popular fic in our small fandom, but I’m recommending it anyway. Au where between Secret Origins and Pick the Plot, Nobody successfully split Bethany in two, and how the events play out instead. Ongoing (currently 54 chapters). Contains Kielany, Gwethany, Kowen, and Chowen, though most of the focus is on Kielany and Kowen. Warnings foR SO MUCH ANGST ESPECIALLY IN LATER CHAPTERS TO THE POINT I TOLD THE AUTHOR SHE LOST HER BONE PRIVILEGES SHES HURT ME TOO MUCH IN THIS FIC
How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You) - by the same author above. A cute neighbors/high school Au. Ongoing (currently 4 chapters). Kowen fic. Currently no angst (or at least not much) but it does seem to imply emotional abuse with Kara. Not to mention this is from the author of Reality Check and I have trust issues with her because of that fic, so this could get a lot angstier, though she claims she doesn’t plan for it, but also idk.
Halloween Thieves - A cute story about the Story Thieves gang and Halloween. One shot. No ships, focuses entirely on their friendships. No warnings.
you are my home - Set during the end of Stolen Chapters with Kiel and Bethany saying goodbye to each other. One shot. Kielany focused. No warnings.
Nobody the drag queen - Crackfic Au thing where Nobody is a drag queen with mannequin friends. Don’t take it too seriously. Finished(?) two chapters. Second chapter focuses on Nobody x Everybody (if you don’t understand you really shouldn’t. I’ve contributed to this ship and even I don’t fully understand it). Warnings for the usual ridiculousness of a crackfic.
Kowen Secret Kiss Choice - A “hidden” chapter of Pick the Plot where Owen and Kara kiss. One shot. Kowen focused. No warnings.
Pink Lotuses and Cornflowers Blues - A story about Kara and Kiel’s friendship. Involves a lot of flower symbolism. One shot. No ships, focuses on Kara/Kiel friendship, with a bit of Orion with them towards the end. Warnings for angst from Kara’s end, but mostly nightmares.
Home - Gwen and Bethany find home in each other. One shot. Gwethany focused. No warnings.
Souls of the Fictional - Soulmate Au where your soulmate’s first words to you are written on your arm. Owen realizes who his soulmate is the moment he reads the first page of the first Kiel Gnomenfoot book. Ongoing (currently 1 chapter). Gnowen focused. No warnings so far.
The Next Battle - Five years later, the seven have to work together again after finding out that Fowen, Dolores, and the Countess escaped the Time Prison. Ongoing (currently 3 chapters). According to the author, the story will have Kowen, Chowen, Kielany, and Gwethany, though currently Chowen and Kielany are canon. No warnings so far, but I can’t say for sure for the rest of the story.
There’s definitely more fics out there, some I’ve read and others I haven’t, but in my opinion, these are definitely ones to read! (Plus this list is already long enough lol.)
(I already put so many links, so if you guys want to be tagged on your tumblr blogs, let me know and I’ll edit this!)
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kiraziwrites · 4 years
Yuletide 2020 Letter
Dear Yuletide Writer,
Thank you in advance! The below is meant as as fodder for inspiration, not as a strict template. I hope there’s something in here that sparks your interest, but feel free to ignore the specific prompts entirely as long you avoid the DNWs. Note: for my Queen’s Thief and Locked Tomb requests, I listed four characters on the official signup, but it’s totally okay if you don’t include all four (some of these prompts focus on 2 out of 4; the others could be secondary, just mentioned, or not appear at all).
These are a few of my favorite things: missing scenes, reflective moments, romantic interludes, epilogues and aftermaths, porn with feelings. I love found families, thoughtful exploration of power dynamics (smutty or otherwise) between characters, battle couples, intrigue and adventure, extensions of canon worldbuilding, strong platonic relationships in addition to the main ships, and stories that explore queerness and gender nonconformity. I strongly prefer canon-consistent or canon-adjacent stories. Any rating from gen to E is welcome, and mild-to-moderate kink is fine. Angst is great as long as there’s a happy ending, hurt/comfort is more than okay as long as the hurt isn’t on the DNW list, and soft moments, fluff, and humor are also welcome. Crackfic and kidfic are not usually my jam, but kidfic is okay as long as it’s canon-appropriate. 
Do-not-wants: noncon/sexual assault, torture or extreme violence beyond a canon-typical degree*, A/B/O, magical creature (ie vampire, werewolf etc) AUs, dom/sub universes where those are innate/fixed/biological roles, and major character deaths that aren’t present in canon. I’d also like to avoid AUs in wildly different settings (modern, coffeeshop, highschool etc), although canon-divergence AUs are fine.
*obviously, if you’re writing for Locked Tomb, that’s a pretty high degree, so violence and gore in keeping with the books is fine!
Queen’s Thief:
Characters: pretty much every main/POV character throughout the whole series—I just want to spend more time with all of them and in this world. I’d particularly love stories that build on or add to all the revelations in Return of the Thief, so post-canon narratives or stories that revisit earlier events that now appear in a new light, etc. I’d love shippy fic for basically any canon pairings—Gen/Irene, Helen/Sophos, Costis/Kamet (as lovers or homoromantic bros), even the secondary pairing we found out about in RoTT. 
Specific prompts: I’m keen on further glimpses into Gen and Irene’s marriage at any point (including wedding night fics, or a more detailed version of the Atté Atté scene!) I’d also love a look at the four monarchs navigating the emotional aftermath of RoTT and the changes to their families. But I’d also be delighted with a story about Sophos and Helen navigating their dual sovereignties, or Costis and Kamet’s perspectives on events in RoTT, or Pheris continuing to grow up and pursue his profession and observe the court. (I’m being a little coy with details because some people who follow me here are still reading the final book and I don’t want to spoil them, but hopefully you get my vibe.) Pick whatever about this series makes your heart sing. 
The Locked Tomb: 
The characters I prompted are Gideon, Harrow, Camilla, and Palamedes, and I am happy to read just about anything you want to write about them. I would love missing scenes from both books, pre-canon flashbacks, further glimpses at the Sixth House and Camilla and Palamedes’s history (as in the short story “The Mysterious Study of Doctor Sex”), speculative glimpses into what happens right after the end of Harrow the Ninth, and all kinds of Gideon/Harrow content, the gayer the better. I have a soft spot for Gideon POV because I love her character voice, but I’d also love Harrow’s perspective on Gideon’s re-emergence.
Some specific prompts: Gideon is awake in Harrow’s head at some point while Harrow is also aware, and they have their first time (sort of) while sharing a body. A bodyswap scenario in the aftermath of Harrow the Ninth, where Gideon’s still in Harrow’s body, but Harrow somehow ends up in Gideon’s resurrected one, and hijinks (or smut) ensue. Camilla manages to extract Palamedes from the skull fragment and all four of them meet up in a River bubble to talk strategy about how to attack and dethrone God (and have messy feelings all over one another). A look at Camilla and Palamedes’s perspective on Gideon and Harrow during the events in Canaan House.
Give me stories about Harriet and Peter navigating their relationship. Casefics are welcome, but it’s the relationship dynamic I’m really here for, and I’m particularly interested in seeing them at any stage from when they finally get together in Gaudy Night through the engagement and their first year of marriage. Bonus: I’d also love it if Harriet’s relationships with other women, particularly her London friendships, come into play (if you want to explicitly make Sylvia/Eiluned a couple, that would be awesome—they weren’t on the list of requestable characters, but I’d be happy to see them make a cameo here if that appeals to you!) Also, I’m agnostic on the subject of whether or not you treat Thrones, Dominations as canon.
Some specific prompts: the immediate aftermath of the end of Busman’s Honeymoon—how they regroup and take care of each other after that moment of intense catharsis. The first time Harriet meets up with Sylvia and Eiluned as a married woman, and the conversations about relationships and gender that might ensue. Epistolary fic during the engagement, in which they work out the terms of the marriage. Whatever happened during that night of kissing in a punt. The “'interesting revelations of the marriage-bed.”
Richard and Alec, please, in just about any time period or setting—from their early days in Riverside to Richard’s exile in the country to their later years on the island with the bees and thyme and sunshine. If it’s earlier, I’d love to see some hints of their Riverside social world, and if it’s later, cameos from Diane, Katherine, and other characters are fine, but not necessary. I particularly love explorations of how Alec and Richard complement and take care of each another. I’m also very open to kinky content for this pairing.
Specific prompts: Alec encounters his former friends and students from the university some time shortly after the events of Swordspoint, and Richard deals with the fallout. Alec and Richard being gay and doing crimes (or solving crimes, or both) during the Riverside years. One of Alec’s visits to see Richard after he leaves the city. Their voyage to the island after The Privilege of the Sword. Alec and Richard have a threesome with any age-appropriate consenting partner of your choice. Alec watches Richard train or fight and gets predictably horny about it, with the obvious results.  
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goblin-alchemist · 5 years
Good-Guy-Gabe fic recs
I’m going to share some of the fics I’ve come across where Gabriel isn’t treated like a raging dirtbag in the stories.  Please feel free to recommend any others and once I get the ability I’ll create a separate tag to group them all together :)
A few personal rules:
1) Work will be complete.  I won’t make you guys suffer through a WIP with no resolution.
2) Gabriel appears in at least one scene and has a significant interaction with the characters.
3) Gabriel can be Hawkmoth as long as he’s not a jerk.  I have a whole series where he’s Hawkmoth yet I still like to think I write him as a decent person.
4) If Gabriel appears as less-than-pleasant, but he undergoes a redemption and emerges at the end of the story as a decent person, I’ll accept it.
Now, onto some recommendations!  I try to add in the Tumblr tag if I can find it, but if you guys happen to know the author’s username on here that I haven’t included, please tell me and I’ll edit it in.  I’ll post separate fanfic.net and AO3 links (though some authors post on both sites, I’m linking the first ones that I happen to have bookmarked).  Now, in no particular order, including both AO3 and Fanfic.net stories:
- @perditaalottachocolate-blog Perdita writes Gabriel as decent, but he doesn’t always show up in all of her stories.  The ones he actually does, however, he is shown as an okay guy.  I could list the specific ones if people want, but her work is a good bet that he’ll be shown decently.  Link to her AO3 profile and fanfic.net profile.
Archive of Our Own stories:
- Season of Miracles by Miraculousredfox - One of the first fics I made sure to bookmark the moment I got an AO3 profile.  Written prior to Season 2, Hawkmoth’s identity is ambiguous in this one, though it’s hinted it’s Gabriel.  Gabriel starts out the fic a bit neutral, borderline on Grinchy, but it quickly veers into heartwarming and Good-Guy-Gabe territory before too long.
-The Almost-Akumas by Juneprinx - Hawkmoth goes to akumatize a suicidal teenager without realizing exactly what’s happening, and discovers some lines are too great for even him to cross.  A quick one-shot to the heart.
- Phoenix Rising by lilacquartz - A “Gabriel is being blackmailed” fic.  Written shortly after season 2 premiered but before we really knew too many reasons why Gabriel was Hawkmoth, this fic is one of the first and only fics I’ve read where he is being blackmailed into terrorizing Paris.  A nice redemption is included.
- Father Knows Best, Listen to Your Dad Now by callmetash -  A post-Hawkmoth fic, this quick one-shot has Gabriel attempting to make amends for his actions, and we get to see the relationship between Gabriel and Adrien slowly being repaired as Adrien asks his father for advice on how to reveal his true identity to his partner.  Humorous story.
- La Vie de la Joie by Anvildude - A nice redemption arc for Gabriel, and a unique way of dealing with the Wish.
-  A Mothy Matchmaker by @bluetreeleaves - Gabriel is Hawkmoth, but determined to get Adrien to date Marinette (she’s so talented, son!)  Humor, borderline crack, nice and lighthearted.
- Hug Moth by @tempomental-fanfics - Gabriel discovers that he maybe should have deciphered the Grimoire before engaging in nefarious activities.  A quick one-shot crackfic.
- Christmas Crisis - by @jamiehascateyes - Gabriel gives Adrien some guidance on getting the perfect Secret Santa gift for Marinette.  A one-shot.
- A Step at a Time - by @jamiehascateyes - One of my favorite rare-pairs that I’ve never read before!  Gabriel meets Ms. Bustier and slowly falls for her, eventually leading to a redemption.  If Gabriel were to ever just give up Emilie, I’ve often said to Perdita that I think Ms. Bustier would be a better match for him than Nathalie.
Fanfiction.net links
- Peacock to the Rescue by @quicksilversquared - Written prior to season 2, this followed the theory that Gabriel wasn’t Hawkmoth but rather connected to the Peacock Miraculous via his wife.  In this one, he assumes that mantle to assist the two heroes in his own stoic way.  A one-shot.
- A Different Type of Inspiration also by @quicksilversquared - Hawkmoth’s identity is ambiguous, as this is not the focus of the story.  This one centers around Marinette entering a fashion contest held by Gabriel Agreste.  A one-shot.
- Not Alone: A Miraculous Ladybug Story by @unforgetabelle - One of my favorite “Gabriel is being blackmailed” stories, written prior to season 2 when we knew nothing about anything.  Gabriel is Hawkmoth, but undergoes redemption.  A fairly long story, there’s also a sequel!
- Dreamcatcher  by Golden Lunar Eclipse- Gabriel is Hawkmoth, but gets hit with his own akuma, leading him down the path to redemption.  This is one of my favorite stories because of the feeling and emotion behind it.  The author captures the redemption regret perfectly and I love it.  There’s also another story that has a few scenes from the POV of Ladybug and Chat Noir.
- Birthday Gifts by @thenovelartist - Adrien wants to get Marinette the perfect present, so he guilts Gabriel into assisting.  Gabriel ends up being extremely impressed by Marinette’s talent, much to his surprise.
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gostaks · 4 years
purimgifts letter in progress
Hello Purimgifts creator! Thank you so much for writing/creating for me :D
My AO3 is gostaks
Do not wants:
body horror
porn without plot—anything that can reasonably be tagged ‘Mature’ is fine
mind control
canon-atypical child abuse
If you’re not sure whether something is a dnw/it’s borderline, you can assume it’s okay. I’m really only concerned about obvious examples.
Okay, if you’re just here for DNWs you can tap out now! Everything from here on out is entirely ‘optional details are optional’
Tone: Anything from tooth-rotting fluff to despair-filled angst is welcome. I love stories that juxtapose content and tone, or that are very different in tone than their source material. Also, puns, terrible jokes, and crackfic are very welcome.
Crossovers: Crossovers are possibly the best thing to have come out of fandom, uh, ever. I would love to receive crossovers between any requested fandoms, or with any fandom I’ve written/bookmarked/you feel reasonably sure I’ve heard of.
Stuff I’d love to see in general:
Focus on minor characters
Worldbuilding, especially worldbuilding focused on how governments or big systems of people function
Stories set in the far future or distant past
Challenges, should you choose to accept them:
Retell the story of Esther and Haman using the characters and/or setting from a requested fandom, or use the original work slot to take the original story to a different setting. 
Write a gift entirely in verse.
Find an image, then write a story inspired by it.
If you already have an idea you’re psyched about please write that for me! I wanna see what you think is fun to write :D What follows are prompts, in case you’d like something to get you started. I’ve focused on calling out a few faves for each source, but please feel free to write characters even if I didn’t mention them! 
If you’re looking for even more, here’s every exchange prompt I’ve ever given (requested fandoms in doc: Imperial Radch, Machineries of Empire)
Brief Table of Contents
The Dresden Files - Jim Butcher
Imperial Radch Series - Ann Leckie
Vorkosigan Saga - Lois McMaster Bujold
The Strange Case of Starship Iris (Podcast)
Original Work
The Dresden Files
I am going to drop an immediate disclaimer here that you are absolutely welcome to ignore any and all canon details in the Dresden Files. I’m up to date, the details just suck. 
(ETA: you know, it occurs to me that I phrased this poorly. So, take 2: I love the Dresden Files. It’s a concept I find incredibly compelling and a world I love to see people play around in. It also has some big fails in its depiction of women and Jewish characters. If you’d like to stick to Jim Butcher’s canon, please feel free, but I also would love to see a version of the Dresden Files where the author is more sensitive to marginalized groups.)
Molly! Molly is probably my favorite Dresden Files character. I love how her magic works so differently to Harry’s, and how that forces her to approach problems differently. I’d love to see some of Molly’s earliest attempts at magic, or slice-of-life during the time she’s Harry’s apprentice, or your take on how her life as Winter Lady works (canon short stories? What short stories)
Butters! I love Butters’ outside view on magic. I particularly like the way he interacts with magic in the earlier books—he’s an outsider, but he’s also instantly willing to embrace what he’s seeing and experiencing, and almost as quick to dive in and try to understand what’s going on. I’d love to see some of Butters’ experimentation with magic both before and after he acquires Bob, or to get a glimpse into the functioning of the Paranet when wizards aren’t around. Also, if you’d like to take on the ending of Skin Game, go for it.
Maggie interacting with the magical world! I’d especially love to see Maggie as a wizard, or Maggie not being a wizard and having emotions about that.
Imperial Radch Series - Ann Leckie
Does Anaander Mianaai count as an evil vizier? Also, because no one in this series is strictly a woman, I’m going to assume everyone counts :D
Anaander Mianaai! There’s something really interesting about such a large percentage of a corrupt system being a single corrupt person. If you’re interested in biotech worldbuilding, I’d love to get a look at the infrastructure that allows her to function, and how it is similar and different from ancillary tech. I’d also love to see Anaander Mianaai slice-of-life, whatever that means for her.
Justice of Toren! Breq obviously gets a lot of love, but I’d love to see some pre-canon JoT or One Esk. Show me previous annexations, or how JoT as a whole feels about One Esk, or some favorite officers through the years. 
Sirix Odela! Sirix is really fascinating to me because she’s an example of the Radchaai system working. She was trouble, she was reeducated, now she’s not trouble. And, critically, the process from her end sucked. I’d love to see a look at the reeducation system, or a glimpse of Sirix before she was reeducated.
Vorkosigan Saga - Lois McMaster Bujold
Alys Vorpatril! I love Alys, and I love seeing glimpses of her in her element and as one of the most powerful people on Barrayar. I’d love to see more of the women’s culture of Vorbarr Sultana and the way they interact with male politics, or Alys’s relationship with Illyan, or Alys and Cordelia’s interactions and the way they work together.
Taura! We see so little of Taura as just a normal part of the Dendarii. I’d love to see her interacting with her squad, or the process of her adjusting to the Dendarii and the Dendarii adjusting to her, or her continued explorations of identity and femininity.
Lily Durona and the clone squad! The Durona Group is such an unusual structure for a family, and they a lot of very interesting work. I’d love to see more of their day-to-day life, either on Jackson’s Whole or Escobar. Now that they’re not owned by a Jacksonian House, have any of the clones decided to go off and make their own way in the world? What interesting projects are the Duronas working on now?
The Strange Case of Starship Iris (Podcast)
Violet! I love how perceptive Violet is, and how quickly she updates her beliefs based on evidence. I’d love to see her relationship with the Rumor crew, or Arkady specifically, or her time as a paramedic, or any of the events of the podcast from inside her head.
The real other Violet Liu! Obviously, other Violet has a lot of stuff going on. Tell me about her work. How did she get involved with anti-regime work? What’s her relationship with Thazia? Or, write me the recruitment pitch that she sent the crew of the Rumor.
Sana Tripathi! I love how much Captain Tripathi cares about her crew, and how willing she is to show it. I’d love to see her backstory, particularly what she was doing before Cresswin’s Landing, or more of her relationship with Arkady. I’d also love to see how the Rumor crew came together or any of the previous jobs they’ve done.
Original Work
Let’s be real, you wouldn’t have offered this if you didn’t have a story in your head. I want to read it.
On the off chance that you don’t, I would love to see:
something high fantasy in space
anthropomorfic about a piece of infrastructure (Golden Gate Bridge/Bay Bridge, anyone?)
a story about someone doing your day job in an alternate universe where something is very different
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mocacheezy · 3 years
Wanted to make a seperate post for this, because this stuff will go under a readmore. (damn it got long)
Added my two cents on this post, but here is what I do when I do have the energy leave comments on fics (and some extra thoughts on my kudoses):
There is such delight when I find a fic that I have to write my thoughts down while reading, because I love to scream my joy @ the author in the comment once I am done with the chapter/fic itself.
And hopefully by the time I reach the end of the chapter I can calm down enough to actually write something coherent aside from screaming and keysmashing.
Some fics get me that excited!
Some fics I had to put down while reading, so I could pace around the room, because the possibilities for where the situation could go are ENDLESS!
Some fics I've put down and picked up MONTHS later, because a chapter was just so good and made me feel SO MUCH, I was unable to read further!
There are fics I forgot about and returned to years later and was DELIGHTED to see them finished or still going (there was this one back on fanfiction.net that I adored with all my heart, and I plan on checking out what happened to it. The author went on a break around the time another fandom took my attention, but the fic was so good I still remember it from time to time. It made my life more than just bearable, it made me laugh to tears at some points. )
When a fic gets me that excited, I noticed I tend to either comment short excited comments before nyooming to the next chapter, or read all of it over a course of a couple of days, gather my thoughts and leave an almost essay long comment, because the whole fic was just so good and I want to say it all in one place!
There were a couple of fics that I actually WANTED to write essays on, because I appreciate the authors writting style so so so much! For some I still do, because holy hell, the writing and characterization is great, while ALSO gives us things canon/source material didn't explore. But, if I do that, I wanna do it good because KUDOS TO THE WRITERS!
There are also fics that have me grinning and commenting on what's happening outloud, but there isn't really that many questions popping up for me.
It's the delighted gasp and a "Bitch, you said WHAT? 8D".
It's the "Ohohohooooo this is going to h u r t".
It's the grimace or a snort of "You fucking bastard, I knew he was planning something."
With fics like that, I can sit still or do something that isn't too demanding attention wise.
It's relaxing. It's nice, it let's my usually very active and overwhelmed brain rest, WHILE ALSO giving me serotonin and the excitement/feels, but on a smaller scale.
With fics like this (especially one shots), I tend to leave shorter comments, because if I want to comment, but don' t have much to say, I'll still comment and tell what the fic made me feel.
"I liked/loved/really enjoyed this fic, it had me experience x"
Because I do like it! And so far almost every fic I read gets atleast one kudos because this stuff is so good and the authors are amazing.
I just don't have much to say at that moment. Or what I want to comment is missing something and feels too flat to me.
If I know I'll want to reread a fic, I usually bookmark it and write down some highlights/what I liked about it/make a comment of its own in the bookmark! Because looking at older bookmarks/bookmarks from a fandom you are no longer involved with can bring back quite the laughter... AND get you back into the fandom even!
Reading fics is supposed to be a thing you enjoy. If you are starting to dread it because you feel obligated to say something, hey.
Take a step back for a while. This kind of fear happened to me at some point when I was younger, especially when I started interacting with active content creators. They appreciate comments and those comments help so much when an obstacle presents itself and it seems like abandoning a story will be it. Comments and encouragment bring back the fire and joy of writing.
There is a comment I have yet to reply to, that's been sitting in my Ao3 inbox for 160 days (ALMOST 6 MONTHS, MOCA, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AND REPLY ALREADY!).
It's from an author who really wasn't feeling motivated and the comment brought them such joy and excitement!
Why is it taking me so long to reply?
I never expect/wait for a reply from authors. ESPECIALLY not if it's a fic that's older (there are some amazing fics that were posted in 2013!!! Who knows if the author is still active in the fandom!*), or if it's an ongoing one that gets alot of comments. In the second case, it's because the author is already writing the fic, editing said fic and uploading it, could also be working on a bunch of different fics (because writting inspiration strikes at the weirdest of moments and as someone who has around 4fic ideas happening simultaniously, people who ACTUALLY WRITE THEM? Kudos. You are amazing.), not to mention most fic authors do this in their free time. So there's also their jobs, social circle outside the internet, on the internet and the amount of energy they have for social interaction with strangers online. Who am I to expect a reply to that behemot of a comment I left on their fic? If it made them happy, great! If it made them go "woah, that's alot of words" *shrugs*, eh. I am a rambler, it's what I do, if they like it they like it, if they don't they don't. Not much i can do about that, though I did leave a note on my ao3 profile that they can contact me if long comments/ramblings annoy them, so I can stay off their comment section and scream about my love for their works somewhere else. Noone has asked me to stop as of yet, but I like to offer just in case.
Most of my comments are actually posted as if I was at cafe or a restaurant, and was offered the Book of Complaints, Suggestions and Compliments/Thanks.
Complaints? I don't have complaints to leave, because it's my decision on what content I consume, and if I don't like it, I can always search for something else.
And if I didn't read the tags? Well, that's on me. That's like ordering a new dish when you have a food allergy, not reading the provided and highlighted allergen notes and warning, and then screaming at the staff when your food arrives. It's not THEIR job to know what kind of allergies their customers have. It's the customers.
Suggestions? Is the author asking for those? If not, no suggestions from me! If they do ask, and I don't have an answer I usually take some time to see if I have anything to offer.
Compliments/Thanks. That is the thing I love and what I click the comment box for. If a fic made me FEEL something, I will let the author know.
Do you know how amazing it is to read a fic and sit staring off into space after you finish it because "woah... that. That made me feel so much at once that I can't even name it." ?
When you read a crackfic, and keep snickering and chuckling, before you finally burst out in laughter or wheezing or snorting with tears in the corners of your eyes because "OH THIS GOLD, I haven't laughed like this in a while!" ?
When you read angst that tugs at your heartstrings and causes actual tears to run down your face and feel the anguish the characters feel?
When you read angst, but the story has a happy ending? Any you get to see the characters claw their way towards it, and actually reach it?
When you read hurt/comfort and there is that gentle care and love and safety that makes your heart melt?
When you read a fic that feels like sitting by a window with a cup of warm coffee while relaxing music plays? (this last one is becoming my favourite of them all and is actually the one I struggle to comment on the most.)
There is such a variety of works out there! So many talented and amazing writers, with their AUs and a billion different ways of writing!
3. I am a very forgetful person, who has to check her inbox more often. Plain and simple. Nothing more to it.
4. Some of these authors write back such lovely comments that make me smile everytime I open my inbox. I think I might make a scrapbook of some sort, to keep track of them, because getting the feedback of "HEY YOUR COMMENT MADE ME HAPPY/EXCITED!" or "I really appreciated this comment, thank you." makes me smile. ^u^
Seriously fic authors are amazing, and this is why "Kudos to them." has become a thing I say irl as well, and in any conversation where someone creating a thing is brought up. I may not know or have a strong opinion on the stuff someone enjoys creating, or have nothing to really say, so "Woah, Kudos to them." is my way of saying "I admire their work (but don't have anything else to say about it)."
Learning it means Glory? Hell yes, those works are worthy of praise,and the authors really are glorious.
So here's where that lovely button comes in.
I use the kudos button both when I have a comment to write and when I don't. I spam that button when I like something so much words fail me, and I click it when a fic reads like I have just finished a cup of coffee.
If I use the cafe/restaurant thing I talked about before as an example, leaving a kudos, to me, is like giving a smile or replying to the waiter with "It was great." when they asked if you enjoyed it.
I enjoyed it, but I don't have anything else to say.
Maybe it was just an interesting read, even if not to my usual tastes. It might get a kudos.
And if I read something that I thought I would like but it turned out I didn't like it or I felt meh abput it?
Well, *shrugs* well.
I don't have anything nice to say, and I probably won't read stuff from that author. There are others who will and others who will leave a kudos.
I don't think much about it because I read fics for fun.
I ramble about them because I am having fun and finally know I can share my experience with others.
You guys have probably seen the "Holy shit two cakes!" comic, which was originally about how artists/writers feel bad when creating something with a concept that many other more skilled creators used.
I remember that comic at some point also being used to explain that "It really sucks when you bake a cake, but noone wants to eat it."
I can't speak as a writer, because I don't post the fics I daydream about (yet! I don't post them yet!), but here's a little thing my daydreamer self likes to think.
I baked my cake, and I can eat it too, but I hope the cafe I frequent has something similar too.
I wanted to read a fic like this, I made a fic with the idea I wanted, I enjoyed the process and the result, but I sure do hope someone else also makes a similar fic in the future.
I do however mostly daydream my fic ideas. So again. These are just my thoughts on the whole thing that is Comment > Kudos/Like > Reading > Not Reading
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drabbletale · 6 years
Re: Drabble Requests
A post about what I’ll do and what I won’t do, because I’ve been getting a lot of questions about it. This post is kind of a bummer, because it’s a lot of ‘NO’s, but I’ve written lists of stuff that I like writing already, so....
FONTCEST ONLY. This includes Sanscest and Papcest, if you’re wondering. 
Until I catch up on requests and my personal stories, all requests will be 3 paragraphs long. (There are currently 3 remaining requests from before this rule, that will be longer.) It WILL take me WEEKS to get through them all, so please be patient! But feel free to send in more, if you’re willing to wait?
AUs THAT I WILL WRITE: Swap, Horror, Fell, Fellswap (the Red one), Bad Brother AU, and obviously original Undertale. I’ll also do things like Lamia au’s or not-related AUs.... Things that aren’t owned by anyone and therefore I can make my own way.
I won’t do others because I don’t know any others. I know OF au’s like ‘Error’ and ‘Geno’, but I won’t write them because I know very little about them.
And no, I don’t have time to learn about them, I’m sorry. :(
Tropes I won’t write: 1. Crackfic or things that are meant to be ‘funny’. I am not a funny person. Like at all. I don’t really enjoy reading crackfic and really hate writing it. For all of our sakes, that’s a hardfast rule. 2. I won’t write characters getting inebriated, no drinking or getting high. I am sober because of reasons I don’t want to talk about and writing that stuff makes me uncomfortable. 3. Related to #2, I also won’t write poly-ships. Nothing against them or people who are poly, but I’ve had my own experiences that have left me disliking writing them. 4. No OCs or reader inserts, nothing in 2nd person. NO!!! 4th wall breaking. It’s one of the reasons that it took me so long to play Undertale, is I really hate 4th wall breaking. I feel like the only person who feels this way, but yeah... :p 5. I ONLY WRITE ROMANCE ON THIS BLOG. It’s all I’m interested in writing, sorry! I don’t want to do gen fic, because it doesn’t interest me in regards to Undertale. //shrugs// 6. I am totally willing to add in other not-fontcest pairings as a side pairing, but nothing with Metaton. Please for the love of god, spare me. Other than him, I am willing to write whatever.
Kinks I won’t write:  1. Straight up rape. Dubcon is a maybe, depending on what the subject is. 2. Anything with poop, piss, vomit, boogers etc. I’ll write blood and sex uh... ‘fluids’ but that’s it. 3. Extreme bondage 4. No amputation, thats too spooky for this goober. 5. Sex where someone is obviously like ‘meh’. 6. Cheating partners is usually a no, unless the prompt REALLY interests me. 7. Again, no crackfic please? I’ll add more as they come up.
Tropes I love: (but you can do anything I don’t have listed above!) -Soulmate AUs -Pregnancy/marriage AUs -Obsession AUs -Yandere AUs -Totally down for the skeles being Lamia (snakes) or angels or cat-people or whatever, seriously, I love that sort of thing! I’ve written a lot of pet-angel AUs in my time haha -straight up cuddling -complete AUs, (ie: they aren’t related and meet at a bar or smth) -(will add more as I think of them)
Kinks I like to write: -asphyxiation -Phone sex -daddy kink -hypnosis (obviously where the dubcon comes in) -possessive talk in bed -tying up (like the wrists and stuff, light bondage) -blood play (but not amputation) -heat fics -sex against a wall -public sex -can you count ‘doggy style’ as a kink? I love writing that -over stim -masturbation because someone is literally so horny for someone specific that they just can’t take it -DP or size kink -(will add more as I think of them)
Otherwise, thanks for sending in stuff and feel free to ask questions!! :) I promise I’m not as boring and mean as this makes me seem lol
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joulethieves · 6 years
B, D, I, J, Q, V, Y !!!!!!!!!
thank you for these!!! before i answer: disclaimer @ everyone that before july i haven’t written fic in 8 years. or anything for that matter. so--taaake that with a grain of salt
B. Who’s your favorite side-character from something you wrote?
I really surprised myself by how enjoyable it was to write Jules. I was a bit hesitant but for some reason Ffamran and Jules really fell into place in my fic Streetear as well as Chop; whenever I write their banter I just have a lot of fun and again get surprised at myself with what comes out.
D. Any drawings or pictures that had a big influence on your writing?
Yes. Oh my god. I found this artist named mochi on pixiv who not only adored Vaan, but adored BalVaan...anyway their Vaan art is just amazing and it’s so clear they love him as much as I do. I enjoyed this piece of him and Pen dancing in Jahara.  It’s the last one down on the page. Also I really love @sovaz’s BalVaan art she did.
I.  What’s your favorite work you did this year? Why?
That’s hard to choose, mostly because I’m not super crazy about anything I’ve written thus far since being back in the scene. I write a lot of porn. Jesus. Honestly the year isn’t over yet and I’m hacking away at what might be a 4-5k BalVaan oneshot that is quickly becoming my fave tbh so...stay tuned. Otherwise UHH. I’m fond of Facile, the one where Bal tells Vaan about his past; it was initially an RP and I had the idea of Bal finally telling Vaan but--Vaan just, not caring, yknow? And I’m glad we got to put a BalVaan spin on that situation. I also ok, fine, I really like the oneshot Lucky that I wrote in the Cirrus fic. Bc...skypirate boyfriends.
J.  What are the best jokes you told this year? Any jokes you thought were funny that people didn’t catch? Vice-versa? 
Balvaan is full of jokes, it’s hard to choose. But I personally am gonna just be lazy and point to my crackfic Wingman where Pen is fujoshi garbage.
Q. Quote three bits of writing you read his year. Can be your writing, or not. 
- Jules regards him, finding Ffamran’s eyes too easily in the shadow of his cloak. “You’re something, Bunansa. In all my days I've never met a man who wants to move down in the world.”
“Not down,” Ffamran counters capriciously. “More out.”
- Without that blasted ring, she seems lighter, now. When she finds what she wants, she may wear it again, along with her crown. 
- There are two things Balthier had to learn the hard way: One, do not ever take free samples from Rabanastran street vendors after dark. And two, after all this time, Vaan is far more self-aware than he's given the boy credit for.
V. Which story was the most viscerally pleasing to write? Tell us your narrative kinks. 
The nameless oneshot I’m working on now is really really enjoyable for me, but also Stellazzio. Uh. I’m a hack. None of these are published yet. The oneshot I’m referring to should be up by the weekend and Stellazzio UHHHHHH. I guessss aside from that I really enjoyed the Rabanastre festival wank I put into Mirage. I am a sucker for culture substance and atmosphere. As a photographer I am very entranced by trying to capture the light and tone of a scene. That tends to make my writing very....dense and hard to read. Sigh.
Y. Why did you write? For fun, for a friend, for acclaim? 
I gave this some thought before I realize that I write bc this OTP is constantly screaming at me and they are truly my muses, having finally been re-ignited with the remake. They feel like home to me to be honest. But they are still a challenge. IDK they are constantly inspiring me which is very overwhelming I wish the muses would shut up. I write bc if I dont they would slowly kill me. And then I write smut for my friends bc I am thoughtful.
writing meme - click here 
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cyanmnemosyne · 7 years
Yuletide Letter (2017)
Dear Yuletide Writer,
First of all, thank you for taking the time to write me a fic!  This is my third year participating in Yuletide, and I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with. :D
If you have matched with me on one of these small fandoms, I figure chances are pretty good that we share some tastes as well. :D So while I’ve tried to provide at least a bit of commentary for each one, please feel free to ignore all my meandering suggestions if your inspiration takes you in a different direction.  :)  I feel certain I’ll love whatever you write, either way. <3
I also have no preferences as regards length, tense, or POV -- feel free to write the story however it works best. :)
AO3 name: darkcyan
Requested fandoms:
Mouretsu Pirates | Bodacious Space Pirates
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
Machineries of Empire Series - Yoon Ha Lee  
[ hiding the rest under the cut, because as usual, it got long. :) ]
General Preferences:
Yes, Please:
fluff, found family, deep friendships, established relationships, brand new relationships where everyone’s trying to feel their way through, drama if it’s not gratuitous or inspired only by misunderstandings, hopeless pining, hopeless pining that turns out to be reciprocated.  People already trusting each other, people coming to slowly trust each other.
basically if it’s emotionally warm, I will probably love it
and if it hurts but resolves in an emotionally warm place, I will love it while crying
AUs.  canon-fork or otherwise.  I like it best when the characters still feel “true” to their canon personalities, as filtered and changed through the different lens of how the AU differs from canon.  For AUs that involve significant worldbuilding (e.g. sci fi AU), feel free to spend as much time as you want on the worldbuilding in addition to the characters.
Actually worldbuilding in general is great if that’s your thing.
Missing scene / other POV / canon continuation fic are also great. (I think what I’m trying to say is I like basically all kinds of fic?)
time travel. is a guilty pleasure of mine.  Primarily when used as an excuse to abuse one’s future knowledge to help put the past on a better track (though of course, it wouldn’t be as fun if the changes didn’t start piling up eventually. ;) ) Time travel paradoxes are an interesting thought experiment, but in my fic-reading I’ve got a strong preference for the “eh, changing the past forks the future, don’t worry about it too much” mode of time travel.
Female characters being their awesome selves.
Happy endings.  (Bittersweet is fine too :) )
Shipping is great, queerplatonic relationships are great, deep friendship is great.  Relationships are great! (I’ve called out my preferences or lack thereof on a fandom-by-fandom basis below in case it helps.  Anywhere I say “relationship”, feel free to assume that I’d be just as thrilled by anywhere in the spectrum from “really good friends” through “queerplatonic” to “romantic”)
Humor is good too! I’m usually not terribly interested in true crackfic, but the occasional lighthearted fic – or a dash of humor in something otherwise dramatic to lighten the mood – is great.
I feel certain I’m missing a lot, so let’s just say that anything that’s not otherwise called out in my maybe/no lists is fair game :D
issuefic (which seems to include things like alternate sexuality / gender headcanons? not 100% sure on the preferred terminology here?) I like my issues to feel organically part of the story rather than being a transparent soapbox, but other than that, I think that sort of story can be really interesting :D  This is in the ‘maybe’ category mostly because I guess there’s a risk that we might not happen to agree on said issue?? But if it’s the sort of fic you love to write, go for it! :)
Kidfic.  Haven’t really encountered much that interested me, but if you want to, go for it. :)
Please, no:
Onscreen sex. Fade to black or references are fine if you feel it’s critical to the characterization / plot, but if we’ve gotten to the point where we’re talking about limb positions, my reaction is almost certain to be somewhere between bored and extremely uncomfortable.  
(but honestly I’d prefer no sex at all. comes of being both asexual and a prude *shrug*)
Even if it’s not explicit or onscreen, please no rape / noncon / dubcon. *eyes list* Do I need to call out “no incest”? I don’t think so? But just in case: no incest either please. :)
Not a huge fan of drug / addiction plots either
Relationships, romantic or otherwise, where there’s a significant power imbalance (especially if it’s abused) really bother me, especially if it’s played as acceptable.[1]  (If the story shows it as deeply problematic and works through the implications, I’ve been known to have an intellectual appreciation for it, but it’s still not something I really want to read about.)
Most significant age difference fic falls into this bucket for me.  
I also feel pretty strongly about free will and freedom to choose, so “I’m taking away your choices by hiding things from you / doing things behind your back For Your Own Good” narratives mostly just make me want to punch things, no matter how good the supposed justification is on the part of the person doing it. So. I’d recommend avoidance. :)
… Emotional manipulation in general, to be honest.  Especially, again, if it’s played as acceptable.
Cheating and other forms of deliberate, sustained dishonesty within a relationship.  If the characters are lying to each other, they’d better have a really good reason, and chances are I still won’t like them quite as much after.  [2]
Gratuitous drama.  If the drama could be resolved by the characters just sitting down for five minutes and talking to each other, and the only reason they don’t is ~*~reasons~*~, then I start getting really annoyed, really quickly
Plots revolving around jealousy.  It’s a human emotion, but I hate it when characters let it eliminate their capacity for rational thought
Anything that uses “they couldn’t help themselves” as an excuse for making bad decisions. Like. I’m sure there are exceptions.  (Actual mind-control?) But in general my response to that excuse is “You’re an adult.  Act like it.“
Character bashing. Even the characters I hate are the heroes of their own stories.  
Not a huge fan of relentless grimness / Crapsack Worlds.  I enjoy some grim sometimes, but I prefer at least an occasional dose of hope with my grimness. I need to have some faith that the ending will be a happy one, or at least cathartically bittersweet.
Related: If I wanted to hear about awful people being awful all the time and how awful everything is as a result, I’d go watch the news. (... Someday I would like this statement to be less true than it was the previous year, instead of more. ;___;) There can be awful people, they can do awful things, but I’d really prefer they not be either the majority or the focus of the story.
[1] BDSM in which said power relationship has been consensually agreed on ahead of time is entirely different, of course. :)
… But it’s also not generally really my thing. :P
[2] For the record, I do not count poly relationships in this bucket at all.  All I ask is that everyone who’s involved is aware of and reasonably happy with what’s going on.
Requested character(s): Miyamori Aoi, Yano Erika
Spoiler notes: I’ve watched the show and read the first several chapters of the prequel manga
Preferred pairing(s): gen or Erika/Aoi (side relationships between whatever set of the characters that suits your fancy are fine too - aside from my soft spot for Erika/Aoi I don’t have any strong ship feelings.)
THIS SHOW.  I love it to pieces. When I first started watching it, I was in the middle of a bit of a professional crisis of my own (trying to decide whether to change jobs), so this show hit basically all my “I love this” buttons, from laughing and crying about how well it depicted how hard it is to get a lot of creative people to work together (I’m a programmer, not an animator, but the similarities are pretty scary), to laughing and crying at its depiction of writer’s block, to adoring all the little in-jokes it slipped in about anime as a whole (I wish I could remember the name of that harem show …), to loving all the insights into how making an anime actually works, to empathizing like no one’s business with Aoi’s insecurity about whether she was “enough” for the job and whether it was okay to not have everything figure out yet, to Ema’s struggles with imposter syndrome, to Misa’s angst about whether she should stick with a stable job she knows or try for something more like what she really wanted, to …
I re-watched it last year and was struck all over again by how much I love Erika’s casual mentorship of Aoi; she’s one of my favorite characters, and I’m always sorry to see her disappear and I always cheer when she comes back.  
So what I’d really like to see this time is a story that focuses on their relationship.  A scenario where Erika helps point Aoi in the right direction?  When Aoi realizes Erika needs some support?
During that long gap when Erika is away caring for her father, do she and Aoi still stay in contact?  Does Aoi ever come visit?  
I’d just love to see more of these characters and their friendship.  
(Note: I do low-key ship Erika/Aoi, but I also am pretty iffy about workplace romance, especially in such a small workplace, and Erika especially seems like the sort to be level-headed about that sort of thing.  
So if you want to take things in a shippy direction, I’d like to request that it either stays at mutual pining or -- if they decide to make a go of an actual relationship -- actually addresses the workplace romance issue. One of them moves to a different company? idk.
But I’d also be 100% happy to see a fic that is completely gen, if that’s what you’d prefer. :) )
(And one final note: Hiraoka. I’m not sure I like him, exactly, but I’ve been uncomfortably close to where he is emotionally, so he gives me lots of complicated feelings.  So, if you choose to include him, please be kind?
And if you, too, have dealt with burnout - Erika and Hiraoka had a very interesting conversation at one point that made me think that Erika’s also uncomfortably familiar with it, but has just stabilized in a healthier place. If you wrote a story centered on that I’d probably love you forever, but I’m not sure it’s one even I’d be willing to attempt …)
Mouretsu Pirates | Bodacious Space Pirates
Requested character(s): Lynn Lambretta, Jenny Dolittle
Spoiler notes: I’ve watched the show and the movie.
Preferred pairings: Lynn/Jenny
… Yeah, no, I’m not even going to pretend that I’d be happy with gen when this is an actual canon relationship that is one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen.
(… Like, my high-pitched yelling about this pairing almost reaches the level of Uranus/Neptune back in my peak Sailor Moon fan years.  … … And that’s a lot. XD)
I meannnnn you can do gen if you reallllllly want to. :D I’m sure I’ll still enjoy it.  <3
But yeah, insofar as I have OTPs anymore, these two are definitely one of them. XD (And I’m hoping that if you’re offering these two characters, it’s because you ship them too. XD)
Ahem. Where was I?  
I really enjoy this show in general - it’s just so refreshingly, unabashedly fun; a lovely warm show about a bunch of ridiculous, adorable, and really damn competent girls being their awesome selves. (With a handful of fond, long-suffering adults on the side.) (And also piracy.)
And I love Jenny and Lynn in particular because even though they’re secondary characters, they exemplify this - every interaction Marika has with them, they’re being their competent, awesome selves, and it’s a true treat to watch.  
So please give me these two characters being being their badass competent selves.  Or give me something adorably fluffy with the two of them doing nothing in particular.  Give me them working together and sometimes having to remind each other to take a break and eat or sleep - or give me that year they spent separate, and their wistful pining, wishing they could reach each other through their holographic displays.  
(Okay, ngl, I have a special category of high-pitched yelling reserved for that phone conversation!! When Jenny is giving Lynn advice on being president!! And Lynn’s wistful-but-fond smile as she hangs up!!!)
In summary, please give me more of these adorable canon lesbians. <3
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
Requested character(s): Nel Zelpher, Clair Lasbard
Spoiler notes: I’ve played the game and am ~ halfway through the manga and seriously wtf did you do to my favorite character less blushing more badassery for Apris’ sake!
Preferred pairings: Nel/Clair
Speaking of high-pitched yelling on the scale of Uranus/Neptune, I am fairly certain that Nel was my official first ever video game crush. This was a bit difficult for me to explain to myself, as I was convinced I was ~straight at the time, but she was so cool that I didn't bother to think about it in too much detail.
And when we are introduced to Clair as her partner, and every single scene in which the two appear makes it clear how strong their bond is -- it was a foregone conclusion that I would start to ship them as well. And Adray's obnoxious insistence on trying to find a husband for Clair just made me even more determined to headcanon them as lovers (or at the very least secretly pining for each other) in addition to partners.
As I said above with Lynn/Jenny -- if you don't ship them romantically, but just think they're great platonic partners, I'm sure I'll still enjoy it whatever you come up with. But in case there’s any doubt, I also very much ship them. :D <3
And either way, I just love their dynamic -- these two strong-willed, intelligent, fiercely competent women, working towards a shared goal that they both believe is more important than themselves. How deep and unshakeable their trust is -- and how even though it clearly tears Clair apart to send Nel out into a situation that they both know may not be survivable, she'll do it anyway. And Nel will go.
I don't have any specific prompts in mind -- if you want to write about a mission Clair has to send Nel off on, and the tension between their fear for and their trust in each other (and the knowledge hanging over both of them that they're doing something that they see as more important than them both), great! Want to just do fluffy interactions during a brief break from the action (do they get vacation? How many people do they have to bribe to get vacation at the same time?), or after the war is done and things are a bit more settled, go for it. In the narrative path where Nel goes with the party into space, does she think of Clair and all the stories she's going to tell once she gets back (if she gets back)?  What does Clair think, being left so much farther behind this time than any other time before?  What stories does Nel tell when they're reunited?
Got an idea that's burning in your mind and has nothing to do with any of these? I'm sure I'll enjoy whatever you come up with. :)
Machineries of Empire Series - Yoon Ha Lee 
Requested character(s): Kel Cheris, Shuos Alaia
Spoiler notes: I’ve read both Ninefox Gambit and Raven Stratagem, and a decent number of the other vignettes/short stories in the world.  If you want to check whether I’ve read a specific story, feel free to shoot me an anon ask. :)
Preferred pairings: Cheris/Alaia
Ah, these books. Ninefox Gambit is one of my favorite books I've read this year, and its sequel, Raven Stratagem, was an entirely worthy follow-up. I'm really looking forwards to how the trilogy concludes in Revenant Gun, but in the meantime: fanfic! :D
I debated what I wanted to request, since there's a lot about this series that I like -- the fact that pretty much all of the characters are competent and Done With Your Shit, the way it sets up a horribly broken system and then doesn't flinch away from both how broken it is, and how the vast majority of people have just ... accustomed themselves to the situation, and make do while tolerating the horrible. It makes the system feel sustainable enough to have lasted this long, while still making it very clear why multiple someones would have gone to so much effort to try and tear it down. And yet, it also doesn't flinch from the consequences of the actions that the various characters take to try and tear it down, either. (One of the many reasons I'm looking forward to Revenant Gun -- I'm very curious to see what the consequences arise from the events in Raven Strategem.)
I really enjoy how many characters are queer (including trans!!), and how casually the narrative treats this fact. And the way that many characters' families are factored into their thoughts, even if they're not on the page, in a way that felt very true, but that I feel like doesn't often come up in other novels that aren't explicitly about something family-related.
The casual inclusion of dyscalculia and ADHD is also pretty great -- how it’s clearly an aspect of the characters that have shaped them, while even more clearly not being all their character is.
... So what do I decide to request this year?
Cheris and that one ex-girlfriend of hers who shows up for, like, a paragraph of flashback in Ninefox Gambit. XD
I just ... really liked that little bit of insight we got into Cheris’ history, and would love to see more.  How did they meet? Why did they break up?  What was the actual most ridiculous drama they watched, and how late did they stay up making fun of it?
Feel free to go in a more serious direction as well (what sort of training incident gave Alaia her nervous tic? what is being Shuos like to someone who didn’t go the flashy assassin route? How did being Kel and Shuos inform their interactions with each other, and the world around them).
And, as always, feel free to ignore my prompts entirely if there’s something you’d rather do instead. :D
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