#felix guattari
2-gay-2-furious · 8 days
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wiregrrrl · 1 year
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This quote from Guattari goes hard. It’s from “To Have Done with the Massacre of the Body”
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beingharsh · 2 months
What makes fascism dangerous is its molecular or micropolitical power, for it is a mass movement: a cancerous body rather than a totalitarian organism. American film has often depicted these molecular focal points; band, gang, sect, family, town, neighborhood, vehicle fascisms spare no one. Only microfascism provides an answer to the global question: Why does desire desire its own repression, how can it desire its own repression? The masses certainly do not passively submit to power; nor do they "want" to be repressed, in a kind of masochistic hysteria; nor are they tricked by an ideological lure. Desire is never separable from complex assemblages that necessarily tie into molecular levels, from microformations already shaping postures, attitudes, perceptions, expectations, semiotic systems, etc. Desire is never an undifferentiated instinctual energy, but itself results from a highly developed, engineered setup rich in interactions: a whole supple segmentarity that processes molecular energies and potentially gives desire a fascist determination. Leftist organizations will not be the last to secrete microfascisms. It's too easy to be antifascist on the molar level, and not even see the fascist inside you, the fascist you yourself sustain and nourish and cherish with molecules both personal and collective.
"1933: Micropolitics and Segmentarity", Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus
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What is an Assemblage?
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What is an Assemblage?" This diagram was created for Critical Visualization (Bloomsbury, 2022) by @davila_patricio and @peter.hall.
It attempts to describe assemblage theory as described in A Thousand Plateaus (Delueze and Guattari) and adopted by the creators of Actor Network Theory. The bottom panel describes how the famous "hockey stick graph" used by Al Gore to bring attention to climate change in the early 2000's was produced by a data assemblage created by many different actors and and using a variety of data sets.
This poster in now available in our online shop.
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fangednominals · 5 months
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Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guatarri, A Thousand Plateaus (1980), How Do You Make Yourself A Body Without Organs?
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schizografia · 3 months
Quando Hofmannsthal contempla l’agonia di un topo, è in lui che l’animale “digrigna i denti al mostruoso destino”. E non è un sentimento di pietà, egli precisa, ancor meno un’identificazione, è una composizione di velocità e di affetti tra individui completamente diversi, simbiosi, tale che il topo diventa un pensiero nell’uomo, un pensiero febbrile nello stesso tempo in cui l’uomo diviene topo, topo che stride e agonizza. Il topo e l’uomo non sono assolutamente la stessa cosa, ma l’Essere si dice dei due in un unico, in uno stesso senso, in una lingua che non è più quella della parola, in una materia che non è più quella delle forme, in un’affettibilità che non è più quella dei soggetti.
Deleuze & Guattari
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gravity-rainbow · 1 year
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Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
Univ Of Minnesota Press, 1983
Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari
“An "introduction to the nonfascist life" (Michel Foucault, from the Preface) When it first appeared in France, Anti-Oedipus was hailed as a masterpiece by some and "a work of heretical madness" by others. In it, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari set forth the following theory: Western society's innate herd instinct has allowed the government, the media, and even the principles of economics to take advantage of each person's unwillingness to be cut off from the group. What's more, those who suffer from mental disorders may not be insane, but could be individuals in the purest sense, because they are by nature isolated from society. More than twenty-five years after its original publication, Anti-Oedipus still stands as a controversial contribution to a much-needed dialogue on the nature of free thinking.”
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stargir1z · 7 days
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"Postmodernism and the Place of Nostalgia in Ingeborg Bachmann's Franza Fragment" by Heidi Schlipphacke
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zeroeroroo · 1 year
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Critical Theory Collage
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cavaliere000000 · 1 year
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the kittycats of schizoanalysis. close your eyes and make a wish in my heart i am there with them.
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yellowmanula · 2 months
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na dziś koniec z kłączem. wnioski? objawienie nonsensu szukania zaciekle jednostkowego sensu. myśl, która jest kłączem przez umiejętność rośnięcia w poprzek, w dół i w górę rozsadzi pojęcia ja. zrozumiesz że życie podobne jest do "urządzenia". by coś zadziałało, musisz wiedzieć jakiej wtyczki użyć. nie chodzi o to, by doszukiwać się w tym Sensu, ponieważ on sam w sobie jest historycznie zmienny. najodważniejszy myśliciel nagnie wielość sensu i skonstruuje kolejne urządzenie.… 
Wyświetl więcej
— z użytkownikami Małgorzata Oczak i Hubert Daniszewski.
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beingharsh · 4 months
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"Year Zero: Faciality", Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus
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1730 paragraph 17
Panel 1
Moby-Dick in its entirety is one of the greatest masterpieces of becoming; Captain Ahab has an irresistible becoming-whale, but one that bypasses the pack or the school, operating directly through a monstrous alliance with the Unique, the Leviathan, Moby-Dick. There is always a pact with a demon; the demon sometimes appears as the head of the band, sometimes as the Loner on the sidelines of the pack, and sometimes as the higher Power (Puissance) of the band.
Panel 2 and 3
Let us clarify that: every animal swept up in its pack or multiplicity has its anomalous. It has been noted that the origin of the word anomal ("anomalous"), an adjective that has fallen into disuse in French, is very different from that of anormal ("abnormal"): a-normal, a Latin adjective lacking a noun in French, refers to that which is outside rules or goes against the rules, whereas an-omalie, a Greek noun that has lost its adjective, designates the unequal, the coarse, the rough, the cutting edge of deterritorialization.13 The abnormal can be defined only in terms of characteristics, specific or generic; but the anomalous is a position or set of positions in relation to a multiplicity. Sorcerers therefore use the old adjective "anomalous" to situate the positions of the exceptional individual in the pack.
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livrery · 2 months
The idea of becoming is one of Deleuze and Guattari’s means to reinterpret the concepts of being, identity and difference. As becoming refers to constant change rather than a one-way movement between two fixed states, the very idea of being is reformulated. Being is no more an identifiable state with a definite identity from which difference is derived. What we consider as being as relatively stable in the flow of time is actually repetition with difference, an unfolding of becoming.
Kaochen Liao, "Materializing the transgender becoming: Norms, failures and ethics of 'The Traveler's Book of Gender Wandering'" in Deleuze, Guattari and the Schizoanalysis of Trans Studies (pp. 154)
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schizografia · 4 months
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Jean Paris ha illustrato il funzionamento di questi poli nella pittura, dal Cristo dispotico al Cristo passionale: da una parte, il viso del Cristo visto di faccia, come in un mosaico bizantino, con il buco nero degli occhi sul fondo dorato, mentre tutta la profondità sembra proiettarsi in avanti; d’altra parte, i visi che s’incrociano o si voltano, di tre quarti o di profilo, come in una tela del Quattrocento, con sguardi obliqui che tracciano linee molteplici ed integrano la profondità nel quadro stesso (si possono prendere esempi arbitrari di transizione e di mescolanza: la Vocazione degli Apostoli, di Duccio, su paesaggio acquatico, in cui la seconda formula prevale già nel Cristo e nel primo pescatore, mentre il secondo pescatore resta preso nel codice bizantino).
Gilles a Deleuze & Felix Guattari, Anno zero, viseità
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memeticmobius · 2 months
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