nocturnenebula · 1 month
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full image of that early ko-fi post of 15 of my ocs' body types (or lack thereof)! go ahead and download the image to see all of my notes. i couldn't draw more since my wrist gave out and i ran out of room on the already huge canvas.
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radroachmeat · 2 months
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alright I promised I would share my ghoulfucker art so here I am to deliver. thank you for stopping by the Sierra Madre please come again!
(uncropped available offsite)
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nine-blessed-hero · 9 months
Night Exercises
Universe: TESIV: Oblivion, Modern AU (post-Crisis) Warnings: Description of a mild panic attack Words: 2,400 Context: Written for the TES Summer Fest prompt "Starlit". Or read on AO3 Taglist (ask +/-): @tes-summer-fest @mishkakagehishka @arcane-elder-scrolls​ @bread-of-death @writeblrsupport
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Aderyn shivers as the night breeze brings the acerbic scent of pine down from the ridge on their right, mingling with the bog-brown smells of the heath. Behind her, Fortis slams the car door shut. "First lesson," he says, pulling a green beanie over crew-cut dark hair, "in addition to everything else I've told you to put in it, always carry a torch in your go-bag, along with a map of your locality." Aderyn hefts her bag. "Got my torch." "And here's your map." Fortis hands her a pink Ordnance Survey.
"I don't get why we're out here in the middle of the night. It's fucking brass monkeys." "Finish the test, and you get to drink cocoa in your jammies at the end." Fortis's teeth flash as he grins. "We're out here, Rookie, because there's no telling what shit you'll end up in while out with a principal. Kidnappings and assassinations don't happen much during daylight and fair weather." He turns to gesture at the road, pale skin ghostly in the moonlight. "Single-track, rural – it's easy to force someone off a road like that. We work for a corporation, Rook, and corporate bigwigs like to hobnob in fancy stately homes, most of which can only be accessed by single-track roads in the arse-end of nowhere." "That's my scenario?" Aderyn wraps her arms around herself, to stave off the chill and quell the sick feeling that rises at the thought of being out here with Martin, pursued by a faceless enemy. "Yep. You're being followed on the way back from a party. They come alongside and force you off the road." "Can't I fight 'em?" Fortis scratches the beard on his jawline, sounding amused, "You think you could take eight goons by yourself, and stop them getting to your principal?" "Being the Hero of Kvatch's gotta count for sumint." "C'mon kid, we both know you're a lousy fighter. No, that's not gonna work. What's the golden rule?" Aderyn rolls her eyes. "Get the fuck outta Dodge, ASA." "Right. Find us a place to hole up while you check where you are and where you're going."
Aderyn looks around. She's lucky Fortis has chosen a clear night with a nearly-full moon – the landscape is painted in tones of silvery-blue and dark shadows. Mounds of gorse and stunted birch rise and fall away like a tide, rabbit-paths of fine ash-coloured sand lit up like quicksilver. Aderyn points towards a clump of gorse, close by and angled such they're obscured from the road. "There." She ushers Fortis ahead of her – in this scenario, he's her principal – and hopes to whoever is listening that she can remember enough survival craft so there aren't any accidents.
"Alright. This is a good choice," Fortis says, looking around the hollow Aderyn has led them to. "You've got about five minutes of breathing space here. Time to call it in, then figure out where you're going next. What code are you sending?" Aderyn takes a breath. "Code gold, cuz it's Martin. Uh. It's not 'actual', cuz no one's directly tried to harm us yet… Shit, what's the word…? Impending. Then I give the location: Northbound B6721. And a description: forced off road, fleeing on foot." She looks at Fortis who nods. "And all together?" "Code gold, impending. Forced off road, Northbound B6721, fleeing on foot." "Good. Now, where are we going?" Aderyn unfolds the map, pointing with the penlight to a grid square. "We're here? Ish?" "That's fine. You can give a 6-figure reference when you're more certain." "There's a," she squints at the map, "Scout hut here. That's where we're aiming for." "Okay. What direction?"
Aderyn folds the map down to just that page, puts the penlight in her teeth and pulls out her phone. Fortis plucks it from her grip. She spits out the penlight. "What the fuck?" "Phone broke in the crash. There's no GPS." "Then how did I send the SMS to call it in?" Fortis rubs the back of his neck. "C'mon, Rook. I need to know you can do without." "Fine." Aderyn rummages in her bag and pulls out a compass. Fortis blinks. "It's good to see you're prepared, but…" "You're really gonna tell me my compass is bust too?" "No," Fortis sighs, "but the point of this is to check you can navigate by starlight."
Aderyn gives him a long look and, with a small huff, clicks the torch off, turning her attention upwards. Her gaze rakes the heavens, spangled with glittering points like specks of feldspar in the polished basalt firmament. "There's the Plough," she tracks the constellation with her finger, "and the Little Bear, so that's Polaris. That means…" Aderyn flicks her gaze from the map to the sky, orientating herself and the map, then points towards the open heath, "…we're going that way? I think?" "Little tip, Rook – always sound certain, even if you're not. Your principal is likely scared, they're trusting you to look after them. Don't make them doubt your capabilities." "Right." Aderyn takes a breath, slides the map into her pocket and turns on the charm. "Yeah, we're all good. We're going this way."
They tromp across the heath, Aderyn steering Forti's path from behind with one eye on the knotted ground and one on the north star, all the while he's quizzing her on procedure. "What's the code colour for both Mr Septim and Baurus?" Aderyn grins. "Electrum." "Another Blade?" "Black." "Top five things for your go-bag?" "Water, medkit, torch, penknife, lockpicks." "Wrong go-bag." "Lockpicks are always useful." Fortis huffs out a laugh. "You planning on taking your principal on an infil job?" Aderyn starts to laugh but cuts off, a hand clamping on Fortis's shoulder. "Stop!" He freezes. "What's wrong?" "Back up."
Fortis backs up the path they've trod and turns to find Aderyn pulling out the map and torch. "I know the pink ones are broader," she says of the map, "but right now the orange one would have been better." "Talk to me, Rook." "See that fluffy shit?" Fortis looks. From around them have started to sprout what looks like cotton wool tufted on a stick, as bright against the dark heath as the stars above. "Yeah?" "That's bog cotton. If we keep going that way, we're going to end up in a drink. Or down to our hips in mud, if we're unlucky. The orange map would have shown boggy ground." Aderyn shines the torch around her and takes a moment to orientate herself again. "If we go that way, we should be able to skirt it." Fortis cants his head. "That's a good catch, Griffiths."
They fall silent then, navigating the tussocks and gullies. If she squints, Aderyn thinks she can see the lights of the Scout hut through the trees in the distance. They're tantalisingly, frustratingly close. If only it wasn't for the bog between it and them, they'd be home-free by now. They've come dressed for the hike – walking boots, waterproofs and technical gear – but it doesn't stop her feet from soaking through as the water rises calf-level in places. The cold water saps her heat, makes her shiver and ache. Leaping the tussocks, keeping her balance, plotting the route – it all takes effort and concentration, draining even her high energy reserves.
Aderyn's mind wanders, body running on autopilot as it settles into the rhythm of the hike. She thinks about having to do this for real. Martin in his dress shoes and tux, tired already from a party. Thinks about how he'd struggle to jump, tussock to tussock; about how he'd soon be shivering with the cold water and night air, maybe going hypothermic. Thinks about having to do all this with antagonistic gunmen on their tail. Even though he's not even there, her chest constricts. It's only a test, Aderyn reminds herself. But it doesn't stop her legs from wobbling as she leaps. She stumbles, lands knee-deep in the mire, vision spinning. "Anson!" It comes out as a breathless squeak, too soft to carry. Her breathing is laboured, heart racing, fast even for the exercise. The grass is coarse under her hand, the rattle of reeds sinister as they move in the wind. "Rookie?" Fortis is back. Shadows enfold his face, turning his brown eyes to wool-black and highlighting his pinched brow. "Listen to me. If you're injured, I can have med-evac here in twenty." "No. I- Just need a moment," Aderyn says around the pressure on her chest. His fingers find the pulse point on her neck, and his lips move soundlessly as he counts the beats. "I need you to take a nice deep breath for me. Can you do that?" Aderyn nods, heaves in a breath. "Good. Another." The pressure binding her chest lifts, the fog that had settled over her thoughts scattering like a cloud of midges in a strong breeze. A bird trills somewhere. Aderyn tastes salt and sediment on her lips, becoming acutely aware of how uncomfortable her position is, of the water creeping up her thigh. "Ready to carry on?" Fortis asks. Aderyn nods, and he helps her stand on legs that tremble still. "Okay?" "I'm good."
Finally, they reach firmer ground. A small rise peppered with some kind of sparse, deciduous tree snakes along the edge of the damp lowlands. They stop, taking a drink of water. From here, Aderyn can definitely see the Scout hut. At its back is a boardwalk over the bog, chicken wire grip rimmed by starlight. Aderyn puts her water away. "Not much further. We follow this ridge, then we'll be home free."
The boardwalk is rickety when they get there. The water below is still and black and fathomless as only a heathland pond can be, an obsidian mirror showing only the speckled night above. "It's alright," Aderyn says, as much for her own confidence as anything, and steps gingerly onto the dark planks. They sag but don't give way. She takes a few more steps, then beckons Fortis out. "Just stay to the sides, yeah?" "Quick question, Rook – you do know how to swim, right?" "Yeah, I'm good," she replies, heart in her throat.
When the creaking boards finally give way to solid ground again, Aderyn's relief is palpable. A quick glance at Fortis shows he feels the same, head tipped back, snatching some deep breaths, hand wrapped around his shark tooth necklace. He grins when he realises she's watching him. "I think we need to talk to Mr Septim about a donation to the Scouts here, eh, Rook?" Aderyn grins back, as they start walking towards the gate at the back of the property. "Also about some decent security," she adds, popping the padlock with a shim and a quick flex of the wrist.
Ferrum meets them at the door of the hut. He looks them over in the blasting white lights of the security spots, and says, "Wait there." When he returns, it's with two black bin bags. "You're not coming in like that. Clothes," he says, holding the bin bags out. They stand on the concrete porch and strip to their undies, every sopping item going in the bags to be washed later. Which is fair, Aderyn thinks as she peels off her trousers and drops them, thudding wetly, into the bag.
There're clean sweats in the bathroom, and mugs of hot chocolate in the kitchen. "That one is yours, Rook," Ferrum says, pointing to the one with a mountain of whipped cream. Aderyn pulls out the chair and sits. "Sprinkles. You fucking serious?" "I'll swap you," Fortis says, making grabby hands. Aderyn baps him with the spoon. Ferrum leans against the counter. "It's a reward for a job well done. I assume," he looks at Fortis, "she did well?" Fortis kicks his bare feet up onto the table. "There was a little wobble. But yeah, our Little Bird did good." "Wobble?" Ferrum loosens his crossed arms, shoulders tilting towards Aderyn. "Panic attack. Just a baby one-" "Can we not?" Aderyn interrupts, shoulders hunched.
"Hey." Fortis drops his legs and twists in his chair, leaning in. "Aderyn, look at me. Everyone has a moment they go off-axis." Aderyn makes a noise of disbelief. "It's true, Rook," Ferrum rumbles out. "I panicked during an exercise and shot my SO. Blanks, but still." "Caroline was so nervous when she met Ariella Septim, she forgot every English word she knew," Fortis says. "They carried their conversations in French, if I recall," Ferrum says. Aderyn uncurls, easing back in her chair. "What about you?" Fortis rubs the back of his neck. "Me? Ah, can I tell you Pel's instead? Or Baurus?" Ferrum laughs, a low rolling thing. "Christ, was it that bad?" Aderyn asks. "He fainted," Ferrum says. "During little Kintyra's wedding to that milk-water sop, Amiel." Aderyn grins, lopsided. "Wow." "Ah, hush – it was emotional. My point, Rook," Fortis says, "is that compared to some, a little panic attack is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed by. You were with me, during basic training in a somewhat controlled environment. Not on your own, in a far more dangerous situation, like the Crisis. Quite frankly, I'm impressed it's taken until now." Aderyn plays with a loose threat on her jumper. "Crisis was easy. Well, I mean – y'know. I only had me to worry about. Not B or Gramps. Or Martin." Ferrum murmurs in understanding. Fortis lifts his chin. "Ah." "I don't think I'm cut out for a Blade," Aderyn says, pressing a hand to her forehead. "Hey, it's late." Fortis squeezes her shoulder. "Drink your cocoa, get some sleep, and you can think about this later when you've got a fresh brain. Okay?" "Yeah, alright." Aderyn picks up the spoon, rescuing melted cream dribbling down the side of the mug.
Fortis watches her a moment longer, then glances at Ferrum. "You got any more squirty cream and sprinkles?" Ferrum huffs out a laugh. "What have you done to deserve sprinkles?" "Being my awesome self." "That's not enough for sprinkles." "So rude. Jena'd give me sprinkles." "Jena isn't here." Aderyn relaxes into her seat as the two men bicker. Fortis is right – now is not the time to contemplate such matters. Outside, the wheel of stars is fading into the advance of dawn. She's warm and drowsy from the hot chocolate, secure in the hut. Ruminations on her future as a Blade can be saved for later.
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the-toastyverse · 7 months
Consequence (10-8-23)
Belladonna stumbled, dragging her useless leg as she tried to find some semblance of a way out. She had been shot twice, once in the leg and again in the abdomen.
She hadn't bleed out yet, and with a faint glimmer of hope, Belladonna realized that she didn't hear the heavy footfalls crashing through the undergrowth behind her.
"I can't believe that lizard wench shot me!" She thought angrily."And that wild monster she called a husband...When I escape this damned forest, those will be receiving the brunt of my wra-!"
Belladonna's uninjured foot slipped and she tumbled into a ravine with a shriek, landing at the bottom in a heap.
She didn't move for several agonizing minutes. The forest was eerily still, and quiet.
Her blood ran cold at the sound of enraged shouting, that gradually changed to howling, as the loud, crashing footfalls grew louder.
From the bottom of the ravine, Belladonna could hear many angry voices.
In the darkness, many pairs of glowing yellow eyes surrounded the pit, and when lightning briefly illuminated the world, she saw many lupine forms.
A fearful scream tore its way out of her as the largest of them leapt into the ravine, landing right in front of her. She recognized the face, contorted with hatred for her.
"No-" She tried scrambling back, away from Ferrum, but she was grabbed by the arm. Her scream of pain was cut off as he grabbed her other arm and tore her apart.
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toast-com · 1 year
OC Fun Fact #26
Ferrum and Cinis met when they were kids, and had become fast friends, and then fell in love when they were older.
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junohsartdumpster · 1 year
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Ok so I have been making progress on those Headcanon Continental maps. And some have new locations! Newcomers include Paldea, featured on the West Continent with Kalos, Galar, Unova, ect. Ferrum, home of Pokken Tournament on the peninsula north of Hoenn. And final newcomer, Lental, home of New Pokemon Snap in the Northwest of the Eastern Continent.
If you're concerned about Alola, it's still part of this, it's just too far from either continent for it to be included in a focus view, I do have plans though.
I have some touch-up work to do on Paldea, as the game hadn't come out yet when I outlined this, but now that I've gotten hands on with the region I'll be making some adjustments to my first draft of it.
Hope you guys like the update though.
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soundsgf · 1 month
Soundscapes with Cutting-Edge Percussion Download
Prepare to embark on a sonic journey like no other with Keepforest – Ferrum, an innovative virtual instrument designed to push the boundaries of industrial percussion. Dive into a realm of metallic textures, rhythmic pulses, and dystopian atmospheres as you harness the power of Ferrum to craft intense soundscapes and epic musical compositions.
Keepforest – Ferrum Download
Keepforest has meticulously curated Ferrum to serve as the ultimate toolkit for composers, sound designers, and producers seeking to infuse their projects with the gritty allure of industrial sound. Drawing inspiration from the mechanical landscapes of science fiction and the visceral energy of modern dystopias, Ferrum offers a diverse array of meticulously sampled percussion instruments that capture the essence of raw, industrial power.From thunderous anvils and reverberating metal clangs to relentless drum rhythms and pulsating loops, Ferrum delivers a level of realism and depth that will captivate your audience and elevate your compositions to new heights. Each sound is meticulously crafted to evoke the atmospheric intensity and haunting beauty of industrial machinery, ensuring that every note resonates with authenticity and impact.
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sillywolffoxwrites · 2 months
28th of Nightal, 1368 - Day 160, Hour 6.5
M'Khiin inspired me. She was hanging there, seemingly helpless, but found a way to fight back. Ghostly figures tore the scaly devil to chunks, and while momentarily distracted I came at Belhifet. From somewhere withing me I felt a change. A familiar warmth, yet different somehow. When hammer met devil, silver light flooded the room, originating from my hammer. The impact tore a hole in Belhifet's middle, and cleaved him in half. As the white flames guttered, we turned our attention to the cage beyond our battlefield, and the uncle and niece that spoke with eachother. Caelar had finally got what she wanted. The cage door crumbled at her touch, turning to mist, releasing the tortured man. Aun Argent was gaunt, with sunken eyes peering out from a pallid face. The subject of how to close the circle came up, and Yuze confirmed what Aun informed us: That someone would have to stay behind to close it from this end. Caelar volunteered. No one stopped her, it solved our problem of how to get back, and was a form of justice in a way. I don't have faith that the powers that be, that the mortals who make decisions will be able to use their power responsibly. I do have faith, that I have the power to intercede on behalf of those in need without Helm's help. If it wasn't Helm whose divine light flooded my weapon... whose was it? - Ferrum
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shadowmewtwox · 6 months
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another carving, this time of the ferrum emblem. really liking how it turned out, hopefully it lights up well! getting the middle piece was probably the hardest part of it, had to shave down the empty spaces to keep the rest of it intact.
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nocturnenebula · 5 months
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made something special as a gift for myself for xmas and this is the artwork i'll share it again when it arrives 🕺🕺🕺
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angara-mfrp · 6 months
hey it's ferrum and due to unforeseen circumstances irl, i'm dropping Shulk from Xenoblade. it's thursday 19th october and he was housed in sector G.
Hi Ferrum! We completely understand, life does get in the way sometimes. Come back and see us if things do calm down!
Shulk has been dropped for you.
Mod Dingo
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nine-blessed-hero · 2 years
8 (witch)
Spiritus Alco Custodiat
Universe: TESIV: Oblivion, Modern AU CW: Swearing, alcohol mention, injury mention, "satanic"-esque ritual mention Words: 450 Tagging (ask for +/-): @mishkakagehishka @strosmkai-rum @arcane-elder-scrolls​ @bread-of-death Available on AO3
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"You know, before Reman Cyrodiil bought this pile, it belonged to a witch," Jena says as she enters the kitchen. Aderyn, who is learning to clean the rifle she won at Kvatch, looks up and laughs. "Fuck off. No, it didn't." Ferrum rolls his eyes. "Do you mind?" "Not at all." Jena gives him a wicked smile, flicks the kettle on and leans back on the counter. Outside, the October wind is dancing around the chimney stacks and wailing through the cloud-ridden sky. The late evening sun is nowhere to be found, only a diffuse and generic greyness stands outside the windows. Somewhere in the Manor, a door bangs closed.
"It really did," Jena says, her attention back on Aderyn. "Why do you think there're so many secret passageways?" Aderyn pulls a face. "That ain't a sign it was owned by a witch. 'Sides, Gramps says Cyrodiil built this place." Jena grins. "Nah. Director has it backwards. Witch built it, Cyrodiil bought it." "It's all tosh," Ferrum says. He taps the table. "Rookie, continue with your task." "Wait, hang on-" Ferrum throws up his hands, giving up on his hope that Aderyn will ever learn to clean her rifle correctly. "-What kind of witch lives in a manor house? I can buy a witch living in the arse-end of fuck-all-ville, but ain't witches supposed to live in little run-down shacks?"
Jena opens her mouth to retort, then closes it again. Ferrum snorts at the frown she aims at Aderyn. "Rookie," Ferrum tries again. "A dirty gun can seize in the field, when it's needed most. What is your plan for when you've not learnt to clean your weapon and it can no longer fire?" Aderyn shrugs. "Use it as a club?" Ferrum squints in incredulity, then heaves a weary sigh. "It was a coven," Jena pipes up. "Performed terrible sacraments in the cellar. Cyrodiil had to get the place consecrated by the local priest." "Yeah? Human sacrifice, blood drinking?" Aderyn sounds bored. Her shoulder twitches, the side scored by the blade of a Mythic Dawn cultist, where Baragon says the new skin is healing nicely. "Anything worse than that?"
The kettle clicks off in the silence.
Aderyn turns back to cleaning the rifle.
A few minutes later, three mugs of tea and a bottle of cheap whisky land on the table. Jena pulls out a chair, eyebrows raised at Ferrum. He inclines his head and puts a hand on the rifle. Aderyn stops and looks up. "Got a new task for you, Rook," Ferrum says.
Outside, the October wind rattles the greenhouse window panes and the sun slinks behind the mountains. Somewhere in the manor, demons are chased by spirits.
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the-toastyverse · 10 months
OC Fun Facts #1:
Ferrum and Cinis are the tallest characters in Isle of Thorns.
Ferrum is 8' 11", and Cinis is 8' 6".
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jellyfilledart · 8 months
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Diplomacy at work
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fox-poke-fanatic · 1 year
Learned about the Ferrum region today. Fascinating way of doing Pokemon battles. Apparently they see regular use of Legendaries? More importantly, though, Braixen is popular there so they have good taste.
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dkavisen · 1 year
Hvem har stjålet computere til en værdi af 70.000 kroner?
Hvem har stjålet computere til en værdi af 70.000 kroner?
Virksomheden Zantio IT buldrer af sted. Ejer og direktør Simon Buhl Jensen og hans kolleger er travle folk, men det er noget andet, der har stjålet deres tid de seneste dage. Søndag var virksomheden udsat for et gigantisk tyveri af helt nye computere til en værdi af 70.000 kroner. Nu har han valgt at dele et billede af gerningsmanden fra videoovervågningen, selvom han ved, at det kan koste en…
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