#follow or perish.
dawnswine · 1 year
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rebouks · 21 days
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HELP! Robin’s eyes shot open as his breath suddenly caught in his throat, causing him to choke violently. He knew what a panic attack felt like, but this wasn’t it-.. it felt as though someone had thrust him into an ice-cold bath and forcibly held his head beneath the surface until he was forced to inhale, his limbs too tired to claw himself free of his invisible assailant. … [Levi gasped and spluttered as Robin grabbed a hold of his waist and yanked him above the surface, his frantic flailing threatening to sink them both if he didn’t calm down] Robin: It’s okay, I’ve got you! [Robin fought to control his own breathing as Levi gasped and heaved beside him, coughing up lungfuls of pool water between shuddering breaths] Robin: Are you alright? [Levi shook his head, covering his face with shame as he began to sob] Robin: C’mon, the office can call your paren-… Levi: [hoarsely] NO! [Robin paused as Levi struggled to catch his breath] Levi: I d-don’t want them to k-know! Robin: Okay, uh-… Jude: Hey! Why’d you run off like that? Juniper: Oh-.. what happened?! [Robin faltered as he looked up at his cousin, unsure how to explain his sudden departure] Robin: Can you ask the office to call mom n’ dad? Just tell ‘em I freaked out or something, they’ll come get me. Juniper: Okay-.. let’s go! [Jude barely got a word out before Juniper dragged him toward the hall, leaving Jacob scratching his head] Jacob: Shouldn’t we be calling his parents? [Robin shrugged loosely and avoided Jacob’s gaze, not wanting to discuss the fact that their classmate was frightened of his parents’ apathy, rage, or both]
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columboscreens · 5 months
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tequiilasunriise · 5 months
Possible nicknames Lenore called Annabel in life go:
"Anniebell": Sometimes the smallest changes are the cutest, okay? Anniebell Lee sounds adorable as hell and I'll stick by it. Imagine Annabel trying to admonish Lenore for saying some wild shit at a Rich Persons Gala™️ or smth but she keeps breaking out into giggles like, "You- you can't just say that pet!" and Lenore playfully replying, "Oh whatever do you mean, Anniebell Lee?" like UGH I hate them somebody throw hammers at em already 💥💥🔨🔨🔨
“My moon”: in relation to the Annabel Lee poem (‘for the moon never beams/Without bringing me dreams/Of the wonderful Annabel Lee’) and also there’s smth so flavorful of the character with a color palette more akin to the Sun (long shiny blonde hair, warm colored eyes, seemingly more outwardly personality, etc) being called the moon like I loveee contrasting design choices‼️‼️
“Angel”: Also a reference to the poem (but like, worse because it was the angels that separated em) and can be easily pulled from Annabel’s name
“Petal”: Or some other variation of a flower based nickname because imma sad, sad bisexual who loves ✨flower motifs✨ just a bit too much
Anything in Dutch: This can be like common ones like “liefje” (darling) or the previous entries but in Dutch idk go crazy go stupid
“Locket”: An unconventional pick pulled from Annabel’s last name Whitlock + lockets containing pieces of hair from your other half being T H E romantic gesture of the century back then, so, like. Idk. Hear me out like okay I think Lenore could be the unconventional route (I mean girly already faked her death via arson and pulled a Mulan to get the girl soooo you see what I’m putting down?) and like like LIKKEEE⁉️⁉️⁉️ Imagine with me Lenore telling her girl, “You’re the locket I keep nearest to my heart” (many necklaces back then had a chain just long enough for the locket to rest above the wearer’s heart) and it evolves to Lenore calling Annabel smth like “my dearest, my locket” LIKE YOU HAVE TO IMAGINE WITH ME!!! GUYS MY VISION IS VISIONING!!! 🦅🗣️🌈🗣️🗣️🦅🦅🌈🗣️🦅🦅
@incorrect-nevermore cmere and witness my madness
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ragsy · 1 year
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bidokja · 1 year
I was joking a while back that the actor they have playing KDJ for the orv movie was too handsome for him and a friend who's read orv was like "KDJ is actually secretly attractive!!" And I just felt my soul leave my body right then
Okay. Buckle in. I'm gonna finally actually address and explain and theorize about this whole...thing.
I'm not gonna cite any exact chapters cause it's like 11:30 and I've got an 8 hour drive in the morning but I'll at least make an approximate reference to where certain things are mentioned. Also, this post is just my personal interpretation for a good bit of it, but it's an interpretation I feel very solid about, so do with that what you will. Moving on to the meat of things:
There is one (1) instance in the web novel that I know of which describes specific features of Kim Dokja (especially ones other people notice). This takes place when members of KimCom are trying to make Kim Dokja presentable to give his speech at the Industrial Complex (after it's been plopped down on Earth). This is when they start really paying attention and focusing on Kim Dokja's appearance since they're putting makeup on him; I still don't think they can interpret his whole face, but they can accurately pick out and retain more features than usual. If I remember correctly they reference him having long eyelashes, smooth skin, and soft hair. These features can be viewed as (stereotypically) attractive.
Certain parts of the fandom have taken this scene and run with it at a very surface level, without realizing (or without acknowledging at the very least) that this scene is not about how Kim Dokja looks. This is, in part, due to not realizing or acknowledging why Kim Dokja's face is "censored" in the first place, and what that censoring actually means. I think it's also possible that some people are assuming the censorship works like a physical phenomena rather than an altered perception.
I'll address that last point first. The censorship of Kim Dokja's features is not something as simple as a physical phenomena. It's not a bar or scribble or mosaic over his face. If that were true it'd be very obvious to anyone looking at him that his face is hidden. But his face is not hidden to people. They can look at him and see a face. If they concentrate on his eyes, they can see where he's looking. They know when he's frowning or grinning. They see a face loud and clear. But what face are they seeing? Because it's not really his, whatever they're seeing.
No one quite agrees on what he really looks like. And if they try and think about what he looks like, they can't recall. Or if they do, it's vague, or different each time. We notice these little details throughout the series. Basically, Kim Dokja's face is cognitively obscured. Something - likely the Fourth Wall, though I can't recall if this is ever stated outright - is interfering with everyone's ability to perceive him properly. This culminated in him feeling off to others; and since they don't even realize this is happening, they surmise that he is "ugly."
Moving on to the other point about what the censorship means: To be blunt, the censorship of his face is an allegory for his disconnect from the "story" (aka: real life, and the real people at his side). The lifting - however slight - of this censorship represents him becoming more and more a part of the "story" (aka: less disconnected from the life he is living and the people at his side). The censorship's existence and lifting can represent other things - like dissociation or depersonalization or, if you want to get really meta, the fact that he is all of our faces at once - but that's how I'd sum up the main premise of it. (The Fourth Wall is a larger part of the dissociation allegory, but that's for another post).
So you see, them noticing his individual features isn't about the features. It's not about the features! It doesn't matter at all which features got listed. Because they could describe any features whatsoever and it would not change the entire point of the scene. Because the point isn't what he looks like. The point is that they can truly and clearly see these features. For the first time. They are seeing parts of him for the first time. Re-read that sentence multiple times, literally and metaphorically. What does it mean to see someone as they are?
This is an extremely significant turning point dressed up as a dress-up scene.
P.S. / Additionally, I'm of the opinion that Kim Dokja is not handsome, and he is not ugly. He is not pretty, and he is not ghastly. Not attractive, nor unattractive. Kim Dokja isn't any of these things. More importantly, Kim Dokja can't be any of these things. The entire point of Kim Dokja is that you cannot pick him out of a crowd; he is the crowd. He's a reader. He's the reader. Why does he need to be handsome? Why must he be pretty? Why is him being attractive necessary or relevant? He doesn't, he doesn't, it's not. He is someone deeply deeply loved and irreplaceable to those around him, and someone who cannot even begin to recognize or accept that unless it's through a love letter masquerading as a story he can read. He is the crowd, a reader, the reader. He's you, he's me. He's every single one of us.
#orv#orv analysis#orv meta#orv spoilers#mine#ask#there's also the meta that he is described with these (stereotypically) pretty features as they are about to try and 'sell' him to a crowd#which feels to me like a very pointed way to convey how 'beauty' is commodified. how audiences like 'attractive' characters more#note: made some edits to add in a couple of sentences my brain forgot in the moment so make sure u reblogged those if u do#tag edits for further commentary that isnt strictly relevant to the point i was making:#do i think that this face censorship was executed as well as it could have been? nah.#not that it was like. done Badly. it's followed through to a certain point. its established enough for me to make this post at least.#but i do think it is the one thing in the web novel that SS didn't capitalize on.#like. they still stuck the landing but it was not as picture perfect of an execution as the rest of the metaphorical stuff in orv#also. this (not the face censorship specifically but the 'hes just some guy' point of it all) is one of the big reasons i think that-#-visual adaptions of orv can never quite work. they can do the best that they can with that medium but a lot of nuance is lost-#-simply by virtue of it being a visual medium#i personally think the only way a visual medium could work would be one where they commit to the power move of not showing kdj's face#(until a certain point (of view) that is)#his face is always facing away or out of frame or hidden by someone or something else in the way#commit to the fucking allegory or simply perish
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venompeach · 9 months
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Sketching wit symmetry tool cuz symmetry is my enemy
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perish-song · 9 months
The young Lugia spent what felt like hours trying to understand the explanation Parisa was giving to her. The lack of her own memories mixed poorly with the excruciating heat. She was beginning to wonder if her attempts were even worth it.
Until she closed her eyes one more time trying to concentrate…….
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She clapped her new hands together excitedly. Though she was excited and relieved, there was something else. The clothing she found herself in, though tattered in some areas, was extremely tight and very uncomfortable and she had no idea as to why
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
Your drown buck mission must have gotten in my head because I was just rewatching Buck Begins and there were several little things that stood out to me in the context of... if the drown buck theory were to come to pass, could make for nice parallels ,or just things that work nicely with what you've already laid out for that spec.
One was Buck being in a terrible headspace, but going into the factory fire and then disobeying orders to evacuate which got him in a life-threatening position. And "giving up" (which I know you've mentioned in your spec around him maybe not trying as hard to save himself)
They must have mentioned the ocean, specifically, at least three times in the postcard/flashback montage- from Buck: "I love being close to the ocean," "I miss the ocean," from Connor: "[LA] it's only an hour from the ocean, man."
The exchange with Saleh after Buck gave him his mask about "how will you breathe?" "I'm gonna hold it." "for how long?" "as long as I can."
I'm not sure I've ever heard or at least noticed 911 do this at any other point, but they played a heartbeat sound effect, only for about three beats, right as Buck is noticing him passing out/not breathing(?), just before the sprinklers come on.
And then there's just the whole music/rescue of it all: "so far from being free, from the past that's haunting me / the future I just can't touch" *ENTER EDDIE* (and team).
Idk, all that^^^, combined with your spec, and just generally where Buck's character stands vs where he needs to go, seems to line up nicely for a subtle, non-labeled, Buck Begins Again.
First of all, I need to say that every time someone says they are thinking about Buck drowning because of me I laugh like a cartoon villain lol so thank you for enabling my insanity.
ALSO YES YES YES. I know my general explanations of how I got to the drowning only brush on Buck begins, but like, the spec itself started going around in my head when I made this post back in September, because I thought making the set would make me stop thinking about Buck and water and the general breathing of it all, clearly it didn't work lol. The main thing for me is the way Buck has been trying to keep himself together since Buck Begins, and that I'm gonna hold my breath thing really stayed with me, because that's against protocol, but Buck doesn't believe his life is worth it, and in that moment he's really feeling that, and even Buck admits it, he almost gave up there. And Buck has been holding his breath. And sure, you could've moved on from that after the lightning since the thing that stops working are his lungs, BUT he's still pretending to be fine, he hasn't dealt with his death or any major feelings he might have about everything that happened to him. And since his trauma is linked by water and most of his near death experiences involve breathing, drowning him makes so much sense narratively. Even more considering the way he had some sort of revelation when he was in his coma, experiencing something like that again could shock him into action. Seriously, it's right there. It writes itself. And you can parallel SO MUCH stuff. Almost losing Bobby in the plane crash, Maddie lost in the snow, losing Chris on the tsunami, almost losing Eddie on the well, almost losing himself at that warehouse or even the lightning. It's right there.
Also yes, Eddie being the first on his line at the warehouse always makes me feral. Even more paired with the way Eddie was running up that ladder to get to his line in the lightning. Like hello?????? They need to drown him and make Eddie bring him back again since Eddie was the one doing cpr and shocking him when they got his pulse back. It all makes sense.
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likeprongstostars · 5 months
Is your Regulus trans?
my regulus is whatever you want him to be because art leaves a lot of space for interpretation and everyone is free to project thier headcanons on my art as long as they do it respectfully
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keeps-ache · 11 months
why am i sneezing so much oh stars oh misery oh my hVSH
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consumare · 8 months
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@beyondthescully & @consumare & @spookyagentfmulder.
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beddhead-red · 13 days
I want to go balls out horny on main but I feel like I'd kill someone with that
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for your valentine's day needs
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vonlipvig · 1 month
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The old king is dead! Long live the king!
And that was Rizia! I absolutely loved it, the Torpor Games crew did such an amazing job with this DLC (which is like, technically the definition, but they really did build a whole new game with soooo much stuff to explore!). I had an absolute blast exploring being king, and I of course fell in love with the Rizia gang. This was so so fun!
So here is my compass, it....sure is something! apologies for the centrism, i really tried my best, but man, this was hard lmao. i LOVEEEE that you get a lil nickname to be remembered by, "romus the rebellious" definitely has a nice ring to it (i wish i could have said fuck it and removed state religion before i went to my grave with 9 points of authority...).
and most embarrassing of all, i died completely and utterly single. point and laugh.
this was fun, can't wait to dive back in for the Evil Run (tm)!
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