#freeing oneself
hopeinthebox · 1 year
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Like Crazy -> Set Me Free Pt.2
On Loneliness & Identity: Sylvia Plath / 'FACE' Mood Photo / Heather Havrilesky / Like Crazy MV Photo Sketch / Olivia Laing / Like Crazy MV / Jenny Slate / Like Crazy MV / Adil Arif / Jimin - Like Crazy / Overdose-8 / Fernando Pessoa / Robert Mapplethorpe / Rainer Maria Rilke / Set Me Free Pt.2 MV / Cameron Awkward-Rich / Robert Mapplethorpe / Jimin Invisible Face Ver. / Jimin - Set Me Free Pt.2 / Set Me Free Pt.2 MV Photo Sketch / BTS - Idol
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crazy-dane-art · 4 months
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"He was no true knight," she whispered to him.
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shepherds-of-haven · 4 months
as an enchanter main i’m a little insulted the villains keep being enchanters thurl was one thing but sibella?? that’s crossing the line (lighthearted)
But think of the parallelism! Your MC can be the light to their darkness!
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jeeaark · 1 month
You genuinely seem like a very funny person and im sure ur a delight to be friends with. Like. Genuinely you seem like an all around cool person and I hope ur day is great! (Also Greygold lives in my head rent free)
I'll be honest, as an absolute gutter goblin, my knee-jerk reaction is to make a dumb joke of denying my delightful friendship capability.
But, you know what? Sometimes you gotta stomp out that self-fault-finding habit and ego-maniacally graciously go 'Fuck yeah, I AM a delight to be friends with'
So. Thank you amazing anon, you're too kind! I hope your day is EVEN MORE GREAT as well!
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inhcritance · 4 months
Excerpt from today's edition of the Daily Bugle:
Suspicions of human experimentation re-open closed case against Oscorp
An engineer dead and five workers have been reported injured in an explosion at an Oscorp subsidiary, and the investigation is still ongoing. Witnesses report screaming, presumably human, days to minutes before the tragedy.
In the press release following the incident, Harry Osborn promised explanations and compensation, once both internal and external investigations are concluded.
Our experts predict how this event, following the already suspicious death of another Oscorp engineer last month, might affect the ongoing proceedings against Norman Osborn, still current CEO of Oscorp. Read more in page 4.
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lucidloving · 9 months
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Olive Schreiner, “The Buddhist Priest’s Wife” (1892)
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good-beans · 8 months
ack for some reason your reblogs stopped appearing on my activity feed o.O just noticed you reblogged something from me hours ago and I was so confused
anyways i might as well give milgram thoughts (which is me just rambling) since i'm here!! keep thinking abojt the mahiru and orekoto snippet thign it's judt oh man . . . . i wonder how kazui or yuno would feel about orekoto, not because violence or something, but because he actually speaks up about his opinions and doesn't smile and pretend like everything is fine like mikoto
i mean kazui already has a weird first impression on orekoto if we imagine he did break up the fight between kotoko and orekoto! but orekoto is so much more open about his opinions on stuff that would kazui be like huh maybe I should try to do something like that
and i mean i think yuno already called mikoto out once so it'd be interesting to see her feelings on how orekoto is like so open about everything
AND i know you asked for fuuta thoughts and I'm just rambling about orekoto and his interactions because of that snippet, so I guess I should probably say something about fuuta and orekoto now! honestly i'm not too sure his reaction would be? i can't tell if fuuta would be afraid of orekoto because he's worried he'd get beaten up by him or just general annoyance from how blunt(?) he seems
anyways rambling over yippee!
(My notifs have been glitching too! It makes me so sad -_-)
Ahhh ty pal because YES -- Kazui would have gotten Such a wild first impression omg :0 Hmmm, he and Kotoko probably have a skewed perception of Orekoto because their first experience with him was such a violent one :( Though! If anyone were to see him at his worst and still think highly of him, it's the man that tried to hide his "shameful" true self only to have its presence kill someone...
I loooove the thought of Yuno appreciating his honesty and being like "finally, you stopped people pleasing like we talked about 😌 I'm so happy for you ✨️" I wonder if he'd inspire her to stand up for herself more vocally! Though she was very happy in her profession, it's clear she's made some unfair compromises/sacrifices at times, and I wonder if she'd change her mind on some things after hearing how fiercely he cares for himself. They'd be the take no crap duo of all time 👏
OUGH Fuuta being afraid because he doesn't quite understand his motivations ;--; And you're right, there'd definitely be a lot of jealousy that comes out in the form of annoyance -- Fuuta is so used to watchful eyes and perfect online performances that he can't stand someone who does whatever, whenever. Instead of getting inspired, he doubles down on what he's been conditioned with and Orekoto just pisses him off. (On a different note. I always pictured Fuuta idolizing Kotoko in T1 for her strength and sense of justice, but I wonder if that inner fanboy would transfer over to Orekoto after seeing him match strength with the person that just took his eye...)
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morzowo · 2 years
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It looks like...        I killed him.
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jensensitive · 1 year
This was like an important scene for me when we wrote it. And when I say “we,” it was primarily– the story was broken between Ben Edlund and I. So um– if you uh, loved the script and loved the episode, you can blame– I’ll take the credit! If you hate the episode, it’s Ben Edlund’s fault [chuckles]. I think we’ll just um, we’ll leave it at that. Um, no, but Ben and– Ben and I really broke the episode together, and he did the lion’s share of designing this story and– and where it all goes.
So this little speech from Jensen, and this is a good place to talk about the skill and talent of Jensen Ackles, and how he as Dean is able to infuse such vulnerability into this character– as everyone well knows at this point– I mean I’m not breaking news. But if you just look at these moments– if you look how desperate he is to save everybody, to get through to Cas.
Like, the scene could just be– yelling at Cas and dressing him down, but Jensen and I talked about it, and we talked about like what are the other layers to bring to it? What are the layers of vulnerability? And one of the things that we talked about, and Jensen’s just so good about looking for these things. And–and what we talked about is– if you’ll remember the last time in that first Anna episode, how he wanted to be angel. He didn’t want all the pain and guilt of being human. He wanted to let go of pain and guilt. Because being human was so painful for him, because all the memories– he was in Hell. and-- and this scene, this little moment here, he’s saying he wants pain, and he wants guilt, and he’d rather have battling and fighting with Sam. He would rather have all of that, than to be in some paradise.
This– it’s not just about trying– yelling at Cas. It’s about being frightened, it’s about being desperate, but it’s also about a kind of redemption for Dean. It’s about his realization that he’d prefer being human. All the faults and foibles of being human, and he’d rather have that. And he’d rather take the imperfection– the messy, sloppy, confused– yknow, selfish, bewildering imperfection of being human than to be some cold, unfeeling angel, even if that means ending up in paradise and everything being perfect.
Perfect is cold and hateful. And humanity is messy and sloppy. And–and if we have a theme in this show it’s that– yknow, we’re a humanistic point of view. That being– that perfection sucks, and that what you want is to be the messy, sloppy, bewildering state of being human and having family, for as much as family is messy and muddy, that salvation is always in that. It’s always in sloppy humanity and messy family. And-- and that’s– that’s where hope and salvation lie. And when you turn away from family, that’s when the world will be destroyed. And when you turn towards family, that’s when the world can be saved. And that’s just something I– I don’t know– it’s– I don’t know– it’s just something I kind of I deeply feel, and– and– I think–
Yknow, there was a line that Bobby had that ending up getting cut, but “Family’s the one true thing in a world full of crap.” And that’s as good a– uh, it was a little– you don’t wanna get so on the nose with your theme, which is why we cut the line form the show, but that’s as good a way to state the primary thematic of this show as– as there is. That family’s the one true thing in a world full of crap. Um, also that destiny and god’s will is all a bunch of holy crap, which Dean said in the last [scene], that’s actually another good thematic of the show. We’re believers in free will.
Eric Kripke’s 4x22 Lucifer Rising commentary on the scene with Dean trying to get though to Cas [28:25 - 32:18]
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candied-pear · 1 year
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Yuugi Had Good Intentions
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
I’m sure it’s been mentioned before but the whole Buck/Charlie parallels in 2x01 are actually insane esp when you compare with the later Eddie/Charlie parallels in 4/13&14
Charlie wanted to be a marine but couldn’t because he had an enlarged heart then gets a leg injury
Buck was going to be a seal but couldnt because his heart was too big (to switch it off and become a machine) gets a leg injury at the end of season 2
Charlie - being poisoned by his mom and isnt able to be who he wants to be - all comes to a head and he’s been in therapy and is living with his aunt
Eddie - ‘poisoned’ by his mom (and his dad to a certain extent, but I maintain that Helena is the bigger issue!) and unable to be who he truly is - all comes to a head and ends up in therapy, closest (in terms of distance) relationship is with his aunt Pepa!!
The idea that Buck and Eddie’s counterpoint Charlie’s reflect the part of them that is being paralleled - the adult for Buck (as Charlie would probably have been around the same age as Buck was when they tried to join the military) v the child for Eddie (who was denied his childhood and made to ‘become a man’ too soon
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rkivees · 6 months
I have a test on African Literature next week and I'm just stuck here:
"Then, the shootings got closer and the blood filled our fears. War is a snake that uses our own teeth to bite us. Its poison now ran in all the rivers of our soul. During the day we no longer go out, at night we no longer dream. The dream is the eye of life. We were blind. Little by little, I felt our family breaking like a pot thrown on the floor. There was nothing left where I had always found my refuge. We were poorer than ever." - Mia Couto
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weirdcrazy · 7 months
A journey of Self Discovery
In the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to lose sight of who we truly are. We often find ourselves entangled in the expectations and opinions of others, forgetting our own dreams and desires. But it's time to pause, reflect, and embark on a journey of self-discovery, because, in the end, the most important validation comes from within.
Choosing Your Own Path
Life is a journey, and it's ours to navigate. We must take the reins and steer in the direction that resonates with our hearts. It's crucial to ask ourselves: What do we truly want, deep down inside? The answer to this question should guide our decisions.
Breaking Free from the Cycle
The cycle of seeking validation from others is a never-ending one. First, it's our parents with their high hopes, then our spouse, and even our children. But amidst all these expectations, what about our own dreams and expectations for ourselves? We must carve out our path and prioritize our aspirations.
Believe in Miracles
Life can be full of surprises and unexpected twists. Believing in the possibility of miracles can provide us with the optimism and resilience we need to face challenges head-on. But remember, honesty with oneself is key. Avoid self-deception, for it can hinder your personal growth.
Fill Yourself with Knowledge
Knowledge is a powerful tool for self-discovery. Take the time to learn and grow. It's not just about physical strength or material wealth; a strong mind is equally important. Dedicate yourself to continuous learning and self-improvement.
Facing Your Dark Moments
Sometimes, we all have moments we're not proud of. These moments might haunt us, causing embarrassment and shame. However, facing these darker aspects of ourselves is essential for growth. Confronting our mistakes and overcoming them is where true strength lies.
Breaking Free from Societal Norms
Society often imposes norms and expectations upon us, urging us to conform. But we are not puppets; we are human beings with unique dreams and aspirations. It's time to break free from societal constraints and live life on our terms. This doesn't mean indulging in harmful behaviors but rather aligning our choices with our authentic selves.
Life is too short to live it solely for the approval of others. It's time to embark on a journey of self-discovery, prioritizing our dreams and aspirations. Remember, change is a part of life, and it starts with embracing our true selves. Let's be the architects of our destinies, charting a course that truly makes us happy.
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paperlovesadness · 1 year
Me, seeing someone smile widely at their phone on the train: ah how sweet. They're probably in love and just got a message from their loved one.
Me, not 5 minutes later smiling like a dork at my own phone: ...... and it's Tumblr. It's a goddamn Alex Turner looking at Miles Kane gifset and a perfect set of tags typed out by a friend
(No, you are not getting any depressing conclusions here. The conclusion is: oh how lovely it is being a hyperfan 💛 Don't ever rob yourself of the pure, harmless excitement it brings)
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maegalkarven · 8 months
Big fan of Levi accidentally becoming a paragon of monstrous, lost, forsaken and the dead.
His newly developing compassion doesn't discriminate and it means he can sympathize with all kind of creatures, especially the "inheritly evil" ones.
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afieldinengland · 2 years
it has been said and said again but rowan morrison really did do it beautifully. never was she just a damsel in distress NOR was she just bait. she was an absolutely vital part of the rite, start to finish. the perfect actress in the perfect plan, set exactly to inflame the uptight, myopic puritan-fool whose virile-fertile blood boiled so much over the idea of a virgin sacrifice that he forgot his own inexperience. the power she is afforded is incredible— not that you’d expect anything else from his lordship, but she’s the only child allowed to watch the immolation. summerisle’s fierce veneration of its women-goddesses ran right to its roots…. hail the queen of the may
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