#fuck it I'm tagging it
an-au-blog · 4 months
Sharing kid Sanji and Zoro thoughts?
Because Sanji was such a fun loving and emotionally free kid that just wanted to play with baby birds and cook tasty little meals for his mice. And Zoro was this hardworking stubborn kid who could stand his ground...
And now think about it, Sanji was bullied by his entire family and surely, Zoro would eventually see it happen. Maybe even try to stop it, only to get beat up as well. But Sanji feels for the first time that someone is backing him up, so obviously, he wants to get to know his new friend. So he trails him and tries to talk to him, even though the other kid claims that they aren't friends.
Zoro would go to kendo practice and Sanji would trail behind him like a lost puppy. He never had any long lasting friends, so he was so happy to follow Zoro around, even though the other told him not to. He met Kuina and she drilled that same "what does it matter if I'm a girl" mentality that she drilled into Zoro.
Every time zoro scraped his knee, Sanji would get his colorful bandaids and help him out. He would have some of those animal/food/cartoon print ones and Zoro would love them so much. Zoro was a lonely child, before Sanji, he only had Kuina and now he's so grateful for this new friendship. Sanji would make food for him and Zoro would eat every last bit of it, saying it was delicious (even though most of it was rarely salvageable.)
When Sora got better, she got a divorce from Judge and could win custody of Sanji and Reiju, and ONLY because Sanji insisted on staying with his mother and cried in the courtroom when they asked him how life was with his dad while his mother was in the hospital. All is good but both Judge and Sora move to different cities and young Zoro is left without knowing what happened to his dear friend. At least he still had Kuina, right?
... right?
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skaruresonic · 5 months
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I was going to make a broader overarching point about how IDW's version of the characters seem more interested in virtue-signalling than in proving their goodness through their deeds, but I got a bit tuckered out. Anyway. Tl;dr for the wall of text ahead: the games still win in this regard. By a landslide.
In Unleashed, Sonic can accept a sidequest from a little Mazuri girl named Yaya. Normally, Yaya is shy, perhaps even nonverbal, and will flee if you attempt to talk to her. It's rare to see her during the day, so when you spot her out in the open, cowering but attempting to communicate to the best of her ability, it's a clue that she wants something badly enough to risk her fears. After several false starts, Yaya manages to ask Sonic to get her a chocolate sundae. She doesn't explain why, nor do you immediately receive a reward when you give it to her. It's only later, after Yaya's mother recovers, that you learn the reason for her odd request. Mom was sick, and Yaya wanted to give her a sundae to help make her feel better. Despite avoiding you until now, she managed to swallow her fears for the sake of her mother.
It's sweet, as well as a humanizing moment for Yaya, her mother, and Sonic. As a good deed, it's nothing grand. Giving someone food when they're sick isn't nearly as lofty as air-dropping food to a nation in need, certainly, but in Unleashed, you at least see the tangible effect you've had on the people you helped. You just brightened the day of a mother and her daughter.
Through sidequests like these, Unleashed shows us that no act of kindness, however small or inconsequential seeming, is wasted.
Conversely, one of the... myriad reasons this panel rubs me the wrong way is that it achieves almost the opposite effect. The people of Mazuri are instead objectified. They're a monolith, a statistic, to help polish the Restoration's reputation to a sterling sheen. In this regard, they might as well be props.
We hear about this aid nearly secondhand, as it's something Silver, Blaze, and Jewel intend to do but haven't yet. All the scene is intended to do is make the Restoration look good, as though by mere dint of being called the Restoration, we couldn't put 2 and 2 together and figure it out.
The one time we're informed of their humanitarian aid, we're not shown it. So really, what was the point of bringing it up, if not to stroke the heroes' self-righteous boner?
Inaccuracies to the games aside (which is par for the course for the book), there's all sorts of... unsavory implications at play here. Blaze "was touring" Sonic's world when she happened upon Mazuri's plight. Because we're not given much detail other than "poor crops this season," we have to assume Blaze took some initiative to ease the situation.
Take a moment to think about this. Blaze hails from a water world. How would she know what constitutes sufficient crop failure to warrant shipping aid to a completely different clime than the one she's most familiar with? How does she know what "poor crop season" looks like in Mazuri? How does she know she doesn't have any biases about the way people in Mazuri should approach their agriculture? Does she understand they eat more than just crops, and sell fruit and broiled ibanga as well as confections? If this is her first time touring Sonic's world, how does she approach the government of its denizens? Did she do this respectfully? Did she confer with Mazuri's Elders? Did the people seek her help? Did they say Out Loud With Their Mouths that they'd accept her help, or did she presume their needs? We don't receive answers to any of those questions. She "was touring" the area when she saw a problem worth correcting. The thought starts and ends there. The people of Mazuri do not merit a voice or agency in the matter, because all that really matters here is that you know how virtuous Blaze, Jewel, and Silver are for helping the less fortunate in their time of need. (Which is really ironic, considering Surge calls Sonic out for speaking over her and Kit when they're standing right in front of him in the exact same issue.)
Add the connotations that Flynn frequently describes Blaze as "the imperial princess of the Sol Empire" instead of "duchess" or "guardian of the Sol Emeralds"... Marry them with the implication that she's butting into the business of a foreign nation when we don't know the specifics of their plight, they're just Objects to show us how virtuous our heroes are, and this whole onion of suckage starts to reek.
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breadedsinner · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Isabela felt the attention of Anders and Merrill on her. Anders leaned in closer, and Merrill’s green eyes glittered with anticipation of another story. But her eyes caught Sebastian looking away, chin in his palm, with an ever-climbing, dreamy smile.
“Hey,” she said. “Sebastian, don’t you want to hear this? I thought you loved Warden stuff. Sebastian? Hello?”  
“Hmm?” said Sebastian, his eyes darting back to Isabela, his back straightened.
“Where did you go just now?”
“My apologies, I…must have had a bit too much to drink.”
Isabela looked at Sebastian’s solemn half-drunk glass. “Somehow I doubt that,” she scoffed. “What could you be looking at…” she turned and leaned over, only seeing Hawke at the other end of the table, laughing at something Varric said. Her dark brown eyes met with Sebastian’s, and she waved, which he returned with enthusiasm, fluttering fingers between the two. “Oh, I see now.”
“Whatever do you mean?” Sebastian’s smile turned lopsided; his eyes glimmered with a boyish feign of innocence. A look that might endear others to believe him, but not Isabela.
“Oh, THAT, I’m certain, is not allowed.”
“I was only…” Sebastian’s smile dimmed, knowing he was caught. He took another drink. “I am a priest, not a corpse, and Hawke is a woman worthy of admiration. Surely you cannot blame me for looking.”
“Oh, can’t I, now?”
“Isabela, if all it took was a pretty face to sway my faith, I would not have been in the Chantry for as long as I have.”
“Is that right?”
“Well, aren’t I here in a tavern right now, surrounded by good drink and beautiful men and women?”
Isabela raised a brow and smiled, pleasantly surprised. “Aren’t you a slick one? Well, we are a good-looking group. And the night is young. We’ll get him yet, won’t we, Merrill?”
“Oh yes!” Merrill giggled. “We’re playing a long game.”
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Gender . Amirite folks
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dedtoot · 1 year
Almost obscure joke
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acapellainferno · 2 years
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Well fuck it, then it's official that Latin America won't have any edition of (at least) MDZS anytime soon, because "China only gives licenses for each language and not regions" and the Colonizers have it now... how sad is that, huh.
Anyway I'm glad I bought them in English then. Spanish from Spain is awful lol also GOD I just hope they don't localize it too much because although Spain has very good publishers, it has also had... a lot of problems with forced localization in the translation/dubbing industry, so I'm a little nervous, I’m not touching it either way but I hope it’s a good job
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lastoneout · 5 months
Ya know when people told me "when you're finally safe enough that you can leave survival mode and start to let go of and process your c-ptsd/trauma things are probably going to get really, really bad before they slowly start to get better" I thought that was reasonable. I did not understand that by "things are going to get bad" they meant "you're going to find yourself in the worst mental state of your entire life, but dw, that means it's working" and tbh I simply wish someone had been more clear.
Edit: If everyone could please take a minute and think about what it must feel like to be struggling and then have multiple strangers say to your face that they find the prospect of going through what you're going through so horrifying that they'd rather kill themselves and then stop leaving comments like that I would greatly appreciate it.
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hurristuff · 9 months
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For this Disability Pride Month, I saw a post that was shittybad and it made me angry. So have this
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excali8ur · 7 months
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When you meet your past lives but they're all ignoring you and freaking out over this one guy?
I've seen a few versions of this floating around with the different Leos and I wanted to have a go at doing one for Mikey. They're all collectively realising what a bus sized bullet they dodged by not ending up as messed up as Ronin
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akolnoix · 4 months
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the fairies and i just made some... figgy pudding
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timelessbian · 26 days
actually that ao3 post about calculating kudos-to-hits ratios to decide if a fic is worth reading has me so pissed off. someone put real time and energy into something they are SHARING WITH YOU FOR FREE on a site where you can quite literally filter and search by anything you want and you're STILL trying to find a foolproof method to find stuff that's "good enough to read"???
you don't have to like or read everything in a given fandom or tag, but you also don't have to be a cunt about it and imply that it's not worth reading. this is the kind of shit that moves people to stop creating altogether, and to see people agreeing in the tags is so disheartening. absolutely unserious behavior.
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tf2heritageposts · 3 months
alright so
we really fucking hate doing this, especially since we were already begging for money with another gofundme just a few months ago, but things cannot stop getting worse in our household. our mom is borderline having a psychotic episode everyday, and she thinks she has parasites that only she can see. she is trying to extort us into forcing us to stay in a house she knows damn well why we hate it here. she also threw a dog over a hotel railing during a PSTD episode she had while she ran away from the house because she said we didn't love her anymore. our grandma is an abusive maniac who screams at us until we're in tears, and holds keeping our pet rabbit over our head. she has caused us so much pain, and even has invited our dad who sent us to a mental hospital to our graduation. our grandpa is a qanon psychopath(so is our grandma) who keeps trying to convert us back into christianity.
this place has broken our mind over 400 times, and we want out so so so so so so bad
so, we are doing this one final time. we are going to try and get the money for a car to get the fuck out of here and go to the college we got accepted to. we're making a new gofundme so we can properly keep track of the money from this
our c/shapp is $theteufortdozen , our vnmo is @/theteufortdozen, and here is a link to our k-fi and gofundme
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breadedsinner · 2 years
Sebhawke Sunday
As the heavy Chantry doors shut behind her, the bells began to ring, a cacophonous clanging that shot throughout all of Hightown. Hawke shuddered at the sudden noise.
"Flames, I forgot," she hissed under her breath. "The morning service."
People were already stuffed into pews by the end of first bell, the clerics aligned in neat rows above them, the organ wheezing to signal the beginning of their opening song.
Hawke stood behind a pillar, certain if she tried to leave it would interrupt the service, and all eyes would be upon her, judging her. This was her punishment for forgetting the Chantry schedule, she would have to wait it out.
She leaned against the pillar, folded her arms and closed her eyes, content to be a statue until the service was ended. She maintained a resilient silence and stillness for several minutes until a single, silvery voice slipped through the chorus. Against the brass and brashness of the collected clerics, one voice emerged, humble but passionate, strong yet simple.
Hawke caught the lilt that laced itself into the lyrics, and swallowed hard, her face turned hot. She knew who it was.
She peeked from behind the pillar, eyes creeping from the comfortable shadow, to confirm what she knew was there. Against refracted sunlight, against the glory of dawn, Sebastian stood proud with the others, in their black vestments, singing the Maker’s praises. His bronze skin resplendent in the morning sun, a serene smile sewn into his song.
A single blue eye wandered into the hall, a small wave of acknowledgement, and she threw herself back into her shadow, her blush claiming more of her face.
He was so happy here, she thought. Who was she to take him away? For this one job, for anything?
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milfspiggy · 9 months
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The opt-in is automatic, but you can turn it off in settings.
Go to "Blog Settings" -> "Visibility" -> "Third-Party Sharing" and turn on "Prevent third-party sharing for [blog]". (This post shows how to do it on browser and on mobile.) You need to do this with every sideblog. (Note: The option in settings might not appear if your app hasn't updated yet. You can still opt out via browser.)
Spread the word. Everyone on Tumblr needs to know about this.
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lotus-pear · 4 months
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the day i picked up dazai or smth idk i've never read it
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