#fuck it make jonathan gay too
mehmehmeh there cant be that many gay people in the eighties mehmehmeh gay people have always been around asswipe. let them kiss!!!!! fuck you!!!! also no gay people in the eighties but oh yeah sure this 10 year old can have superpowers!!! fuck off.
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bylertruther · 2 years
me when season five airs and The Big Reveals are mike's sexuality and will's love for mike bc mike has always known he's loved will but he hasn't always been comfortable with his sexuality and will has always known what he is but he didn't always know that what he felt for mike was that kind of love until it was already too late and thus the source of his pain has been jealousy + unrequited love
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#mike said 'it's not my fault you don't like girls' and 'did you think /i/ would never get a girlfriend?' and joyce said she was so proud of#will's rainbow rocket ship and jonathan told will he'd always love him no matter what and to please talk to him if he needs to and the#party has always heard what people call will and loved him anyway no matter what and will has generally always had people in his corner#to support him that have literally endangered themselves and almost died for him and some people STILLLLLL think that HIS plot is abt#/focused on coming out n being generally accepted for being gay. like we didn't see that his entire s4 plot was abt his feelings for mike#specifically not his feelings for men in general.#UNLIKE MIKE who was fiercely devoted to will from the get-go but suddenly pushed him away n projected his internalized homophobia#and shame bestowed upon him by society onto will who wasn't even fucking talking about THAT thank u very much and who has been#battling being a freak loser (aka himself) vs conforming to what everyone else wants him to be (wearing mommy's clothes; impressing#other people by getting not just a girlfriend but a SUPERHERO girlfriend) and who in the season where he says he doesn't want to be#popular and where the person he looks up to talks abt nonconformity and mentions sodomy in relation 2 dnd etc etc they make HIS plot#focus on how he CAN'T SAY I LOVE YOU TO HIS GIRLFRIEND IN A ROMANTIC CONTEXT until HIS BEST FRIEND confesses his feelings#and it moves him enough to then make him say it to el when his bestie tells him to. like. literally how much more clear does it need 2 be#MIKE is the one that has BEEENNNNN vying for acceptance and self-worth and battling shame#WILL has been the one that has Known what he is and suffered bc he thought mike was that too n obviously felt hurt by mike replacing him#with el n ignoring him altogether aka 'you're destroying everything and for what? so you can swap spit with some stupid girl?'#like am i the weird one or does mike's 3984093 weird projecting statements after s2 vs will being jealous of el not make this super clear#will HAS ALWAYS HAD ppl to accept him n love him for who he is. the party + his family are right there for him to go home to after being#bullied. it's scary and a part of his story yes undoubtedly but it is not The High Point. and mike has always been crazy for will but#that doesn't mean he's accepted it or thinks others will accept it.#but anyway. im normal i did not write an entire essay in the tags bc i am normal
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farfaras · 1 year
First part to this prompt I posted the other day. This is gonna be eventual steddie (sorry, stonathan) and I’m really excited. Title from the song ‘nonsense’ by Sabrina Carpenter.
I think I got an ex but I forgot him
Part 1. (You’re here)
Part 2.
If he heard the words: Robin and in love, in the same sentence, with the melodious voice of one Dustin Henderson, one more time. Steve was sure he was gonna lose it.
Listen, he understands where he’s coming from. The kid just wants him to be happy. But he is! Dustin just doesn’t seem to get that. Happiness doesn’t only come in the form of a relationship. His teenage brain can’t comprehend that fact just yet. He wishes he did though, because he’s absolutely insufferable about getting Steve and Robin together.
No excuse or explanation he gives is good enough. Dustin still insists that he needs to try, that this is his chance at true love. Robin is kind of the love of his life, sure, but the platonic love of his life. His best friend, his soulmate, sister from another mister. All that jazz. Dustin doesn’t buy it though.
And Steve’s tried everything! He even told Dustin about that time in starcourt when they were high off his asses. Told him that he confessed his crush to Robin but that she rejected him, and that they were best friends now and nothing else. He obviously left out the part where Robin came out to him. He’s never gonna reveal Robin’s secret to anyone. The only answer he got was that “It doesn’t even matter now! Things could’ve changed! You never know.” Steve knew. He knew that he would never be into his best friend like that, and she would never be into him. Apparently they were the only ones who knew that.
Because of all the fuss Dustin was constantly making, other people started giving their input. Thanks Dustin. They didn’t get it either, didn’t believe they were just Platonic with a capital P. They made sure they knew it too, the whole party, Nancy, Jonathan, Eddie. Not Argyle, he said that the energy between Steve and Robin was intense but completely friendly, almost like they were twins. Steve liked Argyle. Of course he had to be miles away.
Most of their friends dropped the subject after the second time Steve or Robin explained the nature of their relationship. Even if they weren’t convinced, they didn’t push. Except for one person. Yep. Dustin.
Who was currently harassing Steve at his job. He didn’t know what else to tell him. If family video wasn’t empty he would just ignore him to do his job but there was nothing to do. He couldn’t even sweep or anything because everything was already done.
“Okay well! There must be a good reason why you guys haven’t gotten together!” Dustin exclaimed. He is so fucking stubborn.
“I already told you, Henderson. We’re. Just. Friends.” He knew it wasn’t gonna do anything. It was just a routine at this point.
Dustin’s expression changed to determination. “Nuh uh. There’s a reason there. And I’m gonna find out!” Shit. Could Dustin figure out Robin? He doesn’t think so. But he’s starting to panic. What if he finds out? Robin doesn’t deserve that. He’d feel like it was his fault, and everything would go to shit.
“Okay! Okay! There is a reason.”
“I knew it! You have to tell me.” Dustin demanded. Well, Steve hasn’t thought that much ahead. He needs to come up with something and he needs to do it fast if Dustin is gonna believe it.
“Look, I haven’t told anyone this before.” Building suspense, nice.
Then, an idea popped into his head and it seemed like the perfect response to all of this. Or maybe it’s the only thing he could think of in such short notice. “I’m gay.” He blurts out. It made sense in his head, really. Robin doesn’t get outed, but she can still look at the reaction she might get when she comes out. (It doesn’t hold any kind of truth at all. Not one Steve can see right now at least.)
Dustin is just staring at him. “What? I don’t, you’re not, since when?”
“Since I was born?” It sounds like a question. Steve didn’t prepare for follow up questions to the reply he literally just crafted.
“There’s no way you’re gay.” At least he didn’t seem disgusted or upset? Is this a good or bad reaction?
“Are you not okay with it?” Steve dared to ask.
“What?! Of course I’m okay with it, I’m just. I don’t care, but you don’t really seem gay. It’s hard to believe.” At least he’s okay with it. He’s still being stubborn.
“Way to stereotype, Henderson.”
Dustin sputters. “Wha- can you even blame me? Who could believe you?”
The next words that came out of Steve’s mouth didn’t actually ask for permission to be said. “My boyfriend can believe it.” He said it so matter of fact that he surprised himself a little. The way he usually took the route of action before thinking was gonna bite him in the ass some day. Would that be today?
“Boyfriend?!! And you didn’t tell me? You don’t have a boyfriend!” He accused Steve. “Who is it?”
Oh. Shoot. Quick, brain. Who could be his boyfriend? Someone his age, that was single, and could be believed to be in a gay relationship.
“It’s Jonathan.” Why did he say that? He just broke up with Nancy, that would just seem like a messy situation. Also is he literally just doing what he scolded Dustin for and stereotyping?
“But he just broke up with Nancy.” Hmm. Did Dustin read his mind or something.
“It’s new. That’s why I haven’t told anyone.”
“Not even Robin?” Oh, crap. Is he gonna have to tell this to people? Well, he should probably tell Jonathan first that he is apparently in a relationship with him now.
“Not even Robin.” Dustin beamed at this.
“You know, even if you and Jonathan are kind of a weird sounding couple, and this is surprising… if you’re happy then I’m happy for you, Steve.” That was weirdly sweet of Dustin.
“Thanks, bud.”
After that and renting a movie, Dustin was on his way. He gave Steve a hug goodbye and hopped on his bike to go home.
Steve had a lot of things to get done now. And he hoped that the first one went well because he didn’t really have a plan B if it didn’t. What had he gotten himself into?
First things first. Asking Jonathan to be his fake boyfriend.
At least for a while.
What could go wrong?
Step 1. Get Jonathan to be his fake boyfriend.
Step 2. Probably get Robin in on it?
He’s not sure about that one. This situation was kind of embarrassing, he’d rather just share his embarrassment with the one person who is absolutely necessary. Also Robin doesn’t seem like the type to lie to their friends. Even if it was harmless.
Step 2. Probably get Robin in on it?
Step 2. Make a game plan.
They’d probably need to talk about how this was gonna go. Get all their facts straight in case there were any questions, which there were going to be. Plan how long this was gonna be for. He was getting a bit ahead of himself, but there was no plan B.
Step 3. Hope it’s believable.
He was already outside of the Hopper-Byers home. This shouldn’t be hard, Jonathan is a pretty understanding guy. He wouldn’t judge Steve, or make fun of him. At least that’s what Steve hoped. They’ve been developing a friendship for a while. Which has been going surprisingly well. Fuck. Was this gonna mess it up?
He got out of his car and walked to the door, knocking. El answered the door, she gave him a smile and let him in.
“Is Jonathan home?” Him asking for Jonathan wasn’t a rare occurrence nowadays, so El just nodded and pointed to his room.
He knocked to make his presence known. “Hey, Jon?” He opened the door and stepped inside the room.
“Hiya. What’s up, Harrington?” Jonathan grinned at Steve. Ah. Shit. He didn’t look completely sober. Must’ve smoked something earlier.
“Well, I wanted to talk to you. I’d rather wait until you sober up though.” Jonathan just gave him a thumbs up.
“Happy to have company.” Steve knew Jonathan was having trouble dealing with the break up. They had been together for a while and he thought that those two were gonna beat all the odds and marry each other or something. Maybe they still could find their way back to each other someday. Right now though, it probably sucked.
Nancy was off to college, Jonathan stayed here in Hawkins doing community college. There was no way of knowing how Nancy was taking it, she barely called and when she did it was kinda cut and dry. Although Steve supposed that was a way of telling she wasn’t doing so good either.
They hung out, doing nothing in particular. Just talking, listening to music and Steve sobering him up.
“Did you say you wanted to talk about something?” Jon asked. He looked sober now. Or as sober as his perpetual stoner face could look.
“Yeah… I kinda did something stupid.”
“Don’t we all.” Cute. Was he trying to make him feel better? It would’ve worked if what he did wasn’t as stupid as it was.
“No, seriously. I think this is the dumbest thing I have done.” Understatement.
“It can’t be that bad.” Jon’s words weren’t aligned with his face because it looked like he was starting to worry.
“It has something to do with you too.” With those words, Steve definitely made Jonathan start to worry. “Hear me out first!”
Retelling the events from earlier was excruciating. Steve has never felt this embarrassed before. It sounded so dumb saying it out loud.
“You really couldn’t come up with anything else? Like oh I don’t know. Saying you don’t like Robin like that?” It was like he wasn’t even listening.
“I tried that thousands of times! He wouldn’t buy it!”
“Why haven’t you just dated anyone else? To prove that you’re not hung up on her?” Interesting line of questioning. Honestly, it’s been a long time since someone has made him feel anything at all. No girl caught his attention like before. Has the upside down messed him up so bad that he can’t form romantic connections anymore?
“I just, I don’t really. Taking a break from dating sounded good to me.”
“Uh huh. Sure.” Jon didn’t believe him, whatever.
“Look I just panicked, spoke without thinking.”
“You know, I actually thought that Dustin was right about you and Robin before. But if you’re so determined to prove you’re not, to even come up with something like that.” Steve hated this. Was Jonathan getting a kick out of this?
“Are you amused? I’m kinda suffering here.” Steve lamented. “Can you just please help me?
“Oh god, what do you expect me to do? Pretend to date you to get Dustin off your back?” Yes. Please.
“Look! I only ask for a few weeks! It doesn’t have to be for long. Just, a few weeks of fake dating and then just say it didn’t work out and we decided to stay friends. All that cheesy stuff.” God, he was not being convincing at all.
Jonathan still looked skeptical. But at least he was considering it now. “I’ll owe you, big time. Whatever favor you want.” Steve offered.
Jon looked resigned now. He huffed out a breath. “I never thought my first boyfriend was gonna be Steve Harrington.”
“Yeah. I always pictured a nerd or maybe a stoner.” He was confused now. Was Jonathan? “Yes, Steve. You should probably know if we’re gonna do this. I also like guys. And I’m assuming you’re okay with it, considering what you just asked.”
“Of course! Thanks for telling me. I’m glad you could trust me.” He was being genuine. Even if Steve was a little surprised, and now felt even more guilty about words he used in the past to insult Jonathan. All the past apologies seemed insufficient. Even so, he was happy that their friendship could develop into this.
“So? How is this gonna work? You really owe me now, you know.”
“Trust me, I know.”
So their friendship wasn’t ruined. Who knows? Maybe this could make it stronger.
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I'm thinking of leaving town.
The words bounce around Steve's head endlessly. Eddie had said them so casually. Like it wasn't going to be a big deal to anyone that he leaves.
And logically, it's not. It shouldn't be. Eddie's a high school graduate and no longer a wanted criminal, thanks to the shady government that fucked everything up to begin with. The logical next step is getting out of the town that still hates him, even if they're no longer actively hostile, and make something of himself.
And he's not even the first to go. Robin, Nancy, and Jonathan are all off to their chosen colleges and
And Steve doesn't want to stop him from going. He thinks it'll be great for Eddie. He plans to leave town, too, once the kids graduate.
He just thought he'd have more time. To figure out himself. And Eddie. And if they could be SteveandEddie someday.
So, the words continue to bounce around Steve's head for the next three days, until Robin calls him for their weekly catch-up. He asks about college, and her new crush, a girl named Michelle, and if she's still planning to come back for Christmas break. She asks after him, too, what's going on in his life, how he's liking working at hardware store and is it better or worse than Family Video (it's better), and of course asks after everyone left in town.
"Eddie's thinking of leaving," Steve says.
"Oh. Really?" She sounds confused more than surprised.
"Just thinking. He didn't say for sure, but it's on his mind."
"And how are you taking that?"
"I thought we'd have more time."
"How much more time do you need?" Robin's voice is filled with laughter and he can just imagine the playful eyeroll. "It's been eight months. It took you like five seconds to ask out any girl that flirted with you at Family Video."
"Eddie's different."
"I'm just... it's not like you, to not go after what you want."
"Eddie's important."
There's silence on the other line before, "Important enough to love out loud?"
Oh. Oh.
Robin always knows what to say to get Steve to see the obvious thing in front of him in a way that doesn't make him feel like an idiot. "Yeah. Important enough to love out loud. I'm telling him tomorrow."
"Tomorrow? Quick turn around, Steve."
"Yeah, well, you're right. I always go after what I want, and I have to tell him before he goes. Even if he decides to still go, at least he'll know."
"No. Brave would have been doing this six months ago when I first looked at him and thought he looked kissable."
"No, that would have been stupid. You had a gay panic to get through and it was better that Eddie wasn't involved. Trust me."
And he does. Vickie was going through the same panic and had Robin and that... well, there's a reason he asks after Michelle and not Vickie.
"Right. Of course. Five months ago, then."
Robin laughs through the line and Steve feels resolve settle in his stomach.
Steve goes to the Munson house directly after his shift. Eddie's van is gone but Wayne's pickup is there, so Steve lets himself in, calling a greeting to Wayne.
"In the kitchen," Wayne calls back.
Steve wanders into the kitchen to see him with a rolling pin in hand and an empty pie plate nearby. "Baking?"
"Sometimes you just want a homemade apple pie," Wayne shrugs, "and there are two ways to do that. Woo somebody who will make it for you, or do it yourself. I'm picking the easier option."
Steve laughs, "alright. Need any help?"
"Recipes over there. Apples need peelin'."
Steve washes his hands and gets to work.
The pie is cooked and cooling, and Wayne has migrated to the couch with a beer since Steve offered to whip up supper. Wayne was going to make lasagna, so Steve starts pulling things from cupboards and the fridge and gets to work.
Eddie returns home as Steve is layering the lasagna in the dish.
"Wayne, I see you hired a chef!" Eddie shouts in the general direction of the living room before hopping up to sit on the counter opposite Steve.
Wayne laughs but doesn't say anything in response.
"Hey Eds," Steve flashes him a smile before getting back to dinner. He tops it off with more cheese and then shoves it into the oven. He grabs the dial timer from its spot in the cupboard and sets it before turning to give his full attention to Eddie.
"What brings you over tonight?" Eddie asks.
"I wanted to talk to you. Ask you something, really."
"Moi?" Eddie places a hand on his own chest, fingers spread and voice filled with fake surprise.
"Mmm, the one and only," Steve says, stepping into Eddie's space. Not close enough to touch him, but enough that he doesn't have room to hop back off the counter.
"And what could be so important that you had to make me dinner about it?"
"Would you go on a date with me?"
Eddie's eyes go wide and his mouth opens and closes a few times before snapping closed. He blinks down at Steve, but Steve's patient. He can wait for Eddie to process. "I- what, you're serious?"
"As a bat bite," Steve says, reaching a hand to rest it on Eddie's side, atop where he knows Eddie is scarred in the same way he is. "I thought I'd have all the time in the world to get there. To the asking. We'd get to know each other better. Deeper, I guess. But then. Well, you said you were thinking of leaving. And I realized I don't have all the time in the world."
Eddie's eyes roam Steve's face. Whatever he's looking for he must find because his legs fall open and he reaches for Steve even as he's already stepping into the space Eddie's created for him. "We can have all the time you want, Stevie."
Steve grins. "I don't want to stop you leaving, if that's what you really want. But, maybe we can postpone that? I want to stay close, until the kids graduate, but after that I'd follow you anywhere."
Eddie brings a hand up to Steve's face and before he's even made contact, Steve's shoving his cheek into Eddie's palm, nuzzling at him like a cat. "No need to be following. I'd rather you walk beside me."
"I can do that, too."
"Jesus, Stevie, I can't believe- I mean, I'd hoped, when you came out, but like," Eddie giggles and it's the sweetest sound Steve's ever heard, "like, it's hard to believe you want me back."
"Take it to the bedroom!" Wayne's shout from the living room startles both of them and they burst out laughing when they make eye contact again.
Eddie's other hand joins his first on Steve's face, and he pulls him into a kiss before they're even finished laughing.
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sp0o0kylights · 2 months
There were a lot of things Mike hated in life.
The demogorgon, and how it had essentially destroyed his life.
 Brenner, and the madhouse laboratory El had survived. 
How each and every one of his friends now did something weird--were weird, because flashing lights or fireworks or some stupid tune a toy horse played dragged up memories that made their eyes flat and faces hollow. 
Most of all though, Mike hated how much they relied on Steve.
There was no reason he should be the person to call when it started pouring and no one wanted to bike home from AV. 
Steve wasn’t Nancy, or Jonathan, or a parent--he wasn’t even dating anyone related to any of the Party anymore so what excuse did he have to keep hanging around? 
(Even if Jonathan was always working, and Nancy was always busy with some club or homework, and everyone’s parents all seemed to be in a race of who could get back to normal the fastest…) 
They should at least try to get a hold of other people, instead of constantly going to Steve first.
“Why?” Dusitn had scoffed at him the last time this had happened, feeding quarters into a phone and staring at Mike like he was the one being unreasonable. “I’m not gonna waste money just to hear your sister tell us no again when we all know Steve will do it.” 
Which was perhaps the most infuriating part of it all.
That Steve would do it. 
Show up and help them, even if he bitched the whole time. 
Hell, Steve Harrington knew more about Mike’s life offhand than Nancy did, and that made him want to punch a wall more days than it didn’t. Why the hell was Steve so involved? 
It was stupid. 
Weird, even! They weren’t friends, (even if Dustin and Max and El of all people said the opposite) he wasn’t being paid to babysit, (Mike had double checked; going round to ask Ma Henderson and Mrs. Sinclair, only to get an earful of how wonderful Steve was from both.) he had no reason to hang around! 
It didn’t make sense that Steve could be harassed into picking them up from school. 
Would take them to get ice cream, or hand over extra quarters for the arcade. He even gave out advice like some kind of--brother that Mike had never wanted. 
Above all?
Mike hated that when he needed someone, the number he punched in on automatic was Steve’s.
“I need you to come get me.” He said into the receiver, mad at himself and the world, but mostly mad that beyond the normal amount of squawking Steve did, he shut up and came. 
Drove up in his rich boy car, stepping out and herding Mike into it like the rain hadn’t already seeped into his bones. 
“You wanna tell me why you snuck into a bar two towns over?” Steve asked, long after Mike had slung himself into the passenger seat, arms crossed defensively over his chest.
One of Steve’s hands went right to his hair, running through it before adjusting the mess he’d just made. 
It was a nervous habit, and Mike hated that he knew that too. 
“Okay, well.” Steve’s hand fell back to the steering wheel, clenching tight around it. “Next time you want to do something dumb could you at least come talk to me about it beforehand?”
“What the hell would that do?” Mike bitched, staring firmly out of the window. 
“Not waste my gas for starters.” Steve bitched right back. “But I dunno man, we could have taken some bats and gone and wailed on cars in the junkyard and talked or some shit, not--whatever this all was.”
‘This all’ was accompanied by a wave of his hand, indicating not just the bar Mike had been standing in front of, but his general sopping wet state. 
“You’d actually go to the junkyard with me?” Mike challenged, doubtful. 
Steve made a face. “Did you lose your hearing in there? I just said--.” 
“Why?” Mike interrupted. “Why the fuck would you come out with me?”
Matching his entire aggressive tone, Steve said; “Because it’s better than trying to sneak into the one local gay bar when you’re barely fourteen, Michael.” 
And that? 
Steve being oddly aware of shit he really shouldn’t have?
Mike hated that too. 
“You knew what the bar was?” He asked, his voice coming out much smaller than he intended. 
“Everyone knows what that bar is, except it’s more of a biker bar than a gay bar.” Steve shot back--which did actually explain about ten different questions Mike had about the place. “Also, language you little shit.” 
Under his breath, Steve continued in a muttered; “I swear I’m going to start carrying around soap.”
“You cuss more than we do.” Mike responded, and if his own voice was a little strangled as he fought back the sudden swell of tears, then that was between him and God. 
He was not crying in front of Steve Harrington, he outright refused. 
“The point I’m making is that there are way better bars to sneak into. That one’s not nearly as welcoming as people make it out to be, probably because they’re sick of all the rumors.” 
Steve seemed to realize what he was implying because he quickly added; “Not that you should be sneaking into any bars at all!” 
“You’re not my mom.” Mike’s voice turned wet as he lost his battle with his throat, voice cracking as he failed to choke the tears back.  
“No shit Wheeler.”  Steve said, and at least he was good enough not to call attention to Mike’s crying. 
If he had, Mike was pretty sure he’d just up and die of embarrassment, right there. 
“I don’t get why you care.” He muttered, angrily swiping at his eyes. 
“I didn’t keep you alive this long just so you could die of something stupid.” Steve countered easily.
Which was kinda fair, if you thought about it.
Mike very much did not want to think about it. 
Any of it.
“Are you gonna tell my parents?” He asked after a painfully long moment. 
Long enough that Steve had begun fiddling with the radio, trying to find a station as they drove back that wasn’t wailing country or gospel music. 
“I’m not a narc, so no.”  
“Not about the bar.”  
Now Steve just looked confused. 
Probably because he was, because he was without a doubt the stupidest almost adult Mike knew. 
(Not that he could say that out loud--last time he had, Max had made one of her pissy faces and then El got mad because Max was, which led to a break up, which led to Mike having to beg his way back into his girlfriend’s good graces while explaining that he hadn’t meant it like that.
“How did you mean it then?” Max demanded, and Mike wasn’t sure how he managed to dodge that entire conversation but he had, on grounds that untangling his own emotions regarding stupid Steve made him want to pull his hair out and scream.) 
“What about then?” 
 “You know. Don’t make me say it.” Mike absolutely didn’t plead, even if it did sort of, kind of, sound like pleading. 
Steve flicked his eyes away from the road to give one long, weird look at Mike. The same one he gave Dustin when he went off on a rant about Cerebro or Lucas when he started discussing the stats of different D&D weapons. 
Unlike those times, Steve’s face cleared. 
“Oh.” He said, blinking, and Mike could practically see the light bulb flash above his head.
Mike waited.
And waited.
And kept waiting as Steve went back to searching through radio channels, as if that was the end of the conversation.
It couldn't be the end of this conversation.
Not when this was the part that was eating Mike alive.
He didn’t know if this was Steve repressing it on purpose or if this was what he had to look forward to for the rest of his life if he kept trying to figure his own head out, but either way, he knew he had a choice to make. 
To let the unspoken part of today die quietly. Go unsaid, and remain unsaid, for all eternity--or he could let it out. 
Shove the “gay” part of “gay bar” in Steve’s stupid, jock face. 
Make him acknowledge it, even if it got Mike kicked out of the car, and who cared if it did? 
Steve wasn’t the person who should have picked him up anyway. 
The anger climbed higher and higher in his chest, tears and rage combining until Mike spat it all out, furious. 
“You’re not going to ask if I’m gay?”  
Steve didn’t turn to face him, but Mike saw his eyebrow cocking anyway, given how he was currently glaring a hole in the side of the older teen’s head. 
“Do you want me to?” 
“No.” Mike bit out automatically. “Yes. I don’t know!” 
Steve’s hand found its way back into his hair. 
“Okay then.” Steve paused, clearly fishing for something to say. 
Gleefully, Mike watched him struggle. 
“Do you like guys?” He managed finally, looking like he was navigating a minefield more than just talking.
“I don’t know.” Mike stressed, sinking lower in his seat. “Why do you think I was at the bar? I was trying to figure it out!” 
“Honestly I assumed this was some sort of stupid dare--but!” Steve held up a finger, before Mike could interrupt, “But let’s--shit, hold on, I had a speech for this but I kinda wasn’t expecting to use it this soon. Um.”
“You have a speech for me being gay?”
“Not for you.” Steve rolled his eyes. “For--in general! It was an in general, just in case speech!” 
He rounded on Mike, for longer than the younger was comfortable with given Steve took his eyes off the road to do it. “Okay--you can like boobies, you can like, uh--not boobies, and that’s fine! It’s all totally fine!” 
“You are not making it sound like it’s fine.” Mike said, feeling like he’d been taken out by hearing Steve say the word “boobies.” 
Gross, gross, gross. 
“Well it is.” Steve said, in a tone that felt like he was two seconds from adding in a smarmy ‘so there!’ at the end. 
“But I’m dating El.” Mike whined, which really, was both the heart of the matter and the eye of the storm that had been growing in his head for months now. “I can’t be gay if I like her.” 
“Don’t you guys break up and get together like four times a week?”
“No, that's Max and Lucas, El and I are stable.” Mike scoffed. “Or we--we were stable.” 
Before he started to have thoughts about people that weren't his girlfriend. 
Or women.
“Stable for being in middle school, sure.” Steve snorted. “You don’t just have to like one or the other you know. You can like dudes and chicks at the same time.”
Which Mike did not know, on account of being fourteen. 
He did his absolute damndest not to show that realization, instead adding that to the list of reasons why he hated Steve Harrington too.
Steve shouldn't be the one teaching him about who you could like!
“The point is that who you end up loving isn’t a problem.” Steve finally looked back to the road. “Other people might be an issue, and those people we can punch in the face so long as the cops aren’t looking, which isn’t part of the speech so let’s not tell people I said that part, but whatever you do choose, there’s nothing wrong with you.” 
Steve’s voice went firm, as he apparently recalled his speech or something close enough to it because his next words sounded a little rehearsed. “You have people who are here for you, no matter what. Okay?” 
Oh God, Mike was crying again. 
He wanted to punch Steve in his stupid face.
Wanted to hold onto the fury he'd built inside himself. Thrash around, throw himself out of the car, get away from the emotions that felt too big for his chest to contain. 
Instead he felt it all break on Steve's acceptance. On word's he didn't know he needed to hear until they'd been spoken, and sniffed out a quiet; “Okay.” 
Steve of course had to take it too far by reaching over and patting his knee, which they both regretted judging by how quickly Steve took his hand back and the face Mike made at his hand--but it…
It was appreciated, even amongst all Mike's rage.
Steve was appreciated. 
Not that Mike would ever, on pain of death, tell him that. 
Neither said a word for a while, Steve finally landing on a radio that was playing some Top 40 hit, Tears for Fears singing about ruling the world while Mike found himself trying to rebuild his own once again, tired of it having shattered so many times over. 
At least he finally felt better, even if he refused to admit Steve was the reason for it. 
He wasn’t quite done though.
 There was a piece Steve had skipped over, that Mike felt was critically important, if only because it was partly the reason he was having thoughts about being gay in the first place. 
He had to know if Steve saw it too. 
That it wasn’t just him and his stupid head, making up things that weren’t there. 
“Hey Steve?” 
“Who was the speech for?” 
Steve sighed. 
“Rule one of the whole queer thing Wheeler, you don’t out other people.” 
Like there were written rules or something.
(Maybe there were, it wasn't like Mike knew.)
“Was it Will?” Mike asked, and pretended like he didn’t desperately want the answer to be yes. 
 Steve didn’t say a thing, but the fact he nearly took the car off the road was a pretty solid answer in itself. 
“We’re not playing guessing games about other people’s sexualites!” He yelped, hands gripping the steering wheel as Mike felt a wave of relief crash through him. 
Will was--maybe, possibly, also--queer too. 
Which didn’t make this any better but it--wasn’t the not preferred outcome, either. 
(It wasn’t just Mike struggling alone, trying to figure out if his best friend wanted to be more than that, if El was breaking up with him and more and more because she wanted to be less than a girlfriend, if things were changing and he would have no one--) 
“I’m not out here picking Will up from a gay bar dipshit, I’m picking you up, and this is your reminder that next time, you should just come talk to me!” Steve ranted. 
Mike snorted.
He absolutely hated Steve Harrington, but--
“Fine.” He said, talking so low he could barely be heard. “I will.”
--maybe Mike did have someone in his corner after all. 
Even if it was just Steve. 
“Between you and me, that kid is gayer than a two dollar bill.” 
“Wow Robin,” Steve teased, “Isn’t that like, a slur or whatever?” 
He snickered when she rolled her eyes and threw a roll of stickers his way. 
“I’m just saying. Did you see the way he was looking at you when you were showing off your stupid biceps?” Robin said, nudging her shoulder into Steve’s. “Will’s gonna have a rude awakening later if he hasn’t already.” 
Steve nudged her back, but kept his gaze on the Party as they trooped their way from Family Video to the arcade next door, the realization that they now had connections for free rentals making them downright gleeful. 
Will was the last one in, and Steve watched him hurry so as to not be left behind. 
He didn’t like to worry about the dipshits, but Robin was just putting voice to a thought Steve knew he wasn’t the first person to have.
And if he noticed it, then it didn't exactly bode well as being kept a secret. 
“Should we like…talk to him about that?” He asked after a long moment, turning to face Robin.
“Us?” She pointed at herself, before turning her finger on Steve. “Why us?” 
“Well you’re into girls.” He gave her a pointed look, glad that the store was empty of everyone but them so he could actually voice all this. “And I’m fine with it.”
“Yeah I’m sure he wants to know you’re fine with it.” Robin taunted, but she had her thinking face on, eyes out to the middle distance. “I barely know him. You barely know him--he’s the quietest out of all your kids.”
“They’re not my kids.” Steve argued automatically. “They're like a weird cross between shitty siblings and that kid in your class who never leaves you alone.” 
A fact Steve no longer took for granted, even if he made it sound like the worst thing ever.
“I just think it’d be nice if he knew that he had people in his corner, you know? Who supported him and shit.” 
“Steve, you compared my crush to a muppet, that wasn’t supportive.” Robin countered, but it too was on automatic. 
Softer she admitted; “You’re right though. If I had known other queer people, if I had known people would accept me...it would have made things a lot easier.”
A very long pause, in which both of them stewed for a moment, before Robin abruptly slapped her hand down on the table.
“Okay, you got me. We're doing it, and I'm making us a speech.”
“A speech?” 
“Yes dingus, a speech. I know you, you’re terrible when you’re put on the spot with this kinda thing, and trust me with things like this the moment will be spontaneous.”
“It’s Will, how spontaneous can it be?” Steve challenged back. “Getting a dinner order out of him is a chore.” 
“Stop whining and hand me that notepad. Im telling you its gonna happen when you least expect it and then you're gonna thank me later.”
“It better not happen without you.”  Steve sighed, but passed the notepad over.
God the things he did for those stupid kids. 
Bonus x2
Steve would later go on to use the speech on himself, in a gas station bathroom mirror, eyes wide and freaked out after Eddie Munson called him Big Boy in a van they stole, while Robin snickered behind him. 
He would turn on her, snapping that she; “Help me with this dammit!” 
In return she’d remind him that Tammy might sing like a muppet but Eddie  was the guy who stepped on lunches while giving speeches at lunch and sticking his tongue out, and “Really Steve, I think I won best gay awakening, here.” 
Which would promptly start an argument regarding how it wasn’t a competition, which would continue for another fifteen or so odd years before finding its way as a reference into both of their speeches as each other’s best man. 
Nancy and Eddie wouldn’t get it at either wedding, but Mike would.
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steddielicious · 10 months
There’s all this discourse on bi Steve that assumes that either Steve has always known or that Eddie was his awakening. But what about a dumbass Steve whose first kiss was with a guy, but he didn’t clue in until much later? In this essay, I will elaborate on…
Steve, who at age eleven is best friends with Tommy and Carol. They’ve come up with a pact to all have their first kisses with each other (Steve and Carol and Tommy and Carol, obviously), but the day before, Steve and Tommy are scared that they’ll be bad kissers and Carol will tell everyone. So the two boys decide to practice ahead of time. Of course, this is where Steve’s reputation as a Casanova starts. He just has this natural ability.
And as years pass, Steve and Tommy never really talk about it; but whenever something new comes up, they always practice before Carol. French kissing and necking and dry humping. They don’t want to blow their loads too early with their first handjobs with her, so it’s only natural that the first hands on their dicks that don’t belong to themselves are each other’s. When they’re fourteen, Tommy and Carol lose their virginity to each other and Steve fucks her right after. But it changes everything, and Carol actually wants to date Tommy. In an exclusive relationship.
Steve starts serial dating, taking first kisses and virginities all over town. None of the girls feel any different from Carol (or Tommy), so when he’s alone with Danny Mahoney in the showers after a swim meet in sophomore year and it turns into making out and sloppy handjobs, Steve doesn’t expect anything more. A mouth is a mouth and a hand is a hand, right? It’s just guys helping each other out. After all, they’re not doing anything really queer, like blowjobs or anal. At some point, Danny admits that he actually is gay. (It doesn’t bother Steve as much as he expects.)
When Steve is a junior, he starts dating Nancy Wheeler and stops fooling around with Danny (and various girls). Even though it doesn’t really count with Danny, something deep inside him tells him it does. So Steve has a proper girlfriend and doesn’t really think about anyone other than her.
And then Jonathan Byers straddles him in an alley and beats the shit out of him for calling him a queer. Steve isn’t a fan of the fists, but as he feels Byers on his hips, the clouds part and it clicks that he’s being a massive hypocrite and asshole. When all is said and done and the demogorgon is defeated, Steve still stays with Nancy. But now he knows. He’ll never tell anyone, but it really doesn’t matter what gender the other person is. Either way, it doesn’t matter. He’s in love with Nancy and they’re going to be together forever.
Months later though, Jonathan is still wary around Steve and can’t quite bring himself to trust him, despite the new camera. And Steve needs to prove that he’s changed, so makes an effort to get to know Jonathan better. And one night in April 1984, when they’re baked out of their minds in the Byers’ backyard, Steve swears that he doesn’t care if Jonathan (or anyone in his family, for that matter) is a queer, because he himself likes guys. Jonathan is the one who puts a name to what Steve is - bisexual. No one really knows what it means, but David Bowie once said that he was, and if Steve has this thing in common with Bowie, it can’t be that bad.
That winter, when Steve is suffering through a broken heart and Danny is back from Berkeley for Christmas, Steve sheepishly admits that he’s actually into guys the same as girls. Danny rolls his eyes and they fuck all winter break long. Steve is eighteen now and really doesn’t have any real friends to hang out with (at least not until he’s comfortable around Jonathan and Nancy being a couple), so he spends a few Saturday nights in spring up in Indy’s gay clubs figuring out what he likes. And he likes it all.
Well, not quite. In May, after a basketball game, Billy Hargrove corners Steve in the locker room and aggressively kisses him. He then threatens to kill him if he tells anyone. Steve believes him of course, because Billy is a fucking psychopath with issues that run a mile deep.
And no, Steve doesn’t have the chance to tell Robin about himself in the Starcourt bathroom, thanks to Dustin and Erica barging in. But once they’ve been released from the hospital, he sneaks in her window that night and tells her that he gets it.
After all, gender is such an arbitrary factor in who’s hot or not, right?
(Robin says no, boys are gross.)
See more in the series at #peak bi experience
Crossposted to AO3 here
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year
Seeing a lot of Step dads being asked to adopt officially their step kids today on Tiktok and it made me think of Eddie doing something like that with Wayne.
We don’t know if Wayne officially adopted him, maybe he’s just in temporary care and now Eddie is old enough to not need an adult to look after him but when anyone asks him about his parents he always talks about Wayne so he might as well make it official, right?
Steve helps him prepare the papers in time for Christmas and he even asks Jonathan for his camera so he can capture the moment.
Despite being sure, Eddie feels a little nervous. He knows that Wayne loves him like a son, but he also knows that taking care of him wasn’t something he chose, more like the right thing to do when your brother is a fuckup and goes to prison leaving his kid to fend for himself.
Steve cheers him up by threatening him that if he doesn’t ask Wayne to adopt him, he will. Somehow that’s the weirdest and sweetest threat Eddie has ever received.
Eddie gives the papers to Wayne on Christmas, carefully folded inside a box, under a very ugly mug he knows Wayne will love in case the adoption papers aren’t well received.
Wayne opens the box and huffs looking at the dog-shaped mug “you’ve outdone yourself son, might be my new favorite one”.
He notices the way Eddie flinches at the word “son” but he shrugs it off and turns to Steve, gesturing at the camera in his hands “is this all? Wanted to take a picture of this ugly ass mug?”
Steve tries to use a neutral tone, but it comes out fond nonetheless “I think there’s something else”.
Wayne frowns, turns to Eddie who’s bouncing on his place “look at the bottom of the box” Eddie points at it.
He picks the piece of paper, unfolds it and, after giving a suspicious look to the both of them, he reads quietly.
If they didn’t know Wayne, they probably wouldn’t have noticed his eyes getting a little watery and his hands lightly trembling.
Eddie and Steve exchange a knowing look and a big smile, Steve takes it as his cue to snap the first picture.
The second depicts Eddie putting his hand on Wayne’s shoulder and his uncle -or better, his dad- looking up to hold back the tears.
The third one, everyone’s favorite, has Wayne enveloping Eddie in a bone-crushing hug and Eddie’s surprised face.
A while later, when everyone has calmed down and Wayne has signed everything he needed to, he asks “so, what about Steve?”
The boys give him a surprised look “what about me?” Steve wonders.
“Either you two get married or I adopt you too” he says simply, sipping his coffee from his new favorite dog mug.
Both Eddie and Steve get red and ramble about how it is way too soon and that gay marriage being illegal anyways.
“Im just saying, son” Wayne dwells a second on the word, as it has taken a new meaning for him “that Steve is part of the family too, and if you don’t make it official then I will.”
Eddie doesn’t give Steve any time to react “No fucking way, man” he jumps out of his seat and points at his boyfriend without looking at him “I’m asking him as soon as marriages are legal!”
“We’ll see” replies Wayne, just to rile him up, which works perfectly.
“Are you challenging me?” He turns to Steve, scandalized “don’t you dare become my step brother Steve!”
Steve winces just at the thought of it “of course-“
“How do you expect Steve to say yes to marring you if you’re this controlling?” Wayne interrupts him.
“Me?? I would be a great husband! The best!” Eddie replies, looking outraged.
Steve covers his face in his hands and mutters “oh my God” as Wayne keeps poking at Eddie and the latter takes every bait.
It takes Eddie approximately 45 minutes to realize he had been talking about being Steve’s husband in front of him the whole time despite never having that conversation between them first.
His embarrassed expression once he realizes is Wayne second’s favorite Christmas present that year.
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dykelips · 27 days
steddie — friends with benefits to lovers drabble
“friends don't do what we do.”
rating — teen & up. | tags — fwb to lovers, roommates au, everybody lives/nobody dies, gay steve, gay eddie, mutual pining, friends to lovers, love confessions, angst and hurt/comfort, friends with benefits.
steve's never really had self control. he's never had any when it came to several instances—calling jonathan byers a queer, kissing tommy on a drunken night when he was 15, going straight into an alternate dimension, facing billy hargrove and getting his ass beat, or even telling robin he has feelings for her, soon to find out she's a lesbian, and that he himself is a gay man.
steve's self control surely didn't exist the day steve proposed an... idea to eddie—a no attachment, friends with benefits who bang and get it out of their system type of deal. they're already best friends, deeply bonded from the whole vecna ordeal, so what harm could this do to them?
and now that steve thinks about it, it didn't do a small amount of harm, it practically ruined steve. he fell for eddie, and he's not sure eddie feels the same way.
steve broke his own rule. he found himself attached to eddie, thinking about eddie, talking only about eddie, being in love with eddie.
after steve comes home to their apartment and sees eddie making out with someone on their couch, he starts an argument. he doesn't own eddie, they aren't dating, and eddie's a grown man who can do whatever he wants, but seeing someone else other than himself lay their lips onto eddie's and kiss him, that really starts something inside of steve.
he can practically feel all of the months worth of collected feelings and thoughts bubbling up inside of him and almost spilling out over the sides the second eddie says what he says.
"we're just friends. we're friends, steve. you're you, and i'm me, and that's it," eddie says, arms crossed over his chest, hiding himself away and trying to tuck himself together.
"friends!? fucking—fucking friends, eddie? that's what we are? friends don't do the things we do."
steve scoffs and looks directly at eddie, face going red with anger and a mix of pain inside of him.
eddie looks down, lips pulled into a thin line, eyes downturned and hair hanging down around him, shielding him like a cave hidden behind a waterfall.
"yes, harrington. friends," eddie breathes out, head snapping up. "you act like you want me to say that we're more than that, but you're not into me. you just want to fuck me and act like nothing happened. i can't deal with that. i need someone who loves me, who tells me they need me and will take care of me and isn't disgusted or annoyed by me. that's what i need, not a fuck-buddy."
steve sputters and reaches his hands out, mentally saying fuck it and telling eddie how he really feels.
"eddie, jesus christ! i'm in love with you! i've been in love with you since you woke up from that goddamn coma last year."
eddie's eyes go wide, comically large and round, looking like bambi. he really fucking loves him.
"stop messing around, man."
steve shakes his head, not letting eddie dismiss him and believe it's just some sick joke that he's playing on him.
"why would i lie about loving you, eddie? everything i've done, it's all because of you. do you really think i would tell you this and compromise our friendship if i didn't feel just like i'm telling you now?"
eddie's mouth opens and closes like a dead fish, and he finally shuts it fully. "i, i don't—"
"if you don't love me back, that's okay. i just had to tell you, eds. you don't understand how much you mean to me," steve confesses, lips pulled into an apologetic smile. he goes and turns to walk out the door of their apartment,
eddie shoots out his arm, hand grabbing onto steve's forearm, squeezing, trying to stop him from leaving. "steve! fuck, i love you, too! i do, i really, really do. and, look, i didn't know how to tell you, because you're always being so frustratingly you, clearly not understanding all the hints i've dropped, trying to signal that i've been in love with you for months, too."
eddie licks his lips and his eyes seem to plead.
"really?" steve asks, hope bubbling up inside of him.
he nods, hair shaking around. "yeah, stevie. cross my heart and hope to die. i mean it. swear on it, even."
steve smiles at that.
"swear on what, exactly?" he knows the line he's crossing, and if eddie says what steve thinks he'll say, then steve knows it's true.
"on my guitar. my sweetheart. you know the one. i swear on her," eddie tells him, eyes flipping down to steve's lips and back up to meet his eyes.
"that's a big swear, munson. might need you to kiss me to prove it," steve teases, stepping in closer to eddie's bubble, noses almost touching.
eddie grins, wider that steve has seen for as long as he can remember. "i can do that."
he certainly swears on his guitar if the kiss that they shared proves anything.
whoops i suck at endings and writing in general, but this has been stuck in my head and i felt like trying to write. here it is. love you xx
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Do You Know What Shovels Dig? Graves Part 2
My version of the shovel talk trope.
Part Two to This!
Eddie knocked on Steve’s door bouncing on his toes.
Steve opened the door and then just led Eddie into the front room without a word. Eddie’s heart let out a small mewl of distress. Either Jonathan had been underselling it or Steve was worse than when he left. Eddie had a sinking feeling it was the latter.
“I’m guessing Jonathan called you,” Steve said, sitting down hard on the sofa.
“Came over and plied me with weed, actually,” Eddie said, settling next to him. “I get why you didn’t tell me. I can’t fault you for being hurt by people who you thought cared. But I can fault me for not noticing you were hurting. Because yeah, maybe you couldn’t say why, but I could have been there for you anyway.”
Steve’s shoulders sagged. “I should have at least told you that I was feeling upset.”
“I think the part that upsets me more than anything, love,” Eddie murmured, pulling Steve close to his chest, “is that I’m the newbie in all this, shouldn’t they be more worried that I’ll hurt you? I’m the wild card here, not you.”
Steve wrapped his arms around Eddie’s waist. “And it’s not as though I ended my last major relationship, either. That was all Nancy. I was trying my best, I really was. And I’ve tried with every other girl I’ve dated seriously, too. I’m always being broken up with, not the one doing the breaking.”
Eddie laid down and pulled Steve flush along the length of his body. “I’m the love and leave ‘em type, not you, sweetheart. The reason you are my first real relationship is because I liked not having to worry about get my heart stomped on by straight boys experimenting with gay sex and then fucking off back to their girlfriends.”
“So why are they coming after me?” Steve asked piteously, snuggling into Eddie’s neck.
“Because I keep myself to myself,” Eddie explained. “Even though I’m out and loud, I keep it tucked in my chest. But you sweetheart, wear your heart on your sleeve.”
Eddie kissed him and slowly began to rub circles up and down his back. He deepened the kiss. Yes, this was supposed to be a distraction, but he really wanted to make his boyfriend forget about his troubles for awhile. They were lost to time for awhile.
They didn’t get to sex, not really. Their clothes were still on, but Steve was sleepy and relaxed, so Eddie counted that as a win. He slipped out from under his boyfriend.
“Stay,” Steve mumbled into the sofa
“I’ll right back, darlin’,” Eddie assured him. “You need some sleep and I have to run a quick errand. You nap for a bit and I’ll be back as soon as I can, okay?”
“’Kay,” he replied, mostly asleep. “I love you.”
“Love you too, sweetheart,” Eddie said kissing his temple.
Eddie managed to arrived at the Byers house before everyone else. Will let him in.
Will led him to the front room where Joyce and Jonathan were waiting. Jonathan was on the sofa and Joyce was standing up chewing on her thumb.
“I talked to Jim and really chewed him out for scaring Steve like that,” she said the second she saw Eddie. “That wasn’t fair. Jim is supposed to be like a father to Steve, not be another bully.”
Eddie hugged her. “Thanks. I’ll talk to Wayne later, too. I didn’t even know he owned a shotgun.”
El scoffed. “He borrowed Dad’s.”
Eddie threw his head back and rolled his eyes. “Yup. That makes more sense actually and Steve would be too terrified to realize it was the same gun. He is in so much trouble for that.”
Soon everyone had arrived and piled into the small front room.
“What’s this about?” Dustin asked. “Jonathan said it was serious on the walkie. Not like Code Red, but bad.”
“I think it almost was,” Jonathan bit out.
Eddie winced, because he couldn’t be one hundred percent that if Jonathan hadn’t shown up that Steve wouldn’t have done what he threw at the older teen.
The room was silent. Eddie could hear his own ragged breaths and rapidly beating heart.
“Someone say something,” Robin pleaded. “What’s going on?”
“You are all assholes,” Will bit out. “Steve wouldn’t break Eddie’s heart if it was in his power and you all know it. So why the hell would you tell him if he did you would kill him? Not just cause him bodily harm, but actual death. Haven’t we seen enough of death to last our life time?!” He had been sitting on the sofa next to Jonathan when the meeting started but had risen to his feet.
Mike scoffed. “It not serious.”
“It sure the hell wasn’t the first time. But what about the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth or even the ninth time?” El asked, her eyes blazing.
“Ninth?” Robin asked.
Jonathan nodded. “If my math’s right. It could be more or less, but yeah. There were only a small dedicated handful that didn’t tell Steve some variation of ‘hurt Eddie and I’ll hurt you’, myself included.”
“That can’t be right,” Dustin said with a frown.
“Oh no, Dusty,” Eddie said, tilting his head side to side. “That’s absolutely correct. And worse is that none of you shit heads even said boo my direction. Not that I want to be threatened. I get enough of that, which now that I think about it...that’s why, isn’t it?”
The silence in the room was deafening.
“Oh, that is it!” Eddie crowed. “Can’t go after me because I get literal death threats so lets all dogpile on Steve instead!”
“Steve was in a really bad place when I went over there this morning,” Jonathan said into the bitter hush.
Joyce stepped forward. “I realize most of you are children and don’t quite understand what you did. But actual adults got involved in this mess. Adults that should have known better. So let me put this to you in a way you can understand so this never happens again. You’re getting to age were you’re dating yourselves, so think about how you would feel if someone came to your partner and threatened them with violence.”
“I’d be pissed,” Max said from the corner. “It’s no one’s business but ours.”
Joyce held out her hand to emphasize her point.
“Oh,” Nancy said from the corner of the room. She looked over at Jonathan and then ducked her head, crossing her arms over her stomach.
“Steve is so far from the boy that was a dick in his junior year,” Jonathan said. “Like that was four years ago. Almost five. And yet you still treat him like he hasn’t grown. Are you even his friends at this point or are you just so used to having him around that he’s just a tool to you to be used.”
“We don’t use him, do we?” Lucas asked, his voice cracking with emotion.
“You tell me,” Eddie huffed. “Do you ask anyone else to take you places? Do you have parties anywhere other than his place? Do expect him to be there for you when this shit gets to you, but don’t check in on him?”
The room was filled once again with the awkward silence.
“We didn’t mean to,” Dustin said, near tears.
“I want all of you to apologize to Steve,” Joyce in her best mom voice. “Work on being better friends. Because if you don’t, some day you might wake up and wonder how he just slipped away.”
They all nodded.
Erica tilted her head to side. “Wait a minute. Why didn’t you give Eddie or Steve the shovel talks? Any of you?”
Jonathan shrugged. “Just didn’t care enough. Plus I always thought they were bullshit, anyway. Shit happens. Any of you want Nancy dead because she broke Steve’s heart?”
Nancy’s head shot up and her jaw dropped.
“I love you,” Jonathan said. “But you can’t deny that’s what happened.”
She snapped her jaw shut.
The whole room was shaking their heads. Of course they didn’t want to hurt Nancy.
“Friends don’t hurt their friends,” El said. “And if you’ve been hurting Steve, maybe he needs to be taken away until you learn to play nicely.”
Joyce hid her smile under her hand. That was one way to look at it.
They looked at Will.
He rolled his eyes. “I think made myself pretty clear when we started this, so yeah. Fuck off.”
“William!” Joyce hissed. “Language!”
Will looked up at her completely unrepentant. She sighed. “I’m with my boys, I’m afraid. Shovel talks are bullshit and Steve is a good boy who has continued to go to bat, sometimes quite literally, for all of us. He could have walked away from the Upside Down fuckery at any time, but he came. He stayed. He took hits meant for someone else. Someone weaker. That’s a good friend. Maybe you should start treating him like one, too.”
Eddie looked around at everyone. “Has everyone learned their lesson?”
Everyone nodded.
“Good,” he said. “Now I’m going to back to Steve because he’s waiting for me. But I want those apologies. I don’t care if you call, write, or visit. But you will apologize. And no more shovel talks.”
And now with part three! Part four ! Part Five Part Six
Tags because they asked:  @justforthedead89 @zerokrox-blog @ihavekidneys
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casual-socks · 7 months
HI IVE BEEN MASSIVELY HYPERFIXATED ON TMA FOR ABOUT A YEAR AND IVE SEEN MAYBE ONE (1) SINGULAR PERSON TALK ABOUT THIS and i am not even kidding when i say its been a passionate topic of conversation for that entire year. people know me for this. it comes up and my entire friend group SIGHS AUDIBLY because they know the 20 minute tangent i Will be taking
youre telling me jonathan sims went to oxford college (relatively prestigious if my memory serves me correctly) for RESEARCH. for, to put it simply, READING. and he looks at the name gerard and goes Yeah looks like jared to me lets go with that!!! HELLO?? NO?? not even mentioning the fact that he is being what could easily be called possesed when reading these statements which leaves us with two options
2. jonathan sims is so monumentally stupid that he is somehow breaking this possesion for the 2 seconds it takes to say the name gerard (i love him i swear i will sound so so hateful for this entire post but its out of love)
and like??? its not even that EVERYONE is calling him jared? elias and gertrude have both called him gerard and thats just off the top of my head. i also think jon said it correctly ONEEEE SINGULAR TIME. Just the once.
now i feel it necessary to mention jared hopworth here as well. because why, why on gods green earth, would you name a character gerard. pronounce it jared. TURN AROUND AND GO. lets make another jared but this ones made out of meat and is sort of implied to not be too fond of gay people. Yeah he steals peoples bones. Yeah.
so okay. sure whatever this podcast is sooo british that a bunch of people are just completely failing to pronounce gerard. sure. whatever you say.
NO. no. LOOK ME IN MY EYES. LOOK AT THE NAME GERARD. GER-ARD. AND YOURE TELLING ME YOURE GONNA CALL HIM JARED. SND THEN YOURE GONNA CALL HIM GERRY WITH A G???? gerry with a g. that is utterly ridiculous i cannot even believe this that is monumentally frustrating i cannot even begin to describe to you all the anger i have experienced over this particular bit because why on earth would you take that particular extra step??? gerard -> gerry. sure. thin ice, but sure. jared -> jerry. sure! yeah! makes sense! GERARD -> JARED -> GERRY? you must be playing some sick joke jonny sims. seriously. you are a cruel and usual man
now this is when i start to wind down, but far from where i finish. lets take a moment to really pause and soak in his actual name here.
that is so unfortunate already i mean really, gerard is such a…. a name…. i mean his mom skins people and puts them in books and the cruelest thing i think she ever couldve done is honest to god name her son gerard.
now dont get me wrong. theres nothing seriously wrong with spelling it keay on principle. but god, really? youre gonna shove all this gerard gerry jared business in front of me and tell me his last name is just key but gone the extra mile. really feels like the cherry on top of a shit cake.
now if you consider gerards character i truly feel as though thats the deepest disservice here. gerard keay is an incredible character whos short appearance is so memorable and charming, and despite his VERY little screen time he still has an intriguing and well fleshed out character. really, gerard keay is so excellent character wise. But, every time i think about him for any more than 5 minutes, almost this exact rant is being told to whoever is unfortunate enough to be near me at the time.
another thing i think also really adds to this is just the nature of gerard keay. everything you can say about that guy could be ended with “and everone calls him jared for some reason”. hes emo and everyone calls him jared for some reason. his hair dye job is so miserable that EVERYONE mentions it and everyone calls him jared for some reason. he has mommy issues and everyone calls him jared for some reason.
okay i need to wrap this up before i start just repeating WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY for thousands of words but heres a graph i made for my friends in october 2022 when i was going on about this in the middle of my spanish class 👍👍
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zerokrox-blog · 1 year
@steddieas-shegoes @newgrangespirals  
I hope this is too your liking! I tried to make it more angry but I don’t think I quite got it. But anyway, I tried to make it as good as I could. (I literally rewrote this like 5-6 times and it still feels..not angry enough) Based on this post  The silence around the table was deafening as Murray finished talking. The man looked so proud of himself, telling all and sundry about how he had gotten Nancy and Jonathan together. Nobody could move and no one breathed. Nancy and Jonathan had gone pale, and she kept looking at Steve who had gone so still and silent, hand outstretched for the mashed potatoes in front of him. His face had a weird look as if mentally calculating something and suddenly it changed to one of furious understanding and anguish that made her sit still. 
Then in the silence, seemingly not realizing the can of worms he had just opened, Murray turned to Steve and Eddie, “and you know you two are cute. But the pining is getting annoying, like you could take us all out of the misery by dating or even just something! Just ask-” “How fucking dare you?” Steve’s voice was cold and low with barely suppressed rage. He straightened up glaring at Murray who finally took in the faces around him. Jonathan and Nancy’s white faces, the pure shock on Joyce and Hopper’s faces. Robin, and the kids looking uncomfortable. Eddie looked terrified. Wayne was stiff and furious. 
“C’mon man, you can’t be serious?” Murray was shocked. “There is nothing wrong with me trying to get you together man! Listen, I helped get Jonathan and Nancy together as well as Hopper and Joyce. They are thriving-” 
Steve held up his hand voice hardening further, “what is your problem? I was with Nancy at that time which you knew about and you facilitated her cheating on me and you think I should be happy? You think I should be grateful? Now to make matters worse you are so casual about telling people about Eddie and I without knowing if these people are safe? Are you crazy? What is your problem?”
 Steve stood up, anger pouring off of him. Before Murray could say another word, Steve continued to rant, “you come here acting like some god, thinking that we all owe you shit when you barely know the people here and continue to treat us like little lab rats to get your fix! Stop trying to get people together, you're not a matchmaker! Nor are you in a relationship yourself! You barely know anything aside from cooking and maybe a few conspiracies! And you definitely don't know anyone here aside from Hop and Joyce! That isn’t enough people to be making the assumptions you’ve made. Most importantly, you are sitting here proudly, PROUDLY telling people that you helped Nancy and Jonathan get together KNOWING she was together with me! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?” Steve started to walk away, but he paused just past Murray, he turned back and looked directly at him, “you don’t know me nor do you know Eddie. You don’t know him, who gave the right to demand he dance to your tune like a monkey? What if he isn’t gay? What if he actually hated me? What if he is dating someone else? Who are you to come here and force him to come out like that with no warning? Who are you to make him feel unsafe around the only people who understand him and what he went through over spring break? WHO ARE YOU TO TELL HIM IT’S OK TO CHEAT JUST BECAUSE YOU GET OFF ON HURTING TEENAGERS YOU BARELY KNOW? You disgust me.” Steve glared at Murray and snorted when the man didn’t say anything, seemingly finally realizing what he had done. “Yeah that is what I thought. I hope you know that I will not forgive you for endorsing Nancy cheating on me. I don’t forgive you for taking away my voice in trying to set Eddie and I up and telling people that he is gay without his permission. Fuck you Murray, go to hell.” He started walking away, and when Nancy reached out for him he jerked himself away. “You stay away from me. You and Jonathan stay the fuck away from me. I trusted you both and I shouldn’t have. I never told anyone half of the shit you both did to me. Stay away from me.”
Nancy retracted her hand feeling hurt. 
Eddie stood up, after the shock wore off and looked coldly at Murray, he said, “Aside from literally telling everyone to give you a pat on the back for helping Nancy cheat on Steve, and making me very uncomfortable by outing me like that, I hope you will not do that to anyone else, do you understand me? He waited until he got a nod from Murray, he looked at all of the people around the table, his eyes landed squarely back on Murray and stated firmly, “I don’t care one way or the other at this point, but Steve and I have been together for several months now. We don’t and never will need you to put us together. If you have any problems with that, take it up with someone who cares.” 
Murray looked pleased, “see? You two-”
Eddie gave him a sharp look. He moved after Steve who had left, tears in his eyes that nobody could see as he had entirely turned away from the table. 
Eddie left the Hopper-Byers backyard and went back to the Munson’s new house. Steve beat Eddie there by several minutes and when Eddie saw him his heart cracked. 
Steve was curled up on his bed, face buried in their pillows, soft sobs escaping him. 
“Oh sweetheart, I am here baby.” Eddie cooed softly, slipping out of his clothes before crawling into the bed and curling around Steve. 
Steve cried softly into the pillows not moving closer to Eddie the way he normally would. Eddie just held him and hummed softly into his hair, fingers slowly moving up and down his sides. 
It took Steve some time to calm down, and when he did he shifted around in Eddie’s arms and caught the look on his face. “Am I bad? Am I not enough for anyone? Is that why everyone leaves or hurts me? Am I not worthy of love and a healthy relationship?” he whispered, and Eddie squeezed him closer. 
“No babylove. You are worthy of love and gentleness, you are enough honey boy.” he kept his tone warm and soft, gently stroking Steve’s hair. 
Steve sucked in a deep breath, and once he calmed down entirely, he mumbled, “I don’t want to see Nancy or Jonathan for a while. I am so angry at them. And I don’t quite know what to make of this situation. Nancy knew how I felt about cheating because I told her about my parents. And she fucking cheated on me!” 
Eddie nodded and waited, Steve finally looked at him, and gave him a small smile. “I am sorry we were outed like that. I really-” 
“Baby boy, I promise you it’s not your fault, ok? You don’t owe me an apology. It’s not your fault and you don’t apologize for something that someone else’s shitty behavior ok? We can stay away from Nancy and Jonathan until you feel comfortable seeing them again, OK?” 
Steve nodded, feeling safe and secure here in Eddie’s arms. Here he was safe, he could be himself around Eddie, especially in his arms.
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izzy2210 · 3 months
One thing about Eddie that Steve couldn’t stop staring at, were his fingers. Those long, pale fingers, adorned with rings and chipped off nail polish, he just couldn’t keep his eyes off of them. He watched as Eddie took the blunt from Jonathan, inhaled the smoke, and passed it back. He watches his fingers curl around the joint, and wished they’d curl around something else. He watched as he grabs a hair tie, putting it in between his teeth because his hands are busy, lean fingers raking through his curls. Steve could be actually drooling, because Robin nudges him. 
“Earth to Steve? Hey, what are you thinking about?” She hooks her pinkie finger into his, a reminder that he can say anything. Steve sighs, and tears his eyes off of Eddie. “Nothin’, Robs.” He stretches, raising his arms high above his head, closing his eyes, as if that will help.
One thing about Steve that Eddie couldn't stop staring at, was his lower belly. That smooth, tanned skin, adorned with scars and a little happy trail, he just couldn’t keep his eyes off of it. He watched as Steve stretched, his already short sweater riding up until his tanned skin peeks out from underneath. Steve would tell you he gained weight, but Eddie only sees more to grab, more to taste.. Eddie could be actually drooling, because Jonathan nudges him. “You good, man? You were just staring off into the distance..”  He nudges him again. “Nothing, Jon.” He rakes his fingers through his hair again.
This dance goes back and forth for a while, too engrossed in staring at the other that they don’t notice the other one’s staring. Robin and Jonathan share a knowing look. Robin stands up. “I’m just gonna go to the toilet.” Jonathan’s eyebrows rise, “Oh uh yeah, me too.” He stands up as well, and in the blink of an eye, Steve and Eddie are alone. They’ve never been. 
Steve swallows audibly, and his Adam’s apple bobs, catching Eddie's attention. He twirls a curl around his finger, and Steve stares. Eddie looks at him, and scoots closer to him on the couch. “So- eh..” He begins, but Steve interrupts him. “You look pretty. For a boy, I mean.” He adds quickly. How smooth, Harrington.
“Oh, eh. Thank you. I think.” Eddie chuckles awkwardly, and Steve could slap himself. “What I’m trying to say is that.. Uhm..” He stumbles over his words, and the fact that Eddie is fiddling with his hair is not helping. Steve hides his face with his hand, stretching over the couch. “Sorry, man, I don’t.. I don’t know. Sorry.” He pinches his brow, but Eddie only has eyes for the tiny sliver of skin revealing itself when Steve lays down. His fingers twitch to reach out, to run his fingertips along the line V-shape his hip-dips make, to lick and taste his skin. 
“You-uh. You look pretty as well, Steve.” Steve’s eyes meet Eddie’s. “For a boy, you mean?” he asks, forgetting to breathe. Eddie shrugs. "Just.. Just pretty. I guess.” He turns the ring on his pinkie around and around, and Steve is fucking salivating. “Look- Eddie.. Fuck- I’m sorry for what I’m about to say but please, fuck, stop fiddling with your fingers,” Steve groans. Eddie smirks. “And what if I don’t?” He teases, the weed making him courageous,  and Steve sighs, shrugging and scratching an itch on his side. His sweater rides up again, and this can’t keep going on like this, Eddie decides. 
“Look, Steve, I’m- I’m very gay. You know that.” Steve’s eyes widen, and he nods. “And I may perhaps be very gay for you. Now if you would also please stop letting your shirt ride up like that, that would be great, because I’m about to fucking pin you down and have my way with you, and I think neither of us want that. Now if you wouldn’t mind, I’m going upstairs and I’m gonna cry for a bit.” He stands up abruptly, but Steve grabs his wrist. 
“I’d want that. I think.” 
“You’d.. Huh?” Eddie looks at him, and then at his wrist. If his hands are warm, his stomach would be even warmer. “I’d like that. Not the crying part. I’ve been staring at you the entire night, Eds, you really didn’t notice? Fuck, those hands..” 
Eddie sits back down. “What about them?” He traces random patterns on Steve’s wrist. He stares. “You really want me to say it, huh?” He smiles slightly, and Eddie nods. “Want you to put them in my mouth, Eds, let me suck on them. Or wrap them around my neck. Or something else.” 
Eddie lets out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding. “Well in that case, I’d love to run my fingers over your stomach, Stevie. I, for once, have been staring at that. It’s criminal.” “It’s pudgy-” “It’s fucking hot, alright? Fuck, just wanna..” Eddie keeps his promise, and pins him down on the couch, hovering above his face. He seems to sober up a little, realizes what he’s doing, flashes a look at Steve’s lips, and forms a different plan. “Maybe we should.. take this slow. Do this properly. I like you, Stevie. Wanna kiss you real bad, and then do some other stuff after. Mostly kiss you.” 
Steve looks up at him, all big doe eyes and soft lips. “Yeah, yes. Me too. Like you too. A lot,” and he presses a soft kiss against Eddie’s lips. “Don’t mind taking this slow, wouldn’t be very responsible to do it while we’re high, either way. Maybe you’ll regret it all tomorrow.” He presses another kiss. “Won’t-” Eddie says breathlessly, and kisses back. Buries his fingers in Steve’s hair, and groans against his lips. Tastes the weed on Steve’s tongue, and tries to remember it in case he never wants to see him again tomorrow. Not today though, not tonight. Tonight they kiss, high and hot and lovely, until the morning comes. 
AAAHHH I DID SOMETHING AGAIN? (wrote half if this while i was drunk and the other half while i was sleep-deprived so all the yearning is just me)
@steddieas-shegoes @inklessletter @flowercrowngods
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
(continued from this snippet)
“You could—” Jonathan moves his hands through the air like he’s conducting an invisible orchestra.
“I don’t know what that means,” Eddie tells him. They’ve been smoking all afternoon, so Jonathan’s even more of a space case than usual.
“He means you could pretend, dude,” says Argyle, who is putting little braids into Eddie’s hair. It’s very soothing. “Like, fake it ‘til you make it.”
“I mean. It would be good for Will to see, like…happily ever after. But gay. You know?” Jonathan tips the last of the Dorito crumbs into his mouth and contemplates the empty bag with devastatingly sorrowful eyes.
“That is the worst idea I’ve ever heard,” says Eddie. “Congrats, by the way, because I’ve heard a lot of bad ideas in my time, and I thought I knew all the major contestants. But lo and behold, dark horse Byers swoops in to steal the crown! The crowd goes wild.” He makes a raspy aaaaaah sound and wiggles his fingers to symbolize a packed stadium at the Bad Idea Olympic Games.
“That’s my boy,” says Argyle, reaching over to ruffle Jonathan’s hair. “Great job, brochacho.”
Eddie’s never totally sure whether Argyle’s doing an extended bit or not, and it’s the fucking best.
“So, you’ll do it?” Jonathan asks hopefully. He’s like a puppy dog, the way he perks up.
“Fuck no,” says Eddie. “Absolutely not under any circumstances. Fuck off.”
“Dude, I totally respect that,” says Argyle, starting on another braid. “Gotta honor your truth, Ed-head. Can’t shine a hella dope light from a flashlight powered by lie-batteries.”
“Every day I thank a god I don’t believe in for your presence in my life,” Eddie informs him.
Annoyingly, Jonathan doesn’t give up on the idea. What’s worse, he tries to be sneaky about it.
Eddie rolls up late to the next movie night, because he’s not always great with things like having a basic understanding of time and space. When he walks into the Byers-Hopper living room, Jonathan calls out, “Eddie, hey! There’s—you can sit here on the couch if you want. By Steve.”
Eddie gives him an unimpressed look. Jonathan doesn’t even have the decency to be phased by Eddie’s scorn, just shifts over to make room on the couch between him and Steve.
“Aww,” coos Eddie. “Did you miss me that much, Johnny-boy?” He drops right into Jonathan’s lap, slinging an arm around his neck.
“Why are you so heavy,” says Jonathan. “You look like if a stick figure had a baby with a mop.”
Eddie cackles. “It’s all the heavy metal. Weighs down my soul with whips and chains and demonic energy.”
“Jeez, you two, get a room.” Steve rolls his eyes.
The look of pure panic that crosses Jonathan’s face is pretty hilarious, all things considered.
“I’m not gay!” Jonathan blurts out. “Not that there would be—anything wrong with it. If I were. Because, um, gay people deserve love too. Because they’re just like us. I mean, people who aren’t gay. Which is me. I’m not. But it would be okay if I was.”
Will looks like he wants a rift to swallow him up where he sits, but Eddie thinks he looks a little bit pleased, too. It’s nice that Jonathan is trying so hard, even if Eddie has one or two notes on the execution.
“Okay, big guy,” says Eddie, patting Jonathan on the cheek. “Don’t have to throw a parade about it or anything.”
The movie’s okay, Eddie guesses. It’s Nancy’s pick, which means it’s a fast-talking political thriller that nobody but Robin can ever really follow. Afterwards, Steve leans over to him and says, “Hey, are you still out of Coke? I can pick some up on my way over after I drop Dustin off.”
Will gives Eddie a look, which is totally unjustified because this is a completely normal friend thing. Steve’s parents are in town, so he’s been spending a few nights camping out at Eddie’s, because everyone else has parents who’d probably object. It’s perfectly logical and completely normal. It’s not like he can bunk with Robin. Also, Robin kicks like a horse in her sleep.
But even though Eddie knows it’s a completely normal friend thing, he can also kind of see why Will might’ve gotten the wrong idea.
“Um,” he says. “Actually, maybe—not tonight? I just, Wayne’s been wanting to spend some more, like, uncle-nephew quality bonding time. You know he’s still kind of…” Eddie shrugs, grimacing. It’s true; Wayne’s been making a real effort to know what Eddie’s up to these days. Even though he hasn’t said anything, Eddie knows he’s traded some shifts to make their schedules line up a little better. So, everything Eddie’s saying is absolutely true and above-board, and there’s no reason for a weird squirmy guilty feeling to take up residence in his gut.
“Oh,” says Steve. “Sure, yeah, no problem.”
(ETA: yeah okay it's technically a series now)
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ronancebible · 2 years
the second hand unwinds {robin buckley x afab!reader}
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Summary: You and Robin have been dancing around each other forever. One night at a party, your friends are determined to change that.
A/N: Fulfilling this and this request <3 GN pronouns used!
Warnings: Drug use (weed), gay sex! lol: vaginal fingering, oral sex, and thigh riding.
Oh shit, you thought absent-mindedly as Robin walked into the smoking room of the party. You choked on the smoke, nearly hacking a lung out at the surprise of seeing Robin in the room. She hated smoking and would hardly be caught dead in the hazy room full of foul-smelling smoke. You blindly leaned over and handed the joint to Jonathan, trying to clear your lungs while wiping at your watery eyes.
“You good?” you heard distantly, probably from Steve in the other corner. You nodded, finally regaining some semblance of a normal breath pattern.
It wasn’t even just Robin being in the room that threw you off—it was how good she looked. Not that she didn’t always look good (really, it was embarrassing how often you found yourself staring at your best friend), but tonight was a completely different story.
Your breath once again hitched violently when you saw Robin make her way over to you. Her eyes were adorned with thick black eyeliner with a shimmery red lip to match. She was wearing a cropped black t-shirt, her abdomen tantalizingly on display, and her black jeans hugged her legs in a way that left your head spinning.
“Hey,” she said softly, smiling widely and folding herself tightly into a criss-cross applesauce position by you. You tried to clear your head of the fog that the weed (and she) caused.
“Hey. What are you doing in here?” you replied with a smile just as bright as hers, nudging your knee against hers.
Robin’s leg felt rigid against yours, so you dropped a hand to her knee, absent-mindedly rubbing soft circles into the fabric against her skin.
Fuck. You were too stoned to be around Robin. You weren’t even that high, really, you hadn’t even properly inhaled your second hit off the joint, but even the small ways your inhibitions were lowered made your stomach squirm at the thought of what you could accidentally say or do. Like the hand on Robin’s knee right now.
Obviously, you knew you had a massive crush on Robin. Liking girls wasn’t anything new to you, thanks to Princess Leia’s gold bikini in Return of the Jedi, but Robin was a different story entirely. You were about as subtle as a fire alarm with your lingering glances and beet-red blushes. Nancy had figured you out months ago, her signature investigative reporter’s eye catching you on a particularly warm girls’ day at Lovers’ Lake (whose topless events you rehashed more often than you cared to admit).
Pretty much everyone had figured it out, really, except for—thankfully—Steve, who was about as oblivious as they came.
A warm hand on top of your own snapped you out of your thoughts. You heard Robin repeat your name. You shook your head to snap out of the fog, blushing deeply as you realized you had been staring at her the whole time.
“I just said I came in to, um… maybe give it a try?” Robin repeated, eyes darting around before timidly landing back on yours.
Your eyebrows shot up. “Really?”
Robin flushed a little, taking her hands and shoving them in her lap.
“Yeah, I mean… I’m mostly against smoking cigarettes as a habit, just because it’s so gross and unhealthy and there’s, like, no point, but I was thinking about it, and, if weed really is as great as you and Eddie and basically everyone else says it is, then I wanna try it. Especially since it’s not gonna be, like, a habit, I’m not gonna be smoking a joint every hour just to—”
Your hand shot up to cover her mouth. “Robin.”
She smiled sheepishly under your hand, reaching up to remove it from her mouth. Your breath hitched as her fingers curled around your wrist, and you were sure you almost stopped breathing when she didn’t bother letting go, both of your hands lazily overlapping against her thigh.
“Thanks,” she smiled.
“Of course. You know me,” you chuckled, dropping your eyes from her face for fear of your skin turning the shade of a tomato.
Jonathan, ever the bro, nudged the baggie and rolling papers over to you. Distantly, you realized you needed both hands to roll the joint, so you slowly slipped your hand out from Robin’s grasp, eyebrows furrowed at the effort it took to remove yourself from her willing grasp.
“It is really nice, but for your first time we’ll take it easy. I’m here for you, and everyone here is cool and can help you out if you need it. Also, I will warn you, it doesn’t really taste or smell all that good. I like to have some water or juice on hand to get the taste out of my mouth,” you murmured, concentrating on spreading the weed out on the paper. You weren’t an expert by any means, but you smoked enough to know what you were doing.
“Oh, okay. That makes sense, yeah, I have a juice right here.”
You saw Robin lift something in your periphery and you glanced over to see her holding up a bottle of apple juice. Her goofy grin went straight to your heart, and you fumbled the full paper a little, recovering quickly and only turning slightly red as you glanced back down to the matter at hand.
You could feel Robin’s gaze lingering on you as you continued rolling the joint, and you glanced up at her briefly, smiling when your eyes met. Jesus Christ, your heart wouldn’t stop racing.
“Stop staring, Buckley,” you muttered with a small smile. You heard her chuckle softly.
You glanced back and forth at each other a few more times, each as heart-attack inducing and confusing as the last, as you finished rolling. When you were done, you presented the finished joint dramatically.
“Ta-da,” you flourished, waving your hand to be dramatic.
Robin laughed, snorting briefly (and you tried to ignore the way your heart leapt).
“You’re such a dork,” she said, swinging her body around to sit directly next to you, bodies pressing together. You gulped, trying to act as natural as possible.
“So, it’s probably gonna burn pretty bad going down, especially if you’ve never smoked anything before. It’s okay if you cough—no one here’s judging,” you prefaced, nudging your leg against Robin’s and smiling in her direction absently.
“Oh, um… is there anything that makes it smoother? I’m kind of scared I’ll accidentally throw up,” Robin admitted. You saw her fiddling with the laces on her boots.
Your brain ground to a halt as you thought of one of the only things that would make joint smoke smoother. Your face once again turned beet red as you twiddled the joint between your fingers.
“Um. There is one thing, but, like, I don’t know if you’d want to,” you muttered, not meeting her eyes all the way.
You could still feel her brow furrow as she pressed even closer to you. “I mean, I don’t know why I wouldn’t want to. Why, what is it?”
You cleared your throat, trying to muster up some semblance of courage to describe it.
“It’s called shotgunning. Basically, I would take the hit and inhale it and then, um, you would, like, inhale out of my mouth,” you explained haltingly. 
You didn’t really want to make eye contact after explaining that, afraid that your face would be too red and immediately give you way, but you made yourself look over at Robin anyway. Her face was also slightly pink (damn the hot, smoke-filled room) with wide eyes and she stuttered before speaking. 
“I’m—I mean that’s, uh, cool with me if it’s cool with you.”
Your heart sped up immediately, and you nodded self-consciously before flicking the lighter on. 
“Okay. Yeah. Cool. Um, okay so, I guess I’ll just lean in and you inhale when I exhale, okay?”
You gave Robin what you hoped was a reassuring smile after seeing her slightly nervous expression and took the joint between your lips, holding the lighter over the end and burning the tip away. 
You inhaled deeply, rich smoke filling your lungs and edging its way into your consciousness. 
You turned quickly toward Robin, heart racing as you tried not to make her uncomfortable with your proximity. She edged closer to you, pursing her lips to inhale as you started to blow, still too far from her face and shaking unstably from the angle. She seemed to chase you for a second, trying to catch the slow stream of smoke coming out of your mouth, but, after barely a second, her eyebrows set and she reached up and grabbed your face, fingers digging into the soft part of your cheek. Your lungs started burning for air, but you couldn’t bear to break yourself from Robin’s firm grasp. 
“Stay still,” she muttered, before leaning in incredibly close, lips barely brushing, and inhaled from your mouth in earnest as you pushed the smoke out of your lungs. 
It felt like alarm bells going off in your head as Robin’s lips hovered tantalizingly close to yours. You barely managed to exhale all the way without stopping your breath just due to the sheer proximity of her face.
Once your lungs were totally devoid of smoke, you stifled a cough from the effort. Robin’s hand dropped from your face to your back, thumping you softly as you continued to cough. 
“I really could have executed that better,” you said hoarsely. “Did you get a good hit?”
Robin nodded her head side to side, as if to say so-so. “I definitely think I could use another one.”
You nodded, trying not to let your panic show on your face. You barely survived the first try without melting onto the ground. 
Face red, you took another long pull off the joint, this time easily letting your face be taken in hand and turned toward the object of your affections.
This time, with more warning and preparation, you were able to appreciate the contact Robin’s hand made with your face. Her fingers felt strong and soft against your cheeks, caressing the skin there minutely as her lips once again barely brushed yours. 
She managed to inhale nearly all of the hit you had taken, and you quickly repeated the process once more, not wanting to let a spare second risk Robin taking her hand away from your face. 
Once you were done, Robin’s fingers dropped away from your cheeks, coming to rest lightly against your knee. You both faced each other, eyes wandering around the room in comfortable silence, and after a few minutes, you realized you were definitely buzzed. Robin’s eyes looked hooded. 
“I’m definitely already feeling it,” Robin whispered, eyes scanning your face hungrily. You shivered. 
“Yeah, me too. How’re you feeling?” 
Robin hummed, head inching away from yours and thumping back against the wall. You sighed quietly at the loss. 
“You were right. This is really nice.”
“What do you like about it?” you asked with a smile, itching to hear her first impressions. 
“Everything is just… nice. It feels like how cheesy movies portray life. Just… better,” she tittered, eyes glancing around the room at the friends surrounding you. 
“It also makes everything prettier,” she continued, glancing back over at you with a look that made your mouth dry up (or maybe that was the weed). “Like you. Jesus, typically you’re so gorgeous, but right now you look like a goddess. Seriously, I don’t really know what to do with myself.”
Your heart nearly stopped, and then started going a mile a minute. Your skin flushed, and a dopey smile overtook your face. 
Robin’s eyes dropped to your lips so quickly, you were sure you imagined it. 
Steve suddenly came out of nowhere (probably the other corner, really) and crouched down beside you. You both snapped around to look at him, annoyance clear on your faces. 
“Ooookay, Robin, I’m glad this is fun but, uh, just following your own orders here, so we’ve gotta go to the kitchen and get some water,” he said conspiratorially, gently grabbing Robin by the arm and lifting her into a standing position. You squinted at him suspiciously. 
Robin rolled her eyes and grumbled as she clambered to her feet, letting herself be led by Steve away from you.  
He turned around to look at you, but your gaze had returned to Robin, eyes holding the same affection you were sure they always did, the stupid smile unsoiled. 
You didn’t see it, too busy continuing your affectionate stare—or ogle—at Robin, but realization crept over Steve’s face, his searching stare turning into raised eyebrows, his mouth making a small ‘o’.
Robin giggled at you, rolling her eyes playfully and pointing at Steve. “I’m gonna see what the dingus wants,” she called out to you as she was steered out of the room. You smiled and nodded in return, waving her off without a worry. 
Nancy was next to you in an instant, a barrage of questions spilling out of her mouth without warning. 
“What was that? Seriously, what was that, because, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say she’s stupidly in love with you,” Nance said nudging you over and over as if to prove her point further. 
You blinked confusedly. “No, no, you’ve got the wrong idea. She just wanted to try smoking for the first time and, uh, wanted the smoke to burn less, so we just… shotgunned a few hits.”
Nancy looked at you in disbelief. “Did you, like, completely miss the part where she called you a goddess?”
“No, but that’s, like, how girls talk to each other. It doesn’t mean anything, Nance.” You sighed, refusing to once again spiral into the possibility that Robin liked you back. 
Nancy just stared at you. 
“What?” you said, exasperated. 
She sighed your name dramatically. “I know you’re being pragmatic, but Jesus, just let yourself see the very realistic, good possibility in front of you!”
You opened your mouth to reply, but, as suddenly as he had appeared the last time, Steve swooped down and sat next to you, greeting you with your name. 
“Nance. I would like to see you in the kitchen, please,” he said, his words laden with obvious hidden meaning. 
“Oh, um… sure?” Nancy replied, frowning at the interruption. 
“I promise,” he continued, glancing over at you briefly, “that this is in both of our vested interests.”
You scrunched your face in confusion, but Nancy’s face lit up with understanding, nodding as she took Steve’s hand and quickly trailed after him to the kitchen, throwing back a quick, “Be right back!”
You sighed, shrugging to yourself as you glanced around the room, enjoying the high that settled throughout your body. Steve and Nancy grabbed Eddie by the arm and pulled him out of the room, too. You rolled your eyes. They were definitely up to something. Something to do with Robin. Robin. You smiled softly.
Once your mind was on her, it didn’t leave. You daydreamed, thoughts of her smile and gorgeous self flitting through your brain. 
You didn’t really know how long you sat there, high wearing off, as you ran through daydream after daydream of Robin, of holding her hand, kissing her, getting to be hers. All you know is that you must have had the dreamiest look on your face because the next thing you knew, Argyle (seriously, where did that dude live?) was waving his hand in front of your face. 
“Hey, dudette, you look suuuper spaced out. Purple Palm Tree Delight hit you too hard tonight? Or do you have someone else on your mind?” he lulled. 
You blinked rapidly, trying to assess exactly how much time had passed and how stupid the face you were making was. 
“Oh. Um… No, I was just thinking about—”
“Not to worry, my friend. You may be super obvious, but the object of your desires has yet to catch on. Not that it would be bad if it did, though,” he said cryptically before walking away, his hair fluttering behind him. 
You gaped, incredibly confused, as you tried to decipher his meaning. Not that it would be bad?
 It wasn’t long you had to wonder, though, before the rest of the party came streaming into the room. You ran through the list of names in your head: Jonathan, Nancy, Steve, Robin, Eddie, Argyle, maybe Argyle’s girlfriend, and a few others that you recognized but couldn’t quite name. You trailed toward the middle of the room where everyone was congregating, heart skipping a few times as Robin found you, face lighting up with a smile and giving your shoulder a squeeze. 
“What’s going on?” you whispered to Robin as you let yourself be corralled into a circle, Eddie’s voice cutting through the drone of the crowd, insisting people sit in formation. You complied quickly, not wanting to incur his wrath. 
She shrugged, dropping into criss-cross applesauce so close next to you that your legs completely overlapped. You could feel the warmth of her leg so firmly against yours, a tangible reminder of the love and life inside her you liked so much. She pulled your hand over to her knee, holding on lightly. You swallowed a sigh, blushing furiously. The weed still left in your system made it feel amplified, electric even. 
“Whatever it is, I’m definitely scared. They came up with it in the kitchen and wouldn’t let me see.”
A clap from Eddie snapped you out of your continued conversation. 
“Alright! Now, because we are grown adults about as immature as they come, Harrington and I have decided we will be playing the oldest game in the middle school book.”
He shook something behind his back ominously before slowly revealing a ball cap full of slips of paper. 
“Seven minutes in heaven.”
Noise filled the small space as the room split reactions. Overpowering were laughs, people who were down for a stupid game sure to cause entertainment. Less so were groans from the more reluctant part of the group, likely leaning less toward the immature side that Steve had mentioned. You noticed Robin next to you giving a nervous giggle. 
You remained quiet, wide-eyed at the suggestion. The heat of Robin’s leg against yours seemed to grow hotter, her presence making you hyper aware. 
Might not be so bad…
Your eyes flicked over to Robin, and you found her already looking back at you, expression unreadable. You knew your face was heating up, but really, you were kind of entranced by Robin’s gaze on you.
Eddie’s voice ruined it once again, and you about-faced. “Now, the bowl of names is already made,” he said, shaking the hat, “so let’s set some ground rules.” He stood up straight, speaking more seriously.
“One, and this should go without saying, don’t fuckin’ make anyone do anything. Be real,” he started, tone already chastising.
“Two: what happens in the closet stays in the closet. You don’t have to kiss and tell, or not kiss and tell, if you don’t want. We’re all grown ups here.
“And three: absolutely NO bodily fluids touch the carpet. If you are found in violation, you will be publicly humiliated,” Eddie finished with a smile, at least partially joking on the last part. A titter of laughter followed.
Robin’s leg was now searing hot on yours.
“Now, Stevie here has lovingly volunteered to go first, just to get the ball rolling. King Harrington, the honors?” Eddie reached the hat out, bowing slightly and shaking the contents.
Steve laughed a little, fingers wiggling over the slips of paper as if he could get a sense of which to choose. He finally landed on one toward the top, plucking it dramatically from the pile.
It crinkled as he opened it, eyes scanning the paper before his eyebrows raised slightly.
“Uh, it’s Nancy.”
The room ooh-ed as Steve rolled his eyes and offered his hand to Nancy, who made a similar face as she accepted, standing to meet him. They made their way to the spacious closet, door clicking shut behind them.
Robin nudged you, leaning in to whisper in your ear as conversations resumed around you.
“It took me a while to believe, but Steve is definitely over her. He has his eye on someone else. I don’t think anything’s gonna happen in there,” she said, voice low and raspy. A shiver ran down your spine at her hot breath in your ear.
WIth a little frown, you replied, “Yeah, Nance, too. She apologized to him a while back, for how things went down. She’s definitely over him, though.”
Robin hummed, and you held your breath as her hand started rubbing circles over yours. 
“Do you… think you’ll kiss anyone?” she said slowly, not meeting your eyes.
You hesitated, eyes jumping between Robin’s eyes and her hand on yours.
“I– I don’t really know. I guess it would depend on the person.” A beat. “What about you?”
Robin sighed, a long and weary breath that you weren’t used to hearing from her.
“I don’t think so. I’m kinda… hung up on someone.”
Your stomach dropped to your feet, and you felt lightheaded, like someone had sucked the air out of the room. 
Robin pressed on, her grip on your hand tightening slightly. “I don’t think I would kiss anyone but them.”
Your eyes dropped to your hands pressed together in her lap, a violent blush rising to your cheeks as you tried to tamp down the hope, the possibility, blooming within you.
Robin laughed humorlessly, eyebrows tight and holding your hand in a vice grip now as she said, “Yeah. Oh. Why does everyone always say it like that?”
You panicked, hating the pseudo dramatic irony that had built up between you, and you scrambled for something, anything to say that would assuage Robin’s worries, simultaneously trying to overcome the panic of coming out to her.
“Not bad oh! Definitely not– not bad oh, Rob. I mean, for the record, I don’t think I would kiss anyone except the—” you cleared your throat. “Except the girl I was hung up on, either.”
Robin’s hand stilled, and you actually felt her breath catch in her throat. Slowly, her head pivoted toward you, a small smile creeping over her face.
“No shit?” she giggled.
“No shit,” you laughed in reply, giddy at all the possibilities that opened up in front of you.
“Jesus, and I thought I was the only one left in Hawkins,” Robin said, hand now painfully tight over yours.
You flexed your hand under hers. “Jeez, Rob, you’re gonna cut off my circulation,” you complained, still smiling painfully.
Robin immediately looked worried, loosening her grip and drawing away quickly.
“Shit, I’m sorry—”
“No!” you cut her off, pulling her hand back to you. She looked slightly startled, so you smiled sheepishly. “No, sorry, I just mean— don’t let go, just loosen up a little.”
You were sure you were fire-engine red, wide-eyed at your all-but-confession, and Robin looked at you similarly, eyebrows crooked in a silent, unanswered question, but, differently, a smile pinched at her lips, eyes soft as she gazed at you.
Which, of course, was the moment Eddie called time and brought Steve and Nancy back in the room, both looking thoroughly un-kissed as they rolled their eyes at the jests that met them once they left the closet.
Steve plopped down to your left, giving you a kind smile as he reached around and thumped Robin on the shoulder.
“Nothing to report?” Robin asked quietly.
“Oh, believe me, absolutely nothing,” Steve sighed, looking satisfied. He looked at you. “I think we’re going counterclockwise, so, get ready.”
Your eyebrows shot up as you noticed Eddie heading toward you with the ballcap. With no time to mentally prepare yourself, you just stood up when he offered you his hand, realizing you were still a little high when you indulged him with a reciprocated bow. 
When he offered you the hat full of the slips of paper, you only hesitated slightly before plunging your hand in and quickly drawing out the first one your fingers closed around.
You held your breath as you thumbed open the folded paper.
The name slipped out of your mouth before you could stop yourself, and the room filled with noise, loud comments and playful catcalls alike. Nearly everyone in here knew about your embarrassing crush, you realized. Even Argyle and his girlfriend, by the looks of it.
Robin looked like a fish out of water, eyes wide as she scrambled to her feet, rushing over to meet you in the center of the circle. You didn’t have a chance to say anything to each other before Eddie was corralling both of you into the closet as if he were herding cattle. You could barely protest (as if you wanted to) before the door clicked shut, leaving you and Robin in the soft glow of the lone small lamp in the corner.
“Robin…” you started, but she cut you off abruptly.
“Listen, you can totally, like, punch me if I’m wrong, I mean, like, feel free to kill me, even but I’m just gonna try something because I think I finally figured something out and, yeah, I’m just gonna—”
And then she cut herself off by kissing you.
You gasped into your mouth, only hesitating for a second before kissing back earnestly. If this meant what you think it meant, you would follow along blindly to the ends of the earth, and even if it was just for tonight, you would take whatever you could get.
Robin’s chapstick tasted like root beer, you realized distantly. Did she always wear root beer? Would you ever find out?
Robin pulled away slightly.
“Dude, I can hear you thinking from here,” she whispered. “Did I get it wrong, am I not—”
“No, no way, you didn’t get it wrong at all!” you cut her off. “I just…”
With a sigh, you swallowed your pride. “I’m just, like, stupidly in love with you and wondering if this is a one-time thing.”
Robin just stared at you for a second, beautiful face illuminated by the soft light.
“Oh my god, we’re such idiots,” she giggled.
You furrowed your brow in confusion. Seeing the look on your face, Robin lifted up a hand to your cheek, stroking it softly. “I’m stupidly in love with you, too, dingus,” she whispered before bringing your lips together again.
This time, when you gasped in her mouth, she took it in stride, slipping her lips open and taking your bottom lips between hers. You went light headed at the sensation, gleefully kissing back, chasing the taste of her root beer chapstick. A little overeager, you pushed further into Robin, causing her to stumble backwards a few steps. She giggled into your mouth, pulling you down to a sitting position.
After a second of maneuvering, you were both sitting back on your knees, leaning forward clumsily to meet lips again. Her hand wrapped itself through the hair at the base of your neck, the other hand caressing your cheek softly. Your hands were a little less coordinated, grasping desperately at the shirt she was wearing. 
Robin was a good kisser, you thought absently, a twist of jealousy running through you as you considered who she might have gotten good with. A particularly delicious slide of her lips against yours banished the thought completely, and you whimpered thoughtlessly into her mouth. 
Robin chuckled against you, easing forward slowly. You began to lose your balance as she pushed into you, but then you realized that was exactly what she wanted. You broke off for a second, taking the opportunity to lay back on the ground. Robin hovered over you, smiling down as she softly traced her hand up your arm. 
“So now you’re a mind reader, huh?” she teased before bracketing your body with her arms and reclaiming your lips with hers. 
Kissing Robin, you decided, was your new favorite pastime. She had you in a puddle under her, nibbling and sucking at your bottom lip before soothing it with her tongue. Your hands clung to her desperately, winding through her hair and collar. 
Before long, you felt Robin’s knee make contact with your clothed center. You gasped into her mouth, needily squirming down to find friction. 
“Robbie,” you muttered against her lips. “We don’t have much time.”
Robin smiled at you, eyes dark as she replied, “Don’t worry, I can be quick.” 
With that, her knee increased pressure and you let out a whimper at the delicious friction. You were barely high anymore, but you had forgotten how horny weed made you, the evidence already damp against your underwear. 
“Are you sure?” you whispered as Robin’s hands trailed under your shirt. Her hands stilled for a second. 
“I’ve wanted this for an embarrassingly long time, so, yes, I’m very sure,” she said, breath heavy. “You?”
You nodded vigorously. “Same.”
Her hands resumed motion as she smiled, head dipping to your throat and placing open-mouthed kisses as her hands trailed softly over your nipples. 
You moaned in earnest, shuddering at the feeling. 
“Shh, baby, everyone’s just out there,” Robin teased, sucking a fresh bruise into your collarbone. At the same moment, you heard loud music start playing from the adjoining room. You blushed furiously at the idea of everyone hearing you. 
Your hands needed something to do as you lay there, pliant and willing to Robin’s wishes. You groaned at the continued friction from her knee, and suddenly felt the need to give her the same. Your hands shot out, grasping her hips and rubbing circles into her hipbones, inching slowly toward the center. 
Robin’s breath hitched as she realized what you were doing. When you hand reached the waistline of her jeans, you quickly unbuttoned and unzipped them. Wasting no time, you maneuvered your hand over her panties, cupping her harshly and rubbing back and forth. A moan vibrated against your neck and you noticed your hand was already sticky with her wetness. 
She broke off of your neck to sigh at the contact. Her supporting arm trembled next to you. 
“Babe, my arm is tired and we’re probably running out of time,” she said, voice cracking as she lifted off the ground and pulled back slightly. 
You frowned slightly, tempted to pull her back down to you. “Oh. Did you wanna stop and cool off or something?”
Robin shook her head quickly, peeling her jeans off quickly and scooting further down your body. 
“No, I’m gonna eat you out,” she said, meeting your eyes mischievously. 
Your jaw dropped and a wave of heat wracked your body, settling strongly in your core. Your hips shifted up as Robin moved to slip your pants and underwear off. 
“Where…” you swallowed thickly, heat reaching your face. “Do you know how?”
Robin smiled sheepishly as she dropped kisses up your legs. “I’ve been taught, but I haven’t exactly… put it in practice.”
Your brow furrowed. “What do you mean…” 
Robin quirked her eyebrows slightly, and you caught on. 
“Oh! Ew, I’m not thinking about Steve right now,” you said, brain hazing more and more as Robin neared your center. 
“Definitely not,” she agreed, hot breath fanning over your inner thighs. 
A slightly tentative tongue dipped into your folds, running slowly up and down from clit to hole. At your first low moan, Robin became slightly more confident, pressure increasing and running circles over your clit. 
You were in heaven, embarrassingly close already. You hand grasped Robin’s hair tightly, and she moaned slightly before pulling off of you. 
“No. I want you to touch your tits,” she said, voice raspy and eyes dark. 
Your breath hitched at the command, finding you liked this side of Robin… a lot. You nodded, pulling your shirt over your chest with a whimper. You ran one hand across your underboob, the other hand taking a nipple and harshly tweaking. 
“Good,” Robin said, a little smug, before she brought her mouth against you again. 
This time, she ran her tongue up and down a few times, spreading your wetness, before wrapping her lips around your clit and suckling softly. A loud moan ripped its way out of you, and you’d never been more thankful for loud party music. 
Robin continued like that, suction over your clit as she also ran her tongue over the sensitive spot. You felt your walls flutter around nothing. 
As if Robin could read your mind, you felt a warm finger tease your entrance.
“Please, Robbie, yes,” you babbled, gasping loudly. 
She broke away for a second and said, “Fucking Christ, I like to hear you beg.”
One finger slipped in easily, crooked upward. It felt delicious but it was nowhere near enough. You whined. 
“Use your words,” Robin said, drawing your eyes back toward her. “Please,” she added, looking slightly unsure. 
You giggled slightly, as much as you could manage through the haze of pleasure, bringing a hand down to stroke her hair affectionately. 
Her finger moved and you gasped, suddenly back to your urgent need at hand. 
“Please… another finger.”
Robin smiled, saying, “There we go,” before slipping in a second finger, crooked upward just the same. She simultaneously latched back on to your clit, sucking and licking as though her life depended on it. 
“Oh, God,” you choked out as you grew closer and closer to the edge. Your hands grasped for purchase, and you found yourself grasping your chest, just like Robin had told you earlier. 
“Robin, I’m so—” you cut yourself off with a moan. 
Robin hummed against you, glancing up at you through her eyelashes. That, combined with the mind-numbing friction of a particular out stroke, had you tumbling over the edge. The pressure on your clit exploded, and your walls dragged Robin’s fingers in deep. 
“Fuck, Robin, oohhhh,” you moaned loudly. 
Robin worked you through it, kitten licking your clit to prolong the sensation, her fingers still inside you as your walls pulsed around them. You gasped for air, lost in the waves of pleasure crashing against you. 
Finally, you came down, panting through the aftershocks. You started scooting to meet Robin, but she stopped you in your tracks. 
“Just sit there… and look pretty,” she said through heavy breaths. She pulled you into a sitting position, grabbing your shoulders before settling on your thigh. 
“Do you not want me to do anything?” you asked, hands settling on her hips. 
Realization struck you as she started rocking on your thigh, hard. She had already soaked through her underwear, leaving a sticky wet patch on your leg, and you let out a soft whimper at how utterly sexy she looked. 
“You can—fuck, oh my god—suck on my tits,” she moaned, eyes slipping shut as she ground herself down hard and fast. 
You obliged quickly, licking a small circle around her right nipple. Robin keened above you at the contact. You sucked a hickey on the swell of her underboob, right next to her nipple. 
“Ohh, God,” Robin moaned vocally, movements quickening as your tongue moved to flick over her nipple. You wrapped your lips around it and sucked softly. 
Robin was loud. You felt yourself start to get wet again as you listened to the high-pitched sighs that escaped her mouth with every breath, her head tossed back in absolute pleasure as she ground herself with unrelenting pressure into your thigh
“I’m gonna—fucking—Oh my God,” she said breathlessly as her movements became sporadic. 
You scraped your teeth over her nipple and that was all it took. Robin barely suppressed a yelled-out moan, hips stuttering as she let off the pressure but continued rocking her hips, her hands in a vice grip on your shoulders. You rocked her hips through it, soothing her until she fell forward onto you, sweaty and spent. 
You both caught your breath, laughing lightly and exchanging small kisses. 
With a gasp, you remembered why the hell you two were in there initially. 
“Robin! It’s been way longer than seven minutes!” you said, panicked. 
Robin’s eyes widened, and with a small shit, you both began scrambling to put on your clothes and get the hell out of the closet. 
You pushed the door open, bursting once again in the bright room, Robin right behind you. You found everyone talking amongst themselves over loud music. 
“Why didn’t anyone get us?” you nearly shrieked. 
Nearly everyone’s heads swiveled around to you both. 
“Fucking finally!” Nancy said, raising a glass in your direction. There were similar agreements from everyone else, a toast practically made in your names. 
“What?” you said, confused. Robin wore a similar face next to you. 
Steve nudged the baseball cap over to you. “Check the papers,” was all he said. 
Brow furrowed, you bent down to rifle through the slips and unfold them. Realization crept over you, along with a blush. 
They all said Robin. 
Robin gasped behind you, pointing an accusatory finger at Steve. “You rigged it!”
Steve just shrugged with a smile. 
“I mean, it worked, right?” 
You pinched your lips together. He did have a point. 
He raised his eyebrows, now looking at Robin. 
“And it sounds like the lessons worked. We had to put the music on.”
You sputtered, turning red. Robin stifled a laugh next to you. 
Steve grinned. “Cigarette?” 
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findafight · 2 years
Au idea I'll probably never write:
Steve as seven au, BUT he escapes at the same time as El in season 1. They get separated after Benny's, when seven tells eleven to run and definitely kills a couple government agents to give her more time.
So the a plot of will being missing and Mike finding El? Standard canon except El is ALSO looking for her brother and is worried about him. She sees that he's mostly safe and tries to help find will but also insists she go to her brother soon.
B plot of barb and Nancy...idk I haven't really thought about how that'd work without Steve's kickback. Maybe they go to a party (like actual party not the five person hangout) together and get separated and no one notices barb disappear from the edge of the lawn. Idk
The C plot is seven, kinda bloody and definitely cold, wandering out into the middle of the street, and one Robin Buckley almost running him over with her bike. She immediately clocks "guy who seems pretty fucked up" about him, and offers him a ride to her house. But Robin has never been the most coordinated of people and biking with a(admittedly probably too skinny) teenage boy sitting in her package rack is hard, and combine that with a guy driving like the devil's after him, they end up swerving of the road.
Eddie steps out, apologizes profusely, and offers them a ride. seven is sceptical, especially when both of them pause when he tells them his name, but does end up in the van. He finally gets a chance to breathe once they get to the Buckleys', and Robin gets him some leftovers.
He sits in front of the tv set to a blank station, tucks his head into his shirt instead of blindfolds, and tries to see El.
He sees her older, with flowers braided through long hair, laughing. Too far. He sees her with short curls, a patterned button down, eating something in a cone beside a mustachioed man. Too far again. He sees her tiny, scared, holding his own small hand. Not far enough.
Finally, finally, he sees her as she knows her now, mostly, standing beside a group of children and in front of a monster in a large room.
Eddie and Robin have no idea why their new friend? Has turned the tv on to static and is hiding in his shirt, but figure he's had a rough day. He pops his head back out, blood dripping from his nose, and grins, telling them he knows where his sister will be.
Anyways blah blah blah El sees where people ARE Steve sees where people have been/will be (based on where/who they are right now. Futura is constantly in motion etc).
Idk season 2 would happen very similar as canon minus stancy break up (they never date and are just friends) (also Steve tells Robin and Eddie he and El are safe and they pass it on to the kids) El finds Kali, Steve fights demodogs, etc etc.
But I want a (pre?) season 3 scene where Robin and Steve are hanging out as soulmates do, door closed because they are discussing Sensitive Subjects (gay shit) and giggling like schoolgirls. Hopper, in all his disappointed dad glory, opens the door and starts in on a rant about keeping the door open three inches.
Steve, bitch that he is, just tilts his head to the side and says "but that is for when we are with people we date. I am not dating Robin."
Hopper, not yet picking up what's happening, sighs. "Kid. It's about propriety. You can't be alone with Robin, because what if you do start dating. Then it's. You have to set an example for El!"(it would be a nice move bringing up Older Brother Responsibility, except...well.)
"but we aren't. I am dating someone else?"
"still need the door open three inches, pal. When El is home, at least"(El is almost always home)
"we do! And you complain about the loud music!"
"wait. Who are you dating? I thought Nancy was dating Jonathan still. She barely comes over." Hopper please pick up what Steve is putting down oh my god.
(hop has forgotten Robin is there and she is trying very hard not to make noise but Steve keeps meeting her eye sometimes because dear god. truly an iconic moment in friendship history.)
"yeah obviously. Eddie comes over all the time, though."
"what does Ed- oooh. Ah. I see. That's why you keep the door open even though he complains."
Steve nods like Hopper is the dumbest man on the planet. He might just be. "Yes. Because you said El had to and she asked why I didn't have to so then I started to leave it open when Eddie was over. At least Eddie doesn't laugh at you to your face"
"Eddie laughs behind my back?"
"he said you didn't know we were dating but I told him of course you knew, the door is open three inches."
Hopper clasps Steve's shoulders and looks him in the eye. "Steve, I need you to keep telling him that. And not mention this very awkward conversation we had."
"because he was right."
"he doesn't need to know that."
That's all I got lmao (also check the tag ramble I added lol)
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kuntniss · 1 year
jonathan and will don’t have the same relationship w lonnie like a lot of people think they do and it’s so. like jonathan doesn’t love lonnie he doesn’t want to please him he knows he’s bad. but will doesn’t see things that way bc he’s never had to. yes lonnie has made homophobic remarks and yes i’m sure will knew lonnie wasn’t necessarily wrong abt the actual gay part but that… doesn’t rly hold will back? i just don’t think he actively thinks about it. and his nonconformist attitude isn’t to spite lonnie or troy or any of those hawkins fuckheads, it’s just who he is. he knows this and he’s okay. but jonathan can’t fucking stand lonnie, he knows what he’s done to joyce, he knows what he’s said about will, he checked the fuckin trunk for will’s body. he knows lonnie is pure shit. and ofc lonnie has hurt jonathan (which is why he says he’s gotten stronger don’t act like it’s a hc or theory) but jonathan isn’t the type of guy to think abt himself before his family. obv unfortunate at times. anyway there’s a scene in st1 where they’re talking about lonnie wanting will to play baseball and that’s where jonathan talks about how will shouldn’t like/do things just because it’s normal or whatever and how lonnie’s supposed to be taking him out to play—this is from memory so not exact but. i don’t think will harbors intense negative feelings for lonnie for a couple reasons but mostly bc joyce and jonathan have tried to protect him from that, jonathan esp. for every shitty thing lonnie has said or done, they’ve been there. jonathan has so much hatred for lonnie because of that too. lonnie’s pov is like, with jonathan he’s wanted to test his masculinity. with will he tries to make him more masculine bc it kills him that he isn’t rly. and not to say lonnie hasn’t impacted will (as well as his absence) but to give so many of jonathan’s feelings for lonnie to will is just v sad to see bc of how integral they are to both of their characters AND jonathan&will’s relationship
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