#gay people in my phone decide for me please
quokkabite · 1 month
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comicwritesstuff · 2 months
okay this is so incredibly specific so please feel free to ignore BUT i’ve been wanting to read a fic for ages where the reader is Chase’s childhood best friend from Australia and she moves to New Jersey for a fresh start. She’s staying with Chase while she gets settled, and one day she comes to visit him at lunch at the hospital, where she ends up meeting House and he’s… intrigued by her 👀 either romantic or smut would be so very cool :^D <33 💐
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Gregory House x Fem!Chases bsf!Reader
Warnings: None really, just cussing and tooth rotting fluff >:) 3k+ words.
Chase's POV: 
“Well I was just wondering if we could go out sometime, I think you're really-” My attention shifted as y/n's call lit up my phone, interrupting the conversation. It was a more pressing matter than pursuing a one-night stand.
“Excuse me for a moment.” I say walking away, the woman having an annoyed look on her face. 
I answer the phone.
“Hello, y/n? Whats up” 
“Chase! Long time no talk haha.”
“You called me yesterday.”
“Learn to take a joke, anyways, I have some exciting news for you.”
“I’m moving to New Jersey!!” 
“Wait what? Really?”
“Yeah, I kinda forgot to tell you and i'm actually at the airport right now, so I hope you aren't busy tomorrow so you can pick me up.”
“Wow, um alright, yeah I can pick you up, do you have a place to stay?"
“Um…no…” I sigh, “Just stay at mine for now.”
“Don't even with the sigh i’ve known you my whole life you can put the nightly hookups on hold for your best friend.” 
I smirk and shake my head, “Yeah yeah, I’ll see ya tomorrow y/n” 
Y/N’s POV:
I smile as I hang up with Chase, grabbing my luggage and pulling it along the airport. Ahh yes, crying babies, rushed parents, annoying couples and that one insanely attractive person you see for a split second, I love the airport. 
Glancing at my ticket I realize I might have to hurry to make it to the gate, speed walking I see a text from chase, “Have a safe flight.” Let's hope so. 
Time skip (to lazy to write all the details about fucking airports)
Relaxing on a 21-hour flight proved challenging, especially with a toddler nearby. It was unclear whether the toddler would be a source of annoyance or just be tolerable. The flight just started. So to entertain myself I decide to do some digging about Chase's job, he brags about it all the time and the infamous Dr Gregory House. To be honest I thought Chase was gay for a little while with how much he talks about him. Still speculating. 
The plane lifts off and I start my look, at first just looking up Gregory House, a surprising amount of things show up. An article titled, “Gregory House, Talented Doctor? Or a lying Narcissist?” Oh well that's a good first impression.   
Scrolling down I see another article, “The world's greatest doctor, and his deepest secrets” 
Now that's enticing. I click on it only to find out his deepest secrets, including using 3 in one shampoo and how his leg got hurt. I guess people hardly know anything about him. I click on the photos of him, there's only a couple, most of them blurry but to be honest he's pretty good looking from the photos I can see. I’d honestly be gay for him if I was Chase. 
The toddler next to me starts giggling, I glance at her and notice her staring at a picture of House. She's kicking her feet too. That's so relatable. 
For the rest of the flight I find some stuff about this guy named Taub, who somehow also figured out that he cheated on his wife which is why he had to quit. How did I find that out? I took a coding class in 8th grade. (I got lucky) 
Lisa Cuddy the Dean of Medicine, unfortunately only good stuff about her, boring. 
Remy Hadley, oddly, can't find anything on her. 
Eric Foreman, his brothers in jail, fun. 
And the others are just as boring. For the remainder of the flight, the toddler proved surprisingly chill. I passed the time by binge-watching random movies I had downloaded earlier
*Another time skip to plane landing* 
Finally, 21 hours on a fucking plane is horrible. 
I check my phone after I take it off airplane mode, seeing a text from chase a couple minutes ago. 
“I’m at the airport, is your flight done?”
“Yep, wya.”
“I’m parked in the front.”
“That's specific” 
“There's no other front dumbass”
I roll my eyes at his text, and get off the plane as soon as I can. I walk out and see Chase standing outside his car waiting for me. His eyes light up as he spots me, and a grin spreads across his face. Unable to resist, I rush forward and envelop him in a bear hug.
“Man you’re a lot uglier in person” 
I say jokingly, smirking.
“Oh shut up”  
We climbed into his car, and he drove us back to his apartment. When we arrive he helps get my crap into the house, before he gets a call saying he had to head to work. 
Eventually a week or two passes, I've gotten more comfortable in his apartment, applied for a bunch of jobs, and looked for places to stay so I’m not invading his “man” space anymore. Unfortunately there aren't a lot of options, and no jobs have replied to my applications, which is weird since im overqualified, it's almost like they aren’t even getting my applications in the first place. 
I’m doing the dishes when I get a text from Chase.
“Hey, I left my wallet on the counter, so I don’t have money for food, could ya bring it for me?” 
“See you soon”
I breathe out a laugh and grab his wallet, putting a coat on then driving to the hospital. 
When I get there I walk in, looking around before I call Chase, “Where do I go this place is huge” I can hear talking in the background, actually more like arguing. “Uhm just wait at the entrance i’ll be right there.” He says in a whisper.
He hangs up so I just stand there awkwardly waiting, that was a weird ass phone call. To be fair Chase is a weird ass guy with weird ass coworkers so what do I expect at this point. 
Before I see Chase I see Dr Gregory House, limping quickly towards me. And damn he’s even hotter in person than the pictures I saw of him. 
“Hey, no time to explain, you need to come with me.” He grabs my arm dragging me into the elevator. Before it closes I see Chase come out of the stairway, he sprints towards the elevator but it closes. I hear him trying to say something, but it's muffled and I can’t understand it. Wait why the fuck did I even follow House? 
“You're real compliant, you’d make a great hooker.” 
I turn around and side eye him.
“Thanks, so would you.” I say giving a fake smile. 
“Speaking of compliant, why did you drag me away from Chase? What's going on?’’
“I made a bet with Chase.”
“That's really specific and helpful thanks” 
“Oh yeah no problem” 
Sarcastic asshole. 
“If you don’t tell me, I'll stop following you and go with Chase.” 
He rolls his eyes.
“Fine, Mom! The bet is that I can convince you to work as my assistant here.”
“Really? That's it? I need a job. Why would Chase even bet against that?” 
“He thinks you’ll fall in love with me so he doesn’t want that to happen, in his words, “She has a thing for homeless looking, narcissistic assholes with beards.” So he’s trying to prevent it, and he’s sure he can.”  
Damn- I feel so called out. I stay silent before nodding.
“Well to be honest he isn’t wrong.” 
I see House smirk before we get out of the elevator, he hobbles and leads me to his office, locking the door then having me sit down. 
As I sit down in front of his desk, he grabs a ball and starts throwing it against the wall, while sitting down. 
“So are you gonna interview me or something?” 
“Yeah, I’m just waiting for Chase to get back up here so he can watch me interview you.” 
He really is an asshole…it's kinda hot though. 
“Fair enough.” 
We wait a bit before Chase comes jogging up to the door, out of breath, he’s clearly been running plenty. He starts banging on the glass door that House previously locked.
“House!! Y/N! Let me in! This isn’t fair!” He exclaims, House is grinning when he leans over his desk, crossing his arms.
“Okay! Let’s start this interview now.” 
“Y/n! You traitor!” 
Did I abandon my childhood best friend for some disabled doctor? No, I did it for the job. At least that's what I'm telling myself.   
Turning my attention back to House instead of the Australian cry baby outside the door, he asks me, “First question, do you want the job of being my assistant?” 
“Great! You have the job!” 
I mean, easy enough. I smile and shake my head. This hospital really has some unique people. 
House shakes my hand, grinning as Chase is sitting on the floor defeated outside. 
As the days turned into weeks at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, I got to know everyone. Cuddy had to actually approve of me working as House’s assistant first, but once she saw a…normal enough individual, she welcomed me into the environment.
Getting to know House better, I found myself drawn to him in ways I hadn’t really expected. The bet between House and Chase, Chase thinking I would fall for House, I took it as a joke, until that joke turned more into reality. 
Despite House being a narcissistic piece of shit, there were small moments that I saw, or shared with him that made me fall for him. Ones where he seemed happy, or just easy to be around. At work he's serious but when Wilson dragged him out to bars, or other social environments, he could actually be fun. And though him being a dick is undeniably attractive sometimes, when he was…”himself” that's how I began to fall for him.  
One day, after an especially tough day for the team, and being forced to go break into houses and get coffee and food, I found myself alone with House in his office. The rest of the team had left, leaving us in a rare moment alone with each other. As I glanced up from the medical chart of the most recent patient, I caught House’s gaze lingering on me, his blue eyes intense and unreadable. 
“Something on your mind, House?” I asked, attempting to break the awkward silence between us. 
He smirked, leaning back in his chair with a casual ease, “Oh just wondering why a catch like yourself doesn’t have a boyfriend, or husband?” He responds, his tone laced with flirtatiousness.
I couldn’t help but chuckle at his response, a faint blush on my cheeks. House and I had gained an uncanny camaraderie, made from me running around doing everyone's paperwork, being the designated “you get to tell patients they are dying!!” person. And as you’d expect people didn’t respect me a lot, but if someone was blatantly mean to me, House would step in and destroy their self esteem in a second and walk away like it meant nothing. That's another thing that I think made me fall for him. 
“Believe me, I’ve been asking myself that a lot too.” I smile, placing the medical chart on his desk. 
“Do you want a boyfriend? Or girlfriend, or a pet or something.” He quips, his eyes looking like they are reading me, studying my every movement and reaction to what he’s saying, it's flattering and uncomfortable at the same time. 
“A boyfriend would be nice.” I say reassuringly, a laugh escaping me as I shake my head in amusement.
“Alright let's say *hypothetically* I asked you out. *hypothetically* what would your response be?” 
Raising an eyebrow I ask, “Are you trying to go on a date with me?”
“I said hypothetically, now answer the question.” 
A smirk plays on my lips as I roll my eyes in a mock annoyance. 
“Well.” I say, “Hypothetically, I would say yes.” 
“Great, meet me for dinner at (some random fancy place idk u make up a name i'm too lazy to), wear something cute.” 
 With that, he sauntered out of the office, leaving me to think about what just happened. Glancing at the clock, I realized I had just enough time to get ready for our “hypothetical date.” 
The anticipation bubbled within me, standing outside (IDK A RESTAURANT NAME IT), waiting for House to arrive. My heart raced with nervous excitement, unsure what to expect from a…unique…guy like House. I had used all the time I had to work on my outfit, settling for a simple dress (or suit, or just anything you're comfy in :) ). 
As I scanned the busy street, searching for any sign of House, I heard the obnoxiously loud sound of a motorcycle approaching. House rode in, parking his bike before getting off and walking (limping) towards me. My breath caught in my throat as I saw him, he looked impossibly handsome, in a tailored suit that made his rugged charm come out, good god he looked fine. 
“Y/n,” he greeted with a warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners in genuine affection. “That outfit makes your ass look nice.” 
I scoff playfully, hitting his arm. “So much for acting like a gentleman, at least you look like one.” 
He chuckled, offering me his arm in a more gentlemanly gesture. “Yeah yeah, shall we?” 
With a nod, I looped my arm through his, savoring the warmth of his touch as we mad our way into the restaurant. The ambiance was elegant and inviting, with a soft candlelight casting a warm glow over the decor. 
As we were seated at a table in a quiet corner of the restaurant, I couldn’t help but feel a flutter of excitement in my chest. I’m finally going out with House, damn Chase was totally right. 
Throughout the evening, our conversation flowed surprisingly easily between us. I had half expected him to be rude or stuck up, but he seemed actually interested in me, in my life. He was asking questions, laughing and joking with me. Sharing stories of his own, and treating me like an actual human. Honestly it was scaring me a bit, but it was making me fall harder for him. 
House raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. ‘So, tell my Y/N. What’s the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you?” 
I laughed, shaking my head as I thought about the memory. “Well, there was this one time in college-” 
“Let me guess,” House interrupted, a smirk playing on his lips. “It involved copious amounts of alcohol and very questionable decisions?” 
I chuckle and nod in agreement. “You could say that. Long story short, I ended up streaking through the campus fountain at three in the morning. I'm pretty sure Chase might still have a video of it still.”
House raises an eyebrow, an amused laugh coming from him. “I wish I could say I was surprised, oh and also. I am finding that video.” He states, with a determined and mischievous grin. 
The dinner continues and our connection just seems to get stronger, fueled by shared laughter, stories of shit Wilson and him did in college, things Chase and I did in highschool. With each passing moment, I found myself more and more under House’s spell, captivated by the complexity of himself, his character. His gaze, laughter, even his personality. Maybe it was the wine or something, but House was being nice, he had charisma, and was being attractive in general.  
I don’t even realize that we’ve spent almost three hours in the restaurant just talking. I check my phone seeing that it's 9:30 already. We had got and paid the check awhile ago, but had stayed to talk longer. The restaurant closes at 10, and I felt a sudden pang of disappointment that our date was close to being over with. I didn’t want it to end, I was savoring this moment I was having, this seemingly perfect night. 
When the waiter arrived to take our dessert order, I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment that the evening was drawing to a close. I wasn't ready for it to end—I wanted to savor every moment, to prolong the magic of our time together for as long as possible.
House notices my look of disappointment, “I’m aware how amazing I am, but if its up to me, this won’t be our last date.” 
A smile tugs at the corners of my mouth, my cheeks heating up as I blush. The butterflies in my stomach going absolutely insane. 
So with a quick glance around the restaurant, I rose from my seat, House grabbed my hand as he led me towards the exit. 
Stepping out into the cool night air, I felt a sense of happiness coursing through me. This was it, the beginning of a new relationship, a surprisingly healthy one so far. 
As House’s hand tightened around mine, his touch sent sparks of electricity coursing through my veins. I knew now that maybe Chase knows me better than I know myself, in all fairness he predicted this, but right now I wasn’t afraid to admit this, to admit the undeniable attraction that I had towards Dr Gregory House. 
His touch leaves mine, his hand pulling as we stand in front of the restaurant, close to each other, staring in each other's eyes. I glance at his lips before leaning in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, not sure if he expected it, but I pull back.
“Goodnight House. I’ll see you tomorrow.” And with that I walk away, to my car. When I get in my car, I look in the mirror, seeing House standing there with a lovestruck grin, one a child would have over some school crush. But it was cute, he was cute. And this was just the beginning of an annoyingly predicated relationship with a Vicodin addicted, asshole, who I suspect has a soft spot for me.
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coolprettyleo · 3 months
know its for the better - begin again au ☆
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wc: 1.8k
tw: drinking. angst. family angst. kinda fluff. slut shaming. I think I got them all
ryan leonard x hughes sister au
ryan and frankie walked down one of the busiest streets in boston; frankie hoping to find inspiration and ryan trying the make sure she doesn't kill her self doing so.
he couldn't understand why she was so reckless with her life? she was very loved and important to so many people. i mean he knew he loved her when he first met her. why couldn't she see how amazing she was?
"I have my fake with me, plus the bouncer adores me so i think i can so get you in" she says acting annoyed but secretly happy. even though she wanted to act like ryan coming along with her was a drag, it wasn't. she liked having him here. it made her feel seen.
"frankie, i still dont think this is the way to solve things" he says to her as they get in line to go into frankies favorite bar.
"not everything has to be solved it just has to be dealt with, and this is how im dealing with it" she said with an eye roll.
ryan opened his mouth to say something but stopped when her phone when off. he sees her screen light up with a Group FaceTime call; her brothers. but to his surprise she declines?
"spam call" she waves him off after she sees ryan eye her skeptically.
"you didn't tell them yet?" he said after a moment.
ryan knew her too well.
"nope" she says popping the 'p'. "and I dont plan on it anytime soon" she adds.
"so you just plan to lie to them for the rest of your life?"
"its not lying, its avoiding. I dont lie" she said not looking at him.
"I think you’re scared to tell them because you know once you tell them. It’ll be real" he says looking at her with a challenging look.
"ryan. this is real life right now, your not dreaming" she says sarcastically, wiggling her fingers in his face.
she was so cute. even if she was being a pain in the ass.
they got to the front of the line, where the bouncer was and frankie was quick to whisper something into the bouncers ear. the bouncer eyes running up and down ryan, before ultimately deciding to lift the rope and letting them through.
"I dont think I want to know what you told him" he said to her as she pulled him by his shirt collar. something that he found to drive him crazy.
"dont be dirty, I just told him you were my gay friend. so dont get with any girls tonight please. he'll know im lying"
your the only girl I want.
"im here to watch you, not to get with girls and party" he says seriously as she orders them drinks.
"no. if im going to let you follow me around like a puppy tonight your going to party with me mr. leonard." she says handing him the drink throwing him these eyes. eyes that have gotten her everything she's ever wanted. those eyes. eyes that made ryan want to complete every wish she's ever wished.
"if I take this shot with you, you have to listen to me, tonight. I know you like to run away. so dont"
"okay! yay!" she says as she pinky promises him.
frankies hallway filled with giggles as ryan said another dad joke. she kept her promise and didn’t run away. it was one a.m. and it had honestly been the earliest she came back from a night out. and to her surprise she was only tipsy. ryan had actually kept her good company all night.
"did you hear the rumor about butter" he says while leaning against the wall as she looks for her keys in her purse.
"ryan shutup please" she said laughing.
"okay. I wouldn't want to spread it anyways!"
"oh god" she said as she looked at him with so much adoration. she didn’t realize how much she needed someone to care and to show they cared. the way ryan did.
“thank you ryan” she said seriously. and a thought couldn’t help but bloom over her mood as she realized what was most likely going to happen.
“anytime pretty” he said as starred into the eyes that make him want to do flips off rooftops.
“I know drew is your teammate and everything, but like please dont be a stranger”
“im sorry?” ryan was confused to what she was trying to say.
is she drunk?
“like im saying since i won’t be around as much anymore and you guys are probably going to wanna be respectful to drew and stuff, just dont be a stranger. so please if you, will, and gabe ever see me just dont be afraid to talk to me. i’ll always be nice.”
ryan couldn’t belive his ears. she thought they were all just going to stop talking to her?
“franks. just because my teammate is an asshole doesn’t mean we dont care about you. you are a person who is easy to love and unbelievably smart. and im sorry drew couldn’t see that. you dont deserve that at all” he said looking into her eyes as Frankie’s eyes couldn’t help but water.
this was the nicest thing a guy has ever told her.
“you really think so” she whispered just realizing how close they were standing next to one another. he smelt like what frankie would call a comfort smell. and as she looked at him she just wanted to trace every one of his freckles while he told her everything that’s ever happened to him.
“I do” he said. luckily for ryan. this wouldn’t be the only time in years to come he would say this to frankie. they both leaned in as frankie stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. a kiss that made her stomach do flips. a kiss that made his stomach do flips.
ryan couldn’t help but wrap his arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around her shoulders and bring him closer. the kiss felt like they’ve searched for one another their whole lives. it felt right. time stood still.
ryan pulled away first as he realized they were both tipsy and she was probably more tipsy then him. the insecurity of she was going to act like nothing happened tomorrow creeped up on him.
“what’s wrong” she said with a hand on his cheek. her heart dropping when he pulled away.
“im sorry, i shouldn’t. we shouldn’t. we’ll talk tomorrow, go inside frankie” he said stepping away from her.
“did I do something?” she said feeling her heart drop.
“no- its just- i don’t want you to wake up tmrw and regret this, i want it to actually mean something and I dont want to be just another guy to add to your roster” he says not knowing that made frankie feel like shit.
I mean she knows herself she's the type of person to have a good time. but the fact he just thought she was going to play him? is that what drew thought when she was getting with him.
maybe thats the reason he never opened up to me
“dont worry your far from it now ryan!. have a good life” she said opening her door.
“frankie i didn’t mean it like that-“
he couldn’t even explain himself because the door had already slammed in his face.
frankie didn’t know why ryan saying that hurt her so much but it did. he basically just called her a whore in her mind and she wanted to run into her room and scream into pillow. but of course her life never went her way.
standing inside were two out of her three brothers looking like they wanted to strangle her.
“where the hell have you been” luke yelled. as jack got off the phone with whoever he was talking to. mumbling something about how frankie just walked in.
frankie was actually speechless. she never thought her brothers would make the trip to boston to see why the hell she was ignoring them.
“out of all the irresponsible things you’ve done in your life , this has to be the worst. mom was so close to calling the cops. she’s on her way with dad. we thought you were dead!” jack scolds her as she takes off her coat.
"thats a little dramatic"
"no! it isn't. we gave you space but then imagine our surprise when your coach calls and says you quit!" luke counters back. "if your having a manic episode or whatever they call it, tell us. we'll help you" Luke adds in a gentler tone.
frankie wanted to do nothing but run away as she just starred at them. the fear she had been running away since she quit was standing in her living room and they were standing their angry.
"does mom and dad know" she said after a long silence.
"yes. we all have. we've been waiting for you to own up to it and tell us though" jack answered.
"is everyone mad at me" she said as her eyes filled up with tears.
"im mad that you've had us worried sick. I mean I had to resort to asking rutger and gavin to ask their world jrs teammates if they've seen my own sister" Luke said with a scolding look. one that looked scarily similar to her mothers.
"dont listen to him, I dont know why you were s scared to just tell us. its not going to change anything between us" jack said as he walked over to his little sister and gave her a hug.
frankie didn't like hugs. she felt so awkward with them but in that moment she wanted nothing but to sob into her older brothers arms like she once did when the other girls at school were making fun of her because she played hockey and didn't do dance or cheer like the rest of them. she needed her family.
"cmon Luke" she said opening her arm out to her brother who stood of to the side. Luke accepting because he could never stay mad at his little sister.
"just dont ever do this again. if you want attention go find yourself a lover or something" Luke said laughing as they pulled away.
"hey! none of that" jack said not thinking anyone was ever going to be good enough for his sister.
"dont worry jack, I need a break from boys" she said with a sigh as she remembered what happened with ryan about ten minutes ago.
"dont talk to us about your boy problems thats why you have Quinn" jack said gagging.
"quinn also wants you to call him" jack said as he started walking to her guest bedroom.
"you good?" Luke said as he started settling into her couch and noticed her sister looked as if her mind was far else where.
how do I tell him I ruined my reputation. everyone thinks im a slut.
"I dont know"
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arriansarchive · 11 months
Miles Morales/Male!Reader
Going back on my Miles spree after making an absolute trash story about him
A little bit of a bitchy Y/N
I don't care that this might not be how the school actually is. Im not here for canon I'm here to have fun
Summary: You and Miles are roommates, and he has some questions about himself that have something to do with you.
It was a short day at school, time seemingly went by faster for you then normal. You were tired, so no complaining was necessary.
Miles usually waited for you outside your last class for you both to walk to your shared dorm together, but you realized he wasn't in his normal spot.
You ended up deciding that he was in a rush about homework and ended up forgetting. No problems there, just an honest mistake.
You started the trek back to your dorm quietly and subdued. Despite your outgoing personality whenever around people you knew, you didn't really like it much.
The walk was nice, and some people stopped along the way to speak to you, but nothing too invasive really.
Finally you entered the tall building and began to climb the seemingly endless staircases. You contemplated stopping at one of the vending machines to stock up on random junk food to bring but decided against it.
Your door opened with a creak as you turned to key in it's lock. You heard some mumbling coming from the far end on Miles' bunk.
"Miles, I'm here." You announced loudly just in case he had his headphones on.
Scurrying was heard as he peeked his head out. "Hello, Y/N." He quipped.
"You didn't wait on me today. Are you okay?"
He got an avoidant look on his face and turned back to his phone playing music. "I have some questions to ask you."
Miles jumped down from the top bunk and looked you hard in the eye. "I think I'm gay."
You lifted an unimpressed eyebrow; you thought it would be a little more interesting than that. "Alright, dude, it's twenty eighteen. Good job on finding yourself, I guess." You shrugged.
"No, for you!" He shouted.
Your eyes went wide, and you started to rethink that thought that what he said was boring. An evil grin came onto your face.
You turn back to him with your arms crossed. "You're not joking right?"
"No." Miles mumbled.
On a whim you decide to walk quickly towards him. He got a suspicious look on his face as if he was worried that you were going to slap him.
You put on a hand on his cheek and swiftly pushed your lips onto his. You felt it was too soon whenever you pulled away to ask a question.
"Are you sure now?" You inquired.
"Yeah, I think I am." He said and dove in once more.
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ellsjoint · 4 months
Demosthenes Part 1 - Ellie Williams x Reader
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Synopsis: Two British university students decide to go to their online friends’ university – what could go wrong? A lot, considering the reader has absolutely no social skills.
A/N: Hi! This is my first TLOU fanfic, and I haven't written fanfiction in years so I hope this is good. This part's pretty much just setting the scene, there's no interaction with Ellie and the reader YET (and it's short as)... But I hope you enjoy this for now! P.S I won't be writing any smut in this just because I don't want to, and at parts this is pretty much just going to be a comedy and me imagining me and my best friend being awkward in this situation.
Future Content: college!ellie, loser!ellie maybe, slow burn, angst (because I'm funny like that), fluff, not really sure yet but we'll see!
Your POV:
This conversation had repeated itself time and time again for the last month.
‘At this point, why not?’ your best friend laughed lightly, ‘this place is a shithole. We should put ourselves out there!’.
‘Do you really think going to uni with these people you’ve never even met is a good idea?’ you stared at them, shaking your head. ‘My family’s here, my dance team’s here, all the small gigs I do are here. Everything is here - I can’t just drop that.’ To you, the idea was laughable. How could you just move across the globe to what, play house with your best friends’ online friends that you’d spoken to maybe once? It seemed silly, and you knew you’d struggle to interact with new people – not because of any form of anxiety you had, but because you sucked at socialising to the extent that you just stopped at one point. Some people didn’t even know you could speak, whereas those you were closer with (like your close friends and dance team) were well aware of your predicament.
‘That’s why you should go! Bro, you hardly speak to anyone here. In a new environment, you could just… I don’t know, maybe try and develop some social skills? Plus, they’ll be starting their first year too.’ your friend shrugged. ‘Please! It’ll be so much fun! Oh, and you can visit your family, and your family can visit you! And there’s probably another dance team at this uni!’ They continued to ramble, trying to persuade you that dropping everything would be worth it. You weren’t exactly convinced, even if you did think her friends seemed okay from the little you had seen of them from your friend’s phone screen.
Continuing to mull the idea over in your head, your friend continued to rant about the situation. ‘You’ve talked to them once! Give them a chance. They think you’re suuuper cool, which is why you should come! You’d be iconic at their uni. And the girls would be all over you! Maybe Ellie would. Did you know Ellie’s gay?’ You’d seen what, 2 memes that this Ellie person had sent your friend on their phone? You knew literally nothing about her other than a portion of her humour.
‘Good for Ellie…?’ you sighed. You knew they weren't going to stop.
‘Come on, you need to give the world a chance. This would be so good for you to just get yourself out there!’ your friend pleaded.  Of course, they tried to focus on its benefits for you (repeating theirself in the process) instead of the large benefit it would have for them – a meeting with their online friends. ‘Please, I don’t want to go by myself. I can’t leave my best friend, and think about it, all my friends getting on? That would be so cool.’
Once again, you let out another sigh, before nodding. ‘Fine, I’ll try it. But if I don’t like it, I’m going home.’
Your friend let out an excited squeal, and you stared at her, a deadpan look on your face. What were you signing yourself up to? Nobody knew, and only time could tell.
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wolfiemcwolferson · 9 months
hellooooo my friend! if you're still taking prompts, may i ask for piarles + 22 (fake dating) please? 😍🤭😍
I feel like I'm stepping in Sol's sandbox rn I won't lie to you.
this is a warning for a forced outing.
The first tweet comes out while they're in their cars - driving tight lines around the streets of Monaco so Charles doesn't see it until after. Until after the podium. Until after the team has met and put together options for him.
He knows the options are good. He knows that they have his best interests at heart or whatever, but he knows that the longer he sits frozen, the worse it gets because their phones keep buzzing and he assumes that it's more tweets. He knows there are more tweets.
If he wasn't so...this wasn't supposed to happen. The first boy you fall in love with - the person you think is your forever shouldn't put your fucking dick on the internet and the texts you sent him in the middle of the night begging him to be beside you - inside of you. But, that's how it's happened and later he can cry. Later he can fall apart, but right now he needs to...decide how to handle this...
"Where is he?" Pierre shouts from somewhere outside of this room and Charles doesn't want him here because he knows that he'll crumble. If Pierre comes in here, he will crumble.
He's going to say no - he's going to turn to Joris and ask him to keep him out, but the door ricochets off the wall and Pierre is standing there - panting and soaked through still and furious.
Pierre shrugs off one of the media people and he crosses the room with long steps, reaching for Charles and Charles hates that the sight of him does bring him comfort, but it allows him to feel.
Pierre doesn't pull him up. Instead he drops down to his knees in front of Charles, giving Joris a tight nod. Charles can see Ilies hovering in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest.
"Cha," Pierre says his name gently, even though he's vibrating with anger, "have you said anything yet?"
Charles shakes his head no. Of course not, it's been mere minutes. He's barely caught up with what's happened.
"Good," Pierre nods his head and twists to glare at the Ferrari team. "It's me."
Ilies puts his head in his hands and Charles hears Joris inhale sharply.
"That's what you're going to say. That someone hacked our messages and those were to me - his long term boyfriend. You're going to -"
"Pierre -" Ilies says, but Pierre holds his hand up.
"I'll leak something from me so it's believable, but you're going to say that it's the two of us and that you're disgusted by the fact that someone would -"
"There's no names." Joris says, sounding like he's in shock. "It would work. The two of them have enough public appearances together and it could work."
One of the media team members leans up, "We cannot have two gay -"
"I will leak my own nudes, mate." Pierre spits. "Put a package together. Alpine is waiting for you right outside so go and deal with it together so i can comfort my boyfriend."
Pierre turns back around and reaches up to wipe at the tears tumbling down Charles' face with one hand and keeping a tight hold of Charles' hands with his other.
"You can't -" Charles starts to say, but Pierre shushes him.
"I can, Charlo and I will." Pierre brushes his thumb over his bottom lip. "Anything for you always."
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dukeoftears · 8 months
IVE NEVER CONSIDERED PAPYKAARD BEFORE THAT SOUNDS SO CUTE... actually now im curious what are some of your thoughts on rouxls ships/what his relationship experience is like
OhohoHOHO you have come to the right place!! I love rouxls ships here I will list every one I like and why I like it :3
Kingkaard: This can be two things, either King is a doofus dumbass who is annoyed at himself for falling in love with his servant while Rouxls is a self righteous dumbass and it's goofy shenanigans, or... you have the darker, more toxic variant that isn't cute or romantic (and SHOULD NOT BE ROMANTICISED PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK). I like both a lot, I usually go with the second because it gives my Rouxls a nice backstory (and also gives me an excuse to project my own past traumas) (I mainly do it to project) but with the sheer number of proshitters who romanticise it... :/ goddamn I hate when people romanticise ab*se. There is nothing cute about it. I remember I found a Kingkaard fic with that dynamic that represented what I went though so well that I had to take a break from my phone for a while. And the comments? Full of proshitters who found it "deliciously painful and want king to break him blah blah" :/ goddamn that made me take a second break
Getting off my high horse now, this post isn't where I rant abt proshippers or traumadump
Queenkaard: I LOVE THIS ONE SOO MUCH HEHE it's technically m/f in canon but I like hcing Queen as a genderfuck sapphillean and Rouxls as gay so it's achillean in my thoughts anyways X) Queen would take every opportunity to fluster Rouxls and would be genuinely touched with the gifts he gives her as a sign of his affection
oh yeah side note: Rouxls' love languages would definitely be gift giving and verbal affection :3
METTAKAARD: Two trans gay men who KNOW they're beautiful in love??????? I cannot explain how much I ADORE Mettakaard it is my FAVORITE SHIP OF ALL TIME... on one hand they are both so goddamn flirtatious with each other but then on the other you have them comforting each other as they show their flaws to nobody but each other.... oughfhfhf <3
Papykaard: TWO GOOFY PUZZLE BOYOS WHO COOK TOGETHER I feel like this is great in both the qpr and the romantic way, Papyrus would definitely decide to tutor Rouxls with puzzles and from there, Pap falls first but Rouxls falls harder <3 Papyrus would listen to Rouxls rant for ages and the same vice versa and they would cook together, and Rouxls feels so safe around Papyrus because Papyrus doesn't care about rank, or status, or how clumsy and dumb he is, Papyrus loves him for who he is and he doesn't have to pretend to be something he isn't anymore... Honorary mention to Swap Papykaard where you have swap papyrus and rouxls, I started this in a rp with my friend who writes swap papyrus and we actually found it has a really cute dynamic <3 Rouxls would definitely look after Paps when he doesn't feel the will to get out of bed, and swap pap would always listen to his infodumps and it's just CUTE
PAPYMETTAKAARD I love polycules and here you have PAPYKAARD AND METTAKAARD AND PAPYTON AT THE SAME TIME?!?!!! Sign me up!!
Swatchkaard: "I hate you" "I loveth thee too <3"
Those are the main rouxls ships I like, but a few honorary mentions: Seamkaard can be cute with the right dynamic, I like them as qprs especially :) Jevkaard / Nosuit can be silly and fun too, I don't actively ship it but I do enjoy the ship
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writing-rat · 6 months
Concert Freakout
Pairings: CC Walker x Katie Torres
Content: Panic attacks, homophobia
Summary: Katie has a panic attack when she tries to get a phone battery. Luckily CC is nearby.
WC: 695
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Katie was excited. She had just entered Fleekfest and was eager to meet up with the other people they would be seeing the concert with. She was following her friend, unable to stop staring at one group. She was enamoured with one of the people in the group. CC Walker. She was the football captain and the best player in the team too, the team being called ‘Unicorns’. Hell, she had a chance at being national she was told. “Katie, over here,” her friend, Layla, spoke. Katie quickly looked away and blushed before she saw the group of people.
There were 3 boys for the 3 of the girls and she was feeling more nervous, wishing she came out sooner as bisexual. She would be okay for the time being however she decided. Luckily, the guy was decent but she wouldn’t interact with him further she decided. This would be the only time they would interact she concluded. “Hey! Katie! Want to head to the tent now?” Layla asked, smirking. 
“What, why? Aren’t we here for the music?” Katie responded, confused. Layla just laughed. “Don’t you want to get with an older, cooler boy? He plays basketball and could become popular. Wouldn’t you love that?” she asked, looking at her with a smirk. 
Katie froze and then shook her head. “No. I like someone else anyway,” she admitted, looking away. “Oh?” Layla smirked. “Who?” she asked tilting her head. Katie thought about it and then decided to say it. “CC, you know? CC Walker,” she finished. Layla immediately backed up. “Jesus, you’re gay? No wonder you were so weird all the time. Guess… I’ll see you around then,” Layla mumbled, walking away. That broke her heart as she soon texted Nando, walking away as she was scared alone. That’s when her phone died. 
“Fuck,” she spoke, some tears coming out soon enough. That’s when she went into the crowd, begging for a charger at least. “Please, do you have a charger I can borrow?” Katie pleaded with many people, most ignoring her. This person however promised to help, grabbing her phone.
“And… here!” she spoke then threw the phone into the crowd, laughing. “No reason for a phone now,” she laughed and Katie was starting to struggle to breathe. Unable to speak she just walked away and was going into a private spot, curling up. Well, she thought it was private. It wasn’t really, it was another tent. She was ashamed when a familiar face came out. “Hey, you alright?” she asked, sitting next to her. 
“Yes,” Katie lied, her breathing loud and heavy due to being unable to breathe. “No, you aren’t. Breathe with me, ok?” the girl, CC, spoke, and started to breathe in and out. Katie was doing as told. It took about 3 minutes before Katie was ok. “Now. Explain please what happened?” CC asked, looking at her concerned.
“Well… my old friend wanted to get me in a tent with boys and I didn’t want that. I explained why and she unfriended me there. I could tell from her eyes… I tried to text my brother if everything was okay but it died then someone threw my phone in a crowd and now I don’t have a phone,” Katie silently cried as she hugged her legs. CC nodded, thinking. “Want to stay with me and my friends and we can drop you off at home?” she asked. Katie nodded embarrassed. “Plus, we get a good view and volume for the stage from here,” she chuckled out. Katie relaxed more, before she looked on stage, happy to be close to someone she knew at least.
It had been 10 minutes before she saw her mom get on stage. She widened her eyes and looked at CC and her friends. “That’s my mom. I’ll uh… see you around,” she spoke and walked away quickly as she was just wanting to be with her family at this point. CC just nodded and watched her walk away, blushing bright red.
“Awwww, lover girl. You going to see her more?” her best friend teased. CC nodded and smiled. “Yeah,” she spoke. 
She was determined to…
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mattsdae · 11 months
help wanted
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tags: joe young x masc reader , curruption , phone sex , mutual masturbation ig , reader is a perv , probably ooc , but also probably not bc i studied up on everyone elses fics , humiliation , lots of degradation BUT it’s just guys being guys lol , some praise , brief mention of pillow humping , homophobic language , so many ellipsis i think my period button is broken , he also stutters a lot which is usually cringe when overdone but he’s also a pathetic mess who can’t finish his sentences
synopsis: joe often finds himself confused on set and asks you for help. in a time of need, you’re the only person he can think of to call.
word count: ~2k
a/n: part 2 and 3 are out now! check it out pt. 2 here! pt. 3 here!
just a quick warning: i am very underqualified for this fic (considering i never watched orgazmo) BUT i do have an intense corruption kink that makes me want to ruin joe young. also, reader has a dick. there isn’t nearly enough gay shit in this fandom, so i’m taking it upon myself. it’s also can’t imagine any trey parker character being straight.
“you got morning wood and thought to call me?” it was 6 in the morning, a time you haven’t woken up at since elementary school. you didn’t answer at first, but decided to after he left a voicemail consisting of ‘i need your help’ and ‘call back please’. now, you were pissed off because instead of being injured or in need of actually important advice, he needed someone to ask about boners.
“i don’t know what to do..” joe mumbled, his voice dripping with shame. you shrugged, leaning up in your bed as he waited for an answer.
“just jack off or something; you’ll be fine.” you weren’t sure why he called you of all people. you weren’t exactly close with him. he would come up to you and ask questions about the script, usually too nervous to ask female co-stars, but the conversation never lasted more than a few seconds. they always went the same.
what does head mean?
a blowjob.
what’s that?
when a girl sucks your dick.
oh lord-
followed by him walking away briskly. once he asked what squirting was, but you never answered because you were too busy laughing. he always had this shaky, scared tone when he asked, which only made his cluelessness funnier. for a while, you thought it was a bit. from his incompetence during sex to his talks about ‘our lord and savior’, it was all too perfect.
“is that..” he trailed off. that was one of the first terms he asked you, which started your facination. it’s not like you were into him, you weren’t a fag, but it was a little cute. the questions annoyed the hell out of you, but you loved the look on his face when he would connect the dots and realize what he accidentally said. the innocent, almost shameful look on his face quickly melting to shock and pure embarassment hearing such dirty words leave your mouth (and so casually).
“guess.” after he asked enough questions to annoy you, you started asking him to guess what it meant, which completely changed the game. it was amazing. he’d blush, stuttering over his words as he tried to explain what he thought it might mean without saying anything too sinful. it wasn’t annoying to you anymore. you almost looked forward to when he’d ask his stupid little questions.
“oh, um.. is it when you.. touch yourself?” he whispered the last part.
“precisely,” you chuckle over the line. he cleared his throat, some static covering it as he adjusted himself as well. you leaned back fully, head resting on your pillow as you waited for him to end the call and run off.
“h-how..?” he stuttered. for a moment, you felt a little confused. you never met someone who didn’t jack off every so often. after the initial confusion wore off, you started to wish you could see him.
“you’ve never masturbated?” a grin spread on your face as he let out a shaky breath. he didn’t respond, most likely shaking his head in refusal. “what? you want me to talk you through it?”
it wasn’t a serious offer, just a little more teasing, but you heard something over the phone that resembled a moan. he was ashamed, sure, but he couldn’t deny himself forever. that was only confirmed as you heard a ‘mhm’ sound, barely loud enough to hear.
“what was that?” it was a little mean, making him repeat himself even though he was so clearly humiliated by this whole interaction, but you couldn’t help yourself. “gotta say it a little louder, i can’t hear you.”
“please.” maybe you were a fag because the pathetic whimper he let out turned you on. a lot. he still said it just above a whisper, but it worked.
“you really want this? i’m sure you could figure it out, you’re a big boy.” another jab at him, which only made him huff. you desperately wanted to see him, but it would probably kill you. the idea of his red cheeks, trembling fingers, not to mention his hard cock.
“i need..” a desperate whine and some more shuffling sounded off, which only made you more excited. “please?”
“tell me what you’re doing. i hear a lot of movement over there.” your hand made their way to your crotch, rubbing over your sweatpants without second thought. “you humping your pillow or something?”
another whimper. you chuckled, crackling over the line.
“you would be the type. think about what those girls do during our shoots. the way they touch you..” he huffed again, more shuffling. “go ahead and get comfortable.”
“o-okay.” the phone made a knocking noise as he put it down, making quick work of removing his pants. “what next?”
“good job,” you laughed. “how about this. i’ll tell you what i’m doing and you mimick me.”
“like simon says?”
“exactly.” you sighed, gripping yourself a little harder. “go ahead and feel yourself. don’t go under your boxers, just touch yourself over it.”
“okay,” he mumbled. you bit your lip as a moan played over the phone.
“move your hand up and down, squeeze a little bit too. do it nice and slow for me, alright?” his moans became muffled, his hand physically holding them back. even with the barrier, you could clearly hear his whimpers as he touched himself through the material. “you sure you’ve never done this before? it sounds like you know yourself really well.”
“n-no, never.” the words barely made past his lips as he let out another moan.
“tell me how it feels. make sure it’s detailed,” you asked. another small whimper.
“come on, you can do it,” a grin on your face spread as you said it. you couldn’t get enough of him. “just tell me if it feels good.”
“it feels really good.” he sighed, making you grip yourself harder. each noise he made went straight to your groin. “i-i feel like this is a sin…”
you nearly moaned out loud at the statement. his voice was still shaky and nervous, but you didn’t think he’d ever be able to be normal during sex. he’d always be a trembling, embarassed mess in front of whoever decided to sleep with him.
“it’s not a sin, man. i’m just helping you out, ya know?” you’re voice was breathy, rubbing your thumb over your clothed tip. another whimper from over the phone.
“are you sure?”
“i’ve never been more sure of anything.” maybe it was wrong to lie, especially since he was clearly devoted to his religion, but once again, you couldn’t help yourself. his little huffs and whines did more for you than any girl ever has. “you like it, right? how could it be a sin if you enjoy it so much?”
“o-oh, okay,” he responded. you bit your lip, stifling a whimper as you let yourself go. his blindly trusting behavior nearly sent you over the edge.
“go ahead and take your boxers off for me,” you pulled your cock out at the same time he did, hearing a small gasp on the other side of the phone. you chuckled. “you gotta wait until i tell you, baby.”
“sorry.” the pet name seemingly went over his head as he apologized, whimpering from the loss of contact. you chuckle.
“good boy,” you drawled. “should i make you wait a little longer for not listening?”
“no, no, no! please,” he begged. you let out a deep laugh, one that came from your chest. it was almost endearing how horny he was. you knew he never had sex and now you knew he also never touched himself, so finally having a hand around his dick must feel amazing. you still enjoyed teasing him for it.
“fuck, you really want this, huh?” he hummed in agreement. “go ahead, man. you earned it.”
you take hold of your cock as he does. he let’s out a string of moans and sobs as he thrusts into his own hand. you touched yourself with long, languid tugs. you almost basked in noises coming from his mouth. filthy cries escaping as he committed sin after sin, squirming in the pleasure. it was a pathetic display that you couldn’t get enough of. his noises got louder and shorter, a staccato to each whimper exposing how close he was.
“slow down a little, i wanna cum at the same time. you think you can hold off for a little longer, baby?” he was so far gone, he couldn’t even comprehend your digs. any other time, he’d be beet red and trying to escape, but now he soaked in every little comment. he nods nonetheless, whining as he slowed nearly to a stop.
“where are you going?” he asked. his voice dripped with pure sex, but his question was so innocent. at first, you didn’t get it. just before you asked what he meant, it clicked. he didn’t know what cum meant. he thought you meant you were going somewhere. you laughed, covering your mouth to muffle it, but he could still hear it. “why are you laughing?”
“that’s that what i meant, sweetheart!” an exaggerated sweet comment that only made him more confused. you wished you could see his sweet little face, trying to read what you meant by your words but failing miserably. “do you remember what orgasm means?”
the strangled whimper confirmed everything you needed to know. first of all, he did understand what orgasm meant, but he also made it known that he liked you talking this way, just as much as you did. a subtle ‘yes’ came in, quiet enough that you almost had to genuinely ask him to speak up.
“i’m guessing you don’t know what it feels like though, right?” you smirked, knowing the answer was no.
“well..” you stopping moving your hand, pausing in confusion. “i had a dream once..”
“you had a wet dream?!” you grinned. he hummed, agreeing but still shy about saying it. “you’re fucking amazing, dude. wow!”
“i dunno what that means.” he must’ve stopped touching himself as well, considering how even his tone was now (at least as even as he could possibly get it).
“so you came in your pants? from a dream?” he didn’t reply, which only confirmed your suspicion. “what was it about?”
“w-what?” you grabbed yourself again.
“tell me about your dream. you remember it right?” you slid your thumb over your tip, collecting some of your precum for lube. after a while without a response, only whimpers playing over the line. “come on, at least tell me who it was about.”
“umm..” he still didn’t give a proper answer.
“was it a girl you filmed with?”
“your ex?”
“no no!” you thought for a while, trying to figure out who else it could have been.
“don’t tell me it was maxxx-“
“it was you!” he blurts it out. the line crackled as the words lingered in the air. you were shellshocked by the confession. “i-i thought about you showing me what all those weird words meant. like, doing it to me..”
your jaw dropped, staring at the ceiling as you listened to his little fantasy, a fantasy you also dreamed about every so often. the silence was long enough for him to say your name, trying to catch your attention.
“what was i doing?” you finally asked. he whimpered.
“don’t make me say it…”
“i’m just curious! do you think you can touch yourself while telling me?” it was perverted and down right gross what you were making him do, but you couldn’t stop yourself. with quick tugs, you listen to his story. he moaned as he grabbed himself again.
“ah.. i went up to you and- and asked what something meant.. i-it was all gibberish and-“ you accidentally cut him off with a moan, now thrusting into your hand. “you.. you showed me. you touched me and kissed me. it felt really good..”
“you’re so dirty, joe.” you pant. he whimpers and starts going faster, just like you are, which only made his story more interesting to listen to. “keep going, i’m close.”
“you got on your knees-“ a pulse of heat ran down your body, another moan coming from your chest. “and you.. kissed it..”
“you dreamt about me giving you head?” you laughed, an airy laugh that were laced with moans. he whimpers again.
“you- you made me beg..” the noises that came from you were pornographic. your cock coating in precum as he told you about his perverted little dream.
“tell me how you begged.” you huffed. he sobs, obviously close to orgasm himself. nonetheless, he obliges.
“i said.. i said please a lot. you were rubbing my thigh and i thought i was gonna cry.”
just like that, you came. a girly moan escaped your lips as ropes of cum covered your chest and stomach. your hips jumped, thrusting into your fist and fucking your own hand. by the time you calmed down, he also came, letting out slobbery ‘thank you’s as he came on himself as well.
“good boy, such a good boy. you feel better now?”
“yes! yes!” he sobbed, still getting over his orgasm. he panted, pathetic little cries threatening to make you hard again. you smiled.
“you did so good for me, huh? my filthy boy..” you trailed off as his noises subsided. it was quiet for a while, the only sound coming from his side of the call being little gasps and pants.
“was that.. gay?” joe whispered. it was. it was really fucking gay. it was probably the most gay thing you’ve ever done, but you decided to spare his feelings.
“nah, man. just friends helping out friends.”
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addsalwayssick · 3 months
For the drabble
60 and 61 please
so i’m making these separate bc i’m not quite sure how to combine them, but if you want me to try and figure it out js lmk and i will !! xx (one will be jegulus and one will be wolfstar but if you had another ship in mind lmk and i’ll rewrite xx)
60- ‘before you murder me, hear me out’
Regulus didn’t think he would be in this situation. It was dark, and though he should have, he wasn’t sleeping. He was wide awake, staring at the ceiling. He’d heard his window start to open, and he immediately shot up from his bed and looked at the window. Regulus, only being 14 years old, knew he was going to get murdered that night. He watched painfully, stuck in his spot from his bed as the window slowly slid open and a man started climbing through. The man hopped in, freezing as he saw Regulus. The man didn’t rush him, like Regulus expected. He felt his confusion grow, snapping on a lamp beside his bed. He felt himself blush as he saw James standing there. Had he come there for him?
“James?” Regulus asked, getting up.
“Regulus. Hi. Before you murder me, hear me out.” James said.
Regulus felt his heart break a little, knowing he was about to hear his excuse, how it was an accident. “Go on.”
“So i was going to Sirius’s room-“ James started, and Regulus immediately scowled. “And then I decided I didn’t want to go to Sirius’s room, because i missed you.”
Regulus felt himself go pink again. “Missed me? Are you sure you just don’t feel bad because you climbed into my room by accident?”
James grinned sheepishly. “I’ve been climbing into Sirius’s window since I was 9. I wanted to see you.”
Regulus smiled, a warmth in his heart growing. He walked to James, pressing his lips to James’s. James didn’t kiss back at first, in shock, but eventually started to.
61- “I love you. I’m completely and utterly in love with you. Please don’t get married.”
Remus didn’t want to get married. He knew it was a lost cause to argue with his parents. They weren’t really his parents, only the people who adopted him after his own parents died at the age of 14. He missed them dearly.
So here he sat in his bedroom with Sirius Black next to him. He’d had a crush on Sirius since the day he met him. He knew Sirius didn’t feel the same way. It didn’t matter, as he would be getting married to a woman named Marlene Mckinnon. Remus liked Marlene, he did, just not like that. Marlene was kind and sarcastic, and nearly as gay as Remus was. He knew she was in love with a woman named Dorcas Meadowes, just as she knew he was in love with Sirius.
“Are you excited to get married?” Sirius asked quietly after a long stretch of silence.
Remus scoffed at him, letting his head fall back on his bed frame. “Fat chance.”
Sirius smiled at him a bit, lighting a cigarette. Remus’s adopted parents were out, the only reason Sirius was even there. They didn’t like Sirius much, refusing to let him into their home. Remus did it behind their backs, and he did most everything.
Sirius, after smoking the cigarette, let his head rest on Remus’s shoulder. “Will things change when you’re married?”
Remus sighed. “I hope not.” Remus was only 17, and was to be married on his 18th birthday.
He hoped to get a divorce from Marlene quickly, rather than staying married. His birthday was in a week, and it was his last week as a ‘free man’. He and Marlene had decided to be allowed to date whoever they wanted, because neither of them felt any love other than friendship for each other.
Remus felt his phone ring, picking it up and putting it to his ear. “Remus Lupin.” His adopted mother growled into his ear.
“Clarisse.” Hé answered.
“I know you’re with that Sirius boy. I won’t be having any of it. We’ve moved your wedding to this afternoon. I expect you here in 30 minutes in your tux. If you’re not, there will be consequences. That boy is not invited.” She said, hanging up the phone.
Remus’s eyes widened in panic. Sirius, who could also hear her words also started to panic. They turned to each other as Remus felt tears slipping down his cheeks. Sirius wiped each of them off, offering to drive him to the venue.
Remus nodded. He felt numb and cold as they drove. He started to get out of the car before he felt a warm hand on his arm. He turned back, expecting an apologetic look from Sirius, but instead seeing a panicked look. Sirius was breathing hard, tears in his eyes. “Sirius?”
“Remus, I love you. I’m completely and utterly in love with you. Please don’t get married.” He said, desperately clutching Remus’s arm.
Remus sputtered. “You’re what?”
“I’m sorry, i’m sorry I just-“
Remus leaned in and kissed him, getting back in the car. He shut the door behind him. “Drive.” Remus said. Remus texted Marlene, telling her what happened. She texted back in full support. [Fiance ;(: Period! You go king. I’ll try and delay our parents. I’ll make an excuse for you xx! Get as far away as you can.]
And he did.
He did end up getting married, nearly 2 years later. But this time it was to Sirius.
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plasticbag3207 · 4 months
My Headcanons On How All of the Vees Died :D
Hi! I’ve seen some people talking about how the Vees died, and I decided I wanted to give my own two cents :) (Warning: I ramble a lot)
Starting with Velvette because my headcanon for her is the shortest. I think she died in a car accident because she was texting and driving, or using her phone in some way. She was most likely behind the wheel and not paying attention, ran a red light unknowingly and was smashed in the collision. Something along those lines that could have been easily prevented by not being negligent.
Another thought: Maybe instead of texting she was trying to take a photo of herself for a social media post? Idk, same sorta idea though.
I’ve seen people theorizing that Vox died from a seizure, and I agree. Specifically a tonic-clonic seizure (this is the type you’d probably immediately think of when you imagine someone having a seizure).
I think he was probably watching one of his shows on TV (I headcanon he was a news reporter or smth for a large TV News company, probably his own). Suddenly the TV lost its signal and the screen went static, this caused the seizure and he ultimately died from it. As some other people have pointed out, when Vox gets more upset/uses more of his powers he tends to have red lines appear on his screen coming from his mouth. It looks a lot like blood, and sometimes when people have this specific type of seizure they bite their tongues or lips, causing them to bleed.
Another pointer to him dying of a seizure: he can wield electricity and can use it to travel wherever he pleases along with other powers relating to it. From my understanding, seizures are when the brain malfunctions and rapidly and uncontrollably sends electrical signals. I know it’s not technically the same type of electricity (electrons vs ions), but it’s still just something to think about. :)
I have lots of ideas for Val, and out of the three Vees I think his death is the most up to interpretation. We really don’t have many hints to what it could be at all, which I think is fun. I also haven’t really seen any theories for him, so if this matches up with your headcanon let me know! I also have multiple different theories, so I’ll talk a little about each.
Theory one: murdered
Val was probably a pimp while he was alive too, and I think there’s a good chance one of the people he “owned” finally snapped and in an act of desperation to escape, they murdered him. A friend and I were talking on how he might have been murdered. My friend suggested that maybe one of his workers poured some cyanide into his drink, or messed with his drugs. I think these are both valid ideas, and likely.
Another theory along the murdered idea: he was gay and someone discovered he was gay. Obviously in the 70s being queer wasn’t widely accepted yet, and I think it’s very possible that someone found him out and killed him for it.
Theory two: Overdose
I’m not sure if it was on purpose or not. Maybe one of his workers increased his dose while he wasn’t looking, or maybe he was miserable and decided he didn’t want to deal with life anymore. It also could have been completely accidental, and he shut his own book without even knowing.
Theory three: Illness
Probably the most likely out of all of these is that Val died of some STD or other terminal illness. Again, assuming he was a pimp in life and slept around a lot, there’s a good chance he picked up some deadly STDs. He technically died before the AIDS crisis, but there are still plenty of other options that he could have contracted.
But how does any of this relate to him being a moth?
I have literally no idea and frankly it is stumping me immensely. The best my friend and I could come up with was that while dying (slowly, of poison potentially) he was blankly staring at a light or something? Again, I really don’t know what to do with his moth appearance. Maybe he died on a summer night? I genuinely can’t think of anything very meaningful or concrete that I could relate to him being a moth demon. So hey, if you have an idea on how to incorporate that let me know, I’d love to hear! :)
Okay this got really long but I can’t help but ramble. I’m especially curious as to what people’s headcanons are for Valentino’s death. And if you actually read through all of this, props to you and your patience for all of my tangents <3
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OHSHCAU (Keysmash)
Part 3
You know how, when the school year starts up, a teacher might get everyone to go around the room and give a couple of vague facts about themselves? Or, even worse, they might split everyone up into teams based on some random, inconsequential factors and they would all be forced to work together on some dumb task? That way they can get to know new people better?
You know how everyone hates that?
Yeah. Marinette thought that, of all people, her fellow high schoolers would understand. But alas, here she was, glaring down Dick because he wanted to do a team-building exercise. Bastard. She was going to shoot him.
With a paintball gun! Because they were playing paintball!
Do not send cops her way! She will introduce neurotoxins to your system!
Anyways, she had no choice but to agree. Debt’s a bitch.
And, maybe, the idea of shooting the Waynes point blank in the face with paintballs would have swayed her regardless, but who knows. The option was never truly given to her, so who’s to say how she would have reacted?
Certainly, the Waynes would never know.
Which was probably for the best. They could end her life in a couple of phone calls.
She hummed as she absently messed with her paintball gun. They had been split off into pairs. Steph was still on the bench thanks to her copious amounts of injuries, unfortunately, so Marinette hadn’t particularly minded who she was going to end up with (she hated all of the Waynes equally, save fucking Tim, who would avoid her, anyway), and had allowed them to all pair off and leave her with the leftovers.
She was regretting that, now, of course.
Dick wrapped his arm around her shoulders and tugged her into his side. “Don’t get too competitive, please?” He said, and he sounded like he was one more ‘fuck you’ away from begging.
She glanced over his shoulder and found Tim making faces at her behind his back. He was supposed to be heading to one of the other nondescript, frankly unnerving steel tunnels that would lead them to a random place on the map. He should be spending this time with Damian so they could discuss their plans. He was not doing any of these things. He had followed Marinette and Dick to their room instead, and she would be concerned about him trying to figure out where they would end up for the sake of a tactical advantage… but, frankly, that was too smart for him.
He had no good reason to be here. How sweet of him to want to see her off.
She looked back at Dick, her eyes gleaming. “Of course I won’t. Only babies get competitive over stuff like this.”
Tim bristled. But his mic was on, so he was unable to say a word in protest. He could turn his face away from the people to mouth the curses he so clearly wanted to scream, but she could just look in another direction.
Her lips twitched into a kind of grin before she tamped it down.
Dick sighed. Deeply. “I’m guessing I can take that as a no.”
“Aw. You know me so well.”
He snickered. “Well, I’d hope so, since I hired you.”
“No one has ever lied to the people hiring them ever,” she said, nodding sagely.
He grinned. “Which is why we went with… atypical hiring practices.”
“You’ve basically kidnapped me and decided to hold my entire future ransom to make me work for you.”
She narrowed her eyes at him.
“Oh, Marinette,” a voice called, and she was more than happy to let Steph drag her out from under Dick’s arm, even if this meant that a new arm was wrapped around her waist and a face came to rest close to her own.
Marinette raised an eyebrow, but wasn’t too surprised at the sudden closeness. They’d literally slept together, in the same bed, for days. She could handle a little bit of contact. And, besides, they’d both agreed that it fit their characters (a playful flirt would flirt with a girl next door, and a girl next door would blush and let it happen) and it would draw in more customers. Teenage boys and gay teenage girls would both rather enjoy watching ‘wlw content’ when given the option.
Besides, who doesn’t flirt with their friends a little? Now they got to monetize it. A win.
Marinette rested a lazy arm over Steph’s shoulder, careful not to jostle the microphone hovering by the girl’s chin. She gave it a pointed look, and Steph mouthed the word ‘off’. She untensed a little. “Hey, what’s up?”
“Your mic is off.”
“I didn’t get one,” she said, shrugging.
Steph blinked. “Oh. I can give you mine.”
“Well, if I accept that, how am I going to insult Tim without the audience knowing?”
Dick snickered. “You could try not insulting him.”
Marinette gave him a blank look.
He shrugged as if to say ‘well, I tried’. Which, did he really?
But her attention was quickly stolen away when Steph pulled something out from behind her ear and then presented it to Marinette, who looked at it how one might look at a dead rat their cat had just brought in.
“What the hell is that?”
“A mic,” Dick offered.
She glared at him out of the corner of her eyes, and then snapped her attention back to Steph when the girl leaned in to fit the device over her ear. “You’re not putting that on me.”
“What, is the scientist scared of technology?” teased Dick.
She gritted her teeth. “Chemicals are easy to understand. They’re predictable. This? Unreliable. Who knows who's listening in on those wavelengths.”
There was a beat of silence. The two Waynes looked at each other for a moment, something unreadable on their faces.
And then Dick sighed. “Listen, you know how our dad bankrolls the Batman?”
She nodded, still eyeing Steph as if the girl was going to jump her and attach the evil machine to her by force.
“Well, we get a couple of perks. Like this. If anyone tries to hack into these – which, really, why would they? – Batman will be alerted and I’m sure they will never be heard from again… or whatever it is he and his weirdo kids do.”
“Local Batman proves that all cops are corrupt,” she said, still eyeing it warily.
“Not a cop,” said Steph.
“Not corrupt,” said Dick.
She wasn’t sure who was being less realistic.
And it didn’t matter what they said, either way.
Batman was exactly the person she was trying to avoid, thank you very much. But it wasn’t like she could just say that, because being openly wary of the Batman in front of rich people was just begging for them to be suspicious of you. They were too used to their peers being affiliated with the Court of Owls. So, reluctantly, she let Steph place the mic.
The girl drew back slightly once she was sure everything was in place (and, more importantly, that it would stay in place even while they were all running around).
Steph grinned. “There. Done. All you’ve got to do now is press the button and you’ll be live. Anyways. Blush like I said something suuuuper hot, m’kay? They’re staring.”
“Maybe if you do something hot, I will.”
She hummed thoughtfully before she brought her free hand up to cradle Marinette’s face. She tilted her head up, her thumb caressing her cheek, their noses brushing. A quiet click sounded next to her ear as her headpiece was turned on.
“Fixed,” Steph said. Quiet, but close enough to the mic hovering by Marinette’s chin for their audience to hear.
“Thanks,” Marinette mumbled. Thank god she had melanin to hide the reddening of her face somewhat, but she was pretty sure it was obvious regardless.
“Anytime,” Steph teased, going so far as to press a kiss to Marinette’s nose before drawing back. She glanced at Dick. “Your mic is off, too.”
“What, not going to fix mine for me?” Dick joked, lifting a lazy hand to flick the knob by his ear.
Steph snorted. “I’d rather die.”
Dick grinned and immediately tugged Marinette closer to him again. Woe is her. If only she could retaliate by beating his ass like she so wants to do. She hates debt. Thankfully, he didn’t wrap an arm around her this time, instead he let her go in favor of crossing his arms over his chest. “You’re just jealous that you don’t get to teach this sweet little underclassman the ropes.”
Marinette was fighting a valiant battle with her face, trying to keep the unimpressed annoyance off of it. “You’re so kind.”
“Of course! It’s my job as the club leader to make sure that your introduction to the group goes smoothly!”
They wouldn’t be bothering with all of this otherwise.
For you see, a large part of being a Host was based around how physically attractive you were, and if they wanted her to be popular enough to pay off her debt, they would have to introduce her to the potential customers in a way that would draw their attention in that way. So, it had been decided that Marinette’s official introduction should be some kind of physical activity. Especially since their clients were all fellow teens, and likely would see a bunch of people fighting for their lives in slightly skimpy clothes and go ‘ooooooooooh’.
Steph rolled her eyes so hard she must have seen her brain back there. “It would have been easier if we’d just done a pool party.”
“My! A pool party?! Steph, have you no shame? What about her innocence?!”
“Dick. She’s wearing a crop top and yoga pants.”
“A crop top, yoga pants, and tasteful armor,” said Dick. His attempts at defending her honor were… definitely attempts. Marinette could give him that.
Marinette crossed her arms over her chest, grinning. “Would you prefer I work out in a hoodie and sweats?”
“Well,” said Steph. She brought her hands up to press against her own chest, winking. “I don’t want that.”
A glance up at the crowd showed that the people had caught the jist of what she’d said thanks to the overdramatic body language she had opted for. Thankfully. Marinette wasn’t sure how to naturally repeat that for the sake of the people watching.
Her eyes caught on one particular person in the crowd, though.
Fu, leaning against his cane heavily, watching her.
“Alright, Steph, stop flirting with the new recruit,” Dick said, slinging his arm over Marinette’s shoulders again, tugging her closer to his side. “Shoo. Scram. Other synonyms that start with ‘s’. I need to teach her how to shoot – shoot! No, wait, I’m thinking of ‘shoo’, and I’m pretty sure I already said that. Anyways. Leave so I can teach her.”
Marinette’s head jerked around to look at him, her eyebrows disappearing behind her hairline. “I know how to shoot. You just…”
She pointed her paintball gun at a nearby wall and pulled the trigger. A disappointed look crossed her face when, despite the gun clicking to tell her that the trigger was working, nothing came out.
“Hm,” she said, eloquently.
He snickered. “Well, I know why that happened, but before we fix that…” He reached a hand out to adjust her fingers. “Let’s not keep our fingers on the trigger. Unless you want to shoot at anything that dares to surprise you.”
Marinette absolutely wanted that. Unfortunately, she couldn’t say that while in character, so she was stuck smiling and saying, “Thanks, Richard.”
“Dick,” he corrected lightly, as usual.
“You don’t understand how much I can not call you that,” she said. Even if Dick was, often, a dick, and she didn’t usually mind going with whatever nickname or name someone called themself, it’s hard to say the word and still come across as demure.
“Well, then, you can call me something else. How does ‘my liege’ sound?”
Marinette snickered into her hand. “Terrible, King.”
“Oh. Hate that.”
“Got it, Queen.”
He sighed.
“Themporer?” she tried, batting her eyelashes.
“How many of those do you have?”
“So many, gender nonspecific monarch.”
“That one feels like a stretch.”
She shrugged. “Yeah, it is a bit of a mouthful.”
“You know, I’m starting to realize that you use humor to stall.”
Marinette’s face flushed at the direct callout. That had been unnecessary. And she couldn’t even curse him out for it. She hated life.
Whatever. She’d roll with it (not like she had any other choices). She gasped, pressing a hand to her chest. “What do you mean? I was trying to figure out your royal-title-specific pronoun preferences! I had only the best of intentions.”
“Of course, of course. Pretend to get ready to shoot your gun.”
Marinette huffed, mumbling that he was ‘no fun’ as she lifted her paintball gun.
He walked around her slowly, knocking his foot against the inside of her own until she moved them to be shoulder width apart, bending her arms so the recoil wouldn’t hurt as much, bending her knees slightly so she wouldn’t fall over at the lightest of hits…
“You sure know a lot about this,” Marinette said, eyeing him warily.
“Dad made me take some self-defense classes after I got held for ransom for the eight and a half-th time.”
“Eight times is a lot but I guess that’s still surprisingly competent for hi – wait, half-th?”
“Yeah!” he said, and then did not elaborate.
She wasn’t sure what she had been expecting.
He checked her form one last time before nodding to himself. He squinted at her gun for a moment, before cringing.
“I – uh – I’m not used to turning off the safety from an outsider’s point of view…”
“Then here,” she said, starting to stand up straighter and hand it over to him, only for him to rapidly shake his head.
“No, no, no, we need you in that position for as long as possible to get your body used to it.”
Marinette fought back a grimace, her eyes briefly flicking to the people still watching them intently. Dick, as the self-proclaimed ‘king’ of the Host Club, was easily the most popular among guests. She did not want to put a target on her back by looking like she was trying to come onto him. Or because it might look like he was coming onto her. She hated this fucking job. They were coworkers, damn it. She shouldn’t be stressing about getting, like, Court of Owls-style assassinated for being near him!
“Just – just… do it quick,” she said.
He nodded sharply.
Arms wrapped around her from behind, a chin coming to rest upon her shoulder. Warm breath just barely wafted over the side of her neck, earning a few goosebumps. His hands ghosted over the back of her own, briefly, fixing the positioning of her fingers once again (he really didn’t like her tendency to hang onto the trigger, apparently) before flicking the safety off.
He pulled back the second everything was in order, hands up like he was already actively surrendering. They sent the people watching them mildly embarrassed looks. It isn’t doing them much good, though.
Quick! Take legitimacy away from the intimacy!
“I need to stop bringing desserts from home, you’re getting heavy.”
Dick spluttered. “What?”
“I said what I said.”
She would apologize later.
… wait, would Babs count mental damage as adding to her debt?
She was going to apologize so profusely later.
Dick sighed, running a hand through his hair, briefly pushing his bangs out of his eyes. “Tell me why we made you the girl next door again?”
“Out of ideas,” Marinette said.
“Right, right. Any chance we can change it?”
“Well, you’re the king and all, you can choose,” she said, before winking and blowing a kiss to the people up on the viewing platform. “But, hey, everyone knows that most ‘harsh’ people are just hurt people trying to protect themselves from more harm. I’m sure that, with the right person, I could actually be the soft, kind person I portray. After all, every act needs at least a little bit of truth to work, right?”
She glanced at Dick out of the corner of her eyes. He gave the barest trace of a nod.
She had a bit of a reputation in the school. Not really because she was outright mean to people – she would never say half the shit she said around Adrien and the host club members to people she didn’t know, not without good reason – but because pretty much every student knew about her… antagonistic relationship with Tim. Because during the last finals season they had only been a step above fistfighting in the middle of the hallway. And not even because they had been scared of punishment or expulsion, but instead because Duke and Steph had physically dragged Tim away before he could jump at her.
Whatever. It was totally water under the bridge and she definitely didn’t want him dead anymore.
(Yes, Tim and Marinette could just put aside their differences, and show that they had changed… but Marinette would rather just kill him, to be honest.)
Regardless, it would be hard to convince the general population that the person that had almost fought another member was all that shy and kind. So, they needed to rework her image. Recontextualize her personality.
Whether or not Marinette or any of the other host club members really believed what she was saying didn’t matter, all that mattered was that their guests believed it. Thankfully, they had years worth of toxic media to back up their claims, and the rich kids who had never had real reason to distrust what they’d been told fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
Great. The goal for today is done. Now, if only she could get out of this stupid paintball tournament. She has changed her mind. A chance of shooting Tim in the face is not worth having to simulate a battle.
Maybe if she annoys Dick enough he might just call it off?
She watched him out of the corner of her eyes as they continued down the hallway. He caught her stare and, instead of being confused or upset or uncomfortable, sent her a tiny smile.
Yeah, she didn’t think it would work. You can’t annoy someone with as many younger siblings as he has. They are immune to outside annoyances by this age, she is pretty sure.
There’s no getting out of this.
She almost laughed. Story of her fucking life.
Dick rested his hand on the doorknob, glancing back at her.
She flashed a wink. “As I’ll ever be.”
Their door opened up into what seemed to be a trench, carved into the ground. Once they had clambered out of the trench, their clothes already stained with dirt (at least she didn’t have to pay for any of it), they found themselves in a heavily wooded area, with a couple of concrete structures dotted around.
She walked to a nearby tree. All of them looked long dead, blackened, as if they had been burned. As if this was a real battlefield.
She rapped her knuckles against it lightly, and wasn’t surprised to find that, whatever it was made of, it wasn’t organic material. Judging by the sound, she would guess styrofoam, paper mache, paint, and a dream.
A quick check of one of the structures revealed it to have no ceiling.
The entire world around them was fabricated to give the people so far above them, standing on the glass and peering down at them with excited grins she didn’t want to look at, a good view of what was going on. No leaves, no roofs, nothing was allowed to take away from their fun.
Oh shit, she thought. This is what it feels like to be in the Hunger Games.
Or to be in one of Riddler’s escape rooms, she supposed.
She watched Dick carefully toeing at the dirt, checking to see how far down it went. Whether it could actually be used as padding, or if the metal hidden beneath would give some nasty bruises if someone fell on it for any reason. Such as dramatically falling over when shot ‘dead���.
Her lips twitched into a wry kind of grin. And he’s supposed to be the ‘dumbest’ one. Who does he think that he’s fooling?
It wasn’t until long after he had confirmed that the ground was, in fact, soft enough for them all to drop dead on without issue, that an alarm alerted them to the fact that the grace period was over, and they were now supposed to be hunting each other to the death.
Marinette brushed her bangs away from her eyes, taking advantage of the opportunity to see how the audience had dispersed themselves. They were, largely, grouped into four spots. No guesses why. Sureeeeeely not because this was where the four pairs of competitors were…
Okay, that wasn’t fair to the customers. There was no way for them to know that the glass wasn’t a one way mirror like they’d been told. They shouldn’t be aware of the fact that this was all a play that had been planned out well in advance. The Waynes weren’t the types to let on that they weren’t quite as ‘airheaded’ as they often portrayed themselves to be, for whatever reason.
Still… Marinette stretched lazily, rocking back and forth on her feet, trying not to laugh aloud at just how obvious they were all being.
“So, are we heading to the center or skirting around the edges?” she asked.
“Center,” he said, because that was where most of the male clients were, and therefore where Babs and Cass were likely to be. “Let’s see whether there’s a Hunger Games-style cornucopia or something.”
Marinette clicked her tongue lightly. “You can’t tell people what we’re ripping off.”
“I think they already know.”
She huffed, but it’s not as if she genuinely cared.
Without further ado, they were off.
They happened across Babs and Cass in the middle. They seemed to be doing the same thing that Marinette and Dick were, picking around for anything that might be useful. As if the people who had made this place would make an entrance in a spot where they had special items.
“Find anything?” Dick asked, pointing his gun at Babs.
Cass retaliated by pointing her gun at him. He did not seem particularly pleased about this development.
Marinette wasn’t pleased, either, because this meant she had to point her gun at Cass in retaliation. Fuck this script for making her defend Dick Grayson of all people.
Their guests looked to Babs, expecting her to point her gun at Marinette and complete the circle, leading to a dramatic standoff…
Only for Babs to hold up her hands in the universal sign of surrender. “We don’t have to fight,” she said. “It’s better if we don’t. We can’t have Jason or Tim’s teams winning.”
If nothing else, Marinette had to admit that this strategy would have probably worked on her and Dick even if it wasn’t scripted. Because fuck Tim Drake. And, in Dick’s case, Jason, in particular, cannot win, because he would be insufferable about it. They would both take shady deals in a heartbeat if it meant that the other two teams wouldn’t win.
“What do you get from this?” Marinette asked, because it was expected of her.
Cass shrugged. “Fun.”
Valid reason. Marinette (and Dick, too, though she loathed to admit it) could sometimes be fun.
As for Babs…
“If we’re the last two teams, I want to shoot Dick in the face.”
Dick gave a screech of offense, complaining about his ‘beautiful face’. But Marinette sees now downsides! They shook on it before he could get a word in edgewise.
“Alright, team, let’s roll out,” said Babs.
“Don’t I get a say in this?” Dick whined.
“No. We are misandry-ing,” Marinette informed him.
“Perfect. Us girlies have to stick together,” Babs joked lightly.
“True. Can’t wait to kill ‘my liege’ for the sake of women everywhere,” Marinette said, snickering to herself.
Dick snorted at the ‘my liege’ callback, and then seemed to process what she had said. He pressed a hand to his chest. “Excuse you, I’m a girlie, too.”
“Woo, slay queen,” Marinette deadpanned. And then she frowned to herself. “Is ‘my liege’ a gendered term?”
“I… think so?” said Babs. The grammar rules for royalty is not the kind of thing the average teenager is looking up, after all. And, if Babs doesn’t know, then Cass (ESL speaker) and Dick (a liar pretending to be the ‘dumb one’ in a group already known for being stupid) had no shot. Pain. She must live without knowing for the next few hours. Why does god hate her so? Truly, she has suffered more than Jesus.
… perhaps it is jokes like that that make god hate her.
Whatever. She did not believe in Him, therefore He could not hurt her.
“Let’s roll out, then, I guess,” she said.
“Only I’m allowed to make that joke,” said Babs.
Marinette blinked. And then her face reddened. “Oh — I—!”
Cass shook her head in mock disappointment.
Marinette huffed. “Is it too late to un-team?”
“Nah, we shook on it, it’s binding,” Babs said.
Well. If that’s the case. They rolled ou— started off in search of others.
It was, honestly, a lot of meandering around. If they managed to go in the right direction too many times, the illusion would break, after all.
But, if nothing ‘entertaining’ was happening, they needed to work extra hard to have interesting conversations to listen in on. Which was hard. Usually, they entertained their guests by flirting, which was easy and didn’t take that much mental energy, but that was no longer really an option. They weren’t going to flirt with each other, especially since Dick and Cass were siblings and Dick and Babs were exes (Dick once again ruining things for everyone, shame on him). So…
Marinette walked alongside Babs. “If you don’t mind me asking, how the heck are you able to use your wheelchair when the ground is like this?” she said. The wheels didn’t look all that special, after all – it was all clearly high-quality, don’t get her wrong, but it wasn’t like she was looking at the wheelchair version of four wheel drive. And the gun in her lap was barely even moving.
“That’s the most fucked up question anyone’s ever asked me,” deadpanned Babs.
Marinette huffed. “Now, I just don’t think that’s true.”
“When have I ever lied?”
“I’m still convinced that the debt was a scam,” she sniffed.
Babs rolled her eyes but distinctly didn’t deny it. Because she couldn’t, clearly, not because she just didn’t feel that this was worth her time or energy. “This isn’t any worse than going down sidewalks.”
Marinette envisioned the Average Gotham Sidewalk. Then looked at the ground. She supposed that the sticks kind of resembled used syringes, now that she thought about it, and the dirt was surprisingly much smoother than the pothole-riddled concrete.
“Oh,” she said. “Okay, makes sense, yeah.”
Well. She had done her job. Someone else needs to pick up the slack, now.
Babs sent her a flat look that said she needed to say something that would interest the audience, not just her. She fought the urge to grumble under her breath. The microphone would pick that up, too.
She turned to look at Dick.
“Okay, philosophical question: if you are aware that you are in denial, is it really denial, or is it a weird form of acceptance?”
It was silent for a moment.
“Er… I guess… acceptance?”
“But then it’s not denial. Different stage,” Cass said.
“But if you’re aware of it, it can’t be denial,” Dick argued.
Babs sighed. “How ‘aware’ is this ‘awareness’? Because, I’m pretty sure, even people in denial kind of know things are weird.”
“Nonono, you’re aware of the denial,” said Marinette. “Like, you know the thing you’re in denial about is bad and you go ‘nahhhhh’. But it’s a conscious decision.”
“Then… ugh. Denial, I guess.”
Babs and Cass started arguing. Marinette was pretty sure this was the most talkative and passionate she had ever seen Cass.
As for the guests… they were either arguing vehemently themselves or watching other people argue with amused grins.
Marinette, discreetly, gave a little bow in Dick’s direction. He gave a huff of laughter.
By the time they stumbled across another person, Cass seemed pissed off enough to go all out. This wasn’t intentional, but it was still funny to watch Duke go from relatively calm and in control to immediately ducking behind a tree for cover for fear of death.
Until he started firing at them all, too, and they were forced to book it to the nearest shelter.
You might argue that they were cowards, and should help out Cass, and you’d be right, but…
They wouldn’t be much help, to be honest.
The way Duke and Cass were fighting was insane. Like they already knew what each other’s movements were going to be ahead of time, and thus were more intent on waiting for the other to slip up than outright outsmarting each other.
Marinette whistled lowly. “How often do you guys come here?”
“Here? This is the first time, actually,” said Dick, brightly. “But we have something like this back at the Manor.”
She hated rich people.
(This fact has been made abundantly clear over the past few chapters, but she would like to say it again. And again. For as many times as it would take for them to stop pulling Rich People Shit.)
“Woooow,” she said, trying to infuse as much fake cheeriness into her tone as was physically possible when her main thought was about how, technically, friendly fire is possible here. “What a perfectly amazing use of your money.”
He nodded his agreement. Whether or not it was joking did not matter when her blood was boiling beneath her skin. She started to lift her gun, intent on either helping Cass or betraying both Cass and Duke at once, only for a stray bullet to nail the wall by her head the moment she started to poke her head out.
She stared at the purple paint for a moment, eyes wide, before slowly shrinking back into hiding.
She was still pissed off, though!
Before her eyes could drift to Babs and she could weigh the moral implications of sending her out first, a handful of skittles was shoved in front of her face.
“Want some?” said Jason.
She nodded, taking all of the red ones and popping them in her mouth. Dick did the same, but with the green pieces, like a weirdo (who the hell prefers green?). Babs wasn’t nearly as picky, just taking a handful of the rest and popping them like pills.
And then she started to lift her gun.
Marinette nearly choked on her sweet treat.
“JASON?!” Dick yelped.
They scrambled for their own guns.
Jason managed to get a shot off on Babs before he was covered in yellow. Maybe they shot him more times than was strictly necessary, but that was what he deserved for using Skittles against them. Honestly, the fact that Dick didn’t believe in the death penalty was the only thing saving him right now.
As for Marinette… well, she had been too intent on looting his ‘corpse’ for more candy to bother with murdering him via paintball gun. After all, what if the Skittles ended up getting blood or — god forbid — paint on them? She wouldn’t even be able to kill him in retaliation for messing up her snack.
She grumbled when she found paintballs, but pocketed them for extra ammo, in case Cass won and needed more.
Then, finally, she procured her prize: a sharing size bag of candy.
Life is good.
Unless you are Jason Todd.
“Maaaaan,” he groaned. “Those are mine, y’know.”
“Shhhhh, you’re a corpse, you can’t speak,” Dick said, holding his hand out for some.
She set the paintballs in his hand instead.
And then watched on in horror as he bit down on one without thinking.
Dick stared at her for a moment, purple dripping from his mouth.
Marinette swallowed down the temptation to joke about him looking like a vampire in favor of frantically looking up whether paintballs were nontoxic or if they were about to cut this paintball tournament short.
… which she wouldn’t mind, actually, now that she thought about it...
She considered the google page saying that they were nontoxic (for humans, at least, apparently they were not good for animals, which Damian was going to be distressed about when he learned), wondering whether an ambulance visit would be added to her debt. And then decided she didn’t want to risk it.
“You’re fine.”
Want to know who wasn’t fine? Cass and Duke. Apparently, in the time it took for everything to settle, Duke and Cass had killed each other off. Or, well, Duke had slipped up and Cass had ‘died’ in solidarity with him. Mildly concerning behavior, but it was a paintball game and therefore has no real indication of actual behaviors. Hopefully. Marinette genuinely liked Cass.
No time to linger on that particular line of thought.
“If Tim wins I’m pulling a Cass,” Marinette told Dick.
Dick raised an eyebrow. “You’d already be ‘dead’ if Tim wins.”
She thought this over. “Then I’ll come back as a zombie and be killed again. Perfect.”
Jason did not seem to find this funny, but maybe he was still bitter about having his Skittles stolen. Dick grinned and, really, that’s all that matters.
“What do you think real life zombies are like?” he asked.
She shrugged. “Nonexistent.”
“Don’t know what I was expecting from the scientist,” he huffed.
“Fiiiiiine,” she said. She thought, long and hard, about what a real life zombie would be like. Blüdhaven got nuked a while back (deserved, fuck Blüdhaven), and she hadn’t yet heard of zombies, so radiation poisoning wasn’t going to do it. So probably an intentional thing — Jurassic Park style experimentation, or something. Which means that the circumstances would be controlled… except zombies would probably escape the labs, if Marinette were to ever see them. The body would have to be very cold to slow down decomposition. It wouldn’t even halt it entirely.
“Gross,” she decided.
Dick stared at her. “All that thought and you come up with ‘gross’?!”
“I’m not wrong. They’d be gross.”
“That is not the point!” he groaned. “Talk about whether you think they’d be fast or slow, strong or weak, intelligent or not! Talk about whether their decomposition would affect them!”
She snickered. “Careful, Richard, or you’re going to make people think you have a brain in there.”
For a moment, he froze. And then he purposefully relaxed, each muscle individually untensing, one by one. He laughed lightly, but it was a tad bit forced (when wasn’t it, though?). “Yeah, the zombies will come after me if they know.”
“Being stupid has its benefits, yeah?”
He chuckled humorlessly.
Before he could come up with a proper response, though, Tim wandered into their area, drawn by the sound of gunfire from Duke and Cass’s fight. Marinette and Dick pointed their guns at him immediately.
Tim narrowed his eyes. He pointed his gun at Marinette, but seemed hesitant.
Marinette fought off a smirk. She loved having plot armor. At the sight of her face, he only seemed more irritated, which was even better.
But there was nothing he could do.
He set his gun down.
“We could take him as hostage,” Dick offered. “See if that lures Damian –.”
“Nah, too risky,” said Marinette. Without any further ado, she shot Tim.
Tim fell over, and not entirely because that was standard for ‘dead’ people. He hugged himself. His dignity, breaking. In a very literal sense.
It was very quiet. Marinette’s hand found its way to her mouth.
Dick looked at her, his eyes wide and horrified.
“I know I hate you, but… I didn’t mean… I forgot that men have… Tim, I’m so sorry.”
Tim made a pitiful sound.
Shakily, he lifted a hand in a thumbs up.
She made a heart with her own hands. This did not seem to help in the slightest but, frankly, there wasn’t much else she could do.
Luckily, she didn’t need to think about it for long before she was distracted — a voice called from behind them: “Found you.”
She whipped around and shot Damian in the chest.
There were a few moments where no one knew what to do. The boy stared at the paint staining his armor bright yellow. Marinette’s grip felt clammy on her gun.
Dick tipped his head to the side consideringly.
She met his eyes.
She was no longer amused by the intelligence lingering in his gaze as he scrutinized her. She narrowed her eyes at him, briefly, daring him to say something. She wasn’t the only one hiding things, after all.
Play along, she told him. Help me fix this ending.
He relaxed his expression carefully.
They had an understanding. Despite Marinette’s supposed incompetence with guns, when startled she was quick to shoot and accurate. Despite Dick constantly acting as if he was dumb, there was clearly a brain hidden somewhere there. They both knew more than they tried to let on. Maybe that was why they didn’t have much trouble identifying each other’s acts… but, so long as their own secrets remained intact, they could keep each others’.
It was a little nerve-wracking, and yet, strangely, nice, to have someone you don’t have to lie to. That can see past it even when you try.
She smirked and lifted her gun. “See? This is why you keep your finger on the trigger, Dick.”
He grinned and held up his hands in surrender.
Marinette and Dick grimaced as a cooler full of paint was poured over their backs. They definitely felt victorious right about now. This was their prize for winning. Yay them.
Sure, they didn’t exactly, genuinely earn the win, but that’s besides the point.
He looked at her. “You’ve got red in your hair.”
She yelped and brought a hand up to try and get it out, only to remember just a second too late that her hands, too, were covered in paint. She stared at the glob of paint-covered hair hanging limp in front of her eyes for a moment, devastated, and then glared at him.
“You did that on purpose.”
“I was just pointing something out for you,” he said ‘innocently’, unable to quite keep himself from smiling.
She hummed, and then slapped her hand onto his hair. He hissed and reflexively his hands flew up to touch the sore spot, only for him to realize that now he had been the one baited into getting paint in his hair.
“Marinette,” he said, smiling sweetly.
For a moment, one could almost see the regret flickering across her features.
And then he rushed forward to try and trap her in a hug. She shrieked, managing to get only a few steps before she was snatched up, dragged into the evil monster. She barely even had time to fight back before she was thrown over his shoulder, only able to yell off-brand curse words and try to writhe around in hopes of freedom – or, at least, in hopes that she could smear her own paint over every part of him she could reach.
Within minutes, they were swirling messes of red, blue, purple, and the occasional scrap of visible skin.
There were people laughing at their antics.
Both of them froze.
They looked up, and found the other members of the Host Club were enjoying the show.
As well as a few guests, but they couldn’t really retaliate against them.
So, Dick set Marinette down and they met each other’s eyes and silently resolved to make up for that by attacking their fellow club members twice as much to compensate.
Marinette heaved a sigh as she sat on a bench, scrubbing paint off her arm with her millionth wet wipe of the day. Where did the green even come from?
It was then that she realized someone was nearing her.
She looked over her shoulder and found…
Well, someone her age. She recognized her, vaguely, from her English class, but their name eluded her.
The girl smiled nervously at Marinette, wringing her hands and somewhat avoiding eye contact. “I – uh – was wondering if you could Host for me sometime?”
Marinette stared at her for a moment, processing.
And then she lit up, practically jumping from her seat in order to shake the girl’s hand.
“That sounds great! What day would you –?”
She drew her hand back, and cringed at the red strings of paint now connecting their hands.
“I… don’t know if I have more wet wipes,” she said, blushing.
The girl smiled, amused. “If you walk me home, I’ll consider it even.”
Marinette hesitantly took her hand again, intertwining their fingers. “Okay. Don’t know if that’s much of a punishment, but if that’s what it takes to repay you…”
Taglist: @ev-cupcake @thatonecroc @toodaloo-kangaroo @fangirlingfanatic
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nukenai · 8 days
Since everyone's having the stupid pride discourse again ("don't bring your partner who i am assuming is cishet to pride!" or whatever) I'm seeing my favorite tweet ever again which is this:
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And I remember last year people started being like "Wow, I guess everyone is making fun of people with anxiety now! Guess it's cool to make fun of neurodivergence!"
No. That is not what people are doing. The above tweet, and similar attitudes, is referring to people who spend all day online having inflammatory opinions about bullshit like "who is allowed to attend a pride parade" or "are asexual people Queer Enough, as decided by Me, The Arbiter of Gay?", acting like they are authorities on anything, and being really aggressive to strangers. But then. If they have to make a fucking phone call or confront someone in person, they completely clam up because they're just insecure freaks with no real convictions.
THAT is what this is making fun of. No one is saying that it's cool to be like LMFAO YOU HAVE ANXIETY YOU FUCKING IDIOT. It's "Lmfao, you really spend all day yelling at strangers on twitter and acting like a bully, when IRL you would never ACTUALLY say anything to the supposed "cishet boyfriend", or your bi friend in a "het" relationship, or an asexual person who is minding their own goddamn business." Because yeah actually, that's hilarious and pathetic if you act like that!
Also these people making big posts and tweets like "here's my really insane opinion about why no one who "looks cis" should ever attend a pride parade" are pretty much always under 25 which. lol. shut up baby.
Anyways happy pride month i'm asexual and like maybe aromantic I don't fucking know. No one is interested in me and all the (vague gestures) I would come with so it does not matter to me right now. But if labels matter to you, that's awesome! Please realize labels are not assigned to you by other people, you do not NEED them, but it's awesome if they make you feel awesome and it can be so helpful to find one that matches you.
If you're like, idk a bi woman with a cishet husband or whatever, and someone has a problem with that, you're allowed to kick them right in the fucking mouth. It's legal!
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polaroidtelevision · 2 years
I was going to post a list of the several writer steve aus bouncing around in my head for people to take and use as they please but then I spiralled on a specific one and now it’s at 2k and counting and too long to post here like I was going to so anyway chapter one of this will be out on ao3 soon. Maybe
Basically Steve’s a writer and Eddie’s a barista at a queer friendly cafe with a rockstar side gig.
It’s 1987, the upside down didn’t happen, Steve finally gets out of his parents house and gets an apartment with robin in the city. He starts going to community college to work towards eventually being a counselor or teacher or something. While he isn’t studying he picks up hobbies he felt like he could never even begin to approach while under his parents roof and he and robin explore the queer scene of the area(he realized he was bisexual in 1985). They find a cafe not far from the apartment, it’s called Dorothy’s Keep, it’s decorated very fantastically and it just screams this is a safe place to be yourself, not to mention the name, it’s a queer refuge hiding in plain sight. And Steve becomes a regular. He claims a table in the corner and spends lots of time their studying, and then he starts writing. He gets the idea on a whim one day when on the phone with Dustin, who’s telling him about their latest dnd campaign back in Hawkins. The storyline evolves into its own thing in his head, and then he puts his own twists into the scene, his own monsters and characters, and he starts writing. Its a fantasy horror romance that starts out being about a boy and a girl, but after a few interactions with the cute barista at Dorothy’s keep he makes the main characters queer. His writing end up being good, and he’s cranking the story out, between the atmosphere at the cafe and his life being actually pretty sorted out, he can finally afford to be creative.
Said cute barista AKA Eddie Munson always greets Steve by name or nickname when he comes in now, it’s been a couple months since he first started coming in, and maybe Eddie has a bit of a crush on his favorite regular.
One day he sees Steve looking particularly frustrated in the corner, and frustrated Steve looks like a kicked puppy and Eddie just can’t have that going on, so he decides to finally gather the courage to do something like he’s been meaning to. So he brings Steve his favorite pastry that he often orders. Steve says “I uh, I didn’t order this?” And Eddie says something about how he looked so sad and “i can’t have my favorite regular being down in the dumps, now, can I?”
Steve says thanks and is like yeah you know what I’m done with this for today and closes the journal he’s writing in and Eddie’s guesses “schoolwork?” And Steve replies with “nah, writers block is kicking my ass.”
Naturally, Eddie asks “you’re a writer?” And it ends with Steve telling him all about his story for the next hour and Eddie assuring him that he’s the manager and won’t get in trouble for extending his break a bit and they flirt. Like. A lot.
They talk more often after that and flirt a lot and we’ll, you can guess where the story is headed.
Keep an eye out for the fic, it’s gonna be super gay and cute, I’ll repost this when chapter one is out. I haven’t decided if I’m gonna add angst yet or not, but knowing me there’ll be a.. little bit. There’ll be a happy ending though, I promise.
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hi im here to ask you to please please elaborate on john playing 5d chess with truthers in a modern day au
(personally i think he'd get a quick out of being like women women i love women and girls in interviews but then mentioning queer movies/recommending songs by obscure queer artists)
Okay, so truthers tend to develop a canon of seemingly innocuous things their subjects do which "mean something" right? For example tumblr k*ylors think that when Karlie Kloss wears orange, it means she's about to do a "stunt" lol.
So in my head, John is overly read-up on this shit and like purposely messes with these "codes".
Imagine a scenario where the Modern AU McLennon Tinhats have decided John wears denim or something to signal he's in love with Paul, NOW imagine a scenario where the fandom gets Larry levels of out of hand and Brian is forcing them to address this.
Paul starts a livestream going like "Hey everyone, we're just confirmin' that, while John and I are good friends, there's nothin' else going on :)" and John pipes up from off screen "That we know of. Inconclusive, if you ask me." and Paul goes like "John what the fuck this is live??" And then Paul starts getting accused of throwing his gay fans under the bus (*paul scoff* "I wouldn't THINK of doin' anythin' of the SORT with a bus of all things!!!") and he does another livestream all frustrated and flustered like "Listen, look, I know it's good fun for some of you, but the, er, the people who take it too far, it's really– It's gettin' out of hand, y'know, and it's frustratin' when it isn't true y'know–" and John runs into the frame with a denim jacket like "Would a gay person wear THIS?????? checkmate mclennons."
And now the tinhats start theorizing they're going through a rough patch and John looks up from his phone after checking tumblr and goes "Bad news. We're about to break up :(" and Paul's like "I'm about to break YOU up."
Also, John starts quoting like, the most popular McLennon fic verbatim in public. Also he anonymously feeds big truther blogs some true but irrelevant insider information to gain their trust and then sends them the most batshit stuff.
Sorry I could go on ALL DAY.
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seulszn · 1 year
hey friend! would you be comfy with writing a blurb or hc for bella comofting a reader dealing with some internalized homophobia coming back to them after they come out to their family? bella seems like such a great support system and i would love to hear their words of comfort 🫶
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Pairing: Bella Ramsey x Reader
Sypnosis : you decided it would be a good idea to come out to your homophobic parents.
Warnings: homophobia, abuse, angst, fluff, use of the F slur (just once), supportive Bella, a happy ending.
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"Mom, Dad can we talk?" You say placing your phone in your back pocket and looking at your parents who are on the couch watching TV. "Sure dear what's up" your mother says with a smile on her face that you know won't last very much longer. You felt like you have to tell them they where your parents and you felt like if you told them they would back off you and stop with the arranged dates they force you to go on.
“Ok whatever I’m gonna tell you please just promise me one thing” you ask as your mom and dad nod there heads begging for you to continue. “That you will continue to support me no matter what” you add as your parents look at each other slightly confused “we are your parents we will always support you” your father says as you sigh finally having a little weight off your shoulders you feel like this will go smoothly.
You slowly breath in and out before looking at your hand and then at your parents “ok mom dad I’m gay” you say looking at their face change. Your mother places her hands around her mouth in shock you see tears in your mothers eyes and hatred in your fathers. you didn’t know what to do so you just stood their “get out pack your things and get out” your father says pointing to the door. “What?” your father stands up and walks over to your room going through your stuff and tossing things into the hallways “I SAID PACK YOUR THINGS AND GET THE FUCK OUT!” Your father says once again. You stand their in shock “but I have nowhere to go” you add “well you should thought of that when you where out their doing unholy things!”
He’s right you should have but you didn’t you thought they would support you, you thought they would embrace you into a big hug and kiss you saying they support you. But they didn’t “Father please! Just listen” you beg grabbing ahold of him as he doesn’t listen and continues placing things into suitcases and bags. “It was that Bella girl wasn’t it? She brainwashed you didn’t she? I knew that faggot was nothing but fucking trouble.” Your mother says grabbing ahold of your shoulders. Bella your girlfriend that you loved so much it was his idea he told you that you should come out to your parents. Even though you were hesitant you still did it Bella said they will be by your side through all of it.
“My girlfriend?” You ask as your mother breaks down at your words girlfriend? “Why, why can’t you just be normal? Why must you ruin your life!” Your mother ordered expecting you to answer. You go quiet before answering “I’m not ruining my life I’m still your same old little girl, I’m just comfortable in my own skin” you say as your father laughs before looking at you “your not our daughter, our daughter would never do anything like this to us your a freak that’s what you are and I refuse to live under the same roof as a freak” your father retorted. Your heart drops at the word Freak and you start to cry. You felt nasty, like a monster maybe you were making the wrong decision all you wanted was your parents love and support but nothing came.
“I’m not a freak! Why are you guys treating me like I’m a monster?” you question as your mother places boxes and suitcases by the door. “You know I had a feeling you were gay but I pushed it into the back of my mind because I knew you could have changed. But clearly I was wrong” your mother says looking at you like you are nothing but trash “is that why you stoped Bella from coming over here? Is that why you planned all these arranged dates with people you knew I didn’t like? You did this cause your selfish not because you loved me, you lied! It brought you joy seeing me come home a crying mess because a date didn’t go well! Didn’t it?” You yell as your mother slaps you.
Your place your hand on your cheek “DON’T YOU EVER RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME!” She hissed grabbing ahold of your arm and dragging you back into your room to get more of your stuff. “I want you out and I never want you back here we will deliver the rest of your things to your girlfriends house” she says as your father crosses his arms looking at you. “Mom dad please don’t do this to me! I’m sorry I’ll do anything” you beg with tears rolling down your face. They don’t say anything “the best thing you can do is get out, don’t come back to this house, don’t contact us, don’t be anywhere around us, don’t think about us or anything you caused this, this is all your fault” your mother insisted.
You stand their in the middle of your mother and father “what- does that mean your disowning me? Your only daughter?” You ask as your mother and father nod their head. “Get out I’m done talking Y/N” your mother says massaging her temples you don’t you don’t even move. “No” you mumble. Your mom stomps over to you grabbing you by your hair dragging you across the house down the stairs and to the door and throwing you and your stuff out. “Mom please don’t do this!”
“I love you mommy please” you say trying to hug her “so? Please let go of me” she orders before dad throws a bag outside for you “leave if you aren’t off our property in five minutes we will be calling the police” she adds as she wipes away her tears. “Please don’t do this mama! I’m sorry don’t you love me?” You ask pleading as she looks at you with disgust “no not anymore” she says before closes the door on your face.
“BELLA PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!” you yell banging on the door. You continue until the door opens revealing your girlfriend with a smile. “Hi bab- what the hell happened?” He asks as his smile drops ushering you into the apartment. You place your stuff down before Bella grabs your face looking at you “baby what happened?” She asks once again caressing your cheeks. You don’t say anything you just cry, and fall onto Bella wanting her to hold you comfort you and she does, right on the hallway floor massaging your back and shushing you trying to calm you down. She continues until your nothing but sniffles and she hopes she can ask whats wrong without triggering something.
“Baby do you want to talk?” They ask as you nod your head not moving from Bella’s grasp afraid that if you do they will leave you. “Wanna move to the couch?” They request as you shake your head no just wanting to stay here. “Fine let me get comfortable then” he says moving his legs in a more comfortable position.
“What’s wrong dear?” Bella asks as you look at her and Bella’s heartaches at the look of you. Red puffy eyes, a swollen cheek, and dried up blood from your mother dragging you out of the house by your hair. “They- they kicked me out” you answer a little hesitant and Bella doesn’t saying anything only listens to you talk and rubs your back “I took your advice and decided to come out to them” you whispered quietly loud enough for Bella to hear you.
“And once I told them I was gay it was like a switch flickered in their brain they got violent mentally and physically, they bad mouthed you went through my room and then disowned me” you ranted as Bella pulls you in once they see tears form at the corner of your eyes “oh baby girl I’m so sorry” they comforted rubbing your back and slowly rocking you back and fourth trying to calm you down. “I’m pathetic-” Bella interrupts you not wanting you to continue that thought “your not pathetic Y/N so don’t think that” they reassure you.
“Bella it hurts it really hurts” you whimper as he nods his head kissing the corner of your eye were the tears are falling at “I know Y/N I know, but you don’t have to worry anymore ok? I’m here for you and I love you” they say as you nod your head. But you feel guilty why are you pushing this onto him?
“I’m sorry Bella” they glare at you confused “sorry why are you sorry?” They ask as you move off of him “for pushing this onto you it’s my problem not yours I should be solving this all for myself” Bella snickers before grabbing ahold of your hands “don’t feel guilty I’m your girlfriend that’s what i’m here for!” They answered as you softly smiled. Bella gets up and pulls you up with her.
“Let’s get you cleaned up yeah?” They requested moving you into his bedroom. “I don’t deserve a person like you” you mumbled as Bella hands you tissue so you can blow your nose “yes you do, stop beating yourself up I love you, I need you, and I’m so glad I’m with you so please don’t say anything like that” they say wiping the blood from your scalp.
You space off thinking about the encounter and how you no longer have parents to comfort you, love you, hug you or just be their for you. “Hey let’s take your mind off of it ok? Im gonna order some food, and we can watch a movie, and cuddle how does that sound?” They offer as you nod your head. Bella smiles before kissing you they leave the room to probably order the food leaving you alone again.
“Cookies and Cream ice cream!” They beamed handing you a tub of vegan free ice cream “I don’t have any more of yours since you ate it all so all that’s left is vegan options” they add sitting down on the edge of the bed handing you a spoon. “I was thinking about remodeling the apartment” they state stuffing their face with ice cream and staring at you “why?” You ask as Bella smiles “I mean since you basically live here now I think it would be good to just start new y’know?” They say as you grin.
“Yea that sounds good” you say as Bella gets up once again and walking out and coming back with food. “Got you your favorite Chinese restaurant that sells the vegan options” she says as you smile. You might not be vegan but you always think about Bella when it comes to eating out at places so when you found a Chinese restaurant that also has a whole vegan menu you had to bring Bella and it instantly became a favorite of yours. “Did you ask for extra broccoli and zucchini?” you ask as Bella nods her head handing you your food.
“I know your order by heart Y/N you get the same thing each time” they comment as you roll your eyes at them. “I do not” you say as Bella hands you a fork. “You do too orange chicken, beef and broccoli, chicken and zucchini, fried rice or chow mein” Bella says as you roll your eyes before looking at your plate your missing something “were is my-” “egg roll here” you snicker thanking them.
“Thank you Bella for this” you say as they nod stuffing their face with food “you're welcome baby now put on a movie” they giggle handing you the remote control. You skim through movies before stopping at your favorite “babe again? But I'm a cheerleader?” Bella groans as you grin rolling your eyes. “What its a good movie!” you spoke trying to defend yourself.
“Your lucky I love you”
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Welp another request done I hope you enjoyed this one as much as I enjoyed writing this and I hope you have good day (and keep requesting stuff) orevwa :). Ⓒ︎ bellaxellie.
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