#genshin moco
luxthestrange · 1 year
G.I Incorrect Quotes#26 THAT SMILE-
Moco: What’s up with Y/n? They have been laying on the floor for like….an hour now?
Adeline: they're just a little overwhelmed
Hillie: Why?
Adeline:: Diluc smiled at them
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orbitalmoonrat · 10 months
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Had a moment of insanity and drew a height chart of the dawn winery crew with their age headcanons
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anemoi-i · 9 months
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Moco & Hillie
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ephemeralwxsh · 1 year
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@dcviated asked:
Diluc moves out of the way just in time to avoid being bowled over by the mass of linens being carried down the hall. It's his fault not being out of the manor already, but certain proclivities kept him from running a normal schedule.
"Clorica." He calls out. "Clorica!" Once more for good measure. Hopefully it's enough to gather her attention (and her consciousness)
"Weren't you supposed to be off today?"
          “ Laundry day, la-di-day, would you like some apples today~ ”
Soft humming filled the halls as Clorica entered the winery, a large basket of sheets and bedding obscuring her vision. The warm sunlight would surely be missed, but it had done such a wonderful job of drying the linens, so all was well.
Even without being able to see the halls in front of her eyes, the young butler knew exactly where to take the baskets, and at this time of day, the other maids would be working in the kitchens or sweeping outside. No need to worry in the least, which meant that Clorica was free to daydream and hum-
Or maybe not. The first call of her name didn’t process in the least, but when Master Diluc repeated it — a bit louder, a little sharper — Clorica jolted, faltering in her bouncy steps. It only took an additional moment to place the linens down and swish around to face him, but that didn’t mean her response would come swiftly.
On the contrary, she spent a few additional minutes pondering his question — Moco and Hillie had made extra special sure to remind her that tomorrow was her day off, not today, but Master Diluc and Miss Adelinde were almost never wrong! What a conundrum…
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          “ Oh, how strange... I thought for sure that was tomorrow. ”
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kaeyapilled · 10 months
i love opening genshin to just hang out by the dawn winery. lovely place. the soundtrack is so good. crystalflies by the grapevines. i pick up mushrooms from under the roofs. moco and hillie gossip about adelinde. i go inside the winery to just run around and hear her say "when will master diluc finally resolve his issues with master kaeya....". then i close the game. what else is there to do when you have no resin left
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reticent-writer · 2 years
Rumors P2
(Whenever I wrote for genshin for a reader the default vision I go to is Dendro. If you want me to change it, majority vote wins.)
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You woke up the next day still in Diluc’s arms. Usually he would be gone by now. You tried to get up but his grip was strong.
“Where do you think you’re going?” God his morning voice was enough to give you energy for a week. Diluc rolled until he was on top of you and started kissing your neck in all the right places. 
Your hands intertwined with his hair as he continues to kiss you. 
*Knock Knock Knock*
You both pulled away from each other.
“Master Diluc, My lady. It's time to get up, breakfast is downstairs and you have a meeting in mondstat, Master Diluc.” It was Adelinde.
“Thank you, Adelinde.” Diluc started, “We’ll be down in a minute.” He gave you one last kiss on the lips before getting up. He looked so grumpy. It was cute. 
Sitting up you recount the events that happened a few hours ago. For some reason this was worse than the rumors. Your fear for rumors comes and goes but this rumors fear stayed. It was like a child who sees something on TV and thinks it's real.
“Hey Diluc, how long will you be in Mondstat?” 
“Not long. Why?”
“Just asking”
During breakfast you acted the way you would normally, ignoring the feeling that spread through your body whenever Adelinde was near.
"I'll be setting off. See you when I get back Y/n." Diluc walked over to you a kissed you on the cheek as he heading out.
You could only watch him go.
Most of the day was spent out of the manor near the grapes. You loved sitting on the ground doing (any hobbies) while occasionally eating grapes.
Sitting there completely wrapped in what you were doing you were unaware of the maid who kept a close eye on you until Moco and Hillie came up to you.
"My lady, would you mind helping us gather mushrooms, we seemed to have missed counted when we were out earlier." You were about to answer when you were interrupted by someone on the other side of you.
"Why not ask me. Seeing as you miscounted the first time, having some supervision will do you good." Adelinde had her arms crossed not even trying to hide her annoyed tone at the 2.
"We have to go deep in the forest ms. Adelinde. My lady has her vision if something goes wrong." Moco lied. Diluc hired maids that can take care of themselves in dangerous situations even without a vision.
You guess Adelinde didn't know this cause she let you go.
In the forest the 3 if you were picking mushrooms when Hillie decided to break the silence.
"My lady, she was staring at you. Did you do something to Adelinde." She was clearly worried and so was Moco.
"Not that I know of. Aside from that thing last night." You assumed Hillie knew what happened cause her and Moco are always together. She knew.
"Adelinde was acting weird this morning. Before she woke you and master Diluc she was talking to herself in the corner and making weird hand gesters-" Moco cut Hillie off dropping the basket of mushrooms and grabbing you hands "little knocks on the walls. I think she heard us my lady cause she was watching me too."
You pulled her into a hug. She had every right to be freaked out, especially when she lived with the it for years.
"It's probably just the rumors getting to you. You worked with Adelinde for years and nothing happened before, right? Everything will be fine." It felt that what you were saying was more for you than for Moco.
The feeling of someone watching you never left, even in the forest.
Tag list: @feitakami, @bug-butt, @bayven, @neilify, @mimizsworld, @sleep-deprivedracoon, @raely-study
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pearlywritings · 5 months
So why did Crepus hire younger women
I mean, we can't be 100% sure? Like, there are very few npc's at the Winery we actually see. And the npc models in genshin do not vary much, so it's hard to tell if they are actually young or look like it.
For example Hillie and Moco look like they've been hired after Diluc became the owner of the establishment.
And if I remember correctly we didn't see much of the staff in the manga, but I may be mistaken
Even if he hired young women - why not? Aside from the Winery there also was a mansion and I bet it was big. You need a number of people - preferably young and capable of physical labor - to maintain such a big place in good condition.
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surelynotshirley · 2 years
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Title: a vision from mnemosyne
Rating: T
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Lisa, Moco, Hillie, Adelinde
Pairing: Kaeya/Diluc
Read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41002518/chapters/102758550
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chaoffee · 7 months
I didn't know we could burn leaves in genshin.......Hillie and Moco are not happy with me 💀💀
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dracandnau · 7 months
Hablando con un conocido que va a publicar una novela con portada IA. Le digo que haga lo que le parezca, que mientras se vaya de frente... pero que tenga en cuenta que no tienen copy o que mire cómo están a nivel legal. Y va y me responde súper picado que no tiene porqué decir que están hechas por IA y que son de libre uso y Amzon se lo permite bla bla bla y que si me preocupa tanto lo legal pues que si sé que es ilegal vender fanart de Ghibli (que lo ha llamado "coger personajes de Ghibli, cambiar el estilo y venderlo" lmao cambiar el estilo, osea dibujarlo yo).
My guy, no te estaba amenazando ni te estaba atacando ni nada y has decidido tomártelo a lo personal, contestándome con condescendencia y metiéndote con mi trabajo que ni pincha ni corta (tremenda falacia ad hominem además).
Perdona que haga una postal de Ghibli que vale 5 putos euros, que hice desde 0 hace dos años y que ni le pica ni le rasca al estudio. Si estoy vendiendo residuales porque vendo tan poco que lo que imprimo me dura varios años!!! Que mi trabajo de fanart es un 2% de lo que dibujo y lo puedes ver en mi instagram, (que has revisado buscando esa postal de Ghibli, payaso). Que es prácticamente "obligatorio" hacer fanart en ferias que si no te comes los mocos!!!! La última feria gané 3€!!! 3 putos euros por tres pegatinas del Genshin!!! (Aquí ya se unen varias frustraciones jajaja).
Que yo sepa y por lo que he buscado, no he encontrado permiso explícito de Ghibli ni tampoco prohibición respecto al fanart y en general, sigue siendo ilegal. Pero vamos que no nací ayer, te crees que no lo sé?? A las empresas, a no ser que se posicionen en contra , les conviene que se haga fanart.
Que te piensas que me preocupa lo legal del asunto cuando ni siquiera está regulado en todos los países. No me compares robar a artistas con hacer un fanart de una película archiconocida de un estudio con reconocimiento mundial. Cuando te dije lo del copy era por si tenías problemas al comercializar la novela. Podrías haberme dicho bueno, pero amazn lo permite y son de libre uso así que las voy a usar. Y yo pues bueno, es una muestra de tu carácter y tus morales, fin, no te voy a prohibir hacerlo. Que sé que no eres una gran empresa y estás empezando a autopublicar. Pero has decidido tomártelo como un ataque. (Por no hablar de que la literatura TAMBIÉN está bajo la lente de la ia). Perdona que no matice bien en un comentario en instagram, pero era necesario picarse y ponerse a la defensiva?
Es que ni le voy a contestar, me da igual que se lo tome como un "Ah, le he callado la boca". Hago este post para poner todo lo que pienso en registro y demasiado tiempo le he dedicado.
Al menos ha tenido la decencia de contestar, porque se lo señalé a una asociación auto-gestionada e inclusiva, de proyectos para minorías, etc. y borraron mi comentario. No sé si reír o llorar.
Y lo malo es que pienso, ostia, estoy por decirles, oye, dejádmelo hacer a mí que os hago algo mejor por nah y menos. Y no. Eso es lo que van a conseguir, que se devalúe el arte porque claro, por qué iban a pagar 50 euros (ni de lejos lo que cobra un ilustrador de pósters) cuando pueden tener "algo" por 0?
(Y aquí ya divago del asunto principal y me voy a otros casos)
Es que no tienes ni idea de lo que es ver asociaciones, ayuntamientos, bibliotecas, centros culturales y hasta revistas científicas usar arte IA que queda extremadamente feo, horrible y es un escupitajo tanto al espectador como a los artistas. Que se supone que tienen que apoyar a la cultura, y encima se quejarán de que hay gente en paro. He visto conceptos bastante chulos con la IA, pues contrata un artista que te haga el producto final??? No me pongas unas manos de 50 dedos en primer plano o un plano general de un ¿¿bar?? con gente que se le derriten los ojos es que por favor. Y más sangrante es el caso de Muy Interesante que usa Mdjrney para ilustrar ARTICULOS CIENTÍFICOS. ¿Me estás diciendo que no puedes encontrar una fotografía libre de uso de un tiki?? ¿¿¿ Que necesitas hacer una amalgama caricaturesca de algo que es parte de una cultura y que existe en el mundo real???? O me pones un t-rex cuadrúpedo (con pie flotante incluído), o un monstruo sacado de Star Wars de fondo. Que vale que no hay fotos de t-rexes pero por dios que existe la ilustración científica (y muy buena).
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A veces pienso que me lo tomo de manera muy radical y que me pico demasiado. Y mira que a mí no me han robado nada precisamente y ni mucho menos acabaré en un generador de arte, pero veo el futuro muy negro.
Yo por una parte no tengo muchas aspiraciones ni me veo triunfando en los cómics o siquiera ganándome la vida con el arte. Pero también veo la ia como algo que me puede joder a la hora de encontrar trabajo a mí y a otros noveles.
Y por otra parte también creo que mis historias merecen la pena ser contadas, que quiero que otros las disfruten y que no voy a dejar de dibujar nunca pero me roba el alma un poquito. No puedo competir con alguien que saca cincuenta portadas estilo pintura sXIX en 20 minutos y mira que sé que hay público para todos.
No siempre puedo apelar a la ética de cada uno y una persona no va a inclinar la balanza. Pero entre más se usa, mejor se entrena y más posibilidades hay de que reemplace artistas.
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dracandneu · 7 months
Hablando con un conocido que va a publicar una novela con portada IA. Le digo que haga lo que le parezca, que mientras se vaya de frente... pero que tenga en cuenta que no tienen copy o que mire cómo están a nivel legal. Y va y me responde súper picado que no tiene porqué decir que están hechas por IA y que son de libre uso y Amzon se lo permite bla bla bla y que si me preocupa tanto lo legal pues que si sé que es ilegal vender fanart de Ghibli (que lo ha llamado "coger personajes de Ghibli, cambiar el estilo y venderlo" lmao cambiar el estilo, osea dibujarlo yo).
My guy, no te estaba amenazando ni te estaba atacando ni nada y has decidido tomártelo a lo personal, contestándome con condescendencia y metiéndote con mi trabajo que ni pincha ni corta (tremenda falacia ad hominem además).
Perdona que haga una postal de Ghibli que vale 5 putos euros, que hice desde 0 hace dos años y que ni le pica ni le rasca al estudio. Si estoy vendiendo residuales porque vendo tan poco que lo que imprimo me dura varios años!!! Que mi trabajo de fanart es un 2% de lo que dibujo y lo puedes ver en mi instagram, (que has revisado buscando esa postal de Ghibli, payaso). Que es prácticamente "obligatorio" hacer fanart en ferias que si no te comes los mocos!!!! La última feria gané 3€!!! 3 putos euros por tres pegatinas del Genshin!!! (Aquí ya se unen varias frustraciones jajaja).
Que yo sepa y por lo que he buscado, no he encontrado permiso explícito de Ghibli ni tampoco prohibición respecto al fanart y en general, sigue siendo ilegal. Pero vamos que no nací ayer, te crees que no lo sé?? A las empresas, a no ser que se posicionen en contra , les conviene que se haga fanart.
Que te piensas que me preocupa lo legal del asunto cuando ni siquiera está regulado en todos los países. No me compares robar a artistas con hacer un fanart de una película archiconocida de un estudio con reconocimiento mundial. Cuando te dije lo del copy era por si tenías problemas al comercializar la novela. Podrías haberme dicho bueno, pero amazn lo permite y son de libre uso así que las voy a usar. Y yo pues bueno, es una muestra de tu carácter y tus morales, fin, no te voy a prohibir hacerlo. Que sé que no eres una gran empresa y estás empezando a autopublicar. Pero has decidido tomártelo como un ataque. (Por no hablar de que la literatura TAMBIÉN está bajo la lente de la ia). Perdona que no matice bien en un comentario en instagram, pero era necesario picarse y ponerse a la defensiva?
Es que ni le voy a contestar, me da igual que se lo tome como un "Ah, le he callado la boca". Hago este post para poner todo lo que pienso en registro y demasiado tiempo le he dedicado.
Al menos ha tenido la decencia de contestar, porque se lo señalé a una asociación auto-gestionada e inclusiva, de proyectos para minorías, etc. y borraron mi comentario. No sé si reír o llorar.
Y lo malo es que pienso, ostia, estoy por decirles, oye, dejádmelo hacer a mí que os hago algo mejor por nah y menos. Y no. Eso es lo que van a conseguir, que se devalúe el arte porque claro, por qué iban a pagar 50 euros (ni de lejos lo que cobra un ilustrador de pósters) cuando pueden tener "algo" por 0?
(Y aquí ya divago del asunto principal y me voy a otros casos)
Es que no tienes ni idea de lo que es ver asociaciones, ayuntamientos, bibliotecas, centros culturales y hasta revistas científicas usar arte IA que queda extremadamente feo, horrible y es un escupitajo tanto al espectador como a los artistas. Que se supone que tienen que apoyar a la cultura, y encima se quejarán de que hay gente en paro. He visto conceptos bastante chulos con la IA, pues contrata un artista que te haga el producto final??? No me pongas unas manos de 50 dedos en primer plano o un plano general de un ¿¿bar?? con gente que se le derriten los ojos es que por favor. Y más sangrante es el caso de Muy Interesante que usa Mdjrney para ilustrar ARTICULOS CIENTÍFICOS. ¿Me estás diciendo que no puedes encontrar una fotografía libre de uso de un tiki?? ¿¿¿ Que necesitas hacer una amalgama caricaturesca de algo que es parte de una cultura y que existe en el mundo real???? O me pones un t-rex cuadrúpedo (con pie flotante incluído), o un monstruo sacado de Star Wars de fondo. Que vale que no hay fotos de t-rexes pero por dios que existe la ilustración científica (y muy buena).
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A veces pienso que me lo tomo de manera muy radical y que me pico demasiado. Y mira que a mí no me han robado nada precisamente y ni mucho menos acabaré en un generador de arte, pero veo el futuro muy negro.
Yo por una parte no tengo muchas aspiraciones ni me veo triunfando en los cómics o siquiera ganándome la vida con el arte. Pero también veo la ia como algo que me puede joder a la hora de encontrar trabajo a mí y a otros noveles.
Y por otra parte también creo que mis historias merecen la pena ser contadas, que quiero que otros las disfruten y que no voy a dejar de dibujar nunca pero me roba el alma un poquito. No puedo competir con alguien que saca cincuenta portadas estilo pintura sXIX en 20 minutos y mira que sé que hay público para todos.
No siempre puedo apelar a la ética de cada uno y una persona no va a inclinar la balanza. Pero entre más se usa, mejor se entrena y más posibilidades hay de que reemplace artistas.
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meltdownuclear · 1 year
No he escrito en 10 días, primero porque estaba cansada y segundo porque no he tenido tiempo.  No puedo hablar de una forma muy detallada debido a mi mala memoria, pero hubo un puente festivo del 8 al 11. 
El día 8 pasé mucho frío y grit�� bastante mientras hacía el abismo en el Genshin, al día siguiente desperté con dolor de garganta y algo de mocos. Ese mismo viernes fui al salón del manga vestida de Sora Kasugano, vi a muchas personas, Dani me encontró y me tuvo secuestrada todo el día - pero a medida que pasaba el tiempo me fui sintiendo peor y peor.
Así que al día siguiente desperté toda enferma, afónica, con mocos, estornudos, etc. Y el domingo fui al salón del manga vestida de 2B.  Pero es que Pere vino a las 8:30am a mi casa para que le maquillara (me quedó estupendo) y se disfrazó de Wanda.  Lo petamos en el salón, fue muy guay.
También conocí a Oscar, había hablado mucho tiempo con él y aún no lo conocía en persona. Fue divertido.
He estado muy resfriada, fui al médico, también he estado estresada.
Pero el día 12.12.2022, en la mañana y mientras iba en el tren, decidí meterme en la página sia de la UAB para ver si ya había salido la resolución de las plazas del UAB EXCHANGE PROGRAMME, resultó ser que me asignaron una plaza en la universidad de Sophia.  Cuando lo vi, se me pusieron los ojos como platos, pero lejos de sentirme feliz, empecé a sentir ansiedad. 
Luego acompañé a Yaiza y a Lydia, grabé sus reacciones al ver sus plazas. Estaban muy contentas, yo me sentí feliz por ellas, pero no por mí.
No sé siente cómo algo que vaya a salir bien, tengo miedo de que haya algun problema.
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I Mayhaps have been thinking an awful lot about Diluc’s staff in recent days. x3
It’s a fun game to think up how each of them would interact with Diluc. I have some thoughts So I’m going to put them in a ramble below, but first:
Have the failed first version of Diluc and Charles (Not really failed, it just wasn’t doing it for me, and it didn’t go as well with the others):
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miHoYo is the owner and creator of Genshin Impact
Please do not REPOST, EDIT, or USE this art without Permission.
Okay so first: HEADCANON AGES: - Adelinde: 32
- Elzer: 28
- Hillie: 22
- Moco: 23
- Charles: 42
-Hillie and Moco are childhood friends, they’ve hung out and done things together for as long as they remember.
-Elzer was hired at 14, he was a bit tall though so he lied saying he was 16 to get the job since his mom had taken ill and his father had abandoned the both of them years ago
-Eventually he gets found out, but instead of firing the boy Crepus made sure he got an education and the money he needed, underneath the guise of taking him on as an “apprentice”
-Adelinde was the daughter of a maid who was already on staff. Her mother kept her around the household instead of hiring a babysitter. She didn’t officially join the workforce until the age of 16, but she was granted an allowance and tutoring leading up until that time.
-Charles has worked at Angel’s Share since he was 20 years old.
-Charles is a hobbyist/jack-of-all trades, if Diluc or anybody else needs to learn a new skill or gather some information, it isn’t unusual that they seek him out first since he might know an astonishingly large amount of information about it.
-Charles also often holds onto library books for longer than he’s supposed to, but Lisa goes easy on him since usually the reason he does is because he’s still using the information.
-Charles and Adelinde are the most longsuffering of all the staff and have patience to watch mountains wither.
-I know Hillie and Moco are seen as gossips, but I love the idea that they actually do keep their mouths absolutely sealed about anything personal about the Ragnvindr household (the Adelinde rumors are more them having a good giggle at the idea than seriousness.)
-Hillie and Moco eventually learn Diluc is the Dark-Knight Hero. When they do they take it upon their shoulders to come up with ridiculous and out of left field rumors that constantly throw off any knight’s attempts to pin the Vigilante down (Kaeya notices their shift in behavior and it’s what allows him to eventually Pin Diluc down as the Darknight Hero)
-Charles gives out really good advice and is a very good listener from his years of bartending
-Charles has a distaste for Alchohol, he’s seen it tear down too many good people.
-Charles has a somewhat uncle-like relationship with Elzer and will have a room open for Elzer at his house in the city whenever the man needs to be in Mondstadt for work or any reason really.
-Elzer and Adelinde are best friends/Older sister Younger brother.
-Despite their age difference Hillie and Moco feel like twins
-Hillie and Moco were hired while Diluc was away from the Winery so they meet him for the first time upon his return. They aren’t sure what to make of him initially, but since Adelinde and Elzer are so happy to have him back they are happy as well.
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orbitalmoonrat · 3 years
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His name is Anton and he is down bad for the pretty butler named Elzer from the Dawn Winery
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translucentchick · 3 years
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Maid Duty (Part 1/2)
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wyvernne · 2 years
these saccharine temptations
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explicit content
word count: 1.7k
tags: Vampire!Diluc Ragnvindr, solo fic, masturbation, pillow humping, mild blood kink, nsfw
for @mmmairon
set after Diluc drinks MC’s blood for the first time in for reasons wretched and divine
illustration source: official Genshin Impact webtoon
Diluc has never known anything sweeter than your blood.
read on AO3
Your blood is far more delicious than Diluc had anticipated. His throat burns with the need to consume, suck you dry of every heady drop until his belly is full and sated. But the noises you’re making, those broken gasps that slip from your lips with each suck—
Gods. He’s hard in his trousers.
You’ve gone entirely limp, now, head lolling back against the sofa. Blood still oozes from the bite, and Diluc swallows. Tempting, is what it is, but he’s already hyperaware of how much your pulse has slowed. The taste of it lingers on his tongue even as he lifts you, presses your head into his chest for support. You feel so fragile, sometimes. He knows very well that you’re not, that you’d detest the thought. So many years of training and combat have made sure of that.
But in Diluc’s arms, with your blood surging through his body, warming his belly—
Gods. He’s half frightened that he won’t be able to control his strength. Especially now, with how clear a display of trust this is. You let him drink. Wanted him to, even. It’s unfathomable. The blissed out expression on your face was enough to have him shivering with desire. It’s a miracle you were too deep under the influence of his venom to feel how hard he was trembling.
Each movement makes his prick rub against the tight fabric of his pants. Shit. He’s never gotten hard from drinking blood, before. But there’s a first for everything. You seem to be good at finding new ones for him, even after all the years of his existence.
He sidesteps the scattered teacups at the base of the stairs. It must’ve been Hillie or Moco. He’ll have to remind Adelinde not to scold them too harshly later.
But more important right now is you. That sickly warm feel of blood against him is making Diluc’s mouth water once more. The shirt he’s wearing is damned, certainly. Although he’s not sure if he’ll be able to throw it out. Not when your blood will forever cling to the fabric. Fuck.
Clean thoughts, Diluc. Be a proper gentleman.
“Liebling,” he murmurs, then hesitates. The word slipped out, but he’s been thinking it for months, especially in relation to you. You hardly react to his call. “We’ve got to bandage you.”
Every step up the staircase has you thumping against him. Diluc isn’t sure if he’s going to make it to the bedroom, not with the pressure in his pants and the sure weight of you in his arms.
He swallows, and then immediately regrets the action. The taste of your blood is still thick on his tongue, electric, and it’s only making him hungrier. Whether it’s to get off or to eat, he’s not sure.
Diluc kicks your door open, sets you down on the bed as gingerly as he can given the circumstances. Focus, Diluc. His dick aches. There’s no sweet way to put it. Fuck.
Blood still trickles down your neck. Before he can help himself he leans down, laps over the excess blood. The warmth of it floods through his body like a strong liquor, but he can’t indulge himself any more than this. Diluc draws back, albeit reluctantly, and settles the blankets around you. It’s the least he can do in exchange for your life force.
You make a muffled, slurred sound. Diluc isn’t sure what you’re trying to say but he hushes you, slips a finger over your bottom lip, down your neck and collarbone, soothing you. You fall silent with the touch.
He can hear your heartbeat, the even sounds of your breathing. You’ve dozed off, at least, and don’t have to witness the shameful state he’s in right now. Because Diluc knows he’s flushed and bleary-eyed, and if he doesn’t get a hand on himself soon his cock will never forgive him.
He focuses on the sound of your heartbeat even when he leaves the room to fetch bandages. It’s grounding, somehow. Those steady beats. For too many nights he sat awake in the dark and tried, fruitlessly, to hear anything coming from his own chest. Empty. Ugly. Silent.
It’s a vulgar thing, for him to find your heartbeat beautiful. Predatory, maybe. But he does, and he always listens for it. He curses, fumbling with the box of medical supplies. Walking around the manor with an aching erection really isn’t doing him any good. Where are those damned bandages?
He finds them, finally, and somehow manages to make it back to your side. The sound of your heart grows louder when he touches you, smooths his hand over the trickle of blood. He swallows down the saliva that floods his mouth.
Steady. He takes his time with the bandages, makes sure the wound is compressed enough to stave off the bleeding. Honestly. Diluc is half thankful that you’re asleep, now, because he’s sure he looks a wreck.
Once the final edge is smoothed down, Diluc draws back, as fast as he can, and shuts the door firmly behind him. There’s still others in the manor, shuffling discreetly downstairs, but now his cock hurts. Fucking hell. He makes it to his room with far less grace than a Duke should have, and barely has the mind to lock the door before he’s stumbling onto the bed and shoving his pants down his thighs.
He curses at himself again. Acting like an animal in heat. He truly is shameful.
The dry drag of his palm against his cock has him shivering. It hurts, a little, but the stimulation has his hips pushing up involuntarily. Blood has never gotten him so hot before, but now it’s all he can think about.
These improper thoughts are smothering Diluc alive. The taste of your blood still on his tongue, the feel of his hand on his aching cock—
He’s not going to last long. His fangs dig into his bottom lip, slicing through skin with ease. Quiet. Quiet. It’s hardly doing anything to stifle the strained whimpers threatening to slip from his lips.
How would you jerk him off?
You’ve— you’ve got a cruel streak, certainly. He has no doubt you can be a little mean during sex. Diluc flicks his thumb against the head of his cock, shivering at the feeling, then presses down more firmly. You’d do it fast, hard, leave no room for him to settle. He matches that imagined pace, cheeks flaming in shame at the slick slap of skin against skin.
It’s nowhere near enough.
He shifts forward, bracing himself with one arm against the mattress, and begins fucking into his hand in earnest. It’s nowhere near enough, especially not when he can still hear your slow, languid heartbeat and the steady sound of your breathing a few rooms away.
He tightens his grip, the head of his cock bumping against the sheets with each thrust. The drag of fabric almost hurts but Diluc can’t get enough of the sensation, can’t help how he’s dripping everywhere and dampening the sheets beneath him.
Gods, the things he would do to you if you’d let him. He wonders, dazedly, how you’d be in bed. You’ve never seemed the submissive type from the start. Maybe you’d claw at his back, bite him so hard he’d be able to feel it for days even if no mark was left behind.
He groans, high and strained, and fucks into his hand faster. The bed shakes with the force of it, headboard knocking against the wall and making an awful fucking racket, but the members of his staff know better than to mention it.
Before Diluc can think better of it he slips his hand back from where it’s braced on the mattress, tonguing against the drying traces of your blood that had seeped into the lines of his hand. The taste alone is enough to have his prick jerking in his hand, dribbling messily onto the mattress below.
“Liebling—“ he mutters brokenly. It’s almost as if he can feel your hands on him, edging him closer to his orgasm. The stinging press of your nails against his shoulders, the feeling of you, squeezing tight around him, the taste of your blood that still lingers on his tongue—
Diluc’s hips seize as he comes, fucking down into the mattress and ruining the expensive silk sheets.
It takes a long time for him to calm himself down, hips sliding to a slow stop. He’s going to have to burn these fucking sheets. But more shameful is the fact that he’s still hard. There were times, unfortunate incidents with aphrodisiacs and the like, when Diluc would get off for days on end. Even as a human, he had an irritatingly strong stamina. Vampirism has only amplified that shortcoming of his.
Diluc can think a little clearer now that he’s come once, but his body is still driving him for more relief. He doesn’t bother catching his breath. He doesn’t need it.
He shifts, straddling his pillow, and fucks down into it with slow, even thrusts. He can take his time, now that the edge is off, but there’s still that underlying sting of desperation. This kind of violent lust has his mind reeling, and the sound of your heartbeat just a room over makes him feel like a voyeur.
Archons, resorting to humping his pillow just to satiate the need for you. For you. He’s a stranger to these kinds of feelings, and even the rough, near-painful drag of his bare cock against the plush fabric of his pillow draws his mind to you. He wants to fuck.
This entire thing is shameful. Gods. How dare he, already fallen so far from grace, think of a Holy Knight this way? It’s—
Part of him is scared, really. That it’s not mutual. Even as Diluc humps against his pillow, chasing his second orgasm, the thought is prevalent in his mind. To dirty you with such thoughts should have him damned for eternity. If he wasn’t already.
The next room over, you make a noise in your sleep. It would be inaudible to anyone else. Any normal human. Diluc is anything but.
But it’s his name on your lips, even in your dreams. Soft, mumbled. His name, over everything else.
Diluc sobs as he comes again, face burning in shame. He really is fucked.
— — — — — — — —
read ‘for reasons wretched and divine’ on AO3 | story excerpt
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