#gerard way also does that lol
joyfuladorable · 10 months
do u have any peni hcs? 👀
also i love ur peni content where she plays a more prominent role :)
Aww, thanks! I can get Very Attached to characters who I feel needed More from the Narrative, lol.
Now, for headcanons:
Since Peni works for Oscorp, she Absolutely milks the fact that they Need her to pilot SP//dr to get Things like rare snacks and merchandise and music and trinkets for Spider's terrarium
She was already kind of an Oddball while going to boarding school when her dad was out being SP//dr. The typical parent-influenced child cruelty towards kids with absent parents
She was transferred to a school closer to Oscorp and her Aunt and Uncle upon getting Bit, and she’s kinda known as the “kid with her head in the clouds” and “kid who definitely brings a spider with her to school but as long as her grades are good and it doesn’t bite anyone then whatevers”
There’s a bit of contradictory info in the comics about how secret her identity as SP//dr is, but for the movie-verse I imagine Oscorp tries to keep that info contained since she’d be vulnerable while at school but also More Importantly to avoid a Media Uproar about them having a Child fight deadly foes on the regular
As I’ve said, I’d want Peni and Addy to be Besties before the VE#m Incident. Maybe instead of the ill-timed approach during school that the comics had, Uncle Ben would’ve introduced Addy to Peni as a potential support/partner during missions. Peni would be kinda resistant at first like the comics cuz What Is She without SP//dr and now there’s someone who could potentially Replace Her???? But then maybe they’d bond over music and that’d snowball into friendship as Peni showed Addy the ropes concerning mech piloting and “it’s different since you’ll be bonding with just the AI but I’m sure you’ll be fine!”
The “new” SP//dr design was based off schematics Peni unearthed after being in a bit of a Fugue State post-VE#m Incident. Maybe they were files her father had hidden away.
It's Awkward when Peni starts living with Ben and May. Peni was probably already a bit self-sufficient from living at boarding school, and Ben and May are scientists first, guardians second. That changes, softens, when time passes. I think by the time the VE#m Incident happened, maybe Peni was beginning to see them more like parents
It's kinda curious that Ben wasn't a genetic match for SP//dr. Maybe Peni's dad and him aren't blood-related??
In the comics, Daredevil is sorta like Peni's mentor? Would love to see him in the movie-verse, too, as like a mentor/dorky uncle who keeps giving her stickers with weird/funky imagery cuz he can't see them and thinks it's funny to surprise the both of them upon gifting like "here, kid." "...Uncle Matt, this is a sticker sheet of gold stars saying 'you tried.'" "Oh, huh, well, you're welcome." (She sticks one of these on him when he isn't paying attention)
And ohhhh MAN, I know we didn't see him in ATSV, but there's a Kamen Rider/Super Sentai-inspired Spidey who pilots a huge zord called Leopardon and he and all the other mech/robo Spideys are like a Squad in the comics. Would love to see him and Peni bonding over mechanics!!
Peni Definitely had a hand in building/improving the Go Home Machine with Margo
Something someone said to me on Twitter because of my Trust comic is that Spider probably hangs out with other Spideys while Peni is hyperfocused on her work. And I was like YES she Absolutely has to basically play hide n seek with Spider and go to all her friends to see which one has him
Spider likes being spun around like a yo-yo and has a Lot of fun hanging with Pavitr. Spider has a specific reason for liking each of the Squad, actually, and will go to them depending on his Mood
Spider is Highly Intelligent and can pilot SP//dr independently to help Peni with tasks (in the Spider-Verse Unlimited webcomic he helps Peni with her hardwiring homework)
Peni and Spider's psychic connection happens with feelings instead of words. In the suit, those feelings tend to synch so they're of one mind. With the other Spideys, Spider usually communicates with a Lot of gestures and hopping but will resort to Charlotte's Web and weave words if he needs to
Back to my mention of Spider with a Terrarium. He has multiple: one at Peni's house, one at Oscorp, and one at the Spider Society. None of them follow a specific aesthetic, just whatever Spider and Peni like at any given moment
Peni keeps a container of live insects on her person at all times for Spider. She has absolutely almost opened the container on multiple occasions forgetting it's not one of Her Snacks
In the spirit of Peni's heinous ability to chew bubblegum and eat chips at the same time, she Loves eating things with strong flavors and weird textures
One time she spent a Whole Week grinding levels for an MMO with her tech bud, Margo, and they celebrated their raid boss victory by turning the Go Home room into a massive blanket fort where they were found fast asleep in a pile of pillows surrounded by snacks (oh, shit, I should draw that hold on I'm adding it to my list, lol)
And to close on a somber note, Peni has a small shrine at home for her father, her aunt, and Addy. She always takes a moment with it before leaving the house.
And nooow, here’s some Actual Canon things in the Movie-verse I noticed after watching ITSV Everyday for a Week:
Her psychic link with Spider and SP//dr means she Feels when the mech gets Rough Up
Her eyes glowed red when Spider bit her and I imagine they just Do That whenever she focuses on their Bond
The SP//dr mech probably had its own sentience/AI since it emoted without either of its pilots inside. Remnant of her father, maybe?
Okay also speaking of her father, since he Built that suit that means he was probably a Huge Dork for designing the outer panel to emote like that (or Peni programmed it that way but it’s cuter to think her dad did it, lol)
Also, either her dad was a Small Guy or the pilot’s chair was adjusted to fit Peni after she took over, which MMM means it has to get adjusted every time Peni grows like that’s not a particularly efficient design choice??? Or maybe the hull can just adjust itself depending on the pilot, lol
SP//dr’s joints are Magnetized, which gives it a pretty broad range of movement
Peni was trained in some sort of martial arts, which makes sense if she ever needs to fight while outside the suit and gives SP//dr more versatility during combat if it’s in-built weapons aren’t viable
At the very least, Peni is Bilingual. Her New York probably has a majority mix of English and Japanese speakers
She embossed the Goober with a Spidey Insignia, which she either made on the side while working on the Goober or her universe just Has That, lol. Maybe it’s the insignia they use in Oscorp to label SP//dr-related things
She knew where Aunt May's house was in Miles' universe, so she canonically lives in Queens, too. I wonder if she tried going to Oscorp at all?
Heelies heelies she has Heelies which is so freaking Adorable!!
Wow, this is a lot more than I thought I'd write, lol! Hope you enjoyed! ^w^
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Gonna say something super "— yeah and I was the x and everyone clapped" here, but today I learned my liberal arts professor used to SMOKE WITH GREEN DAY back in the day and how Adrienne used to go to the high school by his and ofc them always coming back to the area so he could see her and ANYWAYS —
He said about a month before they were going to record the Longview music video, they were doing a show with a few other bands out in Mankato(?) or in that general area or whatever and originally they were playing in my prof's friend's backyard but neighbors called the cops, so another guy offered up his grandparents' farm which has no one around for acres so they all went there. The "stage" was a bunch of hay bales propped up and during one of the openers this bassist was flinging his bass around and Billie was up at the front. One of the times the bassist did that he accidentally clocked Billie in the face with it but he wasn't actually Angry or Upset! He apparently said "dude this makes me look cooler, this'll be great for the video we're gonna shoot soon!" And he didn't go get it fixed so that way his tooth could be chipped/fucked up for the video anyways I'm going to prod my teacher for Lore over the course of the semester so if there's any olden days Minnesota specific questions I should be asking lmk!!! I'm still, like, thinking about how surreal this is lmao
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genderfreakxx · 2 years
Me whenever I don’t feel like wearing a particularly silly outfit some days: this is my lavender button up moment :)
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raytorosaurus · 2 years
Sorry that this post is long but I would appreciate it if other white people read it and thought about it. I've been reading a lot of posts and the tags on them and I just want to make it very clear that this conversation isn't really about Ray getting 'attention' or his talent getting acknowledged. We should not be minimising this to “we need to acknowledge that Ray is an excellent guitar player” because everyone knows that, all you need is ears. True, it went largely unappreciated by fans at the height of mcr’s fame, but at least that's different now. What we're talking about now is about so much more than that - in fact, part of the problem is Ray getting reduced to nothing but the guy who shuts up and does the solos. We're talking about a pattern of behaviour that has been so deeply rooted in this fandom for so long that it's almost invisible to white people. It's a collective problem but it's perpetuated by individuals and needs to be addressed at an individual level first before it can begin to change.
I will acknowledge that, at least in my circles, things have started to change a little bit this tour in regards to people noticing him and discussing him beyond just his solos. But on the flipside that's only highlighted the larger issue, which boils down to how differently Ray is treated from the rest of the band. This is a consistent pattern. If he's not being ignored, he's behind separated out and set apart from the others - either being put on a weird pedestal or given suspiciously backhanded compliments.
Back in 2020 when I'd be lucky to see three posts about him a day on my dash I used to spend a lot of time scrolling through old inactive blogs to queue Ray pictures. Back in the pre-breakup days, if he wasn't being called "princess fro fro" he was being called ugly or he was the target of straight-up racial slurs. There was a weird narrative that he like, lowkey bullied Frank or took more credit than he deserved for mcr's guitar parts (which is painfully ridiculous and only proves that nobody paid attention to a single word Ray's ever said). Until very recently, the punchline of one of the main "jokes" (quotation marks because the word joke implies it was ever actually funny in the first place lol) in this fandom relied on Ray being at least casually homophobic. And these were blogs that posted Ray - I can only imagine how much worse the people who actively didn't like him would have been.
Nowadays, I post a lot of Ray content so I see a lot of tags from people outside my circle of mutuals. Let me tell you, there are Patterns. First of all, there's the classic "tags that completely ignore Ray to make the Ray post about Frank and/or Gerard instead." But more and more often what I'm seeing is if he's not being infantilised, he's being treated as some hyper-masculine, omni-competent, suave sex god or something - each of these things are equally reductive and dehumanising - and each of them are different manifestations of racist stereotypes and common fandom attitudes towards people of colour. Sure, Frank also gets weirdly infantilised a lot, but in a very different way - Frank is woobified in the way people often treat their fictional faves out of affection and horniness, whereas Ray is just reduced down to a personalityless nice guy - something that is also very common with fictional characters of colour. Then there are people who act like he's some kind of long-suffering untouchable genius who puts up with the little weirdos in his band because they worship his talent or something, as if he's not on equal footing with them as their peer and creative partner. And then you get the people characterising him as some kind of rough macho domineering dude because he's…tall? I guess? And plays guitar with confidence? Or is it just because he's brown.
I just..genuinely want you to sit down and think about a reason Ray might be singled out and separated from the rest of the band like this.
Is it because he's quiet in interviews? Mikey was always quieter. Also, Ray has done a lot more interviews than you think, they just haven't been circulated by fans as much. Also, he's literally the second-most featured band member in lotms - you know, the almost sole source for their fandom-driven personalities back in the day.
Is it because he's less feminine than the others? Both Mikey and Frank regularly present as more traditionally masculine in their fashion choices and mannerisms etc. The only thing “more masculine” about Ray than the others is...his body type I guess. There’s a whole conversation there about the intersection of gender and race and racist perceptions thereof.
Is it because he's private and keeps out of the public eye? So does Gerard.
Is it because people historically found him less attractive than the others? I shouldn't have to explain that that was the racism all along (yes, I know there's no accounting for taste, but Ray was regularly and actively mocked for his non-white features, and noughties beauty standards, especially in the alt music scene, were overwhelmingly white and racist. I regularly get tags to the effect of "when did Ray get so hot???" and honestly it's pretty telling that he's only widely acknowledged as attractive now that he's lost weight (whole other important discussion on fatphobia in this fandom here btw) and his hair has changed texture and beauty standards have shifted so certain racial features are fetishised rather than mocked.
Is it because he wasn't involved in one of the iconic bandom boylove duos? News flash, all "ships" are made up fan theories. Rpf and/or tinhatting is based on what fans notice and what rumours they perpetuate. Besides them kissing on stage a few times to make a point over 15 years ago, you know frerard lore because people talk about frerard lore. You know petekey lore because people talk about petekey lore. The truth is nobody cared enough to pay attention to Ray back then. (To be clear, this isn't me trying to tinhat anything about him, I'm just once again pointing out the obvious disparity in how Ray is treated compared to the others.)
I consistently see people acting baffled at how he's been behaving this tour - skipping or bouncing around the stage, eating his solos up, being physically affectionate with his bandmates. I can tell you he has literally always acted like that. Sure, this tour is special - he's certainly a lot more confident than he used to be and seems happier than ever, but really the biggest thing that's changed is now we get full footage of every show so it's literally impossible to overlook.
I also see people acting baffled when others point out the way Ray's been mistreated by fandom - being shocked that anyone would crop Ray out of band photos etc. I guarantee you that almost every single one of you has reblogged pictures where he's been actively cropped out, because some of the most iconic Frank-and-Gerard pictures that constantly get passed around on here are just that. "But how would we know" - sure, it's not your fault, but it's a small example of the way the more blatant Ray erasure from the past gets passed down to new fans and perpetuated by them unknowingly in turn. Cropping him out of pictures is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of how his talent and personality and significance to the emotional heart of the band has been overlooked. I can't tell you how many iconic well-known quotes from interviews or paragraphs from Not the Life it Seems directly precede facts about/quotes from Ray that nobody seems to have heard.
So again, this is not really a popularity thing - it's hard to measure but I'd say in the past few months Ray's overtaken Mikey in terms of mass popularity, at least on tumblr. You don't need to performatively post once a day about how Ray Toro Is God or how much you want him to rail you or how much you want him to rail your white fave because "he's the only one who can top" (you Realise how this sounds right?). I'm just asking you to confront your internalised biases and the external biases ingrained in the culture and history of this fandom, and start treating Ray the same way you treat the rest of the guys. He's not an untouchable god and he's not a sunshine cupcake, he's just Some Guy who's really fucking good at guitar. He's a proud stay at home dad, he's cringe as fuck, he loves to cook, he listens to podcasts about fucking Apple products for fun, he writes (very) shitty poetry, he takes his sons to women's rights marches, he invests in bitcoin, he cries when his mom sends him postcards, he drives a douchey car, he loves children's cartoons, he's a corny liberal just like the others, he loves his friends wholly and openly. Just…please acknowledge the history of racism in this fandom, think about how you as an individual might knowingly or unknowingly perpetuate it, and try to do better. And please just treat him like a human.
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buckybarnesss · 14 days
It is so funny/sad that the people who are the loudest about how dumb TW is, miss basic shit.
Chris is a bad person. Derek has a sense of humor. Peter is a liar. Allison and Derek are vulnerable to manipulation and abuse because they are abuse and trauma survivors.
The Argents infiltrate schools and abuse power and kids. Victoria, Kate, and Gerard do this. Chris knows this is happening. Chris accepts this. I don't care if Chris secretly cries himself to sleep at night. He upholds a violent, abusive, murderous family.
Chris kidnaps Allison and ties her to a chair. He gaslights her. He threatens to kill her boyfriend. He married Victoria and apparently loves her, even though Victoria is a vicious, monstrous person.
How does Chris react when he finds out Allison is dating Isaac? He screams and throws things. He's violent, bigoted, weak. I thought this was why we all liked him!
teen wolf fandom is so silly sometimes but also media literacy is dead lol.
the argent apologism runs deep. chris looks like a good parent and decent person when you put him up against the other members of his family.
i've said it before and i will say it again. chris argent has the moral backbone of a chocolate éclair. the man spent his life looking the other way. he was apathetic towards his sister's depravity until it was shoved in his face and he knew exactly what his father was like which is why gerard didn't see allison for fourteen years.
i also think he only helped allison's friends because allison died trying to protect them. scott becomes his exception not the rule.
he spends a lot of season 1 casually going around intimidating teenagers. teenagers he has no real proof of doing much of anything and in the end jackson, stiles and scott didn't do anything at all.
like don't get me wrong none of this means chris isn't a great and rather complex character but he's not a great person. mr gaslight, girlboss, gatekeep.
i too thought this is why we liked him lol
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Hi! I was just wondering who's your favorite phantom actor?
Can be from any Poto play, or movie, or anything really.
I'm really curious!
This and similar questions have been popping up so much for me in the last week lol
I like to be extremely specific so I will give you a few of my favourites
I have been meaning to re-examine my favourites for a while now
So my favourite overall, my number one, my blorbo, the phantom closest to my heart is always going to be Gerard Butler. Say what you want about his singing, but ain't no other phantom ever done Pleading Eyes (tm) like that man.
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For stage Phantoms the one who has a hold on my mind that just will not let go is Tim Martin Gleason. I love a tall phantom. I love that in the title song he does not order Christine to sing for him, he asks her. He conveys, with his intonation, that he asks for the honour of having her sing for him. I love how expressive he is. This man made so many choices.
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Vocally I think the best singer that has ever played the phantom is John Owen Jones. But I think my favourite phantom Vocally is Tomas Ambt Kofod, because he--more than ANY other Phantom I have heard, sounds like Erik. His voice is remarkable in its smoothness and delicacy, but also very powerful.
He's also so sensual and gentle. He loves to administer loving touches and caresses to his Christine.
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His final lair is also devastating
The Phantom actor I think I respect most is Ethan Freeman. This man has such a dedication to this character and to the book specifically. He refused to read Phantom by Susan Kay because he didn't want an apocryphal version of the character to influence his interpretation, which he specified modeled off of Leroux's Erik, adding touches pulled directly from the novel such as kissing (or almost kissing) the hem of Christine's robe during "Stranger Than You Dreamt It", as Erik kisses the hem of her dress in the book.
Seen here in the West End in 1995 with Jill Washington:
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And here, in Essen, 11 years later with Anne Görner:
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It seems that over time he evolved this moment to the point that he appears to abandon the thought before he brings it close to his lips--probably thinking he's not even worthy of touching her vestments.
He's got an almost faerie-goblin quality to his interpretation. Like he's just scuttled out of the Black Forest. He also leans into the idea of Erik-as-Magician
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He's not afraid to be sensual either, though.
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I think the most emotional phantom is Earl Carpenter. One of the first full boots I ever watched was Earl Carpenter with Rachel Barrel. His Music of the Night changed my brain chemistry forever. The gentleness! The vulnerability! The vacillation between confidence and fragility!!
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The way he would jostle Christine a little when he caught her, his face a picture of panicked concern!
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Though I think his interpretation of Erik as (for want of a better word) asexual is a little wacky (considering the text), it strangely works in favour of Erik's particular brand of sensuality, and it paired particularly well with Rachel's timid and apprehensive interpretation of Christine (which I generally dislike--here, though). And his singing has only improved with maturity. The raw emotion of his All I Ask of You (Rooftop Reprise) in his 2023 run is shattering. Absolutely shattering.
My favourite feral Phantom is without a doubt Scott Davies. If you ever want to see the most unhinged "Let these freaks be together" e/c show you've ever seen you have GOT to watch Scott Davies with Meredith Braun. Ethan Freeman's got the Goblin King energy and Anthony Crivello has the Sewer Gremlin vibe, but if you ever want a Phantom with a real primal streak, you can do no better than long-standing West End understudy Scott Davies:
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This guy tackled the role with a ferocity and an audacity that you don't generally find outside of Russian productions.
His Phantom hands? Oh Lordy!
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And the best part is that Meredith's Christine was picking up EVERYTHING he was laying down. Her Christine is just as mad, just as feral, just as unhinged. And especially paired with such a hearty goodfellow Raoul as Matthew Cammelle--Raoul would have done well to gtfo of there. He was NOT prepared to handle this lmao.
And then there's Ted Keegan. Who for me will always be the Phantom that got away. If I had just done a little more research before--just three months into my poto obsession--booking my tickets to see phantom before it closed on Broadway, I might have had the transcendent experience of seeing Ted Keegan live. As it was, I had no idea he was even still playing the phantom, and wound up with Ben Crawford instead.
And I would be remiss if I finished this list without naming Thomas James O'Leary. Like Ethan Freeman, O'Leary leans into Erik's ghostly persona, with a magician's touch. I think he took a lot of inspiration from Lon Chaney's Phantom (note the position of his hands here).
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His "Sing for me~" is one of my all time favourite line readings and got a very embarrassing reaction out of me when I first heard it.
And then, as if that wasn't enough, there was the moan.
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prima-donna-worm · 1 year
oh wait ok just watched yesterday’s ap here are my thoughts no one asked for teehee
1. obsessed with emily hyping murph/gerard up she’s like elody was SO MEAN to my HUSBAND the GREATEST GUY EVER
2. i do think the “you inspire me” thing is SUCH an interesting dynamic and brennan did push back on them with this but like. elody needing to inspire gerard to action IS part of the problem in their relationship. it is ALSO a very sweet and romantic sentiment and a very honest and vulnerable thing for gerard to say – he’s not putting on some sort of false bravado for her, he’s telling her the truth – but at it’s core it’s an acknowledgement of the imbalance between them
and i think both murph and gerard recognize that the fact that gerard *wouldn’t* have done anything if he hadn’t known elody was out there, that he wouldn’t have gone out and fought for the world simply because it was the right thing to do, because it was something that needed to be done, that that element of who he is and how he behaves is part of the problem, you know? and so “you inspire me” (while, again, i think does come from a very loving place) is also an admission of guilt, of cowardice, a reminder of everything gerard spent all those years *not* doing, and if elody hadn’t left, still wouldn’t be doing.
and while of course gerard is my beloved little cringe fail blorbo, i really appreciate the way brennan is playing elody and that she isn’t just immediately willing to take gerard back, or even to take him at his word that he’s changed, because she doesn’t need him to be inspired by her, she needs him to step up and stand at her side, but stand there on his own two feet. she needs him to be a partner, an equal, someone she can depend upon and trust and share the burden with, not someone she has to hold up. someone who can take on some of the weight, instead of another weight she has to carry.
and i *do* think gerard has become, or is becoming that person. like i think even the fact that he’s a battle master shows this – that he’s become a student of the very thing he asked elody to stop talking about at the dinner table, that he’s learned not just to stand and fight himself but to how fight *with* other people, how to lead them but also to support them. and i think his relationships with the other pcs and esp his conversations with ylfa show an emotional intelligence and empathy that maybe wasn’t always there before. and it’s my hope that in seeing gerard taking care of his party, or seeing him work with them in battle, or seeing him take a stand against the princess’s nihilism (even if she has bought into it herself), elody will realize that even if he came here for her, he’s independently become the person and the partner she needs him to be (or closer to it) on the way
3. buuuuuut i’m also actually really glad that murph and brennan decided ahead of time not to have a set outcome with them?? like that raises the emotional stakes sooo much from a rp perspective and i want to see murph/gerard work for it lol but i also think that like. elody is really justified in how she feels about gerard (which again, i think murph as a player and gerard as a character both know) and even though it’s easy to be team gerard and hype him up bc we’re seeing things from his side, elody has gone through a lot and had no one to inspire her through it. she’s been essentially alone for so long and gerard realizing his mistakes doesn’t actually fix anything in and of itself – and i think the uncertainty of it all feels so much more real than if a) they made up immediately and b) we knew they were going to make up eventually
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Hi! I had a thought about bommy's (that's what I'm calling them lol) conversation in that sneak peek, and Tommy's comment about people he rescues then dates being "so grateful" seemed to have potentially gross implications? https://www.tumblr.com/blutterlie/746784303967502336/watched-the-sneak-peek-and-something-in-bommys?source=share I'd love to know what you think!
Ps. is it just me or did bommy's conversation feel clunky and awkward and devoid of chemistry, with tommy looking rather uninterested in what buck had to say? Or are we meant to believe that tommy is just playing it super cool? He absolutely LIT UP when eddie arrived lol
Hi @blutterlie and thank you for the ask. I'm glad you sent this to me because I have a theory about Tommy Kinard and I have a lot to say on this topic.
Before I delve into your inquiry, I have to mention that I DO NOT LIKE TOMMY KINARD AND I DO NOT TRUST HIM. He was never redeemed and he's a spinless jelly fish who's also a chameleon which means he changes and adapts to a dangerous situation so he can hide behind the fact that he won't stand up for those who need him. Reminder, in 7x3, while they were in the helicopter, Chimney said, "You hear that Tommy, that's the spirit of the 118" but he didn't respond. I wasn't surprised, especially since I had already completed a post about why I don't like him (linked here) and I was planning to do another more extensive one but I decided I won't waste anymore of my time on his character. I completed the GIFs for the post and everything but I'd rather focus on the mains instead of a character that will be gone in a few episodes (hopefully before 7x6 since he hasn't been seen in any of Madney's wedding BTS pics. I'm hoping my analysis about him is right because Bobby, Chimney and Hen still don't trust him).
Here's what I will say about Tommy. I don't believe he'll have Eddie’s back when and if Eddie needs him. He's not loyal like Lena was to the 136 and I also believe the same thing about Lucy since she jumped ship and left the 147 to transfer to the 118 (post linked here). Firefighters are usually loyal to their firehouses and their captains so it's suspicious when one just ups and leaves the way Lucy did. I still believe Lucy was there to be in cahoots with Jonah but they changed her storyline and I believe they planned to revisit it later but the backlash was so strong, the character couldn't be saved. Anyway, Tommy's the irredeemable character they chose to bring back and now he's the one who can't and shouldn't be trusted.
While I do want Eddie to have a storyline of his own, if this thing with Tommy is going where I believe the narrative is taking it then, Eddie will learn the hard way that Tommy won't have his back when he needs him the way Buck always does. And the foreshadowing has been there since 7x2 and 7x3 aired. In those episodes, I noticed the way both Hen and Maddie reiterated Eddie's and Buck’s 2x1 mantra of "You can have my back any day". Hen told Buck, Chimney and Eddie, she would have found a way to have their backs when she thought they didn't have hers but in 7x3, Maddie told her she always has her back 👀.
Now, we know practically everything the show includes in the scripts for the mains is usually intentional, therefore, I don't believe it was a mistake to have Hen say they didn't have hers while Maddie (a Buckley) said she will always have hers and I don't think it was a coincidence that they said it in and around the time Tommy was set to return.
Here's the kicker about Tommy Kinard (notice how his last name rhymes with Gerard, the racist and bigoted captain he worked for prior to Bobby's arrival). After rewatching Hen's and Chimney's Begins and Bobby Begins Again episodes (post linked here), I was reminded of how TOXIC Tommy was and I think he still is. He never changed and I think he's going to say or do something that's racist or bigoted in front of Eddie the same way he did to Hen and Chimney when they first started at the 118.
The proof he probably won't have Eddie's back happened in 2x16 when Sal (his best friend) walked up on Bobby like he wanted to fight him. But Tommy (the spinless jellyfish that he is) did exactly what people like him do when they go into self-preservation mode, he backed away, so he could keep his job and he hid or tucked away his racist and bigoted behaviors so he couldn't be called out on them. I've worked with people like him before and they don't change. They do just like the O'Jays said in their song, "They smile in your face, all the time they want to take your place, them backstabbers!" And that's exactly what he did because not only did he not have Bobby's back, who was his captain, he didn't have his friend Sal's either (rightfully so since Sal was dead wrong for trying to take on Bobby) but my point is, he won't have anyone's back, including Eddie's when it truly matters.
That's the thing it appears Eddie may be subjected to during this version of Buck's self-discovery arc. Do I like it? NO! Mainly because Eddie deserves a better storyline than one that's tied to a bigoted jerk but I will say, if this is it then it'll be hard for him especially since he firmly believes in teams. He's said it many times in CANON but Tommy seems like a jerk who expects people to be GRATEFUL that his trifling ass showed up to save the day 🙄. I did hear him say that in the sneak peek and it was icky and gross just like you said because he has a hero complex. I read your post and I believe @caneofster is right, Tommy is giving off Jonah 2.0 vibes but most people are choosing not to see it because they want Buck to be with another man, any man so badly that they don't care who it is. I've said it several times before, I ship BUDDIE and only BUDDIE because they're in love with each other and they have an EPIC love story that deserves all the attention that has been built around it for the past six years.
Hopefully Tommy's ridiculous ass won't try to hurt my baby Eddie but I do know Eddie can take care of himself. If Tommy is like Jonah then that may be why he's fixated on him. Eddie has a silver star but I didn't hear Tommy say he has one even though he served in the Army too so that could be because he was just there and he wasn't awarded anything for bravery.
Here are the million dollar questions.
Will Tommy have Eddie's back if he gets shot in front of him? NO! He won't.
Will Tommy crawl underneath a firetruck if Eddie needs to be saved? NO! He won't.
Will Tommy have Eddie's back if Chris needs help with his homework? NO! He won't.
Will Chris call Tommy if something's wrong with Eddie? NO! He won't.
Will Tommy speak up for Eddie if he's having issues with childcare? NO! He won't.
Will Tommy come running if Eddie has another mental breakdown? NO! He won't.
The person who will be there is Buck! He always has been there for Eddie and Chris and he always will be.
If Tommy is as crazy as I think he is, it's likely by the end of the season (maybe sooner) Buck and Eddie will end up in a precarious situation the same way Hen and Chimney were in during 5x17 but the difference is, Buck and Eddie are in love with each other while Hen and Chimney are just best friends (related post linked here). If they're trapped and only one of them can be saved... I don't even want to think about it so hopefully, Tommy will be found out before any of that can happen.
The point is, Buck and Eddie agreed to have each other's backs in 2x1 and they still do. They've been there for each other through everything but Tommy is a loser and a poser who hides behind the fact that he's a firefighter and that he was in the Army but notice he never mentioned any medals or anything like that so this guy is not dependable, trustworthy and most importantly, he doesn't have the spirit of the 118. That means he's not family, found or otherwise. They're a family and even though Tommy hung out with Bobby, Hen and Chimney while they had drinks in a bar, they don't trust him therefore Buck and Eddie shouldn't either.
And to answer your question about Tommy and Buck's interaction, YES it was clunky, stiff and awkward but hopefully that was on purpose because we know Buck and Eddie do everything in sync and they've been doing it so long that it's subconscious for them.
This got way longer than I wanted it to (breivty is not my strong suit but I'm working on it) but I suppose I needed to type it out and see it in print because now things are getting real.
I hope I answered your question and while I don't know if this is the way the show is going, I do believe Tommy can't be trusted because HE NEVER HAD A REDEMPTION ARC. Reminder, Hen didn't shove his face in that cake in 2x16 for nothing 😜🤪😉🙃.
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mychemicalraymance · 1 year
the thing about the i have always preferred he/they pronouns thing with gerard is like. to me that does not read as like a personal guideline to what to call gerard way, which is how we understand the statement of pronouns in like 2023. to me it reads more like, gerard way understands they as a gender neutral pronoun and wants to have it be commonly used thing. which is just as awesome and also imo at that point in time kind of impressively progressive. like i think they for gerard in the personal identity sense is likely as well and has been used by a few people who met him personally. but the tweet is less of an aha gotcha moment to me (that’s stupid btw gerard being gnc is not about his pronouns lol it was never because of that to me. gerard could be a strict he/him irl and i would still consider him to be gender non conforming and a non binary celebrity) about what pronouns you can use but more of an example of gerard being aware of and engaging in larger concepts of gender neutrality and encouraging them. based. 
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starwhipnspin · 8 months
ok this is too funny not to share so today i present to you:
Things my sister called the ninja (& co.) the few times she saw them (a fairly unhinged list)
first up we got jay with:
vesuvio (yes that is the name of a volcano)
"he looks like allan from the barbie movie"
burger (about the redesign, she said it was the freckles💀)
"those freckles r so fake btw he drew them on with henna for sure"
"why does his hair look like that? those spikes go so high bro could be considerable as the 15th eight thousander" (bruh this one killed me like what💀)
he looks old now (about the redesign)
a toothbrush/bath brush (she has made it very clear she does not like his hair)
jonny bravo💀
"hes like one of those hermetically sealed containers his hair is flat on the top and the sideburns are like the bits to close the thing shut" (WHERE DOES SHE COME UP WITH SHIT LIKE THIS WHAT...)
iron man (post s3 of course)
a tempera paint tube lid (about movie zanes hair)
and at last, she just called him straight up ugly like not even gonna lie thats the first thing she said when she saw him
"look at him he's my fave his hair is nice."
a bit emo
he just like me (about the movie version, cuz she also likes AC/DC and rock in general)
like hulk (when he was a ghost)
coconut head from ned school survival guide (when he was a kid)
idk he reminds me of the ninja turtles (cuz green)
"his eyes give off snake vibes"
dora the explorer
"she looks like she got the bob just because it was trendy and it do not look good on her"
"why she look like that"
"extra fake cuz they already made out of plastic and she has the audacity to paint metal details on her face like come on girl so fake"
"tf is he supposed to be"
"why do his eyebrows look like that"
"why is he green when the other ones are all yellow"
"reminds me of the flintstones lady the one with the bone on her head"
minecraft spider (for some reason immediately followed with "incredible")
honorable mentions also include:
"they r like the winx they transform ENCHANTIIIIXX~" (after seeing how zane changed post s3 lol)
dollar store power rangers
"hold on he kinda looks like gerard way" (about possesed lloyd LMAO)
"it's like the wafer they give you with ice cream" (about wu's hat)
and thats the end of the ninjago slander thank u for coming and goodnight
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thetinyshiloh · 3 months
Nine People You'd Like to Know Better
Tagged by @thana-topsy, thank you!!
3 Ships Yyra Denirien x Teldryn Sero (OC x Elder Scrolls) - If you're following me and you don't know this... you must scroll tumblr with your eyes closed or something lmao. They are INCESSANTLY in my head 24/7/365. They are both so broken but trying their best and the most important aspect is that (in my canon story) their friendship happens FIRST and is MOST important before anything else occurs between them. I know all the smut I draw says otherwise, but I draw the smut because my main story is so slow-burn hahahaha. FemShep x Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect) - I went hard for this one... it's almost like there's something about red-headed strong-willed women with snarky, non-human mercenaries with distinctive voices that just does it for me... Jude x Cardan (The Folk of the Air series) - Despite the fact these are "young adult" books, holy shit did they do something for me. Also 100000% better than any published erotica I've ever read AND a fantastic example of enemies-to-lovers. Anyways, I finished the main trilogy recently and these two have been rotating on a smaller platform in the background while Yyra and Teldryn continue to rotate in the foreground lol. I HAVE TO ADD ONE MORE, SORRY, I'M BREAKING RULES BUT NIKAIDO x KAIMAN (DOROHEDORO) HAS TO BE INCLUDED TOO, I am obsessed
First Ship I have such a hard time remembering stuff from my early life, but technically the first pairing of people that I fixated on (though this would be way before "shipping" was a thing I knew about) was Aerith x Sephiroth (despite how that canonically goes lol, but i guess i've always loved saying fuck canon).
Last Song "Magia" by Kalafina - Despite almost never watching anime, I binged Puella Magi Madoka Magica in one day (it's only 12 episodes) and holy cow that fucking show what the fuck. Anyways, the end credit song rocks and this is it.
Currently Reading Inside of a Dog by Alexandra Horowitz Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain by David Gerard I recommend both of these so far, but I'm also only partially through them because I always take a thousand years to read nonfiction.
Last Film Dearest Sister (2016) - It's weird if I'm not watching at least one horror film in the past week, but this was actually two weeks ago? I think I need to re-watch it, but I thought it was pretty good!
Currently Craving I was craving salted nori today but I do actually have some and so I had it a few hours ago. Right now I'm not really craving anything! I guess this question is more about creative works but as usual, I go with food haha.
I tag: @downontheupside @mishikaiya @ocheeva @dontiform @perilously @fliinnie @orfeolookback @bendingsignpost @drowsy-fantasy
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mandm-cringe · 22 hours
Hi! For the ask game! 💛
{This might get rambly and it might make no sense. I'm not great ay articulating my tjoughts in these. Gotta get the thoughts out so sorry 😅}
🦅: How good are their friends at being wingmen? Do they even help at all or just sit back watching the pining with a bag of popcorn?
Erik's friends include Gerard and Christine {I'd like to believe that he doesn't die and they're able to work things out remain friends :)}
Gerard starts with actively getting in the way, he's worried that he might have another Christine situation on his hands and that it might get both Erik and Thalia hurt so he tries to talk both of them out of it which doesn't work obviously because they're both stubborn as hell.
After that he just watches the pinning and keeps a close eye to make sure nothing goes south.
Christine is a great wingman and frequently interferes to try and get Erik and Thalia together. She cares deeply and thinks Erik deserves to have someone that loves him and makes him happy and will deliver or obtain things to help the cause and is not opposed to putting in a good word for him. Is slightly protective of Thalia because she doesn't want her to get herself in a situation like she was in, so also gently guides her, unsolicited sometimes.
Thalia's only friend is her sister who thinks it's hilarious to watch her pine and is no help at all, sitting with popcorn to watch the show lol
🫣: Who stumbled the most with their feelings around the other? How much did the other person notice?
Thalia definitely stumbled the most around him when it came to her feelings. Safe to say she was enamored by him and pretty akward about it. Erik noticed but also assumed it wasn't about him but about the 'Opera Ghost' and her previous interest in the stories.
🦋: How long did it take them to get out of the awkward early relationship stage? Have they gotten more confident around each other?
Probably a little bit actually, Thalia is super akward in any new relationship and it takes her a long time to realize she doesn't have to be. She gets attached super fast and worries she might shatter the whole relationship if she does something 'wrong.' She believes that if she loosens up he might realize she's too offbeat for him to understand and that he might find her annoying and loose interest. Erik is the same and it takes him a long time to allow himself to be comfortable. He doesn't want to drive her away, and thinks he's not good enough or deserving enough of this newfound relationship. And still harbours that akward anxiousness until Thalia sees his face and they adjust and work through that. {mainly him, Thalia doesn't really care is quick to adjust to what he needs.}
🕊️: Give just a general domestic tidbit for em (things they like about each other, routines, habits, and just overall sweet stuff)
Even years into their relationship, Thalia still leaves little drawings/notes and candy everywhere for Erik to find like when they first met.
Thalia can't sew to save her life but Erik can and will tailor her clothes for her or sew up rips.
They have separate rooms but always sleep together. They start cuddled together and end with Erik sleeping like a corpse, all straight and still and Thalia sprawled out like a starfish and turning around.
Of course the obligatory creating for eachother.
Erik composes songs for Thalia, and does alot of hands on crafts, he likes to write and has learned to bound books and also likes carving and sculpting. He's bounds sketchbooks for her and also a scrapbook {A 'crow book' to keep all her shiny trash bc she's me lol.} And occasionally carves/sculpts her bracelet charms since she wears alot of them.
Thalia paints and draws things for him or dedicated to him. She makes all her own jewelry so makes him bracelets as well, with lots of beads and dangles for him to fidget with. Also paints him masks. Occasionally decides she wants to try something new {namely knitting/crochet} and always makes him things from those side endeavors too even if they aren't good.
Both can have trouble sleepy so to help Thalia will read to Erik until he falls asleep and Erik will sing to Thalia until she falls asleep.
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It’s not the first time Brennan asked Gerard if he felt closer to frog than prince and then described him becoming more froggy. Elody didn’t „fall out of love“ even more during their conversation. At what point do you think it became less about how she felt about him and more how Gerard feels about himself?
I've been thinking about this and essentially nothing else since you sent it.
I'm not 100% satisfied with the conclusion I came to, even less sure if the way I can think of to phrase it conveys said conclusion, but I'll do my best.
I don't think that there was a concrete turning point in the nature of the change like that. I think it has always been both, to an extent, but it's mostly just the phrasing of the question that leaves that kinda vague.
While the phrase "in love with" can also be used to refer to the love an individual has for another person, the power of the magic that undoes curses in these stories is loving and being loved. It's the connection between people.
We know that Gerard knew he was lying to himself at the beginning when he said everything was fine. He knew that there was something wrong with their connection, and that's what's froggifying him.
I think that another way to phrase the question "how froggy does Gerard feel?" would be "how strong does Gerard think that the connection between him and Elody is?"
It's asking Murph to take the pulse of their relationship.
But circling back to how Gerard's self-esteem factors into this, because that is an EXCELLENT point, Elody falling out of love isn't the only thing that's affecting that connection.
"I don't know exactly where we left off, but if you've moved on, which I would understand if you have, that's all right, and if you haven't, we can figure it out after all of this, maybe."
That's a LOT of ifs and maybes.
Insecurity on his part, while completely understandable, also factors into the weakened connection.
In my opinion, part of what makes a good, strong relationship is confidence in your feelings for each other.
"I have all these issues, how could someone love me?" or even worse, "I have all these issues, I'm not worthy of love" are all too common sentiments. (They're bullshit, but they certainly happen.)
I think part of his wishy-washyness in his conversation with Elody was not just respecting her and not wanting to pressure her but also insecurity that she could ever love him again, now that she knows who he really is. Or was. He's certainly grown a LOT, but I don't think he's recognized that in himself quite yet.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn that she cares far more about him than his low self-esteem would allow him to believe, but it's what he thinks she feels (based on her words actions, not just wildly trying to guess based on pure insecurity) that's making him doubt their relationship even more, exacerbating the frog problem.
This got way longer than I was expecting- I really hope it makes sense outside of my brain and without the other couple of thoughts I have that I couldn't find the right words for lol
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raytorosaurus · 2 years
can i quickly ask for some background history on the session guitar.. im new here omg :$$
of course! i think i have a masterpost about her buried somewhere in my drafts but for now: she was ray's first ever guitar. she's actually a gession brand, a cheap knock-off les paul replica which haven't been made since the 80s on account of the factory they were mass-produced in burning down. ray got her for christmas from his older brother in his sophomore year. im assuming ray misread the logo as session all the way back then, because he's never called her anything else, even though she was listed as a gession in this official guitar magazine in like 2011 lol. as you can see three of her tone/volume knobs, her rhthym/treble swtich, and one of her pickups are all straight-up missing lol. i love her to death.
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this is gerard (?) talking about her on the mcr website's faq page in 2002. he refused to play anything else 🥹 you can see her in the in the studio 2002 video also.
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you can see her in the in the studio 2002 video, and at all of their early shows. here she is in october 2002:
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somewhere between that photo and this one, in january 2004, a few things happened and im not sure exactly when/in what order.
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so first of all, now she has a yellow smiley face sticker on her :) it says walmart. sjdkgjgj <3333. but ALSO, sometime before october 2003, he dropped her off stage and she broke, like, almost in half :(. frank had gone through like 3-5 guitars at this stage lmaoo. anyway, ray started borrowing a gibson sg of mikey's and was like "oh this is actually much lighter lol" and from then on started branching out and playing other guitars lol, but he's still consistently preferred lp types his whole career!
anyway, she ended up getting fixed (iirc by matt cortez?? but i can't remember where i read that so i could be wrong). and she was back in business to record and tour revenge. here gerard is holding her in the studio <3, and again on the road in 04:
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after that, she kind of dropped off the touring rotation for a while. she does feature on the studio version of the black parade though, and he started playing her regularly again after the black parade world tour when they were writing conventional weapons. here she is in late 2008 covered in blood when they were recording the desolation row cover:
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and then at some stage he got her fully worked over and she was kind of his main guitar of choice all through the danger days world tour!
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this interview is probably the best individual source for when he's talked extensively abt her, saying she's his first and favourite guitar, telling the story abt his big brother giving her to him, and confirming that she's featured on every single my chem album ever :')
and then tonight in brooklyn is the first time i've actually seen her (that i've noticed) since the breakup 🥹. yes she still has the walmart smiley sticker.
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buckybarnesss · 6 months
Even the framing of that shot fucking kills me: the nogitsune confidently staring at Chris, almost amused, and then Derek comes into frame and he's visibly frightened
And he's not looking at Stiles. He's scared of what Chris is going to do TO Stiles. This is really his biggest fear, what he's been worried about this entire time. And what can he do??
the whole thing is just a masterful stroke on the nogitstune's part. it's torturing everyone in that scene including stiles.
like, of course it's obvious how these events hurt the sheriff. that's his child being tortured by an ancient creature and forced to do terrible, terrible things and also who is clearly becoming more like a walking corpse every minute. it used claudia's illness against both him and stiles to make them lose hope. how he maintained any composure i don't know. i'd be a fucking wreck of a human seeing my loved one worn like an ill fitting suit to prom.
for chris? this is a guy who we've seen intimidate teenagers for no real reason other than because he can. he's held scott at gunpoint for daring to be with allison and nothing else but he hesitates here. he hesitates despite hedging with derek earlier about what he would do.
this moment such an inverse to season 1 going all the way back to that confrontation in code breaker between chris and stiles.
i can guarantee chris was recalling it.
argent: let me ask you a question, stiles... have you ever seen a rabid dog? stiles: no. i could put it on my to-do list, if you just let me go. argent: well, i have. and the only thing i've ever been able to compare it to is seeing a friend of mine turn on a full moon. do you wanna know what happened? stiles: not really... no offense to your storytelling skills... argent: he tried to kill me, and i was forced to put a bullet in his head. the whole while that he lay there dying, he was still trying to claw his way toward me, still trying to kill me, like it was the most important thing he could do with his last breath. can you imagine that?
and allison? allison's already made the horrible decision of harming boyd and erica that started the dominos that led to erica and boyd being taken by the alphas and erica being killed.
now she's confronted with this monster wearing her friend's face toying with their emotions. she tries to subdue it but all that does is piss the nogitsune off and annoy him.
she's been manipulated by both kate and gerard to see her friends as being enemies when they weren't only to be faced with the reality of it here.
allison wants to save her friends so badly to make up for her mistakes but with this she might not be able to.
derek's position is just heartbreaking. this is really his greatest fear and failures playing out again.
we don't often see derek express fear. he usually expresses anger rather than let anyone know he's afraid but here? here derek is afraid.
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3A set up that derek and stiles had become friends, that stiles had been working with him over the summer to look for eric and boyd, that derek trusted stiles so much it broke jennifer's magic over him ---
and the nogitsune brings itself to derek's loft for protection because it knows derek will do anything to protect stiles.
he's already lost so many people. he's had to mercy kill people he cared about before. again stiles is one of the few who know about paige, stiles witnessed what happened with boyd and peter and jackson. he knows all of this about derek which means the nogitsune does too.
i'm not really sure what kind of derek we would've seen if stiles had died due to the nogitsune.
of course the person often lost in the psychological warfare of the nogitune is stiles.
stiles had to watch all this. had to see his knowledge used against the people he cared about over and over. his hands and body used for terrible things. the nogitsune fed off that more than anything. stiles's fear and confusion and pain. stiles was dying.
it's why the nogitsune was the best villain lol
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gerardpilled · 2 years
I’ve had to unfollow so many people these past couple of weeks because the projection they put onto gerard (and gerard only) is literally so strange to me. hypothesizing on the life of someone who you don’t know is borderline stalking and even taking it so far as to determining how they were raised or their identity and their gender is weirdo behavior. It’s gotten to the point where everything gerard does is being analyzed under a microscope and we’re just watching him perform for us, instead of seeing him as a real life person.
I really do agree… I think it extends past the usual case with concerts and celebrities where instead of physical performance, it’s become performance of the character of Gerard with all the gender, history, personality quirks, etc. people whittle him down to. I think you can tell when he kinda breaks out of the pre-established mold people have made for him through on-stage banter because no one comments on it lol. I’m not saying I know him personality at all, and I say things based on the best of my knowledge, but I’m also not gonna argue he felt a certain way about a specific thing.
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