#germanic deities
bowldrips · 2 months
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jessgoulder · 5 months
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For more like this please check out my Etsy Store :)
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allmythologies · 1 year
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germanic mythology: oberon
In the legendary history of the merovingian dynasty, oberon is a magician, the brother of merowech.
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chaotic-heathen · 1 year
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Freyja's Altar
My cat is a menace so I had to do some tidying up, and I really like how it turned out
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lokavisi · 4 days
Please reblog and share around. The higher the sample size, the better! I want to know who's working with the queer bois the most lol
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broomsick · 1 year
My favorite pieces of ancient germanic art: part three
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Gold bracteate, widely accepted as depicting the God Óðinn, a raven, and a horse.
Woodcarvings on the Oseberg ship.
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Runestone Sö 130 from Södermanland County, Sweden, commemorating a man who died in what would be modern-day Russia.
The Valkyrie of Hårby.
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Völund the Smith wearing his feather guise.
The bronze Rällinge statuette (Södermanland, Sweden). Dates back to the Viking Age and depicts the God Freyr in a seated position.
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The Nebra Sky-Disc.
Stone from Snaptun, depicting Loki with his mouth sewn up.
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Vendel Period sword hilt (Valsgärde) and helmet. Still art, I mean look at them.
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fernthewhimsical · 8 months
A Letter to Loki
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I apologise, dear Loki, for I have misjudged you for so long. My own fears have kept you at bay when they needn’t have.
I saw you in the bullying disguised as pranks, done by those with malice in their hearts. When instead I should have seen you in the pranks of my grandfather, fueled by laughter and love. In the mischievous twinkle in my father’s eyes that I am proud to have inherited.
You have been with me for such a long time, patiently waiting for me to see the truth. Reaching out even though I rebuked you time and time again, out of misplaced fear. Yet you’ve always respected my boundaries, and with it, respected me. For even though I honoured you with flame and breath, I did not let you in.
I heard you loud and clear yesterday: “you weep for they don’t see you as you are. We are not so different, you and I.” And I felt your arms close around me in a loving embrace.
Perhaps that is also a part of the problem; I see too much of myself in you. In the lengths you’re willing to go to protect those you love, and avenge them if needed. To resort to trickery and manipulation to get someone to open their eyes and see the truth. Even if that truth might be one only you think is right. Perhaps it is not only you I feared, but also myself.
I see this now, my eyes now opened. This is me reaching out, conquering my fears and inviting you into my life. I will see you in the creative spark. In the fire that can both warm and destroy, but will make place for new things to grow. I will see you in joy and laughter, especially when they want us to be silent. I will see you when I look into the mirror, the twinkle in my eyes and the queerness of my being. I will see you, as you will see me.
Hail to the Change-bringer Hail to the Bringer of Gifts Hail to the Mother of Monsters Hail to the Protector of Outcasts Hail to the God of Punk Hail to you, Loki
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tarotbee · 10 months
hello!! i was wondering if you have any ways to worship Sol/Sunna, her brother (Mani) and Loki?
Offerings and ways of Worshipping Sól / Sunna
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Associated runes: Dagaz and Sowelo
Offerings of Cider, Mead, Apple juice and orange juice
Like many solar deities, sunflowers and sun imagery are always a good idea!
In Germanic mythology Sól is considered the personification of the sun, meaning just spending some time outside in the sun would be perfectly acceptable!
Citrus is always good for sun gods and goddesses, lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruits, pomelo, kumquat, mandarin and clementine are all good!
Show respect to the land!
Pick up rubbish! Plant a garden! Go eco friendly! Bamboo brushes! No single use plastics! Every little bit counts 🧡
Donate to charities that help the environment such as tree planting, community gardens, wildlife protection, ocean clean ups, ozone protection! Pitch in too if you can!
Horses and Chariots!
Plants 🪴 are great offerings! Put them on her altar! Take care of them in her honour
Wear warm/summer colours
Sunna is a healer! First aid courses, learning old helping practices and remedies and even just taking care of yours and other physical health is amazing!
Know a good source recipe for when your sick? Perfect idea for an offering
Sunna embodies, energy, motivation and enthusiasm, carry these feelings with you always (as much as you can)
Have a candle on her altar! She gave the gift of fire! Its important to honour that
Celebrate the solstice!
Sun tea!!! 🌞
Hope this helped! Sol/Sunna is hard to find information on so communicate with her directly and collaborate on offering ideas
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our-lord-satanas · 2 months
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Loki is the Norse God of mischief and trickery. He is known for his unpredictable and manipulative nature, which frequently involves playing practical jokes or pranks on other Gods, mortals, and giants. He is also the God of fire, and he has a strong connection to the underworld and the realm of the dead. Loki is often portrayed as a shapeshifter who can take on the form of various animals, including snakes, foxes, bats, and even horses. He is also often associated with fire, creativity, innovation, and destruction.
Appearance: his appearance in Norse mythology can vary greatly, depending on the source. In some depictions, he is described as being a tall and handsome male figure with red hair and a beard. In other depictions, he is described as being a more feminine or androgynous character, with long and straight red hair, along with smooth and pale skin.
Personality: Loki is a clever and devious character, known for his ability to manipulate and deceive others with his cunning and wit. He is also known for his unpredictable nature, his tendency to get himself into trouble, and his proclivity for causing chaos and disorder. He is often seen as a trickster and a troublemaker, who enjoys creating disruption and chaos.
Symbols: serpents, wolves, ax, raven, masks, fire, Bjarken and Logr Runes, fishing nets, earthquakes, infinity snake and ouroboros, number 8, chaos star, runes that spell out his name: Laguz, Othala, Kenaz, Isa as well as the rune Hagalaz, and Helmet of Dread or the Helmet of Horror
God of: mischief and trickery
Culture: Norse and Germanic
Plants and trees: mistletoe, birch, common Haircap moss (Loki’s Oats), bentgrass (Loki’s Grass), cinnamon, dandelion, beech, blackthorn, elder, elm, ivy, juniper, mullein, thistle, mint, holly, cedar, juniper, elder, clove, patchouli, tobacco, willow, and yew
Crystals: jade, obsidian, sapphire, amethyst, garnet, citrine, black tourmaline, serpentine, carnelian, fire opal, and black onyx
Animals: salmon, birds (crows, ravens, falcon, and vultures), flies, goats, flea, horses, wolves, foxes, and spiders
Incense: dragon's blood, frankincense, myrrh, patchouli, and basil
Colours: green, gold, black, violet, yellow, orange, and red
Tarot: The Fool
Planets: Mercury and Venus
Days: Thursday, Friday, Lokablót, April Fool’s Day, Yule, Autumn Equinox, Samhain, Friday the 13th, the 13th of each month, and Lokabrenna Day
Parents: Fárbauti and Laufey
Siblings: Odin (blood brother), Helblindi, and Býleistr
Partners: Angrboda, Sigyn, and Svadilfari (a horse), and Glut
Children: Fenrir, Jörmungandr, Hel, Váli, Narfi, and Sleipnir (Odin’s horse)
• Fire: Wagner combined Loki with Logi, the fire god, in his Ring Cycle. And ever since, Loki has been associated with fire and magic  in pop culture. There are some very iffy pieces of evidence that Loki might have had some historical connection with fire (e.g., the Snaptun stone and medieval folklore about the Ash Lad) but the scholarly consensus is “Nope, blame Wagner.” That said, fire, with its dual roles of creation and destruction, enlightenment and passion, is a pretty potent symbol for Loki even if it doesn’t have a historical basis.
• Red hair: Loki’s hair colour is never mentioned in the lore, and there are some illuminated Icelandic manuscripts in which he is shown as a blond or brunette. The fire god mistake mentioned above probably popularized the redhead image. (Interestingly, Thor is canonically a redhead.)
• Fishing Nets: in Gylfaginning, Loki weaves a fishing net while on the lam and hiding from the Aesir. (The story kind of implies it’s the first fishing net, although Ran is also credited with inventing them elsewhere.) Loki turns into a salmon to escape but ends up being caught with his own creation,
• Earthquakes: the prose epilogue to Lokasenna claims that earthquakes are caused by Loki writhing in pain when Sigyn leaves to empty her venom-catching bowl.
• Masks: while Odin, not Loki, takes the name of Grímnir (the masked one) in the lore, masks are a fairly logical thing to associate with a shapeshifter.
• Name: Loki is named after the Norse word "loki," which means "mischief maker" or "trickster."
• Role: in Norse mythology, Loki is known as a chaotic and mischievous figure who frequently causes problems for the God’s.
• Relationships: the son of the frost giant Fárbauti and the giantess Farbauti, and is the brother of the Goddess Hel.
• Origin: he is a Jötunn or giant who is the son of the Jötunn Fárbauti, which means "dangerous strike."
• Associations: Loki is connected to the realms of chaos and trickery and is often seen as a troublemaker and instigator of conflict.
• Connection to Thor: he is the half-brother of Thor, and has several encounters with the god of thunder. In one famous example, Loki tries to trick Thor into drinking a powerful liquor called "Módrunar," which causes him to become extremely drunk.
• Powers: he is a powerful deity with a wide range of abilities, including shapeshifting, sorcery, illusions, and knowledge.
• Association with Trickery: Loki is closely associated with the concept of trickery, often utilizing his skills as a master manipulator to cause trouble for the God’s.
The best way to worship Loki respectfully is to approach him with sincere devotion and reverence. He is a god of mischief and chaos, so a certain level of humor is appropriate when working with him, but that doesn't mean you should take him lightly or treat his power with disrespect. To worship him respectfully, make an offering, either something tangible or a gesture like writing a poem or performing an act of mischief and chaos in his name. Be genuine and open in your intention, and don't be afraid to get a little mischievous yourself.
Some ways to worship Loki include:
• Doing things that embody his energy and traits, such as pranks or mischief
• Making offerings to him, whether physical or spiritual
• Creating a dedicated altar space
• Studying and researching Norse mythology, particularly his role in it
• Performing rituals and spell casting to seek his guidance and insight
• Meditating on his energy and listening for a response
• Performing acts of chaos and destruction
• Seeking to gain his protection through protection magic or rituals
To begin, you can address him by name and say something like:
"Great God Loki, bringer of chaos and master of deceit, I come to you seeking guidance and destruction. I offer my heart and spirit and ask for your blessing in this pray.”
"Thank you, Great God Loki, for listening to my words and walking by my side on this journey. I leave this altar/ritual space in your hands, and I ask for your protection and mischief wherever I may go."
If your request to work with Loki has been accepted, here are some signs that you can look for:
• Feeling a strong attraction or draw to his energy or presence
• Having repeating thoughts or dreams about him
• Feeling drawn to chaos or chaos magic
• You’ll start seeing his name everywhere – in books, on TV, online, etc.
• There might be a sudden change in your life, an unexpected sometimes painful change
• It will seem someone is playing tricks on you, particularly when it comes to your spiritual spaces like your altar
• Be wary of fires that are started in random places
• You might see his symbols or signs everywhere you go including the snake, spider, runes like Hagalaz and Isa, the Chaos star, number 8 or Ouroboros
• The TV show Loki or Marvel character might start popping up everywhere (yes I believe Loki communicates through this guise because it’s a form we know and understand)
• You might already have a connection with Odin, Loki’s brother
• Spiderwebs will appear in your space – in the home, workplace, or vehicle
• Loki’s sacred animals will appear as signs to you including the horse, fly, spider, snake, salmon, vulture, wolf, fox, etc.
• Experiencing signs of change or transformation in your life
• Feeling a sense of rebelliousness or mischief within you
• A sense of giddiness, playfulness, and light-heartedness after praying to him or meditating on his energy.
• Feeling of warmth or presence in the air around you.
• An increased sense of creativity, spontaneity, and a general desire to explore and experiment.
• Feeling a connection with nature or animals in a new or stronger way than before.
• Experiencing unusual or unexpected occurrences that seem a bit too strange to be coincidental.
If your request to work with Loki has not been accepted, you may notice the following signs:
• A lack of vivid dreams or visions about Loki.
• A sense of confusion, uncertainty, or indecisiveness in regards to your connection with Loki.
• A feeling of unease or discordance in your relationship with Loki.
• A feeling of discord or disinterest in your spiritual practice with Loki.
• An overall sense of discomfort or dissonance, rather than a sense of harmony and ease.
Overall you need to be respectful of deities denying your request
• Candles, especially black ones.
• Incense, a musky or mysterious scent would be appropriate.
• Red fruits or flowers.
• Gems or metals.
• Herbs such as dill, ginger, and mugwort.
• Art or poetry.
• Toys, such as the ones you used to play with as a kid.
• Acts of chaos, subversion, or mischief.
• Flowers: daisies, roses, and lilies.
• Crystals.
• Hanging mistletoe at Yuletide.
• Foods and drinks: sweet foods, alcohol, spicy rum, mulled wine, chocolate with nuts or funny names, spongecake, coffee or other caffeinated beverages, honey, and pastries.
• Knives and daggers.
• Doing something you’re scared of (safely).
• Cinnamon.
• Challenge authority figures and shake things up
• Break rules and defy expectations
• Live a life of surprises and twists
• Explore your trickster side and have some fun with your mischief
• Embrace the shadow-self
• Let your inner child out (if not heal them first)
• Don’t take yourself too seriously.
• Be the devil’s advocate.
• Speak the truth and uphold it. This also involves speaking your mind about politics and issues.
• Express yourself.
• Indulge in art or create art. (Loki loves it when people dive deeply into their creative fire. He also rewards them for it)
• Live life to the fullest.
• Light a candle for him the moment you wake up and during bedtime. (I personally found out that he likes red and green candle but if those are not available, white can suffice).
• Burn some incense (cinnamon, sandalwood and dragon’s blood are some of Loki’s favorites but if he tells you otherwise, it’s okay).
• Stop planning and just be in the moment.
• Embrace chaos (and make it your bitch, as Loki would say).
• Cultivate a sense of mystery and playfulness.
• Be unpredictable and keep your friends on their toes.
• Push your boundaries and experiment with your boundaries.
• Break the norm and be yourself.
• Adopt a prickly succulent baby or an abandoned animal. If you can’t adopt, volunteer in shelters or be a foster paw-rent.
• Collect toys that you will both enjoy.
• Play board or video games.
• Cook meals and eat with him (cook whatever meal catches your fancy and then eat at his altar).
• Hoard jokes, puns and memes (VERY IMPORTANT! Loki loves his humour but in good taste. He seems to dislike and would often refute humor made in bad taste like triggering and racist jokes).
Yes, it is generally considered safe to consume or drink offerings you give to Loki. The concept of eating or drinking offerings in worship is a way of bringing a deity's energy and power into your own body. Consuming or drinking an offering can strengthen your bond with the deity and help you gain their insight and guidance. However, it's important to be mindful of what the offering is and whether or not it is safe for consumption. Depending on the offering, it may be necessary to prepare it in a specific way in order for it to be safe to consume.
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bowldrips · 3 months
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Available as a:
Watch a timelapse of this piece being painted on Youtube!
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norsemythologie · 2 years
Lately I’ve felt called to recognize Hel, and I’d like to know what others in the pagan community think of her. When I first started learning about Norse paganism, most everything I read or saw really demonized Hel and her father Loki, within an obviously lingering Christian sense. I believed this for a while and tried to avoid both, but eventually it really felt like judging a book by its cover, and quite harshly at that.
It’s still difficult to find many positive resources on Hel (or even neutral) which is why I’m interesting in gauging how pagan tumblr users feel. Personally, I’m interested in recognizing Hel as one of the Æsir I regularly work with, even if she’s not technically counted as one in any of the texts. I just have this gut feeling to hear her out and try to understand her, to sympathize with her.
And to Hel, Queen of the Dead, I am sorry for judging you before getting to know you <3
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please comment if you know who created these works so I can post credit!
where I found them:
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samwisethewitch · 10 months
15 Days of Freyja Devotion
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Day 9: Sacred Places
This is another area where there are frustratingly few concrete answers. As far as I know, there are no written records of any temples dedicated to Freyja and no archaeological finds believed to be her temples. This doesn't mean there were no temples dedicated to her -- it only means that we haven't found any temples we can say for sure are hers.
We do know what sacred sites dedicated to Freyja might have looked like. Sacred groves were commonly used as a site for worship in pre-Christian Scandinavia. Some groves were probably used as a sort of all-purpose sacred space, while others were dedicated to specific deities. Single trees could also serve as a place to connect with the gods. We know oak, birch, and evergreen trees were used for worship (although oak may have been exclusive to Thor). Other types of trees may also have been used.
We also know that the Old Norse did sometimes include statues of the gods in their temples. Old Norse people also carried small amulets depicting the gods, and archaeologists have found many amulets believed to show Freyja.
Norse (and more generally Germanic) agrarian goddesses were often worshiped in the form of life-size statues, which would be carried from place to place in carts. Written sources mention Freyja being worshiped this way. This may imply that Freyja was seen as being more mobile and less tied to a single place. Because this practice only seems to have been done for agricultural goddesses, I do wonder if the goddesses were seen as being present in the land itself, but that's a personal hunch and is not based on research.
In my personal practice, I honor Freyja on an altar with other Norse gods. I have a statue of her where I leave offerings. I'm renting right now, but I would love to someday have the space to dedicate a sacred grove to Freyja and the other gods.
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satanourunholylord · 1 year
Offering for Odin
Odin, the All-Father, wise and strong With his one eye, he sees what's long gone God of knowledge, magic, and war His ravens Huginn and Muninn soar
He wanders the nine realms with his spear Seeking knowledge to quench his thirst, to hear The secrets of the gods, of life and death And from his knowledge, he gains great wealth
The runes, he gifted to us all A tool for wisdom, a power to call The magic of the gods, the power of fate The knowledge of Odin, never too late
In battles, he leads the charge The Valkyries, his warriors at large Fearsome and mighty, with his sword in hand Odin, the All-Father, ruler of the land
Oh Odin, we honor you today Your wisdom, your magic, your fierce display We honor your sacrifice, your search for truth In you, we find the strength of our youth
Hail Odin, All-Father, wise and strong May we always remember you in our song In your knowledge and power, we find our way Odin, guide us, now and always.
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jessgoulder · 8 days
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lokavisi · 3 months
So....pretty much everyone I know that has made an oath to Loki has done so in a godspousing context. But I want to know if people have oathed to him in any way that *isn't* that, and what that experience has been like. I get the feeling he's asking for a more concrete oath, but he's also very much aware of how the concept of godspousing makes my wife feel uneasy. And he's been very respectful of that. I would like a more "formal" commitment but not in a way that compromises my actual human marriage. (Which, again, he has been supportive and respectful of. And ultimately that oath to my wife has come first, before anything made to him.) Obviously this is something that will ultimately be worked out between Loki and I, but I don't have any tangible examples of this kind of oathing to him to know what it might look like. When it comes to oaths I very much want to look as much as I can before I leap, so to speak. I know I'll never know all the details before doing something, but seeing that it's at all possible would ease so much of my worries and anxieties around this.
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