#god i'm bad at maintaining a blog
rthko · 2 months
You ready for a REAL brave post? Between 2015 and 2020 or so, everyone had something to say about a common enemy, "masc for masc" gays. Now that the water has stilled (or come out clear, if my boys want a more familiar metaphor), what is there to be said about fem for masc? I'm not here to moralize, I'm really not. I actually relate, and on a purely libidinal level, god does it make sense. But on a logistical level it does not, and masc for masc has a certain integrity by comparison. I mean, they're willing to hold themselves to the same standards as their partners. There's a certain logic to it, even if we don't like the result. Conversely, remember when Christian Walker, obviously not masc himself, filmed himself asking "where are all the masculine men?" This is not even a particularly unusual complex to have. They don't see it as ironic or hypocritical they really do view themselves and the objects of their attraction implicitly as different genders. I don't think that's universally good or bad--maybe we DO want to acknowledge a diverse range of subgenders--but it comes with its own baggage.
We come to an issue at the epistemological foundations of homosexuality that were present from the moment it was first termed as a form of sexual inversion: lots of gay guys want to be fem and still fuckable, but don't want to fuck fem gays themselves. And sure, we "like our men fruity," we love a little piercing or a fagcent, but gays are frankly more permissive of these traits when they apply to muscular bodies--the ground on which the figure of subtle gender expression can be applied. Baby gays think muscle gays are all masc for masc. Nope! Many will queen out, and I'm not saying this to uniformally redeem them but to point out that they get more allowances if they maintain certain body types. Think of that one gay porn blog with "macho" in the URL that posts uncredited pics of muscular men in thongs: THAT'S how you get a safe degree of irony, without which it's just regular cross dressing.
I like the rest of you was part of the anti masc-for- masc crusade, and I don't think we were wrong for it. Maybe we did have an ax to grind! But this was easier to have a principled stance about when we developed a protective aversion to masculinity. Of course I wasn't attracted to it--I had foreclosed any possibility that a masculine man would respect me or not view my effeminate characteristics as sexually disqualifying. But picture this: a man who is masculine in demeanor without being chauvinistic, who treats you as an equal, who isn't emotionally constipated, and lets you queen out without backing away? The glimpses I've had of this are tantalizing! We can rail against heterosexuality--literal or allegorical--but its promise makes libidinal sense. If we could logic our way out of it, we would, but this "where have all the good men gone" complex is the Sisyphean burden we bear. And that's why to this day gays brunch with their straight women friends to dish about how men are the worst.
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captainkirkk · 8 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
DC (Batfamily)
Birdwatch11 by smilebackwards
Tim hadn’t actually meant to start a popular Batwatch blog.
He hadn’t meant to start a blog at all honestly but by the time he turned eleven he’d accumulated hundreds of pictures of Batman and Robin on his Nikon DSLR and it had just seemed inefficient to go through the trouble of printing them and storing them in a box under his bed when BlogSphere had a perfectly adequate platform.
lost treasure by adelfie
"Dad, I don’t want to do this.”
“It doesn’t matter what you want. This is why we brought you here,” Jack hisses. “So we can get paid.”
Or: When a cozy night out with his parents turns into a night of captivity and torture, Tim is forced to seek protection from his worst nightmare - the Red Hood.
Hey There Demons by hitthedeck
Treating magical threats lightly is never an option, especially when that threat tears holes in realities. To combat this danger, a good hero must remain vigilant and in peak physical condition at all times.
Too bad Red Robin never got that message.
Or, in which even demons can't comprehend why Tim Drake is Like That.
Stranger Things
Tell Me "Don't", So I Can Crawl Back In by KiaraMGrey
When Steve finds himself alone and without friends, following his breakup with Nancy, he decides what he needs is a distraction. Maybe some new friends who don't remind him of the bullshit life he gave up. When he literally runs into Eddie Munson, school drug dealer and self proclaimed freak, an idea begins to form. Who better to show him what life outside popularity can be like, than someone who doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks?
And Eddie? Well, Eddie is just bracing for impact.
Everybody's Friend by AmethystUnarmed
"Hey Harrington,” Eddie calls, as Steve books it to the Beamer.
Steve stops, and is only the slightest bit nervous when he says, “Yeah?”
It almost makes Eddie feel bad.
“How’s the character creation going?”
The absolute dread on Steve’s face confirms Eddie's worst fears.
“I... I'm not going to be able to play Thursday.”
God. Dammit.
Steve's budding friendship with the Hellfire Club hits a few snags and Eddie wonders if all of this was even worth it.
Clone Wars
Standards of Professionality by Trixree
"Are we going to pretend I didn’t just find you fucking your General, vod?” Rex hisses over private-comm.
Cody doesn’t even turn his head to look at him. Rex can hear the smile in Cody’s voice when he replies, “No, because I am not fucking my General, Rex’ika. I am fucking Obi-Wan. We are professionals.”
5 times Cody and Obi-Wan struggled to maintain plausible deniability regarding their affections for one another + 1 time they decidedly Did Not
prosper matrimonium by smilebackwards
"Gorgeous, sweet, community-oriented,” Magnus ticks off the positive attributes on his fingers. And he’s sure he’ll find plenty more to like about Alexander Lightwood. “I imagine suitors are beating down his door. Please tell me he’s not actually dating Lorenzo.”
Cat hesitates. “Well, if you’re really interested in Alec, you have interesting timing to say the least.”
“How do you mean?” Magnus asks.
“Alec just put his name in for the prosper matrimonium.”
Or: The disaster with the Circle swings the Clave a little more progressive. And if Magnus wants Alec’s heart, he’s going to have to compete for it
The Umbrella Academy
To Be Where You Are (So Very Far) by bobee
He'd thought he'd seen it all.
Forty-Five years in a wasteland and two weeks saving the world, only to be taken for a year by a man guided by his own self-interest. He'd seen the horrors of what this life has to offer. It's all he's ever seen.
He just hadn't known that there was one out there meant for him.
(or, Number Five, the end of the end of the world, and the start of a new one.)
On My Terms by CivilBores
"I did what you asked,” he tells her. “Now, the briefcase.”
Her eyebrows raise in mock-surprise, red lips curling up her face in a sadistic smile.
“You didn’t think that was all, did you?” she asks.
AU: The Handler gives Five a slightly different deal.
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I’d love to read more of your (and Vinelle’s) Twilight fanfics, but I can’t wrap my head around a lot of the lore. I only have vague memories of the books, with the Volturi details being extra vague. Care to give a summary of the Aro/Carlisle situation you tend to write about? The fics seem so interesting but I’m left confused about their characters and history!
Look, @therealvinelle, praise!
And oh dear god.
If it makes you feel better this isn't a ridiculous ask as I'm having a pretty tough time coming up with what I need to summarize here. There's a shocking amount of background about very obscure characters required to 'get' all of our fics.
Well, the easy (if time consuming) answer is to go through the blog. A lot of our Twilight readers have a leg up because they've read all the metas including "what if X happened" and so are quite knowledgeable about what @therealvinelle and I will write in a given story (compared to readers of The Man Who Would Be King, HP where @therealvinelle and I have written comparably less metas, and the readers guesses are all over the place).
This will give you pretty much everything you need to know about everything we write.
Otherwise, I'll have to give a quick and dirty summary here.
The Volturi
The Volturi are the big bad of the Twilight novels if there are any at all. They're the ones who cause much of the conflict in the latter novels (if we ignore Edawrd causing all of the conflict) and are the large threat to Bella after James and Victoria are dealt with.
What's important for our fics is that they're the iron fist of the vampire world. They're not so much rulers, as they don't tell anyone what to do, don't supply any cultural institutions, nor demand tithes or taxes, but enforcers of this one law that they made up thousands of years ago. They have only one law which is "do not get noticed by humans" which has a bunch of caveats to ensure this singular law is followed.
They have such strength in gift ability and such a strong network that they're able to enforce this law across the globe and easily deal with large masses of vampires. (This has given them a terrifying reputation and causes vampires like Jasper to regard them ambivalently as he appreciates things like newborn wars not spiraling out of control but is utterly terrified of them.)
They have done this for at least two-thousand years (Meyer is notoriously terrible with dates so @therealvinelle and I get into a lot of headcanons to make this work. Given the names Aro, Marcus, and Caius and that they are reputedly Mycenean they probably gained significant power/reputation when Rome was the dominant power in the region some 1500 years after each of them was turned, meaning it's been ~2000 years that Volturi law became absolute in the Mediterranean region if not further). And have presumably been settled in Volterra since that time.
Also of note is that the Volturi (primarily Aro) recruits, sometimes heavy handedly, gifted vampires to be members of his guard. This is how he's maintained such control as he uses powerful psychics to obliterate opposition.
The Cullens run afoul of this law (or appear to) multiple times. First when Edward goes to Volterra confessing to having told Bella he was a vampire and then abandoning her while she was still human (the law is she must either be turned or die at that point), the second time hours later when Edward planned to walk into the sunlight and reveal himself to the city of Volterra, and the third time when Irina witnesses what she thinks is an immortal child and reports this to the Volturi.
This last culminates in a very tense confrontation between dozens of vampires as they try to clear up what the fuck Renesmee is and if she's a danger to herself and others.
It concludes peacefully, but tensely, as Aro concludes Renesmee is not a problem and walks away but everyone is unsure if a violent confrontation will happen later.
The Aro and Carlisle Situation
Carlisle canonically spent around 20 years (Edward notes a few decades but never specifies exactly how many) as a guest of the Volturi, specifically as a friend of Aro.
What Edward tells us canonically is that while he enjoyed his time there and was shocked to find that vampires were learned and cultured beings after all, he couldn't convert any of them to his diet and left to find kinship among other vampires (this did not go well until Carlisle turned Edward some 200 years later).
Some of the fics go over this more than others, but @therealvinelle work with the assumption that Carlisle was very young as a vampire when he came across Volterra. He'd met Alistair before that point but no one else. Volterra was then what convinced him that vampires were not inherently damned and could be learned people (something Carlisle would not have associated with demons as a 17th century priest) who have great appreciation for the arts and great knowledge of antiquity.
What @therealvinelle and I tend to presume is that Aro and Carlisle had a romantic relationship during this period (and that Sulpicia and Carlisle did as well for hilarious reasons). However, while there was true romantic affection there, it couldn't resolve the large differences between the pair and ultimately Carlisle had to leave.
Fast forward to the start of canon and Carlisle is very fond of the Volturi. He hangs their painting in his office and Edward initially speaks of them with... distant respect I suppose we'll call it which speaks to Carlisle's respect for them as Edward would get that information from him.
After New Moon Carlisle off screen was likely extremely grateful and relieved that Edward had not been executed despite Edward doing his damndest to get himself executed. That they were all returned home, Bella human even, is a relief beyond measure and Carlisle is likely very grateful for this. He is very aware that Bella must be turned though and gives his vote in New Moon (aided by the fact that the situation has become untenable for all parties involved).
However, Edward is vocally suspicious of the Volturi's intentions and Carlisle trusts Edward's judgement as well as his gift. Edward notes that what Aro really wants is his and Alice's gifts to become omnipotent. Now, this doesn't make much sense as Aro's is Edward's gift but better and if Aro had wanted this then why would he ever have let the three go when he had every excuse and ability to keep them there and bind them to the Volturi with Chelsea, but it does plant seeds of suspicion especially when Aro is notorious for adding to his guard and trying out gifted members to see if they fit. Where Edward's theories start to gain credence is in Eclipse.
Victoria is obviously building a newborn army. The death rate in Seattle skyrockets as Victoria turns ten-twenty vampires in quick succession with humans floundering for an explanation (they at first state gang violence then a serial killer as they try to figure out why this is happening). Ordinarily, the Volturi would swoop in and take care of this as soon as it becomes obvious with absolutely no issue (using either Jane or Alec for the task). The Cullens wait for the Volturi. And wait. Then wait.
It becomes clear that the Volturi aren't coming. The Cullens try to get the Denali involved (this doesn't go well) and without any other option are forced to team up with the wolves where they win the battle with no losses but with great physical injury to some of the wolves (notably Jacob has a rough time of it). Then the Volturi show up at that very moment, making it clear that they'd intentionally waited so the Cullens could be wiped out or at least had their numbers thinned. Then Jane in front of them lights a girl on fire while noting that Bella appears to be very human today, doesn't she?
Carlisle at this point concludes that Edward is correct and Aro is trying to poach Alice or sees the coven as a threat and is trying to underhandedly eliminate them.
On Aro's end, the running theory in our fics is that Caius was in fact behind this without Aro's knowledge or consent. Caius had seen Aro sending Alice, Bella, and Edward home without any restrictions as a debilitating weakness that had to be dealt with/made an example of. Caius saw an opportunity, likely the only one he'd get, and he took it giving the death squad orders to stall and wait for the battle to finish before they cleaned house. Unfortunately for Caius, this went sideways. Unfortunately for Aro, he now knows that Carlisle thinks he tried to murder his entire family in the most underhanded shady way imaginable and that nothing he can say will make it look less bad.
However, all of this is okay to a point, as Bella's being turned shortly and Alice is there to tell the Volturi that it's all going to be over and then they'll have no reason to interfere.
Except Bella gets pregnant with an alien and then Irina reports that alien as an immortal child to the Volturi.
From Carlisle's perspective this is a nightmare, they've given the Volturi a valid excuse to come and wipe them off the map. Their only hope is to gather every witness they possibly can to oversee their trial and confirm that Renesmee is not an immortal child/prevent the Volturi from murdering them all over false charges. Carlisle no longer trusts that the Volturi have good intentions or that this is simply a misunderstanding, he has a very strong suspicion that they will use anything they can to kill them all.
From Aro's this is also a nightmare, as not only is an immortal child reported (something he absolutely has to kill everyone culpable over) but Carlisle starts immediately gathering what seems to be an army. Aro has to gather an army in turn and confront him at the trial where he's witness to the world's weirdest trial where it turns out the immortal child was actually an alien and uh... guess she'll grow up okay.
However, because of how that trial goes down two things happen: Aro loses face and Carlisle's worst fears are confirmed.
Aro tries to use his powerhouses against an increasingly hostile/suspicious opponents, what happens is that Bella blocks all of them. Chelsea, Jane, and Alec are refuted in turn and Bella shows in front of a large amount of witnesses that the Volturi can be thwarted provided they have the right amount of numbers. The worst gifts they have are no longer debilitating so long as Bella is around. Everyone who's ever wanted to sack Volterra now can look over at the Cullens and see Bella Swan, a woman who is now very hostile to the Volturi.
On Carlisle's end, he sees Aro use Chelsea, Jane, and Alec presumably to murder not only his family but all of his friends who had come here only to be witnesses to see that the Volturi behaved as they are supposed to in these situations. It's worse than his every fear confirmed, Aro proves himself to be a power hungry tyrant who will stop at nothing to get what he wants including the murder of children.
Aro walks away wishing he and Carlisle might somehow repair their relationship but knowing that it is likely impossible. He also leaves knowing that a confrontation is likely inevitable and that he will more than likely have to kill Carlisle's family if not Carlisle himself.
Some if not all of this usually comes to play in @therealvinelle and my stories depending if it takes place pre, during, or post series.
Other Tips
Read fics in order they were published.
@therealvinelle and I tend to use shorthand references to things gone over in depth in other fics as we hate writing the same thing twice. Nebuchadnezzar's Dream by @therealvinelle for example goes over a lot of the canon events dealing with Aro and Carlisle and how they reacted to it as well as Carlisle's hypothetical gift that @therealvinelle and I theorize is totally a thing.
A lot of the lore in the fics that doesn't come from canon was sort of uh organically grown within the fics themselves. (Unintentionally, they all kind of take place in a weird shared universe where similar things have often happened or they diverge at a single crucial point).
Uh... you got anything @therealvinelle?
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f1crecs · 6 months
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Meet the Team
As you may remember, a couple of weeks ago I put out a post asking for volunteers to help me collate recs for the lists and maintain the blog. I am so very happy to introduce them all to you now - and we will all be sharing our favourite fics, too. 🤍
thank you so much to everyone who put their name forward for this - I am so grateful.
click here to hear their #1 favourite f1c, and continue below the cut to learn more about them.
I hope you will all join me in welcoming them!
Briony x
Alison - @lydia-petze
favourite pairings: I am very unfussy but some of my favourite pairings are galex, carlando, piarles, yukierre, loscar, charlos and martian. favourite tropes: again, very unfussy but coffee shop, fake dating/marriage of convenience and bodyguard fic is all up there. about me: Hi, I'm Alison, lydia_petze on AO3. I'm very old in fandom years, having started back in the 90s when The X Files was the fandom du jour. I manage a rail station in my spare time, my number one job is cat servant, I like folk music and folklore and I can do the occasional Aussie-pick when it's needed
Briony - @boxboxbrioche
favourite pairings: piarles, galex, martian... but I truly will read most pairings. favourite tropes: childhood best friends to lovers. second chances. historical au's. soulmate au's!! about me: hi! it's nice to meet you. this fandom is so incredibly talented, and i started this blog in 2023 in order to shout it from the rooftops. i enjoy reading, walking, and esteban ocon
Caroleen - @blueballsracing
favourite pairings: love Lestappen, Brocedes, Galex, Loscar, Landoscar favourite tropes: enemies to lovers, magical realism, roommates, friends with benefits about me: Hi! I’m Caroleen, caroleen on ao3 and blueballsracing on tumblr! I’m a big cat lover, huge Taylor Swift stan, and am a huge nerd!
Clara - @frickinsweet
favourite pairings: Piarles, Lestappen, Galex, Brocedes – but I’m a Charles-girly first and foremost so I will read most things that involve him ❤️ favourite tropes: Enemies-to-lovers, mutual pining, magical realism, soulmates about me: Hiya, I’m Clara, frickinsweet on tumblr (and on AO3 where you can find me commenting on fics mostly). Eternally tired girl that wishes she could be a cat mom but god has cursed me with allergies. Fanartist (in theory only so far). Due to work related damages I have too many opinions on peoples teeth 🙈.
Katie - @singsweetmelodies
favourite pairings: Pierre/Charles, Seb/Lewis, Nico/Jenson favourite tropes: fake dating baby!!! but also, friends to lovers, mutual pining, idiots in love <3 about me: Hiii! I'm Katie, ohmygasly on AO3 and singsweetmelodies on Tumblr! in the words of a dear friend, my 3 personality traits are doctorate, taylor swift, and f1 (not necessarily in that order)
Leaf - @ocontraire
favourite pairings: I'm not very particular about pairings, though i gravitate towards those including lando, alonso, or esteban. favourite tropes: pining, fantasy settings, and moderately unreliable narrators about me: hello! i'm leaf, leafmeal0ne on ao3 and ocontraire on tumblr! i love poetry, country music, and far too many sports to be reasonable. i crochet frequently and am very bad at it.
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beast-to-be-tamed · 6 months
Been scrolling through your blog and god, you're making me insane. I can't stop thinking about trying to ride you during a rut, and I have to keep yanking your leash back with one hand and scratching your ears and tugging your fur with the other because if you buck inside me too often I won't be able to lift myself to ride you, and I want to show you that I'm grateful, that you're a good boy for me, but leash-choking you just makes you buck harder, and I have to lean my weight forward on you as we're both scrambling to maintain control, and I lift my hands up to clutch at your neck and jaw and stroke you, pet you, but every thrust upwards makes me tighten my grip over your jugular just that tiniest bit. Would you drool? Wanting so so badly to let go and fuck me to screaming? We're both shaking for it. I think i'd see stars feeling you try to swallow under my hands, choke a little even as you thrust deep.
Goddamn. I don't get like this. I'm always so collected but I feel feral for you, and I'm not even a wolf like you. Cause sure you're a pup, but you're a wolf much more than that. I wanna sink my calloused hands into your fur and tug and pet after we're done, feel your knot shift inside me while I scratch and stroke you all over, so sated. Fuck, You wouldn't mind if I tightened your collar a little, would you Johnny? For next time? When I've got my mouth on you, to remind you please don't to cum yet, I need you inside me proper, wanna feel you fill me up and watch your face in the ecstacy of it. I love seeing you orgasm. Or maybe when we're stretching together, working out. I tug it to remind you to focus. Need my big bad wolf in good shape after all, so we can keep up with each other. But right now? Just warm n fuzzy while I stroke you, both of us half asleep. You don't mind if I curl into you and snuggle close, right, Johnny-boy?
~ 🥂
(I'm not used to sending asks, and I always get so nervous around other dom-leaning ppl bc I don't want to impose my own preferred dynamic/make em uncomfortable. Was this good for you, bud? Did ya like it?)
I fucking loved it, champagne anon. Holy shit. I'm worried my response will be lackluster in comparison, in all honesty.
I'd be so happy to wear a collar for you, darling, hear the tags jingle as I fuck into you, a happy reminder of how hard I'm pounding into your tight holes. I'd be so good for you, fuck you the way you deserve. And I'd love the reminder that I'm yours, love to feel you tug on it when I'm misbehaving. I'm a dog, need some guidance from my owner and all. You can't expect me to know!
I'm kind of obsessed with your calloused hands, too - I never thought I'd find that sexy but, fuck, anon, you've got me there. Do you play as well? I'd love to jam with you sometime if you do, bounce riffs off each other all night. Nearly as good as sex, if you ask me.
Would adore cuddling with you after the fact. Sweetheart, you've painted my dreams here. Obsessed.
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yuraslefttoe · 5 months
hey, it's me again! I came to pester you with questions!! *there should be a scary laugh, but it sounds more like mean giggles*
(by the way, I’m thinking about sending you such long texts with questions (because I have a lot of them!!) once one or two weeks, if you don’t mind. . . . . . .you don't mind..??? (god, I hope you don’t get tired of me..!) I'm so sorry, please, I'm just very interested!! *qwq*)
I’ll remind you once again how much I adore your work (after all, you deserve it!!), and I’ll also say that I specifically shouldn’t talk about posts tagged with the  adm, because I’ve read your tumblr and twitter in its entirety several times, I even have a separate album in my gallery with answers that particularly interested me, there are several hundred screenshots there and I don’t regret anything! (sorry if my hyperfixation may be intimidating!!)
*=^._.^= ∫*
and now the questions!!!! 
1. my wife doesn’t have a tumblr, but her suggestion interested me and can be seen in the first two screenshots(the translation sounds like: “after the release of “red hour” I have an assumption that andrey is more... athletic than misha. either this is because of ferry’s drawing style, or he really has such wide shoulders")so now we are interested to know about the physique of your characters!! maybe some of them are thin, or vice versa, a little overweight. and what about physical training? did you have any headcanons for this??? ( by the way, when I ask about “characters” I mean not only misha and andrey, but also europe and maya, because they are also worthy of attention <зз) 
2. what about the abbreviation "dyusha" for andrey? in russian it is... not used very often, but still, it sounds very cute. so it would be interesting to know how you would feel about this? 3. I also want to hear about the names of the characters!! how did you choose them? I mean........ how did it happen that from ☺europa☺ you switched to 👹MiKhAiL👹?? (I'M SO SORRY, BUT MISHA'S FULL NAME SOUNDS SOMETHING THREATENING. MY UNCLE'S DOG HAS THE SAME NAME EHE- *ᕕ(ಥ▽ಥ)ᕗ*) 
4. and lastly, let's return to my wife for another moment. she suggested that andrey was now also in a time loop. what do you say about that? and also in enigma, she noticed that misha seemed to be addressing the second person in the lines: "and if you wanted to be anything more than just free" and "you’ve seen a hundred lies I see that all the time". is this second person a viewer? or maybe one of the previously mentioned characters??
the last photo, by the way, is one of the sketches that I found so far in my gallery! ^^ 
initially it was planned to attach two sketches, but andrey turned out TOO bad, I’m ashamed to show him. someday I'll redraw it into something normal.... maybe. but! I really like the pic with misha and the wolf(I hope this is the wolf you were talking about lol. google didn’t show me anything else, and I’ve never been to ikea myself, ehe...) 
(and I don’t want to post all this yet, because running a tumblr was certainly not part of my plans, haha)) I registered here solely to read your blog, and not to maintain my own) 
sorry again for possible illiteracy, and also for the chaotic nature of my thoughts, haha, I don’t know how to adequately express them in english.. and also, I’m really REALLY apologize that the text was too long, next time I’ll try to be shorter...
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okay im gonna try and answer everything here in a coherent way so sorry if nothing makes sense
im just fine with lotes of questions :) answering asks and responding to comments is one of my favorite things ever and i brings a verry big smile to my face
on andrei: i consider him to be a skinny little gut but not exactly unathletic, and in addition i think he would have basic combat training and probably be good with firearms. misha is probably a very average bodytype, nothing special, not particularly athletic.
i do not speak russian (though ferry has recently encouraged me to learn so maybe in like four years ill be able to form a sentence) so i dont know anything about the short forms so you can do whatever you want. if you coin it and peoples tart calling him that i will not stop it from happening
i do not name my characters, i usually let me friends name them (i think that the only one i named was europa and his partner). going forward maybe ill try to make it more cohesive
the time loop idea im seeing thrown around alot is really cool and while i havent particularly wrote any of my songs about that in general i see it fitting into the loose narrative i have going on. also in enigma misha is definitely talking to andrei whenever he says the word "you" but it could also be to the listener because the entire theme of enigma is 4th wall breaking and meta shenanigans like that
that sketch is SO CUTE oh my god
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hyenahunt · 1 month
Obbligato: The Punishment of Kaname Tojo - 2
Writer: Akira
Season: Spring, two years ago
Characters: Jun, Kaname
Proofreading: Remi + 310mc (JP) & Skyress (ENG)
Translation: Peace & hyenahunt
Jun: So bring it the fuck on! Don't hold back! No matter what kinda unreasonable suffering you Specials put me through, I won’t feel a thing!
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: At the same time, in a classroom for the exclusive use of Special Students within Reimei Academy.
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Kaname: .....
Jun: Hey, HiMERU! What the fuck d'ya think you're doing, you asshole!?
Kaname: I could ask you the same thing, Sazanami!
You're not a Special Student, and yet you've waltzed into our classroom without permission whatsoever, spewing such insults my way!
That’s a curse word, right? Goddamn, I mean.
Jun: You bet it is. Kazehaya-senpai told me that rather than cursing at other people when something bad happens, we oughta curse at God instead.
"That way, no one will get hurt," or so he said.
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Kaname: Really now. Whether God exists or not, I don't think he's listening to a word we're saying down here.
So no matter how much you curse at him, he's probably not hurt one bit by it.
It makes sense—You learned a useful word, didn’t you? Of course, a perfect idol like myself would never allow such unpleasant words to pass my lips, though.
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Jun: Perfect idol, my ass. The stupid words you spout always straight-up clash with your good looks, huh?
Kaname: I'm merely stating a fact, that's all.
Jun: Oh, riiight. Well, I dunno 'bout perfect, but you're not wrong — you've come to be the top idol at Reimei Academy.
Kaname: I have. Through hard work, of course.
Jun: Hard work? The fuck are you on about, you degenerate copycat, stealing the hard work of someone else — of Kazehaya-senpai!
The hell d'you mean, hard work? Cut the crap, you thieving bastard!
Kaname: It seems you're misunderstanding something... Sazanami, was it?
Pardon me. I'm not an idiot, but I'm bad at remembering things; if it isn't important, then it slips right away.
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Jun: Yeah, yeah, that's right... I know you high and mighty Specials can't be assed to remember the names of losers like me, huh?
Forget shitty useless guys like us, right? It's more important to remember the contact info of your business partners or all the shit you study up on in idol history, yeah?
Kaname: That's right. Being an idol requires one to have resourcefulness and knowledge to match, not to mention a tremendous amount of technical skill — I can't neglect a single thing.
The human brain can only hold so much.Therefore, we must be exceptionally discerning in what we choose to remember and what we choose to forget.
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Jun: Hah! Exceptionally discerning, he says! Using big words for a dumbass now, are ya!? I know what you're really like — you're just a dumbass tryna maintain your stupid facade!
Kaname: Do stop insulting me in such a loud voice, Sazanami, unless you'd like to be sued.
Jun: Oh, go ahead and try! If I'm pissin' ya off, go ahead and take me out with violence! Everyone around you’ll just take the side of the lil' goody Special Student anyway!
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Jun: So bring it the fuck on! Don't hold back! No matter what kinda unreasonable suffering you Specials put me through, I won’t feel a thing!
Kaname: ... Fine, then why don't I give you exactly what you want?
You all, please do remove this idiot from our space. He's unpleasant to look at.
Jun: That's my damn line! Just a little while ago you were on the same level as me, y'know? Just a snivelling lil' crybaby brat!
Kaname: ... Forget about that. No, even if you don't, then I'll simply pretend it never happened in the first place.
I have the power to erase whatever I'd like now, after all.
No matter how much you might talk about those disgraceful days, not a single person will believe a word you say: they'll ignore you at every turn.
You and I are in very different standings, Sazanami.
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Kaname: ... You have realized it by now, haven't you?
Reimei Academy is founded on irrationality. No matter how you may push your "righteous ideals" onto others, it's in vain.
While you're here, you're the one in the wrong. It's only by acknowledging it and allowing ourselves to be dyed in the hues of insanity that we can survive even a bit.
Understand that much, won't you?
Even now, I can't help but pity your reluctance to abandon that "individuality" of yours, Sazanami.
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jacksgreysays · 10 months
I'm going to 1) boost this absolutely fantastic webtoon because i love it so much and i really would love to see other people interact with it and 2) so it makes sense for it to be on this particular blog, do a little brainstorm for what kind of fanfic i would theoretically write for it
And ao3 is down right now anyway, so you may as well, lol
Season 1 just finished (75 chapters total) with Season 2 scheduled for next year (presuming translation time) so if you're worried about starting something that isn't complete or, conversely, jumping in to something that is dead in the water, do not worry this webtoon will take care of you
I consume a lot of garbage media so trust me in knowing what is and isn't garbage. Yes the title is weird and also it initially looks like a cheesy vampire harlequin but trust me it's not.
It's got everything I love and, hopefully, if you're reading this post you love some of these things too: time travel, political ramifications for things, DRAMA, beautiful fashions, the slowest of slowest burns of yearning, supernatural mystery revolving around a blood curse, a female lead who is more concerned about SURVIVAL and VENGEANCE and BUSINESS than romance (but also the romance is very cute eventually, emphasis on the eventually)
The art in general is stunning (again, kudos to the fashion) and the story telling in the visual medium is absolutely heartbreaking. Slight spoilers, but there's a part where it gets into the ML's PTSD from being at war and the way it's portrayed is absolutely devastating. Actually a lot of the FL's anxieties and self doubts are also portrayed wonderfully in this medium. It's THOUGHTFUL in its usage of imagery. There's also a fun recurring bit where every time the FL is framed weirdly in the shot it's because the ML is right next to her right off screen being devastatingly handsome
The side characters are great. The titular in-laws are fantastic. I weep thinking about the residence manager who is so bad at his job and openly cries about having to do work. Celphius would be my son if he weren't so enamored by having Pereshati as his mom instead.
All of the characters are SMART. Or, at least, they're logical. I never ask "why are they doing this?" because everyone is acting rationally for what information/abilities/biases they do have. And yes, the biases are important also (because god knows I hate the villains but they are, unfortunately, rational in their cruelty).
They're also proactive about things? Like, very often protagonists are just reacting to the next awful thing thrown their way, but both the FL and ML are taking steps to achieve their goals even if a lot of it is off-screen.
Please. I beseech thee, read the first ten chapters at least, if you've gotten this far in this post, just read the first ten chapters.
Anyway, so as to at least maintain the thinnest veneer of this being a writing post, the theoretical fanfic I'd write for this series is under the cut and does contain SPOILERS:
It would appear, at first, like a straightforward AU, beginning with the characters at the age they are in the canon. So ~early/mid-20s(?) ish?
But, just straight up, Therdeo is not the grand duke and Pereshati is an imperial secretary(?/scholar?). But Therdeo is probably head of the knights of the grand dukedom, so he has to be in the capitol for ~reasons~ especially since he's probably still the "hero" of the war.
The fic appears to be a straight forward meet-cute romance between elite knight, third son of the Lapileons and imperial secretary, only daughter of the Zahardt countdom. The levels are not exactly equal, but it's a lot more evened out than in canon. Maybe there's still a "please pretend to marry me so I don't get trapped in an engagement with the 4th princess" but her vibes are SO RANK I don't even want to deal with that :/
So now why does it only APPEAR to be a straight forward meet-cute romance?
Double time travel.
Well, possibly quintuple time travel depending on how deep into it we get, but basically: Pereshati and the four Lapileon in-laws who are older than her (Therdeo, Saoirse, Phineas, Gloria) all travel back to the first time someone died from Gen's blood being sold (not Islette's) which is at least several years, if not over a decade from the canon start time.
Maybe the Lapileons coordinate with each other about this, but regardless, since it's from Pereshati's view she wouldn't get to see that.
On her side what changes is: unfortunately, I don't think she can save her mother. But maybe she can prevent her father from re-marrying and emphasize cherishing the family they already have (ie, each other and her uncle+his family). And because she does now have so much experience running a household and is, you know, a fully educated grown adult in a child's body, when she goes to the academy she does EXTREMELY well. Like. Imperial Scholar well.
And, yes, she is her father's heir. But he's healthy and not married to someone who will kill him, so she sort of has the freedom to have this imperial scholar job for a while until he decides he wants to retire and have her take over, etc.
So she's working in the capitol, and Therdeo's also in the capitol.
Or maybe she works at the academy as a teacher now?
If Celphius didn't still exist, I would cry. But maybe his father is still alive and that's why Therdeo isn't the grand duke. Or even if Celphius' dad is dead (RIP) then Saoirse's family is definitely still alive and so SHE'S the grand duke(/duchess) and Celphius has an older cousin that he has to be VERY CAREFUL WITH.
Regardless, at the very least. Saoirse's son goes to the academy. Maybe the meet cute is, now that Celphius is old enough, he ALSO gets to go to the academy. And as a Good Uncle (This Time) Therdeo will be there to support him and also bring him to the Academy and be an extra set of eyes for whichever of his older siblings is the grand duke and anyway he meets Pereshati and they are both trying to hide the fact that they know each other because of time travel while also falling in love(?)
I just really liked the idea of re-leveling their respective statuses so they can stand on more equal footing when they meet T_T
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anti-endo-haven · 1 month
Being an anti-endo in the MOGAI community sucks... like obviously there is anti-endo blogs that exist, but they're less common than pro-endos and if I stated that I really don't like endos interacting with me I'll get so many weird anons and possible harassment (I already get some shitty anons for not stating my syscourse stance because you cannot exist as a DID system without proving you're a "good one" apparently) so I just... don't and allow them to interact even though I hate it
It's especially bad in the Discord side of things, any anti-endo MOGAI servers I've found have either A) been inaccessible in regards to fancy fonts or other formatting, B) have several people who insist you basically call them a God or act like you're worshipping them which is INCREDIBLY triggering to me, or C) just completely inactive. I mean, those first two issues absolutely aren't exclusive to either servers (DID/OSDD servers also have accessibility issues and sometimes a "cult jokes are funny" issue) or the MOGAI community as a whole... but it seems impossible for me to find a decent anti-endo MOGAI server and it sucks! The only MOGAI server I'm in has no syscourse opinion... but is of course filled with endos (+ people who are teetering on the edge of being radqueers despite it being a banned topic), so it still fucking sucks and I'm probably going to leave.
I don't really know where I'm going here, I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's incredibly isolating as an anti-endo in the MOGAI community, especially when it comes to also being a RAMCOA survivor. Got to love it (sarcasm)
I don’t know what MOGAI is so I can’t fully comment, but not everyone needs to have a stance. You can state that you don’t want to get into syscourse.
If anons are becoming harmful, turn off anonymity. It makes them stop quickly and if they don’t, you can find their blog and report them. Children, for what they are, get scared easily when they have no cover to do horrible things, this goes for adults as well.
Discord servers for systems aren’t the best, we’ve been in one that was mainly for DID/OSDD systems alone, a pretty popular Discord server at that, and yet there’s still too many things that are triggering and go unnoticed or passed by moderations.
There’s always the option of trying to make your own, but that can also be extremely difficult to maintain and run.
As a survivor as well, it’s extremely hard to find a place that isn’t entirely isolating, even having times where you have to be your own community. There’s not much I can say to that due to how much as gone on with ramcoa and the discourse surrounding it, although I’m sure there’s places that might come to light that will accept it as it is.
Again, you could always make your own and slowly build a community, but take some time away from it and focus on yourself. It’s never a bad thing to take a break from social media and it’s a very well deserved treat.
Much care to you, anon. ❤️
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imminent-danger-came · 10 months
what would your ideal lmk season five look like? specifically for mk's character arc because I love your takes on that
I've said it before I want that boy centrifuged by the narrative
I didn't get the title of "MK death spiral blog" that one time by that one guy for nothing. I am 1000% on the "MK getting centrifuged by the narrative" pain train.
Now, in all honestly my ideal lmk s5 is the one they give me. These writers are so talented and they know more about their story than I do, so whatever they got planned is going to make me lose my mind!
But, indulging myself a little bit, here's a list of some things I'd love to see in s5 (or beyond???):
Sun Wukong V MK fight. Anyone who has followed me for any amount of time probably knows this. I need a SWK and MK fallout and then I need them to build their relationship up stronger.
MK Guilt Over Azure's death. That boy felt guilty for "releasing DBK from the underworld" when it was definitely Red Son who did that. MK arguably had a huge hand in Azure's death, being the one to cause Azure to finally lose his grasp on the Jade Emperor's powers.
Samadhi Fire Part 3. Anyone who has followed me for any amount of time also probably knows this. I want MK to be in the position of Samadhi Fire Mei and Jade Emperor Azure, unable to control his own powers, and needing to be talked down by Mei or someone else. We got one half of a 3x10 parallel in 4x08, and I need more!
Mei Dragon Form. Please for the love of god I want her to turn into a dragon so bad—nonnegotiably while she's protecting the people she cares about, for the sweet 4x05 callback. In my heart of hearts, I want Mei to unlock dragon form while trying to reach MK during Samadhi Fire Part 3. If we don't get another "We will figure this out together" what's the fucking point.
MK Subodhi Training??? Or honestly, MK interacting with real Subodhi in general. Did you see his face after the world reformed in 4x14? That was not a face of confidence.
Sandy Backstory. Which partially includes Pigsy. I just want to know what his 2x08 PTSD flashbacks were all about. *pulls out conspiracy board* I want to say those flashbacks take place at the 1x09 battlefield, which has helmets that we then see in 4x01, but who knows!
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Sun Wukong homeless arc. Flower Fruit Mountain was destroyed during the s4 special, and I want to see the consequences of that, especially if MK feels guilty about it! Which he probably will!
MK Spiral! This isn't as much of a prediction/want as it is just a fact. MK is going DOWN next season and I'm here with popcorn and tears. I need a FULL harbinger of chaos meltdown.
Macaque is just there, hanging out. After everything that happened last season I hope we see Macaque around a lot more, because I love him but also because I need MK to yell at him too. Also because "Whatever they're scheming we can handle it."
Yellowtusk helps Ne Zha maintain the seal. Yellowtusk had an important skill in helping Azure contain the Jade Emperor's powers—I'm wondering if he could do the same with Ne Zha's lotus seal.
MK Flashback. You know, how he got to Pigsy's, the circumstances of his birth, an explanation for what the fuck the stone monkey is/all those stone animals were, all that good stuff.
Bye Bye Bandana. If/when MK snaps and completely loses himself to whatever he is, I'd love for the headband to come off. Really cement it.
MK Relives His Nightmares Again. Oops. After going "So we never have to live our nightmares again!" in 4x12 I now need the opposite of that to happen. Sorry MK. I need his new "Better than we found it" resolve to fold like the soggy french fry it is. That ain't lasting.
Hurting The People You Care About Theme. So with "hurting the people who care about you the most" and everything being "to pain", I really want this to go a "hurting people is a part of life" route. We're already almost there with "Mistakes happen but as long as you leave the world better than you found it then it's all good." Like that's SO close. Come on s5 give it to me.
Wukong Killed Macaque Reveal. *twirls hair* This would sooooo not bode well for MK.
MK Gets Out of His "Good Guy" "Bad Guy" Way of Thinking. I think 4x11 as an episode really highlights this. MK views people as one or the other, ignoring the vast grey area that a lot of people fall in. Wukong in his past wasn't just "a bad guy", just like he isn't currently flawless or wholly "a good guy" now. He's just a guy.
I could probably go on forever, so I'll cut this off here!
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jasper-book-stash · 3 months
January 2024 Reading Wrap Up
As y'all know, I started this blog anew to record my thoughts on some books I read. Unfortunately, I have a bad habit of reading a lot more books than the average human should, and they knock each other out of my noggin. This is why I maintain a color-coded spreadsheet with columns to keep track of things. I also took on a winter reading challenge, and I've read most of the 17 books I was looking to read. With that said, let's see where things landed this month!
Religious Text
None applicable.
1/10 - Why Did They Publish This?
None applicable (thank the gods).
2/10 - Trash
Creating Magickal Entities: A Complete Guide to Entity Creation | David Michael Cunningham, Taylor Ellwood, T Amanda R Wagener
This one was...rough. Painful, even. This made me retroactively rate the other occult books I read higher just to cope.
3/10 - Meh
Heartbreaker | Julie Garwood [reading challenge]
I was hoping this one would be fun, considering the author is from Missouri and the summary seemed promising, but the main male character (not the antagonist) came across as a creep the whole time. I hated him very much.
4 to 6/10 - Mid-Tier
Sigil Magic for Writers, Artists, & Other Creatives | T Thorn Coyle [reading challenge]
With all due respect to Mx. T Thorn Coyle…this book sucked. It originated as a zine and tbh it should have stayed that way. There was a lot of fluff to get the page count up that could honestly have been removed (and should have been). I didn’t feel like I came away from this one learning anything new about sigils or how to incorporate them or my writing into my craft.
The Whittiers | Danielle Steel [reading challenge]
Unlike my surprisingly good experiences reading The Wedding Planner, The Whittiers was a sludge to get through. It was a bit annoying to hear Danielle Steel talk so much about how the characters weren't rich when they were clearly living a rather rich lifestyle without much financial problems in the beginning, and I eventually gave up on the book. The characters just...weren't too compelling to trudge through the repetition for.
The Stranger Upstairs | Lisa M Matlin
YOU. This book took a bit too long to get to the point (the plot), but at least part 2 was absolutely riveting and the epilogue was intriguing. I honestly think None Of This Is True by Lisa Jewell did this better, even though The Stranger Upstairs is more about a house than a person. Just...read None Of This Is True instead. Trust me.
Liber Null and Psychonaut | Liber Kaos | Peter J Carroll
Part of what I'm doing is research into chaos magic, starting with its foundational texts. And boy howdy, is this a severely middling book to me. Pointlessly obtuse, refuses to get to the point, spends too long sucking Aleister Crowley's dick... But utterly fascinating from a retrospective point of view, seeing what chaos magic looks like now.
7 to 8/10 - Good With Caveats
Dracula | Bram Stoker [reading challenge]
I'm going to beat Bram Stoker with a broom. Good with the caveat that you have to read it with the context of it being a product of its time. Also, post-vampire Lucy Westenra can GET SOME.
Strawberry Shortcake Murder | Joanne Fluke [reading challenge]
I "read" this one in audiobook form, thanks to my library having a Playaway of it. This one…aged a little poorly in some aspects. I might skip into more modern entries to the series rather than trudge through the older stuff to get there.
The Leftover Woman | Jean Kwok [reading challenge]
This one was a fucking TRIP. This book was full of twists and turns and physically pained me at points. It absolutely fucked me up and I was crying by the end, so I was lucky that no one came into work while I was reading it. I can't say much about it for fear of spoiling it, other than that it delivered upon what it promised.
The Midnight Library | Matt Haig [reading challenge]
This did NOT help with the crying! This book also fucked me up! It’s absolutely wild from the get-go. Content warning for animal death early on, though, because that did not help my anxious ass.
Marrying the Ketchups | Jennifer Close [reading challenge]
With all of the things this book was juggling, it ended exactly how it needed to.
Spells for Change: A Guide for Modern Witches | Frankie Castanea/Chaotic Witch Aunt
I was expecting something entirely different from this book.
Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Magic | Phil Hine
Exactly what it says on the tin.
Magickal Servitors: Create Your Own Spirits to Attract Pleasure, Power and Prosperity | Damon Brand
Far more effective and to-the-point than Creating Magickal Entities was, but still far from perfect.
9/10 - Very Very Good
The Puppets of Spelhorst | Kate DiCamillo [reading challenge]
This book is one I've been meaning to read since the library got it in. It's an adorable story with great illustrations and plenty of drama for the 8- to 12-year-old in your life. Or for you, if you want a touching low-stakes story with an open ending.
Dog Man: Twenty Thousand Fleas Under The Sea | Dav Pilkey [reading challenge]
From the guy who brought us Captain Underpants comes an adorable graphic novel about…honestly a lot happening, there was a lot. Luckily, even though it’s late in the series, there’s enough context provided that you can get a good grasp of the characters. Doesn’t have much to do with Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, though, so I’m deducting a point for that. I read Jules Verne's work and there was nothing about a dog-headed cop in there, nor a cat man who used to be a criminal and is having the worst redemption arc of his life.
Honestly, it was still fun.
Practical Gods | Carl Dennis [reading challenge]
Read for both my reading challenge AND my book club's Pulitzer Prize prompt, this is such a lovely collection of poems and really gets into the crossing of religious belief with modern problems. How does it do this as a book of poetry? I’m not sure! But it did! Definitely worth the multiple prizes it has won. I ordered my own personal copy and I'm waiting for it to arrive.
Gods of Jade and Shadow | Silvia Moreno-Garcia [reading challenge]
I AM GOING TO EAT THIS BOOK BECAUSE I LOVE IT SO MUCH. We love a book in which the main character dies but that's not the end of their story!
Warrior Magic: Justice Spirituality and Culture from Around the World | Tomas Prower
I did a little write-up of this one.
Give-A-Damn-Jones | Bill Pronzini [reading challenge]
This one was great because the titular character respects women and protects minorities and keeps getting into situations. We love a guy who doesn't want to be here! This was the first Western I've read, and I think it was a good pick.
10/10 - Unironically Recommend To Everyone
Well, everyone who's into the genre these fall under, at least.
Sappho: A New Translation | Mary Barnard
I was so worried that this translation would...well, straightwash Sappho, but from what I see, Mary is dedicated to translating them as close to intentional meaning as possible, including Sappho's bisexuality. Hell yeah.
Welsh Witchcraft: A Guide to the Spirits, Lore, and Magic of Wales | Mhara Starling
This is an in-depth look into a Welsh witch's practice. It's delightful to read someone talk about their own craft, and you can really tell that Mhara loves the place she lives in.
Exodus 20:3: A Monster Romance | Freydis Moon
We love a gay angelfucker romance between a trans man and an angel, complete with smut. Honestly, a great time.
The Salt Grows Heavy | Cassandra Khaw
Do you want the mermaid from The Little Mermaid fairy tale to murder people? Do you want a nonbinary plague doctor? Do you want to hear about murderous child cannibals and freakish surgeons? Do you want your protagonist to McFucking Snap? Do you want a happy ending in the weirdest way possible in this setting? Read The Salt Grows Heavy! A mere 112 pages that will fuck you up while you're trying to poop in peace!
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orbitfalls · 28 days
Hello! I’m a new follower but I would love to hear more about how you view walaburga (I never know how to spell her name). I don’t often see her written as a complex character so that sounds super interesting!!
Hi love, welcome to my blog<33 if there's one single person out there i'm ALWAYS ready to talk about then it's the loml Walburga Black so buckle up!!!!!!
I'm very much with you on that she's rarely depicted as a complex character, which, sure enough, is certainly partly bc she's a horrible person, but robbing her of all complexity simply for the crime of being a bad mother doesn't sit right with me and never has... i feel like there's a lot of depth and anger and fear to be explored in her as a woman raised in a victorian-resembling patriarchal family and forced to marry- and have children with her own cousin. To me, she was - like most abusers - a victim first, and an abuser as a consequence of being so undone by trauma that she's unable to overcome centuries and centuries of generational trauma.
Okay to maintain structure in the rambles here comes some hcs of mine:
the way i view her, i think it makes a lot of sense that her control issues stem from experiencing sexual abuse throughout her childhood
due to this, she's very wary of people having power over her, and her greed for power - as well as her need to assert her power over her children, sirius in particular - is above all else a (deeply twisted obv) way of protecting herself
i think her and bella share some VERY fundamental similarities, HOWEVER the major difference, to me, is that walburga has the mind of a ruler whereas bellatrix will forever be a soldier
walburga's the oldest sister, she's incredibly protective of Alphard and cygnus, however her definition of protecting someone isn't always particularly in line with everyone else's
she's literally the tiniest little medieval princess-type of beauty, yet simultaneously the most absolutely loaded powerhouse of magic seen in a long fucking while in the history of magic
the point above is a well-known but rather shushed upon topic within the pureblood families due to her being the housewife of Orion, who's the real heir, and god forbid a woman outdoes the heir lmao
in relation to that, no one fucks with her. like genuinely, no one ever out right admits the terror she evokes in the pureblood ranks, but boy oh boy.
mountain lion patronus. no one talk to me okay this one's dear to me idk. this one i can't explain without frantically typing out a 2k analyzing essay that i'll spare you from tho ssjdjsjdh<33
ANYWAY if youre interested in walburga as a complex character with plenty of depths to explore (very dark ones tho, so tw!!!!), then she's one of the main characters of my black family character study Ultraviolence, in which all of the hcs above play a major role in her character and her relation to her brothers, children and husband<33 (not to mention to the black sisters, bella in particular!!)
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chinzhilla · 4 months
i was tagged by @sandushengshou @khaotunq @baek1nho and @chickenstrangers to post my top/favorite creations from each month of 2023! thank you all so much for thinking of me <33
doing this loosely and with director's commentary bc i can never resist
january: my top set is this winteam hugs one. man i struggled so much with maintaining quality while trying to do that yellow to blue gradient coloring down the set. i definitely remembered it as looking worse than it does though, so i was pleasantly surprised to see that no it looks pretty good actually. probably also my favorite from that month since the others are very basic but honorable mention to my chinzhilla set cause i gotta shout out my beloved namesakes
february: top is jimbo the gogurt cat 😻 february was a slow month for me gif-wise so there aren't that many to choose favorites from, but it's probably my eclipse rewatch ep4 for the coloring
march: well uhh march was even slower than february i have two whole posts from that month and they're both eclipse rewatch sets (this was when my old laptop died and i spent like 3-4 weeks without photoshop). top and fav for this month is the eclipse rewatch ep5
april: top is akkayan in the first our skyy 2 trailer and fav is .... akkayan in the second our skyy 2 trailer (the quality of these is so much better how did i manage to make those first gifs look so bad 😅). honorable mention to my coloring in the eclipse rewatch ep8
may: ahh the our skyy 2 days...take me back..... top is every akkayan kiss as it should be. which i think is also my top post on this blog. as it should be. fav is vegas x it's about time (tw for glitch effect/flashing). there's some stuff there that i would go back and change cause i don't think it comes across great in retrospect, but i'm still really pleased with all the technical details
june: top was minoru's heart eyes part 3 (a gif series i WILL come back to shortly - i think the bleak midwinter is the perfect time for an odt rewatch). fav is akk x identity, but god would i go back and redo the typography and layout of the lines/text boxes (iirc i was like. minutes away from missing the deadline on this event so). still very pleased with the blending and what the set actually conveys though
july: oh look another gif series i've put on hold.... top is word of honor rewatch ep1, fav is tied between kp pretty boys (a set which is very pretty itself, if i do say so myself, and was very fun to make) and lomfontien kiss details (truly one of my all time favs on this blog even though it's so simple also everyone please go watch la pluie right now thank you)
august: bombastic side eye: the series takes the cake this month, which was SUCH a fun set to make (as was its spiritual companion, objectifying him to filth, which trailed by only about 30 notes). fav was charn vs wkx quotes. i honestly think i nailed it both conceptually and aesthetically
september: top is the first kanaphan drinking straw cinematic universe which continues to delight me whenever it shows back up in my notifs. fav is tied between cursed sandray parallels (tw glitch) (because it was one of those where as i was making it and inflicting emotional damage on myself, i knew it was going to be delightful inflicting that damage on others, and it was) and sandray x it will come back (mostly for the neon text and its reflection in the first two i just think it looks really good)
october: top was sandray love scene details (tw flashing) which was basically a rip off of my lomfontien kiss one from july but this one was much more successful lol. favorite is only friends x shameful company (tw flashing) (which now i can't look at without thinking of the sign skdjfds). really happy with the cards gif in particular
november: the guynawa kiss won november and they deserved it. my favorite was jim x loss which took me foreverrrr and i redid the last two gifs like three times but it was worth it. also shoutout to my dan x shadow post for all the 'wait there's actual monsterfucking in this show' reactions it elicited
december: top is phayatharn ep1/ep2 parallels and i have to take back what i said about every akkayan kiss being my top post - this one beats it by three notes! which surprised me but i'm glad we're all in this madness together with these two. fav has got to be morkday x come closer (tw flashing) if only for how much i beat my head against a wall over it during the creation process skdjfskj. although i also really love this set of tharn's sexy dream (nsfw) specifically because i added an offset pink layer and i'm OBSESSED with the way it looks with phaya's tattoo
if you read all that.. thank you and also i'm in love with you. anyways it was super fun to look back on everything i made this year! and interesting to realize i'm not nearly as prolific as i thought, especially in the first half of the year. here's to many more gifsets in 2024!!
tagging a few people i don't think have done this yet, apologies if you already have! and as always no pressure
@i-got-the-feels @pharawee @markpakin @difanghua @junghaesin @krystaljungs @firstmix @khaotunqs
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onlyswan · 4 months
Hi art! ♡♡♡
I wanted to stop by to wish you a happy new year 🎆 and thank you for existing and for writing so many powerful stories. the small (but not that small hehe) community you've gathered on your blog feels very safe and loving and i like to think that's a product of the person who runs it.
you've given me hope that a type of love exists beyond the prominent common negative situations relationships can have that is prevalent today, and that maintaining a healthy and respectful relationship is attainable. (and never to settle. :D)
you are obviously a very beautiful person and i truly wish you find everything you hope for this coming year, and that love encompasses all aspects of your life because you deserve it. even if every day might not be a good day, hopefully, you will have peace and fun and the good will heavily outweigh the bad.
you're lovely and i feel lucky to have stumbled upon you and your blog this last year. i tend to stray away from having interactions with people online, but i feel like you're the type of person that everyone wants to know more about and be friends with so it was hard not to want to write to you hehe. (because i don't usually jump at the idea of online interactions and i've never written to an author before, i get a little scared sometimes that i sound crazy when i praise you so please tell me if i ever go overboard T^T)
i really appreciated your small new year's post and that you wrote it's ok to bring the past with you into the new year. i struggled a little this year, and i feel like in past years i always said i'd forget about it all. but this year i feel content holding all of 2023 with me and using the experience to grow and heal over the course of 2024. life is fragile but can also feel very intense, so having your writing after a long day and the rest of the good things i've been lucky enough to have, helped me to feel like it's all a little more worth it.
i've also just enjoyed reading all the interactions you've done with the asks and everything, so thank you for that and replying to me as well! i can't tell you how excited i was when i opened your master list and saw my little moon emoji right there ❀⸜(˶´ ˘ `˶)⸝❀
overall, thank you for everything this year, and wishing you the best for what's to come! also sorry i always write so much :') i'm definitely not the best at writing and wording things but i hope i'm at least able to get the idea across
i love you and all the sweet people who have written on this blog because oh my god it's so cute seeing all the anon emojis !!!
feels great to be a part of something so sweet (also highly enjoying watching the fight for oc right now, rooting for all the anons but also jk? i feel so bad, i might have to side with him 🤭)
anyway, that's it! happy 2024 and best wishes for this year~ ♡
my lovely, lovely moon anonie 🥺 being greeted by the most heartwarming message after a long day is so comforting. thank you so much for the kind wishes; for recognizing the messages i try to send through my writings; and most importantly, for seeing me as a person through it all <3 i’m honored that despite not normally interacting online, you’re here with me in my little corner of the internet and you’ve taken the time to write this message 🥺 please don’t worry about going overboard at all bcs i appreciate you so much and i feel your sincerity <3 i hope you have the most wonderful year and you receive all your heart desires 🩵 i love you too!
also highly enjoying watching the fight for oc right now, rooting for all the anons but also jk? i feel so bad, i might have to side with him 🤭
lmaooo it’s been entertaining like this wasn’t in my bingo card at all 😭 omg jungkook we finally found you an ally !!!!!
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decepti-thots · 1 year
I was in the tumblr tf fandom for a hot second a few years ago and i just wanted to ask, is it still really aggressive here? because back then there was a lot of shipping drama, there were a few callout posts going around (can't really remember about what) and just...a lot of bad stuff. I personally had someone tell me to kill myself because I liked one of the villains. guess I'm just wondering if, in your opinion, things have chilled out? Cuz I'd like to get back into it but I'm a little hesitant;;;
I'm going to try and give the fullest answer I can in the best faith to this! For context, this blog is a couple years old now, I have enough followers that I get a lot of active engagement on my posts etc, I am very active in TF fandom here, Twitter, and IRL, and while I did not used to be active I have been lurking in TF fandom as long as I have been on Tumblr.
There is absolutely still some toxicity; all fandoms have their bad faith actors, their drama hounds, their shipping Diskhorsers TM. I have gotten hate mail, I know folks who have issue with weird anon haters who are persistent, whatever. But no, it is not as bad as it has been in the past, IMO, not at ALL, and it is 100% possible to have an active, sociable and nice time in this fandom so long as you curate your engagement, with basically no drama at all. Many of the worst folks burned out and left when the fandom got less active and their shitstirring paid lesser and lesser dividends, IME.
People sometimes ask how I maintain such a vocal presence without falling into the still-there drama, and I have some advice that I promise you will mitigate like, 99% of the possible issues you could encounter:
Block whenever you feel like blocking. If you get a bad vibe, if you just don't personally like someone and don't wanna see them, if you see them throwing what looks like a temper tantrum you don't want in on, just block 'em. Remember: blocking is nothing personal towards the person you are blocking. It is not insulting and doesn't need to be 'earned'. Block every single person you think not blocking might even just theoretically cause stress or drama. (I am blocked by several people for reasons no more serious than 'I hate your OTP', and I commend every one of them for doing it and having a better time on this site!)
Delete any and all anon hate. Block anyone and everyone who sends you hate. No exceptions. No witty comebacks. No takedowns. Nothing. You see it and the actual literal second you do, you block and delete. None of it is worth one second of your time. Deprived of the oxygen, they will leave. And you won't be tempted to re-read it and stress out.
In that same vein, if it causes issues, just turn anon off! Turn it off. Personally I keep it on because I simply do not care about the odd troll, but if you care even slightly? Fuck 'em, turn it off, anon is a privilege your followers need to earn by acting in good faith.
Find people you like and follow them, ignore blatant shitstirring in the maintags (again: block people!) and try to curate content and follows and mutuals based on what you do like and not what you don't. Curate positive engagement; do not rely on the general fandom slurry, find what you like and hang out in your own corner of things that bring you joy. If the maintag stresses you out: don't check it. Check the blogs of folks you know are cool instead. Stuff like that.
Fandom should be fun. Fandom should be finding people you like and sharing good times with them, not stressing about avoiding folks you hate, or who hate you. Tumblr lets you moderate how you engage, when, and where more than almost any current social media site; now you can even turn off reblogs and oh my GOD is that a lifesaver function btw. If you want, you can make your blog unsearchable! It means you will need to be more proactive in making friends. But TF fandom is pretty tight knit these days, and folks want to talk a lot of the time. You'll still be able to engage with cool people.
There's way less aggro losers around these days, but more to the point, you can absolutely avoid the ones that still insist on being annoying and starve them out without much effort, tbh.
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heich0e · 2 years
I was reading your FWB suna fic and you know what you know whattt I think suna has a foot fetish, it's very mild but it's there.
It's him always kissing your ankle while he's pounding into you. It's him always kissing down your leg before he eats you out. It's you teasing him with your foot grazing his thigh as a joke and then it's hit like oh wow it wasn't a joke all along huh
also, I'm 20 but I'm shy so I'm on anon also, if this isn't your tempo pls ignore pls i don't want you to be uncomfortable :)
NSFW, 18+ - MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT tags: TW feet (oh my god i can't believe i typed that), footjob, cumming in pants
he thinks it's a bit weird but he's, in the most Suna way possible, pretty 'whatever' about it. so what if he likes how you squirm when he runs his finger across the sole of your foot? so what if he thinks you look so PRETTY when you whine and tell him to stop as his teeth nip against the curve of your ankle? it's no big deal.
he's a bit of a pervert. he knows this. he's alright with it.
but it's when you press your foot against his clothed cock accidentally in the middle of a movie night--your feet slung over his lap as you lay stretched out across the sofa--that he realizes how bad it is. realizes he IMMEDIATELY throbs at the contact. realizes he can't stop himself from chasing after the feeling, the pressure, the heat; from grinding against it; from holding your ankle and pressing the arch of your pretty foot down harder against him as he ruts up into it.
and you don't stop him, you just watch--lips parted and eyes wide--as he uses you to chase his release. captivated by the way he tosses his head back against the sofa, his grip on your ankle tight enough to bruise, as his hips jump and a wet warmth seeps through the thin material of his joggers.
he maintains direct eye contact with you--though his gaze is half-lidded--as he lifts your foot up towards his face and licks the sole of your sticky foot clean, before tugging you (breathless and bewildered) down the sofa towards him so he can return the favour and make you feel good too.
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