#good omens hell’s usher
lochthefishy · 3 months
Sketches of silly demons
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I love the demons in good omens they have an IQ of 2%
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leftduck9986 · 8 days
Foreshadowing, out of order?
In storytelling, is there a single word that means "the opposite of foreshadowing"?
WARNING: in trying to wrap my head around this, there will be wittering!!!
Wikipedia tells me that a flashback is a method of foreshadowing.
The Bullet Catch in the NZF minisode, being a flashback as well as told before the "present day" [speculated] event it sets up a clue for, well, that's what I've understood foreshadowing to mean until now, because isn't foreshadowing always presented before the event it foreshadows comes to pass?
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The flashback/memory minisode, A Companion To Owls, is told after the "present day" event it foreshadows. Does that still count as foreshadowing, or is it instead considered "the big reveal" because it is told after?
And is this all that is meant by various things in Good Omens 2 being "out of order"?
The Hiding Miracle and the Memory That Both Foreshadows and Reveals It?
Indeed, it was a tiny miracle - as titled in the soundtrack - that worked as planned and "barely moved the dials" (but still a miracle in which "Noone will have noticed A Thing" however tiny it was, and that "Nobody notices he's here (...) Nobody can spot him, (...) especially if they're looking for him").
I believe it was the first of three events that happened that night, which, became the main focus of this "quiet, gentle, romantic" season, but paling in comparison to the other two events. Moving on!
Returning to how A Companion to Owls isn't told until after The Hiding Miracle and clues us in as to what was actually going on: this tiny miracle was made to appear far more powerful than it actually was, with the use of showmanship:
The ceremonious setup of being positioned on the circle in the middle of the room hidden under the carpet, between Aziraphale and Crowley; he could have been standing, but instead, "Jim... Sit in this chair." And it's a beautiful chair, like a throne, but Jim being taller wouldn't have worked for the image of the 'W' (similar to the 'W' shape made with Shadwell standing between Aziraphale and Crowley at the airbase, in the book Good Omens.)
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Why perform at all then, for an audience of none?
Ah, they're not alone, oooOoOoOOOoOoOooo, spooky. Go and see for yourself: check out the bottom left area of the screen when Crowley returns to the bookshop and says, "I'm BACK" (this is to do with the "framing opportunities" secret mentioned in the Gavin Finney BTS article https://britishcinematographer.co.uk/gavin-finney-bsc-good-omens-2/) Aziraphale calmly replies, "Yes, I can see that" and later gasps, reacting to something happening off-screen at 40m41s.
So this performance, not yet knowing who their audience might be, could be as a precaution, just in case.
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Gabriel instinctively crosses his hands and is confused when Aziraphale and Crowley uncross them - or likely because Aziraphale was even standing there at all - because he remembers, or rather, in his mind's eye, sees the shape left behind by a missing piece of furniture.
The ceremonious setup of being positioned in the centre, between Sitis and Job, this time in the background to have Bildad appear a little shorter in height for the stylized 'W', then crossing his hands. The pot containing Sitis and Job's children being the circle, hidden by the circle of carpet (robes) made as Sitis and Job embrace.
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Had we seen Jim's and Crowley's conversation about memory before The Hiding Miracle instead of much later in episode 5, then it would have been foreshadowing, yes?
*temper rising* A "reveal," or "out-of-order foreshadowing"? (VBUAXNAUSX*keyboard smash*NYVIFGNOMAI) grrrrrr!
After the Job story is told, (save for the final scene) and Aziraphale calls for Crowley, my head-cannon used to be that Aziraphale wanted to talk about hair -
Aziraphale: Crowley, I gave you lovely long locks in my retelling of this story, how about you? Crowley: Nah, "shoulder-length bouncy 'bob'" is what I put - a "Lob" I think is what they're calling it these days.
But now I think that, to book-end Crowley's beginning with, "Your boss said that to Job, do you remember?" (imo they are so good at blending in, they can act human better than any human can act human! So, while feigning the memory span&loss&retention of a human, of course they can remember most everything. Angel stock: constitution of an Ox, memory of an Elephant.) Aziraphale may have wanted to remark on Jim's crossed hands from the night before and how similar it was to Crowley's doing so; that it was evidence of Gabriel still somehow being able to connect with images from his memory. "Crowley? You also did that thing... does Gabriel remember?"
If each minisode contains something that foreshadows or reveals what magic tricks occurred during this season's present day events, I feel that the only thing left is from "The Resurrectionists" minisode, where Crowley Goes Large (woah, woah, woah, another case for The Song Is The Clue?!?) ... or makes himself, something or someone else tiny.
"Size and shape are simply options" after all, so I do wonder about Hell's Usher, where the only time we've seen him is when he is small enough to fit in a bathtub and yet he is HUGE in the opening title sequence of season one. Behind him, Noah's Ark stranded between two damaged buildings (or one damaged building and maybe the Pleasure Cruiser Morbillo?)
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Something else that may be revealing of stories yet to be told of the past, while also foreshadowing a near-future event:
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Based on what Crowley said, this is not the first time Crowley and Aziraphale have performed a half-miracle together! Whatever biiiig miracle they're about to do (speculated event #2) could still be completely balanced and undetected, but then a plume of miraculous activity emerging from the circle gateway (privately speculated event #3) is what poor Aziraphale will appear to take the blame for.
Things being out of order may have started with the question, are season two's present day events being told out of order? There are other things appearing out of order as well, for example a change in the order of colours in the Rainbow (for "present day" episode two only I think, beginning Violet then Red, etc.) Or, in this case, narrative devices being so intertwined, one flashback-event can contain images and phrases that both foreshadow something yet to happen as well as to reveal what happened in a part of the story already told.
As always, please no asking or tagging Mr Gaiman as this blog post contains theory and speculation, thank you.
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isiaiowin · 15 days
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 11 months
Hi! Can we please get some pictures of the other demons in Hell? (not including the erics, dagon, beelzebub, or the dukes) Thank you!
Hiya! :) Here :)❤:
Demons dancing:
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Demons watching Crowley's trial:
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Uknown demons leading 'Crowley' to the trial:
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Unknown demon on the left:
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Here demons in the background:
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abczine · 7 months
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Oh, Usher! We hardly knew thee! You were the bailiff at Crowley's mock trial, then before you got any more character development, were given a fatal bath in holy water by Hastur. We are so sorry it ended like that. May you rest in malice.
If you’d like to see more of these characters, consider subscribing to the Above, Below, and the Common Ground Zine, and click here to fill out our interest check!
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joycrispy · 8 months
Awhile ago @ouidamforeman made this post:
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This shot through my brain like a chain of firecrackers, so, without derailing the original post, I have some THOUGHTS to add about why this concept is not only hilarious (because it is), but also...
It. It kind of fucks. Severely.
And in a delightfully Pratchett-y way, I'd dare to suggest.
I'll explain:
As inferred above, both Crowley AND Aziraphale have canonical Biblical counterparts. Not by name, no, but by function.
Crowley, of course, is the serpent of Eden.
(note on the serpent of Eden: In Genesis 3:1-15, at least, the serpent is not identified as anything other than a serpent, albeit one that can talk. Later, it will be variously interpreted as a traitorous agent of Hell, as a demon, as a guise of Satan himself, etc. In Good Omens --as a slinky ginger who walks funny)
Lesser known, at least so far as I can tell, is the flaming sword. It, too, appears in Genesis 3, in the very last line:
"So he drove out the man; and placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life." --Genesis 3:24, KJV
Thanks to translation ambiguity, there is some debate concerning the nature of the flaming sword --is it a divine weapon given unto one of the Cherubim (if so, why only one)? Or is it an independent entity, which takes the form of a sword (as other angelic beings take the form of wheels and such)? For our purposes, I don't think the distinction matters. The guard at the gate of Eden, whether an angel wielding the sword or an angel who IS the sword, is Aziraphale.
(note on the flaming sword: in some traditions --Eastern Orthodox, for example-- it is held that upon Christ's death and resurrection, the flaming sword gave up it's post and vanished from Eden for good. By these sensibilities, the removal of the sword signifies the redemption and salvation of man.
...Put a pin in that. We're coming back to it.)
So, we have our pair. The Serpent and the Sword, introduced at the beginning and the end (ha) of the very same chapter of Genesis.
But here's the important bit, the bit that's not immediately obvious, the bit that nonetheless encapsulates one of the central themes, if not THE central theme, of Good Omens:
The Sword was never intended to guard Eden while Adam and Eve were still in it.
Do you understand?
The Sword's function was never to protect them. It doesn't even appear until after they've already fallen. No... it was to usher Adam and Eve from the garden, and then keep them out. It was a threat. It was a punishment.
The flaming sword was given to be used against them.
So. Again. We have our pair. The Serpent and the Sword: the inception and the consequence of original sin, personified. They are the one-two punch that launches mankind from paradise, after Hell lures it to destruction and Heaven condemns it for being destroyed. Which is to say that despite being, supposedly, hereditary enemies on two different sides of a celestial cold war, they are actually unified by one purpose, one pivotal role to play in the Divine Plan: completely fucking humanity over.
That's how it's supposed to go. It is written.
...But, in Good Omens, they're not just the Serpent and the Sword.
They're Crowley and Aziraphale.
(author begins to go insane from emotion under the cut)
In Good Omens, humanity is handed it's salvation (pin!) scarcely half an hour after losing it. Instead of looming over God's empty garden, the sword protects a very sad, very scared and very pregnant girl. And no, not because a blameless martyr suffered and died for the privilege, either.
It was just that she'd had such a bad day. And there were vicious animals out there. And Aziraphale worried she would be cold.
...I need to impress upon you how much this is NOT just a matter of being careless with company property. With this one act of kindness, Aziraphale is undermining the whole entire POINT of the expulsion from Eden. God Herself confronts him about it, and he lies. To God.
And the Serpent--
(Crowley, that is, who wonders what's so bad about knowing the difference between good and evil anyway; who thinks that maybe he did a GOOD thing when he tempted Eve with the apple; who objects that God is over-reacting to a first offense; who knows what it is to fall but not what it is to be comforted after the fact...)
--just goes ahead and falls in love with him about it.
As for Crowley --I barely need to explain him, right? People have been making the 'didn't the serpent actually do us a solid?' argument for centuries. But if I'm going to quote one of them, it may as well be the one Neil Gaiman wrote ficlet about:
"If the account given in Genesis is really true, ought we not, after all, to thank this serpent? He was the first schoolmaster, the first advocate of learning, the first enemy of ignorance, the first to whisper in human ears the sacred word liberty, the creator of ambition, the author of modesty, of inquiry, of doubt, of investigation, of progress and of civilization." --Robert G. Ingersoll
The first to ask questions.
Even beyond flattering literary interpretation, we know that Crowley is, so often, discreetly running damage control on the machinations of Heaven and Hell. When he can get away with it. Occasionally, when he can't (1827).
And Aziraphale loves him for it, too. Loves him back.
And so this romance plays out over millennia, where they fall in love with each other but also the world, because of each other and because of the world. But it begins in Eden. Where, instead of acting as the first Earthly example of Divine/Diabolical collusion and callousness--
(other examples --the flood; the bet with Satan; the back channels; the exchange of Holy Water and Hellfire; and on and on...)
--they refuse. Without even necessarily knowing they're doing it, they just refuse. Refuse to trivialize human life, and refuse to hate each other.
To write a story about the Serpent and the Sword falling in love is to write a story about transgression.
Not just in the sense that they are a demon and an angel, and it's ~forbidden. That's part of it, yeah, but the greater part of it is that they are THIS demon and angel, in particular. From The Real Bible's Book of Genesis, in the chapter where man falls.
It's the sort of thing you write and laugh. And then you look at it. And you think. And then you frown, and you sit up a little straighter. And you think.
And then you keep writing.
And what emerges hits you like a goddamn truck.
(...A lot of Pratchett reads that way. I believe Gaiman when he says Pratchett would have been happy with the romance, by the way. I really really do).
It's a story about transgression, about love as transgression. They break the rules by loving each other, by loving creation, and by rejecting the hatred and hypocrisy that would have triangulated them as a unified blow against humanity, before humanity had even really got started. And yeah, hell, it's a queer romance too, just to really drive the point home (oh, that!!! THAT!!!)
...I could spend a long time wildly gesturing at this and never be satisfied. Instead of watching me do that (I'll spare you), please look at this gif:
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I love this shot so much.
Look at Eve and Crowley moving, at the same time in the same direction, towards their respective wielders of the flaming sword. Adam reaches out and takes her hand; Aziraphale reaches out and covers him with a wing.
You know what a shot like that establishes? Likeness. Commonality. Kinship.
"Our side" was never just Crowley and Aziraphale. Crowley says as much at the end of season 1 ("--all of us against all of them."). From the beginning, "our side" was Crowley, Aziraphale, and every single human being. Lately that's around 8 billion, but once upon a time it was just two other people. Another couple. The primeval mother and father.
But Adam and Eve die, eventually. Humanity grows without them. It's Crowley and Aziraphale who remain, and who protect it. Who...oversee it's upbringing.
Godfathers. Sort of.
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bi-bard · 9 months
When a Demon Stumbles onto the Doorstep of a Bookshop - Crowley Imagine [Good Omens]
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Title: When a Demon Stumbles onto the Doorstep of a Bookshop
Pairing: Crowley X Reader
Word Count: 1,944 words
Warning(s): **SEASON 2 SPOILERS** mention of abandonment, drunk character
Summary: [Post-Season 2] After Aziraphale's departure, (Y/n) joins Muriel in the goal of taking care of the bookshop and the tasks that may come with that. One of those many tasks includes being prepared for the moment that a familiar demon finds his way to the doorstep at odd hours of the night.
Author's Note: Listen. I said that I was going to focus on my writing challenges. I know. But someone made this headcanon on Tiktok and I couldn't shake it. If anyone has the user, please let me know because I cannot find it, but I might also just be stupid.
When I first found Muriel in charge of Aziraphale's bookshop, I knew that I needed to step in and help where I could.
Well, that's not quite right.
I actually started off very scared.
After what had happened the night before that with the legion of demons coming to attack and Crowley ushering everyone away from the building, I knew that I needed answers. The only way to get those answers was to get back to the bookshop when the coast seemed to be clear.
If I had slammed the doors open any harder, then they would have surely popped off the hinges.
What I saw was Muriel standing in the middle of the room with a stack of books in their hands. They jumped at the sudden noise, quickly scrambling to keep from dropping the books.
"Oh, you scared me," they said before placing the books on the table. "Hello!"
"Who are you," I asked, ignoring any introduction.
"I am a human police officer," they motioned down at their all-white uniform. Angel. Got it. "And bookshop owner... now."
"Where's Aziraphale?"
"Oh, just... off."
That was the very moment that my fear turned to annoyance and anger. "Off?"
"Yeah... y'know, off."
"Oh, well..."
I stepped forward. "Listen. Aziraphale has been one of the dearest in my life for years now. I know about the angel thing. I know about demons that were here last night. Hell, I know about the failed apocalypse. So, when I hear that he's 'off' and has left his beloved bookshop in the charge of some random angel that I've never seen, I get very upset and very worried. I suggest that you tell me what happened to him."
"I can't-"
"And I suggest that you do it quick because he is not the only celestial being that I have on speed dial."
That seemed to be the only push that Muriel needed to tell me everything that had happened while I was gone. Gabriel's memories coming back, Gabriel and Beelzebub running off together, the offer that Aziraphale had taken, and the one that Crowley had apparently turned down. All of it. Well, as much as Muriel knew at the time.
I stood there for a few moments. Stunned into silence.
"Are you-"
"He didn't even say goodbye," I muttered.
"Well, the Metatron seemed very insistent that he needed to go right away- where are you going?"
I had already turned around and walked out of the bookshop again. I looked down the street before going to grab my phone. I frantically clicked Crowley's contact.
It rang a few times before going to voicemail.
"Crowley," I murmured. "Please, answer. Please. I... I found out about Aziraphale and I... I don't know what to do or where to go. Please."
I hung up and walked a little further down the road, wiping my eyes as tears started falling.
The moment that I went to call him a second time, I heard a car engine racing closer to me. I looked down the road to see the all too familiar Bentley pulling up to the curb next to me.
I put my phone away as he got out of the car.
I was cut off by him pulling me into a hug. I hid my face in his shoulder for a moment.
"He didn't even say goodbye," I repeated pathetically.
"Trust me, it would've been worse if he had."
It was then that I knew that we were losing the same person, yet grieving two very different things.
After that day, I made myself a new home in the room that had previously been used by "Jim". I had thrown a bit of a fit about the bookshop being entrusted to some random angel instead of a friend. Muriel was kind enough to let me stay. I think that they needed the help, but I was willing to call it merely an act of kindness if it made them feel better.
I didn't know how beneficial my presence would be in the shop.
I knew that I could help organize and clean. I could protect Aziraphale's precious books and keep Maggie's record shop safe. I could try to teach Muriel how to appear more human. I knew that stuff.
I never expected to become accustomed to Crowley turning up at odd hours of the night, often- if not always- drunk.
He would knock on the door or just barge in, yelling for Aziraphale. He wouldn't stop until I had gone down there and broke the news to him that Aziraphale may not come back. That he might be staying in Heaven forever and we may never be able to see him again.
It hurt. And I imagine that it always will. Having to put him to rest on the couch or watch him stumble back outside.
He always wore his glasses, but the heartbreak was so clear that it passed the lenses too easily.
It was one of those nights that he told me the truth of what happened before Aziraphale left. What happened between them.
I had been startled awake by the loud sound of the door slamming open and shut.
I walked out of my room immediately. Muriel stepped out, but I held a hand out. I had been taking care of this since it all started. I wasn't going to stop now.
I walked downstairs, hearing Crowley calling for his angel as I made it downstairs.
"Angel!" he was spinning in circles as he yelled. "I know that you can hear me! Come here and talk to me!"
"Crowley," I said gently as I approached him. "Stop it."
"Stop it!"
He didn't listen to me, instead still walking around and spinning as he yelled for Aziraphale to just talk to him.
He didn't stop until I grabbed his wrists and forced him to look at me.
"Stop, Crowley," I tried to keep my voice firm. "This is not going to get Aziraphale to come back! I don't even think that he can hear you! Stop it!"
The demon fell quiet as he stared at me. There was a long pause between us. I immediately began to question what I had said. I was constantly terrified of being too harsh. I didn't want to be some additional reason for Crowley to be hopeless over the whole event.
I grabbed the wine bottle that was sitting in his hand before placing it on the table nearby. "Come on... you're staying here tonight."
He didn't follow me when I tried to drag him over to the small couch.
"I don't... I don't want to sleep on that couch."
I frowned at him. "I'm not letting you sleep in your car right now, Crowley."
We both stopped. I had learned a lot about stubbornness over the course of my friendship with Crowley. And he knew that. And I'm certain that some part of him despised teaching me that skill.
"Come on," I said, dragging him toward the staircase. He followed me begrudgingly.
I pulled him to my room and motioned to the small bed in there.
"Go on," I pushed when he didn't move at first.
I heard him grumbling under his breath as he walked over. He somewhat flopped on the mattress, and I shook my head as I went to pull the blanket over him.
"Yeah, sure," he grumbled.
"Want to take off your glasses-"
"Leave them."
He hadn't taken off his glasses in front of me since Aziraphale left. Not that he often did anyway.
I took a deep breath and went to walk away.
"Would you...," he trailed off.
"What," I asked.
"Nothing. Never mind."
There's that stubbornness and closed-off attitude. "What is it, Crowley?"
"Would you stay?" he finally muttered.
"Just stay in here? Sure-"
"I meant lay with me. Please."
I glanced at the minimal empty space next to him for a moment. "Are you sure that you'd be comfortable with that?"
"I'm a demon. I have spent my nights in far more uncomfortable places than a small bed."
One day, I would need to question him on those 'I'm a demon' excuses.
I awkwardly shifted my way under the covers, fixing them over him as I did so. After a few more awkward moments, I reached out and wrapped my arms around his torso quietly. I expected some grumbling or some kind of fight. Nothing happened. Instead, Crowley merely sighed and seemed to relax into the pillow more.
I spent some time thinking. Mainly about whether or not demons actually had any need for sleep or for blankets to keep warm. I had thought about it before.
There was plenty that I knew.
I knew that food was more of a luxury than it was a necessity. I knew that they had a lot more control over things around me than I thought before. I knew that they could travel to and from Hell with a particular elevator or particular stairways.
I also knew that Crowley had the ability to sober himself up in an instant.
He had shown me that trick ages ago because I was curious.
So, when he began showing up at the bookshop while completely drunk, I questioned why he wouldn't sober himself up when on the couch or in his car or on any occasion like this.
It didn't take me very long to figure out why that was the case.
It was grief.
Not just normal grief, but grief for someone who was still very much living and breathing.
There was something so much worse about grieving someone who wasn't even dead yet.
When they aren't dead, there's always some remaining shred of hope that they will choose to come back. Which should be comforting, in theory. But when they don't come back... it only feels like a constant reminder that you truly may not be enough for them to fight for or want to fight for.
I could only guess that those thoughts were going through Crowley's mind because they were going through my mind.
"I kissed him."
My ears pricked up at his sudden words. "What?"
"I kissed him," Crowley repeated.
I knew that Crowley and Aziraphale loved each other. It was painfully obvious. I always thought that one of them finally saying something about it would have a dramatically different ending. I imagined them both hiding away in the bookshop. Not much changing... just what was normal for Aziraphale and Crowley but with a little more hand-holding. Not this.
I took a deep breath. "When?"
"After I rejected his offer to become an angel," he explained. "He had told me all about the Metatron's plan. I would have rejected it no matter what, but I had just been scolded by Nina and Maggie for not telling Aziraphale about how I felt. It just... It felt like the only chance that I had left to get him to stay."
I wondered if Crowley was telling me this because he trusted me or if it was merely because he was drunk.
"I miss him."
"I know," I muttered, hugging him a little tighter. "I miss him too."
I closed my eyes as I did that.
What else could I offer?
There was so much that I could understand. So much that I could offer him in terms of help and comfort. All I could do was hope that everything would eventually work itself out.
And at that point, that hope was getting harder and harder to hold onto.
Maybe some force in the universe would keep me from letting go of it completely. Eventually.
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demontobee · 8 months
Nightingales and Romeo and Juliet in Good Omens S2E6
I’ve been thinking about the many symbolisms of the nightingale since the end of S1, but especially since the whole “That’s the point. No nightingales” conversation between Crowley and Aziraphale at the end of S2. Nightingales feature in a lot of literary texts symbolizing a whole bunch of things, but I found this particularly interesting:  
In Romeo and Juliet (you know, the play where two star-crossed lovers from rivalling families try to overcome all boundaries in the name of love), there is a scene (Act 3, Scene 5) where Romeo and Juliet have a conversation (or a little row/misunderstanding) about nightingales and larks. It is the night/morning after their secret marriage (!) and Romeo has to leave before the morning comes. Otherwise he will be in great danger as he might get caught by Juliet’s relatives. Juliet, who does not want him to leave yet, argues that the bird that they hear singing outside the window is a nightingale. Since nightingales sing by night, she hopes that this will convince Romeo that it is still night and thus make him stay a bit longer. Romeo, on the other hand, is convinced that it is a lark, a bird of dawn, that is singing, which would mean that he has to leave soon. When Romeo suddenly states that he does not care if he will be killed or not and that he wants to stay with Juliet, Juliet caves in and explains that the bird they hear is actually a lark and that Romeo has to flee.
So, a few things to point out here:
It is the night after their “secret marriage”
The nightingale is a night bird whose song indicates darkness and a world asleep, which protects forbidden love from being found out
Juliet does not want to face the harsh reality of the day approaching, which is why she tries to convince Romeo that they are hearing a nightingale while, in fact, a lark is singing, indicating danger
When her lover unexpectedly declares that he wants to stay with her, even at the risk of losing his own life, she tells the truth  in an attempt to usher him out to save his life
Okay, back to Good Omens:
It is the morning after The Dance™ (you know, the one Aziraphale organized only to be able to make a move on Crowley and dance with him; the one during which Crowley tried to open Aziraphale’s eyes to the dangerous situation they were in while Aziraphale refused to give up on his little fantasy-bubble of love and romance). Aziraphale tries to convince Crowley to go back to heaven with him. We don’t know exactly what went on in the conversation between him and the Metatron, but there was probably some threat involved, which means Aziraphale thinks that they will both be safe(r) in heaven. In a way, he is the Juliet in the situation, trying to make his Romeo stay/come with him by convincing him that the nightingale is still singing – that they can still be safe that way. Like the night before, he does not (or at least does not seem to) realize the danger they are in and will be in and that heaven will never let them be “an us”. He does not want to part with Crowley. Crowley, on the other hand, knows exactly that going to heaven is not an option for him and he understands that they are in danger. His statement, “that’s the point. No nightingales,” means that the protection of the metaphorical night, the indifference of heaven and hell concerning their situationship, is over, and that they can either flee together or have to part. Aziraphale, judging by his expression, seems to understand what Crowley is implying here. This seems to be where his parallels with Juliet end, since he does not agree with Crowley in the end. However, there is a version of events that would make his actions similar to Juliet’s in the end: Assuming that Aziraphale knows that one of the two options to keep Crowley safe(r) is out since he knows that Crowley will never agree to going back to heaven, his only other option is to ensure Crowley leaves without him (and without the impression that he needs to save Aziraphale and their relationship). He does this by driving him out if the bookshop.
In any case, the nightingale seems to symbolize the temporary safety of their forbidden love, and Crowley’s statement at the end signals the end of this precious period, and that they must part (for now).
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dubiousduckears · 10 months
An incomplete list of merchandising opportunities that is being slept on for Good Omens (which everyone is invited to reblog with additions):
Aziraphale’s signet ring
Crowley’s tie/scarf
Nice and accurate journals and planners
Hell’s demotivational posters
Any posters for Good Omens
“Nuclear” sherbet lemons (probably not a likely best seller but the idea amuses me)
 The brooch style watches the satanic nuns wear
Plushie Dog, The Usher, the duckman from the credits, any huggable character
Beelzebub’s fly hat
God’s ineffable dice
Crowley’s snake belt
Bowties, biscuit tins, thermos, blankets and cloth in Aziraphale’s tartan
Witchfinder pins
Jewelry with Crowley’s snake tattoo, apples, white and black wings (rings, earrings, hairsticks/clips, necklaces, ect)
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Good Omens fans…
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ineffable-ezra · 3 months
Pronouns I Use For The Angels/Demons In Good Omens
Crowley - all (seriously pronoun soup when i talk about them)
Aziraphale - also all, but usually he/she. They is less common
Shax - she/her
Jimbriel - he/him
Michael - she/they
Uriel - they/them
Sandalphon - it/its
Eric - he/him
Muriel - they/she (mostly they)
Dagon - she/they/ey
Beezlebub - they/ze
Hastur - he/him
Ligur - he/they
Saraqael - they/she
the Usher of Hell - it/he
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An Ineffable Meeting
This is my first time writing for Dream of the Endless, but I thought it turned out okay. This takes place after season one’s events, and is a crossover between The Sandman and Good Omens. As always characters are not mine, and I hope you all enjoy it!
Description: Morpheus and Y/N, who happens to be Anthony J. Crowley’s sibling, have been dating for a while. Morpheus thinks it’s time for him to meet Crowley, but Y/N is all too aware of how their brother can be
Warnings: suggestive at the end, otherwise none (but if you catch something that I missed please let me know!)
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Morpheus had witnessed countless beings and entities in both the Dreaming and the mortal realm. Some divine and others horrific, the many faces that the Lord of Dreams viewed seemed to blur after a century or two. However, he never expected that a demon would stand out the most to him.
After being ushered out of the Dreaming by Lucienne, Morpheus found himself seated on a park bench feeding the pigeons. Lucienne claimed that he had become overly stressed the past week, but Morpheus did not see the need for relaxation. A century of imprisonment created a void of pressing matters that could not possibly be ignored. Still, he found some enjoyment from the soot colored avians pecking away at his feet.
“You do know that pigeons prefer sourdough over a baguette, right?”
Morpheus looked to his left, annoyance etched on his face from being disturbed. His displeasure was replaced by curiosity as he took in the person before him. They appeared to be human, at least in the physical sense, but Morpheus was not naive. He could pick out a demon without a second glance, but for once in the several eons of his existence he did not feel the normal disgust that came with meeting members of Hell.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I know these creatures on a very personal level, and they are incredibly picky about their bread.” The demon smiled at Morpheus as they pushed their aviator sunglasses up, the dark lenses preventing him from seeing their eyes. “The name’s Y/N, by the way.”
Morpheus observed the snake tattoo under Y/N’s right ear, the symbol oddly familiar to him, before rolling his eyes and focusing his attention on the birds once more. “It appears that they like this bread well enough.”
“You are rotten at introductions, Mr. Dark and Brooding.”
Morpheus was taken aback by the unexpected nickname. Did this demon who called themselves Y/N truly not comprehend that they were standing before one of the Endless? Y/N tilted their head as they smirked. “Do I know you from someplace? Where exactly have I seen you before?” They tapped their chin in contemplation before snapping their fingers triumphantly. “Twilight! That has to be it!”
“Perhaps you will recall my visit to Hell. Your sovereign, Lucifer Morningstar, called upon every demon to stand before me so I could find my stolen helm. You would have been among those numbers,” Morpheus stated coolly. “I am Morpheus, King of Dreams and ruler of the Nightmare Realm”
“Funny story that,” Y/N admitted with a nervous chuckle as they rubbed the back of their neck, “I may have skipped that call to go to a book signing. Hastur was pissed at me for weeks, but that uptight asshole got over it eventually. On the bright side, guess I can ditch these now, huh?” Y/N removed their sunglasses, and their serpentine eyes met the lighter ones of the dream lord. The realization hit Morpheus as he straightened his back against the bench. “You're a Crawley? The same to have infiltrated the Garden of Eden and tempt humanity. ”
“That was my brother, Anthony J. Crawley, but we go by Crowley now. We found it to be a better fit for us both.”
The chimes from the nearby clock tower located at the center of the park made Y/N jump. “Oh shit, I’m late! We will have to finish this conversation another time, Dream Lord.” The demon rushed off before Morpheus could even offer to take them where they wished to go.
That encounter had taken place half a year ago, and since then Morpheus and Y/N Crowley had formed a close bond. It had taken some time, for Morpheus was hesitant when it came to relationships. He was not new to partnerships, far from it in fact, but this relationship was not one that he wanted to lose. This was the reason that Morpheus had summoned Y/N to his throne room.
“Did you really miss me that much, darling,” Y/N quipped as they strutted across the marble floor that stretched in front of Morpheus’ throne. “You are lucky that I finished my demonic business this morning.”
Morpheus rose from his throne to meet the demon halfway, his coat floating gently with his movements. The corner of his lip raised slightly as he stood before Y/N. “Do you find gluing a penny to the sidewalk to be demonic work?”
“It’s the oldest trick in the book, and it has fooled many humans! There are countless times that-”
Morpheus silenced Y/N’s rant as he placed his lips against theirs. Y/N smiled through the kiss as they raised their hand to feel the soft ends of Morpheus’ dark hair. The two parted as Morpheus moved his hand to cradle Y/N’s cheek, his thumb caressing the skin there. His eyes glittered with adoration for his lover, but Y/N had learned every slight detail of his facial expressions. There was more to this look.
“Why are you acting so lovey dovey? I can tell by that look in your eyes that there has to be another reason for calling me here, Dream King.” Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed as they tried to deduce what Morpheus could possibly be up to, and the demon caught on to his plan. Y/N shook their head in disagreement as their slitted eyes averted to the floor. “No, no! Absolutely not! We can’t do this now, Morpheus.”
Y/N only ever used Morpheus’ name when they were serious, but he pursued the idea nonetheless. “If not now, then when? We cannot delay this any longer, my love. By now Crowley is more than aware of our relationship, and he will be expecting to meet the one who is with his sibling.”
Y/N could not meet the icy blue eyes that pleaded with them to give in. The demon always crumbled if they looked into his eyes. “I-I just don’t know how he will react. You are one of the Endless, the greatest beings on this or any plane of existence, and to bring someone so powerful around my brother…he may feel threatened.”
“Then I will reassure him that I am capable of loving you despite my reputation and my position. Please, Y/N, arrange a meeting with Crowley.”
Morpheus rested his forehead against Y/N’s, and he felt their shoulders relax. “Fine, but only if you are on your best behavior.”
Morpheus smiled, a rare occurrence that seemed to happen more frequently when he was with Y/N, and he placed a quick but sweet kiss on the end of the demon’s nose. “Only the best for you, my little serpent.”
Morpheus and Y/N walked arm in arm down the London street, which was surprisingly empty despite the warm rays of the sun shining down upon them. Y/N was wearing their classic aviators just in case a human happened to pass by, but even the dark lenses did not stop them from taking in Morpheus. How was it possible that this gorgeous being was with a low level demon like them? With that spiky hair that was soft to the touch and eyes that reflected the afternoon light, even the small wrinkles that formed around his eyes as a gentle grin rested on his face. He could be with anyone in existence. Yet, here he was, fully devoted to them and only them. Y/N squeezed Morpheus’ arm as they pressed closer to him, their own smile forming despite the nerves bubbling in their stomach. “We are almost there. Are you sure that you want to do this? We can turn back if you want.” Y/N tried to plant their feet in the ground and move back the way they came, but Morpheus held them close.
“Yes, I want to do this. There is nothing to fear, and everything will be well.” Morpheus intertwined his fingers with Y/N’s as they strolled the final length to their destination. The sign above the corner shop read, A.Z. Fell and Co., and the door was answered by a curly haired blonde before the couple even had the chance to knock.
“Oh Y/N, it is such a pleasure to see you again! It is also a pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr. Morpheus, or Lord Morpheus if you would prefer? Of course I can use any term that you would like…” The man who opened the door continued to ramble as he fiddled with his tie.
“Please,” Morpheus stated, “Morpheus will suffice, I assure you.”
“Brilliant! Oh, I do apologize for not introducing myself. My name is Aziraphale, and I own this little shop. Please, do come inside. Your brother is waiting in the parlor.” Aziraphale stepped aside to let the couple in before rushing off to the kitchen. Y/N escorted Morpheus through the thin path that weaved between stacks and shelves of books, many of which were covered in dust. The two entered the parlor, and Y/N braced themselves for what was to come next.
“Hello, brother dear! Hope you and Aziraphale left plenty of dessert for us. Your sweet tooth has stolen many delicious treats from me,” Y/N spoke as they hugged Crowley.
“Angel is the one with the sweet tooth, little Sis, not me. I did manage to save you some this time, though.” Crowley wrapped his arms around Y/N briefly before turning towards Morpheus. Crowley reluctantly offered his hand, a glare evident despite the sunglasses he wore. “Morpheus, I presume?”
Morpheus clasped the hand that was presented to him. “You are correct, Mr. Crowley.”
“Don’t call me, “Mr. Crowley”, it sounds like that bloody Ozzy Osbourne song. Crowley is fine.”
“As you wish, Crowley.”
Crowley moved back to his previous spot while Y/N and Morpheus sat on the couch opposite of the one he was on. Y/N removed their sunglasses and placed them on the table. “You can take yours off too, brother. I promise you that Morpheus is not one to judge.” Crowley took off his sunglasses with an audible groan, clearly wishing to keep them on. “That’s surprising considering he is one of the Endless.”
“Hold your tongue,” Morpheus growled. If looks could kill, Crowley would have been disincorporated instantly. Y/N began to fiddle with their hands, a clear sign that they were uncomfortable with the conflict, and upon noticing their movements, Morpheus moved his hand to encompass their own. “What I meant to say was that my siblings and myself have been portrayed as heartless beings who do not care for others. This is nothing but a rumor, and I have been looking forward to meeting you, Crowley.”
Y/N was put at ease by the new reply, but Crowley was still very tense. “I’ll go see where Azi is with those desserts,” Y/N mumbled quickly as they clamored into the kitchen. Surely, Aziraphale would be able to help their brother relax. In the meantime, this left Morpheus and Crowley alone in the parlor.
“Your sibling means a great deal to me. My life remained stagnant before they arrived, and now I could not see my future without them. The Dreaming prospers more than ever, and I believe it is due to them being by my side.” Morpheus meant every word he said, but Crowley wasn’t buying it.
“I’ve heard all this before. “ ‘Y/N is my world’ this, and ‘I would never hurt Y/N’ that. Well, they did hurt her. You will be the same.” Crowley sat with his arms crossed as Morpheus began to feel agitated.
“Why do you assume that I would dare to hurt Y/N? They have told me about the past and the lovers who have harmed them, and I am showing them the love they deserve and should have received long ago.”
“I assume these things because you are one of the Endless!” Crowley was standing now, his face matching the fiery color of his hair. “Beings like you take what they please and then throw it out just as quick! That will not happen to Y/N. Not on my watch.”
Morpheus pushed himself up and stepped towards Crowley. Even though the Dream Lord towered over Crowley, the demon did not budge. Y/N and Aziraphale entered with the desserts. “Look! Aziraphale ordered those mini pies that I adore,” Y/N said giddily. The chipper sound of their voice caused both Crowley and Morpheus to snap their heads towards them.
“Oh, I told Angel that you would enjoy having some of those,” Crowley replied with a shrug as he backed away from Morpheus. Aziraphale escorted Crowley to sit, his soft expression counter to the grimace that Crowley still wore. Morpheus was still standing as Y/N passed him a mini pie. “You must try this, my darling. These are absolutely to die for!”
Morpheus felt a wave of calm at the melodic sound of his lover’s voice, and he took the pastry with a smile. “Thank you, but I have no doubt that this human dessert does not compare to the sweetness you show me every waking hour.”
Y/N blushed as they scurried over to sit on the sofa again. Aziraphale could not contain his joy as he looked between Morpheus and Y/N. Crowley on the other hand was making no attempts to hide the rage he felt towards Morpheus, the unspoken actions of their broken up disagreement on the verge of exploding from him. Morpheus sent back a displeased glare of his own.
“Did I miss something?” Y/N asked.
“Other than Morpheus proving my point, no,” Crowley sneered as he reached for his own mini pie. Aziraphale swatted his hand, causing him to gape at his normally peaceful boyfriend. “What was that for?!”
“You know what it was for, Crowley,” Aziraphale commented sternly. “Morpheus is our guest, and it is obvious that Y/N is smitten with him, so please behave yourself, dear.”
The sip of champagne that Y/N had attempted to take almost ended up all over their brother sitting across from them. “Azi, you are too kind.”
Y/N shot a look at Crowley, catching him and Morpheus competing for dominance in a staring contest. That was the last straw. “Would you two knock it off! This is precisely why I didn’t want to bring Morpheus here in the first place!”
“How do you know you can trust him? I will not let you be hurt again, especially by an eternal being with a stick up his ass!”
“Morpheus, we are leaving.” Y/N angrily put on their sunglasses, hiding the tears of frustration that threatened to fall from their golden eyes. Crowley knew that he upset his sibling, and that familiar twinge of guilt took over. “Y/N, please, I didn’t mean it-,”
“Crowley, if I may,” Morpheus interjected. “I understand your apprehension about me. In the past I was unkind to many beings and closed myself off from the world, but I swear to you that is no longer who I am.” Morpheus grabbed Y/N’s hand, his eyes soft and welcoming. Y/N accepted and leaned into their lover. “My life is no longer filled with sorrow now that Y/N is with me. I do not wish to cause them more pain, but I will be the one to heal their broken soul.”
Y/N gave a short laugh. “I don’t have a soul, Morpheus, but I appreciate the kind words, love.” Morpheus feigned offense, but the way the corner of his lip curved upwards revealed how he truly felt. Crowley, after listening to the words of the Dream Lord, understood why their sibling fell for him in the first place. The red head let out a defeated sigh. “Fine, I may have jumped the gun a little here,” Crowley admitted. Aziraphale nudged Crowley in the ribs, urging the demon to keep up his apology. “And I am glad that you will be there for my sibling, Morpheus.”
Y/N smiled now that the tension evaporated, and both Crowley and Morpheus were equally happy to see them so pleased. The rest of the afternoon was filled with laughter and Crowley telling as many embarrassing stories about Y/N as he could. After the sun disappeared and the onyx sky spread over the earth, Y/N and Morpheus stepped out of the bookshop.
Aziraphale waved excitedly from the entryway, Crowley’s arm resting securely around his waist. “Please do visit again, you too! Next time I will cook a proper meal!”
“We will be back soon, Aziraphale! Love you, big brother!” Y/N called back as sand swooped around them and Morpheus.
“Love you too, Y/N, and don’t be too flirty with my sister, Morpheus, or I will come to the Dreaming and deal with you myself!” Crowley threatened with a smirk. The sand already engulfed the two beings before Morpheus could throw his own witty quip, but that did not stop him from telling it to Y/N as they stood before his throne. “Your brother is quite the character. He reminds me of Desire, but he is much more tolerable than them.”
“That tiff you had with Crowley says otherwise, and I am not sure if I have forgiven you entirely.” Y/N crossed their arms and turned their back to Morpheus, a playful smile unrevealed to Dream. Y/N was caught off guard when Morpheus scooped up the demon and moved to his throne. He sat down and placed Y/N onto his lap before layering a row of kisses up their neck. Morpheus stopped when he reached Y/N’s ear.
“Do not forget who rules this realm. Still, I do not wish for you to leave here upset.” Morpheus pulled back, his eyes darker and full of yearning. “Allow me to show you how genuinely sorry I am, my beautiful serpent.”
Tags: @pinksirensong , @literaturememesfordummies , @bryandechartisasmolbean , @unaviodabledirewolf , @igotanidea , @iloveangstposts , @chevvsgotanumbrellatattoo , @onyxblackwinchester , @malevolent73
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thewertsearch · 2 years
GC: WHATS AN ANGEL TA: some terrible mythical demon. TA: with these awful feathery wings. GC: YIKES TA: paradox space uses them two usher in the end.
That sounds... ominous. We have a couple of characters with ‘feathery wings’ in the comic - such as Davesprite, and everyone derived from his kernel - but none of them are particularly demonic. I hope this doesn’t make Davesprite an ill omen - that’s the last thing his psyche needs.
I wonder which kind of angel Sollux is talking about? His revulsion makes sense if it’s those biblically-accurate fuckers, but it would also be pretty funny if trolls just thought normal angels were ‘terrible looking’. 
Sollux seems particularly grossed out by the wings - the most normal feature of any angel - so that might actually be what’s going on. 
GC: HOW DOES IT KNOW WHAT ANGEL TO USE... ........ TA: huh?? GC: >:?
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This was always a particularly funny line in SBaHJ. Earth isn’t even supposed to exist yet, so Terezi shouldn’t be able to make this reference. 
Maybe Dave is going to put his comics on a server in the Furthest Ring, the same way Rose uploaded her own proudest creation. Since it’s in the Incipisphere, it’d be ‘temporally dislocated’, and Terezi could read it before it was written. 
Jade was sure ‘everything was going to be ok’, because she’s an optimist. Sollux seems to be the opposite, so things might be getting distorted in the other direction.
We know that these prophesized ‘deaths’ are most likely referring to the deaths of the troll dream selves, and Sollux - who doesn’t know much about Sburb yet - might not have realized that they all have extra lives. Hell, even if some of them do die for real, there’s time travel and Kernelsprites to bring them back. 
In a world like Homestuck, things are very rarely hopeless.
TA: seriously talk two aa she will corroborate everything. TA: you and she are pretty tight arent you? GC: NOT REALLY ANYMORE GC: SHE USED TO BE A LOT OF FUN GC: BUT NOW TALKING TO HER, I DONT KNOW GC: IT JUST SOMEHOW ALWAYS MAKES ME SAD >:[
We saw her earlier, and she didn’t look good. 
I think Terezi can tell, just from their text conversations, that something is very, very wrong. 
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I’ll admit that editing out their quirks makes you miss cute moments like this, where they playfully swap them. 
Trolls sure are weird, but most of them do seem to like each other, once you strip away the pretense. I wonder what it looks like when two trolls genuinely hate each other’s guts.
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ajcrowleys · 6 months
i was tagged by @sirtadcooper thank you! 🦋
Tag someone you want to know AND/OR some of your besties.
Favourite colour: it depends on the day, honestly. but it's always either blue, purple, green, and pink.
Last song: night moves — bob seger
Last movie: totally killer (2023)
Currently watching: our flag means death, ghost files, loki, the great british bake off, hell's kitchen, the irrational, lego masters
Other stuff I watched this year: good omens, the fall of the house of usher, the last of us, the walking dead: daryl dixon, sex education, ted lasso, what we do in the shadows, puppet history, the mandalorian, only murders in the building, twisted metal, heartstopper, secret invasion, platonic, the bear, lockwood & co., animal control, unstable, shadow and bone, you, leverage: redemption
Shows I dropped this year/didn't finish: ahsoka and vikings: valhalla
Currently reading: percy jackson and the olympians: the chalice of the gods by rick riordan
Currently listening to: random playlists on my phone. mostly a mix of current and '80s music.
Currently working on: nothing really at the moment, just a few random gifsets.
Current obsession: good omens and our flag means death. my brain is full of angels, demon, and pirates.
I'm tagging: @jddryder @stars-bean @thyla @userstede @nerdalmighty @crowleydiaz @crowley-anthony @davinaclare @fabines
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aziraphalesrevenge · 7 months
End of Good Omens S2
So, I've been seeing a lot of discourse around the final 15 minutes of the last episode, and I'm formulating some thoughts. There's so much going on, but I just wanna take a minute to discuss the characters and who they are, what they're potentially feeling, etc.
Forgive me. This is gonna be a bit of a long one.
Okay, so we all know how this goes. We've seen the scene multiple times. It's been dissected so many times. What I wanna bring attention to is that yes, while their hearts are breaking, there's still so much love there.
First off, I personally believe that Aziraphale isn't being completely truthful. I don't think he's actually excited about going to Heaven nor excited about inviting Crowley to come with and be an angel again. I do think that perhaps he's thinking that it's a way to right a great wrong, and that he loves Crowley for all of who he is, but he has stuff he's gotta work through. He needs to see Heaven and Hell for the completely toxic entities that they are. There's no fixing that. I also think that he was genuine when he said "I need you!" because it's evident that he does, in fact, feel a sense of need towards Crowley's presence and proximity to him. It's the closest that he can feel safe expressing his feelings for Crowley.
Remember that they're probably being watched in this moment too. Which explains Az constantly looking out the window while they're talking, and also his extreme worry when Crowley starts to confess. Because that reads like worry to me. He's scared. He's a very smart angel, indeed. I think he knows the Metatron is manipulating him. I think he knows quite a lot more about this than we all think he does. Perhaps he even interrupted Crowley and feigned excitement on purpose to push him away.
But you can see that even through that hurt that Aziraphale is experiencing (HOLY SHIT THE EXPRESSION ON HIS FACE RIGHT BEFORE THE KISS FLOORS ME EVERY TIME) he's still, in some ways, reaching for Crowley. He knows he doesn't have much choice. Not with the Metatron ushering him to Heaven. But you can see him repeatedly looking out the window where the Bentley is parked and we know Crowley is standing. Perhaps even looking at him. Watching. Waiting. And we know that Crowley was shocked by being interrupted by Az, but he still let him talk first. We know very well where he stands on Heaven and Hell being toxic. But he dealt a fatal blow to Az by saying "no nightingales". And I think it hurt him just as much. This is just more evidence of their poor communication, because Crowley is definitely feeling like he's not good enough as he is and that Az only loves him conditionally (which isn't the case). And, using the human method of conveying his feelings, he desperately and aggressively kissed Az. This was not a loving kiss, and I really wish their first kiss could've been sweet and tender, but it wasn't.
We can see that Az wants this too. They're both taking what they can, while they can. It's clear. But it also pains them both deeply.
AND YET! The REASON I'm making this post: Crowley still waits for Az. We see many times that Crowley will walk away, but this time? This time he stayed. He waited. He watched him leave. And I think this is to communicate that he still loves him. That he misses him already. That he'll be there when he gets back. They'll both have feelings about it and shit to sort out, but, Crowley is still there. He's still waiting. He's still so irrevocably in love with Az, even though this all hurts. He's showing, without a doubt, that he chooses "us" as Az leaves for Heaven.
And the look back? Ugh. That does me in. It's such a bitter and sorrowful parting. Neither of them want this. Neither one of them wants to be separated.
Now, I have my own thoughts about other things going on. And there's always room for other things to have happened that we weren't shown. Like Crowley stopping time for them to chat. Maybe Metabitch is messing with the Book of Life and is editing events as he sees fit. Who knows? But what we do know for sure is our ineffables are irrevocably in love with each other, they're pained by their parting, and Metatron was trying very very hard to separate them.
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dumpster-connoisseur · 8 months
So, since I watched S2, Good Omens has monopolized all my non-essential brain functions. And so the other day I was thinking about the whole final scene again, and about the Metatron, because there was something that was bugging me but I wasn't quite sure what.
And then I got it.
The fact that Heaven is a cult, and that the Angels are kind of a very abusive family to Aziraphale is pretty obvious by now, but sometimes they are in new ways.
You see, when you're raised in an abusive "catholic" family, and you go to a catholic girls school so the vast majority of people you know are also girls from abusive, christian families, there's a few things you get familiar with, quickly.
Metatron comes (uninvited) to see Aziraphale specifically, and quickly ushers the rest of the angels away. He comes with a peace offering, just to talk.
And I've seen this.
He comes and acts like he's defending Aziraphale without actually doing so (have we done anything wrong? well, that remains to be seen, does it not?). He gives him a little gift that he'll like (except that it's a bit to the left. Aziraphale drinks cocoa and tea for the most part, but coffee is just another hot human beverage so it's fine!), and then he essentially offers him two things: you're different, you're a queer little angel, and we still want you back. In fact, we want you back as non-normative as you are! We need you because you're like that!! (we do not, actually, but once you're back we can talk details). And what's more, you can also bring your… friend along. You can, it's fine, we will also like him. He can be one of us, too, just tell him to tone it down. To dress like us and behave like us and be less him, less loudly a queer little demon (we don't like him, never did and never will, angel or demon, but if you can make him conform we can tolerate him)
Metatron is a parental figure here. His oldest son, head of the company, fucked off and gave them all the middle finger. And right now he can't bring him back but he needs someone to manage the family business and it cannot be any of those other assholes. They're too incompetent and harder to control. So he goes looking for the child that was too fucking weird to be one of them, always shyly refusing to conform until they kicked him out. He looks for him and tells him everything he's always wanted to hear and offers him everything he wanted on a silver plate. Atop the plate it's a landmine covered in red flags, but Azirphale is still a traumatized man recently cut from everything he once knew. Far from the one who's always been pointing the gaps in logic and the failures and the unsaid... well, of course he accepted.
I've seen different instances of this, been thought it myself. For me, for a solid 25 minutes, Heaven wasn't so much corporate hell or a straight up cult, just your average christian middle class family refusing to let anyone out and scrambling to get back the stray kids when they need them.
Honestly, despite everything it's no wonder Aziraphale accepted. Many, for a long time after they get out, still wish their family loved them as mentally ill and queer and imperfect as they are. It's easy for family to trap them back and it's hard to refuse.
Sometimes it just has to be one betrayal too many and one word too much. Sometimes all love has to fully burn out. Sometimes it takes a pain bigger than your family despising you for someone to finally face the reality that they never actually had family or love to being with.
And I guess something along those lines it's what we're gonna see in S3.
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