#hannibal haven
hannibalhaven · 1 month
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if this doesn’t convince you to join our discord server then I don’t know what will.
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ajdrawsig · 2 months
replaced the server join link in my intro post. it should work now for anyone who wants to join <3
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astrobei · 2 months
burn off from the rush
“You’ve really never?” Will asks, finally pulling a box of matches out of his pocket, not the lighter Mike had been expecting. He tips the box of Marlboros out towards Mike again, and this time, he takes one, trying to pretend like the subtle weight of it is not as foreign in his hand as it feels. “Not even once?” “No,” Mike says, trying to figure out whether he should be getting defensive or not. “Why? Is it that hard to believe?” “I just figured, you know, it’s easier to bum a smoke off of somebody than it is to get your hands on some booze,” Will says thoughtfully. He tucks the cigarettes back into his pocket and plants both hands on the stack of hay behind him, taking a careful step onto the bale already resting by their feet — and then, when it holds his weight, he hoists himself up, legs swinging. “And you’ve done that, so.”
Will sneaks out for a smoke break. Mike decides to join him.
(inspired by this)
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stickthisbig · 2 years
Currently sitting at 200,142 words above my previous record year (313,462 in 2012)
I need to be taken to a quiet room to lie down
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godblooded · 1 year
if you’ve ever written with kitty sincerely i hope her accent is as funny in your head as it is mine.
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schyzotypalmind · 28 days
"If Hannigram was straight"
I am infuriated, I´m gonna get cancelled, whatever, I can´t care less. But I´m really sick and tired of fetishizers of Hannigram. Surprisingly mostly are straight and queer women, haven´t seen or heard of real gay men giving their opinion on the matter.
I come across this tiktok of person saying that if Hannigram was straight it wouldn´t work and wouldn´t be interesting, because people will make them like Joker and Harley Quinn and the relationship would be like just another abusive heterorelationship because of the power dinamics.
First, bruh... have you heard of CLARICE STARLING? 70% of the character of Will has Clarice lines, plot and personality. Will WAS NEVER the love interest of Hannibal in the original books and movies.
Second, "it wouldn´t be interesting" , ohhh but that´s because you fetishize gay relationships and abuse, do you even read normal romance gay novels or series? I bet you don´t.
So it wouldn´t be interesting because according to you, a WOMAN cannot be at the level of Hannibal. Which is basically the opposite of what happens in the novels. Hannibal LOVES Clarice because she is at his level, is intellectually equal to him, he cannot even predict her or brainwash her.
Third. "it would be just another abusive heterorelationship" , oh... and Hannigram is not one of the thousand homosexual abusive relationship that exits??? This people also LOVE Killing Stalking, Berserk for the "gay relantionship" of Guts and Griffith (the homosexual undertones are obvious, but it is abuse), the Painter of the night (I couldn´t even get past the 5th chapter for the amount of disgusting r*pe that exist in the series).
Four. "power dinamics" ahh... yes, Hannibal is clearly OLDER than Will, has double of work experience as him, he is a llithuanian COUNT, he is rich as f*ck, he is way more educated than Will and smarter than him. Is that not another "power imbalance"???? or only works because you think woman are "inferior"???? uh...
Never seen people that love the books comparing Clannibal with Harley Quinn and Joker, not a single one. We know is a fuck*d up romance, that´s the thing, the world that they live in has betrayed them thousands of times. Hannibal when he was a kid and lost Mischa and Clarice as a woman in the misogynistic FBI and real world.
The books were never written in that tone, they are a crime and thriller books mixed with artisty imaginery (beautiful indeed), they are not a moral compass to follow.
You should like how Hannibal treats Clarice, he deeply loves her, tries to help her, gives her everything, admires her. At the end of the day the only have each other in the twisted world they live in and that´s it.
But how Hannibal physically and mentally tortures Will???? Killing people he loves in front of him, making his life a living hell... and that´s not abusive and power imbalance to you?
I´m having a real hard time finding Hannigram fans that are not misogynistic or fetishizers, I swear... and is very concering.
This has impact in real life queer people. Specially teenagers. If this is all the representation that they have, abusive relationships, what do you think they are going to seek in their significant other? Is hard enough for queer people to report abuse and r*pe to the authorities.
Now imagine been a 14 y/o exposed to the internet and the thousands of toxic gay men representation out there... and reading "ohhh I just want what Hannigram has" "Hannigram for life" "that´s real love".
Now you can cancel me all you want.
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@ajdrawsig made a discord server and it’s amazing, it’s been up since april 3rd and had 58 members rn BUT WE WANT MORE
im pretty sure either aj and reagan or just aj/ just reagan made a intro think for tiktok so im just gonna have that explain it better:
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IF YOU WANNA JOIN HERES THE LINK: https://discord.gg/c8kmYgZcA8
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unfortunatelycomics · 15 days
tumblr i'm afraid you've given me a horribly misinformed idea of hannibal. admittedly i just vaguely assumed a lot but,
i couldve sworn hannibal lecter and will grahm were childhood buddies.
will's unemployed of course and hannibal idk also unemployed but in a cooler way. he plays hockey atleast. maybe. i might haven him confused with a different fictional murderer.
and then of course from a handful of screenshots and fanart i was under the impression hannibal has a bio daughter who he left when she was a teenager but she has face blindness as she doesnt recognize her father (hannibal) when shes talking to him. she meets him again when hannibal kidnaps her but i guess he decides against killing her when he realizes "oh shit this is my daughter". there's a weird unrequited romance plot between them? because. she doesnt realize that's her dad?
hannibal decides to weirldy fufill his fatherly duties while pretending he's not her father and both of them ignore that she's very much been kidnapped. and that he kills people.
the show (a romance comedy?) is all about hannibal and his joys of killing. around season 2, when will graham is introduced as hannibals estranged childhood friend, it becomes hannibals adventures in killing anyone who harms or even mildly upsets /insults will. which i got some very confusing text posts.
despite this, will is largely unconnected to the overarching murder plot and instead he's just in the background of a small handful of episodes. he has a typical heart throb personality and doesnt like hannibal. he's not gay for hannibal but hannibal is very gay for him.
the entire show is from hannibal's perspective as he's the main character. most shows are from the main characters perspective and the show is literally called hannibal. come on.
obviously there must be no detective / solving murder cases plot. hannibals just very good at covering up his tracks so this is never an issue for him. didnt even occur to me. no one mentions anything about this being a detective show.
none of this is infact true.
except that hannibal is gay. of course.
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a-small-safe-place · 5 months
Welcome to a safe place!
I love to write but I’m fairly new to posting my work. I write yandere and regular content. I also write romantic and platonic content. I’m not great at writing smut. I will not write romantic content for underage characters.
If a story title says “Character X Reader” it’s romantic.
If a story title says “Character w/ Reader” it’s platonic.
My favorite thing to write about right now is The Boys! However, I also write fanfics and headcannons for:
Harry Potter
I have not written for all of these but I certainly plan to 😁
New Addition (Platonic!Yandere Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham w/ Child!Reader)
The Boys
She Likes a Boy, and I’m not a Boy. (Queen Maeve x Fem!Reader)
His Haven Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 (Homelander x Psychiatrist!Reader)
Building a Family (Homelander x SingleMom!Reader)
Soft!Yandere Black Noir w/ Spouse!Reader
Then, Nothing. (Yandere Cullen family)
Platonic Yandere Rosalie Hale and Emmett Cullen w/ Adopted!Baby!Reader
Harry Potter
Yandere Severus Snape x Potter!Reader
Platonic Yandere Tom Riddle w/ AdoptedSister!Reader
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hannibalhaven · 1 month
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ajdrawsig · 13 days
somebody please tell @ghxstoll to stop consuming inedible shit.
exhibit a: lotion
exhibit b: candle wax
exhibit c: glue sticks
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suchawrathfullamb · 5 months
Hannibal and Will have fashioned some sort of schedule when it comes to their new life, living nestled away in a little fishing town.
They’d entered this tucked-away safe haven, injured and bloody, clutching onto each other like lifelines. Hannibal was trying desperately to stave off the bleeding coming from Will’s tremble with nothing but a rolled-up shirt and spite that would make God himself tremble.
The locals had taken them in with the kindness of a grandmother, nursing them back to health with expertise in wound-tending and an overabundance of soup. Slowly, but surely, Hannibal and Will melted into the little town like they’d always lived there. They rented a small condo with money Hannibal had raked together by thinly-veiled manipulation and a saccharine smile and were now known as Joseph and Francis Du Pont.
After they healed and managed to get back on their feet, Hannibal returned to his roots as a surgeon and partnered with the village’s only doctor, working tirelessly. Which led to the comfortable evening schedule they’d fallen into.
Hannibal would finish his shift, taking a brisk walk home, stopping to buy fish someday or to grab new flowers for the dining room table. He’d unlock the door and slip inside—something Will called a basemeal simmering on the stove.
A meal that was both edible and enjoyable for Will but also allowed Hannibal the creative freedom to take the dish and elevate it however he saw fit. He’d spend the better half of twenty minutes fixing his plate. Today, Will made simple spaghetti.
Hannibal unbuttoned his dress shirt and hung it on the back of a chair as he plated his meal, humming along softly to the record Will had put on.
Hannibal enjoyed this part of the evening the most, when he would gather his finished plate in his hands and exit the house, heading for their backyard, where his love was sprawled out on a lawn chair. Looking like a painting, in one of Hannibal’s expensive button-up shirts and nothing else, he was drinking his nightly whiskey out of a champagne flute, a book open in his hands. The golden hour sun covered him in a way that looked godly. Something to be worshipped.
Hannibal walked forward silently, shifting his plate to one hand as he swept a hand through Will’s overgrown curls and planted a soft, lingering kiss on the man’s sweaty forehead.
"Hello, darlin',” Will said, a soft smile on his pink lips and one finger pressing between the pages of his book to keep his spot as he closed it.
“Hello, my William,” Hannibal replied, a giddy smile fighting its way to his lips.
The three new dogs, Lacy, Peanut, and Buster, bark and nip at the hem of his expensive trousers, which he refused to take off even in the heat of the Caribbean, but his focus was on the deity in front of him. William was at complete peace, the champagne flute resting against his lips as he smirked around the rim.
Hannibal set his plate down on the empty space on the lawn chair and handed Will one of the two forks he’d gotten, knowing the man had made the dinner but forgot to eat it. Hannibal pressed one more kiss to Will’s forehead before kneeling by the foot of the lawn chair.
“What are you reading today, Will?”
Will hummed, swallowing his bite of spaghetti. “Not quite sure... just started it,” he finally answered, gesturing to the pile of paperbacks at his side.
Hannibal began to rub Will’s sore feet with his expert hands, pressing his soft lips to the tan skin of Will’s shins, his thighs, and his ankles, “beautiful. Handsome. Exquisite.” He murmured into the warm skin.
Will doesn’t reply, but Hannibal can see the disbelief brimming in Will’s green eyes. Hannibal returned his distrusting gaze with a soft smile as he continued to rub his feet, pressing kisses on whatever warm skin Will granted him the privilege of touching.
“The man on the square,” Will said suddenly, but Hannibal understood him clearly.
Hannibal nodded. “Very good choice, dear William. An ill-mannered man who won’t be missed by anyone. A quick and easy kill.
Will made a small sound as he stretched, his muscles rippling, giving Hannibal the smallest tease of the white flesh of Will’s untanned upper thighs before they were covered by Hannibal’s shirt once again.
“Tomorrow, then. Evening, we’ll make it look like he died in his sleep. They’ll send you to review the body, and you can be very persuasive.”
Hannibal gave him such a soft look as he kissed his shins and thighs, sweaty and warm from the golden sunshine.
"Eat, William,” he said, handing Will a piece of garlic bread, pushing his hands away, and feeding it to him.
Will groaned softly, “Thank you.”
And Hannibal could read the words and the weight placed on that phrase, dissect the phrase, and watch the emotion gush out like blood, staining Will’s mouth crimson.
“I love you too.”
i’m currently very high and very sleepy, but you gave me brainrot :((( anyway throws this at you and runs (and i’m aware the characterizations could be better but im tired and couldn’t find a fuck to give) ((also sorry for any grammatical errors and whatnot))
I can't believe you did it! Omg that's so nice ;_; IT'S TOO CUTE AND DELICIOUS
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bi-bard · 2 years
A Gentle Hand - Hannibal Lecter Imagine (Hannibal)
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Title: A Gentle Hand
Pairing: Hannibal Lecter X Sunshine!Reader
Word Count: 1,486 words
Warning(s): mentions of murder
Summary: (Between Season 1, Episode 3 & 4) Abigail Hobbs had dealt with a nasty hand in life. After her father's death, she seemed to remain closed off from everyone around her. Hannibal wants to introduce someone different to her life in the hopes of getting her to open up more.
Author's Note: It has been way too long since I've written for this OC and I'm sorry.
Hannibal brought up his idea the first night after Abigail woke up from her coma. That idea being introducing (Y/n) to Abigail.
(Y/n) had been told the story of poor Abigail Hobbs. The girl with the killer for a father. The one who was dragged on hunting trips. The one whose dad killed girls who looked eerily similar to her.
"Are you sure this would be the best choice," (Y/n) asked as they discussed the idea over dinner one night. "I... I don't want to overwhelm her. She's had a few days of chaos. So many people. Reporters and doctors and investigators... I'm just worried."
"That's why I think it would benefit her greatly," he explained. "Someone with no ulterior motives. Just a kind face."
"Can you not serve as that kind face?"
"She knows me as a doctor. As one of the people who helped catch her father," he replied. "She needs someone new. No previous connections."
(Y/n) slowly nodded.
"And you offer some fascinating insights."
"How so?"
Hannibal paused at the question. It had been a long time since he had struggled to find a decent answer to such a question.
"You're outlook on life tends to differ greatly from those that Abigail has known so far."
A very smooth attempt to avoid admitting that he knew more of (Y/n)'s story than (Y/n) did.
"And Alana approves of this idea?"
"After some persuasion, yes," Hannibal grinned up from his food.
(Y/n) grinned back. "Well then, I guess I can try to get through to her."
"Thank you."
The next day, Hannibal drove the pair up to Port Haven Psychiatric Facility. Will and Alana were waiting outside for them. (Y/n) smiled at the sight of the pair, jumping out of the car almost before Hannibal had stopped completely.
"Will," they fussed, pulling the man into a tight hug. "How have you been feeling?"
"As fine as I can be," his grin is tense and forced, but he does feel a sense of comfort due to (Y/n)'s presence.
They turned to hug Alana next, whose smile was much more genuine as she hugged them back.
"How are you," (Y/n) mumbled before stepping back.
"Busy as ever," she explained. "Especially now. I assume Hannibal gave you an idea of who Abigail is."
(Y/n) nodded as Hannibal joined the group. His hand touched the small of (Y/n)'s back, ready to carefully lead them inside.
"I've avoided reading too much about Abigail," (Y/n) explained. "They all seemed so focused on the idea that she had to be evil."
Alana and Will nodded.
They signed in before walking down the hall. Will and Alana waited outside while Hannibal led (Y/n) inside. The approach was Hannibal's idea. Abigail wasn't overwhelmed by the mere number of people and wasn't left alone with someone that she didn't know.
"Abigail," Hannibal spoke up to get the girl's attention. "I want to introduce you to someone."
(Y/n) waved at the girl. Abigail's eyebrows furrowed.
"This is (Y/n)," he explained. "My partner."
(Y/n) tried to keep their smile from getting too big. It was still new to them. The idea of being his partner and not just his friend. Hannibal smiled at them. It felt like the most natural title in the world to him.
"I thought the two of you would get along."
"Hi," they said.
"Hi," Abigail replied awkwardly.
"It's nice to meet you," they continued. "How are you feeling?"
"Kind of tired," she shrugged, glancing at Hannibal for a moment.
"Hannibal, can you..."
"Of course," he nodded. He pressed a kiss to the side of (Y/n)'s head before leaving the room.
"I... I brought you this," (Y/n) stepped forward slowly, holding out a gift. It was wrapped in some dark blue paper with a gold ribbon.
They stepped closer to the bed, so it was easier for Abigail to grab the gift. They sat on the edge as Abigail opened it.
"I was going to bring you some food, but I was worried they would confiscate it," (Y/n) shrugged. "Plus, I didn't know if you had any allergies or what your favorites were... and I should stop talking."
Abigail grinned before pulling off the wrapping paper. Inside was a book.
"I also didn't know what kind of stories you liked, but I wanted to try to find something-"
"It's a book of poems."
"Are you not interested in poetry?"
"I... I don't know," she shrugged.
(Y/n) grinned. "I thought it was a safe place to start."
Abigail nodded before placing the book on the table. "Thank you."
There was a small pause.
"So... how long have you and Hannibal been together," she asked after a few moments.
(Y/n)'s smile told a thousand words. "Not... Not very long."
Abigail tilted her head.
"Well, we've been friends for a while. A few years, really," they explained. "And then, it all just kind of happened. We had dinner at his house. With Will, actually. And after Will left, Hannibal and I kissed and it all just... happened. It felt right."
"You make it sound like a fairytale," she chuckled. "True love's kiss."
"Sometimes it feels that simple."
Abigail grinned at the thought.
"I don't want to bore you-"
"You aren't," she stopped (Y/n). "It's nice to have someone talk about something other than my dad for once."
"Oh," (Y/n) nodded. "Okay."
"Why was Will there?"
"Oh, he... apparently, he wanted to meet me. Hannibal has this photo of the two of us in his office."
"What's the photo?"
"It's from my birthday," (Y/n) said. "I think it was the first birthday after we met. I didn't... well... don't have a whole lot of friends. Hannibal held a little dinner for me. It was really nice."
"Are you and Dr. Bloom friends?"
"I think so," they nodded. "She is the sweetest person. She is incredibly protective. All she wants is to keep everyone safe all the time."
"I can tell."
"I'm sure you could."
"That's enough about me," (Y/n) waved off any further questions. "Tell me about you. Whatever you want. Tell me about your old pet turtle, if you want."
The next hour or so was the best time that Abigail had experienced since the tragic events that led her to that room in the first place. (Y/n) saw so much more than the daughter of a killer. So much more than some headline or potential threat. And Abigail felt a sense of comfort from that.
It wasn't until there was a knock on the door that either one of them seemed to snap out of their conversation.
Alana leaned her head through the doorway.
"Sorry," she muttered.
"Do they need the room," (Y/n) asked. Alana nodded. "Alright, got it. One second."
They stood up and grinned at Abigail.
"It was nice meeting you," they said. "I hope you enjoy the book."
"Are you going to visit again," she asked. "Today was really nice."
"I'll try my best," (Y/n) promised. "Bye Abigail! It was nice to meet you!"
"You too."
Alana and (Y/n) crossed paths in the doorway. Hannibal and Will were waiting outside. Hannibal seemed calm, but Will was pacing. (Y/n) thought he looked like a nervous parent.
"How did it go," he asked as soon as he spotted them.
"She's very sweet," (Y/n) replied. "She just needs more than people asking about her father. She's more than her dad's crimes."
Will sighed. "(Y/n)... Jack Crawford thinks there's a chance that Abigail was involved."
"He's actually entertaining that," they glared at him before looking at Hannibal. Hannibal looked toward the floor. "Abigail is a scared teenager. She doesn't deserve any of this. If you want to investigate, fine. Do not involve me. Abigail needs love and support. A gentle hand. She's not a monster."
"We don't think she is," Hannibal explained, touching (Y/n)'s arm.
He already knew about Abigail's involvement in her father's crimes. He saw no point in tainting the view (Y/n) had of the young girl.
"Then why say anything?"
"You deserve to know all parts of this situation if you're going to visit her."
(Y/n) shook their head and looked down.
"I'm sorry," Will added softly.
They let out a huff through their nose. "It's okay. I just wish you two would've told me the true purpose of this visit."
"I'm sorry," Hannibal stepped forward and pressed a kiss to their forehead. "I'm sorry, darling."
(Y/n)'s eyes closed as he did.
"Would you like to go home," he asked. (Y/n) nodded before turning to Will.
"Let me know if she likes the book I brought."
Will nodded.
(Y/n) and Hannibal didn't speak again until after Hannibal had started the drive home.
"She has a chance," (Y/n) said softly. Hannibal hummed, pushing for more information. "A chance at a life beyond this. She has... so much potential. She's smart and kind and funny."
Hannibal nodded, agreeing with them.
"She just needs the opportunity."
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lunairka · 1 year
Crying about how for his whole life, water has been a safe haven for Will. From lakes, to the ocean. It’s where he goes when the world is too much around him. It’s safety and familiarity. And down he pulls himself and Hannibal into the Atlantic. On his own terms, they fall.
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blowflyfag · 5 months
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MOMMY? Is the Mystery of Mankind Beginning to Unravel?
A Special Report By the Informer
You read that right! I’m on the verge of breaking the hottest scoop of the century… I think!!! Even though my reputation may be on the line, this is just to JUICY to pass up!!!
OK, are you ready? My eyes and ears have told me, the Informer, that not only is Mankind living in the basement of Goldust’s Hollywood estate, BUT the “bizarre one” actually has the “dementated soul” under his complete control! How you asked? Perhaps by having him convinced that he is… his long lost… MOMMY!!! NORMAN BATES, MOE OVER!!! This situation makes the relationship between you and your deceased mother look like Mrs. Cleaver and the Beav!!!
I must say that at first I, the Informer, didn’t even believe it myself. Goldust and Mankind? RuPaul and Hannibal Lector? COME ON!!! Can you imagine the conversation over a cup of expresso?
“Mankind, what do you think  of my new wig?”
“Oh, I think it’s lovely. But, it would look even better… WITH THE HAIR PULLED OUT OF IT!!!”
Talk about an odd couple? They would make Feliz and Oscar look like the Olsen twins!!! But wait, let’s not be so hasty with our judgments. Let’s stop and ask ourselves this question: Beneath it all… are they “really” that different? Is it possible that there might be more similarities than they would want us to believe? Let’s look a bit more closely, shall we?
First and foremost, it is a fact that Goldust and Mankind are loners. They have no friends… nor do they want any. As a matter of fact, much of their companionship actually takes place “inside” the ring, rather than “outside”. True, Holdust does have Marlena, but first of all she is of the opposite sex… we think. And second, their relationship is of a business nature, not personal…. We think. Mankind, on the other claw, is definitely friendless. That is unless you consider George, his rat who by the way I’ve heard died recently. However, just because he’s dead doesn't necessarily mean that he’s not still Mankind’s best friend, by any stretch of the imagination! Now the psyches of Goldust and Mankind are comparable in various ways. Both are masters of the mind game… in their own “special” way, of course. Where Goldust likes to frolic within the psychologically bizarre realm of sexuality, Mankind takes a more strait-jacketed approach. He likes to come off as being just plain nuts. Both live in fantasy worlds–Goldust in the lights, camera and action of La-La Land… Mankind in his safe haven known as the boiler room. They both offer very unique and mysterious backgrounds. The truth is–we know very little about either individual, largely due to the fact that neither has told us anything! What “really” makes Goldust tick? Did something happen in his childhood that sent him to super-bizarredom? Does he have any legitimate acting experience? If not, how the heck did he get himself on the red carpet area on Oscar night? And Mankind? Now here’s a jigsaw puzzle that lacks a straight border. The music, the claw, the mask, the cellar, the… MOMMY?
MOMMY… here’s where the mystery begins. If you don’t already know by now, Goldust and Mankind wrestled as a tag team at some house shows back in the late summer, early fall. The Bizarre and the Demented. OK, nothing wrong with that. Sometimes wrestlers do team up even though they may have nothing in common. Case in point–the opponents of this troubled team were none other than the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels and everybody’s favorite dead man, the Undertaker. Now here’s the wacky part–weeks prior to the match, Goldust and Mankind were cutting a couple of interviews talking about the upcoming matches. Keep in mind these interviews only ran in the markets where the matches were taking place. In other words… only a few people saw them. Anyway, through the entire cuts, Mankind was referring to Goldust as… MOMMY. You got that? MOMMY! But wait, it gets even sicker! The three of us–me and my own two eyes–witnessed Mankind actually BURYING HIS HEAD IN GOLDUST’s BOSOM in search of some peace, love, and understanding!!!
Now you tell me, kitty-cats, what the H-E… double toothpicks is going on here?!!! Has Goldust outpsyched the psycho into believing that he’s his… MOMMY?! OR is this just another chapter in their well-scripted psychology handbook? What do you think? Do you think I know? WELL, I MIGHT!!!
The following day after this goose-bumping incident, my top informer informed me, the Informer, that SON has moved into MOTHER’S mansion!!! That’s right! They share the same CELLAR!!! Now this shocking detail has in no way, shape or form been confirmed yet. HOWEVER, I was told just last night by the GREAT (his opinion, not the Informer’s) VIC VENOM, the next month… in this very magazine,,, he plans on bringing you inside the mansion of Goldust in his exclusive “Lifestyles of the Rich and Filthy Rich”! So now the question is will Venom be the reporter he says he is and take us in the cellar of the Goldust estate so that we can find out the truth for ourselves? OR will snake breath slither out of the entire situation by keeping the basement door LOCKED?!
Tune in next month!!! Until next time…this has been the Informer.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
I'm grateful for the ao3 block button. I was actually an author who was basically run out of ao3. I had tagged my fics appropriately. Wrote Trigger warnings in the notes. Provided extra trigger warnings in the summary even. The thing is, I was writing for horror fandoms and other canonically violent fandoms like Mirai Nikki, Higurashi no Naku Koro Nii, Corpse Party, Elfen Lied etc. I knew my content and I knew what I was writing was nothing worse than canon. The fic that I got hate for was a Tokyo Ghoul one where none of the characters were ghouls and were just humans but retaining the ghoul's culinary tendencies aka cannibalism in this context. It was nothing worse than say, Hannibal for instance. While there was slight gore, majority of it was expressed metaphorically. And I tagged it well, Dead Dove: Do Not Read and all. And I got blindsided by how much hate and vitriol I got for it. They swarmed my twitter, my comment section, telling me to kill myself even. Imagine getting hate for writing a cannibalism fic.... for fucking Tokyo Ghoul. It took me forever to trust fandom again and even writing was hard for a while and I took years to pick the habit back up. Purity culture is just toxic, period.
FIrst of all, I'm really fucking sorry that happened to you darling. That's fucking horrible and ridiculous and I'm glad you've managed to come back from that.
But yeah, the block button is a blessing, tags are a gift from the gods, and this wave of fandom doesn't seem to understand that AO3 specifically was built as a sort of safe haven for fanworks of all kinds. Even with human error and some author's not using the tags to their full extent it is still one of the most clearly labeled and organized fansites out there so it is. So if you don't agree with something then just don't fucking click it or exit out of it as soon as you realize what you've walked into. That should be the end of the story.
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