#happy birthday taegularities <3
taegularities · 1 year
ah Rid Rid Rid i missed you 😭🧡 there's so much i wanna cover, i tried do catch up on all you've been up to and my god honey i'm so sorry that you were feeling down 🫂 it's absolutely okay and understandable because tumblr is not the same, engagement is not the same and it does get lonely here, i wish you wouldn't have to encourage anyone to give feedback for what you post, for teasers or ideas but i'm really hoping that it did and does help 🥺 I AM ABSOLUTELY 100000% EXCITED FOR CMI AND YOUR WIPS, there're so many times throughout each day when i think about you and your stories and lately cmi has been really occupying my thoughts bc i try to imagine what's gonna happen 🥹
and happy birthday to taegularities 🧡🎉💫 i'm so amazed that you've done so much, wrote so many stories and have this community here, love, you deserve a huge applause for those 2 years and i wish you all the years to come (as many as you want) to be happy, colourful, full of lovely messages and feedbacks, and the least lonely, like at all 🫂 I CAN'T REMEMBER EXACTLY IF I FOLLOWED YOU AFTER READING JUST CHANGES IN BETWEEN OR RIGHT AMOUNT OF WRONGS TOO but i felt so much in my heart, i was hit instantly with this sense that my heart knows your type of storytelling as if it was my own thought, emotion, i'd never felt this much connection with any writing ever before and i instantly followed you, i knew i had to eat up every word you'd written and i'm on this journey ever since, following taegularities back then was the best i could've done on tumblr but months later i set up this new blog and decided to show myself to you and it's the close 2nd place 🥹 as for many it took a lot of courage but you know it already i adore you and you're so amazing and lovely and so worth leaving the comfort zone to be able to show you the appreciation and love we have for you 🧡
ah godddd with that being said i'm so so sorry that i've been mia so much, and not responsive to what you've been putting up, i have to catch up on the 2nd cmi teaser and i'm waiting for a better time to write you a feedback of silk&stones that it deserves BC IT DESERVES A LOT OF AMAZING WORDS 😭 it's just a rough time for me in every aspect bc i'm moving this week (and i always hate doing that) and i'm managing my last days here with my mum that i love dearly, andd.. i'm gonna start a new job that i got, in a week and a half... it's not exactly in a place that i've wanted but it is the new profession that i said i wanted, so i'm excited that i can start working in that new field and learn and maybe later end up in a place that i'd want 🙏 but i'm also extremely nervous bc it's very new and not what i've studied for all those years 😂 so i'm just very overwhelmed but i know that i will come back as much as possible and try to be active (lowkey i'm checking if you're alive daily 🫶) and catch up and also be here to support you 🧡
so sorry for this being so long to everyone, love you Rid so so much 🧡 i missed you really, how's the situation with your new job? and how're THE DATES??? I'M SO NOSY AM I NOT 😈
C! HI, I MISSED YOU, TOO !!!!! ahhh, thank you 🫂 things (not just on tumblr, but irl, too) are still not the way they should be, but i've decided to not be too negative about everything and just vibe. i want to show y'all my best side, but i'll still always be honest about everything. i've also been talking to my mom a lot and doing stuff irl, so that helps a bit. you do so much for me, though, c !! i'm so so thankful for every message, every review and every lovely comment from you. and i know how much you love cmi, so that's definitely inspiring and helpful when i lose faith in myself or my writing 🥺
gosh, yes happy birthday to taegularities 😭 !! i'm genuinely so thankful for this lovely community... i don't think i'd still be here without you guys <3 so thank you. and gosh, whether you came after cib or raow, i'm just so damn thankful that you're here. your presence has been a great comfort. i'm worth leaving the comfort zone? i'm so so happy to hear that, and so happy i can provide such a safe space for you 🥺
and don't apologise about being mia at all !!! god, you've been doing so much, i'm so proud of you for powering through it all. a new place to live, a new job, are you kidding, that's amazing !!! please take your time with the teaser, feedback or any writing at all, you sound hella busy 🥺 i hope you get to relax properly very soon, and that you rest and hydrate enough. manifesting a good time at your job and an even better place later on !! thank you for checking on me btw 😭 i'm, surprisingly, still alive :') </3
my new job is probably going to start in april! i sent an email accepting it just today, so i'll see how that pans out. and the dates ugh. we went iceskating last week and it was genuinely beautiful. but rn, tbh... we're on a break, and not really talking to each other, bc he said a few things that don't align with my thinking and mentality at all, so... no particular updates so far. i'll let you know what happens in the future, though :') i love you, dearest c <333
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adoresope · 2 years
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Jeon Jungkook Part 2
Just for tonight (S,F) @jungkxook
the love bug (F,S,A) @jungkxook
amortentia (F) @jungkxook
out of the blue (F,S) @jungkxook
magnolia (S) @dovechim
discipline and punish (S) @dovechim
micro-orgasm (S) @dovechim
lonely hearts club (S) @dovechim
pokémon go (F) @dovechim
biting dog seldom bark (S,F) @lolabangtan
late night lovin (S) @lustfuldevils
tteokkboki (S) @taetaesbaebaepsae
my dear friend (S) @kooktrash
all i want (S) @sxtaep
the spins (S) @here2bbtstrash
quiet kid (F,S) @bonny-kookoo
suprise in paradise (S) @borathae
honey (S) @magicshopaholic
in the night (S) @jiminstonic
just a little (S) @soft4gguk
inked (S) @taleasnewastime
blackout (F,S) @bonvoyagenoona
at the end of the day (S,F) @starshapedkookie
campfire building (S,F) @yoongsisbae
girls need love too (S) @kookiecrumb
obsessively mine (S) (yandre) @mochitaekookie
no longer strangers (S) @soft4gguk
daddy’s good girl (S) @dreamescapeswriting
mommy honkers (S) @kookiesandcreams
look at you (S) @mercurygguk
be with you (F) @dearsonyeondan
only for you (S) @dearsonyeondan
never be friends (F) @jjungxkook
late night assignment (S) @writeformesinpie
break my legs (F) @mirahuyooo
my favorite meal (S) @redsaurrce
birthday sex (S) @gurlwithluvx3
project: star x (S) @xenizaation
happy birthday loser (S) @jungk0oksthighs
man eater hunting (S) @httpjungkookcom
color me in (F, S) @taegularities
cold nights and blurred lines (smut,fluff,angst)
oxytocin (S,F) @chemicalpink
starry night (S) @kithtaehyungreads
hurts so good (S) @jjkeverlast
wild thoughts (S) @jjksblackgf
pretty hallucinations (F) @joheunsaram
good morning (S,F) @taegonia
can’t help it, i love you (F,S) @kookslastbutton
depend on me (S) @kooktrash
the bbf (S) @kookiecrumb
late night muse (F) @koostarcandy
iced americano (S) @yeehaw4yoongi
party (S) @bteezxyewriter12
so,give me all your kisses (F) @koostarcandy
part 3
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thebtswritersclub · 2 years
Happy Birthday Rid!
Today we celebrate the exciting birthday to our lovely @taegularities! Through thick and thin, Rid is there for us, rooting for us and helping us with our many tasks. Her empathy and strong work ethic help us so much! BWC wouldn’t be the same without you!
 Also a special thanks to @missgeniality for making all of our graphics!
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Happy birthday to my fellow kitten! I’ll keep the sap to our dms, b ut I hope you have an amazing year of growth and health. And hope you can create as much as you want because we all love to read it. Here to another year of cheating on Taehyung uwu
- Siya ( @missgeniality )
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riid! my beloved, I wish you a truly great birthday. I can't believe how long it's been since we met, we've shared so much fun ever since then and it's a joy whenever we get to chat. thank you so much for being the wonderful friend you are and hyping me up in every aspect of my life, I'm so grateful to have met you and our bond goes further than being writers - though, of course, I will never miss a chance to simp over bts with you and brainstorm our work!! you always brighten up my day and I love you endlessly, wishing you the best day  ily 
- Ru ( @btsmosphere )
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY RID YOU STUNNINGLY INCREDIBLE LAND MERMAID I wish you the happiest of birthdays, full of people you love and make you happy, no worries during this day. Since we're writing this in advance, I do hope Tae posts a thirst trap in honor of your day ILY and again have a happy bday
- Rose ( @biaswreckme )
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- Melody ( @hoebii )
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Happy birthday RID!!! I'm so glad we became friends! I hope this year is more kickass than any other year! I hope you accomplish all your goals and make the world your oyster! Thank you for being you and for existing
- Mars ( @joheunsaram )
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Miss Riddle! I love you so so so much. I can’t believe that we have been friends for so long (almost 3 years)! Time flies so fast and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Our conversations and chats make my days and energize me, they give me great comfort, they get me curious about the world. You’re so hardworking and smart and I am so honored to be your friend and teammate at BWC. Your kindness, care, and focus on growth truly shines in just about everything that you do. I’ve had the honor of watching and growing with you over these past three years and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Happy birthday, bb! I love you so much!
- Lillia ( @moccahobi )
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happy birthday rid! i feel like there’s so many things i could say and i don’t even know where to start. i guess i’ll start with the first thing i noticed about you: your writing. before i even had my blog, i would read your works on a little burner account. a teacher once told me that their are certain aspects of writing that can’t be taught. whatever that is, you have it. there’s a certain charm and rhythm to every word you type. the way you craft a scene, or characterize through subtle gestures, can’t be replicated. seriously, you have a gift. it’s something so raw and pure. i hope you cherish that forever. after making my blog and joining the net, i got to know you as a person a bit more. i felt like i knew you through your work, but you were even sweeter than anticipated. whenever i needed advice, you were there. the kindness you carry yourself with is felt. i mean it. the positive impact you’ve had on the net and community as a whole is bigger than you know. whenever i ask for recommendations, you’re mentioned. i know it can be tough sometimes, but please never lose sight of how loved and cared for you are. especially today. happy birthday!
- Kiki ( @chryblossomjjk )
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Riiiidddd, I know we're rarely on discord at the same time, but I wish you all the best on your special day! You're an absolute delight to talk to, and you deserve all the best things in life
- Gina ( @chimknj )
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Hey Love! Happy birthday beautiful!
You know how much I love you already but again I freaking love you. You are so talented and tenacious and caring and funny and just such a ray of sunshine  every time we talk. A lot of people think they know you when they don’t and make assumptions that are not true but you sweep it all off so gracefully and just aah!! U r one of those people who always has my back when I am low and that friendship and love means so much to me. U are an amazing woman and I can’t wait to see how you grow this year. Happy birthday darling!
- Aditi ( @ditttiii​ )
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Dear Rid, my darling Rid. You are such a light in the lives of everyone who knows you. I am so grateful for your friendship. You are an amazing human who deserves nothing but love and light. I hope this year is amazing for you
- Mom
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bts-ify · 1 year
get to know me 💫 - thank you Rid @taegularities for tagging me 🧡, ah i'm doing them both at once so it's veeeery long i'm sorry
Name: C (anonymity is fun isn’t it)
Sign: gemini sun and moon, scorpio rising
Height: 169 cm so 5'6"- 5'7" i think
Birthday: june 5th
Fav Band/Artist: bts obviously but i listen to a looooot of different music, so also harry styles, bon iver, kortez and many more
Last Movie: jung_e
Last Show: full one - alice in borderland
When I Created this Blog: november 2021
What I Post: almost nothing now 😂 i reblog mostly from various creators bc they're talented af
Other Blogs: a main/personal, it's over 11 years old, my baby 🥹
Do I get asks: not really, i'm not that active and not a creator
Followers: a small handfull 🧡
Avg hours of sleep: around 8
Instrument: i've got an ukulele but i only know how to play the moon song :')
Dream job: barista and caffe owner, i'm a dietitian but i'm dropping it to learn and become a barista 🥹 used to dream about being a writer as a side job tho
Dream trip: to a bts concert 🥲
Fav songs: right now it's wab the eternal, formula by labrinth, starboy by the weeknd and the way i are by timbaland
3 Ships: i don't have them anymore... but i loved Rid's caroline forbes x klaus mikaelson too so i'll stick to it
First Ship Ever: okayyy this goes way back and it's adam lambert x tommy joe ratliff
Last Song: change pt.2 RM 🧡
Currently Reading: @taegularities for fanfics (i'm planning to sit down with candles&flames) but for books it's the housekeeper and the professor by yoko ogawa
Currently Watching: the last of us
Currently Consuming: anything that keeps me calm, i'm stressed af
Currently Craving: peace and routine 😭
Are you named after anyone? yess it's funny, both my names are after 2 girls from my sister's group in kindergarten, the prettiest one and the smartest one 😂
When was the last time you cried? just before this post, watching ep3 of the last of us, tears guaranteed
Do you have kids? nope and i'm not sure if i want them for a lot of reasons 
Do you use sarcasm? of course not, why would i, why would anyone
What’s the first thing you notice about people? in their appearance - eyes and smile, hair too; in character - if they listen to you and ask you questions, if they're calm or aggressive and if they're open-minded
What’s your eye colour? steely blue, like blue but with darker gray
Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings for sure, too traumatized to scare myself for fun
Any special talents? i'm good at making places feel like home? idk... i'm one of those that become easily good at most of the things they try, but it's probably my neurodivergence 
What are your hobbies? i started sewing and i rlly enjoy it, writing and creating stories and everything coffee-related
Where were you born? 🇵🇱 
Do you have any pets? cats living with my parents (Nala, the love of my life 😿) and now one completely black cat that's my sister's
What sports do you play/have played? used to do swimming, voleyball, martial arts but now.. i just enjoy walking
Favourite subject in school? none? but i miss maths, IT and english tbh
THAT'S IT, the most i've shared on the internet 💀 i deleted the ones that doubled
and i'm tagging jans @parkjiminxfloorpt2 because it's been sooo long and i miss her and doing this 🧡😭
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moccahobi · 1 year
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I posted 955 times in 2022
That's 328 more posts than 2021!
112 posts created (12%)
843 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 341 of my posts in 2022
#mutuals - 76 posts
#lillia talks - 71 posts
#lillia recs - 57 posts
#comments - 26 posts
#lillia reblogs - 21 posts
#lillia answers - 18 posts
#wkcnet - 16 posts
#bts fanfic - 16 posts
#btsstan12 - 13 posts
#bts fluff - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 104 characters
#i'd wanted to start december off with a bang and try to finish a quick fic but i guess i wont be able to
My Top Posts in 2022:
A Fae’s Brew to Take You Away Masterlist
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Summary:  Experiments never go as planned. That's why testing is so important. But when a fae tests a potion on themself that turns them human temporarily, they didn't realize the series of events it'd set off. One fateful meeting with a photography student in college turns the fae's world upside-down and sets off a series of dangerous events.
Pairings: Taehyung x Reader, Yoongi x Hoseok
Genre: Fae AU!, College AU!, Angst, Fluff, Adventure, Thriller
Current Word Count: 
Planned Schedule: The second Sunday of every other month.
Masterlist last updated: 5/8/2022
- Prologue
- Chapter 1
34 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
Let You Fly [Namjoon x Jimin]
Summery: Namjoon and Jimin have been together for only 7 months and it’s been near perfect. The two fit together wonderfully. All changes when Namjoon’s dream job offer slides itself into his inbox. He’d been eyeing the position in Japan for years… It wouldn’t be fair to Jimin to pack up his bags and join Namjoon, but it wouldn’t be fair to Namjoon to try to force him to stay. Instead, Jimin must let him fly.
Pairings: Namjoon (BTS) x Jimin (BTS)
Rating: E for everyone
Warnings: None
Word Count:  3.5k words
Genre: Angst, A touch of fluff
A/N: A big thank you to @bluewhale52 for betaing! Your feedback was soooo helpful!!!!!!!
A/N2: This fic is part of @bangtanwritingbingo​’s summer bingo! The prompt for this is “Jimin x Namjoon”!
Song inspiration: Let You Fly by Sunshine State
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The sweet fragrance of the flower shop filled Jimin's nostrils as he worked away on a bouquet order. Jimin hummed along to the soft music that played in the background, his mind zeroed in on putting the flowers together in just the right way. Behind him, Namjoon sat at a small table, typing away on his computer. He was supposed to be on a small break, but like the work loving man he was, he was actually clearing out his inbox. Every once in a while, he'd sigh deeply and run his hands through his hair tiredly when he found an email that he actually had to respond to with thought. 
See the full post
37 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
A Story From a Different Time [Taehyung x Reader]
Summery:  Love. Love is such a wonder. Your love story is especially wondrous to your grandkids who love love as much as you and hang on to every word as you relive the time in your life as a teacher when you met a soft hearted tattoo artist.
Pairings: Taehyung (BTS) x Reader
Rating: Teens and up
Warnings: a suggestive joke
Word Count:  4.8k
Genre: Fluff, a hint of angst, Teacher au! Tattoo artist au!
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE LOVELY AND AMAZING @taegularities​. This has been quite a year for you and I am so proud of all you’ve done and survived. You’re so strong and caring. Make sure to have a nice big celebration and remember, I am always giving you big big hugs. I love you so much bb!
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“Yes, Dohyun-ah?” 
“How did-did-did you and harabeoji meet?” 
You sighed, gently rubbing Dohyun’s head as you tucked his sheets around him. 
“Well, it was…”
You sighed and giggled, looking out the window to the clear night sky.
“We met in a really cute way… but it’s late, baby, I can tell you tomorrow. What story do you want me to read to you tonight?”
Dohyun pouted, his lips pouting.
“P-please Halmoni! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee.”
You laughed, rubbing his forehead.
“Ok, baby.”
See the full post
46 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
Heated Blanket
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Summery: After finals, you choose to take a nap. Your favorite heated blanket comes to join you.
Pairing: Jungkook (bts) x Reader
Word Count: 771 words 
Genre: Fluff, College AU
Rating: General audiences
Warnings: Talk about food
A/N: Happy birthday to the wonderful @ditttiii​! I know you’re in the midst of finals right now! Please make sure to take care of yourself and rest when able! I hope you have a wonderful birthday as well (even if you celebrate it after the rush of all your finals)!
The couch hugged you lovingly as you breathed a deep sigh of relief, allowing yourself to rest in a way that you hadn't let yourself in months. Your mind felt as blank as a windows screensaver as your aching body seemed to release some of the pent up tension from weeks and weeks of tiresome work. It wasn't the nicest couch nor was it always the most comfortable couch, but in that moment after finishing your last final of the semester it was the most comfortable place in the world. There were no other things you needed to do at that moment.
See the full post
53 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Affection, Not Attention
Writing is seen as a solitary hobby. Yet almost every day there is a post asking for more engagement, how come? 
For whatever reason a writer has posted (for growth, interaction, or just because), writing is transformed. Through writing communities and sharing our writing online, our brainchildren become part of a conversation between writers and readers that I find is often underplayed or overlooked in conversations about engagement.
A commonality of many writers on tumblr is the want for engagement… and distress when there isn’t engagement… no matter how hard we try not to focus on engagement. It becomes a tiring cycle. One that I’ve been struggling with for years. 
When I interviewed Mars, @joheunsaram, she pointed out that this struggle for engagement can be very unique for hobby writers whose writing is often a brainchild of ours. By that logic, I have a lot of kids and I’m ace. 
They are pieces of ourselves that we are showing off to the world. As hobby writers, our works often go through much less polishing and have fewer people to polish and influence them. They are often raw parts of ourselves in this way.
That being said, engagement was not the primary way people characterized their writing in my interviews. Through the wide diversity in their writing interests, we are all united by an internal drive, a want to share ideas (JJ). 
Writing is a beautiful amalgamation of concepts, theories, and ideas that all get wrapped up to create something magical. In interviewing authors, a common theme was how their writing helps them process “[their] thoughts, [their] fantasies and [their] emotions” (@mlkydrms) This sentiment of writing was echoed in conversations I had with Kas (@voiceswithoutlips), Kiki (@chryblossomjjk), Cath (@magicshopaholic), and Rid (@taegularities). Writing is also done with a focus on sharing ideas and a love for the medium (JJ (@m-yg93), Courtney (@casuallyimagining)).
Engagement was often talked about in relation to how people thought of and characterized their readers though. Community, understanding, connections were all things talked about in relation to readers as well. The want for people talking about and relating to characters and themes in their writing is a common theme I found. While likes and reblogs show a level of enjoyment and appreciation, comments are innately human and in turn, have a deep level of intimacy. Engagement is about growing bonds and it “adds an aspect of connection” (Ru (@btsmosphere)). 
Reader engagement was also brought up when talking about coping with the stresses of writing. As we all know, writing can be tiring and challenging, and engagement soothes the challenges that can come with writing, comments specifically have the power to “stifle the negative thoughts” (Kiki). They encourage and motivate us to keep exploring our worlds in addition to sharing affection. 
A great example of this: Courtney mentioned getting inspiration to write a new fic after someone read a lot of their pieces for a specific member. 
Our fics are like opening our arms up into a crowd of people and saying, “I would love a hug”...  We “spend so much time writing [our fics] and then putting [them] out” so when there is no engagement, no hug, it can be disheartening (Rid). It feels like everyone in the crowd is staring at us and thinking, “What the hell are you doing?” 
Looking back at posts asking for engagement from readers, I don’t think they’re generally asking for attention. What many writers want is affection. We want to have these intimate things that we're sharing to be acknowledged. Nep phrased it wonderfully when he said that our posts are like sharing a piece of media related to a topic we like to our friends and hoping a friend will get engaged. 
Cath gave a wonderful example, highlighting About You that has fewer notes than other fics of hers but the comments are very deep and insightful and mean the world to her. Those comments hold a special place in her heart.
I think this framing of engagement also explains why constructive criticism may not be wanted by authors. Many of us write as a hobby, and while we post to share these intimate thoughts, and to have a conversation about them, we don't necessarily do it to grow. While growth is a goal of some writers, there are writers who aren’t looking for feedback or wanting to grow intentionally, that’s valid and we should respect that boundary. 
If community and affection is the primary goal of many writers when posting and we are opening our arms out into the crowd, getting unsolicited feedback or criticism from someone we've not seen before (i.e. our first time seeing a reader or an anonymous ask) is like a back hug when we were expecting a front hug and you don't know who is hugging you because you weren't looking in their direction. It's very disorienting. 
This isn’t always the case, especially if writers do want criticism. They may be prepared for a hug in any direction! Checking with them and making sure that hug is still enjoyable for them is important though. 
As readers it is valid to feel close with writers as they share intimate aspects of themselves, but unless readers reach out and make a connection, writers may not have a feeling of reciprocity or affection. Furthermore, if writers don’t know a reader, jumping into criticism can be disorienting. In these situations, connections and affection are still very useful when giving constructive criticism (and are something that can be built over time or through a single comment). 
If you want to give constructive feedback, I recommend building a relationship with the writer and checking to make sure that they are ok with constructive feedback, and make sure to also point out what you enjoyed. Receiving only negative feedback or critiques doesn’t feel good and doesn’t help affirm the intimacy a writer is asking for. Additionally, if you didn't enjoy anything about a fic, and can't think of a single thing to say that's positive, maybe that's not the best time to comment. 
If you're an anonymous person, or don't have a Tumblr blog, I encourage you to make an anonymous identity. Writers would love to have anonymous people engage with and talk about their stuff and that relationship being built is also really good. We will remember you. 
We notice who comments, likes, and reblogs. Our blogs and fics become a “little symbiotic network” and it’s pretty magical (Kiki).
For writers, I also encourage you to think about what engagement means to you. It is totally valid to want attention in posting, especially when you put a lot of work into it (Kas gave a great analogy of cooking dinner for friends, praise is wonderful when you do). Not caring about attention is also totally valid (Cherry referred to their writing as art they hang up in their home). We all want different things from posting but a commonality I found in my interviews and generally with conversations between writers was a want for connection, community, and intimacy. 
Reframing my thoughts has helped me better understand why I get upset at a lack of engagement, and reflecting may help to better understand why and if you want engagement.
»»————- ✼ ————-««
I want to give a big big big thanks to the writers I interviewed! @mlkydrms, @m-yg93, @joheunsaram, @chryblossomjjk, @magicshopaholic, @cherrysoulth, @taegularities, @btsmosphere, @casuallyimagining. All of them are wonderful authors and great people and I highly encourage you check them out! 
Thank you for reading! I appreciate any thought or ideas you have on my little piece! 
62 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sugalaritae · 2 years
Brightly Wound (MYG)
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summary: For Yoongi, handling your body feels as easy as playing the tender notes on his piano
pairing: Yoongi x Reader (no pronouns are used but genitalia is mentioned)
genres: fluff and pwp
au: slice of life, established relationship
rating: 18+
word count: 3.1k
triggers/smut warnings: fingering, oral (both), groping, unprotected sex, he cums on their ass, looots of praising
author's note: hello and welcome to my little ode to Min Yoongi on this date of his birth!! i've been listening a lot to "first love" and i am just constantly amazed by his mind and talent, so i wanted to write a little something that showed that. happy birthday to him!! the lovely @bangtanintotheroom and @rkivian both beta'd this and i am so incredibly thankful for them and the work they did in such a short amount of time! a special thank you to the wonderful @taegularities who came up with this beautiful summary!! this is for the square "our song" for the @bangtanwritingbingo spring event. if you like what you read please like, reblog, comment, send a little ask. feedback is always welcomed! :D <3 © sugalaritae. you do not have permission to translate or repost my work even if you give credit. all of this is mine.
His fingers glide over the wooden black and white keys of the brown piano that sits in the corner of the living room. His back faces you as you enter the room with two cups of coffee. It's a routine of sorts.
Getting up early, you admire him while he still sleeps in your bed, blankets curled up around him and hugging in all the ways that you wish you could if you didn't have to work. He gets up hours later and pads his way to the piano. Sometimes he writes. Sometimes he sits there with his notebook and pen writing out pieces of lyrics and music that is flowing through his mind. Sometimes he sits and stares. Sometimes you step out of your office and watch as the words pour out onto the paper in thin lines of ink. Sometimes you stand there and watch him; if he is aware of your presence, he says nothing. It is always the routine, though, that after watching him, you walk back to the kitchen tucked into the corner of your home and make him his first cup of coffee and your second.
You return the gift of watching him and hearing him write with a gift of your own - coffee and a small kiss. He makes you dinner when your days of work finish.
It is a quiet life that you have with him. Quiet only in the sense of peace. The house you share, much like your relationship, is full of music. He hums when you kiss, makes you sing an aria of moans, conducts your body with his hands and together, you fill entire rooms with thick, loud beats and symphonies of laughter and conversation.
Today, he plays.
His music pulls you out of your office earlier than normal. You still have work to do, words of your own to write, but you can't help but be pulled toward him. You don't watch; instead, you slip quietly out of your office and to the kitchen to make your coffee. It amazes you how he can pull you out of your own head and work so easily. You joked that he was the Pied Piper when you first heard him play.
"That story doesn't end well," he said as he pressed his hand into the bench and leaned toward you.
"Depends on how you look at it," you countered. "Perhaps he saved those children, taught them music and made their lives better."
He had chuckled at that, a crooked smile pulled up on one side of his face and you knew at once that not only could he create music but was a work of art himself.
You step beside the piano, the music filling your head and pulling your heart forward, placing the mug on the coaster he keeps on the top of the piano.
He looks up at you and gives you a nod as his fingers continue to glide over the keys.
You return his nod with a smile, as you lean against the wall and look out the window. Your fingertips touch the hot ceramic as you bring the mug to your lips and take a slow sip. He presses the pedal and you hear the shift in the piano; it's one of your favourite sounds.
He watches you for a moment as he plays the melody that he has been working on for weeks. He wonders at times if you will get sick of hearing the same song repeated but you never mention it. Never ask him to stop. Occasionally, you’d ask how it's going and his insecurities would wonder if this is you asking so you can figure out when he will stop playing, but when he answers, you’d show interest and enjoyment in his success and give him soft touches when he tells you he's struggling. You have mentioned that he is amazing but he knows that you are just as wonderful as he is, if not more. He's not great at voicing his love, that is why he uses music and lyrics. He's capable of letting the world know through those two things just how much he loves you and the beauty the two of you create in the world.
He turns his gaze to the keys as he steps on the pedal for a moment, playing three notes, before releasing it again. The song is in a minor key, crying out with emotion and love. It sounds so simple played on one instrument but as he plays, he hears an entire symphony of strings. He can't wait to show you when it's finished as he has done with every other piece of music he has written. He never watches you as you listen, always leaves the room, and comes back when he knows it's finished. Always eager for you to be part of his world and always nervous.
His gaze turns to you again just in time to watch you smile and he watches a bird fly by the window; he knows that this is what has caught your attention. Birds always bring you a happiness that is a blessing to watch. The kind of happiness that is your inner child pressing its face to the surface and giggling at the extraordinary wonder that nature brings.
He stops playing, pushes himself up off the bench and steps behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. His hands glide over your t-shirt, feeling the small bumps and curves of your stomach that he knows and loves so well.
He pulls you backward carefully so that you don't spill any of the hot liquid.
Your eyes close briefly as you step backward with him, only to open again a moment later, casting your gaze to the ground as he guides you to the piano bench and steps away from you so you can sit down. Carefully, and wordlessly, he instructs you to hand him your drink and you oblige.
He turns around and sets the mug down on the coffee table a few feet away before he walks back to you, that look in his eyes that you have seen so many times and can never get enough. You have work to do. You should protest but you keep your mouth tightly shut.
You watch as he kneels in front of you, his hands running up your thighs. Those veins and knuckles grab your attention every time he does anything but especially when they touch you. Now they grab the top of your leggings.
"May I?" He asks as he looks up at you.
You nod in response and you stand for a moment so he can pull them down.
You watch him kneel before you, his eyes fixed on the skin that is shown as he pulls down the material. You sit back down on the bench; the leather has been warmed by him and you are thankful for that.
He gently, and with such care, slips your leggings off your body and discards them on the floor.
His gaze is heavy as he looks up at your body. Your eyes meet and it takes your breath away at how dark his eyes are. His mouth opens and a soft "fuck" falls out as your beauty overwhelms him. Your chest rises and falls slowly with anticipation like the first few notes of Bach's cello suites, the sound radiating through your ribs. Your body feels hot already and only burns hotter as he grips your knees and guides your legs apart gently.
Slowly, he leans down as one hand slips up your chest and pushes you back gently. Your elbows press into the keys, creating a horrible mix of notes but neither of you care.
His other hand parts your folds, feeling the excitement slip out of you. His chest feels full, his head empty of all worries and thoughts, only full of desire to make you sing with pleasure and fill the empty parts of the song he's been working on.
His mouth parts and you feel his teeth lightly graze your sensitive clit. Your hand hits a key and a deep note rings in your ear.
He moans against you. His fingers slide carefully over your entrance as his tongue slips against you. You are the sweetest taste that he has ever had the pleasure to taste. You remind him of honey and lemon. A perfect combination.
You can feel your excitement slip against his fingers. Your moan is more of a gasp as he pushes two fingers into you, stretching you just a little. Your own scrape against the wooden keys and you can feel the small spaces between each, but you don't hook into them despite needing something to hold onto as his fingers find your soft spot with expert precision.
"Yoongi," you moan, casting your gaze down to him just as he looks up at you.
His gaze makes you dizzy, or maybe it's his tongue swirling against your clit.
His hand, still pressed to your sternum, slides down and cups one of your breasts. Just as he has perfected the piano, using his foot on the pedals, his fingers playing the keys, reading each bar of notes and translating them; he has perfected you. Perfected multitasking.
He presses your breast up and squeezes gently. His palm presses against your nipple and you curse the bra and shirt you are wearing. You need to feel more of him.
He watches your face as he slips his fingers out of you and pushes back in with a wonderful lewd, noise. Your mouth opens releasing a breath.
"I want to hear you," he says, sitting up. The first words he has spoken today, his voice rough and deep. You happily oblige, releasing a moan as he slowly builds the speed of his fingers.
His gaze is locked on your face, every wave of pleasure that moves across your brow sending a wonderful surge of emotion and pleasure through his body.
He leans down and kisses your thigh as his thumb hooks up and moves against your clit. He's watched you; he knows how you like to be touched and learned every movement that makes up your symphony of pleasure. You are the greatest piece of music that he will ever create, and much like the piano, he had nothing to do with its creation; it is all you. He just knows which note comes with which press of a key and how to put everything together to make you sing.
His movements have built, fingers sliding in and out of you with precision and speed. Then he stills and presses a third finger into you. A loud moan fills the room, followed quickly by an echo of his own moan.
He sucks on your inner thigh and his hand grips your breast tightly. His thumb slides over your clit and you feel nothing but the sensation of your orgasm build. He abandons your thigh to take your clit back in his mouth, his tongue pressing against it and the sensation continues to build.
"Don't stop," you moan and every word that spills out of you is accompanied by a chorus of breaths.
"Right there."
Your walls clench around him as you spill out a long note. He licks everything up that you give him. His fingers push you through your orgasm until finally, he slowly slides out of you, and your breath catches as you adjust to the empty feeling.
He leaves a kiss on your inner thigh before his hand on your breast drops to the floor and he pushes himself up. He stares at you as he slides his fingers into his mouth and licks them clean. You bite your lip as you watch him.
His chin shines with your juices and he wipes at his chin as he stares down at you. His tongue slips out and he licks his lips. This time it's you that lets out a "fuck" and he chuckles.
You push yourself up off the bench, legs a little weak under you, but you close the small space between and crash your lips against his. You can taste yourself and you moan against his lips.
His hand grips the back of your head as he kisses you back with fervor. Both of you are unable to get enough of the other.
It's you that moves your kisses to his jaw, kissing up until you have his earlobe between your lips, sucking lightly before you bite down and he shivers against you. You smile into the embrace; his hand grips your neck and you release his ear. You lick his neck before slowly lowering yourself onto your knees; he releases you but caresses your cheek as you pause and look up at him. He gives you a short nod and you bite your lip as you pull his joggers and briefs down.
You don't care how many times you've been presented with his cock but every time you see it like this, your mouth waters and you are amazed at how beautiful he is.
You lean forward, your tongue slipping out between your lips as you lick his tender tip. The salty citrus taste of his precum falls against your tastebuds and you moan just as his cock twitches against your mouth.
"Baby," he lets out with a breath.
You lift him for a moment, your hand cupping his balls as you lick them tenderly. He pushes down on your head as he moans, desperate for more.
You make a trail with your tongue, up his ball sack and his shaft until you taste his precum again and slowly you take him in your mouth, inch by glorious inch.
"Fuck," he gasps as you relax your throat and push him all the way in until he hits the back of your mouth.
You push down further until you gag around him and pull yourself off him.
"Fuck my mouth," you say as you look up at him and he runs his thumb against your bottom lip. You're desperate for him to take control again, unsure if you're able to do any of the work that is required of you as your head hasn't cleared from the kiss, the ache between your thighs still ringing like a bell.
"As you wish."
He takes his cock in his hand and taps your lip with his thumb. You open your mouth, sticking out your tongue. He gently bounces the tip of his pink head before he pushes in until he can feel the back of your throat again.
"That's right, baby, take all of me."
You gag and for a moment, you get relief as he slides out of you and then pushes deep. You feel drool slip down your chin and marvel at how sexy you feel. You love giving this to him, letting him take control.
He marvels at the beauty that you are. How generous you are, not just in these moments but always.
Your head swims as you hollow out your cheeks and take his balls again in your hand, massaging them gently as he moans above you. His voice is dark and filled with lust as he showers you with compliments.
"You're amazing."
"Oh my god, baby!"
Then suddenly he pulls out of you and taps the bottom of your chin, nodding you up to stand.
"Turn around. I need you." His eyes are wild with desire and you nod, unable to think of anything else but the craving you have for him. You do as he says, bending down and gripping the piano bench as he lines himself up with your entrance.
Your tummy hangs and while you have felt too vulnerable in this position with previous lovers, with Yoongi, you don't. You feel like the sexiest woman that has ever existed. The sexiest woman that he has ever laid his eyes on.
He pushes in and your fingers tighten around the edge of the bench as you join the other in a beautiful harmony of moans.
You love how he fills you. He loves how he feels wrapped up in your tight, warm walls. He's never loved anyone as much as he loves you. Never desired anyone as much as he desires you and he gives your ass a little slap, groaning as he watches it move around his hand.
He takes no time in picking up his pace, drilling into you at a fast rate that makes your head spin. His hands press into your hips as he grips you to keep him upright, watching your tight and beautifully thin skin slipping around his cock.
He moans your name and directly in front of you stands the instrument that he plays such beautiful music with; this is the best sound you have heard all day.
It's hurried and fast. It doesn’t take long until you’re coming again. Your walls pulsate around him, arms shaking as pleasure rips through your body, relaxing and tightening every muscle in its wake. Your fingers grip the side of the bench tighter to keep yourself upright. Your legs feel weak under you, his hands holding your hips, doing more than just helping him with leverage.
He moans, "Fuck baby, you feel so amazing."
He continues to fuck you through your orgasm until he pulls out and with a few quick strokes, you feel his hot seed spill onto your ass, causing you to moan his name.
He leans down and kisses your back before he pulls his white shirt off and wipes you down.
You turn and collapse against the bench, your legs too weak to carry you anymore. You can feel your orgasm slowly leave you and he kneels in front of you. He leans up and kisses you gently.
"What was that for?" You ask as you look at him and watch as the corner of his mouth twitches upward.
"You," he answers and you feel like your heart is going to burst.
The afternoon sun shines on the wood floor, lighting them up. The plants that decorate your living room soak every morsel of light they can get and you smile as your hand drifts over his chest. Your fingers draw invisible lines as your tongues dance together to a tune that plays in his head.
You are his muse, the reason the sounds of the violins, haegeums, and drums have gotten louder and clearer. He wishes he could compose the way you make him feel. He has tried, but everything comes up short and yet Min Yoongi never gives up on himself and so, he continues to try, going to you for inspiration when it wanes.
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erotikkook · 2 years
Happy Birthday To Me <3
I haven't been active on Tumblr for quite a while but I thought, at least for the purpose of wishing myself a happy 19th birthday, I'd slide on in! For all of my followers who have supported me since the start of my time here on Tumblr as a writer (a year as of today, my birthday!) -- thank you for all your support. I appreciate each and every one of you and I'm so happy that you all have stuck around as long as you have. It means the absolute world to me!
Aside from my lovely followers, I'd like to give another thank you to all the friends I've made here! I'll give notes to a few within this post, and tag others, but thank you for the joy each and every one of you have brought to my life over the course of my life this past year! Now on to the sappy shit:
To @chemicalpink - You've become one of my closest friends and I'm so, so honoured to have such an amazing person in my life. You're constantly there to not only just laugh and have fun but also to help me when I need it. I appreciate the love and support you've shown me thus far and I hope you know I'd do absolutely anything for you.
To @ressjeon - I want to not only thank you for being one of the absolute lights of my life, but also wish you a happy birthday too! I know I've already wished you a happy birthday but I wanted to do it one more time. I love you to the moon and back, thank you for being such an amazing friend, and I hope we can be friends for years to come. I love you so much <3
To @jimilter - I know that sometimes I can be a piece of work, but I appreciate the love and care you've shown for me. I know I'm not always easy to deal with, but it warms my heart to know that you're there for me and care about me. Thank you for being an absolutely amazing person and I love you so, so, so much.
To @limjaeseven - I know it's been a while since we last talked, considering how busy life has been, but I always appreciate your input. You're one of the most admirable people I know and I can always count on you to have good advice stored somewhere at all times.
To @aglassofpinkchampagne - We met what feels like forever ago, but I know that now I can't live without your absolutely terrible puns. I can always count on you to make me laugh and thank you so much for being such a constant part of my life, I know I've been absent but I know I can always count on you to brighten my day.
To @aquagustd - I know that we haven't been friends for al that long, but you're an absolutely amazing friend, with an absolutely amazing brain for storytelling. I love hearing your thoughts an opinions about writing and you've become an amazing friend!
To @playmetheclassics - INDIGO, light of my absolute life, thank you so much for being such an amzing friend. You're one of the kindest people I've met and I can't believe I have the honour of being your friend. I always love being able to hear about your day and what's going on in your life -- I love you so much and thank you for being here with me <3
To @faithalenora - I know your birthday was a bit ago, but happy birthday either way! I love you and hope you have a wonderful rest of the year. You're an amazing writer and I'm so honoured to be able to watch you learn and grow!
To @introlxv - Onyx, thank you so much for all you've done for me. You're an amazing friend and your banner making skills are absolutely incredible. I admire your work so much and on top of that, I love all the conversations we have. Remember that I'm always here for you and love you the most!
Some other amazing people I've met: @chateautae @taegularities @amourtae @yutasthetic @allannahmalik @kookdiaries @jeonjcngkook @moccahobi @caiuscassiuss @aroseforyoongi, and so many more!
I have so many other people who have made my life a little bit brighter, and I love and appreciate you all so much! Happy one year anniversery and 19th birthday to me!
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kimtaegis · 2 years
combining two different tag games into one cause I’m a cheater! Thank you to @itsallaboutzayn, @hobeah, @myork, @taejinnies, @gukqi and @seokjjn who either tagged me in the “share you home screen, lock screen, last song you listened to and last photo you’ve taken” or “you’re starring in a movie with the last person saved in your camera roll and the last song you listened to is the title” game! Love all of you so much
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… yes, the last picture I actually took was a photo of my laptop screen showing a tweet cause anyone can do normal screenshots. edited: Just realised I should NOT share these photos in any way so instead have a snapshot of my hometown’s lake 💗 ANYWAY is jimin catapulting himself onto the moon in that movie? Am I waiting for him there? I have so many questions?? (also happy birthday jonghyun, I discovered that song a while back through one of @textsfrombangtan’s Spotify playlists and I’ve loved it ever since 🤍)
I’m tagging @userkoo, @taeunwoo, @taegularities, @mochiofbusan, @kithtaehyung, @frillyfairyprincess and @abtssideblog (lizzy you’re tagged too)! Do the one you like more or do both or none at all I’ll love you either way <3
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btsmosphere · 2 years
tagged by @taegularities 💜💜
rules ; post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released this year (not necessarily your most popular), your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year, your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year!
top 5 works i’m most proud of
the web: we all know my whole heart is made of mafia aus so this couldn’t not make it onto the list haha. I had a lot of fun with this series
breathe again: I feel like I did kinda acheive ghibli vibes with this fic. it’s just very wholesome and heartfelt, so it feels very personal
highway to you: when I say Rent Free!! this yoongi can have my entire soul, I have so many headcannons about this couple too. I would love to write more of them someday
across the tracks: probably my biggest project this year, it was so fun adapting the film into this while putting my own spin on it. very obsessed with this tae
not your time: this drabble was just quite healing to write. idk, it just has a ~vibe~ that I like a lot
top 4 current WIPs i’m excited to release this year
eek you act as if I have 4 stories!!! I have several bits and pieces but not sure how many of them I can confidently call ‘wips’.. my motivation has been waning so I’ve been trying to focus on a smaller number of things while others may never see the light of day. I’ll try to list four but no one is allowed to hold me to this ok:
supercharged: jk, enemies to lovers, supervillain au. VERY excited about this
between the pages: namjoon, childhood friends to lovers, period drama. think jane austen with the heroine running across the moors in a storm.. yeah
sunken heart: namjoon, atlantis au with demigod!joon and royalty!reader. there’s gonna be seamonsters
untitled: jin, spy au... kinda. no i wont elaborate
my top 3 biggest improvements in my writing over the past year
this is HARD. I did most of my writing earlier in the year and it’s fallen off a bit towards the end, so it’s kinda difficult to think of. but here goes:
using prompts: this year I tried drabble games for the first time, and also took part in some birthday events for the bts writers’ club, all of which involved prompts and now I feel very comfortable working with them, which is great! the zenith was probably using 12 prompts for one story, which was a challenge to say the least, but I did it!
starting/ending stories: looking back on my fics this year, I was pretty happy with all my opening and ending lines, which are things that have always intimidated me a bit in the past
varying descriptions: I think I’ve become familiar with words/phrases that I tend to overuse or fall back on, so I’m more able to avoid them and put more variety into my stories
my top 2 resolutions when it comes to my blog/writing
make sure to reply! I love whenever people interact to say they’ve enjoyed my writing, and I always try to reply, but I think sometimes I slip up and forget, so I want to be more diligent about that because I appreciate every kind word!
get back into writing regularly. first I was in slump central and now I’m swamped with uni work, but once my dissertation is done in around march, I can’t wait to have more time and energy for writing because I have lots of ideas I’m excited to share!
my favourite line i’ve written this year
my ending line from across the tracks: the tracks whizzed by below you, taking you to a city where they wouldn’t divide you.
tagging @eternalseokjin @aglassofpinkchampagne @crazy4myself @pars-ley @eatjeanjin @joheunsaram @joonscypher if you wanna do it! also, anyone else who fancies joining in!
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ssscentral · 3 years
Midnight Melodies | For Chelle
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Summary: Yoongi has a little surprise for you that leaves you entirely breathless.
pairing: Yoongi x female reader
rating: GA
genre: established relationship; fluff
warnings: none except that yoongi is an absolutely delightful partner and loves his girl to the moon and back <3
wc: 1k
member: Rid || @taegularities
a/n: with all my exams, assignments and vaccine brain, i couldn’t do much all week :( but you’re such a dear friend to me, so i HAD to write at least a little something for my favourite chellington <3 happy birthday again, mochi @ddaechwita​, even if i’m late with the present lol i love you so so much !!! and thank you to @hoebii for beta’ing this so fast, super thankful <3
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The air in the garden is lively and busy, chatters and laughter filling the fresh atmosphere of the night as you shift from one leg to another. The champagne flute in your hand is supposed to serve as decoration more than anything, and your eyes keep darting from left to right impatiently.
He actually promised to be here with you twenty minutes ago, but instead of holding your hand right now, he’s nowhere to be seen. You fix your dress with your free hand, time passing extremely slow as you smile at the relatives who pass you by occasionally.
The fact that it’s your birthday doesn’t seem to mean anything to anyone as you sigh into the warm and crisp June air, watching stars sparkle in the night sky before you start looking for constellations. And then, the ringtone of your phone pulls you out of your daydream, and you’re quick to place the flute onto a garden table nearby, so you can fish the device out of your semi-expensive, glittery handbag.
“Where are you?” you hiss into the speaker, growing frustrated at his absence as you walk back into the building.
At first, you only hear his steady breaths, but then he inhales deeply, clearing his throat as he says, “Come to the music room.”
More he doesn’t tell - more you can’t ask. Because right after the last word leaves him, he hangs up, leaving you to find the room alone in the big chateau you’ve rented just for your special day. Fortunately, you still remember the way to the aforementioned hall, the memory still fresh in your mind as it was the room that excited you the most - even if you knew you weren’t going to use it.
As you open the heavy door, the sounds of your high heels echo from the walls, stepping into a moonlit room that reminds you of fantasy movies and soft lullabies. You keep looking, seemingly the only existence between the four walls; other than the enormous window that allows the light to flow in freely, the only thing that catches your attention is the piano.
You want to approach the instrument, play a note or two - that is, until you experience the biggest scare of your life, hands creeping up your stomach and settling there as Yoongi’s tender voice says, “You made me wait long enough.”
A dramatic gasp escapes your lips, head shooting to the side and missing his nose by just a few inches. Your foot buckles slightly, almost making you lose your balance before he catches you and straightens mid-action.
“What the hell, Yoongi?” you breathe, annoyance written clearly in your eyes, and he laughs.
“I’m sorry for scaring you,” he apologises through his gummy smile, taking your soft palm into his as he leads you to the piano slowly. He’s walking backwards, clearly used to the room by now as he stops right in front of the instrument’s stool, sitting down and bringing you between his legs.
You look down into his crescent eyes and see the affection clear as day in the darkness that engulfs you. You don’t know why you never bothered to turn on the light - instead, you look around again, the Twilight-esque feeling so apparent before you drift your gaze back to your own, little makeshift vampire.
You laugh at the thought, tilting your head as your locks fall into your face. “So what are we doing here?”
“We are…” he begins, lifting his legs and turning around on the seat as he pats the spot next to him, “...surprising you.”
“Are we now?” you ask as you sit down beside him, pulling your dress down again and then crossing your legs.
Yoongi nods, a small hum vibrating in his chest. “For all the bad and good times and every second you make me happy and smile… this is for you, baby.”
He doesn’t give you a chance to respond to his announcement, only pulling his lips into a lopsided smile before his nimble fingers settle on the black and white keys. The first tone starts soft. Gentle, barely audible.
The beginning stays just that, a soft touch of the keys and breathtaking succession of beautiful notes. You fixate your eyes on the veins of his hands, pupils moving as his fingers do so smoothly, playing the prettiest and loveliest melody you’ve ever heard in your life.
Not even the pianist at your big day had managed to mesmerise you the way Yoongi does. And as the song progresses, you start to physically feel the love, affection and every unspoken whisper it emanates, things that words could never convey.
By the time he’s done, you’re crying through your waterproof make-up, sniffling endearingly before you bring the back of your hand to your face to wipe away the tears that managed to escape. You nod before he can ask, voice and breath shaky as you tell him, “Thank you... This is definitely not what I expected when you kept saying you were working late on new music.”
“You didn’t, huh?” he confirms with another grin, arms pulling you in close as his hand rubs your bare arm fondly. His lips press on your hair multiple times, leaving pecks until he hears you giggle in the sweet way he fell in love with when he first met you. “Did you like it or are you crying because it was so horrible?”
Your chuckles intensify, a hand pinching his thigh lightly as you promise, “Best present ever.”
“I’m sorry for disappearing. The nerves kicked in and I-” He pauses, sighing as he places his cheek on your head, “-wanted this to be perfect.”
“It was,” you assure, leaving his embrace and placing your hand on his cheek, “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too, angel,” he answers, leaning in to press his lips on yours. And when he backs away again, his thumb brushes yours delicately, nose rubbing against yours as he tells you, “Happy birthday - and marriage anniversary, my love.”
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if you liked it, leave a like or reblog, these things go a long way <3
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taegularities · 1 year
happy two years to you artist !!!! i may have discovered your blog recently but it has been a comfy cloud or wait i think its been an art gallery since your works are just art. thank you so much for your hardwork and patience and everything. your writing is truly beautiful, thanking for giving me comfort.
whether you found your way here just recently or long time ago, i'm just so happy that you did 🥺 you've been nothing but kind to me, so i'm glad i can give something back, be it comfort or art. thank you so much for being so damn sweet, bby !! appreciate you always 🤍
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hoebii · 3 years
Birthday Bash
Pairing : Squirrel hybrid!Kim Seokjin x Fox hybrid!Kim Taehyung (MXM)
Genre : Fluff, hybrid!au, established relationship
Rating : PG13
Warnings : Swearing
Wc : 1.6k
A/N : Okay before all, thank you @taegularities​ and @kassrole​ for being my beta, you guys are the best <3 Second- HAPPY BIRTHDAY @aroseforyoongi​ HOPE YOU HAVE A BLAST AND THIS YEAR TREATS YOU LIKE THE QUEEN YOU ARE <333 I hope you like my present for you~ Thank you for being so nice and welcoming all the time, you’re the best <3 OH I COMPLETELY FORGOT - I got the ‘We were supposed to bring the cake for our mutual friend’s birthday party but we got in a fight over who should carry it to the car and now the cake is on the floor and HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM!’ prompt from @creativepromtsforwriting !!
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Taehyung was in the middle of a meeting when his phone buzzed. His ears twitched at the low buzzing- he had initially decided to ignore it till after the meeting was over. But with how much it was vibrating, he sighed in mild annoyance before taking his phone out as discreetly as he could to not alert anyone else. 
His annoyance got replaced with curiosity when he saw it was a new group chat named ‘SURPRISE BITCHES’. Clicking open the chat box, Taehyung almost snorted at what was on his screen, alerting the others but he paid no mind to the questioning gazes.
           ~Jinnie created group~
          ~Jinnie named the group ‘SURPRISE BITCHES’~
 Jinnie : Make sure it’s AMAJIN *laughing sticker*
       ~Jinnie has left the chat~
  Kook : ...what just happened 
  Park Brat : We have to plan a party for hyung now, I guess?
  Kook : Yeah, no shit shorty but wth was that o.O
The rest of the chat had transformed into the two arguing with each other. Taehyung put his phone down and leaned back into his chair, closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead. He was surrounded by children. Absolute children.
After the meeting had ended, Taehyung was walking back to his office when his phone rang, playing a sound akin to... Spongebob’s laugh? Taehyung’s ears stood straight on alert as he checked his screen, eyebrows raised in surprise at the odd tone - someone had changed his ringtone again. 
Seeing it was a call from none other than the soon-to-be 29 years old, Kim Seokjin, he picked up the phone with a sigh, “What’s up, hyung?”
“Did you see the group?”
“Hello to you, too, I haven’t had lunch yet, have you? My day has been pretty busy, thanks for asking,” Taehyung started, completely ignoring what the older man had asked, snickering when he started scolding Taehyung on the other side.
“Stop being a brat! Did you see the group I made?” Jin whined. Taehyung could almost imagine Jin’s furrowed brows as he paced around wherever he was. 
“Yes hyung, I saw the group you made,” Taehyung finally answered, smiling softly when he heard a happy gasp come from the excitable squirrel hybrid. 
“So what?” he asked, trying to keep a neutral face while passing by employees when he heard a grunt on the other line.
“So, what did you plan? What are you getting me?”
“I thought it was supposed to be a surprise?”
“Yeah but I want to know!”
“Oh well, if you really want to know,” Taehyung started, humming as if in deep thought, “we haven’t planned a single thing.”
“You’re joking, right?”
“When have I ever joked around? I am the most serious person you can ever meet,” he announced dramatically, stepping into his office and closing the door behind.
“You’re no fun, I’m calling Namjoon.” Jin huffed before hanging up, giving the other man no time to reply.
Taehyung laughed to himself, deciding to call the group to check on the plan, given they had made any rather than arguing like before. Taehyung would have their head if they didn’t make this the best birthday for Jin.
It was the day of the party. Everyone had arrived at the venue, Taehyung noted as he scanned the place - except two people. The two who were in charge of the cake.
He was about to call one of them when his phone buzzed in his pocket. Taking out the device, he instantly picked up the call when he saw the caller ID being displayed as ‘Kook’.
“Where are you two?! Hoseok and Yoongi hyung are gonna bring Jin here any minute! Even Namjoon hyung has arrived!”
“Okay, don’t get mad…” Jungkook started after Taehyung finished his rant, “we sort of have a problem.”
“What problem?”
“Well, you see. Uh. Well. Listen, don’t be mad,” the bunny hybrid stuttered, causing Taehyung’s concern to rise tenfold. 
“Oh give me that,” he heard Jimin say on the line before his voice chimed in, “yeah, hi. I know we were supposed to bring the cake for Jin, but we kinda got in a fight over who should carry it from the car and now the cake is on the floor and HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM!”  
Hearing no reply for a moment, Jimin asked, “Tae? You there?”
“You… dropped the cake?”
“Accidentally, yes,” the cat hybrid answered, getting nervous the longer he got no answer. He had thought Taehyung would blow a fuse, but there was no screaming… yet.
“Fix. This.”
“Fix the mess you made. Don’t show your face unless you do.”
Jimin raised his brow at his words, “Do you want us to go get another cake? Cause this was a custom one and I don’t think it’s possible to get that so fast.”
“I don’t care, fix it or don’t show up.”
“You serious?”
Taehyung hung up without answering.
The party was coming to an end. Jimin and Jungkook had somehow managed to get another cake - albeit not the one Taehyung had wanted, but it was good enough - and he had made up with the two, apologising for his behaviour earlier. 
“It’s fine, dude. I’d be worse if I was in your place,” Jungkook had said, patting him on the head while saying so.
“Exactly what Kook said, don’t worry too much, man. Enjoy the party, and do not get cold feet,” Jimin had chimed in after the maknae. Taehyung was grateful to have such amazing friends.
He had been standing at the balcony, sipping on champagne when Jin found him.
“What’s up, babe?” he asked, words laced with concern. 
Taehyung sighed, looking down at the drink, “Don’t worry about it. Did you enjoy the party?”
“Don’t change the subject, Tae.”
When Jin got no reply, he sighed, grabbing Taehyung’s face and forcing him to meet his eyes, “The party was amazing. I didn’t expect you people to actually do something when I made the group as a joke. Thank you.”
Staring into Jin’s eyes, Taehyung gulped, nervousness consuming him. He had to do it now or he would cower away again, he decided. 
Stepping away, he placed the glass down on the ledge, “I haven’t given you your gift yet.”
“Gift? This party was enough, honey. You didn’t need to- what are you doing?” Jin started, getting interrupted mid-way when the younger man got down on one knee in front of him.
“I don’t want to be your boyfriend anymore,” Taehyung started, pulling out a velvet box. 
“Is your gift for me to break up? You didn’t have to get down on your knees for that, you know?” Jin asked, trying to act calm, but Taehyung knew him better.
Snorting at his words, Taehyung squinted his eyes at Jin in warning, “Shut up and let me finish before I back down again.”
“When I met you, I never thought we would be together, much less me wanting to spend the rest of my life with you,” Taehyung began his speech, smiling when he saw Jin playfully glare at him, “but you came into my life and made it so much better. I would be a mess without you. I’ve had this ring for months now, never finding the right moment to do it, but now feels as good as any. You always told me to not wait for the right moment and make the moment right, so here I am. Kim Seokjin, will you make me the happiest man alive and-” He was about to finally ask when a clearly drunk Namjoon stumbled onto the balcony.
“There you guys are! Everyone is looking for you two!” he exclaimed, grinning happily at finding his friends, the two barely able to understand what he said.
The smile slipped off of his face when he got no reply, and scanning the scene in front of him, he quickly connected the dots before he was back to smiling happily, his tail wagging furiously and exclaimed, “Oooh Taehyung-ah! Did you propose yet?”
Taehyung stared at him, lips parted in shock, not knowing how to react. His heart sank as the drunk man blubbered on about god knows what. What did he do to deserve this? He wasn’t sure whether he was angry or disappointed at the situation, but what he did know without a doubt, was that he'd teach Namjoon a lesson after this.
Seeing Taehyung deflating each second, Jin pushed Namjoon out of the balcony with a ‘Fuck off, you dumb dog’ - to which he got a very drunk reply of ‘I’m a wolf!’ - before returning to him. Crouching down to be face-to-face with him, Jin smiled reassuringly, taking Taehyung’s hands in his, “Ignore him, baby. Finish what you were saying.” 
“The moment’s ruined.”
“I will smack you if you say that again. The moment is not ruined and if you don’t finish what you were saying right now, I will hunt Namjoon down and push you both off of this balcony.”
“Will you say yes if I do?” Taehyung asked, looking like a kicked puppy as he did so.
“You’re gonna have to say it to find out, won’t you?”
Taking a deep breath, he resumed, “Kim Seokjin, will you marry me?”
“W-what?” Taehyung sputtered, looking at Jin with wide eyes, heart shattering the longer he got no reply.
Jin laughed, “I’m kidding. Of course I’ll marry you.”
“Yah! You’re so mean, why would you ever do that?!” Taehyung whined, “You can’t just joke around li-”
Jin grabbed Taehyung’s face, cutting him off by pulling him into a sweet kiss. He smiled when he felt the other one kiss back instantly, one hand sliding down to intertwine it with the others’.
Pulling away from the kiss, the two smiled at each other, Taehyung slipping the ring on Jin’s finger.
“Best. Birthday. Ever.”
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thebtswritersclub · 2 years
Happy Birthday Eva!
Join us in celebrating our wonderful founder’s birthday, @aroseforyoongi! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication with BWC. Your focus and care for the admin team and the members help keep the network standing and your humor helps further the chaos of our community!  💜 💜 💜
We hope this year is an amazing one and you have a wonderful celebration!
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Eva!!! Happiest of birthdays, friend. I hope your day is wonderful, and that your next year is just as fantastic as you deserve. Eat plenty of Eva-safe cake and /or snacks today!
- Courtney (@casuallyimagining​)
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Eva!!! You are the best parent our net could ever wish for, and you’re always great to talk to! From dnd to bonding over our love of twoset, I always have fun chatting to you. Thank you for making such a great space and being our wonderful light, you deserve the best birthday!! plays you happy birthday very sacrilegiously on the violin
love, ru xxx (@btsmosphere)
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Happy birthday, dear werewolf enthusiast and network mom <3 Thank you for building a safe space not only for me, but everyone in BWC, I think there's really no one who doesn't enjoy their time there. Thank you too for always being kind, understanding, lovable and patient. I've grown so fond of you, never never change!! Hope you have a beautiful birthday and year ahead <3 
 - Yours, Rid x (@taegularities )
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Happiest Birthday, network mom and birthday neighbor!! Thank you for giving me and the rest of us in this net a home/safe space to run to. You’re such an amazing person and I wish nothing but good things to come your way since you deserve that and more! Hope you have a healthy and happy year ahead! 
 - Love lots, Jean (@eatjeanjin )
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Happiest Birthday Mom!! 
Another year of seeing you grow and turn even more splendid  (which wow how does that even happen) !!!! you never cease to amaze me with your passion for things and the love you carry for people you think of as yours and it is just such a privilege and honour to be able to say i count as one of them <3 sending barrels full of my love and adoration. happy birthday eva! 
 - your unhinged child (aditi) xoxoxox (@ditttiii )
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 Geez, we’ve been friends 2 of your birthdays now what the heck - how time flies! Through lots of changes for both of us, laughter, near tears, chaos, and calm. I’m so happy to have met you and am so glad you’re in my life. I hope this birthday is amazing and every one in the future as well!
- @eternalseokjin
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Happy b-day to the love of my life!!! 
 You're an amazing person and the most beautiful human being with the biggest heart. I hope u have a sweet and fun birthday. No matter what, you will always be one of my most cherished friends and favorite people in the entire world. I truly love and admire you. I wish you nothing but amazing things,  you deserve the world. Happy birthday to the bestest person out there!! 🎂 
 Love you, Danna (@unoriginal-username15432 )
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Evaaaa!! You've been amazing and i really appreciate and cherish our friendship!! Many happy returns!
- @aglassofpinkchampagne
Happy Birthday Eva! 
 I hope that you're having an amazing week and an amazing day! I am so thankful for our friendship. Conversations with you and seeing all your amazing nature pics make my days! Thank you for founding this network and all the work you've put into the net! You're so hardworking and caring. Sending you a large virtual hug!!! Love you! 
 XOXO Lillia (@moccahobi )
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voiceswithoutlips · 3 years
Woof! goes the demon
— pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader (Female) — genre: Fluff — word count: 1.3k — Rating: G — warnings: none — collab with: @biaswreckme​ my partner in crime <3
— summary: 
Hoseok nodded at you, taking the paper from your hands. “Y/N, don’t worry, I got this! I love dogs!,” he said cheerfully as he made his way to your living room. You failed to notice how he cautiously looked around the room before entering, or how he avoided sitting on the sofa that Odin was perched on, looking at Hoseok like he was a whole meal. 
— A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY RARACUBE @heejinnien!! I hope you like the fic, its our first attempt at crack (we’re not good at that) HAVE AN AMAZING BIRTHDAY, MAKE LOTS OF MEMORIES, ENJOY YOUR CAKE. YOUR BOOMERS LOVE YOU <333333 — birthday party:  @hoebii, @jinings, @voiceswithoutlips, @biaswreckme, @xiaokoo​ @tae-cup​ @taegularities​ @moccahobi​
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“Hobi!!” you said as you opened the door to your apartment. You had to leave for  an emergency meeting at the office but unfortunately you couldn’t find a dog sitter for your precious puppy so your friend Hoseok had agreed to look after your dog, Odin, for the day. He was standing in the doorway, looking like a runway model with his red hair combed back carefully to show his glorious forehead. He was wearing a grey sweater with washed blue jeans. The sweater had an actual stuffed bear attached to it, it was adorable, you almost reached out to pet the cute plushie. Maybe not the best choice to be a pet sitter, but it was completely and unashamedly Hoseok.
“Hey,” he greeted you with a cute smile and stepped inside to remove his sneakers. 
“Okay, so here’s Odin’s schedule, all you have to do is feed him and play with him a bit, he’s still young so he has a lot of energy,” you instructed as you handed Hoseok a piece of paper. You had written down your dog’s meal times and what he liked to eat to make it easier for Hobi. “You don’t really have to take him for a walk since I’ll be back in a few hours.” 
Hoseok nodded at you, taking the paper from your hands. “Y/N, don’t worry, I got this! I love dogs!,” he said cheerfully as he made his way to your living room. You failed to notice how he cautiously looked around the room before entering, or how he avoided sitting on the sofa that Odin was perched on, looking at Hoseok like he was a whole meal. 
“Thank you so much Hobi, I don't know what I’d have done without you!” you quickly pecked his cheeks and left the apartment, missing how his whole face turned red, like a cute tomato. 
When your boss said the words “emergency meeting” you thought something had gone wrong, turns out he just wanted to go over the project details, again. You had already heard all the arguments and details so you just sat back in your chair and toyed with your phone, bored out of your mind. Your thoughts far away on your favorite boy, Odin, the cutest Shih Tzu you’d ever seen. 
You discreetly moved your phone under the table as your boss rambled on and turned on the application that was linked to your nanny-cam. You had bought one out of concern, since you always left Odin with a dog sitter.
Your jaw almost dropped as soon as you saw what was happening in your living room. Hoseok was standing on the sofa, his blue shark socks in stark contrast to the brown leather, he was holding a chicken breast in his hand. Odin was trying to jump up on the sofa but his tiny legs barely reached the top of the seat, he was yapping at Hoseok, tail wagging at the speed of light. Hoseok bent down on his knees and brought the chicken closer to Odin but instead of going for the chicken, the little Shih Tzu mustered all his strength, leaped high into the air in a graceful display and effectively tore off the left leg of the stuffed bear that adorned Hoseok’s grey sweater. 
You almost jumped in your seat guiltily and quickly looked around to see if anyone had noticed it, but apparently you had been discreet enough. You could see Hoseok was as shocked as you were; he was frozen in place, his eyes and mouth wide open staring at Odin, who was happily running around with the bear’s leg on his mouth, unfazed and unaware of the rip on the human’s sweater with stuffing coming out of it. You had no idea what to do now. Would Hobi be angry with you?
You looked at the clock and even the seconds seemed to slow, the meeting dragging over and seemingly never-ending, until it finally did. You stopped looking at the feed when you saw what happened, a little apprehensive on how Hoseok would react when you talked to him in person, but there was no more stalling. the meeting was finally over and you needed to get home to deal with the situation. You were dreading going home to the chaos and Hobi’s expensive sweater ruined, so you stopped by the bakery to get his favorite treats to try and appease the situation.
You almost considered taking the stairs going up your apartment, but that would be too much of stalling and you didn’t really want to walk up several flights while carrying a big jar of Nutella. You stopped at your front door, pausing and carefully and quietly pressing your ear against the door, trying to listen to what was happening inside.  You heard a loud sneeze with some sniffling noises and a soft, “Odin, no!” You take a deep breath and press the password to enter, gathering the courage, and you step into the place. 
You were certainly not anticipating the scene you found. Hoseok is a tall man, so to see him like that was unexpected, to say the least. You found him perched on the sofa’s armrest, crouching, a panicked expression that was visible not only in his face but his whole body, and Odin was just sitting there, innocently looking at him with his head tilted to the left, that ripped leg still in his mouth. If you didn’t know your dog was a very good boy, by the way Hobi was looking at him, scared like that, it would’ve seemed like Odin was evil incarnate.
You could not believe your own eyes. There was a turned glass on the coffee table, water spilled all over it, the books you usually kept on it ruined for now; there were little pieces of fluff scattered on the floor that you were certain they were from Hobi’s sweater;  Odin’s food bowl was turned over and there was kibble all around it. Had World War III happened at your place and no one let you know?
You gasped when you saw the true state of your friend’s sweater, the second leg of the bear was gone too, stuffing dripping everywhere. It was a massacre. As soon as they heard you, Odin dropped the bear’s leg and ran to you, putting his paws on your legs and stretching his back, tail wagging happily, telling you what a good job he did, while Hoseok stared at you with a look of guilt mixed with shock that you were back earlier than you said you would be. You leaned down to pet Odin’s head, but you maintained Hobi’s gaze and raised your eyebrows.
“What… What happened?” your voice could not hide your state of shock at the scene.
“Oh, its uh….” Hoseok trailed off looking around the room, trying to form an explanation in his head. “Y/N, I have to be honest with you, I think your dog is possessed…” he said in a low voice, almost a whisper. His eyes trained on Odin who was comfortably sitting on the floor, between your legs. 
You looked down at the small Shih Tzu, the puppy looked like an angel, innocent eyes stared back at you with love. You tried to keep it in, but you burst out laughing at the ridiculous thought. You saw Hoseok grinning, he was still sitting on the armrest with half a bear hanging off of him. 
 “By the way Hobi, I’m so sorry that he did that to your sweater...” you start feeling a little guilty, that sweater was really cute and now it was ruined. But deep down you thought it wasn’t entirely the dog’s fault, after all, there was a cute bear dangling off Hoseok the entire time, of course it would strike a dog’s attention. “It must be pretty expensive, and I don’t know if I can afford to buy you a new one or even if it’s mendable at this point…” you rambled, nervously clenching your hands.
Hoseok looked at you with amusement in his eyes, clearly not mad about what your dog had done to him and his clothes.
“Well… you have to repay me for that expensive sweater, don’t you think?” he smirked,  “So ...how about a date?"
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knjsnoona · 3 years
🎮30 Questions Tag 🎮
Tagged by @joonswolf 
name/nickname: amelia
star sign: sagittarius 
height: 162.5 cm
birthday: december 
favorite band: oooof that’s hard.... and so limiting lol
time: 7:48am
favorite solo artist: uhhh can’t pick
song stuck in your head: enterainer by zayn [prob my fave song from that album]
last movie you watched: dr strange 
 free space!: uhhhhhhhhh you trusted the wrong hoe lol
last show: loki and i still haven’t watched the last ep... imma cry
when i created this blog: i moved this blog to this account it’s prob from 2017 but 2021 since we’re starting fresh lol
what i post: bts fics and just me being thirsty 
last thing i googled: michelle rodriguez lol
other blogs: @knjsnoonarecs just a fic recs blog~
do i get asks?: uhh no lol
why i chose my url?: because i’m in love with beautiful joon and i’m older than him
following: bruh i follow to many amazing and talented individuals to be able to post them all here
followers: 37~ I’m so excited afh;ag and happy! thank you for your support!
average hours of sleep: uhh it used to be like 2-3, but lately it’s been anywhere from 5-8
lucky number: i don’t think i have any... but i do love 3, 9 and 15 lol
instruments: i don’t have any lol but i do like drums and guitar
what am i wearing?: black leggins, grey cami and an oversized corpse husband hoody
dream job: honestly anything with film production or art
favorite food: oooof idk i love lots but i def know anything with chicken. i freaking love chicken
tea or coffee: tea, moreover herbal tea! i can’t do caffeined since i’m sensitive to ir [but on a rare occassion i do get a caramel frap. live on the wild side right? lol] 
nationality: uh i always get this confused with race.... i’m not sure which is which sometimes.. sorry i’m stoopid
favorite song: my fave song of all time? will always be bloodsport by raleigh ritchie
last book i read: iq84
top three fictional universes i would like to live in: hmmm mcu, lord of the rings, my hero academia
tagging @eatjeanjin @siredsong @taegularities @kookingtae @bangtanhome and one that wants to. also i’m so sorry for spam tagging aghagre
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floralseokjin · 3 years
5th anniversary replies!!
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@underthejoon replied: Happy blog birthday, babe!! You and your writing are a gift!!!!!
Thank you so much Fal! ILY 💖
@illwritetomorrow replied: Congrats boo!!! I love your writing thank you for sharing it with us!!
aww thank you so, so much <33
@randombtsprincessa replied: Congratulations on the anniversary babe!! Here's to more blossoming years and Seokjins!
Thank you 🥰
@yoonia replied: Happy blog anniversary!!!
Thank you Dia!!!
@nomunamuinmybrain replied: 💜💕Happy anniversary to the supreme dilf seokjin blog/writer!💕💜
hahahaha thank you and thanks for making me laugh! 💞
@atastefulwonderland replied: Jordaaaan!!! Happy anniversary 😍🎉🎉 5 years, this is so amazing ❤ Thank YOU for sharing all your incredible work with us! I've been reading your work for years and I'm so happy I made a Tumblr and started interacting with you a year ago ❤❤ You are such a sweetheart 🥺 Here's to many more years 😎 Xx
Aw, thank you always! Your love and support means so much to me 💕
@coree730 replied: Happy Anniversary!!! You are one of my favorite writers!! Thanks for your entertaining stories!!!
Thank you so much! Glad my stories are enjoyable for you <3 
@unequalbrows replied: happy anniversary jordan! thank you for all the amazing works you post, we really appreciate them!!!
thank you 🥺 this means a lot!
@ethereal-jin replied: happy anniversary jordan!!! I haven’t been here for too long but know that your blog/writings make me so happy 💓 thank you for sharing your amazing work with us, it’s such an honor to read and be a part of something so great ☺️
Thank you for reading and always being so kind in your tags and asks 💖 it really means a lot!
@abyssnamedaeri replied: Happy anniversary!! Thank you for sharing your amazing work 🥳
Thank you so much!!!
@fluffyblackneko replied: Happy anniversary ❤️ you are one of the first writers that I found here and I am so happy to have discovered your works😍✨ thanks for sharing your writing with us
Thank you for reading, I’m so happy you enjoy my stories 💖
@bonvoyagenoona replied: Aw, happy blog birthday! You're a fun, wonderful voice, and a fantastic talent! 💜
Thank you, Cheryl 🥺💕
@seokjinger-ale replied: Happy Anniversary, Jordan!! 🥳💜 Thank you so much for sharing your incredible talent and creativity and for being such a lovely and positive presence on this site! Finding your blog and reading your fics has truly been one of my favorite experiences in the BTS fandom. Wishing you many more happy years to come!! 🥰
You are so kind 🤧I really appreciate all your love and support! Thank you 💖
@truelyawallflower replied: To my favorite blog on tumblr! Congratulations 🍾 ahhhh do you happen to have a “buy you a coffee” tab? Or anything I’d love to send a small token of gratitude for this blog. Your writing is superb and your post are always friendly and welcoming thank you for sharing
I don’t, but I really appreciate the thought, thank you! Your support and kinds words are enough for me, truly! 💞
@bri-mal replied: Happy Anniversary!!!!! 🥳🎊🥂🎉 I love your work! So happy when I get your notifications 😊
Thank you very much! I’m so glad! <3
@wacdon replied: thank you!! 💜
No, thank you!
@taegularities replied: aw happy anniversary !! <3
thank you so much!
@kpopfanfictrash replied: Congratulations Jordan!! 💜✨🌸
Thank you Shanna!! 😘
@seabiiscuit replied: Happy anniversary! You are one of my favorites here. 🥰 Thank you for working hard and sharing your fics to us! I always enjoy them! You are so talented and amazing! 💖 
Thank you so much for reading! I’m so happy you enjoy them 🤗💕
@hantaev replied: happy 5 years 🥰🥰
Thank you!! 💞
@jinpanman​ replied: Happy blogiversary💖💖💖💖 you are a wonder and a gift to this place 😍😍 and it has been an absolute!! joy!! seeing your writing grow as you continue to create!💖💖
Thank you so much, honestly! It really means a lot to me 💕🥺
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