#have a great day!
star-trekster · 5 months
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🌟❤️Sparkle on it’s Wednesday, from the Major!❤️🌟
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ao3-shenanigans · 2 months
Shenanigans is one of my favourite words!!! I'm so happy I found this blog. :D
I’m glad you like it! Shenanigans is also a word I like a lot! :D
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majorproblems77 · 29 days
Bonus links is back which means so am I! Welcome back to my Comic analysis corner :D
You liked my rambling last time so here I am to once again ramble about this comic I love.
Its a wonderul comic and always so well made. Please go look at it if you haven't, it's well worth it. :D
All comic panels and art belong to @bonus-links and the artist @ezdotjpg. Please go and look at their other stuff too!
Grab some popcorn and a drink, and let's get started, shall we!
First these two, I love this frame right off the bat.
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Give me more of these two please I love them okay
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Loft looks so worried can you hear the fear i can hear the fear. Poor man give him a break.
Oblatory obsession with SKSW link in various links meet aus.
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I love him a healthy amount. I love his design and think about him often.
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Oh this frame
This frame is very pretty
I love the golden light in the middle, and how she basically makes up the lower part of the symbol. It reminds me of ribbon. Which is fitting considering we get red string all over this comic. (I still need to go into that at one point)
It makes me wonder if we see the other Zelda's more in this context if they too will get the golden ribbon rather than the red string. As I'm seeing it as a way to show how they are connected like how the links are connected.
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Panic mode engaged
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I'm living for evil laser eye slate. Straight up looks like hes about to pounce on this man and kill him
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Slates thinking face
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I love it
I love these two. Interesting how dismissive Wolf is being at this stage. (currently playing through TP so I dont know a lot about the triforce in it but I assume it's still there)
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Lots to unpack in this one and i love it
Wake vibing in the rain i can kinda understand.
Wolf just looks kinda done with it tbh and I'm here for it its a vibe.
Slate covering the little fairy pal from the rain is low-key giving me life I love him
And Loft, looking up at the clouds with just pure annoyance in his eyes. Like my man, I know you don't like storms but please the clouds didn't do anything to you. (Yet...)
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I can hear the music in my head as these actions are being done. Like, they are ingrained into my soul after watching enough wind waker playthroughs.
It's awesome he gets to use it with the melody he's learned. More windwaker melodies please i love seeing them used more
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Hold on tight indeed! Cause it's about to get HECKIN WIMDY
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Such an excited bean i love him
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Help him
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Help him so much man has fear
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This little picture has me cackling, im sorry loft but omg.
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And Slate looks so damn excited for this and honestly he deserves it.
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Just his little face
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Goddammit linebeck, man is just so done with the shenanigans by now. Impressive he's managing to drink from a cup while they are spinning like that. Man has got some amazing arm control to keep it together.
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Tetra and Aryll! Them!!!
Also, can you hear the splash as the ship hits the water? People must be used to hearing the sound of a huge gale, then a massive splash and are just like...
Oh, link must be back again.
Love it
Hope you had fun with me today as I went through this one. More rambling than questions this time around which is nice i love just being excited about characters I enjoy. :D
That's all from me tho, until next time!
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lazulian-devil · 8 months
As promised to @maidofdarkness23, here is the first of several breakdowns on the villains of Skulduggery Pleasant.
The Villains of Skulduggery Pleasant
We start at the beginning, in Phase 1, Book 1 (which doesnt have a subname as far as I know, its only titled Skulduggery Pleasant).
Nefarian Serpine
Certified best villain ever (I am not biased).
Alright, so first of all:
We are talking about Book 1, the beginning of the series and a book that (in comparison to all the others) is still working with a world that hasnt been established, ideas that arent entirely fixed yet and vibes that are still a little different.
Nefarian Serpine - for all his flaws - embodies this hard. He is almost larger than life in the first book, a reputation that he doesnt really hold in his other Leibnitz dimension appearances. In comparison to every other villain of the week, he lives in an ellaborate, gothic castle filled with hollow papermen and everytime the castle is described, the accompanying thunder and dark clouds are implied.
He never has much screentime, but Dereks perspective style writing lends him just enough depth that his cartoonishness turns sinister and plotting. His interactions with Bliss showcase a man that is deeply aware of his wrongdoings and yet consistently smiles into the face of distrust and hatred. This man knows how to play the game. He is too sure of himself, which makes reading about his movements and actions so full of dread. The question is not only "What has he done in his past?" but the much worse question of "What is he actually doing right now?"
How far will he go, surrounded in his castle by papermen, alone, twirling a wine glass.
In essence, Serpine is a silly villain, so cladden in clichés and stereotype that he is almost larger than the sum of his parts. His shadow is bigger than his body.
The first book establishes that he alone is the reason for Skulduggery Pleasants misery, loss of wife and child, as well as skin and body. A traumatic position that (afaik) no other villain even so much as came close to. The stakes are - of course - world saving level, but they also hold a personal pain that very few following villains in Phase 1 come close to.
In terms of atrocities commited against Skulduggery, hes probably second to none. Even China just followed his lead and never actually plotted or - worse - put them into motion.
The interest in most other villains comes down to
A) saving the world.
B) some kind of moral or ethical conundrum about the world of sorcerers.
But very rarely
C) literally facing the root of your trauma (for Skulduggery) or establishing a root (for Valkyrie).
(Quick Sidenote: Serpines death signifies both Skulduggeries "closure" with his old self and Valkyries acceptance of her new self. Once again, Serpine is not only a foil but also a catalyst).
It is also a great setup to reveal Skulduggerys less heroic sides: His wrath and his care for Valkyrie and Valkyrie alone. The two things that would, throughout the whole series, stay consistent.
Serpine is foil to Skulduggery in even more ways than that, revealing that the same cocksureness and self importance is an incredibly annoying feat in literally anyone else. Going up against Skulduggery must be infuriating, because going up against Serpine definitely is.
And hes also funny.
Have I mentioned how fucking funny Serpine is? Wanting to turn Skulduggery into a piano, absolutely able to hold his wit against the onslaught of insults and quibs exchanged.
Its also important to distinguish this Serpine from the Leibnitz Serpine. His Leibnitz equivalent foils a Skulduggery and Valkyrie that are much further along on their way to madness - he acts just enough like his original (after all, its only been like, what... Six? Seven? books?) but there are still some differences. I'll get to that. Someday.
Back to OG Serpine.
What do we have so far?
Serpine is an almost cartoonish assortment of tropes (the hand, the castle, the general vibe) but somehow, it works. Hes just a little "more" than his tropes, alluding to a three dimensionality he doesnt actually posess, but we have enough to believe it to be there.
He is clearly a product of the series not being established, which explains his constant later downplays (him being the weakest between Vengous, Vile and Serpine for example is only established long after Vengous and Serpine are dead).
He is the most personal villain that the Duo - and especially Skulduggery - face and its hilarious, that its literally the first book.
He is in so many ways exactly like Skulduggery. Full of himself, magically skilled beyond sense, insane (Im looking at you, Faceless Ones Dimension), obsessed with his own aesthatics, also literally a former Mevolent Higherup/Endboss/what do you even call that, witty, sarcastic, smart and able to plot etc. Etc.
He is both the door finally closing for Skulduggery and the door being blasted open for Valkyrie.
We'll come back to him, dont worry. His weirdass villain castle is used by Scarab and Billy-Ray in another book and he plays a passive role even after his death (like the opinions of the Dead Men, China Sorrows trauma, etc.) and even an active role as his Leibnitz replacement.
Solid 10/10 villain.
Im sorry that this got so long and I hope it made any sense and/or provided new insight to literally anyone.
I wrote more of this: Heres Part 2 with Baron Vengous and heres Part 3 with Batu.
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bowandbrush · 3 months
You have pretty cool art! ^^
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No way. No. Way.
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rayjeff · 9 months
Recently got turned into a DCA fan wanna tell you I love your art of them💖
Welcome to the circus!! Once you join us, you will never be normal again
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tigresslanzhu · 5 months
Ash is on your side!
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I wish you all a very Merry Christmas today! Spend more time w/ your friends and family!
P.S. (Gonna eat a rice cake 'cuz why not? 😁)
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bridgeportbritt · 5 months
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From my sims to yours! I'm very thankful for the simblr community. Thanks for sharing your stories, cc, ideas, etc. Thanks for reblogging, liking, interacting with my little story. Thanks for the asks, the messages, the collabs, and overall just being yourself. I hope you're surrounded by people you love and have a great day!
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Hello!!! How are you?
I hope you wouldn’t care if i send a request! and i also hope im doing this right then wrong… but anyways… without further ado…
May i request Nanno (Girl from Nowhere) and Anyone else you’d like to add With a S/O who has a Osamu Dazai Personality from Bungo Stray Dogs?
- - 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪 !
- - Signed As: 🇵🇱 𝘼𝙣𝙤𝙣 @polish-anon
{+ Nanno With An S/O Who's Like Osmau Dazai +}
Summary: Nanno with an S/O who's like Dazai and how she would react Warnings: None(?), Please tell me if i missed anything A/N: I can try! I haven't watched bungo stray dogs so im going off with his personality with how google told me- I could not think of a scenario if i did i will be sure to post it for you, Also im good how are you?
[= Nanno =]
- I suppose Nanno would not care much? - To her, you were just another student at first - Tho when she got to know you she found you charming! - She liked your personality it kind of reminded her of herself - Tho after you started dating she started seeing more of you that had just intrigued her more - How can a person like you intrigue a being(?) like her - Tho at first you didn't know of her powers, she would like to keep it that way - Unless she has to teach you a lesson, as she did with all the other students in the past - Tho with your charming and mysterious personality, id think you might have some decency in you ------------------------------ Ack- I feel like this is so bad and I don't know where I was going with it- I hope you at least sort of enjoyed it-
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know-it-all-freak · 2 months
Happy birthday,
dear @silverfoxstole !! Sending you all my love, wishing you all the best,and I hope you have a great time today! ❤️❤️❤️
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Of course, I couldn't leave Bush out!! 😊
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majorproblems77 · 2 months
A bonus links update means it's time for more comic analysis with me! :D
Welcome back? Does that work? Sure does. We had a bonus links update yesterday which means it's time for me to ramble about another comic that I enjoy! :D
If you've not looked at the comic do go and check it out! It's really well made!
Oh, and so it has been said, all comic panels and art belong's to @bonus-links and the artist @ezdotjpg.
Now, grab some popcorn and a drink! And let's get started
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Ahh yes, links private island. I love the details on it, the little chairs the hut with the little post box.
And Linebecks ship! It's nice to see it!
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Yes, it is! If you dont know the Wind Waker map, if you think about it as a grid it works out diagonally by one square. you can just about see the island from the other one.
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I love the fact the fairy is sitting in his hair I'm actually gonna scream it's so cute!
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This is the face of a man who is fearing for his life, but can't say so.
Save himmmm
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Help me im obsessed with these two.
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I love the fact that his ears moveeeeee. Little puppy wolf man he looks so upsettttt. Give him a hug okay
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This made me cackle, this man is a bundle of nerves, (As I assume he's not really seen much Sea and now he's on a boat in the middle of the ocean)
So you know, who needs to face my fears when I can ask the wolf man if it's fun to be a wolf
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I love Wake's design, the bandana, the tattoos just all of it. wonderful amazing stunning yes
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So before I move on I wanna mention these red strings. Having gone back through the comic they seem to appear when something to do with the Curse shows up. Either Loft is talking about/feeling guilty about.
Or one of the heroes appears.
Do we know if Loft can see these strings or are they just for us? Cause if he can see them himself then this must be so damn stressful for him. It's not a, oh this guy came to help, it oh this guy is this time's hero.
I could build a separate post about the red strings as I've got a list of when they all appear and might do that rather than hide it in here.
Let me know if you'd be interested in reading that, if I get enough interest I'll build a post about the strings.
Moving on
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Rip ship of red lions :(
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Wake is out here already gathering information, Something tells me that Wake is gonna have one of the brain cells in this group. Even if he does pirate vibes it around from time to time.
Linebeck also looks very done with the shenanigans already
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Not him asking where they've come from because he's already spotted the master sword. He's not looking at Loft here, He's looking past loft.
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His eyes! He's spotted the master sword, Hes spotted the master sword. This panel makes me so unbelievably excited.
Please excuse me for one moment
okay I'm good
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And instead of beating around the bush he just straight up asks which I can appreciate. Loft looks so nervous in this panel too. We know that Loft has seen the master sword sink under the waves so I can only assume that he's getting nervous about that.
Maybe he thinks Wake sunk the master sword himself? Rather than stabbing it into Ganon's head.
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Bundle of nerves loft my beloved.
Thinking about it more it could also be because Loft knows that this is another hero. Again back to the strings thing...
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God i love this man he is wonderful. Also saying it as it is. I love it
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Yay optimism! They needed some of that in this group.
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Lofttttttt. Poor baby.
Which nightmare are you referring to buddy cause there's several all happening at once, to be honest.
There is a storm on the horizion and they are on a boat
He's meeting heroes who all came after him, who exist due to the demise curse.
He's probably worried about this lot because what happens if they find out the extent of the reasons they are all here/went on their quests in the first place.
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It's nice to see the optimism again. Wake you my friend are going to be the optimistic friend of this little team they are building.
I love it
I enjoyed this update, it was fun to read! and it gives me something to think about along the lines of the red string.
Thanks for hanging out with me!
Bye for now! :D
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marcelineuntitled · 24 days
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'In the end, it's not that hard to say.'
joint oc with @antonymeanonyme !!!
(plain version:)
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The bracket for the guy yuri tournament is here! All matchups were randomized, the tournament will start sometime at the beginning of next week (Wednesday 13th, most likely).
The most submitted ships were:
Crowley and Aziraphale from Good Omens, 7 submissions (whoa)
Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu from Scum Villain's Self Saving System, 4 submissions
Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, 3 submissions
Sun Wukong and Macaque from Lego Monkie Kid, 3 submissions
Goro Akechi and Ren Amamiya from Persona, 3 submissions
The rest on this list got 2 submissions! Since there are 18 ships/couples in the bracket in total, 2 polls (one on each side of the bracket) will have 3 ships/couples in round one. I'm very sorry to all blorbos who didn't manage to get into the bracket, some of the propaganda you guys submitted was such a fun read!
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zalianth15 · 4 months
Me, after finally bothering to P-Rank Act 2
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goofily-moved · 8 months
goood morning! I have my first official day of work today!
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